Cromehurst News€¦ · Graham Ross’ Jacaranda Cruise on Sydney Harbour. 3rd Prize. Scenic World...


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Term 3 Week 3

Inside this issue:

Pink Class 1

Principal’s Message 2

Line Dancing 3

General News 4

P&C News 5-6

Awards 7

Notes 8-10

5 AUGUST 2019

Pink Class students Sam, Bronte, Jodi, Edward, Ben, Yuumi, Caelan and Anita, like the rest of the school, have had a busy start to Term 3. They participated in the “Colour Carnival” last week and received the “best dressed” award for having everyone wearing Pink! There was also great participation from all students in our class. Besides starting right in with our theme of Australian neighbours and working hard shopping, cooking and completing work skills, most students also went out to work experience last Thursday. Community Access also began on Friday. Most of Pink Class had a great time trying Mini Golf while Sam went with a group to bowling. Thank you to all parents for participating in our meetings with Suzanne in preparation for steps toward finishing school. It is also time to start recognising the achievements of our three 2019 graduates: Sam B, Jodi and Bronte. They are doing a great job of preparing for their transition to the next step in their lives.

Cromehurst News Pink Class

8 Sept—Bunnings BBQ,


20 Aug– Parent Information

Session - Travel training

9-13 Sept—Secondary Camp


19 Sept—Variety Ice Skating

22 Sep—Highlands Spring

High Tea

27 Sept—Last day Term 3

14 Oct—Students return for

Term 4

18 Dec—Students last day

Term 4

Principal’s Message PAGE 2

Welcome to week three

Last Wednesday we conducted a

very enjoyable and successful

“Colour Carnival” at school in

which all of our students

participated in a range of physical

activities and games. The day ran

smoothly due to the preparation

and work of all staff and

additional support we received

from the students from Riverview

who assisted in setting up,

supporting the students to

participate and packing away.

The students (and staff) all

dressed in the colour of their

class and the effect was amazing.

Thank you to all of our parents

who went to great lengths to

source clothing in the colour of

their child’s class. The most

colourful class awards went to

Pink class in the seniors and

Aqua class in the primary. The

winner of the most colourful staff

member award was Mitch in Red

class. Well done and thank you to

everyone involved in this day, we

will include photos of the day in

next week’s newsletter.

Although the weather threatened

to result in our school photo day

being postponed (the

photographers were concerned

about inadequate light and

stressed students) it cooperated

enough for the photographers to

complete every group and

individual photo. Almost every

student was in full school uniform

which I know at times can be

challenging to guarantee. The

majority of our students made it to

school in time for a whole school

photo with students and staff

which is always a challenge but

always produces a great result.

Students were photographed in

their class groups and individually

and we look forward to receiving

the packages in a few weeks.

Thank you to all of our families

who have already participated in

meetings to discuss goals for

their child with the class teacher.

If you have not already done so

please contact your child’s

teacher to arrange a suitable time

for both of you to meet. If

attending a face to face meeting

is too difficult you can arrange to

have a discussion via telephone

at a mutually convenient time. We

value your input into these

meetings as our students’

progress is facilitated if we all

work together towards agreed

goals and outcomes. Following

the meeting, your child’s IEP or

ITP will be sent home for you to

read, sign and return to school.

Last week we sent home notice of

our next parent workshop which

is being conducted here at school

on Tuesday, 20 August from

10:00-11:30am. The workshop is

focusing on travel training and is

being presented by Desiree

Gallimore who has had a long

history of successfully supporting

students with disabilities to travel

safely and independently. The

workshop will cover topics such

as road crossing, using public

transport safely, risk management

including stranger awareness as

well as techniques to support

students to begin to travel in the

community as a group or, if

ready, independently. I have

placed a copy of the notice and

the flyer regarding Desiree’s

services later in this edition. If you

plan to attend please return the

RSVP slip at the bottom of the

notice for planning purposes of

delivery space and numbers of

any handouts which may be

available. Desiree has also

requested that if parents have

any specific questions regarding

travel training that they email her

prior to the workshop so she can

ensure the maximum relevance

for parents. Her email address is


Finally, a reminder that this term on Sunday 8 September the P&C are organising a BBQ fundraiser at Bunnings. They are seeking volunteers from 7am until 4pm on the day for both the BBQ and the cake stall. As well as raising funds it is an opportunity to connect with other families. If you can’t make it on the day you can donate some cakes or slices for the cake stall and/or supplies for the BBQ! Any questions or pledges of assistance please email or call Karen on 0413 807 413.


