l f:31 -.J tid. '. ltd. fhe Z'e/r .. ER ORS AT EST AWE MITED AW sr. 8·0161 Ail RoAD L 80118 ARKING AW S1. ROAD. Good Fri.day At Ronle Observe And Jerusalem ti t118 __ __ , __ ________________ __ 1,. For Belfer Sunday Listening 8.00 a.m.-Radio Sible Class. 6.15 p.m,-Grantland Rice,' 8.30 p.m,-Strange Wills, THE DAILY NEWS PBESENTS D E.B U 5 5 Y . , 9.00 p.m.-Moment of Peril. Vol. 63. SnolV ritimes Blasted 20 th. Snowstorm "\ ,:' _ .... ".': Il.'ritimr . ... .'.(' i,1 lhr · .• ' . : ii1:cr of .•.• -: • '" , ... ' , '.,': I, , .. Fri· .-.. .:' ',I •• 1 mehe:!- ,' .. , .. I :11 thr :'. ,'; thr . . ... i . :::: ,: ", ....... "t' ... 1;,1111\('1 ;.':: : :- ::!: '.' hc faa •..• , .' ..... I ;,1 1:H:I1(1:". .... . ..... 1:""0,1 by ",- .\:Irlnll(· "will it nCI'el' end'!" TCll days the stal'l sprin;: a hca\'y snO\I' bl;:n\;et nll'cr, ;,11 parts or Ihe pro\'inr.e-. i'iu\'a Scotia has b:cn continUOUsly snoll' cOl'ered since the disastrous January rains and !loou., . lIalilas haci lis firsl snowstorm :"\0\', 20 and the snow for the two. week 'noorl pcriod. The city had its first white Chrislmas in ei:ht \'eal'S, Thc arch record - o{ 32 inches, 5et in 1884, was topped a wcek With the mOnlil npt ycl pa,t the tolal noll' is close to 38 incite,. . . ", '. h"lida) 4': ;.1 o\"cr Thc heal',\' snow has made log· :ill;! opcrr.tions almost " ,,' .::.,: ;:, m;lr,. in most arcas, Snow i;; So deep . '.'.; ,," .' ;\lri hal'c to deal' each tree with shol'cls before startin;: a cut, :: '.' p.' Anglers face poor prospects for i ,. ·.r:,l'iH ral'I)' [ishin:;. Southc;'n h!:es, orten b)' noll', arc still bound by icr and SUOI\', '; -:. !u::1rrn : :':111 thC' - ':. '. ". : :". ('r. TilC 11OSenl'onai \I' e a I her cut ; hC:lI'il)' iuto Easler sh,pping, ·::.rc fMC· chant> repol·t slo\l' hu;iness in 1\( til:· r,:·tcrn >prin,;: Iinc;, There Is onc bri::ht .. ", rrd'. '11Jt, hOII·l!I·cr. Sales of ':;:1: ,,:n· ;lnll ol·cr.;hoes ha\'c soared, As for ", -MIl' ,:"Jl'el-, t!tc\' werc sold out Ir n.. of a;::<1. Move·s. k oward Record High I On the rCl'crse score, steel .IP -',',,, -hIck ,tacks Il .. 7re bought. Scrap priccs ::;.:':J r,.[ , 111::<1 slrcn::thened. and trade circles "!; r i :01 "",J h,nrard >plkc o( the necd for still higher I ,:.,:c ,.: a all· prices for thc finished metal. Tile fiVe mo,t actil'c issues this ;i" ', .• : .!: r"lld be weel; on the New York ex· :: :.:' 1 ouch a cllan;e were Pennsylvania No. 72 ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, SATURDAY, MARCH 31, 1956 available at . (Price 5 cenls) Charles Hutton & Sons' T'ravellers Receive Blessing From Pope By FRANK BRuno !'f IH!r services, These followed 'the 1 Long lines of the faithful, tll'O by VATICAN CITY (AP) - Thou· Vatlcan's new holy week procedure I two, 'irst men and then women, sands made P!lgrima::e for Roman Cat hoi i c churches I advanced to kiss the reet of a smaU st. Peter's BaSIlica thiS Good Frl' throughout the world, I cross, from which .. the purple day for mournful scrvices eom' r A skeletonized version of the', lenten covering cloth lVas lifted, memorating Christ's death on the; mass, known liS the Mass or thc The vcsper service included. Cros,. . r Ptesarictified Host, was held in St. 1 from the Gospel, Friday morning, thousands at· Peter's as well as in most Roman, them that o[ the Passion of Christ lended 'renebrae (Shadows) serl" churches, I according to St. John, chap, lS, ices here and in Rome's nearly I A major rJtange, in addition tOII-4O and chap. 19, 1-42, It recount, 500 churches. . 1 the evening hour; was distribution Christ's betra),al by Judas, hisar· At noon, thc Pope appeared at! of the holy Eucharist 10 all who rcst, his scourging, crucifixioD, his Valican apartment window tol wished to receil'e it, From the death and burial. bless pilgrims from many lands, I :lIiddle Ages until this year, the! The service here includcd pray. Homans and curious tourists gath'l Eucharist was not distributed dur"1 ers for the pontiff, for the church'. ered in St, Peter's square. . .lng the mass of the hierarchy, for the rulers of peopll, Later, as Ihe tour approached of Now this is chiln;:cd. \ (or all Christians, for the unity of Christ's dcalh on !\Iount Calvary 'Another ceremonl' in S1. Peler's' the church, and for the conversion nearly 2;000 years thoLlsands Basilica and in Rome churches I of the Jews and others to Chris· again their slow way to veg· Was the Adoration 0{ the Cross. tianity, . Follow Christ's Path ,IERUSALEM (Reuters) ·-Pi!.! move the of Christ from I plare on Christ's way to the grims to Jerusalem Fri,! the Cross and re·enact' his burial Crucifixion, including his third [a!J day the path taken by Christ in the tomb..· ullder the Weight of his Cross, nearly 2,000 years ago when hc The solemn ceremonics here I Flanking the procession wert borc a heav)' wooden e·ross 10 Cal- lI'ere echoed in services in Chris· monks in brown and black eass. vary to be crucified upon it. tian c h u r c h e s throughout the ocks, and nuns. They vied I\itb They II'cre fewer in number than world. ,one another for the privilege of last Good Friday, Many thousands I A thunderstorm struck ,lerusa"I' cJl'rying a cross on their ·shoul· gave up their journeys to the holy lem a fcw hours before the pi!. del'S, . city because of fears that all.out l : grims set out 011 the ·Via Dolorosa.1 At their stop at the rirst station wars would break out betwcen Is· along \\. hich Christ carried the! of the Cross, where Pilate sen· rael aO(! her Arab neighbors, ! cross to PontvJ;; pilate's. pretor·: tenccd Christ to die. Arab Legion As they passed, Israeli and Arab, ium and on to Golgotha. Sholl'ers I soldiers wearing red kafiye5 (des' Legion faced each other: continued through the day. I crt hclmets) ;gently kept a crowd Hcross the barbed wire barrier I' C,\RRY CROSSES ' of eudau. Moslems from interfer' which scparates Arab ,Icnlsalem of Ihe pilgrims taborct! with the procession, . from the Isracli sector of the city. heal'ily lind e I' the lI'eight of, The Via Dolorosa (Way of Sol" The climax 01 the procession crosses. They wcre drcnched to the I' roll') winds through narrow alleys along thc 14 stations of the Cro.s skin by downpours of rain by the, of the ancient city, Beside it are came FI'iday in the Church I time they reached the cighth and i fragrant b a z a ar s and vaulted of the Holy Sepulchre, where ninth stations of the Cross. These I shops which still present mUch the Francisc.an monks traditionally stations mark events which took I same scene as 20 ccnturies ago, Cut Business. Threatens To ' Kill Pltesiderit <:: ' .. ' of road UP. 21io at 2m on 30S,600 of the U,S;Go'Vernment have closed"down offices "or' the Communist .: , " ... :,; t:lr .. hares, Ashland Oil up 2,. at 191., Parly across the natiQn. Among offir. raided and charged with tax evasion DENVER, Colo, (AP)-A federal As' Continues '. .:, (',,1'1 Oil (",I) up 11 at 60, were those of the official Communist f>art'.' ;"ublication, the "Daily Worker", charge of Ihreatening President . ; I'CO ,I g. up ". at m, and .J .... was placed rl'i. ATLAXTA, Ga. (AP) _ Belail' at the Newfounrlland mill. Thi. in. : '.: :,-,.;, "... lrn· up '. at 28'.. in New York, Chicago, and Detroit, where took over and padlocked the da\' a"alllst a year old tranSH!1lt , .,: '", "::. n "II hy .;pcrry R:tnd up at 2Sg, . (IN Ph 1') f' j' ' • , I advcl'lbing space in the Atlanta dicates a substantial cut for the i'. ,,':':"::. :,:;t he,' stocks on the Nell'! premlses,-:- 00 'I bead of the Dcn. and the At\anta papers which now ! :e.," ':' ::,,:, .. l'ut York drilted ol'er. . -.'t .. .' If' 'd rf' I na III be cut 20 per cent egln'l on y a 10·day of newsprmt. P W -I PI' IeI' ser\lCe 0 ICC, I en I leI : Ilillq next ;[onday becallse 01 a i · ;:!; r.t· .. 1 (,n the fQur·day pel'iod, Granby llin·: the. man as. Stepp. i sll'ikc 3t the Bowater p3pcr mill i :-. ,:.,' ,.: :" I"nl' to ing led the downside with a drop or: earson I son- an 1 Scho.el sa.lrl Slepp dednred jlnn." 'In ('111'11"1' Brl,c,k, NTflll. . . .- 'ft.::· l;n:lrr the 11 at 18 1 ' AI"o 10 \" I - 1 I h II b t B - :;: • .;,,: .... :..' i:,'1 "1:1." ", > weI' were .a·. Olg,lI. 111.3 ? e a uena: Oflicials o{ Atlanta ;\'eIl'Spapl'l's\ T !:er - Gooderham ofr ". al 73\.., I I. \·I.ta, Colo., tn lh,cussmg the pres'l Inc bl' h (h II t ' d' I' 'f" ., D ., pu IS ers u OJ 1 papers,' Ian aCllC 12 at:u" ome'DEW Le I _' Ident: "If I e\'er get close enough, .. ' .', , .' b' .:' l'om· :: ... 1, of ,nli in. '.' inl111. ':, all-';' Hlld '011 B3\' 'II' , IDe. tit h' I'll k'll h' I h' 30 30 said the cut 1\111 be a,ec!, in" -[ 60" an I jlcInt'Te I' at I I b II r h' " Ion ear. acconll 5 at \'c:' ;,mg 1'0', n!: ': were Intcrnnlion31 i . Secret servicc agenl., were ,called t Offici3ls saili that' i{ the Bowatcr \ ".. d •• , , 1O 11', nspec· lon' 0 1m 11m. a\e a. " h t' I r' , ':: -". ". I, ..., , I u et lOr 1m. IUllle for April 19ji ' up ! at 921. and Distillers I " by patrons, Sehocl s3ld. A no\\' in its fifth da)' con-: , ,,::mc at Sengi ams \. at 381.. . ' st,lte\l'Idc alarm was broadcast fur, Inu ' I n lie k' olher I On the stock 0'l1'AWA (CP) - Exlcrnill AI-I arc being 1\'ol:kedout,l1e expected 'I about pulling nul Ihe 71l·odd IJffi· Stepp II'ho was arrested at Glen·: Id \It am YC b nc'" :•..• ••. :·"11 ""Ird. issucs showed :lIlnistcr PeRnon said friday, to bc in 'a' position to make an. cers she has in Indochina wood' Sprin"s Colo, Wednesday: a lei lSlOg rC(lle ons a e c. ":,, '. ,. r brrn mi:;cd . appcarance. Higher were! that Canada's Defence Minister' announcemcnt next wcek, He could I with the con\l11b,ion. i alld here. ! official addrd ':' ;- 'r;-": up I;' at 76 1 •• and Campney and United States Dc. not say whcn the trip might be Ml', Pcarsun licsel'ibcd the Sl.' ... _-_.-_ .. -._--"_._ .......... - 1'1 nl d' I a , j'ertisin "lI'ili, .... -,;,:: ;. 1'rc;,ton IJOtn.C I.'. at 7. .Wilson are plan· made, but he he \\'ould Laurent, I I...ITTLI!! LI% I I a t'O ," "".' ,t;r:ed to .oller stock" Dlazlhan Traclton IIIn" an Inspec\lon tour o[ the 'be fOllr 01' five dal's, talks at Willte Sulphur as . fAIl 11 I ·f·c. ,11'erll'sl'noll"II' .' - :"';,;: , dipped I, at 6.'):1, DE'\' (Distant Early Warning) ra· Mr, Pearson Was prcsent at thc Ihe most informal, fricndly' and 'I b' u!e I ciar in the fa!' north, _ White SII!p.hur Spr!ngs mecting rcl?xed he has ever secn. oJ ;n), space, I. I P . d A 'k ' He made the disclosure he between I rlmc Lau· It lI'as al\ exccllent opportunity Atlanta 1 , . 00] a e S S r.cturncd by air from con, rent,. ElScnho\\:cr and for an of viell's by the about half its ncwsprint. from a I ,. ·· hnentnl at "hlte Sul· Mexico s Preslde,nt Cortinc!. heads of the three countries and Howater milt at Calhoun, Tenn.,j l'aelltC i Confldellce Vol phur SprIngs, W. Va, he talks With Mr, 10 'from' that standpoint it lI'as a ' which produces about 3,700 tons a' . ' . '. e He told ncWspaper men reports .Washmgton·.and Thursday I.n New, {I . I hi \\'cek, The BOII'atcr mI'II I'n Nc\,'·1 I hi U S Y k di h d h 'usc u mectlllg."· t was not e! 'l? - 1'1" lJr"c,: FranCe (RcUlers)_,lrolll Was ngton that ,S, t;e. t In oc Ina 'with the idea of reaching deci. foundland turns out about 6,000' ';""::;; nct hr Pierre Poujade threatencd rriday retary of State was to In· uahon. V. Krishna Menon, 01 slons, ' tons or wcekly, . .(." {'r mrd·, to resIgn leadership '01 his anti. spect thc. multi - mUllon dollar India, of· thc IndochIna Mr, St, Laurent arrivell back Some people menege 10 keep Bowater offiCials at Calhoun said .. h ,:,.: A. tax movement and go back home warning hne are not correct, truCe commiSSIon, Canada, India 'from White Sulphur Spl'ings Wed. '1' pretty busy just p1cking up the they expect to prorale " --?r:nc "',rl here! unless his [ollowers gave 'him a Reports he might aecompa.ny and are members of the nesday. eN"'. from that plant during the strll:e '" . ! \'ote of con!ldence, Mr, Dulles a p par e n t I y had commiSSion, ,.; ac-; He sought dhowdown with lis, stemmed from the fact Mr, Camp· Mr, Pearson told reporters there hal'e : trict o{f!cIals 'within the movem'ent ney Mr, were con· governmental cO,neern about the .:' \ IlI'ho accuse. him. of dropping the templallng such a {np and JIIr, situation In Indochma, It stemmed C", ';-." '", :.lld as: lax reform drive In favor of po. PCilrSOn had been .Invlled, . from the [act that the French gov· . : litieal ambitions Som o[ the of. The minister said he did not ernment· Is soon to pull Ollt and .b\r' ", ficials hut Pou, Ihlnk he could get away from gov· his talks w,!th Menon con· I, Colum., jade denied they II'cre Important. dulIcs enough to go, tbe situation after that. , .. !.I, a Til becam POII·t. "ORK OUT PLANS \lON T REC,\LL OFFICERS ,I rcth Ire 1't . c . sea M C m n I I'd I 'I'h' . t I' d c\ I' h II' .,p I ical force in' France whcn thcy 1". a. p a cr pans e milliS e ma e ea, 'ur.:con captured morethan'50 seats at. the ror hiS trip wllh Mr, "IIson now ever, that Canada has no though!s . ," l..c I general election, Ir'"- .' I Poujade's demand for "tangible G"eek PU'lr:ols' .",,:[ .. 1, ,lu,lIce, el'itIence" that his cxeeutlve com. .. br e .=". mittet backs him _was made in' -------,;...- hOlln.ted If' l the Journal of the movcment, Un· 5' B . · h Will Be Leave Cyprus -- I and Fri, ely ritls I Pnujade will ask [or a vote o{ d 'confidence at a meeting' of the ex- Fo ce .' , i eelltil'e in Pari., on April 12, . r I.,.n: '.lIndy., If. he does not 'get It, he said, " . lor Sun· ,he rcady to· resl,:n and return .,m.tl! nr !noll" : tn St, Cere, the town where he Skies \I.\RCH '. ' ... Am .... 6" " liD '. . •• p.m. ES J.OI\' 4.50 a.m, 5.02 pm ,'PlltL 1 . , ::., .. " HO l,m lrb'tS' 6.31 p.m' 1.0" 1-. a.m, 3.55 p.m. 32 10 11 M 29 28 found the anti·, tax movcment among small If hc remains "In offlcc, he will call a meeting o[ the national con· to plan a ncw campaign of action. '. . NICOSIA. Cyprus Greece, The terrorist organization EOKA A . lerrorist bomb. was tJ1rown said FrIday night Bri\lsh soldiers night at a British famUy's soon 11'111 be fm'ced to leave this house .In the' suburbs or Nicosia Mediterranean island "aftcr bow, but nobody ivas Injured, A Cypriot ing before the Greek flag," Greek police .0Uicer was shot and 'fhe declaration came in .lea!· seriously wounded· by I masl:ed lets circulated on the first annl· terrorist as the officer was saying versary of the organization's found- goodbye' to his wife; . , . Th Kill d I lng, "Dighenls," mystery leader Mennivhlle, special' court judge ree' e. n of EOKA who. signed the leaflets, James Traynor'ordered an investi· addressed to the people of CyprUS gation of complaints by two HI " nhwav Sma'sh' said:' Cypriot youths that BriUsh· troops c; "I promise you we Bre not 110' held them by the neck and hit PORTNEUF: Quc, Ing to he suppressed by force and them with rifle butts at aeamp men were kllled and two' women shall wIn In the end," near Famagusla, Injured. here Thursday night In. a ,The terrorists are demanding the LIFT TOWN CURFEW highway smashUp while travelJ!ng union of this British colony with The youths came from Frenaros by car from the northern Quebec _-,-_____ -=-____ village where two soldiers community of Labrlevllie towards car 'erash, were kUled earlier this week. A M I The three men killed In the cUrfew Imposed· on the vUlage ontrea , - .' . [ T d . d ProvIncial police· said the car Portneu crash were identified as ues ay was , crashed Into the rear of a. cement. Marcel Welch,' 42, of Lal1Tleville; , The two.' yout s.' and 17 others loaded truck, thenroUed' over on LeBlanc, 21, of Rlchclie'u, have been ordered held In custody the highway where' It was struck near Montreal, and Bes· for eight days pending an Invesli· t THE HOUIt GLASS: We 'Duk i of lime "running ou(' because of I the old fashioned timepiece, lhe ! hour glass. In this mechanism.: sand would run from on. chamber 1 to anolher and the quantity of I sand was measured so mit· It I . would run from on. ch.mber .. I . In hour, . ".". . -. ". . , .... ....:!.- ........... j 1i I() 23 3; S4 32 32 by an oncoming aUlc!mobile, ner 26 of Riviere Beaudet, Vau· gaUon of their suspected connee· Porlneuf 15 40 miles west of Que. county, . . tlon with EOKA,' . . ' bee City. about 15 "miles from the The two injured women, who Firtcen othe,r Cypriots from f!,e., :i SCene of another road accident In were taken to a Quehec hospital, naros eomplamed to, author!t!cs '. wIlich nirie Montrealers were !n- are Mrs, ,I, Welch, 23. lilts that Ihcy had\le!n hIt by British . jured a lew' hours: ialer 'hi a: fotir· M. Roy, 23, of Labrleville;soldiers.. . THEIR .CONFERENCF. A SUCCESS,' Prime Minister 5t. Laurent and President Eisenhower are shown in a relaxed mood at .Springs, Wel'.l They met withlhe"Prc . of Mexico fol' a three- . day session of "good neighbour" talks, At nght IS 'iJ .5, Secretary of SI<ileJohn F'oster ghot?):', ·IJ ". . .J " ,. . '. , . i , .\ f ; T -. (P , ,. . ' , . \ \ ' , I , t I I. \ ,. , II , , j I

The Dailynews St John Snl 19560331

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-.J tid.




)Z'e/r ..





HAW sr. ~l 8·0161


tAL 80118




Good Fri.day At Ronle Observe And Jerusalem ti

'tar~. t118 L~ __ --~--------------------------------------------------~----------------~----------------------~ __ , __ ~ ________________ __ •

1,. For Belfer Sunday Listening

8.00 a.m.-Radio Sible Class.

6.15 p.m,-Grantland Rice,'

8.30 p.m,-Strange Wills, THE DAILY NEWS PBESENTS

D E.B U 5 5 Y . ,

9.00 p.m.-Moment of Peril. Vol. 63.


ritimes Blasted 20 th. Snowstorm

"\ ,:' _ .... ".': Il.'ritimr . ... .'.(' i,1 lhr

· .• ' . : ii1:cr of

.•.• ~. -: ~ .~, 1\\.~tf1I'1H

• '" , ... ' , '.,': I, , .. ~ Fri· .-.. .:' ',I •• 1 mehe:!-

• ,' ~.; .. , .. I :11 thr "~c. :'. ,'; ~.' thr

. . ... ~ i ~ ~ .

~':;;';\ .~ ,~. :::: ,: l:~;.~~~ ", ....... "t' ... 1;,1111\('1

;.':: : :- ::!: '.' hc faa •..• , .' ..... r~ I ;,1 1:H:I1(1:". .... . ..... 1:""0,1 by

~; ",- .\:Irlnll(·

"will it nCI'el' end'!" TCll days n~tel' the of[j'~ial stal'l

~r sprin;: a hca\'y snO\I' bl;:n\;et nll'cr, ;,11 parts or Ihe ~Iarltime pro\'inr.e-. i'iu\'a Scotia has b:cn continUOUsly snoll' • cOl'ered since the disastrous January rains and !loou., .

lIalilas haci lis firsl snowstorm :"\0\', 20 and the snow ~ta\'ed­c~r~pt for the two. week 'noorl pcriod. The city had its first white Chrislmas in ei:ht \'eal'S,

Thc ~l arch ~n"ow record - o{ 32 inches, 5et in 1884, was topped a wcek a~o. With the mOnlil npt ycl pa,t the tolal noll' is close to 38 incite,. . . ", '. h"lida)

4': ~.'; ;.1 o\"cr Thc heal',\' snow has made log· :ill;! opcrr.tions almost Itnpos~ib:e

" ,,' .::.,: ;:, m;lr,. in most arcas, Snow i;; So deep . '.'.; ,," .' ~ 'I.I~~ ;\lri lo~~ers hal'c to deal' each tree

with shol'cls before startin;: a cut, :: '.' p.' It~rn Anglers face poor prospects for

i ,. ·.r:,l'iH ral'I)' [ishin:;. Southc;'n h!:es, orten r1~ar b)' noll', arc still bound by icr and SUOI\',

'; -:. !u::1rrn : ~ • :':111 thC'

- ':. '. ". : :". ('r. TilC 11OSenl'onai \I' e a I her cut ; hC:lI'il)' iuto Easler sh,pping, ~Icr.

·::.rc fMC· chant> repol·t slo\l' hu;iness in 1\( til:·

.~ r,:·tcrn >prin,;: Iinc;, There Is onc bri::ht .. ", rrd'. '11Jt, hOII·l!I·cr. Sales of rubb~rs

':;:1: ,,:n· ;lnll ol·cr.;hoes ha\'c soared, As for ", ;:':I,t~d -MIl' ,:"Jl'el-, t!tc\' werc sold out ~: Ir n.. of hin~ a;::<1. •

~1arkef Move·s. k oward Record High

I On the rCl'crse score, steel .IP -',',,, -hIck ,tacks Il .. 7re bought. Scrap priccs

::;.:':J r,.[ , 111::<1 ~c~c· slrcn::thened. and trade circles "!; r i :01 "",J h,nrard >plkc o( the necd for still higher I ,:.,:c ,.: a ~".I' all· prices for thc finished metal.

Tile fiVe mo,t actil'c issues this ;i" ', .• : .!: r"lld be weel; on the New York sto~k ex·

~.:::' :: :.:' 1 ouch a cllan;e were Pennsylvania n~iI,


available at .

(Price 5 cenls) Charles Hutton & Sons'

T'ravellers Receive Blessing From Pope By FRANK BRuno !'f IH!r services, These followed 'the 1 Long lines of the faithful, tll'O by

VATICAN CITY (AP) - Thou· Vatlcan's new holy week procedure I two, 'irst men and then women, sands made so~e.mn P!lgrima::e :t~ for Roman Cat hoi i c churches I advanced to kiss the reet of a smaU st. Peter's BaSIlica thiS Good Frl' throughout the world, I cross, from which .. the purple day for mournful scrvices eom'


A skeletonized version of the', lenten covering cloth lVas lifted, memorating Christ's death on the; mass, known liS the Mass or thc The vcsper service included. Cros,. . r Ptesarictified Host, was held in St.

1 reading~ from the Gospel, amon~

Friday morning, thousands at· Peter's as well as in most Roman, them that o[ the Passion of Christ lended 'renebrae (Shadows) serl" churches, I according to St. John, chap, lS, ices here and in Rome's nearly I A major rJtange, in addition tOII-4O and chap. 19, 1-42, It recount, 500 churches. . 1 the evening hour; was distribution Christ's betra),al by Judas, hisar·

At noon, thc Pope appeared at! of the holy Eucharist 10 all who rcst, his scourging, crucifixioD, his Valican apartment window tol wished to receil'e it, From the death and burial. bless pilgrims from many lands, I :lIiddle Ages until this year, the! The service here includcd pray. Homans and curious tourists gath'l Eucharist was not distributed dur"1 ers for the pontiff, for the church'. ered in St, Peter's square. . .lng the mass of the pr~sanetified, hierarchy, for the rulers of peopll,

Later, as Ihe tour approached of Now this is chiln;:cd. \ (or all Christians, for the unity of Christ's dcalh on !\Iount Calvary 'Another ceremonl' in S1. Peler's' the church, and for the conversion nearly 2;000 years n~o. thoLlsands Basilica and in Rome churches I of the Jews and others to Chris· again ~ade their slow way to veg· Was the Adoration 0{ the Cross. tianity, .

Follow Christ's Path ,IERUSALEM (Reuters) ·-Pi!.! move the image~ of Christ from I plare on Christ's way to the

grims to Jerusalem tra~elled Fri,! the Cross and re·enact' his burial Crucifixion, including his third [a!J day the path taken by Christ in the tomb..· ullder the Weight of his Cross, nearly 2,000 years ago when hc The solemn ceremonics here I Flanking the procession wert borc a heav)' wooden e·ross 10 Cal- lI'ere echoed in services in Chris· monks in brown and black eass. vary to be crucified upon it. tian c h u r c h e s throughout the ocks, and nuns. They vied I\itb

They II'cre fewer in number than world. ,one another for the privilege of last Good Friday, Many thousands I A thunderstorm struck ,lerusa"I' cJl'rying a cross on their ·shoul· gave up their journeys to the holy lem a fcw hours before the pi!. del'S, . city because of fears that all.out

l: grims set out 011 the ·Via Dolorosa.1 At their stop at the rirst station

wars would break out betwcen Is· along \\. hich Christ carried the! of the Cross, where Pilate sen· rael aO(! her Arab neighbors, ! cross to PontvJ;; pilate's. pretor·: tenccd Christ to die. Arab Legion

As they passed, Israeli and Arab, ium and on to Golgotha. Sholl'ers I soldiers wearing red kafiye5 (des' Legion ~oldiers faced each other: continued through the day. I crt hclmets) ;gently kept a crowd Hcross the barbed • wire barrier I' :l1.\~Y C,\RRY CROSSES ' of eudau. Moslems from interfer' which scparates Arab ,Icnlsalem ~[any of Ihe pilgrims taborct! in~ with the procession, . from the Isracli sector of the city. heal'ily lind e I' the lI'eight of, The Via Dolorosa (Way of Sol"

The climax 01 the procession crosses. They wcre drcnched to the I' roll') winds through narrow alleys along thc 14 stations of the Cro.s skin by downpours of rain by the, of the ancient city, Beside it are came FI'iday ni~ht in the Church I time they reached the cighth and i fragrant b a z a ar s and vaulted of the Holy Sepulchre, where ninth stations of the Cross. These I shops which still present mUch the Francisc.an monks traditionally ~. stations mark events which took I same scene as 20 ccnturies ago,

P~pers Cut Business. Threatens To ' Kill Pltesiderit

<:: ' .. ' ~n~ of road UP. 21io at 2m on 30S,600 AGE~'TS of the U,S;Go'Vernment have closed"down offices "or' the Communist .: , " ... :,; t:lr .. hares, Ashland Oil up 2,. at 191., Parly across the natiQn. Among offir. ~s raided and charged with tax evasion DENVER, Colo, (AP)-A federal As' Stri~~e Continues '. .:, (',,1'1 ~nt ~Iandn~rllf Oil (",I) up 11 at 60, were those of the official Communist f>art'.' ;"ublication, the "Daily Worker", charge of Ihreatening President

. ; I'CO ,I g. up ". at m, and .J .... Ei5enho~ver'5 li~e was placed rl'i. ATLAXTA, Ga. (AP) _ Belail' at the Newfounrlland mill. Thi. in. : '.: :,-,.;, " ... ~ lrn· Spcrr~' n~nd up '. at 28'.. in New York, Chicago, and Detroit, where agent~ took over and padlocked the da\' a"alllst a 3~ year old tranSH!1lt ,

.,: '", "::. n "II hy .;pcrry R:tnd up ~. at 2Sg, . (IN Ph 1') f' ~ j' ' • , I advcl'lbing space in the Atlanta dicates a substantial cut for the i'. ,,':':"::. :,:;t he,' C~nadi3n stocks on the Nell'! premlses,-:- 00 • 'I r~~l'lln~z'Se~;dcl bead of the Dcn. co~st!.wtion and the Atlant\Jo~lr'i At\anta papers which now h~I'e

! :e.," ':' ::,,:, .. l'ut York exclun~c drilted 101l'~r ol'er. • . -.'t .. .' If' 'd rf' I na III be cut 20 per cent egln'l on y a 10·day .'(Ippl~· of newsprmt. ~ P W -I PI' IeI' .e~lc ser\lCe 0 ICC, I en I leI : Ilillq next ;[onday becallse 01 a i

· ;:!; r.t· .. 1 t·r;.·~~ (,n the fQur·day pel'iod, Granby llin·: the. man as. S~m Stepp. i sll'ikc 3t the Bowater p3pcr mill i :-. ,:.,' ,.: :" I"nl' to ing led the downside with a drop or: earson I son- an 1 Scho.el sa.lrl Slepp dednred jlnn." 'In ('111'11"1' Brl,c,k, NTflll. .

. t~; .- 'ft.::· l;n:lrr the 11 at 181' AI"o 10 \" I - 1 I h II b t B -:;: • .;,,: .... :..' i:,'1 "1:1." ", > weI' were .a·. 'c.~)' Olg,lI. 111.3 ? e ~r a uena: Oflicials o{ Atlanta ;\'eIl'Spapl'l's\ T !:er - Gooderham ofr ". al 73\.., I I. \·I.ta, Colo., tn lh,cussmg the pres'l Inc bl' h (h II

t ' d' I' 'f" ., D ., pu IS ers u OJ 1 papers,' ~na Ian aCllC 12 at:u" ome'DEW Le I _' Ident: "If I e\'er get close enough, .. ' .', , .' b'

.:' l'om· :: ... 1, of ,nli in.

'.' inl111.

~!in"s ':, all-';' Hlld '011 B3\' 'II' , IDe. tit h' I'll k'll h' I h' 30 30 said Fl1da~ the cut 1\111 be a,ec!, in" ~:, -[ 60" an I jlcInt'Te I' at I I b II r h' " Ion ear. acconll 5 at \'c:' ;,mg 1'0', n!: ': lh::~er were Intcrnnlion31 i . Secret servicc agenl., were ,called t Offici3ls saili that' i{ the Bowatcr \

• ".. d •• , , • 1O 11', nspec· lon' 0 1m 11m. a\e a. " h t' I r' , ':: -". ". I, ..., , I u et lOr 1m. IUllle for April 19ji '

:\lck~1 up ! ~ at 921. and Distillers I " by ba~' patrons, Sehocl s3ld. A ~trike no\\' in its fifth da)' con-: , ,,::mc at Sengi ams \. at 381.. . ' st,lte\l'Idc alarm was broadcast fur, Inu ' I n lie k' olher I

On the ,~mcriran stock c~'1 0'l1'AWA (CP) - Exlcrnill AI-I arc being 1\'ol:kedout,l1e expected 'I about pulling nul Ihe 71l·odd IJffi· Stepp II'ho was arrested at Glen·: Id .e~/~r mor~ \It am YC b nc'" : •..• ~, ••. :·"11 ""Ird. ehan~c. C~nadian issucs showed ~: rair~ :lIlnistcr PeRnon said friday, to bc in 'a' position to make an. cers she has in Indochina \\'orldn~ wood' Sprin"s Colo, Wednesday: a lei lSlOg rC(lle ons a e c.

":,, '. ,. r brrn mi:;cd . appcarance. Higher were! that Canada's Defence Minister' announcemcnt next wcek, He could I with the con\l11b,ion. i alld transfcr~ed here. ! C~~~?ii ~'ond)' official addrd ':' ;- 'r;-": "'~~" Shi!\\'il\l~on up I;' at 761 •• and Campney and United States Dc. not say whcn the trip might be Ml', Pcarsun licsel'ibcd the Sl.' ... _-_.-_ .. -._--"_._ .......... - 1'1 .~. nl d' I a , j'ertisin "lI'ili,

.... -,;,:: ;. "~rlrl 1'rc;,ton Ea~t IJOtn.C I.'. at 7. Am~ng f~nec Sec~etary .Wilson are plan· made, but he exp~ctcd he \\'ould Laurent, ~isenho\\'el" ~ortinc: I I...ITTLI!! LI% I I ~ca~~/~o a ~~:i~l~I~'of t'O i~che.'.; ," "".' ,t;r:ed to .oller stock" Dlazlhan Traclton IIIn" an Inspec\lon tour o[ the 'be awa~ fOllr 01' five dal's, talks at Willte Sulphur SPI'Ln~S as . fAIl 11 I ·f·c. ,11'erll'sl'noll"II' .' - ~::,.: :"';,;: , dipped I, at 6.'):1, DE'\' (Distant Early Warning) ra· Mr, Pearson Was prcsent at thc Ihe most informal, fricndly' and 'I b' .~tl~\~ a~~la~ i~ ~I'ithout Il~ u!e I

ciar 1in~ in the fa!' north, _ White SII!p.hur Spr!ngs mecting rcl?xed he has ever secn. oJ ;n), ~'hit'c space, • I. I P . d A 'k ' He made the disclosure a~ he between I rlmc Mi~lster ~t, Lau· It lI'as al\ exccllent opportunity Atlanta (o;c\I'spaper~ !II~, ~ct~ 1

, . 00] a e S S r.cturncd by air from ,t~e con, rent,. ;residc~t ElScnho\\:cr and for an exchan~e of viell's by the about half its ncwsprint. from a

I,. · · hnentnl ~on{ercnce at "hlte Sul· Mexico s Preslde,nt Cortinc!. Lat~r heads of the three countries and Howater milt at Calhoun, Tenn.,j l'aelltC i Confldellce Vol phur SprIngs, W. Va, he h~ld talks With Mr, D~l1csT 10 'from' that standpoint it lI'as a ' which produces about 3,700 tons a' .' . '. e He told ncWspaper men reports .Washmgton·.and Thursday I.n New, {I . I hi \\'cek, The BOII'atcr mI'II I'n Nc\,'·1 I hi U S Y k di h d h 'usc u mectlllg."· t was not e!

'l? - 1'1" lJr"c,: LI~IOGES, FranCe (RcUlers)_,lrolll Was ngton that ,S, t;e. o~ s~usscd t ~ In oc Ina ~ 'with the idea of reaching deci. foundland turns out about 6,000' ~: ';""::;; nct hr Pierre Poujade threatencd rriday retary of State pulle~ was to In· uahon. Wlt~ V. Krishna Menon, 01 slons, ' • tons or newsp~i~t wcekly, .

• \"~ .(." {'r mrd·, to resIgn leadership '01 his anti. spect thc. multi - mUllon dollar India, ehalrm~n of· thc IndochIna Mr, St, Laurent arrivell back Some people menege 10 keep Bowater offiCials at Calhoun said ::~"l: .. h ,:,.: A. ~I.; tax movement and go back home warning hne are not correct, truCe commiSSIon, Canada, India 'from White Sulphur Spl'ings Wed. '1' pretty busy just p1cking up the they expect to prorale newsp~int " --?r:nc "',rl here! unless his [ollowers gave 'him a Reports he might aecompa.ny and ~ol~nd are members of the nesday. _~.~!!L!b.ey:ve s~illed, eN"'. from that plant during the strll:e

'" . ! \'ote of con!ldence, Mr, Dulles a p par e n t I y had commiSSion, .1.itn~:l ,.; :~r ac-; He sought dhowdown with lis, stemmed from the fact Mr, Camp· Mr, Pearson told reporters there '~:il,~~::I':.' t;~ hal'e : trict o{f!cIals 'within the movem'ent ney a~ Mr, WUso~ were con· I~ governmental cO,neern about the

~::~ .:' \ I~toria IlI'ho accuse. him. of dropping the templallng such a {np and JIIr, situation In Indochma, It stemmed C", ';-." '", :.lld as: lax reform drive In favor of po. PCilrSOn had been .Invlled, . from the [act that the French gov· . b~l"'. : litieal ambitions Som o[ the of. The minister said he did not ernment· Is soon to pull Ollt and .b\r' ", n~me. ficials rccentl~' ~csi::n~d hut Pou, Ihlnk he could get away from gov· his talks w,!th ~tr, Menon con·

1~\d'~I~r, I, Colum., jade denied they II'cre Important. c~nmcnt dulIcs lo~g enough to go, .c~rnc,d tbe situation after that. , .. !.I, I.:,"ch~d a Til Poul'ad'l~t' becam POII·t. "ORK OUT PLANS \lON T REC,\LL OFFICERS ,I rcth Ire 1't . c . sea M C m n I I'd I 'I'h' . t I' d c\ I' h II' ~"j'I;" .,p I tJn~,: ical force in' France whcn thcy 1". a. p ~y a cr ~~I pans e milliS e ma e ea, o· i;~;·:::.~': ._~ 'ur.:con captured morethan'50 seats at. the ror hiS trip wllh Mr, "IIson now ever, that Canada has no though!s

. ," l..c i'~tlcnts I la~t general election, Ir'"- • .' I Poujade's demand for "tangible G"eek PU'lr:ols'

.",,:[ .. 1, ,lu,lIce, el'itIence" that his cxeeutlve com. .. br e .=". P~3~" mittet backs him _was made in' -------,;...­

hOlln.ted If'l the Journal of the movcment, Un· 5' B . · h Will Be Leave Cyprus

-- I :~1~1" and Defcnc~,.·pUb\iShed Fri, ely ritls I Pnujade will ask [or a vote o{ d 'confidence at a meeting' of the ex- Fo ce

.' , i eelltil'e in Pari., on April 12, . r (~~ I.,.n: '.lIndy., If. he does not 'get It, he said,

" . ~tllI()k lor Sun· ,he I~ rcady to· resl,:n and return .,m.tl! nr !noll" : tn St, Cere, the town where he

Skies \I.\RCH ~t

'. ' ... 3.~2 Am .... 6" " liD '. . •• p.m.


4.50 a.m, 5.02 pm

,'PlltL 1 . , ::., .. " HO l,m

lrb'tS' 6.31 p.m' 1.0"

1-. 5.3~ a.m, 3.55 p.m.

~in, 32 10 11

~II. M 29 28

found the anti·, tax movcment among small ~hopkeepers,

If hc remains "In offlcc, he will call a meeting o[ the national con· ~rc~s to plan a ncw campaign of action. '. .

NICOSIA. Cyprus (Reutcr~)- Greece, The terrorist organization EOKA A . lerrorist bomb. was tJ1rown said FrIday night Bri\lsh soldiers ~'riday night at a British famUy's soon 11'111 be fm'ced to leave this house .In the' suburbs or Nicosia Mediterranean island "aftcr bow, but nobody ivas Injured, A Cypriot ing before the Greek flag," Greek police .0Uicer was shot and

'fhe declaration came in .lea!· seriously wounded· by I masl:ed lets circulated on the first annl· terrorist as the officer was saying versary of the organization's found- goodbye' to his wife; . , . Th Kill d I lng, "Dighenls," mystery leader Mennivhlle, special' court judge ree' e. n of EOKA who. signed the leaflets, James Traynor'ordered an investi· addressed to the people of CyprUS gation of complaints by two

HI" nhwav Sma'sh' said:' Cypriot youths that BriUsh· troops c; "I promise you we Bre not 110' held them by the neck and hit

PORTNEUF: Quc, (CPl:"T~ree Ing to he suppressed by force and them with rifle butts at aeamp men were kllled and two' women shall wIn In the end," near Famagusla, Injured. here Thursday night In. a ,The terrorists are demanding the LIFT TOWN CURFEW highway smashUp while travelJ!ng union of this British colony with The youths came from Frenaros by car from the northern Quebec _-,-_____ -=-____ village where two Brlt!~h soldiers community of Labrlevllie towards car 'erash, were kUled earlier this week. A M I The three men killed In the cUrfew Imposed· on the vUlage • ontrea , - .' . [ T d . Ilf~' d ProvIncial police· said the car Portneu crash were identified as ues ay was , crashed Into the rear of a. cement. Marcel Welch,' 42, of Lal1Tleville; , The two.' yout s.' and 17 others loaded truck, thenroUed' over on Pierre~ LeBlanc, 21, of Rlchclie'u, have been ordered held In custody the highway where' It was struck near Montreal, and Ger~rd Bes· for eight days pending an Invesli·

t THE HOUIt GLASS: We 'Duk i of lime "running ou(' because of I the old fashioned timepiece, lhe ! hour glass. In this mechanism.: sand would run from on. chamber 1 to anolher and the quantity of I sand was measured so mit· It I

. would run from on. ch.mber .. I

. In hour, . ".". . -. ". . , I_~._ .... ....:!.- ........... L;~.I. j

~ 1i I()

I~ 23

3; S4 32 ~


by an oncoming aUlc!mobile, ner 26 of Riviere Beaudet, Vau· gaUon of their suspected connee· • Porlneuf 15 40 miles west of Que. dr'e~i1.s'oulanges county, . . tlon with EOKA,' . . '

bee City. about 15 "miles from the The two injured women, who Firtcen othe,r Cypriots from f!,e., :i SCene of another road accident In were taken to a Quehec hospital, naros eomplamed to, author!t!cs '. wIlich nirie Montrealers were !n- are Mrs, ,I, Welch, 23. ~nd lilts that Ihcy had\le!n hIt by British . jured a lew' hours: ialer 'hi a: fotir· M. Roy, 23, "bo~h of Labrleville;soldiers.. .

THEIR .CONFERENCF. A SUCCESS,' Prime Minister 5t. Laurent and President Eisenhower are shown in a relaxed mood at White.S~lph¥r .Springs, Wel'.l ~irgi~i;i They met withlhe"Prc . '~nt of Mexico fol' a three- . day session of "good neighbour" talks, At nght IS 'iJ .5, Secretary of SI<ileJohn F'oster Dulles~(~N ghot?):',

·IJ ". . .J .'~

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Former Pastor Dies

~1.~f.S. Meeting

, A film "The Neighbour Next • 'Door" was screened by Ralph

Moore. a senior pupil of the Acad· 'em)" It was altogether suitable

for I DevotioDal hour. and Illus. 'trated the truth 'of "kindness Is

: \0 do and say the kindest thing




" ...... SHAW S1. DIAL·S0291

• HOME ,OWNERS Ask about our Home Improvement Plan •• No Money Down •• 3 to, 5 years to pay in Easy Payment Terms.

" .See O'Leary's for Qualify

.', .'. .:~: , :. ,', ~ .. ~ i/; .r: t'·· ~. " . r: ~ ' .








" '




S. B. and D. B. SUITS

With EXTRA PANTS In Solids and Fancy weaves - New Spring and Summer Shades: Greys - Blues - Browns and a variety of Charcoal Tone's. These Suits sell Re' gularly at $42.00. Make your selection now for

Sizes 34 to 44. Also short models in D.B, only.

TOP·COATS Tweeds Gaberdenes Cashmeres

$29.75 up




Blue, Brown, Grey. ' Sizes 36 to 44. REG, $29.75





SPORT JACKETS All Wool materials - Latest Styling·

New Spring shades - Sizes 34 to 44,




In all Wool materials or Gaberdines.


$8.75 These 'Slacks sold Regularly up 10 $ Sizes 30 to 42. In all wanted shadel.


ZIP-IN RAGLANS Better quality - Blues, Greys. BroWfl~

REGULAR $39.00.


$19.75 Without Zipp. Lining






10 lhl! bat. IIg I:tl alld \I

of ~ell>. Ihe : ""I"t sle3111,

~I ,'1;""11 I'este 10r 13 . .1UO 5e~l~ an, "k~y" t" I he 1951

n Carler I'lltf : , thaI hr lell port

ilnlrk Ihe fir .• t ie. nf Cah.,t "I~nrl, Xorlh .flrl nil the iir,-t ~ral., ~f Sqllnre tslnn,

Coast. He I'

loraling lire plane Iron

opinion tha' difficult to I

year without aircr.1It.

gc Attend Good Fri,


Page 3: The Dailynews St John Snl 19560331


md 1 a

Re' r

'f IN

Styling -

; 34 to 44.


LACKS abt::rdines.

ANS ~ ys, BroVJn5,


co., L WAfeR

I I'

ST, JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, The. paily·· News i . ,

.•. SATURDAY, MARCH 31 r 1956

I, ,

"I " '. ~ i ,! '.1


II OllIe From The Ice No :Change Walter· Davis Ne~ In C.B. Strike IRotary Presiden1·

Yesterday being !Jood Friday all negotiations between Management and Union at Corner Brook were suspended and the strike situation remained unchanged from Thursday.

This morning the Mill will open as usual but the 1800 union members will still remain off the job pend­ing a settlement of their dispute ,vith the Company.

The union members did not cross the picket lines on Thursday to collect their regular weekly pay which is said to total approximately $125,00Q. ' ,

At Thursday's meeting in Freshwater, C,B., and of the St., John's Rotctry ;;f'"" is the son of· Her;ertand Club, President Jimmy Sophie Davis, now resiQ-Alderdice announced that ing at 38 LeMarchant R~, Walter DC1vis has been He is married to the form-elected as President of the ~ er Olga Drover and th¢y Club fot· the coming year. . J b ~h[ive five children.

"1 Other elections were as ~ j .1 follows: - Tom Freema!1.

"'-"I" I Vice·Pres.; Eric Ewing, ./ Hon. Treasurer; Frank

;~'\4 Doctorate Award

Walter Davis was invit· ed to join Rolary in 1947, on the nomination of Past President Frank O'Leary. For the past fOLlr years he has been elccted to the Board of Dircctors, where he has filled the offices of

;.q O'Leary, Hon. Secretart; George Allen. Asst. Secre­lary: Edgar r.'liller, Jimmy

..'; . Austin and Val Earle, ""j Directors. Don But1~r'

(m,\I~ "I;I'~" C;\ItTEIt is ~ho\\'n on the cleek of the "Ter1'a Nova" shortly JT i(: .. :' l,iI hcre yc~te\'(\ay with a bumper trip of seC1ls. Shown with ; .• , , ;<r ,bt'Ii\lc\ille Hillyard, daughter oC MI', and lVII'S, R. Hillyard. Mr. ~""~ ,', ;1" ;,.;' rhief aC't'olllrtant at Bowring's, is a dose friend o( Captain '~'.:: I'",:, ,. \' 1)110(0') l:.~ ... --,.!II .. \ .\{'t\S t

YOutll Final Arrival Critically

For Rev. I. Davis The degree oC Doctor o[ Divin·

ity will be conferred upon Rev. Isaac Davis, ~!inister of Clnrke's Beach United Church at tile an· " nual Com'oention oC Pine Hill Divinity Hall to he held at 8 p,m. on April 1B, 1056, in SI. Matthew's United Church, Halifax, N,S.

Re\'. Dr. Dal'Is was born nt Pool's Island, Bonal'ista Bay, in February, 1891, where hc receivcd his elemenlary and high school education. He taught· school for eight vcars onrl was accepted for the :lIinistl'Y of tile ~lcthodist (now UnitcLi) Church in In l:i ancl served as a prohationer at ~liller· town.

. ... .,.

_i",: . r .. ,,,,,,,," '~."" ,"

Assistant Secretary, Sce· retC1ry and Vice·President. In 1951, along with Past Pre:;ident Tommy Dalton, he represented the St. J ohl1'5 Club at the Rotary International Com'cntion


., .. ' .;

was appointed again 8.!

; Editor of the Spokesman, ! ..... 'V' .~" and Jay Parker was ap-

W,\I,TER D,WIS pointed' as Attendance which was held in Atlan­tic City.

Walter DU\'is was born

Secretary. 1\11'. Dads will assume

office in July.

