Jj PROPOSALS rjfnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7wpz51gz6k/data/3188.pdf · 2012. 6. 2. · JjPrice 1 dollar and...


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wmuuaMSEiJLALW1 miLU fgaawacj



MEEK twilight hade to Shroud the solar ray,Ami brm; the hour my pensive Spirit loves ;

When o'er tlK hill is (lied a paler day,Tnat gives to flillnefs, and tonight, the groves.

Ah' let the gay,the roseate morninghail,When in tae various blooms of Jigljt array'd

She bids fiefn beauty live along thevaie,And rapture tremble in the vocal hade :

Sweet is the lucid morning's op'ning flow'r,Hcr coral melodies benignly rise ;

tYet dearer to my soul the Shadowy hour,"'At winch tneir bloflbms clole, her muflc dies;

For then mild nature, wTien-Sh- e droops her head,Wakes the fjft tear his luxury tj (hid.


In a feafen of great drought, in Persia, a(choolmafter at' the head of his pupils mar- -

chedout of Shirauz. in nroceffion. toDravfor rain ; when a humorous fellow askedwhere they were going ? The tutor toldhim, and said, "He doubed not but Godwould listen ro the prayers of innocentchildren." "My friend said the humorist

is that was the case Isear there would beno, school-master- s,

LAND FOR SALE.AM authorized by gentlemen of

in Philadelphia, to sell a- -

bout one hundred and eighthy . thousandacres of

LAND,in different parts of this state, some of itMILITARY LANDS south ofJ(Greenriver The payments will be made easy.I vill take a small part in CASH, the

'ballance in HORSES, FLOUR, HEMPor TOBACCO ; or allow a credit forthree fourths of the purchase money, pay-able in one, two and three years. A de-

scription of the LAND, and particularsof the terms may be had by applying tome in Lexington.

Thos. Bodley.December 20th, 1800.

Alexander Parker,

HAS julVimported, and now openinghis Store, opposite the Court-Hous- e,

in Lexington, a very large andelegant affortment of

MERCHANDIZE,Confiding of Dry Goods, Groceries, Sta-

tionary, Hard, Queens, China and GlassWare, which he will sell on the most re-duced prices for Cash.

N. B. In the above aflbrtment there isCut Nails of every size, Saw-Mi- ll Cranks,Boulting-Cloth- , and a large quantity ofCoarse Muslin, aflbrted, which will besold by the bale or piece, lower than usual.

Lexington, April 20, 1801.

Take Notice.ALU thole indebted to the fublcriber, either by

note, or book account, are earnefllyrequested to come forward and settle their lefpective- - balances, on or before the TirSt day of July next,with mr. Robert A. Gatewood, whois duly athor-ife- d

to recive and receipt for the lame.IVilham heavy.


THE fubferibers from Philadelphia,I inform their friends in particular, and the pub

lie in general, that they luve joSl commenced thevarious branches of CO-U.- it COICH HAR-NESS MAKING, PAINTING &TIUMMING, op-psfite mr Dvid Stout's Lime-Sto- ne Street, and nearmefTrs. Haltrop and Nancarrow's Factory, wherei.wit wuu unoie tp employ them, may have theirwork done at the (horcelt notice, the molt reafonable price, and the neatest manner.

Richard Ashton,

Lexington, My 141b, 180 1

John W. Stout.

7'omr & Scott, 'HAVE just received, and now

for sale, at their Store, in Lex-ington, a complete aflbrtment of

MERCHANDIZE,Well suited to the present and approach-ing seasons, consisting of Dry GoodsGroceries, Queens and Glass Ware, Bar-Iro- n,

Steel, Imported Catlings, Nails,Window-Glass- ,' Boulting-Cloth- s, suitedfor Merchant or Country Work like-wis- e

a supply of Mann's Lick Salt, all ofwhich will be sold at their uftial low pri-ces for Cash.

Lexington, April 20, 1801.


npiIE public are hereby informed that I carry onfry tb? COACH MAKING business in all its va- -

' t,0V branche, " Main street, Letfington, wheret1 who please to savor ni; with their cuflom, maydepend on having their work done in the belt man.ner, and on moderate terms.

Lexjngon, March ,John Wyatt.


