Holocaust Genocide of Jews 2. Define genocide 1. Dates of the holocaust Add at least one...


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Genocide of Jews

2.Define genocide

1.Dates of the holocaust

Add at least one ”summation” 3.picture to this slide


• German Supremacy

• Hitler would create a PURE Germany

• Comprised of the Aryan race–

*1Aryan race •

*2Jews were not “German”–


• Homosexuals, disabled people and Gypsies were also eliminated from Germany

4.Define term. Be sure to give 5.physical characteristics.

Add at least one 6.picture and a 7.map of Germany


8.Create a heading for Dachau concentration camp

9.List 2 facts about Dachau concentration camp

*1Go to KACV WWII interview segments from Meryl Barnett and display a

10.fact about WHY the general did not want people entering or leaving Dachau

11.list a quote stating what was inside the train cars

Go to KACV WWII interview segments of Rosa Brewer (liberation and living)

12.and list at least 2 quotes or facts from Mrs Brewer’s interviews


13.Create a heading for Auschwitz concentration camp

14.List 2 facts about Auschwitz concentration camp

15.Include a picture and explanation for the ovens at Auschwitz

16.Include a picture of a Holocaust prisoner


*1Listen to Eddie Moore’s eyewitness account from the KACV WWII video clips and create a bullet for his 17.experience at the concentration camp

Miscellaneous experiences of TX PANHANDLE VETERANS

*2Listen to Bill Rice’s eyewitness account from the KACV WWII video clips and create a bullet for his 18.experience at the concentration camp

*3Listen to Joe Glover’s eyewitness account from the KACV WWII video clips and create a bullet for his 19.experience involving the concentration camps

20.Summation picture /background