More Hospital Beds Urgently Required His l'I,lIege Cllllr~e at the Wes·

Ir"an Theological ('ollo/:e and ~Ic· Gill Unil'ersity, ~I()nlreal, was in· tcrrupteli hy the outhrr'ak o[ "\I"e ~re l~ced today with an Itbr~e gue~ts !rom Pepperrell AFB Doyle, Jack HanD and Franl! World .\\'ar I, ~1:lwn he w~nt ~jcr. RE\,. ISi\,\(; nAYIS IUl',I!rnt necd of 500 general hos· -Lt. Colonel Joseph F. Loftus of Kelly, all of st. .John's. ~eas II'llh the FIrSt Canalilnn r,lIIk 1 pllnl heds <lnd 500 mental hosnihl Scranton, Pa" who is as!istant Greetinss and best wishes w. Rat!a!ion. At ti~e ci?se r!f tll~ war rCllue,t of his people he i~ remai~. heels." s~id Hon. S. J. Herre'rt~n St<lff Judge Ad\'ocale at NEAC: extended to ihe Kiwanis Club, he JllIncd Ih; KhakI Unll:erslt~ of ill!l another year lit Clarke s I in nrldre~sing the regular weekly JI/Sgt. E. W. Curtis of Billing. whose FC5tivaL will take plac. Canada at RIpon, Yor~sh!re, F,ng· 'Beach, his present pastorate. luncheon mceting of the 51. John's :lIontana, and MaioI' Harry A. next week. land, and completed hIS fll1al year Rotarr Club. Introduced by Ro· Slone of Grovetown, N.H. The spot Lile Program, which In Theolo~~·.. In 1920 he married the former tarian Dr. Edward Wilson, ~Ir. Visiting Rotarians were Ron is heard O\'er CJON Sunday at 3.30

Dr. Dal'1S was ordmned by the Hannah Holiett o[ Burin. They Hefierton, who is Minister of Dunphy and Jim Noscworthy of p.m. will feature !lIr. Steve French, NC\l'fou~rlland Conr~renee of the ha\'e six children: Hudson, B.A. ~!unicipal Affairs and Supply and .Corner Brook and John O'Ncill of who will speak on the St. Jolin" ~let.h()d15t Church III I!1Jn, and (:IIcGill) vice principal, Carbon.ear ~linister of Health, said that plans Halifax. Retail Credit Bureau. .',: durlllg .the y~ar5 sInce then has A~nd~my: Elmer, ,B.A. (J[emo1'l.al) arc nnder way to provide these Rotarian Leonard Earle ~xtend· Rotarians elected to serve oa

Icefields Injured~ 'l'hirteCll.year.old Der·

mot (h'iffin, of CCII t I'll \ Sireel, WIIS SCI'iUIiSly in· jured lutl.! 'l'hursduy when. he \\'us hit by It truck.

sel'l'ed 111 the Important pas,torates I prinCIpal, Clarl(c s .B;aeh Hlg!1 facilities. His address on the sub- ed a welcome to guests of memo the Council of the Sunshine cain, of Shoal Harbuur, :llorcton s Har· S;holll~ Br~ce, tele\'15IOn techm· ject, ";lI\'ll1cal Services and Public bers-Wilfred Cole, Montreal; Col. are: Bert Davies, Walter Da'\'~ hour, Jlenrts COl\te~t, Freshwater, clan 111. 10rol\to; Alhert, "I.D. Health in Nl!wfoumiland", will Wm. Do\'idson, SA, Toronto; Len Eric Ewing, Jim !o[acNab, Dr. BliY \yest~'rn !lay, lIant 5 Harbour und (~)a.lhousle) .doctor ~t Agullthul\a: aPlll'll1' 1n a .~ullseC)upnt edition. :'Ileech, :lloncton; Da\'e Butler, ~Iurphy, Ray ~Iurphy, Herb Wyali . Lalnh~l:l. . . . L,lhan, marrll'r~ at !illlllll1r)" Onl.: Rotariall Jar Parl;er introduced Stan Goodwin, Grant Jack, Tom ami Leo Shea,

I· :,' :, .. !,'lli'~ wilh 1 'I'll,' r:tllt:ti/I ~aill Ihut Ihcl'~ w:ts . :,: .:, I .nll! • full IIll "main patch" ~s ~urh. The

.' : i': '. II,.. 11,,1,,1' ,'".. ,~:tls I\'t'l'~ ')llil LIP III grlluJls alHI . '. , ., ':", ': ".' III' tht: I it II'US 1I"l'cs,Hry IIII' him to t'lliIl1g~

\ :, "I"l'd"I' Ilail'l hI. lurJtiun nil it-;s Ihan fuur '., "",' olid hril1~il1~ liUlI'S in unter tu pick up a lull

i. : :'" : ~,lli ,,'allish· I cargu. , iL'e rUlIdiliuns this YL'nr 1I"'I'e

,,:,,:n ,\I1~U~. I t!IC hcal'il!"~ ~~cri~nced b~' C~pt.1 :1: ""II' li'cre! l.:lrtcr In hiS ,3, springs at thc Ice.,

, ' .' "1 j)"I" Direct.: flClds. . , : , ". .' I Storlllr \l'cathl'r Wil5 cxp~rience(1 . ,., , I on the humcII'/lrd 1'O)':lge and on I " ,.".' " ': I;.~ lIall~" Saturday nh:ht lIIollntainous SCil.'

,",' :; . : . "" '" \(arch { .. re,'d Capl. Carter 10 sed; refuge " III l1\ilr~ 1It I'urt Uninn where he r~mninedl

!lo )11 II' until 6 11.01, Sun!!:.y. Cru~sinJ: I ',: ,reh IIi Trinil\' II:.\' part IIf Ihr rllil ~nrll ill mi1r~ II smail oUIIIIIII,r wel'c swcpt. awa~', 1

.: c,:: '< I.':,,.! off Ihe ilntl about 150 seal Iwlts wcre . : I· ,,' I!e ~'", ~i'INI wilsllcrl ol·crlwanl. There was nl)

'J'he YOllng lad was stun ding neill' the Mill'· shllll Building whell he WIIS jllmmell between the wall of the hl1ilding alld a h·uck. HI.! was token to t he General Hospitnl im· I11cdiately 1\1Id at hllest reportli was said to he ill a critical condition,

• :"".' 'I;' ',',' "'~h by other uUlm.gc. , .. :11 (;anrler. ~[r. ,ramcs Gril!vr, n ltircclur IIf If. S

;,:.: it would Bo\\'rings, slllted thul the Terra nlOre I torm :: " :" i,·~~tc lhe I NOl'a will be making a sccond trip I

:",:: .. : ,;'i!r"'1' ;.;;istance ,·10" the ice If crcw members nrc DamaO'c Assessors ..... , a\,lilable. V

.\uendance Gllod Frilla y ,It ~('!'\ ices ;::~t' W"t!, c[1,\\ded I·CS.

::: t~,e ~~,l('~;n tlcr\'lces ,':,:::: tfoP bf'tr:tl'al and

r: I,.: 1<ro, • !:' ..... r ~ .

',' '. "'" :1\;,(.,(" 1n the

\'llesley ~l.M.S. 'I'll., E:lsit'r 'I'hanl.l1l1'crinli nwel·

jUg III \\'c~ICI' \\'.~I,S, will lu);c pl:lCC on Tue~a~' :.flcl'lIlIun, April 31 d, in the Lecllll'e J/all IIf thl' Church. The sllecial s)lcahr will be ~Irs. A. S. Butt, and ~Irs. Win· ston Oakley will be the soloist. A most cordial Invitation to attend Is extended to all friends oC the Women's Missionary Society.

~:.:~~:~ r:'.rj~ •• in~ prayr.TS .'; " tt.! t!!rt'I' hOllr~ de- Q. D' I '::~ r.r,,~ t" " )1,rn., and DIet ay n

p'(;of ~'.

The Department of Fisherlcs and Co·operatil'es announces that Assessors at Champneys ('l'rlnity !lay), Harbour Grace, SI. Mary's Buy and Trcpassey nrc now ready til rcceive claims from fishermen unucr the Newfoundland Govcrn· nll'nl's Fishing Equipment Rc· placement Plan, Their names are:

At Champneys, Flsherlcs Officer J. F, Collins,

At Harbour Grnce, Welfare or· ficer E. E. Crocker.

At SI. Mary's Bay, Welfare Of· ficer Reginnld Bowerlng.

At 'rrepassey, Welfare Officer D. J. Broderick.

.;:.":;' :!~:tl 8' lhrc~ of i Police Circles I'" '''.:fI'~(\ .1 IO,~O I P('lollal H()llfS F')r '!',I,:~~r,; t",·, "rrilc fln, Polic,. rr.pol'ted last ni~hl. that.: JO " :,.,~ • '?I' !1 olll th~: the holiday \\'a~ rompar~ti\'cly I E M I ,I: r':,:: :":\, r :iI, rn!trd : quiet \\'ith only four mesls bein.: I ~astcl' On( ay

, "~I,' n l!lrtl:t"tHlI1S marie. 1 .• :;,~~~·.1 \\,i!l~()r. nrl·. Two \1('r~nns \\'crp arrc<terl anrl t-:astrr ~Ionday being ~ statu· i" i\ I" ~r\,' r·, E, \'j. tnrla~' .":i11 b .. r.harlled \\'ith drunk- tory Holiday', Postal Serl'ice will l· .. B' ~II.,I e, ReI', Ur. (On rll'II'lIlg, be a~ fo))ow.~: ! :\' ,:::,:' \1 Olrl allrl TII'o othm will be chm:ed with

t ••• :' nl n, ~h., Erina ordinary drunkenness and drunk There will hg B romplele letter , ',::>:-n; '1') f)il'ine and disorderly in the home. carrier delivery. Wickets at GPO -... r., th~ fon'icp and East End will be open from

I~~::!I II.r the Sal~'a. 0 a,m. to 1 p.m. Money Order and . !!! held at 10 45 cel\'ed Into the Church. Savings Bank business wlil be

C:~a~r;, Adam!' A~'e The Choir of Gower Street transacted. Harvey Road and West , ,,'1"'.. . United Church, assisted by sever· End Po tal St tl ' III I ;"':" • In \.,e Temple, s a ons II' rem a n

, .. ' . " h"l" aftrrnonn al well known city artists, render. opon IInlll 1 p,m. The lohhles at : ~.; ~ ~1 W:lIio!ll lJal'id. cd Stniner's "Crucifixion" to a the GPO and East End will re-, :,I'''',\:rr. crowded church last e\'clllng, main opcn lIntll 6 p,m. Rccelpt

.' '" f" Radio Slations broadcast some and despatch of malls 85 usual. ".:~ ; ••. ':';Ir~hf hlPld a o[ the church scrvices, and ali Special deli\'ery as usual. There

'.<' " ·'.r I) r rrlica· day CBN carried suitable pro •• wiIL be one clearance of slreet . ___ :j_'~~lll'r~ "ere re.. g __ rams, letter boxes at 1 p,m.

I1~ IS nll\l' eltglhlt' to rel1l'l' from aurl ~label, Ii-N" at \\'!!stern Hos· ,-------------------:Ictil'tl pastl)ral dlltil's bllt lit tire pital, 'I'lIruuto. lIP h ' L(~~(l~;~i)it\y~;.~--Al;~tocal REWA HoI d I;:c;;ell(~l~~l ~~:o~s II\levcI't 'I'() 3'1~ I)"'" ",,'CI' AIM t e li~I[A\I'A-l;uud' and aervfces .' t, " ,;,~( , I nl1Ua ee In g ! I'Jllted at $lO~,755 werll pllrcllas-is' • -;\'1 I ' I I'EPl'EHHELI. AFll-:-:l':II'ly 50" • 'eel fl:om ~usine~.~ firms in the'St. : tal 1 1t' OI1( ay Il!St\F and lTSA personnel from; .J.ohn~, ':>;ewfollndland, area ~1 I, .' • I'cppcrrril AFB add Xar,ars~t1nk I The 2nth annual meeting of the' On motion of :llr. Ja1l1e~ Ryall: br!lel'al ~Iotors of Canadl 111

\\II,h.l,hl' cnd of l:enl, th~ .Loll·1 j\B acce)Jtcri the kind illl·italion 0[' Railway Employees' Welfare As·· seconded bv ~fr. Wallcr' S',! 19?5. . 'c I

I dUll II", CIS go !Jilck 10 Ihell 01<1, Ihe!il John's IIchrclI' C[)ll"rc"a· ' I' I II l' diS k th' t l' d' file 51. .IQnn .. p!lrchases werl slarling'time of 1I.1j Rnd begin: tiu~ In' J'oin the ohserl'<lI1cc ~{the sr')~ll~ ~ontl\\'a~'flldt' In oncl IfILlT!,!' ~IY' :Ja,' 'cs ~ repol]" s da~ ~llId)ll1Bltlel ,part of a t'llal Epending of S291,· the po:;t.l.enlen ~casllil with the, l"ll;-tll'l'r' 111,,1, III Ie" . oar 0 ra, e Ill're, unalllmoll~ y ~ .op e. (It 1: 870.i13 la:<t year b~' G~[ for goods hroarl com cdr "Gcol"'e anri ~lal"l " .'. " ," . Rooms. 1 ~pl',akcrs pall! Ill~h rlbll~e to ~11I; ann ~rrl ire" LV!'!''' pro\'ince 'anci " ., " ~ lIelll.l'l~ ('h:II~I'11I1 1 1st Lt.). ~Iwr. .,. i elflelcnt wOl'k 01 thc r,xl~cutLre' ,.' .. , • h d' g,IId.'. " .• '. . , nlitn Slein l'ISllcd U.S, ~lllJtaJ'Y, ~k. J. v: Ryan, Prcs!rlent nf' as reflected in the reports. 1

11'111101') 1I1 the country ~ are 111 If ~oll Ilunt In l,xr.llIsc ~Olll I pCl',onnd at Ernest Ilarmon AI,'B,' the :\,soclatlOll (lccup1Crl the: ! the spr.nrhn.c. )llJre than IliOn

laughler IIII1:;l'lc~--tJll,S 15 the pia)' I Gouse, Tltule and SOlldrestrom Air I chair and dc~pile the illclt'men' I Tn a discussion 011 the ~leriil'al : C~nadl;;n lrrllls found 3 mar~":t fill' )·ou .. 11. was an Inslantanl'~us i Bases trl cOllduct services at these: cy of the weather the a1tendance l anri Hospitalization Fl1nd it re.: WIth G~I for some part III t~elt s~leccss ln hoth London and NelV installations. ~ was the largest for many years, cummenria1ion was made by the i on,~Pllt.. . ): ork. ,,'1'he USAF plllicy i~ tn afford I membership to the I~xecllti\'e that I ~onflrmlng a pallern. e~tab1!.sh-

fl tells the hal)p.cl1l11g~ of. a personnel uf all dcnominatlons the I Tile annual report wa5 ~ead ~y ways and means be considered' cri m pre\'1ous years, .an !ncrea.slng merry, mad nnd dehghtfu! fRl~l1ly same opportunily to participate in I the S.ecr~tnl'Y anri. the FlI1:lI1cl~1 to extend the scrvices and bene· I nurnb~l'. of busll1css flrms in ~n' wh? . seem to spc~d thel,; Ilves religious exercises as they would repeZ" , b} the Treasurer .. rhe,e fils of !,his fund, e\'en if an in· and cIties thro.ughout ~e ~oun.try waltmg for t~~ arrtl'al oC Gcorge hal'e in civilian liie. rep~rts showcd n substantl:ll net crease in the present monthly made subst~nhal contrIbution!. ta and ~Iargaret , And George and The Passover commemorates the pro~lt I.n nil bra~ches o[ the o~. fcc is necessary 10 cover the the productJon of cars and ~ekJ M.argaret ne~er seem to turn up! sparing oC the Hebrews In Egypt, gaJ1lzahon. An mcrease o.f 14 ,0 added expense nf operation. It by G;neral )[otors last year, , cWo FIrst there IS Alice, the mO!'ICr, when God, smiting the first born in membership was registered was agreeri tlra', this re~ielV will A. ,\ ccke~, PreSident of Gen.\!fal who Is perpetually in a dither of the Egyptians passcll over the during the pas!. year. There arc be made. It was also pomted out ~Iotor~, .m~d. -' about something or othcr. Then houses of the Israelites which now nearly BDOO members of the that thl' EXl'cutI\'e h~s no\\' ~n. OPhml.stl~ about the 19~8 ,?~II there Is lI!alcolm, her hushand, \\'el'e markecl with the blood oC a ., . 1 fl der consideration I,he eX)lanslOn uf GJl lelllCles, lI!r. Wecker nre­whose long experience llil~ proved lamb. During the eight days fol. Assoem~lOn Dud Wlth the . n lIle of the Widows' Benefit Fund, in dicted another year of h~avy ppr­that fathers should be seen nnd !OIi'ing the celcbration of the oC applicants from the maml:l11d the hope that with an increased, chases. of gIlO~S and scr\'1ces froll! not heard. There Is Frankie, the Passover, only unleavened bread it is estima1ed that o\'~r the ncxt premium the present dh'idend I Canadian bl.lSln~ss and indu~try. daughter, Who always has a lo\'e may be eaten. Cell' years the nllmber will reach can be enlargeci. . As CanadIan I~dus~~ e~ntInue. problem. And finally two sons, Beginning the evening of ]\tarch the 20000 mark. The Widows' It~ growth .and ~l\'ersiIlcatJon, l1r. pompous scoutmaster Clnude who 26 and lasting eIght days the . ' 1\Ir. ,T. F. Pike, :\Ir, G. 1>. Tay· \\ ecker smd thIS cxpanded Gen· wants to marry the maid and ir- Passover obsen'ance opens ~'ith a BenefIt Fun~ showed the. gre.at. lor and Cap~. 1\[. G. Dalton, ~I.~.E. e.ral ~Iotors operation w~l cbn· resistible Dudley with a wild sense religious ceremony of preparation est Increase 111 membershIp WIth whose term of office had expired ti~lIe to scek out ~anadlan B?P· of humour that spares no one. followed by the Sedar. The Sedar an enrollmen1. of 95% more than were re·elected for a [urlher' pileI'S an~ ch~nncl.lts, purchaSIng

The London, PI.ayer~' currcnt includes the telling or the story the previous year. IeI'm of three years. to C'anadlan firms In C\'ery caS!. season is now In Its fll1al three of the Pas~ovcr and the parlaklng weeks. 'fwo we~ks on !llonuay \\'Iil o[ special dishes and winp.. Each hegln the emt·of·seasnn revue, course is ritually observcrl, I "Even M ore Screech"!

down' hy the ca~:-rlril·pn hYthp. RC· ! 1\.1. '(1 fused on King'~ Bl'iri!:c Road. gave i J~ a!!lslrate S JOUrlel·idence. JIIr, George Collin~ anrl I

v ~Ir. ,Iohn Sullivan, who were near II Two m~n, arrl'~trri Ior trespa~5' the ~tCl1e of the accident, also I

in~. on Ihe CNn properl.\', were gave p.vidence. Sr,l'g~al\t H~nnl1n I before l\Iagi~tratp. O'Neill Thurs· of the Police sairl that. the aCCU5' rla~' mornln~. Thpy pleildr.d guilty cd could not. walk without slag·' to 11m l'harlle. Henry Hackett, the gering anrl he consirlr.rcd. him night watchmnn, said that hp. dis· very drunk, ,Turigment wlli be covered the fWD Rsleep in the handed down laler by Magistrate holler room in the basement of O'Neill. . the baggage shvd. One was fined A young man, charged with $5 or 7 days, and the other who slashing a chair seat in the Cross has been up for the offence be· Keys Tavern, pleaded not guilty fore was fined $20 Or 21 days. and was acqlliUC!d. TlI'o friends

A motorist, charged with havH1J: who went to Ihe ta\'ern with the care and conlrol oC his car while acellsed said in thrir el'idencr. drunk and operating his car with: that thl! young man was with In the city limits wilh ddeclil'C them and the), saw nllthil1l! to In. brakes, pleaded not ~1Ii1t)' to hoth dicate that he harl nnything to chargc-s. Anthonv McFarlane, a do with cutting the chair . little boy uf 9, \\,'ho was knockcd A ~'Olll1g man, char~ed with im.

" " . -, '

', .. ' ,

Big 'Special Sellil1lg FIRST QUALITY NYLOt\IS .....


. .. - _ ...

, 15 Denier - 51 GOllge - stock up on thess flr~~ qunlity . at worth while savings., ......................... · ........ · .. , 79c

SEAMFREE NYL01NS, 15 Denier - 400 needle, first quality. No bother abc!!!' straighlening 5eoms .. · .... • .............. • ........ · ...... • .. ·9 i c

= -

IRREGULAR NYlONS , Repeat of a very popular Nylon ............ 3 gc pro

Group, ~'C ell Addresses ,Il'j \\.,,: -

", "i"l·lllr·n Ol'pr and

H. & s. paircd driving on March 29th, had his case set riown for April lith at 10.30 a.rn, anri was alloll'cd hail of S200 with suretics to the saml! amount,

SEAMLESS, NYLONS • Fine qua lily at'a Bargain Prk.e .............. 7 91'; pr,

,".,' \, R'I'H'lI d~II' "ht pealer! to liS as home and school· , ". L ~ 5 ers to' learn to undersland ollr

'. 1:." ".11'.\' else COlllrl h'l I • c I I rcn and to teach them In ::,~, ';., rnllckJrl hrard turn reSiled lor the feelings and '. r" til'," 01 p'tt " "I "'1 \1 I S opiniolls of other penple. His ,,: :' .•• :, ,lInd3~' CI·P· formula Is simple -, just "to re.

1:': ,H"m~sPlln Ph' II· ~ .. h'("1 p' member" and the more we think ,~!;t . and f:Fce of oC this the more we wonder at

I~l Schoul ~1l01\'1ay the wisdom ·of this simplicity. I HOC a· When dealing with our children '·';.l! t';'l't,j u' and their problems' how mueh

" t'I'~, . "1 &11 to: ea.sicl· It \\'ollhl be to undersland , II h~ r~'~~lc~; IUoI'e IIwm if we \\'uuld trallsport our·

, IIhrn ~n!lIe scll'es back for 1\, moment to 0111' , Itt II dr.altnl/ own chilrihood and "remember" thQugh~O a:ah'e u~ hnw we [Pol! under ~imilar, circum·

• III' stances. How much easier it ,'is I '

now for us .to be gentle, to be. est of· the audience nnt! much dis· rcasonable and to he wise In CURS ion followed. handling our children. As we. We spoke with Mr. Ru,sell for show them our liJve for them' a few minutes before the meeting through understanding 50 we. opened and his advice to us was teach them consideration of oth· "Don't take me too seriously." We ers, as the child learns by ex· arc sorry but we cannoUake, that ample. Mr. Russell tells us that advice: ,we do takc' you serioil~ly, "we understand human beings;, Mr. Russell, and many thanks for not with our minds, but with our showing us how part of our reo hearts" and lIe explains "human sponslbility as parents and teach· understanding" as "learning to' ~rs CRn be made more pleasant III'c and IIl'e happily". und 'nlOrc luterl'stlng.' '

IIlr, Ru.sell spoke of the need .1IIr. Clarcnce Bullon', \'er~" call· IIf tcaching our children 10 ex· ably, exprefised to ~Ir. RlI~sclllhe pres~, themsell'e~, and his II'ords I thanks of the ,.Association for such on this aubject captured tha inter· I worthwhile address.


RCMP To Cut Down Strcllf!tb

u , HALIFAX (ep) - ROI'al Cana·

dian Mounted Police strength in' Nova Scotia will be reduced by 50 or 60 officers in the n ext two y~ars, Aitornt·r·GclHir31 M :llcuilll I

A. l'attcl:slln s:iid Fl'irlay. , l' 'I'he ReMP planned" to" cut'

strength' in ~i! pro\'inccs ovcr 'thc ! same period. The main re<lson wall I a shorlage or trilined Mounties. '

, .

'j I

ij , :d





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THE DAILY NEWS In.Th.e News . Letters TO THE

Newfoundland's Only Morning Pa,~er By WAYFARER


D.\ILY S1:IISCllll'TIOS RA n:s C;II1Jda •..• , ... , ....•....•. $ 8,00 pcr annl1m I.:nited Kingdum a 1111 all

Foreign Countries '" .~I~,OO per anllum Autknrizcd as seeund c1a~s mail ros! Ollice

Department, ottawa.

The DAILY NEWS Is I morning paper es!abllshed in 1894, and published &t the News Building 3!!~·359 Duckworth Street, St. John's, Ncwfoundland, by Robinson " Com pan)" Limited. .

1I1E:\lnER OF TilE CANADIAN PRESS The Canadian Press Is e:;clusil'ely entitled

to the usc for republication of all news di5pntclICs in this paper credlled to it or to 'ihe Associa!ed Press or Reuters and alsD the local news publishC41 therein.

All Press serl'lcc and feature articlc5 In this paper fil'e copyright nnd their reproduction is prohibited.

• Member Auult Durcau of

Circul •• lionl




Sir-The Editorial in the Even· ing Telegrnm io March 22nd on Germans is at best the work of an agitator and noUling more. Tile Editorial began by ques·


Newfoundland was an In· habltcu country from 1610 on· wards. There mar well hal'e bel'! permanent settlers before Guy's colony was establlshc,l. But the great body o[ informa· tion about the course 0[.'e\'e)lt5 began to accumulate about t h" time of the restoration of the Stuarts in England. There we;r, ~s we ha\c scen, 48 known har· bllurs in which there wrre ~ettlerS. How many other sent· tr.cd CO\'cs contained thcir fe": !;.mllles may never be known. Sl. John's, and perhaps s0!11e other harbours, WIlS a thril·tni: commercial pOl't Rnd the cen· t:e of a great contraband trade in which the New Englan~er5 played a large prirt. Rum, molasses, tobacco and Sugdr were major imports' from Nc\'! England. These were cagerll' bought up by the ship fisher· men [or both 'immediate usc and Inter saIl). In return, the New Englanders too k clothin~, IJrandy and wines brought to st. John's by the English ships. Thcy took also BlIls of Ex· change and sometimes codfish. In e:;change for their cargoes. Sailing back to New England, they carried with them always many deserters [rom the Eng· lish flshlng ships. 'fhings were chaotic In some respects. Fish was stolen in dcad of night [rom the rocks and !lakes on which it lav and 'many fisher· men werc l"obbed in a night of their season's gaill. They were despoiled in other ways.

t ioning the soundness of Ule in· dustrial development programme; but the writer had not gone vcr), far before it became nec~s5al'Y [01' bim to aUack bitterJ)' thc few Germans who happened to come to New[oundland a few years a~o. As far as a few individ·uals who ha\'e. bcen 'attacked by name ago. As far as a few individu~ls defend thcmselves. We 'are In. lerested at this tmic in the [act lhat the Evening Telegram is prepared to tell Its readers that "the majority were the cream of the German underworld". We feel sorry for the editorial staff of the Evening Telegram be· cause having just disposed of onc character from thc underworld, in the person of l\!ikc O'Neill, lhev <hould understand only too well the antics of such charac· ters, The majorit~· of the Ger· mans who came to Newfound· land are not in Ulat class. Nor are we; the undersigned, willing 10 stand by and permit t~e Evening Telegram to put Us In that class. After all we. do llave familics and relalil'es. We also ha\'e some 'friends' in Nell'found· land, In spite of Harold Horwood and the l'ele;:ram.

Easter Iceland And Nato Eastcl' is a mO\'ablc fC;lst which may

(all on am' dalc betwccn March 22 and ;\pril :25 and, ill this nOl'lhcl:n isle, Ihe :atci' it comcs Ih(' more plcntlful arc \hc j:\'mbl,l:; of this ~l'cal fcslh'al that nature l;rLl ... idr~. But' C\'cn at this early date ~\'hcn the north winds blow and wintcr (l\'C!'~ta\·s its \\'ckomc, reluctant \0 make 'till' fl;I' :;llrin~. ~igns arc 110t lacking th"l. thc c;\!·th~ is ilboul 10 bring JOI·th llC\\' life. The tiny ~nowdl'ops arc hc)'e ;;no there endcavouring to thrust theil' prc, ~ \. \itt Ie head, into a stillunwclcom­ill" \\'orid. thc daffodils arc defiantly th7-ustin.~ theil' lea\'es upward 'and in­cipicnt buds arc bcginning to appcar nil thc maples. In warmer c1imcs Eastcr is it fe~ti\'al of ~pring ~'ct C\'CIl in this roldcl' land. nalure is cmphasising the gre.lt truth' of tbe Life Triumphant on this la:;t day or t.Iarch.

Indiffcrent to the cconomic gains that have rcsultcd from thc establish­mcnt of American bases in their country, the Icelandic pat'1iament ha\'c votcd for the withdrawal of aU forcign troops. 'J.'he e:\cU!;e for this drastic policy is that world tcnsions have rclaxcd and the dc\'elopment of guidcd missiles and othcr new weapons have made ail' bascs in Iccland unnecessary.

Thc transition from win leI' to spring is em:h "car a rcmindct· of Ihe Eastcl' mt!.:'$:1ge: Each ~'ear in winter plant life perishcs and cach year in spring it is rcborn. And ~o c:1ch ycar in OUr spiritunl livc:> the tragic gloom of Good Friday is followed quickly by the joyous cele­bration of Easler. In them we cxpress our conyiction of immortality which one writc\' has dcscribed as "the glorious di~co\'cl'\' of Christianity." It is a belief that c\·ci·\· man finds continuously reir,­furecd thi'ougl1out his life on etlrlh. How 1hal1\' times in a singlc Iifel imc is the lesson learned that the darkest hour is often before thc dawn, that despair is on1\' for tho;;e of little faith, and that t\) lione who deser\'c it is dcnied a second cilal1cc. [1 is in thc Etlstcr stOl',\' that n:an find,; l'onfirmation of his 0\\,11 im­It:0rtalit~· and it. i~ i~1 tl~e cons\al~t re­"lfiI'111atll'll pf hIS fHllh III the uitunate tl'iumph d lirc O\·c!' death that hc finds tJ:c rOl:l'a,[!C ,lIlel tOllliclel1ce to face the \lor~t tribulations pf his 11101'ta\ lifc.

Confused Situation . Out of JUOO employccs ill the

Bo\\'atC'1' mill at Cumel' Brool" olll~' about Hill membcrs of a machinist~' l'jli('11 arc 011 stril,c buL Ihe mcmbers or 1 he other lInion;:; ha\'e rl'fused to cross t~e pickct lincs. Thcy have persisted ill this decision in spite of the instruction d their national presidents to retu1'll to \'.~ork. And the reason fOl' refusing to !'i'0,5 the pirkct lincs has becn tersely :-:(aled by onc loc:allcadel' in thcse words: "~I,'e Jla\'e to li\'c in this small city for a: 10nJ! time and it is not easy for us to walk'thl'Ough a pickct line and possibly cause a disturbancc."

" It is possible that before this article appeal's ill print. this refusal to obey the in,tl'lIdion~ of national 1clalers may b~ ren.' I'~ed. But SlI long (IS it is not ;I\tell.'l\. the slu!'\' lJetllnw,; one ue COIi­ftiSl~(t 1".I·a II il'';, '1\, demon:;l!'a te prllclictl I :-~ll1pa\h~' I'm' a group (If rello\\, uniunistg \\;110 have wall,ed off the jub without fint ha\'ing rceoun:e to a scttlement of t hcir dispute \\' ith the com pan.,· by lcss dfil~lir mcan~ m;l" be all \'CI'\' wcll. But if: it ill\'ol\'Cs ;I h!'cach flf l'o'nll'llct and i r: it ill1l'rt:-l's ;.;e\'Cl'e pcnalties Oil t hOll­~;tI1('j:.; IIf illllrtl'cni hystandel's. is it I'ight'! "therr i~ till" 1l11!!,C il~lpOl'ti1llt nhlig;ltilJll <lnd Ihe morc impcrati\'c loyalty? .

In I'irCl\m~tallccs of Ihe kinrl that. nt'\\' cx i~t ill thc small city of Comel' Brook. it is casy to imagine thc hard feelings and e\'en the enmities thilt might arise among friends, relatives and neigh­b~lIl's \\'crc the strikers to resent bitterly a! decision b:: mcmbcrs of non-striking unions to cross the picket lines and re­Hil'n to \\'ork as their lcaders ha\'e dircctcd them. But ngainst this must b, set the sanctity of a c~ntrad, the lo.ya1t~' that is owed to good employcrs m\d,the responsibility that the men have collcl:ti\'ely for thc intcgl'ity of their OWII unions and the welfare of thc province.

Thc~e arc not malleI'S that any out-sideI' C,lIl jucige. It)S a difficult prr~­rlicamcnl ,md it could best be resolvcd by a dccision of the striking machinists to r'cturn to work and endeavour by other means to iron out their differences with till' l'Olllpany. 'I'hat is a COlll'se thal.\\'lIlIld lit· l'l'('ditahle to them amI olle that would lJl~ the ]lrOpl!l' l'!!spollse tu the costly lo}':lity to their fello\v .t nwIlSm(!lI and brothcr unionists that mcmbcrs o( the 1J0n-strikinJ.( unions are displaying.

, .., lit

The Unitcd Statcs State Depart­mcnt has obsel'\'cd that the resolutions wcrc undesirable but not wholly tmcx­pccted. But the problcm is one which concerns not onl" the United States but also all othcr NATO countrics. Iceland was onc of the original signatol'ies of the treaty and in demanding the with­drawal of thc Americans, it· is showing a smgulnr attitude towards its obliga-

, There wcre towarus thc end of the sc\'entecnth century two classes of scttlers. First there wcre the planters, the solid people who had well·cstablished themselves, Then there were the men brought to Ncwfound· .land by the summcr ~hips to fish and do the other hard work along the waterfront for the planters. These people came with n oneway ticket. Tbc ships brought thcm but did not take thcm back. They worked for a pittance for the planters and were left at the end of the fish· ing season with n hard winter to face and mighty little to meet it with. The fishing ships still came out and the rule of the fishing Admirals prevailed but they.were now rcally Irad­in" ships. The planters nnd th:lr sen'ants caught the fish. The ship captains bought it for trade goods and money. Many of thcse captains made a point of forcing planters whll wantell salt to buv n butt o[ \\'ine and

~!o.t of the German who came to Newfoundland a few years ago came as immigrants to Canada in the hope of be· coming Canadian citizens. It was only by accident We happened to come to Newfoundland first. We could just as casily have gone to Ontario where our pro· fessions anu skills would have becn highly welcomed; but the hand of Fale seems to ha\'e guided U5 here. We found the people friendly and we got alon;: well wilh the Ncwfoundland workmen and we came to Ihc conc1mion that perhaps, the

tions. Be that as it may, the ,'otc of the

Icclandic parliamcnt puts the American:; ill a pt'ctty difficult spot. They cannot contemplate lightly abandonment of their important bases in this strategically placcd island but they cannot easily rl;!­main as ,unwelcome and unwanted ~uests. Withdrawal from Iceland would mean a .break in a vital chain. Whether it will mean an expansion of bases in Grecnland and Newfoundland is nn in­teresting spcculation.

Keeping Up The Fight l11C Ncwfoundland Tubcl'cul05i~

Association which has madc llil out­slanding contribution to the fight \0 control tuberculosis in tbis province ha~ no intention of allowinr, stcadily im­proving statistics 10 rcduce its cHart. Its plans for this year are biggcr than. C\'CI' and contemplate a total outlay of SIOO.OOIl on case-finding. hcalth cduca­tion, rehabilitation and othcr projects.

It was about twcnty ~'cal's ago that Sir John Puddestel'. then CommissiOlicr Io1' Hcalth and 'Welfare, startled the country with the alarming figures of the then incidence of tubcrculosis, In the intcrvening years the sanatorium accom­modation was enlarged greatly by the acquisition in st. John's of the Call­adian Naval Hospital and the construc:­tion of the West Coast sanatorium.

• The intensive case-finding activities

of the N.T.A" the existence of adequate hospital accommodation, and the intro­duction on a progressive basis of new miracle drugs, have combined to bring about a revolutionary change. The ex­tensive use of. BCG vaccine is helping also to set up inc:reased'immunity. But the price of I{eeping Lb. under control is eternal vigilance. 'J.'hat this is fully recognized is to be seen in the N.'r.A .. progl'amme for this year.

. Strength For To-day' ------_.,-----------

DAY 01" WAITING y P5lel'd~)' \\'f. ~skcd nur5r.l\'e~ what: could

h. ~ond' abnu~ Good Frida)'. Yet down tllP ag!s men 1m'c he~n c"lIing the day oC our Lord'. death "Good".

'1'\\'0 fricnus look Him down from tile cross and laid Him In a new sepulcher which Joseph of Arimathea had prepared for hlmsel! and his family. Then followed thlrty·si" hours of the most hopeless despolr humanity bas e:<periCJIced in i:5 history. The best Mt·ri-the only perfcct product of the human'r1ec-hau been slain, and [or no other reason thim for his goodness. The hatefulness of man had done its worst. If Gml could not ha\'e prel'ented this, was lIe all· pllwerful? If He could have prevented it r.nd

,did not, was lie all·loving?

'l'~ day followln!! the crucifixion was onc of those awful days which even after 2000 years we find hard to confront. But 011 the next mOl'nin~ at dawn, two women went 10 prepare' his body for final hurltol. And by ~hat first Easter Sunday evening, immensurable despair had lurned to Immeasurable and incredible joy. God's hand had reached down and lifted up his I Anointed. Henceforth the world would know the m~lInlng of 1I!0 everlasting, the meaning of ullihinj(s Jesus itad ~ald unll done. The eompletp an'll Irn'sls:lble ri~htc"!I~ncss lind love of God had lwen restured again III I he' thinking u[ b~ lievers.

"Why seek ye the livlnu among the dead? He is not here, but is risen,"

-opportunities in 'Newfoundla~d, • while not to be comparell \\'lth

Ontario, were fair so we de· cided to slay for a few years and give it a good tr),. In short, we did only what many thou· sands of Newroundl~nders who han immigraled to U,S.A. have done many times o\·or. Like them we arc nothing more than honest wor];men. The majority of Germans Who came to New­foundland wore honest workmcn and hoI\' We can be classed as the "cream of the underworld" \l'ould be quite bcyond our understandin;: if 11'0 did not ha\'e some senSe of history.

a quarter' cask of brandy with e\'cI'Y ten hogshends. The )'esult was that Hery planter's house became a tavcrn and, wrote one· obsel'ver. "drunkenl1e~s abounds rxcecdingly. I have often seen from lOU \n 200 men drunk of ~abbath day." Those o[ the the servant - class who could contrll'c it manill!cd tn hide themselves 011 New England \'CS5els and in one ,'car up· \\'~rds of 500 men wcre noted as hal'inl( gone to New England irom Conception Ba),.

.. III iii I

Through the la~t forty years IIf the seventeenth century the position o[ planters and scttlers was politically precarious. Three times the question o[ what to do with Newfoundland was review· ed by the Government in Lon· don. On the third occasion, in 1675, the colonists were offered the choice of going to the West lndles to settle or of accepting the edict that they must not inhabit within six miles of the shore, This last rule W8S, of course, a sentence of death to the colony. Everyone lived with· in a stone's throw of the sea. Without access to supplies, without the ability to catch and cure fish, life would be impos· sible. 'rWD things occnrred 10 531'e the colony. One was the necessity o[ sending out the

,fishiJ1-'J ships in convoy to pro· ted. tbem against pirates und the Dutch and it was huped that the cost of the convoys could he paid uut o[ a tax on the setllei's' fish. n was also desil'cd that the trade between EnGlish Rnd foreign ships should be

. ~lIpcrvised. The other was thc lact that .the French had lod~· rd thcmselvcs at Placrnlia and lortilied it strongly. The homr. ,tOl'ernment refuser! to ;!ecrpt awarcness 01 the danger of this }'rcnch establishment to thp. English fishing monopoly until the French hegan their raids on lha English settlements .t· the end of the century. Then, at last, it was realized that to have some permanent establish· ment In Newfoundland was es­sential else a1\ would be lost, Including the summer flshery.

til .. ~

Between 1675 and 1677. three c~ptains in command of convoys had reported on the Newfound· land situation. 'fhey were unanimous in their asserlions that action WaS needed to save the colony from the French. The Spanish - Biseayans and Portuguese, the y reported, werc not numeL'OUS in the is· land and confined their iishing activities 10 the northern part of the island and the Grand Banks. The French were firmly established and would im· mediately fill the vacuum left by . the forcible deportation of the coillnists.· 'j'hese reports Indic;lted tlmt three gl'()UPS u[ people ,yere in\·olved. First wel'C the seUlers, 523 in number of whom 361 wcre women and

A few years al(o the Britj;;h Commonwealth and Germany \rerc at war tn the billel' end, To.da)', the Western WOl'ld is 1I'00in" the German nation to precr~t it from toppling Ol'er into the Communist camp. It is no

. secret Ihat one of the causes of

. the War was thc fact thal there dC\'rlopcd in Germany a diela· torship. Dictalnrs thc wodd OVCI' Ilave one thing in common. Nothing arouses the bloml thirsty animal nature of lncn more than persecution and it is nel'er Ihp­majority which is perseeuled; but rather the "minority group" who· cver it ma), he. Add to this prr­secution com pIe" the propaganda machine and vou hD\'e the makings of all tllal is evil.

Two years ago Wc ga\'e up reading the Evening Telegram because of its writings on Ger· mans. After all. there is only so much one can take without pok. ing somebody In the nose. We. loo, have feelings and was it not your own poet who said, "Breath· es there a m nn with soul so dead, who never to himself hath said. this is my own, my na!i"e land". We love the land of our birth liS you Jove Newfoundland. We respect our parenls as you respect yours. Working side by ~ide with Newfoundlanders we h'v 10 do a honest day's work. W'hat great crimes has the major­itv of us committed'! In self defence \I'e just had to gi\'e lIP reading the' Telegram. Surdy, that is nol a crimI'. Could it be that somewllcrc in that J!rcy hllilding on Waler Street there sits a man who would be a lillIe dictator for NcwfollnrUand'! COllld it: be that un\\'illingin~IY the 'I'clegram has hecome 1he pro­pa!:anda machinc of 1his m;ln~ We do not know: but wc do know that surroundin!: us is an air of persecution and the public o[ Newfoundland is being told that "lhe majority of U5 were the very cream of the German under­world". That is a deliberate Jie and the author of the lie knows it to be R lie; otherwise he should not be writing editorials for a paper which calls itself "'!'he

People's Paper". If this is \he lead. (Continued on page 13)

children, who Ji\'ed along the cllast belween Trepasscy and Cape Bona\·isla. Thqse were the permanent populntion. Next came the "inhabitants," people who were left behind each yenr by the fishermen, and at the

,lime they Jived in 167 houses, tended 12 horses, 131 sheep, 4BO cattlc. 845 pigs and 114 gardens. They fished in summer, built boats, hunted ond trapped in winter, IIr else drank tile winter away. The third group were the summer visitors, the fishing ships. 'l'herc' was hiller enmity between thc inhabitanls nnc! the ship fishermen but all were in· volved in tolal loss if the :Freneh WCI'C not held in chcck;


Dressed Up For Spring


Ayre's Infants'

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them to-day, the colours are just right for spring and summer 1-3x ................................... , ........ ; .......................... 14,95 ·4.6x ................................................ 15.95, 19.20,21.50

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d J 4 1 95 16.95 Coot on ong trousers, -6x ............................ 3. ,


Red, nile ond yellow corduroy. Sizes 1_3 ........... " ........... 6.95

sr. JOHN'8, NEW"-OUNDL ,,/111.

Exper Traffic

arca, 5econ rF.llroDNtn )[editerran


resh- Up fo:


·In Our

. PUl\

" falltioii' to lti',hlil nell' eri!i:mble ....

"'Ilk . tl'er 10 plelnl tLe !:alter parade. 1

on a pml), plir' . tOday I





Page 5: The Dailynews St John Snl 19560331

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c.r;c~ ..

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75 -~ . ,

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I Fined For Braa ies Play Maney Winner. Hjghland Gander Labor 4,000 Bibles For .,;WS SATURDAY, MAR. 3', 1956

r.ltY I'· ' .. .'

1 Breaking Uancing': Dispute Scttled Cln~rch : Games La,ars EDINBURGH ·(Rcuters)'.,....· Some 1 GANDER, NfId. (CP)-A labor I PICTOU, N.S. (CP)-Four fllou~' i " "Highland" 'dancing is more prop. dispute between a local of thc. sand Bermuda lilies arc bein)! un: I SHERBROOKE! Q'u e. (CP)- erly done ~Y. n Zulu warrior or a! Internationa! Association of ilia· puckcd here til r!ecorate First

I\r ,-:-ru;h.: Sel'en Eastern TOII'n.;hlps men Nal'aho drumming up rain, says, chinests (AFL-TLC) and the Allied, Presbyterian church for Easter AV_rlhc.'d pol· I hal'e becn fined a total of 5400 chairman Alan Fairley oUhe scot.'1 Aviation Serl'ice Company of New·' serl'ices. c,'mmi';IO~ ~a-,: and costs for Infractions oC gamcs Ush· Board of Highland Dancing. foundland ol'er two Dutch mechan.: They came by air from a lily

'J qUJrtCr

. hillion : lall's, Gamc warden C. Bouchard "S?me of the. stuff that has been i ics was settled peaccfully Tues., plantation ownCr ~t Shelly bay, . . I" thr .rcr:alCrll announced lodal'. passmg as HI g h I and dancing I day. : Bermuda, nev, W. L. young says

;:'::l~.! ;~r rrpm', Af. Conrad BeRudroin and Gerard makes me shudder. i The mechanics threatened to; the donor wishes to remain anony. :;::;:1:" ! ncaud~ln of St. Hyaeinthc wcrc "Wcird a~d. wonderful st~ps that i sl!:ikc beca~se of hI'? airline mech.; mou~. This is the third ycar !IC has ," .tilln 01 cach fmed $SO for hunting dcer out probably ongmated ID lndlan war ames working on aircraft without: pI'ovlded an Easter flora! display. ., :,:;;:r :r.rClrl"r

i swazi.: (If season. Hcnrl.Paul Thibault, dances Or wilh the Maoris or the proper licences. The nnion agre~d I ~ast year visitors from many

" ;:.':r;tm:~',,"; l~n 1: Florent Thibanlt and Victor Roy ~ul(Js have bcen stcadily crceping to a suggestion th~t the two Dtch part; of the )Iaritimes came to . • .r~1 :'ra: II. 0 Th~' of Stratford also paid $50 fines for 10." .., mechaniCS would supcrvise only on! the lOS·year·old ~hurch to See the

,..," <! ~)U\;O .~ nc.. h ' illegal hunting . Falrlcy blames ovcrseas Scots airlines that require a Dutch Ii·l brooms. ::;.~. I mr.1f,~rrhU~1 :h~: Donat Pouli~ of Stornoway was [or the trends. . ccnec until thcy receive Canadian! ------(t~~.'~ .• :~.~~ (rm' i I" fined $100 for Illegal possession of "They pick up fancy new steps, aircraftand engine licencc·· i

"".' (' ".' d III I h Ii d send their dancers to compete In w, ! ~ t D t t· i't l'art~ hal'c I ~cn~50n :n t cg; Dlun ~~ an Scotland, and these fancy steps : ue S epor a Ion

" ~rr'k the ti~s' ,as on re on 0 srca I was catch on." • i' .• 'Ii •• ••• . i fincd $50 f~r Illegal hunting. bO~~d a h!~5t~~W~~c:e:~ur~ifi~~~ DIZZy Story : Order Quashed

.. _-:"i.'~ \la' :,ppilint~(\: text.on the subject and produced EAST I1ATERSON, N.J. (AP)_i TORONTO (CP)-A Vcnezuelan "i:':::~~~~ fl:~~:n~:~~{~' ~~;.. Investi (Yate ~ovles demonstrating the correct I A motorist· Wednesday blamed a I Who entered Canada as a visitor, · . :~r '\(rl(.O; or th~ b s c\'~hs. t' b d f' j traffic violation on a fatherly at· thcn fell in lovc and tricd 10 reo

. I ! bas morc, a oar 0 udges' tcmpt to savc his son's appetitc. main as an immi,,~rant, succeeded

."'-f~-IJli 'no I~~.II( ~ F . 0 t k b btl .}: :'.\fr:'~'::' fMII \\ ~;t. ' ever u rea as een.sc up, sWorn to uphold "It sounds like a dizzy story but! in havin" a fcderal deportation , • !hc: a~lthentic dances and ready. it's thc truth," Edmund Neal.' told i order agiinst him quashed Tues· • ";:;· .. ;::r~. :;1J~in~ it an, \UGUSTA Me (AP) _ N ' If inVIted, to go an"whcre in the I Magistrate Joseph de Luccl'a I'n II da.\·. · '.', '. !,,; ' .. ::;:~'. rol· I • "'. e~ 'I' r.~;,.I.. I " .... "a.le' Rrnnsll'lek and Maine hcalth offl' world, answcring a charge· or cutting '.. VoIen Ccch entcrcd Canada .t .:"'~' . ,;., .. ,d.... .• ('.'als arc Inl'cstigaling an oulbreak through a candy store parking lot Dorl'~I, Qu~., on a non·immigrant '1"'. ::.!:.:r :.'o~I' ni,ting oC t),phoid fCl'cr among membcrs RIISSI· Lead' I to avoid a red traffic light. I I'ba I'alid for three weeks. Tt5 I'a\· :.: .. ~r:;'''' I~I" -rrrn I of a plantation family at Ncw Can. • a S I He said he was tn'in;: to catch idity period expircd .July 31, 19:;4 .

. ;,: ':~:L:b: I~r Rrili~It, ada, ;\Ie, . : the lad who aas he~ding for the i When hc applird to sta)' A~ In :'." l'r ."rn ;orr", 1'11111' casc~ have been rcported World In S/·.l·CJltl'Stro: candy slore to buy icc cream but: immi;:ranl, on fallinl: in lol'~ lI'ith

.... ;; "" rr:lnnal. in two months, the I~tcst one Wed. ~ \, . '.J Ihc hoy har! ~one to another sture.: a Quehec ;:irl. he was ordeml d!'-

I, ne:,da~', the ~Iainc bureau of hcalth WASHINGTON (AP)-A special. So he cut throu;!h the parking lot.! purted a, IInsliitallle.

>aid. All the l'ictims arc members report prepared for the joinl con. 1 "It .wa~ bcforr. ratin;: time,' .he: )11' .. Tustke C. 11. Stewart II/ th~ IIf a family in thc little northern l:rc5sionaL atomic energy commit.! rxplalOccl, II and . I fclt th~ ICC: ~uprrlllc COllrt of Onta.l')o: I1l1a.1h· ~'ainc hamlct. tce says RII~sia no\\' has more en· I crc~m" would spOIl my son 5 ap· I !nl: ~hc ~rdcr, also crJtl.clze,~ tn,

Source of the infcction has "' ;sineers and scientists than the: pclltc. . JnIIlI1~r~hon drpartmcnt ~ lab,-Experts

Tra ffie bc~n established, Ule burcatl said. United States. . The casP. was c1ismisse~, : rinthine winding~." Canadian officials werc asked to P' t db' '1\1' 1\" 1 • C 1 B t db' t' 1'!Je SOI·I·ct." Ire prodllel'ng th"~"

k IC ure a ove IS.!, ISS l1C alllc ur CW, 0 IVOO , em!! prcscn 'cd an Armstrong , "-" chec' the hcalth status of a pcrson 1 ~ speCialists at sueh a rapid rate,

formcrly in the household and now t wee speed bicycle by Mr. Frank Dallcy, Branch Manager of A. E .. Hickman.Co. the rcport said, that "cl'en the ,T ._.\;r. '. rather' bUeel'cd to be in Canada. . Ltd., distributors for Brodie Cake Mixes. To the right of Mr. Dalley is Mr. Jack combined adVantage which thc

',Ii-;:- r\~rr:' will The latest casc brought to SIX Pretty, Salesman for A. E. Hickman Co.,' Ltd., to the left of Miss Curlew is Charlie United Statcs and thc countries oC .. , :i.t ;: I~.j:r; l'lnnd of, the nllmb,cr. of cascs reported In Daly and Stan Perry representing Brodie & Harvie Ltd. You, too can become Westcrn Europe now hold is being

A~LOAN .... A;';I::;:n rlisc:m ~Iatne th!s. year, comparcd with ., . $ d' 1 threatened."

,;: tpfi;r in thp, one at this timc a year ago. apl'lze wmner by saving 500,000 in Bra ie sPay Money, which is contain- The report was prepared by eridedmy worries!

:~>. t~( I~trrnntional' ed in every package of White, Chocolate. Combination and Piequick Mix. As a Harris Collingwood, Library of .... Or::,nlZotl(ln an.1 S ff I F. special starter bonus, send in three box tops from any Brodie mixes to Brodie & Congrcss cxpert. He said some So.

. :~:/ \\(d::r;d.1~. I U ocates n Ire . Harvie ~td., P. O. Box 984, St. Joh~'s, Newfoundland an~ you w~ll receive I'iet statistics were difficult to in.

C':. L'~~,:~,,:~, IrAO sec.: SAINT JOHN, N.B. (CP)-The $5.o,~OO 111 Pl~y Money, Only ?ne suc.! bonus offer may be mcluded m the half ~~;!~;,:u;J~:!t~~~~ i:y~:n a:~

~ "'RmmraJ's Bill Conlolldatlon Service .howed me how to clean up bills and reduce monthll!, payments that were too high. And then - in n single visit - fbntmal lent me the cash to set a Fresh Start!" You, too, can get n cash loan in just 1 visit to the office if you phone lirst. Or, if more convenient, write or come in.

