Chapter 18: An Emerging World Power - …€¦ · Chapter 18: An Emerging World Power Unit 5 ....


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Chapter 18: An Emerging World Power

Unit 5

Section 1: The Roots of Imperialism

The Causes of Imperialism

• Age of Imperialism: mid-1800s into the early 1900s

• Nations were doing everything they could to expand their influence across the globe

• Imperialism—the policy by which strong nations extend their political, military, and economic control over weaker territories.

Imperialists Seek Economic Benefits • New colonies

meant more access for countries to gather raw materials and natural resources

• Imperialist countries would extract the materials they wanted from the colonies, and ship them back to the home country – Extractive economy

Imperialists Seek Economic Benefits

• The United States had an abundance of resources and was not interested in colonizing in the 19th century

• The US economy was booming and we were producing more than we could consume

– Supply and demand = economic issues started to arise

• We became more interested in trading/selling our goods with new markets (in new countries)

Imperialists Stress Military Strength

• To protect their new territories abroad, countries began to expand and strengthen their militaries

• The United States started to do the same – Drive to gain foreign bases

where American ships could refuel

– US Navy began to expand and create better ships

Imperialists Believe in National Superiority

• US feared that the country would fail because we were not going out and colonizing other places, like the other world powers

• Social Darwinism allowed countries to dominate new territories – Racial, national, and cultural

superiority – Manifest Destiny…

US Power Grows in the Pacific

• Through diplomacy (and gifts), the US gained trade rights with Japan and got the Midway Islands

• The US increased trade with the Hawaiian Islands and built a naval base at Pearl Harbor

Seward Purchases Alaska

• 1867

• Secretary of State William Seward buys Alaska from Russia

– $7.2 million

• Seen as a foolish move but…

– Doubled the size of the US

– Rich in timber, oil, and other natural resources

Section 2: The Spanish-American War

Introduction • Spain was a serious military and imperialist

power at the turn of the 20th century

• Spain had control of the Philippine Islands, Puerto Rico, and Cuba

Cubans Rebel Against Spanish Rule

• 1895 Jose Marti launched a war for independence against Spain

• America had a real interest in this: – $50 million had been invested in

sugar cane plantations on the island

• Rebel forces used guerrilla tactics against Spanish forces, but the Spanish fought back by depriving food and recruits – Tens of thousands of Cubans died of

disease and starvation

The Yellow Press Inflames Opinion

• Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst were journalists who used the Yellow Press (or Yellow Journalism) – This form of journalism exaggerated Spanish

atrocities and compared Cuban rebels to the patriots of the American Revolution

The Yellow Press Inflames Opinion

• President McKinley warned the Spanish to establish peace, or else the US would step in

• Spain couldn’t stop continued violence, so McKinley ordered the US battleship Maine to Havana harbor to protect Americans

• Zimmermann Note

– Incited American jingoism

The Maine Blows Up

• Soon after the Zimmermann Note was published, the Maine exploded

• 266/350 Americans died

• Yellow Press ran the story saying that Spain had blown up the ship – Reality?

• America mobilized for war – “Remember the Maine!”

The Nation Goes to War

• April 11, 1898 McKinley asked Congress to use force against the Spanish in Cuba

• Congress agreed, but added the Teller Amendment – This stipulation said that the

US had no intention of annexing Cuba

War in the Philippines

• May 1, 1898, George Dewey moved the American navy into the Philippines and surprised the Spanish fleet – Completely destroyed the

Spanish fleet and killed 400 soldiers (no Americans dead)

– Eventually, between the American naval assault and the Filipino nationalists rebelling on land, Spain gave up control of the area

US Forces Win in Cuba

• June 1898 • US Marines captured

Guantanamo Bay and American forces stormed the shore

• Americans unprepared for Cuba • Rough Riders were sent in

– Cavalry unit, led by the future President Theodore Roosevelt

– Joined by African American soldiers from the Ninth and Tenth Cavalries

• With a blockade to stop the Spanish and the fighting on the island, eventually Spain gave up

Effects of the War

• Treaty of Paris

– December 1898

– Spain gave up control of Cuba, Puerto Rico, and Guam

– Sold the Philippines to the US ($20 million)

• Imperialism or Isolationism??

