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S case this by opportunity to express my heart to my SIWES

coordinator, Mr. Michael Adesamni, for being a lamp unto our (my

class) feet and a light unto our path.

industrial based supervisor Mr. Sfeanyi

Ugwuja and Mr. Anya U. Okoro for their patience to guide me and

their kindness and to the entire staff of Peter Okolo & company.

A boy thank you to my


This report is a summary of experiences gained during my

industrial training programme at Peter Oltolo & company, Abuja.

It is carefully arranged in chapters written according to the area

or aspect of estate management professional practical experience and

guided by the professional ethics.

The report was concluded by the challenges faced at the time of

training and also the recommends tions preferred.

Organizatioi~al chart of the firm


Par Per

General Manager

Resident Officer I Manager Officer Surveyor

+ + Resident Valuation Surveyor officer

TABLE OF CONTENT Dedication Acknowledgment Abstract Organizational chart of the firm IT'aL7le of contents

CHAPTER ONE Introduction

CHAPTER TWO Estate Office Administration



CHAPTER FIVE Facility management

CHAPTER SIX Maintenance and repairs

CHAPTER SEVEN Professional practice and ethics

Conclusion, problems encountered and Recommendation





111 an attempt gradua t in~ from school ~vithorrt any prior cxpcy-iencc in

their profession, the students ir~dustrtal work expcrtcnce schemc was introclucecl

In 1973 by the Niger14 un~vcrsi t~c\ commission (NUC). Thc programme is

sponsored by the industrial training frrncf (ITF). The main aim of the prc,grrlmme

is to give the students the opportunity to c>xperience the practical aspect of their

various liclds of study m d to be 'I good ,~rnbassadur of this country as somc. tct~ct

to travel abroad.

?kc duration fur the train~ng differs In institutions. For polytechnics, i t

Iclsts lor one ycclr w11ilc lor univctsitics, sis 01 thrcc months clcpcnding o n the*

departmen t.

I did my SIWES training in Abuja, FCI with Pctcr Okolo and Co, Estate

surveyors and valuers. The firm Pctcr Okolo and CO has its headquai ters in

Legion Horrse, opposite UBA bank, area 3Abuja. It has a branch office at Block

,434, flat2 Ayo legislative quarters, Abuja. The principal partner of the firm is sir

Peter, N.C. OltoIo (KSM) BSc. (I-Ions) ANIVS, ARVA (London).

'['11c> h c ~ d office* I I J S i n its e ~ ~ ~ i p I o ) ~ c ~ ~ , four (4) c s t a t ~ SLI~VC'YOI-s, onc ( I )

acccwntnnt onc (1) architect, one (I) quantity surveyor and other staff ~ncluding

the1 rc~ceptionist, sccrctary, clcanc.~.~, typist and scbc~rrity men I t also lids alwthc.1.

hrcmch office at I:cltinia Golcl Lst ,~tcl in Karu wlwrc thc f ~ r m is c~ilrcntly

developing the phase I1 of the samc estate.

I started my industrial tra~ning on the 3.1'' of April, 2007 Lo 31'' of October,

2007. t l~rougl~oul my stay with llw ----, I was C X ~ O S C ~ I to vai-iouh aspect of Estatc

Management covered by the t i i n . My training exycrienccd covcwcl the

following areas the rcctl estate pl.ofcssion.

4 Eslalc office acf 111inisIration

4- Estate agcwcy

C Valuation

4 Facility n~ansgernent

4- h k i n tenance and repairs

Professior~nl ymct ice nud ethics:- 'The period of my training was one of

learning indeed as I got to know what i t takes to practice estate management. It

ivas a time to compare theory and practical knuwledgc of the yrofessio,~af, and

c~ l>o bringing the three and a half years of t l~eorctic~~l I a v ~ l e d g c in the cl,lssrooni

Lo correspond with thc pract~cal as obtained in the field. I-lowcvcl, actuclI

professional practice was n ~vholc n c v cxyericnce for me as a lot of things which

could were learnt.



