Indication Battle Reach rappe - Memorial University...


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. " .

Dodgers . Defeat Yankees ,8-3' For 'First Ser,ies WII1 " . . ' .."

,....,~ .

, 9.30 a.m,-Bix She' Program:

11.30' a.m._Reddy's VarletilS.

10,00 p.m.-Western Hit Parade.

, 0.30 p.m,-Hymns 'for Vol. 62.

, j • :to.



Shake Hands, But Get What We Want

1--------------------------- 1300 FEET DOWN

PRES~ A" by Bellini "alla)le It

Charles' Hutton & 'Sons

Indication Ofl_' Farewell To, O!!icial'-No Quebec Attitude

:100 MUCH DAVY? Battle To Reach T d M· Canuck Herot' rappe Iners.Be:~o~;::~.~:!·

: dllo.borD author DOW IIvinl

QUEBEC (CoP.i-Premier Duplessis of Quebe" who ELY, Minn. (A.P.)-Wocking in relays, ,rem of imn ,. ... u .. ~. S~I" ,,, ... 10as """sistently refused tax deals with the federal gov- mine" la1e Frld;oy in,hed slowly toword the area where C .... I." T'_' ." II, three of their co-workers were trapped 1 300 feet under- norinl tbelr OWD historical

''''tnen~ leav .. Sunday for Ottawa's fede,al-provindal d ,. ' ............. ul4 ... , lalk behind a .ell 01 silence and mystery, g~?U~ by ~ ".e-m, ....................... .

Probably , Will On Direct

Bargain Concessions


uebec's 65. ""ar • old pum'" W"., ,.!U., d ... " b.,... Us. ,,-,. hav~ no Idea how far We bave to p -h~s not caUed a press conferenee go before we reach them," said r"n cess MeriU Deolson told the ,. th'" ' ..... , ........ 1 •• p '" ,m,I., .. " thO Oil", .Iro," - """' ......... ' for the man who has made It a IF/arid l\'eW8 Mining Company at the Pioneer diaD pubJle Relatlonl So-

practice 10 hold one every Frlday. WI' 1'1 . • RIO dI hi M,."" ~ Qo ........ ,U.. m,,,, h.", o~a . n' clety that Calli ID yoot I .'"~" p"" pi"', "". "" Briei's Th. n .. " ""'e<' ',mod ." "'fID' too .... u, .... -•• .... .hl. to ..... " ,1m J' of the tt."" ml,,'" Joe GU".' .t,I. " ",l ......... ..

• , .. 1 tho .~.. hi. .. .. " •• It .1"." .oo ."" "'" h.. ,,' "' ... Do" _ .... intends 10 take In the face of the BREAK TOURIST RECORD been able to make any contact Vi- -t Tt Mr. DenlsoD aald there are 1,'",1 ,."".,,1'. ,I .. '" LONDON ,,,,1""-'" """" wllb him, ·S" 0 maoy men for Canadiu ., ..... "' •• , Man., ,b.I",," " tho Bri",h " " ,. ................. ..

M., D' ..... ' ",I ",bU, •••• ",,,,,I ... H""". A .. "."", Th. "h., ...... m,", Alb •• • ", ... modo Sop!. 18 .1" .old Frld., !b.1 B,I"','. 1" .. 1 ".rolt, 41, ,,' T.", HW,~, C gave a few examples. .. , A'''''''''' ......... Ott ..... !If, b"" .tt "'" ... I. J.~ ,,,., 01' "gbl. • th~,I"h a n a -la Klondike IIlIke Maholley of ., ... ,m ••• m_, 001., ............. " •• , .. _ tho ",,' pi" ."' ,.m' !broo,b I. .. U' otl ... I ........... ...., ... h •• ",,"" ....... " ••• " •• , I, ...... m." tho , .. " the "" .hm they """ lropp" .. gY, M .... ., dolm.'" start of construcUon on an inter. PL'. SOL" PLANT tnU, NO'" PI,'" '",,, m" '," ., ", ",n ,,' , QUEBEC (C,P,) - The i have carried a plallo over the . i I brid ~, through the pipe, ' . 1 Y k ' bilk t hi

provlDc a ge, LONDON (Reulers)-Soviet sci. MEMBERS OF THE STAFF of the Federal Iprmcess Royal, aunt of u OD S C 00 pass on I RETURN WITH OWN enlists are planning a solar power Department of Fisheries met yesterday to BARELY AUDIBLE Q back durlog the KlODdlke Tho", 10 ..... oh, ,,", D~ ~ .. I ,,, , .... "'., ,,' ,.m"tI, "y farewell '" Mr, W, F, no",ct, fi,h", r"nomi,\. who for the pa" Ihree years ' ., ueon, Elizabeth ",ived ".h, " ..... ,," ~ "" _"",I., "'"""', MM"" "dl ... pooled has been working in tho Nrwfoundland ",'r.' , M" H,roold B,',dlry, head of th' .".tI ,,' Hitl, thol, "~'''ih:,:" F"day fo, h" first '~I""" ,~ ...... ' ~lfrll~!iaWIII.~h .. Wthee'lfledlher8akle ghOavn~d~~~lntht Friday. The broadcast said experi. Newfoundland division of Fisheries pre ~en' ed HI' Doucet with an en oraved desk I ba.rel)' audlbl~ through the. pipe, 1 VISI t to Canada, but a slight lerr, who trekked from Fort ~ ." ments have shown good results . • " /:J' said they had nol seen Ghmsck I d' 1 bI I d t 1 f Garry now Winnipeg to

tilem hut we'U return with what from special solar heaters used to pen and holder as a token of estccn and bid him good luck in his work at the Hali- I since the overhang collapsed at, rlZZ e an .e ou rouc 1 0 i Mont;eal, on .nowlho~1 In be"" .. to .. ,. hul .. lor ,~ ........ , fax Offke, . "M •. m, F,id., ",or the .1". the pag"nl'Y of Quebec":. .. ..... c~~~~ec\V~ie~heh~:IYnlr~:!~;:nt~~. MOO HO)IELESS . -.- ... ----------.-.--.------.- I, where the thri!'! were working. autumn colors. Mr, Denison lilted Anllus

agreement wilh .the federal ,ov, SINGAPORE tAP)-Almost 1,500 D h Is . Stlell . Co. PI-Io.t \ Minen were culling through Princtss Mary, who,e arrivali MasAlklll, the Capt Bretoll ernment. Under these agreements persons iver~ lea homeie!~ in a . eat from below and making I small I aboard the hncr Empre~s of i II

lant, explorers Radisson,

th, ."'1 .... h,,' ...... "m 'In .hI" fAU' 100 "'" F,w,)', hot. " I. the .to,. '~m' ",ber, """ ."' ,.1,,., 00' .,' by G"","n, rn~ ... tho "''''' to .",,,,., ,,,tol •• ,," Tti. ....... "",'of I, hm .' -". B,II "d .".11 "''"' "tombo' , b., ... Ibn, w'" ...... .. : tuation ri,hts, The)' receive sub. been Itarted by a girl cook inK (ood 0.' R- k DEW Ae 1· f Th~ hoe being ClIt W~~· just lar~e\ board the ~hip by Governor·Gen·. La Ctrndyre. II men worthy lillie! in return. '. . . for the Ct.lnes~ mOMcake f'~5tival n . IS y. II" 1 t enough for a man's ~dy to pass eral Ma~s~y. i of ItteDtion.

PoilU, •• b ....... , hi." .. " whl,b .I.n., r,w"" thrro,h, I. 'Then she ~tepp~d onto Canadi~n, :...-----~----...I ...... ,,' m.. .., D.~ ... I." " . ,,~!I .hor, ,h., m. mot by p"." . "I"" "'"'''' " ...... m the COURT APPEARANCE I EDMONTON (C,P,i-A,- I "Hi,,, Of<l .. , G"h",' (,""" (<0 ""h •• , '·",b "U,' '''' !,m',,, ., th, lu."d m .. , m,,, D".I .... ". ,r Q",b'. c. Vel· I BE KIND TO f ,', .. , .. pll.' lliot Pri m. Mi ... , PAR m " .. " .. I--PI .. " Poo. , , ' ",d" ", • I.m" D.I,h ... )" ,iI,I" "" ., lhe .,,~ ",b" " tho '" ~ • ""',' It'"' "or H, ,,,,, L,' I .!. tor 51 Laurent. r"""se t b' ,Jade was [orm~liy charged by a cldent and death contlllue pilot I C t C k 1 ~ 1 A day but w~re later 'persuaded tol pointe and Mayor Wilfrid Hamel , " • ~ • • n", P"i. j .... Vrid.)' with ",,,I, '1 th DEW r' . ", "m. ..,... ,,, • ...... h.m. ". ".1 ",rolt" th' ,Q b i ~ACRED ('OWS I": ""'" .. P., I'" 1M """ iOJ '. m".m .. ' .,.IMI ,.,1'; a~ ,.o-pi ols on, onr It w .. th, .i,' ••• "i,'" ¥~k i ... ",'. y ,"'''''~if', ., W, T, •• thor" fl" ,bi";", Htl! h .. 1"-i • Sh" ,eo, I' r hi bI b Ii:'! , , , 1",11" "I;I-,,,,m. "" .. , .... U ... , ,.,1,,", wh ••• "". to ",loll, ,,' the ".th "ro,,,,,. '"cr.fl .b~~ "",wl., _~,gbt I", ,roid ~,' ,row, .... "d GIi .... " tho " ,;~;:,.,.m" ". , ~or~,tion taxes. and luccession h,,'<! 1,000,000 followers, made a The wilds o[ lhe N.'orlhwest Tcr. lost smce the. comp~ny began !uli· pick up the _'~I!owkn1f~ rad~o. father of two children.' d c (AND SEALS) .1"" "ml"l. ,,," ., .... ," ,,, •• too(" h.1d ",m Fd'" .. ,hi ,,", "." I" .... "", ",,,1m" ,,, .. b .... , wh"b ",'" "'- GUAR. OF HONOR " Th ... ,b .. " ..... , tho. bo, ...... h' ... ' .. m .. '~' .. lb ••• i •• , Iw. ,I.W" .Im".. lli" ,.", ""or " th, , .. ,'," ",n " ".=, tire ""'I ,".ply A "".lli ml .. , wb. h.' "', O.Ioid, tho "_,AII,,Ii, to"

b ...... lb., ...... ' ",.rom'" b.IL .... " ....... " .... , lli. Gm' ,,"h" h". "', ~"', hUli"" ~"bo. ,,' b .... ,rop.ri., to w""",, ... """ WIUl.," En", "',,' b.U"". • '"''" .. ,,," •• the M If. ' .... , .... 1·, m.," ww,., to '''". tho ''''. " .' ' "". L.", ore •• " • Y"k I"" ,,,"",, . . : ',I,b the ",It " •, 29, m." • , ...... ~ ". ,,,,-,. ~ b,," 'rom Ib, 3" .",,'," ,I ,,' f. " ......... , iI" "B. "'" 'n ,." " '""" ,,,-,,I, )t., D",. Be m, D C P .lBue ~ ,)ton PO" '" porte, 'It,h" I.'. 'fb ''', 'l'h, ¥ ",'k ditd, i,1. "m. lro, II, "''' "',,. i. tho G ro" SI", f., ",.1 ~ "',Iy ,,',,' th, reo h· Ib, R"., '20it • ' •• ," "" I, D"., "i mol. tA' , I' :; i"" " P"'.'" hi, ,.W, "Ola .. , BOO "Ell OC "I, E"I .. " ! A P ,; d., ,; ,hi, , ' i th.. It" '"" "It 'F ,\." ",'" ,,' or·: I. k, ."., .... mil" ".It .1 Btl.' hi" ,m .. " "m pi', th, "". d,. "': ., (~, It~ ,""""'. ,.,p,,' \I' "k," ' . , " • , Ib th, "I. ,I '" " .. "~ ml" '" D" J ,L, B,,,. "" "" ,. It,,, II Abo", th, A"""", ,,,"'"'" I ",. '" (,,,,hi It,., (.,,,,'., ,m """ "' "" ",or, I., "f , " .. g, . 'm,. rh, ,. Ito I", b"it ".. rI.' - '

t.le ~Il'~ of the federal dlrcct tax Smoke Abnlcmenl SOficty that he:. air frcighl~l' II'r'I'c' 10.oal' 5mpcn~jon of opCrlltions h,'; rrcioht r1i{:ht from Yellowknife to' .' ,. '1 .' in crrclllomal ~cal'lct tunics and tnclc Gargc san he docsn t 5re ('unceSSlon 'I\'as burn db' t B't" I. . I' ..', ~. . . ,., nllnc cpo,;psman ~al< rcscuer, t .. ' b .,.. h' l· ' 1101\' tIle ~0"5 1'0 St Joho'· ft°n be . . I' "'... , "'"'' C.", Joy"h C"m. k, 40, '" b,,, ,th, "m"," (, 'm' ~I' ,ot, th' • ,,,,,I "Ie " th' D Etv I""'''' "h. ." I; • "h lli." ,'m" "" '" ," ,." "". .' " " : - - ' FUU, DEDUCTIONS .m". ... .. , ,,' ,m,,1, B.m I I.m', Ii'" ,. ,.riber, ,,,I.,,;, I """ ,I , B",,'I ,,,i,hI,, or"h I ",I, ""mi," "',, Ii,", : b,' f"i ht ' ": A. th', "'J'"~ .• ,, PO""" b,' .,,1, ... , mo~ 'mdt, th .. lli" Fi:lance ~linister Gagnon speak. delincd smag as ;mok~ and fog,:' . ________ . __ . '-. '''B t ~t' . hi'" h dd d gan her In'p~c\lon ·tour a 21·;;un! are, They already have the free-

ing recently in ~lonIN;J. said smaze as hc;.yr ''!l0ke ~nlc that'. S f A An air force rescue plane u s roug omg, e a e. sa.lute boomed from at~p CaP'!i dom of the CIty, aDd lOme of tbe f,lurbee wouid seek at Ottawa' full hang~ o\'Cr Bnhsh mC\1~tl'lal t",'ns Cre,,, a e s I radioed it a peared the freighter, Pearson At Gander DIamond, v:


she Will ~pend kids don't have it .1 easy. deductibility of Ita provincial tlX and smoil 1.1 the smoky haze pro,' \.. • tile Harry tulbreath, was trying' WEATHER three days In tile Quebec CItadel On personal Incomes, proposed in duced by barniol 011. PI La d to take the flying boat aboard. ' as a guest of Mr. lIIa.ssey. . He SIYI be lupposes that when 1'-", ... m tho ..... 1 I."",. ~" ane n S Th, C.I.II,,'. ,11.1 C.,I, Cm' GANDER, .. Nfld, (CP' - T h.' Sh. mOd ,I the ""'01 '.n" tb. .Inh •• m • •••• I. "" ... ,

The Que~c governm t i RC.iF P . ' I plane carr~ 109 External AffaIrS . . I the afternoon before attending a we'll h . "B KI d t p th d xi01l5 to remove the e~~tin: Ji~: .1\ i romohon. I 0" DI'" • D""iI', c.,"" '," .bI" M',i.,,, Looloo P"'ro. to '",i. ;'oo'~ .,tb 'b'~'"it,,~"H' I .,,,,, , .. I), ,,' "",1100 "h"'i ""'I .. '~~,: o· '.'::. Plrily belween the Ineome tax n pen ~ea to I .. , Ib, ,I." .100'"'' tb" "n"d h'" ., J'~ ,. m, AST ' .... m Iom,,,,I .. ,, '. to .• 1,' " hor h'"" F,Id', ,(,hi '" " .' ~,... • paid bv somc Quebe d th HALIFAX (CPl-FIt,.Lt. G. K. freighler. I' and took off across the Atlantic at day 56. outlook lor Sunday: Cloudy, the gOl·ernor· gen2r

ai"s summerj Kind to O)sten durin II everr ~'Id.;" o' .lli" ",'!:l,::., • Phh"" of DiU'" rom, oom. SAN FRANCISCO lAP' _ A ',' ,"'; " m, ,,' "",I with ,h .. 'm, ' "'''"or. ,."th wi" .. ·R" I. H,

m ... h the , •• "" "".mm,,1 m",.at ~ lb. .""" .1, "m" C.I.'.' fl,l" ",,,I .. lth ". "I ,D .. " ,,' h.. ''',''"'''' '''','' - --llrants Quebec taxpayers a lO.per. mand stallon here, ha~ been pro· I' it~ two enghws disabled marle ani hne~ crew were fCIT)'lOg the plane' Who's Susceptible .? ('ent reduction on the federal mRcoAteFII to squaddron

l,: leader, the elnergency landing in the open sea' (rom Guam to Oakland. AbDul

in om I th h \.. annoon~ ndny 530'1 h "1 I;~~e~e{~~;~.~~:~~!i£~!i~i~~~~:I· ::~:~\:::;;;~~~::il:~;.I::1 :~:~,~:::~:~~: ~.:;:::i :~'":~~:,;::~~.H~~:,:::~;~:: No Har d AIl·d Fast Rule sOn i: ~_~::."mf .... uebec laxpa~'ers .tlll olher hand, PR)' less. ____ . • freighl·~r ... __ . ___ .. __ _' "("'~. • :'

Fishermen . Mr. G. E: B,pill of die De·

;,artmellt of "Ibe"no OtwWI, II'bI St.· JolllI'. to ~.e for ,tae pa),meat .f Salt ~salat­.Iee 011 leSS ,roduetlolwhlell ... · ... OQllced ." ,Ii.· Gov· erameat ·.f· Canida lame weeki a.o. An arran,.mtlnt II belnl made

with the POlt· Office Depaftment under which' forml will be lIIade : available to. fisherm.en throulh· Ihelr loeal POlt. Offices, POlt· maateri . wlU . be .. requested to de­tormine the. IPproxlmatenulllber : o[ forma required to supply . the i

fishermen in· their arlll!' by con· : ~tittinl with In)' persons II'ho may . he' able to 'give ISslstance.

Whenever·tbe·IPprolCimale num· I b~r 'of forms. is establishcd the: Pustmuter;:will telellraph Ihe In· ~ lormatlon to iIle. ChiefSupervllor, . Fedcral DepartJl)ent of FIsherlel, . ·51: John'. Ind 'tIle Joims will be !Uppllcd,. Alter compleUn, tb'c form the fishermen will mail it to I he Chit!! Supervisor in' an en· I'clope whlcbWUlbe ,applied with the' form. . . ,Dtpendlft •. UINl~!~\j~::,:.,ne. . It:' .•. , un.'.,.· ...

Get Salt Rebate: Causes Of Heart Attacks~' Do you think the high bearing on whetller you will have

b • • t a heart .ttack.

pressure usmessman IS mos Science is continuallY dillcoveriDg likely to have a heart attack? el·iden~ that indicates tIlat heart Do "'DU consider heart dis. dis~ue may begin long before

" • • . "mIddle age." ease an affhctIon of the ago A congressional committee study-ing? Recent research has de- ing American health problems lut veloped some illuminating year reported that. hurt disease

• accounted for one-slXth of all,the facts about thiS greatest of deaths in the ages betv;!!n 20 and

all killers., More detailed 39. t d' • th k What causes this? What makes It s u les now m e wor 5 are del'elop into a S'~rious attack laler al~() described in this fifth in life! Is it true that the modern and last article of a series. way of life, especially city life,

Is causing more and more heart, , disease'!' !

.1 By REUtAN lIlORlN I Framingham, Mass" is a Illeas·:


NEW YOR.K (AP)-Eyen before ant littla city of about 30,000 not; 1 had a heart attack. I al\\'ays far from Bo~ton. Tbere, Dr·1

. a~sumcd therc is an unusuall)' Thomas Dawber. a public health ! blgh incidence of heart disease. officer. is directing a project called


I a mong nell'spap~r men. I the "heart centre program." 1 A doclor pro~ably lI'oul~ tell I He has been. ke-cping.records of I I you the samc thmg about his pro· I 5,200 persons 10 .Frammgham for I fessiun: Anrl the high·pressurc busi· fh'c vcars. They' are \'olunteers 1 ness executive is often pictured as and tile doctor hns. tried to select·

an cl.ninenUy 1!k~ly victjm.' :rile tbem in sneh·a way' as to con· Am~rlCnn professional man,lcn· stitut~ a.c;rdss·sectiQn of the whole eral~)'-e5pecial1y after he. passe& city. Ill: alf brackets, they fun, ~O-IS ~upposcd. to .be palf,icut,rly from sO:t(J;~_.-;· . susc.cptibll t~ beart a~~c1u,:·· KNOWS .. lIAlUTS H~, II\'es '.r 'a Jasrtilce,. under The doctoiknowl: about tbeir • .men\al str~in 'and'emotlonal ten. work,· how they go,on uotU 1970. Dr. Daw~r hopes talts annually. One says he ha' 'sion: '1'he!l!'pa~lernl are. IISI.1~!y dolt.W,hether.theY smoke ordiiok, thatl!>' 196U-the half·way point- "survived oine years of problo,. thllught to' lie a (actor In.' A~~rl: ,and hpl\' nluch; ilMS intb his. rec. "it may be possibie 10 st3te so!lleprodding. tred·milling, blood lestinl 11I5ea~e. ." ' ortb. . ' . conclusions." wuter tank· dipplnll and st'm~

. . ... ; .... ' . '" . .'. " Another type of l1la~s·tesl is icing." . • . . . '. . . . ' .ot "It" II" .'to to,I"'!,", .. ".m T~I". Y'"" ho: I. k" .,,, lro· "i.. 00 " •• U.I ,""it, of Mi,' Oot of .11' lli,', tho ;,i"lb" !~ n'~t .. pe~rhiasl~lelo . makep.y. fishermen who used sail in order !talc any ha~d. and fut concl~ISllln5\ e~rdlo2raph~of thClr He~rt~, ~Inn~, ncsota under the direction o( Dr. wili come a kn,nwledlte of the .... ,,, .. h, ... " ... , ,,,' .. t. tho I th". will , .. ,. .h""" '" .bm" th' I" """ • h" rl ",." .. , .,. .h ... · , ... " ,," hi.. I "t., i ",,' 'rr'. • """ I~ h ... 1 • It"", "'1.1.' )¥~dUe(a,'~':J~.~tH'I~~" lnrDls "iit pa~.mrnt apjJli(~' un the pro. \ In d'~rt\.I~I~I· ~rOllPl of p@n~I~.. ~ Hp. k~"3 records o( rhRnge~ ill; . Dr. K<!Y,'. abu' • .5clrtled, fro!TI 1 But uotil thcll,h~arl di;;~azi,' . a,~,IlJ~ClClujjjllQ~t~d.ila;.iDf:UitI~et'211baf.'t\. wlU i_e .to 'be . proVtlled·. lot.: all I ducl! whicb tbey produced . . eli' ~!ch h;llh·lre~ a~ art' ~\ ~llrhl~; II el;ht. '.. ..' ~ 1'I'I~nl~er'. l1Ior~ lh~ ~. 300 m~n or; remain .on! 01 th~ ;reit mY.:$lez·iii

" .'" ".,,' "'.,"" '''., ..' m ,," " ... ",Im. h.. ..,. Tho, ... ~'I ...... ". "'., It "ill " ..... oh., .. ,,' .u ... h.m h., """._" .""" , . . ,.... . ..... ,' .. ,' ••.. '.i . . ~, . .

,,'-.; , .. ".' '. '. . ", " ". c ". .. ' .' .'. :. ,.' .I( ",1". ., • I) I,·i.




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, " , '


, ,I , , ': Pictured above is a photograph of the rear of one of Mammy's modern delivery vans, showing the neatly stacked 'I loaves of Mammy's Bread and other product~.-desjgped to give more efficient and fast service to "Mammy's" "i customers. !

" "

I , .',

Here ~e four of Mammy's new vans with their frl~ndly salesmen. From left' to' right are: Ray Burry, Jack Hill, Edward Bishop and Austin Hill,





Tomanv . So ToU


s s

The a Consll.-u I.C. [or the Ge[ 'Carrier! ~act be ~sterdl McEvpJ and. tHe' UII WII ,on ~Mr.

L&bciu[ strike I

aliy \ 4

~w be t~e . J w~t,

, exto.u: A I ...•.


ovt. 0 • ,----Submarine In Port----

e era • • oatS\ ace IS In


Were Destroyed, PatrickHardin~. Is . · Charged Dru·nk Drlvmg I By Hurricane Remanded Eight Da," i

A motorist charged with drun'l granted bail of $~OO with ~urelics I Hurricane lone which swept Newfoundland last week

.ith theseason's heaviest gales, roughest seas and torren­~~ I downpours brought damage or destruction to at least l~rteen fishing boats insured under the Fish~rme.n'5 In­demnity Plan, the Federal Department of FIshenes an-

nounced yesterday.

ken driving, Mr. PatJ'clk H~l'dlng, to the same amount whose truck collided with the car Income tax ('yaslon case,- were driven. by Mr. Thomas CollIer on scheduled for the mornlll~ ses, Thursday afternoon on thE Top. slon of the court. Onl' persl'n was sail highway, appeared III the fined $25,00 ano th~ee other cases Magistrate's Court ye~terday morn· were postponed until next Friday. Ing and was remanded for eight One case was withdrawn at the rp· day •. Ball of $200 with ~uletles quest o[ Corporal Hunt III the Other report~ received by the

D~partment told of dama;;es \0 ~Iage~. whan'es and fishing lear, particuiar!)' In the Mall 1!a~' area o! 51. \Iar)"s Bay, which was ap. rarenlly hard hit by Ihe ,((,rm.

Local Men Graduate As Cooks

of the same amount was IIt&nted. R.C.M.P.

Mr. Douglas Hunt appeaT~dfor Leslie Barrett, was convicted and \ ;~~~~~i~2~~~~~il the defendant. fined $100 or 30 days for t1riving t:'"'::,\~~:7.~;:;;;;~ One man arrested for drunken- without due consideration (or

ness on the Btl'eet was fin,!d $10, others. The case aro~e ou: n[ an for his' second appearance on a accident on Au~ust 15th, when thc charge of this. kind. defendant was going we!1 on

Daily New. Phu',o

YESTERDAY MORNING the submarine, H.M S,Ambush docked at the Naval dock

in St. John's, the picture shows the sub tied up at the wharf. ____ ---------

Claims concerning insured boata lo<t or damaged ha~e been re­eched Crom widespread areas on ~Il three coasts Total losse~ were reported to tile departmer,t by the following: WIlliam Doyle. Gull I,land: W. J. Vaters,. Frenc'.lman's c,,"C: G. J. Carson, Point Lance. 51, ~Iar)'·' Ba~;' baac Lumond, Grand Bay W,st. Damage~ were reported by Chesley Parsur.~, Me il'w: Hiram Tulk, Aspen Cove. William comerlord, Mill BdY: AI· fred Pennell, Frenchmen'. Cove; H. T. Younll, Qulrpun: Gord,on Waddleton. Tr;!passc'r': Isaar Wall· m. Burnt Islands; Charles Blown,

Seventeen Newfoundla n d e rs A United Stales Airman c.1mged Water Street on his motm cycle, have completed a 26 hour Slillple- with. drunken drlvlns on Sept em· and passing R van near SlJdbury menlary Cooks Course here Honor ber 20th and having posse~~ion 01 Street hit and knocked dowll Paul sludent Phllip Roche of ~Iddle a ~ottle· of wIiI$ky not bouj,ht at Brien, age 5 years, \I'ho dleJ as a

I f I ~ t d the Board of Liquor Control had result of the accident, Mr. H. Car· OLD COLLEGIANS Cove turned n per eel y cOI!lll e e Q C d ( th ' SUbmarl8 ne ':'1 ' . i examination papers in IInal tests. his case remanded [or two weeks ten, .,' appeolrc or e Crown , B -t 8 h

SISgt. Richard Haislip wa~ at the request of 'I he officcr, who and Mr. James D. Higgins lOr Ihe II r I 1ST d th I appeared on. \Iii behalf. He was defendant. R ~::rm~~b:~! :fmt~~S c1as~. b~~I'~;~ , V - St. John's i·

I,; 'B-, g e Sp 0 n s e 0

assigned to thp 6804th Fo~u Ser, BOA.RD OF TRA.DE 1-SIetIng vice Squadron.

The course was gi ~en by MlSst. I Rex A.' Poinlet, and was under See k sAc t 18 0 n 0 Yesterday morning Ihe submar·: dian Nal')', arrh'cn at Halifax in. R- k P -· t the overall di:ectlon of Major n' H ~I S Ambush arrived at 8: Mal'. aod has been on manoeuvers, New ,n r OJ e c Walter S. SIlcllon, Food Service : ~~~iock" I~;m Halifa~ and docked I nearly all t~e past summcl', help- , Officer. at the Naval Dock. Water Street i ing to tram navy, and mIorce (Continued on page 18)

The course included the pre· III .. I St' k S west and at 9,30 representatil'es I personnel in submarme warfare. ,

T . II paration of muts, poultry, vege· ega rl er of pr~ss and radio were invited on. Six officers, Lt. commander A, G'·' g an enthusiastic start to the Old Collegians

o many lunters tables, salads, soup~, lBucre and board to vls~t the officers and in· ,J. ~oyaHII, RD,5B,C:'lILtDS: ~: ~~;~~:, 1.\ ,Inn for a new rink for the United Church College _ desserts. l1ersonal hygiene, uIety, Ad' G If F spec! the ship. neglc, . . f1, ! campalg d' f 11 trength at

S'o Moose Takes mess sanitation. food. po!,oning n u ' erry Passing through the long nar· M. E. Goble, ~nd Sub·Lt. R: W. K. here, expupils of th~ colle~e gathere ,m ~ 5 . ~ and care and use of leftoveu were , roW submarine, with berths on. Davies and sixty ,men, DIne o[ a special rally held in the Pitts Memonal Ha,! last mght.

T U b I·· also stressed: " every side for the sixl)'·six men whom are CanadIans who were Before the meeting ended, the I' o t an JIVIng Graduation exercises were' held The Board 01 Trade has reo ,strikes are calltd megally, ~f the I who man the ship, the delegation serving in Britain, make up the Rink Fund had bccn swelled by cipal speaker for the evening, and

GRAND FALLS, NOd. (CP)-Its fol\owlns the course and certlli· cenlly addressE'd a letter. to the I Minister of Labour, wltb hiS 1m· of reporters and photographers ar· ship's complement. ' t I $3000 and out· he heard enthusiastic applause as getting so th~ woods aren't a fit cates of completion presen(ed by Hon. Minister .. of . Labour ex· partial authority, were to make a rived at the officers' mess, had Yesterday .morning Captain A, :i::~~:aa~~ng the ~ontributions he reminded 'the Old Collegians ot place to raise a youngster any Major Stachon to Ihe ml!m~era pressing concert' about the num- formal statemrnt to the effect coffee and chatted with the com· A. Picard paid a courtesy call on was one from the United Church the vital part they could play In more: too many humans running of the class. berof lllegal strikes that have that the procedural requirements manding officer, Lieut, Command· board and calls were made at Gov· C II A'd of $1000 which was this service to the College and to aroond wlthrlfies and big games G'raduates are:-J>hiUp Roche, taken place over the past reveral of the Labour Relations Act have er A. J. Boyall. D,S.C" R,N,. and ernment House, Cily Hall and at 0 eg~ d ~ L,C,A. n\embers Mrs, I the Community. ' licenses. Middle Cove, Honor Student, Mar· mont1ls.' not been fulfilled. This. we Bub· two officers, Lieut. H. R. Brill and the Premier's office, ~e~~n ~aze ~nd Mrs Wm Watson. \ Charlie Pope, President of the

That's probably w~y I moose tin F. White, 91 Military Road: ,The Board expreued the opln. mlt,'would deler trade unions Lieut. D. F. Carnegie. Lieul. Brill Games of football will be held, \ 'Ch;irman of ~he 'cam~aign din· rejuvenated Old Collegians As· family brouiht III yOURS son he~e Corwin S. Skinner, 10 Gal~. Plat~" Ion that' the LabourlRelatlon from taking matters Into their afterwards conducted the tour, the crew will attend the Water Don Jamieson while Jim sociation also spoke, and told of (or the advantages of , town up. Michael hG'1 HtF'wiStt, Ith47Th:.t~bmp 8 Act could be brought Into con. own hands with all the conse· which began at the four torpedo Follies at the Stadium. and a dance I Hneerrdwearsw's ch'irman f~r the fund I the gre;t strides which have al· bringing. ': Lane; C ar es • m , ar urn d h 1 '~b' t I III ff \ t hi h h S I' 'I' t Buck· I "" I • • th His parents trotted' the young- Rd'S I BI h C!l Mit tempt .an the:w o,e WI our ,re- quen ser ous" e ec sow e tubes at the bow of the ship and at t e ergean s "ess a 'raising meeting, 1 ready been made in brlngmg e .Ier nlo Grand Falls eary this ~all' ~m~ti I S :P'D ec f latiliniProeed.uri destll'oyed· ,if we only briefly above." , ended with the slorage d~part. master's Fied have been arranged II Dr Jim Roberls was the prin,: rink project to sure success, "'eek, then wheeled around majes· c e ani C a~ eJs h' srulntKenSlo. trade unlonl are permitted to R' I C I I ment and the two lorpedo tubes in ,for this visit. Tonigr.t the YWCA ' i ' tlcally . and headed back to the Portuga ove, 0 n m n, g t k th lit th lr h d .ya .mmisl on on Coast. . \' hid' d nce for the ratings --"-'. - --- --- : Other speakers at the campaign ",oods lenins the youolI ~lla nal Hill Road; Robert J. Ker,t, 160 Bee aw. n 0 e own an I Shlppln. I the stern. IS 0 In,g I a . 0'11 b I, : rally were Arth\lr Johnson. who is b~\t,jnd. Cashin Aveoue; Richard N. Grell' wl)en thThey fBeel thdeY

f hrtblve.a StrlteYd· Final 'sesslons of the Royall The department which attracted, ahndt 5e:IO~t ~~~b Y g;~~~ea~~o cen~ ~ P W C Pupils : in charge of Ihe campaign organ·

If people were going to shoot at o~, 30 Franklyn Avenue; }"reder. Inee. e; oar u cr .• a e Cominlsslon Oil coastal shipping, the most attention was the control I. os ess 5 i" • • i ization. and Don Jamieson. Re· 'hem it lI'as Dny sporting for Ick Rose, Southside Roadj Char- that In. Its opirllon, the rol~k and will be held ill Montreal on Oe. \ room where the conning tower and ter. I I resenting the support of the peopI~ to do their baby allting. ' les T. Stagg, 8 William.' st, John file of trade union m~mbefl.are tober 4th. The Board of Trade Intricate machinery, all shining Tom~rro~ afte~~o;nl the, ~~ner. I car 1\ out ~hurch in the project. Rev. ~Ir.

The "little" moose 'was probably J. Scurry, 398 Southside Rd .•. Pat.- often unawarl! that .trlke. are has appointed Mr. A. H. Crosbie: and spotless. were examined, al pu Ie I! Invl, e 0 vIsion.. • . Vipond and Re\', L, A. D. Curtis horn this spring: he weighs only rick Parsons, Flatrockj Thomas F. sometimes called by their lead· II Its representative at the hear· I Peeping through the conning tow· i boa~d t~e submarine from 2 to 5 : Rlnl{ Pro .. cet also were prcscnt at the meeting. 230 pounds and hasn't sproutd \Vakln, 40 Freshwater Ave.: Kevin era In violation of existlnllabour Inl.' er. one reporter remarked that It ,5 0 clock. ,,' ,I an~I~[\~~I. jusl a bit spoiled and J. McDonald, 20 Cairo St., S/SgI. legislation, and the public are would be most useful on Topsail I The submarine WIll be In St.· ~Iore than one thousand, three Today. the Rink Campaign gcl~ rather conceited. All he ~vants to Richard Haislip, Hl)nor Student; given the Imprel~lon that ·Itrlkes S.S. Wil'.lam CIrSon , ,beach on I fine day in the sum· : John's until Tuesday for this, one, hundred pllplls o( Prince o[ Wales into full swing. and lIeadquarlel'~ do Is pose for pictures-when he Al3C Bill D. Oldham; Al3C Car. are legitimate, when In fact they The Board ilt Trade has re·' mer. : of the first courtesy ~alls of a College and Holloway S~hooi g~ve for the drirc have been. sci up al im'I busy chewlnll up protector leton C. Folsom; Al3C Kfnneth are not. celved the !ollowlng letter from I The ship. which i5 on loan from submarine to SI. John 5 harbour I enthusiastic approval thiS mormng . the Vogue Gallery on \\ aler St. Bob Morrow's back'lIarden. Every E. Cruse; A/3e Inocencio Busta The Board 'If Trade concluded the Canadian Na~onal Railways: lhe Royal Navy to the Royai Cana· ,(or many years, i in 51. John's as ~Ir, Don Jamieson ~hutl~rbug witbln miles hal had monte, and A/3C Charlra R. that In Itl opinion "It would have on the .ubject of carrying pas. --- ------ /I . outlined the new Artificial Ice: -_. -ENG-:\GE'IE.~T·-----I ~nap at him. He loves It. . Glenn. a mOlt' •• Iulary effect when (Continued on page 18) d Librarl"an To Rink project to them, 1 d - G B C f

Unlike a moose currenUy enjoy. F' . I d d by Dr an Mrs. . ' ross Il ina the distractions of Minden, . Mr. Jamlcson was In ro uee Ciar~n\'ilIc announce the engage· o he h 't I k d I k F- h R - OU n B d 0 Mr. McCurdy. tM Principal of ment of thcir daughter. Elizabeth.

nt., et lin pc e uP. a nc - . IS ermen ecelve' roa cast vcr Prince of Wales, and he told of to JIIalcolm, son of IIlrs. and the nhae:0plbatndsY,'tkonlo'!asveW. hen or even If 'how a group o[ Old Collegians had laic Ernest Drover. also of Clar· ~ D d" eBe Tomorrow got together and were determined l~~j]~ov.e~h~:'ing to take place

to do everything they could for :::.::.....:...:..:.:~------

I ea On Sunday, October 2. at 1.45 the old school ...• And the .f~rst MARRIED

Persona '$'50 000 I d -t ( p,m" Miss Sadie Organ, Librarian aim. a big one. was the prOVISIon ALCOCK·ELMS - Married at \ ', n em n I Y < of Memorial University. will give of a closed in rink. Grique:, October 2nd. 189,5 .. by thl! On Wednesday' evenlns, Sept. 22, ' . I ( a talk on minlaturc gardens which ReI'. Weaver. C. of E, ~bmster of

Miss Reilina Marla' Murphy, dluSh. . ' ,. . r wi1l be heard on all CBC stations Mr, Jamieson emphasized that the _parish, Mark Alcock of. IIr. ter of Mr. and Mrl. MaJtln A. Mur· B fts '1 bl t N f dl d f h d If' h n a in Newfoundland. Miss Organ has though it was the Old Collegians I Grace and Mary Elms of Grlq~~~. phy 191 Cralgml\ler Avenue was . ene 1 aval a eo. ew oun an IS ermen un er I tota of 1868 ishlDll boats ave made a hobby of cultivating min· who had started it. the rink would BIRTH one' of the fifteen nuriel tor~eelve the Fishermen's Indemnity Plan are reflected in the record been Insured under the plan,. I ute trees and plants Indoors and be availablc to pupils ~f all the' HISCOCK-~A:"t-H-a-m-il-to-n-. -her diploma at '.the graduation ex. of the Federal. Government's low cost protection'measure valued tat h$1,63b7,070, dlndlcmnity' A resIdent. of Flatrock, i the title of her talk on Sunday Is United Church schools In the St,\ September 20th. a baby girl to

I ~ 1 I. M' . H .•. . . paymen save een ma e a own, A th D d' d' h I k ere Sc of SI. Cue I erey. os. durmg ItS two years of operation. ers for 25 total loss claims Atl'IOunt. r ur awe, 1e m os- "A Garden In a Dish." John's area. Mr. and Mrs, Lome B. H sClle .

pita! SC,hool oC Nurslnll, held .aUt. Figures released last night, b) Ing to $311,943 and 24 partiRl loss pital here after being foun,l Patrlc!!. Hall Audltorlu!l1. R~glna" the Federal Department of Fish· trap.. claims totalllng $3 094 A11 types unconscious in a car on the who was the class ~aledl,ctorlln, erie. .how, Ini!ernnlly pi)'lIlents At lis inception on July 13, of smalleroelass fishing' ves~els are Torbay Road yesterday WIS awarded. three' prizes of ,25 to'a total of 371 flsnermen 19113, with the, establishment of covered ranging from outboard each, for first place In SUrgical aggregating $511,300. Of this the Fllhlnll Veslels In~~mnlty motor dflven dories to bIg long. morning. and .. obstretlcal nursing ,an.d a~ amount, nearly $40.000 went to Regulation., thu plan coverf.d fish, Uners. ond plac~ In third year. Her many flsh~rmeo whQle fishing boats Ing boats only In the spl'i~g of Fishermen pay a 1 % prf'mium While the cause relatives and friends wish, her w~re either lost or damai!~ and 19M It was broadencd to plovide I on the basis of the appraised value has not been definitely estab· \ el'ery lueeelS In her chosco pro- the remainder was paid "ut . to protection for lobster fishing lear. of their boats. In the event of lished, it is thought that it fusion. c.over lo~s., of Insured lobster During the pist two yedrJ a total loss they receive 6().'io of this was due to carbon monoxide

SUPRE~tE COURT' HEARING :fP~;:::si!~u~:maang~ I~:h~n~:~~ poisoning. nlty payment is based on a lor· There were six people In mula designed to Issist the owner the car. One other man

S k I · · 'A' cOllsiderably in repairing his boat. was taken to hospital, but is , t Comparative figures on lobster e, e DJun'c. lOn, ,g'alnst~~:~ti:~;e~~~e 5~~~rm~~atd\'8We~ ~:r:fn::~!j~'red~e others of this type of protection in 1954 • as In the current year. Total traps R.C.M.P. here 5ay details

St,t. ikin ... g L, .ab, QU ... 'r. U .. n',ion ~v6e~!:\~~/:~r:::::::r::eW~:\~~!~~f:!~~ity are not fully . praised value of the traps and in

demnlty payments are made on the . P Ii' Bl tt The appllcallon lIf the Colonial meetln, of,the UnloJl, he arl\led, companies ltan.t to suffer by the basis of this evaluation. 0 ce 0 er

Constr."'Uction _ C:~rmpany and C.M. 'the the union men would . not stoppage. Losses of traps during 1954 were A city resident was arrested I.C. for an hllunctlon aplOlt work on concrete mix received Mr. Gibbs vrgued that the relatively high owing to Ice and f , th G I

r Abo . last night on a charge 0 ~lceny. e enera .... ,. urer. and Hod from Concret,e,: Products . Ltd., court 'summons was made out In stormy conditions. with rlaims A seaman was taken in for drunk

C,al'rlera U~on tor bre~cll of co~. after Septembel ~4th as.' tbis the name of. men who' ,are no amouriting to ~13,5S5 being paid and disorderly conduct uud for tract be,an In the Sup,reme Court union wu not employing union longer officer. of the unlOJl I and to fishermen. 'fhls year, wl!1I bet, assault, and another man was also y,aterdl)' mondn. with Mr. J. B. labour. I , :;. he needCl!' turthertime to' pre· ter weather prevailing durmg the arrested for \irunkenness on the. MeEvp7" Q.C."for theCompanlel The. contract for Jhe . p~ject pare a~davlts for the ca~e. He lobster fishing season, losse~ v,ere street. and,. JiilBe. A Glbbl, Q.C., for wa. between the United St.tes asked that he be liven until Mon· considerably 10\\er, and prellmln· til., Unlo,n. Mr,,, ~UIt1ce Winter lovernment,' the ' .Colonlal. .,Con' day. . , . ' '. ." ary figures indicate that total pay· John Mason reported to city ~~n, t~e BenGh: . struetion. Company,: ~he C.M.1.C. Mr.' Mc:Eyoy, atatlng that the menta should not go much beyond pollee this morning that as he was

,.Mr. ~cE'OY ulUed. that ~he and the Union and ·no trade dis- summons 1fad bllen lasued,. week $2,200. proceedlbg east on New c'ower ~~ur 'Relatlo.n~. Act forbids a pute existed between these par. asO: ind'-there existed Ireat ur. In addition to the office staff at Street at 12,45 a man E..c1ward ~trlk~ or Ilow rlown of work, that tiea that Mr. McEvoy.' menilo!led, lIericy wed to hive the ~d5e' '0 Mea Headquarters In SI. John's, Bown, of Topsail, ran into .the any: dftall'eelT,ent',ihouJd 'liy The, dispute ls:wlth. an Gutslde ahe'i.' . the plan has a field force !'f'nine front of his car and was klrJcked . lAw he .aetUed,.by.arbJt.ratioo and company.', ," •.. , . " _ '~. '. appraisers who are ronslantly on down. He wa~ conveyed 1:' Ihe t~e ' Act" fOthltl', .~oppale of A .l4ilke, which, he arlucd, Is AraumeJ'lts for both sides were \ tolir throughoul the fishln,; dis, General HospItal., where 11 was wortuntU" arbltrailon elCoru are contrary t.o th .. liwlndt"R1.lnal ~e,.rd. du,.rlnl ; tho e' mornlnl ses· trlets. Intervle\\I~S fishermen In . discovered, (hal hl~ only .'~)ury cillauated-• .' ,'., . .. . " doel exist. and' the contract for alon and fhe ~rurt adjourned .t terested In obtaining covera6"e and I was R bruls.e o\,er Ine eye <nd he

A, resolutlpn' was paaed at I th., work II iiowed up, and';' the 1 p.m. untU Monday mornlni. aeUUng claims. was .ubseq~enUy released . . ' '..' '" .,.,'"

.' .. ,~. .' -

. l



Lemon, green, pink,

blue or white with

contra~ting colored

trirp In centre.