'I;: "rh.r drma~d for i bod)' of James Sherwood, 78, was mIllIon reqUIred for your pnze. This bonlls offer goodin Newfoundland only. ootput. -~':'?'~'I!.,n hI all'plane i found Wednesday in fire.blackcned (adl'l.) Latest availablc figure5 shtw '. :.t.t',';l :n,!u<try ~nd i ruins of his small home at Prlnec. tllat flle U.S. bas 'about 760,000 en· .' ':r ~::I'lu~'."n ,:L'~I~~, of Wnlcs, 12 miles fromherc. Hc! come by smoke In his last attcmpt. G St YPU dance at St. Thomas's washcs out. gmecrs and sclcntists 'whereas I

.... :.:~' t~.,t. P~" ... lI'a, believed to havc suffocated in I TW~ HCMP constables found thc ower reet ' \ Ihat one. So thc next one Is on there are 890,000 in the Sovict Un· I .' .... ,( .... "n I~r ,UI'P .' ,the Tucsdnl' nighl fire.' remams after probing through the sixteenth Gower met on ilIon· ion, the report saicl.

.' ,,;:: ~r third In ~ I IIis ~ister; Laura, 67, escaped In'i smoking. ruins. Police said tl.le fire I day nigh'. of this week after Wcstern Europe has aboHt 425,.:

'~::l ;:!J~nl~: ;m nal'. jury. Bolh madc sCI'cl'al trips into, ~tarte.d In a C1uc ol'er the kitchen, BEAN SUPPER : church Ht Wcsley. The group had i 000 so that Russia'.1 number is I :' .,' ,or, ",.;nrl nnly' thr hurning hOllse to S31'C posses': A 111'10,1: room :ra~ nn tile .same ..... pril iwcnly eigllt is thc date: met at sel'cn and /::onc 10 church 1 morc. than Ihrcc .' fourths of the,

305 WATER STREET, ST. JOHN'S 2nd Floor, opposite WlJansky's - Phone: 8·0303


!: :.;; \I,,j::rmnt;;n in. 'i~\~'. . . " 111001' .and Ihere Ilcre twu bccliooms (nr Ihe big bean supper prcsently' a,nd ,aftcrward .thcy came back. to: CO~lIhl~ed t~tal of the U.S. andlts.i Ihr l'lctlm ~pp;lI'~nlh' \\H olrr. upstalr~. : in thr planning ,ta~cs at GOWCI" ~:ollcr for their reg,ular mcctlllg i alllcs In "estern Europe, tl)e re·,

Street. The details hal'cn't all' lite crowr! was mrdlUl1l !;uge. port wcnt nn.

L--------------------------------I. heen ,rlllcc\ so far. hut the rio ------------was definitely planlled at ilion.'

sh· Up Fashions for



• ..

rl<1Y's mce'ing and at a prcl'ious 'exceutive meetln)!. April 28th Is , $aturday and the supper is all' 'set Cor Saturday afternoon. The: : time will be betweell fil'c And i . ~el'en o'clock. Ael.ual times of,

scrl'ing h~sn't been settled 50 far! but It'1\ probably be fil'e fifteen i and six fiftecn. Anyway that'll: appear on the lickels when, thcy'rc rcady. Tickets should be al'ailable In an othcr week from,

,YPU members. ! RALLY FOR OUT.OF·TOWNERS . · The 'Gcwer Street convenor of : CItizenship. and Community ser·

I'icc, Pcter Wimor, will be the · Gower represcnl.atil'e of the Prcs,

hytery sponsored Out·oC·TuwnC'rs I nally. . . ;Thc rally I~ to bc held at Wes· i ley lec'ture hall· from eight to

clel'cn p.m. on Wcdnesday. April : elevcnth;' The idea is to allow · the sl.udents and other young • people who hal'c come to th~ , Capital for one reason or another · to get together with each other I

alld with the two young people. ' And one vcry important poln~ is

; not going to be neglected this : time we are assurcd, Eats will

he supplied. Three others from Gower will 'lend Peter \\'insor a hand wPh the affair, Conl'enors Crem the other unions will also chip in on a similar basis •.

BASKETBALL Basketball will be starting tip

again next weck. Ajourned for the Eastcr reecss somc time ago,

, the league conlinues next Friday : night. The two Higbliners-Go\V· : f!r and GeorgeStreet-meet on • Friday at the Gower gymasium, · At present the s'tandlng arc l Gower and George tied for first· ~ place with cne game won cach. ! Wesley is at the bottom o[ the. ! list with two losses. lncidentally : : thc big fiftcen Inch trophy has; I bcen ordered, aecordingto a lea·: , gue official, and should be in SI. .

YOUR BOY He looks forward toa smart SUIT for Easter. Jim Smith, his school pal, who sits at th~ same desk has shown him the Suit his father pur­chased for himat the BIG 6 for $12.50, and John. is querying his p'arents as to the reason why he c~nnot have anew Suit as well as Jim Smith.

'Tis. tough to outfit them all with limited means where there is a large family, but the BIG 6 helps solve your problem .

BOYS' SMART SUITS to fit ages from 6 to 10 years.

Sixes 24 to 28 (WITH 2 PAIRS PANTS)

!lit~M to hi;ltIi II" ~ It. tn!!mbl~ ....

fI~r 10 I'lwanll, Utl!1 pm,I!, tQO:j

l John's bcfore long. I JUMBLE SAL'E I .A" presbytery sponsored jumble : sale wlli be going ahcad al. the! ! Gower Street Memorial Building:

l in another Ihree week's time, I And Gower Street represcntati·,

I I'CS again' will help with \he sale. ! I The: date is April 21st and whet· !

J. • DEVINE • trllll!"ir .






I her It's the e\'ening or the after· ' · noon we're not quitc sure ye'.. '. I • DANCE : On Monday night, April 9th, ~ : Gower and St. Thcmas's will be ' : getting together in a dance. The' ! rlctalls arcn't all worlled out yel" : , hut the date is Ap-ril 9th., Mon· ; , rl~y. The ,affair Is to bc run on R

i joint basis in Canon Wood Hall,

I . MEETING , Next ·meeting of Gower Is on lIIcnday night, April 16'.h. Natur· ally therc's no mccting on Easter Monday night and on the 91h, the I


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CHIT -CHAT COLUMN ARRI\'ED rRID,\\' . ,LEFT FOR HARl\ION • :llrs. II. \\'. Quinlnn, who bns Mr. and Mrs. John Griel'e, 46 been sllending the winter wilh I Portusal Co\'e Road, lefl here last her ~on in )tontrenl and friends week for Harman Fiek!, wluire Mr, in the U, S" arri\'cd home Friday. GrlCI'e will be in charge of con·

• • • struetlon work at the Air Base. ~U,. WED~ESD,\ \. 0 • •

:ltr5. G. Parsnn~. w~o is a leach· ARRIVED WEDNESDAY , tr at the Sanatorium, left here b)' ~liss Elixabcth Crane, who Is • the cxpress Wednestlay to spend senior sludent at Edgehl\l, Nova her E!~ler I'acation at her home Scotia, arrh'ed by TCA Wednesday in Springdale. to spend Easter with her father,

Romantic " _. Mr. W. Crane. Wh

l.i:1'T .·OR DEllR l..\KI' • • • °t IF' d "Ir. :llilton Green. mana per o[ /' FRml MONTREAl, 1 e s avore

n"watrr'~ hydru'electric plant at )lIss. Carol Clark, II'ho I~ a Tl· S Uter l.a1;e, arrh'cd in St, ,John's II senior student at Trafalgar School I llS· eason

.IaH Thl1r~da~' wcck aller a busi· in :llontreal, Arrived home b), TCA! Ilil'~s Irip to EII~land. ~Ir,. (il'een i Wcdncsda)' tll spend Eastcr with . ~nd their 1'1'0 children, Clark and, her parents, ~Ir, and Mrs, F. R. BY ROSETTE HARGROVE

·pr.:;y. whn IIWI' I'i,.itin!: here; Clark, "The Oaks", l'arpasian ·\I'ilh ~lr~. Green'. parents, ~Ir, anr! : noad. ~In. F. R. Clark. Carpasian Road,: • • •

:11'1\ here :'lllnda~' with :llr, Grern: Bt'SI:'it:SS TRIP 1n relurn III Iheir home at Deer i ~Ir. A.· V. Clou3ton. Forest J.ake. Road, who was on a busine,s trip . : • • • to the :l1 .. rltimes, rl'turned to the g3n\) RIRTIIIl;\ \' cit)' by TCA WednesuR)'.

l'on!:ralulalions and best wishes • • • .arc cxlrndccl to :'11'. :'lichael J. VISITING llO~lE 'Sa\'a~e or 33 Parade Street who Miss Janet Cole, who Is R pupil 'celebrates his 93rd birth dar on at Ed)1ehlll School for Girls, Is :-Ea,lcr Sundar, April 1st. :'Ir. Sa\'· , \'Islting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, aj:e i~ well and hns more I'igor lIar\'e~' Cole, Monkstown Road, for than ~ome men hair his years, the Easler vacation, . .. . • • • ,FRml GRA~P ,,',\Ll,S HO~tE FROlU HOLIDAY . :III'. and ~Irs. Stewart Lane and Mrs. F, L, Burridge, 9 Cornwall dau~hlers, ~Iarguerite anct Eliza· Avenue, arrived back In the city \1elh. arri\'M in Ihe city from by TCA Wednesday after spend· Granf. Falls Wednesday nnd are' in~ a holiday in Florida and Mon· _.p~ndin~ E3~I('r at the re,ldrnce Ireal. inC "r. Lanc·.' hrother. ~II' .• Joseph • • • ;une, Amhwt lIei~ht~. COX(iRATUI.ATIONS

.. III 1,1 :'Ill'. and ~lrs. Sidney Butlcrt

"C.\Rn r.\RT\, Strawberry Marsh Road, arc re-

Parh - (NEAl-1'hr. feminine and !omantic look, qoth in design and'm fabric, is the look for cI·cn· ing ill the spring collections here,

Clear, bright colors and lots, oI white are important. Yelloll's, soft mauves, deep coral pinks, reds and Mediterranean blues arc the newest shades, Blnck is for Ihe very sophisticated and navy Is touched with white. The all·white dress Is shown for mld.summer wear.

Full, billowing skirts are shown for ~th the short and the long evemng gowns. These are done in sheer fabrics, plain and printed chlffon silk or cotton organdies paper.thln taUetas and muslins: Satin Is used for the very elabo. rate and formal gowns, Embroi. derles Rre lavish and the all.em •. broidered sheath, either shorl or long, makes fashion news.

The I.adil's' Auxilian' uf the cd\'lng the congratulatiuns of We show (left) Balmair,'s lux.

Look 11~. Paris Gowns

r.I •. n, Band will hl' Iwiding thcir theil' rriend~ on the birlh or a urlons white orion satin dance ;t:~~I('r r~rd pam ill the Cathrdrnl daughter at the Grace Ho~pltal on dress banded in blue velvet rib. :l'm,h liall em \\\'dllCHhl\·. April ~[arch 28th.' I. bon and green embrolden' n'b I ' , ., . \ • - . 4 .IR30nnl 'rhell'II'llct'nl'AI'OII " • • bani l' tdi hit I" 1·lsl~nel'. It IS In 0[[·11'11111' orion, rhrse .,t),lrs, though nol de'lg·lganttastc~. Dress at ll"IS an . ., ,... ,,< I. S S epea e n a er op Ball t' 'tll 1 I b I • I k' r' I" I I thO 'I' h "ll'rrl will hI' .rn'rel. Plea;e TIl;\XSFERRED goi\'ll at right I~ bv Ihis ~a~ I sn, I~ \\,1 <.r~p:1 OIlce In e 31' ,nrel ~:. l.le yery ~(lIJlIStl('3tee, arci ~xa.mp e 01 Is j'cars a\'ls em· brill: ~nllr CJlrJ1 r:mis. ! ~Iajor and ~Irs, Enrl Jn~ram,!. ---____ . _, __ . __ e _,I.::...gl.a~,:_. Hrm~~nc I~_ shnrter at.!~·ont.' r.:~·tamly kC)'cd t.o the mo,t ~l:. brOiderJe~,

t Iwhll hal'c hern in ,Japan ror the It tll~lIed ol~t, wa~ extl'a-dc~ndcntll ' II Table Grace (. pa,t ycar. arrived in the Unlled on lit lie thmgs like sligar In the I • .;

Stall'S ahout two wceks ago, and coffe~. . The FamIly Cou'" cil i m'e spending a holiday with rela. It I~ qllite dangerous fo!, a mat., .I.':' : • .

I' ~


'. :. Wekcme Wagon

Hostess Will Knock on Your Doo~

: with Gihs and Greetings

tin.; in North Carolina before g~. lire Iloman to do ~\'en a little sciI' :. Our father. 1 hnu npenc.<t Th,\' ing M to Washington where ~lal.1 doctOring In her diet. As a mat.' • ETII,TOn'S r\OTE: Tbc Family COUIII:i\ ron5i~t~ ~f a judge, a: h.ollnti!ul hand and makcst ~r.u\'i. Ingram ha~ been transferred, ~lrs. }~r of fact, man~' grown 1I'0m~n! psydualrlst, a nell'Spal,rr editor, a wumrn's Ilage relitnr and tW.l: slon for the nced~ of the h\'lng. III,gram is the flirmer :.tarjorle m~oll.L from Iheir doctor,; Ihat' nell'spaper writers. These consult with tler~"lllcn of all faiths and: cst our ~ouls with spirtiual food. Churchill nf St, ,John's, thclr dIets are seriously .lacking,1 tlcnomlnation~. All Ictters are held In cOmlJI~tc cunfhlencr.. lor ClUr b"dies byt al:;~ :rhou fcea-

• • • P\'en thcugh they may sah;!y hun. c;t our suls With spiritual food. "ISITIX(j CITY ~e~ Hc finds this out by tesls RUTH-His pal'ents ha\'C tncrme our hunger and thirst al·

~liss Eliz3beth 1" Foole, R,N., an ex.aminations., tr.r spiritual.blessings th,at we may arril'cd in the city from Halifax He may recommend many die. . rejected us. be. ~llled 11'111.1 the fnuts of the by TCi\ Thursda~·. She spent a I tary changes, s~me of,whlc!1 ma~' ALBERT-I kept lying to SPI~lt; lo~·e. JOl', peace, .100lg.suf. weck with friends at Corner Drook surprise the pallent. Certamly, lf them. ferlll,g, kmdness. In HIS name. on the II' I' d I t 'I It h one Is troubled by weight loss Amen.

, t a'I an Pdan~! a ~ GS er weight gain fatigue J'umpiness' RUTH-M~' husba!1d was literal· 1 willing to put aside e\'en'thing --------p.lren s, .1 r, au " rs. eOl'ge I dl I' , ' , i I I' f . I I k I h [ h t Foote at Gr I I B' k n gest on, constant hunger or)' (l'II'en out 0 hIS parents' home I esc. now lOll' mue ur

a II an. loss of appetite, cliet mri'y ha\'e when he told them he wus going! them, and I am wililnq to be hurt

F d something 10 do with It. But only to marry me. The only objection in punishment, hilt I enn'! have a Diets Are Out a competent ph~'sician Who does the), had to me \Vas my religion, my parents feeling thaI 1 am (:areful records and examInations but it is no\\' more than rivc yetlrs bmzen and wilhout a conscience. can recommend dieting for a wo· and thc\' refuse 10 talk to either • • •

BV ALICI.\ HAltT man In her middle and later years of liS, • TIlE COUNCIL-Albert I~ wise Young women may get away' Dcspite their altitude, we have I' to realize he deser\'es punishment

lI'ith fad diets that consist of eat· Half~Sl·ze Fl· Iried!o become reconciled, but for lying to his parcnts, ir not for

The world 15 a looking glas~ ,and gives back to e\'er,· man the re· flection of his ol\'n 'face, frown at it, and It will in turn look sourly upon you, laugb at it, and with it, and it is a jolly kind companion,


Caesar Salad Is T For A Spring lU .. "'IlOltr

Cae sa r s a I a d-one of Cali·! rl,m:1:nQ ill n [ornin's linest' contributions to the: den bOWl a~d sp! ~meric~n ~enu-mnkes. a satisrY'1 pepper and ~r~tct1"kJe In;; mam Ih.h for a SPl'lIlg lunch· onc·th:nl Clip II! t~ e?n .. I,t goes. perfedl)" too, at: I.emon jUire, Bre~e., dmnertlllle \\'Ith sleak and baked' ,.I~" 1i:1':!",." To~ putatucs. ! no trace of p',. c/

Tl .. h·, C'']'(' t'\' 00 n b> lcrc are man\" variations on I' . ~~. . .. t t.:re~", .. • cd I • I "', ", the recipe.: lIere':; one. rro~ 1Irs.! b;:; '~I~, ll:flJre f~r\t':l Chase RobinSon 'who h\'cs ]]I Ihe I l.' .. 'ht. If dc, Ired, " S.1n Fernando Vallcy, Shu rcports c,~ or "(110, To .. ", . • . "o'r' T '~I·· Ihat her G·foot. 6·inch husband l th' l. h' r~dd'e ;,:' lI~uaU~' prepares ami losses it: tu~: I~) I 1'1.1< at ]'Jj'l;!!'

hUll self. j'" " r" III ~j"I· Cacsar Salad Olal;cs about 3 L~~eri :uul l'<mQI·e 'j.::

quarts, or 5·6 serving, hlllchcnn, rnlll' ' cl~:1 )1, t~ 3 ~,::~ . I (1 (,\"l.t, ~nd '~.~

or entree salad) '1"'fr.I' I"" " (011 in (-'" O I Id f . ,- v e I~r'hn' ... ne pac (age 0 • ashion garlic, G"l'''1 l;'" • CPt~ I I I . . . '" . C 1'0111'11 fill LI( (rcsslOg rul.X, "!nt-dur, willcr ' S .

oil, 9 Clips bitc·si7.c picces romail1l! One.ll'll[ 1···OUlrtt!1 (2 tn 3 heads I, ',; teaspoon .'all, . , " . Clip ,;al,q \[.1 '. teaspoon black pepper, I., cup L "I ".:: .... :' C.I~., 1:)1 grat~d PlIrmcsnn chce~(', ()n~. lr:'\i"ll"~""~' rnJn~~i.(.~ third cup mixcd dre.'sing ". eup· iln::,' .t:1'itl ':11. 'I lemon juice, 2 coddled 'co"s 2 111":"" "I' ,n I,r,( ,I' •

• ·e~. t ..:u( l'1I1('", . no b --"-cups /:arhc croutons. B to 10 anc·' all ';d,,' .. \d ro·,;·,;.;. hoy), fillets. cut in small Jlie~es'l' hI' i'; k ,;, '1' d Zlf~e,'" 01' 6 to B sliccs crisp cooked bacon I IJrain olf ._,,\:'C~IOl'e crumbled (optional). . I rr;!.tcn. "", _ eXec;s ~~.

Combine ~alad drw;in~ mix.: ~ot~. J;,,'r'1ol !'"P, ~r h'l!:1 • ro L •• l'1l lrC3'

1'llIegar. water and oil as dil'e~tcd: he,1 c 1'" 'I' "I 1 or .. _"n_t_he_h_o_tt~le~o_1' -:I_J"_C_:<:,.,:I g:.:..e~. __ p_lr_.c_e_: _~r:.::~_~. a·r,:rpi'~:r.bJt i:)


:: from F'iendly Business Neig~t,ors aile. Your

Civic and Social t , Welfare Leader) :On I he o.:cusion 01:

;: The Birth of a Baby,

in~:a dozen cggs a da)', or grape. as non they have be~n hitter and have l'lnla!in~ their wishes, but he Is frlllt and hambUrger {or a week repeatedly lold us never 10 come not at all wise In putting his wifc IlUt these diets are definitely mor~ to see them or approach them ir. in a false position. dangerous for mature women than any wa)'. I hc,\'c been insulted Parents who objcct 10 a mar· rOl' others. I by them on a number of oecas· ria:!e arc prom; 'to regard· theIr

TI's just plain silly.for a grown Ions, but Whe!l nt.,· husband's child r.~ the \'ietim nnd the in.law,' I\'oman to undertake a serious diet withcut an examination and reo youngcl' hl'o!her died. J II'Pllt with as !hc schemer or aggressur. Eg'l commendation rrom her dodor. m,v husband 10 thc funl'ral hom/) 11ecinlJ,' is this true in a situa.!

One woman undertook to cut out I "'herr 1Il~' in·laws made a ~cellc lion like this where the marriage·


.~wec'ls to lo~c a fell' pound~ easil~', anrl drove us 0111. entailed surh drastic factors as;

.-he felt. and soon was quite sieli. In spite of nil Ihat Ii:'" Ilappen. religious riifferencp, and blse; , She, like mo,tpcl'sons, needed her ed, m~' hll,b:lnd continues 111 write: reprcfcnlntions. Alhert owed i! I

!: Arrivob of Newcomers to City.

': :: 'Phone 3031 ;1I~:II' fO\' cncr~~·. But her balance them I'egulml),. sends ttll'lll hirth·, hnth til his wife and his parents, :.!-;;.;.;.;-....;;-_.,;;;-,;;;-~ .. .;;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;.;;;.;. __ .;..';.;-;;;;;;;';;;-;;.;;;-_;;;. ;;';;."';;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. d~)' ~ifts and scnds :hem l'e~al'ds i In m~kr it e~IC:lr 10 them that he.,

el'ery lime he merts a relatil·r.: an,l he :Jlo~c, II':lS ~lIilt\' of f:llsr. i 1 dn not mind that, bul nol~ he· rcnI'P,en!atinn anrl s.1l'rifice of 1

\\,~Ills to I'isit thelll allain bel':1use ! nrindnle. He ~houlcl fcrl It hi.~; olle of them 'has hern ill, J rio I rillt)' to s!"r,l'C hi, wife from the) no! think this Is hcin~ lo\'al to I hlame Ih"t rightfully should rail I'

Ask For me, ,iner he knows l ran't ac·' solely on him. compall~ him. ·1' Instead of pl'opn,in;! that be

• • • visit his parents lIO\\' l\'itllOU~ his . ALBERT-I s~'mpathize with my' wife accompanying him, he should

WIfe's feelings, but I cun't ;let her write his parents n complete can· to understand mine. I feel I f~sslon that would tend 10 soften hal'e to accept theil' Il,·"sh ntli· their feelin!!S tow:Jrrls his wife and tude because I carnell it. I not persuade !hem of his own sense only marrier! out or Iheir raith, of I!uilt. And he wOllld do well lmt I lied to them about It up to let his wife rer.a that letter I to the last minute, assuring them before mailing it, and 10 consider, I would' neVer do such a !hing any sug!!estions or corrections she and that my convictions were ex· m~" propose.

• aelly thc sr,'11e as Ihcirs, Alhert ha~ set himself an ex·


: }/(JU 'If l~ike It }

04661 SIZES


. "./1., ... -/1,(".., BeautHul basic' - Ihe perfect

dres! for now through summer . • ~ smart sun·style, with simple hne~ so nattering 10 Ihe ~horter fuller figure, E~,;~··sell' too ...:

i you'lI Want to' make sc\'eral in 'pretty print and solid colors, Pro. Ml'tioned ror perfect fll without alteration! •

Pallern ~1: Hal! Siles l4''> 16l~, 18~iI, 20~, 221,~, 24\~. Siz~ 161h takes 3& yards 35,ineh fab· ric.

This pattern easy to use, simple to sew, Is tested for fit, Has com· plete Illultrated Instructions.

Send THtR'11!·FIVE CENTS (35 cents) In 'colns (stamps 'cannot be accepted) for this pattern. Print plainly SIZE, N AM E, ADDRESS STYLE NUMBER. ,

Send tlrder 10 ANNE A DAM 5, . care of ST, JOHN'S DAILY NEWS Pattern Dept, 60 F\tONT STREET WEST, TORONTO, ONto

The battle of Wounded Knee Creek, South Dakola, Dec, 211, 1890 ,ended all Indian l\'al'5 for the United Slates,

The pupil of •. dog's eye Is round, but that of a wDlf is obUq~." '


The Ainsworlh Psalt'er was the only book of printed music which the I'IlJ!rlms brought .with

~--~ __ ...;. _______ "'; ______ ";'_J them to America.'

Actually, I told them the truth !remely IlifficlIlt t~sk In rcconell· at !he time, but I felt so slrongly lation, hilt he is not showing very in love with my wife that I was much skill.

World's PUREST MOLASSES unexcelled lor kqchen and tlble ..use •

witll tile latest~ •

The above picture shows the competent staff of Gladys Beauty Shop wilh their r.especti'le cListomers.

We wish to announce to our many customers thot MRS. GLADY~ SUTTON and MISS' ELEANOR STAFFORD have just returned from attending the INTERNATIONAL BEAUTY SHOW in NeW YOI'k City. While the.re they attended classes in advance HAIR STYLING and ·CUTTING.

The N'ew Spring and Summer St~les





CA, f II ga,'e \~ snoW a ern Canada fal

of west rlllal precipilat bOI·e·no th

J winter man s. and central Alb!

h \• est· Saskatchel u t \ • t '

I ,. of mOlS ure. , ac~ I t' a I was ower .

amoo~pt {or Manitob eXC 'd fl'dur', rorince·WI e " • ~ belol\' normal, C'

.cen an e;!ceSs. oC 30 Inth Saskatchewan 'ear ago, of

) ShOll'S an ex~ess ompared WIth 45

C tillle last year. ?ol 'erage eXcess this yea

~;nt compared with 22

COLD WISTER prepared for 'The C:

b" the metorolog of ihe deparlmen~ refer only to precll report howel'er no~es

was an exceptHlII in drain·growing ar st:rl ~: NOI'ember

f February Alberta a' dedrccs below·normall

Saskatchewan eight fire.

3, Man. (cp)-Nan J

a !uccc~sful duck hun last year. He bagged 3 This year he hopes to

from a long Iinl Holland, decol on a commer

, .... '0.1 __ '0 famill' has ha the la;t lOS rears. ~ Ihe ;tation staff ne a~o. lIis job in the 5

fall is to lure ducks so the)' ea be ban'

studied, the winter the birds b.' Norm Godfred. '

his' charges included 40 geese and eight tr

for I


Ny LOAFERS .Gr Brown. Sill

Slles Included) •


Page 7: The Dailynews St John Snl 19560331


: :-...



GLADYS returned in NeW

,ee HAIR


~:ws. SATURDAY, MAR. '31, 1956'

Problems·ln West R S · Harrington ha d just gone. over evenue etVlce Ihe case wllh Donald R.Moyse)·, the New York regional lax chief

By J. W. DAVIS who apparently. engineered . the , WASHINGTON (APj-The inter· Tuesday raids without advance no. nal revenue service said Wednes· tice to Washington. day the sudden and 'sweeplng fed· . MOl'sey figured that the pnrty

· \X l'I:~'iS I Br rcgiuns, actual excess above below normal in Sasknlchewan and were three below normal ill Sask· eral tax raids against Communist owed $389,265 in income taxes for !if (,'.\~I'i . ~:.I·C wide I normal precipitation in north·cent· 10 below normal in Manitoba. atchewan and eight under normal party offices and the newspaper 1951 and The Dally.Worker owed · ': ~'-~'a~J,1a larm·, ral Alberta was 23 per cent, In Snowfall was the heaviest on rec·, In Alberta. Daily Worker were in line with $46,049 for 1951, '52 and '53. '.:. ,f"':;., ;,; .• 'ripitation " the Peace RiVer country three per ('rd that month in southern Mani· February brought more heavy standard operating procedUre. LOCimn OFFICES ... ;-::..-.. ,"tho cent. It was 22 per cent defltlent toba, Winnipeg reporting 32 inches, snowfalls In Manitoba and in the While The Daliy Worker's'lawyer, With the co-operation of other '.:. ,.::r:~~.~ , ;\Ibcrta; in southcm Alberta, seven below the am(lUnts decreasing westward. northel'D regions of Saskatchewan talked in New York of going tt regiOl1al tax directors, he had pad. '::':" _c.; '~·;·:~'.:tdll'wall i in eentrai Alberkta. h December was also very cold and Alberta, while sub·normal court and Its editor denied any locks put on party officcs in Phila. ,,:, .•. ,; ;':':-:lITl" :rhel :-\orthcast Sas atc ewan "'as 25 with aU regions averaging 10 de· temll.rntures eoritinued over the tax debt, Revenue Commissioner delphia, San Francisco and Los ; ••• ":.' ',,111'1' than, per cent above normal,. northwest grees below normal, and In that Prairies. Russell C. Harrington said in a Angeles, as well as in New York,

· .. "':, '~': 'l,,",t,,b,l. I \I per cent and southeast nye per month snowfall was above normal During March mild weather pre· statement for reporters: whe?e similar action wns taken . c· ;_,.: •. ,,~.,;:;, . .i.' lI~llU i;, cent. compared with a deficit of OVer the whale West, with' severe vailed over grain areas, with good "I can assure you' that tlti case against The Daily Worker. '.' " .. , ~'::ll:.l. r"m·. 18 PCI' cent in the southwest. blizzards In some sections. precipitation In most of Albel'ta is being handied precisely as any The paper came .out Wednc3da)"



loins RCAF MONTREAL (CPl-Rohald C·~ Cord Rowe, 66, president of N tional Business Publications, Ltd.

BAY ROBERTS, M~rch 21-An· died T.uesday ni:<ht at his home ijl other of. ~ay Roberts ~'oung pea· n arby Senneville. .. pie has JOIned Her ?olales!y's Ser.: e , .• vices. This·tiJpe it's a young lady. I • Promincnt in Canadian buslneas

Miss Olive 'Snow, daughter of and technical magazine publica· :llrs. and the iate Capt. James H. j tion Cor many years, Mr. Rowe Snow, of Smith Street, Bay Rob. was· a former president of the erts, has joined the Women's di· Periodical Prcss Association 9f vision of the RCAF. Canada .

Olive left here recently for the RCAF Station at st. John, Que. bee, where she will train,

We join with her many friends in wishing Olivc the best of every· thing in her chosen career .

A minin" engineer by profession, he was al;o a former editor of tht Canadian lIIining Journal.

Funeral service will be held It nearby S·te. Anne de Bellevu. . · ~.::~~.,." ,,! ;;0 peri The e~cess precipitation Was In January the snowfall was gen· and Saskatchewan, In l\Ian!!~ba, other similar· taxpayer matter however, and vowed, to keep on

. •. .; .~"h'~rll;ln as: general In !lIanltoba-34 per cent erally heavy and again above nor· however, precipitation was less would be handled by the service publishing. Its e d ito r I a I staff, Morning Freiheit, a Yiddish Ian· ,: c. ' .. - rvr" of ,ix: abn\'e norm~l In the western part mal, and while temperatures were than normal for the 1h'sl three under its obligation to enforce the locked out of its own headquarf.. guage newspaper located in the ,. ' ..... ,'" ~~ Ilcr'lIf the provln~e and 31 ·per cenl near average In Manitoba, they weeks. revenue laws," ers, worked in the offices of The Same bui~ding.

Thursday. Burial will be at .Buck·.

ingham, Que.

' .• c.:": ...... '~IOSTIIL1' SUM~IARY '.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_;S~;;m;;_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'~ I ~.{ ' ... t \ t·;lr. ~tan·l· h' 1 . th I I 3!iiti!'?Ji41 < .;' t\;'.", :;01 ... rar i; I I~ IeI' In e cas, :,~ '>.,·"e:i '.' ,:h ~2 perl Folltwing a sunn~' August, frists · I were general in the second week ~~fl 111\'T[11 . , . of Septemhcr and the month as , :';;;:Ii ;'. l!lr lilna·1 a whole wa~ cool, with heavy rain. , ..... :. ',r .".":.,,.'lo~lral: fail in north,centrai Alberta and ."., :., ,;'~;c':"rnt. of 1 ~cllerall~' abo\'e normal elsewhere.

'. pre,'lplt.l· 1 The lirst general snoll'storm oc· "." ~ -" f\ : ~.:'r' I!I~ 1 clIrre:! near the end of October but · ~., .• " 1:: C .. I r.:·1nalh ; precipitation then was below nor. ;,-; :·.::.':c' .:;~ area,. i mal I'xcepl in northwest Alberta "" .:::: '. \:,,'mbrr. 10 1 and eastern :llanitoba. ~. rc~~ .. ;:-; -\.~I :'t:1 il\rr· .:. .•.. ,," :","~ :rm·. XOI'cmber wns extremely cold o! (I'" • _.' .. '" ri~ht ~nd with al'cragc temperatures 20 de·

I grecs below normal in Alberta, 15

gs 3,300 Ducks ., \',. .\ f-.\;,n :llul· J arc not directed by instinct but , , ;.:.;,! c: ":'" ~antin; Ill' topo;:raphical features such as :' .. :!;: Hr I,;::rd 3JOO: ril'cr" IRkes and mountains. When .'.~ "1" 'C :. ';'r; to;rt thcy arrive near thi~ destination '.~ . .. . 'thcy hal'r a close knowledge oC · '. • • .. r ;n:rrr.'t cf' the gl'ound and can trQI'cl by ·land· .... t;. l~_:'(::~ . r-! rr.·t (or mark~. . . 0 ~'r, 1I0thbaum bases this theory '~';' :~-.'. :':c, .,l .the on, among other talngs. tests at

. '. !:',c.,C·': ·:;,:wn. Dclta whiell prove a duck con· " _._ ,"·, .. c .... " "., :ldlifc .<idpt's home to be the plaCe where

.. :.;.. :Cl;. n'm· it lear ed to fly 'and not where it .. c'' ..r L;;ke II a' hatched.

Dud;, were hatched at Delta, kept there I1ntll jU5t before the),

'. ;;.::;.:ri. '!\'l''')'in~. learned to fl~' ani thcn transported .. , .' , ("m:nrr!'i;.l, (Iuiekly to othcr places, from 10 '. '~::'.:;' "." had a 10 ,10 miles 8wa)'." In the· new

.~., ;.: ;"; . ".co. ~IIII· mar.hes Ihe ducks learned to fl~·. ". -·.t ~ ·t:.![ "rarl~" tatcr ohsen'ation sholl'ed the .. ii:-·.':~ :~r ,11111, duck, returned to their transported

~ ," . :' :.::r durK! into home, and not Delta. ~.',: t·" r.; ~r handed. onn:n TESTS . ," ,:,~:(~ . In co·operation with the RCAl"

~.; "~.:r~ :~r hirrls arc IlI'eather o!lice at Macdonald air :' 'i.-:~ ('.',~!red. This. station scientists ha\'e also studied

:.; ·I~.i::!' :~r:uclrd 12.'i, the relationship between migration r 1m! .~ri r::~\ trum·


1 and mass air movements. '.:1 Tests ho\'e shown that in Octo·

:! :'~ 'l.:,r,n, whIch 1 her and NO\'emher a young duck ::. :;jl '.1 an ArneI" flying at random could .end up no

i< II. Albert other plac·c than in regIOns south· "., ~" .;:radl' pro, ea,t of its natal range.

~: ~,. h bm.l nn his The Delta 'station, sponsored by the North American Wildlife Foun·

\I ~n joined the I dation and supen'ised by the Wild· ~ :;'.'. ~ •• ~rr'n inmu· i life llanagement Institute, carries :: t:t::.:: :r..n, ~t\ldies i out projects the year round. Dur· · ~.,::. ;;:: 1";111 "t con·' iug the summer and fall graduate ,~~l ~ .. ,k h"nal'ior. students and other wildlife men

5pend time there completing short term studies.

· i~.\': \\.:"rl·I',1I mi· The station was established to c •. n,:,: ~:'Ir an in· I prumote Ihe stUdy of biology, es·

::':t:;t,.,j ; ~"'.\ !,'ogr oC I pecially waterfowl, and studies ~': H:/ hJtrnrrl. Thc~' range from ~uch topics as water· I' l:t, ~:'\'o\ "p. fowl cturtship to the effect of

;:: =.:.:.:nn f".* thpn hu ters on bird life... .

smart little

for Bunn.Y TimE



CHILDREN'S 1 STRAP SHOES Pink, Red or Black Calf or Patent.

InCants' Sizes, 4-8 $2.50 - $2.85

Child', Sizes, 9-12

$2.75 - $3.20 Mis5CS' Sizes, 13·3

$3.00 - $3.50



Black or BroWD. Size. 11·131,;

'3.95 up Sizes l·G


arc •

urnl ure SAVE ,

Meet the Newest and Best in Just-Arrived Furnishings!

Have Them for Your Own at Fabulous March Savings! MONEY


Reg. $32.50.



C<lntemporary and period de· 5ign~, ne\\'ly arrived and ex. ceptionally smart. See them I

REG. 12.50,

T.V. CHAIRS $45.00 each

Be sure (0 see this' fi~e eoUce. tion of smartly styled nelt chall's.

R·EG. $59.50.

RUGS· Axmlnlsler.

Brockton. eXollto9112

REG. $142,50.

$115.00 up

Portrait of Beallty on a Budget . . . a Stunning Suite




Proof that you needn't have a million to own a bedrom suite with a million-dollar look I You get the big double dresser, bookcase 5199.50 headboard bed, spring, spring mattress, 2 pillows -' 2 pillow cases, bedspread and chest of drawers ••• all 10 pieces for this tiny sum during our Ma~ch Sale 1


3-PIECE DECORATOR SUITE Expertly detailed with diamond-tufted arms, 2.bulton

backs, ~rass ferruled legs, Rugged metallic tweed

covers, no-sag construction. Reg. $259.50. 5229.50




DINEnES , 572.50 Reg. $89.50

Values Such a fine assortmenl We can't possibly Iho1l nil of them I GlorlpU! new colors and combln· ations •• smarte5t Dew styles in abundance I


$89.50 • $135.00. Save up to $30.00

CONVENIENT • THRIFTY COMPLETE BED OUTFIT Full or twin size! Full· panel. metal bed, innerspring

mattress and Hi·riser spring. Regular $82.50 value!

Hundreds Mqre March Sale Values Now. at S-L·S I See Them AliI , . .


, ,


. ,


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Page 8: The Dailynews St John Snl 19560331

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ews Former Supt . Celebrates 85th Birtbday.

rom People In The News

san .' , . '.

• J. B. PETRIE 1\1" E DI k GIS' . I ~Ir. J. B, Petrie, former meehan. '.., c son, en era Up~l'. were recent I'sltors 1.0 lhe Capl· Iral superintcndent of the Mining Intendcllt of the United Town Ele tal. Compln),. celebratell his 85th birth. ctr!c Company was a .buslness d.y on Tucsda)" ~Iarch 27th, Still viSItor to the Island Wedncsday ~h·. Joe IIli1le,r travcllcd city. The Kinsmen Boys Club baskel· lIdh'c. It can be truthfully said of of this week. wards Tuesday morning. He re· ball. team o( St. John's wm play him that he is 85 ~'ears young, (or tturned In the afternoon. ' the Wabana Boys Club team on be retains the mental and bodly i\lr~. D. C. 1I1aekenzie and her Saturday. March 31st. at 2.30 In tigour of a much younger man. little son, Russel Scott arc pre. Mr. lIlllton Tucker was In St. the C,L.B. Armoury on Bell Island.

~Ir. Petrie was born at Victoria sen'ly spending a holiday with John's Tuesday In f.he interest of It is hoped that there will be a llines, Cape Brcton. on March 27. Mrs. William ·Thlstle. Ml·S. Mae· his business. large number attending the game. IBil. and came to Wabana on Dc. kenzie resides at Alberta where We know that a goodly number of tObcr 101h. 1910 as' mechanical her husband is a Flight Lieut. Mr. Alex Crosbie, travelling people are Interested in basketball .uperintendent with the Dominion In the RCAF. salesml\n was here' Wednesday and will welcome this oPDPrtunity Iron and Steel Comp~n)'. In No. soliciting business. of seeing the local team In action, "ember of 1921, he was appoint cd Jea the 1I'.tlc 10, year old Greg Bonner of CJON·TV was a mechanical superintendent of the daughter of 1\Ir. and Mrs. Revlyn Mr. In'in Lidstone of Dart· welcome visitor to the Wabana amalgamatcd companies. Dominion Stares was taken to the G,'ace I mouth, Nova SeoUa WBS here dur Boys Club l~st Snturday, His many Iron and Steel and the NOI'n Scotia Hospital ~Ionday, where she was Ing ~he past week on a business followers Will be happy 10 know Steel and Coal. ~Ir. Petrie retired opcrated on fer appendlcts the trip, Mr. Lidstone Is agent for that he plans. to return Iigain in I from the ComFanl' 011 Jull' 1st following day. She was' aeeomp· 'Dunlop Tlrcs. the not too dIstant futUre. . 1949 and shurl\~' thercaftcr 'mol'cci anicd to the city by her parents. __ During the Easter holidays, to his former hometown. Vicloria -- Mr. Doug Neal rcturned {rom while children arc our of school, !oIine~. to take up rcsidence there. ~Ir, James Normore of Nor. hospilal Wednesday afternoon; the Bo~'s Club will carryon its

~Ir. rctrie accompanied by ~Irs. Il'l1rc's l\1eat Market was III st. usual programme. We open at 4 retri~ ~pcn.t a short hoUda)' on John's Tuesday on a business trip MT. A. MacDonald salesman each. afternoon and. at 7.15 p.m. the Iron Isle la,t summcr. I'i.liting for the Grcat Eastern Oil Com. at mght. Next wcck III thiS column members of thclr family and rc. Mr. Waltcr Bradlcy o( the Un·i POllY I.imitcd was here Tucsday wc shall tell )'ou more about Bol's nrwlnJ: fricnd!hlp~ made ol'cr a ted Nail Foundry Company was on a business t.tlp. Club happemngs. perii'd of forly ~'cars during thcir here Tuesday doing business {or ----, .ta)' here. his company. 1I1r. AI Porter went to St. To Wed Next : In rxtending felicitations on the John's Tuesday morning on a ' ,ff, hP~I~._ssiun,~fuolf arnaro~12re.r mthicicstoDnAcILiyn IIIr. Ar~hUT .T. Richards has buslncss trip. 'T d . l·~.' ," .... entered a city hospital where he ues ay 'r.'

!'EWS joins with all its readers in Is under obscrvalicn. lIIr.' Norman Cohcn paid a . ' .l'ishing him continuance of good business trip to Sl.. John's Wed, hr~lth Ind I'igour for years 10 lIIr. J. D. Taillon paid a busl· nesday morning. The.mnrrln~c of Mr. Arnold Ben·

nctt. son of )Ir, and ~lr5. Arthur IIlr. Charlie O'Neill of Canada Bennett, (Bell Island). to !IIiss

tome. ness trip to St. John's Tuesday morning.

-- Packers Limited was here Wed, Jean Mcrecr; daughter of Mrs. ~Iay : The Easter Story Mr:Peter Mercier crossed over nesday In the interest of hIs !lrm. Tuckernnd the laic Charles !IIer· to the Capi+.al Wednesday morn· , _ . cer of Kelllgrews. C,B,: has been

. T' Ing .on a brief visit. Mr. Aaron Mr. Harry, Maunder of W. J. arranged· to take place . at St.

. omorr.ow IS Easter Sunday and Ln t • Si L It d C C"prl'an's An~ll"an Chur"h. Tues· o e ~\,1 z o. mon el' zan om· McGrath and Ccmpany visited 'J. • nc again we commemorale the pa y was I r bit I da". April 3rd. at 10 a,m. The cere· Giorio R I' n Ie e on a us ness r p 11ere this week doing bU5lness, ' u~ esurrec Ion. Easter 'V d d mony 11'1'11 be pnrformed by the. takes 't f h c nes ay. ~I·'s. ':'Ia·ry Johnson was In 51. • I ~ name rom I e AnglG- ". " rector. Rel'erend T, F. Hone"gold,

Saxon Eastre Goddess f S '~ John'· Wednesday On a business ' , ' a prtnb • IIIr. and ~lr5. Denis Rose ,·Isll. " Reception nt the home of the ~h!l;e. i~shval' was held el'ery ed the Metropolis Tucsday morn. visit. groom's parenls,

pn . e word "Paschal" (per. in(.' Mr. Bennett is on the accollnt. t~ininJ: to Passol'er or Easter). dc. IIlr. Rober'. Cohen went to 51. in::: staff of Dominion "'aballa Ore m'cs from the French word "Pas. John's Wednesday 011 a business . , d qur~" for Easter. II hiell in th IIIr, Frank Hedderson return· LImIte nnd his bride to be Is a bf~innin~ f II I' e ed from a l'lsl', to the city Tues. trlJl. teacher at the Wabana Anglican

.. to came rom Ie ,atm d ft Acndeml' (rom the Hcbrcw namc of Passover ay a ernoon. ' .. the time of the sacrifice of th; -., 1I1r, Waller Butler was ill the. ----, lamb. nlc ,1ewish Passover comes IIIr. Thomas Stoyles. Propletor I ell)' Thursday (or a medical check I Tf· • 1\1 • at ~b~ut the same time 3S the I oC StcYI~s lIleat Market was in 'up, . . 1~lWanlS d cchn c:r . Chmtl.n Easler, and is also a time St: John s Tuesday on a buslncss: --- I:) for rejoicing, tnp. " ?llr. George Bnsha lI'ellt to St. i -- ,

.A.t Easterlidc people throng ! .10hn·~ yesterday mo,'ning 01\ a Wednesday cl'enin~ tile regular their churches and sing praises 101:. and 1Ilrs. Fred 111. Rosc I buslncss trip. He 'oak his car. I luncheon of the Kiwanis Club was and Hallelujahs in honour of this - held at the Canadian Lcgion, great occa.ion. Choir bo>'s in their Ron Pumphre)'. representing the most fcstll'e robes move sloWi~" 1 prcss. was the only guest for the down the aisle singing again the APRON ALLEY' I meetin~, He was illl'lted by Presi· age-old belol'cd Easler anthems. dent,Jlm, Archibald to attend each JIan), of the flowers and sprays t meellng In future as the guest of that arc used in profusion to dec. . , '. .. the club. . orate our altars ha"e a legendary WIth the austerity and solcmnlt) 1 from pans, peel off paper, flOish Therc was no buslncss trans· sisnificance, and It is interesting of Lent behind us, and East~r here ~. cooling on racks, I acted al this mceting which ad· \0 correlate the C\'ents of the at last with all its joy, cI'crybod>" To serve. pu~ layers together with jour.ned at 7.15 50 members could Resurrection wilh the flowers of 15 celebrating, and food pla)'s an pepehe5 and sl1lC1y whipped crcam.


3ltend church services. ~astertide. But. Easter is more Important part ill the festlvltlcs'l und pile 'more 1I'!llpped cream on • than a seasonable celebration' ~Ialn dishes on Easter Day \'ary top. Decorate WIth more pcacb I I · S k ' more Ihan lilacs. tulips and daffa: widely according to" In~ivl~ual s!lccs,. J.lons pea er dils. It is the greatest day In the tastes. and while baked ham may C1WCOL.1TE ~IALL9W DESSERT C\'hri5Iian year. It commemorates be traditional Easler fare In some 1 I teaspoon geMln A 80 the Re.urrcction of Our Lord' It families. and we believe this to be \~ cup cold watcr :'1. lVll is the hope of cvery del'out ~nd so· particularly . with American \. cup crn;oa '. earnest christian to share the joys I families, ppullry. either turkey 01'. 2 cups milk and happiness of thc Resurrecled chicken. stili seems to be the I 1 pound marshmallows Chr!;t. None \\'ho hopes for that favourite in Newfoundland. (We'd; 4, c~g yoU;s. slightly beaten but is aware of his unfitness and be willing to bet that a .. goodly I ~2 teaspoon salt unworthiness. That is why our number of Newflcs would· turn a 1/16 teaspoon peppermint extract fath.ers put such emphasis on cold shoulder to any of the afore· 1, teaspoon vanilla penitence as a prcparation for mentioned If there were flippers I i,2 ~~p beavy crcam. whipped Easter. ADd pcnitcnce simply on the menu). ., cup su~ar

T.he guest speaker at the Wab· nna Lions Club dinnc,r mec'ing next Tuesda)' el'cning will be :'Ilr. AdClison Bown Who will speak on Cil'iI Defence. lIIr, Bown Is the chief civil defence offlecr for Bell Island.

means sorroll' for the wrongs we And so. we leave the choice oi I ~ egg whItes hne done. a main dish to the cook. and turn 14 loctyfingers or strips of I Sunday Ser\rices

No one can come up to Easter our attention to the dessert. And sponge eake 1\"ith high hopes of sharing that we think these 'wlll plcase every· Soak gelatin In cold water for ~ I CHURCH" OF ENGLAND great event, who has not faced up body: minutes. (EASTER DA Yl to, t~e el'i!s 01 his own lire, ad. PE~CHES AND CREAM CAKE In a heav)' saucepan, combine ST, CYPRIAN'S-Rector. Rc\,er· ~ltI.lIl~ them and fell ~orr)', 21z cups sifted cake flour coc.oa. milk and whol? marshmal.: end T. F. Honeygold. Curate. RCI" Chnstiall5 must examine them. 1 2-3 cups granulated sugar 10\\ s. Over low heat, stIr constantly erend C. D. Haynes. 6 a.m,. Hoiy lelves and prepar eror the great 1 H tea~poons double·acting bak· ulIIII c~eoa Is blended, and marsh· Eucharist: 8,30 a.m,. Holy Com· Il.ay by I SInccre rcgrel for the ing powder mallo\ls arc almost dIssolved. . munlon; 11 a.m,. Holr Eucharist; Fm~ that '!Ilr their Il,'es and blight ' ~emove from heat. Continue sl1r· 3 p,m .• Children's Scrvice; 7 p,m .• their moll"es, which regret is a OR rIn" untl! marshmallows arc com· Evensong. preclude and a necessary condit. 2!. leaspoon~ ordinary baking pletely.dlssolved. ST. MARY'S-8,30 ft.m,. Holy Ion of God's. forgil'cncss. It is only powder Slowly add egg yolks. Rclurn to Eucharist; 3 p,m., El'ensong. h~ whose sIns hal'c all been ad. 1.2 ,teaspoon baking soda hca~ and, stirring ,constantly, cook • milled and forginn who can 1 teaspoon salt untIl mixture beginS to' thickcn UNITED CHURCH ~hlfe the cross and enter the S' cup soft shorl"ning and coats spoon. Minister, ReI'. F. G, ,tlcl·r. 8 a.m., true exper~I'nce of Eastnr. 1/' cup sour milk" . Add gelatin. salt and flavorings. ,\ • " h I Holy Communion; 11 a.m.. Divine • We arc IIl'ing in troublesome 3 eggs. unbeaten ~:I ~ntthl1 mlxt\ulrc Is quite thick, Worship; 2,30 p.m,. Open Session

lime, and we're afraid-afraid to 1 teaspoon vanlll tr tuna oroug I y set. Sunday School'. 7 p.m., Divine War· Ih'c today or plan tomorrow. In a ex ac Fold In whipped cream' and ship. our piteous fear \\'e nend the .erene m cups hcavy ercam, whipped' stiffly beaten egg whites,

." Drained canned sliced peach· LI b wisdom of Him whose glory we es ne attorn and sides of an 8· SALVATION ARMY

1 celebrate this Easter month. His NOTE: If you use butter or mar. Inch mould, with split lady fingers words can give us power to over. garine instead of shortening, reo or strips of sponge cakc. Pour com.t today the fears of tomorrow. duce the sour milk to ~~ cup. chocolate mixture inlo lined moul.d

Live proudly, )j"e good. and do Heat oven to 350 dcgrees F. Line Chili until sct-3 to " hours. . not be afraid. Think of the words bottom of round g" layer: pans with TQ serve. unmould on plate and

Brigadier and • Mrs. Morrison. Captain V. Ivany and Lleut. Way with ten girl cadets from the Sal· I'atlon Army Training College SI. John's will be visiting Bell Island for the Easter week·end, A public welcome meeting will be held on Saturday, 'night. The Brigadier' and his staff will conduct the services on Sundul·. The public Is invited. Senior Captain G. and Mrs. Hick· llIan, Corps Officers.


