Izvještaj o rezultatima istraživanja u okviru projekta …...da, suprotno tradicionalnom...


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Europska Unija

Ulaganje u budućnost

Projekt je sufinancirala Europska unija iz Europskog socijalnog fonda

Istraživačke stipendije za profesionalni razvoj mladih istraživača i poslijedoktoranada

HR.3.2.01-0154 Razvoj modela za pružanje podrške diplomantima u ranom razvoju karijera

Sadržaj ove publikacije je isključiva odgovornost Fakulteta organizacije i informatike Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.

Izvještaj o rezultatima istraživanja u okviru projekta

Razvoj modela za pružanje podrške diplomantima u

ranom razvoju karijera

Izvještaj pripremila:

Katarina Pažur Aničić, mag.inf., istraživačica

Izvještaj pregledala:

prof.dr.sc. Blaženka Divjak, mentorica projekta

Varaždin, lipanj 2016.

Europska Unija

Ulaganje u budućnost

Projekt je sufinancirala Europska unija iz Europskog socijalnog fonda



1. UVOD ........................................................................................................................ 3

1.1. DRUŠTVENA VAŽNOST ISTRAŽIVANJA ..................................................................................................................... 4 1.2. ZNANSTVENA RELEVANTNOST ISTRAŽIVANJA ........................................................................................................... 5

2. METODOLOGIJA ISTRAŽIVANJA .................................................................................. 6

2.1. SMJERNICE ZNANOSTI O ISTRAŽIVANJU .................................................................................................................. 6 2.2. ELEMENTI STRATEŠKOG OKVIRA I MODELA ZRELOSTI ................................................................................................. 7 2.3. KORACI RAZVOJA/DIZAJNA MODELA ZRELOSTI ....................................................................................................... 10

2.3.1 Prepoznavanje potrebe ili prilike ........................................................................................................ 10 2.3.2 Definiranje opsega .............................................................................................................................. 11 2.3.3 Razvoj modela .................................................................................................................................... 11 2.3.4 Evaluacija modela ............................................................................................................................... 12 2.3.5 Održavanje daljnjeg razvoja modela .................................................................................................. 13

3. REZULTATI ISTRAŽIVANJA ........................................................................................ 14

3.1. STRATEŠKI OKVIR ZA PRUŽANJE PODRŠKE DIPLOMANTIMA U RANOM RAZVOJU KARIJERA ................................................ 15 3.2. MODEL ZRELOSTI ZA PRUŽANJE PODRŠKE DIPLOMANTIMA U RANOM RAZVOJU KARIJERA ................................................ 18

3.2.1. Prakse vezane uz ključno procesno područje Strateško planiranje..................................................... 18 3.2.2. Prakse vezane uz ključno procesno područje Razvoj i provođenje kurikuluma .................................. 22 3.2.3. Prakse vezane uz ključno procesno područje Podrška studentima ..................................................... 30 3.2.4. Prakse vezane uz ključno procesno područje Izvannastavne aktivnosti ............................................. 34

3.3. USPJEŠNOST INSTITUCIJA U PRIPREMI DIPLOMANATA ZA RANI RAZVOJ KARIJERA ........................................................... 37

4. DISEMINACIJA I ZAHVALA ........................................................................................ 39

5. LITERATURA ............................................................................................................. 40

Europska Unija

Ulaganje u budućnost

Projekt je sufinancirala Europska unija iz Europskog socijalnog fonda


1. Uvod

Ovaj izvještaj sadrži nacrt rezultata istraživanja provedenog u okviru projekta Razvoj modela za pružanje podrške diplomantima u ranom razvoju karijera koji provodi Fakultet organizacije i informatike Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Projekt je sufinancirala Europska Unija iz Europskog socijalnog fonda u okviru programa Razvoj ljudskih potencijala 2007.-2013., u sklopu poziva Istraživačke stipendije za profesionalni razvoj mladih istraživača i poslijedoktoranada. Trajanje projekta je 15 mjeseci, od 30. lipnja 2015. godine do 30. rujna 2016. godine. Istraživanje je provedeno od strane doktorandice Katarine Pažur Aničić, uz mentorstvo prof.dr.sc. Blaženke Divjak. Glavni cilj ovog projektnog prijedloga jest istražiti sustav podrške za rani razvoj karijera diplomanata u okviru visokih učilišta (VU) te kreirati teoretski strateški okvir za podršku diplomantima u razvoju karijera koji uključuje i primjenu pripadajućeg modela zrelosti na obrazovanju budućih stručnjaka u području informacijsko-komunikacijskih tehnologija (IKT). U širem kontekstu, rezultati projektnog prijedloga imaju utjecaj na krajnje korisnike istraživanja koji predstavljaju dionike u sustavu visokog obrazovanja – studente, alumnije, poslodavce, institucije visokog obrazovanja i ostale relevantne dionike koji mogu koristiti ishode projekta kao alat za djelomično rješavanje problema zapošljivosti diplomanata, ali također i kao smjernice za kreiranje poticajnih politika na individualnoj, institucionalnoj i nacionalnoj razini. Ova izvještaj donosi kratak opis istraživačke metodologije projekta te nelektoriranu verziju kreiranog strateškog okvira i modela zrelosti za podršku diplomantima u ranom razvoju karijera u okviru visokih učilišta. Uz sam model, izvještaj donosi i rezultate primijenjenog istraživanja na nekoliko visokih učilišta u Republici Hrvatskoj koji provode studijske programe u području IKT-a, a koji ukazuju na uspješnost institucija u pripremi diplomanata za rani razvoj karijera iskazanu kroz razinu zrelosti u kreiranom modelu. Detaljan opis metodologije istraživanja te lektorirana verzija finalnog modela zrelosti biti će dostupne u obliku znanstvenih radova i doktorske disertacije istraživačice, čija je objava planirana po završetku projekta.

Europska Unija

Ulaganje u budućnost

Projekt je sufinancirala Europska unija iz Europskog socijalnog fonda


1.1. Društvena važnost istraživanja

Posljednjih nekoliko godina na razini Europske Unije (EU) zapošljivost mladih visokoobrazovanih osoba i njihova priprema za prelazak na tržište rada u okviru sustava visokog obrazovanja jedno je od gorućih problema. U skladu s tim, na razini Europskog prostora visokog obrazovanja (EHEA) jačanje potencijala zapošljivosti mladih jedan je od ključnih razvojnih prioriteta. Relevantnost ove teme proizlazi i iz ključnih strategije Europske Unije za razdoblje 2014.-2020., koje posebice naglašavaju važnost obrazovanja i inovacija te kao jedan od ključnih ciljeva postavljaju da 75% populacije u dobi od 20 do 64 godina bude zaposleno (European Commission, 2010b) (European Commission, 2010c). Uzimajući u obzir i nacionalnu Strategiju obrazovanja, znanosti i tehnologije Republike Hrvatske (MZOS, 2014.), koja ističe izgradnju sustava za karijerno savjetovanje studenata u suradnji s gospodarskim subjektima, poduzetničkim sektorom, zavodom za zapošljavanje i sličnim institucijama, kako bi se osigurala bolja poveznica između sustava obrazovanja i tržišta rada te bolje profiliranje studenata tijekom studija, može se zaključiti kako je zapošljivost diplomanata veoma relevantna društvena tema. U tom kontekstu, valja spomenuti i Zakon o hrvatskom kvalifikacijskom okviru, kao i nastojanja Nacionalnog Vijeća za razvoj ljudskih potencijala (CROQF, 2013.). Može se vidjeti da se mnogo pažnje u aktualnim politikama na nacionalnoj i EU razini posvećuje se zapošljivosti diplomanata i boljoj povezanosti između sustava visokog obrazovanja i tržišta rada. U skladu s tim, glavni cilj ovog istraživačkog projekta jest doprinijeti ovoj aktualnoj temi kroz razvoj strateškog okvira i modela zrelosti za pružanje podrške diplomantima u ranom razvoju karijera, s primjenom u području informacijsko-komunikacijskih tehnologija (IKT). Postoji nekoliko razloga za fokusiranje primjene rezultata istraživanja upravo na diplomante u području IKT-a. Naime, Europska Unija je prepoznala nedostatak IKT vještina i nekoliko stotina tisuća nepopunjenih radnih mjesta u IKT-u kao problem te je pokrenula tzv. Veliku koaliciju za digitalne poslove (engl. Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs) u okviru inicijative Digitalna agenda za Europu (engl. Digital Agenda for Europe) s ciljem “povećanja ukupne ponude digitalno kompetentnih profesionalaca te boljim usklađivanjem ponude i potražnje digitalnih vještina”(European Commission, 2010.). Ova koalicija usmjerena je rješavanju problema prethodno prepoznatih u brojnim istraživanjima – učiniti karijere u IKT-u privlačnijima, povezati kurikulume na raznim razinama obrazovanja s potrebama industrije, reducirati neusklađenosti na tržištu rada, poticati prepoznavanje kvalifikacija IKT stručnjaka temeljem postojećeg okvira e-kompetencija (engl. E-Competence Framework) i sl.

Osim toga, IKT sektor je direktno odgovoran za 5% europskog BDP-a (European Commission, 2010.), a predviđanja o budućim trendovima za IKT poslovima i potražnjom IKT stručnjaka u Europi od 2012. do 2020. godine predviđaju tri scenarija – u sva tri slučaja, potencijalna potražnja premašuje predviđanja o broju diplomanata u studijima vezanima uz IKT (Gareis i dr., 2014). S druge strane, mnoge europske države se suočavaju s poteškoćama u popunjavanju radnih mjesta koja zahtijevaju stručne IKT vještine. U 2014. godini gotovo je 40% poduzeća s više od 10 zaposlenika imalo problema s popunjavanjem radnih mjesta koja zahtijevaju IKT stručnjake (Eurostat, 2016.). Za visoka učilišta značajan je podatak da su, kada se govori o obrazovanju IKT stručnjaka, najpoželjniji upravo oni sa završenim stupnjem visokog obrazovanja (Eurostat, 2016) (OECD, 2013).

Iako je ovo istraživanje fokusirano na područje IKT-a, važno je napomenuti kako literatura naglašava da, suprotno tradicionalnom mišljenju, karijere ovise u manjoj mjeri o specifičnosti područja studiranja (Teichler, 2009, pp 17), što ide u prilog činjenici da će model zrelosti razvijen u okviru ovog istraživanja, uz manje modifikacije, biti primjenjiv i na visoka učilišta u drugim područjima.

Europska Unija

Ulaganje u budućnost

Projekt je sufinancirala Europska unija iz Europskog socijalnog fonda


1.2. Znanstvena relevantnost istraživanja

Kako bi se argumentirala znanstvena važnost predloženog istraživanja, proveden je sustavan pregled

literature iz područja obrazovanja i razvoja karijera diplomanata u području IKT-a. Analiza je uključivala

ukupno 7179 naslova iz sljedećih baza podataka: IEEE Xplore Digital Library, ACM Digital Library,

SCOPUS, ScienceDirect i Web of Science (WoS), od kojih je njih 761 analizirano na razini sažetka, a 155

u cijelosti. Analiza je vođena s 10 istraživačkih pitanja vezanih uz razvoj i provođenje kurikuluma,

kompetencije budućih IKT stručnjaka, nastavne metode, povezivanje s poslodavcima u okviru visokih

učilišta te zapošljivost i razvoj karijera diplomanata u području IKT-a.

