Al Masroor February 2010



Khuddam ul Ahmadiyya Australia,Al Islam, Ahmadiyyat

Citation preview



� The Holy Quran - selected verse

� Hadith – Sayings of the Holy

Prophet (saw)

� Writings of the Promised

Messiah (as)

� Editorial Comment

� Friday Sermon – summary

� Announcements

� Australia Day Report

� Taleem, Tarbiyyat and Sports Day


� Majalis News

� Preventing Lifestyle Diabetes

� Taleem Syllabus

� Australia Day Pictures

Upcoming Events

� Every Monday @ 7:30pm – Quran

class in Sydney

� Picnic Day - 21st February

� Musleh Maoud Day – 28th


The Holy Quran Surah Al- Baqarah Chapter 2: Verse 239

“Watch over Prayers, and particularly the middle Prayer, and stand before

Allah submissively”

Hadith – The Foundations of Islam (Salat)

Abu Hurairah (ra) narrates that the Holy Prophet (saw) said:

“Should I not tell you of something which if you practice it will earn you Allah’s favour

and by means of which Allah will expunge your faults and elevate your rank?”

‘O Prophet of Allah, please do tell us.” The Holy Prophet (saw) said, “To perform the

ablution thoroughly even though one may not feel like it: to walk to the mosque from a

distant place; and, having offered one’s prayers, to await the next prayer eagerly.

These are the means of being in a state of readiness to guard the frontiers.”


Volume 2 Issue 2

February 2010

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious Ever Merciful

Al Masroor

Al Masroor is a monthly publication since January 2009

by Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya Australia

Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya Australia

(Youngmens' Auxiliary) of

Ahmadiyya Muslim Association of Australia

The Way to Attain Purity is Through Prayer

Offered in True Humility of Spirit


But the most important question is how to win blessings. To this question God Himself

has given the answer. He says: Seek help from God with prayer and perseverance

[Ch.2:V.46]. What is Salat? It is a prayer addressed to God in true humility of spirit and

the fullest awareness of His purity, His praiseworthiness, His holiness, coupled with a

burning desire on the part of the devotee for Divine forgiveness, and for blessing on

the Holy Prophet(saw). Therefore, when you stand for prayer, do not, like ignorant

people, confine yourself to the prescribed Arabic text, for the prayers and the Istighfar

[repentance] of many people is only formal, with no reality in it. When you stand up

Editorial Board

Sadr Majlis Khuddamul

Ahmadiyya Australia:

Rana Ejaz Ahmad


Sharfraz Ahmad Rahim

Contributing Editor:

Ataul Awal Nasir Ahmad

Contributing Editor:

Murad Mahmood Khan

Contributing Editor:

Mohammed Irfaan

Contributing Editor:

Sikder Taher Ahmad

If the prayer is for famine, the All-Powerful One creates the opposite means.”

Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad

The Promised Messiah & Mahdias

for prayer, do not, like ignorant people, confine yourself to the prescribed Arabic

text; over and above the prayers found in the Qur’an, which is the Word of God, and

in the Hadith, which is the word of the Holy Prophet(saw), address your petitions to

the Lord in your own language, with heartfelt humility which should leave a lasting

effect on your mind. In prayer lies the remedy for the coming tribulations. You have

no idea what the coming day has in store for you. Therefore, ere the day dawn, pray

every time that for you it should be a day of blessings and peace.

Final part in series of extracts from ‘Our Teaching’ in ‘Kishti-e-Nuh’ (Noah’s Ark) by

the Promised Messiah(as)



Message from the

Editorial Board:

Please send any relevant

information or articles of interest to

us for publication.

Please also visit the following

informative sites, however please

note that some may not be

authentic websites:







A copy of this newsletter is also

available from the Khuddam page of

The Al Masroor editorial team takes

full responsibility for any errors or

miscommunications in this


Editorial Comment

Bismillah hir rahmanir raheem

(In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Ever Merciful)

Dear readers of Al Masroor, as salaam wa alaikum (peace be on you).

In this edition we have included articles, hadith and Quranic verses on the importance

of salaat. Hadrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih V (atba) has given a special

message to khuddam’s of Australia to pay particular emphasis on salaat.