, !

of comlort of our Lord Himself. waxed paper. . garnish with more whipped cream ~e L?rd Jesus Christ said, uye be. . Into large electrlc.mlxer bowl. If dcsired. he"e In God. believe also In Me. sift together flour, sugar. baiting --------Pe~ce I leave with you. My peace powder. soda and salt. Drop in Stork News I.gl\·e unto you; not as the world shortening; pour In sour milk, gn'eth, give I unto you. Let not With' mixer at low to medium Mr. and ~Irs. Larry Butler of your heart be troubled, neither speed, beat 2 minutes,· scraping Mount Pearl are receiving 'the con • le~~t b: af:aid".-John 14·1·27. bowl Bnd beaters ollen. Add eggs gratulations of Ihelr many friends t Id ~ apptne~5 of the wtft-ld Is and vanilla; beat 1 minute longcr. on the blrtll of a baby boy. reo o III the ~torles, the praycrs, the Turn into pans. Bake about 30 min· 'Ccntly. .

firm of Chalker and Company. st. John's. Newfoundland.


j ell ~

~ r.: ~ .~

i ~

i t)

Tots and teens willlov\l to weal' our picture. pretty Easter fashions. S'ae

our gay, new selection. to-day I

PLEATS and PLAID .COTTON Sizes 7 to 12, .......... , ........ , 7. 9S

BOYS' TWEED COATS From ...................... 10.95

NYLON PARTY DRESSES Sizes 7·12. 4.98 to 12.90

CRISPY NYLON PRINT DRESSES Sizes 2·6x ........ " ......... 4.49

CHECKED COAT and BONNET SET from.· .. ·.11.9S

TEEN PASTEL WOOL COAT 10 to 14x .. 18.95


TWEED SUI.T .. 19.95 TEENSI NYLON PASTEL DRESS 10·14x. " .. ' ........ $8.90 . . 4


i The Premier Garment Co./ Lta. ~ WATER ST. " DIAL 6161 .

~ ·~l~:.~~.~ .. ~~~~,·e:?)Si#;)?~:ytJ .: ~ ,

art!~ms. 'd and the greetings utes •. ?r until, done; Cool In pans Mr. Builer Is' the Bell Island (Bell. Island' News Continued CI "",stertl e. nn WIre racks 10 minutes. Remove rcpre.sentatlve for the. well known . on Page 9) '.

.: , ;

i I


· I ~ i 'I: '.

". · . i U I

. t 1

l : t I ,~ ~ !: . , . 1. ,

1 " · , ...

'I r , :1

.. ! . ,. I i

j . · ( , I i

'down".~ • • 216 WATER ST.


'FURNACE Come in and see why McCLARY gives

2570 to 5070' greater heat' producing

capacity than any other unit of its size

mode in Canada.



, . ""


and a s

11 Legion Dinner

Isiand branch of Legion will sponsOl'

Thursday. AI "., ..... " at 6,30 p

52.00. Dinner Ii , 10 eighty (80) ;

picked lip at Ihe Leg This ,upper will following week

dinner. Dale to

["U""'U'" and best wi ,and ~Irs, :-<alhar

on the occa,ion of of their \I'

they celebrated )Iarch 30.



IDling memory of my dearest Pal


losl bis life bv ~brch :!S. i953

back sad

annual fuel ~avi h actUDlJy pay 'I

. ealthful, comror! '. 'n ~um ' . mer, rOOms • dO Winl '

er, rooms or becaUse REI Made of .

both fl m, Ire. and ' mOl


Page 9: The Dailynews St John Snl 19560331

Ltd. l 6161

• .j ~:\'.5, SATURDAY, MAR. 31, 1956

ewS rom . Mrs. lobn Vickers 'CARB'ON,EAR N EWS~ Died Wednesday .~ san The community of Bell'Island Obi in earlier'life, but she also knew ITo • M .. .. : learned with deep regret of the . ltuary (!uurage' and 'strength through her . \lWamS eebn.· g:,: pns~lng of an esteemed resident abiding f~i!h in God. oC the lsland in the person of 1-'01' the last twenty years' she CARBONEAR, March .24''':' :\lrs. John Vickers whose death FANNY B. JOYCE has resided with her ne'phew )101· Thursday's mee'ing oC the Car· occurcd at the Gen&rol Hospital There passed away at ~al'bonear colm Cameron. A short service \Janear Kiwanis Clubs was undel

Activities Il Part r . . ~Hocl{ey Many Happy


Wednesday a[(ernoon. I\1rs. Vic. o~. JIIurch 20th one of Its oldest was held at her home by the Rev. I the chairmanship of l\Ir. Fran~., I{ers was in her 60th year. Sur. cItizens and th.c youngest mem, W. B. Johnson thence the body' was' Davis, Chairman c{ the lnter· viving her arc her husbaOd, cne her. ~f o~e of Its most respected conveyed to Carnell's Funeral Club Committee. The programmi step· son William Vickers, .. Bell' famlhes In the person of Fanny Home in St. John's where the included the showing of [oui. I I d d B. Joyce. . funeral service was conducted by films, each of which was educa· S nn i An one step·daughter, The late Fanny B: Joyce was Rcv. F. E. Vipond. On the first tional and entertaining. Gues~, Biarknwrc I At Wabana Many happy returns of the day ~I:~~k. Alonzo . Russell, Corner born nt Carbonear In October, day of spring with all its prorr.ise were all members of ~he Bay Ro~

to Mr. George Peddle who cele. F th . . , 1846, the youngest daughter of of new life she was laid to rest erts Club as follows. President, bra ted his birthday on March 27th . ur lUI reference Q her de· the late William and Georgiana in the General Protestant Ceme· Lloyd Powell, Bill HeddersOIJ,~ . __ ._ .'. ?lIse II' appeal' in a subsuquent Guy. She married the .late George tery beside her family. Dave Russell, Hcward Moores and

.' . ". It'fI'll

·;.· ... ,!:·'<>:n.·~:'. I::: 1'hl' IIt·1I bland Scnillr'·AlI·Star~ I he i~ unable to get time of!. hOl'kl')' (('am \\'111 leal'e Sunday for I Brltn Power' who received an ' .. ' '~:;:;'~:;'~n:;: Curnl'!' Brullk. The tcam will play eye injury during the junior series

.... .. t\l'll l'xhibition games there and against St. John's, expects to be

Birthday greetings tu I\!orilyn ISSUe of the Bcll Island News. I Juye~ and took up residence.in ~t. She is survived by one sonl Wal· Bert Hillyard. Tulk who was eight ~'ears old on Til I' . , Juhn s where she was acllve 111 ter, residing at Toronto, and a Thur.da)', March 29. Greetings G 'Ide ~.ad es - of St.. CyprIan s all pha~es of. the work of the then \ number of nephelVs and nieces. -------

t :~.:l.l;h.ltJOn "(I t'" I F II h k two 1'1 Irr a "rail( a s or Gan, out of ospital this wec", Rccoru· . : .. :.' .\ l.1r~c Ill'r un thc way homc. It is also ing to repurts, the injury was not . :.,.! .\·:'ltil'l'~ !l(t-,ible that they ma), mcet a St. as serious as It might have been.

come Cram the family, . Ill. ~\Il1 be sponsormg a card Methoehst Church and was for a gallle In \he CLB Armoury on number of years superintendent 0[. The camellia was named for •. :,

A I'ery happy birthday greeting Easter l\~cnday night April 2nd. George Street Sunelay School. She Only about one·half the populo- Jesuit, George Josef Kamel, whl,>,

., ':. t'!lj,'Y' .luhn·s ((,Jill in the Stadium when The Bell Island Senior League , ,:,:: ." .::l~il1~ th{'~' !'l'lurn. series will be completed when the

to lIIr. Wallace Ncat who cele. Good pmes are offered. Please knew sorrow, bereft of two of her I lion 11£ India survives to the agc brought the plant to Europe. brntes his birthday on Tucsuay, reser\'e the elate. three children nnel her husband of 20.' from the East. • '.,'

'. . ,!·:!','lIlrnt. IJl'nn Hc('\'(' will not accompany AII·Stars return from Corner . ": ., .::i,,'~:::i~1 the team. owing to tlte fact that Brook •

April :lrd,

. ' ": :',' ~··.UIIJ: "'~'-y ..:;-:Il':tl\l~· _______________________ _ To Visit Wabana Flashbacks Milital'Y Colleges

'i'. f' ... 1,' ::-'l~

~' .

11 Lt'!!iOIl l


~II'. p. ,r. NeWhook, B.A .• Prin· • April, 1922 I Steamship Company,_ and seven cipal of t.he Wabana Anglican I I Thr crcll' of the Bell Islaml: crew members on board, Academy IS one of four teachel's I

StC'anhllip Company's freigh'! Two weeks passed and RS ,'he' that IHl~ heen s~l.ected to make ~ ,twa: S.S. :\Iary killed 100 scn); 1l\lal'Y hml not been Itea·td fl'Om It tour of the ~f1htary ColI~llcs III i while J'{'turning to 51. .Tohn·s ! was fea.:cd that she had been Mon!renl. Mr. Newl!ook \1'111 he I . f:olll til!' Idand. They wel'c talicnl caught ill the ice and carried til ma~lIlg the lour elurms the Eastel'

::ltu St .. lohn·s and sold to BOIwing . sea. Then George Xeal, Ltd" di· hollda~·s. : :111' lIn's. Seals were rcp().~'cd "CI'y rectors of the Belt Island S(cam· -------

. '., .;' 11'''' a plcntiful in CCllception Bay thnl ship Co" receil'ed R 'message NOT" OF TII.\:>;I'S · . ..' .\I':'il ,prin~. from Capt. Colbourne statinit The family or the late Allee .... .•. ' ,:,,1 1'1:1. FIII;owing Ihis success the ~Iary that thc Mary had a'rrived Rt Dwyer, wish to sincerely thank, · ,'. ': l' .... ,: til'''' \Ya; outfilted for a tll'O wcek's Catalina in a damaged condi'jon. all those who helped in the rc· i

,;", ~IIII . 'I'alill~ I'o~'agc and af'.cr discharg 'rile ship had her tail shaft brok. cellt loss of their beloved mothe!', !,.' ':, ,: ';" L'~!lIn in!! hc!' next ca'rs:o uf fl'eight at en and lost her propellor. She and grandmother. Especially ReI'. , '. : . _.;;.: \. :~I :.r 1l1'1I Islallil she sailed for the icc made her way inlo Catalilla by Father O'Dwyer, 'Dr. YOllng, ;\\1'.1,;

.. ". '.'f,', " ullder tlJ(' dircclion o[ Cnptaill means of sails and WAS after. James Iliblls, ~Iary nnd Malt :\li!.II· ." .. j" :,' :., Ill' .1. C. Colhourne. director cf the wards towed to St .• Iohn's. ler, ~Iike Brown. Jim :llurphy"

Edwarl! Fewer, Dick Penney, !II ax ,

Do Yon Realize .. Ryan, Fredie Bryan, Thomas 1 Ryan, Edward O'Qulnn, Elizabeth Fitzpatrick, Alonzo Besso. I

:lIASS CARDS-Mr, anti ~lrs'l

IH~ I, \l'as a spelling textbook- llIan is naturally expected to ac· 'I I 'I \\"111 J C

An autu radiator throws cfr, shoulder Indicates '.here is wood Dall Sto),les, :\[nx and Nellie enuugh Jwat to heat a U·roolll I higher up-It. Is a waste of time Ryan. llr. and ~Irs. Edward hotl,e "n a zero day-The first to crasp an oppcrlunity, unless Fewer, Kit and Jim :I[urph)" Dick Inluk Clll'~'righled in Canada, jill you know whnt to do witll i'.-A Penney, Bill and :'Iary Cummings,