Generalno, rezultati sustavnog pregleda literature ukazuju na veoma malu zastupljenost radova koji

govore o načinima poboljšanja zapošljivosti diplomanata u području IKT-a u okviru visokih učilišta, iako

velik broj autora ističe probleme u njihovom zapošljavanju te potrebu za poboljšanjem u tom


U skladu s tim, znanstveni doprinos istraživanja provedenog u okviru ovog projekta može se sažeti u

sljedećim natuknicama:

1. Doprinos sistematizaciji i povećanju znanja iz područja obrazovanja i razvoja karijera budućih IKT stručnjaka

2. Razvoj sveobuhvatnog strateškog okvira za pružanje podrške diplomantima u ranom razvoju karijera u okviru visokih učilišta u području IKT-a

3. Razvoj pripadajućeg modela zrelosti za pružanje podrške diplomantima u ranom razvoju karijera u okviru visokih učilišta u području IKT-a.

Europska Unija

Ulaganje u budućnost

Projekt je sufinancirala Europska unija iz Europskog socijalnog fonda


2. Metodologija istraživanja

Glavni rezultat ovog istraživanja je strateški okvir s pripadajućim modelom zrelosti za pružanje podrške diplomantima u ranom razvoju karijera u okviru visokih učilišta, s primjenom u području IKT-a.

Generalno, modeli zrelosti pružaju instrument za transformacijski proces od inicijalnih stadija nekih kompleksnih fenomena do njihovog optimalnog stadija (Neff i dr., 2014.). Osnovna svrha modela zrelosti je u opisivanju razina i puteva zrelosti, no za njihovu primjenu u praksi nužno je istražiti trenutne i željene razine zrelosti promatranog sustava te uključiti adekvatne mjere, ovisno o opisnoj, preskriptivnoj ili komparativnoj svrsi modela zrelosti (Mettler i Rohner, 2009). Kao takvi, modeli zrelosti predstavljaju koristan alat za usporedbu i upravljanje. U predloženom istraživanju, logika modela zrelosti je primijenjena na visoka učilišta, s fokusom na njihovu ulogu u pripremi studenata za njihovu buduću karijeru.

Kao jednu od svrha korištenja modela zrelosti, neki autori (Mettler i Rohner, 2009.) ističu pritisak na organizacije da zadrže konkurentsku prednost, smanje troškove, poboljšaju kvalitetu svojih proizvoda ili usluga i sl. U kontekstu visokog obrazovanja, postoji određeni pritisak na visoka učilišta koji je vidljiv iz ključnih strategija i politika na EU i nacionalnoj razini, da obrazuju diplomante koji će biti zapošljivi po završetku studija. U tom kontekstu, od velike je važnosti sposobnost sustava visokog obrazovanja da pruži strukturiranu podršku studentima u ranom razvoju karijera koja je na visokoj razini zrelosti i doprinosi njihovoj boljoj zapošljivosti.

Istraživanje je provedeno kroz nekoliko koraka koji uključuju prvenstveno kvalitativne istraživačke metode te u manjoj mjeri kvantitativne metode, što ga karakterizira kao mješovito istraživanje (Creswell, 2009.). U provođenju istraživanja slijedili su se principi istraživačke paradigme znanosti o dizajniranju, tzv. design science (Hevner i dr., 2004.)(Vaishnavi i Kuechler Jr., 2008.) koja se pokazala prikladnom za izgradnju modela zrelosti. Znanost o dizajniranju je paradigma usmjerena rješavanju problema, a temelji se na kreiranju i evaluaciji novih artefakata primjerenih za rješavanje stvarnih kompleksnih problema, doprinoseći pritom povećanju znanja iz odabranog područja istraživanja, uključujući dijeljenje rezultata prema odgovarajućoj publici (Carcary, 2011.).

2.1. Smjernice znanosti o istraživanju

Istraživanje je provedeno slijedeći smjernice znanosti o dizajniranju (Hevner i dr., 2004.), kroz tri istraživačka ciklusa: ciklus relevantnosti, ciklus rigoroznosti i ciklus dizajniranja.

Ciklus relevantnosti uključuje pojedince, grupe i sve druge dionike povezane sa sustavom koji se istražuje te podrazumijeva zahtjeve iz stvarnog okruženja istraživanog problema. U kontekstu ovog istraživanja, ciklus relevantnosti uključuje sljedeće podatke iz domene primjene:

potreba za boljom zapošljivosti diplomanata koja je naglašena u mnogim strateškim dokumentima na EU i nacionalnoj razini

primjeri dobre prakse u pružanju podrške diplomantima prepoznati na nekoliko visokih učilišta u Europi kroz provođenje istraživanja studije slučaja te analizu različitih strateških dokumenata

primjena modela na nekoliko visokih učilišta u Republici Hrvatskoj. Suprotno, ciklus rigoroznosti doprinosi dizajnu artefakata temeljem različitih izvora znanja. U ovom istraživanju rigoroznost se očituje u sljedećem:

teorijsko znanje iz područja obrazovanja i razvoja karijera u području IKT-a temeljeno na rezultatima sustavnog pregleda literature

Europska Unija

Ulaganje u budućnost

Projekt je sufinancirala Europska unija iz Europskog socijalnog fonda


znanje stručnjaka dobiveno kroz fokus grupe i evaluaciju modela. Inicijalan set artefakata kreiranih kroz ciklus relevantnosti i rigoroznosti potrebno je evaluirati i usklađivati sve dok ne “funkcioniraju dobro za određen problem” (Hevner i dr., 2004.). Stoga je samu izgradnju modela potrebno ponoviti kroz nekoliko ciklusa dizajniranja.

U konačnici, kroz ciklus relevantnosti ostvarit će se doprinos društvu putem smjernica za povećanje razine zrelosti najvažnijih praksi koje doprinose povećanju kapaciteta zapošljivosti diplomanata u okviru visokih učilišta, a kroz ciklus rigoroznosti ostvarit će se doprinos znanosti kroz povećanje postojeće baze znanja u području zapošljivosti diplomanata i njihovom ranom razvoju karijera.

Slika 1. prikazuje okvir za razvoj modela zrelosti za pružanje podrške diplomantima u ranom razvoju karijera u skladu sa smjernicama znanosti o dizajniranju.

Slika 1. Okvir za razvoj modela zrelosti za pružanje podrške diplomantima u ranom razvoju karijera na principima znanosti o dizajniranju [izvor: rad autora, prilagođeno prema (Hevner i dr., 2004.)(Pournader,

Tabassi, i Baloh, 2015.)]

2.2. Elementi strateškog okvira i modela zrelosti

Prema (Rademakers, 2014.), strateški okvir može se definirati kao kratak pregled glavnih ciljeva i inicijativa. Ako se definicija strateškog okvira poveže s pojmom modela zrelosti, koji se definira kao model koji pruža smjernice kroz evolutivni proces (Mettler 2010)(Mettler i Rohner, 2009.), uključujući slijed razina koje zajedno tvore očekivan, željen ili logičan put od inicijalne razine organizacijskih sposobnosti do zrelosti (Pöppelbuß i Röglinger, 2011.), veza između ova dva pojma može se objasniti kao što je prikazano na Slici 2.

Predloženi strateški okvir za pružanje podrške diplomantima u ranom razvoju karijera sastoji se od tri osnovna elementa: ključna procesna područja, prakse i dimenzije organizacijske sposobnosti, dok model zrelosti dodatno sadrži i kriterije za procjenu organizacijskih sposobnosti iskazane kroz razine zrelosti.

Europska Unija

Ulaganje u budućnost

Projekt je sufinancirala Europska unija iz Europskog socijalnog fonda


Slika 2. Elementi strateškog okvira i modela zrelosti [izvor: rad autora]

2.2.1 Ključna procesna područja

Organizacijske sposobnosti obično se dijele u nekoliko glavnih kategorija koje se nazivaju procesnim područjima. U kontekstu strateškog okvira i modela zrelosti za podršku diplomantima u ranom razvoju karijera, ključna procesna područja mogu se definirati kao osnovni gradivni elementi koji ukazuju na glavna područja na koja se institucija treba fokusirati kako bi poboljšala podršku za povećanje zapošljivosti svojih diplomanata, a prepoznati su kao strateško planiranje zapošljivosti diplomanata, razvoj i provođenje kurikuluma, podrška studentima te izvannastavne aktivnosti. Svako od navedenih procesnih područja obuhvaća nekoliko procesa koji definiraju određeni aspekt sveukupne sposobnosti institucije da ostvaruje dobre rezultate u određenom procesnom području (Marshall, 2007.).

2.2.2 Prakse

Na nižoj razini promatranja, svaki proces podijeljen je na prakse koje opisuju na koji način institucija može postići ishode pojedinog procesa. Prakse mogu biti neophodne za uspješno izvršenje određenog procesa ili pak samo korisne u potpori ostvarenju ishoda određenog procesa. U okviru ovog istraživanja neophodne i korisne prakse nisu razlikovane, već je težište stavljeno na prepoznavanje svih relevantnih praksi za podršku diplomantima u ranom razvoju karijera na visokim učilištima.

Neki od primjera praksi su sljedeći: visoko učilište prikuplja i koristi informacije o zapošljivosti svojih diplomanata, pruža usluge karijernog savjetovanja svojim studentima, uvodi stručne prakse u kurikulum i sl.

U inicijalnom strateškom okviru prepoznato je ukupno 110 dobrih praksi, dok konačan model zrelosti sadrži 65 praksi podijeljenih u četiri ključna procesna područja.

2.2.3 Dimenzije sposobnosti

Osnovni koncept svakog modela zrelosti jest sposobnost (engl. capability). U ovom kontekstu, sposobnost označava mogućnost institucije da osigura obrazovanje i usluge koje pruža studentima na način da podržavaju i unapređuju razvoj njihovih vještina zapošljivosti te zaposlenje po završetku studija. Slijedeći sinergijsku logiku organizacijskih sposobnosti (Marshall, 2006.) i krenuvši od ideje modela zrelosti kao strateškog okvira, dimenzije organizacijske sposobnosti u ovom istraživanju predložene su u formi Demingovog ciklusa (engl. Plan-Do-Check-Act, PDCA) s četiri faze koje se iterativno ponavljaju – planiranje, provedba, provjera i poboljšanja (Borys, Milosz, i Plechawska-Wojcik, 2012.). Dimenzije sposobnosti definirane na način da slijede PDCA ciklus karakteriziraju proces strateškog planiranja.

Europska Unija

Ulaganje u budućnost

Projekt je sufinancirala Europska unija iz Europskog socijalnog fonda


Jedan od primjera kako ovaj pristup utječe na sveukupnu zrelost visokog učilišta u podržavanju i poticanju zapošljivosti diplomanata je sljedeći: ako VU pruža određenu podršku studentima u izvannastavnim aktivnostima, ali bez ikakvih aktivnosti na razini planiranja implementacije tih aktivnosti ili mehanizama njihove evaluacije, sveukupna zrelost tog procesa bit će niža.