Size 84 x 100




conON BLANKET~ Very popular, durable and 14' ' washable' Checked' Blankets. . 50

Size about 60 x 76 • PAIR ........................................ . '


Historical . Records

ar our race ews Of SEALEI,tS' STRIKE \ el.ded, but it shows the lawleil

. " maD'ner of those men destroying

Harbour Grace Storm· Damage Is Extensive Probably ~he first sealers 5t~lke, I property like this at midnight.

HARBOUR GRAeF. _ lJesplle of It loln,thr.luah ihe wlnJow of \' Obl"fuarv IIarbollr GraCI"an took place In 18~2. By a sea el'S There must have been some special the weather w~rnlnlR of Wedne5 their llvlnl room, lome lovel)' , agreement then In force, the men grudge against the captain of this dlY list, relardlnll the apl!.rolch treel at Ihe well end of tht resl P I I Th N " could get no ready cash for their vessel as no dama~e was done to of hurricane "lone" the Aldorce dence of Mr. and ·Mu. AI Bi&hop eop en, e ews MRS. MARY PAYNt Cel'(;1 AppOJontmellt share of the ~eals, and so they. de· the others. ' and Intensity of the storm was fell, the branches of these tnnallng i HARBOUR GR.(CE-The, ~ pm· 1· .,., manded that they "have the right I !~methln, hardl)' to be reckoned wires, was the part cause or thc . ed peacefully bway at her home A G R to sell their respective shares to, ~ne of the mosL notable seaJlnll 1\1th. Comlne up with suddt'nnen power dlsrupll~n. on Walcr Street, Harbour qrace, t oose a v any person they liked." A letter i strIkes Of. the. olde~ days was that at about 8 p.m .. In the short .pace An unoccupied dwelling, ownerl HARBOUR GRACE-Mr. and I Vlsltou to Harbour Grac~ on at 11 p.m. Saturday. SeJlrember • . following this statement, signed' o~ one Captain Pick Supple and of a few hours the ~torm reached by Mr. L. Pike, was demn!lshed, Mrs. Lloyd Thomas, aceom~Dnled Sunday Included Mr. and ~Irs. A. 24th Mary lIIil1er widow of the .HARBOUR GRA.C~-Th~ many by Gosse Pack and Fryer of Car· I hiS followers which took place on IImost Incredlblll proportldns. and Is now be!ng removed by lis I by Mr. and Mrs. Robert ,etford J. Crocker, and Miss f'. Ford oj latc' Robert payn; who ~3d pre. (rlends of Mr Wilham l'R.rsons bonear ~hows that this firm was Lhe Brigus barrens in 1860. It is

Schools wert qUlckl)' t1dnned owner, while a bam ,1wned ty Mr. Jr., spent last week-end It Grand SI. John·s. deceascd her six ;ears ngo were plea.sed 10 learn .of ~I~. r('o perfecilY willing to allow the men \ s~i~ that he led 300 men .and in·

d I d I h 'Ib Rupert Divis nAt. only blew down. Bank and SI. Pierre, arriving homc - I Th d dId h d ,. . ~ent apPoIntmellt as chief nVllian thO . b t' th lImldated the whole neIghbour· out. an e ose . ear ,v T ~, rary .. T d I t 'I J N h Ike ecease a y a ucen In If' Ith th U S Airf I e I 15 conceSSIOn, u e manner h d Th . .

was closed. and only tho~n who but disappeared com\1letcl~. on ues ay as. "rs. oyce (scwort y la~ la 'cn apparent good health at th~ time 0 Icer II' e., ,'c a in which the men treated the 00. ey were inslstmg on the h~d to be oubloors ~enlul(d (ar. Sen were never known to be a position at Stropp's Phal mucy. of retiring on Friday nlg~t, hut, Goose Bay. Mr .Par~ons. 11'10 has schooner "Perseverance", owned \ abolis~ment, of the berth money. quickly, reports of fallen Irees hillher In this al'ea, often tflmlnll Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ash. who had . . -- when she did not come down· . held a. responsible posltl~n at by the great firm of Ridley & I At Brlgus there was a notable and


s, house rools. -hiinneYI, oV6

r the bea"on It Ihe P"I'III n.' spent an enjoyable ten da:.., visit Mr Charles Garland, S,ID of t' t II t h ~ t Argenl1a was transferred to Har I H b G . I k I successful seal-killer of that time " .'" I h' I ft T I r 'I . d '\ . I s airs a Ie usua our Oil ~a ur· 'Ai B - ( th" sons 0 ar our race It 00 S I garages. poles. etc" IIPgan to come Beach. Water Slrcft rrsidenls ng t IS town, e on uesl ay or It r. an "r5. James Garlal.d, h~~ I day morning her dau"htel 'n.lall' mon l' ase • .'. ew mon .' a.,o. very much as if this fir~ refused I-capt. "Bill" Whelan-and this il io. The power scrvlce was cUl of(, found lhelr window. cover~d wlt\1 SI. John'5 and thence by T.C.A. been appointed manager 01 Irving Mrs Stephe~ Payne \~'enl to he; ~I'here he ~'as Jomed by h:. Cant· I to make any such concessions The' how he and his crew defied the and telephones wenl out 'Jt com. salt ~ea spray. blown {rr.m lhe 10 Sydney whore they plcl'l'd up 011 Co., at Harbour Grarl·. Rnr! i bed~oom, and iound'that ,.he had ,~Y. AI~ 11'11: I~a~e shortly d for I feeling among the mcn must' have I strikers: The strikers marched to

ml'sslon for some hours. Thl' latter foamlnll walers of thn harbrur. their car (or the rei urn ;lourney commenced hIs duties las I week. ff d I I' t k D' ,oo'e ay a a e up rC'1 enec'l h' h '. Bri"lIs and when Capt Bill and

I th I h t B Id t '\ I su ere a para Y Ie s rll c. I. there Mr Parsons 15 the elde<1 run \'ery Ig at Hr. Grace, for on I • 0 , •

~ef\'lce WIR resllmed at aboul 7 The flrehall on Ban,1erman 0 C rome a r ie on, • nss., -- i Cron was called bul JIIrs Pavne .' I ,. ' Monday February 20 1832 the I hIS men were ready to leave for

p.m. and Ilahts In \ome ~I!ctlons Slreet suffered some dam~ae, il U.S.A. Attending the funeral II! the, . II' d rl t d i I . st son of Mr. and JIll'S. A. T. Pal'son~ h " "I the Icc he called out to let the • ~ I I M III P I ne\cr ra Ie an en ere no re of this to\\'n sc Doner 'Perseverance", as she '

came on an hour later, whU, tem. sometimes belne feared lilat the a e rs., ary a),ne were. Mr. some hours laler. . lay at the whar! of llessrs. Ridley \ rope go from the gump head. pjlrary repairs restored It t!l some bulldlna would blow down by tllc Mr. Harl'ey Murccil left by and Mrs. Co K. Mllle~, JIIr \\. B.! Born at Old Bona\'enlurr seven· onto, and wlln ~rrived some.hours & Sons, was boarded by a crowd Supple. refused to allow a man to other sections of the town shortly force of the gale. T.C.A. for Toronlo, on Mnnday, Telford of SI. John s. and Mrs, I)·.three years ago, ihc lat.. Mrs. allcr her molher's passin~. and of men who chopped ·and looted I touch II, and ordered. the men on

It 14 I h Whll I d t d lh I after an enjoyable vacatIOn at L. Mercer, Shcfirsloll'n. p k 'd t I' . board the "Hound" th f I er m nIt e w n s con Inue e r ayne too up resl ence 3 ,ar· Mary. Mrs. Wiiliam Noel. her 1ft such a manner as to leave . - e name 0

I f d Harbour Grace. Mr. Murcell was h I ; Scarcel), a householder bllt IU!' ga led orce

b all ay on Thursday, accompanied to St. John's U)' 'Mrs. bour Grace following hCI mar· Two sisters. Mrs. J. Wonindge her unfit to go to the sealfishel'Y. IS d vc[sse'h Capt. Whelan wa.

fered some alight damage to prop. res ents egan to clear away the 'fhe many friends (If Mr. Gra· dagt'. Of a quiet and rrliring and lIIrs. J. King. bolh 1)[ Tor· It is said that one hundred men I rea.y or t em, and with his gun • fl I d d b II! II I MUI'Cell who attended the wlddtng 11am Ash, well known busilwssman t h h Id ~ty, while others wcre e ee e e rio a en trees, 5:1:ng es, nature .lhe deceased was ne\'er onto, also survive; as well as were in the gang. lIer spars \"cre 0 IS S ou er dared the first man

rI I h I f d d·' b of her cousin Miss Alma Ht~tb. to of Horl'ey Street, will rr~let to f 't b ore se ous y. t ere were 110 n. enccs an oors, cte., Illu )' I learn of his IIIne~s which n~c~s~i. happier than in the midsl (I her eleven ~randchildren. To ~:I, 5in· chopped half through. It was all 0 come a. oard. They well knew

j,ries reported. Friday, things had reachca more Mr. Waller Brad ey. whiCh took family, but found time (r: lend cere sympalhy i~ ('xtend~d in done in ten minules and the crowd I the determlndtiun of this s!.ipper, • A brief lummln; up of damasel normal conditions. place at 51. Mary's Churrl, Ihat tntes his confllll'mcnl 10 u .. d lor a hclping hand Lo Ihosr. who their 5ad bPrcal·cmt'nl. I moved off over tile I'ce 10 Ihe and that their lives were not worth

f I Th d A I I rd f evening. Mrs. Murcell an'i her a while. All wish him D quick h d h h I! as olows:- 0 garage all car d tl sPlec ad wO

M 0 colmmen. mother, Mrs. R. Heath, ,.m bl' recovery needed ii, nnd will be remr.m ere The funeral look place 0.1 Mon· beach, but did not louch any other I a snap w en e made up his mind.

Catholic Youth Club


evening, september nual meetinll of lhe Club was held at the Academy Hall. Terry occupied the absence of Re~. Fal and conducted l~e eers for the coming following B. Thomey: lsI. :Miss Theresa Coady. Treasurer, Miss Kay

Following th~ r,!. P. Stapleton the members.

Plnns are bemg fall and winter is e):pected Ihat thi~ much of cultural as taining matter.


week's meeting o[ Ihe form of an Ing of HarboUl' o~ned by Mr. Max Tapp 'limed a on 5 ue es~n. C ~rencc returning to Toronto In Oc~tber.· as a kind neigh hour nnd good day afternoon to st. Paul's Church vessel although there were several, Whelan then ordered the ere"

r>\>er, and was con~lderably dam. Thistle and W. Walsh c.ol the frir.nd. . ' where the service was taitpn by In the vicinity. l to cut the rope, and away the ft'ed (a photo of thiS, take'! by ft united Towns Electric Co., who Mr. and MI·s. Peet. Mr Royle Her passing IS mourn·,rt by Rev. L. A. J. Ludlow. Interment I "Hound" sailed [or the sealfisho DAILY NEWS photographer ap. worked da)' after day and right MI~s Elsie ROle, Grand Bank. and Mr. and Mrs. Roy H;,bhills, three sons, John Qf ~Iunn and was In the family plot of the C. The President of the Govern.: cry. She was the only vessel witb I.' p"ared In Friday's Issue): two under trying conditions of honvyi was a week·end guesl of ~!I. and Sf. John·~. paiu a br:ef \'1<11 to Oke, Edward 01 H. 'f. 1',1rmitcl of E. Cemetery. ment Council in SI. John's at once I a full load of seals that year. The opler garages, that of Mr. Marcus rain and roarlnl wind, to I eaton! Mrs. John McKay, Harvey Sireel. Harbour· Grace on Sunday regis· fil'm, and Stephen, lDspectOt wilh The many floral !ribule .•· offered a reward of £ 100 for the \1 other Brigus captains held their Noel and Mrs. A. Ash blew down: the power service In the shurtest Miss Elsie M. Oke spenl the tcring at Pike'F lIotel. the Department of Fisheri~s, two lIcd to the esteem in whirh Ihe conviction of thc offenders. There vessels until it was too late. Tht

at the Bay Roberts the Amalgamated lVas in the capable ladies of the Association. l:.",an,1

tbe chlmne)'s of the resldtnce of jPoob5.&lble time. They did a fine week-end at St. John's, relUrnlnJ: Miss Maria Rowe and 111~ Fran. daughters, Clara, residing al Tor· .Iate Mrs. Payne was held. Is no mention of how this strike strike broke up in confusion.

~'i5S Lillian Godden. and Ihat of hu brother Mr. Arthur :.odden "lone" has passed on hei way, on Tuesday. cis Rowe, SI. John's, were 1 i~itors blew down. Both houses 3\'e situ. to no· one's regret. Not u~cd to to Harbour Groce last we !lc. aled on Water Street EM:' Two such tropical 5torm~. It may be Mr. and Mrs Charles EIl!>n. SI. tinks of Irving Oil Co. at the West that this experience has kit u~ John's, and two children uaid a End toppled over, one clll1lalncd with more sympathetic under. hrlcf visit 10 Harbour Grare nn a: quantity of 011 which ~pread slanding of the terrors and dan Sunday. oyer all areas, Its fumes t~u5lng ger~ that prevll1us hurrlcatl~~ with

People slayin:: at Pike's flutel:­W. KendaH, C. Grcene, 'le\'ere. Mass .• John Steels, Malden. ~Iass.; Eric Squires, Aska Sales lId., St. John's; Joe McNamara. P.P e .. SI. ,Tohn',; H. Bal\. SI. John·s. J. J. Howley, SI. John's; E. I.. Baton" Kenh·ille. N.S.: J. B. Hall, n. Oid ford. Lawrence Nfld.. Col.. SI. John's: Capl. and ~Ir~. Sorgon.· Carla Borgon, St .. John·~; ~lr,. H. :

~~e uneasin.ess. A larSl' tree, their consequent de~tructlon of ~nted by loll' and ~1I·s.' C. C. life anrl properly have bro,lght to ~ult thirty y~Brs ago, fell, part those of other place~.

Executive .,: .

Pf Navy ~ ,The executive of the Harbour

Meeting League

lowlnll week, and this League 10!lcitl a generous response {rom the public.

Grace Branch of the Navy Leallue held their rel1llar meellnl on Fri· dty avenin, at the office of the Treasurer, Dr. W. L. Goodwin, B D' d with Mr. W. H. Stevenson presld· oat amaee - ~ ~·The Treasurer preaented. his reo Bv Storm port. which showed thll Branch •

,., to be In good financial standlnl. HARBOUR GRACE - In the .Discusslon relative to activities heavy lIale of Wednesday last, 8

lor the coming year took place and I motor boat owned b)' Mr Henry tbe following was decided upon: Noseworthy, of Noad Street, got Talks to be given to the Cadets on adrift and would have been com· parade nights: a course In Firat pletely lost but for the efforts 01 Aid; a recrultlng campaign; memo sevcral men In the nelghbuurhood bership drive; and when suitable to whom Mr. Noseworthy w:.hes to conditions pre\'ail targct. practice sa~' a sincere "thank you.' will be taken up under competent The boat which Iinow hauled up lupervlslon. on Ibe shore will need extensive

A Ta. Day 15 being held on Oct. repalra Includina a new k~el and

Miss Clara Payne arrivell (rom Toronlo by T,e.A. on Suoday 10 attend the funtral of her mother, tlte late Mrs. Alary Payne.

Mr. and Mrs Be~l1ard Stoyles of Bell Island, ~pent last \\'eek at the summer home or Mr. A. Proud foot, Shears town, and from Ihere made a motor Lour of the Avalon Peninsula.

Dwelling Destroyed By Fil'e


Pnl'miter, Emeryville. Ont.' ~Ii5s

Maria Rowe, P. Jardine. IJl'ving i

Oil Lid.), R. Warr, Inspector Fish· I

eries, Lcwlsporte.

Landmarks Being Removed

alarm on Tuesday evening, Sept. HARBOUR GHACE-Onc 1 y one 21st, brought the Harbour Grace old landmarks are disappearing \ volunteer fire brlgadp to • dwel· from Ihis town. and in a !~W day~ ling on Carbonear Road, owned time, the very famiiiar property I'

by Mr. and MrR. John Collins. In known 10 older resident~ as' spite of the e!forts of bulh the "Dinny Shea's" and situatrd 'on; Carbonear and Harbour Grace Fire the corner of ... icloria and Waler! Brigades, the building, a ,nmpar Streets, Is to be removed by Ihe: 8th'ely new one, was considerably Town Council. ' damagt'd by fire. This building. whit'h is b~1ie\'Cd .

The cause of thc (Irt m~)' have to be the olde.t in the to,vn, ha. i been faulty Wiring. Mrs. Collin~ withstood the rsvacrF of .t lea<l ' was visltlnll ncarby "'hcn the fire three major fires. In Fpitl" ·,f a)::e i

occurred. her hU,lblnd 1~ em and c1elapidati~n at the \i1l1e of; ploye' at Argentll. It I~ under· i Ihe 1944 fire. which swept Waici : atood that no Insurance WIS car I Street of many an a/:e.o)d huild· ' ried. ing, "Shea's" slood like a guarrl :

81h, If possible; If nol, on the fol· planking. _---------------------------- inn of lhe one block on Ih~ DOrth .) side of Water Street from V.doria :

DS' •




, '



to Bannerman SLreets, which delicti . Ihe flames.

Shortly aftcr this fire the house' which had once included 8 pubtic : house, was rcnled by Miss S. B. I Hayes and put Into repair. Since , that time this well known business : woman has carried on a dry good~ : buslr\ess there, but on Thursdp~ : of this week the premises Will be ' vacated and In 8 short while ham· . mer and saw will remove this landmark. Maklnll way for a widen I

Ing of that section of Water Mreet. I Miss Hayes and her assistant,

Miss Margaret Andrews nre mov· Ing furhtcr east and will occupy the shop owned by Mrs. I. Whit· man. next to Ihe Bonk of Nova Scolia.

On Harl'ey Sireet, at th~ head : of Noad Street, a very old re~l· I

dence has been cut In hDli, the upper half has bern torn down, and In Its place Is being Cl'ected a modern building which It is understood will be operated as a super market. hy a well known business man rresenlly at Miller· !own, but who will laler return Lo his native Harbour Grace.

Library Auxiliary . Meeting

HARBOUR GRACE-A meetlna o! the Library Auxillary was held at the Library on Monday ~venlng wltb the president, Mrs. L. C. Davis In the chair.

There was a ralrly good attend· ance, and following the business routine, an election of officers were held, Mis. V. Power con· ductlng.· The result was ft& fol· Iowa:

President-Mrs. L. C. Davis, re-elected. .

Vice Presldent-Mrl. E. L. Oke, elecled.

Secretary Treasurer-Mrs. W. B. Kennedy. re.elected.'

After the officers hod taken their places, the maUer o! a loclal was discussed and It was deelded to hold an artern~on len on Wednesday, October 5th., in the Library, and arrangements for

, tbis event were made accordlngl),.






Though It conlains the new We~tlnghouse "Videora· mlc" -Canada's largest 21" aiuminized picture tub~ -the smart, nll·wood cabinet o[ the "VP21 Table r..lodl'l" Is actually smaller than previous 21" Table models.' Gray·green picture mask enhances view· ing comfort. In walnut, mahogany cr blond wood finishes Dr leathel'el\e. Specially designed beauti· (ul wood ba~e with gold tipped legs to match wood (inlshes availabie.

$239.50 We Service What

Mr. Bill Matt We have been fortunate in acquiring the services of MR. Bill MATI, a Westinghouse technician who has joined our staff whilst still remaining a member of that great organi­zation. M,. Matt has had six years of experience with West· inghouse in television. He was sent out to Saskatoon, when thot station opened, as the Canadian Westinghouse re­presentative, and there proved himself one ot the leading tech­nicians in the field •

He has watched the construc­tion of CJON-TV very closely, enabling him to advise Majes­tic Sales customers first hand regarding the type of Westing­house equipment best suited to bring fine reception from New­foundland's first TV station.

Mr. Matt will supervise the maintenance of all Westing­house television receivers sold by Majest;c Soles-thus assur­ing you the finest service avail­able anywhere.

We Sell


. .

., " 1 j , \


; I .,

attending from the club were president. Alec

The special l!vening was AI I most interestin~ h'e address on the ment.

Ki lI'anian Ro~s been appointed I Harbour Grace Kiwanian Lcbans ed that office.

The Battlc "f ally was a Feb. 23 to

ere. Ihl

sealfisbo wltla

. The their Tbl


'l\Irs. Merriman, Mrs. lIelen FI·a. C. J. Casey 1I1rs. V. R .. Gorman, I TIlt's. L. ChaCe, ~rs. G. Latriclle'IRo~e. Mrs. W. Goodrear

, Mn. WI~ ser Miss Florence So pal', Mrs. \ Mrs. J. K. Lacey, Mr. J. Cramm, I Mrs. H. Bradle,!', Mr. J. Woodman. Laltc, Mr. G. BannISter, Mrs. ~ H. ~ Windsor. Major O'Donnell. Mr. G. T. Moorc, ~r. J .. Roberts. Mr. W. G~ Tibbs. Mrs. H. French, Peckham. '.: Mrs, R. Rosc, Mrs. G. Ash, Mrs. 'Miss Baorbara Hose, MISS V. G. \Mrs. J. DuCf, Mrs. P. J. Hanley, Amounts under $1.00·$21.35. •

'ar our race ews A. M. Templeman, Mrs. J. 'fhom: I Grace; Miss D. Rose, Mr. G. R. Mrs. John Sellars, Mrs. C. Butt, Total to date $236U5. son Mrs. Sam Hawkins, Mrs. P. \ Marlin, 1\1rs. ·G. Olivlere, !llrs. N. Miss O. Wllkin~, Miss A. Mat· JESSIE A HOUGH • IIIu~phY Mrs W Penston Mrs. \ROCkWell, Mrs. W. MacGiIllvray,1 thews, 1\lIrs. H. Budden. Mrs. J. H • T ~ .

, .' '. . 1\' H P ttl R' ddl Mrs R Peddie Mrs F on· reasUl'C. R. Hubley, Mrs. R. W. Pike, MIS! Mrs. Ged WlIlter,lrs. • 0 e, I C, .-:.. ___ ~,.-'--~,--,--.--.-----

•~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _~-'~"-.'-'-----~-'-----~'--~-~"I~-"!'r."~".~"",".r'?n'·:·I~~~~·:rrg~?DT '.'t<1 "'I'''''' I':""" ", 'HI'.:I,.',""\" ,LI II't r'1 ""r""!"" ,rt'~~":I~'1 r' a;"'J "':"i~"t l'a:II'~,:! r!: pT'·r:,:"'·'rt~'~l"'9:rrj=.r.' m:=~,.::ar.:trD'!I.:lrl>J; ,::;1;'1':" I "mum:, .••. ,J:. t: 1I,,,:i.~',~::;,,iOll,,;~,,,,,,,~,,,,,,,,-,,:,,,,,,""';'i .... ,.' ...... ,,. ~ .. IK' .01",,"" .. ,·1 .,.1 .. ~ _ ~.' ...... ;.:." .. '."'."i, • .,.~i.'"''''''''' .. ; .. ''''''.'''.'''" .. ,., .... ",., ,."., ..... ,.,.,.,", ..... ' ... '.".'." ,., ". . .

Catholic Sea Cadet News Woman's Column '~ .... . .

Youth Club On sunday night, followln. the • . arrival 01 H.M.C.S. portale 'In St. , John's, the eight Cadets from HARBOUR GRACE-Your hair which can be your 8l"eatest ~

1I.\RIlOUR GRACE-On rtlday t,.ening. September. 23rd, Ihe an· nual mectlnl! of the Catholic Youth Club was held at their rl)om In thr ,\eademy Hall. Rev. latber Terf" occupied the chair In th~ ~b~c~ce of Re,. Falher Hogan, and conducted the election (lr Dm eclS lor the coming year, \\lIh the lollowing result:-President. MIl! B. Thome~'; 1st. Vice President, ~Ii;s Theresa Coady. Secretary· Tltl'lIrer, Miss Kay Freell'nn.

R.C.S.C.C. Beothic who had been beauty, can only be so If it's fragrantly clean and healthy from the privileged to make the trip which roots out.' So, most people should Ibampoo their hall' at least once took 'Hls Honour the Lieutenant a week. One of CanadA's leadingfashlon models lather. up the Governor on a tour oC a section shampoo In her drlpplna wet hair, spreads her flnaers wide over her of the province, taxied home with head and rubl vigorously. with short, firm strakes from the hairline much to tell of memorable experi· up to the crown unUl her scalp tlnalel, A rinse follows. Tpen a ences of their first real sea trip- second shampooing and five more rinses. She then rubs her hair one which lasted exactly 14 days. partly dry with I rouih tGwel and combs out the tan/des, then combs

ODe of the Cadets, 17·year·old lit Into lectlons according to the way It was Ie:, each curl fits Into its Raymond Quinn, wa. contacted af· proper place In her style. ter his arrival and told of an en· I . JOYlble fortnight In which all got This iall, your ilalr should be neither long nor short says the

Following tht' election, M:lrjorle ~I. r, Stapleton briefly addresged the members.

a taste of Ufe on the briny wave. fashion houses. There'. I happy medium which sui!s the average iace.

All ladl kept well during the trip, their only sickness being a few eases of le8llcknell. Raymond was not among thOle. They Ihared the routine of the ship, rising at 6.30; breakfast" at '1, and were treated well.

Plan, are bemg made [01 tbe fall and winter programme and It ic cxp~cted thnt thi~ will:nelude much of cultural as well ab enter· taining matter.

Kiwani~ Club H,,!!SOUR GRACE - List

'H~k" merllng of Kiwln's took the IMm of an inter-club gather. tn~ of lIarboul Grace members II Ih~ Bal' Roberts meetinG place, !he AmalgamAted School. (' Jtering wa~ in the capable hinds DI the larli~, of the Home and School ",soriation. Stventel'n n1l!mbeu at1~nding from the Harbour Grace club were Introductd by their prc;ident, Alec Moores. ,

The special speaker 01 the ~I·~ning was Al Vardy who aave , most Interesting ~nd In(olmal­h~ address on the tourlal dc\'elop. mtnt.

Ki\\anlan Ro~s Shcpparrl ha~ h~rn appointed trca~urer OJf the Harhour Grace Club. rerlaclnl Ki\\'anian Lebans who has resl,n· ed that office.

Alked a5 to how they fared In the hurricane, Raymond old it wa. pretty bad and they were held ina for Corner Brook when it .truck. However, all went well and they are now back home to recount their stories of life aboard .hlp .nd of the plaees they villi· ed. R.C.S.C.C. Beothlc Is glad to welcome them back and there Is little doubt but that much of what they have learned about seaman· ship will be of beDeflt not only to them.elves but to their Corps.

The lei\llar weekly meeting of R.C.S.C.C. Beothlc took pJdCe on Friday wltb the usual band prac­tice, followed by i\lnDery IDd sea· manshlp practice. Drill was Iiso carried out, and Ills expected that the monthiy Church Parade will take place on Sunday to the R.C. Cathedral and St. Paul's Anglican Church.


Springle baking soda on a lamp cloth, and wipe t~~ inner surlaces of your refrigerator. Wash ice trays in a aolutlon-3 tablespoons soda to a quart of worm water. .

Turn sweaters inside out for laundering. Cardigans should be buttoned first. Rinse carefully Ind roll in towel !o remove excess moisture. Lay flat to dry without stretching or blockln,.

Washable materials that have ,otten lipstick stnlns should be laundered In bot soapy water. H ataln remain8, use a chlorine bleach. If non.washable a pad of soil cloth Ihould be placed undel' spot. Spon,e with carbon tetra chloride. .

CINNAMON RdLLS are a gentral favourite 50 here is a good recipe for them:

2 cups all sifted roUs. 3 teaspoons bakinl! powder . 3 !easpoons bnklna powder.

;2 teaspoon salt. 4 tablespoons ahortening.

2/3 cup milk. 2 tablespoons butter.

1/3 cup sugar.

METHOD: Preheat oven to 400°F. Slit, then measure flour. Add baking powder and sal:. Sift a,aln twice. Cut in shortening finely. Gradually add milk. Roll dough 1/3 inch thick Into rectangles. Cream toaether butter, sugar and cInnamon. Spread on dough. Moisten edges of douah and roll up like jelly roll. Press edges closely together­cut Into % Inch sllccs. Place closely to,cther on Ilreased baking sheet. Bake 15 !o 20 minutes.

The pioneer housewife colored Thc Battlc '.f the .t.lamo actu· \her threads lor wllvln, with

ally Was a siege, lutina from dyes 'mlde from the barks or t~~,=-2_~. to M.Il'ch 6. 1836. roota of various plan!l.

A THOUGHT-TO make a dllficult day hnJlPY, there could be three rules. Memorize somethhlg good uch day-do something help­,ful neh day and see somethini beautiful each day. Not difficult rules If they make for happiness.

t "5 Th Be Sh II ~CA ~inancial *- ee e Ig ow '$~JalT~~1 Nova Motors *- Limited, Bowedn. Brothers Limit

* ~

. $MI.OO-I. F. Perlin and Co. Ltd, \ Nfld. Tiraetor Ind Equipment Co. -%- Ltd., John Clouston Limited. /\ $S5.00--London New York and i Z Pari. Association of Fashion, ~ < \ Charles R. Bell. Ltd. !' >:::.. $2II.0(}-The '1'. Eaton Co., !lIar· ~

-!JL. times Ltmlted, Chnlker and Co. ~

7i' Ltd., James G. Crawford Ltd.,! ~

, Ayre and Sons Ltd. i r: ::::.k $10.00 William 'flllci' LId., The I m 1\ :\Iodel Shop, George Warr Ltd., ~ ~/ C JON " (Springdale, Mrs. Bric G. White, I ;; / \' :\11'. and Mrs. Herbel'! Cramm. I

, ~ / $5.00-lIIu. J Parkl'I', JIIrs. C. I • I D. Kean, 1111'S. Hattie Cowan, ~Ir. i ~. E. C. Wood, 1II.'s. Jim Griel'c, JlII's I ~

~ ... 1\ ......

>;K .... '/ 7i' >K­~v ~

~I' ~v,

1\' ~/ .. ",t~ ,I I

'IF· ..JJ.., 7\' ~ ~

* ~


8 to 9 p. m.




. OF SPORT, STAGE AND SCREEN! ·t ~ .]~ For a full hour every Sunday night' famed Broadway ~ columnist Eel Sullivan brings an .xcltlng blll of favourite ~ entertainers on I'TV/, vest variety show", Top stars of ~ Broadway and H911ywood are brought to your tele-

I vision screen In his award.wlnnlng show "Toast of the Townll• Don't miss this outstanding entertainment to­morrow at 8. .




E. J. Cooke, MI. C. F. lIorword.' -I 'ii !lin. E. Hiscock, Mrs. E. S. Spen, .

cer, Mrs. Don Jamieson, JIIiss ~ Winnlfred CaJwell, l'etel'S and I'·' ..... . Sons, Dr.J. Gordon Lynch, Ade· lalde Molars Ltd., Mrs. Edward Dawe, Mr. R. J. Murphy, Glen· burn Nuraery.

$3.00-Mm tllildred Balley, IIIrs /j Paul Johnson, Mrs. H. C. Winsor. f,i

$2.5(}-Mrs. Max Dawe. Ir.· .. $2.00-MlrI. A. J. Wiseman, Miss .

Gwen Woodley, Mrs. Lorne His· cock, Ml'II. F. G. Wylie, Mrs. W,. E. Joyce, Mrs. A. O. Nemec, Mrs. i Chea Butler, Mrs. J. A. Baird, ~ Mrs. T. C. Hlbol, Mrs. A. H. Fin· .j

ley. MIr •• J. Walsh, Mrs. J. M. ~. Maher, Mr. H. Col., Mr. J. B. 1'l Blandford; Mrs. G. R. Williams, ~ Mrs. S. McMillan, Skinners Mar. ie,

ble Workst "ill'S. G. Baggs, St. ~~' Clares Drugs, Mr. W .. W. Wills,


Mr. J. W. Dewilng. $1.5(}-Staif of Walerford Hall,

1\11'1. A. Stanley, Mr •. E. Burt. $1.25-Lady Dunfield.

$1.00-Mr. W, J. Browne, Mrs. J. K. Pratt, Mrs. Chancey Currie, Mrs. M. O'Keefe, Mrs. R. J. Mur· phy, Mrs. E. Ad_ml, Mrs. Norman Smith, Mrs. y. Josephson, \\Irs. C. Dawl, Mu. 't. C. Foote, Mrs. H. Munn, l\frs. C. A. Pratt, Mr. A. lIradley, Mrs. John Ayre, I\lr&. J. M. Baird, Mre. C. Parrott, Mrs. Hancock, Mrs. M. Piercey. Mra. J. Sloan, Mr. K. Moore, Ml·S. E. tarle, Mrs. A. Smith, Mr. W. O. French, Mrs. WIlliam Noseworthy, Mn. W. Tulk, l\11"1. E. Earle, Mrs. C. WUlIs, Mrs, E. Pike, Mrs. D. J. Redmond, Mr. G. Barnes, Mrs. E. J. B\II1IIU, Mr •• Jim McKinlay, Min EU. Roberts, Mr •• Ron Mar· tin. Mrs. E. Ash, Mra. M. 'M. Goodmanson, Mn. A. M. Duncan. Mn. Gordon Squirt., Mr •. George Brown, MR. H.· Brown, Mr.. H. Brown, Mrs. Harold Kn1aht, Mn. C. J. Joy, Mn. W, Hibbs, Mrs. J. Quigley, Mrs. P. J. O'Neill Mr •. F. r. Ball', Mn. W. A. Neal, Mrs. H. D. Mac.1II1vlrY, Mrs. T. H. Wlnlllr, Mrl, W. J. Browne, MI'I. H. S. HIli. Ml'lI. E. Noonan, Miss l\I~ry Taylor. Miss Sue Taylor. t MIlS Flarcnce Taylor. lIIrs. II.·

. ROlenbtr., MIl. Jam". '!\lorrls,



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. .'




$169.50 'r'

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May be purchased leparately



$79.50 • 4 Chairs • Arborite Top Tobit

• 20 Piece Breakfast Set .

J h' of Ineallilnc~ wilh chcertul 311 IIhkc I~' h i~cc kitchen outlit, consisting of 4 e rome ~hairs, arborite top table. 4 cups, ~ S3UCerj 4 tea plates, • breakfast plates. • cereB bowls. Choice or red, ,rcen, grey, blue or


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DUCKWORTH STREET "'. sep27,31 iii . I .,' 1! ..... t\j,~,,,I1~ ., ~· •• I, 11,·1 ",u .... ~.K "",.:' .• 01""

, : , I

I , I i

6 .. :'.' THE-DAilY. NEWS; SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1955

-· Tbe I>AIJ.Y NEWS I.. IIIOtIIinl PIper

_bllihed \II l89t. anG publl.bed at tbe f':eWl B'illdlnl. SM-lIIIII lluckwortb Street, St. JaM", Nowfoundiand, ." RublnlOn .. ComPllII, Umited.

t EMBII O' Tn CANADIAN PRBSS , Tbe ClDlidlan rreu II exclullvtly en­Wled tv the IIIf for republication 01 .:1' DIWI cbJpatc/le. In ttU. paper credited to It or to The AuClclated Prf'll "" Reuter. Lld 1110 the local newa puqllll1ed therein.

All Prell .ervlc. and featurl' artl~Je. iD till. paper Ire cupyrllbt IDd their rCDro. ~ctlon II J:rohlblted.

Autborlzed al ",,"Ond etan man POll OUIc. Department, OtIlW ••

• Member Audit Bureau of Circulation.

DAILY SUBSCJUmON UTES: cauda ............... 11,00 per enDum UlI!tcd iOnldom and all

Forellli Coun~u ••. '12.00 D'U IDnum

-I June comes round again and that is some 'eight months away. But thE:re are others who find that October and the winler

I months to come have their compensations. 'fhe weather, on its best behaviour, can be very satisfying in the period between

In The N'ews By Wayfarer

'October a.nd the end of March. Sunshine in October is accompanied by CHANGING OUR TAXES In Quebec, w[uld not ploducr

h f I d t b Premier Smallwood is going to more than a fractIOn of the ail' so bracing t at it ee s goo, " 0 e ottawa without preliminary com- ,money we now receive. It ha. alive. If that kind 'of weather is encounter- ment on the new t\roposdl~ for been said, however, that the new cd on the barrens, it can reduce miles of the revision of domlnion·provin scheme provlde~ that ther~ ~halJ walking to a pleasant jaunt and cheer cven clal tax relations but P 'emier be no Increase in thl' total taxes the hunters who find the ptarmigan more Hicks of Nova Scotia has been paid and that Ottawa will make ~-,ltls'I\'e than ever. And 'vhat J'oy is there less rpticent. He has said 1I1untly supplementary payments te the " ' that his province riDes not like poorer provinres to eomjlensate to equal the rel~,!ation' of the huntcrs the new plan. None of the ,;maller them lor what thlJY' may lo~~ around their !ire at night, with the pungent provinces can like ,: in prmelple through having their olVn ncome

Smell of wood smolte filling the cabin, since Its acceptance would throw tax. In other words. the whole

, d back upon them the respl!llsibil- scheme Is just a device to save flood food and good talk a-pl;-nly a~ . a lIy for setting up a provinl':al in. the face of Ottawa in Its ol)alings r(lusing ~ame of five-and-forlles to flO1Sh come and corporatio" tax ucpart- with Quebec and to allo'\' that ofr the day. . ment. And that means t~at the province to asmt its natilll'lalism

October brings its winds and fallmg new scheme strikes at tnt' basic at the expense of I(eneral incon· h foundation of the old which was venience for th~ other pruvinces.

leaves. 'But the leaves tum before t ey to avoid duplication of IMalion full Into colours incredibly lovely and who and the machinery lor eoilecting When Quebec set up It~ own is thcre who cannot find in their breath- It. Income tax a year or so ago, it (j . beautv full compensation for the demanded that. the full ~:nount n {lng . _ Now the average' citizen docs of provincial tax should toe de-

coming of fall. not seem to tllke much lrlerest ductible Irom lederal tax pay-__ This month marks a1so a great Increase _ in our tax relations with Ottawa. ments. This lVas asking fllr far

. SATURDAY, OCTOBER I, 1955 tn the velocity of business. ~ll over the That may be because he ~~~ be· too much from the standpQ;nt of ------ island pI'eparations are in tram for a bus~' come accustomed to makir.g out I Finance AbboU. He

New Approach Needed ~'e~son and in the north they Include the, jBUStt ?fnehsethof ttax paPkers ~t)'ear. steadfastly refused to c(lncere • ! • • • h t u I e as 0 rna e 0.1 one Quebec's unreasonable demands (~areful prOVISion of supphes enoug _ 0 set for Ot,tawd and anothu for and such was his mfluencc with

A new appl't:;!ch is neEded to the many last through the long winter and sprmg the provincial tax aut~orIJi~s, he the cabinet that he was .. ble to problems that have yet to be solved in of ice blockade. The tempo is rising ma~' take a dlfferen~ po!nt (II vl~\\'. have his way. But (lnCe Mr. AI>-N ewioundland. rapidly now More shipping is arriving Even :f nbo In I cre~sed !Rth taxal1ton bott had retlret: from polit:C&, the

F . . h ' were 0 e nvo ve, p ex ra situation changed A special con-

. or SIX years we have been proceeding each week in the port of St. Jo n s, m?re work', always distasteful, would be cession beyond ~nythlng offered a~ a breakncclt 1:ipeed under the stimula- people are employed, everyone is working a source of constant ann~yanre, to any other province was made tlon of the slogan: develop or perish In I' hnrder to make the most of the short, Yet that Is ~vh&t Ottawa .ppcars 'I to Mr. Duplessis antI the Inequity

th . . , d to have in mmd for cverYijne nnd , h t Id lb'

ose SIX \'ears, some twenlv-five million intensive season that comes to an en at I I ., t t us se up cou on y e o\er· dollars ha~e been poured int:; government Christmas. There ~re even wise and ;~atO~/ Q~::ec. appa,cn I cason. ~ome tbYd forchint

g Qallbothde~'d PTroh~-· mces 0 0 W a ue ec I. IS

assisted sccondary industries. Intensi\'e provident people who are e\'en now buy~ng was a piece of craven political cxploratio.n. of resources has been in pro- their Christmas presents and spreadmg The tax rental agrc~menlr. manipulation w.hlch is certainly f started during thp. war whcn h d f St L gress. Fishery progress in' the field of over the fall the work that too many 0 us Ottawa felt it essential that It not to t e ere 11*0 Mr. . aur ll'~zen fillets has been expedited, aga:u leave to the last moment. should have full control of laxing ent. with the help of large loans from govern- That is October in Newfoundland and a authority. But the agreements ment. ' . ' very pleasant month it can he. worked out well for most ~1 the

.' provinces and when the WII time In the ~~here of social 'service develop- agreements enC:ed, they wm re·

ment, we have moved more rapidly since • established on a new basil. As

1949 than in all the preceding years of our II Stren ...... h For To-day an official Info:mation SOUI1'C h3~ settled history. . 6"" put It, "the main purpom 01

these Agreements ar~ to esta bUsh In that period we have spent more By EARL I,. DOUGLASS I more equltahle system ()f taxa-

money than has ever been spent in any 4 tion throughout Canada by leduc, similur period. We have disposed of all FISHERS OF 1I11U'1 ing duplication of direct taxation our pre-uni.on surplus save the eleven When Jesus sent forth his .dISQples, be declared and duplication of machine!,}, lor

-11' h~ Id that he was sending them forth \0 become fishers the collection of direct taHs, to ml Ions I;!l on deposit at Ottawa .. And give a greater measure of stabll, . . l h of men. They would cast out thtlr nets and brin::

Wit I t c expenditure of, about $35 million In grea~ schools of fish. Or they would bait hooks lty to the revenue of the Prov from surplu' s aC'count, '''e have spent also b fi h Inces and to rnable the federal , . n nnd bring In flah. singly, But t¥y would e s·

: nearly $40 million in borrowed money. crs-catchlng something. Government, together with the

The main point is that Uttawa lias been actin~ as the sin~i~ eol­lector of direct !axel for the sig· natory provinces and this has simplified the operation III tax collection witl.out oeprivinj: the wealthier provinces of an: thing at all while giving the poorer provinces more than they could themselves col:eet with a ~cparate tax_ There doe~ not seem to be any good and valid rc~son wt·y thi~ system should be el:anged That does not mean that there Is not room for some revision, IIf the present agreements. But celJtraliz­ation of tax collection has n~t been detrimental to provincial autonomy or Independence and the ar~ument that the rental agreements eon­stitute an Invasion of pro"lncial rights is pu:e,. eyewash. Only Quebec says they are that ,and no sensible perso'l in Quebec Ictu­ally believes It. It Is to be hoped, therefore, that Newfoundland'. premier will stand firmly agalnd the new system when the subject comes up for discussion nexl week In .Ottawa,



"V h 'dl d d Too much of the original Idea .f the Church has Provincial Governments, 10 carry t e ave moved rapl y an on a broa out national policies Intem!ed .to

plane and the time has surely IJrrived when \'anlshed In modern times. The Church hiS become maintain hi'gh levels of .:;nploy. an Institution. It Is the dweillili plilce of the there must be a close apprllisal of what ... ment and production." Thm h I I h . b d faithful, the s!ronghold of sound and orthodox be· aims are to b'~ thrown Into the

as Jien (one, w at remain!! to e one. lief, the kindly helper to those II. need. ~I these discard simply to meet the Irra· nnd now ,Ole can utilize our remainin.~ things are good, but Christianity started out IS a tional demands of Quebec_ r~~erves of money amI credit to produce fish-catchlng expedition. The .Isclples were ~o tl 1 'bl f f 1 become fishers of men. They were to enclose . Ie argest pOSSI e measure 0 use u great masses of converts in their nets, as the pl'<'lIress over the next ten years or so. opostle Peter did on the Day 01 Pentecost when

Our needs remain gteat. The secondary 3000 entered the church In OM day. Bu~ 1150

'indus~ry prcgramme has not solved our they were to bait their hooks aad catch fish Indl· employment prcblems and we are still too vldually. The evangelist Philip did this when he much dependent on casual labour such a5 was directed by the Spirit to seek out the E!hloplan

eunuch. Persecuted Christians, ~Ittered fir In~ that afforded by American base upkeep wide, talked to people In the m~'ket place, on the, and general dele'nse expenditure. Moderni- highw,y, over the back fence In the new com-7.ation of the fisheries is still in its embryo mlinlties In which they had settled. stnge. We have yet to find the best wav Whcn the Church has been he.lthy, It has been

Intent on making converls. Th' ove~elmlng of our agricultural potentiu!. In majority of the people today are outside the spite of the road-building we have done, Church, and Jesus said ~o his disciples, 'I will we have much more to do. And no matter make you to become fishers of men."

how we build up our essential serviee~, _:0:--the hunger of a rapidly increasing popula-

tion stimulates new demands faster than What Others Are Say'lng we can satisfy the old ones.

