Golf XL Sayi 06



Golf ve Yaşam dergisi, Golf, Bunker, 9Sanad, 9.Sanad, GolfXL, Golf XL, Ahmet Agaoglu, Mustafa Koc, Acun Ilıcali

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  • '1055 .55*(*.

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    Golf Courses


    i>>i>h>>hModest Captain of the Empire

    The Most Expencive of World


  • 2NLH\




















  • *HQHO
  • .itleleri B\le\en &esur $damBrave man who inspired the masses

    'eY mSaratorluun MteYaz .aStanModest Captain of the Empire that Incorporates Giant Brands

    Bu oin

  • stanbulda
  • ()6$1(*2/)dh/(5/(*(1'*2/)(56


    Severiano Ballesteros was born on 9 April 1957 in Pedre-a (Cantabria), , a small village on the southern shore of the Bay of Santander in the north of Spain.

    At the age of 10 he took part in his first caddies tournament. Despite these obstacles, on 22 March 1974 he turned profes-sional (he was not quite 17). His first tournament was the Spanish Professionals Champi-onship at San Cugat. He came 20th, causing his great disap-pointment as his objective was no less than outright victory. His first triumph came in Pe-drea when he won the under -25 Championship of Spain and the following week he vas run-ner up at the Santander Open, al the North of Spain Circuit. At an international level, his best performance was at the Italian Open where he came 5th.

    1976 was witness to his definite launching. Not as mucho for winning the Order of Merit with victories in the Dutch Open or Lancme Trophy, catching up on the 4 shots Arnold Palmer had over him with 9 holes to go, or his triumphant World Cup

    Team win in California but for his performance, which cata-pulted him to world fame when he came second in the British Open at Royal Birkdale, shar-ing the honours with Jack Nick-laus as runners up to an unso-ciable Johnny Miller. Seve was leader of the tournament for the first three days, surprising eve-rybody with a chip that he shot clean as a whistle between two bunkers, rolling too little over a metre from the pin, giving him a birdie on the last hole. The intense look on his face and his courage from that day onwards mesmerise the masses.

    In 1977 he again came first on the Order of Merit and in 1978, with victories in the USA, Kenya and Japan; he became a truly international golfer. The truth is he achieved six consecutive tournament victories which, in addition, were over the re-maining four continents after Europe. Seve won his first Brit-ish Open in 1979, becoming the youngest winner of the century

    His next appearance in a major was at the US Masters where, in 1980, he gain amazed everyone. With 9 holes to go he was 10

    6eYeriano Ballesteros 1isan 57 tarihinde sSan\ann ku-zeyindeki Santander koyunun gney sahilinde yer alan ufak bir kasaba olan 3edrenada &antabria dodu.0 yana geldiinde ilk ama-t|r turnuYasna katld. Tm engellere ramen 22 Mart 74 ylnda Srofesyonel oldu 7 yanda bile deildi. lk turnuYas San &ugatta-ki sSanya 3rofesyoneller amSiyonasyd. 20. oldu ki hedefi dorudan zafer oldu-undan bu byk bir hayal k-rkl yaamasna neden oldu. lk baars sSanyann 25

  • *2/);/ O&$.-8B$T 202 9

    ten inanlmaz bir baaryd. (Yindeki kilise oanlar neeyle oald ama sSanyann geri ka-lannda ilgi oldukoa azd.O ana gelindiinde golf tari-hinin en uzun Yurucularndan biri olarak zaten tannyordu Ye $ugusta zaferi o d|nemin en donanml oyuncusu oldu-unu kantlad.SeYein saYao ruhu byk ihtimalle babasndan miras kalmt Ye saha ioinde ya da dnda att her admn en |nemli belirleyicisi ite bu ruh oldu. $YruSa Turunu y-celtmek ioin ook saYat bu da onda 8 5yder &uSta oynamak zere seoilmemek gibi hio de ufak olmayan birook zntye neden oldu. 84 ylnda ngiltere $ok St. $ndrewsdayd yani dnyann en |nemli turnuYas golfn beiinde yaSld. SeYeriano bu durumun karln Yerdi konsantrasyonunu hakimiye-tini Ye kazanma kaSasitesini sergiledi. +io Shesiz bu golf tarihinin en |nemli anlarndan biriydi. Birdie ioin son hafif Yuruu tm dnya g|rd Ye bu Yuru bir d|nemin simge-si oldu. O kadar byd ki bu

    g|rnt SeYe Ye irketlerinin yeni logosu oldu.

    .ta $YruSas Byk Britanya Ye rlandaya kar yetmiler-de oynanan maolara benzer ekilde takm ruhuna dayal olarak SeYe Ballesteros .uSa-s yaratld Bunlardan birinde Belfryda Faldo karsnda oy-nanan bir maota SeYeriano o alanda g|rlen en inanlmaz Yurulardan birini kaydetti seri halde 4 Sarl Yuru yaSa-rak Yuru noktasnn arkasn-dan 0 numaral yeile ulat. O gnden sonra sahann en mkemmel oukurunun bir ad Yard Ballesteros dukuru.7 Mays 20 tarihinde sabah ikiyi birkao dakika geoe SeYe Ballesterosu yatann ba-nda bekleyen yakn ailesi-nin g|zetiminde 3edrenadaki eYinde kanser hastalndan kaybettik.

    Bu esiz sSorcunun kaybndan dolay yaanan derin zntye dair tm dnyadan saysz me-saM yad. Sadece baarlar ile deil ama ayn zamanda golfte bir rol model oluuyla |nem-liydi. nsan olarak drstlk abidesi Ye hayatn tm alanla-rnda yorulmayan bir saYao |rneiydi.

    ahead of the player in second place Seve holed 23 birdies an eagle. Augusta already had its winner. At 23 he became the second non-American and first European to wear the green jacket. It was really an incred-ible success. The church bells in his home town rang out in joy, however, in the rest of Spain lit-tle interest was roused.

    By then he was already known as one of the longest hitters in golfing history and his Augusta victory proved that he was the most complete player of the moment.

    In 1984, the British Open was held at St. Andrews: that is, the most important tournament in the world at the most legend-ary scenario; the very cradle of golf. Severiano rose to the occasion, showing his concen-tration, command and win-ning capacity. Without doubt, this is one of the key moments of golfing history. His last de-cisive putt for birdie was seen the world over and became the hallmark of an era. So much was this so that the image has become the new logo for Seve and his companies.

    Calling again upon this team spirit, the Seve Ballesteros Trophy has been created, or in other words, Continental Eu-rope versus Great Britain & Ireland, somewhat similar to the matches played in the sev-enties. Precisely in one of them, held at The Belfry, in a match against Faldo, Severiano hit one of the most spectacular shots that had been ever seen at than venue, reaching number 10 green from the back of the tee, a par 4 flanked by a stream. From that day on this, the most spectacular hole of the course

    has a name: The Ballesteros Hole.

    On May 7th 2011 some minutes after two oclock in the morning Seve Ballesteros passed away from cancer at his home in Pe-drea with his close family at his bedside.

    All over the world countless messages of deep sorrow for the loss of a unique athlete poured in. Great not only for his record but for becoming a role model in golf. A true example of his integrity as a person as well as for being a tireless fighter in all areas of life.


    nya ler


    nzeryal Sa-nde oy-

    o o mazetti Sa-sn-at.

    en ad


    baheYe ba-esi-daki dan

    dan ye

    me- ile lfte

    em-tlk nla-ao

  • French PGA Golf Tournament was held in Gloria Golf Hotel between the dates of November 21-28, 2011. 62 amateur and 62 professional players at-tended this tournament that attracted great at-tention. Among these, the winner was Sbastien Delagrange. French PGA tournament that was held in Belek for the second time with the orga-nization of Noyan Golf Club and the efforts to organize this tournament once again in Belek in 2012 and in the following years still continue.

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    21~28Kasm ~ November


    Besancon Nicholas

    Veiga Fabuie

    Jerome Barrere

    10 *2/);/ O&$.-8B$T 202



  • Lesly de Geynst Zachary Alexandre

    Vegia Bruno

    Charly Bourgeon Millereau *2/);/ O&$.-8B$T 202 11)RWR)RWR)RWR)RWR)RW)RW UDIUDIUDIUDIUD ODUODUODUODUDUDU 'o 'o 'o 'o'o 'ou Biu Biu Biu Biu BiBiriciriciriciriciric kkkkk

    It is assumed that the starting point markers are fixed in position before the player makes its first stroke from the starting point of the hole where the game takes place.


  • World Cup Annual Dinner tournament that was held in Kemer Golf & Country Club on October 26, 2011 got full marks from the participants. While cWTcTP\R^\_^bTS^U7PbP]0ZPZPhP[^[dP]SSelim Koray took the first place, the team of Ishak Eskenazi and Arzu Tezel became the second, and
  • H[Sa\3T\XaaT]



  • In Beko Classic 2011 organized in PGA Sultan and Pasha golf courses by Antalya Golf Club between the dates of November 17-19, 2011, there were great moments. And in this colorful tournament, the first place went to YFS team composed of BPQaXHXXcHeP]1T\T[\P]bP]S5XaS^ebX6d\-datou. And while ATA team composed of Korhan :daS^[dBT[X\:^aPhP]S7PbP]0ZPhPZP^[dbecame the second, TURKMALL 2 team of Nikos Geroststhopoulod, Craig Ballantyne and Beyhan Benardete completed the tournament in the third place.

    & (:Pb\! cPaXW[TaXPaPb]SP0]cP[hP6^[U:d[Q{]]SiT][TSXX?60Bd[cP]eT?PbWPV^[UbPWP[Pa]SP^h]P]P]1TZ^2[PbbXR! {SThX]TaT]Z[XbPW]T[TahPP]SCda]dePSP*BPQaXHXXcHeP]1T\T[\P]beT5XaS^ebX6d\SPc^d{SP]^[dP]H5BcPZ\QXaX]RX[XXT[STTccX:^aWP]:daS^[dBT[X\:^aPheT7PbP]0ZPhPZP^[d{]SP]Zdad[d0C0cPZ\!^[daZT]"[=XZ^b6Ta^bcbcW^_^d[^S2aPXV1P[[P]ch]TeT1ThWP]1T]PaSTcT{ST]^[dP]CDA:2;0BB82!