Also the month of January saw Australia day celebrations around the country and in our

mosques. The program went really well and a brief report with pictures is highlighted in this


Also a very successful Taleem and Tarbiyat program was organized for the month of January

and a full report is presented by shoba Taleem and Tarbiyat.


Mohammed Irfaan

Muhtamim Isha’at







Friday Sermon

The Jumu'ah (Friday) prayer is one form of congregational worship in Islam. It

takes place every Friday. Regular attendance at the Jumu'ah prayer is enjoined

on the believer. According to a Saying of Muhammad sa this congregational

prayer is twenty-five times more blessed than worship performed alone.

We encourage members to read Huzurs Friday sermons which can be found at:

For your benefit we have published below, a gist of Huzurs Friday Sermon

delivered on 29th

January 2010.

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad

Khalifatul Masih V

Nur (Spiritual Light) of The Promised Messiah (as) and his companions


� Huzur (aba) gave a discourse on the nur (light) of the

Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) as described by his


� By virtue of being the Imam of the people of latter days,

God made the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) an

example of the exquisiteness of his holy master.

� In his practices and his morals, he sought inspiration from

the blessed model of the Prophet (peace and blessings of

Allah be on him) who had said, ‘there will be no Prophet

between my Mahdi and I’.

� Next Huzur cited a few traditions signifying the high

standard of spirituality of the companions of the Promised

Messiah (on whom be peace).

People of

latter days

� The Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) says in his book

‘Khutbah Ilhamia’ (Revealed Sermon) that God revealed to

him, ‘the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him)

has taught you through the effect of his spirituality and has

put the beneficence of his mercy in your heart, so that you

may be included in his Companions and are encompassed in

his blessing.

� And among others from among them who have not yet

joined them. He is the Mighty, the Wise.

� So that God’s prophecy is fulfilled with His grace and His


Imam of

the people

of latter


� By virtue of being the Imam of the people of latter-days, the

Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) was granted more

than just the light of the Companions.

� God made him an example of the exquisiteness of his holy


� The Imam of the time has a shadow-like resemblance to the

Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him.

� This resemblance was vital, so that the glory of the master

would be apparent in his servant.

� Huzur (aba) gave a discourse on this apparent and manifest light of the

Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) as described by his companions.


Salutations & Meanings

sas / saw

Salla Allaho alaihay wa

sallam - Peace & blessings

of Allah be on him, used for

Holy Prophet of Islam,

Sayyedna Muhammad, SAS


Alayhe Salam - Peace be on

him, used for Prophets of


atba/ aba

ayyadah Allah tala be-

Nasray hil-Aziz, may Allah

assist him.

A prayer recited with

Khalifat al-Masih’s official


Razi Allah


(RA) May Allah be pleased

with him. Used for a male

companion of the Prophet

or a revered person who

has passed away

Razi Alah


(RA) used for a female

companion of the Prophet

or revered lady who has

passed away

Caliph /


Head of the Muslim

community, literally

successor (Ar. Khalifa)



The Successor of the


Hadhrat /


A courtesy title used for a

revered & righteous person.



Muslim Television



Mr. or Esquire, implying





light of the



(on whom

be peace)

� Dr. Mir Muhammad Ismael sahib narrated

The Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) was a fine

specimen of masculine good looks and charisma, which was

accompanied by a spiritual light. This luminosity exuded

humility. His complexion was a most refined brown. His face

would always be glowing, cheerful and smiling.

� Huzur (aba) explained that this apparent light was granted to

the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) because he had

absorbed himself in the light of his master, self-negating in

the process.

� Huzur (aba) explained

� The Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be on him) said, ‘There will be no

Prophet between my Mahdi and I’.

� In his practices and his morals, the Promised Messiah whom be peace)

sought inspiration from the blessed model of the Prophet (peace and

blessings of Allah be on him)

� Contrary to what is alleged, an Ahmadi cannot even think for a moment,

that God forbid, the status of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace)

could be more than that of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah

be on him).