· ~~I these things irr\,ose heavy responsi· blllties upon government. And the first .of ~hef.c is that there shall be a new ap­praisal of the entire situation, financial, economic. and ~Ocilll. We have to find out how far we have gone, how much more hllS to be done and how much we are (~apable of doing to plug the gaps that remain. Above all else, our credit re­.Hources must be eXllmined and a sensible ~nd realistic -order. oCpl~iorities assigned III respect of all the things that have yet to be done. :

Life in the past six years ha~ been, in a sense; explosh'e. We have been living in un atmospherc of sensational and revolu­tiona:~ activity .. We have been suffering growmg pains and we have been makin" , . " mistakes as well as progress. We cannot any longer ~fiord to, travel along this road witnout inviting serious trouble in the future.

A'reappraisal dl)es not have nccessarilv to be agonising. But we have reachcd 'a stage where we have to find out just what we have achieved, what remains to be done, ~d how'we'can best attain a' new series . of well,planned objt"ctives. The time has.come-for a new approach ana we cannot· afford to ignore that very plain fact. .

Comes Octcber October is here. A week ago we had a

reminder' of its coming· when the clocks were put back ilythat':hourstolen from the sun: ·in May and darkness began to descend upon us at th~ end of the working day. Fall. In short, 'Is here. -

For thes~: who look upon the darker sid", of life, it .is the' beginnln' of a long anrl dreary' period which will not end until


UNEMPLOYMENT NEKDED (Charlottetown Guardian)

There Is something new under thp-Iun, after all. A Du!cli economist says that I narrow margin of Idle wvrkers Is necessary for the full and uninter­rupted functioning of the national economy. He figures that 3 percent of the total labor force should be unemployed at any given time.


HOME APPLES (Sydney Post-Record)

An /lgriculture department oUielal In aUfax says Ihere I.. danger of a substantial portion of this year's Annapolis VaUey apples. being left on the Irees. \VHhy? Because of a. lack of markets, he says. Old you ever hear the beat of It? One recails ano~her year when the apple growers crlled woe because a hurricane came along ,nd knocked the IIpples of( the trees before they tlad a chance to Jllck them.' This ousht to make Nova Scotians hopplntl sngry. Docs It never occur to the bemused apple growers tha! the people of ibis province and other provinces too. might want to eat Annapolis VaUey apples? It's a darned slgllt easier to buy British Columbia ap~les here. II anyone thinks otherwise Ie! him speak up.


PEACE lN THE SUN (Chamber of Commerce News·I,cUer).

Canadians might well take note of a little pub­licized Incident which took place In Montreal last month. Though small In Itself I~ morked another milestone along Canada's· growth to maturity. A btief ccremony was held at the docks to mark the commencement of loading operations of I 21,1 million dollar cODJlgnment of heavy' construction equipment and .tom, destined for the Wanak bydro-electrlc power and Irrllation project, which la to be built by Canada underthf Colombo, Plan III the historic ~hyber Pall eountr of northwesl Pakistan. It Is .Umulatlnl to .know that Canadlar skill, materials and money are being used on the other side of tbeworld to lnl~U lIeneratinli unlt~ with • total capacity to supply a .mall Canadian elty. Thla energy will remedy a lerlou. power shortal/o. permitting Pakistan, to re •. llze 'many III dustrlal plans limed .n~ reestablishlnl the economic balance oC the countrl' and will enable IrrllaUor of 93,000 acres of flat land In' the Peshawar Plain It Is by deeds lueh al thele liIat Canada w11l takl her pillce in the IUD.

In Newfoundland's case, lile tax rental payment this year v;111 be of the order of $14 millinn How much we could derive from local Income taxes. IS not known but a 10 per cent rate, that appl!cable

Memorial Student Work Reports On

At Japan 'Seminar Miss Lillian Butler, a fourth year student at Mem­

orial University, who attended the International seminar in Japan, in August, reports on her summer work. She represented Memorial at this conference, which is designed to work out bas~c problems of humanity and international understanding.

The International seminar apon· t . D 011 k sored by the World University Ser- I se~1\lnar ~rogrnmme, r. a a vice of Canada concluded '\ugust saId that they have been ~prried 20th, at the International Christ. out s.uccessfully and h~d borne Ian University near 10kyo, Japan. beautiful fruits not only In deepen-

Two months of .\ lon~ pro- Ing the mutual underst~ndlnll gramme deliberately planned to among t~e members themselvel enable student~ to catch a ;;limpse but also mp~motlnl! ever:;~here of the ordlnar life of Japan its friendly relations wltb the ~apan-

y , pin people and its cultural heritage, ese eop e. culminated In the thre~-week The Canada-Japan programme seminar held at this university. has been the sixth tnlernnlionai The general subject of stu!!y and seminar sponsored by the World discussion was the social resDonsl- University Service. In its' eHol'tA billty of higher education with to bring together people ,)f dlf­special stress on the Inter~Rtlonal ferent nationalities Into I world aspect of the problem. community, WUS utlllu. relief, ,Preparatory to the semlnOlr, the research and the pooling ot know·

74 members from 9 countries ledge, resources anll experience. gathered In Japan, took part In The international .eminar~' have the orientation in a Buddhist mono been In Important part of lis edu· utery at Koyasan, made study eational programme; tours through the west and north That the World' University Ser­part of Japan and spent one week vice is receiving di:5ervecl recoi­of work-camp In a primary school nitlon is seen from the testimonies In Adachi Ward In Tokyo. of noted figure!. At'the InceptIon

Co.dlrectors of the ~emlnal were of the Canada-Japan 'seminar Uiis Prof. F. H. Soward, head of the year, ·the Prime Minister,thr Hon. Dept. of History and dlrl'clor 01 Louis St. Laurent, transmitted Iiil International Studies in th~ Unl· greetil11!s and hest wishes 10 the verslty of British Columbia, and students of the seminar on this Dr. Tomoo Odaka, pro[essol 01 the "contribution to International un· School of Law Tokyo Unlvl'rslty, der4tnnding." Dr. Rajendra l'rasild and vlce-presldl'nt of .Iapan Sr.lence President of India, made the fol­Counell. Included' on' the faculty lowing tribute to the World tlnl­were Mr. EugEne Busslete, di verslty Service at a uni"trslty rector, Canadian Cltilf,n~hlp service In Deihl, India. Branch, Dept. of Cltlzensh.p 'and ''The history of WUS makes In, lmmlgration, Ottawa. and Iiso the spiring reading, as It 15 the story noted author and' authority on'Far of the Itiumph of th I'human .plrit Eetem affalrl Dr. Edwin . 0.' over the deva&tation' caused by Relsehauer, head of the Dept.' of war and the' fl ustration that. reo' Far Eastern Languat;es, Ihrvard sulled from It: University. Special lecturer' at "The organiZcttion IS prov)(:lng I

the seminar was Professor Shilleto unique opportunity to the ~tlldcnts Tauru" dlrecto~ 'of tlie 'Research of every counllY to inculcatpthc Instittite of, Economics at Hltot· spirit' of self-help anrl dlsln1cirest· subashl University .and a noted ed service,.' by bringing th~m 10 1 Japanese economist. gelher Irrespecllve· ot ca$tc. col-

Estimatinl' the success of tile (Continued on,palle 18) ..

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10100 R.ccoun 1000 Rexlpar

:!U6j9 Hlo Palmer 1:!'w n;:.: Atb~b

Stock Market Report 1170 1I0nol,.. 211, 20', 21 1300 Hom YK IS 14 14

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Il10G I(o"old 91& l(armet.1

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2l'I4:0 !\udlllanl& 3otl1 Oba,~.

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100 ]00 ,l1li Ii . 1:\ II. M ~n 0

2000 Parama, 10000 r.rbee

:z.wo P. rde. 3~ Parker Drill

2000 Pa),maalf'r l300 <~ Crow

ZOIOO Itch Or. B~' ,PIAC',r .. 00 rulon

S110 rnnto tTrln J!KI ronlo wtll

5500 mdy ~lIl'1

~610 QII' flip 31000 Qu. Chb

7ROO Qur Lob .3('1() Qllf' 1.lIh 1;00 QUI! ~tn,

':I~.or, Qu~ !'tf!tJI . IntOO QII' NI,kel

:13,\ QI1.mnnt 100 ramn"I' :.!;~\ ,';11 fin !

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:n;)OO f;:.che ::311 Uurkwin

4H:U:J Hupununl ,m1 San Ant

"':;01 Sand Jli\'fL' l:.IlO Sht'I!P j'rk R'iM toij1trrltt

11)120 sa UI~r ;tt:rfj Si!fl'oe :181}()' Sil Sta nd 2300 stadacona .L\OO Stan~tt 4.~,oO Stfelo~:

, !a91J SltCP Roele.

II 114;;75 Slur aeon

1000 Sud Cont l~~O Sulll,..'

SOO Sylvan1a

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:1000 1'andem K50t1 'I'eck 1111111 7~00 'l'hom Lun,1 :1?6 Tial'il

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6400 tr Monl,uh,n ~10(" t;pp Con 782 Vtntm~1

ofHO!) Vieau\" ~DDV ... lilma(" 500 Walle Aln l~ Werdon 'J~ l' ~OWlllrov ]000 Winchester 51.1)0 Wiltsey 8000 Windward 11:;0 Wr Har, &100 Y,l. Lead 500 Yellorcx

J3600 Yk l3600 Yk Bear

1500 Yukeflo 10200 Zcnmac

b50 Zulnpa ('urb

:!OO 8111010 27S Falo


~OOD Acme a-; 2':'00 Atbermont

ln100 Albermon~wbl llJO Am Leduc ;!no AnRl1) ... \m r-;xp

11:.!·1 .\nll0 Cdn 1100 Hallty tid A. :lilOD Banff J.lOO Rata 30(}l) RdUlt:t

4M ('jill JII',d f:d Inl'l(J (";tl"rlrlh un" nil J.j\nrl~

30M Crln .'d (Iii 1:'W~ ('dn At FiO(\() (' 'h'lt J:mp l(,:lti (! Collirr

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'I ...... , ... '. :"''''1 ,'., p." '1' t' r. A .... " 1\ II 3.

ANNOllNClNt:1 ~ .---"'-- ----


Till NEW westinghouse LAUIIDROMAT


]31 175 180 tlo:! Cdn Dey Polo :ass '" til

:H:; 200 '200 mo C nomuttld ::SJ al ~~ :!O 18~~ 19 3000 C Dec.lta ~ 6$

~O 110 ~o Is::JIlO Cdn 011 GIl. Bel 90' n .. ~l:? 2JJ 2t2 11$10 Cdn I' L P ... 23$ 2iO •• lOll 10:; lll<i ~C WIUllfon 295 2tO :'lO

2m 20 21 31iO CaDI. Pe .. W W' 111

~I ;8 1 :;eo Cent E'XI 600 5S5 ; 1:1,:- m 8'h :<",) Ceot Lc ue ~O :ass

111 IU 11j 2100 Cbamberlala 140 II

18 '(ili 161,~.: 701 C".nfr 011 n 1I1 112 •

I:n l'.:a 123 I 1M Con1 Pr!e &50 4SO 4SO

~llrl t.jl.) 900 3)110 C Allenbee I~ '1' n 111,\ :00 102

, 1000 C DralOft 43 12 \2.

.\:i ~O ,3 l71~ C Eut ere.t 11 7 76

" :;'; la, 615 (:G. MI. M~c 276 I'll liS

:.:~~ z 2!!".~ 29~, 5100 Con Ptn IS 11 lllt

:!o J81h ~u looo C Wilt Ptll 5&:5 lIS 11.1

I~ ]0 .... 11 31OO Dtl !tId 115 I'll 110

13\~ }11" . 13V. !i:.!CJ Dev Led •• 170 U 170

46 10 43 leo Dom. Z~pl 550 po 5SO

11 17 17 41Ul,) Duvu; :&:l' :!O 2CI

~IO I~ 615 1]2011 EI Pe.ny 13 U· l3

14$ \I.' l4$ 800 Far~. W· l1li :aa 12~2 12'h 12~ lZllO Fed Pel.e no UI MD

III 310 310 700 ('.e. Pet. A m 'ne ~t:i

]89 175 m aoo flr PI aiM I!«Y %I 1m ''JJ

II 43 .U 2000 Or sweet G .... .~, 3IS 130

~9 48 !til ~'OOo \1&11 crest :&:l .J:! 21

17.·, 1:!jl 125 I I~"O 110m. 011 10l~ lO',~ III. 4' 31 '1

12<1 lIulky III IU "15 7:,Q i~i) no SOIl(J NT Ch." I' • ~

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JI, lijl. ltHl 2'100 MID CII, a. til SI

5:! ~ 50 21110 Nit Ptl. . I1S m

.01., 290 %90 3liO N Bri.tol 171 1&5

10 lQ 1ft 1!11'l 1'1." B Do,. .t . :lIS -131" 1II'J J1lh 3100 N Concord 5 .'. (II

4ft 43 41 16ln~ S (:G.Un.nlll 4' , It

195. 110 195 1"''''') N Dines ~ lit •

61 59 59 1700 N Su ... rior 240 := •

13 1J 13 SOt N COlla ~ -218 212 21

U;$'JJ 011 Select 10 '*' I'

218 212 m ,~, Ok.I\., 'It· 115 21Jl

II 13 14 259~ PIC Pet. m. U~ ll~

IG 39\. 10 lwJ Pan We.t J. 10 10

31 32 32 6642 P,lhllnder .. a aa 700 Peace Rvor tiS toO .IS

j,25 m S:.;J 4300 Pertly 0111 2U .. .:lIS

61'; ]5 615 20$100 Pol,"!,1 130 lIS UtI

102 .100 lCIO

1ft 18 ]1 5000 R •• , Peta 9 I ••

9' go1,:' 13 ~~ .. J ........ "hire "

,.. 1ft

:l?',,% :!5 2S :JJ., NUill1..\.c ... 1,. ".\\ ".1; .. 73 It ~OO S(:urry naln""'''' ,,11 ~15 lift

It' , H',' 14'.1 1000 S(!Cur Fnp. 210 ~'70 11.

:i7.'i :;5~ ~Hi5

I l'~OO South Un 011. '.1 105. f~

31,j !'2n !l!. ] 17."1 spooner 10 If l'

I~f; I~O l!',~ ;:jlll Slanwtn 6, I 1

1;'1. 15' .. I:;'. 3900 Ttxas e.lnr, I~ l10 ~2.I

2Fij '.!~I ~,' :,!tIn Trail" E1TlP II<! 11' l7.

iI',! !Filj g~ J~II')I'I Tran" Fora ;11 ;l\I~ l1

::)\ .: HPJ 19' ~ 6;,00 Trrnd P,lf W. II~ If

',0:, ::!,,~ ~.;\ • II,' j.)-, ... I- '" nt; ~~ ~~

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t::~ • 11". 12: ~" 'OO! Yo. «.:anurk • •• I


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More Truck Value 1!.er Dollar All ways! IT'SCOM'UTflY AurOMAnc LoaG I' ••• "III ••• Iottel It. net'. all """ lIlt waolHla-l Ih. eultMllc Lau"cUo",al way. W .. h.wIY IU .... '''.Y ae'i ..... ohat Y •• ' clalh .. , lod.Jiftf ,~. ..., .lr.cI. 1.1t"f" &tau"'u Iy cl ... , ... with c.II,I", •• Itty. "ole .~ •• I Ih ..... clu.I •• .... ~, 1111., _." .... y ... " •• , ... lu ....



'Westinghouse CLOTHES DRYER

F. .. " d.,' •• perCeel d"inlJ d., "'hen ,uu d" Ih. workled WelliaaboUlI .. a,. Ead ,our .... s .. d.' we.dser worries. ead the drlld,'rf of IiCdnlJ be." ... et cladttl wids •' bOIll. Qodl .. Dryer, Collie i. tod.,. ~d It;' ~I In ol\ttllion.


STEERS 1t.1I1. - A .... n.nCl -Purlliturt De,.rt",.nt

Wat., SI,"t St. JIh,,'. "hon, 10021


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There's a new "lool( in these new 1956 Mercury Trucks! New cabs with a full·wrap·windshleld lind ~'visorcd" roof ••• new prestige-building line., -new body' colour~. new cab trim, smart new plastic and vinyl upholstery I

There's neW haulability, new durability: : ; new, higher G.V.W. ratinga for every model from M.250 up! New G.C.W.'II too, on many models! There's new, mightier V-S power in all &eries! Now 8 overhead.valve V·8's-all advanced in power and torque efficiency. New heavy-duty engines with aodium·cooled exhaust valve! and

many other neW features. New 4·banel carbure­tion on new "special" V·S's. New 12.volt i,mtion for faster starts!

There's new Safeguard Design for driver lafety. New Safeguard steering wheel with recessed lteer­ing post. new S,afcguard double·grip door loelul and new high·dial inStrument panel. And '56 Mercury Trucks oll'er a wider choice of power steering and braking optiOn!, newatronlUdutch. and axles! See your Mercury Truck Dealer for &Il the facts about a Mercury Truck built for your busineslll

Move If wifh MERtfIIH TiutItt ~tLE~/



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I 'j

I . .. Genera,

Items The Bell Isllind lVews Sp9rt

Activit.;es .. ---_._-----


UNITED CHURCH: Kiwanis Pr'epare F or Annual Meeting

St. . John's Presbytery Tb, K.w'"'' m"'" lb", ,," .d'P"d ,,, ,~. ""'~ ...

M A B I d gular lunchean meeting In the. seven, directors [or the cominl

, . 'e'ets t ell I's an . Canadian Legion Hall Wednesday Iyear, Primary balloUs for'the ele· e\'enlng Sept.', 21. • ctioil of officer. are liein, mailed

... Pre.;d,,' Ad'" B," ... "·'h; •• ,,' to .Um,,,b,,. woo A __ .. !be B\. Y,b.'. th, ,h." ",d '''"., ... '" au'" : •• re M' ,,, .. ,,' " tI'.d'~d.'"

]lrelb)'ter,of the United Church A public worship lell'Vlce was \ P , Of Mr .. E. C. Cotton who was given i meeting. . assm" tho .mru Kl.";,, •• '~m'. : Th. Ch.'m" of .... ,;,. Edu·

, . of Clpcla 1I'U h,ld In the United held at 8.00 p.m. In the United • 0 Birthday congratulations weu'e'., cation and Fdlowship, B .. - •

. ........ , BoIl_ .. W_. Ch."h tho "",,, ... "".... " 4l1,';hptember 21, 1955 at 10:00 ed bv

Rev. Dr. A. S. Butl, aetlni George Pottle extended to Frl'u Hees. Dr. Bernie Tucker, announced that I quis J 1 Egan was congratulated on the: held on October 12th, Ind rt 1 o[ a son s nd congratulations' this will feature a srries of que.

.' Lm. chairman. Rev. W. L. Lanllllle bl I . ~ . to 1I'orah1p.' offered prayer and the sermon - ' """" Ii "God .. !be ........... I'''''' " tho P~~.irt ,I A hmm" II"". " m"'" ••. , wo" ",,,d,d " h •• b ... " ", Ii,,, " Kfw";' .hI,h,." .... .. ...... " eo ... """. " .... B,U"'." " th' """ L"~' P"''''.'' " hi. """', ,,,lIy b.I.. ,,,ri.d "'M ,i •• . • h of 'Ir George pottle passed away manage preliminary arrange' bulletin. Ther'! was no' re,ullr

Scriptur. Her .... ew 10'.111. A levere storm o. sout west 11. I _ b " hb h,.' W .. , W ..... , " So,. .,," wore m.' •• , thb m .. "" " .. , ., .. k" ,I 'hi. ",,",., bot,

~ ... Imd' ......... , wID' "" .. ,,,... Pm "'" "d., "',. 24, I"',.,., • "., I" th, "m'" """" ,I ,1If,·' ",. E. ·C. eolt" tho " ... ", Rev. Dr. L F. Curtb Chair. from returnlnll to the mainland Illness. The deceased gentleman ers and dircctors, a change in the,' of !lIe Wab.ana Boy's Club. spoke

.' man, wu unable to be present ed and the cro~Fing was not made was born a.t Groswater Bay, La. .', ,;",' .',. '.. I us~al procedure is taking pIRc~: to thl" membe"~ on the roll ef , on Wednesday IIllIht 89 was plann· ..,.,.. " ... ~ Wh .. tho m.... ",W 8.00 • .m. ". Th""'y "",. b"d" 81 ,an "', "d hod b .. , • ..'" . .. . ,lbto ym. ''"'"d " ",;,., '''' tho "''''',,,. " roolb "p.'" ............... 10 """ " .... ,~ ", .. ,." tho trl" m.d,,, • "dd .. , " ... " •• d I" .," ! 'fII'''' "d """," to •• th" ... "," _lib ,.rt",'" .. C.",,, to ~~retl1')'. tRi

ev. IDr't dA't S. Btutt Wednesday m!.lmln, and Thurs. than hlaU a

l Icenl tury. d f 'thf I MARRIED AT KETAPEC, N.B.-Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Sweenev pictured followinl' ; wa. th~ custom In the pa~t, the the Boy's Club. His remarks were , w ... an mo on e ec e 0 ae II d Dur ng 1 song an RI U: h . dd' h' " . . ' club. Will now hold sepcrate clee·· very lntcrestinq and were wen

. th"""'" I .. tho ....... ",d 10 I d.,. "'.,., "" !""" w~".. "", .. "th th. m"f,. "m,." .. : ' eI', we In~ w IOh took ,boo qUi ,11 ,. 0' Sa,urday, September 101h, In 51. II"" I~ ,III .. " 'M dI,,,to,, , ""h·,d by tho m.mb.". ,. convene the next meetlni of the I up at PTohrtugdal cofve for t\\OthdaYZs2'! he worked underground at various Anne s, Anglican Church, Ketapcc, New Brunswick, the ceremon\' being perform- 1 The following lommittee was set i It w~s annou,1ced that there \\'111

On urs ay a ternoon e d b h R T J . ' . ,t I ' .... "".... th ..... byt'" .... t"''' ,. to U·'" " ."., .~'h.. hI .. U"" e Y I.e ".,. . H"I,y. Fo""e'" y M '" E""bo,h J "n Hall. fiN., th, brld., "' '''~, ," ,.. .'ttll" •. ,,,, • bd, " .. ,,, I~ lb. • ... Whe" . the roll of Presbytery I'" "', ... m"" ., B,U b",d ,,,",. ,." III"'. ,',. H. '''', i, 'he daughl" o( Mr. and 1h,. Sleph" 1. Hall, 89 Qufdi I'idi R"". 51. John',. The ,,,d R",. ,". B. w. ,.",.; m"U" .• hf,' .m 10k. th. I"m

.", .. called the Iollowlni answer. ' worked at mechanIcal work on tbe ! b 'd . h f III d K I . : ker, E. J. Murphy. Wm. Clarke' of a ladies' night. The speaker .. it .. " ...... , 'fl., ... ",I, r. ., .... ", tho ",rt .. , ,I '''. D .. , ""... 1M • "mb" ,I ""',! "eg"oom,,' e 'OW 0 . r. an "". J 0 m Sween,y, W,,' Min"" Bell 1,I .. d. ..: "d Arth" .",,11 . .,fm.", b.'· '.11 .b. >I;" G."" of tho V, •• G,'Welr, R. N. Rowsell, Isaac Dav. key, and Mr. Came~on. This \lslt I and was pensioned In 1944. I ------------- llot~ II'l're distributed at this me('(. rian order of ;'lIIrSel, and she witl

.... W. L. ",,,U1., J. A. '''KIm. WH .. "h .,,"''', .. '" the: C,mi" '"m '" " lb •• "" ,. : i" ,,, Ib, .,.ct'" " ,m,m.' b, ""m,,,',d by tho ,no ,.. .. Vl ... ', D'. A. &B,tt. N'~ P, .. """" .. old .or'. H •• '" • ,'f" "n,. f Tho" '" I", ,m .. " " b. ,,,.Id,,' ,IVO'. M,. C" •. D;. " ..... "'" J_ 11m" w,.. Ch~, •• n Ed.,,"'" '0>. J. A. , ,,, m" "d w", •• 11 , •• , by.'" '. .'tt"d, "m,;' ,P",Id.... '" .• " will b.pI. " , ,.m. "PI W"· W"" A. .. ""'" Y. N. B,rt, M,Kom Ie,,"''''' .• ". Dr. H who ',d .. , """" " "",og :. V,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "d V;" pre,'" ,,,d,,. "d "" d1"" .ill ... D. E. Pelley, W. H. Peters, IIllls \ M. Dawe, Rev: J. S. Moran, Rev I his acquaintance. , ". ,d~nt ftnr! Trc;"urror. Tile Secre· (ollowed b." ~ '"cial el'pnint ,dtll .; Lod..... J. V""y, '". Roth TlUm,",. • •• ",,',,' '" hi •• 11, "d . . "" "m""" , •• " '" ". , ........ O"h .. ", ;, _ .. ,"'""

•• p. th" thoy ..,~ "'"..... .,"' ... Lo""', .lIb 5., '" ~" J,hn, th'" b",b,". : B",d ,I "'=,,,,. Tb, I,U,.,,,, "mm'"'' t, " present were rteelved from the Burray, Mr. J. H. Pollard. I Jim, Clarke's Beach; Noah and It i~ pl~nncd to £inalize the charge of the arran,eml!nt~. 1!"n loU"' .... ' M_ .. B""'" ..,,,,,ll.m!'" 5~'" 5.",,,, H.m, L", p"d, .,,",.. I .,,,11" ,I,m"" by O,tob .. 'Ib "GII'k. Edjll .... ~II ",d B,'" "" D, ......... , J. W. w, ..... DI'. A .•. B", (Cot>".,,), Th. I'''''' to" "". " "". . .0" ,hi,h .. m· "~,'," .iII . "",,bY.

----------~ •• ----.-------------.-- -_ . .....!_ .... --- _ .•

sor, Dr. I. F. Curtis, L. A. D. Cur.. Rev. J. S. H. Moran, Hev L.A.D. day afternoon Sept. 26th., from: ' .. tie, Non.Mlnlstel'lal: Wlllon acurtBI8I1'S'nRe:vM' Fr' AE'EVlpjOanrdk'lnllstrM'~' h~s resldenc~ Scotia No.1 to the ," 'I J. Po. pollard. W.H. Peters, Mr. F. Peach. hearse. Burial was In the Salva· . APRON ALLEY Clarke, Miss S. Burry, a. Nome,' .,'" " Salvation Army Citadel by molor, '. '.'

R!I' John Vardy of Pouch Cove Church Extcl1sfon: Rev. W. L. tlon Army Cemetery. Sr. Capt.: Is on 1lleatlon. Lan.i11e (Convenor), Rev. Dr. A. G, Hickman olflclate~. The musIcal I

Th. ,,,,,wi,, .m mod .... S. B"", ..., •• E. V""d, .". ""'" " lb. "", ..... ,~: I """dI,. " ... _ M ..... J. J, A. M,KIm, '''.'. N •• "".11, ,~ .. by 'k. ""',,'m 'Id,"'. ,'I'lli'n

l' 11-,. """ ....... d ....... N. Md." N. BtuI, M'. D. E. P.I\." Th. ,,,"~ .""g.""",. M" I N", tim, YO" '" h"·:,, 'II' good ~and\\ich 1 _.

'.T", .. , ... Ell ...... M<. B .• 10''', M'" S. B .. 'Y. "d" lb. "",U" "Rid""" ,,,!y, " • b""g' ,,,",m., " d,,"" "" . H Milos' Rev LAD U d t k ' S \\'hen friends drop in for an cI'en-1 TUN A S!\ lICK fILLI1I1

Letters of sympathy were or. ome sa n, ,... n er a era ervlce. Mr. Bert ing, -and you are J'ust a IiWp tired 1 tabiespooll butter

dered to Dev. Dr. 1. F. Curtis, and CuJrtls (Conve.lor), Rev. Dr. H. Rideout being the undertaker and I M D R J A M KI R

of sen-ing sandw;("he~, maybr 1 tablespoon flour

of tho toto JIM c. •. B1_ F. G. W.k, "'. 1., M""" ",. " .. m. Wm'.m ,",,,,,d, Th,m.. ,·",'d U,. " ,,' th." "., ~ '" ." _ii' M .dd .... of ....... "b. D. E. "U", 'k. J. H. p,""". no", P. W. , ..... , P"d 'UI.'. "",.. B,'"'' m." "'''''' ": '. <P, ,," Ii,h, n ....

to Mrs. Newell Smith, dlu;hter • awe, ev. . . c m, ev. the followIng acted as pall·bearers,

• ill of thO BoI' ",,,,d ,,_po "'" .... M""'" .'" Sf."'" ""d, J. C. V",y, "'th" , ... ". , .. Ibm', "". " h. ""',,. ' :; ,....... " .. tlon WBI read by Mr. Ell Swain, J. A. McKim (Convenor), Rev.' I S:\ACKS • t~aspoon pepper J S H' Sf" H P 2 "",.. ," ,,' ",. II,,,,, '; , ". ",,',,' ,n"" "'" ............... n!, .... "" .. , '" . . .' "". '. . . " .... I 'I ,,,""'" ,,," " ... ,'" ~~,,, ,,;.,;

motion expr .. ~d his IIratltude Mr. W. B. Easterbrooks. 1 S d S . 11 d 'd

for the lent

lmen" exp ........ M , .. d,,,,, "'" F. G. W"', (C,& un av ernces ' ,,' """'oo~, ,h,""·'''' i 'I ''''POO' ,..,."d .,d" '" rI ~ tahle,poons cold water \about \' Melt butler in saucepan. add .•

,,, tho _ ... of m ...... In ".,,), "'.D'. H. M. D ... , "'. A RECENT PlcrURE of No. , Mi .. tl"k .m. F;IIi", '"bI",,,, II"", '"' mr ",' tblschurch. 11. Davis,Mr. Wilson Clarke, !IIr. CHURC,-i OF ENGLAND ------. - - ------ _ ... _-------- ----- --- Sift flour OI,re. mea.'Ul'f·. adll smooth. Cook for I mom"tnt ..

The hours of sessIon were set I' J. G. Barnes, Mr. D. E. Pelley. II S.v,ntltnth S'mday after Thlnlty I 1,{ H salt and sift a~ain. Cut in ~hort.: two. graduallv stir in the min o .. ,Uow< 10.00 ...... " ,"" •. m. """"."y "d M.lnto .. "., ., C",., ...... ,'" '"d T . ill any a p py , ,,;", ,,'" ,'N" ." .h"·,, th.; .. d ",u,,,·,, .,,' ."tIl .• ~ and from 2.00 p.m. to the eoncllll- i He,:. R. N. Rnwsell (Convenorl'IF. Honeygold, curate: Revd: C:: peo I In The News ! size of ~mall pra~. Adrl water.! thickened. stirring con,IKnU, '''' " .... ,..... I ~ ... ,~'. ~. S""'\~~i ".,~. 1 D. Hoy,,,. '.30 •. m. ""y C,m.: peR eturns ; ",',kI'" " • ,m,II .m",,' '" R.m"" 'mm fi" "d .<d ..

T" m''''.... ,,\h. m"lI" I .'" " ". A. , m, '. ; m, "" I 11 .m S.", .,,,h ""., . ., 11m' "d ,,', f" II,b" ,. ." h com. "d" "I lb. ;""d(,,'.. "h held on May 10lh and June lSth I A. E. Parkins, Mr. J. Harris, IIlr, '3 Ch'ld' S. ' - fOl'k onl.\' enough ·to mak:' Ilour,' \\'ell. Make~ about S" ·up ~illinl

E B ,. p.m. I rC\l S ,erVICCj 7 p.m., '( S' ; [ h d . "T. • were read and on motion adopt· I . ursey.. , I EI'cllsony and ~t'rmon. ., rs. tcphCIl Johl1Son ~rrt\'cd I ;\liss l'cg~y lIiggin~ arrived' Many happy rctllrn~ 0 t.. .) nolrl together, Chli! thoro;l~hly.

". P "to,,' • ,L,' to'" R". n. N. 1 .,,,.. , 30 H , "m, 'rom 5, db,,,,, O",.ri, tv .d. ,,... II, , .. ,,' " ,,';,11 to h.c' to "'. S", h" • ,,' w h, ",. '"" ' , i,," !hI,' '" "'ghll, T'", ",.,g ,. .,.,. '"'k' ., A commlttel! of two Rev Dr Rowsell (Conl'rno.rl, Rev. Dr. H. '. a'3Y - aE·m. 0 y Com· , nrsd.y of this \leek to atteno the parellt~ ~Ir and I\lrs Erllest l"ig ,brated his birthrlay on September f10llrrrl board. Cut in ~trip', 3 x II be fa\"ourite~ with Iamllv : alii

• ,., d ~I' G'lb t N [muDlollj p.m, I'cn~nng and If' ," . , .! 2 . , . • A. S. B.U "d tho "',d'''' of ". D ... ,,, • '. '" , .. ~,m," . ''',,' ,I h" broIl'"~ II" "", ,;". s", '" "rrom",f" Crom 7. f"h". " ;, ,·",h "",,,. w;.,· .",'" .. Presbytery, wel'e appointed to tie.. 1 • I UNITED CHURCH i\lphol1su~ lialleo. Jr, ,She was ,the city by hcr brnthcr, Chesley, I .---: " flourrr! cutter. Bake in het olen: OR:I:\Gf; DATE ,~TICK~ mw _ .. _ •• ".U," FI .. ", ... ,. G. N""' 'C". M'.' • d F G . """",,,od by h" lilli' .". .. "d "" L J h.,,, wh' ",,"" ",U" ''"' ..• m ",' '''''F! ." .;"" ... " ",,, I' l'~ cup~ sifter! rAk~ flour In connection with the Moderat. venor), Rev. 1. Da\'i~, and Rev. I Ill


lr, e,:~' I: '2welr, 11 Strvc .Tr. on ~n extend~d 'h~lidBY I'i~il to' September 26, Special Rrcrting~ hl'ownrri, Sprr,d with ~na~k fill·, 1:4 tea;poon b~kinll powder

. d JAM KI ,R,m • I\' ne. OI'S liP; .30 p.m. 'I T III . '" c m trom IItr Nann)' and Gr-nrl rI' I . 1 ,,' ..... , to "". ...... ...", , . , m. •. Suo '" ., hoo'" . DI ., " '. . '"'' ",," '" " "" . II" C", .. " '" ,.,,,' "d ,b.· ". ' 0 ,,, '" ."",.",11' ,OP';" ". , ,,,.,ot.. "It to tho '"'" m ...... " ,ho p..,. ."UdI~' R". I. D,," teo,. W,.bI,. ' ,.m.., ". C."" .. Not'?'" T,'""" , •. U.S.A. "Iom.d t, lb. "',,d; d,d L,,' " "01'''''' . ,,,,,. """'. If d,,' .... B'''''': ,."" "." ",,,y ., ... J,b.', ""' ... " " .... y'. A. W. W,U. SAL VAT'ON ARMY Nlld. "Id • """""",, IP ,.It ! ""d.y. I. - . "h" "." " ""'" ,,,,,,,. 2 ,''', "II b,,'M· and 23, \ ArchIves: Mr, H. N: Burt (Con. S Island Thursday. He was Rccom'I' '. Mr. Ron BIckford cplcbrAI cd hl~ Sen'c hnt nr cold. Mak~5 4 10 ~, I tablcspoo~ melted bul!er

A """",It"" Iod .. , ,"" ... "" ' ... D' H. M. Do", ..... m ~ C."~";, God~~1d "d .. ,.,. "".Id" "'. A. S.i"" c",. 'k. ',m" lIop"" " ."n, h,rl"., S"L ". Coo,,,". . 1 'm". roc I,'U., '" "",,",,'., 2 "''' """ ", ""~, " John Yardy Into hi! pastoral D E. Pelley, Miss S. Burry. 'C '.", .. H' to" " tho d., ", ... " " 1M,,,' U"". E"f"'''''' 5.,,, Ltd., .... h .... l. - · S,,,k "m,. " rPO' 50'" Fill· ,. , '.n,"" ,,,,,d· '''',. ," Ch"g ..... " ••• ," ""Uow' •• dI" .". ",. a. M. D ••• A'T:::d ':d" wUI b. C,',," C.b'. :;Y.,.m .h, " ''''''''y d,,'" lb •• <ok d,',. "'" ..... : ",", P>'~" ", .... ,., I ing (following r~cipes\. i 1, cup chopped nu'!s : ' "". '" .<. S. 'PIL '... J. A. 'C" ..... 'n, ..... W. \. 1A,~n.,..; . , D .. '.' ",d "'pt. ...... I"m T,,,." ,,'~, ... H. w" ""m,,"'" by M,_ C. 1 b" Iflb bulb'" ,,,,.mb,, 3D., DEI'ILED ,,v ACK /'IL'.IXG I .' ,.hI""" hot ."" . """" .h, .~Id ~ft tho .... D'. A. S., hi'. D. D"i.

1 d thM~. RId".!. AI, "",,,. m.d. to tho .'y ..... m. d.,. E. C,,'"".''' .... In. D,m""" 15,,,'01 .'".",. ,rom m,Ib .. , , ",,' ,,,t., .. ~., "" "", "". ~ ... ,,, .••

,b"" " tM "''''',.. "'. y, '''. ::: • ".m h. ,,"',"'" b, M'. "d M" Lorn. E. "'~d. ',bbo, C,m,'''' " "III", N.& I", h.. ,., ''''h''~ ,,' ~; ~ ,.hI .. "". d.",.d b.m b.kI" powd., ... "U,o ".' . '" H • , .... " .mtld ~'" tho ",,""."., ",. J. H. P,I\.n!, ~ C"'':"'~ .. ,. the Pm,In'Io! loot .h' _ m"ri" "."Uy M'" '''m', ."h •• b, .... ",.u, I"m B,tt, J,"". , " 'm,"" ,,,,,,., m"",d .,.m. Add ... ," ",d~', I 'h ..... " tho ,,,,,.. !C"" ..... "." D'. H. M. ""'" 'mm"'" st. Job". Th. ". ro,,,,,d lro. th." b".,m'" ",,, " ... ",,,,,,d h,lid" to . - i" '''"'''' ,," ''''. ",.If,. ''''''''h~' M .",b~'" .<1", ...... 00 .... "'. J. S. B. "" ... " ... "'''','' d" of """'" ... I'U'~I' 10." ""d" .It""". ""."".d 0'''''' ,,'",''' to Happy bn1h'" .' .". ''?'''' 'I, ,.",.,? ,op"" . ,b,II", th .... ;"". " .. ".,,;., ,,, to ...... , To",U on 00\00 LoI,., _ nwth Tlllm.... ..m! Opo. "" ~""." " •. m. n". F. D. "" M". C,,, .. ". Gco'" F,," "'"doy .1 ...... "'.' P .... wh, """"" h" bulb·' "" •. ",,,,,,,,,h,,. ~".. I "d ""'. m" .. ' th"'~''''''·''' her 12th It 10.00 a.m., the Invlta- Chaplain Fund: Recommended Hollne~9 Meeting, 2 p.m. ~~ndny rived from 1II0ntreal and are' She was 3(!companied to St. Johns ~ day Oct ht. l 2 teaspoons srl'apNI oRion ~ nou~, alternat~ly Y.~tet "" bo\n, ..... dod " M., ... th., ,hb b •• "',, tho """eo ";,,o~, 3 :i"':, A ,:,.0 ... , T.,,, ".,",. • ."k .lth th." "'; b, h" "., "m G,,'.' "'. C,,· , ---: . I' ,.hI",,,, .,:,10,,, · b"h". ,,'t·' ,m mo,"" to'

'"' _ M"'"", n w" C' .. mU.... . ' • "".. • h" ". " ",d hi •• 11. Mo. "d "n. E. A. , ... ,.. ' A my"", b,nhday ,,"n. '~.bI~,o". '"'''' 'hm " .. "d ,m, •. ,. '.1 b ................ t, ",of> .. ",.tIo,,, ' ... J. S. H. Sf» 'ho C"",.'. Th. 1.0)0" 0".,. C,tt,~ B,Id,' A""'. , . ! ,n,hod N"", wbo ",.b"'" 1 ,?". b.n! ,~k,d .'''' "'",~h ,",..... """,,, •. b.t'" th" . ":.~. .... :, To ... .. 'h. on (C"'"'''' ' ... J,,," ",",y. """,.U" will •• ",d Ib" R" P"'M ,bllll, .to".. ,I th.'. ..." J,,, Gto, "IIby AOIM ,h" b,rl"" 00'''''' '"d. • ,,~.. r"mb"'. w,th ",,., " ,.k., ,~ _,ow ",,, ",,..,, .. te nl f th t d P Mount Allison Fund' Mr H N vice. The chaIrman will be Mr. S D Ad U t Ch h fo!onto thl! w('ek where she willi - grrdlents anrl mix II'~II. ~.Iake~ to 3~ mmut~~. Cool. Cut In 'tn~ eVpe nbC.! a




• Ith th sini' Burt (Convenor) Rev. ·W. L. Lan: E. A. Cotton D!I~ctor of the Wab- p:~:n b a~ t v~n t 5 th I ~rcd spend her vacation. I Congratulations and best wishes 1 1·3 cup~ filling. I SOlin," like: Remo\'e from pans. res ~.ery c ose we' ana Boy's Club 815 Open Air a us ness rIp 0 e s an I ,t Mr M' hiS' h I ... ---- - -- ..