2.2.4 Kriteriji za ocjenjivanje sposobnosti

Svrha kriterija za ocjenjivanje sposobnosti jest rangirati učinkovitost svake od praksi pojedinog procesa na predefiniranoj skali koja može biti kvalitativna ili kvantitativna. Skala za ocjenu sposobnosti zapravo predstavlja razine zrelosti. U predloženom modelu zrelosti, kriteriji za ocjenjivanje sposobnosti pokazuju koliko dobro visoko učilište obavlja svaku pojedinu praksu prema svim dimenzijama sposobnosti. Obično su kriteriji za procjenu sposobnosti predloženi na skali Likertovog tipa s definiranim vrijednostima kao što su (prilagođeno prema Marshall i Mitchell, 2003.): ne prakticira se/nije adekvatno, inicijalno, djelomično adekvatno, u velikoj mjeri adekvatno, potpuno adekvatno. U modelu zrelosti za pružanje podrške diplomantima u ranom razvoju karijera, razine zrelosti definirane su u formi tekstualnih opisnica za svaku praksu te se na taj način ujedno pružaju smjernice visokim učilištima za postizanje više razine zrelosti pojedine prakse.

Slika 3. prikazuje hijerarhijsku strukturu modela zrelosti te ukazuje na veze između njegovih glavnih


Slika 3. Hijerarhijska struktura modela zrelosti za podršku diplomantima u ranom razvoju karijera,

prilagođeno prema (Paulk et al. 1993)

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2.3. Koraci razvoja/dizajna modela zrelosti

Istraživanje je provedeno kroz slijedeći prilagođenu metodologiju za izgradnju modela zrelosti u pet

koraka (Mettler 2010):

1) Prepoznavanje potrebe ili prilike 2) Definiranje opsega 3) Razvoj modela 4) Evaluacija modela 5) Održavanje daljnjeg razvoja modela.

Preliminarna metodologija za razvoj modela zrelosti za pružanje podrške diplomantima u ranom razvoju karijera (Pažur Aničić and Divjak, 2015) prezentirana je na konferenciji 9th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI 2015) koja se održala u Sevilli, Španjolska, u studenom 2015. godine. Slika 4. prikazuje osnovne istraživačke metode korištene u svakom koraku razvoja modela zrelosti, opisane detaljnije u nastavku.

SIika 4. Koraci razvoja modela zrelosti prema (Mettler, 2010.) i korištene istraživačke metode

2.3.1 Prepoznavanje potrebe ili prilike U inicijalnoj fazi razvoja modela zrelosti važno je prepoznati potrebu za razvojem takvog modela. U kontekstu podrške diplomantima u ranom razvoju karijera, potreba je vidljiva iz strateških dokumenta i politika na EU i nacionalnoj razini, kao i relevantnih projekata te znanstvenih radova. Za detaljnu razradu potrebe za ovakvim modelom za visoka učilišta u području IKT-a, proveden je sustavan pregled literature znanstvenih radova u području obrazovanja i razvoja karijera diplomanata u području IKT-a. Kao što je spomenuto, ova sveobuhvatna analiza obuhvatila je 761 rad na razini sažetka te analizu 155 radova u cijelosti, prema 10 istraživačkih pitanja vezanih uz razvoj i provođenje kurikuluma, znanja i vještine budućih IKT stručnjaka, nastavne metode, suradnju između visokog obrazovanja i poslodavaca te buduće zaposlenje i razvoj karijera IKT stručnjaka na tržištu rada.

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Temeljem rezultata analize sadržaja, klasteriranja i analize društvenih mreža, rezultati ukazuju na potrebu za sveobuhvatnijim i strateškim pristupom obrazovanju budućih IKT stručnjaka, uključujući potporu njihovom razvoju karijera u okviru formalnog procesa visokog obrazovanja.

2.3.2 Definiranje opsega S obzirom da je sustav visokog obrazovanja veoma dinamičan i kompleksan, važno je definirati opseg istraživanja kako bi se oblikovalo daljnje istraživanje i stavio fokus na važne elemente. U kontekstu elemenata modela zrelosti, definiranje opsega je istovjetno određivanju ključnih procesnih područja i pripadajućih procesa koji imaju utjecaj na povećanje kapaciteta zapošljivosti diplomanata u okviru visokih učilišta. U ovoj fazi istraživanja provedena je analiza sadržaja različitih strateških dokumenata na razini institucija visokog obrazovanja, kako bi se odredila ključna procesna područja. Rezultati su dopunjeni i rezultatima provedenih fokus grupa sa stručnjacima1, provedenima s dva osnovna cilja: odrediti najvažnija ključna procesna područja na visokim učilištima u pripremi studenata za njihov rani razvoj karijera i odrediti ključne osobe na visokim učilištima koje mogu pomoći u određivanju praksi koje doprinose zapošljivosti studenata.

Ova faza istraživanja rezultirala je s definiranjem četiriju ključnih procesnih područja: strateško planiranje zapošljivosti diplomanata, razvoj i provođenje kurikuluma, podrška studentima te izvannastavne aktivnosti.

2.3.3 Razvoj modela Treća faza u razvoju modela zrelosti je najopsežnija te podrazumijeva definiranje svih relevantnih praksi u okviru prethodno definiranih ključnih procesnih područja. Preliminarna lista praksi razvijena je temeljem provedene analize sadržaja strateških dokumenata i stručnih radova vezanih uz visoka učilišta, no za završno definiranje relevantnih praksi bilo je potrebno provesti nekoliko istraživanja studija slučaja na različitim visokim učilištima u Europi. Istraživanje studije slučaja predstavlja najopsežniju istraživačku metodu korištenu u ovom istraživačkom projektu te je stoga detaljnije opisana u nastavku ovog poglavlja.

Istraživanje studija slučaja je kvalitativna istraživačka metoda koja pruža "jedinstven primjer stvarnih ljudi u stvarnim situacijama, omogućujući čitateljima da razumiju ideje jasnije nego njihovom prezentacijom samo kroz apstraktne teorije i principe" (Cohen i dr., 2011., str. 289). Prema Yinu (Yin, 2014.), istraživanje studije slučaja provodi se u pet koraka:

1) Faza dizajna 2) Faza pripreme 3) Faza prikupljanja 4) Analiza podataka 5) Dijeljenje rezultata.

Cilj istraživanja studije slučaja bio je prikupiti informacije s visokih učilišta o njihovim praksama koje potiču bolju zapošljivost diplomanata prema četiri ključna procesna područja.

Istraživanje studije slučaja uključuje polu-strukturirane intervjue s ključnim osobama na visokim učilištima kao što su prorektori za studente i studijske programe, nastavnici, studenti, voditelji centara

1Fokus grupe provedene su tijekom radionice Strateško planiranje u visokom obrazovanju, održane u Varaždinu od 9. do 11.

srpnja 2015. godine, u okviru projekta IP-2014-09-7854 Razvoj metodološkog okvira za strateško odlučivanje u visokom obrazovanju - primjer implementacije otvorenog učenja i učenja na daljinu - HigherDecision (http://higherdecision.foi.hr/) koji financira Hrvatska zaklada za znanost.

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za razvoj karijera i savjetnici u tim centrima, stručnjaci za osiguranje kvalitete te ostale ključne osobe koje mogu pružiti informacije o procesima i praksama na visokim učilištima vezano uz razvoj karijera diplomanata.

Odabir institucija na kojima je provedeno istraživanje temelji se na nizu različitih kriterija, od kojih je najvažniji razvoj sveobuhvatne institucionalne podrške razvoju karijera diplomanata. Ukupno je provedeno 27 intervjua s predstavnicima sljedećih visokih učilišta:

1) Austrija, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien (https://www.wu.ac.at/en/) 2) Republika Srbija, Sveučilište u Beogradu, Fakultet organizacionih nauka

(http://www.fon.bg.ac.rs/eng/) 3) Švedska, University West (http://www.hv.se/en) 4) UK, Škotska, The University of Edinburgh (http://www.ed.ac.uk/)

Kao dodatak istraživanju studije slučaja na visokim učilištima, za razvoj modela zrelosti za podršku studentima u ranom razvoju karijera bilo je također važno uključiti perspektivu ostalih relevantnih dionika. Povratne informacije različitih grupa dionika (studenti, alumni, poslodavci, nastavno osoblje, upravljačke i potporne institucije u okviru sustava visokog obrazovanja) prikupljeni su kroz fokus grupe održane u okviru okruglog stola “Obrazovanje za zapošljivost studenata u ICT-u” održanog na Fakultetu organizacije i informatike u Varaždinu, u studenome 2015. godine.

Završni rezultat ove treće faze u razvoju modela zrelosti je lista od 110 praksi prepoznatih kao važnih za podršku razvoju kapaciteta zapošljivosti studenata u okviru visokih učilišta prema četiri ključna procesna područja: 15 u području strateškog planiranja zapošljivosti diplomanata, 35 u području razvoja kurikuluma, 34 u području podrške studentima i 26 u području izvannastavnih aktivnosti. Ova lista praksi predstavlja strateški okvir za podršku diplomantima u ranom razvoju karijera, u okviru visokih učilišta.

Osim prema četiri ključna procesna područja, prakse su također organizirane prema dimenzijama organizacijske sposobnosti koje označavaju razinu implementacije pojedine prakse: planiranje (plan), provedba (do), provjera i kontrola implementacije pojedine prakse i njezinih učinaka (check) te predstavljanje novih ideja za poboljšanje prakse u idućem ciklusu planiranja (act). Inicijalna lista praksi prezentirana je na 25-oj jubilarnoj konferenciji European Access Network (EAN) pod nazivom Retrospective for Perspective Access and Widening Participation 1991-2041 održanoj Dublinu, Irska, u svibnju 2016. godine.

2.3.4 Evaluacija modela Završni je model zrelosti evaluiran na dvije razine – provjera valjanosti i pouzdanosti. Valjanost modela odgovara na pitanje kako rezultati istraživanja odražavaju stvarnost dok se pouzdanost, poznata i kao konzistentnost, odnosi na opseg u kojem se rezultati istraživanja mogu ponoviti tijekom vremena ili kroz različite grupe ispitanika (Cohen, Manion i Morrison, 2011.) (Merriam i Tisdell, 2015.).

Kako bi se osigurala konstruktna i sadržajna valjanost modela, korišteno je znanje stručnjaka. Ukupno je 22-oje eksperata te 12-ero studenata procjenjivalo 110 praksi sadržanih u strateškom okviru koristeći skalu „0 – ne mogu odgovoriti, 1 – nije relevantna, 2 – važna (ali nije neophodna) i 3 - neophodna“, ali su također i naznačili da li pojedina praksa pripada u ključno procesno područje strateškog planiranja, razvoja i provođenja kurikuluma, podrške studentima ili izvannastavnim aktivnostima. Pojam stručnjaka u ovom kontekstu podrazumijeva različite dionike visokog obrazovanja, uključujući menadžere u visokom obrazovanju, nastavno osoblje, nenastavno osoblje, alumnije, poslodavce te predstavnike upravljačkih i potpornih institucija. Evaluacije koje su proveli

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stručnjaci dodatno su provjerene kroz fokus grupe s interesnim dionicima provedene u okviru okruglog stola “Kako visoka učilišta podržavanju razvoj karijera studenata?” održanog u sklopu Tjedna karijera u svibnju 2016. godine na Fakultetu organizacije i informatike u Varaždinu. Sudionici fokus grupa također su za svaku praksu označili da li je implementirana na razini planiranja, provođenja, provjere ili poboljšanja (PDCA) u ciklusu strateškog planiranja.

