Ash Wednesday Service: March 5 at 7pm · *Hymn #451 - Be Thou My Vision Joys and Prayer Concerns...


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Ash Wednesday Service: March 5 at 7pm Ash Wednesday marks the first day of Lent. Plan to join us

that evening for a medita�ve Taizé worship service followed

by the imposi�on of ashes.

SERVE Dona�ons We are collec�ng peanut bu#er for SERVE next Sunday, March 8.

This is a good source of protein and will make a lot of sandwiches

for those struggling to get food on the table. Thanks for sharing.

Electronic Giving Throughout the year, many of you support the

congrega�on with your �me, talent and financial

contribu�ons. We encourage you to look into

electronic giving. It’s convenient for you and

provides much-needed dona�on consistency for the

church. Forms are in the Fellowship Hall.

Sudley Church Contacts

Mailing address: PO Box 96, Catharpin, VA 20143

Phone: 703-754-4380 Email:

Fax: 703-753-1628 Website:

Pastor: Bass Mitchell Facebook Fan Page: Sudley Church

Pastor’s Cell: 703-727-0776 Pastor’s Email:

Program Director: Deb Angerman Children’s Minstry: Debbie Murschell

Secretary: April Braun Music Director: Eugene Iosilevich

Nursery: Melanie Williams, Brandi Bryden, Brenda Holloway, Vicky Runyan

Stewardship Report

Last Week 2014 YTD

Total General Giving $ 4,284.00 $ 55,635.53

Opera�ng Budget $ 6,644.77 $ 53,158.15

Tithe to Missions $ 428.40 $ 5,563.55

Budget Comparison $ -2,789.17 $ -3,086.18

Designated Giving $ 1.242.00 $ 5,451.46

Last Week’s A#endance: 8:00 9:15 11:00

25 68 36

Where past and future joyfully unite in Jesus ChristWhere past and future joyfully unite in Jesus ChristWhere past and future joyfully unite in Jesus ChristWhere past and future joyfully unite in Jesus Christ

March 2, 2014March 2, 2014March 2, 2014March 2, 2014

Welcome to Sudley Church! We are so pleased to have you worship with us.

We believe that you will experience Christ today because He promised to be

with us whenever we meet in His name. Please fill out the Connec�on Card

and place it in the offering plate.

ORDER OF WORSHIP (8:00am & 11:00am)


(Please get your name tag and wear it. If you don’t have one, tell the ushers).

Welcome and Announcements

Passing the Peace

Prelude & Ligh�ng of Altar Candles Acolyte


L: Maybe this is not a mountaintop, but God is here.

P: Maybe we cannot go back and walk up that mountain with Jesus

and the disciples and see him transfigured, but he is s�ll here with


L: This is a holy place, a sacred place, hallowed by the presence of


P: and the prayers and praise of God's people for a century! God is

with us.

L: God is here.

P: The Transfigured One is here.

ALL: He can transfigure us.

*Hymn #144 -This is My Father’s World

Opening Prayer

Gracious God, help us to hear your call to journey up the mountain.

Help us to be open to the new visions you set before us, the ways

you might be calling us to change. Grant us your presence and your

Spirit, that we might know that whether we are on the heights of

the mountain or the depths of the valley, we are never alone. We

pray in the name of the one who knew mountaintop and valley:

Jesus, our Savior and Friend. Amen.


Children’s Message Pastor Bass

Dinners 4

Just imagine!

4 couples geKng together

4 fun, food and fellowship once every

4 weeks for

4 months.

A perfect opportunity for those of you

wishing to see your Sudley friends in a more in�mate seKng or for newer

members to meet other members of the congrega�on. Dinners will run from

March –June.

If interested in par�cipa�ng let us know so we can get you in a group that

meets your needs and schedule. Sign up in the Fellowship Hall or at

Name tags

Please remember to wear your name tag each

week. If you can’t find yours, please let and

usher know or contact the church office so we

can make one for you.