� Apparent and manifest light of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace)

� Huzur (aba) cited a dream of Hadhrat Maulana Ghulam Rasool Rajiki

alluding that the status of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be

upon him) was like that of a sun and the Promised Messiah ( on whom be

peace) was like moon which illuminates by reflecting the light of sun.




light of the



(on whom

be peace)

� Huzur (aba) quoted many sayings of the companions of the

Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) reiterating the glow

and light of the face of the Promised Messiah

� Huzur (aba) explained that even young people could

recognise this light on the face of the Promised Messiah,

which helped to protect and strengthen their faith

� Some non-Ahmadi guests witnessed beams of light from the

head of the Promised Messiah ( on whom be peace) travelling

to the sky and this motivated them to take Bai’at.

� When the Promised Messiah passed away, his face was


� Next Huzur cited a few traditions signifying the high standard of spirituality

of the companions of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace).

� The spirituality of the companions of the Promised Messiah (on whom

be peace).

� Maulana Rajiki related that Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih II (may Allah be

pleased with him) announced in Masjid Mubarak Qadian that the youth

should say

‘Subhan Allah Wabihamdihi Subhan Allah Hilazim’ (Exalted Is Allah with

all His Glory, Exalted is Allah, Who is Great) as well as Durud twelve

times after obligatory Salat.

� Maulana Rajiki said that this practice helped him to achieve purification of heart and spiritual enlightenment.

� Centenary prayer

Huzur (aba) said the aforementioned prayer was one of the Khilafat

Centenary prayers that he gave out.

� Hadith

The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) had said that

these words are very easy and light to utter but very heavy in God’s sight.


Huzur (aba) said we should continue to say this prayer because this prayer

and Durud are very significant in purifying hearts and to attain love of God

� The spirituality of the companions of the Promised Messiah (on whom be


� Huzur (aba) cited another incident from the life of Maulana Rajiki where

he went to stay with his non-Ahmadi relatives, who despite being

informed of his truthfulness via a dream, remained hostile to him.

Eventually they were victims of the famous plague.

� Huzur (aba) prayed

انك على كل شىء قدير ربنا اتمم لـنا نورنا واغفر لـنا �

‘Our Lord, perfect our light for us and forgive us; surely Thou hast power

over all things.’

� May God grant us His true Light with His grace, the Light that can be

attained through loving His beloveds.

� May God show us signs of this prayer in this life and may this nur stay with

us eternally in the Hereafter.

� May we, rather than be embroiled in the idle pursuits of this world, be

always seekers of this nur from God. Ameen



� Mr. Tahir Khan of QLD is pleased to inform about Nikah ceremony of his brother Ishfaq

Ahmad S/O Rana Muhammad Khan with Sumera Rai D/O Muhammad Anwar Khan,

Nikah ceremony was organised at Lahore on the 10th of October 2009. Please

remember them both in your special prayers

Deaths: � Father of Mashhood Ahmed cheema, Mrs. Nuzhat Ayesha w/o Qudratullah Farooq

sahib and Mrs. Riffat Sultana w/o Shahid Ahmed sahib passed away on 12-01-10 in

Rabwah Pakistan. Inna lillah e wa inna illahe rajaoon. May Allah elevate his levels in

heavens and give patience to everyone in family.

“Inna Lillahe-Wa-Inna Ialihe Rajeon”

(Indeed we are for Allah and it is to Him we return)


Mathematics Trivia

Aging Couple ? The age of a man is the same as his

wife's age with the digits reversed.

The sum of their ages is 99 and the

man is 9 years older than his wife.

How old is the man?

Last Issues Answer:

The house is 7 years old.

The tree height is 28 feet, since it is

four times its original height.

To figure out the age of the tree,

let x = age of the tree in years. The

height of the tree is then 7 + 3x.

Since we know that the tree is now

28 feet, we can say:

28 = 7 + 3x

21 = 3x

7 = x

So the tree must be 7 years old,

making the house just as old.

