Happy Thanksgiving! - Highlands United Church€¦ · October 13 2019 Happy Thanksgiving!! On the...


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Highlands United Church, 3255 Edgemont Blvd. North Vancouver, BC V7R 2P1

604-980-6071 churchoffice@highlandsunited.org www.highlandsunited.org Rev. Will Sparks, Lead Minister


October 13 2019

Happy Thanksgiving!! On the weekend in which family and

friends gather around tables to share time and food, we gather to

return our thanks for the gift of life, for all that has brought us to

the present moment, and the one who makes and remakes us.

Gratitude opens us up.

Come join in.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Highlands Upcoming Events and Programs

This list does not include rooms booked for outside rentals (Scouts, AA, Alanon etc).

Highlands Event Calendar can be viewed on our web site at: www.highlandsunited.org

Sunday, October 13 9:30 am Coffee/Tea in the Welcome Space 10:00 am Sunday Worship Service, Sanctuary 11:15 am Coffee & Hospitality, Welcome Space 11:30 am Re:Sound Chamber Choir Rehearsals, Choir Room Monday, October 14 Thanksgiving Monday (STAT) – Office Closed 7:30 pm Badminton, Gym 7:30 pm Healing Hands Appointments, Choir Room and Chapel Tuesday, October 15 8:30 am Flea Market Setup, Lower Hall and Gym 9:30 am ESL/ELL Class, Room 201 and 202 7:00 pm The Ridiculous Journey (will resume on October 29) Wednesday, October 16 7:30 am Men’s Breakfast, Cora Breakfast and Lunch 8:30 am Flea Market Setup, Lower Hall and Gym 10:30 am The Future Beckons Seniors Group, Welcome Space Thursday, October 17 8:00 am Women’s Breakfast, White Spot (Pemberton) 8:30 am Flea Market Setup, Lower Hall and Gym 9:30 am ESL/ELL Class, Room 201 and 202 9:30 am ESL/ELL Discussion Group, Choir Room 12:00 pm ESL/ELL Speakers, Room 201 5:30 pm Thursday Dinner, Cancelled 6:00 pm Genesis Too Rehearsal, Sanctuary 6:00 pm GFS Activity/Program, Choir Room 6:30 pm God’s Free Spirit Rehearsal, Choir Room 8:00 pm Spirit Singers Rehearsal, Sanctuary Friday, October 18 8:30 am Flea Market Setup, Lower Floor 7:00 pm Youth Group Gr.4 and up Sleepover and Baking, Youth Lounge/Kitchen Saturday, October 19 9:00 am Highlands Gigantic Flea Market, Lower Floor 1:00 pm Saturday Lunch at North Shore Neighbourhood House Sunday, October 20 9:30 am Coffee/Tea in the Welcome Space 10:00 am Sunday Worship Service, Sanctuary 11:15 am Coffee & Hospitality, Welcome Space 11:15 am October Birthday Celebration, Fireside Room 11:30 am Re:Sound Chamber Choir Rehearsals, Choir Room

October is Stewardship Connection Month!

We are passing the pouch from home to home in October as we focus

on Living Generously. As you consider what you can pledge to

Highlands for 2020, we hope you can make an increase of 5% to 10%

to support all the programs and outreach.

Don’t forget to sign-up for our annual Upside Down Lunch on October

27 (when you get to eat dessert first!) See Sing-up sheets n the

Welcome Space or register on-line at www.hightlandsunited.org


There is an ongoing need for men’s and women’s socks and for

ponchos in the Downtown Eastside community.

First United Church offers a foot care program and

the clients receive a new pair of socks after each

treatment. As well, many needy and homeless

folks turn to First United daily for clean, dry socks

and for ponchos on rainy days.

Our Local Connections Committee is again asking for your support in

providing these needed items. Each year we have exceeded our

targeted 1000 pairs of socks. You can participate by donating socks -

men's and women's in any colour and/or light weight vinyl ponchos or by

donating money toward the purchase of these items. We will happily do

the purchasing.

Members of the Local Connections committee will be at the Action Table

each Sunday until Nov. 3rd to receive and record your donations (which

will be included for tax purposes with your annual statement).

Contribution cheques can be made out to Highlands United Church –

please note “Sock and Poncho Appeal” on the memo line.

Flea Market Week

October 15-19 A Highlands Tradition!

The Flea Market started in 1976 and 40+ years later is still a wonderful

community builder. The Sale raises over $30,000 annually for Highlands and

the church’s Outreach Ministries. Nothing goes to waste, since anything not

sold goes to other non-profit organizations.

While the gathering, sorting and pricing happens on Tuesdays from January to

the week before the big event, there is a need for a sizable cast of volunteers

that last week to move everything into position. On the actual sale day,

volunteers are needed to staff the sale, manage parking, host the lunch room

and coordinate the cleanup.

and so much more!

Flea Market Week

How can YOU help???

About 250 people are needed to run

the Flea Market spread over 35

departments – so there is always

room for new volunteers!

Tuesday, Oct. 15, starting at

9:30am, stay until you need to leave.