Thc success of any organi7ation dc\pcnd largely on how efficient ant1

vlfcctivv tlw oificv a~d~l l i~ l i s [~- i l l io~~ is. ' l ' l i ~ * opcra t i~n~l l efficiency of a fir(-n 1s a

5t1ong index or pxc1mctcs for juclglng the profitability or viabil~t)~ of a

,~pplicahle. -I'his is very true and also applicable to estatc firms which x e part of

the scrvice providing industry as i t satisfy a11 parties involved in real estate

tsansportations in terms 0 1 the pecu!ate ncecls.

An estate firm must be organized u c h that information on any property,

s ~ l f f deals or trailsactions and any ot11~1. sxbjt'ct can bc acccsscd with the utmost

casc. I 111s calls for ,I very a c ~ u r ~ ~ l c ~ , dficicnt and effective recording and tilling


At Peter Okolo m d co, filc arc opcncd, taggcd and I-cgistcrctl according to

the properties or mattes contained in Llwm. The fiIes of ditfcrent c o l o ~ ~ r s w11ich

are for easy identification and filling system. Commercial properties w c x bIue.

Iksidential red and agricult~rral gsccn.

Properties under the management of the firm is written havc files and

written on them (filcs) is the n a m e of thc owner or client, location/address of

popcrty, reference numbcs m d tiic d,~to the filc was o p c n d . Thcse filcs arc

kept in different file cabinet according to their colours. This maltus locating a

particular filc casicr.

C'crtain psopclrlics, c~iptwally co~nrncsci~ll properties havu 5ubslcliary f ~ l c l i

I!kC scwiccs char-gc, scc~rrilp filc, clziners tilcs, insurance filc ctc. All docrimcnts

relating to tach aspect of property is kept in appropriate filc, 1 was involved In

thc~ opcning of tiles sc.\wsally tor tlic lism's ma11~1gcmcril p r o p t i e s . I M CIS &,o

C ~ l > l c ~ to learn huw basic f~lling 1s tlo~-rc.

Whenever there is complaint on any property, a report is written on the

compliant stating the name of thc cIient that ii~acle the complaint, the d a t ~ of the

ccmylaint and the details of i t . '1'h:s is clone to liclp the firm make d e c k 011s on

the subject propel ty. All c o ~ reslwndcnce on tl~csc subject is ltcpt in the filc.

Other general files kept by tlic firm include internal memo, NIESV,

NITEL, PI-lCN, 1 I stirci?nls, \taff, \~uli~clc~,, Iiirnitiirc, officcl ccp~prncnl, o f f ~ c e

maintenance ctc.

The firm I tecp a property birlletm board where all its properl~es available

for s a k or let are displayed in a strategic place in the office. l'roperties that have

been sold to let out are canculled frcm the list.

The firm keeps a telephone rcgister which helps it control the LISC of the

telephone and also keeps v~sitors notebook.



T11e rolc of thc Estc~tc sui-vcyos and v,ii~~cs In estate agency is like any

r ) t l~c>r agcncy is 1iL.c. m y ollicr agcncy whose. rolc is more or less o f an

intc~rnedi~iry. I-Ie st'lnds in-bclwccn thc prc)pcrty owner and thc bupcr or tenant

as the case may bc.

To be s~~ccessful in agency, one requircs a general knowledge of thc

property market. This indlcatc that onc mcst bc conversant with the trend in t11c

neighborhood. That is, \vhat type ol properties in high demand as well as the

vasious types of psoperties avC1ilablc fos wle, leasc o r It>tting in m y pc~rticuIas

point in time in that ncighboushood.

At Peter Okolo and Co, lists ol To Ic>t proycrtles and "lor sale" proprtics

asc kept and updated from time lo tinle, stroking off the ones h a t l ~ v e been let

out or sold off. The firm on getting folmal approval from thc Landlord to let or

sell his property, the firm hangs its TO LET board on the properties that is fur Ict

and the FOR SALE board on the oncs that arc for sale. 'These boards show the

name, the address and phone number c)f tt-e firm to enable interested persons to

contact the firm for more enquires. ?'he boards placed are always of the NIESV

spwification come mainly t h r o ~ ~ g h phone calls m d pcrsonal invitation from t11c

interested persons tv the firm. L'llonc calls received by the receytions/telcpl~o~le


sttcndaiit x e isanrfcrrcd tu the applokrri.lic oif~ccr (Chiale SLIITCYOI.) i l l ~ l1d l .g~ O/