d .1 r. al1l .• rs. I am • onnors,

S~'l1Il'athy is nCI'er waste cxecpt I quire something with age bllt :llr. alld :llr5. ,Tohn Connors of when ~·ou gi\'c it to YO\ll'sclf- I 100 many fellows do their acquir. Wm., Patrick Hammond, Bell),

~~~~::~ Knllwl('dge is what you learn I ing at tile waistline-Xo\hing is Carrol Thomas and Louis Brown,! • fn'llI others: wis(IOIll is whal you i morc frequently opened by mls· John and ~[3r\' ~li1ler, ~Iart Rnd

tradl YO\ll'self-The time 1.0 take ~ take than the mouth-An ounce Elizabeth r'itzpatrick, ~Ir. and ~

-.: II :.11· '.':. \ .. :~!:.11i1·1

'.' ,: .. : til~

: . '.:' \\~cl· .~'. ".~rcl Iln

\ .. :II ...... :l: l 14 ...... 1..1 ....... , ••

, . ',' :, ~ :

.. :.

aril';lIItage of the future is tollar I of real cooperation Is worth a 'I 'Ilk St I d f '1 'I' .! .' rs... 'c oy es an amI y, om, -Tllc greatest nmtal,e yeu can pound of aul.hority-A good ancl Maude Dwyer and family,l make in this lil(~ is ttl be continu·: li.tenC'r ls not only popular e\·cry· i\lr. and )11'8. Bernard Haweo, "!Iy f caring you will makc one- 1 whw'e, \Jut a~ler a whllc he ]llullie and Mike ~lyers, :lIaggic i

for cl'cry man who reaches. ~51 k~ows sOlllethmg-If you nel'er nnd Jim Hibbs, John Dwyer and· there Rn~ ~r\'cl~ WOn~e!I, but ,It.S . stick YOUI' neck out, yuu'll nevcr famll)', :III'. and :III'S. William M.I 1"0 late tllCn-Succc., I' the aill' I get your head abc\'e '.he crowd- Th' II 'II' d 'I '\' St I I. 'I III '}'I • I IS e, j1 • nn II r5. m. one, lIy 10 j(e' a ong II' I 5~~IC PC?' II! cnemy 0, t Ie best is not the Annie :llurphy, Nicliolas aml

pIt' and ahead of cthclo-Alter worst but the good enough- An"cb Stoyles Mart and :I!ary I you P3S~ 65 miles pel' hou~ •. YOl~'re Therc arc in nature neither rc·· ~lil'ier: Mh. :11m' connors,' ill'. 1

not dnl'l!l~ your. cnr •. you l e alll~' wa~ds nor punlshm.en's-there anel !llr •. Willinm ~Iillcr, Jack oneil d1g Il-Dntng, a ~o.b I. like sha\' arc. consequcnces-lhstory may Lyda Brown, :1[1'. and I'S. Patrick mg.-the. langeI' It s pu. off, ~he poss.lbly record thcse years as the :\IIl1er 7111', and :III's. Tom Brown,l h,al'dl'l' 11 ,b.cr?meS-l'e~Ple .':.hO ,Aspa'ln Age-or perhaps. ns the I Edwa;d Penney :lIike and )[arv I ::1'1>\ all. (~,r1nk~ng be~(Jt ~ dr~\Ing: ?ge of lhe great hunt fer park· Brown, Catherine and GCl'ar;1 "rt· 11l111l1l, the Ilu.trt bcfllrc the. IIIg spaec. B '1 Ed' d W I I d F '1 . 11l':llw-The hi!(hrr une gel~ in' I raZl, wllr. a S I an !lml )'1 (ilt. ('\'cning, the 10\\·C'.r he ICl'ls I WI' Tom and Mana Dwycr, :III'. and:

.. _____ a1 In Ill!' lIIurning-A chip on the I a lana ~Ir •. ,Tnmes J. ~am.mond, )Ir. and:

... . .... _ _ . __ ~Irs. Edward 0 Qlllnn, lIIary anci.

FI ) b I rhome IIa\\'co. :\11'. and ~Irs. Wal, I as 1 ac is tel" Jaclmlan, Mr. and :llrs. Walter I , Hawco, Bili and Belt)' Kavanagh.:

rorty.une years ago, Bell Js· Gus and ilIary Stoyles, Will anci!

II lund was marooncd from the nea·r· ilIary Stoyles, Mr. Rnel Mrs. Clar.: by mainland by an Al'ctic icc· ence Kent. ~Ir. and )Irs. M. T. i

! b!ockadc, similiar t~ t1!Rt which IlIammond, :llr. Rnd Mrs. Amhrose l : chsrup1ed l'ommUlllcaltons .bet· Stoyles, Bernard and :lladelin' I ween the Island and Portugal! Stoylcs, '\'om Dwyer of John and I

CC\·c during the month of APril'

l family, .Jim and Angela 1Ilorrisse)" ,

o[ last year. One of Iho first to Mrs. Eliazbelh Stoyles, ~Ir. and! cross O\'er the i1~e at I.hat time illr5. William J. Sto~'lca, (St. ; was :111'. Bcnjamin Buller, now I John's)i Mr. "Ill! :l-Irs, GUS'! a pCllHionccl' o[ Dominion wab.,' Whalen. (SI. ,John's): i "na are Limiter!, who Is enjoy·. SDII'ATIlY CARDS--:'tlrs. Eel· i illl: cxcellent health at the lage' ward Krnt. ~It·. anti illr5. Ben ,I or 'i0 years. Pitts, (New Glas:::Jow).



For Town and' Rural Use Facts About

Propane Gas

1. Installations made by' fully trallle~ sen'ice mcn.

~. SUpplicel in steel eylinllers Installce] outside your hOllle and piped directly to your /las stove and. wa$er heater,

3. Propane hurns more efficiently than mannfactured gas and Is non toxic

4. Propane ~as (Ioes not stain cooking utensils and gh'es a clean and el'eR heat.

5. With a ProlJanc inslallation the 2 l'ylinders constitute )'our o\\'n p. plant and therefore there are no overload ronrlltions nllli the consnmrr . is assured of a continuous ann COil' stant sUllply.

6. 1\0' ]NCREASI~ I!'.' ]!'.'SURANCE nATIIS.

7. Prop:tnp J(a~ (leJjv~rr.t1 In e\'lindcr~ makes it llOssible for rural "as \l'ell as urhan reslclents 10 enjo,' a QlO(I· frn fuel kitchcn. •




History of Propane

PHOPAi';E. a liquificd pctrolclllll gas, is the result of a ccntur\' of scientific re· ~cnrch for an abuudant. casil\' handled amI int'xpl'llSh'c "hot tied" gas which (;ollld be distributee! without mains.

It was ollly 2i years a!!o scienIists and chcmists came up with what is now knoll'll as LPG or Li(lUifict! l'ctrolclIm Gas.

Sincf! HJ:2:2 ClHlI'IllOtlS ClIIlSulIlptiun has hcen huilt up. 0\'['1' :3\2 lIlillioll American hOUSClVi\'cs arc 110\\' min;! ",alrl' healing and refrigcmlioll ami liqniti['t! gas for (,Dokin;!. automatic mort' than ;3(lO tOll'US t1('pcud cntil'e1" on li(l'lific(1 gas. .

Propane Installations I'ropanc (ias can be quickly and easily

connecte!1 in YOllr hOllle. Two compact cylinders arc placed at the rear of your hOllse, allli the Propane Gas is piped inside. There Is nothing complicated since the unll is self contained giving a constant pressure of gas and the service is not interrupted

As soon as one cylinder is empty the unit is swilched to the reserve tank. A trained sen'ice men removes the empty container and connects the full one, giving )'011 are· sen'c once more.


COOKING - One modern, up·to·date gas range, Cully automatic top burners, autolllatic oven control. There Is JlO waiting, just turn up a gas cDck aad YOU haH instant heat. 20.25 lb •. Propane Gas is l:enerally luf· ficient for an 3\'craj!C family of four when meel consefl'atl\'l~ly for cooking per month.

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Page 10: The Dailynews St John Snl 19560331

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IN """<;2Z''%



Dr. Jordan Says . Fllrt Hamilton Icavinu Halifax

. Apr. 3, due SI. John's Apr. 5, BY EDWIN P. JORDAN, M. D.' sailing Apr. 7 (Halifax and ~ew

• ......, York).· XXIX 1 not choose sldcs," he finally said. It Is not surprising that a con· Fort Avalon lcaving Hal!fax Apr. Apr. 6, due St

L1SA sat at Ihe far end of the "We know that thc British will siderable number of corr~spon· '3, due st. John's ·Apr. 5, sailing I ing Apr. 10 . J'Jh~'! table and looked O\'Cr at the fuur I establish a missIon here when dents write fer information con· Apr. 7 (Corner Bruok and New I Ikdfurd Ii I . pairs of grim eyes fixed on her •. they rccell'e the Sterglous Usl. It cerning a disorder of the lungs' Yllrl;). .9, dlle St J!lhC~llnl . The candlc on the center of '.he i means that we must organize and known as emphysema. Apparent. Fort Hamilton leaving New I Apr. 12.' n! Art 1\ l:lble cast a dancing shadow on I act on information about arms Iy many people have this disorder York Apr. 14, Halifax Apr. Ii. dUI' I tl:e bare 11'.:1115 uf the rocm. I shipments. train schedules, sub. without sympt./ms· since studies of SI. John's Apr. 19, sailing Apr. r.LARI<E

Three of the men she had I marines .•• It means the Britloh the human body after death have 21. ,:ht·rn Trarl~r known since childhood. Only the I will ship In arms to help us carry shown variolls degrees of this con· I NFLD. CAN. STEAMSHI PS I ~ ~()rth (""'t~r Ii stran;:e, slon~' Dr. Harry Thack. out missions. We knoll', too, that dition to be present In about 1 Belle' Isle due SI. John's Apr. : I~~. ao. ,Iue SI. /;~i ery was ncll' '0 hcr. I the Germans will destr.o~' vllllges person in 20. 2, sailing Apr. 3. ,al!tn~ Apr. 3. t':


"Il was im)'KIs~ible to stop. and cl'les and kill our citizens The mcst important 5ymptor.: lof Northern Coa~tcr due 51. John's \1 el1:mlioc ieal'it, him." shc c~icd. for el'CI'~' act we commit againsl emphysema 'is s h 0 r t n e s s of II, due 51. JOhn';'A'

Pajl.l.Pancs, the 11I'jcst. his' Ihem. What is our gnin? If wc breath. 1'his i; thc result of loss Apr. 13. ,t beard no\\' grar .. I1ugc me on· hecomc strong-if we can p131'C of elasticily of the !issues of the W.Al'ERFRONT X".I!lPort Iralin' bred :\1ichalis, tht' union OrJ:lani.! cnough PI'cssure on tile German;, lungs." ~I. (file Sf. JOhn'; . %(,T. I\'ho w~rc the scowl of an thcy will hc fcreed to kcep their Obl'iollsl)·. If n larl(e porlion of In~ Apr. 28. AI:. angn.' lion ..• Gentle. scholal'ly I troops here anel will not be able the lungs arc im'oh'ed the victim I D IRECTO RY --Thana~~i", the profcssor at thc 1'0 I'c!ensc thcm for fighting on of emph)'sema will clel'clop shorl· ----unh cmt~.. • • the main fronts. :-1elth('1' )'OU nol' nes, of breal11. A. E. JIlCK'IAN CO., I,TIl. :'Ilicha1i~' ham1ike 1i~1 pounded I can ~Iop the Greek people from 11~EnE 1I~\vJo: n!~.EN cx.tcnsil·c ~I.V. Payoff is moored up for; on tht' tablc lind the e<lndle' st;rlking hack. Trul)'. Papa.Panos, stmhes of thiS conchtlOn which arc the winter; ;11511 (;race. Hllchnel'i bounrt'd. "Whr didn't ),ell follow' thr hills arc angry." still continuing. and Thonw, ;md Rolwrl I him~" hI' roared. I The )ll'iest ~i;:hcd. Hc knell' It results in mllst in,tances'l ('.\NAn.\ )'I\CKEI:S !.Til. '

L.i~a aid 110t answcr. I these men spokc the truth. from chronic infe~l~on of the IlI~~s Cornll'all 2ml is wailing 10 go "Llsa." O~. Thackcr~; said "you Greece I\'as des'ined fel' a blood slich ~5 a Ion::! contlnucn broncilltls; nil rlock nexl wcek. 'j

were under orders to kill him in bath that would make all the ch.rOllle 3sthrn", or n cllcst ddOl·. llAIi\E .I01l:\'STO:\' & CO. 1.1'11. the Pl'rnl ~nmething likc thi~ ancient tril,ltedies trll'al by com. mit,'. i ~L V. Sid anll Sam, (:101'1'1'. mas· happened. Do you realize thc. par5iol1. ""cry well, 11'0 will 'No! .al\ of those willi bal'c ,lIch tet', is takin~ freight fllr 1I:,rc Hay. II ('omequenrc' if hc falls m'o Ger. : ~pare 110 cxpcnse in finding the condl~lOns develop cmphysema bllt ~ ])owr, GI'ccnsllond, SI. Brend:tn·~. man hand~7" ; .\meric01n and getting him ~ut of tbe rIS~ Is greate:. ; Trinity. B.H., WcsleYl'ilIe, Iladg··

Her mouth was dn.'. She closed' the coun'ry." CC~'la," occupatIOns pI' esc n t· ers Quay and Silxer Fox Island. I lIer ('yes and licl:cd her pa~chcd' Then Ihc four of them turned speCial hnzards f Ilr the c1cl'elop·1 :'I~rgucrile B. Tanner, Ralrh' lip~ "I de nct hide that I IOl'e' to Lisa. lIel' lips 'wcre white. She ment for emphysema. Tho sri Smith, ma,ter, took f rei g h t I

him:" arose sloll'l~' and spokc; "Bercre \\'~ose ":orll Pllt~ them In contacl I for Hodgcs COI·C. Clarenville. Papa.Pano~, the plicst. had sat: you make a decision, thNe is WIth pDt~Onou5 dll~t or ":ho an' Hickman's Hr.. Long Hench, and

liFlerjng quietI~'. Be stroked 'he! morc I mmt tell YOII 110W." cn,g~geil m ocel~~atlOns WhIC!1 cm:. other ports in Trinily Hay. Sail· I'~d of his beard. At la,t he spokc I In slow, deliberate words. Lisa n mcreased rl.-k of lun~ Infcc .• ! ed ,rcdnl',dal', :llarch 14th. :~ hi! high.pitched I'olce that unfoldcd her story beginning Ions arc parllcularly likely to I T. HAI.LET I.Tn. :1el'Cl' failed 10 clrry authorit~.. wi'h the day that the Gestapo ~~~~~~ i I'~physl'ma. J t .11: a ~ Norma Conrad, Blackmore, mas "Thanassiii-:l!ich01!is-Dr. Thac, had picked her up and takell her . ~ ~ he p.a,t ~hal nlllSICtan~ tl'r, is wailing to go on dock when ke."\.'-l serioush.' wonder if all to I~enard Heilser. The four mcn II ho blell on II'md mslrl1me~ts or I dockane is availahle. "lass blowcrs were alSl! parllCular I ." . of us.arc not wrong about, :I[cr. looked snocked. Thcn she told ot '. . • • • Lmdl' H.II·IIOIII' IS moored up lor I)' llkeh' 10 deHlop cmphv;;cm" tl • :1S~:~. Would i! nol be wise that the week. or tert'or and ended, b ' .' • lb' I Ie ,eason. w~ a!l ju.t forget about hllll~" I her stor,\' al the point where ul IIl1s IS pro In Iy nol the c~~e, 0:\' !lOCK SI:\'CE ~IUCII c mph \' , e m n . ' .

".\~c you insane. Fathcr~" . :lIorrison had dashed lrom the comc, from prev~ntable C'3USCS, il: Bwm, Collier .. )Iarlllus 1111'1 y.\'. · "D~ not Taise your \'oicc to me, apartment a'. Satal'riondcu, 125. is important to eliminate In ,0 far, TfI:pa~sey, c~lIImg off on Saltlr· '~lichah5. You arc not speaking In She askcd no ll1erc~·. The mcn as' possihle. the s[lecial danl!ers or I da~, i\larch _4th. ~ U:1!O:1 hal!. Suppose :I[orrison. sat in horrified silence, Lisa ' occupation anel to lI'eat chronic I . H.M .. C. DOCKYARD

· d~('~ e!Capl' ... SUpP~SI' hI' doci I walkcd straight and PI'oua to thc lUllS! infections as {'Oldy ane! a, aI, '~a\'al. ,rlre tUll. :3 and motor tU:-:1 1111' namrs ",'cr '0 the BrIt. : doo·r. "I sholl wait 111 the ne~1 lectinly as pns,ihlr. It ccrtninh'l ,·essel. L5.1 12!:!2, Seal1f'acon. l';lIT.

'!!h ...• Han any of yr,u thousht 'room," she saic\. shollirl he l1o'sihlr 10 rrillicr th~ In\'("tl~~t"t· 2nd. Hamaf:I'!' t\l~ \I hat would happen thcn~ It " • • I l1umh~r of I'ictims r!f cmph~"rm~ ~epl. f)rrrl~c 1'.\1'.]): 20, and ~I.'r· mcar.' 11(' \\'111 be rompcll(lri 10' TllnOUGIl the !Inper.lhin l by Ihl'se IIIcans. II prr'oll with linUS, alSl' ."althl'lI' ~~d. ''''t C:1 thet:' information. .\nd. walls she heard ~1ich~lis pOlllld :1 chronic rnll"h ~h'JIIlIl take ,!co' J\T /lOCK :::clIllenlC'n. I"c ~anno' expect the his {is'. 011 Ihe iable. "Li~a KYI'i~. I tn ~et appropl'iale lrcatnwnt lor ,SS. Kyle is mO'lI'cd 111' £,)r tI\I' 'Ge~lIns 111 sil by idly. The~' "ill kldcs is a trailor!". . ' Ilhe cause, II'hatel'er it ma.l· he. hn

' l seas."II. nl~n the Glrne(J,! anti

U • 1 ., 'TH1k:T'Y Y;;b,~G iOCl 5-O0'-l c l'1'!;;' 3!(' 1:1 triP e n1e~;ure. Thana5sis shook his. hoad in I (orr too mueh tim!' has rbpsel1, Spnng(lnll'.

"B.'!h," ~licllali;; grumbled. Ill' disbelief. lIts stueliolls np[1eal'" -- ------- --- I In spitc oC prcl'enth'c mea~lIre, I A. 11. nlUlIlI.\Y & CO. lr~:,e:! ()I'cr the table .nri pcintcri r,nce belied thc fael that he was: HOLLY'WO OD TODAY shake hands less frequcntly. ,.\' -which shoulr! include her! res" ilL\'. Polar Clipper, Dal·i<. h:! fin~cr almost into Papa. enc of the mo,t daring men 11' thc : nod or a pleasant greeting dol'S I and prohahh' thc usc of nntibb·; mm,ter. ,ailed Thllrsday, )!arch :!1.

· Pi:10~' beard. "A~r we receiving mO\'emcnt. "Lisa-[ can". be\lcl'e , . the job. tics wherc infection i, inl'oh'ecl- ':0 Fortune and then to Gloucesh'r milk anri halley from 'he Ger- i'. I hal'e knewn her since she'j By ERSKINE JOHNSON I kn II' b I ' But on the occasions when II o· man)' people wi\[ develop cmph~'.! Glenwood, Frampton, master, I~

; mans no\\'~" Onb' ye5'erda~' the was a sirl of 16, She was a stu. I HOLLYWOOD- (NE;\) _r.'x. learno e t~~r t~~aY'h I always I men s h a k c hands, it's wise to ~ema in varying degrees of sCl'eri I having engine repairs. '. ~::i bulchen massacred a hun. dent of mine." i elnsh'cly Yours: Ike fina'Uy m~e ' every ;ng• .c ard way," , remembcl' .that .the most impec., ty. \ Agnes i\IcGlashen is moorrrl up · dre:i cil·mans In Crcte." "I too l1a\'e known her alld her. up his minrl, but there's still a' The \1" •• I able groommg Will go to naughl jf I A great numbrr of drugs hal"'. fur the scason. • Thanam! interrupted. ":\s fomily foT many years." IIIiehalis' ques'lon marl; about whethel" a . ~tnet, AI1~n .'Josly~ about I the handshake is IInplca~ant. ' beC:1 t!'icd tu improl'c the I·t'lltil.", S.S. Helen IIorn is loailing ~ ,much as I lon and respecl you. ,aid "\\'e cannot let ;entimen' Grace KeUv will COlltl'nU n rll ,nell Frcnch mone: "It s \,eory Unpleasant handshakes includ~:' tiou of Ihl' lungs with \,;lrl'ill" Slh', cargo of Ibh F tl1 l.t ··th ?Iii h . . .• c II' ullu""al EI'pryone in the I tl" '.' S .' ".' . ! ~ er. . m11, ~gree 1\1 • c. lallty rulc 11,." III' had dealth too ml1g for mOI'ie stardolll. Will sh' '. . .. : :, cas wres II1g grip, generally 1(II'Cn 11)' eI·';S. • ume people Il'Ith Chl'OIlIl' CII()SIIrF. & ('0.

· alis., P:'s;ll'e re>l;la~~e has prlll'·,. long wi'h too many of tho~e whll retil'e 11'0111 Ihe screen M'el' bl~ IS lIlalllccl. • • • : women who 1\'l'I'~ championship elllllh)'~cll1a. <el'lIl to b~ ['onsidel'ah I M.\'. ~Ian~('(), whirh rinbhrti · ed .rllllless. Tht' Cilles and the played both sides. . coming Ine Princess ()f JII"W") '1'1" ~ : hockey player,,: IlInp fbh, gin'" I)' h!·lpcll tf tit,,)" call speRiI III< Ibe l'o1'iugal l'ol·e·Il('1t IsI:ulIl Ite· · hills are angry and our 'peoplt' I •. I/el' prince.te.he '~ays sh~ 'I~'~i -\ ,;~ I~ l1()t~YII'()()d: l\Irs. ,rnne~: by women who ha\'c till' 'jdea thai <'older nlOnlh5 of the "I'ar ill :, 1;1. s~l'\i<·e. is rllllV III' for "Hie. ,will figh'." . "It seem; we ha\'c no ChOICP,' But :lIG~1 <1'11·.··. t (' \I . • IIlten',ew WIth Proriucer bcautiflll women obtain style It)· mild climalt'. A YlII: & liUNS

"And do you agree with them .. Thnnassis said: "But I will not bv 11'111 co;tar' lI'ithl 1i~'SIS SSI Trur.!! .I~c Pasternak about his au'o· I languishing; the cozy, unshakillg' 'l'III-:ItE II.WI~ .-\1.1'0 IIEE;'; i Hllu.rt Kllicl;l,' HI:lci;\\'tlotl j, Dr. Thacke:y~" the 1I13n to pull the trigger." in "Designing \\'(;nl' ~.~y it CIVil t blcg· .. aphy, "En,y Ihe Hard Way," griplhat rnris with a little squcezl' ,001" illtt-re,lin" reporls in th"!lIw,It'1' is gl'lti II ,,' n"tlil' to go UII

• • • Thacl;cry said rothing. 'I'hi; honeymoon 1'h astat.,a clr tt ~l' I'ecalled the first big movie hit. often given by nunt, II'ho feel Ihcy medica! lilcratn~e ill rrl'ent year' dnl'k heflin' !n,i::hlic;": TilE b fda r i I t h' It I' . I' S a c,t "Three Smart Cirls " t' h t . lb' I' II . I ,,~, . cny. ace m n em" nCI 11'0\5 no IS rna e . words on thc subject al Ihis II' 'i. , '., ..,. s arrlllg , .; arc some gl'ca 11'ISlom ecau 'I" !"'·o \'Ing Ie 11<<, .of spec,al breath I ~Iarpllne Inkpcn will he gl'ttin~

· Jirbl fnr many momcnts. "I (10 "If sht' II'as 0\ traitor, would illl! arc: rt .?~~lllla Plll.~Jn:. and Its scq~leI, the~' :cm~mbcr you Ilhen you' IIIg ~pparal.1S which results In 11I'll'cady in 3 fl'w days to takc freight .. "" ".\ny'hing hi~ hi hne" .', . 1 hr~c Sma!. (,E'ls ·Grown Up." "'ere 111 chaper.<; and the flipper. Icrnlltlent pre5<lIre on the lun~' ,10 1l000th('rn purl,.

~he have 10Id.IIIs..;!cr .it01;I·' I.; fine wilh m~" g ~s II I, hI's Old·tullers hllnked a fel\' seconds' which nCI'er seems to grip at nil. for il11pl'ol'il1~ wntilnlion. : Ear! Keith and Eu"cnc ROl' arc

HAVE MONEYI ~fo~ than 10fi.OOI) CanJ.

~:J~ !!1!lney through their

I Papa.Panos sal(. a~n . 1I~~. HollvlI'ond i'widl'I" I '. laler whcn lIelcll Parrish ap· frequcntl,' gil'cn by 1I'0l11cn whu The lI<e oC OI'!1Z< which ran I,,· 1II00l'ed lip for the ;ea>01l •• II'cman .Iwcl el1oll;:h sorrrOl1 to ('r"cc ''''1'11 I' ' I' ICiJ~1 e !Jcarcd as the 5ho\\"s coml1lcrci~1 arc lookin~ somewhere el,c hrr:tlhed In finch- cliridell forll1 FUltNFSS \\'ITI)" & "() ) ')'n 11 "S r II' ~l"h Ii- YOII 11111'1 'n WII IIIUC ICI' carecl' . 1 ~. . • • _.. ." . • • r.ar .• u C.' ','C a " :' ,after a tillle' hut lh~t 'I' .: :PIC cr. . A gOod hancl,hnkc is <lone at 1'1· 'I'hich lIIay eilher altack inferlioll' !i.S. Cornie,k frolll Englall(1 with .rcalt7t that Ir she h~l: trn;onl1l,I:, '1101 I'cllll'n I~ MIlI'lcir.w;I'C T~"~ l1cirn w~s [)C,lIlllfl', r,,~lar ill: bol\' ICl'rl: It in.I'olves a sIIlid, 1}:,t wl!cn presrnt or rlilalc tim brnn rilllll:t!!ecl how. 'is Ilnrlor ~\lnry. hrr Icarl ~ Ie cou c lal e , . 11'iIl he plClltl' ,,[ .. ~rc Ihe scqur.1. I not cru,lllng. gnp nUll a COli pie of ,:hwl Ilibes has "I,,, hcen "cportpd' S.S !\Ol·:t SI'oli" aril'ell I'ostor weal'h o[ Athem at he~ fed~~ 'i~t~ : fOT her to "'ork ;~JJArtllll!t.IC' TV AI~LEr hr"rs ABC·TV pro· shakcs ."p and down, f~lInl\'eri b)' ,,~ hal·.ill:: fHI'nrnhle rr1Cr.!5 i,,' ri;l), ;.111. 11'0111 j,ilwpoIII lI'ilh'I'"' seem to forget s~~ on y t ~s . film's In Menaeo's back ll1?rldHII I '.mbly 1\'11\ !lilt rCI1~'\' ,i1!' "'Il;;\( . ~ ncclStl'c release or grips. . 'om" \''''11111< of cmphY<C'II1:1 'ellg!'r, lI1:db an,l II'Pighl. Srhr,l· to protect the Illes of her \\10 Ellrnne If the ciil?"~ t~{I- L'nradc Shol\· ... I)·1 h. rl'i"lIing ' Fuss about "lol'e5 or no 2lovr' The rrohlem of tre~tmcnt hOIl.llllrd In .,,,il Inlliuhl s"turrin l·.


1'1:0'1 /I \ I.1r.lx: }'(1'1 thmllton

• I":' \I,;rn /"'1'1 lLlIllllton'




TO 1l.\I.If.\X:

F',n 1I',milirn " Fort 1I:'milinr. "

:;on;." ~rn lil~i I. HPrrnl'e" f s 0" 'k.on. ''Tap Root5," film I't;riioll of: and about who stand: up i,n'l Inn "-I'CI', rCIl1Hin~ a difficult Ollr. HII"I·\larCh 2·1Ih.· . "I '.111 thr- l'ltllrl' "r > 'rn .b"." r ... incr,s.··' C H I.or lUg ·.I~n1~s Slrc~t's Civil War 110\'el,1 il!lporlant c~mpared to the prin. anyone II'ho already has a ,Cl'ere Sn:l':flS 1.7'0. "alif."

)1lchalb ;aid. "I :pr.,ck In )'NI ", • • • \('.1'''" I','C' ~ ho~·"fii'·c e1irk in I 1.·1111e of 100kmg at Ihe person you I enough form of emphysema to in· M.V. fiarrafllrd t'llPs Rirh .. I· ~ lmn '\'h~ I~I'~; him 0,; 1 1~I'r It·, "flll' ~lllp" ,1 I'll" 1,,1' ln1. V:on Hrflin ~nrl ~u~"n Hay.' are :rrcrling while YOII're shaking: lerfere with hrealhing or genernl· nHlstcr is lnculh.' fi,hill" flilt nl !"fll' ,"",.

!~,~to!'! S~:'!ldic.!te Pla.na.

I hIe 1';~ll 1 lI'oultl r~lhcr ;cr. hinl .\l~ri1.I'n ~l"nr"r hll' 11 lI,i, ,,'d "'1,,(1 ;II'~ 'he ,iii:'; . , . Onnald' h" n d s nnd ~pcaking something! health needs to obtain the bcsl· this port scclI .. i~g good" c:ltchm


m h'~ i:1'ill'~ Ih"r. ,N' hi:, /"tilel' :111:; fM hrr c1rom'lit I' .... , \'" : ''C01l1101' n~r! l~l"ri" Xohcl will friencll)·. I possible advice and treatment. I :lnd disposing Ilf same in town. IJ~com~ a collabor~lor" :~3ha J,ylc'~. \I'h"" ~Iarill'~ 1'1'.' ,.1' '.:10 1\1~\'I'I1~e knot nn ;\l"~' 18

I\lrnco 10 the ~llIrlio. ~·~I?h'; .... I·c<,.r "~k?r hnll.~ht a raneh I If. G. WHt~11 "Y~;. ~llrh~1t'." r'II,·Pa l l'" itrr nwnlrr for the I"~.l th"I'e I1r'1r Onion ~ I'I:~I\ I ex. I

~!1: "'~r~d "p~ehap; )'''1) \\'11'1111 \'~'r I k I II'" 1 P 0 B :;. riel' rr" .or"l, 'I'll 0 • '" , ' .. , •

• • 01 111 :~~ o'ou ;0:1 10 h,; CI·al·r. Dut Onn ~ll1rl'~Y II'hn 11'''11 11'0 1'(11" nl . 1'l'al1",1I 1 \ noll': C.roS. r\ .111,t I ,'~11 me ;omcthln::. wOllle! )'0\11' I~r )'nlln~ rowl1n,' apl'~Yr ~1"I" n:lallr'. lol,.phnnr< III thr. I'll" , "'lie:" il)'n in the Ii1lll h her )'lIl1nq"ll ,." n~~ rf il~ 111!·,:r.~I.n .. y h!lllc1i~g I

(T~ B~ C~nli"u"lll I(,'lciin.: 111"'1 In dato_'II", IIIII\' "t ho.11)'I' n·d 1 I City. ~2. He pl,,~'rrl Ihl! ,ailel' in "Th~ . ..: I r:",1' "n II 0" on r.rnacl"'''Y "lid .. In!!\·I'1 Ilr:'~m'II' f/nll),wflocl

Ht:GH O'BfiIA~'::; TV rm"t. l1ppr.arNI nnpn,il~ ~Iill')' ~t~rlll\ ;".11 1""l~n~~a,·:;. Ihl< <lImmBr in m~ a~ \\'yall Earp "'nn hi: hi:, "1\ TV in ."Thr. Skin (If Our .\n~~I""~ . 11'111 h~I'r lInrXllert· fir,t ;ta~rin;; rolr tn .; 111 "I' It'. ·:·rr'h." . rd rnmprl,ll011. l'.nnlhrr l'rl',inl1 YUIl. I"! • I\·~;tcrn. "Tl1~ B-~~' C'n:,\FF.~'SI();\, f1'nm .I\'d)' (:ill" .. ,r thr .Rrnndll'ay pl~)' hit,. ~'ar· Le;er,c!." bu1 Hu~h wi\! ;IPIl Ollt I;mel: 1'::':: 1.,Ih P_lmrl" '-;111 he fllmcd of 1m Eal'P rhar~cter .. ,~l~r· "\I'hpn ~I(:" lirr~1 I1Jr 1 wn, in ~!:Jlli"h ,.helli. the .'~m~.1ime. Ion BrannCl ~n'l Chzab~lh T'l)'IOT hr"kp. I II'rnt In wnrll rOl' Il,., 1.,111, I'CI',""n Will hc blhngllal In ";llar.l~:le ~1(lI·l1in~:;lar." 10 hr '~lfrlio When I was 12. IV,\S tlwre, -Ciermnn and En;;hsh.

,filmed this fall, I~ thc cllrrenl' 16 ~'ea,'s, hilt left with nn monry I .. ••• , I' as' ing larllet at 1\'tll'I1er Brr~ 'hel'all~e What I (,:lI'lIed. was JlIIIlI" : I.llh:II". Hotl!, lilt' "1'11 CI'Y To· But nil the details C~II't be 5C'· Iy haudke!. 11 I'.','~ 1111' 0\\,11 til III I. 11"'I'!'IiII' ~::I. 111I1lt'S 'n makl' a tied I1nlil this ~Ulllm~r, '1 didn't lmllw hllw h; I'ollnt BUI ;:1II::dl\':I,' pl"y ('II n1l'ha 1'1; next

"1'10 1nor e

____ .. _ •. __ .......... ___ . • :,(':1,1111 ill "\\'olllan in Flighl." a _ __ _ _ _______ . __ • _____ ... mUl'der m~·s\el·Y. A l'ntll()aIlY has, ---. -------_._-

W ,:f'P'T't'''' i'\ "f),(0 (tt" LA I fit t1 U 0;


• i


~.- ..



31% BONDS"

!ht~ .hn~ 1. 1935 D!le June 1, 1966

NOTICE is hereb:' given to all holder! of outstanding 3t% Bonds da'ted

Ju.'le 1. 1935 L'ld due June 1, 1966, series D4, of the Government of Cant-da,

that purSUL'lt to the provision! thereof, all the outstanding bond! of the said

issue !!.."e hereby called for redemption and· prior payment a! an entirety on

Jll!!e I, 1955, at Ilny Agency or, the ~ank: or' Canada', at 100· Per cent of thf

p.";.ncipa! ~'.!m thereof upop surrcndfr of said Bonds, Coupon Bonds shall have

the December 1, 1956 and subsequent coupons attached. Interest on all said , Bonds sh:!.l1 cease to nccru~ from and Rfter JU:lC 1, 1956,



IWl'n forllleli in 1I0llywI:od to IHII'C Ihe I\'ay fol' the prodUction anrl thclI a possihle mUI'ie \'cr· ~ioll.

• • • TORONTO (CP )-Waller B~uer,

I :il. a writcr ami Unil'ersity of To· Ironio sludent 01 modcl'n langllagc~, I has 1I'0n til i s ycal"s Albcrt

I Schweitzer inlernational literary prize, i( was aimounced Wednes· day.

Mr. B~oer, who came from Ger· many three years ago, won the ~2,5()() cash award for his biog· '.'~phy o( Fridtjof Nansen, a Nor· II egian humanilarian whose work \,lth First World War refugees won him a Nobel Prize. 1.

"I have a passion for solitary figures who make assaults on na· ture and sholl' the greatness of man h)' their triumphs or who af· ter a great ;trug;:le achieve wi;· clom In Iheir failure," ;ald ~(r~ Bau~r. who i~ 1I'0rkin;r on R eima· di~n novel. t ----

Take Greal .Care With Handshake

. BY AJ.1CIA lIART ~[allY' p~rsllns havf grown up

with u hurt'or III an ()thrrl\'l~c per· i f'~l'Ily Illell~:lIIt lIIH'lu fir family

I fl'iulld because, uul'ing the yelil's when oue was ),011111:' and required

i to shake hands with this person, l he o[(ered a limp fish hand.

I A~ \I' n m ~ n get out of their adole3cence, they. are .required to

I' ~ t I·

.. ' .:.J •• <r ._,~, - ~~_ ..




UNow, we keep track of expenses the modern way with a Current Account"

You'll know far bettcr where your money gocs . . whcn you open a Currcnt Account with The

Canadian Bank of Commcrce. This gives you

these outstanding advantages:

At the end of each month, you rccch'c a typed

statement from us. This show. cI'cr), dcposit

and every I\'ithdrawal you hal'e JI1:!dc·-~~ Ilell

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also rccei\'c all your canccikd cheque,. you'll

find this combination a grcat heip in keeping

an exact record of your cxpcllJilUrC; and


Open a Current 'Account with us toduy. Our 12curest oranch will be glad to help YO'"

Main Branch ......................................................... .'E. E. EWING, Manager Hqmilton Avenue and Cashin Branch ................... .J.· E, JOUDREY, Manager


• 'wanl~

old 1\1 GRACE-The reg I

of the Kiwan: was hel

h 26 at 6.30 p.n llarc he' meeting Wi

!lote~/president. Fran opened m th

waS . "Ing ( with the sIP"

Newfoundland follo\ to Gra;e'usual dinner. con

t ewas enjoyed by a J\iwanian Max Pa master, with Mr

. song . no at th~e~l~or' the evenir spe; A. W. Bennet

ae was introduced t stapleton and to~

Army's place I System." explained ho

security policY mu b I it can meet any for tats to the country at thre3 lime must be wit hi

capacity. He stat€ today al

countries have . to ensure the

has enterl of commitmen

been endorsed by i its people and all i reference to the sa

in :\ewroundlan~'s hi showed hoW the Island polic)' has changed dov Ihe years in order to, me conditions. Canada s d

loda), is the result The Ogder

Au~i~'e~~~s;m~a~d~e in l~ ~. Canad. the U.N. and II

In N.A.T.O. All the imply heavy I

ourGl Settlel GRACE - A h

recollections of an 0 Gracian, the late !I' }Iarlin, were com mer

appear to be of nlU many of the presc they will be continu,

and further articles. ~/artln remembered 1

telling that his fath the number that lat

to help retake Sig~ the French. He to

did not get a Bear's Cove in H;

He says, ") recall r telling me that

OOI\'SllrIL oU a corvet not sholl' her flag co harbour in early p:

supposing her to nr!\'o topr, just at t French and Americ

great grandfather, i. nearly fifty years al

~ersle}'m:1n who engaged a seaman. W~

America he fiJ I do not know, but my grandfather sayi he was born his fath

the Atlantic in one vessels that we fishing station. T remember seei

from the J ers by Cornish (probat

ha\'e come out for the .Ters

now stands between I Street Bnd Bennet

Sa.tUrday night's cleari fiSh, I often heard I

say that he would j tub with water a to make believe tl

's Columl

prefer a shower there Is no need

lhourself of using ba e bath oil all O\'er yo

. You get under t oil wiil soften yo

a lovely Sccnt. shelves and walls

clothes closet wi cologne to hind YOUI' linen I

empty perfumf h dresser drawer~ to scent handkl and glo\·es.

t COOKING ~ !he Batter Rolls f

clPe was liven I' reader d'd '

deI/cia I, and sa recipe ut;;:so this we


Page 11: The Dailynews St John Snl 19560331


, "






'"" . ~

: y"r.I\:

- .' ....

"1 I i , , i


:. r-:l y .~J';~

_ .. ---_ .. II

~tWS. SATURDAY, MAR. 3', 1956

Club Meeting

race otes R.C.S.C.C. Beothic.:

Navy League Visitors' HARBOUR GRACE - On Mon· ami nation which took place two .

. .." 1:-Th' ".,,,. '" P'O" " Ih. moo" ""k.d ,., .",1". ..," h 19. ,m .. " ... k, • g' w. re ,,,,,01 I' I ... .: ~~ .. , ,., ",,'W " "''',. '" ,,,,,,~'I .lIh ,,' .m.mb", " Ih. N", Loo",. Ih.;. I"" " Fri",. Th" wm

· "'., .... " '" h.Id. lb. m'''' " 'm"'m'oI II, poll,y; " IICseC , .. ,hi, w .. , ""H., .. GM'OO S,," .'" Ed",", H .. ,.

EASTER SUNDAY, APRIL I, 1958 "'.:' :'. :; "' "" p.m. Ib, -,,,,,, " ,,~U. ,. Th. B.'''' " b. ,;.11" b, LI"'. "~'. .' .••• ,. ","'" w",' ,," .,"'" Ih., " ", .. " "re lieN, "' .. om", ,,' Ch,p";', . Church Servl"ce' s · ,,, 'r.,i'" F,'" , .. '" ,,11m. " .m .. "",. ,ho C,mm,,'" G. P,,,,h= •. ,,,." "~ ,;;.. m ",' "'",. ",,' h". 'M'" " b .tn, Th. m"'''' wo, h,I' ., Ib, .' .;" ,',. "., .. ", ...... ,Urn.: FM Ib', re"oo, M •• G"~ M,m,"" Lib"., ,,'

Harbour Grace St. Paul's-Rev. L. A. J. Ludlow,

Rector · :;, .:" '"',,' ",II"w, .. ", .. • w"''' ... ,.,,,11, 'm "rt. ,m ",.. ", '''''.m."h;, oj : \, . anI. He pointed out that the reo Mr. W. Stevenson who welcomed

· ;.:.:! ...... ;I"~"'r. f,,:l1 .. enforccments and support for the the guests. others of the Navy ," '" : :::,;"", h, ," ."",,. Mm, '" ,,,,' " th, I, .. ,,, , ... ,,' .... D.. Goodw;, •. m. " ",:; ,"" ,. '"" p". "iii II. ",'". Th. ,,'" "',, " ,,' M "",,, ~ Sh.p"n!,· ,,' 6.30-H,'y C~m"'''' '''': ;;.",. wi: h ""'. '''' ,"PO'"~ b,Ib ,h. "','" ,,' M·Ll,,' D"p hy wbO .",m· ' 1.0D-H,'y ."h.ri". m:litia units. panicd the Area Officer on this p.m.

, '" t;; '" ~,,',' ,,, "",,,'m,. h' .m'h ..... ' ,'H. 7.00-",""',. ,,...1 ""'" "';' . ,: ". " .. ",n. ", ,'''' ,,,' 'M ... ,,' ,ro'''' M,U," " """I I,',,,,, "M"", .. '., ',,,. "" •. " .. , b,. I,,,,, , .. ~" '''' ,,,,.m,.""'" lb. eM" w ... d1",.., ,,,In, AI 3 p.m. lb. A",~' An,',u· .... ,._,,,,, , •• d 'M' "'. ,,' h. ''''''"., ." .. , th •• ro';"" ,,' Ih' .",',Im .. , 'parYI,serHviclle Willi take place at St. • ' .... ;' ,,, .• , """" .;1'''' .,,",,' ,,, mlUII. "II, " .". L. A. J. L,dI,. ,,' ... , '." • -" Ib ",'rib"", ~ :,;.: •....• ::; .•. ~! ,;,,~.,:,". . . and cadet corps to provide can. Father Terry as Chaplains to the prlSzcts, P I H

h I

. d h Ith d It' th 'RCSCC Bethol'c IV'S made. • e ers- r. Grace South

; .. ' • r'.i'::i~f,~ UII mile ea Y eve opmen 01 e " ':--';;"" ,."0 ... ,' Am,' both .",'" "d .... ",. AI Frld., ",,;,.', " .. ,. " ',mio H'

.::, .' ,,'. ".,'" "" ,.",. A ,',to " .. ,,,',, wu ""',., BCSCC ""hto m ,,' " lb. pro· . - "C 'mm'~''' . . '.' :" ....... :n::y and 10 Brig. Bennet! for his vcry fine tllh

ram deal It. with preparation for P6~D-Evensung ..

· ft"'" :11' "Ithin 'Iddrc~s hy lI~clor Itc!d and heart. e annua mspecllon of the Corps United Church-Rev. S. B. Rod~eJ I... "".d ;I,' ."'",., b, ,n "".,1. whtoh " "h.d,'" " ok, p'''' •

.' , " '.' ........ '" i '''';'' ",,' ow... C"",,)I; " .", ". F" 'hi, "on' Ad· •. m . . ' h t f h C di A miral BI'gwell, RCN, Comma' nder 171'0°0-0-HOlly c,ommunlon.

: .' :',~.:~.I' .ne ,Il Slaplelon 0 t e ana an rmy, II ... ,.' • '.' '" ,. Ib'" \1';1' \I' ".Ih ., V"""'", B.C.. . ' . " Ib, Sq .. "'" E,,'.m DI ,',;" . " COmm,,'" ", "." '.:', '"",,' .pd \\,~II .. ,nn.. " st. J,h,', I WINNERS OF TIre HARBO~ GRACE TOWN COUNC IL ESSAY CONTEST -L: 10 R" F. H. Pi~e. Tow, Cle.k; ~~!' ~,:~;;::;.:n~~::,:'",i ~: ';~""., Sq,d" """ .,:,. ,; " ...... :Itlmel~t~. (Iub. Klwaman Don ~Ioores took I ii.ngella Coady, Elt7.flbeth Parmlter, DIane Sheppard, Frl;l nk Pelley, Ronald Callahan; Anderson Simmons Mayor also expected that the L·leut. GOI"I - pro. gr. am. .

.•• !.: f~.:":':: 'y .ts the opporlunity to sa~' farewell to '11'1 P St 1 t 11'1 St u C p' . }. M' . "!' ISh P' . . h k' . ' ,. [)(J D , ':: :, ;'; ,\ :.r:,! :\11 its his lellol\' Kiwanians. Don h: mov.'''' • a~ eon, ,. r. rong. :. 'lIIC1pa. J. Moore, ,'S' c. 001 r""'palon I e boo grou,d. n",e Sh.pparo ~'''. 'Jo Lro,'" O"~h.",,' •. - E''''' '."b,p. "'." • "."." , ".' ",b. ;., ,b,ot.. " st. .Ioh,'., wh .... wo< tho wllln" of Ih. grand prIZe for tho b"t overall ." ay, and " ,h. daughlcr of tho n.puty Mayor and Mrs. H. 'in b? " 'hi' .... ., Ib" Urn; ~ .... , ... ,. , . ,,,: ,d.",.' h,,' .,;. ,,>J.g '" • ".,,,111 .... H, : R"", Shepp"d. . . ""' "'" ... '"' "" ;'''"'',,. HARBOU. GRACI ,.: :!; ~ ".\ : ~\' 1,land; hope; tn sec all his friends from, f;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;==='=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;';;;;'-;;-;;;;;;:-..:;;;;;;;_;;;;:~ __ ;;;;;;;;;;;_.;;;;; .. __ ;;.;-;;-.. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;:::~T;~'~o~c~a~d~et~s ~'~vh~o~m~is~S~ed~t1~le~cX~'~T~1 N~U~E~D~O~N~P~A~G~I!~H~24~~W~~S~C:O~N-.': ~, ... ,:.,::~N' clown, time to time and e!(tended Ids bc~1 'P' Add ;:; :',,~, .~ '~:~e~ :".:neel . be~t wishes for the future \\,CI\'I' rlzes war e :., .. :.,. ~.' llnJ,:J, de· bems of thc club. , .• ' ':'. :. :':,' :~;ult of\ II T "'::.; ~:. T~e \)~drn;· . Xcxt week's program will be In n own .' !:.:' ~:a~r in 1940 i c~arGe of the House and Recep.! " r.~"llf1t: Canada's i tlOn Committee under the chair·' Council Contest

,~ :~r rs and hcr I mans hlp of Lo Pike. , ,~ ~ .~ T(1. All these' The meeting closed al 8 .p.m. HARBOUR GRACE-A contest

tea"), reo with the singing of the Nahonal of morc than ordinary Interest I Anthem. was sponsored by the local Town I '

• Council as follows: Pupils of the

r Grace History HIgh School, the United Church

O U Sehool and the Presentation Con· . vcnt were ,asked to write an essay

f H . G on the topic "Town Councils and

\ S ttl r race what thcy mean to a community."

Y e ~rs 0 ! For the 'best essays six pr!zes _ • 'were oUered, \'Iz, one for each

:. C;lt~t'[ _ A Irw the~' were across 10 Jcrse)' t\11 : school of fll'e dollars, one for each ~!;,::!::im of an old: Sund:l)' morning. and I ha\'e heard: school of ten dollars and on~

. i.:J::'~" !h ble ~lr.; him say thal the Jcrsey Browns grand prize for the best overaUI 1',-. 'wr rommcnc. ' would go with their bucl;ets, two' essa)' of twenty dollars. . ..'_ • I :': .;;m :" !H' ,11 much: at a time, to get cider for thcir I The judgcs of these essa)'s were i

:l :i:.' f.! ;nc prescnt day's use at the Jcrsc)' roomS. : ~Ic~srs. R. J. Connell)', D. W.: • :',!:. '" i!1 r,f ,'ontinued I ~I~ great·grandfathcr had 6; ~ragg and D. E\'elly, Supervisors .' r.: :;::: .• : "\lr1r~. . chllaren, four sons and two daugh"1 01 Roman Catholic, Church of ~.~ .. :. an:' :r.hrrrd hIs. lers .. Th~ SOilS were Jonathan,: England and United Church

.!::::,~ Ih.t his (ather I ~'rincI5, George and Charles; the II Schools respectll·ely. r: ::r r.a:r.htr lhal land., aaughter! Fann)', and the other I, On l~onda)', )Iarch 26, .Mayor

· :r. ~.'I~ :.:;;kr 5i~nal ; remember as hal'lng being cal1ed' ~r. P. Stapleton, accqmpamed by ::! !: •. ~(':, lie lold onl)·. Mrs. ~sbor.nc, she hal'lng Town Clerk Frank Pike, visited

h:.(~ c:o T."t ;;rt an" I ~arrled a Caplnm osborne-Eng· each of ~he schools to make the I tIlT"' l,.'.C in liar.; hsh. lIer dcscendallts lOa)' be stili presentation of awards which were

· H. H':" --I rc,.;.11 ml'; 1i.I·inl( in (ireen Bay. Fann)', mar· as follo\\'s: High School-Deannc 1t::;r.~ ~:r that h~ rICe! a man by the name of hl'ada Sheppard (daughter of Deput~'

:,.,;~: ,'.!i I curl'ette t who was slain In the North Amer·1 Mayor H. R. and Mrs. Sheppard). :. : ;'."1 hr~ i1a~ cum.' iean. war. She had one child who first prize 0[. ten dollars and also ~::"~:;r. ear:y pari' was reared up by her brother the grand .prlze of ~wenty dollars;

;,~?t'lIr.~ hH tu be I Jon:,than and lilY grandfather, she second prIze of fn'e dollars to . iu-t at the' hanng returned to Newfoundland Elizabeth Parmiter (daughler of

r:.r.(~ :,r", .;m"riran: after her hu~bnnd was slain. 'The Mr. 'and Mrs. H. T. Parmlter). ;:101 pnaf.lhpr, !i3id I bo~' afterwards went away and United Church School - first m:iy lifl)' years ago,\ was ~evEr heard of. Jonat~an, the priZE, Andcrso.n Simmons (son of . "no tn~.gr'd in eldest oC great·grandfather 5 sons, ~[r. and Mrs. Gordo~ Simmons):

· :"i~ .• ~ 1~;:nan, What I had 3 sons-Jonathan, James and second prize, Fl'ank Pe\1ey (son ~:.::" .~:::"mJ h~ fint I Joseph, ami two daughters-Kate of Mr. and Mrs. Ra~'mond Pelley).

r: I :' rl': !:r.c,". but [I and Rebecca. }'rancis' children, Presentation Convent - first . =; >rlrd.:he~ ~aring: were Richard, Francis, Charles,' prize, Angela Coady (daughter of ! •• ., oo,n hi< falher, Slephcn, Henry, George, Joseph, ~Ir. and ~Irs. Ray Coady): second

::.1 A::,r.lll' ;0 one of: and two daughters. Charles' chil· prize, Ronald Callahan (son of : Twd' thJI were I dren were William, John, Charles, lIIr. and Mrs. R. J. Callahan). · :;1 !:':.;~: '~;,Iion The' and three daughlers-Bels~', Pa, Prescnt for the presentation at · I :r::-.~:~.t Io: '~~ing lienee and Martha, and George the schools of their denominations . ::,.~. 'hr .Imp;' i had only tll'O daughlers, Patience were Rev. L. A. J. Ludlow and

::., ':.,;h I pr0\-,abl;': and Eliza. ReI'. N. B. Hodder, while at the. ::"!' .• C' t t,lIr.r oul in I ~Iy grandfalher was watchinG Presentation Convent Rev. Mother I

.,,,:, :10: tho .Ie riC\' . thr coast during the American Dominic assisted His Worship the '.:; !'On::. bet;lc~n I~.: war of IB1:! and my grandmother's ~Ia)'or In the ceremony. I ;~m wI Bc~net;'s sisler'S husoand, Barnett, was Congratulhtions were exlended'

i:':=:") ti~ht'~ d~arin~ :l~., 1 o!lrn hrard 01\'

!;, It.t he would fiil I;) wah ;I'"ter and t1 :::lkr helien that

wounded. I heard her say mysel£ to the pupils who had shown I th~t she went over the battlefield keen Interest and understanding with forty guineas 'sewed up In I of the topic and had done a very ~pr petticoat to save it from be· commendable job In their essay I Inl( stolen to save her husband writing. Hearty congratulations, who had been wounded and taken are also being extended" to the I pri!oner." )'oung prize winners by their I


S Column :Taking Course \ FiL~GR.H(,F. !" P Coming Social ~In, Ilia)'! in which' .I\s ump. \ .. ! u'~d '0 that "ou: Events

:'1 (raEtanc~ • T lmi· J I" ever), i ec Clan HARBOUR GRACE-The month \i

-. ,J lnlH A h ' I I • • tJ-,!le ie n ! llI\C; to, HARBOUR GRACE-~!r. Donald April pro,mlses 8 round of Jocial . ~I" u~in nee 0 : H. Pike, son of Mr. and ~rrs. Frank activity and wi1l eommence on

oil 'II' O\.~ ~ath. Pike of this town, is presently at Easter Monday evenIng with a card I leu ~et und~r' ollr I Halifax where he is tnklng a party and, dance at st. Paul'. Hall, 1

~:I ~iil ~otten .~he I month's course 01 training with I under the.ausplces of the Chl·Rho ! I 1000~h' Icrnl ~ ur: the Neptune ]Ohter Co. as pump: orglmlzatlon. Bridge and 4~'s willi

'~!II'PI a'ntl wali f ' technician. ' b~ the attraction for card.players'l clr'lhe! rio'rt ~'itll: Donald, who Is employrrl with. 'II and will be followed by a dance,

· colll.ne 10' lend I Ihc Irving 0t1 Co. at Harbour {or which the Fireflies Orchestra t .. In )nur linen An~ I Grace, has so tar a\'craged 85 P~l' will provIde the music. There will .. 1 l:lIp,; peTfum~ bl t I cent In his !"sls. He expccts 10 be canteen service. ,t:: c:ellH rlra\\~~. ~. i spcnd Easter "'It& his family at The Women's Missionary 'Soclety !I~I 10 ICent handkc:', Harbour Grace. of the Uriit~d Church here Ire:

led %Inl'f' I sponsoring • outgoing" teas on COOKIXG" : • April 17th. .

!he Batter RIllls lor! Pel's' n I The High School Club wi11 .pon· ::;;~~. ,,~. RiI'en' last: ,0 a sqr a variety concert which will 'I;'" did, and la's' HARBOUR GRACE-~Ir W J conclude with I laughable sketch

I ;~~~~~.o thi~ ~eck Dooley of Stephenl'i1I~ ~ece~tIY "Se\l'lng for the Heather," o~ ~'T:;!"I fltr "'lsl1c~ his sisters, Mrs. R. Cook April 25. There are rumour. of

'. or Roll: I and M iss Eileen Dooley, at Har. two or more plays that are being bour Grace. Mr. Dooley returned prepared for presentation within to Stephen\'l11e on Monda)'. the next few weeks by different

llr. P. Moriarty, employed at organlzatlons.. . St. .Tohn's, was at Harbour Grace The ever-popular bingo iame nn Tuesday 10 attend the funpra! will be one of Easter week's at·

I 01 his father·ln·law, the late Mr. tractions at Ihe. Academy HaU, · Co, ill!!. C. Sullivan. . and there are to be special prizes

P~~r bo.. I llr. Lloyd Archibald \'islted the for this event. . lling water I with his family at Bannerman St. St· Paul's AYPA

't:1 lnd sugar and. capital on Monday. . ' , 'it. L cool, Add \------..:-----..: tl'" et )wt stand HARBOUR GRACE-A branch

". 5 minUle' th ,for Collage Bread of whleh nClt of the Angllcan Young People's ~Iix in lh~'lIo en· only tile shape is different, but Assoclatlonwas formed In the

A' In rCfrigera~r, also Is the flavour. parish of St. Paul'. at Harbour >;,J}"lut 3 houn bar HOME IlINTS Grace on Monday evening, March .~~ Ih~ dough int~ When you are darning Ihe fin- 19th. The Rector, Rev. L. A. J . . ~ f1ourr~ bOJrd: ~rl'a of gloves try slipping· the han· Ludlow, presided and after open·

t~ If ncce&!~t", I (e of a tahle knife inlo the rin· Ing the meeting stated the aims Itt;, I Zrtl!~d hakin 0 ger 10 ~ef\'e as a "darning egg." of the organlzatlon. ' ' il,'tII muffin t in: ~ quotntion and ~ request: 'I'he election of officers resulted I, b%rn trmperatur~ Please I'eturn tillS book. You HS follows: ".

!it Oltn 42:1 dt ,mu;' Ihink t~is i~ 8 slrange reo Prealdent-James Pa)·nt. I !lcku about R:i I quest. hut. I fmd that Ihough somc Vice Prcs.-Pamela Jo'orward. I

. I' o.f . my .friends arc poor ari thOle· ~lil be I re' bllcllns, they Ire nearly all lood . Secretary-Pauline SRunders. I CIPt, ook.keepers."-Sir Waiter Scott. Treasurer-Nevllle Sheppard.











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The Premier 'MEN'S &BOYS'DEPARTMENT The' Prel11ier

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Our Entire Stock Of The Men's Department Must Be Sold Below Manufacturers' Prices . ... . . ~

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Now Is Your Opportunity To."Outfit The .Entire Faluily At A Great Saving ... Colue Earlv ... Avoid pisappointment ... Visit The '''PREMIER'' Today! ' ~




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All sizes and a good variety of shades,

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Gabardin,es in Blues and Greys. A~ •. zes. 1 REG. 17.95 & ,19.50 NOW SALE PRICE _ .• 101

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Stripes and Plain Shades - All Sizes 22 REG. UP TO 34 00 -


BOYS'SUITSSPEC REG. 11.50 ................. , ......... NOW SALE PRICE 9

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REG. 12.90 ....... , ............... , ...... NOW SALE PRICE 1 REG. 13.90 .......................... NOW SALE PRICE 11

BOYS' JACKETS REG. 6.25 ....................... , ........... NOW SALE PRICf 4.7

. REG. 10.90 ....................... ~ ........ NOW SALE PRlCf 1


LESS 20%




-------', . • I SPECIAL ATTENTION .T~ ". MAIL. ORDERS. /. P.O. BOX 2074, .


Last. 01 Harold Rignl!

'r The Americ: ore. jnlprisliJltnent by

detail-the lo,rl the interrogations lhe last instalmen

in Hong I{or

m" release frof Canto~, accompani,

I called Junior arrived in Canl

were joined by t\\ , ' five of us then

a room-with a meals would be br


night. Senior came to read me a state~

amba,sauorial agreer at (jenel·a. Switzerl

exeh,.~ge or civilian , 'the Washington

governments. II was terms o[ Ihis agree~

released. II'ho accompanied

translated, an gh'e thcm a ~.

to the effect and understood t

of the Geneva agreell then exchan~ed my

into Hong Kong also brought me a

of Lung Tsing (GJ the best of the Chi' two shirts. a1thou~

him I had cnough si1


that night, I spra wlcI bed, excited over departure' from Communist China

\\'hat 'I would . crolsed the border

crown colony of f

luxuriated in a bed and ,clean shce!s. I h at the door. It \\,::05

said that since r m:: last ni::ht in CI like to sleep in m~' r

second bed. no objections. but I '

Was behind this n: Communis's had

close slIrI'eillance s Pcrhaps. they 1

r ~et in touch thlUugll a ·window or sneak out of my roolT


Junior apologize~ with me in hi

persur.dc me to see 01 ~!arxist reasoning

at 'me' curiously

. lVas only',. h a rrecdom that I

and ,savor ani Ch' 1.~09 drear~., tort

I~a s, Conimu'nis~

Lo. Wu ;.t 'nOI ·an. empty rool

• s~n~ Senior asked , a ement that I journey {rom: Pei

Kong border \\it tho Illy personal be

IS W'_$ ·true I . . ,51 Chin'e ' . , .

ari~e C~st!lnis 'off tart. eX3ll\ineit my . lPO 1Tl\' h Ill); efr . I andba'l.

,!!tis were lu As ;\'e Wa lI:ed

. ~lInlor' and 8, .Wllh me and

Page 13: The Dailynews St John Snl 19560331

~ - ~ .. 0.-' ..... .....


cl,? •

ITS !2· Eel

9 10 11.

.. , CE

CE 7.



, "\ "~". t-, •• ~. "J1'j

... ' ..

• ~~ -------------


----~--------- ------------------------------~--------

tasf Of A Series 1I:lrtild 1li;:\1~~"s Four Years III A ned lieU The American priest has told of his ilrre~t

rllr. h CI' C .' " . · "III1\11~lIt hy t e nnese onllnulUs,~ l\l ,,,,prl. '1 h 1 b ,. 1 ,. drtail- thl' torlUl'e, the II t , t 1e, ra~l1was 1.'

h 'IItfrrtl~nlit!n~ designed to break hUll, In \ r i ,t in,ln1inrnt of the series, be tells of his 1·1 ~~ HOIII! l\ullj(-and his thoughts, after his

r'" "',,,' UX. II;\ROLD W. RIGNEY,.S.V.D. " ,_.' j);··;·c Word l'.lissionary

'" 'e:r;i~r in'\Il pri~on in Peiping I en.trained · ,::::: . ",,·,'::lIl,lI1ied b\' two Chinese policemen I' .•... ., . ..:; r,:::cn ,b!liol' and Senior. . :- : ... \d ::'. Calltoll on Sept. 15, 1955, wh~re ::'1' ,;.~~ b\ two 'local policemen.

~ .:l: l .. · \ •

. ,.;, ~ "i ,I, ~i:cll (h'o\'e to a. hotel where I was :.~.,. '''-.I'·r,h a bath-and where I· was told ,r: •• ,.. ,

~,.'. 1\ r:llcl I'C brought up to me. '.

Letters • TO THE'

Editor (Continued from page 4)

ership the people are Lo be given '. , ,then .we pity the people. I

cans who beamed as they. bade cuted me do not mirror the Chi-I me 10 confess i thaL I was an agent, The prisoners .hus compromlseJ Nailed to the masthead of thel me warm welcome. I was over· I nese peuple, whom I lovc more of !he U.S. government, that, !he lead livcs cons~antly marked ~Y. !,clegram is the Union .Jaek. ASI whehncd at tbe reception they deeply than ever. . American branch o[ the DIVine (he shadow of disgrace. They will! l!.uropeans . We know this flag as I gave me, I have learned also not. t" judge Word ~Iissionary organization 1%3 :ver reproach themselves, &~d b.eing symbolic. of a Com~on-i

ASKS A QUESTION. !oo harshly those who betrayed under con(rol o[ the U.S.' goverll' ~f shunned by others. Suc~ pm· llealLh embracm~. ma."y natIOns! Arter (he round of recephons me, those who persecuted nic. men:' . If released, they are repnach~d and peoples all .livmg In harmony I