Pouzdanost modela zrelosti kreiranog u okviru ovog projekta provjerena je kroz primjenu modela na nekoliko visokih učilišta u Republici Hrvatskoj koji provode studijske programe u području IKT-a:

1) Sveučilište Josipa Juraja Strossmayera u Osijeku, Fakultet elektrotehnike, računarstva i informacijskih tehnologija

2) Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva 3) Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Fakultet organizacije i informatike 4) Veleučilište VERN

kroz intervjue s osobama koje mogu pružiti dobar uvid u razinu zrelosti za pojedinu praksu implementiranu na instituciji. Pokazalo se da je model primjenjiv na institucije različitih veličina i strukture.

Ova faza rezultirala je završnim modelom zrelosti koji sadrži 65 praksi u četiri ključna procesna područja: 13 u području strateškog planiranja zapošljivosti diplomanata, 26 u okviru razvoja i provođenja kurikuluma, 16 u okviru podrške studentima te 10 u području izvannastavnih aktivnosti. Također je pružila i generalan uvid u zrelost institucija visokog obrazovanja u Republici Hrvatskoj u području IKT-a.

2.3.5 Održavanje daljnjeg razvoja modela Održavanje daljnjeg razvoja modela važno je s obzirom na promjene koje se događaju u organizacijama tijekom vremena, a jednako tako i promjene na tržištu rada te u sustavu visokog obrazovanja. Stoga je važno kontinuirano nadograđivati model kako bi ostao primjenjiv u praksi.

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3. Rezultati istraživanja

Rezultati istraživanja prezentirani su u tri oblika:

strateški okvir koji sadrži ukupno 110 praksi prepoznatih kao značajnih za razvoj karijera diplomanata u okviru institucija visokog obrazovanja, podijeljenih u četiri ključna procesna područja: 15 u području strateškog planiranja zapošljivosti diplomanata, 35 u području razvoja i provođenja kurikuluma, 34 u području podrške studentima i 26 u području izvannastavnih aktivnosti (Poglavlje 3.1.)

model zrelosti koji sadrži ukupno 65 praksi prepoznatih kao najvažnijih nakon provedene

evaluacije strateškog okvira: 13 u području strateškog planiranja zapošljivosti diplomanata, 26

u okviru razvoja i provođenja kurikuluma, 16 u okviru podrške studentima te 10 u području

izvannastavnih aktivnosti. Svaka praksa u modelu zrelosti svrstana je u određeno procesno

područje i dimenziju organizacijske sposobnosti na kojoj je implementirana (planiranje,

provedba, provjera i poboljšanja), uz detaljan opis pet razina zrelosti prema sljedećim

kategorijama: ne prakticira se/nije adekvatno, inicijalno, djelomično adekvatno, u velikoj mjeri

adekvatno, potpuno adekvatno (Poglavlje 3.2.)

rezultati o uspješnosti pripreme diplomanata za rani razvoj karijera na institucijama visokog

obrazovanja dobiveni kroz primjenu modela zrelosti na četiri visoka učilišta u Republici

Hrvatskoj koji provode studijske programe u području IKT-a (Poglavlje 3.3.).

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3.1. Strateški okvir za pružanje podrške diplomantima u ranom razvoju karijera

Capability dimension

Practices related to strategic planning


Procedures for re(development) of institutional strategies and policies are defined.

Information from tracer studies are used in the (re)development of institutional strategies and policies.

Inputs from students are included in the (re)development of institutional strategies and policies.

Inputs from relevant stakeholders are included in the (re)development of institutional strategies and policies.

Inputs from (inter)national policy documents are used in the (re)development of institutional strategies and policies.

Inputs from relevant higher education institution (HEI) organizational units are included in the (re)development of institutional strategies and policies.


Employability of graduates is addressed in institutional strategies and policies.

Institutional strategies and policies are communicated across the higher education institution.

Institutional strategies and policies are accompanied with action plans.

Initiatives supporting graduates employability are addressed in action plans.


Procedures for monitoring of institutional strategies and policies are defined.

Reports on success of action plans are collected from different organizational units within HEI.


Feedback from student satisfaction survey is used for better understanding of institutional strategy success.

Strategy success or failure is analysed before starting with new strategic planning process within HEI.

Compliance of strategy with changes in the external or internal environment is checked.

Capability dimension

Practices related to curriculum design and delivery


Procedures for curriculum design and development are established at the institutional level.

Curriculum development is guided with student centred approach in which employability skills are considered to be inter-related and need to be developed incrementally across the curriculum.

Inputs from employers are included in curriculum design and development process.

Construction of learning outcomes is based on relevant national and international frameworks.

Departments work together on creation of coherent content for a certain study programme.

New pedagogic approaches that contribute to the achievement of learning outcomes are planned within the process of curriculum design.

Formal procedures for student internship are established.

Provision of elective courses in curriculum is planned.

Procedures and guidelines for the evaluation of teacher work are established.

Continuous professional development of teachers is encouraged.

Support for teachers to implement new technology in courses is provided.


Curriculum is delivered in partnership with industry.

Career development content is included in curriculum.

Professional and generic skills important for employability in the subject area are addressed in learning outcomes.

Interrelation between content of different courses is established.

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Teaching methods encourage independent, active learning and engagement with tasks (every student as a researcher/practitioner).

Curriculum contains embedded work related activities.

Student internship is an integral part of curriculum.

High-levels of student choice and 'self-selected' courses are offered within curriculum.

Student theses are done in cooperation with the industry.

Teaching and learning activities are taking place in adequate working environment.

Teaching and learning activities are supported with e-learning system.

Assessment methods include students self-assessment and peer assessment.

Students are provided proper feedback on the achievement of learning outcomes.

Teacher performance is evaluated by students.

Teachers receive peer feedback for their work.


Curriculum relevance, consistency, practicality and effectiveness are monitored.

Student feedback on curriculum implementation is collected.

Quality of the assessment of student work is monitored.

Feedback on internship is collected from students and employers.

Control mechanism based on the evaluation of teacher performance are established.


Changes in internal or external environments are trigger for changes in curriculum.

Communication with the relevant stakeholders is done in order to ensure regular update of learning outcomes in line with the labour market needs.

Strengths and weaknesses of current study programme are discussed prior to new curriculum design and development.

Results of teacher performance are discussed for the potential improvement.

Capability dimension

Practices related to student support


Careers development service for students is established.

Annual action plan for the careers development service is prepared.

Institution has signed partnership agreements with employers regarding the activities related to employability.

Graduate profiles for study programmes are available to students entering the university.

Framework for the provision of student academic development is established.


Information on job opportunities and labour market is available to students.

Information about alumni employment and career is available to students.

Career information is available to student through the organized career fair.

Service of reviewing and correcting job application is offered to students.

Simulation of job interviews is provided to students in collaboration with employers.

Institution provides assistance to employers in recruiting new employees.

Visits to companies are organized for students.

Employer invited lectures or workshops are organized for students.

Alumni invited lectures are organized for students.

Individual career counselling is offered to students.

Psychometric testing is available to students.

Alumni database is established.

Students are encouraged and supported to conduct their own portfolio.

Support for student academic development is provided.

Student peer support activities regarding academic and social development are provided.

Personal tutoring system for students is organized.

Mentorship for excellent students is provided.

Support for students with disabilities is provided.

Check Information on the number of students using career services is collected.

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Analytical data is used for monitoring of the reach of online student engagement with careers service information.

Information on the number of students attending career fair is collected.

Students’ feedback on the usefulness of career services provided is collected.

Students’ engagement in career services activities is monitored and regulated.

Information about the graduates’ employment are collected.

Information on graduates satisfaction and readiness for work are collected.

Student peer support system is monitored.

Personal tutor monitors student progress.

Act Evaluation of careers service activities is done.

Personal tutor reacts on student progress.

Capability dimension

Practices related to extracurricular activities


Framework for support of student extra-curricular activities is established.

Framework for supporting student entrepreneurship initiatives is established.

Framework for support of student organizations is established.

Student organizations prepare annual plans of their activities.

Institution has established system of student representatives.

Student representatives develop strategic plan.


Students are provided with adequate working environment for their extra-curricular activities.

Students are given support to work on their own projects.

Student are encouraged to participate in different competitions.

Students are offered different summer programmes.

Students are offered volunteering opportunities.

Students are offered different sports activities.

Institution provides students with entrepreneurship education.

Institution provides support for student start-ups.

Students are involved in the work of student organizations.

Teachers support work of student organizations through mentorship programme.

Collaboration with different HEI stakeholders is established through the work of student organizations.

Students elect their representatives.

Student representatives are gathering feedback from students on different issues.

Student representatives participate in different committees within HEI.


Student achievement in extra-curricular activities is recognized.

Work of student organizations is monitored at the institutional level.

Work of student representatives is guided and monitored by institutional staff.


Potential improvements in support of student extra-curricular activities are discussed at the institutional level.

Report on student organizations is provided to HEI management.

Potential improvements in the student representatives system are discussed at the institutional level.

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3.2. Model zrelosti za pružanje podrške diplomantima u ranom razvoju karijera

3.2.1. Prakse vezane uz ključno procesno područje Strateško planiranje

Capability dimension

Practice Not assessed Initial Partially adequate Largely adequate Fully adequate


Procedures for re(development) of institutional strategies are defined.

Procedures for (re)development of institutional strategies are not defined.

Procedures for (re)development of institutional strategies are defined ad hoc as informal guidelines and used inconsistently.

Procedures for (re)development of institutional strategies are formally defined, but used inconsistently.

Procedures for (re)development of institutional strategies are formally defined, available to all staff and used consistently in defined timeframes.

Procedures for (re)development of institutional strategies are formally defined, available to all staff, used consistently in defined timeframes and the process of their application is documented for further improvements.

Information from

graduate studies are

used in the

(re)development of

institutional strategies.

Information from graduate

studies are not used in the

(re)development of

institutional strategies.

Information from

graduate studies are used

informally and

inconsistently in the

(re)development of

institutional strategies.

Information from graduate

studies are used formally, but

inconsistently for

(re)development of

institutional strategies.

Complete information from

graduate studies formally

guide decisions in the process

of strategy (re)development,

but without documented


Complete information from

graduate studies explicitly and

formally guide decisions in the

process of strategy

(re)development, with

documented reflection on the

usage of information from

graduate studies.

Inputs from students are included in the (re)development of institutional strategies.

Inputs from students are nor collected nor used in the (re)development of institutional strategies.

Inputs from students are collected and used informally and inconsistently in the (re)development of institutional strategies.

Inputs from students are collected formally, but used inconsistently in the (re)development of institutional strategies.

Inputs from students are collected formally and used consistently to guide decision in the process of strategy (re)development, but without documented reflection.

Inputs from students are collected formally and used completely and consistently to guide decisions in the process of strategy (re)development, with documented reflection on the usage of collected inputs.

