DEUST 2 STAPS English lessons 2021-2022 Semester 1


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English lessons


Semester 1

First Semester themes:

Sports and psychology, fitness and professional English for welcoming and training clients and organizing an event.


Vocabulary test : 10 points

Written expression : 10 points

Listening comprehension : 20 points

The exams will take place on Friday the 17th of December 2021

You must be present for all evaluations. If you are absent you must provide a justification within 7 days (see paragraph II.6.2

of the examinations charter).

Fleur Reader



Explanation of the lessons in French ……………………………………………………………………. p. 3

How to contact your teacher …………………………………………………………………….p. 4

Vocabulary …………………………………………………………………….p. 5

- Quick vocab (p. 5) - Psychic pair work (p. 6) - Translation ping-pong (p. 7-8) - Spot the mistakes (p. 9) - Describing fitness classes (p. 10)

Listening Comprehension and writing …………………………………………………………………….p. 10

- Bigorexia (p. 10) - This Girl Can (p. 13)

Pronunciation …………………………………………………………………….p. 16

- 10 pronunciation errors (p. 16) - Long and short vowels and ronunciation mazes (p. 20)

Past Exams …………………………………………………………………….p. 26

- Past exam 2019-2020 (p. 26) - Past exam 2020-2021 (p. 29)

Speaking …………………………………………………………………….p. 32

- Common questions at the gym (p. 32) - Fill in the dialogue (p. 33-34) - Role play (p. 35)


Domaine de Compétences & Objectifs

Être capable de comprendre et s’exprimer principalement à l’oral en anglais dans le domaine professionnel

relatif à la formation DEUST : thèmes se rapportant au corps humain, au vocabulaire technique du fitness et

à l’accueil commercial

Volume horaire : 24 HTD

Compétence visée

- Utilisation du vocabulaire usuel permettant l’animation et l’encadrement de pratiques physiques de mise en forme

- Utilisation de formes courtes à l’écrit pour faire la promotion d’un évènement spécifique

- Comprendre correctement à l’oral un vocabulaire spécifique au contexte de salles de remise en forme

Contenus des cours

- -




- -

- Liste des différentes machines en salle de remise en forme (cf. lien ci-dessus) Organisation des cours

Salle de cours classique. Répartition des heures qui encadrent le semestre donnant la possibilité aux

étudiants de s’entrainer à l’oral mais aussi le temps de produire les évaluations attendues en fin de

semestre (présentation orale, test de vocabulaire, rendu de travaux écrits).

Travail personnel à réaliser

Apprendre le vocabulaire travaillé en cours. Réaliser le travail écrit attendu pour la fin de semestre.

S’entrainer à la compréhension orale en regardant régulièrement des vidéos sur des chaines YouTube telles

que :

Men’s Health :

Men’s Health UK : :

TeamFitBoss :

Jeremy Ethier :

Jeff Nippard :

OverTimeAthletes :


Test vocabulaire : /10pts

Rédaction d’un flyer faisant la promotion d’un évènement dans la structure (nouveau cours, travaux

de rénovation, rachat par une franchise, stages pendant les vacances, soirée promotionnelle pour

attirer de nouveaux clients, etc.): /10pts

Compréhension orale : /20pts


How to email your teacher: TIPS

1. Don’t use email for something that can wait and be addressed in person

2. Be formal Use spell check, write in complete sentences, and use capital letters and appropriate language for

addressing an adult

No text language or shortcuts

Use “please” and “thank you”

3. Use an email account with a formal name, if possible

4. Include a meaningful subject line

5. Always use a greeting “Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms. Last Name”

Spell your teacher’s name correctly

6. Briefly state the reason why you are emailing List specific assignment title

Say what the problem is

7. If you are emailing with a problem, suggest a solution

8. Sign it with your full name, first and last State your year of study, the subject you study and what time your English lesson is (for example : “I am

in L2 STAPS I have English lessons at 10:30am on Tuesdays”)

9. Reread and proofread what you have written before you hit “Send” Spellcheck

Be polite, concise, and clear

10. Allow adequate time for a reply Be sure to check your email for a response

Sample student email template to use when inquiring about a grade

Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms. XYZ,

My name is ABC and I’m in L2 STAPS, I have classes with you on Friday mornings at 8:30am. I have a question about a score/

incorrect score/ low score/ missing score for assignment / test/ quiz “LMNOP” on 00/00/00.

