July 2013 wright ups



Monthly Newsletter

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July 2013

The United Church of Christ was born in 1957 with the merger of the Congregational Christian Churches and the Evangelical and Reformed Church. On the first weekend in July we celebrate the 29

th General Synod of our denomination. Let me translate into

standard English, a synod is a general meeting of the Church to decide policy and program; it includes worship, fellowship, and fun. Our synod is a biennial event (meeting every two years).

Depending on how you look at it, this means we have a big party, roaring debate, and fancy-dancy convention every couple years to celebrate, redefine, and reaffirm what the United Church of Christ is all about. The theme for this year's Synod is God's Vision and it is being held in Long Beach, California. We are represented by delegates from the Central Pacific Conference.

You can follow General Synod events through the following web link: http://www.ucc.org/synod/


owners of the Classic Cars and bikes, all the great

artists who donated to the silent auction, all the

great cooks who donated to the dessert auction,

the MCs, and all the folks that came out and had

a sock hopping good time.

Special thanks to our wonderful volunteers: Jack

Weske and granddaughter Gabby Standlee, Carl

Van Slyke, Marilyn Williams, Susan Busche,

Haylee Andrews, Tom Eubanks, Shirley Spiva,

Dolores Wallace, Will Patterson, Amy Linkert,

Dave Turner. Thanks also to the outstanding

committee that pulled everything together; Julie

Patterson, Carol Rivers, Robin Canning, Janice

Aagaard and Ann Durand.

Start getting your ideas and suggestions together

for next year – it's just around the corner!

And the result of all this good work? Fantastic fun, fellowship, food, and gross intake from

all the events - $2983.50 – yea!

Dave Turner and His 'Hog'

Reports and Meetings

Notes from the Board

Dear God, We thank you for your presence in our lives. We would not be who we are if we did not have you to help and guide us through this world. We place in your hands our hearts, our souls, and our minds. We ask you give strength to those who are facing challenges. We trust you to care for our needs, and we promise to be faithful to you.

Placing our trust in God, we conducted the business of our Church.

We want to thank all who attended Wrocking Wright. What a fun time! It was enjoyable to spend time with each other, and to see many new faces. We are a Church, and this includes having fun together outside of our regular worship.

A special thanks to Dave Turner for organizing the car and truck show. It was fun and interesting! We thank the Wrocking Wright Committee for their leadership. They did a fine job! We thank those who provided items for our auction. What talent we have within our Church!

Now summer is upon us. This is a time to run, play and have fun. While we hope to see you in Church, we know God can be found everywhere; in a sunrise over the mountains, in the song of a bird, in the wind through a field. We only need to look; to recognize God in our word and know God in is our lives.

Respectfully submitted,

Will Patterson, Board Chair

NEXT BOARD MEETING: Wednesday, July 17 at 7:00 pm in the social hall.

From the Treasurer

April Balance $6035.69 May Income 5531.00 May Expenses -7434.91 May Balance $4131.78

Your generous support of the church continues to show a positive balance for the year. Thanks to everyone who makes this happen.

Janice Aagaard, Treasurer

Church Missions

Bench Supper Update The July supper will be Thursday, July 25 beginning at 6:00 pm. If you are interested in cooking for one of our suppers (your menu choice) please contact Julie Patterson.

We continue to thank the following local businesses for their kind donations:

Elliott Law Firm Rose Hill Coin and Jewelry

Anytime Lock and Key

Central Bench Neighborhood Association

Central Bench Neighborhood Association will be having their quarterly meeting on Monday, July 22 in the social hall. Their board will meet at 6 pm and general meeting begins at 7 pm.

We were represented at the CBNA Spring Fling by Janice Aagaard and Robin Canning. They 'woman-ed' the Wright Church booth held at

Cassia Park on Saturday, June 8 and had lots of fun talking and passing out info on our church to the many people who came by.

BUGS (Boise Urban Garden School)

BUGS has begun! The program teaches kids about food, cooking, and veggie gardening. The farm stand will be opening soon. Stay in touch for more details.

Help Needed

Our food pantry needs to be restocked. Please donate non-perishable items and paper goods for those in need.

Don’t forget that Wright Church also collects: eye glasses, hearing aids, pull tabs, Campbell soup labels and Box Tops for Schools.

Janice at the CBNA Fling

Fellowship Activities

Upcoming Schedule:


August 8: Blue Highways, A Journey into America, by William Least Heat-Noon.

Sept. 5: Escape into Danger, by Sophia Williams.