111~~ property. I I ihc clirirt conic. pliysir.illy, tlic o f f ~ i r ~ in cliasgc attcnds to llim

tl~rcctly. I heis d~scussion inny lead to tlic p~opcsty by thc c l l c ~ ~ t nnd thc officer.

l hi1 \ u~vcyor ~1x1 givcs tlic rhcnt J i ~ i t of other S I I I ~ I I ~ I I - p r o p c ~ - I ~ ~ s i l l tllc sa1110

I \cl~gbourhood for him to licivc~ s vas~clly to mCikc cllo~cc. fsom.

The firm receivcs cnqrliscls from clicnls that ~1l.c In nccd ot propcv.tics to

buy (IS sell and also lhosc i~ccd propertics to be Ict or out. The firm on its own

part arrange for buyers or possibk tcnmk.

Wlwn thew is a property to LEI' or for SALE in the portfolio ol thr firm, ~t

ivrilcs a lcttc~ of psop;rty ~ ~ ~ t s o d u c t i o i ~ / c , I f ~ c ~ ' ~ Io possible C I I C I I ~ S . And ~ I I C I I

thcw is a commercial ptopcrty h a t s~rits banking purposes, the \vrilcs lo bCin1<s

1 0 introduce the property lo thcm los possible bi1s1nc.s~ lrcinsacticm. ' I h y ,~iso

ivslte to other companlos lo introduce scsidcntial propertics to thcm to servc as

tlic~s staff residential qiiarters. In my stay in Pctcr Okolo and Co, I iva\ greatly

involved in the writing of letter of offer to possible clients.

When there is a clicnt that nceds L? property that is not in our portfolio, we

contact other firms to see if they have s~1cI1 proycrty in their portfolio. And if

lliey have, we arrange fur ,711 inspection wt11 them firsl to know i t tlic suites tlic

dcscsiption and taste of our client. Afterwards, a n C~rrcingcmen t is done ivith our

client for inspection and i f successful, closing the deal. The professional fcc 1s

shared bctwccn tlw two firms. 'l'liis h i n p aboul gc

to get a bettcr share of the fcc.

At the instance of a si~ccessfi~l letling of

management, another inspcction is scl~cdulcd wit

takc ovcr record of inventory of fixtures and f i t t

formally handcd ovcr to the tenant. 'l'his take ov

triplicate, the tenant and the

copy each, while the remain in^ copy 1s sent to tnc

informa tion sheet r l by thc prost-

guarantor's form. H tenancy anrcc~ncrlt is thereaft

both parties.

kept in the "for sale" file. TI1

involved in thc updating of tl

occupancy, letter of allocation and dccct of. assrgnm

is written down.

'1'1111 titIc of yrupcrty is very important as p r o ~ p ~ ~ t

title of the property is secured and that there arc r

clients for inspection of properties Cor salc on a

prospective buyers prclcr to deal wilh cslatc firn

a poperty under the firm's

11 lhc tcnant during which a

ings is done bcforc ltcys arc

er inventory is ciuplicatcd in

~cctive colcr~nn:; a ~ ~ d retains ,I

: lan(.ilorct. In addition, tenant

)ccti\~e tenant as tvcll as thc

.cr prcyarcd and exec~~tcd by

perties for sale and this list is

from time to time and I was

dcsct-iption, tille (ccrtifical-c of

ent) and sale price of property

ivc buyers want to be SLII-c the

lo cncumbrances. I was taking

regular basis. In noticed that

1s ralhcr than individuals and

estate agents (quacks). 'l'l-iis I presume is because of the assurance, sincerity and

thc security of thcir moncy. Sale of properly is a colnplcte kransfer of rights a n d

intcrcst in a property a11d t l ior~ ' for~, very scns i [ iv~ . Caw nccd to bo taltcn in any

salcs deal or transaction for satisfaction to bc clcrived.