    17-19Kasm ~ November


    Carlos Quevedo




    16 *2/);/ O&$.-8B$T 202


  • Christmas Potluck Tournament, which was held in Kemer Country & Golf Club on December 18, 2011, offered fun and pleasant moments to the participants. The foods that the players brought along were offered as open buffet and the gifts they gave enlivened the organization. While the first place went to the team composed of Kaan 3T\XaRXZcPh0[X=daXCaZTaBT[X\:^aPh
  • Haluk Kaya


    S[CaT]X *2/);/ O&$.-8B$T 202 19

    Lal Saran

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    The business world in USA is very well aware of the effects of this game and sport on their professional lives since the last century. According to the group that included famous CEOs such as Scott McNealy, Dwight Eisenhower and Bill Gates for a while; the skill to play golf, the understanding of the ethics in the nature of the play and the respect to the tradition of the game can carry a career to a higher level than it is. Underneath the fact that golf is this much impor-tant for the business world in USA lays the fact that golf is a sport that is based on business relations. Golf that is a sport that is played in a relaxing, peaceful environment with an opponent for 4-5 hours doesnt leave this relationship on at the competitive level. These bonds that are established dur-ing the game are carried to long term. Moreover, the people playing golf together get the chance to learn many details about the characters of the others. And such details provide information about what kind of an attitude these people will display against the competition, risk, stress, success and failure in the business world.

    $B'de i dnyas da golf oyunu Ye bu sSorun i yaan-tlarna yaSaca etkilerin son yzyldan beri farknda. oinde eskiden Bill Gatesin de olduu Scott McNealy 'wight (isenhower gibi nl &(Olarn bulunduu gruba g|re golf sSorunu oynayabilme kabiliyeti oyu-nun doasnda bulunan etii anlayabilme Ye oyunun geleneine g|sterilecek sayg bir kariyeri bulunduu noktadan daha st noktalara tayabilir. $B'de gol-fn i dnyas ioin bu kadar |nemli olmasnn altnda i ilikileri zerine kurulu bir sSor dal olmas da yat-yor. 5ahatlatc huzur dolu bir ortamda 4-5 saat rakiS-le oynanan bir sSor dal olan golf bu ilikiyi sadece re-kabet dzeyinde brakmyor Ye oyun srasnda kurulan balar ile uzun Yadeye tayor. Bunun yansra beraber golf oynayan insanlarn karakteri hakknda Sek ook ayrnty |renme imkan yakalanyor. Bu ayrntlar o kiinin i dnyasndaki rekabete riske strese baar-ya Yeya baarszla kar nasl bir tutum sergiledii hakknda da Sek ook bilgi Yerebiliyor.

    Golf IndustryTrkiye Golf Federasyonu kurulduu ilk gn-den itibaren golf sSorunun Trkiyede hak ettii seYiyeye gelmesi tantlmas Ye ta-bana yaylmas ioin youn ekilde oalyor. Trkiyede golfn tm unsurlar ile birlikte yrtt sistemli Ye youn oalmalar ulus-lararas golf camias tarafndan takdir edili-yor. gzellikle Belek dnyadan youn ilgi g|r-yor. 202 'nya $mat|r Golf amSiyonasna Trkiyenin eY sahiSlii yaSacak olmas lke-mizde golfn geldii noktay g|stermesi ao-sndan |nemli bir adm. Trk golf adna yaSlanlar dnya oaSnda ilgi g|rS takdir toSlarken bu gzide sSor lkemizde hala tam olarak fark edilememe-nin skntsn yayor. Bu skntnn temelini ise Trkiyede golfn tam olarak bilinmeyen olmas oluturuyor. Golf dnyada en yaygn sSor dallarndan biri ancak bunun |tesinde artk deYasa bir endstri.

    Since the day it was founded, Turkish Golf Federation works hard to bring golf sports to the level it deserves in Turkey, to introduce golf to Turkish public and to popularize golf among Turkish youth. And these systematic and in-tensive efforts are appreciated by the inter-national golf community. Especially Belek at-tracts great attention from the world. The fact that Turkey will host 2012 World Amateur Golf Championship is an important step that shows where golf is standing in Turkey right now.

    While these efforts made for Turkish golf win general approval throughout the world, this distinguished sport is still facing the problem of not being fully recognized in Turkey. And this problem is based on the fact that golf is not still very well known in Turkey. Besides be-ing one of the most popular sports of the world, golf is also a huge industry.

    Golf Endustrisi

    22 *2/);/ O&$.-8B$T 202

  • Modest Captain of the Empire that Incorporates Giant Brands






    WeWeWeWeWeWeWeWeWeWeWeWeWWWeWW h h h h h h h hh hhhh hhitititititititititititttti t t t tt t t t t ttttttheheheheheheheheehehehhehehehe r r r rrr r r rr r rrr r roaoaoaoaoaoaoaoaoaoaoaooaao d d d d d d d d dd dd d frfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrffrfrfrfromomomomomomomomomomomomo 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 99 999 . . . .. . .. . SaSaSaSaSaSaSaSaSaSaSSaSaSSaS nananananananananananannad d d d d d d d ddddd AdAdAdAdAdAdAdAdAdAdAdAAdAdvevevevevevevevevevveveevvertrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtisisisisisisisisisisissiisisininininininininininininining g g g g g g g g ggg ggg g AgAgAgAgAgAgAgAgAgAgAAgAgAgAgAgA enenenenenenenenenenenenencycycycycycycycycycycycycy w w w www w w wwwwwwwitititititititititititittititith h h h h h h h hh hh hhthththththththththththtthththt atatatatatatatatattatataaat k k k k k k k kkkkkknonononononononononononn wnwnwnwnwnwnwnwnwnwnwnwnwn ee e e eeee e e eeeextxtxtxtxtxtxtxtxtxttxtxtxxtrererererererererererererereremememememememememememememmemelylylylylylylylylylylylylylyy s s s s s s s sss sssserererererererererererereerrrioioioioioioioioioioioioiousususususususususuususss a a a a a a aa a aaaandndndndndndndndndndnddnddd f f f f f f f f f f fffffforororororororororororormamamamamamamamamamammamm l l ll l l l l l l ll ll memememememememememememedididididididididdididididia a a a a a a a aaaa aa imimimimimimimimimimmmagagagagagagagagagagaggagagaaa e e e e e ee e e eee ofofofofofofofofofofoffofof


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    Rportaj: $dnan .OL$

  • #FPCP-1.#;You are an important person for Turkish golf. What do you think about golf in Turkey?

    0XVWDID.2dWhen we look at Turkey, we see that golf is just in its infancy. There are 16-17 courses in Antalya, 3 in Istanbul and 1 in Bodrum. Besides these, there is no other course in a country of 70 million, and not a single one in the capital of such a country. I think this is an important shortcoming.

    #-What is the reason behind this?MK: We can say primarily bureaucracy and neglect. And of course economy has an impact, too. The fields are really expensive. There had been allocations by a committee in Antalya before. They carried it up to some extend, but this was only about tourism facilities that we name as resort course. Unfortunately, there are hotels and courses with really low prices because of the competition among them. An individual may come to these facilities with 600-700 Euro including plane ticket, benefit from all the services and play golf. There is nothing like this in the world. Tour op-erators gain money and ours lose. The hotels are re-ally beautiful; they offer all kinds of services. And the courses are brand new compared to Spain and Portu-gal, but they are really low priced. This is a huge stra-tegic mistake. And because of the competition among themselves, these prices decrease even more. And this serves to tour operators and tourists. And now those allocations stopped, too. And the environmentalists have a very wrong approach. They create an impres-sion like there is a harm made to the environment. In a country like Sweden, there are 300 golf courses covered with snow for 7 months of the year. Can you imagine that?

    We dont have a youth program; we dont have young people who can play in the tournaments to improve WKHPVHOYHVIRUWKHIXWXUH7KDQNVWR$KPHW$DROXVgreat efforts, he carried such a project up to some ex-tend. But of course to some extend You know our course in Maslak is an 11-hole course. Its capacity is obvious; it is hard to organize a program there. And of course it is an expensive sport. Unfortunately, it is introduced as a high society sport. Not as a youth sport... And another important problem is lack of golf schools. This is a really big disadvantage.

    The role of the government is extremely important in this. Up to this point, only tourism aspect of the issue is discussed. And, they were successful in that. How-ever, there is no problem that will raise young people for the future just like in football and basketball. Our children only recently managed to go overseas and participate to competitions. When you see the youth in other countries, you comprehend the difference much clearly.

    #FPCP-1.#;)QNHKNGCNCMCN6TMK[GKKPPGONKDKTKUKPK\6TMK[GoFGIQNHPCUNDWNW[QTUWPW\!0XVWDID .2d Trkiyede baktnz zaman golf emekleme srecinde. $ntalyada 6-7 stanbulda 3 Bodrumda saha Yar. Onun d-nda 70 milyonluk lkede Ye bu lkenin baken-tinde bir tane bile golf sahas yok. Bu ook byk bir eksiklik.