7 AUSTRALIA DAY Report by Ataul Awal Nasir Ahmad, Mohtamim Taleem

On 26th January 2010, on a scorching day, at Masjid Baitul Huda, Australia Day was

celebrated. The program started at 2.00pm with the recitation of the Holy Quran and

translation by brother Syed Tariq Ahmed. This was followed by the national anthem

conducted by the Atfal who sung with pride and passion. The program then went straight

into the speeches and the keynote speaker brother Ataul Awal Nasir Ahmad delivered a

talk on the Responsibilities of Ahmadis to Australia. The talk outlined the importance of

looking after and actively taking part in the protection and management of our

environment so that our future can benefit it from as well. He also briefly expanded using

Quranic verses, Hadith and writings of the Promised Messiah (as) on the duties of Ahmadis

to all creations of Allah and to serve our great society with humility, love and respect.

There was also three speeches made by two Atfal and a Nasirat who spoke very briefly on

the concepts of Patriotism to Australia, A short History of Australia and The True Meaning of

Jihad. The guests who later made reference to these speeches were particularly impressed

with the great maturity and sense of pride the Ahmadi children have for their country.

Brother Abdul Majd Khan and Nadeem Mirza then both delivered a talk on ‘What Australia

has done for them being a Refugee’. Both speeches were very well delivered and were

emotionally touching. They both outlined the very harsh and difficult conditions that they

grew up in Pakistan under the anti-Ahmadiyya laws and the trouble they underwent to come

to Australia where they are safe and have many human rights.

The distinguished guests were then invited to deliver their addresses. Among them was

Councilor Tony Beasdale who was awarded the Order of Australia Medal (OAM) recently. He

was accompanied by his wife Mrs. Nina Beasdale. He spoke very highly of the Ahmadiyya

Muslim Community and acknowledged the wonderful work we have been doing in the

Australian community. He also praised the community for their strong sense of pride and

respect for Australia and also acknowledged the conditions that many of our community

members had come from as he also came to Australia from a tough background. He then

read the message from the Mayor of Blacktown, Councilor Charlie Lowles.

Councilor Kevin Connolly then addressed the gathering, reading out the message from the

Mayor of Hawkesbury City Councilor Ray Willimans. He to also acknowledged the great spirit

of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community had towards Australia and encouraged us to continue


Councilor Kathie Collins also addressed the community outlining the importance of getting

involved in the Australian community and particularly challenged the Ahmadiyya Community

to take a part in the Cancer Foundations and also blood donation. She was later informed

that the Ahmadiyya Muslim Association in taking part in both of these areas and will strive to

better the efforts Inshallah. The message from the Mayor of Penrith was read out by Brother

Farhad Jan Khan.

The program concluded with silent prayer and refreshments were provided afterwards.

Australia Day

Taleem, Tarbiyyat and Sports Day Report by Ataul Awal Nasir Ahmad, Mohtamim Taleem

On the 17th of January 2010 Majlis Khuddamul Ahamadiyya Sydney held its Taleem,

Tarbiyyat and Sports Day. The program began at 4.10am with Tahajjud prayers led by

brother Abdul Ahad and after Fajr, dars was conducted by brother Mirza Imran Ahsan

Karim who then led an hour Tarbiyyati Question and answer session, which went over

time due to a very interested audience.

The Khuddam then made their way to breakfast and then the sports session kicked off.

Intermajlis events then took place with Majlis Baitul Huda (formed into their Halqa

teams), Al-Noor and Al-Sadqat in Volleyball, Cricket and Seven a side Soccer. The

competitions in the end were very close and interesting but Halqa Fazl-e-Umar from

Majlis Baitul Huda were the winners in the end for Soccer (with a very close final against

its fellow Halqa Al-Tahir), and Cricket.

After an interesting sports session, the Khuddam again made their way into the mosque

for some Taleem classes led by brother Ataul Awal Nasir Ahmad, which Alhamdulillah

showed great results. Khuddam were split into groups of 6 and each group was allocated

a team leader. Each group was then given a topic to research (only being given a detailed

article and a copy of The Holy Quran). They were then given 30 minutes to research that

topic and then present it back to the rest of the Khuddam. The discussions were deep and

the topic researched very well. The report back was expected to take 20 minutes but due

to very strong interest in the Marriage topic the time went well over. The other topics

which also sparked great interest included The importance of the Holy Quran, The

purpose of Creation, Why Alcohol is forbidden in Islam and Is music allowed in Islam?

Khuddam sat in a circle and discussions and questions were tossed back and forth

generating interesting comments from younger and older Khuddam.