Oct 3: An Enduring Legacy, the story of the Basques in Idaho, by John and Mark Bieter,

All are welcome to come and enjoy a cup of tea and interesting discussion

Women's Fellowship The Women's Fellowship will not be meeting again until September 4

th. Have a wonderful summer and

see you in church.

The annual Women’s Retreat will be August 2, 3, 4, & 5. Wright Church is hostessing the event this year and have planned a great week-end of fun, sharing and fellowship. Registration forms and agenda are available at the church or contact Janice Aagaard at 887-3854 or jjaagaard@q.com

Janice Aagaard, President

Pilgrim Cove Camp and Conference Center

The Pilgrim Cove Youth Camp will be held from July 21 –July 27.

Please consider sending your kids, grandkids, nieces, nephews, neighbors to Youth Camp. Ladies please join us for the women’s retreat. There are partial scholarships available through the church.

For further information on Pilgrim Cove, please see Janice Aagaard or Ann Durand.

The Lunch Bunch will gather on Thursday, July 11 at 1:00. Please contact Pat Robb to RSVP or for more information.

Wright Ones – Singles Wed, July 24, 6:00

All singles (and honorary singles [defined as those who have been single and then got married]) are invited to a barbeque at the home of Carl Van Slyke at 412 E Chapparosa Drive, Kuna.

Bring the meat you want to grill, a side dish to share, and your favorite beverage (Carl will provide wine).

Directions: take I-84 to Meridian Road exit, head south to W Hubbard Road. Turn right (or head west if that makes more sense), left on Linder Road (that is south), left on HIllgreen Road (east), and right on E Chapparosa Drive (also east, for reasons I can't explain in this little space). With any luck at all, 412 E Chapparosa will be on your left (or north if you are still with me).

Please call Carol Rivers with questions or to RSVP.

Directions to Carl's

Personal Touches

I would like to thank each of you for your thoughts, prayers, cards, and kind words following my Mother’s death. She had lived a great and full life for the past 94 years. She will be missed by my sister, Ellen; my brother, Howard; me; grand kids; nieces; and

nephews. We know that she is in a better place.

Carl Van Slyke and Family

Memorial Gifts Gifts have been given in loving memory of: Agnes Schwarzhoff by Ethel Farnsworth,

William and Joyce Jackson, and Marian Niece.

Tom Fillitson by Jerry Lawson. Bessy Sawyer by Tempa Simmonsen.

Celebrations in July

Birthdays: Robin Canning & Brandon Hyder-July 1; Samantha Ingraham-July 3; LaVerne Collard-July 4; Alex Bastow-July 7; Jerry Schwarzhoff-July 9; Kathy Smith-July 11; Larry Gillmore-July 12; Ben Watson-July 13; Janine Balfour-July 15; Jennifer Makinson-July 16; Carol Card-July 20; Janice Aagaard-July 22; Betty Ramsey & Sammy Musselman-July 24; Heather Watson-July 30.

Anniversaries: Debbie & Steve Robbins July 13

July Sunday Worship Team Ushers: Ray Sievers, Dale Ramsey, Chuck Pond and Wes Andrews

Lay Worship Leader: Carl Van Slyke

Deacon Care Giver: Carl Van Slyke

Altar Care: Ron & Syl Apperson

July 7 Communion Servers: Wes &Cathy Andrews, Marilyn Williams and Anne Schnebly Greeters: Wes & Cathy Andrews Coffee: Jo Elliott-Blakeslee and Amy Linkert

July 14 Greeters: Ethel Farnsworth & Margaret Johnston Coffee: Turner’s and Spiva’s

July 21 Greeters: Wenske's Coffee: Carl Van Slyke & Carol Rivers

July 28 Greeters: Lois Wade & Deb Carlson Coffee: TBA We need flowers for all of July. Please sign up.

Search Committee Update

Profile of Wright Congregational United Church of Christ:

Our work on completing our Congregation’s Profile is nearing completion. As I have mentioned earlier, this document is the “sales flyer” that tells prospective settled pastor candidates who we are and what we are about. When the document is completed a copy will be available on the UCC web site and in the Central Pacific Conference office.

Our Conference Minister, Rev. Walter John Boris, will be with us Sunday morning, July 28, during the morning worship hour. He will be preaching and following worship he will be meeting with the search committee to discuss and help us plan the process for the next several months as we begin to examine candidate profiles.

Your search committee thanks each of you for providing valuable input to the data gathering and expectations parts of the profile.