was flnlshcd I· asked myseU' . 'I I I d I was subjected to dolcnt lor· or shunned by others, Such pm· and undcrstandmg. As German· Whal Inll'~ I profited froni 50 I During the tmt cr~ ~ ay~.pr~~\ tllres to bring abuul !he confcs. oners hccome mental as weU as Canadians we respect this !lag as!

months of imprisonmen~? ng my arres op bUY {o, h'" sions, I 11'35 warned thnt I wOlllll physical cripples. !he flag of our atiop(ed land, II is " • 1 was deeply hurt y the act t at mconvenvable to us that under

Splrltuall> and educationalls, I some members of thc sLaff or ~'u be shol unless' I made "suitablc" , thi masth ad, h Id h made gains. ,Ph),sically. my hca)th Jen Catholic Unil'ersl~y. where I confessions, and on olle .occasion. 'WORSE TIIM~ DEAD' th~~ majori~v of O'~S s a~\ci~/~~~ detel'lorated, buL this Is tbe pncc was rector, turned against me. I thought the court's aids wcre . " I H K :. cream oC' the German under.' one pal" for the gains I b II f read u to ter.r me !u shl'eds unlcss Aftcr arming n ong ong, .' ld '" . k' I ' .", " , A so, I \\'as su sequcn yo· , ' '," I related some o[ my experiences; ~~or . 'e are .qulte shoc ·cd. The

"llIle m~ cnptors PI el entcd me fended and outraged by the ac· I Yielded 10 the .111<lt!e s I1lcta. " h h' d [\ I lelegram has gone a long lI'a v in from celebrating my religious tions o[ mv eellmates who perse. REPUUlATED 'CONFESSIONS' t~ a RUSSian elml g1rc2 w °A la de1d destrol'ing' for liS much oC li'hat ffl d U• d th • " N', I t'l I Id tanll 1'1 hiS homeland n 9 3. s oun e .' . • aces r·n persec.c mc, .. ey euted. r,nd tortured me merCilessly. 1 nrtlll cr lin I ,cou s " h b c'd th t no' II e w~re lead. to belicve was thc h~lped me spiritually by gl\'ln~ But since niy r,.lcasc I have no more I would Yield and con[ess b) my story, . e ~ scrv . t a • Canadian way of li[c. Wc 1I'01lld me.a decp~r InsiehL inlo Ihe sur .. come '0 ponder the- mattcr and II falsely. Bllt "'hen I rcceived some even the RUSSian bormut\~ were. like to assure )'ou that in your I ferings o[ Jesus. undcrs'land the motivation of I rcspite, I would I'cpudiale the capr.ble o[ the su t ety n e a~t immigration offices abroad such I

Edueatlona~ly, I learned a great their . aggressiveness, I rcalize false confession and :hc question· of. tor Lure e,mployed ~Y the.r edito~ial writings do not a~pear. deal. I was able to get a prac· now what great pressure was Ing would begin again. Cillnese coun,erparls, Nor III the ~ame oi all that IS dc· tical Insight Inlo the workings of brought to bear on t1lese poor Had I been shot. as the court "The Russians," he said, "used cent and fair should such cbarges applied communism. . Chlne.e prisoners Pcrsecule me often threatened, I wOllld have to llne up their prisoncrs and appear In ~ell'foundland. Ii the

Be[ore my "rrest, I had some they must or b~ perseeu~ed in become r, martyr. Bllt it now be· sboot them. But the Chinese de- Tcl~gram wl~hes, t~ .Iay charge,S acqunln'ance with communism t· b thl" II v nme t comes obvious the Chinese Com· grade them and this is worse than agalllst certain mdlVlduals let It partlcul~rlY tbe brand extolled b~ ~gOK~ ~l~K e~~J;C~VE~Y munists do n~t want ~o create do So but to attac~ u~ because 'r Ttl [t k p death.' We are a German mlllority has no ., aD ze· ung, I can look br.ck nolV on that martyrs. T ICY pre er 0 ee plae' d • l' If

TAUGHT ~IORE ' I)' 't' r "and to degrade Somehow. my ordeal recalls e III mo ern Journa 15m. " nightmare' with· more seremty, t lelr VIC Ims R I\e. . . I there is any shred of decency left But m~' Incarceration taughL me more objectivity, True, I madc them to subhuman, novohhonal the following words of St. Pau : in the Telegram it will retract this

T 0" mllre. I Icarned thaL Communists confessions, buL :hey were faIse levcl:\. " "1 prcach the Gospel, Md statcment and put its reading pub, · mTr\t,t:~; . . . I knoll' whn:to expect of tiU! Brit· Rre not to be ~rusted, I learncd, confessions made under duress. I When a h!lman .has brcn forced in the service I ,suffer bard- lic right as to the facts, This

.-.. .

'.1 .\I,fll.l. lII .:"T isll authorl'II'cs 'In' lion" Kon",. f f' tid ' . C kl I d t h' c1 I thiS animal Icvel they h I b .. rom Irs· Ir.n commulllsm ex· am ran y as lame a a\'lOg own 0 'ship like a criminal, yes, even s ou d not be too difficult. It is a

•. ,' ,twr ,·.llIC to my \\'ould they cxpect rile to lea\'e periencc, that communism Lhreat· made these admissions, but in find it easicr to extmcl con[es· imprisonment .•. What per, mallcr ,only of simple arithmetic. ';":;'d :"t ~ ,tatrlllCnl i their territory as soon RS p0sslble ens to destroy the liberties' of the spite of torture and c&jolcry, I sions' from him. sccuLions t underwent! And Total the Germans who came hcre f;.:':. im .• 1 ~~rrcmcnt; or would I he permitted time to ~cU·satisfied 'and o\'ereonflden~ 5ubseqltcnII)' eorrccted them, cI'en When a human lias hcen forced l'et the Lord brought mc' and subtract the number who may .' ':,,~(.,,;. ~'\lllrrland,· 113\'C m~'. lee:h l.ookcd after? Free World, under the Ihreat oC exeeu~ion, dow nto this animal lel'cl, they jhrou~h them all .a[e)y." (2 have left undcr un[al'ourable c.ir·

,.':. ~;; ,: ,i,;lI;m pris.! Where would I st~y in ,the Crown I learned also Ihat Ihe Com. For three years, the Chincse I find it easier 10 cxtracl confes, Timo~by 2:8.9; 3:11). ICtl{mSttanf~e'd" Sudbh:acbt ~h050e t\\'~o ..... '~f \·:J.h:n~ton and Colon)'. would I be welcome at munists who tortured and perse. Communist courts tricd to induce i sions from him, e t 0 10 goo JO S In n arlo

. 'c:;::::t"" 11 wac \l!!'! the C;,:holic Cathcdral. II'ho would ' ----- .- ,- -- and the (ew that are still here to·

G~? Ben Bllrro}lghs

"LITTLE BABY GIRL" Little baby girl, I love you •.. Cor' you bring me untold' cheer •.. and I feel a bit of hea ven ... every time I hold you near . . • purest of &11 God's creations ... • sent. to make my life worthwhilc' ... you make even roses humble .•. when you par! your lips to smile, . '.' warm and soft· dclightful bundle ... your eyes pUl the stars to shame'. • . for Ihe whole world blow~ wilh raplure· ... even when I speak your name .•• matic lillie blissful person ... I! t cnuld but ~cH you of . . • what Is in my' he;,rt [or you, ·dear ..• you would know I

wondrous love •.. if I am to climb Ihe mounlain ... or see all life's trouble through ••. lillIe girl, I need you ncar me . , . evcrything depends on yoll.

~Ianners Make Friends

When you turn iO'explain som" thing to yollr wifcnr 'answer J question don't "talk down" (0 her as though you were talking to i child.

EI'en if you' 5 o· m·e tim e ~ are guilty of thi; .olfe'nse in pril'ate don't for goodness' sake. embar . rass hCr and makc vourscl[ sound porn pOliS in front of others. :; •• , p: :n:. '~Icrmcnt: Ilclp me arrangc [or transporla' ' gether wilh thelaUer is by far

.";"1".,<1 I lion bacl; to the United S:ates? quite a big majority. This major. ,.::;=;;;.;;=====;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;,., :" ~';,: ;rr":l1panlt'G hl~ I ~I)' hcarl poundcd Rnd my pace ity Is not composed of criminals .. ", .. ' !!,~ .. -,:rd. ~nd I quickened as I ~pPI'oached the It. is not "the eream of the German I'

.-:.,. ::'C tI,r!" ~ ~ta:e· bridlle ol'er the Lo WU Rlvcr, the underworld". Why then mu,t it be - [ d ~ lied about and pCl'5ccuted? :'Iaybe i

:10 :hr riird that bdd~e to rce om, the Telegram has the answer tOi I~~ :I~,:(r;:;,,,d their Then I turn cd my head to look -- this riddle. U so, it should telI the I

,'::! i;r rr\ " :, mrmen:. back rond an incfCabl'c, sadn~ss public and noL take refuge behind ,':'''' !ut"n;('[l my Chi· ol'ertook mr, I saw not .he Chilla I E B ttl V Id . PI b r th t' , ".''',._,'", 11(' .... ,. e.' A.~" Cilr. rilled, regulated ' .. ann rackcd b.v t ' a mams. case c lcve liS a, "" .. ~ n e this minority persecution can do 1 ~ ;:.:' ~,,·~:hl mt R half I the iron disciples of ~Iarx, hut a s e ron. Newfoundland no good eithcr at I ~ Lcr.: T'in~ I Green the ancient. \I'onderCul C~lna home or abroad. I:' ~H "j the Chine.c which had endllrc~ and sllrl'lved For the sake of thc many people· :,~ 'h:r:~, althml~h I agonies of count1es~ centuries that who have befriended Us since com· j

. ::-:. I h.d (Onu:h ;hirts. I had loved so well. • , . ing here i {or the sake of the girls

S'I ." "'IIISPERS FARE'VELL I We have married and their iamil. 11 .ISOrT rl1O, ~ :oi" ••• • ies: for the sakc of oor own chil·,

r.ORIil:r. I took 1\ last f1ee:lng glimpse drcn, \\'ho. pleasc God, will not be I'

:!r ~;;!::. I 'pr.wlrd on and whispered: I • persecut.ed as we have been. wc ~.j ,'en!,rj ('\ rr my "Tasl Chicn Chung Kuo" (Farc' want the Canadian nation to knoll': i~;.mm Irom the well, China, till we meet again) . that the majoritv of Germans who:

h· I Resoliitel.", I turncil 'mu back came to Newfoundland were not! {: r~niUr.j·t l' 111;\. l J • • I th th 1 . ltd bllt crlmllla 5, nor werc ey e "~.\ 1 would do to memOl'les. po ~nan an er, crcam of the underworld. We are,

: '''.''~ :~,r h"rdrr into and began to walk across the I honest workmen and ask only tol J: :r:"~ ,r,:"r., nl Hong hrid~c, As I reached the Hong • be permitted to livc here, if we.

Konl! side, r, Bri!ish officer walk· I do so wi,h, wilhout being constanl'l :.;;:·,'d '" , lord wilh ed up to me ~mal't1~· and asl;ed: J Iy jabbcd with a poi;onerl pen. At I 1:, C',," ,tu·'. I heard I "Are ~·ou Father Rigney?" . ED CARS ! best, the lot of an immigrant is: I:'~r ro,,: I: 'r:·, ,1un·, A simple qucslion-bllt phrased CERTIFIED US i not an easy onr; but of all Ihc; ,,,: :bl ',l1re I was i gent Ii. : journal; in Canada none hal'c heel!: :- h,: r.1:ht i~ China, l I was bewildered by this ScoL: 1"0 vindictil'e as this ~heel "'hieh! J! :,' ,:((~ :~ my room I here he lI'a~, a pllhllc o[ficial an~ FOR caIls itsel{ "The Peoplc's Paper".;

.::,.~ ~r~ i he had spol;en kindly to me. I <" 1 Yours trul)" ; t' !.'i(n, .. ;" '''11 I \\,on'l had becn so warped bl' m~' experl." I' S1. .Tohn';. ' · ". 1':::"" ",;, mOl'c. ences at the hr.'111s o[ Communist 0 N LV W.ST,\UBITZER ;

"':~~"r.:." hod kept I oflicials Iha! it was I~ard for me 2 WEEKS, . I LEO WER,XER ' :>~ ,.:,\i ::·'.nre ~ince: to belicl'c that ~ public officinl orro EilERT · I(,;'.'!' thry were! of ~.~y kind could be htllllan! W~I. AR:'oo'OLI>

;',1 :'.: ." :Oll,h with I ."Yc~,:,' I replicd, "I'm Fathcr G. BEliR . .J;:~ , ., ;r,r.<'\\, or that· nlgne::. E. lHOSI\ACIiER

L',..'" ~ S t '- .... ",r'~r.ir.t '1,'a~ cp. ~, 1"Jr :uord, dru\·t me "'·t.: rill ,:"ion where ~ jr. lh. u.h lor Hong

J:;r.!nr ~f'o11(t:i~,('ri for r;:!~ ~ I:h ~lC in his at. ~ ~!:t,·jc n:r In ~cr the ~ ' •. _;,. . H ... • \i, ..... I no1~i)mnt::. e

It rr.( ruriomly and

I' d·.'I~dlc,1 u I ~ ,. ml'.~:1t1nr: .~en!iiC

• . ~bl t~1'" 1r.in wa!'i .. ~1'! .. !rJr l~lf' ~'a:i()n It '. (n;~I'. hnrdcr wilh







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-------• "'. ,op, -to

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In the early monlhs of his Imprisonment, Father Rigney spent endless, agonIzing hours In handcuffs and fet. ttrl. In' this drawing by Mil·. Ion Canllf, he ~olds his bowl aloft. begging the c.el! chief for another spoon(ul of the ta~lclr.s~ stuff· that passed (or 'nod In the CommunIst,


.... ~i 1110 .... ,' ,.,... The un!Cormed official Introduc·

cd himself as L: Gordori,. sllperln· To I~ Lendent llf pollee 'in E~ng Kong, I

,n,,1t . " lie said: . ~'\\'e.le\lme,'~ r,nhe .. h\ ~ 'nu!h 1 "W d I ~ " ~rtn~ OY~r ~ . ~,.~: lion d extended hishnrtd~,.:1 gripped It,.· ~!. hi" • ~n . :Jio and shook It I'inorousl)', 'l'wo more I

I .c~ tl\\\'~rd iI To

IT Itll. Ilritish o[[icers ,also ~amc up :?! .. l ,\(,.\I~ ::r~ct inC and thcn t~athcr Poletti, ' ~:'d l("'rl t~e pastor of Taioo, rushed up 10

"I '.·.-Iul ~".t.hc hor· I '~'clcome me, This· ~CJI(Jllfi prlesl • ':~ 1~ln r" I'. Hal'. ,keeps 1I':ltch at the bordcr [or pre· I ~ ~~II,. i'''I:ur .\'r~r~ I k"".~ arril'inJ: [rom China. I

bttdQIJl' I 1"~1 from ' ,Soon I I\'a~~urroundrcl by R , did not, multitUde of- Brituns and Ameri.j


..... ' means made just rlght

M.ade in Northamptonshire,· England, by craftsmen 'I\'ho are masters of their tradc'- and stocked by leading stores throughout Newfoundland.'-·


Trade '''Quiri.3: PAP.KER & MONROE ltd .• l61:l W.ler Street, St. JonnJ

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IT'S EASY TO SEE why the public has been swinging in ever-increasing numbers to the'

cars and trucks built by GenerallVlotors.

These products have been introduced, year by year, with a growing list of new engineering advances - new and smoother automatic trans­missions - ne,,~ heating, ventilation and air con­ditioning systems - new power steering - new power brakes - and a long list of new conveni­ence al~d safety developments.

Such improvements as these do not just happen. They take resourceful ,engineering - and hundreds of millions of dollars' worth of new tools and new machines.


And how do the dealer's who sell General jlotors cars and trucks tie in~o this program of progress?

They're buying new machines, new tools and 'new facilities to .service the rapidly growing number of cars they sell each year.

Because they're excellent businessmen, as well , as responsible citizens, they know the need for

• taking g~od care of their customers.

So their inves~nlent in facilities has multiplied . , I ," ~ • •

many times in the past fifteen years. That's 1m .. portant, because about the ~ame number of dealers who sold General Motors cars 15 years ago are doing fa dollar volume more than eight tiIl!es

as large today - and prospering with the com­munities in which they do business, which is as it should be.

But this is only a part of the story.

If we are going to sell more and more new. cars each year, we and our dealers need to make sure that they give satisfaction.

So we're growing together in service, too.

To keep this parade of new engineering ad- ' vances in top condition calls for an extension of . ~ur advan.ced engineering clear through to the dealers who sell these cars and trucks in every corner of the land .

So we have pioneered an entirely new approach to customer service. \Ve have established arid are :t:l0W operating Training Centres'in ten strategic cities - where dealers' skilled mechanics, under the guidance of GM instructors, can receive specialized training on the design and opera­tions of these new advances-and learn the skills

required to take them apart and put together.

And our dealers - on their part - have been iug a full complement of theIr mechanics to Centres each month.

'Vhen we work together like this, '''e can keep right on giving our customers all the tages of the best service as well as the products.

:At 10 GlI! Training Centres spread across the· cottl/try, tile mechanics of GM dealers "go to schoo~" to learn tlte tcchniqt((8 the latest IJ1Igineering advances in top condition.





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Page 15: The Dailynews St John Snl 19560331

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, ,;\\,5, SATURDAY,' MAR. 31, 1956 ~1!.' ~.:::.:-_------.--------~-----------------~--------~-----------------..:....:....---....;.----

Latest World News In Pictures 'I I


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Magnat, shouts for joy on being told of her "Adress of The Year" Award; (2) Thre~tened by gun~en, DetrC?it,R~dwings Toed Lindsa,y goes to' the ice under police guard; (3) W .. iter of Oscar I, l.'

Marty" gets a kiss from Claudette Colbe rl; (4) Marlene 'N;eiisen half sister of Marlyn Mon ro, am,uses herself with some animated pork;' (5) C.P.R. Public R,elations Officer D. B. Wallace ree

QIj~rd lor irna9ination of ;he streamliner se rvice from James Lyne, Charima~ of The 'Federat ion for: Railway Progress; (6) Mrs. C. Carlsen COIl(IP ses in the rat~'S of her husband during charges in· ' , , . '. .' i. \ . .

murder of their soni (7) The'R.C.A.F.'s Curling ,Rink in Far·North Resolute B~yj (8) R.C.A .F. Airmen ~ile into thair Arctic Curling Rink at Re solute Bay, the most northerly curling rink in thl.

I.~,S, Phutos


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The COTC At. The Memorial Universit ;

History Of Canailian Officers'Training C~rp

. -~

COTC Training Corps of 1956

Under):raduates at Unil'cl'sitics In Canada arc accepted in the t'anadian Officers Training Corps, ~nd nrc enrolled as officel' cadets. They hold this rank until they ,ncccsslull~' complete the neces· ~ary training, and arc then COlli' n,i~sioncd as second Iieutcnants. Olficcr cadets have the slatus ol n((jeers of the Canadian Army :11\,1 wcar the rank h31lj;es of sec· t'nd lieutenants, ~ulI~l'·imposcd on a while hadSc. . Thirl\·,twll )Iemorinl Slndents ue nll\~' members of the COTl'. f)urin): the winter Ihey atlend

elasse's onc evening a week to get the thcor~' of officer training, and sludy subjects which Include tae· tics, slaff duties, current affairs, organiZation and administratIon, und military history.

During the summer I'acation they complete the praclical side of the m1111ary training at 'corps school. Each cadct is aCliIlated to a corps of the army nccordlng tp his interests, and for three months ill the summer goes to a corps school either In Quebec, British Columbia or Ontario. There they

have detalled practical study of general mllll.1ry subjccts and ·oth· er subjects specified for the corps.

Olflcer Cadets and Second Lieu· tenants of the COTC receive the samepav as second lieutenants of the regular t:anadian Army. This Is $185.00 per month during full· time training (summer) with pro· porlionate payments It this rale for the theoretical training tn\'[en dur-ing the' academic year. They al'e provided free accommodation, meals, transportatlon, medical and dental care during their summer training.

·Contingent Personnel Notes FRED BEST-The son or ~Ir. He was a mcmber of the Cadet

Wilfred Best of WesleYl'iIIc. His Corps for two years. f~,thcr j, emplo~'ell by Bowatcrs. TUmlAS LAFOSSE-Thc son Frerl is iI member of the Nflrl.. of Thomas LaFosse of Port aux Trad:crs M;ociatiun. Bnsques. His father is employed

D.\ \'1D c\R~IICIIAEL-Born w1lh thc CNR. Tom compieted ~r Wakhcham Bar, PQ. the son of lliradc Xl . at St. Jamcs High 'f!1It:1\~.; Carll1irhael. lie I'cceil'cd School, PorI aux Basques. Beforc !\i~ I"JI It, l'ducation al 1Iishop coming 10 :llemorial hc taught Feild C;,!lc;<'. Ilis family mOl'cd school nt ~Iargaree. Hc is a mem· 10 !it .. Iuhn's while Dill'irl was bel' of the Nflu. Teachers Assocla· 1111;1(' youn;. lion. . LEI):\",\RU rOWLEY - rom./ CLYDE NEWHOOK-'l'he ~on of l'h'tCll lir.,dc :\1 at ~t. Ilona· the prescnt ~ll's. Sarah Piercey 'cnI'Jre\ Cullc~l', Alter >pending of )I"l'man's t:o\'e. TD. Clyde is a ilr., :;rar~ ilL St. .1u,eph·s Uni· mcmbrt, ot the NUd. Tcachers As· ':rl',it) III \CII" Brul1,\I·ick. l.conard sociation. rnlc;cd ~Irlllllrial thi; year as a SID NOI::L-Thc son of f:<I· l'rr·n;('dic"li ;tudent, lIis fathrr is 1l111lld Noel of St. John·s.· Hi~ ::"II:d~rr I,f the East End liard· lathel' owns a grocery business in 'rarr SIt.rt', the cit)'. Sid completed Grade XI . ·lI.\lllll.ll ll.\\\,1;-The ~nn of at Prince of Wales College. Last

hank f),I\ll" l"(lllntr~' Bl'nd. nilY summer he was a ~pol'ls writer rh,b~l"b. lIa:'ole! went lu ~chlJlJl wilh the Daily News.

father, now retired, was the direc· tor of Posts and Telegraphs for Nfld. John completed Grade Xl at Bishop Felld College.

CLYDE WELLS-The Ion of Ralph Wells, Stephenville Cross· Ing. His father Is the proprietor of a grocery store. Clyde com· pleted Grade XI at All Saints School Stephenvllle Crossing.

1955-56 COTe Report

"~t (,ok."s Puinl. lie is a membcr LEWIS PAYNE-The son of c.r thl' Xlld. Teachers ,\',uciatioll. Andrew Payne of Ramea. He com· As usual with the COTC at

·.l.\t;K . DELuAUU-The son 01 pleted Grade XI at St. Boniface Memorial, this ycnr ha~ been an· :1(,hn anti Flora Dclg'ldo of Ihe School name". He Is a member olhel' Iwppy and successful one. cil\· .• 1 "t"!, is a ~rarluatc of St. of the Nfld. Teachers Association, A brisk recruiting campaign at lll;r.·,. IIc atlen~cd SUlllillcr callIp Gnt\I!A~l PEDDLE-The son of the bcglnnlng of the yom' brought ;,1 J\cnt\ille. ~.S., ;IS a member Wilfred Peddle of Foxtrap. He a record numbel' of ncw officer IIf St. Hnll'~ Cadct Curp>. cOllIpleted Grade Xl at Foxlrap cadets into the contingent. The . Fr..\:';1\ DOm~IE-'j'lw 50n or Regional High School. lotal strength of the contingent ~lIrU1an Dominic of Channel. CYRIL POWER-The 50n of is now twenty first·years, four Frauk \I'JS a mcmbcl' o{ Ihe Chan· ~lIchael POlVer of the city. His second.yenrs and one third'year. lid Schuul Cadct Corps for !i\'C father is thc owner of a service At thc complction of their ~l'ars, lie luol: the ~ellillr lcade!'s statlun hcre In the city. Cyril second practical phase training cour,c al Aldcrshot Cadet Camp. completcd Gradc XI at St. l'a· the following were promoted to lie is a member of the Nfld. trick's Hall in St. John's. He is the rank of second lieutenant: B. Tcachers Msociation. a mcmber of his church choir and B tt J C III F J D ff I enne, • 0 er, '. • u e,

FREIl DUFFETT-Frcd Is tnk· the St. ,John's Glee Club. D. Holmes, R. GooSlley, and W.,

'.' ..

Front now-(Ieft to night)­O/Cut. Garry Homer, St. John's, Third Year Pre·Law ncoc; O/Cot. Ben Gardner, Brltlsh Harbour. 'r.D.. Second Year Education RCIC; O/Cdt. John Small, SI. John's, Second Year Engineering RCE: Capl. J. D. Eaton, Officer Commanding JlIUN Contingel:t COTC; Capt. M. J. Clydc Wells, Slephenl'iIIe Crossing, First Year Art, RCASC; O/Cdt. Graham Ped· dIe, Foxtl'ap, First Year Educa· tlon RCE; 2/LI. Fred. Duffett, St. John's, Third Year Engineering RCE~lE.

Second Row-O/Cdt. George Rose, Hose D1anche, Second Year EdUcation ReIC; O/Cdt. Lewis Payne, Ramea, Second Year Edu· cation RCOC; O/Cdt. Gerald Gosse, St. John's, First YeRr Education RCIC; O/Cdt. Clyde NeWhook, Norman's CoVe, Fjr~t Ycar Education RCASC; O/Cdt. Jaek Delgado, 51. John's, Fir~t Year Medical RCOC; O/Cdt. George Gosse, 51. oJhn's, First Year Dental, . nCOCj O/Cdl. Wilson .niche, SI. John's, First Year En· gincering nCE.

Third Row-O/Cdt. Mike Ken· ned~', 51. John's, First Year En· gineering RCE; O/Cdt. q'ril POlVcr, St. John's, First Year En· gineering RCE; O/Cdt. Frank Dominic, Channel, First Year Edu·

cation RCIC; O/Cdt. Sid Noel, SI.

John's, First Year .. Arts RCASC; O/Cdl. Neville Russell, Bay Rob·

erts, Second Year Dental C Pro t:;

O/Cdt. Len Cowley, 51. John's

First Year ~[edical RCA;

Back nnw-D/Cdl JiJI'M Car­michael, 51. John's; S~(,'I:d Year Engineering. nCE; U/Cdl. GCt·ril Hatch. Port nux Jla,IIIlC;. Sc~nl ,Year Dental nC,\c: O/(cil. F;el Best, WesleY\'i1!e, S~'''lld Year Education ncoc; Olen!. Gorel! Drol'er, Dell Island, Fir,l Ym Dentat HerC; U/Cdt. Tum lA, Fosse, Channel, Fir;! Yc.r Ei~.

cation RCIt:; O/Cdt. Harel'l Dm,

Coley's Point, First i'c"r E'JUCI'

lion RCASC.

ing this third year COTC training GEORGE ROSE-The son of Holloway. 1 1-----------.. lhis ~·C;lr. lie lias applicd lor a Herbert Rose of Rose Blanche. Our first social e\'cnt of the ~ •. tour 01 dut~· lI'ith the brigade George completed Grade XI at year was the Joint Mcss DInner I il: Germany this summer. J.·rerl Hose Dianchc. lie has taught of UNTD and COTC pcrsonnel, i (lhl;.inrd hi, (ira de XI nt Prince I schOOl at 1.ally t:o\'e, DIamond This was held at the Officers' l'! Wales ('ullcgf'. , Covc and Cupe La lIullC. lie was :lless, Buckmaster's Field on 1'>111'. ~ HE:\" Go, HIJ:\"rm-TIl<' ~"n 0[: a mCllIlwr of the Hoy Scouts at (,mbcr loth. lIonourarv Lt. Col. Thon;,:: . 1.;arclnl'J", llritbh Har.! HOse Illullchc for three ycnl's. ancl H. A. Outerbridllc, ~(BE Ilrescnt., hu .. r. J I"1l11t,\' I:JY. IIt'n hi!; tau~hl : rusc to truoll leatler. lie IS a I cd Ihe Outerbl'idgc Trophy 10 the' ;c.ho"l at Cox's COle and Coward's : me~nh.l'r 01 the Nnd. 'I'e,lchcrs As· I CO't't:-winncrs iur this year. J,.an". I SOClallllll. This trophy was donated by Col.

Resident Staff Officer New Commander C PllOto Feature

Story By . . 1;~qnliE GUSSE-The Hill or: DAVIIl RICHE-The son or: Outerbridge for Inter.services com. r.llhrrt 1;II>iC of Ihe cit)'. lie I noltelt Iliche, Oulcr Baller)', St'j petition. The competition for this ;:.r;~r'u"\t'cI trum Prince IIf Wales, .rohn's. H,is fa~her. j~ elllploy~d present yenr has been completed I ' J.<"II'~~ bst ) I'ar. 1 by Impcrwl Oil L1I11I1cd. Dal'ld' Hnd once agaIn the Army has won GI'al'C Sp"ll'}lCS • liOItlIU:\ lil,VEil-The son 01 1 cumplelcd Grade XI at Bishop 'fhe COTC defeated the UN'l'D il; ,,~ " .1~r.1l ar: r! Hilda l;uI"C1' III Bcll Is· Feild College. basketball, \,ollcyball and hockey I J;'l1d. 1".'1"11011 IPrcm':! III~ eill'ly NEVILLE nUSSI::LI,-'l'hc .~Oll to win the coveted cup for thc ~rj"(';;li"l1 on Brll Islalld. of Carl nussell, BIlY noberlo. IIis fourth Ilme ill Ihe foul' ,'cars of

(;I:I)I;I;E rl.\T('i1-·Tht, hOIl nf fnlhrt' i~ fisheries offit!cr with the its existence, 'I'his is II r~cord of .1"rrl"" .Hall'lI "r Port illlX B;l~. \lcllt. of Fisilerles. Nel'llic CUIII' which Ihe corps is vcry pt'oud .. '1IIr,. I,ror:~ W~~ ~ mpmbrr nf plrte!! Grade XI sl Ihe U.C. 'l'he Annual Joint Sel'l'lce~ Ball the ,\rlll~' t';lrlrl~ [01' ~11rI'e .\·rHrs School. Colry's Point. lie was a was held at the Officers' Mess on ------------1 ~nrt al1<:>nderl the ~clllor leaders member of the IIrmy Cadets for February 3rd. The Prince's Or. cour~c .( Alrlr.dlot caml'. foul' years. lie attended two sum· chestra accompanIed the dancIng .', GARny IImIEH-l'hr; SUII ~1 mer camps and rose to the rank and supper was served. At the 1 ho;nas Homer of the cdy. Garry of Cndel Lleu\enant. time of this writing, our allnual \\;.5 ~ member of the Boy Sconts GERALD RYAN-The son of Mess Dinner Is"belng planned for I:,,· CI~~~t year~. lie c,omple\ed William Ryan, P~ueh Cove. Ger· thc first week In April. The pur. 1.I~I'lc .~r at Prlll~e or \\ales Col· aid completed Grade XI at the pose of these Mess Dinners which k:r. HI, father 15 an agent for Angilcan School Pouch Cove. He nre held yearl~' Is (0 give thc first ~~t;l1 I:I~~ .\ssul'ance Company In has laught school at Pelty Har· year cadets in introduction to mess

ferred to Kingsloll just berure Christmas. In his plnce we are glad to welcome Capt. ~!. Siaple· ton, a na\lve Newfoundlander. We hope hIs slay with us will be both long and ~njoyablc.

:>\ ,10:;~1 s' ..• , " " bur and is a member of the ctiquette. .: II K.:.. I\~:,,\~ED~ -1 he son of Nfld. Teachers Association. We were sorry'to lose the ser.

T I.1tlCI> Kennedy of the city. JOliN Sl\IALL-The son of vices of our Residcnt Staff' Of. ~lIkf' ):raduatcd form 51. Bon's. Joseph Small of the city. His !leer Captain Hyde who was trans.

We wish to congratulate Capt. Eaton 'On his assuming command of the contingent. Capt. Eaton, took,his COTC training with OUr Univcrslty Contingent.

-COTC Wi ns Trophy -.~

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~.' . . !!/Lt. 1·', ,r. DII~fell ill.'cepling the Oulel'bl'idge Trophy (l'Om MI'. H. A. Outerbridgc, M.B.E. Honorary Colonel, Memorial. Unh'ersily C.O.'l'.C. contingent were the win ners of sports events for the ncatlemic year 1954.55. The pr~sclltatlull touk place atlhe allllual UNTD-COTC dinner al the Joint Ser\'ices Offil:el's Mess Buckmaster's Field St~John's on No\,embcl' 10th, 1055. ,"

Lapiain M. J. Stapl~ton was a.ppointed in January a~ l'~sidenL staff officcr commanding Memol'ial Unive'rsilv cont~llgent. The son of MI'. M. P. Stapletoll, Mayor~r HarboLU~ Grace, Captain Stapleton completed his. course in Engineering at Memorial. and graduated from the Nova Scolia Technical College. He joined the regular army, and was on the slaff of the directorate of Signals in Ottaw<J before coming to St. John's. This is his first appointment al:: resident staff officer ..

J. H. Politi rd SAYS-

Lel's talk about the things you can do at, retirement with an assured Income. .

DIAL :l135

~~·""·T~'·~·'~·n~·hE·~~· .. ·~!g~·G"~ ~ 221 NEW GOWEI ST. ST. JOHN'S

. ~ ....... i..

Captain Douglas Eatoll, who took rOnll11:m.J pf the . at Memorial University in .January. L',;pti1ill charge of the Physical Training pro;.:r~iIliIllC i1~ University, and completed his o([ic;n:, t!"II11 IlJ•

C.O.:r.C. Uni\'ersity contingenl.

CLOTHES make the man if

makes the clolhe!




TirtSton' I.li' . .1

Nfld. Armature Works ~ BAMBRICK ST.

CATHEDRAL .; 15 and 8.15 a.m . : 10.15, Matins

~::!~!':her~and Solei ~;. • ,Th~ "Ch'ildren'S SerVice,

• 4.15, Hoi , .. " .. D.· .. ' 'Evensong and :

ReV. 'J. M. Service: Monday, Tuesda:

<.I".rt.,' 7.30 a.m a.m.; Thursd;

communion: a.m.; Tuesday ~

Wednesday 7.: , 10 a.m. EI'ensor 530 p.m. except (sung). Cathedra p.m. broadcast O\'j

THO~IAS' CHURl Hoi)' communion;

11 a,m. and Holy Com I

The Rector; 2.4 People's Easter

Presentation of I . 6.30, Evening

Rev. S. J. Da"ies,

i'~'l'·-lO a m .. Holy I

ST. ~I.\Rr·S mURCI Oa),-6 a.m., 1101 8.30 a.m.. Hol~' I ~.m.. Holy Eu ,Fcst~1 EI'cnson;!

a.Ill.. 1101), 1 Holy Conll

a.m., Hoi), I

?:OVST PI':.\RI. .\:'\1 GLEilinALE .

1.111., Holy Comr . Hob' Communi

j p,m.. E\'cn


GEORGESTREET Easler Mornin" ( reception of orne Morning Worsh

ILACKtER 'riUer' 2.30' . 1 G' " .' • Blrnel

their strioll


Page 17: The Dailynews St John Snl 19560331

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-1 ST.

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,. ~lEWS SATURDAY,' MAR. 31, 1956 -itl" ' •

SER,TICES ~]1.r~l . In Us

" , " .' The:Resurrec.tUln

Chri8t"; in liS, the Hope or gl~ry, From the 'cross where. He died Oh, the b:est assurance given, LOving hands took'Him down, We need never doubt theftory And the)' .tenderly bore Him awny II

f l' I ,(II P·resbyterltllJI. We're by grace joint' heirs of To a tomb that was near, '. .

O r:.1l,!!. (II . I Whl'le His friends gathered' round

_ _ _____ ~______ leaven. . . I

I ST. ANDREW'S' Cllr' t . Ith t' I rl . t Ithl 50 His Ioes' sealed the tomb;

Sheen Bishop Writes

, ..


(.'T1IEIlR.~1. . I ~Ilnister: Rev. Allan l1(acAr. I IS Yo' au, anI !" iriS W n Set a guard at· the 'doo'r' .,' I:d 5 l~ a.m .• ~ol) 'Arthur Old, 1II.A. Deaconess: Miss us, To make sure no one opened the :'~ Ins. ~la.tins (said): 1 EI'cl.I'n B. Walker. Organist: lIIr. Through the day and hours grave, .. ,

lEu . of 'night; And ~o emn : I Robert MacLeod. " . Th t b Id t h Id H' . . ~lCt.rr. The ncctor. 1\' Hal)' Communion' 7 Service Keepmg Us irom el'cr shining, .e am. COli .no a 1m EASTER I Him when He "really'" died if the

r' • H" n Bible' • '. Walking II' i L h us as OIIT EI en death had no pow. er I th r be true' Wher II HI', ~:dl ~l" .1C.. of Praise (Senior Choir assisted . H' "h h died men to' eo y . • n:.B(.: 415. Holy Bap., b)' Junior' Choir). Come. worship ·Light. . Over aal?\ IV 0 ad. '. I' Ill' FULTON J. SHEEN grave? Why did not His enemie~ [ltr.!~n;: an,l ~er~lon, with. us. . , . . . Ie.. .... When one is so unscientific 151 po. int to ,Him and. sa.y: "He 11 1101

j!lt Re\'. .•. . JltGnday-B p.m., Couple's Club.' A bright angel came down, . i to start with a prejudice, one mUst! ~Isen. ere. e Is In e co~~up . J

~I RCld I With thc 5 \I' e c t and b Ie s t as I 1 1h H th t ~.kt: Tllesday-3.15 p.m, Woman's surane.e. Rolled the stone from thc door I invcnt a thousand separate ans.! IOn .of death hke all. mo.rtah. . III )l(l!ldlY. Tue,.la)". :rl. lE~::;\onary Soeiet). (Easter Mcet. 1Ic will nCI·cr. nc\'cr fail; While the guard' fled·· in terror' IVcrs for a thou.sand separate faels no Instance do we flDd .In tb. fi~st

;.30 •. nl.: "cd. in") He will gil'c tis great delil'crance, ali'ay, . I For examplc, if one docs not aC· cent~ry d?cuments HIS enelllle. ; ::I.: Thl!r>da)' P.30. o. Plenteous graCe for el'ery And so He who wa~ dead I cept t~e fac~ of m.iracle~,· o~e ?enYIn,g H.15 Death and Resurrect·

co:::munion: ~londa)'1 QUEEN'S ROAD trial. Rose to die nel'ermore . i must mvcnt In the l~(e of ChTl~1 IOn; lie find onl)" ~hat the, were •. 1:' •. : Tur;day 8.00 and, nCI' .• 1. A. Goldsmith, :'tlinister On Illat wonderful" glad Eastcr a separate explanallon for HIS told not to preach It. It was not 11"tdne!rl.) ;.15 a.!?: I. DMne Worship, Sacramcnt Dayl' I' walking on the waters and Hi8 the f~et ~f the Resurrcctioll that I~ un El"rn'on~: ~ald of The Lord's Supper: 3, Church R'sUI't'e' ell'OII feeding of the multitudes. So with' was In dispute, but only the tell· ~ p.m .• t\ttpt Frul~y. Scbool, Open Session: 7, Y. P. S. '"' "He has risen lndced," I those Who rcject Ihe historical! ing of Ille fact. l~t,1 talhrdral ~elo. i Vespcr Sen'lee. Worship with us. So the Rngels declared. and documentary evidence for thel Later on, thOSe who tried to .• to

trNrlra!t Ol'cr (Il:-l. , M . and' nesurrectl·on. If. Christ did not cape the fact of the Resul'reeliOi , . ormng To the women, bewildered _ I' ~IOUl'iT PE,\Rlr-GLENDALE '.. d rise ftom the dead by the powerl tried ~o explain it away on ph,-

T1IO~.\5' Cnt'R(,1I ~1inister: ReI'. J. A. G.oldsmiLh sa . of God ",hl'ch I'· His, then one ehologleal II r 0 u n d 5. Th. neW 8 a m Evcry day God gives us a nes. "Go and lell thosc He loved ". E~1y c~mmur.lon: .., . 2.30, Church School; 7, Divine I must I'nl'ent \Va.vs of explainin~ theory argued as .follow~: The

II m 'lorn surreet on Alornl'ng nl'sl'nd il'om ~Iake it known everv. where. "I I ,::::t;n:' I )n: I...,.... ,'Worship. Worship with us. • to all'a" H,'s appearances on Easter Apo~lles and other followers tl

d H I lommumon the grnve of past mistakes .. wc That they all may rejoice and be , . I~ Q!". 'I glad ... · ,Sunday and thereafter for fort)· I Our Lord had often heard. Him laJ

Rtrlor: :.-15 p.!"., Salvatl'o1' A,'my grcet the dawning. Shaking off the H d d H'gh days \ that He would be cnlClfied and Ea~trr Serme. . '. " • dllst of all the sorrol\' and tile sin. e ascen e on I • . I I . f th d d Th' ~ .... ,,'nn 0: r"ramid nlng .. happy and triumphant in. a To the Father's right hand. It might be Interesting to stud)' a ~r on rtS~ rom . e ca. . 11

,,.,;,, "'"'' : TEMPLE CO'P~ "'w ,,' ~., "~"",, IVh", H, M' "'."'" ,,, n;" " m, 01 '" .. , I""'" "~,~,,. b,h,1 ",ok m~ "',,~ "boo"",,!, I J. PO''''' '.A, • ' .... g .. " 50, "m, ' ' , i," ,bi,h '" lu m'" ,,,,,,111 ,m, 0, Good F",,, '" lh., , "",,){.;o, ,,' >In, E. H,',h',," ,." R,', ~m'"i .g.i" I" ~" .. ,. ,,"p' th" ""' n" h,p" won d,"h~~ 10 pl'~' b,

. 10, Pra)'cr ~Ieeting: 10.15. March E And will·take to that land surrection it8ciC. A theory that HIS IgnomlDlous de! e J. I anI! . Seh011\. : of Witness, 11, Holiness Mceting, ~ asler 'PI'aj

7er I Thosc Who tnist in His blood 1o found Rcceptanec in anti·God cir· death: The ,shock cau~ed the sub-

'" , H.'" CO m' G, Id" ''"'','" .. , C,h, DI"" , ' """ "" 'mi', th, .i"",,th ",I .. , '"'" !o~ m'~' I. ".",,' Inl' !h. I Parade; 2.30. Sunday School, , __ I .. . IS that Christ actllally did not die HconsclOus. mind d tthhl INfsl~1l i~lt

_ ", ,... 11"1,, ,"m m" <, "'" I", ""d,,, of '" .,,,,' , "," g" ,., ",.,," I" "Th, R ,,,,,-' "' th' ,,~., H,... ,,' y ". ,h., """'. '"' .. " i. Sail'ation ~lectin!!:Brllladler and! ~ God, our FOithr.r. ThUll dIl1,1: 0 rection" : slale of shock or coma as a re' prea~hed as a fact. . . ~Ir;. S. Gcnner)" Prol'lnclal Sce., brill!: from thc ~had(}w.l of defeat, 1 To be sung to the ILinc "The 0111 .lulL of Ihe agony on the Cross:, ThiS lhe.or~ explodes Immedlat~ •

. retnries. will he in charge of the' tl!e l'lctnt')' of lifc clcl'n .. \' We I RLI;:ge<! Cros8.... , Ihe coolness of the grave iater on I Iy when It IS reealle.d that the Ill' . '''' Ii "I, fOlD' ;c\'\'ie~s. Special music Rnd sing.: gll'C Thee thnnks [ot' Ihi, f:l1th ill So III praise Him as lon~ .~ I rcvived Him and lie appeHcrl bC·1 Apo~Ues and others I~er. not e~-, " '" ,i"" ".", m", i' g "Ill I","" th"," "001 ""," f'" '''"',, ,0"' ibilill ,", II '" Il '" , 1m, m", I.IIi", th ,m th., H. ,,,' m, th, n",,,,,I,,", "!"" .. • ll .. h '[m'hari,l: da)'. A warlll splrituRI atmosphere. us. 10 eonsccrnlc oUI' livcs to make I ,\nel re.ioi~r in lIi8 pOlI'cr o'cr thc i rosc from the dcarl. thus ~rcatmg i ~" tht LO~d I~rth;m H!?a~y ~~e~

. ami Christian fcllowship await t~ls hope knoll'll (0 nll Ihose I\'ho~c grave.' the belicf in the ResurreeLlOn.. I ~It (ld t ey ICle 1m; ,~ ; .... !H' ("ornmu. "011 ~t thc Temple. IIl'es arc desolate becausc of lillie .'.11 m\" life In His 5rrl"ice 1111' Now what arc the facts I\Tltten I Ilcre )!~gdalcn and the plotU 110'

, _ l' '''' "," m"";", ,. , I,ilh, .,,,11, "'" ,,,"" ,. Ib,' '''' "", b, Ib,,, "h. ,.,., Ib, ",," "', ~" d,,,, • ,I h, ~"" .~" y "" 1I .. !; t'ommll' C1T.\I)EI, conrs, 1\ dce(~s lila)' spring fl'ol1l l'hri>llikr FM r knoll' lIe's ~Imighty 10 Goorl Frida)' ;lOd Ea,(el'. ~nd laterl Eas!cr mnrnm!! \11th. S"ICtS 1&

,\dams' ","cnuc molll'CS. Amrn. ~ sal·c. : on had their thl'o~ts slasherl lor I anomt ~ dcad body, .If !hey

ell-~I~jor and ~Irs. C. IIicliman, __________ . _ .. ___ .' .. .-------.-- ..... --._ .. -----.. --'--- ._.. . -.... ---- I thaI bclicf? First of all. Ihere was I pccted th~ ncslI~recho.n. Mag· Corps Officcl's. . I Tn E I 0 : a double iOl'cstigation into the rcr·; dalen 5.0 little bellcl·ed. In the ~!.

t.i\"\II\IJ: B a.m .. rraycr Service;.'I, I~oll.: e t- S t;e Id B' t E 7\ T Ilitude or I1is dcath. one by .Jewish I sl1rrcelion that she mistook. 1hm

" ,."; ,_'::;,:::'i";: ' ~;::, ::~';:~;";~h;:t:~ y:;: as e r 01 y -- j" u ve r H ew :~,~:~::::' ~:Ib"':;;"~; ~:m,;; I ~7,;i~'::;~':':';; .~~:~":;::: ,.. .'" _. r'rn'l'n- Peuplc's Snh'ation ,'leeLlng; 7'1' Ea .tcr 11 I Uti t . I' tl Cl . t' . I' ltd I I' I 1 I same co~elu5ion. Furthcrmore.: a~d I\"~at is !.hcir commen~: "~ .'.' . , .... . •. ,Great F,1'anselistie Serl'ice. J ~ ,ca ec le mos JI)YOUS cay III lC ll'l!i lCtl1 III lIS lC,l[' all '" lcre \\' lat 15 now t le B essed Sacra- ! Lhe Roman centurion who hadl lIoman s tak. In other Ilords. , """n:,,,n I B,i".,,, ,,' >t", C, Hi,km,", Y"', the foremost in dignity "f "It ii, feasts," .. minds ""nt n'" gh'en, The "i,m< of the Saviour in' !he I ,hu,' 'I "" "",Ii"" k, .. i"l "y", 'M~ b,,~ .. "moo m .. ,.

Ill. m.t:l.~. Corps Oiflcers I Christians evcrywhere o[ (he ~acrifh!e b\" Goel of His Garden of Geo.hscmane and the trial and crucifixion I that the two thicves were not dead i \~~·s pc 111 e ; ~ n g ~vrhthll~S/' '1.\1\OS B.OO a.m., Pra)'er Serl'iee: 11, I b t S f I I . hroke their bones. As a final in· I e~ Ina r e cr an 0 n :ere ~ 4.;." f.1'cn. Holiness ~Iecllng; 2.30, Scnlor on y cgot en on 01' t le t 1e salvation of mankincl. and the miraculouo; climax of the resurrection, when i sullo He ran a spear into the side conVinced. Lhey had to convince

Bible Cla~s and Sunda)' School; Illustrated here are the llc\,cr-lo-be.[orgottcn events the sealed sepulchcr was found empty and Mary of Christ. hlood and water pouring the 0 the r 5 and one of them, Pl'-O~ ;r.ri R (I{). 110\1' 6, Young People's Salvation Meet. r th t f t f 1 k CI . , btl b J d I "I did" I h I out to witness the complete ces· Thomas, went so far ~s to sar •. il. !'r'oC(',;ion and: ing; 7. Great Evangelistic SCrl'lee. 0 a a c u wee - 11'13t s e ray a y U as s- 11' ag a ene an 11 ary, t. e mot ler of James, learned salion of heart action. Incident· that He WOUld. not. behe~'e unhl

.6 3l1. ~olemn C"en .. Brisadler and Mrs. W. O. Brown cariot, one of His beloved disciples. The Last.SuE~2r, from the angel of the Lord that Christ had risen after all)', it was at that moment that lIe could put hiS finger ~nto the ind Procc;;ion. 'will be in charge of thc services where Judas learned that Jesus already knew the e\'il three days-even· as He had foretold. hc who was a pagan bccame the ![and of t!le Lord and hiS hand • ~'" 11'.,-., H "" Ib"",h." Ib, ,." IV, "." "m'" I,,,it "f!h. T '" "I !h, ,,', "" "do ,'I ,", Lo~', O~, . ).ou to join us In worship. Cross - the thief being the fir,t o.n. sa domg Ihls did He fmally be·

Wednesday, 8 p.m.-Pra)'er Ser. ! - as he c:;c1aimcd: "Indced, This !Icve. On many subsequent oecas I'icc. . th Son oC God" Ions Our Lord spoke and appeared

Friday, B p.m.-United Holiness IS c· to multitudes, el'en fil'e hundred ________ , meeting. El"cn though de a t h had nolo at one time. There was no col·

, (aken place a.Ctcr tl~e I'iolent scour Ilccti.,·c . il!usions. hc~e as there was gings, croll"nmg WIth (horns and i no mdll'ldual illUSion among the being nailed to the Cross, He, Apostles.

Pentecostal tbe ,----------------------BETHESDA PENTECOSTAL

ASSE~IBLY Z()7 l'i ew Gower St.

A. C. Snow. Pastor: L. A. B. Snow. Assistant Pastor.

10.30. Prayer Sen'lci!; 11, )Iorn· ing Worsbip; 3 p.m., Sunda), School: 6.30, Prayer Scrvlce: 7 p.m., Evangelistic Service.

Wednesday-8 p. m., Young People's Servlcc.

Friday-8 p.m., Prayer ~Ii!eting.


Ur.tr ~Iornin~ Commu. . Broadcast ]0 a.m., VOCM: 11, fKeption of 'members' ~Iornlng Worship; 2.45, Sunday IIt'1llint Wonhip and I School, 7, Evangelistic. Evangelists

~umon bl' I WIlliams and Faulkner will com· Easter Sunda~' I mence rcvh'al services Sunday

ill pmnts are In. i nlgbt, April 1st; also cach night . i. Choral Service, I or the week, exccpt Saturday night.

too::! Handrl's ~lessiab;' All heartily. invited. People'! Fellowship

Ptople are wei· I leison of deep Jehovah's Come ami share these important W tt <

.... ctil.illes or I _______ '_'_Ze_S_s_e_s __ _ as ar·! '11 7 p.m., Public address: Is tbe

" • :\ PrI I G I 8 "Wing of Ihe srs.1 Religious Revlva enu ne? p.m., Committee t:l"angelis- Bible Study: Triumphing over

:0 )Itmbm: 8.~5. In· I Wicked Spirit Forces. lI01ihip (' B ~ Thursday, April 5-7.30 p.m.,

1. S. H: ~o;a~: B.t.~a~i i Theocratic Ministry School: Quail· ".('dnesda)". April: fiell to be Ministers, ehaptcr 13: ".~1.S. in the Lec. i also ]. Samuel, chapter 14. S.30

p.m., Service MeeUng.

('?I1Si:STm:ET l7:,n l.ar.~illc. RA.,! Gospel Hall r : .. Dand Prlcr~,: __ . __________ ~ r.,itl!t an~ ,'Lol'r \. ]030 L d' S 230 ",," . a.m.,' or supper; . ,

£01,( S Sunday School: 7, Gospel MceUng. :t:/. en icc o( Com. Usten to the Family Bible Hour, il'Jon Os I n~1\" memo i CJON; at 10.00 R.m.

ef\"lCC: 11, Tuesda)'-Scripture' Study, B.OO ,.~n!or ConGre. p.m.

\\ R. ~Ur5er1' Friday:""'P.rayer Meeting, B.Oo _ Session of th~ p.m. ' '. EI'cning Wor. Text:· For ·whosoever .shell call

. ~Iltr ~Iusic b)" the upo:,. the Name' or the Lord shall be saved.-Romans 10 ·13.

.' --'-• """C""


Then one If tbe twelve, clned Judas I_riot, went unto the. «hid priests. and saId unt.' them, Whal win fe rive me.' and I· will deliver hIm unto JOu? And the~ tCivenantfll wUh 11111\ for '0111 ,Itees 01 .lIver •

I And ~ they were eating, Jesus IIIOk bread. and blessed It. and Now he that bef.rayed him ,ave' I bral.e Il, and rave U 10 the disciples. and said, Take, eat; thb II them a 5111'11, saylnr, WholnSO- : , my body. And he 10011 the CUll, and gave thanks .mel Kllve It wever I shall kiss, Ihat same, l them. say InK. DrInk ye all of It; for this Is niy blood of the nelY I.' he; hold ldm fast. And; '. testament, which I. shed for many for the remIssion of sins. But lorthwith he came to Jesus: : I say unlo YOlI I will noi drinl. hcnceforlh of this frull of the viII' and· said, llal!, JllaSter lUld' , "nm J drln~ I! new with you III 1117 Faihrr·. klll:dolll. . i =k.:.W.c::;t~d,,,-h;,-b .. "' .• ,:::,;:;:~;;:;-o:::::::~~;-,

COCHRANE STREET' . : ~Hhtnnicilltd hlin. •• , And lllUinr down thel' walched him Three services will be 'held at . ihere ...... Then there were two thieve. crucified with him, ane

Cochrane 'Street Churc han. ·Sun. .n the rilhl hl!nd, and anolher on the left. And the,lhat paged day and will be conducted .bY' tbe ,b,. reviled him. wa"ln, 'heir head., and say!n, ••• U ihMi be Minister. At 8.30. a.m.; the Sacra· I tbe S~ of God.· come dow. from Ute cross. . .. ment o[ the Lord's Supper'wlll be . - ---'-" . dispensed. New members will be will the- Junior Congregation. sent special Easter music and the cd at 11 a.l)I. by Rev. F. E. subjects will be "Then Were Thc received and the whole congrega. An open session of the .Sunday Mlnistcr will preach. _ Vipond with the music 'under the Disciples Glad ' .•. .'~ and._ "Reasons tion will' dedicate Itself anew to School will be held I in the aIter. :"." :GOWER' STRE.i':T. direction' of Mr. Douglas Osmond, for Bcllcying. in Life Aftcr D.eath." Jcsus Christ and' His Church. The noon at· 2.30 o'clock; The Sunday Sacrament '0:. the Lord's Supper L.R.A.~.I., and Mrs. George Kelly, Thcre Will be a· song"servlce at elel'en o'cloc~ serl'lce will' be Seliool Junior Choir will lead in will be adminlslererl to Nurses at leadcr' of tile' Junior ,Choir, will 6.45 p.m. . hroadcast'over VOWR and will in. t~e praise. - ,.' . .. . 6.3Q and to the'regular eongrega·lsing at the. Moring Scrvicf. Th'c' A" Sunday . School Easter. Pro· c1ude tw'o antheil15 by th·e. Choir.. At·.t~c cI'c'ning: service ... aI' . 71 timi 'at 8.00 in the morning. scr.,' Scnlor' .€JlOlr .. will : Sillg; at the i gramme prepared. b( 'the.' Senior The Nursery Class wip. meet as o'cloek,:the .ScnlQr Choir will·prc' vices o[ Worship will' be·conduct· Evcning Seh;lce. lIlr: .Vipond's; Study .CI~ss "will be he!d' at 2.45.

, . . ..' ':' : '. : . ,., . ..

.1' .'

\\" 0 ul d havc suffocated when i The Rcsurrcrtion h the cenLral b:lried in one hundred pounds of! Cact of .thc Christian failh. It be­spices as was (hc custom. Butl gins with defeat. crucifixion and thc ~ost surpl'ising part of thc!, 'sorrow, bul iL ends in triumph. theon' is (hat He walked with FilCh ~ Sunshinc religions will do for days strength 011 Ihe third day. and Cor i withqut death. or grief, or sorrow, thr. subsequenl (orty day,. as to: but il Lakes the Love of God enter conl'ince doubling, timid disciples I ing into .our !ragedies (0 conl'inc! that He was Ihe Conqueror oC, us that In Him We too can han Dcath. Finally. what happencd to our Easter after our Good Friday.

Prayer Jesus of Nazareth J

Blesscd Lord. crucificvl for lIS all .Tesu.; oC Nazareth lowly Carpenler the cross, hut risen again and ex.! His I'oicc was gentle to the wan· alted now for evcr at God's riSht: dercr, hand, we worship anr! adore Thee. i As, by the shores of Galilee, H, Often we have grievcd and off· I trod. endcd Thec, yes, even denied Thce I Brothe~ o( man, yct the Son 01 Lord, hal'c mercy uPon liS. Draw I God. ncar us now in alI Thy tcnderness and love. And restore us to Thy, What brought this sinless soul grace and favour. Give IInto us. I with man to dwell? unworthy as We arc. a share in! To starl the quarrel of what redemption work. Prepare. our' crecds to tell? future here for us; make liS suf.1 Oh no! IIis heart is broken by this ficient for whn(cI'cr joy 01' 80rrow.! strife: slIlIshine or shaduw. happinc5s or He Ih·.ed His cr~ed. of love by giv· Lrial, it mal' ha I'r in store for u,. 109 lip Ills hIe. Graciously iJrepare. Ileal' Saviuul'. IIis mc>,age sholiid all men ~o· for liS, even liS, a mansion in Thy i get her hind.. • !Ieavenly Kingilllm, when 01\1' jour. I For lit', though Son .of God, Is llel' nllll' is ended. aod ollr work I br'l1l1l'r o( mallkilld. hei'e is done. :\~aill We ask Thee' III bless cur home; leI it el'cr he .lc.'us II! Nazareth 1011'1)' C3rpel)ter the object Of 1;h)' cOire alld love; lIis I'oicc slill genUy calls the may it el'cn be a Bethany, whither wanderer, . Thou dost dcign to come, and Toda)·. as when by Galilce .He whcrein Thou dost delight to dwell. .Irod. Bless likewisc with us a\l who arc. nrothcr of man. 10 make us sons neal' and dear unto us. Mal' we i of Gud. lil'e in pCI'sonal failh in a Ii\"in~ -----

Eastcrtide . • and glorificd Saviour. And to the Fathcr and the Son. And thc lIoly Spirit, onc Gor!. shall be all the! praise and all thc j:(lor)', nllw and I • • •

for ever and el'er. Amcn. . I Easler flowcrs:. WhaL thou~hts thc)' bnn::: CrO\\"lllllg ::Iory. of. thp.