Europska Unija

Ulaganje u budućnost

Projekt je sufinancirala Europska unija iz Europskog socijalnog fonda


Capability dimension

Practice Not assessed Initial Partially adequate Largely adequate Fully adequate

Inputs from relevant stakeholders are included in the (re)development of institutional strategies.

Inputs from relevant stakeholders are nor collected nor used in the (re)development of institutional strategies.

Inputs from some relevant stakeholders are collected and used informally and inconsistently in the (re)development of institutional strategies.

Inputs from some relevant stakeholders are collected formally, but used inconsistently in the (re)development of institutional strategies.

Inputs from all relevant stakeholders are collected formally and used consistently to guide decisions in the process of strategy (re)development, but without documented reflection.

Inputs from all relevant stakeholders are collected formally and used completely and consistently to guide decisions in the process of strategy (re)development, with documented reflection on the usage of collected inputs.

Inputs from relevant HEI organizational units are included in the (re)development of institutional strategies.

Inputs from relevant HEI organizational units are nor collected nor used in the (re)development of institutional strategies.

Inputs from some HEI organizational units are collected and used informally and inconsistently in the (re)development of institutional strategies.

Inputs from some HEI organizational units are collected formally, but used inconsistently in the (re)development of institutional strategies.

Inputs from all relevant HEI organizational units are collected formally and used consistently to guide decisions in the process of strategy (re)development, but without documented reflection.

Inputs from all relevant HEI organizational units are collected formally and used completely and consistently to guide decisions in the process of strategy (re)development, with documented reflection on usage of collected inputs.


Employability of graduates is addressed in institutional strategies.

Institutional strategies do not address employability of graduates.

Employability of graduates is indirectly addressed in institutional strategies.

Employability of graduates is explicitly addressed in institutional strategies but without defined key performance indicators.

Employability of graduates is explicitly addressed in institutional strategies with defined key performance indicators but it is not in the core part of institutional strategies (part of its mission/vision).

Employability of graduates is explicitly addressed with defined key performance indicators and it presents the core of institutional strategies (part of its mission/vision) or there is a separate employability strategy.

Europska Unija

Ulaganje u budućnost

Projekt je sufinancirala Europska unija iz Europskog socijalnog fonda


Capability dimension

Practice Not assessed Initial Partially adequate Largely adequate Fully adequate

Institutional strategies are communicated across the higher education institution.

Institutional strategies are not communicated across the HEI in any form.

Institutional strategies are available via institutional document repository but information about their availability is not distributed across the institution.

Institutional strategies are available through some institutional document repository and information about their availability is distributed across the institution but without the instruction on the expected use of strategy by particular organizational units.

Institutional strategies are available through some institutional document repository, information about their availability is distributed across the institution with the instructions on the expected use of strategy by particular organizational units.

Institutional strategies are available through institutional document repository, information about their availability is distributed across the institution with the instructions on the expected use of strategy by particular organizational units, supported with guidelines and reporting documentation regarding the strategy success.

Institutional strategies are accompanied with action plans addressing the graduate employability.

Institutional strategies are not accompanied with action plans or the existing actions plans are not connected to strategies.

Institutional strategies are supported by informal and inconsistent action plans created by some organization units without formal institutional guidelines.

Institutional strategies are supported by formal action plans created by most organization units according to the formal institutional guidelines but without their approval from management or plans for further actions/reporting.

Institutional strategies are supported by formal action plans approved by the management, covering all the aspects of strategy including the strict definition of activities, goals and deadlines.

Institutional strategies are supported by formal action plans approved by the management, covering all the aspects of strategy including the strict definition of activities, goals and deadlines as well as the reporting instructions.


Monitoring procedures regarding the implementation of institutional strategies are defined.

Monitoring procedures regarding the implementation of institutional strategies are not defined.

Monitoring of institutional strategies implementation is done ad hoc, informally and inconsistently.

Monitoring procedures regarding the implementation of institutional strategies are formally defined based on the reports from action plans but used inconsistently.

Institution has formally defined procedures based on the reports from action plans, available to the staff and used consistently for monitoring of strategies implementation.

Institution has formally defined procedures based on the reports from action plans, available to the staff, and used consistently for monitoring of strategy implementation with the results being documented for further improvements. They also include the external check.

Europska Unija

Ulaganje u budućnost

Projekt je sufinancirala Europska unija iz Europskog socijalnog fonda


Capability dimension

Practice Not assessed Initial Partially adequate Largely adequate Fully adequate

Reports on success of action plans are collected from different organizational units.

Success reports of action plans are not collected from any of the organizational units.

Success reports of action plans are collected on ad hoc basis, informally and inconsistently from some organizational units.

Success reports of action plans are collected from most of the organizational units in a free form without formally predefined instructions that would cover all the aspects of action plans.

Success reports of action plans are collected annually from all the organizational units, being prepared according to formal instructions and including information about all the activities, goals and deadlines.

Success reports of action plans are collected annually from all the organizational units, they are prepared according to formal instructions and include information about all the set activities, goals and deadlines. They are followed by the conclusion about the success of a certain part of action plan.


Feedback from student satisfaction survey is used for better understanding of strategy success.

Feedback from student satisfaction survey is not used for better understanding of strategy success or failure.

Feedback from student satisfaction survey is collected and used informally, partially and inconsistently.

Feedback from student satisfaction survey is collected formally on regular basis, but used inconsistently for better understanding of strategy success.

Feedback from student satisfaction survey is collected formally and used consistently for better understanding of strategy success, but without documented reflection.

Feedback from student satisfaction survey is collected formally and used consistently for better understanding of strategy success, with documented reflection and suggestions for further improvements.

Compliance of strategy with changes in the external and internal environment is checked.

Compliance of strategy with changes in the external or internal environment is not checked.

Compliance of strategy with changes in the external or internal environment is checked on ad-hoc basis, informally and inconsistently.

Compliance of strategy with changes in the external or internal environment is formally checked on regular basis but used inconsistently and informally for suggestions on further improvements.

Compliance of strategy with changes in the external or internal environment is formally checked on regular basis and used consistently to guide decisions about further improvements but without documented reflection.

Compliance of strategy with changes in the external or internal environment is formally checked on regular basis and used consistently to guide decision about further improvements, with documented reflection.

Strategy success is analysed before starting new strategic planning process.

Strategy success or failure is not analysed before starting new strategic planning process.

Strategy success or failure is analysed on ad-hoc basis, informally and inconsistently, without using the reports on action plans.

Strategy success or failure is formally analysed based on the reports on action plans, although inconsistently.

Strategy success or failure is analysed formally, including all the data from reports on action plans, but without any documented suggestions for improvements.

Strategy success is formally analysed, including all the data from reports on action plans, followed by the documented suggestions for improvements in the next strategic planning cycle.

Europska Unija

Ulaganje u budućnost

Projekt je sufinancirala Europska unija iz Europskog socijalnog fonda


3.2.2. Prakse vezane uz ključno procesno područje Razvoj i provođenje kurikuluma

Capability dimension

Practice Not assessed Initial Partially adequate Largely adequate Fully adequate

Plan Procedures for curriculum design and development (CDD) are established at the institutional level.

Institution has no established procedures for curriculum design and development.

Procedures for CDD are defined ad hoc as informal guidelines and used inconsistently.

Procedures for CDD are formally defined, but used inconsistently.

Procedures for CDD are formally defined, available to all staff and they are used consistently in defined timeframes.

Procedures for curriculum design and development are formally defined, available to all staff, they are used consistently in defined timeframes and the process of their application is documented for further improvement.

Curriculum development is guided with student centred approach in which employability skills are considered to be inter-related and need to be developed incrementally across the curriculum.

CDD is not guided by student centred approach.

Employability skills are planned in CDD ad hoc, informally and inconsistently.

Employability skills are planned in CDD only partially in some parts of the curriculum.

Employability skills are planned in CDD inter-related through some parts of the curriculum.

Employability skills are planned in curriculum design and development process incrementally across the whole curriculum.

Inputs from employers are included in curriculum design and development process.

Inputs from employers are not collected and used in the CDD process.

Inputs from employers are collected and used informally and inconsistently for CDD process.

Inputs from employers are collected formally, but used inconsistently for CDD process.

Inputs from employers are collected formally and used consistently to guide decision in CDD process, but without documented reflection.

Inputs from employers are collected formally and used completely and consistently to guide decision in the curriculum design and development process, with documented reflection on the usage of collected inputs.

Europska Unija

Ulaganje u budućnost

Projekt je sufinancirala Europska unija iz Europskog socijalnog fonda


Capability dimension

Practice Not assessed Initial Partially adequate Largely adequate Fully adequate

Construction of learning outcomes is based on relevant national and international frameworks.

Definition of learning outcomes is not based on relevant frameworks.

In some courses, learning outcomes are based on relevant frameworks, but that is done inconsistently and it is not coordinated at the study programme level.

In some courses, learning outcomes are based on relevant frameworks, that is done consistently, but it not coordinated at the study programme level.

For most of the course, learning outcomes are consistently matched with the prescribed areas in relevant frameworks and coordinated with learning outcomes at study programme level.

Learning outcomes for all courses are consistently matched with the prescribed areas in relevant frameworks, coordinated at study programme level and formally improved at the level of institution.

Departments work together on creation of coherent content for a certain study programme.

Departments do not work together on the creation of coherent content for a certain study programme.

Content is defined at the level of each individual course but it is not discussed at the level of departments.

Content is defined at the level of each individual course and discussed at the level of departments, but it is not coordinated in a way that it constitutes a coherent unit at the level of department.

Content of courses is coordinated within departments so it constitutes a coherent unit within a department, but it is not coordinated with the content of courses within other departments.

Study programme content is coordinated both within the departments and between different departments so it forms a coherent unit, based on the defined learning outcomes.

Formal procedures for student internship are established.

Formal procedures for student internship are not established.

Procedures for student internship are defined ad hoc as informal guidelines and used inconsistently.

Procedures for student internship are formally defined, but not available to students and employers.

Procedures for student internship are formally defined and available to students and employers.

Formal procedures for student internship are established, available to students and employers, and supported with an online system.

Procedures and guidelines for the evaluation of teacher work are established.

Procedures and guidelines for the evaluation of teacher work are not established.

Procedures and guidelines for the evaluation of teacher work are defined ad hoc and informally and used inconsistently.

Procedures and guidelines for the evaluation of teacher work are formally defined, but used inconsistently.

Institution has formally defined procedures and guidelines for the evaluation of teacher work available to all staff and they are used consistently in defined timeframes.

Institution has formally defined procedures and guidelines for the evaluation of teacher work available to all staff, they are used consistently in defined timeframes and documented for further improvement.

Europska Unija

Ulaganje u budućnost

Projekt je sufinancirala Europska unija iz Europskog socijalnog fonda


Capability dimension

Practice Not assessed Initial Partially adequate Largely adequate Fully adequate

Continuous professional development of teachers is encouraged.

Institution does not encourage any actions for the continuous professional development of teachers.

Institution only inform teachers about courses for their professional development organized by some external organizations.

Institution inform teachers about courses for their professional development organized by some external organizations and provide some financial support for their participation.

Institution sometimes offers some courses for teacher professional development which cover a wide range of academic skills, implementation of new pedagogical approaches in courses etc. and provide some financial support for attending extra courses outside the institution.