Can we please arrange to meet during the week to discuss this? Or if possible, could you please look into it and email me any


Thank you for your time,

Student Frist Name Last Name


Vocabulary To get fit / to tone up / to bulk up / a six pack / to lose weight / a treadmill / an incline / an exercise bike / weights / a barbell / a dumbbell / a rower / sets / abs / reps / calf / to cool down / pecs / to stretch / bicep curls 1. to make ourselves lighter:

2. to make ourselves look more athletic:

3. to give ourselves bigger muscles:

4. to improve our overall levels of physical health:

5. abdominal muscles that you can see on the body clearly:

6. a machine for running:

7. a machine for cycling:

8. a machine that is like a boat that doesn't move:

9. heavy pieces of metal used for lifting:

10. a small metal bar with weight for lifting with one arm:

11. a long metal bar with weights for lifting above the head:

12. a slope or hill:

13. to pull muscles in order to prepare for exercise:

14. an exercise that is repeated a number of times:

15. a number of one exercise that is repeated a number of times with small breaks:

16. an exercise that involves lifting dumbbells with one arm:

17. the muscle on the back of your leg between your knee and ankle:

18. light exercise that you do after sport or hard physical exercise:

19. muscles in your stomach:

20. muscles in your chest:


Are you Psychic? Work in pairs

• Circle one word from the blue choices • Read the text and see if you can guess what the other person wrote • If you are wrong, your partner starts again

This is your chance to try the brand new /innovative / exciting Boxing Athletic Grading System - sample a class, ask questions and find out how you can become a more experienced / stronger / better boxer.

Boxing is a sport which encourages athleticism / coordination / mobility and all the skills that we require to be maintained in life and without taking part in a sport we lose.

Finding a program / sport / class that helps you develop athleticism and boxing skills at the same time with limited availability of time is a challenge we think we have matched.

If you want to become more muscular / fitter / healthier and a better boxer then Boxing Athletic is for you because we provide you with the resources you need to work at your own rhythm to progress.


Translation Ping-Pong .Partner A

English French English French Renforcement

musculaire général Pour tous. Chacun

réalise les exercices à son rythme en fonction de son niveau.

Toning Each session begins with a joint and muscle warm-up to prepare the body for the effort and avoid injuries.

Amélioration de la force et de l’endurance

Quelle tenue pour la pratique des séances de Circuit Training?

Increasing muscle mass

Lightweight sportswear, indoor sneakers, a small towel and a water bottle.

Amélioration de la coordination et des réflexes.

On termine avec étirements et détente.

Against depression

and a decline in self


For who ?

Diminution de la masse grasse

Comment se déroule la séance?


Translation Ping-Pong Partner B

English French English French General muscle strengthening

For everyone. Each person does the exercises at their rhythm and

according to their


Tonification Chaque séance débute par un échauffement articulaire et musculaire afin de préparer le corps à

l’effort et d’éviter les


Improving strength and indurance

Which outfit should I wear for practicing Circuit Training sessions?

Augmentation de la masse musculaire, amincissement

Tenue de sport légère, baskets d’intérieur, petite serviette et bouteille d’eau.

Improving coordination and reflexes

We finish with stretching and relaxation.

Contre la dépression

et la baisse d’estime

de soi

Pour qui ?

Decreasing fat mass What happens during the session?


Can you find the mistakes?

1. She breaked his foot during the entertainment.

2. A physiotherapist uses differents types of treatment for reduce pain.

3. He work with clients during 30 minutes.

4. Sometimes a seance can during one hour.

5. In generally, the coach uses the motivational language.

6. He work in a gym or in a sports centre.

7. Clients are childs or old person for exemple.

8. The methods are different in function of the client.

9. The job consist of help persons with injuries. 10. Sportives sometimes have a date with a physiotherapist.

11. Some technics used are exercices to regain mouvement.

12. The sports coach practices massage.


Class Descriptions : Cardio & Toning

Write the titles above the correct description

TRX Core/ Cardio Conditioning/ Absolute Abs / Total Body Blast / Mid-Day Cardio Jolt / HIIT Bootcamp / 20-20-20 / Zumba /


This challenging High Intensity Interval Training workout is for all levels, and includes athletic strength training and military style drills. Everything from your metabolic rate to your overall mood is positively affected by an early morning workout. Correct movement techniques are stressed and the instructor will show modifications for all levels.


This popular Latin dance-based aerobics class is guaranteed to get your heart racing. A highly motivating class set to great music.


Who needs coffee for that afternoon pick-me-up? Drop into Mid-day Cardio Jolt for one hour of circuit training, weightlifting and cardio. This class promises to give you everything you need to boost you through your day!


This class will focus on developing a stronger and more toned core and body with the use of Total body Resistance eXercise straps accompanied with a mix of core-focused and circuit training exercises. Join Ron on Thursday evenings for an intense and effective workout!