Rerrtcrl vnlucr tiorr:

165qmxN10,1100/m2 - - N 1,650,000

2) Tllc firm condr~clecl a s i ~ ~ t ~ l valuation fos Alhaji U m a r ~ ~ who wanted

to Icnow how much lie could offrlr for a space or unit of a floor in

coscharis plaza, area 3, Abuja. T l ~ c currunt opcn market rental value

was dctcrmincd using the cornpasison nicthotl of valuation.


Effeclive floor area - - 197.55qm

Ticnt per metre square - - N 12,00O/n12

Rcrrtcrl vnlrintiorr

197.55qn1 x N12,000/m2 - - N2,370,000

vrrlzrn tiorr for rizorlgagc

1 ) My fellow IT students, 1 and tlic head of valuation carricd out the

valuation of Arc€ ventures ol plot No. J.322 of about 900in2 Uutsc Alhaji,

FCT, Abuja on the July, 2007.

'The property held a block of 3 nos e bcdroom flat bungalow and 2nos 2-

be&-uom flat detached brmgalow. Inspeclion of the property was carricd out,

measurcmcnts and drawings were clone including location plan. Computatio11

was done in the office after which the report was donc where the value of tllc

propcrty was stated at the forced sale value as collatcral/sccurity for loan.

2) I went with Ihc valuakion [cam in the valuation of Ms. Adrian Albert's

property located at plot 28 K~vnme Nltrumali crcsccnt, Asoltoro on the 24Ili

day of Scplcmbcr fur Ihc purposc of oblaining a loan from the bank. l h c

property is n 5-bedroom dctached duplcx. Tlvr properly was inspected,

necessary noles wcrc takcn including mcvsurc:mpnts, drawings of both

silc and location plan. Tllc Dcprcciated licplaccment cost ~ l l c t h ~ d was

used for tlic computation of value, thus was done in the office and the

valuation report was prepared.


This valuation was done for Mrs. Christians Uzoamalta who wanted to

sell her rcsidcntial housc and movc aboard. 'l'l~c psopcrty is loca tcd at plot No. 20

I,ol-d Lugurd street, Cilrki I1 Abuja. 'I'hc property consist the main building-a 5-

bedroom detached duplex, with a security building and it is fenced round. The

ploperty was build in 1998. the contr,lctw's method of ~ralunlion was used due to

the fact that the property is, an owncr occupier type of property with no rental

value that could be ascertained from the local market as comparable and no

income gained from thc house. Measurcmcnt wcrc taken to detcrminc the gross

floor area. Drawings ivrrc also done with location d ia~rams included. Quaintly

surveyors were consulted to give the cost of construction per metre square.

I ) Main building Cross External floor nrcn

Constructiw csot/m2

2) Security building Cross cxlcrnal floor a r m Construction cost / m2

Dcprcciation @ 14%

3) 1:cncc work Gross i'xtcrnal floor a 1 ~ r 7

Construction cost

'I'otal dcprcciatcd cost of building

Add value of land

Adopted value

(I:cnce Work)


l:ACl l~lTY/l'llOl'J~l~~l'Y MANAGI:M l!NT

- 8 I his is one of the aspccls of practicc that reqi~i r i*~ slcacty altuition. 111 I'vtcr

Okolo and Co, tlicre arc different properties of different descriptions and

filcs the company uscd to use bcforo tlie)~ w~cnt computcrizcd. Now cadi

properties under our portfolio:

N o 10 Owo Close, Area 10, Garlti ALx~ja

No 9 Lantern Closcr, Arcs 3 Gnrki A h j a I-~I)LISC 20, 31 [<oacI, FI-1 A Eslatc Kihwa

I 0 Yellow Duranta Street 1;WA Estate, l<aru


Plot 10 Otukpo Strcct, Carlti IT, Abuja

Danziyal I'laza Opposite NNI'C Mcgn 1;illing Station Ava '10, Garki

Fatima Gold Estate I3chind karu lnter~ialional market.

At a time, I was assigned to the survcyor in charge of Danziyal plaza.

two qi~adranglc spaces in it. 'l'lic propcrl-y liolcls 200 shops will1 50 sliops on v i i ~ l i

floor A,B, C, and D. 'l'lic properly has 2 slnirways.