    #-$WPWPPGFGPKPGFKT!MK: Bata brokrasi Ye ilgisizlik diyebiliriz ta-bii ekonomik etkisi de Yar araziler ook Sahal. =amannda $ntalyaya heyet tarafndan tahsis-ler Yerildi. Onlar belirli bir yere getirdiler fakat resort course dediimiz turistiklere y|nelik. Maalesef kendi iolerindeki rekabetten dolay ook ucuza satlan oteller Ye sahalar olutu. Bu-rada bir kii uoak bileti dahil 600-700 (uroya geliS tm hizmetlerden faydalanarak golfn oynayS gidiyor. 'nyada b|yle bir ey yok. Tur oSerat|rleri Sara kazanyor bizimkiler ise Sara kaybediyor. Oteller ook gzel her trl hizmet Yar. Sahalar sSanya Ye Portekize nazaran ook yeni fakat ook ucuza satyorlar. Bu strateMik ola-rak byk bir hata. Birbirleri ile olan oekime-lerinden dolay fiyat daha da dyor. Bu da tur oSerat|rlerinin Ye turistlerin iine yaryor. imdi tahsisler de durdu. Bir de oeYrecilerin ook yanl bir yaklam Yar. Sanki doaya zarar Yeriliyor-mu gibi bir izlenim Yeriyorlar. Bugn sYeo gibi bir yerde -ki 7 ay karla kaSl- toSlam 300 tane golf sahas Yar. 'nebiliyor musunuz"Genolik Srogrammz yok ileride turnuYa oyna-yS yetiebilecek bir alt yaSmz yok. Saolsun $hmet $aolu kendi oabalar ile bunu bir yere getirdi. $ma tabii ki bir yere kadar. Maslakdaki sahamz biliyorsunuz oukurlu bir saha. .aSa-sitesi belli burada Srogram yaSmak da ook zor oluyor. Pahal da bir sSor tabii ki. Maalesef bir sosyete sSoru olarak tantld. Geno sSoru ola-rak bilinmiyor. Bir de |nemli bir sorun golf okulu olmamas. Bu da ook byk bir dezaYantaM. 'eYletin rol oldukoa |nemli. imdiye kadar sadece turizm tarafna |nem Yerildi. $okcas orada da baarl oldular. $ncak maalesef ileri-ye d|nk geno bireyleri futbolda Ye basketbolda olduu gibi yetitirecek bir Srogram yok. Bugn oocuklarmz yeni yeni gidiS darda msabaka-lara giriyorlar. Oradaki genoleri g|rdkten son-ra insan aradaki farklar ook daha iyi anlyor. *2/);/ O&$.-8B$T 202 25

  • #-NMGOK\INDKTNMG(CMCVDKTNKMDGTCDGTNKKOK\FGUCP[QTWOUMPV[C[QTW\[QMUCNMGOK\FGMKIGPNGTKP[CFCLWPKQToNCTPPPCOCMXGQPNCTCDWMQPWFCJK\OGVNGTXGTGDKNOGPKPQM\QTQNFWWPWFPO[QTWOMK: (Yet tabii bu konuda Slanlama ook |nemli. Bunun belirli bir deYlet strateMisi olmas lazm. Bizde mesela dardan bir antren|r getiriliyor. $ntren|rden bir senede hemen bireyler bekle-niyor. Bu kesinlikle bir senede yaSlacak bir ey deil. 8-0 senelik SersSektif ioinde belirli hedef-lerin seoilmesi lazm. -2 sene ioinde bireyler olmaz ise hemen tamam olmad deniliS baka biri getiriliyor. Bahsettiim eyi baka sSorlarda da yaSyoruz. Siz de sSorun ioinden geliyorsu-nuz bahsetmeme gerek yok aslnda. O bakmdan bunu uzun soluklu bir i olarak g|rmek lazm. .orelileri aln ele Tayland dnn. +ele .o-reli kzlar ortal kasS kaYuruyorlar. #-$GPFGMCUOC[PFC)6/oFG[FKO;CMNCMMCVNOEXCTFKP-QNQODK[C6C[NCPF,CRQP[C#TLCPVKP$TG\KN[CIKDKDKTQMNMGPKPUVCPFNCTP\K[CTGVGVVKO)TFOMKDK\$GNGMoKPRNCPCMCTO\HCMCV6TMK[GQNCTCMQMIGTKFGMCNO\*CNDWMK6TMK[GoFG[GPK$GNGMNGTQNCDKNGEGMQM[GTKOK\XCTMK: +aklsnz daha |nce de bahsettiim gibi bu zaman alan bir sSor dolaysyla golf ile ei-timi bir ekilde birletirmemiz gerekiyor. docuk okula gidiyor Ye golf oynuyor bu sreote hafta ioi golfe belirli bir zaman ayrabiliyor. kisini bir-letirmek gerekiyor diye dnyorum. ayet birletiremez ise bir yerden sonra tabii ki okul daha ar basyor. $ntreman yaSmazsanzda bir yere kadar kendinizi gelitirebiliyorsunuz. Bura-da da bir Saradoks Yar. +albuki hem golf oynan-mal hem de eitim alnmal. grnein Fransada b|yle |rnekler Yar kii akademik kariyerini golf okulunda srdryor ama |ncelii de golf oy-namaya Yeriyor. Sonunda Yelisi de ona g|re bir beklenti ioine giriyor. Baka trl olmas mm-kn deil.

    #-Turkey is a strong country. But I guess we have difficulty concerning our unity and solidarity, otherwise I dont think it is that hard to pave the way for young golfers and juniors, and to offer them our services regarding this subject.

    MK: Of course, planning is really important in this subject. There should be a definite government strat-egy concerning this. For example, we bring a trainer from foreign countries. And expect something right away, within a single year. This is not possible. Spe-cific targets should be set with a perspective of 8-10 years. Nothing can change in 1-2 years. We decide right away that ok, it didnt work and replace that person with someone else. We do this in other sports, too. Actually, I dont need to mention these since you already very well aware of them as a person from the sports world. Thats why, this should be considered as a long term task. Think about Koreans, think about Thailand And especially Korean girls are great suc-cess

    #-I was in IGTM in November. There were approximately 1200 participants. I visited the stands of many countries such as China, Columbia, Thailand, Japan, Argentina and Brazil. And I realized that we highlighted Belek so much that Turkey stayed at the background. Whereas there are many other places that can be new Belek in Turkey.

    MK: You are right. As I mentioned before, this is a sport that takes time. So we need to combine golf and education in a way. The child goes to school and plays golf, so the child can allocate only little time to golf during weekdays. I think we should combine them. If we dont, of course school will be much more domi-nant in the life of this child after a point. And if you dont practice regularly, you can only improve your-self up to a specific level. There is a definite paradox. Whereas the child shall be able to both play golf and get education. For example, there are such examples in France. The children may continue their academic careers in the golf school and give priority to playing golf. And the parents expectations are reshaped in line with this. There is no other possibility.


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  • #-\GNQMWNNCTO\IQNHKNGKNIKNKDKTDNOCCDKNKTC[TCDKNKTFK[GFP[QTWO;CPKKKP\OUCPMKKNMQMWNQTVCQMWNXGNKUGFGMK: =aten o yalarda balamak en dorusu.#-;CPNO[QTUCOUK\[CP\FCDCNCOVP\!MK: (Yet 2 yanda baladm fakat ara Yerdim uzun bir sre. 'aha sonra 5 senesinde tekrar baladm. $ntalyada bir bayi toSlants Yard. O zamanlar Nasyonelde yeni aolmt Bir gide-yim dedim. Orada hadi gel Yur falan dediler. Balay o balay oldu.#-*CPFKMCRP\MC/WUVCHC$G[!MK: 7 handikaSa sahibim. Bir iadam olarak 7 handikaSa sahiS olmak zor tabii. #-UVCPDWN)QNH-WNDoPFGCMVKHQNCTCMMCQ[WPEW[CUCJKRUKPK\!MK: .ulbmzde toSlam 600 yemiz Yar bunun 400 aktif olarak oynayan oyuncular.#-$VPVWTPCXCNCTVCMKRGFGDKNK[QTOWUWPW\!MK: (skiden neredeyse her turnuYaya giderdim ama yaadm kazadan dolay artk seoerek gi-diyorum. 8 oukur oynaynca yrrken biz zorluk oekiyorum. #--\NCTP\PIQNHURQTWPCMCTDCMPCUN!MK: dok fazla ilgilerini oektiini s|yleyemem. Bir kao kez g|trdm ko daha ook tenise eilimli byk olan kzm ise hio ilgilenmedi di-yebilirim. Bu tarz eylerde kesinlikle zorlama olmaz. leride belki ilgileri olur bilemeyiz.#-)QNHURQTWFPFCDCMCPEGNKMNGTKPK\XCTO!MK: Tabii ki Yar. gnceliklerim arasnda ailem yer alyor. Bunun yannda |zellikle model uoak Ye yelkene kar ook ilgiliyim.

    #-I believe our private schools may have departments concerning golf. I think the solution lies in primary, secondary and high schools.

    MK: Besides, it is best to begin playing golf in those ages.

    #-If I am not mistaken, you began playing golf when you were only 12.

    MK: Yes, I began playing when I was 12, but I took a break for a while. Then I began playing again in 1995. There was a dealers meeting in Antalya. Back then Nasyonel was recently opened, and I said lets go and see. They asked me to take a swing. I did and I am doing it since then.

    #-What is your handicap Mr. Ko?MK: 7. 7-handicap is really challenging for a busi-nessman.

    #-How many active players you have in Istanbul Golf Club?

    MK: We have a total of 600 members in our club, and 400 of these are active golf players.

    #-Can you follow all the tournaments?MK: In the past, I used to go each and every one of them, but now I have to be more selective after the accident I had. I may have difficulty walking after playing 18-holes.

    #-What do your daughters think about golf sport?

    MK: I cannot say that they are very interested. I took them to the course few times, the younger one is more interested in tennis and I can say that my older daugh-ter is not interested at all. You cannot force such things. May be they can get interested in the future, who knows

    #-Do you have any other priorities besides golf sport?

    MK: Of course. My family is my priority. Besides that I am very interested in model planes and sailing. *2/);/ O&$.-8B$T 202 27


    #-Well, you are the first person that co-mes to mind when domestic automobile is mentioned. I want to learn about your opi-nion regarding this subject.

