Budaya Benda Non Benda



Budaya non benda untuk terjemahan. sedikit sebanyak lebih kurang , hanya umpanan utk download kertas yang lainanslation based on the semantic structure of the language takes also into consideration the communication situation: historical setting, cultural setting, intention of the author, as well as the different kinds of meaning contained in the explicit and implicit information of the text. Besides referential and structural meaning, situational meaning is presented as an important element that would help the translator interpret the author’s culture or the cultural information given in the text. She makes the difference between literal and idiomatic translation, stating that a good translator should try to translate idiomatically, that is his translation will not sound like a translation, it shall sound natural in the target language, taking care not to fall into “unduly free translations”. The text to be translated has to make part of a translation project which involves the text, the target, the team and the tools, what Larson calls the four T’s. When that is settled various steps follow: the initial draft, evaluation of the initial draft, consultation and final draft. All these steps involve analysis of the text, comparison with the source text, evaluation of the translation.On the first part of the text she presents ways of identifying the meaning components of lexical items of a language. (Meaning components form concepts, concepts form concept clusters and concept clusters form propositions). On the second part, she concentrates on grammatical structures and goes on to analyzing propositions that include simple concepts and others that include more complex concepts. These concepts, in many cases, will call the translator for rewording in order to find the best translation equivalent that represents the relations among the different parts of the whole proposition. The translator ought to recognize these concepts and also the importance of the illocutionary force of a proposition. From propositional clusters to semantic paragraphs to episode clusters we arrive at a discourse, so whatever analyses she proposes for a sentence or a paragraph is also valid for an episode and for a whole text. In a certain way, her work relates to the discoursive approach.It is important for a translator to know about the generic and specific relationships of words in order to find the precise equivalent, particularly, when dealing with a target language whose cultural context is very distant from the source language and he has to deal with concepts whose representation is not easily solved because of the difficulty in finding a proper equivalent. The translator has to establish a systematic contrast between the concepts involved in both cultures and has to decide the importance of the meaning to transfer. In that sense, Larson’s theory joins that of Newmark, who assigns different hierarchies of meaning within a text, from the most important to the least important. And as he does, she discusses also the complexity of translating figurative senses and connotative meanings. Larson goes even further onto the

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BUDAYA & PENTERJEMAHANMenurut perintis bidang antropologi kebudayaan, EB Taylor (1871) dalam bukunya Primitive Culture

,budaya ditakrifkan dalam sebagai kesatuan yang amat kompleks. Budaya ditakrifkan sebagai sesuatu yang merangkumi segala ilmu, kepercayaan, nilai-nilai, perlambangan serta kebendaan yang diwarisi oleh ahli sesebuah masyarakat.BUDAYA & PENTERJEMAHANHubungan Budaya dengan PenterjemahanBerdasarkan perspektif penterjemahan , faktor bahasa dan budaya saling berkait . Kenyataan ini pernah diungkapkan oleh Nida dalam bukunya Language, Culture and Translation.

...the role of language within a culture and the influence of the culture of the meanings of words and idioms are so pervasive that scarcely any text can be adequately understood without careful consideration of its cultural background.

Nida, E. (1993). Language, culture, and translating. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.

BUDAYA Newmark (1988) mendefiniskan kebudayaan sebagai satu cara atau gaya hidup yang dimanifestasikan secara khusus oleh masyarakat tertentu yang menggunakan bahasa itu sebagai wadah untuk menyatakan pelbagai expressi.

Pernyataan ini menjelaskan bahawa setiap bahasa mempunyai ciri-ciri kebudayaan yang tersendiri dan hal ini diklasifikasikan oleh Newmark (1988:95) ke dalam 5 bahagian

KLASIFIKASI BUDAYA NEWMARK (1988)4KLASIFIKASI BUDAYA NEWMARK (1988)Budaya Kebendaan Material(Bahan Budaya Atau Artifak)Menurut Newmark (1998)merujuk kepada bahan-bahan yang tercipta dalam lingkungan kebendaan seperti barang kegunaan dan pera atan yang menggambarkan ciri-ciri masyarakat yang mewujudkannya

Benda yang dimaksudkan ini termasuklah makanan, pakaian , tempat tinggal, peralatan dan sebagainya.

Menurut Getis et al (1994) , budaya artifak adalah perkaitan antara sesebuah masyarakat dengan sistem teknologi yang mencipta sejumlah objek material atau kebendaan yang digunakan dalam kehidupan manusia.Antara artifak tersebut ialah alat-alat senjata, makanan, pakaian ,perumahan dan sebagainya.

(Bahan Budaya Atau Artifak dalam Hairy Porter Chamber of Secretz