Broken into twenty-minute intervals of sculpting, cardio, and abdominal work/stretching, this class promises a great all around workout targeting those troublesome areas!


15 minutes intensely focused on core strength.


Mark uses a variety of different cardiovascular and muscle strengthening techniques to give your body the challenge it needs.


This cardio class offers a unique blend of cardio, plyometrics, strengthening and sculpting. Total Body Blast is a unique addition to your workout routine, as it will mix things up and help you get the results you've been looking for!


This popular Latin dance-based aerobics class is guaranteed to get your heart racing. A highly motivating class set to great music.


Listening Comprehension 1

BIGOREXIA : Never Buff enough! Reporter: Athar Ahmad

Watch the video and answer the questions.

We will check your answers together.


________________________ people have gym memberships in the UK.

At first look, some of these guys seem like __________________.

1 in 10 are thought to be living with a ____________________ that can destroy their lives. It’s a kind of reverse anorexia.

It’s called Bigorexia. It’s official title is _______________ dysmorphia.

1) What can happen to people who have muscle dysmorphia?

1st story: Radeep (The man with the glasses)

2) What do we find out about Radeep?

3) What do we find out about his day?

2nd story: Mo (The man with a hat in a gym)

4) Who is Mo?

5) What does he think about many of his regulars?

6) How many does he think use steroids in his gym?

3rd story: Sarah (The mother)

7) What do we know about Ollie (Sarah’s son)?

8) What is said about men and women coping with the pressures to look a certain way?

4th story: Sam (The man with long hair)

9) What do we know about Sam?


10) What are the symptoms of bigorexia?


Write 200 words on the following question.

Leave a gap on one line each time.

Do you think bigorexia is a problem in gym culture?

What pressures do men face today?

How can we help men overcome these problems.































Listening Comprehension 2

Sports Marketing & Promotion Ideas

Pour votre examen final vous allez rédiger un texte faisant la promotion d’un évènement dans la structure (nouveau cours, travaux de rénovation, rachat par une franchise, stages pendant les vacances, soirée promotionnelle pour attirer de nouveaux clients, etc.)

Lisez l’exemple ci-dessous et regardez la vidéo. Répondez aux questions et soyez prêt-es à partager vos réponses.

Sports Marketing Campaigns, one example:

The best sports marketing campaigns use imagery to connect emotionally with the audience and a clear message that gets to the heart of the event. The results are campaigns that go viral, spreading like wildfire across the web. Here is one example:

This Girl Can by Sport England

The English Sports Council created the This Girl Can campaign as a way to tackle health issues like obesity through athletics.

They found more men took part in athletic activity than women, mainly due to women’s fear of people judging their image.

This Girl Can featured everyday women doing their fitness routines. And the goal was to motivate other women by example.

As a result, the original video has over 8 million views, with a hashtag that’s still going today. More importantly, it got many more women into sports to improve their health.

Comprehension Questions:

1. Why do less women take part in physical activities?

2. What did the This Girl Can video show?

3. How could this motivate women?


Now watch the video

Comprehension Questions:

Part 1 00:00- 1:03

1. Fill in the blanks

Kate Dale: “This Girl Can” has had an amazing impact. _________________ women have told us that they became

more active as a direct result of seeing the ad. And ________________of those were coming back to exercise for the

first time or after a ________________away.

Vanessa Thomas : When I first saw the advert it stood out as a very ________________ and ________________ video.

They had images and wording in there that were very ________________and ________________ to the typical gym

advert or the typical fitness advert. There were lines like “I jiggle therefore I am” and I think that it’s

________________because it means that women can be comfortable in that kind of ________________

Kate Dale: What I’m proudest of is when I look at ________________and you see the individual tweets and posts

and Facebook posts of women sharing their own images of themselves being active and saying what an impact

it has had on them. Helping ________________sport and physical activity for a whole ________________

2. In your own words. Explain the sentence “I jiggle therefore I am”. What does it mean? How could it help

women gain self-confidence?

Part 2 1:20 –4:40

1. What did a lot of women say?

2. What is very important when you go to a leisure centre?

3. In your own words, summarize what Mark Love says.

Part 3 4:50 – 8:00

1. What do women say they are afraid of when being judged on their appearance?

2. Explain the cultural aspect they talk about.

3. What do women say they are afraid of when being judged on their abilities?

4. What is a delicate issue with women who use the trampoline?


Part 4 9:05 –

1. Fill in the blanks

I offer a fitness class for ________________to come in and exercise with their________________so they don’t have to worry

about ________________and they can meet other mums socially as well and talk about ________________ and what they’re

going through, if they’ve had a bad night or... so it’s really good we sit after the class for a coffee and all the mums

get together.