Make sure to watch the bulletin board near the door to the fellowship hall. It will tell you about the progress that we are making.

Carl Van Slyke, Chairperson

n.b.: the Committee will be meeting on July 1, 8, and 15 (Mondays) at 7 pm in the social hall and on Sunday July 28 in the Upper Room with Walter John Boris.

Bible Study We continue to gather in the Upper Room each Thursday morning at 10:00 am (this is a time change).

We are laughing our way through a new book, Laugh Your Way To Grace, by Rev Susan Sparks. The book is available through Amazon or request a copy from the

church office for $14. It is also available on Kindle and Nook.

Do You Have an Up-Coming Family Event?

Wright Church’s lawn area, social hall, and kitchen are available to members for a small donation. To outside folks we offer our facilities for a fee of $20.00 per hour (we do have a ‘No alcohol’ policy). To reserve Wright Church for your next event, please give the church office a call at 343-0292.


1 Office Closed this week……….

No BUGS this week 7:00 Search Committee -Social Hall

2 ..………………… 7:00 Alanon-social hall

3 …………………

4 ………………...

5 ………………….

6 9:00 to 1:00 Light Mission Church – Upper Room


10:00 Worship/Communion 11:00 Coffee hour/fellowship

1:00 to 4:00 Light Mission Church-Upper Room

8 7:00 Search Committee -Social Hall

9 BUGS 11-12:30 Golden Garden Club – Upper Room 7:00 Alanon-social hall

10 BUGS 6:00 Huntington’s Group

11 BUGS 10:00 Bible Study- Upper Room 1:00 Lunch Bunch



9:00 to 1:00 Light Mission Church – Upper Room


10:00 Worship 11:00 Coffee Hour

1:00 to 4:00 Light Mission Church-Upper Room


7:00 Search Committee -Social Hall


BUGS 7:00 Alanon-social hall


BUGS 7:00 Board of Directors

18 BUGS 10:00 Bible Study- Upper Room

19 20 9:00 to 1:00 Light Mission Church – Upper Room

21 10:00 Worship,

11:00 Coffee Hour Pilgrim Cove Camps Begin

1:00 to 4:00 Light Mission Church-Upper Room

22 6:00 Central Bench Neighborhood Assoc. –Social Hall

23 BUGS 7:00 Alanon-social hall


25 Wright Up Articles

BUGS 10:00 Bible Study- Upper Room 6:00 Bench Supper- Social Hall

26 27 9:00 to 1:00 Light Mission Church – Upper Room


10:00 Worship with Walter John Boris 11:00 Coffee Hour

11:30 Search Committee meeting-Upper Room

1:00 to 4:00 Light Mission Church-Upper Room

29 BUGS-Sprouts week

30 BUGS 7:00 Alanon-social hall


July 2013

Wright Community Congregational Church United Church of Christ 4821 Franklin Road, Boise ID 83705 wrightucc.com

July 2013 Vol. 2013 Issue 07 Published Monthly

Contact us: (208) 343-0292 E-Mail: church@wrightucc.com Web: wrightucc.com

Ministers: You

Interim Pastor: Rev. Cynthia Brandt

Office Administrator: Robin Canning

Organist: Ginny Trapp

Board Chairman: Will Patterson

Moderator: Carl Van Slyke

Sunday Schedule: 10:00 Worship Cry Room available for restless little ones.

Communion 1st Sunday of each month

11:00 Coffee Time No Sunday school during June, July and August

Return service requested

Notes from the Office for the Summer Schedule

Church Office Closed July 1 - 5 Robin Canning will be on vacation from June 28 through July 9 and Cynthia Brandt will be away July 1 through 6. While they are away, the office will be closed. In case of a pastoral emergency, contact Cynthia at 860.4989. In Robin's absence, if you see a mess, clean it up!

Summer has brought some changes for us. In May, the Board responded to the budget crunch and agreed to reduce Rev. Brandt's time and compensation for June, July, and August. We are happily building up a reserve that will help us through the rest of the church year!

To make this happen:

Cynthia has cut her hours by 25%:

o She is out of the pulpit one Sunday a month. On July 28 our conference minister, Walter John Boris, will be preaching. This will be a good opportunity to find out more about the pastoral search process.

o She will still be available for pastoral emergencies.

We are using a single bulletin each month to cut down on production time and have added the hymns to the announcement insert and on a reader board

Robin will continue in the office on Tuesday through Thursday, 9:00 to noon and 1:00 to 3:00 (except for her 4

th of July