PAMPHLETS,On Rligion, Politics, &c.

For sale on reasonable terms, at theof the Keuncky Gazettee.


MACBEAi br POYZER,Have just received from Lee be Go's Fa-wi- lt

and Medicine Ware-Hous- e,

Baltimore, a Large Supply of the mostCeleb'rtcd

j MEDICINES:Tj Price 1 dollar pet packet,

.Hamilton's Worm DestroyingLozenpcs,

Which have, within two years past, given reliesto upwards of sit 1Y 'LHUUiarMjof all ages, m various daneTous complaints, arilnn,from woinis and from foaltiefs or obllruciion in theftoniach and bowels.

A peculiar excellence of this remedy is, its beingsuited to every age and conltitution: contains no-

thing but what is perfectly innocent, and is lo mildin its operation, that it cannot injure tne molt delicate pregnantlady,orlhetendeieit iutatit ot a weekold, lhould no worms etiit in the boa) Jut willwithout pain or griping cleaijfe the llomach anilbowels ol whatever is soul or offensive, and therebypievent the production ot worms and many fataldisorders.

Description of Worms, and the symptomsby which they are known.

Worms which nifell the numan body, are chieflyof sour kinds, vi. the Teres or large lound worm,the Afcatides, or fniall maw worm, the Cucur-bitin- a,

or short, fiat, white wprm, and lastly, theTaenia, or tape worm, so called Irom its resemblanceto tape ; this is often many yards long, and is fullof joints It is molt hurtful, and molt diihculc tocute.

Among the fvmptoms attending worms, are,breatn, clpeually in the morning Bad

and corrupted gums Itching in the noie and aboutthe seat Corivullions and epileptic sits, and fome-tnn-

privation ol speech Starting and grindingot the teetn in sleep Irregular appetite, fonietimesloathing food, and lometiuies voracious Purging,with flinty and frecid stools Vomiting Large andhard belly Pains and sickness at the stomach1'auis in the head and thighs, with lowness of spi-

rit? Slow sever, with final! and irregular pulseA dry cough hxcelfivc thirit Sometimes paleand unhealthy countenance, and fonietimes the lacebloated and flulh.

Persons aiftictjd with any of the above fjmptoms,lhould have immediate recourse to HAMILTON'SWORM DESTROYING .LOZENGES, which havebeen constantly attended with fuccels in all com-

plaints similar to those above defenbed.Children generally take this medicine with eager-nes- s,

having plealing appearance, and an agreea-ble talte. -

We (hall give occasionally, an accqunt of cures,selected from a number of persons in this state.

Price i dollar and 5a ctnis, per bottle1 he Genuine Persian Lotion,

Eor.Cleansing and Cleaning the FACE

Zl and SKIN t-

ufall Scorbutic and other Eruptions particularly Freckles, Pimples, Pits aster the Small-Po-

Inflamatory Redness, Scurfs, Tetters, Ring-Worni- s,

s, Prickley Heat, Premature Wrinkles,&c. &c. Rendering the skin delicately clear andsoft, improving the complexion, rehonng and pre-

fer ving the bloom of youth.

Price 1 dollar and 50 cents, per bottle,

Church's Cough Drops,For tie cure of COUGHS, COLDS,


Price 1 dollar and 50 cents per bottle,Infallible Ague & Fever Drops,For the cure of Agues, remittent and in-

termittent Fevers.Thousands can testify of their being cured by

these drops, aster tlie bark and every other medi-

cine has proved ineffectual; and not one in a hun-

dred has had occasion to take more than one, andnumbers not half a bottle.

rhefe drops are particularly recommended to theinhabitants of low maifhy countries, where theword sort of agues generally prevail, which unlessearly attended to and speedily removedinjures tneconltitution exceedingly, and brings on dropfies,putrid severs, and a variety of complaints, of themod dangerous and alarming nature. Many othermedicines are daily ottered to the public for thecure of this disorder, which, upon trial have beensound either dangerous or useless. The bark is theusual remedy made use of, but being a very naufe-ou- s

medicine, and seldom taken in sufficient quanti-ty,- it

very often sails ; and children, and thole whohave weak stomachs, are frequently lost for wantof a more easy and pleasant remedy.