    Government Incentive is Up to Some Extendp&GXNGV6GXKK$KT;GTG-CFCTq



  • &CT)KVVKOK\FG)UO\-CDCT[QT#-'MQPQOKOK\KPCUNDWNW[QTUWPW\!MK: Ben gayet memnunum. yi y|netildiini dnyorum. 20 ylnda yaSlm olan yaSsal reformlarn deYam etmesi tek Sartili bir hkmetin buna sahiS okmas Ye mali btoelerin hakikaten taYiz Yermeden g|trlmesi 2008 ylndaki krizden g|rdnz gibi bizi ook hzl okard. Sayn Babacan bu ii gayet gzel koordineli bir ekilde yrtyor. $okcas dar gittiimiz zaman g|smz kabaryor. $rtk Trkiye ook konuluulur hale gelmi durumda.

    #-'UMKFGP#XTWRC$KTNKKOGUGNGUKXCTF#XTWRC$KTNKKDK\FGPJGRMCCTFCOCDWIP5C[P$CDCECPoPFC[CMNCONCTp#TVMDK\#XTWRC$KTNKKoPKFP[QTW\qIKDK$WGMQPQOKOK\KPINQNFWWCPNCOPCIGNOGMKNGDKTNKMVGUCPMKDKTFWTWFCUGTIKNGFKKOK\KIUVGTK[QTMK: imdi $YruSa Birlii meselesi ook oetrefilli bir hadise. Birincisi tam ye olmadan gmrk birliine girmi olma-mz bence yanl bir hareket. $ma dier taraftan da ekonomi $YruSa ile entegre oldu irketlerimiz ook daha yaln oal-may Ye rekabeti |rendiler. Tm bun-lar ook iyi oldu ama biz bunun karl-nda hiobir ey almadk Ye ekonomi u anda tamam ile $YruSa Birliine en-tegre olmu durumda. $YruSa Birliine girelim Yeya girmeyelim bence Trkiye her zaman batnn bir Saroasdr.

    We Feel Really Proud When We Go Overseas#-What do you think about the economy in Turkey?

    MK: I am really pleased. I believe it is managed successfully. All those struc-tural reforms to be continued in 2011 and a single party government to embrace these and financial budgets to be followed without any compromise accelerated our growth as we had seen it in the 2008 cri-sis. Mr. Babacan executes the task bril-liantly in a coordinated manner. In fact, we feel really proud when we go overseas. Turkey became a country which is talked about widely.

    #-In the past, there was a European Union issue. European Union used to run away from us, but today the approach of Mr. Babacan is like we are rethinking about European Union. Besides meaning that our economy is strong, it also shows that we take a dignified stance.

    MK: Well, European Union issue is a very complicated one. First, I think entering into the customs union will be a wrong move before becoming a full member. But on the other hand our economy is inte-grated with Europe, our companies began working much closely and they learned competition. These are really good, but we couldnt get anything in return and at the moment our economy is fully integrat-ed to European Union. Whether we enter into European Union or not, I believe Tur-key is and will always be part of West.

    'MQPQOKOK\#XTWRC$KTNKKoPG'PVGITG1NFWOur Economy is Integrated to European Union *2/);/ O&$.-8B$T 202 29

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    dantanzdaki loftu en aok olan golf soSalarnzn P:.S:.L:. gibi heSsini seoebi-lirsiniz.


    'LNNDWHGLOPHVLJHUHNHQOHU .ol mesafenizi Ycut me-safenizden fazla ayrmaynz.2 Golf soSasnn duruunu

    hedefe golf toSunu soSann ortasna alnz. 3 GriS yaSarken golf soSan-z biraz daha aadan tutu-nuz.

    4 ToSun Sozisyonunu ayak-larnzn ortasna alnz.5 9cut arlnz 60 sol ayak zerine alnz. 6 Swing yaSarken kol duru-unuzu L shaSe yaSmaya oa-lnz.7 Bileklerinizi fazla skma-dan golf soSasn rahat hare-ket ettiriniz.

    Bu fotorafda yanl bir Yuru yaSlm. G|rld gibi golf soSasnn uzants sa omuzun stnden Yeya sa bacan stnden geoiyor. Oyuncunun bilekleri bklm Ye Ycut arl sa bacann stnde kalm.



    The golf player tried to give height by using his wrists.

    And in this picture, we see a correct technique. The blue line passes above the right shoulder of the player, in other words the golf club is on the same

    line with the left arm. The wrists of the player are not bent early. And the body weight is right at where it suppose to be, in other words on his left leg.

    You can select one of the golf clubs with greatest loft (like PW, SW, LW).

    Pitch technique is actual-ly the same with the tech-nique of normal swing; it is not an extremely com-plicated shot.

    The points that should be con-sidered:

    1) Dont separate your arm distance from your body dis-tance much.

    2) Position the golf club ac-cording to the target and golf ball to the center of the club.

    3) Hold your golf club from a point a little lower during grip.

    4) Position the ball in the mid-dle of your feet.

    5) Give 60% of your weight to your left leg.

    6) Try to hold your arm in L shape during swing.

    7) Move the golf club freely without keeping your wrists to tight.

    Bu fotorafta ise doru bir Yuru teknii g|ryoruz. MaYi oizgi oyuncunun sol omzunun zerinden geoiyor yani golf soSas

    sol kol ile ayn oizgi zerinde. Oyuncunun bilekleri erken bklmemi. 9cut arl ise olmas gereken yerde yani sol

    ayann stnde kalm.

    In this picture, a wrong shot is shown. As it can be seen, the extension of the golf club passes from the right shoulder or right leg. The wrists of the player are bent and the body weight is on the right leg.

  • Sahalarn SroMesi dnyaca nl Ye $YruSa nn en iyi golf dizayn irketi olan (uroSean Golf 'esign mimarlar tarafndan hazrlanm. 'anmanl ayn zamanda nl bir Srofesyonel golf oyuncusu olan 'aYid -ones tarafndan yrtlen sahalar golf tutkunlarnn keyifle oynayacaklar ama bir o kadar da zorlanacaklar sahalar.+aYaalanna 25 km. mesafede olan $ntalya Golf .ulb Sirene Belek +o-tel Golf :ellness Ye .emSinski +otel The 'ome ile yan yana kurulmu.Mkemmel oyun Sarkuru iddial ka-litesi harika haYa koullarna oeYre-sindeki doal gzellikler de eklenince burada muhteem bir golf deneyimi yaayacaksnz.

    The courses, designed by leading archi-tects European Golf Design, together with design consultant and Senior Tour Professional David Jones, provide not only a challenge to golfers of all abili-ties but also wonderful surroundings in which to enjoy your game.

    Antalya Golf Club is 25 km away from the airport and it is at the doorstep of Sirene Belek Hotel Golf & Wellness and Kempinski Hotel The Dome.


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  • 573 m. Ye 72 Sar ile etkileyici Pashann sadece ormanda ho bir gezinti sunacan dnyorsanz kesinlikle yanlyorsunuzPasha deiik kombinasyonlar ile dk Yeya yksek handicaS olan her oyuncuyu zorlayacaktr. Tricky-dog legs kurnazca yerletirilmi olan bunkerler Ye eimli greenler deneyimli golfolerin bile Yurularn daha dikkatli dnmelerini gerektirecek niteliktedir.2002 ylnda aolan Pasha sahas 550.000 m2lik alan zerine $kdeniz sahili Belek te kurulmutur.
  • 36 *2/);/ O&$.-8B$T 202

    01*2/) 0ini*2/)

    Minigolf and FIRSTS-INIGOLF TE,+,%2

    Until the end of 1950s, most - if not all - related catalogues were presenting only the products of Taylor Brothers. But in 1961; Bob Taylor, Don Clayton of Putt-Putt, Frank Abramoff of Arnold Palmer Miniature Golf organized the first miniature golf asso-ciation known as NAPCOMS (National Association of Putting Course Operators, Manufacturers and Suppliers). Even though this organization only lasted a few years, it was important in terms of being the first attempt to bring miniature golf operators togeth-er for the goal of promoting miniature golf.

    In 1955, Lomma Enterprises Inc. Company that was founded by Al Lomma and his brother Ralph Lomma led the revival of animated trick hazards. These hazards required both accurately aimed shots and very good timing. Otherwise spinning windmill blades, re-volving statuaries and other careening obstacles were making the shot harder.

    In USA, every second Saturday of May is celebrated as National Miniature Golf Day. However minigolf couldnt gain popularity outside Europe and USA until now. One of its reasons is of course economical. The developing countries invest their limited sports funds into sports that attract the widest public attention and me-dia coverage, leaving little or no funding at all to less popular sports. (Minigolf is the most popular outdoor game in Europe and America, however only as an occasional leisure activity not as a competitive sport.)

    Back in 1950s, American Putt-Putt Company was already export-ing its minigolf courses to South Africa, Australia, Japan, India, Pakistan, Argentina, Brazil and Eastern Bloc countries. Thus minigolf courses can be seen in all parts of the world, but they are especially popular in USA, UK, Scandinavia and Central Europe.

    50li yllarn sonuna kadar-heSsi olmasa da-ilgili kata-loglar Taylor kardelerin rnlerine yer Yeriyordu. 6 ylnda Bob Taylor Putt-Putttan 'on &layton Ye $rnold Palmer Miniature Golfden Frank $bramoff N$P&OMS 8lusal Golf Sahas hreticileri letmecileri Ye Tedarik-oileri 'ernei olarak bilinen ilk minyatr golf derneini kurdular.

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    An ostrich is nothing compared to me in the face of trouble, I bury my whole body under sand. I can sometimes be sly as a snake or indifferent as an ox.

    I act like a chimpanzee and feel that they like me :), I get very angry with myself when I try to be creative but although I am very thoughtful as an owlet, I am no more productive than a rat. I am in my worst mood while driving. I grunt on the steering wheel like a dog with rabies and I get surprised when I turn into a lovely cat in an-other environment 5 minutes later.

