Growth of the Church Man vs.God Man's Ideas Social Meals Part of Service Fellowship Halls Play...


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Growth of the Church Man vs.God

Man's Ideas Social Meals Part of Service

Fellowship Halls

Play Grounds


Softball League

Instrumental Music


Accept Everything

By What Authority?

John 14:15 keep my commandments

2Tim 3:16-17 all scripture is given by inspiration of God

Matt 28:18-20 all authority has been given to Christ

How We Determine What is Authorized

Direct Command

1Cor 11:23-26 observing the Lord's supper

Approved Example

Acts 20:7 time of observance

Necessary Inference

Acts 20:7 frequency

Authority For What Kind of Music?

Col 3:16-17 do all in the name of the Lord

Eph 5:19 melody in your hearts

1Cor 14:15 singing with spirit and understanding

James 5:13 singing while joyful

Rom 6:13 instruments of righteousness

Do We Have Authority for Church Provided Social

Meals ? Individual Matters

1Cor 11:20-22,34 do you not have houses to eat in

1Tim 5:8 man's job to provide for his family


1John 1:1-7 fellowship with our Savior

Rom 14:17 not eating and drinking

Rom 1:16-17 revealed faith to faith

Joh. 6:26-27 food that will endure eternally

How Do Raise Money ?

1Cor 16:1-2 lay by him in store

2Cor 9:7 not grudgingly

Gen 4:3-5 respected not

How Does the Church Grow ?

Rom 10:17 faith come by hearing

Acts 2 teaching Jesus

Acts 8:35 preached Jesus

Rom 10:14 how can one hear without a preacher

Acts 2:47 Lord added daily