Brother Khalid Chohan then led a very interesting and well informed presentation on

Survival Skills with a PowerPoint presentation and video footage on what to do in case of

being bitten by a snake or spider. Brother Khalid also demonstrated the procedures for

bandaging. The program concluded with Zuhr and Asr prayers and Khuddam stayed

behind for another game of cricket. Overall a very successful day with Khuddam showing

great interest in the programs.


Majlis ACT (By Kamran Ahmed, Qaid Majlis ACT)

Al-Humdo Lillah, Majlis ACT had a busy month and was full of activities. The new year

started with congregational Tahajud Prayers followed by Fajar prayer and amla meeting. 5

khudams and one ansar attended the prayer.

We also had Taleem and Tarbiyati Class on 24th Of January 2010 followed by Asar prayer

and a small tea party. The contents of the class was based on the Taleem syllabus

provided by National Majlis khudamul Ahmadiyya. It was an open discussion class.

Khudamms enjoyed and actively participated in the class. The class lasted for 2 hours. 5

Khudams attended the class.

Majlis ACT also had regular weekly sports throughout the month. On Australian Day (26th

January) we had special sports activity. Khudams and ansar played volley ball and cricket

together. The sports continued for one and half hour. 6 khudam and 2 ansar participated

in these games.

Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat


[Company address]


Taleem Tarbiyyat & Sports Day

Majlis ACT


Majlis QLD (By Mudassar Mahmood, Qaid Majlis QLD)

By the grace of Allah we were able to answer the call of our beloved Hazoor (a.b.a) who

has called upon us to build more mosques around the world. Majlis Khuddam ul

Ahmadiyya Queensland took this initiative to raise funds by organizing a mosque

building fundraiser cricket tournament which was held on 17th and 24th of January,


The fundraiser started on Sunday the 17th of January, 2010 with prayers, large number

of khuddams, Ansar and Atfal turned up for the day.

In total four teams played in the competition each agreed to pay $110 entry fees, there

was a refreshment stall in place, profits were added to the fund raising.

There were prizes for the winner team, best bowler and best batsmen as well as extra

points were awarded to any Halqa that collects more money than the entry fees.

On the first day 75% of the items on the stall were purchased and only retail money

was earned but as the awareness was raised more and more people joined forces and

hands to make the next day i.e. 24th of January, more profitable in the sense that only

25% on the items were purchased and rest were donated by members of the

community. May Allah give them all the best rewards for their good deeds.

The final was played between Halqa Fazle-Umer and Halqa Al Noor which was won by

Halqa Al Noor, where as fundraising competition was won by Halqa Fazle Umer. There

were also two individual awards for best Batsman which was won by Mansoor Ahmed

and best Bowler award was won by Inam-ul-Haque Alvi.

Prizes were distributed by Murabi silsala on Sunday the 31st in Ijlas-e-Am.

Alhamdollilah the program was very successful not only Khuddam but Ansar helped to

make it a success. Ansarullah even fielded their cricket team to involve Ansar and raise

funds. In total $1150 were collected.

In the end I pray that Allah would give His best rewards to all those who helped to

make it a very successful event and May Allah help us continue our good work. Ameen

Special thanks to Inam ul Haq Alvi and his team for organising the event.

Majlis Al-Noor (By Muhammmad Iqbal, Motmaa'd, Majlis Al Noor)

Report of picnic held by Majlis Alnoor

Al Hamdulillah, Majlis Al Noor organized their first Picnic for the year 2010, which was

held at the beautiful and famous Palm Beach, on Sunday 10th of January 2010. All

Saikeen and Zuma informed khuddams well before 2 weeks from the event. According

to our plan, all khuddam got together at Mosque, then Quiad sahib Majlis assigned

duties to various khuddams. At 9:45am we left the mosque and after 1.5 hours drive we

reached Palm beach . Before entering the water Qaid sahib gave some good advices to

all khuddam.

Khuddams thoroughly enjoyed Palm Beach . It was a warm day with temperatures

around 38 to 40 degrees. Water temperature was ideal for swimming. We also took a

few Body Boards and tennis balls play with. Body Boards provided some challenge to

first timers but once they got the nag of it no one wanted to give their turn away! Al

hamdulillah, attendance was more than expected. The total attendance was 48,

including 4 khuddams from other Majalis (2 from Baitul-Huda and 2 from Al-Sadaqat).