There is a borcliolc facility tlial- p u m p with itito a 'IO,OOCl litrc tank at thc

top of the building. 'l

mclre which is installcv

of tcnantrs uricasincss. , > I licl corivcnicnccs arc1 highly ocio~rr free and hygienic. It

'hcrc is tlic provision of clccl-ricity tlirougli tlic prepaid

has an a111plc space that is well k~srcd with tar as parking lot which can contain

services and the trimming of tlic flowcrs makcs Danziyal plaza Iiiorc altcmativc

for both tenants and customers. l'hc service chargc paid takes care of tlicsc


Re11 t

'l'hc going rent for cacli space in Lhnziyal plwa is fined. 'l'hc r ~ w t falls (1s

yoir ascend. 'I'hcsc arc tlic cfctails of sent:

Ground floor 1;irst floor

N190,000 N7 80,000

Scrv~cc charge 1 --------p0,00(1--~

Isg.11 fcc I - -

Servicc c l l a r~c aclministralion

licnt adminislration (collection fir disburscme~~t)

Maintcnancc, inip~.ovcmcnl a n d i'ilnpidalion repairs.

Statutory mattcrs

Managcmcnl of cslalc income and cxpcnditurc

- Service charges ndiiliilisl-rrrliorl :- I his is a mandatory paid by I:hc

tenants and services provided. This service chargc is paid once and i t is

paid logcthcr wilh rcnl. 'l'lic scrvicc charge is N30,000 ycr anni lm

payable with rent. I t covers llicl paynlonl. of sccurity mcn on duly i lny

a i d ~iiglit. hovision of clcclriciti\l and any repair ol' common pil-ts. I t

also C O V C ~ S tllc w a s t ~ ~IisposaI cl~aning of building. arcas and

horticultural services.

b) Xorl col1ccliorr:- 'I'lic I IJ I I ICS of llir w ~ i l ~ ~ d i i i ~ s o r I ~ ~ i i i ~ l l ~ 11 IT c~oiii l~il~c/

and - 1 1 l l i l l l lc . i r 11~111~s i110 1111. S/IOE) s p d ( . ~ s \vllich L1lc\7

occupy arid Ilic cluralio~i of svril csa~iiplc.

No Name of tenant or company

'Ilw Adrian

I;u mi ture's


Floor slivp no

This is stored i l l the computes. For easy access to known when rents are due,

duration is checked, followccl by May and all liic companies or tenants rents d ~ r c

for May appears on llic nionilor scl-ccn.

Iknt review letters arc sent six (6) rnolillis 1 0 cnci of '1 Lwo (2) y c ~ ~ I cnCi~ iq .

IZent renewal Ictlcrs ~ r c scnl 5ix (6) 1nonlli5 lo ~ l i c ~ expiry of J o r i ~ ( I ) yc~is


At the expiration ol thc currcnl tcnan:y, tenants are cxpcctcd to co~iie to our

office with their Bank Draft or cIic.q~ic in favour o l I'ctcr Oltolo & Colnpnny lo

p l y Ilwir rent. Nolc, cash is not acccplcd in our ollicc lor sccrrsity ancl rccorcl

purposes. I f they clo nol conic, Llicri i usi~~illy go 1~oi11ie1 lo COIICCI Illc sent I I I ~ S C ' I ~

with the Accounlant. Wlicn rents arc rcccivcd, tile Accountants minutes i t and

0111. cheque is forivasd lo Ilic bank account ol' llic Iancilord allel subtracting our

~nariagc,menl fccs.

c) M ~ i l l l c i t r ~ i ~ c ~ i i i l y r ~ v ~ i l i ~ ~ i l l rlfld r / i / r i l ) i r / r l l iuff r c p I ' r s : - 1'hc money

rcccivnd f1.0111 p a y r ~ i ~ n t o I SCI.\J~(.C d i i i ry is L I S C C ~ 101. llic nlain t c ~ i a ~ i ~ o

of tlic foliowing facilities only which arc: security, 1'1-ICN bill and

installation, waste disposal, gem ral c-leaning services a n d horticul~ural

services. If any oL11cr from of ~nain lc~~ancc , impro\wmcnt or repair

comes u p inventory is taken, chcclts arc. made and the cost is arrii~cct at

arid tlic Iantilorcl is informed formally. I f lie approves it, the work is

contracted out ancl clonc u~:tler oirr sirpcrvision. l'hc cost is

automatically witlidrnwn from the rent lie is to rcccivc from thc

I ~ n a n t s 01- ~or i~panics .