    Speaking of traffic, I see peo-ple who act like orangutans as if they are trying to prove the theory of Darwin or those who spit on the road like a llama. I think I am not alone :)

    I started to think that I am be-ing unfair to animals rather than myself when I say I have an animal inside me. No ani-mal can pretend like me! For instance, I have never seen a bear pretending to be a rabbit but when I am sacred, I would make rabbits envy me :)

    Again, I am not alone! You cant see an elephant singing like a canary but I know people who eat like an elephant and pretend to be a canary. Bears who have been trained to be drivers and act like parrots are my favorite. I still cant do that imitation :)

    No, no I am sure I am being unfair to animals. Think about it, you take care of someone for years like parents take care of their children. But you cannot have any benefits even though you wait for 40 years. You can become rich if you buy two cows and feed them. In fact, a dog will do. It wont leave you alone even for one second. It tries very hard to repay your favors.

    If La Fontaine were alive, he would certainly perform the art of personification reversely.

    Anyway, I was going to write a golf article about killing the animal inside us but I took it personally while talking about animals :)

    It seems I am not in the swing mood today.

    I wish a good day to everyone.

    Sorunlar karsnda deYekuu bile yanmda halt etmi g|Y-demi bile kuma g|mebilirim. Bir ylan kadar sinsi bir |kz kadar Yurdumduymaz oldu-um zamanlar da oluyor.emSanze modunda seYildii-mi hissediyorum da yaratc olmaya kalktm zamanlar kukumaY kuu gibi dnS bir soan kadar retince ook sinirleniyorum kendime. (n kzdm halim de trafikteyken oluyor. 'ireksiyon banda ku-duz olmu gibi hrltlar oka-rrken 5 dakika sonra baka bir ortamda nasl da bir kedi yaYrusu gibi hrltdan mrlt-ya geotiime aS kalyorum.Trafik dedim de aklma geldi yollarda Darwin teorisini ka-ntlarcasna orangutan takli-di yaSanlar lama modunda yollara balgam brakanlar da biliyorum.

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    *2/)+$%(5 *2/)1(:6




    The Ocean Course Kiawah Island, South Carolina 320 dolar /1 Round

    Old Head Golf Links Ireland 400 dolar

    Shadow Creek Las Vegas, Nevada 500 dolar



    Muhtemelen Birleik .rallk Ye rlanda d-ndaki baka hiobir golf sahas rzgardan bu kadar etkilenmiyordur. Bir turdan dieri-ne kadar bir sSorcu rzgarn y|nne Ye kuY-Yetine bal olarak deliklerde 8 farkl soSa kullanabilir. ylnda Pete Dye tarafn-dan ina edilen sahada baskn bir rzgar yok. Dye sahay tasarlarken bunu dikkate al-m. $slnda iki sahay bir arada tasarlam biri doudan biri de batdan eser rzgar ioin.

    Belki de nl mimar Ton Fazino tarafndan NeYada o|lnde ina edilen bu efsaneYi me-kan hakkndaki hikayeleri hio duymadnz. Sizi temin ederiz ki yaSlan tarifler ne kadar iyi olursa olsun bu aheseri anlatmaya yet-mez. Shadow &reek anlatlmaz orada oyna-nr. Shadow &reekde tecrbe yaanmaldr.$ncak o zaman bu oyunu geroekten seYen-ler sahann mkemmel gzelliini anlamaya balar.

    220 dekar alana ina edilmi olan Old +ead Golf Links $tlantik Okyanusuna iki milden fazla oknt yaSmaktadr. Oyun oynarken ayaklarnzn altnda saysz maaras bu-lunan bu oknt bir ada gibidir. Links Ye oa-lma alan 80 dekar yer kaSlamaktadr. .alan 40 dekarlk alan ise sahay oeYreleyen yer yer 0 metreyi aan salam kayalklar-dan ibarettir.

    Probably no other golf course in the world out-side of the United Kingdom and Ireland is af-fected as much by the wind. From one round to the next, a player can experience up to an 8-club difference on holes depending upon the direction and strength of the wind. Built in 1991 by Pete Dye, there are no prevailing winds on the course. Dye took this into account when designing the course. In fact, he designed two courses into one one for an easterly wind and one for a westerly wind.

    Perhaps youve never heard tales of this legend-ary place sculpted from the Nevada desert by renowned architect Tom Fazio. May we assure you, descriptions, however grand, do not begin to do this masterpiece justice. Shadow Creek must be played. Shadow Creek must be expe-rienced. Only then can true lovers of the game begin to appreciate its breathtaking beauty.

    Old Head Golf Links is built on a 220-acre dia-mond of land, jutting out over two miles into the Atlantic Ocean. The promontory is almost an island with numerous caves running beneath your feet as you play the course. The links and practice area occupy 180 acres and the remain-ing 40 acres of unspoilt cliff (rising in places to over 300 feet) frame the course.

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    Pebble Beach Golf Links California $475 a round

    TPC Sawgrass Jacksonville, Florida 350 dolar

    The Pinehurst Course No:2 375 dolar

    Pebble Beach Golf Linksin zarif gzellii Ye esiz g|rnm ylndan beri hem golfoleri hem de izleyicileri bylyor. -ack NeYille Ye Douglas Grant tarafndan tasarlanan bu saha engebeli sahil eridini kucaklayarak geni manzaralar kayalk Satikalar Ye yeil alanlar seyretmenize imkan Yeriyor. Pebble Beach Golf Links dn-yann en SrestiMli turnuYalarna eY sahiSli-i yaSm bir yer bunlarn arasnda $TT Pebble Beach National Pro-$m Ye 200 $BD aok dahil 5 $BD aok amSiyonas yer alyor. 20 ylnda altnc kez $BD aon tekrar Pebble Beachde yaSlacak olmas heyecan Yerici.

    Donald 5ossun tasarlad 400 sahann ioinde Pinehurst No. 2 onun eYini yaSt yer-dir. 5oss hayat boyunca saha zerinde ince ayar yaSm Ye mkemmel hale getirmitir. Bill &oore Ye Ben &renshaw tarafndan kaS-saml bir restorasyondan geoirildikten son-ra saha 5ossun en bata hedefledii hale geldi. Pinehurt 8 adet esiz golf sahasn ioermektedir Ye bu |zellii ile $merikadaki en byk golf merkezidir. 5oss Fazio MaS-les -ones Ye son olarak &oore Ye &renshaw her sahay esiz bir golf yuYas haline getir-diler. Pinehurst No. 2 No. 8 Ye No. 4 sreli dnyann en iyiler arasnda g|sterilirken Ye 3 numaralar Donald 5ossun en oriMinal Pinehurst oalmalarn yanstyor.

    TP& $ $BD ioinden Ye dndan otuzdan fazla kulb bnyesinde barndryor. Bu sa-halar Pete Dye Tom Fazio Bobby :eed Ye $rthur +ills gibi en elit mimarlarn yan sra PG$ Tour yeleri -ack Nicklaus $rnold Pal-mer Greg Norman Ye +ale ,rwin tarafndan tasarland. Bu sahalar turnuYa alan ileYi-nin yan sra Golf ToSluluu yeleri ioin son teknoloMi rn oalma tesislerini de ioer-mektedir. Mmkn olduunda saha oizelge-leri lks geliim tesislerini de ioerir bunla-rn 4 tanesi $BDdeki en iyi Slanlanm on tesis arasndadr. TP& kulSleri sk oeYre standartlarna uymak ioin de oaba g|steri-yor. Golf sahasndaki Yahi yaam formlar-nn muhafaza edilmesi Ye korunmasna kat-kda bulunarak $udubon .ooSeratif Barnak Program kaSsamnda sertifika aldlar.

    ince 1919, the exquisite beauty and unique chal-lenge of Pebble Beach Golf Links have thrilled golfers and spectators alike. Designed by Jack Neville and Douglas Grant, the course hugs the rugged coastline, providing wide-open vistas, cliffside fairways and sloping greens.Pebble Beach Golf Links has been the site of golfs most prestigious tournaments, including the annual AT&T Pebble Beach National Pro-Am, and five U.S. Open Championships including the 2010 U.S. Open. We are excited and honored to wel-come back the U.S. Open to Pebble Beach for the sixth time in 2019!

    Of the more than 400 courses Donald Ross de-signed, Pinehurst No. 2 was where he made his home, continuing to tweak and perfect the course throughout his life. After an extensive restora-tion by Bill Coore & Ben Crenshaw, the course has returned to the way Ross originally intended. Pinehurst features 8 unique golf courses, mak-ing us the largest golf resort in America. Ross, Fazio, Maples, Jones and most recently, Coore & Crenshaw have made each course a unique test of golf. Pinehurst No. 2, No. 8 and No. 4 are con-sistently ranked among the worlds best, while Nos. 1 & 3 reflect Donald Rosss most original PInehurst works.

    TPC Network includes more than 30 clubs across the U.S. and beyond. Some of the worlds most elite architects have designed them, including Pete Dye, Tom Fazio, Bobby Weed, and Arthur Hills, plus PGA TOUR members Jack Nicklaus, Arnold Palmer, Greg Norman and Hale Irwin. In addition to serving as tournament sites, the courses are complemented by state-of-the-art practice facilities for TOUR members. When ap-plicable, the course routings incorporate luxury development communities as well with four now ranked among the top ten master-planned com-munities in the U.S. TPC clubs have also worked to meet stringent environmental standards, earn-ing certification in the Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary Program by helping to preserve and protect wildlife habitats on the golf course.