You want them to have a ________________here and think “Oh, do you know what? I want to come back again. I

enjoyed that, I liked Heather, she gave me some ________________ or whatever. Or they’ll meet some people in the

pool and they’ll see the same people ________________

2. What happened to one lady?


Write 200 words on the following question.

What do you think of the “This Girl Can” marketing campaign?

What did you think of the ideas in the video?

Were there any ideas you liked/disliked?

How would you encourage young women to do more sport?
















10 English Pronunciation Errors by French Speakers

If your mother tongue is French, you may find certain sounds in English more difficult than others.

Here we present to you some of the common errors made by French-speaking students:

1. /r/ & silent ‘r’ French ‘r’ is a voiced uvular fricative /ʁ/, made at the back of the mouth,

English /r/ is an alveolar approximant made near the front of the mouth – not to be confused:

right red lorry great Red lorry yellow lorry

French speakers tend to say each written ‘r’, but in UK English you don’t pronounce an ‘r’ if it is before a consonant:

Four thirty in the afternoon. Are you ready to iron the armchair cover?

2. Vowel rounding Many French centre and front vowels use rounded lips, whereas in English

they would be made with neutral lips – the sound is very different:

The first thing I heard was a scream.

3. th French does not contain dental fricatives θ or ð, speakers often replace these with /s/ and /z/:

We’ll see them on Thursday, I think. Theo supported Arthur through thick and thin.

There are two sounds for the Th. There is either a smooth sound or a popped sound.

Both are made from the basic TH position: the tongue is slightly between the teeth in a

relaxed position.

The smooth sound of TH is only used with common words. Begin by using this list:

that this there then those these though other rather mother father they


Most words that begin with Th are pronounced with the more known popped sound.

The tongue is between the teeth and the sound pops out as the tongue is pulled


think thistle thought thank you thin thick thrust thermometer theory

4. h The glottal fricative /h/ does not exist in French, it does in English:

house home holiday Harry

5. /ɪ/ vs. /i:/ French has just one close front vowel [i], English has two: /ɪ/ and /i:/ – /ɪ/ should

be made with a slightly lower jaw, but French speakers often just use the one

position for these vowels:

ship / sheep fit / feet rid / read hill/ heel ill / eel

6. Word Stress French tends to stress the last syllable of a long word, English does not:

father corruption absolutely computer information

7. Intonation French has a very unique melody – it is often flat and high with rising patterns.

English is generally uses falling patterns more and has a greater difference in stress:


Where do you think we should go? (various possible stresses can change the

meaning) I don’t see how it is that important.

8. Open vowels /æ/ vs /ɑ:/ French contains one open vowel unrounded: [a], English contains

2: /æ/ (cat) /ɑ:/ (cart) so French often use the French [a] instead:

hat heart ham harm had hard

9. Diphthong ‘o’ French does not use diphthong (double) vowel sounds, so they often come out a bit flat:

Don’t go to the show. Peter ate all our wholemeal rolls

10. Affricate Consonant /dʒ/ French speakers often miss the beginning plosive sound in English affricates:

/dʒ/: James general job agent


A few difficult words to pronounce for French speakers of English.

Thorough and Through The ‘th’ sound doesn’t exist in French, and how could you know that

“fuh-ruh” and “froo” “ough” is pronounced differently in both words!

Beach “beech” not bitch!

Hedgehog “hedge-hog” Actually pronounced as written, but still a bit of a mouthful for French speakers!

Jewellery “jool-ry” Is a tricky one with the confusing ‘w’ and extra ‘e’ to confuse French speakers.

Squirrel “sque-rul” A word that is notoriously difficult for French speakers to say

Rural “roar-rul” Another English word that is not pronounced anything like it’s written…

Clothes “clo-f-s” Such a simple word, but French speakers struggle with the ‘th’ in the middle of the

word, along with the ‘es’ and often pronounce it more like “clos-is”.

Crisps “k-risp-s” Yes this isn’t easy for French speakers to wrap their tongues round either. It must be

something to do with the ‘ps” sound at the end.

Angry and hungry These words are easily mixed up but as long as you pronounce the ‘h’ in

“ang-ree” “hung-ree” hungry, you should make yourself clear which emotion you are referring to.

Work and walk Again, two simple words that are often confused because of a very similar

“wer-k” qnd “worl-k” pronunciation. ‘walk’ is almost pronounced as ‘work’ looks like it should be!

the Short E Sound PRACTICE READING Measurements for the House

When my husband and I bought our new house, we took measurements of every room. Again and again, we

measured the rooms to make sure we would not have problems with any furniture. I held one end of the measuring

tape and my husband held the other. Sometimes we would measure to the center of the room, then the other half.