r l ) Stnl-utouyllcgnl 1ncltlcr.s:- Agrccmcnts ; i : ~ made L~cl~vccn the landlord

and the tenant. rl'his is pwparcd by the company and crosschc.ckcd by

our company solicitor, l 'his is to allow Cor good loving atniosphcrc a n d

better friendship between landlord and tenant by avoiding tl~ings that

would bring about problems in Llic future.

I<ernovc and rcplacc 44rnrn ts~rcl< scmi-solid

. . -- -- - -. - - - - - - -

Alu~ninuni lock sets

Illizctli lock set



Allow a provisio~lill su~ i i Tor 111aki1ii; good ;ill

may be directed.

I'o summary

PLUMBING SERVICES SUPPLY .- AND FIX THE FOLLOWING W.C. Scat cover paclclcd with (oatii C O I U ~ I C ~ C

will1 Icathcr covcr in malcliing colou~.

Wash hand basin complctc W.C. tank

.. -

Allow provisio~ial s u m for lnaking good all

rlircctcd i~iclnding cliiscling O L I ~ w a l l and tiles

- - --

Lllcctrical scrviccs sr~pply and fix llic followi~)g

. . . . -- -- - - Wall bracket

l h n v l li ttings

IJouble fluorcsccnt filling 600m1n long

Allow provisional sum for malting good all

-- .

To summary

Allow provisional sum of clcaning of wall tile:

with chemical.




Srl ni

N 0







-- - ~ ---.

Scrapping of plastclrccl wall and rcplaslcr


- --


EMULSION PINT ON: - - - - -- - --

'I'o summary

Walls (internally) aftcr scrapping off ,sonic:

spoilcd park.

Scrspcndcd slab



Walls externally

To summary


Carpcn try and joincry

Iron mongery


Metal work

I'lumbing scrviccs

Elcclrical scrviccs 1---

C;c~icral summary of the two flats

Grand tola1


After taking ~nvcntosy, f-cpo~ l 1s dc nc o n O L I I ~ s t i l n l l ~ f01 I . C ~ ~ ; I C C I ~ C I 11 of

c l ,~~ i i~gcd art~clcs is grvcll. L ~ c h ~ s p c c l ol \ v o r k done is given lo profcss~on~ll rn

chargc to bid with tlicir tcndcrs. For cxampic, lhc clcctrician is allowed to bid fo r

repairs tu be done on electrical fixtures and appliances such as sockcls, wall

brackets. 'The plumber is allowcd to bid lor repairs to bc done on loilctrics.

professional dcvclopmenl wt~~~l<shoys concluclid by Lhc institution in this

rcspcct. This gave wc roum of associa tion wilh ropir tnblc and high-classed c s t ~ tc

srrrvcyor and valuers.

I Icrc aitachcil arc my ccrlificalcs ol parlici~mtron in tlic MCI'II ~wrkshops .



M y pr.ioci of tndustrial attaclimvnt w,ls J prriod o l Irarning a i d ~ r c ~ t

OX J X ~ S U W 10 tlic PI-actiw oi cstatr mati.igcmcrit. I t sl~owcd iilc lhe pn)spccis of

estate management, as a pmfession is vcry Iucrativc, especially in a develoyinfi


I woi~ld bc lclliilg lies i f I say Llic training was 1iilc.h-free. I I i vas fraught

will1 both sccn and Llnsccn problem; whicll inclucics:


go and build yoill- own Iiousc~.


The long distaricc of Kubwa, whcrc. 1 slay, to Garki Area 3 lhc location of

my officc is about 32lm. By the lirnc getting to llic officc, I am a l rwdy with out
