Continuing “LET US TELL YOU”


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h d according t o the April 15 iseue of the A. D. A. News Letter the vacancy in the Virginia S ta te Bealth Department dental directorehip ha5 been filled by the appointment of .Dr. Wvid R. Wallace of Brookville, Pennsylvania. Doctor Wallace, who auaceeds the late Dr. William H. Rumbel, has been serving as a d i s t r i c t dent i s t f o r the Pennsylvania State Department of Health.


The West Virginia State Department of Health is deserving of high praise

Fluoridation endorse- f o r the excellent presentations comprising the ent i re Apri l '54 issue of "Health Views ,)I the Department Is official publication. mente by 1. H. Dyer, M. D., S ta te Director of Health, and J. Bernard Poindexter, President of the West Virginia State Dental Society, 8erve t o augment three addi t ional articles o f the su&ject, The l a t t e r aret one by K, X. Oidley, Director, Division of Sanitary lhgineering, on the technical aspects of instal- ling, operating and controll ing fluoridation equipment; one by A. A. P. H, D. member, James W. Ruble, State Dental Director, on the dental health phase of fluoridation; and one, "Food and Fluorine" by Mrs, Rachel H. Ferguson, Director, Bureau of Nutritton, Excellent photography adds t o the merit of the art iclea.

Believing J i m Ruble is probably reeponaible for the periodical, we extend hearty congratulations to him.



T h a t as announced i n the February Bullet in this isaue w i l l see the comple- t ion of this series of biographical sketches of A. A. P. 3f. D. members. Strangely enough, since the sketches have been written in the order in which repl iea to the original questionnaire were received, the three written by the Edi tor are based upon the mortt complete data furnished by any respondent. These three really eupplied the IIdope" as it was hoped all would.

With the foregoing preamble, l e t u8 t e l l you tbat James F. Lewis w a 8 born in Parksley, West Virginia, in 1905. He attended elementary and high school there u n t i l 1923 when he entered William and Mary College during 1923-25 and the l a t t e r year traneferred t o the University of Virginia. H i s dental education was obtained at the University of Maryland from where he was graduated in 1929 (thereby missing ye Editor ' 8 Maryland advent by a matter of months).

Following; graduation Jim immediately entered the U. S, Public Health Service andwhoope! what R variety of eervice he has had since then. duty has seen him assigned t o the following locetione: Baltimore, Detroit , tdaehington, ( three t o u r s ) , and Bethesda. research in Baltimore.

Clinical Norfolk, New York City,

In 1936-38 he did Administrative duty haa seen him a t Washington on three


assignments. And at the time of replying t o our questionnaire he was serving as a Consultant i n the Services Chicago Regional office. If he is s t i l l there (as we believe he is) i t ts almost a record f o r h i m 80 far as length of assign- ment is concerned.

In 1931 he married Elizabeth 086, and they have one son, James Thomas, born i n 1936,

We are inalined t o think the doctor fa i led t o l i s t h i s hobbies when he reported 'Qiehing.I1 learned any spots where the f i s h a r e bit ing, of a hobby - or at l ea s t , a habit,

Personally, we feel he has moved too often t o have Packing t o move must be something

Let U s T e l l You - that Neal ti. Chiltoa has led a busy l i f e since h is b i r th in 1921 in Hew York City. Totrnsend Harriss Ball from where he was graduated in 1936. (in 1939) he had obtained a Bachelor of Science degree from the College of City o f New York. H i s dental degree followed from New York University i n 1943; he attended the Graduate School of the 8ame University i n 1944; got h i s M, P. H. from Columbia in 194.6; and found time somewhere along the l ine f o r additional post-graduate work at T u f t s , I l l i no i s , Pennsylvania and, again, a t Columbia. Did we say tibusyt'??!!

Public schools educated him until 1933, then A t the age of 18

Busy o r not he found time t o marry Naorni L, Alexander on December 28, We SWmiS8 that was during a Christmas vacation from one or another 1947.

University, Their only child, Peninah Ann, was born i n 1952.

His entry into public health occurred in 1945 and continued as follows: Bureau of Dental Health, New Jersey State Department o f Health full-time i n 1946; Asst.-Chief of Bureau (part-time) 1947; Acting-Chief 19118; resigned Saauary 1953 .

Neal has been a Lecturer i n public health dent is t ry at Temple University since 1950 and A s s t , Professor of Dental Public Health Practice at Columbia University School of Public Health since 1952. health he hag a background i n periodontics, being a diplomate of that specialty Board and also servtng as A s s t . Professor o f Periodontica at Temple, H i s private practice i n Trenton, N. J., ia limited t o periodontics, A t one time he was Asat . Clinical Professor of Pedodontics and of Pharmacology and Therapeutic3 a t Hew York University.

In addition t o dental public

And he has written a book (previously reviewed in the Bulletin), Dealing with "the design and analysis of dental research studies" the book, ent i t led "Analysis in Dental Research,lt was published i n 1953 by the Offices of Technical Services, U. S. Department of Commerce,

Did we say "mi'?! Maybe so, but lend an ear t o his hobbies: Photography, dental research, American history, tennis and dental e&ucation. Ileal, but youlve worn me o u t &% thinking of how busy you must be. me while I take a nap,

Xxcuse m e , So, pardon

Let me reci te 'acme facts relative to Albert L. Russell who was born in Des Woines, Iowa, in 1905. H i s early education was obtained in Sedalia, Missouri (we guess t h a t ' a where h is 'Ishow mef1 analytical mind developed) and two years of high school there. Technical High School in 1923, whereupon he entered Creighton University School of Dentistry with a I]. D. S, awarded him i n 1929, His M. P. H. was obtained from the University of Michiges in 1947.