Price 75 cents per box.The Sovereign Oincmentfor the

Itch,Which is warranted an infallible remedy at one

application, and may be ufedwith the rood perfectfafcty by pregnant women, or on infants a weekold, not containing a particle of mercury, or anydangerous ingredient whatever, and is not accom-pinie- d

with that tormenting smart, which attends-th-

application of other remedies.

PREVENTION THAN CURE.For the prevention and cure of Billious

fi i (Price I dollar per box,)

Dr. Halm's And-Biliou- s Pills,Whichhave been attended with a degree of fuc-cef- s

highly gratilymg to the inventor's feelings, inseveral parts of ths West Indies, and the southernol the United States, paiticulaily in Baltimore,Petersburg, Richmond Norfolk, Edenton, Wilminnton, Charleston, and Savannih The teflimonyGf a nurubcr of persons 111 each of the above p!aces can be idduced, who hate realonto believe thata timely use of this salutary remedy, has underProvidence, prelerved thir lives when in the moltalarming circumftancci

The operation of these pills is perfectly mild,soas to be used with safety by persons in every fitua-tio-

and of every ageThey are etcellcntlyadapted to carry off fuper-Suou- s

bile, and prevent its moibid secretions torestore and amend the appetite to produce a freeperspiration, and thereby prevent colds, which arcofcen of fatal continences A dose never sails toremove a cold, is taken on its firit apperaance.They are celebrated for removing habitual costive- -

rtefs sickness at the stomach, and severe head ache

ini outsat to be taken by all persons on a changeof clunato

Price 1 dollar and o cents per bottle,

Jj fTlie Genuine Ellente,rjf and, 1 dollar per box,

The Genuine Extract, of Muf-tar- d,

For the Cure of Rheumatism, Gout, Palsy,Sprains, White Swelling, &t. and has perfoimeomore cures in the abote complamts, than all theother medicines ever before made public.

Price 1 dollar and 50 cents per box,

Dr. Hamilton's Mixer,A fovcreign remedy for Colds, Obllinate Coughs,

Afthnias, and approaching Coalumptions, and isiarfupenortoanvother medicine for the WHOOP-ING COUGH.

Price a dollars,Indian Vegetable Specific,

For the Cure of a Certain Disease.

Price 2 dollars,Hamilton's Grand Meliorative,

Is recommended as an invaluable medicine forthe speedy relies and permanent cure of the variouscomplaints which relult fiom diffipated pleasures,juvinile fndifcretions, residence 111 climates unfavorable to the conltitution, the immoderate use ofmercury ; the diseases pecular to females at a cer-

tain period oi lite; bad lyings in, &c.

Price 50 cents,The Damalk Lip Salve,

An elegant and pleasant preparation for choppedand sore lips, andevery-blemifl- i and inconvenienceoccasioned by Coldj, Fevers, &c. speedy restoring abeautiful rosy color,and delicate foftnefsto the lips.

Price 75 cents per box,The Restorative Powder for thS

Teeth and Gums,Tht Vrllnt- nrpnflfinn r,r,A Avann.--

lens the gums, preserves the enamel frorntfi?Cay,Jiiid cleanses and whitens the teeth, abforbinffijfthatacrimonious slime andfoulnefs. which funereorto accumulate never sails to injure and finally luinthem.

Price 50 Cenh,Dr. Hahn's True- - and Genuine

German Corn Plailler,An infallible remedy for Corns, speedily remov"

ing them root and branch, without giving pain.

Price 1 dollar per bottle.Dr. Hahn's Genuine Eye Wa-

it ter,A sovereign remedy for all diseases of the eyes,

'whether the effeft of natural weakness or of acci-dent, speedily removing inflammations, defluniousof rheume, dulnefs, itching, and films en the eyes,never sailing to cure those maladies which frequent-ly succeed the small-po- measles, and severs, andwonderfully Strengthening a weak sight. Hundredshave experienced its excellent virtues, when nearlydeprived of sight.

Price 75 Cents,Tooth-Ach- e Drops,

Thq only remedy yet discovered which givesimmediate and lading relies in the molt severe in-


jt--f S Price 1 dollar,j ne nnoayne ruixer,

For the cure of every kind of Head. Ache, &c.&c. &c. ,

N. B. These medicines are sold as above, by ap-

pointment, and no where else in Kentucky.