Line Dancing PAGE 3

The students at Cromehurst are really enjoying Line dancing again this term. We are lucky to have Terri, a great dancer who brings her music along and teaches us lots of line dancing moves. As you can see from the photos below, everyone always has a smile on their face for line dancing and they are trying hard to copy the moves from Terri the teacher. What a great way to enjoy some fitness in school time.

General News PAGE 4

Sign of the week


While holding one hand flat, palm down, wave other hand up and down moving hand across body (same sign as ‘sea’).


Please note that canteen will be available again this Wednesday, 7 August 2019.


P&C News

A disappointing turnout to the P&C meeting this morning but a discussion was held with those present and the notes from those discussions will be distributed shortly.

We have a couple of events coming up shortly to put in your diaries…

8 September 2019 - Bunnings BBQ

Our big fundraiser of the year is now almost a month away so please pull out your calendar and let us know what shift you can help with on the day! We need people power from 7am until 4pm on the day for both the BBQ and the cake stall. It’s always a great fun day - we raised over $3,000 last year and there’s the added bonus of getting to know some of the other families of the school - many hands = light work! If you can’t make it on the day you can always donate some goodies for the cake stall and/or supplies for the BBQ! Any questions or pledges of assistance please email or call Karen on 0413 807 413.

20 August - catch up after the travel training session at school

Just a heads up that a few of us plan to have coffee or a spot of lunch after the travel training session at school - please join us - always a great/informal opportunity to catch up with other families and share your experience and journeys!

Many thanks! Karen Hickmott P&C President

Highlands Spring High Tea

On 22 September there will be a Highlands Spring High Tea fundraising event including a harp recital to purchase trikes for use at school.

Tickets are available at and raffle tickets are available from the office. Tickets are 1 for $5 or 3 for $10.

Many thanks to the very generous family and friends of the Dwyer/Timms family and the people of the Southern Highlands for the donation of these fabulous prizes:


P&C News (continued)

1st Prize. Ella Bache skin care products. Value $500

2nd Prize. Graham Ross’ Jacaranda Cruise on Sydney Harbour.

3rd Prize. Scenic World Blue Mountains Family Pass. Value $120

1st Prize: Ella Bache skin care products. Value $500.

2nd Prize: Graham Ross’ Jacaranda Cruise on Sydney Harbour. Value $150.

3rd Prize: Scenic World Blue Mountains family pass. Value $120.

4th Prize: The Garden Clinic gold membership and garden gift hamper. Value 100.

5th Prize: Family pass to Empire Cinema Bowral. Value $52.

6th Prize: The Glass Café, Mittagong gift voucher ”Not just a Café”. Value $40.

Assembly Awards


Term 3 Week 2

29 Jul—2 Aug 2019

Name Class Awarded For:

Josephine Blue Using her visuals to choose her morning snack

Olav Rainbow Independently recognising focus letters eg ‘D’ and requesting

Nathan Purple Speaking in a clear audible voice

Tara White For listening really well to instructions

Grace Orange Trying her best when walking up and down the stairs

Bella Aqua Fabulous enthusiasm during line dancing

Luke Red Working calmly in desk work

Ethan Yellow Great participation in our Geography unit.

Hamish Green Excellent communication in morning circle and Geography

Caelan Pink Always remembering his hat during breaks

Kai Art Fabulous participation in Art

Edward Music Oh my goodness—what a fantastic Haka dance

Positive Behaviour Engaging Learners

To create a consistent whole school approach for safe and effective learning.

This week our students of the week are:

Zoe - Being Safe Eddy - Being Safe Will - Being Safe Romina—Being Safe





Notes (continued)


Notes (continued)