II' C b" , Spring .. ·EasLcr bells: their chimc5 appy om Inln!!S rin;! out banishing our fears and

LJ (loubl. .. Easlel' hymns of hopc and Whcn Easler and springtimc com· praise .. Anthems of the hob' da)·s •

bine as thcy d'o, . ..Who dare speak oC Death's dark And' everything sparklcs so slor· polI'er-in this glad triumphant

iously new: hour? Evcry' trec, every !lower, and the Gone thc sorrow and the' gl~~in'

. . blUe sky above . 'b! Again prove the wonder or God's ChrISt has men fro~ thc tOIll •

g ciou love No more tears or grief. or loss.-ra s. He was nailed upon a crOS5":'-

We watch mother:nature, in spring garb attired,

Our hearts are uplifted; our souls are inspired;

And thc wonderful sign of Christ's resurrection

Should increase our faith and our Christian a/fcction,

To know that Christ conquered a world of sad sLrife: .

madc to suffer hate and scorn­wounded .. picrced by spear 'and thorn .... Thus He conquered death nnd pain .. Thus He died-to rise again. . •

Do vou mourn a dear one gorie! That 'immortal soul lil'cs on .. This lhe Truth for which He dicd:'This the joy of Eastcl'tide:··Weep nnt: o'CI' some earthy bed; God is Love.

That He is lhc way, and the Truth and the Life. ' -There is 110 dead .•


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..... __ .... _---Beauty of Tall Flowers Enhances Garden Picture

Hard)' Astera Blossom In Earl)" Fall.

Fl""'rr~ ~r~~\; "'lIh color. form ~:1d hci;:ht t'l ~ro\\'th. Like the I'ri.hror" in ~'ollr block. they .hfTrr. By Ulclr contra~t with ~.'ch othtl', nower3 excite inter. t •• t in yc,ur ~ardrn. Proller blend· bt ('I Ihclr beauty brinss outlh. br;t in cnrh.

Tall flowerin,: planls lorm Ihr b~ckdrol" lor ~'our stage.lul! or blouoms. Beenu~e they nrc used to hell' SCI'cen out bacl(sround \'ir\\"~, thoy naturnlly are seldom I'I~nlcd ;;Ione.

There are many tall gro'~'ins nowers whIch ran be used thi~ way. inc1udinl: both nnnunis nnd ;,crenniab. Where spnce is 11m· Ited they can sen'e betler than .hrubbery for their roots do not compele wilh other 110wers as does ~h1'Ubber~·. Some are among the old·lashioned flowers which a:'e nell' a~ain, and \\'111 be nd· mired bl" "i5itors 10 )'our garden who me not lamillar with Ihem.

For nn attractive bncl;~round Icreen lor your earlier nowers, trr Boltonia a5teroides Halse c!\amc,milel. It crows 6 leet tall wilh a Ienfy plant. In lale sum· Iller Its riais)"·like white flowers C.lme and rrma!n until October, "'\';:l~ ~ou one or Ihe few peren. r.i;.b which blos;om in the fall.

,. For la n;e rlustcl'$ or "lor~et. I me.not·' flowers of gentian

blue In June anel July. try Anchusa !talica Dl'opmore which .1'01\"5 :. Icel tall,

Hardy Aslers, IrUe American ~~\I'ers (which the British call Wch .. elma~ dable~) arc peren· niah you can ~rOI\' from seed. Their whit., crimson, pink and bllle !lowers arc grown on bushes

that may reach 5 fer.! In height. GYPSollhlla (Baby's Breath)

I!rows 4. f~r.t tall, benrlng myr. iads or small p!Jt.'< or white bios. SOlllS in latc slimmer.

Sinsle and double hollyhock. arc among the most highly deco­rative tlowers for a border back. ~round. Th~)" "'ow quickly from seed to a height of six feet or more, with nowers Ineludln, many tones 01 red, pink and oran!c. The flowering season ean be lengthened many weeks 11 faded blossoms are picked to prevent seed formation.

Llntrls September Glory (1\:an. sas Gny Feather) Is a 6 loot beauty whose stalks are covered In late summer with feathel'1 purple flowers.

Thalietrum (meadow rue) Is a delicate flower with feathery leaves which grows ~ feet tilt. and While never taking the spot. light, aill's):s provides a plcaslnlf background for more brilliant blu!soln!.

A 4·loot perennial Verbena (boo narlensis) beal's tragrant laven, der flowers from seed the flnl year.

All the Rbol'e nre perennial! which grow easily from lieed, nnd once estar:".hed will PH' form Ihrlr roles In Un larde, picture for many years,

Among tall growlnl .,~r~alt are "alllardia-ftowel'ed sur.!oW' era which grow 4 to 8 leet tall and have fuliy double flowers al chestnut red Rnd ~'ellow, whle) give height and color to the ,ar den background, where there II room for a considerable IrouP


Page For Farmers Rodney and I Love The Carry Oats Key .

I PerhJps Ih -....... OTT A W A - Rodney. and G~rry an Englj,hmae~e hi; 'I".

oats are very much m the hme· membered I ~lhQ i; " light this year in 'Eastern Canadn manilv tha"r hiS

Care of Frost InjuredFruitTrees

O'I'l' A W A - The lrult grower can as.lst the natural process of recovery of frost Injured trees by p'rovldlnil materials and condi·

Itlons that are vital to this process. K, Lapins, of the Experimental Farm .t· SUmmerland, B.C., ad· vises that cultural practices In· elude pruning, fertlUzlng, Ind ir· rlgatlon,

The early Fall freeze and sUbr zerp temperatures during the lat· ter part' of January and mid·Fe\J. ruary Injure fruit trees in all fruit growing areas in Canada. The extent of Injury usuall)' de· pends upon the stage of maturity of trees taught by the Fall freeze. . Recol'ery "'i11 depend of course, on the amount of damage done, but also to a great extent on the general condition or vilal· ity of the· trees,

A large lea! area in cArly spring 11'111 help many fruit spurs reco\" er quickly which might otherwise have dried out Ind died if the recovery process from frost dam· age had been slow, Therefore light pruning Is recommended for

Forsythia Blooms Herald Advent 'of Spr.8ng and. p.articlllarly in Ontario. Both Sha.rt~shIlI'Y ~'a,lQr~ varieties were produced at the a dlstinglli'hrd . Cereal Breecling Laboratory. Can· ber of l',.;\i family.

By HENRY PREE The forsy',hla Is ane of the true

prophets of nature. Cut branches In full blollm nrc now filling f1or· ists' windows and I suggcst that the home gardener go out Joday and cut a few sprays to force In· deors.

While the forsythia is not the first shrub '0 blossom In the spring It is thc showicst as wcll as the most. useful.

The nurserymen tell you that il. takes less salcs effort to dis· pose of forsythia plants than any othcr deciduous slrrub. The for· srthia is among the casicst of 'a1l . woody plonts to propaga'c, fo slore and to transplant after planting, Which' can be done al almos' any season of the year. The best time to "l:l1Il is whcn thc forsythias are first in bloom.

However, some of 115 gcl a bit en'lllIsiastle and plant too many too closc to one another, aT too close to the house. The forsythia belongs in thc shrub bor~er or as a single sllecimen in the lawn.

Plan'.ing eloslll' than eight fect apart j~ unwise as e\'Cn the

spectabilis. ~da Department of Agriculture, tellect a~II a\~ent, h,j Sui'able for Steep banks where' Winnipeg, lIlanito\m, and have ex· by ru;'all'l ~I a\ ~ell

~osion may occur and for. train· ccllent reSistance 10 ste~ rust cuulrl '11l' ;)i;1 ~~I of ' mg. on walls an~ arbors IS thc and smut, and 1)10deratc resIstance numher of Engli,~Ut ,I I'orlety suspensa, commonly to crown or leaf rm;t. rca son II(' i. . called weeping forsythia. The •. thou~and. fir r~~mE:-'hr!t slcnder branches, growing to' 10 ~odn~y}s a ,~lerhllm latc rna· complelel\' fl'" ler, Cil! feet r morc ften b d t th !unng vanety IIlth ~traw of merl· na' I' '. r_?tt!a. is

o , .' 0, e~ a C IUm length anrl gtrength. The ~ Ie IIIn.elf I'ltho,t ground, h:lr lips ~akm~ TOOt. kernels ar.> ~hort: wi ric ami plump, In Ihe I'o"r. Ihe OUltail

Recent mtroduclIon m thc and will rlehull rearlily unlcss and the hlln~r)'. lIis :, forsYlhia family includc Lynwood carc is taken thrcshin", While the l.u·gr.1 pri\,lc G Id d S ' GI Th "h'" PI'en h I o an . pring ory, esc Rorlney has ,.hown up, 'wcll in, '" "rn ,ri,l in

I two splendId shrubs will replacc I many areas of Ontario it docs not IrllllcllS Iht, g"hlrn kc\ , b f I . . d It"'l't . e ~r~ many :\,cars a I other I appear to have thc wide mbpta.: "

Plant forsythia shrubs at' least fvarlctlCS. , 'hility of Ijarry. :llany Ontario -- '. eight feet apart,. as even the ~ynw~od Goltl,. a~ Irish origi.: f~lrme:s 11'1.10 tril'd Rodney for Ihe out 1I'i11(}' I' poorcr l'arlchcs tend to spread natton, IS erce', III Its habit of I hrst time In 1955 wrre well pIcas. r", II . I I hr·t a~.;t!1

at least eight fect, growth, ultimate height five to I rd with if, perfCll'ln:mcc. At lhe I'odnc:' "'I,r "II'.n.. \\hc: . . . seven feet, with its branches' Ro)"al Winter Pair in 1n5:;. Ror!· 1;.,,11 I; ."'. II,' hr'l

poorer \'ilmtles ten.d to spread l'falt'ly smo'hered under "oldcn I nc)' marl!' a particularly ~ond sho\\'. "1'1'" raula,l) . at Inast e,'ght fe'et I "I' l'I't" It .lllldll"l1 I",. I· r" " . '. . yellow flowers from lop to bot. mg as an ex 1I11 Ion . "anel\·. t' . ." ,( ,The mos' comOlonly planted tolll . ' ~ '1". 01 I !!'I' II I'e Ihe !!,;:,

\'ariety is the very shuwy inter· I . . Garr)' IS ahulII (il'!' rlays earlier he Ion ht;ol). ."/ media speclabilis with itn numer· It is snpe-rh far clltting and maluring than Hoc\nr)' anrl threr Serd o! h'!h "; . ous hright yellow flowers crowd· I f1r.lI'cring indoors at this seawn. or. four .rlays later th:1l1. Br~vel·.; ahle fllr Ill( .10' dr,rllt., cd on uprighl stems. In eon"rast Spring Glory' ils lal'gu pale ycl. ThiS variety al~o ha~ la,rl), J:'r;!c' f'lv ('n , 'I' ·Ja6 ere,.

, , k I Itt I t I '. h 'I<.orncI· . but cxccilent ncvcrthelcss, is the I low flowers completcly covcring ·crne~. )u nn as S I?r as IIO,e Cooper ,1nti Ii '. ' varicty' internledia primulina I the branches, is a pcrfcct com. of Rorlne),. The ~trall' IS m~drratc .• John C;marlin~n7 with sol'. yellow f1owcr:;. lls gar· 1 panion far Lynwood Glrn'y, their I)' strong, Th: a~'eragc YIeld of herg, Dal'ld \I~c'k ... den cffect is pleasant rather than two shades creating a scene mUch the two l'arlChes In a l:1rgc num· i anrl GpI,r!r·' Bar' .E1:;! violent as is the case cf the showy to be admired. ber of ~ests throughout Eastern: large <t. ',; b.er b;1

Canada In 1954 and 1955 sholl'cd; , ',)r, rt.ng c.!t

pi ·upply of leaf buds As bqgins, and thosc shools ...... hich Garry in the lead by nearl)' four: Di'w'1.1· F:·t1 La",61 busllels per acre. of thc o'l~',f)r ~trr.e! . winter damaged trees to ensure an It 1'5 recom' mended that Irrigation I Q' · . rrl

am eo, be started early and that growers mzzlng If" young fruit ·pn- hAve been In do no prodUce may bc rcmoved. I ho .old k 't' do not let. Ifle soil approach the • • • Tho.le who ha\'P not grown ei·

jured ess t an 0 wea spurs I "'I'ltl'ng point .... ·I·thl·n Ii to 9 I'nelles Gardene • tl f th . t' . I t b ,ccn~c .-pic:."',r of the o~ (,arry hI,,, crer i! higher than ir,r Rode!l, I I~ t th t I h Id b Q.-What caused the leaves to ler n . e'e vaTIC Ie;; nil;! I e

. fl d I I t th I i fall ore my potted azalea when I we at vl;;e 0 ry 01 an In( s ev "en a prnn nil S ou e from the surfacc durl'ng tile sum··r I II I d t t b h d f' I can ne ma n y 0 e remova 0 mer. Stone 'fruit trees thut have the weak and older wood. brought it into '.he house'?

Young, heavil)' Injured trees may heen injured in trunks and limbs Q.-IIt is good pl'ac'ire 10 pinch A.-The most likely rca son is! be left unpruned untll summer should have a continuous flow of out all but onc peony hud of a that the azalea was kept in a! ....·hen thed extent of recovery Is waler made available as the con· I room too hot and '00 dr". Azalcas more e\'1 ent. Trees that IIRve (iliding tissues of the iree may argc f1owcr? Hew often should J pconies be dil'ided? should be syringed with luke·: been "ringed" by frost damage in be restrIcted. A restriction of this A.-, T. hc disbudding of peonies, warm water twicc a week and crown and trunk Ind show ft nature would eftt down the supply kept in n room temperaturc as'

. o[ moisture to the foliage and eonslstlllg or removing .11\ of Ihe 17J==~:=::~------------"'::: sparse growth In late .pl·lng pos· fruit consequently water should be lateral buds and leRving only the ncar as possible 10 65 degrees. slbly should be pruned lil the made nl'ailable at all times. I cent,:al aile, results in a larger • "', : ·b~uamekmlel.rg·ht~.~,Ch trees could be cut Fro.lt injury may seem serious' nnll'~r 'han. would otherwise be' Q,-Plca!'e ~rl1 me h~w 0 p.r~l~e i I:~Q:s:~~~

in certain nreas, and some I·arie.: Olllall1cd. \\ ell cS'ublished pco.: rosc o[ shat on hu,hes ami hl.les. , tn contrast to other fruit!, rna· ties may appear to sllflel' more i lIic~ that arc hlooming satisfac.1 How. ran ~ gct morc blcoms on '

ture and old peaeh trees should than others. Fortlll1atcl~ the rc. t~fl.ly should not he Ii£ted and: the hll~cs. . ". i be gil'en a normal pruning, to cn· co\'ery power of a tree is greater, dll'lcleri. Pcony plants ill ~uitable I .. <\.-:\0 pruning 15 neccssat'~ for cDuraRe a Teasonabl~' ,'Igorolls than man)l fruit gro\\'ers realile,: surroundings will continuc '0 I c~the,r rosc of sh~roll or hlacs. gro\l'th for the next year's crop. if good management practicc are I flolI'er satisfadorily for 20 to 30 i Cult1l1g out n.1l dead, \\'0'1(\ ~.nd Large cuts should be avoided, if followed. I ~'cars cr me.re. I any suckers IS su fflclcnl. I he Injury 15 in the frame and trunk • I' • . • lilacs would be benefil by an ap·

O!i!~oJ~:;' of frost Injured trees Th B' I Sid Q,-Arh·i.~c mc whether Ihc old plication of lime and fertilizer e rIg It I e I shools (which appeat·s to die all'ay such as super phosphale.

require. a relatively large amount Ol'cr the Winter) of a clema" • • • of nlttrlogen fIorjbUldldltng uPhth~ I! ~ne looks upon the h.right ~itle, "ine shouid be remol'ed eae~ new 15ues. n ure rees, ov;· It IS Sitre to be the nght SIde, spring Q.-Are annual seeds good the

Ask for JM~E" ,ri··"' •. 'O

DAIRY FEEDS ever, should nol be over·ferUllz· At least tllnt's how I've found It A-Clet r It. second year or should they be

E I The e)'e's a belter pupil and mora ed but some nitrogen should be as 'I've f I na IS 5100 S m spring '.hrown away? I xamp e ..... i11lng than the ear, m~de available early In Bpring .tourneyed through each da)' t~~~u~~~t y :P1~~ar r.ead ,. although

~ Fine counsel Is confusing, but ex. with the beginning of ,activity In And it's queer how shadow~ 'l'an'l should' n~tC ~Ia y ,8 IV~; If so they A.-Some arl! good afte,r sel'er· "l'rI • -- ample's al\\'a)'5 dear, the roots and buds. ish e\'c e CII, all ay. If, how- al years while others are nol. The I

Write for free literature.

~ h ralh~r !r.p .a ~ermon than The best of all the preachers Ire Wlnte~ damlged tree. should And how e8~y 'tis to banlFh , vouf, t.he~,.are .lIcl\1all~ dead, th~n only way to teU is '0 test the, I'd r:t~lr~,.onr an~ dial)"' : the men who live their ereeds, receive an adequate .upply of From a bright side 50rt of nature: 'the :pl~i1;\gl.S~ In pruntn!g thhcmtllll seed between moist blallers. [n I H,ARVEY & CO., L :. II nnl' WOU { walk \\'i!h, For to ~ee good put In aetion Is I water, particularly during the cvery . I th I . 0 asccr am weIer any case. the seed will probably " me Ian merel.\' tell the way; I what el'erybody needs;" early part of the ,rowing season. Dolefu1 thing away. e S 1001:, arc d~ad you may dc· have to he planted morc thickly I

fer prums un',ll new growth ~han frcsh seed. Distributors,

L •• ~.~. Ii ••••••••• ' .............. 1Ir •• ~,

• •

./ I



Low'er Prices Than'. LAST Fall

SAM~ High Quality

Always • In



Water Street· Phone 4131-·

Did YOtt say • • PROFITS

Then use the famous







HOG FEEDS. 30s and 100s





DAIRY FEED The feed that keeps your herd in lop

condition • , plus higher production,

sr. JOHN'S, NEWTOUN/H. ~,.. .


Service Broadcal

~arJiament Hill,




Page 19: The Dailynews St John Snl 19560331

~av ...


ED in to?


_________ ~!,D'IIIII!I:_~~ _____ ~._._~~~.~ __ _

SATURDAY, MAR. 31, 1956 1~ :l~l.£~;:':;';';';;';;";";';;':";';';';';;';';"';~';';';"------------------~-----------·------------

Programmes On The Air Today • • •••

cJO,~:- !CJON ~ TV ,Tonight 8.3~NewJ. 1I.0G-Songs for Saturday. 9.aD-The Bla Six Progra/ll.

lO.DO-News. 10.05-Keyboard Capen. lO.SD-Kiddle! Program. l1.00-Chlldren's Program. 11.3G-lrish & Hl1lbilly Varietle •. l2.00-News.

'r.d 5r~rts. 1 .. - _____________________ _ ~c'~ ~ . I

. iW:~·l;. I • \.\" :,n:i Srorts. ,

5.DO-Panel Discussion. 5.3~NeWll .

•• ; \· .. :ltl ~rlls. i .. \l"c,:~cr Rl'und·

5.3S-Last Man Out. 6.DO-The Outdoorsman. 6.15-Showtlme .• 6.3G-Just Music. 6.55-Sports Page. 7.DO-News. 7.15-Pepperrell Sports Desk. 7.50-Flbber McGee and Molly. B.DO-The Cobbs. B.30-The Whistler. 9.00-HoUywood Music Hall.

r· t :i..t\:r~ 'c. ~e\l"~. 9.30-Two for the Money. hI, fl.A, 1O.00-News and Weather.


: lO.l5-~larch of Events. i 10.30-Portraits in ~Iusic. I l1.00-~\usic 'till ~lidnlght. ; l:!.DO-News and Sign Off.

SATURDAY, ~Iareh 31 ii.DO-Wlld Bill. a.30-DlsneYland. 6.30-To Be Announced. ;.OO-Nn·y Log. 7.30-Raneh Party. R.OO-The Honeymooners. R.30-Slage Show. ~.OO-On Camera. 9.30-To Be Announced.

lD.OO-Jockey Clltb Show. IO.30-Flo·Glaze FilI·lt. IO.45-Brownlll' • Harvey Sho". 11.00-Xcws. 11.lO-The Late Show.

MOSDA V, April ! Sews Pageant-Mornln, Edlt\ol

I A .. ~\. 7.00-SlId. News alld Sports. 7.05-Local Weather. US-Canadian News and Sports. 7.30-Round the World Ncll's. i.3S-Complete Weather Roulld·

up. 7.4l'i-Good News. 8.00-Nlld. Ncll's. R.05-Pro\·jncial Wuther. 8.20-Shipping Report. B.Z5-Khlrlles Corner. R.30-~nd. News. 8.3S-Complele Weather RoulI~'

up. Women's World-Part 0111

p.DO-Gencral Pro\'jnclal New •. D.05-The Day's Top Son .. 9.10-Though for the Day. D.2D-~remory Tune. D.25-Toda)·'s Woman (Salute to

a local Woman). 9.30-What do You Thllk? U)an,.

Woman', Phone InterView). 9.3S-Jt Takes a Woman. 1I.4D-The Lighter Side. 9.45-Muriel McKay.

lO.OD-General Provincial New .. 10.D5-Showtlme Favourite. I0.10-Help!ul Harry (Housebold

Hints). lO.15-What's on my Mind' IO.30-Who Am I? lO.4O-J oan Blanchard. 10.45-The World Today (Inter.

national News). 10.50-Spotllgbt 011 a Stll (Pop

Singer). 10.55-Wile Sa\'er. lI.OO-General Provincial New •• 11.05-Dr. Kildare.

. 11.3~ YOll Asked For It (Mulle,

. Answers Anything). 11.40-:\\ovle Review and NewI-

, Abo TV •

I 11.41\-Your Family and Y.ou. ll.1iD-Hit of the Fulur •.

I 1I.~5-Time out (Fh'" Minutel 1\ for Relaxation l.

lih.we ... Of IIlars-Part 011 , r.:II. \12.00-8111 lUnl Sh~w. I 12. IS-Rilly O'Connor Show. 112.3G-Tops Toda,. (Hit Parade I Tun~5). ; N!1\"I Pagnnt-Mld nay Idltlea

7.4S-Roysl StortS 'I'hutre. LOO-Local Ind National Read·

lines News and Weather. UO-Daily lnten'lew. U5-News. 1.30-EdltorlaJ. 1.3S-Sporls .Itevllw. UG-Claslilled lIedloll-.llpia

Hour. Daytim. lIertQ.


!l.~tl. HURRY, HURRY! iii.! to"'£ THOSE CLOWNS ... ~ TIilrR ClOWNIHG GLORY!

.:~. Jill! • n!~LI'11 ~ .HAL WALLIS'

ni.aus· J~]~ \'llr ""'" "'·" .... I.~ 4~ ...... JJ",~\\l ~~'l~~ l~~ ~~~~~. ·~~~c~::P!-~:~:;;:.:~~~;o w 1m tl"CHESlER

'iI, ..... III ...... IltW.IiI~ 1 ...... .,"~1I .




'11t'1l [\'£''iING IIBOWS: U5-:-1.11 , l: MONDAI-tVEBDAJ-WEDNISDAt_


SUNDAY, April 1

12.0D-Explorlog Mlna •• lUO-Junlor Magazine. 1.80-To Be Announced. 2.00-FIghtlng Words. Z.3O-Country Calendar. 3.00-Thl8 II the Lire. 3.30-ClImax. 4.30-To Be Annoullceil. 5.3O-Newl Magulne. UO-Bulova Sholl'. 6.30-Father Knowa Best. 7.00-0ur Miss Brooks. 7.30-Theatre or Stan. B.OO-The Ed Sullivan Sholl'.

. 9.00-Slnger's Playhouse. • !I.30-G. E. Showtlme. lO.OO-CBC Follo. n.OO-The Late Show.

MONDAY. April %

1I.30-Ho\\·dy Dood,.. G.OO-Rlnch Time. S.30-New! Cavalcade. 5.00-Klds Sholl'. 7.00-Tooton's·Ciouston·s Show. 7.30-The Early Show. 8.00-S1d Cae5ar. 9.00-Medlc, !I.30-Denny Vaughan.

IO.OO-Westinghouse Studio One. 1l.OO-National News, IUO-The Late Show.

l.4~Dr. Mac. 2.0D-Ma Perkins. 2.15-Road of Life. 2.30-My other Love. 2,4S-Imprisoned Hcart.

Woman'. World-Part TI'I'II 3.DO-Houscwh·cs Club. 4.0D-Gen. Pro\'lncial News. 4.05-Best from the West. 4.30-Summary World Ntwi. 4.3~-We5tern Show. 4.40-More Western and Tolk

MUsic. The YoulIgp.r Sel

5.0G-General Provincial Newi. r.05-Planet Man. 5.2G-I1irthday Annuuneemenll. 5.25-Children', Record.

Teen TIme 5.30-HaU Hour Feature for the

Teen • Agers. Interview!, (luests. Pop Music, Social Notes lind Gossip.

News Pageant-City .Edltlon 6.DO-News in a Minute and D ..

taUed Weather. 6.0S-Bulletln Board. 6.lD-National News. U5-Sports Parade. . 6.25-Provlnclal News. Showcase Of Stars-Part Two

6.30-Showcase of Stars. Other. "Star" Musical .. Four Star Feature

't.DO-Courtsblp and 1oIarrlall', 't.lS-Famoul Series. 't.3G-News. 't.~Royal Storea ·.1'heatre.

Newfoundland A!:Dallae 8.0S-Summary National New .. S.lS-Eehoes from Yesterday. S.30-What'. Your I1eef (Let.

tera). US-Folk Song. Tim. (Loeal­

Burl lvPos Ete.). 8.~Party Line. US-Moments for Medltatlon

Joyful Hour. D.OO-General ProvIncial Newi. 9.05-Album of Favourit". D.20-Thb is Your Town (Cem'

munily Salute). 1I.1I0-Fbh anr! Fum Feature •. P.35-Hoedown Tim •• U~Dosco New •.

Kldlo PlaybDDu 10.00-Bright StRr. 10.3G-Boston BJackie.

News Pageant-Lalp. Edition 1l.OO-Local Pro\'!nclal New •• 1l.05-Natlonal Newa. ll.IS-Sports rlnal. 11.3G-Muslc. 12.3G-Generall'rovlnelal New •• l2.3S-Muslc. ' 1.00-8I,n otf.

----------------------VOCM SATURDAY, Milch II

1I.~On The Air. '1.DO-Brealcfast CIl1b, NewL 8.30-Hlt of the DI),.

12.05-Muslcal Menu . 12.30-News .. 12.3S-Mtisical Menu. 12.45-Flshermen's Broadcast. 12.50-Musical Menu. 1.15-Sportscast. 1.3G-News. 1.45-Ramblln' with Regan. 2.55-Ncws. 3.00-Do11ars on Parade. 4.01l-Sam's Corral. 4.55-Nell's. 5.0G-Junlor Jamboree. G.aD-Melody Man. 6.00-News and Weather. 6.1~Sportscast . 6.25-Lost and Found. 6.45-Nell"s. 7.DO-Hcre's Health. 7.15-Hank Snow. 7.3G-Doyle's Orchestra. 7.45-Parllament Hill. 8.00-Home Town Jamboree. a.3D-Layman's Hour. 9.DO-Blg Top Ten. 9.45-News.

10.OO-Wcstern Hit Parade. 10.3G-Hymns {or Everyone. 10.45-News. 11.00-Sportscast. l1.l5-Western Round.up. 12.00-NeIV5 and Sandman Serc·

nade. 2.00-News In a Minute and

Sign off.

SUNDAY, April 1 7.5S-Forecast. a.30-0ral Roberts. D.OO-People's Gospel Hour. 9.aD-Frank & ErnC5t. D.45-Showers of Blessings.

10.00-The Old, Old Stor,.. 10.30-Lid~tone Sisters. 10.55-News. 11.DO-Bread of Lire. \l.30-This is M~' Story. 12.0D-Bible TRlk of the Air. 12.15-Vi~ta5 o[ Israel. 12.30-Ncws. 12.35-Canada at Work.· 12.50-Your Sunday Serenade. 1.0G-Sport.~ Rel'iew. 1.15-Your Sunday Serenade. 1.3G-News. 1.4~How Christian Science

Heals. 2.00-Rotary. 2.3D-Sunday Thcatre. 3.3G-Ncws. 3.45-Music from the Theatre. 4.DO-Lutheran Hour. 4.30-Guest Artist. !I.OO-The Eternal Light. !I. SO-Echoes at Eventide. B.DO-News. 1I.I5-Grantland Rlc •• 6.3G-Guy Lombardo. 7.00-Church Service. 8.DO-Ave Marla Hour. S.3D-Stnnge wms. D.DO-Moments of Perll. D.30-Trans·Atlantic Invitation. 9.45-Newl.

10.DO-Memorles In ~Iuslc. 10.3o.:...Poelic Reverie!. lO.45-News. 11.DO-Sportsc8st. l1.lri-lIIU5ic by Both . 1l.45-Sandman Serenade, New •. 1.DO-News In a Minute and


MONDA V, April I 1I.50-0n the·Air. 7.DO-Breakfast Club, News. 8.30-Hit of the Da~·. 8.00-General PrOVincial New •• R.35-News. II.DO-A Data with Dell,.s. 1I.3G-A Uate witb Dem'" D.111-The Vlll~y and the Rill. US-Burton! of Banner St.

10.0G-News. . to. OS-A Dale with DenYI. lO.3G-Adopted SoB. 1IUIS-New •. 1l.OO-Club ft9!I, NewL 12.SO-NeW5. 12.U-Flshumeu'. Forfel .... 1.15-Sportsellt. l.30-Ne" •. US-RambUn' wtlh Be,a1Io 2.I!5-Ntw •. 3.DO-DoUarl en Pand .. 4.00-:Newl. 4.05-Sam'. Coral. 1I.00-Julllor Jambortt. 1I.3G-Melody :p.ran. II.DO-Newa and Weather.


George Montgomery Ann Rutherford .


o •

20. _oIOJ --


LfIIII Bari· Lnis· Cesar Romero • ~ •• M ...... HIIfMl. ~ II""'"



MATlNI£-: P oM.


-------------..,.-York Paramount

---------------------- ~I_--_---__ -------~----Today Saturday


.," _____ 1 __ 1·· _1_.: alun!: fo"l' Iud; cf anything elle

e 11 to do and acquires a job as a

OI'"nWa roustabout: . . . In no limc at all thc boys :lS\·C

~________________ befricnded c\·eryone in the big

Mmulay ten', from the bcarded lady and the giant to the midget and the l)eautiful woman boss ladY, Joan· ne Dru. Dean, true to fashion,

"THE PRIVATE WAR OF DEAN MARTIN, manages to ge'. himself entangled MAJOR BENSON" JERRY LEWIS, IN romantically witb the lovely I\Us::


The enge·r1Y·Rwaitcd Samuel "3 RING CIRCUS" i Dru and also with the high flying Goldwyn filmization of the smash In its right hearted Techni· .-- . i trapeze queen, played to the hUt Broadway musical, "Guys and color comedy "The Private War Dean l\Tartl~ a.lld Jerry LewIs.: hy the stunningly beautiful char-Dolls," has arrived at the York: Of Major Benson" Universal·ln· those. two rolhckmg ambassadcrs I mer Zsa Zsa Gabor. Jerry, on Theatre and lives up '0 every' terna'icnal has mixed together of mirth and merry mayhem, are I the e'her hand slicks to his guna expectation. It's a wow! n wonderful blend of new faces, . at i~ a,gain. Th!s ti'!le it is Para· and eventuallY' gets to be a clown.

Filmed on a grand scale in Cin· familiar faces in now characteri· !?ount s new ~Ista V!,Sion. fun fcst. From all advance reports Jerry'. emaSccpe and color and dlstri' zations, plus a fresh, bright st(}ry. Three Rmg Circus, which opens, porl"raYi,l1 of a clown Is, in a word buted by 1\I.Q·M, with Its every and has come up witb what is M?,nday at. the ~tar ,;r~catrc. - magnificent. This ~alented department - ,wiling, direc'ion, certainlY the most sparkling com· . Three Rmg Circus IS sct aga· young man is truly a master tal. casling. choreography, music sets. edy of the year. mst the colorful backg~ollnd of an ent. His rendition of the floppy and costumes-handled by top . The film which opens Saturday hones~·to·goodness clrc~s and trousered paint.faced buffoon il artists in their respectlve fields, at. the Paramount Theatre, stars Dean and Jerry.are in ~helr glory· s<;mething tlJa'. brings a ting to here Is a joyous and exhilara'ing Charlton Heston and Julie Adams Never before In thelt· amazmg the heart and a smile to the fac •• musical comedy which. wlll afford and irJ1.roduces little Tim Hevey, careers have they been presented Aside from the wonderful In.. happy entertainment to movie· who will undoubtedly go on to with a more ~agni£icent fra.me gredicnts of music, mirth and ~ goers lIrroughout t~e world. Tbe bccome Hollywood's first hig to show off tllclr almost unbelle\'· mance with which "Three Rln.1 millions of dollars which Samuel child star in years as a result of able talents. "In '.he fast·paced Circus:' so Wonderfully abound. Goldwyn lavished on his most his role in this picture. comedy Jerry p01'~rayS the role i it is also one of 'he mClst beaut!. ambitious production IV!!re just- Hest.on plays the role of l\!ajor of a. ~'oUl~g e.x·sc,ldler who~e onr I ful films to have ~een flashed on Wcd. Benson, a tough.army career of· a!11bltlon m life IS to become . a 11 metion picture screen. Filmed

Possibly '.he first ·thing people ficer who disllkcs what he con· circus clo~:n. Unr!~l" the Gl. ~IJl . in color by Tcehnicolor and 1ft I will want to know. abcul "Guys siders the Army's kid·glove treat· he gcts 11lls amb,'.tlOn. by 11ll'lng I the amazing Vista Vision process, and Dolls" is-how is Marlon ment of rookies, anci says so in ou.t ail an a~pren Ice hell1 tal11e~.! "Three Ring Circus" is 1I visull Brando as a song·and·danee man? a national magazine. The Army HIS best fnend, Dllan, follows delight. The exciting panorama The answer is, he's wonderful. "banishes" the Major with an of the circus life is brilliantIy And so are Jcan Simmons, Frank assignment as an R.O.T.C. instru· .. .', e'.ched by the camera and the Sinatra and Vivian Blaine in the ctor a'. a religious military school A hlghll~ht of the fll~ IS a! result is a realistic and pun'ellt other staning roles, with Robert for. young boys. Hcston, in a dance sp,ecl3ly done by .. he fa.! view of thc big tent in action. Keith hendlng a large cast of change of pace from his usual ~ous NlChalas Bro:,h~rs to .,the Produced by Hollywood's fore­support.ing players enacting the heavy dramatic roles, shows his Gal In. ~ala,l,nazoo une. Or· most craftsman, lIal Wallis, and varied lind colorful characters. great versatility in the role of c~cs~a \\ Ives was produ~ed by directed hy Josepb Pevney. d·reamed up by the late Damon the tough Major, lending to the \\ ilham . LeBaron and dlfceted "Three Ring Circus" emerges a. Runyon. part good s'.rong dramatic talent by Archie l\layo from a screen an eagerly awaited eeIluloid ~reat

They arc the characters of New as well as some wonderful com· I play ~y Karl Tllnber.g. and Dar· that promises to hal'e an enter. York's Times Square-horse play. edy. ! rell \\ are from an ongmal story. eainment gem In each of its rlngl. ers, tipstc"cs, gamblers, pilch men·, Julie Adam!, as the resident sharpies, dice rollors and other physician at the school, i's warm· members of the sporting genf.ry. er and more appealing than ever Breezy, happy·go-lucky, on the before, and this film should be lool\Out is sammon In "GuyS and marked down as the best she'51 DoIls." They are al\ uproariously done to date. funny. Nine year old Tim Hovel, In

Brando plays Sky Masterson, addi'ion to being just about the: the guy who will gambl~ on any· cute~t little boy ever to walk! t.hing but almost meets Ins Wate·r· 1 across 1I mOl'ie screen, is leaded· 100 when he he'~ lhat he can I with talcnt as well, and walks take Sarah Brown, of the Save· off with ncarly el'ery scene he's I

R·Seul "li~,ion. to Havana. Jeon'l in .. - • I Simmons is the deJ1\ur~ Sarah, I William Dr.111i1rc~t, Tim Consi· who accepts Sky's illl'itatJOtl when, (linr, Sal i\Iinco (of "Six Bridges he promises to supply twe~ve 1'0 Cross"l, Nana Bryant, ~liburn genuine .'·~inJ1crs" fo·r her ml~s, Stone and :\lal'Y Field are all ex· ion. Sinatra is Nathan D~'rloltd' cellcnt in strong supporting reles. who nl1l5 the "oldest estabhs II; permanent floating crap game III ---­New York," and Vivian Blaine, repeating her original stage role, Star Is seen as Adelaide, night club enterl.ainer who hns been· engng­ed to Nathan for fourteen· years and who Is now rea~.y fo!, a slow· down on her matl'1momal pros· peets.

1I.25-Lost and Found. 6.45-News. 't.OO-Rainbow Riddle Man. U5-Dr. Paul. 7.30-Bargain Hour with Jimmy

Linegar. a.oO-Old Favourites. a.3D-Hockey.

lO.3D-News," 10.45-Nel\'s. 11.00-Sportscast. . 11.15-Sandman Serenade, Ncll's. 1.0D-News in a Minute and



7.30-Sign On, CBC ~e'\·5. 7.45-Top of the :o.lornmg. I!.OO-News ftnd Weather. 8.15-~fuslcal Clock. 1I.00-~lorninl: Dcrotions. lUfi-Program Previell'. IUO-South of tbe Border. g.aO-Tops This Week. 10.00-Mu~ical ~Iarchpast. IO.30-CBC News. lO.35-Music on a Mellow Note •• 1l.DO-'I'rans Canada Sports Re·

\'Iew. l1.3O-Junior Farm. 1l.45-Saered Heart Program. 12.DO-Hits and Encores. 12.30-Mld Day Serenade. 12.45-8tu Davis Show. tDO-Doyle Bulletin. 1.l5-Muslcale. 1.30-CBC New. and Weather. l.45-Musicale. 2.DO-Stamp Club. 2.15-Sounds FUR. 2.3G-Pops on Approval.

(Continued from page 19)



"Orchestra Wives," sta~ring the la'e Glenn Miller and his fabu· lous band which .has the country swinging again with jive as it did 10 years ago opens Monday at the Star Theatre. This Twen· tieth Cenf.Ul'Y-Fox encore triumph tells the story of the wives who follow their horn.tootlng hubbies on one·night s'ands and also stars George l\Iontgomery and Ann Rutherford with Cesar Romero, the late Carole Landis, Jackie Gleason, Lynn Bari, illary Beth Hughe~ And Virginia Gilmore I \Jending the supporting cast.

In 'he cou·,·se of this picture the :\fillcr orchestra play~ special· I

ly sonlls by lIlaci, 'Gol'don and Hal'!'!' Warren. They im:lucle .~uch ! numbers ~s "J Gal A Gal In Kal~· , mazon," "reople l~ikr. You alld: :\jc," "t\! Last" and "Scrnade In! Blue." The Illen in the hand also i double in hrass, as the sa~'iJ1g i

goe~. playing parts ill the picture i as well as I.heil' Instl'nments.

Jackie Gleason. Who is one of the leading TV stars today. play· er! a· bass fiddle in tile orchestra and furnished the comedY In the story that has considerable pal.hos as well as hythem as it presents an intimate picture of the life of a \ouring band. The romance is taken care of by Montgomery and Miss Rutherford, who is the swlng.smitten follower of the band. Lynn Bari is the band'5 vocalist while. Romero pla)ls the piano and ac'.s as the fixer when everything goes wrong.





.YI~Vm~ • ..................

-lEWISii tomr,'9. SHIRt~


a/lI1 mOlE MAYEHOrF,

~ -""~~~.~.~ ~~~-~ Also-UP.TO·THE·M1NUTE NEWS








100 Rush Seots. at 60cl


LAST TIMES TO·DAY 2.30 and 8.45


9 a.m.· 6.00 p.m. at Bowrings ...... 3131 After 6.30 p.m. at College ......... £:l:ll Prices .....•........ 2.25 1.70, 1.15, 60c.



ADMISSION PRICES FOR THIS SPECIAL ATIRACTION Municipal Tax and Cancer-Control Tax Included

AFTERNOON EVENING CHILDREN ............ 35c: CHILDREN' ............ SOC ADULTS ................ 75r: ADULTS ............ $1.00


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Series 'Capitals Take Grand ,Falls ·Jrs. 7 ·3 ...

Arumal Easler Hoskins Stars WilhlStalldal:d Mfg. ' t10wling Series . Teams Shorthand ed 'IDown Can. Packers At St: Pat's Alleys A spark of hope for an All· back checked, poke checked and illv Score 5-3

Newfoundland hocl:ey crown for carrIed the play for th.e Cit)' ". _ -- I st. John's was fanned to a burn· team. His brilliant play. was con· • In the ollly game of Cummer· i. l'atriitan~ No. 1 Team. - M. illg flame b>: a heartening elly vic· verted Into slati~~lcs at 11.08 all'hcn cial hocl:er played Thursday nlghL SPI'arns. ~1. :llarlin. E. Kearse),. \ tory ol'er the Grand Fans .1unlor he broke leose \\llh Len cou~hlan'l Standard Manufacturing downed ),' •. Sparkes. H. Care\\,. ,Andcos at the Stadium on Thurs· cut In on the goal, fIlpped a pass Canada Packers 5·3. Standard led . Patricians No. 2 Team ~ J. \ da,' nlrtbt to Coughlan &nd watched the "·1 at the end of the first on noals O·Br~cn. J. English, B. EI·ans. D. 81. Joh~'s fired. four unnnswer· pucl, whistle !nto the net. for th~ ~. Evans nnd Devere·aux. "The En~hsh. R. Bur~ey. cd goals In a hectiC second period. sixlh St. John s goal. Hosl.l~s con second frame ended 3·2 as R. . st. Bon's No. I Team-B: Red· to regain an early lead Dnd stave tlnued to fire the st. John s Learn Evans fired his second mar~er of mond. J. Ralph. J. Constantme, J. off elimination In the Provincial and at 15.17 he skated througll the evening. ~I. Devereaux added Power. J. Noseworthy. Juniors finals by whlppng the the whole Grand Falls team, cut! his second !loal in tlie third and , SI. Bon's Nil. 2 Team-T. Car· Grand Falls Andco's seven to in on the wing and fired the puc!; I Rideout tallied a single to make roll. G. ~Iurphy, F. Murph~'1 C. three. past Penton for the fInal city goal. I th~ final score read 5·3 for Stand· rower. E. Gillies. Johnnv French established what Grand Falls' stcr French was ard

.~ Holy Cro~s No. 1 Tea~1 - J.: rna yweil be an AlI.Newfoundl~nd injured twice during, the game. On 1\ The marksmen for the Parkers ;C:lrCy. D. Fltzj!erald. T. ,\ alsh, ~1. Irccord for Graml Falls In the first both occasions he \Ias helped oli were Frank Brocklehurst who net· "Hc~lcy. J. Whlt.e. ! period as he scored three times the Ice b)' a SI. John Ambultnce ted a brace and R. Greening who

Hoh' Cross 1\0. 2 Team -. G .. within a minute and fIfty.nine sec· attendant and on both occaslo~s, chalked up n single. :\\'~dccn. F. Hickcy. B. O'HCllIy,londs to shove Grand Falls into a he later returned to the Icc. HIS TONIGHT'S GAMES 1-". Furlon;: •. 1. Go;.;e. 13 to 2 lead. For French it was second injury came whe,n he AT P.W.C. ARENA: .... Ilel's I alld 2: I his second hat trick In as many crashed tnto the SI. John s goal 6.30-Steers I·S. Mammy's. HOWIE YOUNG tries. a shot on Hal. Ryan's pass but the shot is blocked by

\atricia~s ::\'0. 1 tealll n. 1I0h' i nights. '. post whlle making R bid for R 7.30-Ea5t End Baitery 1'5. \ JI'm Barker. Tel"j'Y Jcs~cuu stands rea dv. in case his assistance is required to . t: ross :>io. I team. I Earlier, at 7.17, Clly defenccman fourth goal. He actually did man· . ~Iammy·s. - •

Alleys 3 and 4: Bill Norcoll had put his team Into age to get the puck Into the net, In order for Ihe playoffs Lo get clear the puck.-\Daily News Photo). 5t: .B(ln·~. :\o~ 1 team ,.~. Pa· \11 1.0 lead and at 8.09 Howle Young but an offside whistle blew b:r underway' on ~Ionday night these .. -- ....... ------- ···Reid, A. W~ Boyd. I NEW YORK (CP)-The Cana· 1

. tnclan; :>io. - team. batted In Tom lIIurphy's rebound fore the play hn~ been complete. games cannot be postponed. C U RLI N GIL I! Anker.-,,· P :1.1 Templeton,' dian dollar was unchanged at a, . • ~llc.s j'oml 6:.. to make' it 2.0 for SI. John·s. A listless thml period failed

St. Bon'; :\0. :! teanl I·S. Holy 'I'Freneh ~cored his first goal at to produce any further scoring. "N I "0 B. Levitz, E. P. Kavanagh. i premium of 3·32 per cent in terms \ {'ro~; Xo. :! team: . , 12.39 and his thlr dat 14.38. Jim The St. John's team was a ncw I as lua ut D. King, J. E. .Josephson, D.' of U.S. fund, Friday. Pound sterl· The annual a;soclahon bowling i Barl,er set up the first play with' one in comparison with the squad. COL U M N Templlon, E. Hiscock. ! ing 1·32 higher at $2.80 13·32.

hetween team~ fro!". Hoh' Cross. \ a blue line pass •. French soloed which was outshot, outskated, and, Of C h II .T. Sundstrum, E. Warren. H. P. \ ! lit. Bon';; and PatrICians \\'111 take on the second and OIh'cr Tulk set outscored by Grand Falls on Wed· amp e COlipland, H. P. Carter. The Ainsworth Ps~lter was th.e place on [astcr llonda.y morning I up the third one. Norcolt evened nesday night. The defense work· ., EII:'J t.:u MO.I VA Y IWNSI'Jl::L I C. R. Forbes, .1. P. Henderson" onl~ hook . of. pnnted mU.~lc

th 5 P t' b I II I d II t th the forwards I.J d' ~ 00-4.00 I N. Pounder, L. J. Bretl. 1 which the Pllg.flms brought \11th t\;trde a~;l'e :1': th~I';I:~~b~.rSe):i II ~~'~r f~rs~i~~f!01el~C~~d ~~.t1~0~~~! I ~lay~~ so~I~C o~~nsive und defen· .1an lCap J E Joseph~~n J. Durgess The schedule is as !ol1ows: ,thcm to AmerICa. r.ch team al~d th~r are re~mded npplrlng the pressure as he rap. sive hockey and goalie Pat Bar· n\' GEORGE BOWEN. T. Dunne J. K. ~Iarke TUESDAY. ,IPJ1/L 3 Canarl" that the ~tartmg time IS 11 0 clock.' pcd In a long blue line drive that rlng~on was no.thlng lcss ~\an BO\\'iE, Md. (AP J _ Nashua's Geo. Gionnoll . ?III'S .• Gl:lnnou 9.00-11.00 Boyd I Satin Comforters - $5.28 Guaranlcrd Singm.

________ , had Don Penton beaten all the hrIlhant when the Grand 1 ails next trl' to become the world's Sir L. Outerbrulge J. G. Beams ~Ioore ,5 I~. 1\001 filled re"erslblt, lorle, b!~ I lu<!"it. Bird F ./ t am managed to brea!, through I . Ka\'anagh 1Ii.-cuck ,.'7. $ •. ~8. Cotton print dress .. I~·~O $I •• '. • . • ~ •• t

CI ) S I way. c' . leadin~ moneY·li·innin rt horse be· Brett ,Bomlmdi •• JackelS or Trou·m. bro~'n! nml Cagel. SI1:~

. lUrC I er\'ICe The stage was then set lor one Referees Eld Whltc . alnlc! IJaekd I came 7mcel'tain Frida)?by a rather II ~Irs. V. Baird 11. W. Kelly, Cartel' ,blue. khal,' gobar<lln •. 30·30 waht. 5J.S9·1 Or the mo~1 sparklIng displays of ~Iartin kept t Ie game \Ie In Iln I une::pected decision of his owners A .• 1. Dunne J. H. Parsons I IVEDNf;Sn,\Y. APHIL 4 i ~'M l'~~~' ~!i8;~ li:,·~~or:~~ ~~~to8~~:;;; GAZE SEED Cl h B I, hockey wItnessed in the Stadium I when tempers n~red and th~ I to !.eep him out of the $100 000. ~Irs. J. K. Pratt )1, s E. ~lars.hall 7.00-!J.OO . 14·ll. cation prlnl. SI.j9. lIoumoal>"

U S OW lng this year. , . players ~holl'ed signs of gettlno added Camphell Han d i cap al C. 1'. Horwoud Lady Outcrbndgc i )IOO[e K~l'a~~~l~ . ~~~.'k~~/D;~~~." S1~~~:. T~':jl~," 5~:. 3~~~;i i ,(10 Waler SITnl •• .' SI. John 5 piled on A continuous lout of hand. , '..' Bowie a week from torJa)'. . • . ' Boyc Carter ,hlrt •• ,hDrt .1 •• ,·", palm tree d .. l~n 01, 'PHONE 4111

· GA.llf.5 fOR ~!Oj\DA' _ nllaek at the opening of the sec., Tonight the t\lO teams \l1!1 meel LCl'lic Combs II, head of thc .yn.' Mrs. \\. Cartcr ~Ir;. Cox lIi>~~lclkUI1SIJ.W .APRIL 5 ~I,~;~;. W y~~cr~.· ';.,~~;. ~~~l~~d D;;~'~;I m2n,~1 J\PRJL } ond slanza and their per~15tencc' In the who !'hall of the series am . dicale which paid the i1liam I ,\II'S. A. Dunne ~lr' .. 1. It. l':tI'Sons I 14·11. S2.~'!ll •• cDnd.. $1.89. SDek, .. ---- -

-7.1.; 1'.111.- pair1 off at 6.00 when J'{orcott 111'$ reported thai some chan;:cs, \1'o'o"II'al'll 'tat • 1 .1 2:1 Ill. J. Dudcr \\". Winsor I D.rJO-II.OO .<lult,. J pair $1. Coltnn prJnt 8" x '10"1 ., b d t t II b 11 I U COl t C it rCCOr( " j 'I ~I l\a\'3nagh ,qu~rc~. :19c. lb.. Jt) lb!l. lor $3.:19 .\1!~~·"1 ~l1d ~-St. Thoma~. B completrd his hat trick with an. may e rna cos ren~ len n I ! ~)() for Nashua last Decembc;. d~. L. Ta)'lor iI. P. Cartel' . oore . , h; ),,,<l. m" Tape or Ribbon. 'le, Ad,

\<. Kirk n. . olher blue line drll'c. Howie isqUads for ~he decl!'lIe contest., ,elared Ihe four.l'c~l'.old Ollt of the -I.UO-6.UU ' Dnol'e~t!lt HY~~~~~ ,~~~~.~'~.~!~'~~~.t:ra.de~il'~ ~~e~ rJ~;~' •• 9~:~11 Supreme · AlIcy~..3 and .. - 51. Thomas' I Yflung added his second coal at ' 51. John's holstered it!; attac:: 1\' I.G.mile Campbell A I'ictol'\' A. E. Pcal'oon .\Ii.s E. i\ldcr~lice : !rar<. Jat. nunk oi,. Rr<y <I<ltrdow. h\ I·~. Kirk A. 7.51 as he fIlpped In Len Cough.'IOl1 Thumla)' night with .Ihe ;l;.ch·lwould have been worU; milch mor~: ~lr5. n. French ~Irs. G. rlihbs ' fRllJlI Y .• 1 rill L 6 ~!~~~~1;"7 D~a;:.cl~'80.1°I\'~r. $~;.f~n ~~~~:: 0 f

IIl1rp 5 and 6-Gowrr 51. B \'S'II lan's pass. I' lion of SI. Bon's star B.111 GI ICS than Ih ~4' 24- N I d t· i )Irs. n. Moysc . T. Slentalorii 7.00-D.00 Ill',. coc'. l,;·· wide. " yd •. !1.89. l. .. thor Mrk St. ~br)'·s B. . II'hn subbrd for ailln;t Ihml slrlll~·1 ' .. c.,": J • as Ilia nee;;. 0 .1. Strang n. ~Iojse' .'Ioorl " ;10..... 1'<. Surp,," box ,ont.lnln,'

-8 .. 10 JI.III.- . • Jllst Arter Ihe half way mark I CI' Stan Brecn. Breell was oul I beat CitatIOn s record of S}.OBJ.,60 ; Boyrl . Brett l··.hlrt •. 1'''<, ,.·<aler. ponti •• , $1.00. IIlI

.\I1r)', 1 and 2-Coclmnc St. A:!n the perillll Grand Falls broke' with a Ie;! Injury and it', still not 1 as .the tor earnel' .. of al~ .hme. i ~Ir.'. l1ickman ~ll's. French Carlcr I\al'anagh . ~~~~~'~~~d'·tt~.bp;~i !~·~~ia~~o;;;~o~.<~~';;i Be!"rrn 11m)' RUI~rl. ,< St ThT nta" 2 \ \ Inlo the clcar and 011 the rush Il'nown whether he 11'111 be ahle to I Combs told BOI\ 'c offlctals from I S SI' k C r II . I S.1 TU RD,\ \'. A PIlI L 7 'I~c. COD'. rdun<lcd If not .. thf.clOr.': ~nll nieharrl rni!!I. .. • • ,- .. I" I I I .. !\cntuc'·I· his rea'oll for deelarillrt'" • ac . \. o\\se, n J J 00 ' Munoy orde" accepted. Orden of 510.(1{) 0' ' n I I 11"11" .'l1c~~ 3 ~nd 4-Gcor/:e SI. A goa te Pal Barrmglon was carr eU'lrcturn 10 action for tonig It 51" I'" . I'c b 1 .' ~ I' ~Irs. Lrstcl' ~Irs. Allan 9.0J- . 111010 '1',11 ree.),'" free ~1U5. Pl .... <I'p, uo ryan. I il~ ,.,. Sf. ~Iar~', ,\. out of his nels and into the, game. .,as IU~ fro~1 tiC co amp e I .15 tha,~ R. II. G~udy C. W. ~Iaill\\'aring ~Iool'e C~rtcr Ihl •• <lmU"ment for further u... Dcfcn,hnl •.

"llry~ 5 amI 6-Quren's Road I hoards. Tempers £Iar~d and sl!cks: IIlf HL'cllck \I'as in ulliform for I 1~le, .cOlt .. '5 a poor shIPp:r .. I 7.00-9.00 Kavanagh Brett A FER LTD I Ii If. Qucen', nl'ad ,\. were raised as a blistering flghl the Iim time for Grand Falls I ~~. :-,.I~ I~ at .Aqueduct. ;rack In i 1. ~Icrccr H. Cole. Hiscock Boyd MRS. I. SCH E • Pllr,Il"lIt In ~~clrr rf

-9.4,i )1.111.- Inl'oh'lng all but Grand Falls" whllc DOli Tulk ,sat on the bench., :>iC\\. "lork, a leeent. arrJIal from I \\'m ~lcGettig~n ~lr5. G. Sparkes i If anyone, is. unable to play in Drummondville, Que. i made hy ('oll'ent of · '\lIr)'~ 1 and 2-Gowcr St. A goalle Pent~n broke out behln.d I Hiscock was used on the Grand' ~lol'l?a ,,:here he finished a shoc~. Mrs: R. GUShliC )Ir! O'Leary, this ~eries It IS up to the t.cmn I P,O. Box 264 i nuol'c arlion ter.dm n. Gcor~r 51. B. the St. John s net. When the smokc 1 Falls third sIring. I mg f~flth 1111 t)h7c Gulfstream Handl· J Norris L. Breit: concerned 10 arrange a sub;;l1tute , by I thl? undem;hne~. ul

Allc) s 3 and 4-Sah'ation Arml; had cleared Davis and Barker of The Ilneups wel'e as 'follows: cap .. arc I..' of equal rating.. : inc Ul mg :he 41 clf

• I'S. Wesler A. Grand Falls and Tom Murphy and I ST. JOHN'S-Goal: Barrington; i ~liss Jamieson D. Templeman: During the week there will be . t ,~next. for the pu~ch",! AlI(!y~ 5 and 6-Cathedral A \'5. Charlle Walsh of st. John's were defence: Norcoll, Hancock, Cough·, C L' I J. E. Buller Mrs. Butler fiye frec rinks available each i Statutory Notice I any of the followm~

Cochrane Street B. ~ervlng fl\'e minule major fight· lan, Murph~': forwards: HOSk!ns'j 0PI)er eyte ! A. Hallett ~Irs. Clouslon I11ght for scratch games so why ,. I d ! purtnmlu): hmlofm !ng penaltIes. Coach Hugh Fardy I Young, Bowe, Co~ke, . Gillies, J. K. CloustoJl H. Angel npt come down and have a fcw, In the matter of t~e \\ II an, hetwcen the sbore gambled on centre star Cy Hos· Walsh, Duffett, SqUires, Damlen P1 W"tl St I The winners of the Simon Le\,· fmal games before the ~eason Estate of Th0111~S." alter co~licr,! under thp "arne of

H ] F kins, who had £ailed to display his Ryan, Harold ny~n. \ ays I 1. itz Trophy which took place duro ends. .. . late ?f St. John s In tb~ Pro~ Ince : Hotel 'faxi":-ig 1 liers usual spark during the first game, GRAN FALLS - Goal: Penton; . ing March month were C. R. Stew. Don·t forget the !~nclal ~eetlng of Newfoundland. I.lfe Insur., (I) All :he ri~ht. and the gamble paid off. With defence: T. Jesseau. Eastman, Way, Jch B. art lead C T Thompson second 10 be held next FrIday 11lght at· ance Agent, deceased. terest if 8n'·. of thl

B I, L the room Which' he needs to have Edwards; forwards: D~vls, R.I .!.n eavel S H. B. c~upiand third, and E. Hi~: 9 for ~he purpose of diseu"mg' All persons claiming to. be' ship in a I~~.'r betll'teI • OW Ill!! eague for effective play Hoskins mum· \ Dean, K. Dean. Barker, Bartlet~.l A~IHERST N.S. (CP1-Sbermie cock skip. Runners up werc C. R. renol'a\1ons to the club rooms. . creditors of or who have an): claims adian "ational r.1il\\lf

v ed the role of a onc man army Hiscock. French. C. Jesseau, : White',o(Am'herst Ham biers, lead. Forbes lead, P. ~!. Templelon sec· .. I or d~mands upon or affectmg ~he in its eaparily 3!

: HI.h ScoreS March 19-23rd as he raced from end to end and Cooke, O. Tull;. : 'I ing scorer ol the Atlantic Coast I ond N. Pounder third and L. J. A plashc bag IS a far bett.er c~~· Estate of Thomas Walter Collier, NewfoundJ"n" Hotel. . . SECTION "A" 'S"nlol' Hocke\' Leanue will join I Brett skip. I {ainer for dirt~· diapers, while VISit late of S~. John's aforesaid, Life Bundell th; ohore . ;:Hlllh Single-S. Alardyce 308. C" I CI b . B' I I h S' F _, t n;e Saint Jol;n Bea~'er~ Ior Allan Tonight at 7 t~e AI!an Mem~r. ing, than a waxed ~~rbage ?ag

., Insuro.nce Agent, deceased, are da:~tl I'he ~31h dl: !f Ii T~ru Fra~;'\;\\f?~mbS ;~'I lty nter- U . rltls occer an~ Cup competition along with Copper I ia! Points champIOnship cup Will, One mother fo.un~ thiS O~l \he~. J'equest~ 10 send particulars of of "ALL TIIAT piee!

ro\\ n~E~TION '11::' ),ce . , I . .' " . Lcyle, anotJicr Rambler regular. be played for followed at 9 br a ! the opa~ue gal~~;i~e~~ror\l~. ~e same in writing, dulr attested to: land sitU:11r at SI. ; High Single-11. Cook 202 J.' Bowlin (J' League Tbl'o,v KllIV"~S B'cal:W, Who eliminated .Ramb.! Illayoff game. for. the. Brookflel? :ed t dO\ln \h~ th iIl~sion d was' the undersigned s?licilors for the I Prol'in~r of .

Hall'kim 238. K. Robc~ls 200: B.! b .. ... lers 1.1\·c games t.g o.ne m the i Ice ~r~am Tloph~ betlleen Dr. E. ~os, C"'e um el e , Exeell:or of the Will and Estate of· cd on tht :\or:h b, !a::