In, ,I • b,m, ...... ,"""eo' ,11\., Sf". L "m", Sf,. A. E. " .. II'~' , .:m: E,,,,,n,II, Tw"d" .,,'. II .... ""m,.,,'· '. C,mm.",."""IIm h." d,,· , b:.,., hI;'.:;b h:~::: .', ~: ~" . ; " C,,,,.,, ... ,,, ... d """ on' 'n""". . I " .. II.,. T., '"'' .,.bon e' hy tho 'ollow", m.mb." ,I i '" th' .,,' ,,,,.d.d M'. H"" ~ ". ' . ,. ; SIlver W cddm g

I ,Dog Week I

pronounced Ihe Benediction. Pine H11I: Rev. W. J,. Langille, !Mi!~ B. Darley who was teacher hIs congrcgatlon, Mrs. Elsie Dawe 'Edstrom. of R. ,T. Coleman Ltd., I , - . I' .I

The Presbytf!ry members were (Convenorl. Rev .. T. A. McKim, Ihcl'e la~t year and MIss Mildred Mr~. J. D. Snow, Mr~, Frl!rl Gar· 51. Jnhn~, Mr. W. F. Ca~e, Guild- Mr B Sk I bid h' ! A • ~er\'ed lunche'.)n and dlnn~r by I Mr. D. E. Pellry Mr.~. ~tokrs. I'clarke will hI! r.arf!we1l1ng on Sun. land .. IIIr~. WnlJ~m Simmonr!. I (nrrl~ Ltd., {rom Hllirn, 7'i,S .. ' hi;lhda/~~~t.a~:~ ~:n~r~~1I1~tion~~: - nnlVerSa fV I Thr Bell I~IAnd F,np(~ "'''' lb. m.m"'''' " th. "" .... A. ..~""," .,,,,,,,,. Ch.',. d". Tboy .11\ h. '''''rut , .. st. "'. C. M .• ",th .h •• " " .... 'I' .I ~""'" 0", A. ~. a',km" • i ,I,d ." 'm Ib" lb. Ml~"," • .. ,loti'" " tho .. II ,.,,,d ,,,. i m,", .""'''.,,, d ,,,,,,,,,, " : J ,h.', ,,,I w .. ' " " '''''''rut., " • h"!"" 'np• co, "".d " .' "d C'm",,, 5'. J 'h'~. "d ",., ,,, Ff 11\" ,,' ... , ,,, hi. hh·,,.· "'. ,," "". n""" tV. r '""~,,' A If"" .k, " r~ ..... tI'" In II_ V.,,,, Ch""', ...,by,.". ..y. D. A. S. ''',., th. S.~.U" Mmy Yr",,,, C",. .yd"" N'" ''''to ",d,,:.d" ... C. n",,!d. ,c "" F,h" G'''' d., '""" ",'"h" 1. ""tI'" " .. ". lI," ,Ie,,'. "II """: d,,' " th •. ,:r.C.A .. "d ~"'d HilI. The ap[U'8Clation of the I'''' J. A. ",NIm. R ... F. E. v,. ',,,I. H .... ""m"",d by "'. "'th . c,ot,." D.rt.",', N,,, .. ,. Imm •• I" .. d.. : '" ~';'i" lb. '",.""',",,,..... A. • btl, . h". "",,,", I -"" ... "",,, by lb ..... , ..... d, R ... W L. IAnl

UI•• .... . BUh',. II.. . Ii" lb.;, m.", ";,,d. " lb. ". ,,' ,,,d. • '.0,' to •. H,h .Y"

... C""""",, no,. DI'. A. S. ,.It L. A. D. Curt,.. ,,,. D'. H. ". ."',, C"~,, "to."" ""'I ,. . . I ',;,m,,' " lb."",,,, .. dd" '" b, k"",,, B •• ". T,," In4. enthullI.tlCllly supported by Dawe, Rev. I. Da\'I~, A. E. Pllr. Corps Officer of the Salvation, J ~fr: Cha!lll: Murphy went 10 st. I I annil'er'arV which they are ceJe~' m81~ Wet'ik:' knn\\'n in thr. UI .11 the Pre.b,1ery. Mrs. N. R. klns, G. Noftle. H. N, Burt, D. E. Drill For Wate,r Army paid 1\ business trip to St. I bO ~ s Tue~ ay afternoon a I' C.C.L, Convention hrating' today Saturday Octoher' ilpd Slates a~ ."D"II We~k:' wh, Y",,,, ........ ""U " lb. P.U"" M", r Loll., ", •• J<' J,h.'. Th.,,'" m""" '''" .. ,,,,. . 1<1. ',. ,,' "co. Sk~'" .. ,,: ,II N •• """"'''' ,III ",' ........... . b """,, M •. J. G. B ... " "'. E. J. "."by, p •• "n.' Sf ........ HI""" ... In SL . 1 m"rt'd •• lb. "'''h ,I E",,,d, ,m"d.d " th.". d,,, ." ....

It has been reported that the Manager Dominion Wabana Ore John'adurlnll Ihe past week visit. A dele~ation of four has been : Bnnavista, B.B, : kind to dumb .nlm~ls and ,eal British Englnenlnll and ElLplora. Limited returned from Sydney, ing her husband who Is I patient appoInted by Local 4121 C.I.O.,: Mrs. Skane~ was (ormprlv Miss I tlon Corporation of Hallfll have N,S. Wednesday past where he at the General Hospital. C.C.L., Steel Workers of Amer· i ~Iay Templeman of Bona,·isia. I Most nf the typhoons tltl

tbrash the eoasb of Korea a~ Japan . in late summer ori.illat In the China Sea fISt of Formo.

Kiwanis ~leeting Changed To. Tuesdav

apponled the contrartlns firm of spent hi, vacaUon., Ica to attend the annual C.C.L. CongratulaU'lns to Mr. and Mrs. J, Goodyear " Sons of Grand Mrs. Gordon Petcon paid a Convention which begins at To-

Jack Farrar wbo celebrated the Falls 10 drill several test hl,lel on brief l'uslness trip to St. John's ronto on October 10 and contlnu· Prl [ W I L d N 326 8th Anniversary of their wedding Bell Island to complete 8 water Tuesday morning. Um'on Don' ate Ing until concluded. The repre'

l nce 0 a es 0 ge o. .

, on September 28th. T~ey were survey which comm~nced lsrlier D R b rt E H I h h S sentatlves attending from here 10( tbe Loyal Orange Young Brl' married' It 5t. Cyprian 9 Angll, thIs year. b r. A 0 te G '1 letm wltho thas $5 T will consist of Messrs. Natliall tons Association will re·open for


Ch h Th \ nerable Arch I hi' een 51 • ~o og 9 II' e 000 0 . the F 11' nd W· t r th (II J I d N can ure. f 'e , ' T e Bel Island project Is ex. Mining Company for the past ~ , Crane, Everett E. -Bur5ey, Dongld a a IR e mOD s on Be I an ew. COlttluetl ••

At thl request of the Lions deacon W. G. Legit! officiate!!, pecled to take leveral weckR In . nd h If h t d Gosse Rlvlyn Kennedy Wednesday, october 5th at 8 p.m. Pale 11)

Club, the Kiwanis Club 11'111 be reo Mn Farrar was form ely Rulh jl whIch time six holes will be drlll. year a a a as accep e a Boys' Club ' . • . rI

HOUSE FOR SALE . IInquilhlnll Ita rellular meetlnll on Sellars of this lown. Ing measuring, 6 Inches In -dla. position with the Kerr·Addlson . Wednesday nlaht. to the LlonL meter. Mining Company in Ontario and Local 4121 C.lO, the Mine The realOn for thl. II that, the fleerl for 19M will take place at left for therc during the past Workers' Union, are well known District Govemor of Lions Inter- thl e tlnll AccordIng to reports It Is ho~ week. ' for their generosity in supporting national I. eomlni \0 Bell Island, J~ ~ ~mportant that every memo ed to u~e the surface W1!rr lor Mrs. II. M. Stores returned from any" lucal worthy came. on Wedneaday. The local Kiwanis b th t Ibl d I. the main supply with a rrr.trvoh 8 business tl'lp to the city Well· Hecelltly, they votr'<\ tb~ hand

Club, wll " 0 d III meeUna on tend this meeting on 'ruesduy, (I I' I . some ~llIn uf $5,000.00 \(1 Ihr I h I I er a can poss Y 0 so a IlK'oleo In thl' wl'sl end III the nesday olteI'llU!)I1.

ruesday n1abt,: Instead of Wed. nl,ht _ • I' s anI, anc wnter (rum IIII' AT II1U'. William i\111l'l'ny of COl'hon' Uoys' Club of Wabunn, to he usp,1 nelday. All Club members Ire Ilk. \. .' teslon well~ WIll be pumfltrl Intn CDr .came to the lsIand Monday In theil' huilding pl'ogl'amme, ed to take n9te; of the chinle of Wild elephanl~ damage rubber; ~:a~~~~vol~~n~: a:e~:Il:m~~gc~~fs to attend the funeral of the latc This is a real boosl at a time ~lj!ht. and ~re 1110 reminded that I plantations In Malaya by pullin' llmporlant IIrojcct are expel'~cd to Alpbonsus Haweo Jr" while hl're ,when it is needed most. Theil"

.uU.oUna for the ,election of of. up youn, tree.. be released at a -later date. he Is staying with hIs brother llir. I thoughtlulness and l:EDeroslly,are . . ' Philip Murray. deep,ly -apprecikted.

, .... '"'

New Towll Office Hours

The Wabana Town ('oll\lcH wishrs to advise all re,irlents 'of the incorporated arpa' tha: their i office hours al'(' now 9 to 12 and ' 1.30 to 5 p.m. Half 110lidav~ have been changed from Saturday af· ternoon to Wednesday aIternOOD.


Owned and occupied by the late Wm. Hibb_ An ideal business or residential site. Key to inspect IT\ay b. ob!ained from Mr. Wallace­Hibbs. lepU8,oct!

Trimming , Ini tn' footwea to top-molt

. .m th~ new. See :our to-day. thl!m a walk in, a look at.

4 to 9

~. f' . .' :

-~-.r., -'t ~ .. p •

1955 THE DAILY NEWS, SATURDAY nllht visit ",Ith Mr. Ind !\Irs. L.wlsporte because of the storm. U f Atom'

Nol Confined War N F B h

Hollett before golnl on to Steph· The Deanery nj" been postponed \ se 0

ewS rom UC ' ans enville to enplane for TlJI'onto. until a later dale. . . . Miss Violet Peyton, proprlet· Mr. Ind Mrh Colin Forward Power

ress of the G:£t Shop and BUll- returned on Sept. 25th from vac· . lians' beautician for the past five ation which they spent' visiting

MARY MARCH RIVER , lsent year and In'the meantime tic Club under the.aUllplces of the years, recently severed her con· Mr. Forward', rister, Mn. Robert SPANNED the temporary structure will fill Nfld. Drama Society, and held at nections in the mining town to Forwall'd, at CarbonQu Ind with By C M. F. F.

All l35t II'cck reSidents of Buc.' the .need of the travelling com. Grand Falll on September 24th open a beauty parleII' at Grand rellUv,s at St. John's. . When the ordJnary person think~ among whom are some 120 munlty. . and ~tb. In the delIghtfully plea. Falls. On the eve of her depar- During their weekend to 'f Itoms and nuclear energy he

uwners. viewed with a great TRANSFGRRED TO MAINLAND s~nt atmosphele and attractive ture Ihe was t~ndered a farewell Grind Falls M.s. W. A. Dawe and at once seems to associate thi~ of enthu,tasm Charlie Per. Mr. Ben Gorman, Assistant Buroundings of the sponsors' new party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. 'R. Evans were guests of tremendous source of energy and

bulldin!! of a temporary Manager of Crawley & McCrae. club rooms on High StJreet, de. Mrs. David FaIrley. On behalf of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hanson and power with the two bombs Ilr(lpped acruss Mary March River ken Company, was recently notill. legates Mrs. D. R. Evans and. the tWenty gue-ts !'I'1Jr. Fairley pre- Mr. and M4"S .. Jim Griffin respec· on Hiroshima and Nagis~~ki in

be considered that the situHtion In I already' bccome thc world'! ,rcat,. the comparatileiy near IUturc I ct3 eXPllrlcr of radioactive lautOPO would be indeed ,erious if the I es and it lias just been InlNunted' nation were without auxihary Irum Geneva that the BI iusb sources of fuel and powcr Luck·, scientistll have conslrucltld what ily, it is now known thaI other \ is know as a new "breeil~r' .!'Co

so~rces do exist. 115 grlate"t actor ~hich will produce mllrt luel ultimate vaiue, though, some will I than It consumes, and will brin. say it Is a long.term answer to the the not unreasopablc hope 11111 III problem, Is the aid to lie gIven by lhe forsceabic 'fulure Gl'e~t . Bril.o atomic energy, and that will be ain will bccomt in some Gearu realized when the full prlll!ramme lhe atomic-as a bundred yean for the construction of the neces. ago BritilUt was the eftli.llc1'i1ll sary atomic power stations ~as be- workshop of the worid. come a reality. Two expenmental An essential par tot tile pro. atomic power stations art now gramme is the development of under construction, ('ne at Calder new factories fur prIJcesa1na urln-· ~all I. Cumb~rland, 3nd the otehr I ium, ~r?vidini fuel for peactlluJ In Dounreay In Catithness. These I and military purpos~~ Brita'n and will be the forerunners of il <cries I Ihe United States look to lbt coun· of such atomic power Ftation' to b£ ! tries of Australia and Afrira' and constructed between 1955 and i Canada for their stode pilea of

c 100 yardi downstream from cd by the home office In Mont. Mrs. W. A. Dawe, who supplied sent~d Miss Peyton with a part· lively. The re~urn trip to Buch· Japan which ended the WH with GO\,h'1

lment project. The real of his transfer to the Sud. for Mr. B. Gorman, had the prl. Ing gift of a lVull mirror and ex· ans on Sunday night was made by \ that nalion in 1945. Or IH'('bably

was done In little more than bury area In the capacity of Man'lvilege of sittlnl in on the stlmul. tended best wishes for every sue· car In company with Mr. and he begins to think o! the experi week despite " day of 'excepllon. ager. Mr. Gorman, who has been ating and inslructlve 'slx hours cess I~ her ne'N business venture. Mrs. R. Colyer. I menial lesls Ihnt ha~e been going

stormy welJther which trrcat. associated w:th the mainland conference on SatUl1'day, and at. At the L.O.A. Hall on Septem· Miss Mar,ar!'t Coady spent I on for some time by the United to deMO lt~ progl'ess. By Sat. firm of professional caterers for tended the enjoyable social events, ber 23rd a party given in honour hollday with ner moth(Ii', Mrs. States and Britain In th~ desert

Inla)' thc job was finished and 1101.~ yea~'s. came to Buchans In which concluded the conference i of Kenneth White of the R.C.A. Annie Coady, lind sister flfrs. Pat \ areas of the min·west of the lInileri ~trram of \';~hicies crossed the ,19wJ with his Wife Joan and threl! on Sunday afl.ernoon. R. Colyer,: was attended tly lome fifty frl· Byrne at Buehans before return· States. and In Australia. All these . pa)'ing a toll of 52.00 per! young daughteT5, Sarah. Angela President of the local dramatic' ends. Dancinll was enjoyed, and I inc to the m~inland to resume I experiments go to prove Ihl' coios·

. to drh'c \0 Grand Falls, : and Eileen. lie entered whole. group, who was enroute from the I aIter supper the young man was her courses in connection with \ sal and lerrific destructive power ~pringrlalp. Cotner Brook and ot., heartedly Into communlal and N.A.H.A. met-ting at CornN presented wi~h ~ purse as a token I C.N.I.B. work al Windsor, Trim· 01 the atomic bomh. A number I,olllt~. It w,if. a ~ollderful day I parochial afrai .. ~; was great Isset Brook, accompculed by Mrs. Coly· i of the group 5 good wishes. Ken, ,min" and otill:! centers In On· went so far ~s to be (earful o[ Ihe Buchanite~ II'ho ,Ince th~ Ito the Buchans Dramatic Society er, also were guests at Sunday's' who is station~d in New Bruns· I tarlo. ./ I fllture security 0 flhis cdrth of

Ilerpllon of th~ mining town had both as director and actor, and functions. \ wick spent his leave with his par· Linda Hiscock, daughter of Mr. I ou~s. t . 10 deJlfnd 'on the railway as a he as well as Mrs. Gorman were The Buchans' representatives, ents Mr. and Mirs. Herb White, I and Mrs. Gordon Hiscock of Cor· f u sCientists are now planning !lealls of tran~portalon. AU day actively connected with the work 10btatned a funrl of Information for! \ prior to being transeferred to ner Brook, visited hell' grandpar. a~d ~toms for home consll~pt~on .'''''' "d .. _ W. p"rl" " ,ho C ... d~' .. ,Ion to tho lb ...... " ,r th •• o""'U .... G,nn'" .. " .. h' wilt .,," w'th ", •• , ....... ,,, • ". "'" " ~'!",. " .. , ... p'''." "dhl, "" W~ •• pt "" .M to~. M •• G""" \ .. , .. \ ........ , ..... ohl,h " .. '" tho '.d. lb' C • .,,"" "my'" tho ... , b~~ "'.m'" h' .... from , I: .!~~~' . urn .... '" '''''''' 1",110 ,ho """ ,,,m, no d1f ... to" ro. "on, ... I •• nd will '" O"m' ",,,I,,U .. ' .. ~, Iw",'"'' .oj".bl".m,,,, ... lth h." •• , th· P , .oJ .... " .. ,," m\" ~rulty was experienced beyond a followed at a later date by his groupi and In conjunction with CHURCH SOCIABLES Mrs E Butt dt Broad Cove H-; 'd

elf coal problem, and alo·to pro· . " 0 h d ..,. .... VI e a valuable exp t Th

' •• I, .. nl,lll of the road leading to family. other participants are Indebted n T urs ay evening ~t the grandmother, Mrs. R. G. Hiscock, Ige of mine 01 . p. s~ort. from the bridge which, by ATTEND THEATRI to the NClI'thcliffe Club and their \ Church of England hall the IOOJt Iccompan1ed lhe little girl to' ki rs In the coal mIDes ., .Igh'. "",,"Jol<d tho . CONFERI.C. """,<101 .. """', "n .• ,,1, h.ld • I""," ."". wbl,h ... C" ... '.ook " F<1'.,·, ... In. ~ ~.~. ':'. ~ I,,, ... lngly dim""

.' " .... ,'" to hoi. ,ho ,on ."" .. o"m" • .,,1,1>' ... GdUl. who "".1,01 tho Id"l w.1I .. '"..... SI."h....M LI,,. Sop" wh, h .. b ... om ... ,' A h 'I:" " .. I " 'b, •• 'P Ih' 1"11,,. Iti. " ... to' Ibot "_ .. ,,d ot ... ,,,,.,11"'" .'Ib.' '''"''''n'' to .... I. .11. j.m .. ,."1.,,, 'M tho ". ,I", ... Ib, C..,...,·, Rotb.. ,b~;;, 1~': I. ~. po.~ •• G."""'''' 1<Jd .. oU1 b. ,Int Th ... " Con'"'''''' .... ,. 1'1 ....... '"m •• , ."' ... to f ••• wbl,h ." • .. I .. ~d fl",~ m'~ ml" .I,u b., F,bru", .~ I d .000 'MI ml'''' lomplelcd by the end of the pre. sored by the NlJI'thcliffe Drama· pool their knowledge and ex. clal sucess, concluded with a, entered Mount AIlI50n University 195: e:Pdo~e IIKallDst 707.000 in . da c I • n In re at on to th.. ton·

change Ideas. ,\ greater reaUzat. n e., recently to begin a pre·med nIle moned, I further chcrk u Ion of the work that has been The Girls Auxilary of the course shows In 1945-17' I" P

. .. J


Chul!'ch f Engla d h d te n' • ~ m Ilion tons done in the furtherance of the ,0 n e Ie· Graham FII~ht, son of James against 214 million for 1935 A d drama in Newfoundland was ob. ager s dance at the parish hall on Flight Jeft for Sackvllle N B looking into th f tin

S t b 23' h d f' ' .• (' U ure t I~ estlm·

tained, and such a panel discus. ep ern er rr •• t : procee 5 0 last week to begin his stUdies It ated by those In I posltJOn to sion ~Ill, It Is felt, give greater I which will go to\\ ards the pur· Mount Allison. make such I forecast-19S'\ will Imetus to amateur Thespians I chase of a plano for the hall. Sup· Con~atulati(lns are extended to produce 240 mlilion tons Rnd in throughout our Island Province. per was provided and canteen Mr. and Mrs. Auston White who 1975-245 million tons of coal

GIRL'S SOFTBALL service was available. were married at Grand Fails on Now It I~ reahsed by the British With the completion of the sea. PERSONALS September 23rd. The bride Is the Industrlahsb that the tonnage of

~on's Icheduled games, the play. V. I. Mann, Hesident Engineer former Ruby Mitchell, daughter coals mined, though slowly in gowns in the Peewee and Junior of the A~erlran Smelting and of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mitchell creasing, wouid fall far below the divisions were run off last week. Refining Co., atrlved from New of Twillingate, lind the groom Is expanding demands. The enormous

. In the Peewee league the Spikes York on Friday for a visit to the a son of Mr. anrl Mrs. Herb White rise In the consumption of elec· defeated the Toppers ,-0 the Haw. Buchans property. He was met at of Buchanl trlclty In Great Britain is out· ke. won again&t the Eagles 7-4, Gander by the Company's Belver The marriag~ of Helen, dauih· standing and the two w:nnlng teams play. aircraft and flllw to Bucharrs the ter of Mir. and Mrs. Harry Smith The Increase in III euse of elec· ed off in the ~eml.flnals with the following morning. of Buchans, to Guy, son of Mr. trlclty Is putting up the tonnage honours going to the Hawkes In Messrs. H. A Kursell and P. and Mrs. Cecil Jones of Miller. of coal used In the power siations. a 16.2 win. Th.~ Bombers, by vir. T. Henson arl'Jcd from New York town Junction, took place at Buc. ~oal used tD-day Is 40 mlilioll ton~, tue of holding top place in regul. via T.W.A. on September 23rd hans on Satulday, September Ifs Itomic power .statlons are not in ar lames, received a by; In the for their annual moose hunt at 24th. Their many friends join In u e, .then, 65 million tons will be finals they were defeated 15.12 Snowshae Pond. They accompanl· extendi g btl h reqUired to meet the demdnds by by the Hawkes who now reign as ed Mr. Mann to Buchans on Sat· n es w s es. Ihe year 1965. champIons for 1955 UI1'day for a brlt'! visit before SOo The price of coai has advanced

1966. Those who have nlsde • uranium ore. . . study of the situatioll say ID due I We here in Newfoundland belnl coursc, it is expected Ihat It will a part of the British Empire, and be possible to extract as mucll as a very importallt plrt of tlJ. Over· 3000 megawatt days of heal from seas Dominions, and .ituated u every tone of alomic fuel. This our Island is aeoiraphiclH, and will be equal 10 the heat from s,lrategically (especially In tim. oJ 10.000 tons of coal. Britain's nuc. war), rejoice In the fact that Great ie~r ~rogrcss is very impressive. Britain leads the world in atomic SClenttsts lell us there i~ ~ tolal and nuclear research, and xlen­of 42 nuclear reactor! in the world titie deveiopment .nd p:oireu, 29 are in America 5 in and Ihat her scientists Irt aecond th~ United Kingdom, 2 in ;'rance, 10 none .mongst the ireat natiolll 2 In ~anada, 1 in Norway, and 1 in of the world. RUSSla~ But we are told from good aulhorlly that in the planning a! future reacto~s, Great Britain leads To lave the tim. It tak .. · tt the world wI~h 22 additior.dlj in touch up newly applied puttf • se.cond place 10 the United Matcs I just mix it with paint th' eolor With 16. The Ueited Kingdom has of the framel.



FROM 35.00-90.00 These ranges have bun fully rebuilt at our fuundry and carry a new rangl guarantH.



462 WATER sr.

PUMPS In the Junior Ie~gue the Roc. Ing on to Lake Ambhose by gas· Beauty Briefs In Britain recently, and it Will be

ket_ played againllt the Rangers car where a jeep and trailer await· . remembered tnere was a el'al de-winning by a ~core of 19.8 Th~ ed them for thp. trip to SnoWllhoe. bate In the House of Commons not I wlnnel'l met the Jets who r~celv. W. H. Pike accompanied the vlsl· rere Is • pink suds whieh does long ago. ed a by as highest scorcel for the tors on the hunting expedition. ~ai:.a~!~~ jt~~. of shamppoinl the All these Ire sharp reminded

TRASK FOUNDRY' ManufacflJ,ers of the famous' .

Trlml!lini and detail· Ini In' footwear allume

season, and In I best two out of J. J. Ben, Treasurer of the to the general public Ihat the pre· MAID OF AVALON and REGAL RANGE~ . 10 topomolt importance' ~n the new, Fan Ityle •. See our ..• mart rhae. to-day. . You'll find

three series the Jets won In two Canadian legion Buchans Branch Peroxide will remove many sent coal output Is unable to keep straight gam.,. 17-8 and 14-2. went to ClJI'ncr Brook on Sep. types of stains from hands and up with the pment demand, and Prize. of .oftball caps for the tember 24th to attend the five fing~rs. the time has come when 1\ musl w~ing~am~e~d~wond~~~cw~*re~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!~ donated by Jimmie Hornell, pro- Legion. I .. th~m a pleuure to

wlik in, a plealure to iook aL


4 to 9!--1








moter and organizer of Buchans' Arthur Budgell, Regional Wei· first girls loftballieague, and will fare Supervisor, motored kom be presented at a later date. Grand Falls on September 27th to

FAREWELLS visit Buchans nnd Millertown on • A group of some forty friends business for the Dept. of Public

met at the homt' of Mr. and Mrs. Welfare. Hayward Higdon on Friday last Hedley Murphy of the Dept. of to bid farewell to their daughter Transpclrt at (:oose Bay, accom· Greato who leaves Buchan! to reo panled by his wife and three year side with her sister, Mil'S. Reg old daughter Helen, arrived at Caines, at Toronto. A most enjoy. Buchans on Sund~ for a visit able evening wal Ipent during with Mrs. Murphy 5 parents, Mr. which TIIr. Nick Gass on behalf I!Dd MlTs. Wm. Warren. of the gathering presented Greta 'Mr. and Mrs .• Leonard Walker with a purse aild expressed best and their daugnters Rhoda and wishes for eve.'Y happiness In her Lenora motored to SI. John's on I new home. On Tuesday e,'ening September 24th to spend a hal!· the A.y.p.A. wre hosts at a party day with Mr. Walker's p8l1'cnts. in the C. of 1':. Hall In honour of Mrs. l\Iargartt Johnson of the Miss Higdon. Some thirty fellow· lndlan Reservation at Eskasonl, members of the Association at· Cape Breton, visited Buchans last tended and extended their good week. wishes, along with a gift of money l\Irs. F. O'BrJen. R.N. was reo Accompanied by her parents, cently appointed Community Greata motored to Corner Brook Nurse, rcplaclng Mrs. F. Robin·

t;;E;==::;::;~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ..... -~~o~n~s:e~p~te~m~b;e~r ~23;r~d~fo;r~a~n;;;o~ve;r. son. One of Mn. O'Brien's duties ~ will be the Inspection of the gen· eral health o! the children of Bu~hal's schools once each month.


. :

TV . AS LOW .AS 5229.95


TV, i

',',; "

... ",.

'AS' ~OW AS 5189.95

A Vlry large range



In stock

Table and Con



Mrs. E. M. Martin went to Gan· dcr by Tuesday's express to en· plane for St. John's. Mrs. Marlin I plans to spend the next two weeks , visiting on the East Coast. .

Miss Kay Delaney, who is em· ployed with the D.O.T. at Gander Is spending a few days at Buch· ilns with her parentll, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Delaney.

Nick Gass rp.turncd to Halifax N.S. last week to resume his slu, dies at Dalhousie. During the. !ummCil' months he wae. emPlOy.j ed mapping geology in the 1m· / mediate Buchans area. • P. L. Money who spent the lum· mer vacation llerlod with one of tbe Company's. prospecting par· ties on the South Coast returned to Montreal to continue his stu· dies In geology at McGill Unlver· I sily.

Tommy Goosc left for Gander on' Sept. 26th enroute to Boston to spend part of his vacation with relatives at Springfield, Man. He wlll motor to Washington, North Carolina where he wlll be guest of his aunt and uncle Rev. W. T . and Mrs. Waterhouse, and will have an opportunity to with his alatell' Ann who I'll In her final year at the Medical Colyege of Virginia Hospital.

""TH'E HUB Don SharaburB returned to

New York last week after Ipend Ing the summer with the Com· pany's prospecUng crew In La· Polle 81I'ea.

• • • • • • ,

• • • •



6th ANNIVERSARY .SALE N.B.~No discount on Broadloom earpetthg.












9 x 9 x 3/16 9 x 9 x ~ thickness

1Sc ea. 27c. la•

Frist Quality First Quality

N.B.-No discount on other Tiles or Inlaid Linoleum.


Rev. T. Short, accompanied by Rev. Moss, Re,': King and Rev. Walters, left on Wednesday to attend a meeting of the Deanery at Fogo but had to return from '-_________ "'!'"' __ ;;"._---------------------"'!'"'------~



Mill Edwina L. Burton, of the sti£( of Waterford Han, returned to the elly last week alter spend· . , Ing her vacation In Corner Brook, Toronto and Regina.

ILL AT HOME • The many friends of Mr. Lewis

Sturge, of Topsail, who worked In the Registry olflce of the Sup­reme Court, will be sorry to learn that he II III at home and will enter the sanitorIum for treatment in the near future.


TO BATHURST Mr, Ron Walidleton of pC,1 tugal

Cove Road lef: last Sund~) (or Bathurst, N.B Ills tkmlly will be joining hlni Ipter and Ih~l will reside In that town, wh~n Mr. Waddleton wilt .,e managc'r of a branch office of Electrolu~ Can· ada Ltd.

RETURN TO CITY Members of the SI. John's

Branch of the CanJdlan ! .egion who have been altenrJmg t'IC Pro­vincial Convciltlon at Cornel Brook returned to Inr city ) estel day. St. John's representatives at· the Convention Included AILn Ed· lI'ards, H. Gill, H. S:mpe Jr.d E. Pierccy.

Mr. Douglas Atkinson, who reo tircd this year from the Bank of :Montreal staff In St. John's, ar· rived In the city list Saturday a!tcr spcndlnll a holiday In the United Slates and on the Canadian' Mainland. Mr. Atkinson Is the guest of Mr. and Mu. W. p, Good· ridge, "Clifton," Rennie's !I1i11 Road.

AT CORNER BROOK , MI~s Daphne Prall, Dlrl:clor of I .

FURTHER TRAINING lollS!es Mary Bidgood, Evelyn

Collins, Gertrude Bomanne, Imelda McAllister and Mary Goff, all re­gistl'red nurses and graduates 01 SI. Clarc's Mercy Ho,pital, left here recently by N'lrth Star for Jersey Clly, New Yo:'k, where they will continue their studies In Nurs· Ing at the Medical Center, Jersey Cltp Hospital.

Health, Education, prese,llJy Is I .... visiting Corner Brook and othcr ti west coast town, on buslnl!·'~' ..

RETURNED HOME IIIr. and Jllra A. Feildit ~ of I

Kentvlllc returr.ed to thcil home last week aftet spending II holi· day in SI. John's .... lth th':;1 ~on· and dau\:hter, IIIr. HI'd Mrs. Laurie Neville, Faulldand Stlect

FRO~I HERRING NECK .' Mr. Joseph White, huslnc,s man ! :

from Herring ~eck, arrived 'n the . city on Wednl'sday on IlII5lnc~s and Is rcgisteled at the! New found land Hotel,


The engagement was recently FASHION SHOW I announcfd of JIIlss' ~'Iorence May The Hebrew Ladles' Ben~\olenl :


Lockyer, R.N., of 13t Hamilton Society and tht Ha(J~ssah Sflciet) I ' A\'enut, daughter of the late IIIr. are sponsoring a fa~hion ~I,ow al I and Mrs. John Lockycr of Trinity the Old Colony Clull on ~lol1dal' , to Mr. Carl Ah'a Buller, son of arternoon at 3.30. The l'a!hlon I ~Irs. J. C. Butler of Chamberlains. Ctntre and tht) Popillar CMhlng

I Store are promling the ~t,l'il's for LEn FOR LABRADOR the sholl',

Mr. William Anderson, wild i --life ol!iccr wilh the Department I ANNUAL BALI, I of Natural Resources, who has The Bcothic Chaplcl of . l,e 1.0 " been "bllini St. John's on bus. \ D.E. will hold its annual I.all tn ! 'Ine~s, left here yesterday by M.V. the Unlxerslty Annex on \i~nday I Trepassey to return to his home at evening. The evening, which be Makkovik, Labrador. gan only a few years ago plOved I

MOVED FROM COUNTRY Mrs. F. C. Alderdice. and Miss

Edith Alderdice, who have been 5I'rndlng the summer at their hnm~ In Topsail, mOl'rd back to thr !'it)' la,1 weck nnd nrc now ~t their nrl~ homr at Rendell Plarr. "rr Rrnl1ie'~ ~lill Boad. Miss Alrlrrdice i~ 1I1~lIa~er fllr Beauty (,'ounscllor products in :"\ewfuund· In lid.

such a success that' the Chaptel has made It an annual afhir.

FROM ST. JOHN lIfr. and lolrs GeoTge R'ls.1 are

at present "isit:n$( St. John s from St, John, N.n., and 41'1' reo:i~ll'I'etl at the 1I:ewloulldlami Hotei Thry ore the parrnls of ~ll's. Ian Reid, Linden CO\1l't. ami ~Ir. Rn~s IS. mnnn~rr 'of flnY31 Seeut1I'es at St. John,

Butler-Neal Wedding •

(Photo by Tootons)

J I) I &,-/I.. .... -/IJ...,J 1

Blouse 'n' jumper make such a pretty twosomo;) for schoot da),s -mix and match beautifull~' with all

I her other separates! She'll espec· i ially love this jumper style, with I its graceful panels front and back

of the wide whirl skirt. You'll lo\'c it too - it's sew-casy!

Pattern 4788: Children's Sizes 2, ~, 6, 8. 10. Size 6 jumper 1", yards 35.inch; blouse, 1 yard.

This pattern easy to use, simple to sew, is tested for lit. Has com· plete illustrated instructions.

I· S~nd noRTY·FIVE CE:iTS (35

cents) in coins (stamps cannot lle accepted) for this pattern. Print plainly SIZE, NAM E, AD· DRESS, STYLE NUMBER.

Send order to ANNE ADAMS, care of ST. JOliN'S DAILY NEWS Pattern Dept, 60 FRONT STREET WEST, TORONTO, ONT.

fiRST FALL MEETING The first fall meeting of the

"roman's Association of Gower Street United Church will be held in the Church hall on .'riday, October 7th at 3 p.m. At this meeting members are ukcd 10 bl'ing In Iheir cent·a·day lec~ 101 .

Ihe third quarter.

Between Us

. . . h'\ ~ 1 f '1 . k 'th Pimples and many other 5kin I At 7.3U p.m. on the tl'el1lnll of I 11'lth a whttc orc l(, an" streamcrs .0 51 vcr grey min ,WI navy ac.! blemished will dry up if tooched : Sept. 8th., Phyllis Elizabeth, c1d~r 1 of r~sc buds., . i cess?ric~ .. TIcr ~orsage consisted \"i!h a drop of turp~nlinr: More ! daughter o( Mr. and Mrs. Dal'ld , ~l!ss Dorothy !l:eal, only slstcr lof ptnk s\\Ccthealt roses, and fCln. i Ihan a drop may burn, so be car~· ! Ncal, became the bcautiful hriflc' IIf Ihe bridc, was maid o[ honour. i She was a~sistCfI b~ the. groom's luI,' or last stage may be wor~e : o( Harold John T.indhcr~, ~(ln of Thc hridc~llIaids werc, ~Irs. Jack I mother, who was attired \D a floor than thr. fir~t.


)Ir. and ~lr5. H. W. Butlcl' of this' Ryan, si,tcr of thr. grollm, and! length gown or smol;e blue taffeta, .----------­cit),. I ~Iisscs Faith Dal'by and Ann I with pink accc~sol'ies, and greYed by matching tapers. To the

i To tile strain~ or Iht II'cdllillg Housc. They wcre idenlirally al.: muskrat cape. ~Irs. Butler', cor· strains of Septembcr Song, by i march in st. Andl'cw's Presby·. tired in floor length ~owns 0[. sage was also of pink rose buds. Chris Andrcws orchestra, the

FU~IBLE GRASPING PERSON S.;I,DO~I 'tcrlan 'Church, the bridc, lonkins' decp hlue crystalctle fashioned on . and fern. : bride and groom started the first


"ASTRO·GUIDE" By Ceean . For Saturday, October I

Present':':' For '(ou and Yours ... The month starts off with a bang af favorable aspects promise progress and. action on both the business and hom e fronlS. Health is accented and minor upsets lhould be relieved in short order. Those around you tend to ta Ite too much for granted late in evening, so be wary of being imposed upon. Don'l stray too far from home in p.m.

Future- - . Pension funds will become a major factor in the national economy if we project the present !rend over the next 25 years. Aboul 27,000 pension plans are now in operation.

Past ... This is the 86th anni­versary (October I, 1869) of the birth of Mohandas (Mahatma) Gandhi. He is recognized as one of India's (and the world's) greatest men.

The Day Under Your Sign A~IES lI.r. Mmh 21 I. April 201 LIBRA ISlpl. 21 1o Oct. 221

AI1ICe!!. rnor conrl~l'"i )'our plan. to an undrrlllndin; ptuon "'ho all live )CU sound adviet'.

"'~'\"on'ott (yclt Ct'Inllnun. Exert t\'cry ~f{Orl 10 mlL.~ IlrOJ;rUJ. Thu could bl an important day ill bu!oinus.

TAURUS IAprilll I.Io4IY 20) Whn ukin!: (01 sunutions, be lure to includt III the bet. roo other penoa hi. picture- in rerJl'fClia.

SCORPIO I Oct. 2lto N ••• 221 S,,";11 i. Ih. k.),no" now. A irlm4t7 ....t or day thai can pay di,idmd. if ,OU pl.y your ,.,d, ri;hL

GEMtNI IMly21 I.JunI21) 110n', bf' bashful .bo'Ut blo .... lnt lwr a .... n hrn. bUI do it tlC,(ully. You (ould oUt'nd othen if not nrdul

SAGrnA.RIUS (No •• 23 to Doe. 21) 1'rO\olreu will impnSi )'Our IUptriort .n,1 could Jel!1 t41 "ramotion. '" ou Ibould ftC't UIH'c.i,II)' rOod t~h wrthnd.

CANCER (Jun. 22 I. July 221 A hectiC' dIY, but )QII caR I(complish • lot if )OU r(mlin calm and 4on', Id thin II ~et 10U uc:ileci,

LEO (Juiy 23 1o AU9. 221 t:\.'en thOUKh ,aU flue • recline tl'tat your eUorts Ire in 11erllt\'crance pays off. 511Y in there and t,ilcht

VIRGO IAul. 2J I. 221 Go .10",'ly in m.tu'fI conttmin$: ,"cur tinancfl or family .... eU,re, Don'. let othtrt rush ),OU clther.

CAPRICORN (0 ••. 2210 JI •• 1', Sellc-dulc )'our Il.tivities for mlximum nsult,. You ma)' J.:CI URU.pcdtd uai:t1· InCl from new friend,

AQUARIUS (J,n. 20 ,. Feb. III Yea h.a.Vf rr:.any (rimd" but this an M hard on Ih, rocketboo'" ~Ii,k 10 i ... · ~n'ive recreatioD.

PISCES (F.b. t9 1o Mltclt 201 Be re«ptiv( to new idea Ilrcnn~ tor )'our ccnf.14(rJlion, Do agthil'll 10 jcCll" ardin )'our npulation.

el9SS, r .. 14 Enl.rpr; .... I ...

P-__________________________ --,I

By Ceean \ "ASTRO·GUIDE" Fer Sunday, October 2

Present-For You and Yours . . , Aspects are rather neutral for most of the day and e\·cning. People hi"c a ten­dency co be domineering and ol'er-confidenl un d e r prescnt radiations, bringing domestic upsels 10 the fore. Not a good day to .,·enture far from home. Accent is on spiritual matters. Outlook. is rather adverse in connection with health.

Futur. . • . "Traffic lights" in Ihe sky will direct planes aWl y from heavil~'-populated residential areas to minimize the noise on take-offs. The beacons will operate by remote conlrol.

Past ... Th~. airplane IS an t

instrument of war came or ag .. j 35 years ago, when Amerir~rI i flyers in the Meuse.Argonne; offensive dropped 69 tons of ' explosive on the enemy wilhin . 24 hours.