Also may be had as above,Hooper's Female Pills,Anderson's Scot's do.British Oil,Godfrey's Cordial,Dr. James's Fever Powder,Turlington's Balfom,Daffy's Elixer, &c &c. &c

Lexington, 3d April.

6 PARIS DISTICT,March Term, 1801.

James Morrifon, Complainant,against t

John Cook, Samuel Cook, William Cole-

man, James Coleman, Robert Hink-fto- n,

Samuel Jamefon, William Rankin,and Joseph Walker, Defendants.


THE Defendants, Robert Hinkfton,Rankin and Joseph Walk-

er, not having entered their appearanceherein agreeably to the act of affembly,and rules of this court, and it appearingto the fatrsfaction of the court, that theyare not inhabitants of this commonwealthon the motion of the complainant by hiscounsel, it is ordered, that the faidtdeJfendants, Hinkfton, Rankin and Walker,do appear here on the third day of thenext June term, and answer the complain-ant's bill ; that a copy of this order beforthwith inserted in some one of the Ga-

zettes of this state, for two monthsanother copy polled at the front

door of the court-houf- c in Paris, andpub-liflie- d

at the front dooor of the Prelbyteri-a- n

meeting-hous- e in Paris, some Sundayimmediately aster divine service.

A copy. I elte,Tho. Arnold, c. b. d. c.

BLANK BOOKS,Of any descripion, may be bad at this

Office on the shortest notice.

PROPOSALSFor carrying the JtfAILS of tteUnited

States on the foUowmp ouiesjwill be

received at the Gerteral Post-Offic- e, mWashington City, until the itday of!?u!y r'iXti inclusive.

1QKOPOSALS Jhonld be made in writiig, rndA. may be forwarded Oy pott, 'twere is po occafion foi thole who enter into conttacts fj cometo the General e. Whenh propqs 1 is ac-

cepted the person making it is immpdiatell 'notifiedand the contract, ike. isfent to thjnearefl pod of-

fice, to be executed in prefcuceof (lie pofijnafter.

NORTH W. TERRIORt91. From Pittsburgh, P. by Gporgetoin and

Canfield, to SVarrenjonce in two .veeks. Leae Pitsburgh etery other v7dnefday at l,pm, an( arriveat Warren the next Fnday by 7,wi Leatle Wat-re- n

every other Monday, at 6, a M,land arUM e atPittfburg, by 10, a m. Contract U contiiut: fortwo )ears.

93. From Washington, Pa. by Br oke c. Ii. Va.Wheeling, Va.Zanesville, N.T. antJHockhocking,toChilicothe,twicea week. Leave Mafliington, Pa.every Tuesday and Fnday, at 3, p A and anive atChilicothe the next Friday and Monday, by 7, p 1 n.Returning: leave Chilicothe every 'unday amdTuesday, at 4, a m, and arrive at Wanngton th snext Tuesday and Friday, at 10, a m.

94- - From Zanefville to Marietta oite a weeksleave Manettaevery Wednesday, at 5,"W, and ar-rive at Zanefville on Thursday", by 10, dm . leavoiZanefville every Thur"day, at 2,,ananiveatMarietta on Friday, by ,p tn.

95 From Chilicotlie, by Manchester, fayiille-Ky-

Washington, K. Paris,k. Lexington, ii &to Frankfort, K. twice a week : leve Chili-

cothe, every Tuesday and Saturday at J a M,irnve atWashington, on Wednesday and Sunday, by 1, aileave SValhington the same days, at 3,p m, trriveatLexington Thursday & Monday at 3p m, & alFrank-fbrt.o- n

Friday and Tuesday, at 9, aw. EeArningileave Frankfort every Friday and Vuefday, ata,f msarrive at Washington, Saturday and Wednefjay, by,3, p m : leave Washington famcdi.y, at 5,p OT,nd ar-rive at Chilicothe the next Monday and, iiday,by 7, pm. 1

96. From Washington, K. by Augusta, to Chcia-nat- i,

once a week: leave Washington every Veonefday, at 3, tit, and arrive at Cincinnati on Fridayby 9, a m, leave Cincinnati every Friday, at 3,fm,and arrive at WaOnngton the next Sunday, by 8L m.