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    &WDCKoFGMK&P[CCORK[QPCU[NFCJCW\CVNFDubai World Championship extended for 3 more years

    D8B$, Birleik $raS (mirlikleri $P $YruSa Turu (uroSean Tour Dubai

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    hlkemiz turizmi aosndan ook byk |nem tayan ,nternational Golf TraYel Market ,GTMin ziyaret-oilerinden biri de Golf XLdi. Organizasyon bir yl akn zamandr yaSlan hazrlklarla 4-7 .asm 20de $ntalyann g|zbebei Belekte geroekle-ti.Bugne kadar dnyann oeitli yerlerinde yaSlan ,GTMin 4.s Betuyabn Belek

  • *2/);/ O&$.-8B$T 202 43

    20 ylnda milyon turist arlayan $ntalyada-turizmi 2 aya yaymak ioin harekete geoen hk-met 0 milyon dolarlk Sara |dll bir golf turnu-Yas dzenlemek ioin hazrlklara balad.Genolik Ye SSor Bakanl tarafndan hazrlanan SroMeye g|re gelecek yl ubat ila nisan aylar arasnda Be-lekteki sahalarda dzenlenecek turnuYaya Final ad Yerilecek. TurnuYada dnya klasmann ilk 8 s-rada bitirenlerin yansra Tiger :oods gibi dnyaca nl oyuncular da daYet edilecek. B|ylece oyuncu says 0a okacak. )'.'%'-;+.#;'6'%'-$ntalyada konuan Genolik Ye SSor Bakan Suat .lo Belek Turizm Merkezinde dnyann en yk-sek |dll Srofesyonel dnya golf amSiyonasnn yaSlacan belirterek bu sayede Belekteki golf sahalar Ye turizm tesislerinin de dnya gndemi-ne tanacan ifade etti. TurnuYa ioin bir ook ku-rum Ye kurulula ortak oalmalara baladklarn anlatan .lo amSiyonaya y|nelik hazrlklar-mz 202 yl ioerisinde tamamlamay Slanlyoruz dedi.

    $40%;'/.;10&1.#4amSiyonann dnyadaki golf turnuYalarndan farkl olacan kaydeden Golf Federasyonu Ba-kan $hmet $aolu ise Daha |nce Dubaide 5ace to Dubai adyla yaSlan organizasyon btn sezo-nun bir finali niteliinde olacak. Birinciye .5 mil-yon dolar |dl Yerilecek. ToSlam |dl ise 0 milyon dolar olacak diye konutu. 911&5'6'&.'%'-203 ylnda Belekte yaSlmas Slanlanan final ni-teliindeki golf turnuYasna dnyann en nl golf oyuncularndan Tiger :oods da daYet edilecek. $BDli :oods |zel hayatndaki sorunlar nedeniyle geotiimiz yl mao yaSmamt. :oods 62 milyon dolarlk geliri ile 20in en ook kazanan sSorcusu..aynak +abertrk

    The government that makes efforts to spread tourism to 12 months of the year in Antalya that welcomed 11 million tourists in 2011 began preparations to organ-ize a golf tournament with total prize money of 10 million dollars. According to this project prepared by Turkish Ministry of Youth and Sports, the tournament that will be held in the golf courses of Belek between February and April of next year will be named as Fi-nal. Besides the top 8 of the world rankings, world famous players such as Tiger Woods will be invited to the tournament. Thus, the total number of players will be 10.


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    Somon Presiyle Doldurulmu

    Midye Somon Yumurtas Dereotu Sosu ileMussel Salmon Egg Stuffed with Salmon Pure with Dill Sauce

    20 adet kabuklu midye 00 gr. somon fileto derisiz Ye kemiksiz di sarmsak tutam dereotu kak tatl eki sos limon

    5 adet midye ioi tatl ka beyaz galeta


    Tuz Ye akbiber su barda beyaz araS su barda balk suyu 2 fincan scak dereotu sosu


    JVDOPRQILOOHW(without skin and bone)












    HazrlanMidyeler io etine zarar Yermeyecek ekilde so-uk suda ykanr Ye iyice temizlenmesi ioin suda 2 saat kadar bekletilir. $yr bir tarafta kyma maki-nesinin ince aynasndan oekilmi olan somon ky-mas rendelenmi sarmsak ince doranm de-reotu bir tatl ka tatl eki sos Ye 5 adet midye ioi ince bir ekilde kylr. Tuz Ye akbiber konul-duktan sonra galeta unu konuluS macun kYa-mna gelene kadar kartrlr. Temizlenmi olan midyelerin ioine kak yardm ile haro konuS diS ksmna dereotu maydanoz Ye limon yerletiriliS bir kaSak yardmyla midyeler az ksm yukar gelecek ekilde dizilir. Bir su barda beyaz araS Ye bir su barda balk suyu ilaYe edildikten sonra az kaSatlS buharda Siirilir. Daha sonra ser-Yis edilecek taban ioerisine scak dereotu sosu midye Ye somon haYyar konuluS serYis edilir.$fiyet olsun.





    Fahri Telli

    PreparationMussels are washed with cold water paying atten-tion not to damage the inner flesh and held in wa-ter for about 2 hours to clean it thoroughly. Salm-on mince chopped on the thin chuck of the mincing machine, grated garlic, thoroughly chopped dill, a dessert spoon of sour sauce and 5 portions of mus-sel stuffing are chopped thinly. Putting salt and white pepper, bread crumbs are added and they are mixed till they become pasty. Mixture is added to cleaned mussels using a spoon; dill, parsley and lemon are placed at the bottom and the mussels are lined up with the help of a cover in a way that their open sides look above. Having added one glass of white wine and one glass of fish broth, its opening is closed and it is steamed. Then hot dill, mussel and salmon caviar are put in the plate and the meal is served.

    Bon appetit...

    *2/)*850( *2/)*2850(7


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    All Weather Glove

    Rain Series Glove

    Fleece Lined Beanie

    Titleist-Custom Winter Hat

    Titleist Winter Mittens

    If the ball falls off the tee when it is not in the play or if the player hits it by accident while getting ready for the stroke and it falls down, it can be put back on its place without any penalties.

    GRlI 1RWe


  • 2012



























































































































































































































































































































    56 *2/);/ O&$.-8B$T 202 49

  • 50 *2/);/ O&$.-8B$T 202

    &L8% F$&(

    Ayfer Zerey


    ATUXZ Say







    .DKYe %DKDne


    $Vh iii

    -Vi `v>Vh

    ifac kiilerin kendi kendileri-ni iyiletirebilecek Ye kendile-rine ifa Yerebilecek kadar ra-hat Ye huzurlu hissetmelerine olanak salayan kiidir. 8ygu-ladm yzlerce ifa oalma-larnda insanlar iyiletirdiim s|ylenir. Bu iyilemeleri dn-yeYi tabirle mucizeleri sonsuz bir kran duygusuyla kar-larm onk her ruhun ioinde bulunan bedeni ifalandrma gc bana ook tandktr artk. Tm bu Yakalarda geroekten olan ey ifacnn kiiye kendi kendisini iyiletirme iznini Ye-rebilmesi ioin gerekli olan eyi yaSmasdr. Nedir bu gerekli ey" diyeceksiniz. zin Yerin birkao Saylamda bulunaym.



    Seans |ncesi karmda heye-canla oturan Ye merakl g|z-lerle bana bakarak Nilgn hanm seans sonras korku-larm brakabilecek miyim"

  • 58 *2/);/O&$.-8B$T 202

    rkiye dnya sinemalarna eY sahiSlii yaSmaya deYam ediyor. Mekan olarak |ncelikle stanbulu seoen dnyaca ta-nnm yaSmc Ye y|netmenler bu ter-cihlerinden memnun olarak lkemizden ayrlyorlar.

  • *2/);/ O&$.-8B$T 202 59

    CDQ'Q\DQQ(Q%\N%DPV])LOP)HVWLYDOLQGH-2 Ocak tarihleri arasnda dzenlene-cek olan 202 Sundance Film FestiYalinde ilk kez bir Trk filmi 4 filmlik Dnya Seokisinin ioinde kendine yer buldu. 5ait delikezerin y|nettii &an dnyann en byk Bamsz Film FestiYalinin Dnya Sinemas b|lmn-de yaracak.$merikadan 205 dnyadan ise 83 uzun metraM filmin baYurduu festiYalde 3 lke-den 0 film seyirciyle buluacak. Bu filmler arasndan 88i dnya Sr|miyerlerini bu orga-nizasyon kaSsamnda geroekletirecek.&an daha |nce 48. 8lusal $ntalya $ltn Portakal Film FestiYalinde Behll Dal -ri gzel gdl Ye $ntalya .ent .onseyi Seyirci gdln almt. 5ait delikezerin y|netti-i balca rollerinde Selen 8oer Serdar Or-oin

  • 60 *2/);/O&$.-8B$T 202



    Geotiimiz kasm Ye aralk aylar oldukoa |nemli or-ganizasyonlara sahne oldu. Dnya Trk Giriimciler .u-rultay 8- .asm tarih-lerinde stanbul Ltfi .rdar 8luslararas .ongre Ye Ser-gi Saraynda geroekleti.&ontemSorary stanbul Mrisi tarafndan seoilen ulusal Ye uluslararas oada sanat bulumas da 24-27 .asm ta-rihlerinde yine ayn mekanda sanatseYerlerin beenisine

    sunuldu. $ntalyada $nka-ra $lexander Yon +umboldt Bursiyerleri Dernei tara-fndan 7-20 .asm tarihle-rinde yaSlan 9,.8luslararas (koloMi Ye deYre Sorunlar SemSozyumu ise byk ilgi toSlad. $ralk ayna damga-sn Yuran M$5.$ 20 kon-ferans oldu.(itim Ye konferans kurulu-u

  • *2/);/ O&$K-8B$T 202 61

    \DVQ%\OHGLgeome gereklilii ana fikrini tayan Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk

  • 62 *2/);/O&$K-8B$T 202


    62 *2/2/2/22////////2//2///////2/2/////2/2//////2//2//2/2////2///2/22/2/2/2/2/2222222/22222/222/2222/222222222/));)))) ;) ;)) ;);););)) ;)))))));;;;;;) ;);)) ;) ;;;;;;;;;;///////////////////OOOOOOOO&$OO&O&O&O&O&O&&&O&&&O&OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO K-8B$T 202