The Day Under Your Sign' A~IES 110m lA.,ch 21 I. April 201 LIBRA (S'r" 21 I. ~ct. 221 . . T_lee il cur i.n t~e (olld ticplrtment tMay Mtmbcr. 0 the al'fYI~lle sex. ""It be ~Ir, l~ stomach upsets au Itkely W14cl pres- 'Icull 10 ~ft 'iol1~ \.jl~ no,,'. Go out.1 I . tnt f"halianl, )our Wi)' 10 be CMitnlal. ;

TAURUS (April II I. ).I., 20) . SCORPtO.(Ocl. 2l to N ••. 221 ; lJiUt't trY to ru"it "U,Urn, t\cn ,nou.-" lhinlain an Ilml'Uol,hrrr of fIt"U ,nd I (,'tnt, 1>Ct'm to 'til" Ol'POfitiaR to ),our hltmo"~' 'by Civ1ni an to ""i.lhes of other. ~. 1,IInl lil:.clr. ·.t )tome. ' i GEMINI ().I,y 21 I. Ju .. 211 SAGITARRIUS (N.d3 .. D.e: tIl 1 It,'rn thou,h tlhtn .Her 10 ~r!r. '1ftU,t ]f )'CIU ,:-iVf \'en! to )'our tmOlionl. rou'lt 1 IIln mort .uisfactllft by .or~il\i thinl' lilt to mtl!'t biltrr rtY'ntmtnt. ):Up I 0;,:1 for y~g.ntlr. tliht rein en your tempct'. '

CANCER IJu~. n I. July '" CA'RtCO~N ID ••• 22 I. J ••. "1 : Thtctlgrj~o{UU' }f)\' won't run '~Mth· Yt;U'U hi'" 1& I'I'Ilkt ttl,. bfn ef;t ... ~,tl\ ~ h', lIul )oO'J un. ~H.:Jeo",e 1hue asrectl by ~!I~ .," 11'\'~rturttd. PCOrit ttlld to be , Ill\ern~, rctty matttn, Incon"drratc. '

LEO puly 21,. Au,. 221 AQUARIUS IJln. 20 I. Fe". III non'. l,t o~btrll uk. adun",t .,r rou P.y c:Jo~tr attt"tto~ to ",IMr detail •. ,u!t ~CIU'f )'ou'rt eu), ,oin,. Jc fnra. Tr.u~ ~1\t ~ru tn~ m"lr diflltlJ111. At.· ! 11\ ,our cen\'ltticnt. ("It re~rorulbi'iIY "11I1n,I,', .,

VIRGO IAug. 23ft Sipl. 221 PISCES IF.b. 19 I. MArch 20) 1l \OU ..... an! I tr"llb!~'(rc-t' dH, "J'" cI-lf 1'lti('ntc Inll \l,II'f!IJnn,li actIon" far . of ',rtUn!du. Face iuuu .~tUrclj', but In oHrC'omTnf minor difficulty .. hie" don'. in-'I" trouble. m::ay atist in family circle.

e I?!!, Fi.ld tnl.rprim, tI .. One of Ihe fumblcs made ycster. GETS LITTLE EXTRA radiant, CRme down the aisle on I princess lines, with 101Y V neckline, I The toastmaster was M~. William I dance, followed by the bridal

day, beslde those made In the SERVICES the arm of her father. The church front and back, and matching Neal, and he introduced the Rev. I party. Mr. Robert MacLeod added 'World Serlelgame, was call1nilihe was tastefully decorated with caps of leaf design. Their heart A, A. Burnelt, who ably propos~d I greatly to the enjoyment of the. --- .-.-prIncipal of Bishop Feild College ~'I never let anyon~ put any bnskets of pink and white gladoll shapcd bouquets outlined In lace, the toast to the bride, which was evening by giving a splendid. Some 570 l)ltrles of nati\·c I A clean brush ane comb Is halt Mr. Ralph Andrew.s Instead of Mr. S3'ln(lgII"lotvllerpl"10(lne. me," e WOOliln and palms wh!le the guest pews con,i,lrd o[ tinted blue and white Ircsponded 10 h)' Ihe grllom. who in . rendition of folk ~on~s. . grass are found in Tcxa~. the battle In keeping the hair Anderson Bl I h \ Id " t I tl h -------- -- C!C3n and shining. It only la!~e~

. . ame I on t e "or I An)' \\'om8n II'ho pl'idc~ hcrscl( wrre tra(iitionnlly decllratcd with! ro~cs, with ~tl'ealllrrs. ~Iilster i ":n propmc( .. IC lon,t 10 t p Lalcl', amiust showcn of con· Leghorn hats lake their nall1f, ~eco'1(I, to whist a hl'U!h and comb Scms, the radiO for all '? cnme: on nel'~I' lellinll anyone pul an)". whitc ribbon and ~pl'a)'s of Scotch; .Johnny ~laundcr. cou~in oC the I hlldc"malds. I he hr~t man. rp· fetli, the happy couple Idt on, [rom that of the Italian port Ihrou~h ;0,1\1 or rlet~rgenl dud~ Ind hear the game loda)' I~ slill a thing over on her doc,n't really: IIcather. The double l'in~ eN·cmOIl)'. hridc, II'a~ ring·bearer, wcaring an' phrri to the lon,t 10 the hr.<lo, lit· thcir honrymoon tour of the. through whidt the\' arp. ~hippcrl. i Do jlodaily. frw leet from your rellorter's left· hal'e to announce that fa~t to nn~" lI'as performed hI' the Re\'. A. A .. air lorce blur plaid kilt. an.I' tencinots, aod read telegrams of mainland. For travelling the bride ---' -- -- --.' -... ' --... ---"- ----- - - -- .. - ---- --­I'ar. ~nd the ~ame conrlition~ as onr. . '. B\ll'n ctt , from British (olumhia, in : rnrrying a cll,hion o( pastel blue! congratulations. . chose a black flecked I~'eed suit, y~~tcrda~'. pre\'ail in the Dal~'" It sl.lOlI'~ all t?O pI ami), In hrr: ,thc absrncc o( Rev. A. M. Old. \ salin. The bridr's table was beautifully !With dusty rose accessories, and Newl offIce. The score is six to lace, Ih" her atlltuhde, and lin the \ The bride was exquisite In her The 'groom was attended by decorated, centered with a three I her corsage was a single white two now Mr And d Mr way 5 e tl'a~ts ot er p~op e. t· r dd' k d d b hid Th h k B " .. ,eraon an • The woman who 15 intent on model floor length gown of nylon John C. Bayliss as bcst man, te we mg ~a e, surroun e yore. . ey ave now ta en up ~:on March lea~e here today to never getting the short end of any embroIdered tulle, with scattered jwhile the duties of ushers were a \\Teath of pmk roses, and flank· reSidence at 71 Cornwall Cresent. . t~ part In slom of military edu. usociation or busln~ss transac~on satin petah, over while taffeta un· performed by Bruce Neal, Boyd ~ on eentres In Quebec and On. must constantly weIgh everythIng dersklrt Ind hoop crinoline. It Butler, and Douglas Piercey Dur· ·t&rlo. by the question, "How Is this going lI'as dc~lgned on princess llnes ing the signing oC the register I .. ------------------.----­

to ;ffaet '!~;;: habltuaU uses with mandarin neckline, and long I Mr, Donal Belbin sang ."Because,': I that" '::asure :!iliout havin~ it af. sleeves which c,ame to a poi~t at I accompanied at the organ by; fect her whole personality. the wrlsl. Her linger tip veIl Of'! Mr. Robert MacLeod. i GRADUATION DANCE

-. The Nurses' Alumnae of SI. Clare's Hospital and senior ItU' denu ,ave a dance at the Old Colony Club on Thursday night,

She can't easily fall in with other nylon Illusion fcll from a small The reception was held at the I people's plans, for first she has to headdress of low pill box design. Ole! Colony Club, where the I make sure .that It Is golni to be matching Identl.cally the bride's. bride's mother, received, wearing I

.. ",hen the fifteen graduates who reo celved their diplomas all Wednu·

-day evening, and the city doctors '!lnd their wives were the guella of .the evening, Miss Lillian Coleman

: .lnd Miss Emma Neville received

~~rthl h t \\ hl:r gown, She carried a bouquet of 1 a floor length saxe blue gown of I Seh

sl om~ tcatled ki b pink sweetheart roses, centered I lace, over which she wore a cape' e s sO III en on ma ng ar·

gains that she never gets the lItUe extra services that people often give 10 those who aren't alraid of

:the guests .t an Informal reception .»t the beginning of the evening. : Mn. Dr. J. B. Kennedy, president : 'of the Alumnae and her committee

- , made all the arrangements for the I'dance and deeor~ted the club for

. :.1 (he ocClslon. One of the special .;~ features of, the dance wal crown· " Ing of Miss SI. Clare. The nurses . ,. cd hy ballot the best all round freipreisentlatl1/e of her- class, and

hobel Blackmore of Grand who was chosen was crown·

with an Imitation crown by the of the claS!, Miss

Murphy. Another .peelal of the dance was when

doctors had the young grad.

being cheated. She Is So busy looking for the

motive behind a kindness that a kindness never gives her a feeling of pleasura and warmth.

Her life II endlessly complicated because Rhe can't do the smallest thlog without making a thorough Investigation of all possibilities,

She Is 80 determined never to get the Rhort end of a bargain that there Is 1111 easy graciousness about her or in her way of living .

It may be that· no one ever puu anything oV~r on her. But once they've taken her measure pcople never go out of their way to do anything for her, either.

Manners Make Friends d foi' partners and a prize was .

i.~A'"i'·"n to Ihe .most Rlamorous look· : couple. Music \\'a~ supplied by : Michael's orchestra. I If you start In to say something:

nice about a p~rson whose name I comes. up In a conl'ersation don't i

"OVED TO Nt:W HOm: : ~poll the elIect of your compllmen.! . MI'. and MI) Derek llmhall i !ary r~m~rk by .adding ':bUI,,;",

nlly mO\'pd to thl!lr n .. h ' rhe CfltiCl5m I h ~ t Collo\\ sWIll i Lind PI e~ ome, make more of 3n Impres~ion than

en ace. Ih~ compliment. I And It Is just as likely to be ,

repeated, 100. CORNER ,IROOI[ W. J. Lundrll:lln I:ld Mr.

Lundrlgan Ire at pt'esent Switzerland had th edlstlnctlon ~ilinl the cltv on buslne.~ Irom DC belnll the first country to Issue '

Brook, ind are relll~tered a coin made of pure nickel, In the Newfoundland Holel 1881.

r ,

Cookles·Made With Fiaul Creamery BUllet aad Pure Cane Sugar

Digedi.u& A Meat Cookie




THAT'S rlgbt, Mrs . ................ r, Housewife - no more

pulling the bird off the bone . . • It's all been done for you so that each can contalns only chicken. ~he 'whole chicken and nothing but the chicken. What a time saver - - and what flavor! Avallabl. in " 01. and T ot. CASADA APPR~YED

. Pac ed in ·P. E. I. By JENKINS BROS. LTD •


Newfoundland Representative

Charles R. Bell Olrices:



rof88810nal Aweal • 10


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JYBat# . Wise Nurses always choo!e easy­acting and BEAUTY ON DU~ SHOES by BATA!' FamoUS for fllle fit solid support and long, BEAUTY ON DUTY are certain to keep 70u comfortable at any and aU hours IIf the day or night,

The more you're on YOUI feet the mOle you're grl:tclul for the pr~tccti\'e, con~tant assistancc of ,hese "BEAUTY 0:'< DUTY" Shoes by BATA Styled in the fine6t calf leather tile~e Nurses ShOe! feature wedge heels and cllshioned insoles.

5.95 pr;

OTHER STYLES AT 4.95 and 5.95

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To ~.'


Bell Island News •

I \ KiH?ld l.adCielsbNight \ Black Preceptor wanls u Il' ld II •

• The KiwanIs Club held ~ vcr) ].0 lueetIng

Many Mourners Attend Alphonsus Hawco's Funeral

A public expression of wide­spread sorrow on the tragic death of Alphonsus HalVco, Jr" who ac· cldently lost his life on Monday september 26th, and deep sym­pathy for his . parents \I1r. and Mrs. Alphonsus P. Haweo and the members of his family, was given when the funeral took, place from his late residence at the Front, Bell Island, Thursday !Doming.




\'---~! far as the score was concern·

d· Ihe Wabana Boy. Club "Little r , t Ltalue Team" were no al luccess-fulla~t saturday against the "Fort rrppcrrell All Stars" IS they wert in their previous game duro In~ M.ult.

The ,core was 8·3 In favour of

enjoyable ladles' night on Wed· . -nelday night, about one hllndred The Regular monthly meeting or Klwanlans and their wlw~ aat the Wabana Chapter No. 1249 of down to dinner at 'j .30 anc were the Royal Black Preceptor will served a hot turkey dinner which be held In the Orange Hall to· was greatly enjoyed 'by all pres- night at 8 p.m. Business at this ent. meeting will be the conferring of

President Addle Bnwn oc,upled the Royal White Organ. All memo the chair and welcomed two spe· bers are requested to attend.

The cortege was extremely large clal guests. Min I. G~nrlon of Winnipeg, and Mr, H. Cole of Sl. John's. Miss Glnnon Is District Nurse with the Victorian Order of Nurses and Mr. Cole Is thr Piesl. dent of the Society In Nc\\,found

It's a very exciting day when consisting of over 100 cars being Baby learns to hold his Own cup one of the longest seen on the while drinking. You may find that Island In ma.ny years. he tends to drink everything i~ the A second motor hearse banked cup at one time, at first. Give .'. . him a moderate amount to start With beautiful floral tributes fol· so he won't choke. lowed that on which the remains

were borne and which was also land.



M.V. Dundee loading at Mon­treal Oct. 3rd, for st. John's. (This vcsscl has 45,000 cubic feet refrig­eration space al·ailable).

MV Perth loading at Hamilton Oct. 5th, Toronto Oct. 7th., Mon· treal Oct. lOth, for SI.John's.

M.V. Lunan llladins at H~millon Oct. 12th, Toronto Oct. 13th, Mon· treal Oct. 16th, for St. John's.

FURNESS WARREN LINE Newfoundland leaving Halifax

Oct. 1st, due st. John's Oct 3rd, sailing for Liverpool Oct. 4th.

Nova. Scotia, leaving LI'erpooi Sept. 28, due St. John's Oct. 4. Leaving for Halifax and Boston Oct. 5, due H~liIax Oct. 1, and Boston Oct. 10. Leaving Roston Oct. 11 and lIalifax Oct. 15, due St. John's Oct. 17. Sailieg for Liverpool Oct. 18.


. " -. --- - .'-' -




fori pcppcrrcll. Clarence Taylor and Edward pynn pitched for Bell hland. ,nd did a very flne i~b. In (act the whole team pia)', rd well and our hosts spoke very hi~hl)' o( their calibre of pia)'. Lt. colund F. R. Sehmldt who made arrangemenls for the game, and those associated with him, Ireatcd the boys In royal fashion. The boys enjo),ed themselves fully and will long remember Saturday Scplemitcr 24th.

A speeIal wdeome was "tend· ed to Mr. and Mrs. Lorne rroud­foot, and the), were ~onllrptlllated 1111 their recent Wl'ddlnll. The Chairman of the House (:Qmmlt· tee, Bernie Stlyles, was welcom· ed back from his ueatlon and Felix Dawson who took ch'-lIe of the catering for tw;) weelc~ was thanked by the elub E. J Mur· phy was welcomed baek fr~m his vacation. .. .

Baby wants to learn how to get I covered with wreaths. People from up and down of solas and beds every wolk of life were In the as sool) as he's walking. Turn him procession, visibly showing signs over on stomach ~nd l~t him of the sadness which the death of learn to slide down easily frGm low this fine young citizen occasioned spots, feet first. He'll soon do it . unaided. . ,'St. Michael'S R. C. Church was

Newfoundlanrl leaving LI\'o!rpool Oct, Ill, due St. John's 001. 21. Leaving for Halifax and Boston Oct. 22, due H~lifax Oct. 24, and Boston Ocl. 27. Leaving Hoston Oct. 28 and Halifax Nov. 1, due Fort Avalon leal'ing Ne\ll YGrk 22nd. due st. John'. Oct. 24th. Novaport leaving Montreal No', St. John's November 3. Sailinl! Oct. 13th, leavmg SI. John, N.B .• leaving st. John's Oct. 25th. 5th. arriving St. John'. Nov. lot~ again same day for Liverpo~l. Oct. 15th., leaving Halifax, oct. Bedford Il leaving Halifax Oct. leaving St. John's No\·. 12th. (Ba,

Nova Scotia leaving Liverpool 18th, arriving S1. Jthn's, Oel 20th, 29th. due St. John's Oct. 31st, Roberts). Nov. 5, due 51. John's Nl'v. 11. leaving St. John', Oct. 22m!. (C.B. leaving st. John', Nov. ht. CONSTANTINE CANADIAN

, crowded to capacity for the

In Ollr column last week we ",rntioncfl that work on our build· in~ was progressing favourably. lhe \Iork continues, and due to I Icry generoul donation It Is pos­!ible to do much more thin was Ihou,ht we could do a week ago. .\1 • recent meeting of the Wa· b,M ~Iine Workers Union, Local 4121, Unltcd Steel Workers of A'11erica, (.1.0. It was agreed to contribute I substantial donation I~ Ihe Boy's Club BuHdlna Fund. We want the Union members to know how much the Wabana Boys ('Iuh appreclat~ their very lIener· P\ll j;i!1. We feel conCident thlt pur pro~ramme will be such, thit the Union will feel In the months ahead, that they have made a aood inl'cstment.

A resolution of sympa(!IY to the DOSCO News Correspundent and to Mrs. Hawcow. IInani· mously endor~ed by tTie club members, and secl'elary' J. D Taillon, was arked to write the berel"ed family extending deep· est sympathy in their areal' sor·

of $100.00 wn realized and this Solemn Requiem Mass which was will be passed over to the Boys celebrated by the Pastor, Right Club as a contribution fr,)m KI· Rev'd. Monsignor G. F. Bartlett, wanls. Primary baHots fo~ the with Rev'd. Fr. J. L. O'Dwyer as election of officers were collcctcd I deacon and Rcv'd Fr. W. K. Law· at this meeting, and th~ final ton, sub·deacon. The last prayers ballots will be taken u~ ~t the at the gravcside were recited by

Leaving for Halifax and Buston and N.Y.) CLARKE STEAM1'HIP CO. SERVICES Nov. 12. due Halifax Nov. 14 and Fort Hamilton leaving New York Novaport leaving Montreal M.V Avonwood Irrlving 5t. Boston Nov. 17. Leaving Hoston Oct. 21s~, . leaving H.ali£lx Oct. !'f.ovaport. due St. oJhn's oct, 5, I John's' Oct. 6th. Nov. 18 and Halifax Nov. 22, due 25th, arrivmg St. John s, Oct 2ith'l sailing sgam oct. 7. M.V. Teeswood leavlnl Ilamll­St. John's Nov. 24. Sailing again leal'ing St. ohn's Oct. 29th, (Hali· Sheldrake leaving Montreal Oct. Ion, Oct. 10th, leavinl Toronto, same day for Liverpool fax). 1

8, ~ue St. John's Oct. 12, niling Oct. 12th. leaving Montreal. Oct. Mr. Bert Rideout was Ihe un. . Fo!'t Hamilton leaving Tlali!ax I agam Oct. 14.

d"rtakcr and II f II . Newfoundland leaVing Liverpool N t I . 'I tr I o· l~th, arriving St. John'" Oct 20th.

next meeting. The of the Monsignor. the programme Wa5 then pa&scd over to:the ladles: Mrs,' (OJ,) W. Templeman very capably Intra·

• le 0 oWll1g com." 3 d h' N Nov. 1st, arriving St. John's Nov.! ovapor eaVlng" on ea c. prised the pall.bearcrs:-James Nov .. 2, eu St.. Jo n s o~. 29. 3rd, 'Ieaving 51. John's, Nov. 5th. 19, due SI. John's Oct. 24, s.ailing

Farrell B 'd D . R!J I C LeaVing for Halifax and Boston ' 0 t 26 ,o~ aVIS, a er urn- N d H rr D 2 d Fort Avalon leaving New York agalD c. . , Wild elephants damage rubber

plantations in Malaya by pulllni

Eighleen teams weekly Ire now bowling 1n the Canadian. Leilion Bowling Alleya. Thlt means one hundred and eight boy. are en· jO)'ing bowlinl!. None of our boy. m experienced, but some teams m maklnll very aood scores. The lop telm at the moment 11 captained by Don Blackmore.

Basketball started lalt Wednea­.1): nlg~t at the C.L.B. ¥mourles. ~hl! programme will be In opera. tl?" each week on Wednesdiy nights ~ommenelng It 'I p.m. Boys .. -.

rO;~rlnll the put week, ~ ,sale duced the guest speaker Miss of Kids' Day buttons wa~ . made Gannon, :-vho. spoke on th~. work b G d M tin and tne SUI1' ,of the Vlcorlar. Order of Nurses, y or on ar and the nursina servIces that they

who were present last week are render in a community. The votr. asked to tell their friends, so that of thanks 11'85 ,'ery ably prl'posed we can get teams organized with. hy Mrs. Cyril Moakler an'l was out delay. accorded by acclamution.

It Is hoped to commence boxing The President of VON Mr. Cole classes In the nur future. We then answered questions reiard shall announce over the DOOSCO Ing the organizing of a branch New •• as to the time and place of the Society after which the of these classes. meeting' came to a close with the

We have just received word of singing of· 0 Canada. Inother donation which Is to be given to the Wabana Boys Club. This donation comes to us from the Kiwanis Club.

It la most lratllylnl to know that so many groups and Indlvld· uals Ire showing such great In· terest In the Wabana Bo)'s Club. People generally realize that an Investment' In the youth of the community is a good Investment.

The dinner was followed by a very successful social evening, with McLean's orchestra supply­Ing the music for the dance. Mr. Benjamin Glick acted as M.C during Ihe evrnlng and \I as as· slsted by E. J. Russell, Brian Murphy and other entertainers. '

The gathering dispersed at midnight after another enjoyable Ladies' Night.

mings, Fred Tucker, Ron Ham- 01'. 30, ue a I ax . cc. an Nov. 3rd,' leaving St. John. !'iOV. Sheldrake leal'ing Montreal Oct. m nd Ger ld N Boston Dcc. 5. Leallng ~oston 28 h .. !O;l J h'" 1 t o . ' a ormore. Dec. 6 and Halifax Dec. 10, due 51h, leaving Halifax Nov. e:h, ar· , t, arrIVIng.. 0 n s ,,(IV. S.

HIS mortal carcer. has ended SI. John's Dec. 12. SaHin;! for riving St. John's NII\·. 10th; lcav'- leaving st. John's, Nov. 3rd. up youns trees-

and he now slceps hIS last long L' I D b 13 ing St. John's November 12th. ~~~!!!!!!~!!!~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~ sleep I'n th . t t lverpoo, ecem er . N LD CAN STEAMSHIPS

. e. pIC urcsquc ~eme ery Nova Scotia leaving Liverpool F. .

, J. H. pol/ard on the hillSide overlooking the Dec. 7, due St John's Dec 13. Belle Isle II leaving St. John's deep blue water of Conception Leaving for Halifax and Boston Oct. 1st. Bay. May he rest peace.fully, until Dec. 14, due Halifax Dec. 16 and Bedford, II leaving Halifax Oct. Ihe llght of the mormng of the Boslon Dec. 19. Leaving ~ostoD 4th, due St.' John's 'Sept. 6th, leal" ~s~rrection shall gleam In the Dec. 20, due Halifax Dec. 21. Sail. ing St. John's Sept. 'Ith.

as . Ing from Halifax for LIverpool . Belle Isle II leaving Halifax Dec. 24. Oct. 5th, due St. John's Oct. 7th,

Jesus, Friend of little children,' FURNESS RED CROSS leaving St. John's Oct. 8th. I thank Thee for the privilegoa of Oct. 1st, (Corner Brook and New Bedford II leaving Halifax Oct. having a share in Thy work of York). 12th, due SI. John's Oct. 14th, bringing Thy lambs home to Thee. Fort Hamilton leaving Halifax leaving St. John's Oct 15th. GiVe me the simplicity and purity Oct. 4th, arriving st. Juhn's, Oct. Belle Isle II leaving Halifax Oct. of a child Ihat n.o thoughtless 6th, leaving St. JOh\l'~, Oct. Bth. 14th, due St. John'h Oct. 17, leal" word or deed of .ml~e may ever (Halifax). ngi SI. John's Oct. 18th, keep them from fIDdmg Thee the . . . I df d II 1 . H l'f 0 t Sh phi! d .• G'd f th' I" Fort HamlHol1 leaVing J[~hfax Be or eaVlng a I ax c.

e r nnu UI e 0 clr lI·es. ' . ' 21 t d St J h' 0 t 23 d Through Thy controlling grace.' Oct..' lth, a!'J 'VI! g ~l .1; l' : .', Oct. 5.. ue . 0, n s c . r, Am~n. i 13th, IC41VinJ! gt .t'" ,. ,., 15th. leavlDg SI. John s Oct, 25th. BABY I !Halifax and N~w YOI!;'. : ", Belle Isle II ltaI'in~ Halifax Oct .

-----_. --

SAYS-Think of life Insurance as a "Gift" tor your child. It is as good in moneY value 85 stocks, bonds, or real estate,

,and, in addition, it encourages tl,{O ! essentials of sj.lccess: thrift and econoll1l'.

Ask me about our Junior Security Plan for yeur child.

DIAl, U35

T. E. DEWLING It."ch M_n •• ,t

221 NIW OOWU sr .• sr. JOHN .. ____ 0 __


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Dodgers stem Yankee Title Drive 8-3 Official Box Score ' Padres Excelle,nt Homer, i In The Yankee doub} bal to shortstop, Pee

Wee Reese. Unable to run with his usual speed, Mickey was easily doubled at first, Reese to Junior Dre~. sm· gRoom

In Dodger Win. l' ankees Lead Series 2.1-Rohinson In ~tellar Role-ltlantle Hit Homer in

First Appearance • , .JACK BAND

BROOKLYN (AP) - Sturdy Johnny Padres cel-abrated his 23rd birthday Friday by mixing his left· handed fast ball with a teasing ehanll' of pace to give Brooklyn Dodlers their first victory over New York Ylnkees 8·3 in the third lame ollht world series at Ebbets Field. .

Roy CampaneUa, alter going hit· leu in two losinlliames lit Yankee Stadium, awoke from his slump with I two-run homer, double and ~fDl' to drive In three runs. Ths devlltatlnl show mad" the 34,209 fanl almost forllet his coatly error that let the Yank. tie .the Icore in the second Innlnl·

'The Brooks chased fire·balllng Bob Turley when he turned wild In the aecond and continued to !lump Tom Morllan, Johnny Kucks lad Tom Sturdivant for a total of n hits.

Manl,er Walter Allton, crill·

clzed for gOing too far with Billy Loes In 'fhl1rsday's game, stuck with Podres through thick and thin Three times hI' strode to the mound to talk things over with Padres and Campy only to let the pitcher continue. Edch time his faith was justified. GOT OUT OF TROUBLE

In the siXlh it appeared that Padres. trying to go th~ route for tbe first time since J~ne 14, was on the ropes. Gll ~!cDougald and Yogi &~rra had lined singles to centre with nobody out. the first New York hits since the)' scored their two runs in the second in· ing.

The batter was Mickey Mantle. playing desp:te a torn leg muscle that forred I:im to hobble around C'2ntl'e field and shift to right in the second. Trust Podres 10 keep the bal1 loW to Mante. Alston let Pndres face the Yankee hitter. Mantic ashed a raJly· killing



Gilliam to Gil Hodges. Athough Padres t-~etered a bit , By WILL GRIMSLEY

in the seventh when a walk to Phil . NEW YORK (AP I-Casey Sten· Rizzuto and Andy Carey's pinch· gel said h'3 made a last·minute triple to the left.fleld corner pro· switch to crippled Mickey Mantle duced a third Yank run, he stead· In his' Yankee llltzup today at led to strike out Bob 02rv for the ManUe's request, but added that third straight time. Mickey may be back on the bench

For Saturday's fourth game at I in the fourth world seres game. Ebbets Field, Alston has named tomorrow . Carl Erskine, who managed an 11·8 "With the Dodgers pitching a record during the regular season rlghthand2r (Carl Erskine), I may despite arm trouble. Tha crafty go back to Irv Noren," the custy righthander set a serle~ record by New York manager saId. "Mickey striking out 14 Yanks In the third would have to bat lefthanded and

gacTa~eybai~n~nel1!~~i send Don Lar.1 h~ tells me his leg hothers him • more from that side." . sen (9.2) after th'~ fourth game. M U • h h' JACKIE ROBINSON STARS an e, a SWltc . Itt~r who has i

This was a different team from been on the sidelines witb an in.\ jur~d right leg. was a surprse the bedraggled Dodgers who lost starter of the third game today at tbe first two games. They fought \ Ebbets Ficld, WOn by Brooklyn 8·3. I back smartly after the Yanks tied He lashed a 400-[00t hom<!r into the sco~ 2·2 In the second. the centreficld stands in the second

Jackie Rllblnson played magni[· inning, but hit into a double play Icent ball at third base for the in the sixth innng with two men Dodgers, contributing seven as· on' base and none out. He was an slsts. ~nly two short of ~he record easy out as he limped to firs! base. for thIrd basemen. JackIe drew a: PITCHING DID IT gasp from the fans wh~n h'; dou· Micke, l\tantle Stengel, however, was disinclined bled tn the left field corner In the to blame the Yankees' defeat seventh and sailed on to third when to th . ' I . .on EI t Ho' d threw to second ward Ird was fumbled by Tur'l an~ such del e opment at thIS. ba~e~ntrYin; ~~ nip him off the bag. ley and all ha.n~s were saf:!. It "~h-ay got bet~er ~\tching, that's

Steng'~1 surprised the customers was scored as a single a~, Casey said. That Pod res -and the Dodgers-bv slarting for Podres, loadmg the bases. I Vias p!enty sharp out the~e. It wa.s Mantle In centre field. With Hank Then Turley I?st al~ ~embl8nce ~he pItch that made Mlc~ey h~! Bauer reduced to plnch.hitting of control. walking GIlham ?n a Imto a double play, not hIS I~~. duti bec us f ieg inl~ry Sten. 3·1 pitch ~o move. home Robmson Hank Bau~r. the other alilng gel ~as d~sp:r~te for more'rlght. wil;h the \le·breakmg run. He was: Y~nkee oU~leld(!r who pul~ed a

h d d ow In th IIneup againsl finished for the day as Stengel \ thigh muscle Thursday, saId he

I an ethP er't

h er

I waved In Morgan. didn't think he's ready to play," : a sou paw PI c e . " ' Casey said.

I' It looked like a typical tremen· Morgan threw four straight balls I Elston Howard Yanke out· ,d~us" m?ve b)' old Case when I to Ree£e. torcing across another I fielder was chagrined that ~e was I ~lIckey hIt Rhome rUll ol'~r .th-lll run. Gritty pitching to Snider and tooled' by Jackie Robinson in th,' I 393-foot mark i.nto. the cenlrche!d I Campanella avoided further dam· seventh when Robinson doubted , bleachers ~n ~15 fIrst .tlme up I~ ag(!. and raced to third 0 Howard's

the second mnlng. But It was ob1'l' , \ h' d n ous he was having trouble in the, Brookl)'n unloaded on Morgan for ~~~ A:D sc~t;FOXED

T odoys . Pitchers

f fi'

~'~L&.'··· Carl Enkln.

Yesterdays Winner

Don Larsen

Pitchers Loser


..... y ... I~PaytOlI dldoctlall, und .. Conoda', Htw Un.mploy",.nt 1Mur_1 Ad "HI bt.1n Oft Octob., 2nd, 19'5.

I field \l'h~n he had to make a one· I two more runs in the fourth. Gill· " .. handed catch of Gilliam's easy fly I iam's singi~, a walk to Snider and' I. salV R.ob~~· ,o.ver!'un the bag •. 1

, b~lI to righl centre in the first. Campanella's single to left pro.! HOllard sa!d. I \~ made the pla~ I ' . .' .........•.........• : Mantic switched to right in the duced on~. When Howard caught to ,~econd many lime on such oc·: !, '. :.. ~ ,:,' I second and hlld no more defcnsil'e Carl Furlllo's long foul down the C~SIO~S an~ got the, man. So I: ~ ... ,,', . ,.:" .•• " 1. ......... !:) " ,

Third Game BROOKLYN (AP) - The official

box score of the third game o! the 1955 world series: NEW YORK AB R HO A E G~rv H cf " 0 0 3 0 0 McDougald 3b "0 1 0 3 0 Berra c " 0 1 " 0 0 Mantle cf rf " 1 1 2 0 0 Skowron Ib 4 1 2 5 2 0 Howard rf If 4 0 0 5 0 0 Martin 2b 4 0 0 3 0 0 Rizzuto ss 2 1 1 2 1 0 Turley p 1 0 0 0 0 0 Morgan p D 0 0 0 0 0 a·Bauer 1 0 0 0 0 0 Kucks It 0 0 0 0 0 0 b.Carey 1 0 1 0 0 0 Sturdivant p 0 0 0 0 1 0 Totals 33.3 7 24 7 ~ BROOKLYN AB R. HO A E Gilliam 2b 3 1 1 2 3 0 Reese 5S, 3 1 1 1 2 0 Snider cf 4 1 1 1 0 0 Campanella c 5 1 3 6 0 1 FuriUo rf 5 0 1 1 0 0 Hodges Ib 5 0 0 14 0 0 Robinson 3b 5 2 2 0 7 0 Amoros If 1 1 1 2 1 0 Padres p 3 1 1 0 1 0 Totals 34 8 11 27 14 1 a·Flied out for Morgan in 5th b·Tripled for Kucks In 7th :-J'~w York 020 000 1004 Brooklyn 220 200 20x-l

E·Campanel1a. RBI·Campanella 3. Mante, Gilliam. Reese 2, Fur· ilo, Carey. Amoros. 2b-Skowron Furillo, Robinson, Campanella. 3~ Carey. HR.Campanela, Mantle. S. Padres. DP·Reese, Gilliam and Hodges. Left·New York 5, Brookll'u 11. BB·Podres 2 (Rizzuto 2), TUr. ley 2 (Reese, Gilliam), Morgan a (Reese, Amoros. Snider), Kucks 1 (Amoros), Sturdivant 1 (Gilliam). SO.Podres 6 (Martin, Cerv 3. Sko,y. ron, Howard), Turley 1 (Sniderl.

I Morgan 1 (Podres), HO·Turley 3 in 1 1·3. Morgan 3 in 2 2-3, Kuck~ 1

\ in 2. Sturdivant 4 in 2. R·ER-Tur· lay 4·4, Morgan 2·2, Kucks 0-0.

i Sturdivant 2·2, Podre~ 3·2. HBp·

I by Turley (Amoros). W·Podres. I, Turley. U·Honochick (A) plate, Da·

! ", .

CU~i~::··, .. ·Sen.iqr· . ~Cl,u

... :1 J ~ • " 'I .. -'J ")




who comprise pupils w~o make Ing bikes on the game, and those hang around goals, should be proper tOQ late when to a close play.

In t~e first would, both trate tlie goal wasn't [or want ball was In one other, but the a score being

Tbe second curtis making a to see what breaki ng th e s:J'f1e 10 r; de left .[or

......,._I-........... h thl .IW Act bt<om ••• fI.etl •• on Octob.r 2, ,.. -' haY. c",trlbut.d a' ,h ••• w ,.,. fOl at 1.0.1 8 ... uk •• 1,., .., ~otl II qvatlf, far tho n .... b ••• Rt.. Minimum ond mo ximu," ........ If ~lIIefIt ... d., th. n.w Act aro " wukl and 36 ..... ks ..,Ictfftly.

: problcms. B~t his inability to run. lell field line .. Snider tagg'~d up trl~d It, ~ut he Just outfoxed loh'nn t'ndrel Bob Turley , hurt th~ Yanks d3arly in tile sixth. ' and scored eRSI)' ahead of the out. m~: that. all. . ________ ~,,-.. "--" .... _-,,_.--_ .. ,, _-4-__

I 3GO •• 'OOT 1I0:lIER : fielder's wide throw to the piate., You should nel'e~ throl\' behmd. W ld S · N i Th Brook wh ar supposed to i I that fellow," cautioned Stengel. I or eries otes' : eat iefthand~rs tor breakfast but" The final pair came off ~turdi·1 "He.'s R bad one. on the bases."\ ... ;

Star ! scoli (N) first base, Summer. (A)

I second base, BaUanfant (li) third j, base, Donatelli (N) left field. Fa·


Here " how th. new Act· aFfect. you:

..... 01 Im~r ... Gftd W •• ~ly •• ",ft,- W.,kl., ".,. ... ..... Cooff~"ioo

Itat,. AI!owabll

t .. dl) $Iogi. O., •• d .. \ Earning.

..... '.00(1) It! $6 $8 S2 ., .. 1114., $15 16e $6 $8 $2

.15 .... .,UI i4~ $9 $12 53 UI ...... .,.27 Ot $11 $1' $4 '27 .... ""'It ,33 36t $13 $18 $5 US .... ""d., $39 ' Ale $15 $21 $6 U' ...... .,.A5 'Ie $17 $24 $7'

." ancI """., UI 52t $19 $26 $9

'51 alld """., U7 56t $21 $28 $1 I .,7 .... _ 60t $23 $30 $13

en WI!.- """"" a,. I ... tho. $9.00, 'he conl,lbulio. (f.r b.noRt """'" Ii _ted " Yl ... eek. ,., til w.r.a""" COIIIult yavr local Notional Employm •• t Ofllc ••

._ .. .,-..... nce .... ...ploym •• ' go 'og.,h.,-ull your

........ 1 !roployrn,.t Servlco.


l J. Tallotl C __ _ J. G. 110I0Il, Chi" Commi"ion.r

C. A. to Murchl'CII CommiuiOll.r

Iinst to a pair of Ihem at Yankee I vant in the ~~venth on R.obmson's FIrst .baseman BIll Skowron, who I By ED CORRIGAS . •. """"C:;;;==!:!::!:~ 'S~ldium lost litUe time rippng alert base running after hIS double, I scored Jn the, second whzn the ball BROOKLYN (AP) - It was a: . . ! into the ~\'i1d Turley. a righthander. a scoring single by Amoros, a ~valk fell from Roy .Campan.ell~·s hand I dreary day in Flatbush ]o'riday,! •........ ! P'~~lI'ee Reese walked with one to Gilliam and a hl·and·run smgle I on the tag, saId he dldn t knock I but th'~ sun' shone for Johnny I ' .. 'out in the {irst. After Duke Snider by Reese. the .ball from the BrookYn cat· I Pod~es. The ~rooklY!l Icfthander I I struck out Campanella hit his STRIKEOUT SENSATIO~ cher s ~rasp. I receIved the nlC2st bIrthday pres· I I home run into the left field seats "He lust reached out and tagged ent imaginable, beating N~w York

a aGO.foot smash. ' Turl~)"!lf course, was the loser ;!Ic on the shculcl-zr •. " Skowron sai~. yankees 8·3 to ~et his team back The DJd"er catcher wore the for he traded 3·2 wh'an he left and and the ball sqUIrted loose. It s ln'the world SCfles.

d:mce eap f~r a sp~llin the second another man that he had put on baseball, that's all." . when the Yanks tied it un. Man· I base scored soon after. Stengel Was asked If he thought I "The Yanks could lr..a the sc·

I tic's homer pol one run back and I the. Dodgers had an advantage in, ries," said Ty Cobb. a clubhouse Skowron foll~\\'ed with a double to Podres. Who waiked. onl~ lwo th~,lr bandb0x.b~1I park. I \'isito~. "but th~Y'Il. nc,'cr beat lett centre Podres made Howard men and struck out SIX, IS the Nail', I don t, the Yankea man·llhemselves. It.'s alwavs been the

I ground to' Robinson an~i wiffed! you~g man the have been ager replied. "They call these same. from· the days' of~!ii1er , Bmy ~tnrtin on a beautiful changa.1 r~vm.g about ever ~mc~ they saw cheap home ~uns. Okay. Mantle I HugginS." . .

I up pitch. I h~m In spring training III 1952. He ~ot one. too. dl~n't he? We can hit . -- , I Rizzuto singled to left and Skow.; went t~ :!ontreal tha~ senson after mto .~e stands Just as wcll as th'2),! Yan~ manag'2r C~se)' Stengel i : ron streal:ed toward home. Slndy' ~0'!l~illn.. ~ fabulo,ls recor~. of. can, must Murc half a MIckel' :llantle I

Amoros' pell to the plate hed Sl;o\\,.' ~tr;~~ng o.ut 2.8,.men and complh~g i is b~ttcr than none. ~lil'key could, i ron out b,' at lea~1 three f~et hut I ~ • re.on! Iluh Hazard, Ky .• !n: I Th 0 d . : hardly walk bccausc of his bar!.


~: ..... ~ .... ~ .... -I.j ! Campy lost the bail when Skowron: 11191;') !vIJI~ulntnm League min e () to;el S ' I~g, but he hom~red on his fir~t:

',. "" I ,t . ~. . lns \leen I\lth the Dodg'2rs 'lime at bat. He Illnped nfl~r Carl' I,,"·r pll,. I 'lIIce 1933 'D· R ' , . . . W1Ll\ IN Z nt:ss " • i TeSSln ()" 0 hmllo's drivc 'in the Ilrst ami

Jackie Robinson

With the score ti~d 2.2 in the. 113nrlicapped b,· a rib iniun' and' t" om barely made th~ (·atrh. last of the second. Robinson sin·· bolhered by ura" trouble. he strug. ! By TED SmTS , .. , . ~Ied ~It?l' one man was nut. Tur. gled through a 9.1U Sl'asUn lhis BROOKLY:\ (AP I-.Iohnn\' Po. , F Ol'mer ~lil"'OI' \\ Ilharn 0 Dwyer, p .. ~ ie)' hit Alll'IrOS on the l'i~ht thi~h ,"Cal·. tIL' had nHide 13 ;tarts and dres. slI'cat driooing frum his face. I; hack m town Inth the ne\I', that atrlclanS

. herty (A) right field. T·2:20. A· 34,209.

F acts and Figur~ By 11IE ASSOCIATED PRUS

• B I Brooklyn (NL) I 10 • New York (ALl • , 1

Newcombe, Bessett (81, Labint (8) and Campanella; Ford, Grira

I (9) and Berra. W-Ford, L-New·


comb~. Second game, Yankee Stadium, Thursday, Sept. 29

I Brooklyn (Nt) , , J ! New York (AL) , • • : Laes, Bessent (4), Sponner (5), : Labine (S) Rnd Campanella; Byrne : and Berra. \V-Byrne. L-Loes •

. I', ,!h a Il itl'h and Podre~: bunt duwn faile:! III !a,t onc~ sinl'c June 14. said toda:-- all~r his sparkling i ~[! tl,le' Bcrooks. ron:;l~k~r mO\"lng~ ""._ .. "." ,. ___ .. "_". . lI'orltJ serie,~ \'ictorv 0 h' 231'di" eXlco Ity \\ould II ~ to hah BO,\,II°nO'"" , '. . . n IS, them. ,

i bl!lhday that hIS change·up p,lch I "If bl thO '.. . I \ \".s th best it h d bell ' we 0\1' IS SNIP;, sal( . , .~: . e . . n, ~ n a year,: Brnok pre,idrnt Waltrr (),~Ialley.' Anyone wishin;; to take part In -.~~~==~--,~ .. ,-~"""~--~-~-~".~

Third game. Ebbets Field, Friday, Sept. 30

. New York ALl , T • Brooklyn (NL) • 11 1

adventure for young men

TlIC Canadian ~rmy offers adventure to young men with an apI'etite for excitement, outdoor living and truvd.

