CSHS P&C Association Inc · 170313_General_Meeting_Minutes_complete.pdf ... Review vouchers...


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CSHS P&C Association Inc

170508 CSHS P&C General MeetingWhen 08 May 2017 at 19:30

Location: Staffroom, Staffroom

Chairperson Zina Cordery


Brendon Flaherty

Present David Bennett , Marina Biddle , Sian Burgess , Brad Caldwell , Rachel Clegg , ZinaCordery (President, ICT Coordinator), Halgart Du Preez , Valerie Everett , BrendonFlaherty (Secretary), Dave Fudge , Jenni Giacomel (Music Parents Representative) ,Katrina Grose (Treasurer), Rachel Harch , Carlyn Hochstadt , Lucy Hristianopoulos ,Neil Hunt , Gill Kenny , Chris Knott , Sarah Langham (Uniform Shop Coordinator) ,Monica Lee , Jane Powell (Communications), Kathy Putt , Emma Raine , Janet Ryan(Good2Grow Coordinator), Adrienne Silsbury , Niccola Sweeney , Natalia Tasovac ,Andrew Winton

Apologies Andrea Cole , Tanya Crewe , Damien Cronin , Richard Currie , Anita haar Bellekom ,Annie Halse-Smith , Leanne Hymus , William Lin , Kelly Lyndon , Corrine McLeod ,Chris Porteous (Vice President, School Board Representative) , Marcus Ward ,Rebecca Ward


1. WelcomeZina welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2. Confirmation of Minutes of Previous MeetingThe minutes from the previous meeting had been previously circulated.


DecisionThe minutes of the general meeting on 13 March 2017 were moved, voted &ACCEPTED.

3. CorrespondenceC17006 - Black Swan Theatre Company - Advice of Production "Endgame"C17007 - Hewitt Studios Photography - Fundraising proposal with 4 x Gift Vouchers

TasksC17007 - Review vouchers & consider action - Use for Quiz Night? Write a thank you letter.Assignee: Zina CorderyDue date: 19 May 2017

4. President's ReportZina presented her written report.


5. ChaplaincyGill introduced has joined the Cambridge Youthcare Council with their role primarily forfundraising for chaplains at the school.Gill then introduced Andrew Winton who is one of the three chaplains at CSHS.

5.1. Meet the Chaplain - Andrew WintonAndrew has been at Churchlands for three years now and is one of three Chaplainswith Susan Smith and Narelle ClarkThe support service that they provide is for students, staff & parents:

80% of work is now mental health therefore additional training has beennecessaryA single day for each Chaplain might include - a parent struggling with difficultkids, suicidal thoughts by students, a teacher having troubles, personal losses,distressed students, etcThe system is mostly one to one counsellingThe job is not to provide religious viewpoint, but a caring oneOverall the network at the school includes the teachers, heads of years,psychologists and chaplains and it works very well.

Neil Hunt added that the crisis counselling in recent times had been exceptional andhelped many families at the school through very difficult times.Funding comes from:

Education Department - approximately two daysP&C donations - $20,000 this yearFundraising by the local churches through the Cambridge Youthcare CouncilThe balance as provided from the school budget up to the level decided by theschool.

Some fundraising events were scheduled for this year and Andrew welcomedeveryone to get involved:

Concert - 17 June Chaplains Dinner - 12 August Wembley District Fair - 28 OctoberChaplains Quiz Night - 4 Nov

Look out for details of these events soon.

6. Principal's ReportNeil presented his written report.With the recent change of Government, school planning is now uncertain and we have tokeep options open re more classes, staff, etc.Boundary changes need to be gazetted for several years, but nothing advised yet...The Churchlands Foundation has raised about $500k for the new solar panesl. The issue reon-selling of green certificates to maximise the benefits to the school may force a reductionfrom 400kw to 200kw. The school will determine best tenderer.


DecisionMoved, voted & ACCEPTED that the P&C write a letter to the new Premier of WA to "expressour concern that the proposed plans for the new secondary school will not alleviate thepressure of excess numbers that Churchlands is experiencing in a timely manner".

7. Treasurer's ReportKatrina presented her written report.We now have over $300,000 in bank accounts earning no interest and we need to open a newTerm Deposit account.