Institution continuously offers a set of predefined courses for teacher professional development which cover a wide range of academic skills, support for implementing new pedagogical approaches in courses etc., and provide some financial support for attending extra courses outside the institution.

Support for teachers to implement new technology (e-learning) in courses is provided.

Institution does not provide any support for teachers to implement new technology in courses.

Institution has some of the technical staff who can provide support for teachers to implement new technology in courses, but it does not provide any education or guidelines.

Institution has developed strategy for implementation of new technology in courses but it does not offer continuous support for teachers to implement new technology in courses.

Institution has developed strategy for implementation of new technology in courses and offer continuous support for teachers to implement new technology in courses, but without any education for the implementation of new technology in courses.

Institution has developed strategy for implementation of new technology in courses and offers continuous support and education for teachers to implement new technology in courses, in order to improve teaching processes.

Do Curriculum is delivered in partnership with industry.

There are not any evidences about the partnership with industry within curriculum delivery.

In some courses, partnership with industry is realized through one-time participation of employers in curriculum delivery (invited lectures etc.).

In most courses, partnership with industry is realized through one-time participation of employers in curriculum delivery (invited lectures etc.).

In most courses, partnership with industry is realized through one-time participation of employers in curriculum delivery (invited lectures etc.) and in some courses, industry is included in curriculum delivery through extended activities within one course (i.e. series of invited lectures + student project done in collaboration with industry etc.).

In most courses, industry is included in curriculum delivery through extended activities within one course (i.e. series of invited lectures and student projects done in collaboration with industry).

Europska Unija

Ulaganje u budućnost

Projekt je sufinancirala Europska unija iz Europskog socijalnog fonda


Capability dimension

Practice Not assessed Initial Partially adequate Largely adequate Fully adequate

Interrelation between content of different courses is established.

Interrelation between content of different courses is not established.

In some cases, there is established connection between course content with other courses in some smaller extend (usually between courses taught by the same teachers).

Connection between course content is established between some of the courses within the same department.

Connection between course content is established between most of the courses within the same department, description of courses contain their connection with content from other courses that students are expected to know.

Connection between course content is established between most of the courses at the level of study programme, description of course contains connection with content from other courses that students are expected to know.

Teaching methods encourage independent, active learning and engagement with tasks (every student as a researcher/practitioner).

Most of the courses are theoretically oriented, without any tasks encouraging students independent and active learning.

Some courses have integrated one or more small scale tasks that encourage students independent and active learning.

Plenty of the courses have integrated one or more tasks that encourage students independent and active learning.

Plenty of the courses have integrated one or more tasks that encourage students independent and active learning and some courses have integrated semester-long projects that encourage students independent and active learning.

Most of the courses have integrated semester-long projects that encourage students’ independent and active learning, where teachers have only the role of a moderator.

Curriculum contains embedded work related activities.

Curriculum does not contain any embedded work related activities.

Some courses have integrated one or more small scale tasks that can be considered as work related activities (some real-world problem solving task etc.).

Plenty of the courses have embedded some small-scale work related activities (some real-world problem solving task etc.).

Plenty of the courses have embedded one or more work related activities and some courses have integrated semester-long work related projects.

Most of the courses have embedded one or more work related activities and some courses have integrated semester-long work related projects in collaboration with employers.

Europska Unija

Ulaganje u budućnost

Projekt je sufinancirala Europska unija iz Europskog socijalnog fonda


Capability dimension

Practice Not assessed Initial Partially adequate Largely adequate Fully adequate

Student internship is an integral part of the curriculum.

Student internship is not an integral part of curriculum for a certain study programme.

Student internship is elective part of curriculum, students have to find internship placements on their own and there in no predicted timeslot in curriculum for student internship.

Student internship is elective part of curriculum, institution ensures some internship placements for students through signed agreements with companies, but there is no predicted timeslot in curriculum for student internship.

Student internship is obligatory part of curriculum but students have to find internship placements on their own and there in no predicted timeslot in curriculum for continuous internship or students needs to study longer to compensate the period of internship.

Student internship is an integral part of the curriculum, institution ensures enough internship placements for all students through signed agreements with companies. There is a timeframe in curriculum dedicated for the internship and students receive credits for it (i.e. ECTS).

Student theses are done in cooperation with the industry.

Student theses are not done in cooperation with the industry.

Student theses are proposed by professors or students and some of them are done partially in cooperation with the industry (i.e. student conduct some case study within a company etc.)

Student theses are proposed by professors or students and most of students do the thesis in cooperation with the industry (i.e. student conduct some case study or do the internship in the company related to the thesis topic.)

In some cases, industry propose a theses topic and, in agreement with a professor, informally mentor students in the process of thesis development (during informal meetings, internship in a company etc.).

In most cases, industry propose theses’ topics and industry representatives are formally included in the process of theses development as co-mentors.

Teaching and learning activities are taking place in adequate working environment.

Working environment is not adequate for the provision of teaching and learning activities.

Working environment is adequate for the provision of basic teaching and learning activities.

Working environment is adequate for the provision of most types of teaching and learning activities, but institutions does not provide adequate place for students individual learning and team projects outside the classes.

Working environment is completely adequate for provision of all types of teaching activities (lectures, seminars, students individual and team work, projects in collaboration with employers etc.). Student are also available some places for their individual learning and team project outside the classes, but not fully equipped.

Working environment is completely adequate for provision of all types of teaching activities (lectures, seminars, students’ individual and team work, projects in collaboration with employers etc.). Students have access to fully equipped places for their individual learning and team projects outside the classes.

Europska Unija

Ulaganje u budućnost

Projekt je sufinancirala Europska unija iz Europskog socijalnog fonda


Capability dimension

Practice Not assessed Initial Partially adequate Largely adequate Fully adequate

Students are provided proper feedback on their course performance.

Students are provided only quantitative feedback, there is no defined deadline for the provision of feedback.

Students are provided only quantitative feedback, but there is defined deadline for the provision of feedback.

Students receive both quantitative and qualitative feedback in some courses, while in most of them feedback is only quantitative. There is no defined deadline for the provision of feedback.

Students receive both quantitative and qualitative feedback in some courses, while in most of them is only quantitative. Feedback is provided in defined time.

Students receive both quantitative and qualitative feedback in most of the courses in a proper time, which enable them further improvement in acquiring new knowledge.

Check Curriculum relevance, consistency, practicality and effectiveness are monitored.

Institution has no established procedures for curriculum monitoring.

Procedures for curriculum monitoring are defined ad hoc as informal guidelines (in oral or written form) and used inconsistently.

Procedures for curriculum monitoring are formally defined, but used inconsistently.

Institution has formally defined procedures available to all staff and they are used consistently in defined timeframes for curriculum monitoring.

Institution has formally defined procedures available to all staff, they are used consistently in defined timeframes for curriculum monitoring and documented for further improvement.

Student feedback on curriculum implementation is collected.

Students do not provide any feedback on curriculum.

Feedback from students on curriculum is collected and used informally, partially and inconsistently.

Feedback from students on curriculum is collected formally, but used partially/ inconsistently for better understanding of potential improvements in curriculum.

Feedback from students on curriculum is collected formally and used consistently for better understanding of potential improvements in curriculum, but without documented reflection.

Feedback from students on curriculum is collected formally and used consistently for better understanding of potential improvements in curriculum, with documented reflection for the new process of curriculum design and development.

Quality of the assessment of student work is monitored.

There is no mechanism for monitoring of the quality of the assessment of student work.

Procedures for monitoring of the quality of the assessment of student work are defined ad hoc as informal guidelines and used inconsistently.

Procedures for monitoring of the quality of the assessment of student work are formally defined, but used inconsistently and partially.

Procedures for monitoring of the quality of the assessment of student work are formally defined, and used consistently for monitoring of the quality of some types of the assessment of student work.

Procedures for monitoring of the quality of the assessment of student work are formally defined, and used consistently for monitoring of majority of the assessment (oral exam, written exam, project work etc.).

Europska Unija

Ulaganje u budućnost

Projekt je sufinancirala Europska unija iz Europskog socijalnog fonda


Capability dimension

Practice Not assessed Initial Partially adequate Largely adequate Fully adequate

Feedback on internship is collected from students and employers.

Institutions does not collect feedback on internship either from students or employers.

Feedback from some students or employers on their satisfaction with internship is collected informally, partially and inconsistently.

Feedback on internship is collected from some students and employers, but only related to their satisfaction with a particular student/employer and not with the process of internship in general.

Feedback on internship is collected from all of the students and employers in a written form and related to the satisfaction with a certain student/employer but also with the general process of internship. Collected data is used partially for certain improvements, but without any documented reflection.

Feedback on internship is collected from all students and employers in a written form and related to their satisfaction with a certain student/employer but also with the general process of internship. Collected data is used fully for certain improvements, with documented reflection.

Teacher performance is evaluated by students.

Teacher performance is not evaluated by students.

Teacher performance is evaluates by students informally, partially and inconsistently.

Teacher performance is evaluated by students formally in a written form, but not consistently for all courses and in each academic year.

Teacher performance is evaluated by students for most of the courses he/she teaches at least every second year, using a predefined assessment forms.

Teacher performance is evaluated by students annually for all courses, according to the predefined assessment forms.

Control mechanism based on the evaluation of teacher performance are established.

There are not any control mechanisms established.

Control mechanisms based on the evaluation of teacher performance are defined ad hoc and informally and used inconsistently.

Control mechanisms based on the evaluation of teacher performance are formally defined, but used inconsistently.

Control mechanisms based on the evaluation of teacher performance are formally defined, available to all staff and they are used consistently in defined timeframes.

Control mechanisms based on the evaluation of teacher performance are available to all staff, they are used consistently in defined timeframes and the process of their application is documented for further improvements.

Act Communication with the relevant stakeholders is done in order to ensure regular update of learning outcomes in line with the labour market needs.

There is not any communication with internal or external stakeholders on potential improvements in curriculum.

Communication with some relevant stakeholders on needed changes in curriculum is done and used informally, partially and inconsistently.

Communication with some relevant stakeholders is done formally on regular basis, but used inconsistently for better understanding of needed changes in curriculum.

Communication with most of the relevant stakeholders is done formally and used consistently for better understanding of needed changes in curriculum, but without documented reflection.

Communication with all the relevant stakeholders is done formally and used consistently for better understanding of needed changes in curriculum, with documented reflection and suggestions for further improvement.

Europska Unija

Ulaganje u budućnost

Projekt je sufinancirala Europska unija iz Europskog socijalnog fonda


Capability dimension

Practice Not assessed Initial Partially adequate Largely adequate Fully adequate

Results of teacher performances are discussed for the potential improvements.

Results of teacher performance are not discussed at all at the institutional level.

Results of teacher performance are discussed occasionally and informally with some teachers with lower results, but without any actions for improvements.

Results of teacher performance are discussed with all teachers with lower performance, they are encouraged to take some actions for improvements.

Results of teacher performance are discussed with each teacher, institution has formally defined actions for improvements in teacher performance, but those actions are not conducted regularly.

Results of teacher performance are communicated with each teacher, institution has formally defined actions based on the results of teacher performance and those actions are conducted regularly.