    Sevda szlerini|NV]EUDNDQDLU


    le $s

    l M85


    uzaklara bir bakvsvn vardv kafeteryada

    keske yalnvz bunun iin sevseydim seni

  • Bir airin g|zleri kaSann-ca dnyada g|rlecek eyler azalr demiti Oruo $ruoba. yl |nce &emal Sreya da glyorum tanrm bu da oldu ite / +er |lm erken |lm-dr biliyorum tanrm / $ma ayrca aldn bu hayat fena deildir / hst kalsn... diye yazdnn ertesi gn bir Ocak gn bu dnyaya ka-Satnca g|zlerini g|rlecek eyler azald. Tm gnahlarn yar yarya ilendii bir seYi-menin geliS bir daha gitme-dii unutulmayacak aklarn her daim d|rtnala seYien kahramanyd halbuki. &emal Sreya henz 6 yandayken daha Dersim srgnlyle balayan hznl yaamn mutluluklaryla mutsuzluk-laryla her birini seYdii ka-dnlaryla eYlilikleriyle s|z-cklere can Yeren airliiyle noktaladnda yazlmam ak iirleri eksik yazlanlar ise |ksz kald. Bu eksiklii bu |kszl &an
  • 64 *2/);/O&$K-8B$T 202

    konuda baar kazanmay dnmedim. iir ne be-nim ioin" Dramm aomazm kurtuluum batam seY-gilim babam g|zaltm Ye kendimi hiolemeyi biliim Daha |nemlisi yazgm ola-rak da g|ryorum onu. Boro |der gibi yazdm iirlerimi diyen airin 53te ilk iiri arks Beyaz Mlkiyeliler dergisinde yaymlandn-da ise niYersiteden mezun oldu. O yllarda 3-5 niYersite mezunun girebildii Maliye Bakanlnda mfetti yar-dmcl Ye mfettilik g|-reYlerinde bulundu. deitli edebiyat dergilerine de yaz Ye iirler yazyordu. Sreya ksa sre sonra iirdeki yaln anlatm saYunan GariS ak-mna teSki olarak 50lerde ortaya okan Ye ban (diS &anseYer Ye Turgut 8yarn oektii iirdeki 2.

  • Biliyorum sana giden yollar kaSalhstelik sen de hio bir zaman seYmedin beni

    Ne kadar yakndan Ye arada uourumnsanlar eYler aramzda duYarlar gibi

    8yandm uyandm heS seni dndm

  • 66 *2/);/O&$K-UB$T 202




    Tamam Da...

    Tamam da |yle bir ey olsa -aSonlar ooktan yaSard. yi de o dediin imkansz. Olur ama Trkiyede deil. gyle de adam anlamyor. Dediin doru da bunu

    yaSabilmen ioin 40 dereden 70 deiik su getirmen lazm...

    yi diyorsun ama s|ylediin kadar kolay deil o iler

    Ben de dndm ama nerede bizde onu yaSacak ortam"

    Ne desi ne das ne amas" Brak artk bu anlamsz o|zmleri kurutan insan o|zmszle

    srkleyen hayatmz zindan eden onc snf saYunmalar. Sen harekete geo de Yarsn olmasn. (ylem fukaras olmak utandrmyor mu seni"

    Dnyada u tamam da derken kullandmz da balacndan daha itici hiobir ey tanmyorum. Bir o|zm |neriyorsun ya da bir ey s|ylyorsun hemen mazeret budalalar balyor konumaya Tamam da s|ylediin Trkiyede ook zor. Ne zor yahu" Sen iste yaSamayacan hiobir ey yok. Bir de ama Yar. gyle ama... $ma ne" Ne amas" Bu iki tuhaf kelimedir aslnda hayatmz ksrlatran...

    gzellikle futbol maolarndan sonra ook kullanlr bu ama kelimesi Ye de da balac.

  • $59"%.

    O, SENdeOlabilirdin...



    bin deprem

    meydana ge






    leri derinde

    n etkileyen










    68 *2/);/O&$K-UB$T 202


    ir D(5M(N&

  • dok gerilere gitmemize ge-rek yok tarihlerimizi 24 (kim 20e aldmzda acsn hala yaadmz 600 kiinin hayatn kaybettii 7.2 b-yklndeki 9an deSremi ile karlayoruz. +emen aka-binde ise Kasm 20de 40 kiinin yaamn kaybet-tii 5.6lk ikinci deSrem de acmz daha da katlanyor. 9anda iklim koullarnn zorlu olmas sebebiyle deS-remzedelerin karlatklar en byk sorun snma. B|l-gede yaanan ikinci byk sorun ise deSremin yarat-t SsikoloMik traYma. gzel-likle kadnlar Ye oocuklar bu ruhsal sarsntnn etkilerine daha aoklar.$GHWD%LU.DoMeydana gelen bu iki ykmn ardndan korku Ye Sanik yaa-yan binlerce 9anl kenti terk etti. +aYalarn da iyice sou-masyla skntlar daha faz-la artan deSremzedeler tek oarelerinin kenti terk etmek olduunu belirterek baka ehirlere gittiklerini s|yledi-ler. 5akamlara baklrsa 300 bin kii u ana kadar g|o et-mi. Kimisi bir akrabasnn yanna snrken kimisi de nereye olduunu bilmeden adeta bir kao haYasnda gi-

    diyorlar. Tabii ki hemen ehir-den uzaklamak arabanz yok ise mmkn deil. (Yleri otu-rulamaz duruma gelen 9anl Yatandalarmz eer araba-lar Yar ise biniS g|o ediyorlar. $rabas olmayanlar da birkao ay sonraya bulduu biletin g-nn iSle oekiyor. $rdmz d|-nS baktmzda yklan eY-ler dalan aileler souktan yaamaya oalan insanlar Ye 600 hayat kayb....Trk Kzlay snma sorununa o|zm olabilmek adna b|l-geye ilk Slanda 4 meYsim kul-lanma uygun 30 bin oadr ile birlikte ook sayda battaniye Ye stc g|nderdi. $cil d|nemin atlatlmasnn ardndan souk haYa koullarna daha daya-nkl olan Srefabrik yaSlar da deSremzedelerin kullanmna sunuldu. Bunun yannda yaa-nlan SsikoloMik traYmann ya-ralarn sarabilmek adna 9an merkezde Ye (rcite olmak zere oeitli illerden gelen Ssikososyal uzmanlar ile Trk Kzlay oalanlar deSremze-delere yardmc olmaya deYam ediyorlar.

    'HSUHP]HGHOHUGHQ*HOHQ7DOHSOHU DeSrem nedeniyle ailece

    madur olduklarn ifa-

    de eden 8 oocuk babas FeYzi $ksoy yardmse-Yerlerin desteiyle ya-amlarn srdrdklerini s|yledi. 9ana d|nmeyi d-nmediklerini ifade eden $ksoy Ben 9anda ina-atlarda oalyordum. DeS-rem srasnda eYimizde oatlamalar olduu ioin gi-remedik. anlurfaya gel-dik Ye inaat halindeki bu eYe yerletik. 9anda olsa oadrda yaayacaktk ama burada mahalle sakinle-ri bize sahiS okt. Bundan sonra hayatmz deYam ettirmemiz ioin i bulun-masn istiyorum. deitli resmi kurumlara gittim ama u ana kadar sonuo alamadm. htiyaolarmzn karlanmas Ye bana i bu-lunmas ioin yetkililerden Ye hayrseYerlerden yardm bekliyorum dedi. Barakada 8 kiilik ailesiyle

    yaam mcadelesi Yerdii-ni belirten Grgin $ltnta ise bulunduklar Mimar Sinan dadr Kentin yazlk oadrlardan olutuunu Ye ioecek sularn dahi buz tuttuunu s|yledi. $ltnta

  • 70 *2/);/O&$K-UB$T 202

    5enklerin lkesi olarak bi-linen Fas cazibeli heyecan Yerici g|lgelerin gnele denizin g|kyzyle birleti-i yer olarak da tasYir edilir. Sadece doann deil haya-tn renklerini de kendinde barndran lkede btn yl boyunca birbirinden gzel festiYaller sizi karlar.Birook y|nyle esiz bir lke olan Fas bir $frika lkesi ol-masna ramen corafi ao-dan $YruSaya yakn olmas nedeniyle kltrel ekonomik Ye siyasi aodan dier $frika lkelerinden farkllk g|ste-rir. (siz haYas bozulma-m $kdeniz sahilleri Yerimli oYalar $kdeniz bitki |rts ile hio kukusuz ktann en ansl lkesi konumundadr.Kltrel aodan son derece zengin olan lkede slam Fransz sSanyol Ye $frika kltrlerinin etkisini g|r-mek mmkn. &amiler Ye minarelerde slamn bah-oelerle oemelerde (ndls sSanyasnn binalarn yaS tarznda ise Fransz kltr-nn etkilerini aokoa g|rebi-lirsiniz.

    Gne Ye deiik kltr arayan turistler ioin mkem-mel bir lke konumunda olan Fasta her meYsim birbirin-

    den farkl ook sayda aktiYi-teler oluyor. Bir yandan o|ln inanlmaz bys sizi sarS sarmalyor dier yandan dalar yaz aylarnda trman-mak kn ise kayak yaSmak ioin en ideal mekan olarak karnza okyor. 9adilerde g|ze oarSan birbirinden g-zel kr oioekleri bozulmam $kdeniz sahilleri Ye neredey-se btn yl boyu sren scak haYas ile turistik ziyaretler ioin son derece caziS bir lke Fas.

    Fas Mutfa ise ayr bir kl-tr.

  • *2/);/ O&$K-UB$T 202 71

    farilerine katln da k|yleri-ni gezin. Portakal aaolarnn ssledii bulYarlar da sakn unutmayn Birbirinden renk-li Suk denilen Sazar yerle-riyle mehur ehir Fasn ilk bakenti olma |zelliini ta-yor. Buraya duYarlardan toS-raa her ey kzl olduundan Kzl ehir de deniyor.6DKUDd|OQ$QODPDNSahra d|lnde gezmek yet-mez onu anlamalsnz da. Fasllara |zg korunakl k-yafetleri giyiS gneten b-yk aSkanzla korunmaya oalarak deYelerin srtnda ilerlerken Sahrann mistik haYasn soluyun. Gece oa-drnzda konaklarken g|k-

    yzndeki en Sarlak yldz bulun Ye dileinizi dileyin. Bol su tketmeyi yannza Susula ile harita almay ince Ye Sa-muklu giysiler giymeyi sakn ihmal etmeyin.