DecisionMoved, voted & ACCEPTED that the P&C open a new Term Deposit Account andmove excess funds to earn a better interest rate.

TasksOpen the new Term Deposit Account with the same signatories as the rest of the P&Caccounts.Assignee: Katrina GroseDue date: 26 May 2017

7.1. Spending Requests & SuggestionsTwo requests for funding had been received from teachers via the Finance Committee

1. Design & tech $1600 for a domino biscuit machine2. Sensors for the data loggers - $11000

P&C needs to develop a strategy on what should be the funded at any time.170508_Funding_-_Design_Tech.PDF170508_Funding_-_Sensors.PDF

DecisionMoved, voted & ACCEPTED to fund the two submissions.

TasksPrepare a Funding Strategy for review

8. CommunicationsNo reportPlease follow the Facebook page for up to date information.

9. Music Parents' ReportJenni presented her written report.A blue esky and trestle table have gone missing from the music department if anyone knowswhere they might be.


10. Uniform ShopSarah presented her written report.A number of annoying issues are persisting so Sarah will try to meet with Arlene ThomasASAP & thereafter monthly to resolve these:

Hooks & mirrors in the changing roomshanging space for accessorieshanging the display dummiesAccess holes through the counter for the computer cablesFront door lock operationDecision regarding an acceptable step ladder

Sole access to the storage room in the gym to be finalised with Chris van Maanen.

Small sized polar fleeces are still in very limited supply and an email will be sent out asking forany donations as the weather cools. The supplier is being pushed to accelerate supply due totheir errors.


TasksMeet with Arlene Thomas to finalise outstanding shop issues ASAPAssignee: Sarah LanghamDue date: 19 May 2017

10.1. Uniforms West Proposal to take over uniformsAn email had been received from Uniforms West proposing to take over the UniformShop. Not enough detail had been provided to make a full assessment of theproposal, but the meeting was generally against outsourcing.

DecisionMoved, voted & REJECTED any suggestion of outsourcing the management of theUniform Shop.

11. Community Art Exhibition (Friday 26 - Sunday 28 May)Sian presented her written report.Since she wrote her report, entries had risen to 175 and this was expected to climb further asthe date grew closer.Volunteers were being sought to assist with hanging artworks on Friday 26th.


12. HealthChris Knott gave his report - The "Act Belong Commit" campaign to join with HealthcommitteeFirst breakfast had been held with 80 kids being fed. It is open to all They would like to spend some money on banners or a marquee and will provide a proposalfor the next meetingABC will be launched with with Fun Run on 17 May.The next meeting of the Health team will be at midday on Mon 15th in meeting room.

13. School BoardNo meeting has been held, so no report.

14. ICTNo report

15. Quiz Night (Friday 4 August)Kathy Putt presented her written report.Volunteers were needed to help both before and during the event - The theme was to be:Reduce, Re-use, Recycle and hopefully this would also mean that everyone took their ownrubbish home.The suggestion was made that the funds raised should go directly to the Chaplaincy.

TasksConsider and agree on whether the funds from the Quiz Night should be allocated to theChaplaincy. Review at next Exec meeting.Assignee: Brendon FlahertyDue date: 22 May 2017

16. Good2Grow (Saturday 9 September)Janet presented her report.First meeting of the committee will be around 31 May and they were wanting as manypeople as possible including Arlene Thomas to attend.An email will be going out inviting interested people.

17. FatheringBrad presented his report.The Fathering Project had started at UWA with the intent to help dads connect to their kids.Individual memberships are available if you want plus school group sessions - There are 3types - information sessions with speaker from the Fathering Project, guest speakers, or dad& kid eventsPlanning an event for Tuesday 20 June but will need to check with Claire Curtis or NawalKurson re the date - $5 or $10 per dad?Events also in terms 3 & 4 as well and T1 2018Brad will present a proposal to next Exec meeting on 22 MaySee www.thefatheringproject.org for more information.Possible T3 event - lawn bowls, ten pin bowling - paint ball? Andrew Winton was involved in the original setup (check in)

18. Next meeting - 12 June7:30 pm in the school Staffroom.Meeting closed at 9:31 pm.

End of minutes.Summary of matters arising are tabled on the following page.