Lunch was very amazing everyone loved it. After Lunch we had our General meeting

and after all fundamental issues of the meeting Quaid sahib and khaksar requested all

khuddam for their participation in all other Majlis programs. About 4pm we started to

wind up a very successful day. Qaid Sahib passed his thanks to all Khuddams who

attended and encouraged those who could not attend to not miss future programs.

Majlis QLD

Majlis Al-Noor

Majlis Bait-Ul-Huda (By Syed Tariq Ahmad, Naib Qaid Majlis Bait-Ul-Huda)

A Major Waqre Amal initiated by Baitul Huda on 16th was organised by Javed Ahmedi, it

was good to see other Majalis attend also and clean the mosque. We filled 2 Skip bins

and work all day.

On the 17 th A Taleem/Sports programed organised by National Taleem was good, with

Baitul Huda having the majority attendance. During the sports Baitul Huda had both their

halqa teams - Both Halqa went through to all the finals in cricket- soccer and volleyball.


Also held a First Aid Training- this was the first time this program/ training has happened

in the jamat. The training was held at the mosque and all 6 khudams that took part

passed- and are now qualified in Senior First Aid. Thanks to Khalid C for organising this,

First Aid is a life saving skill.

Finally Baitul Huda held an indoor soccer comp. We had 3 teams of 5 players. We played

for 1.5 hours and it was a good sweat out. Thanks to Ansar Shah and Feroz Maqbool for

organising this.

Thanks the boys for their hard work and efforts this month, and hopefully it continues.

Preventing Lifestyle Diabetes


Touted as the 'disease of the developed world', type 2 diabetes is now Australia's

fastest growing chronic disease.

Every day more than 10 million motivated Australians peel themselves out of bed and

head to work. A lot of effort goes into maintaining our jobs and advancing professionally

- and rightly so. But what is a job if we don't have our health or the energy to get out of

bed anymore?

We're constantly being exposed to a plethora of "healthy" processed-food and fast-food

advertisements, allowing us the illusion that we're putting time and energy into our

health and that consuming a low-fat prepackaged frozen meal is eating "healthily".

In reality, it seems many of us aren't putting anywhere near the same amount

of energy into our health as we're putting into our work - and we don't even realise it.

Sixty-two per cent of Australian men and 45 per cent of Australian women are classified

as being overweight or obese. However, only 32 per cent of men and 37 per cent of

women actually assess themselves as being overweight.

It's been widely reported that being overweight or obese, and simply not eating well and

exercising, is having huge implications on the health of Australians and on our pockets.

Diabetes cost the Australian community $2.3 billion dollars in 2005. It is Australia's

(and the world's) fastest growing chronic disease, with about 890,000 Australians

already diagnosed, 275 Australians developing the disease every day, and hundreds of

thousands more estimated to remain undiagnosed.

The diabetes endemic is being fuelled by the largely preventable type 2 diabetes. Type 2

diabetes - or "lifestyle" diabetesis increasing in Australia at a worrying rate, and is hitting

more and more young people: more than seven per cent of Australians over the age of

25 are estimated to have type 2 diabetes.

What is diabetes?

Diabetes is a chronic disease - it can last a lifetime. In people with diabetes, not enough


Majlis Bait-Ul-Huda

11 insulin is produced for the body to convert glucose (sugar) from food into energy.

Instead of being turned into energy, glucose remains in the blood: this is why blood

glucose levels are higher in people with diabetes.

Diabetes is the biggest contributor to heart disease, kidney failure, strokes, and

blindness in Australians.

What's the difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes?

� Type 1 is insulin dependent diabetes. Symptoms include excessive thirst,

lethargy, and unexplained weight loss It has a strong genetic link, and currently

can't be prevented or cured. Type 1 diabetes represents 10 to 15 per cent of all

cases of diabetes in Australia.

� Type 2 is non-insulin dependent diabetes. Symptoms include tiredness and

lethargy, excessive thirst and/or hunger, having cuts that heal slowly, itching,

skin infections, blurred vision, gradually putting on weight. mood swings,

headaches, feeling dizzy, and leg cramps.