It was interesting because I never knew how large square footage really was. Soon we were ready to bring our

furniture sets. Luckily, my husband and I had several special sets, different from each other. For example, I had a

living room set and he had a bedroom set. We tested each large piece of furniture in one or two rooms, then let the

movers head home. We had to change a few things ourselves, but overall, our move went very well. We now have a

small, yellow house with plenty of furniture.

* Many E sounds reduce-- every = evree; interest = intrest; several = sevrul.

Long A and short E sounds: Long A and Short E are similar. Both are made with the mouth in a somewhat

rectangular shape. With long A, the lips are wide and with Short E, the lips are relaxed. Long A is actually longer than

Short E as well. We hold the Long A sound a bit, and we say the Short E sound quickly.

Age / edge bade / bed raid / red bail / bell tail / tell sail / sell fail / fell

Whale / well main / men pain / pen baste / best taste / test waste / west bait / bet


Minimal Pairs for French Speakers

ɪ i: - h z ð -k -g eɪ e

ship sheep eat heat zen then pick pig pain pen

it eat eight hate whizz with duck dug saint sent

hit heat art heart breeze breathe back bag tail tell

bin bean eye high bays bathe lock log waste west

live leave old hold close clothe dock dog chased chest

s θ ɔ: əʊ -t -d æ ʌ t θ

sin thin walk woke heart hard cat cut tin thin

sum thumb tore toe plate played ankle uncle tank thank

sank thank law low bet bed ran run true threw

sink think more mow bought bored drank drunk tree three

saw thaw pork poke hurt heard match much taught thought

ʃ tʃ u: ʊ ʒ dʒ

shoes choose fool full - joke mood mud

sheep cheap pool pull - James boot but

wash watch school bull - gene boon bun

mash cash

match catch

- jealous food bud

PRACTICE: Try saying the nonsense phrases below to your partner. They can remove points for

each mis- pronunciation. (Start with 10 points, and take it it turns to say each phrase.)

The sheep that lives on a ship heats beans, eats them and leaves.

I hate his art with all my heart. The eyes are too high, and he is too old to hold a brush.

I close my eyes, breathe in the breeze, remove my clothes and bathe in the bays. My thoughts stop whizzing

through my brain, and then I am “zen”.

Can I have my bag back? I want to pick a pig and lock the dog to a log. The duck dug a hole in the

dock. I’ll tell you a tale of a saint sent West. He had a pain in this chest, as he chased his pen.

I think I saw the thin thumb thaw in the sink. Thank God it sank!

When I wake, I walk, and poke the pork with my toe. I mow the low lawn more now; it’s the law.

I was bored and bought a plate and played with it on my bed. I bet you heard that my hard heart hurt.

My drunk uncle drank so much before the match the cat cut his ankle and ran away. “Run” cried my funny fat

aunt. I thought you taught that they threw the three thin trees into a tin tank.

The sheep chose cheap shoes. Did you catch the match? I paid cash to watch them eat

mash. Only a fool would pull a bull into a full pool at school.

Is Julie jealous of James’ jokes?


Long and short vowel sounds

Short vowels

The most common sound for each vowel is its “short” sound:

• ă, pronounced /æ/ as in apple, pan, or mat,

• ĭ, pronounced /ɪ/ as in insect, pin, or mitt,

• ĕ, pronounced /ɛ/ as in elephant, pen, or met,

• ŏ, pronounced /ɒ/ as in octopus, ostrich, upon, or motto,

• ŭ, pronounced /ʌ/ as in umbrella, pun, or mutt.

When syllables end in a vowel and then consonant (as in the examples above), the vowel is usually short. If

there is more than one consonant, the vowel is almost always short.

This becomes important as a way to keep the same vowel sound when adding -ed to put a verb into the

past tense. We often double an ending consonant to keep a short vowel short. For example, the past tense

of 'stop' is 'stopped.' Otherwise the silent 'e' rule below (which also applies when followed by 'd') would

give it a long 'o' sound like soap or hope.

See the Simple Past Tense explanation of spelling changes.

Long vowels

The alphabet sounds (when the vowel “says its name”) are called “long vowels.” Long A (ā),

pronounced /eɪ/ as in late or mate,

• Long E (ē), pronounced /iː/ as in eat or meat (or meet or mete-- all

pronounced the same),

• Long I (ī), pronounced /aɪ/ as in mite or might,

• Long O (ō), pronounced /oʊ/ as in oats, mote or moat, and

• Long U (ū), pronounced /juː/ in mute.

