Final Interpersonal Skillsanimated



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Interpersonal skills

Interpersonal skillsWhat is Interpersonal skills?All about working with other people

An ability to get along with others while performing the job

Characteristic traits like Manners, attitude, courtesy, habits, behavior and appearance which helps us to communicate and maintain relationship with others

Interpersonal skills while working( Organizational context)Take the relationship viewpoint:

Effective relationships within the organizationIn teamsAcross teamsWithin and between departments and business units

Effective relationships with suppliersEffective relationships with competitors

Why Interpersonal skills are needed?To Improve:RelationshipProductivityWorking EnvironmentAll Round SuccessLeadership SkillsLiking by Others

Interpersonal skills ModelWhen and Where Interpersonal skills are required at work place?1 Presenting yourself at work2 Listening & questioning3 Building & maintaining relationship4 Socializing at workplace5 Giving or receiving feedback.

Verbal communicationVerbal communication1) Increase your vocab

2) Read business related material

Verbal communication3) Play games

4) Watch business oriented programs

Non-verbal communicationNon-verbal communication1) Pay Attention to Nonverbal Signals

2. Use Signals to Make Communication More Effective and Meaningful

Non-verbal communication3. Concentrate on Your Tone of Voice When Speaking

4. Use Good Eye Contact

Non-verbal communication5. Be Aware That Signals Can be Misread

6. Practice, Practice, Practice

Listening Listening 1)Face the speaker and maintain eye contact.

2) Be attentive, but relaxed

Listening 3) Dont interrupt and dont impose your solutions.

4) Wait for the speaker to pause to ask clarifying questions

Listening 5) Give the speaker regular feedback.

6) Ask questions only to ensure understanding.

Manners Manners 1. Keep your personal items off the table.

2. Reevaluate your ringtone.

Manners 3. Don't exclude others from the conversation

4.Respect people's names

Manners 5. Understand the politics of seating arrangements6.Refrain from asking people where they are staying

Assertiveness Assertiveness 1)Make the decision to positively assert yourself.

2)Aim for open and honest communication

Assertiveness 3) Listen actively

4) Agree to disagree

Assertiveness 5) Take a problem-solving approach to conflict

6) Stay calm

Assertiveness 7) Use I

8) Be patient
