Body Part Reflective Esssay



Body Part Reflective Esssay

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Harmon 1

Stephen Harmon


English 10, period 0

16 January 2015

An Inch off the Top Please

What is hair? Is it long extensions of protein attached to your head? Is it a source of power and

strength? Is it a definition of who you are? Over the years of my life I have always wanted a flowing,

majestic, and magnificent beard, one that glistening in the sunlight, one that shakes the sky and leaves

you in terror and fear. I also thought if I had a beard like that, I would be like Mario and gain the ability to

throw fireballs. Since the beginning of time and the existence of humans, hair has always been a source of

speculation. Do we cut it short? Do we leave it natural, do we use “Dapper Dan” pomade, similar to

Everett in Oh Brother Where Art Thou, played by George Clooney. So many questions and so many

answers; which do we choose? Well I have accumulated enough knowledge to know that it does not

matter one way or the other. However, I will endeavor to enlighten you with the knowledge that I have


In medical terms, hair extends from any of the fine threadlike strands growing from the skin of

humans, mammals, and some other animals. Scientists say that a normal human loses about 100 hairs per

day. This loss of hair is due to several different symptoms. For instance, family history: in most cases,

hair loss is inherited. For others, it is due to stress, including physical stress from surgery, illness, or high

fever. Other cases include chemotherapy, age, poor diet, thyroid diseases, pulling and tearing of the hair,

as well as ringworms in the scalp. Being reborn, changing, evolving, and becoming a better person is

symbolic to the absence of hair.

As I grow older I realize that the true fact of hair changing who you are stands true. In pop culture

I see celebrities who change their hair and it affects millions. Hillary Rodham Clinton believes her hair is

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so important that “if I wanted to knock a story off the front page, I could change my hair style.” Hair has

a massive effect on how you are perceived. Many people look at a man with short hair and consider him

normal, however, long hair appears immoral. When I was told that my hair has a “cowlick,” it shook me

so hard that all I could remember was a cow licking my head as a young boy. This idea has a great impact

on me and how I perceive hair.

A favorite bible story of mine consists the one of Samson and Delilah in Judges. A man named

Samson travelled to the city of Gaza where the people loathed Samson and desired to kill him. The people

attempted to kill Samson: however, the power of God protected him. A woman named Delilah was loved

by Samson; however, she deceived him with her love by tricking him to understand his source of his

phenomenal power. Samson’s source of power was his seven braids of hair, with this information Delilah

conspired to shave his head while he was sleeping. In the morning the people seized him and were

successful in subduing him; with his source of might and potency gone, Samson could not fight off the

adversary. Samson was thrown in jail and while there his hair slowly grew back. This story shines

brilliantly as an example of how we can become so attached to a part of our body that we’re convinced it

has special power.

Our society views hair as a description of who you are: hence a rebel need only to choose an

obnoxious and bold hairstyle. For example, long ago when I was five years old I described my desiring

hairstyle to the hairdresser. The story began when I walked through the double doors and was assaulted

by the smells of different creams, lotions, and ammonias. My nose and throat reacted simultaneously

trying to prevent the intake of the obnoxious smell. I prayed my turn would come quickly so I could leave

this overwhelming atmosphere. My plea for help was quickly answered when the hairdresser called me up

and asked me how I wanted my hair.

“I want you to make my hair spicy!” I cleanly claimed.

“Spicy?” The hairdresser questioned.

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“Yeah, spicy! Like, super spicy!”

“…don’t you mean ‘spiky?” she inquired

“That too!” I succinctly pronounced

In this story I was not trying to be rebellious I simply wanted to see what the hairdresser could do

and what she would do. This short story is an exemplary instance where someone’s hair can show their

personality and change the world’s opinion on them. It can show you how rebellious or reserved one can

be. The movie Hair is another great example of a youthful teenager who seeks out to be rebellious and

not be changed by society through his hair.

The world may or may not share its opinion with you, but the opinions of others shouldn’t shape

you. Instead you should shape yourself. I have sisters in my family tell me I should leave my hair longer

because they like it when it gets curly but it drives me nuts when they want to play with it, hence I keep it

shorter and besides … like I said earlier I don’t want to walk around looking like some big cow licked my

face all the way up to my hair, so what do I say to the barber now when it gets too long: “an inch off the

top please.”