Must be prepared to face danger. Apply only if between 17 and 40, phYSically lit Rnd ready to travel at short notice.

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To be eligible you must be 17 to 40 years of age, skilled tradesmen to . 45. When applying bring birth certiJlcate or other proof of age.

JOID and you share In the pride and adventure of guarding Canada's freedom. Join and you share in the honour of serving in a

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The Regiment oE Canadian Guards, The'Royal Canadian Regiment or

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For full information, writ., phon. or visit No, 12 PerlOnnel Depot, Buck·

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I' •••• Canacla anil Your •• lf in the Army

• I

, ~I) he,t pItches were my fast' ":l1exico Cit y won't be fa!' Ihis "ear's Patricians' Bowling ball and the change·up-and the I; " . , c'lanae.u II'as ftX e t' I I '. d: enough. League arc askcd 10 cali 51. Pat s . .. p , c p lona, mlxc • '~ If' h 4758)

: 'cm U11 Cluil,' a bit" he sa'd in I -.- • ' Alleys (39_6) or A Smlt ( . Ill

n J'ub'I'I'-nl U' od" d' r . I I The Ebbets Field faIthful ~'~Idom This vear's series will commence c ~ "er eSSIng room " tl . b • k Y Id .' , after the Yankee i d b t: gIl e le en.em) are." ou cou : on Sunda'·. Oct. 9 and no names

'. s la cen p!l . hear a p In drop when llantle ,. . ,

i dO,:'r~ 1\~.3. ., I came up after hitting his home I WIll be accepted arter Monday,

as a bll \Ired at the end. i run. The batter usually g'~ts a I Oct. 3 . . b;tt I had enough left." I h t th t 't' th k --_._._--.. " .----­i . ?,1anager Walt Alston, not smil'l c eer a a POIn 10 0 er par s. and taking a chance on getting the ; Ing much mor2 th~n he did after i Yank left fielder Elston Howard batter. I losing two games In Yankee Stu.' ' k' Then he was mousetrapped by I dium admtted that "\I'e I k d ' must bc wondermg what a roo Ie Jackl'e Robl'llson I'n the seventh. I. • 00 e 'has to do to make an honest iiI"

I hkc we are supp~sed 10 look," ing. First, he let in a run when Robbie doubl-<?d to left. overran the ~omorr?w he WIl! send Carl Er· h~ grabbed Furillo's high foul in base 'and pulled 8 Howard throw

skme ai.amst the New York team. short left instead of letting it fall to second. Jackie then just kept H~ dechned to speculate On who going 10 third. A shrewd play and might pitch Sunday, although thc who had a great day at bat and it won him the biggest cheer of obvious choice would seem· to be in the field, what was his biggest the game. his big right·hander, Don New· kick of thoz game-his double or combe. . some of his sparkling stops of hard Podres threw a var!~ty of stuff, NOT AT PEAK grounders? none of it very fast. He was

Alston confessed that Erskine. "It was that last pop fly of Riz· particularly efIective with the big who holds the world serics record lutO'S in the ninth, the one that motion followed by a half·speed

Turley. Morgan (2), Kucks (~l. Sturdivant (7) and Berra; podr" and Campanella. W-Podres. 1.­Turley.


Third ,am.

Paid attendance-34,m Net receipts-$22M99.3T Commissoner's sbare - $!3,3!UI Play-ar's share-$115,OO4.68 Clubs' and leagues' .hare-$1',·


Three game totat.

Paid attendance-183,785 Net receipts-$1,051,200.5I Commissioner'. sbare --?? 680.08.

Players' share-$S36,112.2I Clubs' and leagues' .hare-$3!l' ..

408.18 tor strikeouts with 14 mad(! two ended the game." he said. pitch dOWn the middle. ~ears ago against the "ankees, is -----..:...----------------------not at the top of his game.

"Erskine is pretty good, but he may not be 100 per cent."

Any talk of friction between AI· stan and Don Zimm-ar, the pep' I

pery second baseman who was benched today, was dismissed by both sides.

"I didn't blast anybody." sald Zimmer: "I just wish he had told me I wasn't playing before every· one elsa told me."

"There's no friction. I haven't talked to Zimmer, that's the least of my worries." said Alston.

Alston said he would keep the same lIn~p, heavy with lemt·han' ded hitters, if the Yankees pitch a rlght·bander as they are supposed . to do tomorrow In the person of Don Larsen. This means Zimmer, a right·hand'3d hitter, stays on the bench.

"I thought Padres had real good stuff and held it' real good," said Alston. "He was a little tired in the eighth and ninth. When he warmed up he seem~d to be the best he has been all year."

Roy Campanella, happy again nOW he is hittlng-a homer, double, and a sngle today-explained the coll8ion at the home plate in the second when Moose S k a IV ron scored and an error was charged to Campanella. . "He hit my right arm and loos­en-ad my grip,"· said Campanella.

"He's a tough football player," someone observed.

"This ain~t football," said Cam· panella .

Someone asked Jackie Robinson,

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Curtis 81anks HollCt;o'~s I Senior High. School·.~.: .

Cluu'ch,i.ll SCOl'es Both Goals ,:' '" ' In the cool of the Autumn after- first goal as he came In f~':, from

npon tWO teams of Senior High his wing to beat Baxtram, amid School Football lads, faced each loud chcen from'the curtis fans. thtr in a battle of wits for the With this successCurlls tliell wellt

~lusil'C goals that would mean v,le- all out and had tbe best of' the torI' lor their school. play for a time but nothing, result-

Standing on the sidelines were ed. Holy Cross then .tarted to see the pupils of Curtis Academy and wbat they could do on a couple of II Iv CrolS High SchOOls cheering came very close' on' a cOuple of th~ir teams as they fought a dina:- occasions but to no avail. dong game lor tbe points. At the 2;·mlnute mark Churchill,

The line'upS [or the game, play· who was playing a star game, again cd on the ~!emorial University came Into prominence as he beat Grounds, wcre as follows: Baxtram with a 'shot that the

CCRTIS: Goal, Moores: backs, I goalie didn't have a chance on. Wiseman Burse)'; halves, Wallace, I This goa) ended the scoring with Be!t. Barnes: forwards, Churchill,' the Curtis team victors by a score Martin. Blackwood, Coffin, Rice. of 2-0.

HOLY CROSS: Goal, Baxtram; b3C~!, Hurley, Kenned)'; halves,


City Com.­Bowliitg league, .

( 11 TUESDAY, oetober ,th

St. Bon's Win Over Feild In

I Senior ~o e~e '7.15-1 LANEY SCORES TWO GO,\LS, Cll'.ada Packers vs B,A.S.O. S . ' Par.<ers vs Royal Grocer)'.-

The SI. ~on 5 football tcam,! Job E:·os. \', /.'.'~lcn Tc!~pl:one. malting its hrsl appearance of the; 8.30-season yesterday, blanked the I London NY & p ,'s Stead Lum-~e~ld~ans by a score of 4.? at the ~'bcr, ' I, ~Ildl3n Grounds. . By this game I Marshall's vs Royal Stores. big Joe GathcraJl, In goal for th.e I Gaden's vs Mammy's. Blue Dncl Gold, chalked up his: !l.45- ' ' , first shutout. ' Dom. Dist. vs E, Clouston.

G,E, Oil vs USAF, Torbay. Horwood's vs Brookfield.

I SI. Bon's evened the scoring in i

both halves as they scored two i goals in each stanza. Slaney was', the big gun as he got credit for I 0

,two goals~ whil~ Gi1~ies and Red,: tuckv StrIke' I mond tallied onc aplecc. . r,

: After about one minute of ~Iay I B 10 1 0' 1St. Bon:s were given a penal~y: OW lng',eatue ; shot which was made good by Bill I A meeting will be held' at th, : Gillies, for the first goal of the: Guards Club Rooms at 3 p.m. Tues· ! ;<ame. At the 17 minute mark I day. October 4th. : there was a scramble in front of. All mcmbers wishing to partlcl­! the Feildian net which causcd I pate in this League are requested

GOOD SAVE made by Feildian goalie during yesterday's senior inter-collegiate match between St. Bon's and: some excitement and resulted in: to attend. • Feildians in which St. Bon's won 4-0. goal number two for s,li,c. Slaney; ___ -----------------------r, ______ was the hero this ,time as he un- I McCarthy, Redmond, Ba;reli,

ShtTren. McGrath, Walsh; for-,' N H L All S wrl!. Sheehan, Mollo)" Philpott, 1. •• • .... tar finnr)'. Finnc)·. ~Ir, Run Super was the official Hockev Match ham, Red K~l1y and Marcel Prono­


________ ----.\ . tangled the scramble and let go a I R I G'Il' E' SI ,_ 5 women of the same ages Will A study of 15,000 insured persons drive After that play pre ure 'I' aye, lIes,. lans, aney,


survive beyond their 65th. birth. \l'ho had reported two or more' , ,ss llarshall, Manmng. day. close relativcs with disease of the was evened 3,nd both goallcs had I B.F.C.-Goal, T. Chapmanj G.

Oro Jordan Says

From these rather dry figures it heart. blood vess'~ls, or kidneYs \ t~ be on their toes to save some, Press, 1. Tulk, D. Bartlett, 'W, I can be seen that the improvement, acquired before the age of 60 rc· mce shots from Steele of the: Steele, G. Young, R. Cook, A. 1 in lif~ expectancy ha~ affected; not I \ ~'ealed that their chances o~ dy-, dou?le blues and Barrett of SI. I Strong, D. Yetman, D. Squires,il

RelNee and he had the game un· • der cont rol throughout. By JOE FALLS

In hirnm to the "arlous teams, DETROIT (AP) - Th:! "new ~'ho comprise this League, the: I~ok" Detroit Red Wings, with onl,Y

'I, \ 'ho make a practice of rid. nme players. left from last season s pUPI, \ h II championship team, meet the Na­Ing blkc~ on the field durt~s t e tional Hacke)' League AII,Stars In lamr, and those who pia) and Olympia Stadium &tnday night In han~ around the sidellncs and I'the ninth annual pre·season e1as­loa I,. ~hould be spo~en to by the sic.

Coach JImmy Skinner, who guided the Sed WinSs to their seventh straight lelgue champion­ship and second straight Stanley Cup UUe In his rookie year last season, will keep the potent Howe­Lindsay-Reibel line intact.

only Infants at the time of 'blrth, mg were about 40 per cent hlgher\ Bon s. At the halfway mark the! Noseworthv but also. those who have reached \ than standard or "ordinary" risks, I score read 2·0 for the hilltoppcrs. ! --------=.:--- ' ..J

pro~rr authorities, for It will be' Actually, th~re 11'11\ be 10 former too latc when sam cone Is hurt due Red Wlng~ on the ice-but the 10th to a clo!c play. will be R member of the All·

In the first half, try as they Stars, goallc Terry Sawchuk. Irouili. bulh teams couldn't pene· The Red Wings traded Sa\\'~huk lrale the gar.! keepers, and It lure to Boston Bruins in one of two big Imn't for want of trying. First the orr·season dealS. b,li I'.'as In one zone and then the D,~troit general manager Jack other, but the half ended without Adams, a believer In the "shake­J score being made. weli" system, Iraded away seven

The second half started with the of the players who figured In the CurtI! making a determined effort Red Wln~s' championship last to sre what they could do about season. Significantly, Adams ro-

talned the hard·core of his team '. brrakin~ the den"I!'"'-. r~' ." ' .. , Forwards Gordie Howe, Ted Lind-!111C 10 minutes, Churchill, out- say, Duteh Reibel and Alex Del­l :~Ie left ,lor Curt:s, r~cvj'~_" •. ~ vecchio and defeneemlln Bob Gold-

• ," 0' .

;' ; ,"

MEDIC'L ADVA~CES HAVE mAatluhre hfhc. . d"d I Of those who in addition to hav-. As the whistle sounded to start II" t aug as m IVI ua s we can' l 'h I' the second h If St B' II

ADDED MANY YEARS TO LIFE not tell just when we shall go" ing R family ~istory ~f cart, b uod 1 a. on s ~ea y , information of this sort does give 1 v~ssel or kld~ey dllsease, \~Ne I put on th,e prcssur.e .and 'I olson Detroit's No, Z \lne \\'11 be com·

posed of Delvecchio, Bill Dineen and Rea Chevrefils, acquired In the Sawchuk deal with Boston.

BY EDWIN P. JORDAN, M. D. us something to work on. In fam"l slt~htlr ov~rwelght or had a sltght" Chapman IR the FClldlan net had Ever since the lurn of the ccn. ilies where there are young child·, clcvall?n In blood pressure,}hc I to be good on the many sho(s that

tury,there has been a continuing ren, for example, the chances arc! mortahty was 70 per cent hl.her went his way from the well prac· A new third tine will make its

appearance. Norm Ullman, 19· year-old rookie, will centre wing­'21'1 Johnny Buc)'k, another rookie, and Jerry Toppazzinl, obtained In a trade with Chicago Black Ha wks.

decline In mortality so that each now less than 1 in H){) that one of' than standard. tised boys of the opposing tcam. suuessive generation bas had a the parents wi~I, die within the next What looked like a sure goal for: bett~r chanco of survival than the year. In families wbere the bus· Dave Barrett went bounding over i,

last. Mucb of this gain has occur- band is 20 years old and the wife H A· d .' red because of Ihe lowered mo~- 19 with an infant child the chances orne eel ellts ,the ncts. Doug Sq.Ulr~s bad. the I

Ullman and Bucyk played to­gether with Detroit's No. 1 farm club at Edmonton last seasoD Illd led the Flyers to the Western

taUty In Infants and early llfe re- are only 9 in 1000 that the hus- same luck when hIS shot miss cd , sulting, principally, from the de- band will die within five years. the goalpost and went over the \ cline in the childhood infectious WITIlINCREASED AGE the sit- top. diseases, 'uation is not quite so good-where It is cs~imated that each year Redmond got credit for the'

Hockey Leagoo championship. Aside from Sawchuk, perhaps the

most elosely watched Of all the aI-star payers will be the flam­boyant Maurice (Rocket) Ricbard of Montreal Canadiens. REPLACES DICK IRVIN

But tbe Improvement bas occur- the father is 35 years old and the more than 2.000 per~ons in. Canad,a third goal of the game as he tipped, red with grownups as well. chances a~e 15 ~ a 1000 that he alone die from a,ecldents In thClr a nice pass from team mate lIIan- I

Of the men who were 20 years will die Within five years. own homes. ACCidents, fatal and . 'I old In 1910, according to the bul- We cannot rely, of course, in non fatal, happen frequently in mn.g ov~r the goalkeeper shead. '

Coaching the all·stars will ~ Hec (Toe) Blake, former Canadien star who has taken over the Mon­treal coaching reigns from Dick Ir­vin, who took I similar job witb the Black Hawks.

leting Of a large life Insurance belonging to the lucky group; every home. We can help prevent Usmg hIS head for more than a c~mpany, thrl!e out of five sur- more often than not the husband accidcnts and we ean .Ie'lrn what hat· rack was Slaney who knocked VIVe<!, to celebrate their 65th biro is the first member of a family to to do w~~n an aCCIdent docs the ball with his head illto the today, whereas of those 10 years dl2 and each year more than 7°O'loecur. ,'I he ~~i' J~h~ Am~ula~c~ I corner of the net for the fourth younger only slightly over hali 000 families in the United States oHers FI~st , Ifo~n el'e~~~e ur~~l1 ,and final counter of the game (51 per cents) reached the ag'a of alone are broken, by the death of II ~1~~::: e~~mencinS shOrily. To I Having hard luck all the ~ay, 65. the husband or wlfc. II . t t t th St John' th h d f' ht' I' 'Id' f 'I d

Women as usual d'd b It DEATH OF COURSE me I cnro JUs can ac e. ,e ar· Ig mg • CI lans al e IF TH ' ,I C cr.. ' . ',can co, I Ambulance bv tdcphone. by letter,l to chalk up any score

The roster!: AU.stlrs: Goa-Terry Sawchuk,

Boston: Harry Lumley, Toronto, D!lence-Leo Boivin, Boston: Allan Stanley, Chicago; Jim Morrison, Toronto, Doug Harve,., f,fontreal; Fernie FIaman, BostoD. Ce'ntres-

E CURRENT TRENDS re- 10 many W3YS but it IS mlerestmg I or appl in 'person at the office~ I :.. I main unchanged more than two to confirm the old saying "if yoU 1)02 witer Street SI. John's- LIlliE.UPS , out of every three men over 20 want to live a long tim'~, choose I, Telephone 5830.' sept30.oc:l, S.B.C.-Goal, Gatherall; Sinnott, i

years old and, more than 4 out of long·lived ancestors." i' :

Red Sullivan, Chicago, Jean Beli­veau, Montreal; Danny Lewicki, New York; Ken MOlden, Man­tr~a1., Left winga-Harry Wats01I, Chicago; Ron stewart, Toronto; Sid Smith,Toronto. 1\lsht wlnrl!­Ed Litzenberger, Chicago; Leo LI' bine, Boltonj Bernie GeoffrlO1l, Montreal: M~u~lce' Richard" Mon: treal. ' " .' , ' . Detroit: Goal-Glenn, Han. De­

fenee-Red Kelly, Bob Goldham, Marcel: Pronovost, Warren God: ,fre\', Buekv' Hollln~orth, Larry Hlilman. Centrea-puteh Reibel, Norm Ullman, Aex DelvecehlD. Left' wingl!-Ted 'Llndsay, John Bucyk, Real Chevreflls, Ed Sand­ford. Right wlngs-Gl)rdle Howe, BII! Dineen" Jerry Toppazzinl, Marty PaveUch, Norm Corcoran .

Great! Terrific-! New!

AI In a rush come, I bewilder­Ing'variet1 of sldlls, all designed to drive Baby's parents wild: open­inj( doorft, turnlnr knobs, pulling

. R k '\ d cabinet drawers open, climbing up r\SI'B,\U. r.\N'--lIcr,,·~·\' .. ci~ht cllamplon oc Y .' arciano ons a and down .talrs and sliding under E !;tnn ned Sox bJs:ball ClP m pl:cc of his crown after his title boul furniture, Fortunately, he tats 'iih coiallcngcr .... rchle ~.!oo.e hi New York. Marciano retained hi! goodand tlred'and will nap while

The Dramatic Story pi a young mall 11:110 sllcldeul y learus

the 3hattering iruth. More than exci.ting, !Ids sel';uZ is (I slrulv ill

,ocial conditions with tremendous luwum apIJeal.

:ll~ b~' knocldng out Moore In ,:hc ninlh round, I Mother couipses.


~xfo ru's ,tne Winner

All Oxford .bot br II: I •• 1 ... )'1 a .. I_r-- '

cralt-made,offtneleathlfonaPIUIIt FlttlDl'

l .. t. TIll. lII04el, "Falrfteld". I. mad. '11 fl .. dU!erellt flttln" to .. eb balr ..... It

lonle. equally dlllllfted In brown Dr blaek.

n.Tt t •• wl4e rIIIIP ofJllln'.ICOxlorcll rrom 07'04. to TI.1d. All are mad. In mallr clllIerent

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, 1llAClt!1 ..... W ,.,. • I\lIII """'"" , ~ ' ...... 111 .......... It. &, .. .aId. --" .. - '

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t~ e i~ 0,1 , .

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DIAL 590 -VOC Monday' thru Friday at 10.30 A. M.



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~ SUNDAY . SERVICES "Set Apart For



CATHEDRAL (17th SUl1dG" after TriIlHI/) '7 a.m., Holy Communion B a,m ..

''The Grcat Rl'fusal." Thl~ ser- PSAL!l1 4:3 mon will be addressed mal"ly to I'm h'~re (or Jesus, sct apart from young people, Let us all lencIY ali thllt lIould delile, I our vows lind reaf(\rm our falth Called by His grace, washed in in Ihese two special servi~~s on His blood, La ser\'e a little Sunday. The minister or the while; " • Church will be assisted In these \ My calling is an holy one, my I ' .. 8ervices by Mum. Dougl!~ . Mou. Mastel' is • Kinll" , r .. :·,:::·· ....... :::~;:\ ... :.,.:.: .. land and Roy Evans, candidates So may I ever give t~ Him the 'I

for the ministry of the tnlted best that I can bring,

Churcb of Canada. The Jun;~r eon· I cannot mix with those who lo\'e gregltlon will mut during morn· the world and 111 Its ways; ing worship. VI~ltol'l to the ,hurch God says t., me, "Be seperste and will receive a friendly well orne. give to Me thy days;"

. There Is no fellowship with those

Holy Commullion; 10.111 '.m., Matins (said); 11 I.m.. Choral Eucharist. Preacher, The R"v. J. M. Reid; US p.m" Sunday Echool and Bible Classes: 3 p.m, Ser­rlee for men: Reop~nlng 01 C.M. B,C.: C.L.B, Ind S.U.F, Parade. P~eacher: Tbe Rector.

Weekdnl/ Scrvicel ST. P.4UL·S ~Talins: Monrlay, Tuesday. Fri· Bltlckler. Avenue

who my Lord, So ever closer would 1 cling to

Him and to His word. day and Saturda~', 710 a.m., Wed 11 a,m., Mr, 'Boyd HI scork , 2.30 nrsday 7.43 am., Tllunday 9,30 p,m" Sunday Sclloo!: 7 p.II'" Mr. p.m. J. G, Barnes, The Sacraments o{

Holy Communion: M J n day. Inlant Baptism Ind Holy Com· rursrlay, .·riday an,1 Satu=ri~y B \ nlunion will be administered at R.ln" Wednesday 7.15 a,m •• IbuTS' ,lile evening service. :lay 9,30 a.m.

E\'en~ong: Daily ~ 30 p,r,I., ex· cept Friday 7.30 p.m,

GROVE'S ROAD • 8 p,m,. Mr. G. Hl)ule.

st. MICHAEL &. ALL A,vGELS BLACKHEAD ROAD I (Sunday within the Octove oJ Ihe 8 p.m" Mr. J. G. Barnes.

Feast 0/ St. Michael anti All AllQtls) FORT AMlil:.RST


His service Is not Irksome, and the " yoke 1 bear Is light, I

My Master I, so loving, and the; goal is most In sight; !

I've enemies who hinder. but His grace i~ all I need, I

As I cry to Him for luccor, and' In vain I never plead.

Yes, I'm Bet apart for Jesus, and I seem to h~ar him say.

"Thou are Mine, My special trea· ~urQ, I'll guard thee all the way,

1 will brIDg thee sare to glory. a rich reward I'll give; .

. -Psalm Nine The Prayer Room 1 will give thanks to the Lord city at any time, but particularl,

With my whole heart; BY REV. FRED SASS B.D. \l1.Th, so wh~n its streets were thronged I will tell of all Thy wonderful with thousands of pilgrims come . I d·~eds. Whan Jesus sent his disciples In· to celebrate tbe Passover. Pity

.' I wilt be iliad and exult in thee, to Jerusalem to prepare fOr the the poor fol{ who Jived on street ::: I I will sing ~raise to tby name,' 0 Passover he told them that a man level. But this was an UPPER ' ... ' : i' Mos High, bearing a pitcher of water would ROOM, high above the din and ". ..; " lead them to a "large upper room the strife, with tha rumble of traf·

.:.' .... II When mIRe enemlcs turn.ed back, furnished." (Mark 14:15). Litt1~ fie and the hum o( voice but J . They stumbied and perIShed '1 did they dream of all that was laint whisper. And more, what

.. : 1 before thee.. going to happen in that room. It a view from the windows so tbis '., .' FOr thou hast mamtained my just i was the room in which our Lord upper room - a glorious pagcntry . .: . cause: gave voice to His longest recorded of. sky and mountain, and not

Thou .hast .sat on ~e throne giv. prayer. John has set it down in least of aU the Temple. And this 109 righteous Judgment. seventeenth chap~r of his gospel. all speaks o( the upper room 01

That gave Ule room a glorious link prayer. Back again to that lonely with prayer, so much so that we woman on her knees in an attic. might caIl It the prayer room of Her face has the glow of a mount. the Bible. And the description aineer who has scaled Mount Ever· given of the room by Mark and est. But she is ~eing things that Luifa Ihrows a flood of light on no mountaineer ever saw. tbings the whole activity of prayer in the that were never ramed In the life of the Christian. We are told windows of that upper room III in the first place that it was a Jerusalem. And she is experiene­LARGE ROOM. Something of its ing a calm and a peace infinitel,. size may be gathered from Acts richer than that of the same room.

Thou has rebulred the nations, thou Hast destroyed the wicked;

Thou hast blotted out their name for ever and ever.

The enemy hav-a vanished In ever· lasting ruins;

Their cities thou hast rooted out; The vcry memory. of them has per·


But the Lord sils enthroned (or 1:15 wher·~ we read that about 120 She is in the upper room of prayer -ever, were gathered in it for prayer, and vision after vision rises be·

He has estahlished his throne But pra)'er is a large room! The fol'~ her inward eye. She see, an for judgment: actual measurcments of a room innumerable company which no

And he judges the world with may be six feet by five, Ft when man can numb~r she sees tbe gre· . righteousness, . . it Is a prayer room it can hold at wbite throne - and wonder of

He Judges the peoples With "qUill'. hundreds of ULOusands, The pray· wonders she sees the Lord high . ing heart lJrings around it every. and lifted up. Sh2 secs that Lamb I The Lord i~ a stronghold for the I member of Ule Cburch. The walls I that was slain. She sees beynod

oppressed. become more penetrable than thin, the troubles of tbis life. for she

8 a.m,. Hoi ... COll'mllnion: 11 11 a,m .• Mr. J. G. Barne& Holy

A stronghold in times 01 trouble, \ air, and the lines run out to the I is one with Paul when he write!, And. those 1I'~o know thy namc put ends of tbe earth. Watch .. that, "I re.ekon that \he sufferings of ThClr trust m th("~. I lonely woman on her knees In an i th~ present time are not worth v

'For thou, 0 Lord. hast not for· attic, and watch intentl)·. What is I to be compared with the glor)' , sal;cn those who seel; !hec. she doing? She is a world tra,·el., which shall be revealed In us."

Yc~, I'm set apart for ,Tesus, by . I~r, Now she is in China. Noll', Romans 8:18, And it is Jeslls who IIi, most preciOUS blood, ' : Sing praises to the Lord, who she is off to Indi:I,. Now she k has made and Who makes the pra-

giv~ 'Ie {ull alegiance and i for Me ever live."

R,m" proceSlI~n ·and Sunil EUCh·1 Communion wlli be admlr.illlered arist: 6,30 p.m" Solemn EI·cn~ong. at this service. Just Sel'mon and Procession. I Presbyterian

QUf;EN'S ROAD I Which has brought me and reo . ,. i dwells in Zion: off to Afl'ica. No\\' ,he is in the: l'rf rOom and upper room. Hen ST. MARY'S Minister: Rev. J. A. Goldsmith, d:emed me and made me I THE ROMAN CA'fHOI IC CHURCH t St G . f '. th I Tell among the pcople hi~ d~r.ds:: lar '.vest of Can~da. On she goe.s.; ~~e escape for a time from the

; 8 ..... H", C, •• ,,',,' " ." •.•• Dh.'.. W"""" 3 p.... m.h I, G", 1 • , ". ,'0' go "n 'F" h' wh,.,·."" bloo' "",,d. ".kio, '" A"h"",",,,1 ".nl., h"d", ,f h.,. If.....·~ · •. m.. H," C,.m" ,," 2.>1 p.m .. 1 Th, ,,,doy ,h,u h S,h.," , Whil, lli. moo, U" f" p""'" "." t "'" t of Now f oundl" n d. ,f" " II"., ' 'hl' "., ""h. A". "."""" ,",hi., " !" "id, f" Ib, m,m·

Wcdn('sda~', October ~til, 7,30 R.m .. Holy communh'n.

· ~unday School and Bible Cla~s; i p.m .• Divine Wcrshlp, Rev, L. A, and for the things 01 earth. - -- .. ------.-.--.-.----.-- ... ----- He do,t nnt furget the cry 01 the. to relate she has neither passport~ i ent the net~ and gear of daily

IMine h a higher mission, and I B~"'""'ST LOVED HYMN. S afilicted. : nOr visas, Sh~ has no need of: loil. Her~ th!' \'eil of time i5 r~nt

4 p,m., Holy Baptism; 6,30, p,m., D. Curti5 wll! be the gllp.s! min, h • I b' th I It' I . 5h·· 'h E

't I Ih b { ave a nalven y Ir . ' . pane or I·am. s up or cnr. . e. m twam and We arc given breat -,.vensong. . , i IS pr n e a ~ence 0 Mr. Gold. ; Sp gracious to mc. 0 Lnrd: l;nows the !anguage of none of the I taking glimpses o( his glory.

.: MOUNT PE-1Rr, AND GLEND/1LF. smith at Synod. WorshlD with He has chosen me for service, and -_ ..... - . - --- I I3~hold \1'llat I ;u(fcr from those \' countries she l"isits at slich incred·1 Her!' in the room o( prayer WI 8.30 I,m .• Holy Communinn; 11 u~. for IIlory, too, 1 know: who hate me. ible speed. Sh·e seems to have no! see further than the farthest star.

a.m.. at m; . p.m., uun ay Ju,t • Utile longer walking I. a lOt au Who liltest mc liP lrom Ihe I CurNncy difficulties, no hotel pro·, for h'~re we see right into the very

I M I 2 30 "d All the way my Saviour leads mc; h '

h S , f· ~ h b I What 118ve I ~o ask beside? tl I bl F I I · Sc 001: 7 p.m., Even~ong. a va"lon, 11rmy dranger ere e ow- . gates of dea I, ems. or her at east there is heart of God Himsell. The door .1 B/!OOKFIELD _ " ..... od ho •• I""", c,' I d"ht HI. f"d" .,u, Tho' I mor rt,ro" .11 thy p"'u. , " ire' "d,i, Aod '" ,h. I",h· \ into the holiest of holies il wid. UO ,''I" 'OIl'" ,.h,,' CITADEL CORPS ...... ~ ... willi m., Wh, ",,' .. Iif' ho. h'" '" G,Id,' , Th.1 '" tho .,1" ~ lli, d",,,,, " dow, iII , ~,I". ""d, im· " .. I"'" .. Ih. blood. OIId n

8 H I C I 11 Adams Av

.n.... Wbom I see not now but shall see Heavenly peace. divincst comfort, I of Zion I mediately appear in its sky, but are ushered in by the Holy Spirit · I.m., 0 Y ommun I)n; • ... h' I ' I ... h I' I I d h dd I b k . , .... , ."" c"""m. P,,,"'''. M.I" OIId ... C. "''''... • ... " " .. " .'" .m n." by folth " H'm d, d~ll- . ." <OJ"" '" , , '" ""'" •. ,,,. I" " '" Y reo I" lli,,,,h C",,,I.

h R 2 4 S d

dim. For 1 know, whate'er befall me, I sh~wers that laugh and shine and I A large room, In upper room,

, T e ector: . II p.m.. un ay Corps Officers, 10.13 a.m., Open A E R Th l' h k· I 't' h I bl' 0 I t h 't f' h d : Scbool and B.lble Class.... 8,'5 . , , Jesus doeth all things well, e na Ions ave sun 1R tle pi I smg sowers 0 cssmgs. \1'la I and t ~n 1 was a urRls e room. _ • Air Senlce; 11 a.m., HIIlIness which they made; I a larg~ room. And look at the I Just what it was furnished "ith i p.m,. Holy Baptism and Church Meeting: 2.30 p,m,. Bible CIIS! In the net which they hid has ',' diverse crowds Ulat gather to the: we arc not told, but WHOlll it WII

. : ingl; 8.30 p.m" Evening I'rayer. and Sunday School: II p,m., Open First Baptist All the woy my Saviour leads me, Their own foot been eaugl:t. room with staggering spr.ed and I furnished with we do know. Jesu~ · p""h." Bu. a J. D • ..,. B.A. AI, ""' .. , , ,m" .".f ...... Ch_ , .. h wi,di" p.1h I I ... d. Th. to" hod m,d. ".,,11 k,ow, , ,iI"". with "'" • ,,,,k .1 th'i .'" thm. ,,' m Im,w •• 1 tho i W. I,wto ,.. f' wonblp ., .. ". "U.II, """'. W. mwl. po< fo Church G',,, m. " .. , fM .. '" Id., H, h .. "."",d Jo"m .. " d.". Wh" i, fu" "owd .,",.\ one book there was the Word of

I", .. ,. ~.ldp " ... <,,,,.1 F"" ••• with \h, "",' B~ .. t. Tho w"k" ." " .... " Ib, i" '''' h'" Wh" Ih.~ .. , h" God. Th,I """ ."' "",.h,' V"ited Cl,"rch eo".. • TIt" ... y ... " .1." moy f,I,... W"k 'f fu," ,.. h.od.. ,,,mj ... ' "d b,Ii". il " 00. I" with tho Prom"". lli' , ... , ... VICTORIA HALL, A d I bi once they are silent. Yes, she is I and the P:trousia. the promise of Wednesday 8 p.m" Prayer Ber- n my lOll at rst may be, The wicked shall d'2part 10 Sheol, praying for them, And what'l His blessed return. And these


vice. Hent'll Strtet . Gushing from the rock before me, I All the nations that forget God. m~ans this stranger gathering of are the things that still furnish Minister: Rev. E. Wmalml, Lo, a spring of joy I see! I young and old in the room, all I the prayer room for tbe beUevln, 11 a,m.. Momln, Servlcp (The : For the needy shaH not a\l\'a~·s be I inlerminglin~ with not the slight· \ praying beart.

Manse, Portugal Cove ROJ!!); 8 All the way my Saviour leads me; I forgotten. I est hint of youth wanting to be on 1 What matter where on .. rth 11" 11 a.m •• Divine Wcrshlp. Sacra·

· ment of the Lord's Supper: 2.30 p.m" Sunday School. SenIor Study Class and Young People's

TEMPLE CORPS Springdale Strut

Sen. Major and Jllr.. E, Hutch· Inson. 10.20 I.m., Open ·A!t Ser· vice (Grice Hospital): 11 I,m .• Hollnes! Meeting. 5ubject: ''The Privllege of being a Chri~t1an."

p.m,. Evening Service. 0 the fullness of His love! And Ule hope of the poor shall! its own. am) not the slightest whis· dll'ell, Wednesday: II p.m" Prayer Perrect rest to me Is promised i Not perish for (',·er. ,per of agc complnining about i On mountain top or In tltl dell.

Meetln,. (The Manse. Pc.rtugal In my Fatber's house above: ; Aris~, 0 Lord, let not man pre·. youth and its wa),s7 Why, the In cottage IJr in mansion fair, Cove Road). i \'ail. lonely woman in the prayer room Where Jesus is, 'tis heaven tbert. • class; 7 p.m., Divme Worahlp. · Preacher: Rev. F. E. Vipond. Sub-· ject: "I'll See You In Church,"

GEORGE STrcEET 2.30 p.m., SUliday School. All Minister: Re". J. A. McKim. young people Invited for rclfgloul

Organist; Mr, A. Klnsm~n. 11 Instruction and happy fellowship · R.m .. Morninl Worship and Junior under competent sllpervl~lon; 7

· . Congregatlon.. Sermon by the p,m.. Salvation Meeting. Subject: '. ~linlster, Topic: "The Slgnlflc· \ "L1le's Importtnt PreparoUon,," , ance o( World Wide Communion:' A warm spiritual atmo.phere and , The Sacrement of the Lorh Sup· Christian fello\\oEhlp 10U at · per will be. ob!Crved at th~ close the Tctpple. , of the morning servIce. Ull p.m" Sunday School Sessions: 7 p.m,. Evenln. Worship. Sermon by the

. , Minister. Topic: "Plannl nil For · . Marriage"; US p.m., Younl Pea­: pIe'. Fellowship Hour, to which ! all visiting young people are In·

, vlted. Topic for dllclll5lon 'Plan· I .: nina for Marriage." The ',ord's · : day I. I dlY apart. Let u. keep

: It so. Come Ind worship. · , Mid Week Activities · .: Monday-8 p.m" Women'! ~ew'

.1 ing Group, TuesdlY - 7,30 p,m.. First

'. ; George Street Scout Group 8.111 ,.' i p,m., Progressl\'e Evening Auxll­• .; iary.

Wednesday - 7.30 p.m., First

DUCKWORTll STREET Capt. and Mrs. R. W. Pond,

Commanding O(flcer; 11 a.m .• Holiness Meeting; 2.30 p,nt. Sun· day School Ind Senior Bible Class. There will also be M servIce held It Major', Path 2.80 conducted by the Commanding OWcer Ind local of the Corps. A cordill wo!lcome to all in that vlclnUy: 6.45 p.m" Prayer JIIeetlng; 7 p.m., Great Evangellstlc Service. Topic of sermon: "Meeting the unexpect, ed trials of life," Come lind wor· Ihlp with u,!

Pentecostal . George Street Cuh Pack; 6,3i1 BETHESDA . p.m., Supper Meeting 01.. Men', 207 New Gower Strut

'. Sen'ice Club. A. Chesley Snow (Pastor): Elsie Thur5da~'-Ladies' Auxilll;l, of' B. Snow (Asst, Pastor). 11 a.m.

. Flr5t Georlle Street Troop and Morning Worship: :I p,m, Sun· . :. : Pack, day School: 7 p,m" Evan/lclistic

i. '. i Frid~-Art~r Schnol- /!rolVn~e ScrI'ice. , .1 Pack. "SO, Girl GUldc~; 8, Chol! Wednesday B p,m, Young· Peo· .~' ! Pmllce. The mid·week utll"itlcs plc's Service. ''':11\constitute the church nl acUon, F id 8 I , ray, p,m., C!u 5t Amb.s,a· :~", .. All activities are open ic!' new dors (alles 14-24). Everybody weI ~ members. com~ serve. I: ;.o;,;,m;;,;e;;,' _____ ----..

'.;:1 COCHRANE STREE'f J h h' Rev. W. L. Lan,lIle. B A. Min. e ova ,

ft.~jlistt~r, Dr. D, K. Peters, L I.C.L., i'!JIDrglmlst and Choir Dlreetrr. WitneSles

'KINGDOM li'ALL, 49 Morri, Avenue


October 2nd Is WOl'ld Com· munion Sunday and the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper'will be Id· ministered at the mornln~ I~r· vice. The Junior Choir, under the direction of Mrs. George Kelly. wlll sing at this servlea. At eleven o'clock there will be a Nursery Department conducted in the MemorIal Hall for children ages three and four. Parents attending Ihe morning service III the Chureh may bring their children of this age. leave them with the leaders and pick them up after the ler­vice.

The various departments af the Sunday School wlll meet at 2,30, This week the Young Pnople's Bible Clm will commence under the leadenhlp of Dr, G. O. Roth· ney. 'In the evenIng Rev. F, E. VI·

pond will preach on the subject "I'll See You In Church," Fol lowing the service the Sacramenl of the Lord's Supper wlll be ad· ministered.

Church Radio Broadcasts

Ord.r 0/ Worship fo Be Ilroad. calt From WlIlel/ United Church On Sundal/, Oct. 2nd, Through Radio StCltion VOWR,

Organ Prelude Call to Worship Doxology

Wid, Communion S'Indc.V 11 a.m., Morning Worship, JUlio II Con;:rogatllln. The Sac:~tnent

the Lord" Supper: 2.30 p.m" School Rally Da\. Pre·

of public addrc!~ sys­Y.P. Bible Class; 7 p.m"

7.30 p,m., Public addres!:

Invocation and Lord's Prayer Hymn No. 30B Pastoral Prayer

,"a WorshIp, Holy COlllmun· Observe the Lord's Da~. At· Church.

. -i lVESLEY - • Millister: Re~', Dr. A. S. Butt,

D~;anl!,t: Mr. Allan Pittman. The of Wesler United

will observe World Wide ::.~mlmlcm Sunday this coming

with two communion .er· . Tbe mOlnlnll 5crvlcf.~ will

"oh1llTlencp at 11 n'dock and I mrditnllc,n will' be

. by . the minister. In the servlc\' at 7.00 'I'clock

theme of .the lermon v, UI be

"Choosing the' Right ReIlJllon." 8.30 P.JII" Bible Stucly: "What do the Scriptures Say about 'Sur' vival after Death'?" . ThursdGlI, October 8; I •

7.30 p.m., Theocratic Ministry School: (Joshua. cbapters 22, 23 and 24); 8.30 ·p.m" Service Meelo Ing.

Gospel Hall

Anthem-the Choir Scripture Lesson Announcement. ofterlng Prayer of Dedication Hymn No, 478 Sermon Priyer Prafer H)'IIln No. 489 Benediction Organ Polrtlude

SMITH AVENVEE.XTENMON 10,30 a,m., I.ord's Supper; 2.30 Thur5~ay -I'ro)'er Meeting: 8

p,m .. Sunday Srhool;'7 p,rn" Gos· p.m. pel Mreling. Li~lell to 'I'he Fam· 'rpxt: "Come untn Mp. nil ye lIy Hour, CJON at 9,30 a,RI. I that labor and are heavy loden

Tuesday _ Scripture Siudy: t I' and I will give you rest. Mati, p.m. 11·28, Everyone welcome.

When my spirit, c1otbed, Immorlal. • Let the nations be judged beforc' i~ praying for the whole f<lmily. And it is of th·! prayer room our Wings Its fllght to rcalms of da)., . thee. : And look. wilh all that crOwd there Lord was thinking when he said,

This my song through endless ages, • Put them in fear, 0 Lord: is not a ~peck of dust on the foIor. "If two of you shali a,ree on 'Jesus led me all the way!" 'Let the nations know th0)' are : her neighboul's m3k~ no protest earth as touching any thing that

i but men, ; about noisr. and the autboritie, they shall ask, it shall be don~

Sheen Bishop Writes

I 'hring no ehargr ; 'imt her of! for them of my Father wbich h • W] W'll I P f· orercl'oll'ding. \\., it i~ man·el·! in hearen. For where two or , lat 1. t 1"0 It lou" the Christian PraFr Room,! three are gathered together In my . and thc winds of God catch lip! name. there am I in the mid,!

.1 "1 ' errr)" "'ord of that praycr, spoken! 01 them." .'\ l' an , and un,pokcll ~nd hlows it aboull 'Tis the blc~spd hour of prayer.