Lenten Small Group

Daytime and Evening Classes Available

Join us to read and discuss "I Am A Church Member" by

Thom S. Rainer. The book is a journey of rediscovering the

privilege and joy of church membership, a journey through

six pledges which are about the joy of being last instead of

first, the joy of being a unifier rather than a complainer, the

joy of being a servant rather than being entitled. All are welcome to attend.

Deb Angerman will lead the daytime class on Wednesdays from 11:30am to

1pm now through March 26th.

The evening class will meet on Wednesdays at 7pm beginning March 12th.

Joyce Kenneson will lead the evening group.

Musical Offering

Bible Readings Exodus 24:12-18; Ma#hew 17:1-7

L: This is the word of God for the people of God.

P: Thanks be to God!

Message God Sighngs - Pastor Bass

Next Sunday: Debbie Angerman is preaching

*Hymn #451 - Be Thou My Vision

Joys and Prayer Concerns

Morning Prayer

The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come.

Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily

bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass

against us. And lead us not into tempta�on, but deliver us from evil. For

thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.

Offering & Offertory

God of Moses and Elijah, of Christ and the disciples, we, too, could build you

booths, but you would not be pleased. We could bring you burnt offerings,

but you do not want them. You ask us to do jus�ce, to love mercy, and to

walk humbly with you. We come now before you, with these offerings and

giPs, and with our lives. We place ourselves into your service. Take us and

accept us, women and men, young and old. Use us for your good purpose

of bringing your Kingdom to all people on earth; through Jesus Christ our


*Doxology #94

Confession & Pardon #893

Holy Communion

(As you come forward today to receive Communion, bring your cross

necklace so it can be dedicated and worn during Lent. If you don’t have one,

we will provide one for you).



Go in peace, and may the God who has shone in your hearts the light of the

knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ be with you



(*Please stand, as you are able)

9:15 Order of Worship

Ligh�ng of Altar Candles

Welcome & Announcements

Passing the Peace

*Music for Celebra�on

Children’s Message

Sunday School Song

Dismissal of Children to Sunday School

Joys and Prayer Concerns


The Lord’s Prayer

Worship with Tithes and Offerings

*The Doxology

Bible Readings Exodus 24:12-18; Ma#hew 17:1-7

Message God Sighngs

(Next Sunday: Debbie Angerman is preaching)

*Hymn of Invita�on

(Come forward during this song for prayer, to join our church, or accep�ng

Christ as your Savior and Lord, and asking for bap�sm.)

Holy Communion

(We celebrate open Communion. This means you do not have to be a

member of our church in order to par�cipate in the Lord’s Supper. You all

are welcome at this table).

(Also, have your cross necklace rededicated for Lent by coming to Pastor

Bass during Communion. If you need a cross necklace, we have one for you).


(*Please stand, as you are able)



8:00am Tradi�onal Worship

9:15am Contemporary Worship & Sunday School

10:45am Children’s Music Prac�ce

11:00am Tradi�onal Worship & Sunday School


10:00am Pastor Bible Study

7:00pm Disciple II

7:30pm Boy Scouts


9:30am Staff Mee�ng

11:30am Lenten Small Group

6:00pm Sudley Supper - Pancakes

prepared by Disciple Class

6:45pm Sudley Kids

7:00pm Ash Wednesday Taizé Worship

8:00pm Praise Team Prac�ce


9:00am Prayer Mee�ng

1:00pm Grief & Loss Support Group

6:00pm Youth Band Prac�ce

7:00pm Stephen Minister Support


Men’s Group retreat at Camp Highroad


9:00am Breakfast for residents at SERVE

9:00am Quil�ng Class - For all who are interested, Cindy

Latham will be on hand to teach the ins and outs of

making a T-shirt Quilt. Call Cindy at 703-898-4797 to let

her know you are coming. Several sewing machines will

be on hand or you can bring your own. All you need are 9

t-shirts to get started!

10:00am MOMs Music and Movement


The Pastor’s Class will begin on Wednesday, March

12 at 7pm. The purpose of the class is to provide a

place and space for anyone who has ques�ons about

the Bible, the United Methodist Church, what it

means to be a Chris�an, etc. Everyone is welcome.