    Fasn adeta kalbi olan Fes ehrinde lkeye ait olan bir-ook karakteristik |zellikle karlaabilirsiniz. Surlar camiler kale kaSlar bunlar-

    dan balcalar. ehir surlar-la ikiye ayrlm durumda.

  • 72 *2/);/O&$K-UB$T 202




    %LOLQo1HGLU"%LOLQoDOW1HGLU"Sigmund Freudun Ssikanaliz kuramnda bilino yaSs ikili bir nitelik tar yani g|rlen bilino hallerinin gerisinde ook daha derinde Ye g|rnmez bir b|lgede ileyen baka bir yaS daha s|z konusudur. Bu b|lgenin ad bilinoddr Ye bilino durumunu etkileyen asl olarak bu yaSdr. Freudun bilinoalt ile ilgili imgelemeyi golendiren bir yorumu bi-linci okyanustaki buzdana benzetmesidir. Suyun altnda kalan ksm bilinoalt su ze-rinde kalan ksm ise bilinotir.Bilino ego ile bilinoaltn ,D karlatrdmzda bilinoal-tnn Yaroluumuzun en ufak ayrntlarn dahi ioinde barn-dran olaanst Ye kusursuz bir bellee sahiS olduunu g|-rrz. Bilinoalt s|ylenenleri sorgulamakszn kabullenen Ye kolayca y|netilebilen bir yaSya sahiStir. +er birey farkl alkanlk Ye inanlar istek Ye arzular korku Ye endieyi bilinoaltna iter. Bu nedenle bilinoalt subMektiftir. Bilino ise daha obMektif Ye nesneldir de-nilebilir. Bilino mantkl sor-gulayc direnoli kritik eden bir ileyie sahiStir.

    Doduumuz andan itibaren s|ylenen her s|zck doru-dan bilinoaltna gitmektedir. Kendi yemeini yemek isteyen oocua dur d|kersin bece-remezsin Dokunma krar-sn gibi cmleler genolik Ye yetikinlik d|nemlerinde be-cerememe cesaret edememe Ye |zgYenini kaybetme gibi daYranlarn temelini olutu-rurlar. Bu yzden izlediimiz okuduumuz Ye g|rdmz her ey bilinoaltmz tarafn-dan kaydedilir Ye bilinoaltna yerleen bu bilgiler oocuu tm hayat boyunca etkiler. Bilinoalt kendisine g|nderilen her eyi kabul eder. Deerle-rimizi inanolarmz deSolar beden fonksiyonlarmz kont-rol eder. $kl yrtmez. +ayal geroek ayrm yaSmadan her eyi geroek gibi alglayarak hareket eder. Bilinoaltna yer-leen bilgiler tm yaam et-kileyen daYranlarmza y|n Yeren temel esaslar olutu-rurlar.

    %LOLQoDOWP]Q QH NDGDU NLU-OHWLOPL ROGXXQXQ YH EXQXQGD JQON KD\DWP] LOLNL-OHULPL]LDNKD\DWP]VD-OP] YH SDUDVDO GXUXPX-PX]X QH NDGDU HWNLOHGLLQLQIDUNQGDP\]DFDED"Srekli izlenen diziler haber Srogramlar kouturma Ye stresten gelen tkenmilik gnlk yaamda farknda ol-madan dier insanlardan al-dmz telkinler...

  • 74 *2/);/O&$K-UB$T 202



    lk uygarlklarn doduu Me-zoSotamya ile $kdeniz ara-snda bulunuu $kdenizden douya hem kuzeye hem ba-tya giden yollarn kaYan-da oluu tarihi Sek

  • *2/);/ O&$K-UB$T 202 75

    Modern Trkiyenin gneydo-usunda yer alan ilimiz bin-lerce yldan beri birook kltr Ye inanca beiklik yaSm bunlara ait eserleri barndr-mtr. Bu nedenle gnmz-de de inano turizmi aosndan geziliS g|rlmeye deer bir yerdir. Kutsal kitaSlarda F-rat Ye Dicle Nehri arasnda kalan geni oYalara &ennet Bahoesi denir. Dnyann en eski yazl belgelerinden olan Smer kaynaklarnda ise cennet Gnein Bahoesi olarak tanmlanr Ye bu cen-net bahoelerinin giri kaSs da GazianteStir.Birook kilisenin yannda

    mslman-lkla birlik-te Nesimi + a c b a b a eyh Fethul-lah $libaba Kurbanbaba Ye daha bir-ook trbeyle G a z i a n t e S bir eYliyalar ehri hali-ne gelmi-tir. Kentte mimarisi ile dikkati oeken

    ook sayda Trk-slam ese-ri cami meYcuttur. Mehmet Nuri Paa &amii eyh Fet-hullah &ami Tahtani &amii Ye $laddeYle &amii bunlardan birkao oluS gnmzde de modern mimari tarzda yaS-lan ook sayda cami bulun-maktadr.Dnyaca nl mutfa sebe-biyle gastronomi turizminin etkin rol oynad ehirde ayrca yamao Sarat ya-Slmakta bisiklet turlar d-zenlenmekte da-doa y-ryleri ile foto Ye oto safari yaSlmaktadr.

  • 3!,)+/,35.

    $,DS tedaYi alnmad durumda +,9 nedeniyle insanlarda baklk sis-teminin etkilenmesine neden olan hastalklar btndr. +,9 +uman ,mmunodeficiency 9irs yani nsan Bak

  • *2/);/ O&$K-UB$T 202 77


    +,9 sadece 3 temel yol ile bulaabilir. Korunmasz cinsel iliki 2 Kan nakli Ye rnga Saylam 3 gnlem alnmazsa anneden bebee doum Ye emzirme ile..RUXQPDV]FLQVHOLOLNL+,9in en yaygn bulama ekli korunmasz cinsel ili-ki esnasnda olmaktadr. +,9 her tiS korunmasz cinsel iliki ile bulaabilmektedir. Genoler +,9 Ye dier &

  • 78 *2/);/O&$K-UB$T 202

    ??3!,)+/,35.ra baklr Sheli temastan en erken 2 hafta sonra test yaStrmak gerekir. Temastan 3 ay sonra elde edilecek nega-tif sonuo kesin olarak kabul edilebilir Ye kesin sonuo Yerir. Combo test: Kanda hem anti-jene hem de antikora baklr. Sheli temastan en erken 2 hafta sonra test yaStrmak gerekir. Temastan 3 ay sonra elde edilecek negatif sonuo kesin olarak kabul edilebilir. Gnmzde en yaygn kulla-nlan Ye gYenilir olan testtir.Testlerde yalanc Sozitiflik olabilir. Bu nedenle testi 2 kere Sozitif gelen kiiye dorulama testleri yaSlr. Kesin sonuo bu dorulama

    testleri ile konur. Doru za-manlarda yaSlan testlerde sonuo negatif ise bu sonuca gYenebiliriz. Tm deYlet Ye niYersite hastanelerinde |zel laboratuarlarda bu kan testleri yaSlmaktadr. Testler |ncesin-de Ye sonrasnda mutlaka da-nman hekim yardm alnarak yaStrlmaldr

    7HVWOHUYH6DON*YHQFHVL +,9/$,DS bildirimi zorunlu

    bir hastalktr. Salk Bakanlna isimler

    kodlanarak g|nderilir. +,9i basklayan $59 te-

    daYi Ye genel testler deYlet salk gYencesi kaSsa-mndadr.

    Kiinin salk gYencesi yoksa yeil kart okartlabi-linir.

    GSS Genel Salk Sistemiden yararlanabilir.

    +,9 kronik bir hastalktrDnya Salk grgtnn kro-nik hastalklar listesinde olan

    +,9 6dan bu yana meYcut gelimi ilao seoenekleriy-le kontrol altnda tutulabilir. Doru zamanda ilao tedaYi-sine balayan +,9 Sozitifler kaliteli Ye salkl bir yaam srdrebilirler. Geo +,9 tans alan Ye $,DS eYresinde olan kiiler dahi ilao tedaYisiyle salklarna geri kaYuabil-mektedirler.

    +DNYHg]JUONOHU+,9 Sozitif kiiler tm T.&. Ya-tandalar ile ayn haklara sa-hiStir. +,9 ile yaayan bireyler dzenli tedaYi ile hayatlarna deYam edebilir oalabilir eYlenebilir belirli |nlem Ye kontrollerle salkl oocuklar dnyaya getirebilirler.

    2006 ylnda ilk kez hizme-te balayan Pozitif

  • *2/);/ O&$K-UB$T 202 79

    ?+,9ROGXXQX]X|UHQGLLQL]GHNHQGLQL]LQDVOKLVVHWWLQL]"Doktor tanm aoklarken beni baka bir odaya ald. Sonra bana yaStklar bir tahlilin So-zitif geldiini s|yledi. +,9 $nlamayan g|zlerle yzne bakyordum. Ne olduunu sor-duumda fslt halinde $,DS dedi...

    Byk sessizlik...

    iPde Rk E\k Eir VeVVi]lik RldXDnya hzla geri oekildi...Beynim uyutu oturduum yerde sallandm. Sanki o an ayaklarnzdan bir iSle ba-lanmsnz Ye habersiz oldu-unuz bir anda g|rnmeyen bir el tarafndan yksek bir uourumun kenarndan aa-ya itiliyorsunuz. Doktor benim dnce boluuna dmeme hio frsat Yermeden hemen aoklamalara balad. Bunun artk |lmcl bir hastalk ol-madn baarl ilaolarla Yirs baskladklarn ki-ilerin yaam kalitesini ook ykselttiklerini ancak ook d-zenli Ye |mr boyu kullanmam gereken ilaolarm olduunu anlatt. lk birkao dakika kar-nzda konuan insann hio sesini duymuyorsunuz hiobir eyi alglayamyorsunuz. Sa-dece azn aoS kaSatan bir g|rnt Yar... dok sonra dn-yaya geri d|nebiliyorsunuz. O da sorumluluklarnz aklnza geld