R I . t . the streets of hral'cn. filling tllcm 1 if we firmly ~Iie\'e

pad 5I3h 30:15·18 or Mat hew, With an unspeakably lo\'cly frag·, That the bl~ssing we uk for n'lI IG:24.2B. . rAnec. . ; surely receive;

For what will it prufit R man,: ··h . 'th b d f Ii . I th if h~ gains the whole world and for .. c mt br.~a,ls ~ oun some I n e lulness of deliltht we ,h8l1 and space. : lose I'\'ery care;

fells his life? (~Ialt~cll' 16:26, R~V The rigid lines of age and race,: What a balm for the weary, 0 hoI' The French nov~\Jst, ,Andre Glde, And bl'ing, hea\'en to the praying' sweet to be tbere!


t~ld about travehng In the Bel·, place. Blessed hour o( prayer, blesstd glan Congo. On the morning ofi It lI'as a large room and then hour of prayer

at discrediting land.owners. In the the. day when they wer·z .ready to We orc told it was an UPPER What a balm lor the ~eary. 0 how beginning of 1953 1 was summoned stalt,. t~ey r?und the nallve ROOM! Jer:lsalem was a noisy sweet to be there! by tbe provincial commissar of ers slttmg In peace and qUiet. ----

BY FULTON 1. SHEEN Thanh.hoa and accused 'of having They had' made no preparation for allied myself with a family of departure, When asked why, they We Praise Thee The Fact Of Sin

Who would have thought that so quickly after World War 11 Ule millions of "convinced" and fan· aUe Nazis and Fascists would give up the ideologies for whch they worked so hard? The reason this hapPlned Is because these philos· ophies . are anti·natural; they run counter to all the decent aspira· tions of tha human heart. Nor must It be thought tha t it will be otherwise with Communism. Oncc the crisis comes, e\'en the Com· munists, when given an opportun· ity to breathe again the free air of heaven, will welcome it. Does not one already find in the violent ravings of R Molotov • desire to convince himself rather than the Western nations that democracy is I menace, and Communism Is a

land.owners and I was forced to said Ihey had run away from tltcir break relations with my wife's souls and now intended to remain Thou glorious God, before whose lamily and to separat2 from my in the camp that da~', so that ihe face

For thl! Son of man Is come tIo seek and 10 save that which IVIf

lost." Luke 19:10. wife. Party discipline obliged me souls would be able to get in touch The generations pass away, with them, A h to leave my wife just at the time s, to our eyes, t e tender grace

th t h t' g h'ld d Is this not another way of say· And marvel of each shining day: Ma h t . d t I I

a s e was expec mac I an ing what the Bible passage is t~l. ny ave rle 0 eXp a n away

blmlng? . Human natures always assert

Itself Jike a twig that has been held down by the band violently for a time. Once released. it Ipring, back again in Its upward aspiration for the skies. The dis· l11uslonment that wlll come to Communists Is already evidenced In a letter of the former Commun· 1st director of R Vietnam Military Hospital and Instructor In the Com· munlst School for PollUcal Forma· tlon. When he fled Vietnam, hc wrote out his beart In this letter:

began to need my protaction, the fact of sin but world condition! "My chiefs had pushed their ling us? We can be lamiliar with We thank Thc,~ for Ule joy sublime and lacts that must be faced havr

Machiavellianism so far that I was the elCternal world and at the Of years so radiant witb thy greatly weakened their cas(!. To· designated to direct the accusa. same time become strangers to power, . day men who are willing to be tlon movement in my wilc's "il. ourselves. An American psychiat· That all the best of endless lime realists know that sin is a fact. lage. 1. fell ill b~fore I accom- rist has said ,this cs~ra.ngement Seems grdllted to Ihe fleeting a devasling, destroying death·deal-pUshed that mission. A replace. from ?llrsel\"e~ IS a .~as!c 11Inc.s~ of bour. . f t ment was appointed and the cam.' ?ur lime.. What \I III It profit liS mtvh~~ is sin? Sin is flying 111 the paign continued, IlfC fW~ gam It~e ,Whole world and \ w.~ pr~ise Thee lor the surer face of God's law which is the

"My was upset and or el~ ourse. \ es. right. law of unil·arse. Sin is selfishness he poisoned himself. My wife had h It IS .~~~sl"le rr us ~o ~ at. The clearer, messagc Irom above I manifested in lust, greed, pride, 10 hear th~ rancor of the people t om~ 11'\ ~urr ,;s ~~alR ) ~C'\ The IcngUlcnmg day, the shorten· I hate, jealousy, a\'arice fear in· in place of her fa\her. I remem. IIrnlng 0 o. n. lin we e· ing night. I tcmp~l'ance, and lack ~f self:con. ber when my wife, walking with co~.e rll'I :in~ r~n~~,ed •. I\'~oIC ~,~d The wiser ministries of 101·e. I trol. If 11"2 can eliminate sin we unsteally ,ait bccause she was in URI Ie.' n sala s \Ior s, n I will rid oursel"es of our worst advanced 'state of pregnancy, h2r retll~.m.g an~ t rest s~al.l y~ I~de W·a bless Thee for the lrlends wc: enemy, in lact the onl)' one we hands tied behind her back, was save , In qUle ness an 10 ~?n I . millS, I need to lear .. dragged before a people's tribunal en~e shall be your strength, . Wbo made our peace, and stilled \\'e can't rid ourselves of sin but to respond to accuations for crimes our p~in; . Christ can. "He shall save His committed, who knows by whom or PRAYER We trust Thee on some height of p:!ople from their sins." Christ when? For scveral nights she Our heavenly Father, Thou art bl.lss '. can forgive all our past sins. went through ind~scribable and in. lull of compassion for all those To. brmg tbem close to us agam, break sin's power in our lives and numerable vexatIOns. Five days who go a~tray from Thee and from take from us the desire to sin and

fie thO h h d . . them~lves. Grant us that we We ma"nify Thy holv Name; t 'tho . a r IS, sea a miscarriage, all may find our sure ground of .. , pu WI In us a great passion to I hastened to aid ber, I was then And wbile in Thu our hearts do the will Df God. That'so· why brought )}afore the Party Council bTehing, ourChet~rnal'hoLme'dln Thee. rejoice, . . the angels san" across Bethlehem's

d f through TlSt our or, Amen. St g b '11 tb hr' .. ~~rtyaC~~s~~l ~nd :~~~~~d 0\0 tr~a: _ ron an~ ~:::, 5, raug P alse ~:din'th!h~Vi:!le~:~d~a::r~iP::~ son to the party for wishing to pro. THOUGHT FOR THE DAY To do the bidding of Thy voice. the Christ, the world's Saviour tect my wife. . Through Christ lean becDme a JOHN WHITE CHADWICK and Lord.

"Two months later, my wife whole, renewed person. died as a result of this miscarrl· age. I returned to Namdinh. where I learned that two of my uncles had fallen vleUms to Communist poUtical vengeance. I then felt a growing, repugnance for tbe per· secutors of my family, and I left


for tlle South."

PRAYER' . Seek "Seek peace, and pursue it"- 0 Thou blessed Cbrist, my LOrd

thus We read In David's psalm: and Saviour, I praise Thee for Thy Seek p:!ace in a world of wars, of loving forgiverrass and for Thy in­terrors and a I arm. O'er the dwelling Spirit to lreep me. linen. beauty of the earlh, man's deadly __ ------I-,.M-. _H_a_r:.ge_tt conflicts range. -". Seek peace,

"I was bOrn In Namdlnh In 1932 of a family or small property own­ers. With my family I followed the Vletmlnh partisans. I was an example In the literal carrying out of Communist Party orders. In a ahort Ume I arrived at the very notable pOsitions of Inter·district secretary and Director of a Mili· tary Hospital. I III n r r I e II the Lions do nm become tamed be· daughter 01 a land·owner of the calise caged, UUlllan nature does Province of Thanh·noa. Aftel' mar· not become Communist b~euuse rlage I continued the intense caged in a tyrannical state. Re· activities that eaused my direcl .lease the lion and he will b~ a chieb to marvel. 'foward the !'ndi beast ()f pre~', Break down the of 1952 th·~ Vietminh unleashed Ihe i Iron Curtain, and Communists will campai'n of accusations aimed begin to be human.

It is easy to love children when thE'Y are good and obedient, but when their nRughtinei9 lind fits of temper make me imllatient and intolerant, 1 would rememix!r how ,Tesus dealt with them. and holV He understOOd Iheir sense ol help. lessness and el';'I'Y desire of theirs that is not in al'cordnn<'e with the lI'ish·~s of tolk who IUllst seem tn them so la~king in understanding,

and pursue it In this f.wered, hate· weak and the oppressed. racked age. Peace with hunour·· It is not enough to seek this nothing less can 5atisfy (lur minds peace - \\~ must pursue, .- Patien­. ..... ~e~l'e with justice .. based on tly, with diligencl'. anti build the the respect that links and binds .. , worhl anew-·on Ihese shatterell with claims of friendship, not 0[' ruin, till all strife an.! tuull;11 gain and tn!'T'~ . se!f.inter(!st.······· 1 era,!' ...... 0 lorgil·c 115. Lo~d .... Peace that il the safegual'd of the I and lead us to that laslinll peace.

, ] .t .~

.' , ! i j

1 .1

:1 ., .1

~1 " • ., ,

plates on and eight whicb are top of the freezer plates are frame .... mnl't

which roll on forward and ment of tbis tracks opens between tbe plates.

When the opened up, ages are (ed plates. A holding plate~ ages moving able plates plates open ,·anced one through the

( .

New Machine For Freezing Vegetables a e armers



\ Fertilizing Benefits From Seaweed

OTTAWA, Sept. 30-Tons of to the aDd at 20 toOl per acr. I seaweed are deposited during' the early In the fall and later ploulb-: s~mmer and utumn on the coast· ed down. Compared with the h~e of many Maritime areas, and check plot, which received nO thIs seawced (actually a mixture i application of orianlc materlall of various kinds of marine algee) seaweed incre.3Eed the yield oi i can b~ beneflcJal to the soil of potatoes by 79., bushels whUe, : the adjacent (almS If some effort cow manure increased the yeUd

I'IS ma~e to saivage this organic Ilf potatoes by 106.0 bushels. Bar· matenal and dpply It to the soil. ley yields ha\l~ been increallCd Seaweed used as a manure, like: 8.4 bushels and 4.2 bushels, clov. farmyard manure, furnishes, yields by 0.95 ton and l.Cll toot, humu~ as well ab pla~~ food and: ~nd timothy by 1.10 toni and ~11 SOIls o~ the ~{arIb~c Prov- I 0.89 'ton, respectively. .

llD~es. partIcularly the. hght sandy The kind of $eaweed seeml to" 'salls, would be benefItted by the have considerable influence on; 'regular use of organic materials Its value as a manure. The lIa:: I Burh as sealV~ed .. 11 can be used I weed used som~- years waS m.inli' : as a topdresslIlll fO.r grass lands. a mixture of reck weed, kelp, and : or ploughed dllwn In the fall (or i Irish moss, while In otber yeIJtI: ,root crops. i eel grass predominated. For the' , Seaweed h05 been used as a; latter, yields were ! manul'e in :t soil ferlility experi-' poorel' and the eel grass did nol ment at the Charlottetown Ex-: decompose IS I'eadily 81 the other:­Jicrirnental Farm. Canada Depart·, kinds of seaweed. -,

ment of Agricui!urc for the past few years. It i, applied for pota-

,toes in a Cour year rutation of HOTTi!ST SPOT : polatoes. bal'lcy, riove[\ hay, and i tlmflthy hay. The seaweed, con· I World's hott~st .pot the lIlt I :;isling of a IlIb;lure oC rockwced.; round is the If-land of JliaslIIwa ,kelp. Irish Il1O"~. eel grass, etc .. , ill the Red Sea. where the mea~ is hauled dire':ll), from the shore annual temperature Is about II;

,to the field where It is applied. degrees. '

Farm Scene Neal' St. John's

TOP FEED COWS A Body Ration on pasture

Gooll . pc,stur. stlmulat.. milk procluctlon hut prep.r bo~y condition falls off unle •• i •• nough body bullcll~B grain

ration In thl di.t.

Prev.nt a failing off In milk production by keeping

body condition.



Smart housewives know the Iter.t of

,DOd ta.tln, toed II pl,nty cif rich mllk

.1 an IDll"edlent.



.) I \ ... [ i' I tJ I r '. h f C 1\ t p ~ (J )\ .. !, " , r l I II f' , ')" ". r I ~ H r


I I ,




2 x 3 2 x 4

2 X 5 2 X 6

Square Edge





ROOFING 'JUMBO", 36 In., 108 aquar. f~ "RUBEROID", 18 In., 36 In.,

<4S and 55 lb •• TARRED FELTS, 36 In., 15 fb •• SLATE SURFACE, 18 In., Red and Green



V2 in. PANEL BOARD Exterior 4 x 9

~1 In. PANELLED Plain and prepolnled, 4 x 8


'A in. SEMI·HARD, 4 x 8 1,01 In. TEMPERED, 4 x 8










• 'j , ,

I .\


t ',' I • t '


j. i

I 1 ) I .!

I i

',' , ,

The pldure, '''l'he Sca Chasc," an adventure drama of epIc pro-I .' ST,"R .TH£ .. e·o-I·· .. W· ARt)· .\J3('e up Inlo l.perpetUal

portions was made In Cinema. ~, .. gl'lil. lctkcd aL them UUt uf lid· Scope Ind WarnerColor with .lcss eyc;; wlicil thcy Clmc up t~ Wayne and Lalia Turner starred M ollcluy ''1' RAY' LA·P~JCA·.· . . . U~c ruc~ on whIch he IVa. ,UI~ and John Ranl.w directing. . IlIgllt hl~self. Then ill a fish he

The setting for the Wayne ano- .1 sc~mpcrcd aw .. y.·

mallcs was I Valparaso luxuMl "FUGITIVE LADY". XVII Cl . ' . ; ''I'm' sicl., Mummy." ::iharo .~ n . . r air got dlz~v and feU inlo. a, kept repeating ;'1 w I ~ .

Hotel. WITH JANIS ]' AIGE LOST In their own thoughts. gulch. skinning her knee anti lear· I . AliT: d CI ~ It a drink. ; At I big cocktail party and neither noticed the ga~ gUIl!c. illg hcrstockillgs. She began to !w'o' t ~m an. air cuuld do :


. I . ... I ~ 0 prulIllse ncr watci . g amor recept un for Wayne, who The husbanrl.and.wife team of They had turned off Highway strip. them off, but Tim stopped i the ke t" ooun al has evoded a naval blockade and Mike Frankovich and Binnie 138 leading to Palmdahi not far ber. '. I Y p. mov!Ilg au.·oss the drs-..... h hi I I h B ' . . " crt waste . ... oug t 5 "out awOl fre g ter arns turned out lhe exciting from Lancaster, at a 51'gn marked, "You' II get sunburned werse."\ By seven 0"1 k I' h .


,. I

.. ,The Theatre Page I




" '.... ,,'"

.... Notf' Playing


4000 miles from Sydney Australia, mystery, '"Fu~ltive Lady." rp.. "Hammond Chicken Ranch-25; he said.. ..' 'n" h d C oc n t e even,". to netutral walers, Wayne en. leased by Republic Plcture~.and miles." The rocky desert road ·The·thlrd hour Sharon got sick .0" Sth

a ~ws were creeping counters Davlr! Farrnr, playnig opening Monday at the Star stretching low"~'d the San Gabriel at. her 'stomach Tim picked out \ acruss e e~crt to the east 01 he commander of the warship, Theatre. Mountains slowed them down to a large' barrel cactus and lu'ied 1 the 'a.clus ~nd Joshua trees and

F'GHTtIIG LADY. .ANA TURNER, 'N _hl,h ,ho"" w"".11 ""9 ."",""I,h "" hi' ."".,,, 2D mn.. '" h,," "'dd,"~ ,b,. to '"' into It., g,' rom. wo'" I' , wmd ,,"" " hi,.. At • • "THE SEA CHASE" ,the South PacIfic, wife left Hollywood for Italy be. motor sputtered and died. \for the child. Blit his' small pen I I~st t.he

y cam.) up over a slight

S tl

-( t h _. Farrar accu~es Wayne. once cause they heard Europctll mo· A glance at ~he guage and Tim knife \\-as not enough o[ a tool: rISe m the. g~oulld and saw •

h o~e ~~s ~~h ~rl:C i t I' men \ Two unusual thlnlS happen to his good friend. now his rival tlon picture ... roductinn nf!ercd climbcd' out of the car cU!l'Slng and he gave 'IP I grcen p"h'adls'~ a mile awy.

Monday No,., Playin.g • -- t


FlImed entirely in the tar nor the r n Canadian mlluntaln eounlry, Unlversal.lnternl1Ional\ i~The Far .Country" is nay' play· Inl It the Capitol Theltre with James Stewart; Ruth Roman, Cor· rine Calvet Ind Walter Blennan ~ _tarring roles.

w 0 dOUlg

A w I Arhoistm IIn~~ John Wayne In "The Sea Cha'se" for the affecti<)l1! of Lana as well 'bettcr. onportu~ilics for 'he In· softly It was 10 o'clock in thc I Putting Sharon on his sllOulder 1 It was the chicken ranch ur Jack passe n mer ean s or~ 10. d ' as hi 1 fbi rlepenrlent 1 T'i' I . • .3nd Marie Hammond U I .,,'" K_ w"' ,.11" ,,1100 b""""" to .,. ., '''' '"om,," • "" .. ," .• <m." , "" • ,~, -. ,,,.,, Ii ... Im,rnin' md ., , ... to d,,~, h. ,brt'" ," .,.j,. By "'w both 'J k d . - "'. '0 th' j., ¢'ob 0' .. , N~,," Th,,'~ . ~"'~" 1I ... "d , "."d. !'" h,d "'''''' "'hI,hloo' "." . tw"" 'ho, ." hoo' """.. H, I"" w.rn b"" '" d, h" '.00 "",." ". A." """. t k fo e It W II W r A

He gets slapped In the face- Wayne Is und( I orders to clam III nost·'''ar It"ly. 100\,:1!d about ineek were beet red and his throat· TII\I k1:;'Sed Sharon and Clair as rc s as a .' • H hit k It A d f Oncp th h d t" "with cracked I'ps "\\' d" ....... n'.," ... .. • ro.'" ",d ,,,,,', hit b .. k, "moth',. up. '.""" . , "" ., • " '" 'h'" rnm· T'" ., ... ,,"''''gh' ,b,"" ", w"' " d,y h' totk" '" whl.",,,. , . '.' m. ""' h"dmd ,.... " .. II"", t .. .t. 'hot'. o~" b • .,.", """. '0' r.m, ",. ',I" 'ff b. "." '''' " .• om. b·'h B'"'' .. d ,Ighl ... ,,, '"m 'h. high.,," did CI.", 'h' ,,,m,d. h,w. " ~h"p'"" .'"~". .. ••• d , ... " ,,"'''' to,,,,,. . tho '''' """'. 'bo'" mo', blm I W.,,, om.,": "'"'' tho ,~. ';':,"k,.:' ,It ,h,d "!,, '>:' "", th., hod ,." .hoo' 10 m'''' b.d<. ~", t, b,,, "" h'" b"' .. th" , Swm,mg S ,oro, "" hi, .. ,II ,f ."k. ".. th'" • '" '''' 'op b" ,110' .to, 'f H,II,. IV.,,, .. ,'~, h. "g.. "d :,': ~ , •• " .. d h" .,r,· ,.'·1 Th" It d"",,",,,,, .~,d, T'm " 'h' 'm= d"",d ... ' ;h.~'Id", h. ,to"", d,w, lb. t Thia .tOry of the booming Yu

~on lold.rush days lives Stewart bne of hll most hard·hlttlna Id· .Inture roles, the chararter o( :reU Webster who lives fer him· selt Iione until he realizl's th~1 be mUll help brine law and order to the brawlinl land. Jonn Me· }utlre, Ja, C, Flippen, • Henr,

__ ~".m """", ~dI' ,il. .ood. ft'b •• ". ". m tho , .. , ""~ b".... • b"II. ThO ""h ."' ., ,.,,' ", ,,,. ",,,,dd.m,. tb" I'"'''' ""d. '" th. ""h. CI.I, . ence-"l'm hit • • ." Lt. Jlowlc And he plays' a sizzling love When the !(ene shifts to a thronte:'n!! sll'.~, '11k'! I':orlred mlles beyond. 011 all sides stretch-I her skin got cold and clammy: foli~wed. Their shoes were torn,

scene-the khid of torrid woo- swank hotel room -Wayne Is alone with. dl'petor S,dnev . Sn\!,nw In ed a tormented wasteland bear· and stayed thnl way. She closed i their clot~es. soaked with dust . Ing that Wayne. the rugged out. with his thoughts. cn~t'nq lha ~tl)ry •. spthn2 \lp the Ing but a [ew ~pare and stunted h1!r eyes. W:-'en they felt her, and persplral1~a. their faces and

'. ...

Morgan and Steve Blodle dre fe9 tured In tilis Aaron Ro~enberB production, directed by Anthony Mann.


'IIn_ I' WAIINIII 1110 ..

WAIINIIlCOLOIl CIN.M~g 1T1lII_1C SOUND ,,-. DAViDFARRAft.LYlEBmGER·TABHUNTER io:::. omECTEDBY·· .. P.'.~ .......... _ ..... "" ...






MATINEES-ADULTS ........... 50c CHILDREN ............. 250








, " , MATINEE I P.M.



acc:tn; .


door type, has rearely bee'n. In. There's a k'lo~k at the door :ocat:"n~ for SnnOhM amI srrang· plants - sun bleached cresotc pulse, it was weak and' rapid They: hands splocthed red and wind· volved In, and Wayne strIne to It In anger. p~~ IIS:t~':~ f~':ri"us c;ivic blhlrl~ngs bushes and bu~ sage, an aceas· kept her head covered. When they i burned. And their. to~gues were

th . . the p ('tllrl'. Smce lonal barrel catetus and mesquite. ~topped fOT a rest. Clair would so swollen from thirst It was )md

Thayer '(Van Juhnson) rOdrs out of formation on the tall of the stricken jet. Again the almosl unrecognizable plea-"l'm blind,

The door ~rens and \Vayne stands transflx('d as Lana enters. "l need you," ~he says. "I felt you nced~d me." '

lead me In!" PIlUentlv but lirmly, They melt Into each other's Howle shouts C:lrections Ol/lT hi~ arms, he klss~! her passionately radio speaker, guiding his pain· on the hair, th~ eyes. the cheeks. crazed buddy, Ken Schpehter her neck. her shoulders. and as (Dewey Martin), to 8 erasr. land· his lips meet !iNS In a warm~ lin· Ing on board their ~arrler These gering kiss thp" hold It for a cam: are our forgotten heroes. flJis Is era dissolve as Director Farrow their story. I calls "cull"

*-STAR * ----------------------------------MONDAY ------, ... - -- ---.



f. Dlrtclld ,y SIDNEY SAlKOW • SClltn PlI, " IOHH O'DEA :' I ... e 1ft • No.II ., DOIlil MILlS DISNEY' "lIducld., M. ,. FRANKOVICH

, A REPUBLIC PICTURE •• ,.lIe 'Ict., .. Ctr,oratlDft , HIIII,,, I. Y,I .. , " .. Id .. t



FIGHT -Action Highlights Round By Round



,------------LAST TIMES TO· DAY





Van IDHN~ON • Walter PIDGEON louis CAlHE~N' Deww MARTIN Keenan WYNN· fran~ lOV80Y

Me, /}.-.4 -"- I

. ~




'rHt/RSDAl{ - FRIDAl{ 2.30



e enhre ".'clure \1'as' shnt "on Should he turn back to the ~an her with Mr hal. . to talk. ~~~~t!OI1.". "'1'1)0'11. 'I,Ie eOIllPa?y hlg1lway or tJry to marke It to the I· "How' much farther?" Cliar: !he

y hurripd the remainin,

'. s~tlmt: foot ms:rle a ~tudIO, rand! on foot In the heat of theaskcd. . mile. th's~ 'Tlvolved eonslderabJI' ar. day? I Tim shook hs hcad, lie had no Clair Holil1S:'~ &'I'ipped his arlll ra~r Ing. h" . He asked C'alr. I idea. I in tUl'U, stopping short. and cried

"eanw lie B'nm~ s p' • d • . ' "Th' h'" A d I ' • • • II .rvl~c "Let's wait awhilc and sce If I ' ey re ere. n S Ie pulled wPfrlrohc anrl 11alr ~!I'lin~. assist. '11 I" h; AS the after'lOon wore on. they, Tim and her daughter back be-ed In the dresF de;iftnine and anl~on~ \\'1 IdcClme a

h oni. s: I began to lo.)k apprehensively I hind the trees to look at a bil

acted as gcne'al product.ion as- sfa I' ef

cou Ihsee. St e washsu .. i back orer thier shoulders across; black conl'ertib:e with thrce mc· si~tanl Ihe 1al1 I kId' er ng rom e In cnse 1!a,. 't1 dl l d I " ":- er .35 111.' U mg And It would et warmer. I' Ie cn ess SWf'CP 0 escdt sand .. gelling into It. They were til, searchmg for loeall'ln.~ 11"111 the Th 't ~ h t Joshua and yucca trecs and meso Traskis brot\ll'rs sweltering in nrnner "Atmnsphere" throu~h t'l e[h wa\ e; ~n~ our, to,; quite. A turkcy vullure hovered: their dark eOolls' looking ang!', ItRI)"s muddv counlryside Shl'lhuntl thC me a, JO,t t e eahr ,gtO ASOt ·1' m!ltlonless in the sleel·blue sky. ;and irust<l'ated. They backed till

nrOl"lIv admits she 'n~ h h 0 ey eou.! n Due I. Sit' . I I . I b • 'I .f.r us· 1 t T' 'd "I'll Ik ,evera Imr.~ a lC pane hIS.\· car out witil ~ roar and sh"t and (r~ouently \"orkcd 20 hoUr.~ as 1m sal. wa on Ised <wiftly overhead at low at· .away down th~ row of trees a~

consecuhvcly wlthoul a single ahead. Uncle Jack has a truck. I tltude toward Edw "d A' B th h' p . t pause for rest I'll come back and pick you up I 3. S Ir ase e crouc IRg threesome-down Once all : . . he-rc" at Muroc Dry Lake. the desert ro,ld Tim and Clair

pre.produchon work' . I Small cottonta!1 rabbits and a 11ad stru"gled over with Sharo had he en completed. Binnie step. Clair put a hand on hIS arm. hugr l·3ckrabb·t or t h d r th " n d It. , H f h f I wo oppe or e past seven hours pe n 0 one o. the leadm~ roles er mgers were a toue 0 flame. \ lazily out of thrir path as though "l! d'd th f II . In the picture, a task she ~r.eom. "We'll all go. It won't be safe lit was too hot 10 run f st rOT' ow Id ey 0 ow us here?"

pl!'hed II' h . f t t' 1 .. a e. nee 1m gaspe . • In er spare hme" away or U5 0 S ay .. ere a one. a gila monster his mall u I (T B' • .

I from her duties as general pro. "All right. T~ke out the biggest _'_.~_':' __ . g y I 0 • Conllnued)

duction assistant. hats you got and put on some How well shr and Mikp liked ·low·heeled shoes. Traveling is go·

their work togrther is besl ilius.llng to be rou~h." He porketed trated by the f~ct that after Mike' his pistol. I

flew back to Hollywood and con· I They started In the noonday! c!uded ~rrangpments (or itcpub- I sun. Every haH hour thcy stop· hc StudiOS 10 release "Fugitive I ped for five minutes. Every hour Lady." he and Binnie plunred in. :Tim carried Sharon for 10 min· to w.ork on their next Itah~i; pro· i utes. The first hou·r was stifling i duchon, 1 but bearable. The second hour i

t'Thno ranehhQu,Of eorlalnt1 make elopin, look .iIIyl" . '

W~!N J.I! CAA\! I WAS 5TU""'IN... I" IlEI!~, 'MY 'TRIEt)

Vl '"' 1'1 TO HAKE Il/lr\ ENGLAND WilEN LATIMER SIGN If-,V FOKT1)1J MAIlIlIED AlE! MY 9I1.OTJ.lER . OVE~ TO ~f.i· PAUl. "~ATIDe~, IN' G~W:' . . ,. WAS MV LEeAr:. GlIAIlDI.6N 1



ACROSS DOWS I Remotest I DI c~s, as

planet in solar le"lhcrs ~)'stcm ~ Lcasc tenant

6 Lucifer or J Arliculales Hesperus 4 Bind

11 Comets -- 5 SO\'iet city from earthly 6 WInes (Fr.) observalion 7 15 (Lalin)

Answer to Previous PUIII,

13 Term used in 8 Kind of oil whist playing 9 Major planet 27 Wr'iter of 39 Occupant

14 Appreciate 10 Irish Iribal verses 40 Assail 15 Ensnare di'lisions 28 Western state 42 Capital of the 16 Compass poin1l2 Exude 30 Third largest Ryukyus 17 Falsifiers 13 Smallest planet 44 Small pastrle. 19 Ontario (ab.) planet 34 Legislatil'e 46 Scottish alder • 20 Biblical name 18 Assist body 47 Passion 21 Twllchinl; 24 Weigh~ 35 Missile 50 Foeted vast 22 Labor un.lons deduchon 36 Courtesy title 52 Point of the

(ab.) 25 Grafted (her.) 38 Gets up compass 23 Royal Italian

family name 26 French savant 1;;-+-+-+-1-+. ... 29 Girl'S name 31 Decay 32 Route (ab.l

133 Affirmative vote'

34 Reposes 37 Demonstrali\'c

prQnoun '--h;rt-l~~q;;,J..,...4-~ 40 Honey-maker 411mporlant

metal 43 Rot by

exposure 45 Entomology

(ab.) . 46 Auricular· 48 Feminine

appellation 49 Ringed planet b:-4--!--4.i ,+-+-;_~+--rq,; 51 Hungarian .. 'l--!-o4o-l

ca\,llryman ~3 Ever (poet)

54 Approvalsi. ir,~s~;nr-t--t--t-1~ 55 Gull-like bi 56 Trials


15 ..... 92,"'''-'

., ~: . I

, '



. "








o o o


Television Guarantee 3 MONTHS









IV OSWALD JACOIY TWENTY y,1BrS 8110, most of

America's line bridle players IIv­In New York or Philadelphia,

Rnd few playe;~ In tha Midwest ever seen a bridge tourna­

ment. Today there are good bridge player.s all over the coun· try. and.hundrtds oC expel'ienced tournament players \\'1\1 turn up In Sioux Falls. S.D. thl~ weekend to plAY In ft Canadlan·Amerlcan regional tournRment!

Many of the~e playen arc stron" rnoullh to giVe! a good ac­count of thcmselve~ in any t.our­nament. For rxample, take to­dar's hand, plRyed by CUff 1\1an­derscheid of Sioux }·aJ1~.

Most 800d partnerships would manue to reach a contract of six hearts on the North·South c2trdll', lI!andersceld was Inter­t~trd In a !lrand ~Iam until his partner showed 0111~ one king by bidding six diamonds in response to (iI'e no·trump. (North would hal'e hid six hearts with two klnll~, under the Blackwood Con­\·ention. lind then South would have bid seven.)

The trick was to make the

Nc;.ITR tD, ,KQ .,9:1U +AJ3 .AJI00

WEST ,J 10 9 6 3 .K·

, +S75Z \ .~U t:.\ST ,8754Z

l .,3108 +114 .853 '



,A .,AQ163 • KQID6 .KQ7

Neither aide vul. Norlb lui 8ou~1I Well

. 1 ... Pass 2 ., Pass


3. Pass ~ N.T. Pa .. 5. Pa~:I N.T. PUI S + Pus 6. Pus

. Pus Pus . Openlnglead-' J

1======== small Ilam_ Most playen would lead the Urst trump from dummy to finesse the queen •. Thls finesse would lose to the singleton king, 85 the cards Hr. and South would later lose a second trump trick.

Manderschci;i won the first trick with the are of spades and ImmediatelY led the ace of trumps, When the king feU, there wa~ no furthet' pI·oblem. Declarer had to give up one trump trick,

. but hill slam was safe. . ! The play of' the ace of trumps 'was a safety· play. U the king :;dlon't" drop, Mandersceid plann-! ed to enler dummy wilh • :dia­'mond and lead a heart. towards : the queen. Thi~ would make ;the 'slam if the slam could possibly , he made, and It would prevent the los' of a brirk to a slnsleton king.



, 1\ol'mllD Balstone and Veteran . Explorer; Pay Off, Marjorie Ink­! pen' ~nd NordeUin . il

. A. E. IIlCKMAN CO., LTD. !II.V. Thoma~ and Robert il

I getti"1I ready to Ito fishin(. I BOWRING BROS. LTD. I Clara 1I0Uet:, Fel~ham, ma~t~r .. is taking freight for Bonavista Bay ports.

\ Gencl'!cI'P H 0 II 0 IV a '! took i freight on Tucsday lor Bon~l'ista, · Catalina, Enlporl, Happy Ad\en· i ture •. Braggs. Idand, and other north~rn )lorts. R~ady'-o sail

· northern. ports .... Sailed OD Wed· · nesday a.m.'

M.V. Vagabond Prince to tnw Vch'et Lady to Quebrc. Both ves· ~els sailed 10 a.m. Frida)" sept. 30th. We~le yand Ralph, Cull, muter,

: from' nOl'thrrn P9rts, discharged takinl!' . .freight for Musgrave Hr .. idle CI", " t':l'm~nv\lle, Gander Bay, l'o~". NTlna Neck, JOI Batts Arm,. Twillingate Bridgeport and MOr:\ln's Hr.

CANADA PACKERS LTD. Shirley Goodyear, Hunt, mas­

; ter, taking fr~llht (or th~ usual I: northern pariS.

I . AT CROSBIE" CO. LTD. . ld.V_ Western Explor~r I~ gel· ting ready (or the helrins lish~ry.

; Winsor, master_ H.M,C. DOCKY AID

Submarine "Ambush, Mailing

3, and the two lonl lin· • ers Bameranl' ,nd Samerlaf.t, also I M,V, Parr. I . '.' STEERS L~. i Dorothy Ber,l, taking [relght ; far Bonavlsta Bay ports. · .. d: F. Albert 'dlscharged fish at east end premises; Baird's Cove.






· Taldn,. freight atA~re ~ Sons. T. BALLETl"S LTD, N. and' C. Ralph, taking freight ports, Anthony and Quirponj also for Catherine Hann, Hann, master,

Flat lsland, Burnside and the Norma . G1ad~5, C. Kean,. mas- Horse Island and L:tUe day Is- is taking freighl for Petite' Forte, .,n',n"p usual northerD 'porta Sail. ter, is taldn. freight for D!)l'lhern lands. Sailed on Salurday. and ports in Placentia Bay

on SaturdlY but had to relurn ports. . M.V. Velroy Ralpb, masLer, dis- Sid and Sam LOOK frej~ht fOJ to port o'ol'ln, to hlah iea" SlUed G, F. Albert is taking mighl. charging -said, after di8chatged Bonavbta Bay ports. Saili.i Sun· ai

alD on' Sund.y. ":: Robert Krlekle, . Blackwood. will take freight for Bonavista day a.m, (or B~navi~11 Bay

The Great Eastern Oil for a couple 01 trial trip., f'tlur* ing to his port before ."n\IP1 takiJig up the Portu,al cav,·Be . Island tickle sel vice.

A, H .. MUIlU! .. CO. LTD, M.V. GlenWood from .... "'.do "

sailed 'fl\Ursday p.m, for N~ Sydney fer. I CAr,O of aul.

S\lpertrader \\'lltin,. further or. master, loaded i full .cargo of. and Burnside- . ON TH! SO~THSIDI . ,_. . frel,ht for northern por~s and I BAINE JOHNSTON " CO. LTD. Portu~ucsc hospItal ship, Gil :',. . AYIE.' s.oNS· sailed Thursday, Sept. 20th. Milxine Johnson, John~on, mas· Banne~. from the Gratid Banks.

. .. ~~l.m,MlY il tliliJli (r~llht. M.V. We5leY~'iI1e, Winsor. maS- t~r, will IOld a carso of coal for ISlmnll in a day or two. . . ; H'zel:'il~k'''GCld, Collin~. m,as- ter, toow freight for Wesleyville northern ports. SaiJinl thl~ Sat- !of.V. FrederIck Carter .alled

tlkln,. fttllht for northern. rwllllniate, Grlquet, LaScie,' St. ! urd.~ :I;m. I for conception Bay on :iaturday

. .' . . , ~

Company, . Li Qlited . .' .

.' ,. ,',:

GlovertowlI. Thomas Hallelt, aailel1,lflr

fiX vii Burla • lI.m.ll1eadl • sept. 27 .

. ' ,'" : .. ,' .,~ l.

• .' . ~ . .,;, '. . t' I

.' . ",

",'-. ,"

.,' .. "' \ .'. . ., • I. ..:' ~ . ~ , '

, 16:. :tHr-oAILY'NEWS~·SATURDAY, OCTOBER,' " '95S

~i:ishermen Red .Cross. .' Bo~rd Qf Trade To Tht ,EditC)f Ri C. Mi·sion MemorialStudent " ...... • -. ";.< . \ "'"'-

." .. ~ ....


.\ l

) '(ooDtlIIuei! from pale 3) Off" I 'R t (Contlqued fro~ pale 3) -' ' .. , A P' " '11' . '. WDIf' BlIbt uti Elijab r.1ullett, . lela s e urn senlerl and motorvelilcles on Editor Dally News, t, epperre, ,Report' On Work WIllIy:YlUe~ .• ' .' the S.S. William C8II'Ion operatinl . Dear Slr:-An editorial in the ... __ ~ ~~rt~ly.lo.t rar.aed In From S. Coast between Arlentia and Niirth SYd. Evening Telegram of the 28111 Pub.lic Invited At Japa."'Sr.mlonar ' appralied. value from .s&tll to' ney: September, i955, htpded "Road ,II ~ TENDERS .


"' .• 000, ;u the', claims aro lub- The delelation from Canadian "The 'Carson' was 'Placed In Races Need' R. Toucn of S&nily'·. PEPPERRELL AFB-A Catholic j (Continued from page 6) SEM,F.D TF.oo,;D~RS •• ddr .... d 10 Ihe .' Red C H d I St I' • ., • undeniKned Ind marked "TESDJ"n

_Md, "0'0'"'" ..... " . "" ... "".m w ""'" , • .;" .. ," ..... ",b< .OJ b. , , •• ~II , .. ""d t" MI"I" will b. ",d .. ", h". "" ","" 9,,,,,,hl,,01 ".d"· ."" .... 'n"~i ""~ ••• "" i·, ...,., .,,""' .... on ,.d, •• II, John', .1I"din, lb. ..~,," ... b'" ,,,11111 ... , p"" ,",'" d., .01 .,., b"l. wh .. th., "., ."k "d tho "bI', ., St. ,,, mol", •• 1"',,, "d ",,;,, ~·:f':.,!\~..:',;:~.';. '1:~li' or eo". of Ihe .valul!'. The Conference, which was hp1d In Basques were not ready CarefUl' article 1I0es on to furthcl stale John's is inl'itcd 10 attcnd the I The actil'ities of WUS, directed .14·rfI955

d• ror Iho fOn.tru~lIon 0' • ,ravel: """'~ . G d B k th J t f thi . Ih t" IN' . U Ie.. acce," rOld IIfrvln, Ginder Air S TEE R S

_IT.,.,.... ......... ,. ..n m "",.... • ..,.d .. ,II ..... ",,, ,..11 • .. , ow,,,,,,,,d,,, ~Id, ~",~. ..' . I n th".~ I,,,,,,. tho ~'""" I"' w ,~~.... I bolts II. band on I dlfferl,nt fOl' week. returned 10 the city l'hur50 aspects of the temporary 5crvlcel dreAm up Anything $0 fnnt.l'Uc, as ReligIOUS exercises 11'111 begm m i 01 the hnslc problrm~ of numan· I Plan ....... III.olI.n •. lab.ur rondillo.,: '

. mula. but is wIth the totl! 1088 day afternoon. inc1udln" the possibility of pas. a foot race Ihrough the ~trctts I Ih~ Ba~e Chapel at 7,30 p.m. Sun· 'Ity. will hrinJl about inlernational,' rondlrad '?'Im

. form of t.nd.r and relurn; EQUIPMENT COMPANY


. Mr W S PerIln presldf!nt 01 It f t d It h ; d dId' j • " •• or enlf opt m.y be obtained ••• ppll . _ , • " "......... .,. . . ",g ..... "00 b" , ... ,,1., .. ' • '"",... .,.1." ,,, •. '.Y '" ""',. FMd.,. Th .. ,. ''''''''''''"g, ,,"- '" ~ """" "-,, ~"-I ... to tho po"" "Id .. "h'" tho Nowl", ... "d 0"''.' ". "," .... " '"on'" , •• ghl In."l, "'" or , " • p." .. tb'l,m b. d,iI, >I." .1 '.3D •. m .. ! • " • ~l!::'~ .• ~~ ";:.~.:'.:';, ~.:" :'::..:'i .1",le" ,TEE" LT. lnJ to reatore his boat for future pressed hlmseIC very pleu~cl with " I TI writer of tllnt articlp mu~( just' Noon And 5 p.m. El"cning scrviccs I The Mcmorlal Unllrrslty O,f New· choq.o m'd~ payable to tho n ••• h'o·1 Cor. Pre~eott IDd BoDd ItA ...... ntlon. the conference and ~Id, Ihal thp sen Ice on y. 1ere were. as you h . k r el h' \ t 730 I '1 : foundland began WUS actIvities Gonoral 01 C.nada for Ihe aum of 125.00 m.f 4105 . 81 •. John'R

.. . (under a~PIC'''1

VI'"' mentioned In your letter ound ave AIIO en rom n ream 1m· a . I al y. , . . This <beque .-111 bo rflurned upon Ih.: __ .. """ .•. , , .. m".,g, WOO ".b " • .. Il "d "~,,,' I, ",,'" h ·,b" yo .. " ""d", ,. d".,.,. """ " ., "". ". '.""."'. ,., .. ".Im elalms the Department mldft Ir. that It will pnbably be 0 fore. technical re86011ft for this de· sounding "h'meologv rall1~r Ih~n I The' Chapel ~iltc-.down pa~1 the to the Canar:\a,Tapan ~~mlnar. ~~~.i·~~\~·n;e,Z~:ltlt~na:D:=~~~:n:: ":i! '-__ --------01 nnltm.