According to Diabetes Australia, type 2 diabetes represents 85 to 90 per cent of all

cases of diabetes in Australia. However, up to 60 per cent of cases are preventable

through a healthy diet and lifestyle.

Ways to help prevent type 2 diabetes The best way to keep type 2 diabetes at bay is

to maintain overall health and a healthy weight. This can be achieved by making

healthy food choices and keeping active, and understanding the body's levels of the

hormone insulin; how it peaks and troughs throughout the day according to the food

you eat, and how this affects the body.

1. Maintain a healthy weight. Eat well and exercise - and don't fall prey to fasting or

crash diets. These will have a yoyo effect on your weight, and the body will become

undernourished and burn valuable muscle tissue, rather than fat.

By maintaining a healthy weight. blood sugar levels will be stabilised, blood

pressure reduced, and blood fat levels will be lowered. This can also help prevent

stroke and heart disease.

2. Make healthy food choices. Bring your lunch to work at least three times a week

- you'll know exactly what you're eating, and will be in control of ensuring your

body receives the right portfolios of vitamins and nutrients (of which the over-

consumption of processed and fast foods zaps).

By eating primarily fresh, healthy foods, the body has a greater chance of

maintaining a healthy weight and keeping insulin levels steady.

3. Keep insulin levels stable. Daily intakes of sugary snacks, softdrinks, and products

containing highly refined flour means the body can have 20 to 30 high insulin peaks

per day.

With these constant peaks, the body stores too many calories and gains too much

fat, causing the structure of the body to lose equilibrium. If some parts of the body

use too much energy, other parts of the body, such as the heart, will be unable to

cope - once again leading to heart attacks and strokes.

Eat low GI foods to maintain balanced insulin levels

In addition to eating healthily and being active, having a low GI diet will help the

body maintain balanced insulin levels. The higher the glycemic index (GI) of foods,

the stronger the blood sugar and insulin reaction. High insulin levels trigger ravenous

hunger attacks and block fat burning, while low insulin levels prevent ravenous

hunger attacks and ensure constant fat burning.

Therefore, the glycemic index of food must be as low as possible so as not to prevent

fat burning.

"Diabetes cost the Australian community

$2.3 billion dollars in 2005. It is Australia's -and the

world's - fastest growing chronic disease, with about 890,000 Australians already

diagnosed and 275 more developing the disease every


High GI foods include those that contain refined sugar or white flour. Low GI foods include those

that contain legumes, oats, sweet potato, or brown bread or for convenience a natural wholegrain

based dietary supplement or meal replacement.

Diabetes has reached epidemic proportions in Australia and globally, but many Australians are still

surprisingly health unaware of the ways in which type 2 diabetes can be prevented.

There are many products on the market that claim they can help, so check carefully. Remember

diet and exercise is always the key. One convenience product that has been proven to help is

BODYform. The meal replacement is double-fermented to remove 97 per cent of its starch, leaving

it with the equivalent This means it can help to keep blood sugar levels steady, and deliver vitamins

and nutrients to the body, in addition to keeping insulin levels stable.


Australian Bureau of Statistics National Health Survey, 2004-05. oducts/4364.0Media%20Release12004-05? opendocument&tabname=Summary& prodno=4364.0&issue=2004-05&num =&view=

Diabetes Australia. ng-DiabeteslDiabetes-in-Australia/

Australian Bureau of Statistics. 30 April 2004. /daf02.pdf

Diabetes: Australian Facts. National Centre for Monitoring Diabetes: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. November 2002. nding-Diabetes/What-is-Diabetesl

British Journal of Nutrition (2007), Improvement of insulin resistance after diet with a whole-grain based dietary product, pp.1-8.

Taleem Syllabus

Khuddam Syllabus for the month of February 2010

Hifze Quran Surah Al-Ma’un, Surah Al-Kauthar, Surah Al-Kafirun (Chapter

107-109) with Translation.

Prayers Prayer for spiritual uplift.

Before studying.


Knowledge on

Islam/ Ahmadiyyat

What is Hajj?