Moving t o Omaha he was graduated from

I n 1930 he mrried Margaret Fithian Davidson. Four children, Winifred Alice, Margaret Anne, Nancy Lee and John Mills have been born t o them.

There must have been eome private practice af ter 1929, but 1938 saw A 1 entering public health as a "practitionert1 i n a "county program" (we surmiee i n South Dakota). He was appointed Director of that s ta te ' s Diviaion of Dental Health in 1946 and 80 served unt i l 1949 when he became Acting Chief, Section on Epidemiology and Biometry at the National Ins t i tu te of Dental Research at Bethesda, Maryland,

A0 t o All8 hobbies and an addi t ional record of some of the intervening gears we acre taking the l iberty of quoting h is verbatim report.

Mrs. Russell as a model); painting ( i t stinkra)ll. Hobbies: rtHam radio (present call W3QHA); photography (mostly with

Service record: "DC, USNR, 1943-46. Released from active duty as lieutenant-comander, Served aboard U. S. S. Phoenix, 1944-45; th i s l ight cruiser was the flagship of the covering naval forces permanently assigned t o WacArthur. Celebes, Philippines, Borneo, Participated in the 3a t t l e for Leyte Gulf aa part of the southern forces (which.destroyed a Japanese f l e e t including two battleships in Surigao Strait). On hand and scared t o death through over 100 Kamikaze attaaks. and the Philippines Liberation ribbon with two bronxe stars,

Participated in landings (a l l of them) in New Guinea, the

Awarded the Pacific Area medal w i t h four bronze stars

Firat met Frank B u l l fn servtce in Chicago, where he was the boss man i n the dental c l in ic i n the Abbott Hallmidshipmene' achool, and 1 was one o f h i s amalgam-slingere, Have never been the same 5in~e.I~

worn LIrn TO TELL YOU - T h a t while he (Doakea) cannot understand why Leonard was ever selected

The pertinent facts are submitted here. a8 Editor he (Doakes) does b o w bo th pertinent and impertinent data regarding him (i.e. Leonard). The impertinent ones w i l l be mailed to anyone willing t o pay a small fee. the Bulletin's editorial office).

(Send the money via

*Dental Director of the State of Misinfonnya,


Bichazd Russell Clay Leonard (llSo help me," say8 Doakes, n t h a t t e the As a matter of f ac t , i t 's his name, full OF eober."). Edi to r ' s f u l l name.

Was born a t Nor th Manchester, Indiana, on March 28, 1898. his b i r th had no Import i n the Spanish-American W a r .

Contrary t o report,

H i s elementary and high school education was had i n the publio schools of h i s Hoosier birth-place and was followed by a session i n teacher training at Manchester College during the summer o f 1915, from 1915 t o 1918, majoring in English. much good"),

He attended Indiana Univeraity (Doakes: "It obviously didn't do

Dental education s ta r ted i n 1918 as a member of the S, A, T. C. at the (To the youngsters comprising the Indiana Univeraity, Sohool of Dentis try.

mzjority of the A. A. P. H. D. membership, l e t it be explained S. A. T. C. stands f o r Student Army Training Corps and not f o r Sweet And Tender Child o r Safe A t The College). to j u s t i fy hi8 graduation with the D. D. S. degree in 1922,

A f i n a l gold f o i l f i l l i n g managed to stay i n long enough

Following graduation Leonard eerved f o r one year as resident dent is t at the Fort Wayne, Indiana, S ta te School (Doakes: the feeble-minded"). Indiana, during which time, i n 1925, he persuaded Margaret Ann Pan Ostran t o marry him (Doakes: Ralph Olds, i n 1928, and Richard B. C. Jr., i n 1930, came along t o complicate the family budget.

Leonard was employed by the Commonwealth Fund t o direct a school dental health program as a part of a "Child Health Demonstration" in Fargo, N. D. moved to Maryland and since then he has served ae Chief, Division of Dental Health, State Department o f Heath.

"Appropriately enough, a school f o r There followed f o u r years of private practice in northern

"He wasn't feeble-minded enough not to do that1'). Two aons,

In 1927 on the basis of a l e t t e r commending h is wife (Doakes:

In 1929 he

He spent four summer sessions, 2940113, securing a M. S. P. H. degree at the University of Michigan, School of Public Health. learned something but a l l he ever talks about is Ken Easlick' 8 (1) remarkable brain and ( 2 ) inordinate number of writ ten assignments).

(Doakee: llHe m y have

Hobbies? Self-admitted - drawing house plana. (Doakes: IIMre. Leonard says he makes a hobby of get t ing out of gardening"), A good deal of time 3.8 devoted t o reading. (Doakes: "Anything he can do s i t t i n g dawn''), One more hobbg might be mentioned, - resigning aa Editor. (Doakee: " I t j e about time he gave up th ie one, & resiming").