97 Prom Chilicothe by Upper SanduSky, fca.mi Rapids and Frenchtown;on KeafonKiver,tcDe-troi- t,

luppofed to be 165 miles, once in two we?ks:leave Chilicothe every other Tuesday, at 8, tjmand arrive at Detroit the next Sunday by ni(on.lieUrntngt leave Detroit every other Sunday afc6, a in, and arrive al Chilicothe the nett 7"hixf-da- y,

by 3, p tn Contract to continue two yeirs.98. From LouiSville, K. to Vincennes, one a

week: leave Louiftille every Tuesday, at 8, a trand arrive at Vmcenncs cnfXhurfday, by 9, p m.Returning : leave Vincennes every Saturday, at(6, a tn, and arrive at Louilville the next Monday,by 6, p m Contract to continue two years.

99. From Vincennes,bjr Kafkafkiai, to Ksihokiaonce in two weeks: leave Vincmnes every otherFriday, at 2, p tn, and arrive at Kahokia the next;Monday, by 4,ptii. Returning : leave Kahokia everyother Monday, at 8, a in, and arrive at Vmctnnesthe next Friday, by 10, 4 tn Contract to conti-nue two years.

IN KENTUCKY. VJ09, From Frankfortjby Harrodfburg, Danville

Bairdftow.., Springfield and Shepher'dsville to Lou-ilville, once a veek: leave Frankfort every Fridayai a, j tn, arrive at uanvuie on Saturday noon,at BairdSlown on Sunday, at 2, p tn, and Louii"-viil-e

on Monday, at 4,p tit. Returning: leave Lou-ifvil-

every Tuesday, at 8, a tn, arrive at Bairdj.town on Wednesday, by 8, a tn, at Danville on Tliurtday, by ;o, a tn, and at Frankfort on Fridayby to, am.

101. From Eddyville by Smithland to Fort Mai;sac, once in two weeks: leave Eddy ville every othe"Tuesday at 6 am, and arrive at Fort MafTac on Wee?nefday, at 10, am: leave Fort MafTac every othe;Wednesday, at 2, pm, and arrive at Eddyvilleo.Thuifday, by 6,p Contract to continue oneyc?

NOTES.Note I. The PoSlmaSler General may altef

the times of an ival and departuie at any tintduring the continuance of the contracts, he prfvioufly Stipulating an adequate compensation fany extra expenie that may be occasioned thereb .

Note 3. Fifteen minutes Shall be allowed s:opening and closing the mail at all offices whe :no particular time is specified.

Note. 3. For every thirty minutes delayaccidents excepted) 111 arriving, aster tfc

times prefenbed in any contrails, the contract-flial- l

forfeit one dollar ; and is the delay conf-rui-e

until the departure of any depending niaLwhereby the mails deltined for such. dependitmail lose a trip, an additional forfeiture of j d(flars, fliall be incurred.

Note 4. Newspapers as well as letters are tolent in the mails . and is any perfjn, making

desires to cany new fpapeis other than theconveyed in the mail, for his own emolument, sc

muSt state in his proposals, for what sum he will ca-- ry

it with that emolument and for vhat sumemolument.

Note 5. Should any person, making propofjidesire an alteration of the times of arrival alldeparture above specified, he inuft state in his pifpofa's, the alterations desired, and the dilTereritbey will make in the terms of his contract.

Note 6. persons making proposals are. desired tstate their pi ices by the year. fhofe who contra:will receive their pay quarterly, in the month fAuguSt, November, February and --May, one monjiaster the expiration of each quarter.

iVbte 7- - The contracts for the above routes afc

to be in operation on the firSl day ol October nes),and to continue in force until the lltOclober, 180,excepting such routes as have a particular note

the continuance of the contract.

JOSEPH HABBERSHAM, J)Pojlnujlcr Generator

General Poll Offie, -

Washington City, S.April 27, 1801. ) 6w

TAKEN up by the fubferiber, inon the Town folk of Elkhor),

one sorrel MAKE, five or Si:: years old, fmalwhite in her face, not docked nor branded, aboitsour and a half feet high ; appraised to five poundl.

'Daniel M. Payne.March lith, iSai. "j


May be had at 1is oiTtee.