Minutes of 170508 CSHS P&C General Meeting on 08May 2017Summary of Matters Arising


Item Decision

2. The minutes of the general meeting on 13 March 2017 were moved, voted &ACCEPTED.

6. Moved, voted & ACCEPTED that the P&C write a letter to the new Premier of WA to"express our concern that the proposed plans for the new secondary school will notalleviate the pressure of excess numbers that Churchlands is experiencing in a timelymanner".

7. Moved, voted & ACCEPTED that the P&C open a new Term Deposit Account andmove excess funds to earn a better interest rate.

7.1 Moved, voted & ACCEPTED to fund the two submissions.

10.1 Moved, voted & REJECTED any suggestion of outsourcing the management of the UniformShop.


Item Task Assigned to Due date

3. C17007 - Review vouchers & consider action - Use forQuiz Night? Write a thank you letter.

Zina Cordery 19 May 2017

7. Open the new Term Deposit Account with the samesignatories as the rest of the P&C accounts.

Katrina Grose 26 May 2017

7.1 Prepare a Funding Strategy for review

10. Meet with Arlene Thomas to finalise outstanding shopissues ASAP

Sarah Langham 19 May 2017

15. Consider and agree on whether the funds from theQuiz Night should be allocated to the Chaplaincy.Review at next Exec meeting.

Brendon Flaherty 22 May 2017

Summary of Attachments


Item File Name

2. 170313_General_Meeting_Minutes_complete.pdf

4. 170508_President_Report.pdf

6. 170508_Principal_Report.pdf

7. 170508_Treasurer_Report.pdf

7.1. 170508_Funding_-_Design_Tech.PDF170508_Funding_-_Sensors.PDF

9. 170508_MPC_Report.pdf

10. 170508_Uniform_Shop_Report.pdf

11. 170508_Art_Exhibition.pdf

Attachments can be found under your TidyHQ admin account at:Storage > Meetings > 170508 CSHS P&C General Meeting

08052017 - Zina Cordery

P&C President’s report Welcome back to term 2 for the P&C.

I attended the opening night of the the school musical - The Sound of Music. It was a wonderful performance by the students involved, the actors, musicians, backstage support, teachers, other staff and the supportive parents. The audience was thrilled by the student's performance and i'm sure the other performances over the weekend were received just as well. Congratulations to all involved.

Most other issues that we have been working on are progressing well.

Unfortunately the Uniform Shop still has two issues that are still unresolved.


The storage issue is still unresolved. MaryRose is working with Mr Van Maan to free up the adjacent store room for the storage of stock. Hopefully that will be done within the next two weeks.


The internet is still not active at the uniform shop. We have had to move to a NBN account for the internet as the ADSL system is being phased out. But we have had a problem that we cannot find the connection for where the modem needed to be plugged into the service. We had a NBN technician come today and he was able to find the connection. We are waiting for the external service providers to connect this external connection to the school’s system so we can plug in the modem and get online.

Sarah’s report from the Uniform Shop will also touch on these points.

A parent approached me at the yr7 BBQ and mentioned that she was concerned as to the state of the toilets and that her child didn't feel comfortable going to the toilet. She has offered to work with the school to collect photos and present to the next meeting so we can decide with the school what should happen about this.

I would also like to take the opportunity to remind all involved with the P&C that we are a volunteer organisation and that if parents have any matters to raise with any of the position holders of the P&C, they are to use formal lines of communication through email to identify who they are and what their concerns are. They should be voiced in a respectful and considerate manner.

Looking forward to all the good work that all our members are involved with this year.

P&C Principals Report May 8, 2017


1. The document with this title was released by the Government in January of this year and can be found at https://www.markmcgowan.com.au/files/Education_Central.pdf

2. This provides us with a combination of certainty and uncertainty. The one certain fact is that the City Beach proposal will now not go ahead. The uncertainty now lies on two fronts. We now know that there is a proposed new inner city GATE school scheduled to open in 2020 with an associated “new Perth Modern School” also scheduled to have its first LIA Year 7 intake in 2020. The uncertainty lies in a concern that there is a chance that this schedule may be difficult to meet which will then place an additional year of pressure on the Churchlands SHS site.