It is the pilgrimage to Mecca on the specified dates, at least

once in One’s lifetime if physically and financially possible

and if the journey to Mecca is safe.

What is Umra?

Umra is a visit to Mecca at any other time during the year in

the state of Ihram (Wearing two seamless sheets), to

perform Tawaf (performing seven circuits of the Kaaba) and

Saee (Slow running between two hills namely Safa and

Marwa) proclaiming Talbiyyah.


Knowledge on


General Knowledge Questions

for Australia.

Nominated Book The Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam by Hadhrat Mirza

Ghulam Ahmad (as) (Pages 98-194)

Short Article/


The Holy Quran – The Perfect Guidance for Mankind by Fauzia

Bajwa. The Review of Religions, October 2004.

Important Dates

to Keep in Mind

Death of the First Caliph March 13th, 1914

Election of Khalifat al-Masih the Second March 14, 1914

Lajna Ama Allah organization instituted 1922

Khalifat al-Masih’s first trip to Europe 1924

Foundation stone laid for Fazl Mosque in London October 19th,


Inauguration of Jamia Ahmadiyya May 20th, 1928

Birth of Hadhrat Khalifat al-Masih the Fourth December 18,



Australia – Did you know?

� Australia is considered to have one

of the highest degrees of urban

concentration in the world.

� Despite the urban concentration,

Australia has an average of three

people per square kilometre,

making it one of the lowest

population densities in the world.

� Australia's Parliament House in

Canberra is one of the largest

buildings in the southern

hemisphere at over 300,000 cubic


� The average Australian will

consume 165,000 eggs in his or her


� The most medals Australia has ever

won at an Olympic Games was in

the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games, a

total of 58 medals.

� The average family has 1.65


� The average Australian will

consume 18 beef cattle and 90

sheep in his or her lifetime.

� 22% of adults will never have


� 16.2% of adults will only have one


� The Great Barrier Reef is the

longest reef in the world at over

2010 kilometres.

� Australian women won the right to

vote in 1902.

� Main source of immigrants to

Australia is from the UK and Ireland

totalling 6.35% of all immigrants.


Khuddam Syllabus for the month of March 2010

Hifze Quran Surah Al-Baqarah (Chapter

2-8) with Translation.

Prayers Jum’ma (Friday) Prayer.


Knowledge on

Islam/ Ahmadiyyat

What does the word ‘Quran’ mean?

It means that which if often read, recited or rehearsed.

How many chapters are there in the Holy Quran?

There are 114 Chapters in the Holy Quran.

How long did it take for the Holy Quran to be revealed?

It took 23 years for the entire Holy Quran to be revealed.


Knowledge on


General Knowledge Questions

for Australia.

Nominated Book Islam’s Response to Contemporary Issues by Hadhrat Mirza


Ahmad (rh) (Pages 1-112)

Short Article/


Permissibility of Music, QA by Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad (rh)

Important Dates

to Keep in Mind

Tehrike Jadid organization instituted November 23rd, 1934

Khudam al-Ahmadiyya organization instituted 1938

Khilafat (Silver) Jubilee Celebrations 1939

Standard of Ahmadiyyat hoisted December 28th, 1939

Establishment of Ansar al-Allah organization 1940

Khilafat Library Established 1952

Australia Day Pictures

Diet Tips:

� Eat at least two servings of a fruit

or veggie at every meal

� Resolve never to supersize your

food portions

� Start eating a big breakfast. It helps

you eat fewer total calories

throughout the day

� Make sure your plate is half veggies

and/or fruit at both lunch and


� Use a salad plate instead of a

dinner plate

� Instead of whole milk, switch to 1

percent. If you drink one 8-oz glass

a day, you'll lose 5 lb in a year

� Eat more soup. The non-creamy

ones are filling but low-cal

� Take your lunch to work

� Have mostly veggies for lunch

� Cereal, fruit, and fat-free milk

makes a good meal anytime

� Make exercise a nonnegotiable


� Try 2 weeks without sweets. It's

amazing how your cravings vanish

� Brush your teeth right after dinner

to remind you: No more food

� Eat without engaging in any other

simultaneous activity. No reading,

watching TV, or sitting at the