Silent ‘E’ Rule: When a vowel and consonant are followed by an ‘e’, the ‘e’ is almost always silent, but it

causes the preceding vowel to be long. (Examples: ate, plane, Pete, bite, nine, rope, note, cube, flute.)

Other Long Vowels: A vowel at the end of a syllable is almost always long. Examples: I, we, he, she, go,

try, potato and tomato. (Some English speakers use a short ‘a’ in the 2nd syllable, while others use a long

‘a,’ but both ‘o’s are long for everyone.)

-Igh and -ight are usually long I (and silent GH): bright, fight, high, light, might, night, right, sigh, sight,


Often the first letter of the vowel combinations, especially ‘ai’, ‘ay’, ‘ea’, ‘ee’, & ‘oa,’ will be long & the

second will be silent. (An old rhyme for children says “when 2 vowels go walking, the first does the

talking.”) So ’plain’ sounds just like ‘plane,' ‘meat’ and ‘meet’ like ‘mete,’ etc.


Pronunciation mazes: I


You must get from the top left box to the bottom right box by moving to a square which has the same vowel

sound somewhere in the word. You can move up, down, left or right

Long 'I' sound

Bite kite kitten pitta instant

hit alive shy incident twin

hill knickers knife ill tiger

bitten survive island pill cygnet

right survival sunny pimple imbecile

site twinkle wifi hype pie

sight rewind tight hippy sky

kink window timber whistle white

Short ‘I’ sound

Bit kitten magazine receive sign

kite rabbit wanted hyper lime

design cyber pimple silver earlier

wine whine pie important time

shine dolphin symbol simulate sight

talking think slide dial dimension

ill ration bio pint China

rabid ring twitter women hit


Pronunciation mazes: A


You must get from the top left box to the bottom right box by moving to a square which has the same vowel sound somewhere in the word. You can move up, down, left or right

Long 'a' sound

Bake batton said an avocado

retake watt player answer blame

wait what mad black add

make nap maid persuade aid

today tuna plate hula hey

way wallow trait tackle renovate

weigh decant bacon wash wait

delay cake plain plan Made

Short ‘a’ sound

Map snack fad tan call

marble ancient atrium battle pain

taken mark actually band small

chase say back careless shade

day has at basement spade

cane can maze wall pace

pawn anti clap slapper Alaska

sale tail whale pronunciation Apple


Pronunciation mazes: E


You must get from the top left box to the bottom right box by moving to a square which has the same vowel sound somewhere in the word. You can move up, down, left or right

Long 'e' sound

See beep ship entangle estimate

set placebo conceited breakfast gesture

rented concert sheep tent frozen

sew eagle magazine entertain fleet

new scene envelope desk zen

tween me mental check vet

cantine send barbie relay money

fifteen tea deep depth Team

Short ‘e’ sound

Egg easel beep fever scene

ten omlette weapon when generate

teal congeal cheap genius pencil

check cheese forseen reset broken

dean gangrene estuary jest keel

me Easter blemish bleeding emblem

queen seasonal went sheen need

bean meat tender letter Bed


Pronunciation mazes: O


You must get from the top left box to the bottom right box by moving to a square which has the same vowel sound

somewhere in the word. You can move up, down, left or right

Long 'o' sound

Hope soap ocean popper portray

offal octave oats oven won

foal shoal remote orange donkey

ozone office osprey snort rotten

opaque bow sew snorkel often

cottage bounty token soup song

poo oxygen float emotion toe

shot pong nonsence tongue Wrote

Short ‘o’ sound

Hop oval open money board

bottom know below polish tone

not what oval monkey wonky

choose orange topper told mop

coop wove kumquat bold cotton

cop loose chopping lots lotion

moat pop go spot zoom

lost zone booze boss Rot


Pronunciation mazes: U


You must get from the top left box to the bottom right box by moving to a square which has the same vowel sound

somewhere in the word. You can move up, down, left or right

Long 'u' sound

You cube huge bug umpire

cut putter beautiful button underware

pluck underneath youth university wonder

tusk duck unless mutation fluff

dew puddle few amuse enough

gut brung unicorn bust chum

run numb argue trusting fun

ruin punt rescue value Cute

Short ‘u’ sound

Tub tube touch youthful pug

rubber use bum full guppy

young dumb unique utility nut

arguement enough fluffy pub universe

hug universal valuable crumbling bundle

tubby bundle Uber beauty umbrella

sung cuddle understand younger won

sun bun uncle under cut




Semestre 3

Surname: First name:

Student number :