Join the chain gang as we unload the

mountains of accumulated treasures

from storage throughout the church

into the Gym, Lower Hall, Narthex

and Welcome Space.

Wednesday & Thurs, Oct. 16 & 17

Join the core staff to help unpack and

organize everything onto tables and

displays in most of the departments.

Volunteer time is flexible.

Thursday, Oct. 17, 3:45 to 6:00 pm

Join another group effort to move

furniture in the Preschool and bring in

boxes of toys, children’s books and

electronics from storage areas.

Friday, Oct. 18 – This is the final day

to set up for the Flea Market.

Volunteers are appreciated -

especially in the pre-school area


To volunteer for set-up week

contact Gill Irwin at


Saturday – Oct. 19 SALE DAY!

Many volunteers return year after

year, but newbies always needed:

8:30-11:30 am – First staff shift

11:30-2:30 am – Second staff shift

2:00-4:00 pm - Clean-up Crew

To volunteer for Flea Market Day,

contact Bonny Ball bdball@shaw.ca

or by phone at: 604-987-5432

Why Volunteer???

It’s a great way to connect or


It’s a great way for new folks to

connect with longer term Highlands

folk and for seasoned volunteers to

meet newcomers.

Young and old build connection as

they work together – teens and

their parents, aging parents and

their adult children. People who

have otherwise lost connection to

Highlands still faithfully volunteer

for the Flea Market.

It provides $30,000+ for both

Highlands and for the Highlands

projects listed below.

It’s fun and it helps the

environment- “reduce, reuse,


Through the Flea Market Sale, we

also support other non profits:

Food, Clothing and Financial

Support for First United in

Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside

WISH—Women’s Info & Safe


Capilano Community Services

Saturday Lunch Program at the

North Shore Neighbourhood


Shelter to Home Program

Covenant House and Camp Fircom

AA, Alanon, Scouts and Girl


A message from our Flea Market Team

Phew! We made it!

Thank you to everyone who donated items for this year’s Flea

Market. We are now closed for further donations so please hold

onto your saleable items until we resume sorting in mid-January.

We hope to see everyone helping out next week in whatever

way you are able.

Thank you for your continued support!

The Flea Market Team

And a reminder that, as we are preparing for the Flea Market

this coming week, there will be no Thursday dinner

on Thursday, October 17th.

Birthday Celebrations


October 13th



Fireside Room 11:15 am

Are you celebrating a birthday this month?

Join us for cake (or fruit option) and fellowship

after the worship service in the Fireside Room.

For more information speak to Wendy McNaughton.

Do you have questions about Stewardship,

the Passing the Pouch process—After this Sunday’s

service, check out this excellent video made by some

of the smaller members of our congregation.

Visit our website and click on the image above.

Thank You for Your Generosity

Once again our church's Saturday Lunch Program has been the

beneficiary of generous

financial support from the

North Shore Tai Chi Spirit

groups and their leader, Sifu

Josie Loehrich. Recently a

much loved Tai Chi instructor,

Lynne Cove, died of cancer at

age 87. She was an

inspiration to many people,

instructing Tai Chi classes on

the North Shore, for 35 years,

right up until the day before

she was diagnosed with

cancer. Josie and Lynne

taught together for 17 years.

Lynne was part of the reason

that Josie was invited to teach

Tai Chi at Highlands United

Church in 2008.

As in her life, in death Lynne contributed to the community, and

specifically to Saturday Lunch. Josie was gifted with a collection of

Lynne's Tai Chi DVDs. In return for a copy of her DVDs in Qigong

and Tai Chi, students from five

locations of the North Shore

Tai Chi Spirit & Chinese Health

and Medical Qigong, donated

money. That money, a total of

$1010, is being given to the

Saturday Lunch Program. Our

gratitude for this gift is

profound. It will cover the cost

of the Saturday Lunch Program

for 5 weeks. Additionally, It is

a great encouragement to our


Thank you for Living Generously...

New arrivals in the Highlands Library

Books for Children

God's Very Good Idea: A True Story about

God's Delightfully Different Family by Trillia Newbell & Catalina Echeverri

This picture book celebrates our diversity!

When God made You

by Matthew Paul Turner

This book inspires young readers to learn about

their own special gifts and how they fit into God’s

divine plan as they grow.

Also, six news Board Books:

All Day Long, God Loves Me

Thank You, God, for Loving Me

My Little Book About God

Loved: The Lord's Prayer

God Gave Us You &

God Bless You & Good night

The Universal Christ

by Richard Rohr—Explores what it means that

Jesus was called “Christ,” and how this forgotten

truth can restore hope and

meaning to our lives.

Prayer: Finding the Heart's

True Home

by Richard Foster—Opens the

way for readers to increase their

understanding and develop their

practice of prayer.

Francis of Assisi: The Life and Afterlife

of a Medieval Saint

by Andre Vauchez—First published in France,

where it was awarded the Prix Chateaubriand,

this is a masterful new

biography of Francis of


Psalm 23: The

Shepherd & His Sheep

by Dr. Randall D. Smith and Jennifer Rothchild

A 7-week study [with DVD] that brings new

meaning to the 23rd Psalm.

Books for Adults