Guest Lecture-Importance of the Mudras


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G.H.R.C.E., Nagpur had organized guest lecture on, “Importance of the Mudras”by Mr. Madhusudan Desai under Women cell

G.H.Raisoni College of Engineering, Nagpur had organized a guest lecture on 22nd October 2012

on “Importance of mudras” under the banner of “Women’s Cell”. The speaker of this program

was by Mr. Madhusudan Desai, Expert in Mudrashtra. In this guest lecture Mr. Madhusudan

Desai mainly emphasized on how to leave peaceful and healthy life without medicine using

various mudras are easy to perform at anytime. Mudras can be used for healing certain ailments,

regular practise of mudras will contribute to your overall good health and can be used as a

preventive measure.

He has given the demonstration of different mudras like

Pran mudra,

Gyan mudra,

Apan Mudra,

Vayu mudra,

Suraabhi Mudra and explained how and when they have to be done. Mr. Tukaram Parale

has also given the demonstration of mudras.