Causes of the War: M - A - I - N - Militarism – def.- The policy of glorifying military power and...


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Causes of the War:

M -

A -

I -

N -

Militarism – def.- The policy of glorifying military power andmaintaining large armies/navies- result of industrialization

Imperialism- Quest for colonies in Africa & Asia caused tension

Nationalism – Pride in one’s country became extreme - created international rivalries with other states

Alliances- European nations formed two gangs – each sworeto defend any member in trouble – a chain reaction threat!

3 reasons why people might WILLINGLY give up theirFreedom and liberty:

1. Desperate – starving, poor, jobless, homeless- Postwar Germany, Russia (Land, Peace, Bread!)

2. Angry – oppressed people who want revenge

- Germany – angry about WWI treaty that punished them- Italy – mad that they didn’t get land for joining Allies in WWI

3. Scared – scared people turn to dictators for protection - Germans feared communists – burning of Reichstag- Sunnis in Syr/Iraq welcomed ISIS against Shiites

- European rulers said:

- It was a justifiable and defensive war- “They started it!”

- Trench warfare resulted – leading to stalemate in which there was no advantage – both sides could manufacture an endless supply of weapons

Russia:- Poorly trained, ill-equipped, badly led

- Had little industry, could not produce enough weapons

- Allies (Br. & Fr.) tried to resupply them w/ weapons but:

- Central powers blocked sea routes to Russia – prevented supplies from reaching them

The United States:- In 1914, the beginning of the war, The US tried to remain neutral

Total War:

- Propaganda was used to boost support for the war - nations’ entire resources were directed towards war

- Consumer goods were rationed

- Women worked in munitions factories to make weapons

- Colonial people fought hoping to secure independence

Germany lost because:

- it could not keep up w/ allied production of materials or number of soldiers

Results of War:

- Most Monarchies (Rus, A-H, Ger., Ott) were destroyed

- New nations carved from defeated empires caused tensions that resulted in conflicts that remain today: (ex. – Syria, Iraq)

- Women earned the right to vote

- US adopted policy of isolationism – a desire to stay out of foreign affairs

Lenin and the Communists were supported by the radical working class

The Communists of Russia gained support by promising Land, Peace, and Bread

Communists nationalized industry – gov’t took control of MOP

Immediately after World War I, most monarchies were replaced by weak democracies

A major cause of the Great Depression too much borrowingand gambling on stocks

A major effect of the Great Depression was bank and business closures

Strong democratic nations managed the effects of theGreat Depression by:

- increasing gov’t spending- new laws to regulate banks and business- raising taxes on high income

Weak Democracies managed the Depression by:- invested in large militaries

- pursued a policy of war & conquest - turned to strong dictators

Effective propaganda emphasizes emotion & feeling Fascists attempt to gain power by - emotion & persuasion - threats & intimidation

symbols, images, and appearance are characteristics important to fascists

Fascist leaders will allow CAPITALISM, but NOT democracy or communism -

Fascists force people to obey them by - use of the secret police - making laws against free speech - propaganda

Despite their differences, fascists and communists are both totalitarian dictatorships