3. The second area of uncertainty is in the proposed operations of the LIA boundaries (yet to be finalised). On reading the documentation, Churchlands will have to accept students from outside of its new LIA if they previously resided within our current LIA which will no doubt include almost all of the new LIA for Perth Modern School. The uncertainty is will 100% of students in the new LIA for Perth Mod attend Perth Mod or will only 50% attend Perth Mod, or will it be somewhere in between. This clearly will create massive constraints on our ability to forecast enrolment numbers, which impacts on recruitment, timetableling and the provision of classrooms. The human resource implications together with financial concerns will be sorely tested.


1. Currently we are planning for major assessments through much of term 2. The first of these is the NAPLAN tests in Numeracy, Reading, writing, spelling and comprehension which will carried out for all year 7 and 9 students (around 950 students) this week (commencing on May 8). As students can meet their numeracy and Literacy standards required for graduation by scoring sufficiently high in the numeracy, Reading and Writing components of the NAPLAN these tests become more important.

2. As soon as NAPLAN is over the mid semester exams begin with all practical exams held in week 4 followed by a 2-week (weeks 5 and 6) timetable suspension for upper school written exams.

3. For lower school Year 8 exams are held in week 5 and Year 9and 10 exams are in week 6. 4. Teachers are then heavily involved in marking, moderating through cross marking, entering

raw data from which Heads of Learning Areas will determine cut off scores for grades. Then teachers enter report comments, which are compiled checked, copied for filing and finally made available for distribution at the end of the term. Perhaps this explains why term 2 is always the most stressful period in the life of a teacher.


1. It would be remiss of me not to acknowledge the outstanding production of “The Sound of Music” over four performances from May 4 to May 6. Student vocalists were outstanding and the work and commitment of teachers Mrs Padley, Mrs Sutherland and Mr Sealey was an absolute credit to their professionalism. There were many other support students and teachers who made this an incredible school event.

2. So far this term we have also run the Coral Bay Camp for around 70 students, had amazing attendance and contributions to the Relay for Life event, conducted a memorable ANZAC service with the full school, conducted a World Challenge training camp and participated in a very successful Year 7 lightning Carnival.


1. Driving down Lucca street this term you would have noticed an acre of flattened yellow sand where our old gymnasium used to be. Subterranean works have already commenced on the new technology centre plus additional parking in this and is scheduled for completion early December this year. All current buildings remain on target for handover on July 14.

2. Additional works have been scheduled to upgrade the Junior Secondary administration area and to convert the utility room G7 to a second Dance/drama room. There is also planning underway to convert the Dance Utility room at the top of the stairs into a series of offices which will host a new health centre, Community Service centre and our Relief Coordinator’s office. Construction of all of these works is scheduled for June 1 with completion date the same as the Technology centre.

3. The Churchlands Foundation has been raising funds to create between a 200 and 400 kilowatt solar system array to subsidise our energy costs. At a meeting yesterday it was agreed to put out a dual tender, one of 200 kilowatts and the other of 400 Kilowatts, then depending on quotes, we will determine which bests suits the school. Churchlands has become a Department of Education trial school for this project.

Churchlands Senior High School Parents' and Citizens' Association Inc

Treasurer’s report

8 May 2017

For the months of March and April 2017


General operations

Entry fees from 21 artists had been received to the end of April, and some expenses for the art

exhibition, to be held later this month, had been paid. The net cost of general P&C operations was

$2,700 and $1,220 for March and April respectively, and the year to date loss is $12,490.

Uniform shop

New uniform sales for the year to date total $148k and are $4k ahead of the same period last year, and

gross profit is up $30k or 60% (due to accounting treatment of leavers jackets last year). The uniform

shop is currently holding stock valued at $131k. Year to date profit is $33.684.

Music parents committee (MPC)

Parking and sausage sizzle fundraising activities were carried out in March and April, and in March the

MPC donated $17,500 to the School of Music for equipment purchases, out of carried forward profits

from previous years. Year to date loss (after this donation) is $14,389.

Building fund

Funds from parent donations were received at the end of April totalling $78,531. At 30 April 2017 the

building fund has cash totalling $328,622.