Strengths and weaknesses of current study programme are discussed prior to new curriculum design and development process.

Strengths and weaknesses of the programme are not discussed prior to new CDD.

Strengths and weaknesses of the programme are discussed informally, partially and inconsistently.

Strengths and weaknesses of the programme are discussed formally on regular basis, but used inconsistently for the process of new CDD.

Strengths and weaknesses of the programme are discussed formally on regular basis and used consistently for the process of new CDD, but without documented reflection.

Strengths and weaknesses of the programme are discussed formally on regular basis and used consistently for the new process of curriculum design and development, with documented reflection.

Europska Unija

Ulaganje u budućnost

Projekt je sufinancirala Europska unija iz Europskog socijalnog fonda


3.2.3. Prakse vezane uz ključno procesno područje Podrška studentima

Capability dimension

Practice Not assessed Initial Partially adequate Largely adequate Fully adequate


Careers development service is established.

Careers development service for students is not established in any form.

There are some initiatives for establishment of careers development service at the institutional level, but not followed with any concrete actions.

Institution is in the process of formal establishment of careers development service.

Institution has formally established careers development service but without employed professionals.

Institution has formally established careers development service with employed professionals for the provision of career related activities.

Annual action plan for the careers development service is prepared.

Annual action plan for the careers development service is not prepared.

Careers development service prepare only informal list of planned activities for the academic year.

Careers development service prepare action plan of their activities, but without strict definition of goals, KPIs and timeframes.

Careers development service prepare annual action plan of activities with defined goals, KPIs and timeframes, but the plan is not formally approved at the institutional level.

Career services prepare annual action plan of their activities with the defined goals, KPIs and timeframes. The plan is formally approved at the institutional level and serves as a basis for financing careers service.

Graduate profiles for study programmes are available to students entering the institution.

Institution does not provide students with any kind of the description of graduate profiles.

Institution provides students only with a list of some most common graduate profiles for a certain study programme.

Institution provides students with a list of most common graduate profiles for a certain study programme, including a list of competences for each profile.

Institution provides students with an extensive list of graduate profiles for a certain study programme, including list of competences, working tasks and any related additional information for each profile.

Institution provides students with a complete list of potential graduate profiles for a certain study programme, including the list of competences, working tasks and additional information for each profile, together with the statistics of alumni employment for a certain profile.


Information on job opportunities and labour market is available to students.

Institution does not provide any information on job opportunities and labour market.

Institution allows employers to publish their job opportunities on a physical bulletin board placed at the institution.

Institution periodically publish job opportunities for students on its website, but there is no dedicated place only for that type of information.

Institution has established portal or dedicated place on its webpage where job opportunities for students are published on a regular basis.

Institution has established portal or dedicated a place on its webpages where job opportunities for students are published on a regular basis, with the option for students to filter job opportunities according to their preferences.

Europska Unija

Ulaganje u budućnost

Projekt je sufinancirala Europska unija iz Europskog socijalnog fonda


Capability dimension

Practice Not assessed Initial Partially adequate Largely adequate Fully adequate

Career information is available to students through the organized career fair.

Institution does not organize career fair.

Institution does not organize career fair, but some student or partner organizations organize events related to career development and institution only inform students about it.

Institution organize some smaller events where students can get career related information.

Institution organize career fair at least once a year where students can get in touch with employers.

Institution organizes a career fair at least once a year where students can get in touch with the potential employers but also attend some other activities aimed to support their career development (workshops, lectures etc).

Service of reviewing and correcting job application is offered to students.

Institution does not offer any type of service of reviewing and correcting job applications for students.

Some student or partner organizations periodically organize workshops for reviewing and correcting job applications, institution only inform students about that possibility.

Institution periodically provide service of reviewing and correcting job applications in collaboration with some partner organizations.

Institution provide service of reviewing and correcting job applications for students from its own employers, either in the form of workshops or individual counselling.

Institution continuously provides service of reviewing and correcting job applications for students from its own employees, both in the form of regular workshops and individual counselling.

Simulation of job interviews is provided to students in collaboration with employers.

Institution does not provide any kind of simulation of job interviews for students.

Some student or partner organizations periodically organize preparation for/simulation of job interviews, institution only inform students about that possibility.

Institution periodically provide preparation for/simulation of job interview in collaboration with some partner organizations.

Institution provide preparation for job interviews/simulation of job interviews by its own employees.

Institution provides preparation for job interviews/simulation of job interviews by its own employees and in collaboration with employers.

Individual career counselling is offered to students.

Institution does not offer individual career counselling for student.

Institution inform students about possibilities for individual career counselling from some external partners/services.

Institution periodically provide service of individual career counselling for students in collaboration with some partner organizations.

Institution has some of its employees who can, among other, provide service of individual career counselling for students.

Institution has employed experts for providing individual career counselling for students.

Europska Unija

Ulaganje u budućnost

Projekt je sufinancirala Europska unija iz Europskog socijalnog fonda


Capability dimension

Practice Not assessed Initial Partially adequate Largely adequate Fully adequate

Information about the graduate employment are collected.

Institution does not collect any information about the employment and career development of its graduates.

Institution is collecting information about graduates employment ad hoc, informally and inconsistently.

Institution is collecting information from its graduates only immediately after their graduation.

Institution is collecting information from its graduates immediately after their graduation and in some period(s) after their graduation, but it does not invest additional resources to reach most of the graduates.

Institution invests additional resources to collect information from most of its graduates immediately upon their graduation and in predefined periods for several years after the graduation. The process of collecting information is formally defined at the institutional level, followed by the analysis of the collected data.

Students are encouraged and supported to conduct their own portfolio (personal development plan).

Institution does not encourage students neither provide them any support to conduct their own portfolio.

Institution provides students information about portfolio and its importance but it does not actively encourage or support them to conduct their own portfolio.

Institution provides students the opportunity and support to conduct their own portfolio, but it is not obligatory.

It is obligatory for all students to have their own portfolio, institution provides them support to conduct portfolio but it does not use it to monitor their progress.

It is obligatory for all students to have their own portfolio supported with the information system, institution provides them support to conduct portfolio as well as tutors to monitor student progress.

Support for student academic development is provided.

Institution does not offer any type of support for student academic development.

Some student or partner organizations periodically organize workshops or other activities related to student academic development, institution only inform students about that possibility.

Institution periodically provide activities for students academic development in collaboration with some partner organizations.

Institution provide activities for student academic development from its own employees, but it is not obligatory for students.

Institution provides activities for student academic development from its own employees, some of the activities are obligatory for some groups of students (i.e. freshmen).

Mentorship for excellent students is provided.

Institution does not provide any mentorship for excellent students.

Some of the (non)teaching staff informally provide support for excellent students in some aspects (preparation for student competitions etc.).

Institution has organized some informal activities for supporting excellent students in some segments (preparation for student competitions, different projects etc.).

Institution has formally established system for supporting excellent students in some segments (preparation for student competitions, different projects etc.)

Institution has formally established system for supporting excellent students in a range of different segments, providing them individual mentorship both from its own employees or some external partners.

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Capability dimension

Practice Not assessed Initial Partially adequate Largely adequate Fully adequate

Support for students with disabilities is provided.

Institution does not offer any type of support for students with disabilities.

Some student or partner organizations provide support for students with disabilities, institution only inform students about that possibility.

Institution provide support for students with disabilities in collaboration with some partner organizations.

Institution has some of its employees who are, among other, dedicated to provide support for students with disabilities.

Institution has established office(s) or employed experts for providing support for students with disabilities.


Student feedback on the usefulness of career services provided is collected.

Institution does not collect any feedback from students on the usefulness of career services.

Feedback from students on the usefulness of career services is collected and used informally, partially and inconsistently.

Feedback from students on the usefulness of career services is collected systematically, but used informally, partially and inconsistently for potential improvements.

Feedback from students on the usefulness of career services is collected systematically in a written form and used for some improvements, but without documented conclusions/reflection.

Feedback from students on the usefulness of career services is collected systematically in a written form, analysed and used for some improvements, with documented suggestions for further improvements.

Information on graduate satisfaction with their study and readiness for work are collected.

Institution does not collect any information from graduates about their satisfaction and readiness for work.

Feedback from graduates about their satisfaction and readiness for work is collected and used informally, partially and inconsistently.

Feedback from graduates about their satisfaction and readiness for work is collected systematically, but used informally, partially and inconsistently for potential improvements.

Feedback from graduates about their satisfaction and readiness for work is collected systematically in a written form and used for some improvements, but without documented conclusions/reflection.

Feedback from graduates about their satisfaction and readiness for work is collected systematically in a written form, analysed and used for some improvements, with documented suggestions for further improvements.


Evaluation of career service activities is done.

Institution does not conduct any actions for the evaluation of career services activities.

Evaluation of career services activities is done ad hoc, informally and inconsistently, without using the feedback from students and alumni.

Evaluation of career services activities is done systematically based on the feedback from students and alumni, but only from the careers service employees.

Evaluation of career services activities is done systematically based on the complete feedback from students and alumni, both from the careers service employees and institutional management, but without documented conclusions.

Evaluation of career service activities is done formally based on the complete feedback from students and alumni, both from the career service employees and institutional management, with documented suggestions for further improvements.

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3.2.4. Prakse vezane uz ključno procesno područje Izvannastavne aktivnosti

Capability dimension

Practice Not assessed Initial Partially adequate Largely adequate Fully adequate


Framework for support of student extra-curricular activities is established (student organizations, student project, participation in competitions etc.).

Framework for support of student extracurricular activities is not established neither planned.

Support for student extracurricular activities is planned ad hoc, informally and inconsistently.

Institution makes only partial plans for supporting some of student extracurricular activities but most of the students are not familiar with the available support.

Institution makes plans for supporting most of student extracurricular activities and takes some actions to inform students about the available support.

Institution makes formal plans for complete support (financial, mentorship etc.) of a wide range of student extracurricular activities, based on the previous results and plans for new academic year, followed with the actions to encourage students to use the available support.

Framework for supporting student entrepreneurship initiatives is established.

Framework for supporting student entrepreneurship initiatives is not established neither planned.

Support for student entrepreneurship initiatives is planned ad hoc, informally and inconsistently.

Institution makes only partial plans for supporting some of student entrepreneurship initiatives but most of the students are not familiar with the available support.

Institution makes plans for supporting most of student entrepreneurship initiatives and takes some actions to inform students about the available support.

Institution makes formal plans for complete (financial, mentorship etc.) support of a wide range of student entrepreneurship initiatives within the institution and in connection with relevant partners, followed by the actions to encourage students to use the available support.

Institution has established system of student representatives.

Institution does not have established system of student representatives.

There are some initiatives for establishment of student representatives system, but not followed with any concrete actions.

System of student representatives is established at the institution according to regulations at university/national level.

System of student representatives is established according to the regulation at university/national level, but institution also has its own additional informal regulations of student representatives system.

System of student representatives is established according to the regulation at university/national level, but institution also has its own additional formal regulations of student representatives system.

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Projekt je sufinancirala Europska unija iz Europskog socijalnog fonda


Capability dimension

Practice Not assessed Initial Partially adequate Largely adequate Fully adequate


Students are provided with adequate working environment for their extracurricular activities.