no"'c ')"8 D P"rsonS 232 'I ' __ I DONCASTER En"lahd (Reuters, Atlantic eoa!'t league fmals, were I P. Kal anagh and A. MOo:lc1• ' ~albag . the said deceased, 0:1 or before the former!,· :" Ihe PO!!II!::: '" _. • n , ,I. I A ' ~ ... F 'd t dd I The Foster series 11'1 com· ' 6 f . . .

De\'ine 200. B. Earle 253 B. 5T NDING5 AS A,!, MARCH 30, 'fwo soccer playcr~ lI'ere Injured gll'cn pC1:mlsslon • fl ay .0 ~ 'n c on T e~da,' A ril 3rd and ., :!3r.d day of April A.D. 195.' a ter )I"unt!tr hy \\hich it ~Ieehan 235. :\1. Doheny 204, V. P W L Pts. ! here tocln)' by kmvcs ,thrown. at .three pla~ ers to bolste: their line· I t1~en~ollo\\'in u is il;e result of the: wluch d3~e ~hc Execulor Will pro.' eight.Hhrcc (cel rr.~r!f: JllcKinley 20:!. D. \\'111s 207, ;\1. Holy Cross to .. ~ .4841 7 41 i them by spectalo~s ~t the English, u~ for AJla.? Cup p!a,.. rt: dr~lI': g, . ee~d to dlstnbute t.he Estate of the the En< I,), olher Ia:! Fi'zgerald 268. :\1. lIamlyn 295, Caribou .. •• • ••• 48 40 S. 40 I League Scc,~nd DiviSion matc~ be·: fhird pia) cr. m?nhoned ~s Dou~, N D, Bishop C. 'F. Thompson, ' i Slid decca.sed hrNmg. regard only i Lcssor h)' which It B. Rendell 266. J. Heale :!03. N. P~trlcla~s.. ... ..48 38 10 38 tween Don.casler Rovers and Llvel··1 ~1:Phee ~! Suss~x, ~.B., IIho .pel· C. Ballam, A. ~Ioore. S T E.E R S '1 ~o the c1atms ol ~vhlch he shall! se\'cn feet more Withcrstone 200, :\1. Parsons 214, o"iKeefe 5 to to ... 43 36 12 36 pool. . I f~~ med I\lth Flcdellclon Capitals I C R Stewart . D Lewis V I then have had notlce. : South h\' 'he Xe"'(o,c::t: N. Johnson 203. clorlans ••••••• 45 34 11 34 Both played for Don~aster Ro\':: t Is year. I .. ,. " Dated ~t St. John's this 23rd I' by \\'hi~h i! mea!urn

Thr .. Framl-B. Rehdell 653. Ramblers ...••••• 48 34 14 34 cr:l. They were not serIOusly hurt. I I it ol'er." )1 N SUR AN C E . day of March A.D. 1956. ,feet mot/' "r Itl!. and

Commercial I

Hockey Meeting There will be an Imporlant

meeting of the Commercial Hoc· ke\' League' at 10.30 a.m; Sunday in ·the Board Room a't the Stadium. All teams arc asked to havc a dele· gate present.

Imperia! T.C ...... 48 33 15 33 Peter Doherty. former Irish in·I1\11 C 0 "It's a tough decision to make,' I lIlERCER & l\IIFFLI~, bl' Cal'cnrlbh Squirt ~fammy s •• •• • •. 45 29 16 29 ternatlonal \\'ho now manages Don· n ar Ian the champion added, "and I wont A Q ENe I E S I SolicItors lor the Executor· . t 'CI"n I!!: G E 011 48 29 19 29 I R

. f th • • I . measure, SIX l·. ,

•• to..... • ,cas er overs, said. a tel' ~'M R I make it here. There's no time .:::.-- "M,nD =. 1 Address: •. , . ],Iarshalls T.C .••••. 48 29 19 29 ,match: ·"T h r e e knives were I' ay p.tlre limit. I've got six months or more. 365 D k' th 51 I les.; . . t'Ol Pepperrell ~. .. .. 48 29 19 29 thrown. '. 1 .... When and if I decide, the an. • uc, \Ior ree '~ Nollec (If ttrmm~ I Boys' Club ..•••••• 48 23 25 23 I "Charles Illiams, our centre. . RIO DE JAN E I R 0 (AP)- noun cement will come lrom my SI. John 5. mar_4.31.a

pI7,14!lease w", 3~\en, ?\

Atlantic Films ••.. 48 23 25 23 . half, and goalkeeper Harry Gr.egg Heavywejght c ham p ion Rocky manager, AI Weill.". ,.~U~lIst HIJ": ."hle. U.S:A.F .. (Torbay) •. 48 23 25 23 were hit on the knees by knives :llareiano acknowledgcd F rid a ~. In this way, Mal'Clano sought to FOR THE 3 GREATEST I' Jected tn III .he .j Job 5 A.A •. , ••.••• 48 20 28 20 thrown by a section of the crowd, that he is considering retirement; smother rumors that there was a I hal'e contlllu~d to I. We~t End T.C ...... 48 20 28 20 behind Rove;s' goal. Both players \ from the ring but said he will: rift between him and his Jongtimc YEARS OF YOUR LIFE occupy tilr :,ald prer.Il!!!. Gillies & Allan .... 45 17 28 17 had to recell:~ attention for cuts give himself six months to "think; manager.! __ . ; lea!e ronl",n! a ... , C. N. Telegraphs • ,48 17 31 17 on the knees. . . Y I' d 'Ie«ee 11I't 10 ,,,I,r_ AI·alon.UnIted .. ..45 15 30 15 Later, three table knives were • _ - . . N f did' . ~unbg ~ltel n, le~eb·sl·t~ gOr

o .paY

d 'I othcl'wi": 1l.11". \lilh t~/ Horw d T C 48 14 34 14 r d b r th fl Id ew oun an ' IIIg JO WI I POSSI I lIes or a . '. "I! FelldloaonsS ....... ,. 11 ~4 11 ouDn Yt p°belee tOLn. e el 1·.() "ASTRO.GU I DEli . By C~ean \'ancemenl. Learn ncw skills, ncll' lof the t1,·II,,'cd. rhr~Xt'I\1

. •••••.. )" oncas er a Iverpoo • S' ltd . .. t . t bid part Ihm"-,i \I'll o~ .

ONS Machinists ....... 43 10 35 10 ervlces ' ra es, an'J ram 0 e a ea cr.:. ' , I I"~:'

TRY .: WINST HIckman's A.A •• , .. 45 9 ~6 9 • '.roin the Army noW f?r th~ 31'" \\TItJ.Il~ IIf I 1~"h:."II:i Royai Grocery 43 9 39 9 For Safurd.y, March 31 : greatest years of your lifc! ): ou I I~) :\!, tlie no Dally N~ws .. :: : :45 6 39 6 Bruins Down I PASSENGER NOTICES ; may le31'e this job aft.e: .3 ye~rs. ,ttf('51 0: Ih,'. "td

~~n~ "~lfus ~

KING. SIZE \ Th. PDpular . OR New FJIt.r

.... R_IG_U_L_A_R__ Cillar.tt.

J. B. HAND &: CO., LTD. 'Phone 5350


HIGHEST THREE FRAMES Present-For You lind CONNECTION BAY RUN ,hetter prepared for ell'llian life . 3 SII\::III"''''" . Individual: B 9 3 Yours ••. This is the most fJ. PLACENTIA BAY ; Or, you ma~ stay in the Army, on th" rlll'lillI'e,t d

HI Oliver (Royal Groe). •• 976. eavers, - . vorably aspected day of the en. R gular 9 a m train Icavin:' I for a rell'al'dmg career and early abol'r ,I'''''fllil'li I3n ':: Jim Carey (Holy Cross) .. 967 tire week. Your mind is apt to IS!. eJohn's illo;d;y, April 2nd: I I'etircl.nent. 'l'1'3\'cl and Ad~·en. line ~at1k thmlo ..

Team: FREDERICTON (CP) '- ·Na· wander. however. so stick to I will make eonnec'ion at Argen· lure JO Canaria and .posslbly (3) Th~ g~odll"\ £ i'l Holy Cross A.A • . " •• •• 3244 tional Hocke)' Lea g u e Boston routine tasks. A happy week· t' 'Ih ilI.V. CIa renville for the ' a~road arc p~rt oC your J~~ .. You I partm·rslul'. Ind

ud,: .:.,

HIGllEST SINGLE FRAME: Bruins built up a 6·0 lead in the end h denoted, so make plans ~a w~ Placentia Bay . ,1':lll make friends of a lilehme and the telephone II!'''' Individtull: first two periods and spilt half a for an informal gct.together at ay un, ',You will develop strength. and; 'fender' mal' bt

Frank Ryall (Mammy's) 413 dozen goals in the third with Saint your home or ihe home of a CONNECTION WEST RUN . p11ysique through a great sports am' parlner or ~rouPJ:' .fohn Cowan (G. E. 011) 390 John Beavers to win 9·3 here' Fri· friend. Some outdoor recreation PLACENTIA B~ Y :' and physical filn~s!IJ programme .. ~nd mal' be ,terp:r',,:l

Team: day night in t~e sixth game of thc is advisable if' weather permit!. . Regular 9 a.m. tram l~a\'11tg, Aboye. all, you will b: proud of of all or on), of Ihe I·' Caribou T.C. .• 1166 BrJulhns"Maprilllme tour. Future ••• Allhough bUII'ness 0, ast ... The first national au. I SI. John's Wednes~ay, IIprll 4t~1, ,your Job. To be eligible, you par!ner,l1i,', .

o nny e rson, Jerry Toppa7.. will make connectIOn at Argen'la ml'~ '~ 17 to 40 years of age:' 'fendcrs IllU;t ~e I~ zlnl and Leo Labine each scored a Inventories are not dangerously tomobil~ ad appeared in the Sat· with ilI.V. Clarenvillc for the skilled traucsmen to 45; of rell 'Iosed ill sraled

U.K. Soccer· .Results

LONDON (Reuters)-Resu!ts oI soccer, games played Good Friday In the United Klng'dom:

'. ENGLISH LEAGUE 'Division I o Bolton O· .

pair Ior Boston' with singles going high at the moment, they will urday Evening Post '56 y car S West Run Placentia Bay. able character and stabi1it)'. able ll' I 10 tht to Doug .Mohns, Vic Stasluk and h a veto be watched carefully: 3·(}. 11 contained no pur pic : t • 1 A t t A k ,ressel .• Cal Gardner. they have been expanding at the p.:&e. but simply offcrcd "Auto· SOUTH COAST SERVICE. t~/~~~r~~~~:my ~~~~ui~i~:' offi~e i marked "'[cndrrl'il

Vip " Palladino, Ron Rublc and fastest rate since 1953. mobiles that give satisfaction." S.S. Northern Range: replacmg for details. or any tender. 1\1 Gerry Smith scored the Saint John , S.S. Bar Haven operating on the, Canadian Army Recruitillll be accepted. goals ;in the . .thlrd. No penalties The Day Under Your Sign Sou',h Coast SC'cvice will sail from: Station, F f Ihrr p,rlirJ!J.1

were call~d in the game. . . Dock Coastal Wharf 5 p.m. Wed· , or IIr 'r'" Boston moves on to Bathurst for ARIES (lorn MIIt~ 21 I. April 20) LIBRA IS,pl. 23 t~ Oel. 221 nesday, April 4th. . ! SI. 1;~n~a~~w~!~:~'land. J .. \. II'I~~;

a game wl'th the North Shore Your ...... nularity is 1t I "'*ak undtr cur· .' j ........ u "\'or all teiiure ~cti\'iliu. rD· I I f tha -U,,· rtnt r~r>tl'n~ "'tI,nd '~m. public aI· n"';."~ and hOlpitalily .... 11 In all •• lin. : Dial 8·0294 I nrgistrar 0 .'

Hoekey. League champl~n Bathurst· lair In whi,h you tan uke p.rt. lV'y to tnd I .. "Ie. FREIGHT ACCEPTANCES 'iebI6,17,22,23,24mar7.8,9,14,16,21 Recei~er ~6nd Papermakers tonight. '. TAURUS .(April 21 t. May 20) SCORPIO (Oot. 23 to Nov. 22) OAST ,22,23.29,30,31 '. March 22nd,19' .

Communication by I.tt .. or I.t.ph ... GMd d.y to dilpnse of prol"rlY .nd tul. FREIGHT SOUTH C . ,

Charlton A 2 Bllrnley 1 . Everton 1 Sheffield U 4 Luton Town··2 Chelsea 2 Manc1JeJter'U 5 Newcastle U 2 Portsmouth i Cardiff C f : Sunderland 0 Manchester C 3, Tottenham·H 0 Preston N E 4

. 'Dlvlslon'U Blackburn R 2 Hull City' 0 Bristol R.2 PlymDulh A'1 Bury 4 : Notts County 0 Doncaster R 1 Liverpool 0 F,u1ham 1 Leeds United 2 \ West Ham U 2 Slol,c City 0 ,I Port Vale·Bristol C night kickoff.

ftom frl.nd. or .. Jallve, Ilrh...t. Good min.t. 'ny dealt which .rt I~ndin~. SERVICE ' ",WI It Indicated. f ... raM. t'm. to "PI ,ontract,. Freight is aeeepte'd daily at! GEMINI'IM_, 21 16 Jun. 21) S.AGITrARIUS IN ••. 23 to O.~. 211. Dock Coastal 'Shed lor all ports' VCIU'U find olhen COoO(1tuth't, ID "'In \ our periOnat charm and tn:a~nrtltm Wilt • d Import .. t projt<t'. Tlk. ICIm. tim. out "In fri.nn. now. Bu.inm matt", Ihould South Coast Service bu~ 111 or er for ,.d.hillty.· .1... pfOi,m favorably. too. tn guarantee movement by this CANCER (Ju., 22 to July 221 CArRICORN ID.e. 22 !. J,n. It) 8.S. Northern Ranger, freight Att~.u.h you lind It dil/i,uit to ,.. I'on't II' you",1f .11 Itor"d up .bout must be al. Dock Coastal Shed thin,. Iht OIhtr reuow'. WAYi it i, 1m· matins Dr minor Imp>rulnce. Avoid portanl t. try to undrrsllnd. .motionlt ,,,,iii,,,, not later than 12.00 Noon. Tues· LEO (July 23 10 Aug; 221 AQUARIUS (Jon. 20 to fIb. tal day, April 3rd .. ntn mm. to bt Nj:mt urly.momint \'Du'li MeU rouU;tt' 10 O'itl'(DrIlt a try· ttllion invoS'Illll lour maritll parlMr inlC .hu:alir..n, but bmtfic radiatiDn .... or~ ad four .. lf. · ... voId arl'lmmL In your bvor. VIR&O (Aug. n I. S",.:- 211 . PISCES (F,b. 19 to March 20) Tend to nrceUlf)' tas1,;., ihm r~aJ;.lM Wfe~ mil' IlII • bwri\ble n'l1t: .upf'cl" "note PH.., time 15 ,Irlturable IClivltitJ. ~en&tt • k~III'} .. rth,clllt ,for )'nu and Frlmdhnr .. Icctnttd. famil}. MJl;~ 11" Il1Il~t I'If II!

It> 1?56, fitld r.l1ltrI1rinl. fnt.







The Bringing you that has brouc of h ~ appy vie\ll

Page 21: The Dailynews St John Snl 19560331

SATURDAY. MAR. 31, 1956



'[ ... -.,: ."


" i

fSTRENGTH AND BEAUTY Available with high closet or high shelf



AVE YOU SEEN IT? Jiie lY.lost Neal·ly

.lJe1ject T. V.

The 1956 Award Series !rin . IhQt~ng you all that's best in Television. A proven performer tl h as brought the satisfaction of dependabiliy to thousands

appy viewers and can do the same for you.




BV OSWALD JACOBY WHEN you have the 'cholce bn·

tween R 'malor suit and a minor suit, you usually choose the maJ· or. Today's hand shows an ex· eeption to the rule,

North knew 4.llnt he couldn't afford to let West play the hand lit foul' spades. There WIIS fU'r too much danger 1hat West would make this vulnearable game on· '.ract, as indeed he would. A sac· rHlcc bid In hearts or diamonds was indicated.

Which suit should North choose? At tne level or five, there Isn't much difference between a major and a minor. Safety should be your chief consideration. l\or'h knew that tlte palinershlp

I had nine or ten dill monds, but that they might have only eight

I hearts. Hence diamonds would seem sa{e~'"

; At fh'e diamonds, South had II I pleasant surprise. He ruffed '.he

I opening spade lead in dummy, drew trumps, cashed the top

I hearts, and ruffed a heart. Now hc could get back to dummy with a spade ruff to cash the las l. heart,

NORTH • fo;'one ' "K Q 1051 + ,19843 ",854


WEST .AKQ9t53 "6

EAST .J742 "J983. +10 ",AQ9j

. + Q~ ... J j 2

SlUTlI ID) .106 ., A 7 2 • A](762 ",K 106

EAst.West \'ul, !iouth We&t !oi orth r.ast 1+ 1.,2"'2. a " 4 ... 5 • Pass PaS! Pass

Opening lead-'" K

: By nOlI' his contract was assured, ! and a club lead towards the king ga\'C him nn ol'ertrick.

, At hearts l'\orth \\'ouldn't have : made his con'.ract, let alolle an i o\'ertriek, North is forced to ruff

I the first spade, He draws two' rounds cf trumps, dlsco\'cring the bad breal" lie stArts the lIia·

I monds, nnd Eus l . ruffs the second round, East Icads another spadc, forcing Xorth 10 usc up his tast

I t'~U11lP, E\'en if he could draw i the last Irump, XOl'th's si'uation ; 1I'0uid slm be hopelc". East \\'ould sa\'e the ace cf clubs and n

; couple of spades for Ihe last three I :I'icks,


Between Us Women

Bj' Rum ~nLLl~rr


.Iud;:in!! (rom the' leiters that ha\'c rome to this eO\lImn Ihl'llugll lhr. ),Clm, Ihe ~I·avr.~t rau\l~ of hUllIamls. 50 far a\ theil' \liI'cS arr. cOllcernr.d, H~ thesc:

"He nel'cr shows any aJlprcciat, I ion." 1 Apparrnll,' man,' hll,hands rllln't

rp.alize that the \\'orl, of a wifr. and mother is paiel for in apprccialion 01' ~hc gct~ no pOl),,' •

"He 'ne\'el' lalks to mr, hut come. home in the evening and

I reads 01' \\'(;tches TV until bed· 'lime. When I try to talk /0 him I he acts annoyed or mumbles re, i plies thot show he hasn't really I heard what I'\'e been saying." . Men nced peace nnd quiet after a day of dealinl( wilh people. Bul a wife who has stayed home all d,IV and whose eon\'ehation has been limited to talking to young· sters needs the mental stimulus of adult conversation, If R hushand \l'ould gl\'e his wife his full ·altent· ion for even R hall hours conl'ersa lion alter dinner she wOllld proh. ably be glad to let him have his peace and quict for the rest of the evening,

I\loney Differences Cause Prob· lems

"He Is stingy ahout money," A wife Who devotes her full time

to being' a housekeeper, wife and mother should be her husband':; money equal. SheshQuldll't'h:lve to wheedle or complain to get the money she nced.. She should

. hal·r. an equal say \\'ith hpr hus· i band in how the family income

I, should be budgeted, "lie is always !Iirting wilh 9thrr

I women-and il embarrasses me." ~ Husbands who e n j 0 ',' making their \\'ives .iealous aren't ~I·own· lip rnou)!h emotionally to be, hus· hands, i':o \\'onrter their wives ar~ ashamrd 01 them.

"He is ~Ioyenh' ahoul. his p~r, son and hi,~ clothes,"

Women are forever .heing told thal they m u s t be neat, \\'cl1· !!roomed and ma!ce the most of their look~ if they expert to hold thclr husbands' love. BIlt some husb:inds don't see ,' .. ' f',~ rlll~ worl,s 111'0 ways. A: lVif~ jq n~' pro u cl e I' of a s\ol'cllly l"I.l\Jand than':I husband i~ flf a do\':~l', carc le«ly. ~l'oomcd wife,

To mr.n l1'c~~ rib" n't ~e~m. Iil'e ma ior fal')[<. p.1'[ tll'v arr the kind of faults lit:' ,'.'clllcn cnn't kxgh olf. ---

A tiny Bah" will take his nnll outdonrs In all but rnin" wr"lher, provldin~ lie's com forl.1bh, rh'er~·

I "cl r"'1 wrll,sctllerl ill his r"·r;r~". i T.pt him nan nn th~ POl'c,11 rl·jr


1'ln ,'a"'! w~rl'l' \'0" cal" h~·· him: He'll brncfit from the nil' and you can get some .... ' ... ~.

n.: a. IU

0 IU

c.. ~ IX

U) IU .~ > .... ....

== 4;

U en >. IX m c..


-' IU -'

4; -' ~ > w~

~U ~

>-U 1--n.:Q o >. ~UI

WHILS DiA.IOR. \'.O~~1l::; PO:~DEI:S TH~ M!t::I\Ct.E 0;;­GEEI!>!3 HI~1eaF A5 '" S:'J\' BAC~ I~ HIS OLD HO~\:: TOWN. OUR TIHE· "R~VEL!NG HEro RETURN:; TO HI5 JOB AT THE: 8LJIi~;MITH·.5 .sIlOP

, ~ J I

, ,




\ .


~ "

, : i;

. .. y j i! tI ,: ! I· J "I fi ". -.f.

';,1: . , '.

Page 22: The Dailynews St John Snl 19560331


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• '1






-I '.






hereby give notice I

For employment with thc Fcderal that three weeks after GO\'ernment at date hereof I the under-

GRASD FALLS • d 'II k I' Caretaker ........ 5190-5220i slgne Wt. ma e app Ica· Care:uer. P:lI'Himc .. ..5102.50 I rion to the Beard of Liquor Cleaner and Helper .... $185-$215 C tit II b

on ro 0 se eers, GRA~D BANK i. d I' .

Caretaker .. .. .. ..5190-$220 i wines an Iquors In my G.\SDER : premises sit u ate d at

On addition a lil'ins allowance o[ 1'OIIlal Clerks ........ 5200-528°



565.00 a month is pcid). MRS. LESLIE HENNESSEY, CORNER .BROOK . . Kelligrew5 .

rllres! Surl'ey Asslslant (ASSIStant T~hnician) •...•..... $240-$270 ----------

GRU:S ISLAND, CATALINA 1.i!:htkccpcr. Class 3 (3rd Clas5 I'oj: .\Iarm Ensineer) .~240-S270


Fisheries "'ardens 520!!.5().$235.00 (Seasonal-at least SLX months

t! employmen( cach year). IThc abo\'c salary rang~5 do

l1~t includc Ihr r~l'ision noll' un· :irr ronsirleration).


..... ST. JOHN'S


Public Notice For additional informa'jon reo j:a:ding dutic~. residential quali. firalions. etc. sec pcstcr~ ~n dis.! Pursuanl 10 the powers yesled pla~- in ~'our local Posl OffIce, or I in it br The Cj'y of SI. John's ronlact '.he I Act, the SI. John's Municipal CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION' Council In session convened on

OF CANADA. this 21st day of March, 1956, at 123 Waler Slreet, hereby passes an enacts the fol·

S! John'. Nlld lowing amendments to The Sl. • •. John's Bunding Regulaticns.



.... . \'Do you etand on your head when you make an upside-

" . down cake'll!


and • elECTRIC APPLIANCES for the reception or tender! ror HAH·


The Deer Amalgamated School REQUIRES:

TEAcnERS to fill I'acanclcs existing in the prima,ry a~d elem~llt· ary grades Also a Teacher to do subject leachmll 111 Ihe hl~h school, is required. Prim~ry gn.ldc applicants w~tll music will b~ givcn preference. Applicants In all cases are kl.ndlr asked to state agc and leaching experience, and address applccallons to the


Crystal Palace We are now accepting res~rvotions for morning, after· noon and night weddings, private dances, parties,

. anniversaries, cocktail parties and 011 other types of catering. Hot ~inners, cold dinners, buffet.

We guarantee best food and service at lowest Rates. Why not let our experienced ~taff take over all your Reception worries.

We supply Wedding Cakes, Flow(!rs, Photography, Music, etc,

Enquiries clo not cost. It is our business to give you First closs SERVICE.

For information and reservations DIA~ 7240, or call Toll Operator for Club.









I 'PHONE 6077-5586-.5863

I NfLD. COAL & 0 1. Sub'section (8) of Section 36

of The 51. John's Building Regu­lations is repealed and the fol. lowing substituted therefor:


! EXTE~SIO:-: of'mm I , NOTICE I. hereby &I\'en 11,.1 Ihe umej

BOen I~IPROI'C~IE~TS (s n E A K· -================::-:: 'WATER!. TIVILL1SG.\n:. SFLD.. Is


Public Notice

"(8) E\'ory factor~', warehouse, office building, Wholesale or re· lail 5101'1', restaurant, lelepllonc exchange, sub·sta'ion, underlak· ing patlol', shall bc of the second class when not exceeding four ~tore~'s tn height, and shall be of t he first class when exceeding four slorc~'S in height, prol'ided \hat a one slore~' retail slore of

-- which the floor area docs not ex· In .p~r~uancr of ".11' puwors I ceed twenty-fh'c hundred squal'c

"~sten l:t II u~dcr SectIons 3,B and . feet or a two stc:.rey retail stol'e 3&S of !h,c Cit)· of 51. .'John s :\ct I of which '.he floor area docs not and all 0 her .PGwers.l~ cnabhng. : exceed four thousand square feet l1:c .,51. ~~.hn s ;\!u.llIcIPal Cou~.: may be constructed thl'oughout ot ~II 1.1 5:_>1011 COlli enc.d on !ius I. third class construction If all ex. -~:~ dl.\ of ;\larch 19.,6, her.~bY 'erior walls of such store not p~ •. e.< and enacts the follo\\ Ing f t' g a street are located tv Law' ron III on .. . BY-LAW net less than four feet from the 1. 5cctlon 374 of The 51. John's adjacent properly lines not pro,

\'ided further that, if any such ~!un:c;Jlal Act. 1921, (which by e"terior wall of such store Is 10-The ;;t. John's ~Iun.icipal (Amend. cated lcss than four feet from me~) _"'cl. 19~1. IS declared to '.he adjacent property line, such h~\ e .the force and. err.:ct of a wall shall be of mason'ry or reo b~.1a\\ of t~e CounCIl) ~. amend· infc:.rced concrete construction." co by de.leting tht; p'ro~'lso to the 2. Sub.sectlon (6) of Section 39 !ald sectIon contained In the sec· i f th Id Regulations Is reo and lls' paragraph thereof and 0 I; sa



I!xll'!nded tn 3,00 p.m. (E.S:r.), WED. SCSI>AY; APniL II, mG. I

nOaCRT I'OnTlCR. • (h!rr of Adn\lnlslratl\'e ;er\'i('("~

and S~('rttary. nrpartmrnt (If Publlf' Works. I Ottima. ~tar('h :r.:, l!J.iS. 1

Stell ogrlljJh er

WANTED Yeung Lady required.forGeneral Office duties.

5 day week. Salary $140,00 monthly.

Apply to BOX No. 18, Daily News. m21,t!

subEliluting therefor the rolloII'· , pe~. eS~ction 49 of the said Regu. m~.:, .' . '1 Ila'.ions is amended as follows: ,

I rClldc~ thaI the CounCI ~ay I (ll B~; adding after the words ::rant permiSSion for Ihe erec lon, . Iii I ... lh fl'rst 11'lle . d f . - .. l' Ii' 'd . "nwl! ng louse m e of II 00 CII ence. II II lin I.e sal 'II f II . rds "or building dbt:1Cts ?110 fo.- the C:'cctlon of 1 ler.eo Ie lID "

.. . f' d -t· ,. Dr an\' part thercof. an adalll~n. 11 \\00. con. 1 ~c ;Icn: (2) -By adding to 'he said scc. 10 an eXIstll1S wooden bUlldl~S, I' .. ~ building Of third class u'cd cxc1u;il'ch' as a dll'clhng Icn . o. . ~;.d not cXCCCliinll two storeys const:u~tlOn shall b~. com e~~;d

,::1 hci:;ht. I1roridecl furl her tlla' 10 c~ntal1~ ~lorc tha~ hIe sepal a e_ no such addition shall cxrcecl in lalml~'" I" Ing units or apart I eubi(' cr.nlenl Iwent~· pel' centum menls. . of the cubic COIl'ent o[ the dwcl1, IN WI1'NESS WHEREOF the i::l: 10 which it is added and only Seal o[ the City or 5' ... John's ~:!~ !uch addition to allY dwelling has been hereunto affixed ll:all be permitted. and this Regulation has been

t:' \I·t!:-.-I;;;; WHEREOF the .sEll 'J! the Clly oj 51. John's hz! been hereUnto affixed !!1ci !~!: By·La'.'· bas been l:~!1e:i b:- the ~!aYDr and C:t? C!£::'~: on behalf of the C:unci! this 21st day o[ ~!arch. A.D., 1956.

Sgd. H, G. R, MEWS, , Mayor.

Slid. E, B. FORAN, City Clerk.

Electrical Appliances' REPAIRED


signed by the l\layer and I City Clerk on behalf of the 1

. Council this 21st day of !\larch 19:;6.

Sgd. H, G. R, MEWS, Mayor,

Sud. E. B,. FORAN, City Clerk.

Opp.ortunities for Men

and Women FRE E lesson In busIness cor·

respondence, business ma'he· matlc:s, economics and law, penmanship, bookkeeping, salesmanship, stenography or typing. Underline and mail to Canadian Corrc.;pondence toursc~, 12nO Bny Street, Tnronlo. . .


and all ather Electrical I' . Rug Cleaners Appliances SPEEDILY Repaired i RUGS ~nd CARPETS mad. to

!ike ncll'.. look like new. Von Schrader LOWEST PRICES at . process adds years to life of

A "" ? L ~ I S rugs. Cleaned in home or at {"\j - t too our plant. NEW ·1I1ETHOD.

RUG . CLEA:\ERS. Phone 4438·F, Fr~!'h\\'ater Rd. . march31.1m.

142 WATER ST. (I'\'e~ r. .. ,~~ tl,. .Te','plers

. 'PHONE 2397 A rn~r~.tuc •. thur.Ea!.lm





THE F~Ulr'




, $700.00


I DIAL 80378·9 . ,.




Experience preferred but net essentiaL

Preferably over 25 years of age.

. Apply in writing to BOX 43, c/o Daily News

.. ·m28.31




{PHONES 1424 and 1425 ..


Apply by letter stating experience' and salary expected. '. " .

.·Unite~ NaU & Foundry Co. ltd. 111ar27,2B.31

.. '





. TENDERS SEALED TENDERS, address()d 10 the under~igned and marked "TENDER FOR CONSTRUCTION or A FISH PROCESSING PLANT, LASCIE, WHITE BAY DISTRICT, NEWFOUNDLAND", will b~ received up 10 12 o'clock noon, N,S,T., TUESDAY, MAY 15, 1956, for the con. struction of a fish prace:.dng plant al LoSde, While Bay District, Newfoundland,

Plans, specifications, tender form. and contract form 'may be obtained fron! the Newfoundland Fisher. ies Development Authority, Third Floor, King George V Institute, Water Street, St. John's, Newfoundland, ar from Engineering Service Company, 14 Prince Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia, upcn receipt of accepted cheque made payable to Newfoundland Fisheries Development Authority for the sum of $200.00, This deposit will be refunded upon return, in good condition, of the full sel of contract documents within fifteen days after the dale fixed for the closing of Ihe tenders. Additional informa. tion required with regard to interpretation of plans and specifications may be obtanied from the Engineel. of the Newfoundland Fisheries Development Authorily or from Engineering Service Company.

. Each tender must be accompanied by a security deposit equal to ten per centum (10':;·) of the tender price, which' securily deposit will be forfeited in the event of a lenderer refusina to enler into a contracl on

. the basis of his lender if called upon to do so, or failing to satisfactorily complete such C1 contract. Cheques of unsuccessful tcnderel's will be returned.

. Any tender nol accompanied by a security deposit as described will not be considered.

The Authority does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. .

H. G. DUSTAN, Chairman Newfoundland Fisheries Oevelopment Authority, . St. John's, Newfoundland, March 27, 1956.





CLERK SJENOGRAPHERS .......... ,. at 52579.20 CLERK STENOGRAPHERS .............. a1 52204,80 CLERK TYPISTS .............................. at 52204.80 f CLERK TYPISTS .............................. at S 1830,1.0;

Periodic pay increases. Annual and Ik~ , benefits. 40 hour work week. Permanent ,

For these positions appkonts apply in person to the


Or CENTRAL RECRUITING AGENCY, Main Gate, Pepperrel/ AFB, Dial 89, E,:. '


from April 1st, relieving - afternoon . ment would be consider .. d.


MARn~E AGENCIES l\l~n.2n.a 1

OO·9~ 51! MOl SV 03)IHd

t;[/09L 'r;l ~OL 'r;l,'ov9 'r;l/Oqq '91 qlq

SNI\f~~V9 3llll a3Sn I ... ' __ ~~~~

----------------:--- --------


TO 9.3

·BMI,,"n\l ............ 1.







l .......... $2.( General..

As this is des Holding Seats r at 6 p,m.

Holding Seatl

. 2nd, through






sh~ul~ Q . 'SOon as I



Page 23: The Dailynews St John Snl 19560331






I~ I:'"

.. : -· ........


DDL · '~I cZS · ~ ~ -




JUNIOR FINALS , Easter Holidays

Skating .




9.30 O'CLOCK


!:I:ony 1.25 Bleachers ........... 1.00

General ... 7Sc

Remve ticket holders use King's Bridge





STADIUM APRIL 10th - 11th - 12th

B.30 p.m. ........ $2.00 Bleacher ........... $1.S0

General ... .... $1.00 Allhis is dEsignated' as a Special Event

H:lding Seats must be picked up by April ,c16 p.m.

Holding Seats on sale frem MONDAY, 2nd, through to SATURDAY, April 7th.



ST. BON'S vs.



Schedule MONDAY

1!1-l~ a.m.-Children onl\". 2·4 p.m.-Gen~ral Skating

TUESDAY 10·12 •• m.-CbDdren only. z· 4 p.m.-General Skating. •• 11 p.m.-Generat Skating.

WEDNESDAY 10·12 a.m.-ChDdren ollly. z· 4 p.m.-General Skallag.

THURSDAY 10·12 a.m.-ChUdren's

Skating only 2· 4 ]I.m.-General Skating. 9011 p.m.-General Skating.

FRIDAY 10·12 a.m.-Chlldren'8

Skating only !~~I~~~' i Club Commodore I ! Easter. Monday' I

2· f p.tn.-Gen!ral Skating.

. SATURDAY 10·12 A.m.-Chlldren only.

2· 4 p.m.-General Skallng. 2· 4 p.m.-General' Skating



LoFosse's Orchestra. I B-11 p.m.-General S~aling

~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;t .. Cover charge $3.00 double. !


Chris Andrews' Orchestra .

Cover $7.00 DIAL 90069




85 BARNES' ROAD 'Phone 3596F


WORTH $500.00

JUPITER 26303 WORTH $500.00

MARS 4087

WORTH $1000,00



"LL WOOL MATTR'i5SES art picked. re-covered: aprlngs da:'\' beds rewired: Inner sprtn/l mattresses recondition· ed. Write. Phone 3891. wire H. J. KeaLl. 16 Mount Royal Avenue. TWO FOUR WHEEL DRIVE JEEP PICK-UPS


take no time to weep. Just 1953 with front end winch, 1954 standard call Edward Carberry. famous equ·lpment. Make US an offer,· 'Phone 207, Cilimney. Sweep. Dial 5893.


9:30 to 10:30 GENERAL SKATING

2:30 and 8:30

mllr6,lmth Bell Island. I CA.sn PAID ImIEDlATELY:- . A 0 : For comics. magrw:incs. pocket \ STEPHEN. AD MSON MFG. C • , books. men's sllChtly used : clothes. bools. shoes., .Tohn , BELL ISLAND I D. Snow, 0 New Gower Street. =================' =


Every Afternoon 2130 and 8130 at Night.


: madl,lmth , __


SHOP-Fast efficient sanl· tary service. All modern equipment. five bnrbers. THe lelst possible waiting, 24 New Gower Street. opp. Adelaide Motors Ltd.


A Co llie Dog I' INSURANCE-Iowrlnl Broth· . .r Limited tnlUranee Depan·

Black and White with brown: mellt-F~e. Automobile. Mar· , Ine lind all Casualty Unea, .arSI 6 months old, answer-, TelephOne' ::1131. ing to the name of "MAC". Dip::E:'::N::'::D::':A~8L':'E~F-:-IR-E~IN:-::S:-:UR:-'-

! "NCE-Don't rhk your valu· Finder TELEPHONE 90702 able. to "me" II feW dollars.

lOur falNate. reliable polley or return to alvei immediate protection.



TENDERS T~n:lers will be received up ·to Noon of WEDNESDAY, April 11, for the construction of s!orm sewers on Hamilton Avenue and Albany Street, in accordance with plans al\d specifications, copies of which may be obtained a~ the office of th& City Engineer. .




(in aid St. Joseph's, St. Teresa's, St. Pius X School,)




DOOR PRIZE - Good for night bought,

and for Bank on lalt night.


FREE Ticket en 1711 T.V. SET with every door

ticket. To be drawn on last night of Fair.


MONDAY, APRIL 2nd, at 9.00 .pm.


22 GAMES at ................................ $.10,00

3 GAMES at ................................ $ 25.00

4 GAMES at ................................ $l00.00

1 GAME at ............................... $SOO.OO


Door Admission 5, mar2B,31(tcI)

Calds $2.00

Mount Pearl· Park • Glendale •


1sf PRIZEI TURKEY-4672-Mr. M. Powerl

224 Pennywell Road 2nd PRIZE, TURKEY-4053, Ken G., G.P.O. Box 303 3rd PRIZE, TURKEY-5424, N. Butler. 4th PRIZE, TURKEY-1639, E. Burridglt,

Mental Hospital 5th PRIZE, TURKEY-4223, M. Moore. 6th PRIZEI TURKEY-3377, M. O'Marct 7th PRIZE, TURKEY, 50B81 S. Brown 8th PRIZE, TURKEY-2922, No Name


APRIL 2nd, 8 O'CLOCK . 'Phone 6921 Of write I. J.

.39CARPASIAN ROAD Lacey. P.O. Box SOB. repl.tf


purpose Insurance. Fire In· snranro premium! noW less thin ever. _ Your property Is

9th PRIZE, TURKEY-4451, L. Rowe, Winter Ave. 10th PRIZE, TURKEY- 987, No Name

Tenders must be' forwarded in sealed envelopes I Winners please 'Phone MAX MARTIN, 80291, or addressed to the City Clerk and marked "Tender for DAVE PERRY, 2347, and Turkeys will be delivered. Construction of Storm Sewers". I 7Sc Ileach.r: ............. 6Oc

...................... SOc 1 BUS ( Ith t t ) worth protecting, W, E. Cald· The lowest or any tender nol necessarily accepted.

W au sea s well. Insurance Agent, 'Phone ___________ ---' 2465. Address Tl!.mple Build· .;;;:':::::::============= Body in fair condition. Motor Ing Duckworth St .. st. John',.

E. B. FORAN, City Clerk. I ========"


HOLLOWAY SCHOOL are invited for the fOllowing

" to take ,ffld as from theblslnning school year, September 1956,

Ovolifiad GAMES MAST~R, ~~~!RS for Grailel VI to VIII. ~ tOnJ~~~~dfrom both mile Ind female teachers w1l1 e .

r.. . b.!~CHERS for Grade IX.' . .,.tallon f . \f !1I:lIIder~ romd both male and female teachers w1l1 ~ an those with University Grade w11l be' l1IbittlsP)'tftr~n~. Appllcltlonl Ihould alao· .tate

1II11'hiCh they are particularly well qualified.

should be forwarded to the under.' ~. . .

SOon as possible.. .

JOHN B. ANGEL, of Han. Secretary, .

Go\lernors Prince ~f Wales College

needs complete overhaul. CONTACT A. E. HICICMAN . Highest oHer .accepted. Co. Ltd. InsurAnce Agentft.

. 'Phonl!s 4132-3+5·6 P.O.B. Apply • *. for your lnsurartc. re-

quirements. Newfoundland ItOIIRT DI'4WE I SON. Pir.

Ind Automobile Insurance. Tuberculosis ASlociation Be .. re. be sure. Insure. Tele­

TONIGHT . Rythm King,


MONDAY NIGHT East.r a.u,

The QUit,,'.

phone 2882. P.O. Box 85 Royal Bank Chambers. st. John·s.

C."tlct STAN FOWLER, Re­nout building, for Fire Auto­mobU. and Plate Glass [nsur· IIlC.. Claims promptly settl· ed. 'Phone 1I~31-P.O. BOl 83.



• 2 MALE TEACHERS, with first grade or higher. . .

• 1 TEACHER for Grades 3 and 4.

• TEACHER for Grades 1 and 2.

Apply stating qualifications tal


ANCE Department olferina dependable inluranae-Auto-mobile. Flr~. Burglary. Plate CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD.

. Glass. Tourist Baggage. I 1 13 4 5 II


TransportaUon. Travel Acel. mar~g,3 ,ap • I I '.

dent. Liability. Phon~ 2073. I ===~==============

Venetian Blinds I WANTED NOTICE' o~~lce~o:.~~~!~re.mt~~~ I . '

. MARCH 31st, 1956 ~~e ~:~a!~r~~~~ fr;r:~~~~:· I TWO DRY GOODS CLERKS' . . tloni. Kearneys' Llmlted.

After the above 'date I will . Manuf.eturerll.'454 ·Water SL

not be responsible for any . Musical InltruMlBnt.

bill 5 charged by my wife,

Emma Metcalfe of TopsaH.

'. (Signed) JOHN METCAL~~

PIANO AND ORGAN TUNING and Repairing Single 'I'unlng SIx Dollars. Phone 1I81D·L.·W. Hopley. 10 Cornation Street. mBr5,lm.

• Permonent position ",:Ith opportunity tor advancement.

HALLEY' & . CO., LTD~ •



Ipeal two Storey HOUSE; good condition. All modern conveniences including 220 volts.. Large Barn; separate Garage; about four a'cres Lond, partly cleared. and good forest. Ideal for' poultry farm.

. For further particulars apply J. G; WILCOX, Heart's Content, T.B.



Heater and defroster; radio; good

tires) good b'attery; winterized;

privately driven. REGULAR PRICE .





, I





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Page 24: The Dailynews St John Snl 19560331



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, ,

, .

MILLEY'S Programn~es

. (Continued on page· 24) 6.l5-Sportscast. 2:45-Thls Week. 3.00-World Church News.

. 3:1S-Speakers Choice. 3.30-Musical Matinee. 4.00-I1umber Hour. HATS, HAND BAGS and GLOVES. 4.30-CBC News. 4.3S-Grand Falls' Presents. 5.00-Memorial Univcrsity Re· FOR . EASTER

view. '.

THE The .Gloves· Hand' Bags 72 Pairs only


5.30-Childrcn·s Savings. 6.00-Intermezzo. 6.25-Progrnm Preview. 6.30-Supper Guest. 6.45-NEAC News Roundup. 7.00-CBC News and Weather. 7.lS-Nfld. Sports Roundup. 7.30-Musical Program. 7.45-00yle Bulletin. 8.l5-Armdale Chorlls.

All shades and many styles including 'hi Popular Clutch.

Brown, Navy Blue and Black.

. Regular $3.20

0.30-This is my Story. 0.00-Today and Yesterday. 9.30-~QW I Ask You.

10.OO-Prairle Schooner. IO.aO-Cnc National News. 10.35-lmperial Esso Hockey. 1:l.OO-Close Down. $1.98 $2.50 and $3.50 NOW !h PRICE

$1.60 pair


SU~DAY, April 1 8.45-l\I~lodies lor Meditation. 9.00-Rcgional Weather. 9.15-Magic Music Box. 9.30-CBC News .. R.3S-Postmark U.K.

to.30-Neighbourly I\'ell's. to.4S-lIIaritime Gardener. !l.OO-Salvation Army Temple. 12.l5-Highlighls and Weather. 12.30-Musical Programme. 12.45-Regional Roundups.


STRAWS GLOVES Wonderful assortment • Every wanted shade. FABRIC and NYlON

All shades

$1.00 pair

Special! MESH NYLONS • • • • $1.00 pair


Visit St. John's Re Proposed Federal Building

HARBOUR GRACE- Following I puhllc meeting held at the Town Council Room ~Ionday, llarch Ill. a delegation was appointed consist· in~ of ~Icsm. F. Archibald; E. L. Oke, E. D. Freeman, Alcc Moores ;nd ~Iayor ~1. P. Stapleton. to "Isl! Premier SmallWOOd at 5t. John's for an lntcr"icw rellardlng the .ilc of the proposed federal build· In!: site for the tOli·n. and which has been a maHer of dissatisfaction for some weeks. Accordingly, the dele;!ates motored 10 SI. John's on Wednesday. ~IRrch 21, and were well receh'cd hI' Ihe Premier who amlfcd them ~f his Inlel'e~t in a ~atbfaclory solution of the malt cr. .

Le2'ion Club Notes \.... .

HARBOUR GRACE-The Cana· dian Legion Club here i~ open on each Tuesda~' c"cning at their nCI" cluh rooms and will wclcome members of the local as well as of nd~hbouring branches.

The regular meeting of Ihe Hr. Grace Branch will take place oil Tucsda~' e,·ening. April 3, at thc dub room. Tickels are being sold here at

filtr cents each or 'three for one dollar fnr the sweepstake being ~ponsored ,by Ihe St. John's Club for I he Pee Wee Hockey team's Irip to the mainland. The prize is • 1956 ~Ieleor car. Tickets may be nbtained from members of the

. Per·sonal.' I Appointrd ~Il'. and Mr~. Jamcs Conn 011), : 1\'1' • t 'Of

and son Brian mil'ed from Gan· n. InlS er der on Saturda~·. and are guests of :111'5. Connolly's parents. 1I1r. United Churcb and :llrs. E. D. Frceman. lfr. Connolly will be spending the next few weeks (In the mainland ,i'here he 11'111 tal:e a course in connection with his employment with CNT. :llrs. Connolly and son will remain at IIr. Grace during her husband's absence from Gan· der.

Miss Emma Stel'enson paid a brief l'lslt 10 St. John's Saturday.

Miss Mary Hierlihy. Ba>' Rob· erts. who recentl~· compleled her training as a nurse at the Grace Hospitd. was the .I:uest of :ltr. and Mrs. E. L. Oke for the week· end.

HARBOUR GRACE-Rev. A. N. ' Holmes. presently Minlstcr of the I Unlterl Church at Fortunc. has ae· cepted the invitation of the memo ber5 of the Unltcd Church at Hr. Grace to become its Minister, suc· cecding Rev. N. B. Hodder who has accepted the pastorate of Ben Island, C.B.

ReI'. llr. Holmes will arrive here to take up hi5 new dulle! In July.

Obituary ~IRS. MARY FARRELl. :'[r. Grahnm Babb. manager of

Imperial 011 Company here. was a reecnt I'lsilor to St. John·s. HARBOUR GRACE - There

;\Iessrs. F. P. Sheppard and E. passed peacefully away on Thurs· I •.• Iancs paid a brief I'lsit to the da~', :llarch 22, following an Illness capital on Saturday of three years, Mrs. Mary Farrell, . Capt. Michael and ~Irs. Staple. aged 67 years. The ~eceased, who ton. St. John·s. spent the weekend was born at Clarkc's Beach, came with relatives at. Harbour GrRce. to Har~ur Grace at an early age

Mr. Rnd Mrs. Cnil Babb were and has resided here ever since. visitors to st. John's on MOnday,' Left to mourn are four sons. Leo, last. James. Walter and Richard. One

son, William. who was sen'lng' in ~Ir. Hedley Whitton of Corner the ·navy during the war, died of

Brook was a recent ylsltol' to this wounds received. during a naval tOll'n and lI'as the guest of ~Irs. cnllagement. Ernest Sheppard, Water Strect. 'l'he funeral took place from her

Mr. Olaf Wesl of the dragger II late r~sidencc, Death Hill, to the Blue Foam spent the weck.end ~.C. Cathedral on Saturday m?rn. ill'shithain.bIMIM' mg. To ~ he bereaved relallves

j j •••••••• sympathy IS extended.

\l'as using it to ship some junk he TRURO (CP1-\\'i!rl'cd Lloyd or l hoped would bring $25 to pay the

Truro was sentenc.cd to sel'en da)'s earlier fine lor' being In possession in jail today bccause, he said, he oC stolen goods • tried to pay orr an earllcr fine. lIe got 30 da)'s In jail (or, the

u;:ion. Lloyd was convicted of operating first offence, the terms to run con·

~::::::::::::::::::::~an~u~nr~e§gi§st§er~efe~I'~Ch~i~cl~e.~H~S~~i~d~~;:~~oo~r~~;n,;t.: __ :: __ :_:,_::::::·:::: ...

. ,


1.15-Piano Recital. . !.30-BBC News. . U5-Sunday 1Iliscpllany. 2.00-Harmony Harbour. 2.29-Dominlon Time. .2.30-Folk Songs. . 2.45-Meet Your Weatherman. 3.00-In His Service. 3.30-CBC News. a.33-Capltal Report. 4.00-Rellgious Period. 'UO-Nell' York Philharmonic. 6.00-Critically Spcakin~. 6.30-Nlfd. Program from Lon·

don: 7.00-Eastcr Vi~il. 7.30-CBC Neil'S. 7.~:i-Herc·s the \\'eathrr. 7.45-U:-/· on the Record. 8.00-1n Rcply . 8.15-Four· Gentlemen. 8.30-Sunday Chorale. P.OO-Vani1y Fair. O.30-Mu~lcal Program.

lO.OO-Notes and Comment. 10.10-Collccrt of f'a\·ourites. IO.30-t.:BC Stage. 11.30-Nationai Nel\'~. 11.40-Weekend RCI'ielV 'and

Special Speaker:

1I10NDA Y, April 2 7.3O-Sign On. enc NelVs. 7.35-Top of the Morlling. B.OO-CBC News alld Weather. 8.15-1IIusical Clock. 9.00-Mornlng Dcvotiol\j. 1l.15-Program Preview. a.30-Records at Random.

10.OO-Hit of the Day. I0.15-lri5 Power. 1O.2S-CBC News. lO.30-Trlple Treu.ure. 1O.45-BBC Variety. lI.15-For. The Piano. 11.45-Regina McBride. 12.00-Announcers Choice. 12.15-Dinner Bell Breakdown. 12.30-}'arm Broadcast. 12.45-Mid Day Serenade. l.OO-Doyle Bulletin: US-Laura Limited. 1.30-CBC New3 ;nd Weather.

. 1.45-Aunt Lucy. 2.00-Your Goocl Neighbour. 2.15-Words with Music. 2.30-Allantic School. . 2.4S-'l'he Happy Gang. :1.15-lIlan Around The Hous~. 3.30-Trans Canada Matinee. 4.30-CBC News. 4.3S-'l'imely Tunc.~. 4.45-Children's Story. 5.IS-Music of the West. 5.30-Flsheries Broadcast. 5.45-Kindergarten of the Air. B.OO-Intermezzo. 6.25-Program Preview. 6.30-Supper Gllest. 6.45-Heartbeats in Sport. 7.00-CBC News and Weather 7.15-Curtain Calls. 7.30-Tops Today. 7.45-00yle Bull~tin. a.IS-Hour of St. Francis. a.30-Rawhlde. BA5-Margaret Mullin! Sings. 9.00-~ational Farm Radio

Forum. 9.30-SkY KnlglUs.

lO.OO-Hawail Ca1ls. 10.30-CBC Symphony. IUB-Natlonal News .

'VOWR SUlIiDAY, Aprlll.

:"""';'---'--a.m. . IO.30-0rgan Music . IO.45-Earl· Andcrson. Il.OO-Coehrane Street .United

The Scarlet' Cord . . , Fronk G. Slaughter ..... ..,.50 ;

The Quiet American Graham Greene ......... 3.00 .

Mrs. Craddock W. Somem:t MalJgham 3.25

The Dark Secret Of Josephine

Dennis Wheatley ...... 3.50 , A Wife Is Many Women:

Doris Flei.ch'rrlan i Bernays . .. ................ ,3.75 i

Northern Treasury I C. Wilson ................... 3.50 ! .

The Siege Arthur Compbell ........ 3.00;

Alcoholics Anonymous ! ,. "ond Edition-1 955 .. 5.25 i

The Marching Call I Horwood ~tee/e .......... 2.5lJ I'

Boss of Britain's lInderworld

Billy Hill ................... 3.73 Evidence for. the Crown'

Molly Lefubure ........... 3.25 The Secret of the Hittites

c. W. Ceram .............. 5.50 Churchill '

The Man of the Century Neil Ferrier .................. 1.50 .



THl .~lAILY~EWS,. SATUROAY. MAR. 31, 1956



We have every type of Card from which to choose_

Religious, Personal, Children's,

while tbe selection is great.

etc. See them now


to s

TOOTON'S Li1nited

WATER ST. DIAL 6331 '. Distributors for STANLEY GREETING CARDS in

i -7.l5-Dinah Shore. :\lONDA Y, April 2 6:00-Sunrlial and N~ws. a.OO-Breakfast Cluh. a.30-~lake up your ~linrl. 8.45-Rcx Koury.

I.OO-Rehind the SIOI). 1.15-,-\1 Eair. 1.30-ln thp )Innd, 1.4.'}-Bob Cro;by. 2.00-~latinec. 2.30-~I<.rlin Block. 3,OO-Arm)' Hour. :I,30-~c\\"

:I.33-VlJus Record R.~l 4.30-il:c\\'s, 4.45-Sports I:nlirni!!:'

THE BOOKSELLERS 'Phone 3191 ' 4425

7.30-Jason and the Golden Fleece.

8.00-Grand Ole Opry. 8.30-Gunsmoke. 9.00-Showcase. 9.30-Box 13.

7.30-What's My Line? D.OO-Ed Sullivan ShoW. 0.30-0ur Miss Brooks. 9.00-0perati~ Cameos. "

lO.OO-News and Wcathcr east.


10.lll-Notes and Comments. to.30-Greatest Story Ever Told. 11.00-Music Just for You. 12.00-Sign Off and National.News.

9.00-It Happcned last t.;ight. lO.OO-Coffee Time. 11.00-Turn back the Clock. 1l.30-Pepperreli Juke Club. 12.1S-News and D.B. 12.30-Hillbllly ·:lra/inee.

10.OO-News and Weathcr. 10.lS-Teddy Wilson. IO.30-Two in Ihe Balcony. Il.OO-Flynn 'til 12. J2.00-The Boh Murrhy Sh·Jw. 1.00-Sicn Off and Anthem.

,A ,Little' Early I·n The Season SUNDAY, April 1

9.00-Sign on and Serenade. IO.OO-Catholic Hour. 10.30-,lell'ish Hour. 1l.OO-Peppcrrell Chapel Hour. 12.00-Concert Stage.

l.OO-Contest Theatrr.. l.4S-To Be Perfectly Frank. 2.00-0n . a Sunday Afternoon 2.30-Rosemary Clooney. 2,45-News. 3.0~Boston Symphony. 4.00-Conversalion. 4.30-News. . 4.35-Amcrica's. Popular Music. 5.30-News. 5.35-Gene Autry. 6.00-London Studio Concert. 6.30-Sunday with Garroway. 7.00-News. 7.15-Science Editor. ------------ i


DUXN-Bol'll to ]\lr. and !llrs. : Fred W. Dunn (Margaret Gil!..eS)'j at the St.' Clare's "lercy Hospital. a daughter, on March 30th. __ I


. to talk about FERTILIZERS but we wish to advise our Cuslomers

we have made satisfactory arrangements for our Spring

Supplies which will be arriving shortly.

Get our quotations for delivery Ex Wharf or Ex our Warehouse.



'PHONES: 51 43 • 5144 QUeEN ST. HA:\ILYN-Passed away a~,the .General Hospital on Thursday' 'afternoon, Judith Violet (Judy), aged cleven years, belel'ed daugh· I ____ ....;...;.. _____ ;.... _________ ...;. _____ w---: tcr of George and Una Hamlyn; leaving to mourn father, mother, 2 sisters and one brotller, also a large circle of relatIves and friends: Funeral today Saturday at 2.30 p.m. from her late resi· dence 127 Newtown Road by motor hca.rse.




'. ;

, , "Church. . ' 5.00-Tell us a Story.

. 5.15-All Aboard for Adventure. 5.3D-Hymns for Children.· 5.45-What Would You 'Do?

HARVEY-Passed away peace· fully 4.30' p.m. on March 29th, at t.he .Grace Hospital, Mary Jane Harvey •. wire of. the late J~lm R. Harvey. Slle leaves ~o mourn four' sister~, one broth~'r, and a la.rge circle of relatlvc! and I friends. 'The funeral will take I place teday,: Saturday, Marl!h 31'1' al 2.30 p.m., .from I,lle' rcsidence I

of her ·brother·in·law Mr. F. T. : Downlon, 60 PrinCe!. of Wales Sl. !

ROBERTS-Passed away at. Oshawa, Ont.,· )\Iarch Sqlh. alter I a long illness, George Robcrts In his 87th. ycari leU to mourn bcsides his wICe are his s~~ Herbert and Ge9rg~ a~d daughters Mildred,Annle a:d Clara. Funeral will be' from· IS son's residcnce 54 Smith Avenue at a time to be announced later.




.. , '..


" ' .. ' .,.: f.

.' ,. ...


... ", I

, ' ;

; \.-" '

", ~ .

. 6.0~Music' of.' the Masters: S.30-Faith Chapel Choir: 7.00-Religiolls Service from

·.Wesley . United Church. i B.IS-Hospital and Other R·eports.

8.30-Wcather Forecast and Closedown.· .'

,VO,US. . SATURDAY, March :u

6.30-Slgn on and. Sundial. 6.55-Sundiill News; . a.30-Robert Q. LewiS . 9,OO-It. Happened· Last NlghL

IO.OO-Lone Ranger. . 10.20-Slarr of' Space. : IMS-Teen·Tlme.. . , 11.30;--Roy Rogers. 12.0D-,-HllIbllly ,MaUnee. . . 1.30-Treasury 'Band:Stalld: . 2.00-Let George Do It. 2;3()o:;..The Three Suns:" 2.4~Ne\\'s. '.

;:; . 2.4:;:"'Boxlng. . : .. ,~:i: 3.3ll:7-Skynighls.~·.

'. . '. • " 4:00-Polka, Party.

. G.EOJJGl .•• iN',I.,~Jl:",:t·IM·'T EQ~ l~ji;;!~:::' ,'. .. :"fElEPHONE'~22A:~'~k3420'~:4~~U~r' .: .:~:~~:£~:~~.,

. , .

-. {.

.' ..

i ROGERS _ Passcd peacefully 1 5 pm' March 3D, ·Mrs.

away a ..' 2.51 Hamilton Harry Rogers. A\'enue~ . Funeral noljce later.



GIFT HEMs \', ,

AT .... ' '. \. ,,'. "


I WALLBOARDS , \ ~ __ -\







Ch'ester;Dawe ", .'

TOp.SA1L . I

... . ,~ '- ' ' ,

,SHAW sr: .... '; ,-.' DIAL 8.011,

. DIAL 8~0161 .. 1


A 9 15 a.m.-T . th

12.15 p.m.-B H

7.15 p.m.-D

10.00 p.m.-TI


be lane rash

(AI' ;-Cil'il aero :llonday combe

wrcckagc DC a Tran: for clues 10 a cras

persons died. .. in.cngll'c plane, a llarli

33 passengers and crashed and burne

alter tOlkin;: ofC Sund~ GrcOlter Pittsburgh Ill:

killed 22 pcrsGn' othcrs, including two I

currivcd. " faltered on tal.eol

a 303·fool hillsid opcn and i;Jrst int

about OJ mile from Ih

" Cil'il Arronall ,nr.l:"'·""O" :;aid incom

indi:::tcd onl and '"truck the top 0

nCJr the airport a, made a turn. The ~p~I:('~ if ;uri1 i< Ihe c~Se an In

hare to dct:rmin. It.r pil~t bilnkcd tOI I,helher the plane dip

olher cause. ,aid a prelimina~

indicated no e:l:!in, ~\lrl'i\'or. ~lrs. Dor 11. 01 CJmp Hill had heartl ~ount! conking out" ju!'

~h. Capl. Rayjmond F

33. of Ret! Bank. 1\ . .1. an,' radio intlicatiol was wron:!. accord ;,Ic'lcchen, airpor:

chief. \\'a~ reported in fail

It S~\';icklc\' VaUe,' 110. ro.pilot. liarlan Jc"pe~

:\' .. 1 .• was hur'

New Dru(Js t

Cancer (CP :-A V,S. meoii

edItor said 'Ionda\' h( "worthwhile announce

. within the next year' ;; to combat canccr

Smith of Chica ~o Journal oC the Amer!

I A5socialion. sairl il scientisls are mak

. gains in tbeir baUI< life.

were noll' 5cl'kin~ . h cancer specificaU\ In t c tissues. • was being made: too

oC mental health } 01 ~r.ugs known p~pu

Ihlers" had prol'e( the last year ill as

mentall~' disturbed. dru~s had enabler to be returned h thu~ reliel'ing Ihl