Section 3: The U.S. and East Asia

Guerrilla War Erupts in the Philippines

• Filipinos wanted independence from America, war broke out

• 5,000 Americans were killed

• 100,000 Filipinos were killed

• Filipinos lost the fight, the Philippines remained in control of the US

Reforms Lead to Promise of Self-Rule

• 1901, William Taft (future president) became the governor of the Philippines

• He limited some aspects of life (like journalism) but also helped to build schools, roads, and bridges

• Jones Act – Pledged that the Philippines would eventually gain

their independence

– Doesn’t happen until the end of WWII

America Declares Equal Trade in China

• China had been divided up into Spheres of Influence – Britain, France, Germany, Russia,

Japan – US did not have it’s own zone

• America claims it has every right to open markets with China…meant something to China, but not the other countries

• John Hay pushed America’s Open Door Policy – Stated that America didn’t want

colonies in China, it simply wanted to trade with the Chinese

The Boxer Rebellion

• Righteous and Harmonious Fists (The Boxers) were a group of angry Chinese – Secret society that was

against foreigners and Chinese converts to Christianity

• May 1900: – Boxer Rebellion

• The Boxers went in and killed foreign missionaries and Chinese Christians

• Foreign troops (including 2,000 Americans) squashed the rebellion

Russo-Japanese War

• 1905 Russia and Japan met in New Hampshire to negotiate an end of the war.

• President Theodore Roosevelt intervened and helped the two to sign a peace treaty

• Roosevelt ended up winning a Nobel Peace Prize and this helped boost America’s strength on the world stage

Gentlemen’s Agreement

• Anti-Asian sentiments were growing in the US

• Segregated schools and housing in California

• Gentlemen’s Agreement

– Quota laws in return for less prejudice

Section 4: The U.S. and Latin America

Civil Government in Puerto Rico

• 1900: Congress passes the Foraker Act – Established a civil government in Puerto

Rico – The president could appoint a governor

and part of the Puerto Rican legislature – Puerto Ricans could fill the rest of the


• 1917: President Wilson signs the Jones-Shafroth Act – Granted Puerto Ricans more citizenship

rights and gave islanders greater control over their legislature

Theodore Roosevelt and “Big Stick” Diplomacy

• President Roosevelt felt that it was the U.S.’s duty to “civilize” and “uplift” weaker areas of the world – “Speak softly and

carry a big stick” • If necessary, the

military would be used to enforce any of the President’s/U.S.’s policies

The Panama Canal • U.S. bought the Panama route for $40 million • Issue was, the Colombian government controlled Panama at the

time, and would not allow the U.S. to do anything with the territory • Roosevelt stepped in using “Big Stick” Diplomacy

– Sent U.S. warships down to Panama to assist the Panamanians in rebelling against Colombia

• Canal was a huge feat, but had a big payoff – Cut about 8,000 miles off the trip from the west coast to the east

coast of the US

Roosevelt Updates the Monroe Doctrine

• Recap: – Monroe Doctrine was established to keep out any

European countries from interfering with things in the Western Hemisphere

– Basically: meant to stop any new European colonies in the Americas

• Roosevelt Corollary – Built on Monroe Doctrine – Said that if there were any issues in Latin America,

Europe could NOT intervene. The U.S. would use it’s military force to restore order.

Taft and “Dollar” Diplomacy

• William Howard Taft wins the Presidency in 1908

• Taft agreed with Roosevelt’s imperialistic views, but thought military force wasn’t the best option

• Dollar Diplomacy: – Investing money into weaker

nations to get what you want

– Set up businesses, establish railways, mines, oil wells, etc.

Wilson and “Moral” Diplomacy

• Wilson wins the presidential election in 1912

• He promised that the US would never invade another territory using force, instead we would promote:

– Human rights

– National integrity

– And opportunity