"tI 'for field _-onn-\ of runner of many lucit conferenccN. clslon. The handling of freight a~ccrtaln Ille corr ct f I 'h' I ,hangar on Ihe Boulevard-will be: Grants from the PNvineiM Dept pllno and .peolllnllon. m'Y b •• blll .. dl ____ ------....... --.. r


'. ~ I I At. Ith f . e at~. II IC I ' . I • fr.m Iho aforomeDlioned Dillrlcl At",a' \

lb' ... to ...., .. , tho ,,,,om."" ", ... ,,, "'" I.,."", " "',. """. "" •. ,~ I"', .tho< <Ill.. " Ih.1 " .. , .. th' "m'''''''' " ,II·' ~ .. ""II"" tho st.d", "",. ~ ... ". ' . '" lot ............ 01 th~. ... .......... Ion, '"d ", ....... 1111'" :"""''':''''''' " ,b,re .. ,In'.'" " 'b. V,lt.d ,,,I ... , b ...... ~,,<I ot,,,,,,, tho ... ",1.11" C .. "II .. d .. lho ,,,d .. · ", .. ". -,""", .... " " •• :


.101 ..... ahead. freely their oplnlollR on whal on the Carsoll necessitated full America mllst hal'c hacl rI "amed vices. ship of Mr. Phil. Warren and the on I ., The Bulldln, Trode. A"n·' .... t I tl f fl t ..... • . e aUon Lid .. <ore Uomoort IAlmber Co \ ·S· • ~ .......... ou .. ,,"m.d ..... "d ."""'d b. """. M •.• ", m,'" m "' ... m... ".,,"' .,11.. d".m' Nm,""oI. ..;. ... 11, .dm" .... " .. , h.,,.. " ..... ,.,' •. , .. ,-,~." ervtceS ,,: .. \> ... loiI, .'Ib "" ..... U. oold. ... bo ,.11 th.1 '"lng ..... bl"Ii" " hot, T .. __ ,,,d,,, ... ,,' lb. "" d"""" .". C,,'" K,,', C.,.. "d '" fi"". ,bl. ,,,ticlp.ti,,. I;' "::,~, "::;:':":~"~ ',~'~~-::: .:;"~ -


oJ the' FlsKln" Ve •• els In. branches In the aame area meet. to construct handling and embark· In this respect Mr Telft"r3~ Ed' Rev. Wilfred Scanlon, C,P., will spired by Ille high ideals of the !lOpe) 01 the le.nder prlo< whlcb murity' CONNECTION M V IURIN ON ... • ~ I f lilt! f th f h dll ' . ...... I' conduct the mission: ~'r. Kane is dopo.11 will he for/,lted I. the e"nl 01· • •

...... " '''''''''' • 'old of '" ,,,,,,b,, 1M ,,'" '",w.I,,, ,g" ~.. .,,' .. no ,... W,,1d U,I_'ty ,.~; .. , ".m,,· "' , ,,~ •. _ .. " ',nler Inlo 01 lAY RUN_PLACENTIA

Newtoundland MON

" ............ " __ ..... wi. ,,,,,,,.,, tho .""',. "d h.,. '" ,.g"g~ In .onjon.lI" with ' ,,,m .. Cb.,I." "d "" ,..... I., U,I~ .. iI, h" .. ,,, .. ,Ud,.I. :.;:'.-~:: '!:. ·!':,~~":~:'i:'.~,~ .. Y ha-, been insured. bavin" a total co.ordlnate'mueh of the w~:k In freight would multiply the exist· If the suggestion made In this cd missions at many military in· fllrther in the world,wide and complete aueh a conlr.oI. Ch.~u .. 01 I I 9 t' Ie ·'n. ~l .... I" bl I' I I d stallations. Fr. Scanlon recently unau, .. "r.1 tenderero will be relurn.d Regu ar a.m. falll a,1 " .......... ", .. " $1,"""'" AI th...... n.,.. ~, . .." ........ ,. • ""'<Y. " , .. ~,'b, ,,,,,'uti... ",.' . J,lm', " .. "'. D ••. 'hi .m m •• I"' .... _. "" " ... , .. '" ",. '''''totll, '" tho , • ."." Th ...... "b .. "".lIng ", •• b.~ tho '.rnl", , .. "" '"'' "",h,d • .. ,I .. , m,"""' In . _:l. 7":',, ':: .:::::::.-:; ,~ ~ I' connection at Argentia with ~tV , __ .. II..,. .... ., "" G .... B,,' WOO .""",;, M,. ""UK, '" ,,, ..... M ., .hI,h ~n ,,' " tho "b"bo, th", "" tho st. J,h,', A"""'''''' --... B,,;, " lb' B.y ." P'''''' •. , ...... ..., " ....... 00 boo """n .. " ....... tho p"';' did "th., ...... " .... "' .. w,," 1M.. wb. ~ ' .. I"",. I".w> Tb", m',;"";" ... ,"~,I· Th. .1,,_ h ...... '. ", ... , I ~ .,.-." ~. ~ "" "." ,,' B.y. . .

. Game No

ve""thln" t ._ thai ach d Ie ltat \1' d motor cars could wl'tnes 'h fl'n I.v completing a mission tour that I O .. fpt the I •• · .. t or .ny I,"der ' """ pol' ,,' to ......... " b> ,,, .' •• • •• """ • ' .... no "" • • •• • b .. Ib",d, ,,, .".,' with. . , eOOO"TIOO M.V. CLA"',

demnltles for twentv.flve total IIlle WIS entertalnpd and well regular schedule. The present ish of such spo\'tln~ even,~ and has included Thule and Goose Air dyes made from the bark. or I )'. T. COI.!.1~5. : VILLE ON NOTRE DAMI . • t k' f It d h t I I the less forlunate ones· withoul Bases and Ernest AFB.· . ' Sm.torr., ,'" clo'm •• M _.,ou ~. . .. "'. .. _ .'". . om,"'" "'~ ........ ng "" '''"to " ,,,I,,, .1,,:. ~ .. ,,-., ","' .. ,,,. . BAY S •• VleI

partial loIS nature. added to see so many of 111'1 old tl1e lOIlg rout'! Ito Argentia with cars would a~ usual be nol cun· Annual missions are conducted ------- '. 011."., s'P"~_~J.j~I~2- . Train' leaving St. John', UO

Th' .... ~., ,.,...,to ..... , ......... , tho ,,,dlo, on' "'Mdt,g dUll .• d ..... , .11. th",gb,," tho USAF ,,, m"y ,.~ ""''Y, "'t. 'm will m •• tloned Ibove dD not, of coune, In. cuI ties at that port makes a pre· It appears that the sl"ry 01 denominalions as practical demon. connection a~. Lewispohrte •. wit'

I d h d h d I k bl

" . , 1\1 V. Clarenvllie on t e "Oln

cue I GSe .occurlna as the reo \ arrangl! sc e u e unwor a C. Belhlehem would be plc~,.,;,g 10 strations of the USAF policy to D~me Bay Sen·ice. CONNECTION 5.5. IURGIO lv (REPLACING 5.5. lAC. r ~ sult of Hurrlcilne lone and tOI! E 0 T C t The Board of Trade docs not i some, II repealed, so Ihat 1:1r les; a[ford Air Force personnel the

sometime pre\'!ous 10 the .torm. XerClSe Op oa consldcr this a satisfactory reply. I fortunate ones. Ihe poor, ~uuld bc same opportunity for religious ae· CALIEUI ON SOUTH 'i ' MISCELLA\,EOVS STOI\M I G 0 C T Rn~ further representations arc alwa),s shut out. tivity as they would hal'e in civil·

. S • .', est I bemg made on the ~ubJect. I ian life. . . DAldAGF. .! Ntw Mtmber Mr. Edilor of Ihe E\'~nil'~ Tck· ' -----------

An eall.mate ot '15.000 w~~ I HALlFAX (CPl-;:-An estimal~di Mr. ,J. O. Lyons, manager ofl gram, Iil'e and let live i~ Ihe I placed ,b~ one resident of Mill, 15,000 vo~nleers \\111 take pari In tl N f ell d B h r tl great law of r alun' ~nrl "harl't'" B th f

' th' f' . T C t ll!. ew oun"n rane 0 le , • . J

lyon e amount 0 ~:\maie e aIr orce a excrclse op oa C dl 'LI I' AI C ~ cOI'~rs a mullilude or sin· ! caused by the hurricane to fish Oct. 21 when eastern Canada's ana an qu n r ompany I " , inl property in that place. Re. Grou~d Obsef\'ar Corps will lIet was elected to memhershlp ill the, YOIm Iruly, i ported lo~t were nine lIMinl Its blillest test 80 far. Board. PLA Y r Ail1.


5.S. Burgeo (replacin, ~~, Raccalieu) will SAil from D~c~ Coastal wharf li p,m. Tuesd~1, Oct. 4th on south coa~t !er\'ic~,


.. ;~ ,


;1 .~

Ia I b t b The reports of spotters on roof· s le~, one mo or 08; II. num cr tops and front porches will be' of dories, fishing lear, and quan· shifted by ground observer centres Transferred To titles of mackerel Iud lilt. The It Moncton and Truro. About 40 .' , ' Temprraturcs

S.S. ~orthprn' Ranger 011 I ht 11 SI. .John·s,Couer Brook sein'ire .:~; i will sail from dock coastal what·/ ./

roa, d In this area was also \\'uhed RCAr and RCN planel will make Ed t out. simulated attacks on HaUfax, Syd· mon on

At' BIY de Yerde leveral !lalles My,Moncton and Saint John. . and motor boats were and Officials said they expected "Top , Mr. Bill Macpherson of the staff

. 1t Old, PerUcan ten boats I'nk It Coat" would produce a bout three of TCA at Torbay has been trans· th!!r moorlnl' but were Ir.cured times the n~mber of .llhtlnls as ferred to Edmonton, Alberta, and a!ter the storm by their o\\~erl. last lummer. operation Junebug. left by plane on Friday to take up

, his new post. Bisa Is a Ion of Mr. and. Mrs. D. W. Macpherson of

, "

. ; I 'I

(U, , ·,~elcom.; ~agoQ

· Hoatell · .' ..

~W'lnock de Your Daot ",tb Gif~'" Gte.tiD •• trom·Prillldiy Bu ....

,tlei~ aDd Youel" : Ci'fio aDd Sooial r'·

· ~t1Rre Lead.,.

o. til· tHulo. ,/I , Cli.aqe of N.ld"~ ; Anivall of ~~~IQ!n ..

Tours Europe On $250.00

this elty.

PEPPERRELL AFB-A/2C lohn 1. Baumeister of the operations Squadron mlde a 25 dlY whirlwind tour of Europe-USAF .tyle-on $250.

Frlnce, Germany, Austria and Italy, he law 'em III.


Airman Baumeister eau,bt a, 1II1ht to Harmon to begin his: .,.and tour. Unllkt Lucky Lindy, I he erolsed the "pond" In two I ~ hopI, via the AZlIrt!. I

Arrlvlnlin.Orly Field, Pari" he i . .pent fllur day. in the eapita\. An ' , . aulo ride with another Itrvlcemln IIIRD I brought him to Manheim, Ger 'mrful NEW INV AD'! 1Y lnflllllfl mlny. Blumelster mommends. 1111111' TV stATIONS aam TO YOI ItoI' at Garmilch, famoul German I . .. .. It - WUII re!t centre for troops. The fee If :.:--.... =::-...': =-~o';,~-: nominal Ind rldin" horsu, ,oU. • .. ,.,1. " ",-nU,_II ..... 1M It ....... hi tilt lIoW. ... fI!ftt ..... UIIP boatlnl Ind IWlmminl are Ivall. "1....,. ....... COL ,.,111., ,,-Ible. Six day. fie,.. by. :r:~ I::::' ~~~':.!'.~!~ ... "&r.':

:.: rNer "hoi .... _1tOII ,.. ...

• EIItralnlnl for Venlee h.~tOOk .. tv_ .. ill the .ilbtl there. "INVII1-aMa~_IHI_


Dawson . , ........ .. Vancouvcr ......... .

21 49

Edmonton ........... 35 Calgary .... .......... 29 Winnipeg ........... 29 Toronto ............. 62 ottawa ............. 56

Halifax •• t If,.t.,. Of

Sydney ••••••• r...... 43

SI. John''' .......... .. 39

47 58 42 51 52 76 70










vihenyou write, be sure you addr.ess the letter clearly, cor­rectly and completely. Use the initials or Rrst name of the ad. dressee and inClude the neme of the province after the city. Where applicable, include zone

L! . numoers.

Do not forget to put your return address In the top,left hand corner.

Always alfix adequate post· age. When in doubt, check at your Post Office.

~P~Ff) ~'IOIJR


. 5 p.m. Tuesday. Oct. 4th. ,~ 1 CONNECTION M.V. IUltlN OH'.:~ , WEST RUN PLACENTIA . ·v

\ . BAY ~

Train leaving 51. John's 9 1,111. "

\ Wednesday, Oct. 5tll will mab ", connection At Argentia with ?of.:\'.

, Burin on west run Placenti., Bay. "


Shippers please note there· will be a further acceptance of freilht Cor points St. John's to ~rntr ' .. :'

, Brook POl' 5.S. Northern .R~gu at Dock Coastal Shed lronda,., October 3rd, 9 •. m. 10 I p,lII ..

". :, ~ ..


Freight Cor r~J!ular lloint~ ~out~ Coast Service per S,S. BurIen ro· plAcing 5.S. B~cenlieu ",m be l~' eepted Dork Cu~stal Shed U\I te Noon :,~onday, October 3rd.



i .. I Frr.ight Cor r~J!ular poinh tn ~t. : .Iohn·s for forwardinl ,·i. LI!II'II' ,i ! porle hnd 50S. Glencoe accept!r1 ;1

\' Railway Freight Shed !\Jonda)', Oct. 3rd 51 a·.m. 10 5 p,m. and,'rues

I day. October 4th. 9 a.m. to 'Nool\.

I P'REIGHT UWISftOltTl' I CORNER BROOK SEltVIC' i . I F1.reighl [or rpgular points Lr.." I isporte·Corner Brook Servicf) fot forwarding via Comer Brook 11111 5.5. Sptl'ingdale accepted, Railwa'l' Freight 5h~d Monday. Octobet 3rd 9 a.m. to II p.m.


(proceeds to sept30,3i(Tel


Canadia,,! services of

" a salary I Operator

per month;

. ,


.. Appl age, the u October 1


, oell.3


Iia In Germany h. vllited Munlch, then Innlbruek, Austrla, before wlncilnl up In Frankfurt for the vOYIle home. He waited only one day for 'a hop. to Harmon.

"YII, I did It on about $2110, but better brlnl $SOIl •••• Yo'u may Mve to 'fly back eommerclal' or find yourself A WOt," he advind.


\', M~~.·,CATHERINE FOSTEI , S.up.rvlslng HOlt..,


Cor. Preeeett .nd loB" Itreetl lepS,eod,tf


PRO OTIONAl S'ALE LAD'IES' :=;::==:=:=::==D RES SE S==========


•• r :. $16.95 Value

:. :.

." ,N~W ALL ONE PRI~-:-S • A1lo quite 8 variety of Nove tty Fabrics -Si"" 10 '" UII


, .





FOR THIS PROMOTIONAL SALE ALL Ladies'Coats Costumes Skirts· Rain or Shine Coats

0/0 OFF

A~D ' co., : LTD.

321 WATER~ ST,

; .• ~

'. i' scpt30,21


. .




.;" .,,"


, , ,

BINGO (under auspices Canadian Legion, st. John's Branch)


MONDAY, Oct. 3rd At 9 p.m.

$2,500.00 IN PRIZES

Game No. 30 Worth $1500.00 •

CARDS $2.50

[Proceeds 10 be'devcled to pee-Wee Hockey League) s~pI30.3hTcl

Canadian National Telegraphs

Canadian National Telegraphs requires the services of a Manag1lr Operator at Englee, at

. a salary of $263.75 per month, and an Operator at St. Anthony at a salary of $242.35 per month; for a 5.Day, 40·Hour week. This is in accordance with the Company's Agreement with the Commercial Telegraphers' Union. Time worked in .xcess of 40 hours per we.k is payable at the rate of time and one·half.

The 5uccellful applicant will be entitled to participation in Canadian National Pension Scheme, Railway Pass Privileges and Vacation in accordance with Company regulations.

Candidates must be fully qualified 'Morse . Operators capable of· handling traffic by wi .... less telegraph. They must be quallfied touch typists. They will be required to pass the prescribed medical .examination and to writ.

.' .' ·entrance examinations.

. Applications, from those qucllified, stating Clge, previous experience, etc., should, reach the undersigned not later than Monday,

October 1 0, 1955.


A., C. JERREn, Superintendent

Canadian National TeleSraphs,

. 239 Wafer Sfreet, St. John's

TO RENT 8~.RGom Furnished Bungalow

Situated 4 miles from City. Telephone, and Base approwd.

For information

SC[l130,21 DIAL 80154

Juvenile I Order' of Ceremo·ny T. A. & B. Society \



BINGO (Under auspices Newfoundiand Federatloll of Labour

Educational Committee)


TO-Night ,at 9 o'clock 30 GAMES CARDS $1.00

Blessing and Laying of Corner-Stone of St. Patrick's Mercy Home


The regular monthly meet· ing of the St. John's Juvenile T. A. & B. Society will be held To.morrow, Sunday, October 2nd, at 2.30 p.m., in the K. of C. Club Rooms, St.' Clare Ave. (lei) Door Admission 5c

A large attendance is re- ====================~ ~~. r • . AUCTION

Monday, Oct. 3rd, 11.30 a.m.

-~ Head Choice

Butchers' Cattle 12 Calves 34 Pigs 5 Crates tive

Poultrv' •

. '

~ 'U' 1 /()1If1 ,.



His Grace the Archbishop Sunday, Oct. 2nd, 1955

at 3.30 p.m.

~ Assembly of Girl Guides, Boy Scouts, Cadet units St. Bon's Campus 2.15 p.m.

~ Parade to Smithville property site of New Mercy Home 2.45 p.m. .

~ Arrival of tiis Grac. the Archbishop 3.25 p.m.

ff Procession consisting of Nurses, Society Executives, Sisters, Brothers, Allar Boys, Papal Knights, Clergy and His Grac. from New School to building site.

~ During the procession the March' Romain. will be . played by the Mount Cashel Band.

~ Ecce Sacerdos Magnus sung by choir.

~ Veni Creator intoned by His Grace and sung by the choir.

~ Blessing and laying of Corner Stone by His Grace.

~ Address by His Grace the Archbishop.

~ Salve Mater by choir.

~ The Alleluia Chorus by the Band.

~ Procession returns to New School.

JAS. L. JACKMAN, Secretary

~l b ~(lIOql-,([lut , \

TO-NIGHT "The Rhythm King'.

Orchestra" and 18 an added attraction

Miss Grace Boutllllel', Vlleallst

and pianist. Cover $1.00

H. C. A. A. The regular meeting of the

above will be held Sunday following 10 o'dock Mass Splciar Bu!iness •

The' election of Hockey Coaches and Managers for the coming season.

C. M. JOY, Secretary


W.ith experience in servicing Automatic Washers and Dryers, Electric Ranges and

. Refrigerators and other Appliances. Excellent Opportunity for Advancement: Apply in writing, giving full particulars of experience and qualifications to:

steers ST. JOHN'S octl,2i


.WANTED 8 ••

GOOD COOKS .:. for new restaurant ,opening shortly. Modern kitchen, five day work week with only one night open. Female cooks preferred. Write for Interview, stating previous experience to


MANAGER, BOX 33 c/o Daily News, St. John's (All applications wlll be tr~Ated AS eonfldentlal)

One Radio, long and short .wave, price $10.00. Also one Electric Motor Guide, price $3.00 •. Also a lot of other Books on Radio and T.V. 'phone 2397 A.

SPENCER CLUB SALE .WEDNESDAY, October 5th, 10 a.m •• 6 p.m.

The funeral of our late \ ~:::::::::::::::=============::;. Comrade, Ernest F. Mcleod II


BILL J. ANSEY, 142. Water Street East.



Morning Coffee, Afternoon Teas, Handwork, Vegetable, Pantry, Candy, Handkerchief,

Doll's Clothes, Parcel Post and Miseellcineous Stalls'

Admission lOc

Wanted Help Wanted-Female

will take place To-day, Satur~ day, at 2.30 p.m. !from his late residence, 23 Hamilton St. Funeral by motor hearse.

All available ex-servicemen I

are requested to attend. J. W. GOODYEAR, Secretary,

St. John's Branch

in good' condition, low mile- ---------- ---0'" I P . WANTED-For C. of E. Girls' $100 MONTHLY for wearing age. ngma owner. rice Orphanage a woman willing lovely ~resses given you IS

Norma and Gladvs .' . AT AYRE & SONS WHARF

$1400.00. Forfurther informa- to do plain cooking.' Apply. bonus. Just show North tion call 146 Craigmiller Ave to the ManaRer or 'Phone 4235. American Fashion Frocks to • Bept29.30,oct1 friends. No canvassing. In· Accepting Freight for the

following ports: Englee, Rod· deridon, Conche, St. Anthony, St. Leonard's, Griquet, Quir-

after 6 p.m. WANTE F vestment or experience neces· D- or Apartment, two sary. North American Fashion only In residence, no children. Frocks, Ltd., 2163 Parthenals

F·O·R SALE -1954 Vanguard

7000 miles. Radio.

Price $1300.00

'PHON& 5452A


Educational Sales Agent pan to Cook's Hr. Vessei ex.

a good general maid, able to St De t T 3895 ., p. . do plain cooking. Good refer· ence absolutely necessary. AllPly to "lIln. R. G. Winter. "Wlnterholme," Rennie's Mill Road. oct1,3,5

Opportunities for Min and Women ----

LEARN BOOKKEEPING. Sales· manship, Stenography, Typing In 24 hours. Canadian Cor· respondence Courses, 1290 Bay Street, Toronto.

Musical Instrument.

GIBSON GUITARS - Horn.r .. Button Stop AccordeoDS Ind

pecting to sail Wednesday Long establish!ld Canadian Trade afternoon School with II wide variety of reo • cognized c01l'respondence and re- =-========= sldent trainings. Aggressive Agent preferably with some Intangible sales experience w!1l be assigned protected exclusive Newfound· land Area. Genuine qualified leads. High Earnings on Com· mission and Bonus. Write In con· fldence to Box 5000, cue Dally News. sept30,octl,3

Coal Recruits COAL ".00 per blgl Spllta SOc 'er bag; Junk! IIOc per bag. Day . fo and night delivery. Prompt ser· r







located on the first floor, Centre Building,

, Church Hill, _.- a reliable Waman for general Harmonicas. Richmond Saxo­'house work In small Apart- phones. BODsey Clarlnets.-

f f tty f h d Charles Hutton & Sons. P.O. vice. POWER'S COAL, East End.

Dial 26191.., ' a1lJ7.1m Nfld. Constabulary Comprising approximately 2200 square feet,

will be available for rental by January First. MEN,WANTED _ FOR U.S. BASE IN GREENLAND-

Snack. Ba,' Ma·nager ................ $4500 per year Male Cashier · ............... $0.97 hr., 48 hr. wk. 5 d .' ' $ o al Dispenser ............ 0.97 hr. Sandwich Maker .. ; ........ $0.97 hr. Pot Washer .................... $0.86 hr. B ' .. ' us Boys ........................ $0.86 hr.

For inl· •. rview,·contact . ~ . . i:

MR. GILLAM, Ext. 6044,

ment, or am 0 tree. Goo wages, liberal outing. Must Venetian Blinds Taxi have referenc.s. Will wait for ---------­outport replies. Call 7337 A O~~lce~o:a~~f.~~re.Bt~~m "'-C-K-E-Y-'S-T-A-XI--Iu-vl-D-,-Te-r.-or write BOX 48 c/o Daily dry Repair Work gUall'anteed. rencevi11e Wednesdays, SL News One day service. Free quota. John's on Thursdays. Connect·

• tlons. Kearney! Limited, Inl ,with mall boat. contact Manufacturers. 4M Water S1. Mr. Hickey at Terrenceville or dial 4210-F at SL Jon' •.

Library Assistants Insurance • Wanted F -U-R-N-S-S-S-W-.-TH-Y---IN-S-U-R-'

-, The public Libraries Board In·

vites applications for the following pOlts: "

1. Office ."sistant 2. Library assistant

ANtE Department offering dependable .lnsurance-Auto­mobile. Fire, Burglary. Platl Glass, Tourist Baggage, Transportation, Travel Accl· dent, Llablllly. Phone 2073.

IlOBERT DAWE & SON, Fh:;­, and Automob!Je Insurance.


Barber Shop

THE CENTRAL BARBER SHOP-Fast efficient sanl· tary service. All modern equipment. five barbers. The least pDlslble waiting. 24 New Gower Street. opp. Adelaide Motors Ltd. myUm


QuaUflcations: Grade Xl aca· demlc Ind Commerclill Course. FOUR gr .... ramp., 'WI wa.h Shorthand Is required for the first __________ rack to serve you. Greaslila,

Be safe. be sure, Insure. Tele­pbone 2882, P.O. Box 85 Royal Bank Chambers, SL John's. '

NEAC Cen'ral Exchanse; Building 803, p'epperrell Air Force Base

.,. sep130,51

POlt. The 111&1'1 Icale Is $115QO. Contact STAN FOWLIR. RIo 011 change .nd wa!hlng while-lQO.2100. POlltlon on'scale will nouf Dulldlng, for Fire Auto- u·wait. Cars called for and

~~;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;= be according to' ablUty and ex. mobile and Plate Glass Inmr· delivered foc tI.~se and len;,r· , _ .oi .. ~. A ... ,,,1 ","" .. ~ - C1"". _."" .. '110 d , ....... T.m .... of health, cerUficatel of academic ,ed. 'Phone 11531-P.O. BOll Motors Ltd .. rear Newfound· standing and two references are 63. land Hotel required. APplications should be ------... ...---- I-.. -L-L-W-O-O------­submitted to ~be Director of INSURANCE-Bowring Brot"''' L MATTRQiSSES are . CLEARANCE SALE

GOOD SttEATHING AND SUB·FLOOR T. & G. At'$70.00 .~~ thousand and up.

CHESTER DAlME LTD. Saleslcidiel' Wanted


Llbrs"" Services at the Gosllug ar Limited Insurance De~rt. picked, re-covered: sprinli ., ment-F"- • t bll day beds rewired; Inner Memorial Library not later than II", nU omo e. a1'o spring mattresses recondition-October 7th. septSD,octl ~~e;~~n!lI31illualty Unel. cd. Write. Phon. 3891, wire H. J. Keats. 16 Mount Royal


$100 MONTHLY 'for w •• rlng

Recruits are required for the Newfoundland Constabulary and applications for appointmen~ are invited frDm persons who

(a) can furnish proof of satls· factory educational qualifi· cations;

(b) are In the age group 18·25 years, and

(c) do not vary too widely from the standard physical speci· ficatlons for recruits, nam\!­ly height 5 feet 11 Inches .nd weisht 160 lbs.

Recruits will be paid on the salary Beale $2700·50·$3000 per annum.

. .

The above Companies will be moving to

larger premsies.

Interested parties contact:


Branch Manager,

Industrial Acceptance Corporation, Limited , ' '

'Phone 7075 or 80367 Candidates should apply In lept3D,octl

person at Fort Townshend be- ====================­tween the hours of 9 a.m. and 1\ p.m. on any day except Sundays and Holidays, or in writing, to the undersigned.

Dated at St. John's this 23rd' day of September. 1955.

L. STRANGE, Chief of Pollee.

Agents Wanted ---

CLOTHES make the man If CHAfE , makes the ~Iothes


" j

SHAW STREET lovely drelSeJ liven you aa ............................................ DIAL 80161 bonul. Just Ihow North Am· '.;T~AlL" RpAO: ......................................... DIAL 80na ' eric&!) .I'ashlol\/·. Frocks to R!1!~t,tu,r.Sw,. ' ' 1,' ,friends. NOC'1nnsainl. invest;

==::~===================~V " ment or'l!xperlelloi!e neceSSary. I' '. North . 'Am,rll!in Fa.blon

CONTACT A. •. HICKMAN Co. Ltd. Inlurance Agents.

,'Phones 4182-3+11-8 p .O.B. 884, for your insurance re­quirements.

DBPINDABL& PIRI INSUR· ANCI.r.-Don'l r1aIc your vatu­

:able. to "save" a few dollan. Our falr.rateii reliable poliCY fives tnune latll protection •. 'Phone 6921 or write J. J. Lacey, P.O. BOll 1106. repl,t!

COPPER, BRASS and UAD ICrap wanted lor cllh, 30 lbs . or more collected free. U.N.F. Co., Phone 80171, R. House. sept17,eod,2w , '


FREE SUITS AND HIGH CASH commissions., given to you for selUng all wool mllde to measure clothes for manu· facturlng compan)l with long estabUshed record for great valuel. Full or part time. Experience not necessary. Write for large lree money making '. sample outfit. Ex· cellent opportunity. Rodney Tailorlnl Company. DepL A29,

WM. l. CHAFE, ,TailOr:".:.;:,' Box 63, Montrul. ' leptl,sat.~dK31 GET RESUI.TS Advertise in . The Dally News' 1 ' ~~pttdT'~~ ~~~~~Ia

I lep28,ocU


. o· . 'J ;t, . .

, 1: , .,


t I , .

.-~ !


MILLEY'S "DAVY CROCKm" FLETTE SHIRT5-2 to 6 years.: ..... · .. ·97e


BOYS' PLAID FLETTE SHIRTS-7 to 14 ........................... $1.75

CORDUROY OVERALL5-2 to 6 year ................................ $1.40

P~AID FLANNELEnE LINED JEANS-4 to 10 years ....... $3.00

CH'L~REN'S SLEEPER5-1 to 4 year ............................... $1.19

NAVY BLUE "INTERLOCK BLOOMERS"-6 to 14 year. : .. 75c

-SCHOOL BLOUSES-L.S. and 5.5 ................................... · $1.90

Velveteen's· I

Pretty Bonus •

By ALICIA HART Velveteen 1& In th-~ category of

lush Cabrics. Most women have something In velveteen In their wardrobes to help them f~ diC· ferent and dressed·up.

It may be matador pants for en· tertalnlng at home, or it may be rhinestone.studded afternoon dress. a sweeping evening skirt or a

Velveteen has a fashion bonus In that it's washabla. It's a bit more troublesome than a white shirt, but still easy to care for, eon~ldcring its great dressiness.

The first step In' washng vel· veteen Is crubbing -and rinsing tlra tub or basin thoroughly. Velvet· een, ike any pile fabric, picks up lint with case. It should be was·

Enter Sir Robert Anae/a Thirkell ........... 2.25

A Summer Night Alan Moorehead ....... 2.00

Madame De P.ompadour Nancy Mitford ........... 2.75

Officers and Gentlemen Evelyn Waugh ............ 2.50 I

The Toff and the Deep Blue Sea

John Creasey .............. 7.50 I Leaven of Malice

Robertson Dav;es ......... 3.50 \ Simon Peter The Fisherman

Kurt Friebeger ........... 3.25

Kathleen Ferrier I Neville Cardus ............ 2.25

, Stop In now and look over our wid.

.' .electio~ ~f the 1955. Card designs.

W. have them to accommodate all

popular sizes of snapshot negatives.

AU Cards Clre supplied with match· ni; Inv-elopes. P;ices are based an

C~rds be i n g made from on.


25 CARDS and ENVELOPES ................. 3.00 Sir Anthony Eden

Lewis Broa~ ................. 3.50



Worth $1.75

With every $10.00 purchase,

The Bedside Dickens J. W. Garrod ... _ ......... 3.00

From Cabbage. to Kings I Lisa Sheridan .............. 3.7:..

The Book of the Sea. I A. C. Spectorsky ........ 12.95

50 CARDS arid ENVELOPES ................ 5.50

100 CARDS and ENVelOPES ................ 10.00

TOOTO.N'S--LIMITED • • • for th. -Christmas' Gift worrh while' . - ,

THE BOOKSELLERS . 'Phone 3191 •. 4425 I severity of· t~e symptoms. I the disorder is the most common. S. MILLEY LTD. D J dan : 1 WAS IN!ERESTED ~o learn THUS, PART OF the problem is

l. or : from the artlcl.e also that m becs to find a protein-p2rhaps of \'e;:·

the ,own ~he had' made wh~n she ike ~'ou don't ~tcp (lilt in "_ rOll'n. i where - kwashIorkor is common etable origin-which can be obtai-

t oJ h h H I ~ Vell'clcell, a fal'ourlte ~oot. . th . It! h . was ma ron'Ul' onor at I e 00 er' up folks' high socielY. lt ain't' S', ere-IS ~ arg~ amoun 0 cronIC ned freely and cheaply in .tho;t

Spoofer wedding. Daddie had on proper with rich folks to drag the weather fahrlcs. says good· ays iiver disease in grownups. areas where Kwashiorkor is a com· his very hest Sunday suit, and kids along." looking II washed carefully, I :One- 'Wonders, therefore, whether mon cause of death and illness.

-----_ .. - ------ -.-.---.--.. -~--.-----.. -----

Ocolie.Foofie had taken an extra Mrs. Hoofer was admiring her. PI'CSSll(! On the wrong aide. I protein deficiency, ev<!n on this Perhaps raaders of this columr. dip In the lillie slwr singing brook self In the mirror. She was wear- hed wrong side out for the same BY EDWIN P. JORDAN M. D. CODtinen~, may not have s011I

ething will not become particuarly ex·

that ran through the yard. His Ing her brght pink wedding gown raason. 1'his is most important in ' to do With the development of at cited about Kwashiorkor. But it beautiful blue.furred body with the I without the vel, of course. Sir the case of black or dark coior nocrOR SHARES MEDICAL least ·some forms of chronic liver is frequently by observing disord· ,a~a.zlng ycl

ow polka dots was: was very proud of her renection. velveteen. SURPRISE WITH HIS READERS disease. This hllVnver, Is pure ers of this kind that we learn more

I shmmg. I Just then Glttum strutted In. He I guesswork; about the workings of the human I Grnnn~' GooIer and Gl,,;ir had. was dazzling in his bright checked Then swish uP. some warm soap. I should like to share with my There are, it appears, several body, its dietary neads, and other

orrered to baby.;il with little Jol.' wedding suit pants and the faded suds and knead the suds gently readers a lilt<! surprise about problems involving the preventioll matters which have practical all" lin while th~ Doolers went to the I frock coat he had lnlmited from through the garment, being care- Kwashiorkor syndrome. Kwashior and treatment of Kwashiorkor plication to our daily JIves. hill parl~'. At Shcrllt Gittum his preacherluncie many years be. ful to avoid II'ringing and twlslng kor, according to an article in the which remain to'~ solved.

: Hooler's house al1 was pandemon. fore. On his chest he wore his var. Dip.rinse th\'! garment, turn It American Journa~ of Nutrition, Treatment witli skimmed milk

Bubonic plague too, is practk· ally nonexistent on the Nort~ American continent. but you can be sure that it is Important to all ium. Hammie Hoorer and his step. lous and sundry badges of author. right side out· and hang It to drip "is probably the most serious and powder is said to be effective, but

brother Sammie Spoofer were very Ity. dry. Put Jackets, blouses and dres widespread nutritlonal disorder in frequently thiS Is' not i practical Indignant becausa Aunt lIIillle had When his iood wlCe saw he had ses on shaped hangers. Skirts or BIRTHS the world today." I didn't know mea~ure except as an emergency not Included them In her invitation topped his elegant frock coat with pants go on skirt hangers. this either until a· few days ago: in thoSe regions of the world where

oC us.

to the Hoofer household. Samme his 2Q.gallon Western hat she reo T fl Cf' WHITHEN-At St. Clare's Perhaps th~re are lIi'o reasons --~~----------~------,," .\IIII~ Suu~ Scauc.IY pleaded' "Why can't we just go placed it with a shiny old top hat 0 u up the pIle when the gar· Mercy Hospital on Sept. 29th to for our ignorance about this con·

Auni Millie llloof~r's·lnvitation to anyway: lII@mmy? Maybe soo formerly wom by a cousin of her; :.~~t is ~ry, steam the wlveteen Mlr. and Mfa. Geo. Whitten, a dilion. One is that it is rare in :he Doofer family to attend the just forgot to mention Hammie and who was a magician in vauder- a ste:mt '~o OIJ. hott I~a!er tOhr hold sO~;"UTH_Born to Mr. and Mrs. North America and the other is

C F Id V me." ville. Glltum objected at first. I n us. a ave e sur· that .\ h be d 'b d . ~eception for oun! 0 erol on B t h h I' d hi I' face. Then oress It on· a well pad. Leonard Smitll (nee Margaret I as en escrl e tn many

;chmoe included Dollie and Oolle. Hammie in~isted: "I could play u Wen. I g Impse mse f .10 I ded board. Ii· ron side to and with Cahill) a son at st. Clare's Mercy countries under a variety of name~ , Goofie. Aunt Millie said she was for her to do that creechlng she the old mIrror he felt he cut qlllte, a IraI'm iron '{vh 't' th Ho~pital, Septemher 29th. No matt~r hoW called, however,

III/';! the visiting royalty would find calls slngin" Mammy. It sure ba flghge~! I ~ .. ndd he prkaeticehd the: gill v dry bn;sh th~n s~ri~A' o~flh- ----- - ---- the principal cause of -Kwashior· I.h e remark"be 00olus.Goofu5 Id' . But I'll ow e ID e""e to ma e II' en he . h k ' '-C DEATHS kor is the result of a diet whl'cl!

M wou gIve me. a pam. C t V S h I a II' s - broom in the same (lir' \'ery amusing. Little did she knowl take my accordion.... The former met oun on c moe. celiun as the pile - ROBERTS-P;5~d peacefully i ~oes nO~.c~ntain ~nough good qua.l-

Dolie was dressed in her pretty Wldllw Spoofer soothed: "Now, . away early Friday evening Sep· Ity prot"m. the dIsease apepars 10

May.Day' dress, and Mommle in now, litt\<! boys. Little fellers Al in a fll!h come a bewilder. Quic~ repairs of enc~lInters with tember 30 at the Generai Hos· the age group when the n~ed for _::--...:...---------=------------ ing variety .r skiils, all designed I somelhmg Cuzzy o~ IInty ~an be pital, Man~el Roberts In his 49th prot;in is greatest. . to drive Baby's parents wild: open· I made by ~rushmg hghtly WIth eel· year, leaving to mourn a loving IN AFRICA, says the article, the Ing doors, turning knobs, pulling' ophane slJc~y tape wrapped aro- wife, Helen, fathCU', Mr. John fundamental signs of Kwashiorkor cabinet drawers open, climbing up I lophane sll~ky tape wrapped Roberts, SI. John's; 2 brothers" are considered to be retard-;!d and down stairs and slidinn under I around Ute flllgers. Ronald at Goose Bay; ~.ater at growth during the first few monUts

i ~ Port auX Basques. Funeral notice 0[ life, changes in skin and hair

lurn ture. Fortunately, he g~ts \ '1'1' . later . t t' 1 good and tired and will nap whilc Ie ploncer houseWife colorcd . pigmen a lOn, accumu alion of Mothc'r collapses. I her threads for wcaving with DAVIS-Passed away su~dcnlY nuid in the tissues and changes

dyes made from the barks or on Thursday alte!, a short Illness, in the liver togethdr with a high Mrs .. Wallace DaVIS, aged 43 years, death rate unless needed prot .

EXPLORED TERRITORY ,roots of various plan:!. leavmg to mourn husband, two f d tl'd em, sons, Raymond and Lester,. and 00 s are promp y .provl e~ ..

Pike's Peak, in Colorado, was two daughters, Shirley and Lor· .I.n Cen.tral AmerIca protein de· named for Caplain Zebulon Pike: raine. Funeral takes place at flclcncy IS usuaUy accompanied by who, at PresldE'nt Jefferson's re· Acllnolvledament 3.30 p.m. today, Saturday fu'om vitamin deficiency and just not "uest explOll'ed much of the .lI. ~ her late rcsldt!nce, 86 Newtown enough food of any kind. .. v ,Road, by motor hearse. In other words, in some parts Louisiana Territory. Mr. Patrick J. I!ealey of North FUNERAL NOTICE o~ the world, Kwashio~kor Is not

.~_~== ___ ~-------....,...----- __ --~ Arm, Holyrood, WIshes to thank Simply protein malnutrItion but is Mr •. W. D. Healey and Mr. William The funeral of the late Thomas the result of a multiple deficiency


NOW IN STOCK! O'Dwyer, who made a collection W. Comer wl1l take place from in the diet. Furthermore the in· for him when he lost his barn In his late resIdence, 8 Berteau f;)ctious diseases, dlgestiv~ upsets the storm. And a s(ncere thank· Avenue at 2.30 p.m. Saturday, and the like frequently add to the you to all the followmg people. Oct. 1st to the Church of Eng· 1iiiiiiiiii'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij

$5.00 each-The Fewer Itamlly, land Cathedral. Interment will Ii



B. C. PLYWOOD ~, %, ~, %, ~, 4 X 8, G1S and G2S

Trinledge Metal Moulding 1_ .. '. 12FT. LENGTHS





IIII'. Leo Quinlan, - be at Bonavlsta. $2.00 cach-Mr. Phonse Dunphy.

Mr. Thomas Terrr, Mr. Harold Healey, IIIr. Denms Pcnney, Mrs. Patrick Hawco. IN MEMORIAM

COCHRANE [n fond and lovin2 memory

of my dear Wife


lI'bo departed Ihis life

October lst, 1951

J~5US have mercy on her 80ul. R.I.P.

-Inscried by her husband.

$1.50-IIIr. Thomas lIIackay. $1.00 each-IIII'. William O'Dwyer,

IIIr. William Hcaley, Mrs. Pat O'Dwyer, Mrs. Margaret Healey, Mr. Philip Healey, Mr. Joseph Moore, IIIr. John Healey, of James, IIfr. .James Hcaley, Mrs. Thomas F. Healey, IIIr. John Healey, Sr., Mr. Philip Penney, Jr., Mr. Peter Quinlan, Mrs. Michael Adams, Mr. John L. Healey, Mrs. Laurance H~al':!y. Mr. John O'Cpnncll, Mr. John Quinlan, Mr. John Flemmin!!, Mr. Michael Tubrett, IIIr. Leo 'I'l1br~tt, Mrs. Phili!, .T. Penney, Mr. Josepll Penney, Mrs. Frances Jackman, Mr.' .John I~~~~~~~~~~~ J. Hicks. Mr. Ronald Fitz· !:erald. Mr. John. Doran, Mr. Joseph Gorman. Mr, Pat Carew, Mr. Micha~1 Woodford, Mr. Chris ,Walsh, Mr. James Penney, Sr., Mr. John Murphy. IIIrs. Mnry O'Brien. Mr. WllIlam O'Brien, Mr. WIlliam Taplin, Mr. John Taplin, Mr. James Mason. Mrs. Annie Dunphy, 1IIr. Michael Walsh, Mr. Joseph Kelly, Mrs. Thomas Cor­bett, Mr. Stephen Hynes, Mr. Joseph Petten, Mr.· John Eve­leigh, Mr. Michael Penney, Coun· try Path;

70c.-IIIr. John O'Brien. 1IOc:. each-Mr. Thomas Healey,

Mr. John C. Connlls, Mr. Edward Joy, Mr. James J. Penney, Mr. William Doran. Mr. Richard Kelly, IIIrs. John Hickey.

25c.-Mr. I.eo Walsh. '!!Oc.-IIlr. SIan Wall.




Special only



. 139 Gown STREET liT JOHN'.

TELEPHONES: NIGHT.. 223. DAY ....... 2105

Crystal Palace Queen's Men Orchestra


Friday, Sept. 30 8.30 - 11 p.m.


Marge Cameron Direct from Broadway, Comedienne of 'the Milton Berle and Ed Sullivan T.V. i~ows. StC1rred· in Giggling G~rti.,­Oklahoma and Bloomer Girl. Just finish.. . ed two engagements at Bradford Roof ana Latin Quarter, New York City.

(~eservations before 5. p.m.)



~, ..



10.30 a.I11I.~''"I 9.30 D.~n.-·"''1

Says Se Rep Fo

CAIRO Minister Nasser night his learned that t.o launch a on Egypt after 2a.

He said the contained. in a cep~d by the service. The Israel refr~ined the attack when S),ri'an Army had Israel If the latter Nasser said.

Nasser, adeJrel:siri parade a t the Academy. said also seized two reports - one French.

He said a report 1"II'rl' •• nt~'rll elared an Israel was Unlll\~l)1 believed Israel attack on the

WILL SHOW "This secret

in my office show it to Ihe in Cairo whenelll Nasser told ~~

1 lioned officers. Meanwhile, in

~ Munced thal . i an hivitalion "~Iovakia. An j

rp.cently bern r~ }. III send rice and

1\111' I kia in i, The arm~ del I , Ilressions (){ .~ Ihe Unite4


I announcl!4 Britain and

- It feels right;' . to

! . ~ l1lunist .nnntri ....

"No _ forelgll ~ Illtervene Me .. ided lringe the other· states

l arms," said a by the Soviet

.. j' 'There have

Communists other Arab

\ .. )


miers and Syria, Jordan met In Da night to formed circles


The St. to be in Canada. three wceks a.t Murray ence Rivcr.

ocvuring Rille perlo the ability withstand· s~

Before h~ the r\a\'Y II ~ unit oi Ih • will rarry r

trl;.\s on th. sailing fron