The exam is in 3 parts :

i) Listening comprehension 20 points ii) Vocabulary 10 points iii) Writing 10 points

i) Listening Comprehension

Part 1 00:00 - 1:01

1. Fill in the blanks

Full body workouts are one of the best routines for muscle growth and regardless of your training and experience. They not only enable you to optimize your training frequency and recovery during the week but are also time _ . And in this case only requiring workouts per week. However, in order to maximize the benefits of a full body workout routine you need to adequately all of your major muscle groups within each workout. You need to do so in a balanced manner so that your muscles grow and strengthen proportionally over

Part 2 1:00- 01:41

2. What will the full body workout consist of? Give as many details as possible.

3. What can you download after the video?




Part 3 01:41- 02:47

4. What is the barbell bench press responsible for?

5. What will it emphasise?

6. Why was the bench press chosen?

7. Fill in the blanks

I most cases, a strong does indeed equate to a strong


ii) Vocabulary

Give the correct term for the following definitions

1. to pull muscles in order to prepare for exercise:

2. an exercise that is repeated a number of times:

3. a number of one exercise that is repeated a number of times with small breaks:

4. an exercise that involves lifting dumbbells with one arm:

5. the muscle on the back of your leg between your knee and ankle:

6. light exercise that you do after sport or hard physical exercise:

7. muscles in your stomach:

8. muscles in your chest:

9. a machine for cycling:

10. a machine that is like a boat that doesn't move:



ii) Writing

Write a paragraph presenting a fitness class or gym. 150 words.

Please leave a space of one line each time.


Réalisation de l’exercice et traitement du sujet (4


Recevabilité linguistique (6 points)

0 pt : rédaction en français / consigne non respectée / hors sujet / contresens

0 pt : inintelligible / lexique indigent / erreurs récurrentes de grammaire élémentaire

0,5- 2 pts : prend en compte la question posée mais y

répond de façon superficielle et / ou incomplète

0,5-2,5 pt : compréhension possible malgré des erreurs

fréquentes / lexique limité / syntaxe peu élaborée

2,5 – 3 pts : message articulé et nuancé pertinent par rapport à la question posée

2,5 – 4 pts : erreurs occasionnelles / vocabulaire assez riche / syntaxe correcte

3,25-4 pts : discours articulé, argumenté, informé ;

exprime un point de vue personnel pertinent

4,25 – 6 pts : erreurs rares / vocabulaire riche /

syntaxe élaborée / capacité à nuancer




Semestre 3

I. Vocabulary [10 points]

One word is wrong in each sentence

Say which word is incorrect and give a better word.

For example:

Yesterday I hate three meals yesterday. Wrong word : hate

Better word : ate

1. I do intensive entertaining every two days and every other day I rest my muscles.

Wrong word:

Better word :

2. I really like cycling but my favourite activity is musculation.

Wrong word:

Better word:

3. In my gym we have a hammam, a swimming pool with several vestiaries and a diving board.

Wrong word:

Better word:

4. We offer several different options for people who want to sign up to our gym : the cheapest abonnement starts

at 20 euros a month.

Wrong word :

Better word :

5. I grew up in a very sportif family, my sister is a tennis champion.

Wrong word:

Better word:

6. Hevery day I try to improve my cardio and eat healthily

Wrong word :

Better word:

7. At 18 I usually go for a jog around the prairies next to my home

Wrong word :

Better word :

8. We are closed on bank holidays but we’re usual opening times are 6am to midnight.

Wrong word:

Better word:

9. Our yoga seance lasts an hour and a half, but we have more intensive courses on offer too.

Wrong word:

Better word:


10. Welcome in our fitness centre. How can I be of assistance to you?

Wrong word: Better word:

II. Listening Comprehension [20 points]

Listen to the audio document and answer the questions

1. Fill in the blanks

Female journalist : The two men you’re about to meet set about chasing an image of ___________________, building

their daily lives around ___________________ and dramatically pushing their bodies to ____________________. But

for one of these men, the obsession went way ____________________. Here’s ABCs Gio Benitez.

Gino Benitez : Washboard ____________________. Chiselled ___________________Nearly 200 pounds of pure

muscle. What’s your _________________?

David Lade: 6 2

Gino Benitez : _______________?

David Lade: 192

Gino Benitez : _______________?

David Lade: Probably like 12, 13

2. What do we learn about David Lade?

3. David was desperate for a change so what did he do?

4. How many views does his transformation video have on Youtube?

5. What do we learn about his daily routine?

6. What is the play on words they use to describe what he does?

7. Fill in the blanks

Today videos of young men like David __________________ and __________________ have millions of views

giving a new crop of scrawny _________________ advice on how to get bigger, __________________. But for some,

the desire to bulk up can just as easily be an ________________ leading some young men down a

_____________________ path, compulsively dieting and working out, never _______________ quite big enough.


III. Writing [10 points]

Your manager has asked you to organise an event at your gym. Write a short text (200 words) promoting the event.