A summary of year to date profit (to 30 April 2017) is as follows:

Art exhibition -$83

Building fund $79,567

General -$12,490

MPC -$14,389

Sundowner $336

Uniform shop $33,684

Total $86,625

Balance sheet

Key balance sheet balances at 30 April 2017 are as follows:

Total cash $644,371

Employee liabilities $315

Net assets $760,221

Katrina Grose

P&C Treasurer

7 May 2017

Churchlands Senior High School Parents' and Citizens' Association Inc

Balance sheet

As at 30 April 2017


Current assets

Petty cash 880

Cash at bank - general operations 311,000

Cash at bank - music parents 3,869

Cash at bank - building fund 328,622

Trade receivables 2,271

Inventory 131,099

Prepayments 900

Total current assets 778,641

Non-current assets

Plant & equipment at cost 1,669

Accumulated depreciation 448-

Total non-current assets 1,221

Total assets 779,862

Current liabilities

Trade and other payables 19,369

GST liabilities 43-

Payroll liabilities 315

Provision for leave -

Total current liabilities 19,641

Total liabilities 19,641

Net assets 760,221


Member funds carried forward 673,596

Current year profit / (loss) 86,625

Total equity 760,221

Churchlands Senior High School Parents and Citizens' Association Inc

Profit and loss results

For the month ended 30 April 2017

Mar-17 Apr-17 Year to date

$ $ $


Uniform sales

New uniforms 21,083 7,964 147,660

Secondhand uniforms 121 97 673

Event Income

Entry Fees 105 210 315

Bar Sales - - 566

Other Event Income - 332 332

Fundraising Activities

Sausage Sizzles - 2,055 2,055

Event Parking - Concert Hall 300 - 750


Building Fund donations - 78,531 78,531

Other donations - beverages 702 405 1,107


Interest - Cash Management Acc 137 173 740

Interest - term deposit 222 223 778

Other Income

P&C Membership Fees 2 - 72

Total Income 22,672 89,991 233,579

Cost of Sales

Cost of New Uniforms 12,872 4,960 97,012

Cost of Secondhand Uniforms 1 - 9

Total Cost of Sales 12,873 4,960 97,020

Gross Profit 9,799 85,030 136,559


General & Admin Expenses

Computer Expenses 97 97 386

Internet Expenses 77 77 309

Employment insurance 321 321 1,283

Business package insurance 258 258 1,033

Workers compensation insurance 90 90 359

Safety Equipment 57 - 57

Staff Amenities - - 20

Event Expenses

Alcohol Purchases - - 230

Event Catering Expenses - 904 978

Event Promotion - 345 345

Liquor Licences 53 - 53

Employee Expenses

Wages and salaries 9,809 3,219 23,208

Superannuation expense 932 189 2,069

Regulatory Expenses

WACSSO Affiliation Fees 102 102 407

Working With Children Checks - - 163

Asset Expenses

Depreciation Expense 25 25 99

Financial Expenses

Bank Charges 89 40 209

Discounts Taken 142- 5- 560-

Merchant Fees 696 307 1,784

Total Expenses 12,462 5,969 32,434

Operating Profit 2,663- 79,062 104,125

Budget Item Expenditure

Donations for music equipment 17,500 - 17,500

Total Budget Item Expenditure 17,500 - 17,500

Net Surplus / (Deficit) 20,163- 79,062 86,625

Churchlands Senior High School Parents and Citizens' Association Inc

Divisional profit and loss results

For the month ended 30 April 2017

Mar-17 Apr-17 Year to date

$ $ $

Summary of operating divisions

Art exhibition 52 135- 83-

Building Fund 250 78,782 79,567

General 2,700- 1,220- 12,490-

Music Parents Committee 16,580- 1,864 14,389-

Sundowner - - 336

Uniform shop 1,185- 230- 33,684

Total 20,163- 79,062 86,625

Art exhibition


Entry Fees 105 210 315

Total Income 105 210 315


Event Promotion - 345 345

Liquor Licences 53 - 53

Total Expense 53 345 398

Net Profit (Loss) 52 135- 83-

Building Fund


Building Fund donations - 78,531 78,531

Interest - Cash Management Acc 27 29 258

Interest - term deposit 222 223 778

Total Income 250 78,782 79,567

Net Profit (Loss) 250 78,782 79,567



Interest - Cash Management Acc 109 145 482

P&C Membership Fees 2 - 72

Total Income 111 145 554


Audit Fees - - -

Computer Expenses 97 97 386

Internet Expenses 77 77 309

Employment insurance 321 321 1,283

Business package insurance 258 258 1,033

