John Kuc Speaks on Powerlifting



Classic Powerlifting.

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Pages 61-62 missing from original hardcopy.

Reportedly contained information on bulking diet on one page. Not much

on the other. Basically diet was a bunch of eggs, fruit, milk and pancake.

From an online post:

Gain Weight Diet - used this diet to go from 242 to 330

Breakfast - 8 eggs, quart whole milk, 6 pieces toast, peanut butter and jam, 2 bananas, 2

apples, 1 orange

Lunch-12 ounces cottage cheese, pint whole milk, 2 apples, 2 bananas

Dinner - 1 lb any meat, pint whole milk, 1 lb. fresh or frozen vegetables, 2 apples

Night Time Meal - 30g protein supplement, pint whole milk, 8-12 5" pancakes OR 6

pieces french toast with syrup, 2 apples

approx 5500 calories, 400g protein

Lose Weight Diet - used to reduce from 330 to 242

Breakfast - 4 eggs, throw out 2 yolks, pint skim milk, 1 apple, 1 banana, pint water

Lunch - 8 oz. ground beef, pint skim milk, apple, banana, pint water

Dinner - 4 oz. chicken or beef, 8 oz. fresh or frozen vegetables, apple, pint water

Night time meal - 10g protein supplement, pint skim milk, apple, pint water

2000 calories, 160g protein

Diet from 1974 on - maintenance at 242

Breakfast - 5 eggs, throw out 2 yolks, 4 slices wheat toast, pint skim milk, banana, apple,

peach, orange

Lunch - can tuna in oil, quart water, banana, apple, peach or pear

Dinner - 8 oz. poultry or fish, quart water, 8 oz. vegetable, apple, banana, salad

Night Time Meal - pint skim milk, 1 oz. pure bran, 15g protein supplement, pint water

2700 calories, 160g protein

Daily Vitamin and Mineral Intake

3g vitamin C, 2 tablets of High Protein, B complex, 200 IU vitamin E, 4g bone meal, 4g

alphalfa, 1 high potency multivitamin tablet