Students are not provided any working environment for their extracurricular activities.

Institution provides some space for student extracurricular activities on their request.

Institution provides spaces with basic equipment adequate for the provision of some extracurricular activities (i.e. offices for student organizations).

Institution provides students with working environment equipped for the provision of most of the extracurricular activities (i.e. labs equipped with different technology).

Institution provides students with working environment fully equipped for the provision of most of the extracurricular activities and continuously invest additional financial and material resources in its improvements.

Institution provides support for student start-ups.

Institution does not provide any support for student start-ups.

Institution provide support for student start-ups ad hoc, informally and inconsistently.

Institution provides support for student start-ups only in some segments (education, accountancy, offices etc.).

Institution provides formal support for the establishment of student start-ups in more segments (education, accountancy, offices etc.).

Institution provides formal support for the establishment of student start-ups, including all the necessary infrastructure (education, accountancy, offices etc.).

Students are involved in the work of student organizations.

There are not any student organizations at the institution.

There are only one or two student organizations at the institution, not very active and not engaging a lot of students in their work.

There are few student organizations at the institution, with a small number of students actively involved in their work.

There are several student organizations active at the institution, with a moderate number of students involved in their work.

There are many active student organizations at the institution and many students are actively involved in their activities.

Students elect their representatives.

Students do not have an opportunity to elect their representatives.

Students elect their representatives ad hoc, informally and inconsistently.

Students elect their representatives on a regular basis, but only at the level of the entire institution.

Students elect their representatives on a regular basis for each study programme.

Students elect their representatives on a regular basis for each study programme and each study year.

Student representatives participate in different committees within HEI.

Student representatives do not participate in any institutional committees.

Student representatives participate in a few institutional committees.

Student representatives participate in several institutional committees.

Student representatives participate in several institutional committees but they do not participate in institutional decision-making bodies.

Student representatives participate in most of the institutional committees as well as the institutional decision-making bodies.

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Ulaganje u budućnost

Projekt je sufinancirala Europska unija iz Europskog socijalnog fonda


Capability dimension

Practice Not assessed Initial Partially adequate Largely adequate Fully adequate


Student achievement in extracurricular activities is recognized.

Student achievement in extracurricular activities is not recognized.

There are some initiatives for recognition of student achievement in extracurricular activities, but not followed with any concrete actions.

Institution has informal procedures for the recognition of student achievement in some extracurricular activities, but they are used inconsistently.

Student achievement in some extracurricular activities, both within and outside the institution, is formally recognized in number of ECTS credits, as an addition to diploma supplement etc.

Student achievement in most of the extracurricular activities, both within and outside the institution, is formally recognized in number of ECTS credits, as an addition to diploma supplement etc.


Potential improvements in support of student extracurricular activities are discussed at the institutional level.

Institution does not conduct any actions for potential improvements in support of student extracurricular activities.

Potential improvements in support of student extracurricular activities are discussed ad hoc, informally and inconsistently.

Potential improvements in support of student extracurricular activities are discussed systematically, but separately for different extracurricular activities.

Potential improvements in support of all student extracurricular activities are discussed systematically at the level of institutional management, but without documented conclusions.

Potential improvements in support of all student extracurricular activities are discussed systematically at the level of institutional management, with documented suggestions for further improvements.

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Projekt je sufinancirala Europska unija iz Europskog socijalnog fonda


3.3. Uspješnost institucija u pripremi diplomanata za rani razvoj karijera

Primjena modela zrelosti provedena je na četiri visoka učilišta u Republici Hrvatskoj koja provode

studijske programe u području IKT-a sa dvije osnovne svrhe:

1) kako bi se provjerila pouzdanost samog modela te

2) kako bi se utvrdila uspješnost institucija u pripremi studenata za rani razvoj karijera kroz

određivanje trenutne razine zrelosti za svih 65 praksi sadržanih u finalnom modelu.

Istraživanje je provedeno na sljedećim visokim učilištima:

1) Sveučilište Josipa Juraja Strossmayera u Osijeku, Fakultet elektrotehnike, računarstva i informacijskih tehnologija

2) Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva 3) Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Fakultet organizacije i informatike 4) Veleučilište VERN

U nastavku slijedi sažeti prikaz preliminarnih rezultata istraživanja. Iz grafičkog prikaza na Slici 5. vidljivo

je da sveukupno institucije pokazuju razinu zrelosti iznad prosjeka za područje izvannastavnih

aktivnosti (M=3.717) i razvoj i provođenje kurikuluma (M=3.716), te neznatno nižu za područje

strateškog planiranja (M=3.481). Najniža razina zrelosti uočena je za područje podrške studentima


Slika 5. Razina zrelosti VU u Republici Hrvatskoj u području IKT-a prema ključnim procesnim područjima

Ovaj rezultat u skladu je s rezultatima istraživanja koje su Agencija za znanost i visoko obrazovanje

(AZVO) i nacionalni Euroguidance centar za podršku profesionalnom usmjeravanju (Agencija za

mobilnost i programe Europske unije) proveli u pogled osnivanja i rada službi za profesionalno
















Razvoj iprovođenjekurikuluma







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usmjeravanje i karijerno savjetovanje na visokim učilištima, objavljenima u travnju 2016. godine2.

Naime, prema spomenutom istraživanju, na manje od pola ispitanih visokih učilišta ustrojena je

jedinica za profesionalno usmjeravanje studenata, odnosno centri za razvoj karijera. S obzirom da su

prakse u modelu zrelosti u području podrške studentima uglavnom usmjerene na aktivnosti takvih

službi, njihovo nepostojanje na visokim učilištima povlači sa sobom niz praksi za koje organizacija

pokazuje nisku razinu zrelosti, što utječe na sveukupno slabiji rezultat za to procesno područje.

Promatrano pojedinačno po institucijama, može se zaključiti da ne postoje određeni trendovi, već

svaka pojedina institucija pokazuje bolje ili lošije performanse u određenom procesnom području. Tako

primjerice postoji VU s prosječnom razinom zrelosti za područje strateškog planiranja M > 4.5, ali i VU

s prosječnom razinom zrelosti u području strateškog planiranja M = 3.0.

Gledano prema razini implementacije pojedine prakse, najviša razina zrelosti evidentirana je u fazi

provedbe (M=3.481) samih praksi, a tek nešto niža na razini planiranja (M=3.424). Sukladno rezultatima

određenih istraživanja, institucije pokazuju najnižu razinu zrelosti u Demingovom ciklusu strateškog

planiranja (Plan-Do-Check-Act) na razini provjere ostvarenja pojedinih praksi – provjera (M=3.330), te

aktivnostima usmjerenima prema njihovom kontinuiranom poboljšanju – poboljšanja (M=2.840) (Slika


Slika 6. Razina zrelosti VU u Republici Hrvatskoj u području IKT-a prema dimenzijama organizacijske


Generalno se može zaključiti kako među visokim učilištima u Republici Hrvatskoj koji provode studijske

programe u području IKT-a postoji prostor za poboljšanje pojedinih praksi te posljedično i povećanje

razine zrelosti po svim procesnim područjima i dimenzijama organizacijske sposobnosti, ovisno o

pojedinom visokom učilištu. Pri tome im kreirani model zrelosti može pružiti dobre smjernice za

sveobuhvatan i integriran pristup poboljšanju praksi usmjerenih boljoj pripremi studenata za prelazak

na tržište rada.

2 Rezultati istraživanja dostupni su na mrežnim stranicama Agencije za znanost i visoko obrazovanje: https://www.azvo.hr/images/stories/novosti/Izvjestaj_o_provedenoj_anketi_Karijerni_centri.pdf, pristupano: lipanj 2016.

3.424 3.481 3.330













Planiranje Provedba Provjera Poboljšanja





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4. Diseminacija i zahvala

Djelomični rezultati projekta sadržani u ovom izvještaju prezentirani su na konferencijama:

Hrvatski kvalifikacijski okvir: znanje i kreativnost, listopad 2015., Zagreb, Hrvatska

(K.Pažur Aničić: Strateški okvir i model zrelosti za pružanje podrške diplomantima u ranom

razvoju karijera)

8th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation ICERI 2015,

studeni 2015., Seville, Španjolska

(K.Pažur Aničić, B.Divjak: Development of strategic framework for supporting higher education

graduates' early careers)

25th EAN (European Access Network) conference: Retrospective for Perspective: Access and

Widening Participation 1991-2041, svibanj 2016., Dublin, Irska

(K.Pažur Aničić, B.Divjak: Supporting student retention and employment capabilities within

higher education institution: four case studies research)

te su pripremljeni za objavu u nekoliko znanstvenih časopisa. Sažeti rezultati projekta biti će dostupni

i u obliku završne knjižice projekta, a detaljni rezultati u okviru doktorske disertacije Katarine Pažur

Aničić, istraživačice na ovom projektu, po završetku projekta.

Ovo opsežno istraživanje provedeno je u suradnji s nekoliko visokih učilišta u Europi te ovom prilikom

želimo iskazati iskrenu zahvalu svim čelnicima i pojedincima visokih učilišta na kojima su provedena

istraživanja studija slučaja - Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien; Sveučilište u Beogradu, Fakultet

organizacionih nauka; University West u Trollhättanu i The University of Edinburgh – za njihovo vrijeme

i znanje uloženo u pomoć pri provođenju istraživanja te sudjelovanje u prikupljanju potrebnih

informacija kroz provođenje intervjua.

Isto tako zahvalu upućujemo

svim sudionicima okruglih stolova koji su kroz vrlo aktivne i konstruktivne rasprave doprinijeli

razvoju konačnog modela za pružanje podrške diplomantima u ranom razvoju karijera

svim stručnjacima i studentima koji su sudjelovali u evaluaciji modela

visokim učilištima na kojima je provedena evaluacija modela - Sveučilište Josipa Juraja

Strossmayera u Osijeku, Fakultet elektrotehnike, računarstva i informacijskih tehnologija;

Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva; Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Fakultet

organizacije i informatike i Veleučilište VERN - te svim zaposlenicima koji su sudjelovali u

evaluaciji modela

te izv.prof.dr.sc. Samu Pavlinu na stručnim savjetima prilikom jednomjesečnog studijskog

boravka istraživačice na Fakultetu za družbene vede Sveučilišta u Ljubljani.

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5. Literatura

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[2] Carcary, M., 2011. Design Science Research : The Case of the IT Capability Maturity Framework ( IT CMF ). The Elecetronic Journal of Business Research Methods, 9(2), pp.109–118.

[3] Cohen, L., Manion, L. & Morrison, K., 2011. Research Methods in Education 7th ed., Routledge.

[4] Creswell, J.W., 2009. Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Method Approaches 3rd edition, Sage Publications, Inc.

[5] CROQF, 2013. Croatian Qualifications Framework (CROQF). Dostupno na: http://www.kvalifikacije.hr/hko-en [pristupano: 24. veljače 2016.].

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[15] Merriam, S.B. & Tisdell, E.J., 2015. Qualitative Research: A Guide to Design and Implementation Fourth Edi., Jossey-Bass, A Wiley Brand.

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[26] Teichler, U., 2009. Higher Education and The World of Work: Conceptual Frameworks, Comparative Perspectives, Empirical Findings, Sense Publishers.

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