Workers compensation insurance 90 90 359

Wages and salaries 1,705 420 8,444

Superannuation expense 162 - 762

WACSSO Affiliation Fees 102 102 407

Bank Charges - 0- 60

Total Expense 2,812 1,364 13,044

Net Profit (Loss) 2,700- 1,220- 12,490-

Music Parents Committee


Other Event Income - 332 332

Sausage Sizzles - 2,055 2,055

Event Parking - Concert Hall 300 - 750

Other donations - beverages 702 405 1,107

Total Income 1,002 2,793 4,245


Safety Equipment 57 - 57

Event Catering Expenses - 904 978

Depreciation Expense 25 25 99

Total Expense 82 929 1,134

Other Expense

Donations for music equipment 17,500 - 17,500

Total Other Expense 17,500 - 17,500

Net Profit (Loss) 16,580- 1,864 14,389-



Bar Sales - - 566

Total Income - - 566


Alcohol Purchases - - 230

Total Expense - - 230

Net Profit (Loss) - - 336

Uniform shop


New uniforms 21,083 7,964 147,660

Secondhand uniforms 121 97 673

Total Income 21,204 8,061 148,333

Cost of Sales

Cost of New Uniforms 12,872 4,960 97,012

Cost of Secondhand Uniforms 1 - 9

Total Cost of Sales 12,873 4,960 97,020


Staff Amenities - - 20

Wages and salaries 8,103 2,799 14,764

Superannuation expense 770 189 1,307

Working With Children Checks - - 163

Bank Charges 89 40 149

Discounts Taken 142- 5- 560-

Merchant Fees 696 307 1,784

Total Expense 9,516 3,330 17,628

Net Profit (Loss) 1,185- 230- 33,684

MPC report to P & C on 8 May 2017 From the minutes of the meeting held on 20 March 2017

Glen Robinson commented on Richard Gill’s visit. Great success for the short time he was here but unfortunately he fell ill on the 2nd day and returned to Sydney. Hope to organize a return visit in 2018. The music concert still went ahead and was a great success.

Music tour for 2018 in discussion, preparations have started

Anzac Day parade for Wind band 1 & 2 has been organized.

Upcoming events; Senior concert.

Meet the Instrumental Teachers night, May

School production, all on track, May

Jim Bowman – audio technician – was finishing off at the end of term, to return to Sydney. Still looking for a replacement.

New parking signs were made to help directing parking.

Meeting closed at 8:50 pm

CSHS P&C Community Art Exhibition Report May 2017

Guest Artist This year the Art Exhibition is from Friday 26th May to Sunday 28th May. Our guest artist this year is Gail Dell. Examples of her paintings are below.

Entries All artists on our database were emailed an Entry Form and Entry Information. The entry Form is also on the school’s website. All parents/guardians were sent an email with a link to the Entry Form on the school’s website asking them if they, a family member or friend would like to exhibit at the Art Exhibition. We currently have 136 artworks entered but expect to receive a lot more Entry Forms during the next two weeks.

Marketing We had sponsors for the design and printing of 10,000 colour invitations and a leaflet distribution company is sponsoring the delivery of 9,200 of these to households in Churchlands, City Beach, Wembley Downs, Wembley and Floreat over the next three weeks. We will ask local cafes, restaurants and shops to display the remaining invitations. The first of a series of three e invitations was emailed to parents/guardians this week and information will be in the next Churchlands Bytes. The e invitation was also emailed to local primary schools for them to email to their parents. Posters have also been printed. A selection of artworks and the e invitation is on the Art Exhibition Facebook Page - Art at Churchlands. A press release has been prepared and local newspapers have been contacted. Banners and signage will go up during the week before the Art Exhibition.

Volunteers We have some new volunteers this year and rosters have been done for Artwork Receiving Day on 20th May, hanging the artwork and setting up from Monday 22nd May to Friday 26th May and to help at the event from Friday 26th May to Sunday 28th May 2017. However, more volunteers are needed to hang the artwork.