Here are some elements to consider:

Who? Who is the target audience?




What equipment?

Remember to use persuasive language to attract new clients!


Réalisation de l’exercice et traitement du sujet (4 points) Recevabilité linguistique (6 points)

0 pt : rédaction en français / consigne non respectée / hors

sujet / contresens

0 pt : inintelligible / lexique indigent / erreurs récurrentes de

grammaire élémentaire

1 pts : prend en compte la question posée mais y répond de

façon superficielle et / ou incomplète

1-3 pt : compréhension possible malgré des erreurs

fréquentes / lexique limité / syntaxe peu élaborée

1-3 pts : message articulé et nuancé pertinent par rapport à la

question posée

3– 4 pts : erreurs occasionnelles / vocabulaire assez riche /

syntaxe correcte

3-4 pts : discours articulé, argumenté, informé ; exprime un

point de vue personnel pertinent

4 – 6 pts : erreurs rares / vocabulaire riche / syntaxe élaborée

/ capacité à nuancer



Common questions at the gym.

I. From your experience what are the most common questions asked at the gym?

1. –

2. –

3. –

4. –

5. –

6. –

7. –

8. –

9. –

10. –

What is the strangest question you have ever had at the gym?


What is the most annoying question you are asked?


What is the most difficult question you have had to answer?


Now choose five of the questions and answer them


At the Gym Dialogue – Trainer

Alternately dictate your lines of the conversation until both of you have the entire dialogue. If you need, use clarification strategies during the dictation : -Could you please repeat that? -Please speak slowly. -How do you spell that? -Is this right? Then practice the dialogue together. Trainer : Good morning! Customer: __________________________ Trainer: Welcome to ZigZag Gym, how can we help you? Customer: __________________________ Trainer: What do you want to accomplish? Customer: __________________________ Trainer: What areas bother you the most? Customer: __________________________ Trainer: That's fairly routine. How old are you? Customer: __________________________ Trainer: Do you work out at the gym? Customer: __________________________ Trainer: That's good cardio and you don't look too out of shape. Customer: __________________________ Trainer: We can work on that. I can set up a weight routine for you. Customer: __________________________ Trainer: I would recommend three times per week to start. You should begin to see results in about six weeks? Customer: __________________________ Trainer: Well it all depends on you. If you watch your food intake not too much junk food or alcohol, then you will definitely begin to see results in about six weeks. Customer: __________________________ Trainer: Stick to the routine I give you and your belly fat should disappear. Customer: __________________________ Trainer: No. The type of weight training I do will take care of the belly fat. Customer: __________________________


At the Gym Dialogue - customer

Alternately dictate your lines of the conversation until both of you have the entire dialogue. If you need, use clarification strategies during the dictation : -Could you please repeat that? -Please speak slowly. -How do you spell that? -Is this right? Then practice the dialogue together. Trainer : __________________________ Customer: Hello, good morning! Trainer: __________________________ Customer: I need some personal training. Trainer: __________________________ Customer: I'd like to tone up and add some muscle mass. Trainer: __________________________ Customer: I'd like to get rid of my belly and build some muscle in my chest and arms. Trainer: __________________________ Customer: Twenty-five. Trainer: __________________________ Customer: On and off. I do a lot of biking. I ride every day to work. Trainer: __________________________ Customer: Yes my cardio is good but I'm a little small in the chest and arms. Trainer: __________________________ Customer: How long would I have to lift weights to see results? Trainer: __________________________ Customer: You're not sure? Trainer: __________________________ Customer: And what about my belly? Trainer: __________________________ Customer: I don't have to do any special routine? Trainer: __________________________ Customer: Great! Where do I sign up?


Role Play in pairs:

Person A : You want to enrol at a gym

You want to enrol at a gym and you need to get some information about the services they offer. Here are some of the things you need to think about.

Sports you want to practice:

Days of the week : Time:

Need a personal coach?

You also want to ask about

Timetable of the sport you choose

Additional facilities


Anything else you think may be important

Person B: You work at a gym

You work at a gym and some new people want to become new members.

Think about the information you can offer.

Name of the gym:

Price of the subscription £….. per month

Services provided by the gym:

Opening times:

Sports that can be practiced :

Pool :Indoor/ outdoor

Personal trainer service : yes/no

Additional facilities: Free car parking / Individual showers/Bar …