gm Contents The Holy Quran - selected verse Hadith – Sayings of the Holy Prophet (saw) Friday Sermon – summary 27 TH Annual National Ijtema 2010 Announcements Hajj – The Pilgrimage Urdu Section Upcoming Events Quran Classes - Every Monday in Sydney at 6:45pm Camping – 18 th December at Baitul Huda Mosque Contact Us [email protected] Volume 2 Issue 11 November 2010 Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya Australia (Youngmens' Auxiliary) of Ahmadiyya Muslim Association of Australia Al Masroor Al Masroor is a monthly publication since January 2009 by Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya Australia ِ يمِ الرﱠحِ نٰ مـْ الرﱠحِ ِ مْ سِ بIn the name of Allah, the Gracious the Merciful

Al Masroor November 2010

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Al Masroor November 2010

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Page 1: Al Masroor November 2010



� The Holy Quran - selected verse

� Hadith – Sayings of the Holy

Prophet (saw)

� Friday Sermon – summary

� 27TH

Annual National Ijtema 2010

� Announcements

� Hajj – The Pilgrimage

� Urdu Section

Upcoming Events

� Quran Classes - Every Monday in

Sydney at 6:45pm

� Camping – 18th

December at

Baitul Huda Mosque

Contact Us

[email protected]

Volume 2 Issue 11

November 2010

Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya Australia

(Youngmens' Auxiliary) of

Ahmadiyya Muslim Association of Australia

Al Masroor

Al Masroor is a monthly publication since January 2009

by Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya Australia

حيم ن الر ـ حم بسم هللا الرIn the name of Allah, the Gracious the Merciful

Page 2: Al Masroor November 2010


The Holy Quran

Surah Al-Jumu`ah Chapter 62 : Verse 3

“He it is Who has raised among the unlettered people a Messenger from among

themselves who recites unto them His Signs and purifies them, and teaches them the

Book and Wisdom though before that they were in manifest error;”

Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas

The Promised Messiah & Mahdi

1835 - 1908

Editorial Board

Sadr Majlis Khuddamul

Ahmadiyya Australia:

Rana Ejaz Ahmad

[email protected]

Muhtamim Isha’at:

Mohammed Irfaan


Sharfraz Ahmad Rahim

Editor (Urdu Section):

Tahir Sheikh

C o n tr i b u t i n g E d i to rs :

Ataul Awal Nasir Ahmad

Murad Mahmood Khan

Sikder Taher Ahmad

[email protected]


A companion of The Holy Prophet (saw) relates: One day we were sitting with The

Holy Prophet (saw) when this chapter was revealed. I enquired from Muhammad

(saw). Who are the people to whom the words and among others of them who

have not yet joined them refer? Salman (ra), a Persian was sitting among us. The

Holy Prophet (saw) put his hand on Salman (ra) and said.If faith were to go up to

the Pleiades, a man from among these would surely find it.



Friday Sermon

The Jumu'ah (Friday) prayer is one form of congregational worship in Islam. It

takes place every Friday. Regular attendance at the Jumu'ah prayer is enjoined

on the believer. According to a Saying of Hazrat Muhammadsaw


congregational prayer is twenty-five times more blessed than worship

performed alone.

We encourage members to read Huzur’s (atba) Friday sermons which can be

found at: http://www.alislam.org/archives/

For your benefit we have published below, a summary of Huzur’s (atba) recent

Friday Sermons.

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Message from the

Editorial Board:

Please send any relevant

information or articles of interest to

us for publication.

Please also visit the following

informative sites:

- www.alislam.org

- www.alislam.org.au

A copy of this newsletter is also

available from the Khuddam page of


The Al Masroor editorial team takes

full responsibility for any errors or

miscommunications in this


“Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

established in Australia since 1903”

Requirements of Waqfe Zindagi (life- dedication) and Waqfe Nau

October 22nd, 2010


� Hudhur gave a discourse on the fine requirements of Waqfe

Zinadgi (life dedication), highlighting the aspirations of the

scheme of Waqfe Nau.

� With the grace of God from the time of the Promised

Messiah (on whom be peace) the system of dedication of life

has been set up in our Community

� Hudhur (aba) gave an account of the features required in the

people who dedicate their lives for the service of Jama’at

� Hudhur (aba) explained the administrative organisation of

the Waqfe Nau scheme

� Hudhur (aba) prayed that may God enable the Waqfe Nau

children to be beneficial members of the Community and

may He enable us to give excellent Tarbiyyat to the trust of

the Community and help them become beneficial members

Harmful innovations in religion

October 29th, 2010


� Hudhur (aba) gave an exposition on harmful innovations in


� Among the ills that take over imperceptibly is one that is a

great sin: shirk. Some practices of Muslims are tantamount

to obvious shirk

� Hudhur (aba) read out a prayer of the Prophet (pbuh) that

illustrates that the Holy Prophet (pbuh) was the greatest

champion of Unity of God

� God has sent the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) to

safeguard Islam from shirk and harmful innovations

� Hudhur (aba) said it is the obligation of Ahmadis that they

become helpers of the Imam of the age and endeavour to

establish Unity of God with their each word and deed

� Hudhur (aba) advised Ahmadi children and parents to

abstain form the practices of Halloween as these are based

on shirk

Spending for the cause of God

November 5th, 2010


� Hudhur (aba) announced the commencement of the new

Tehrike Jadid year and presented details of how our

Community endeavours to enhance and vie with one another

in sacrifice and good works

� When spending in the name of God, a true believer is always

primarily mindful of seeking God’s pleasure.

� If this point is understood, it leads to communal as well as

spiritual development

� Ahmadiyya Community does not have billions, rather, it has a

never-ending treasure of seeking God’s pleasure, which

gushes forth from sincere hearts.

� The contribution of the Ahmadiyya Community worldwide

for the year has increased to £ 5, 468,500.00 so far

� Pakistan maintained first position and Hudhur (aba) specially

commended Ahmadis from flood-hit regions who successfully

reached their target

� UK jama’at and Lajna UK received special praise and

encouragement from Hudhur (aba)

Since 1903

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The Promised Messiah (on whom be peace)

said one who is careless and indolent


Patience and Forbearance

November 12th , 2010


� Hudhur (aba) elaborated that through patience and prayer a

believer will achieve success and blessings of Allah Almighty

� Patience means that we remain steadfast through any sort of

trial and tribulations that comes our way without complaining

� All the Prophets and their followers have gone through

hardships, but they did not complain and remained steadfast

in their faith

� So going through difficulties to seek pleasure of Allah

Almighty without doubting Allah Almighty and His

messengers is patience and forbearance

� The Promised Messiah ( on whom be peace) said that there

will come a time upon my community that our enemies will

no longer exist

� Hudhur (aba) gave sad news of martyrdom of Sheikh

Mahmood Ahmad Sahib and demise of Ch Muhammad

Siddique Sahib and Masood Ahmad Khursheed Sannauri


27th Annual National Ijtema 2010

Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya Australia

By the Grace of Almighty Allah, the 27th Annual National Ijtema of Majlis Khuddamul

Ahmadiyya Australia was held at Bait-Ul-Huda Mosque in Sydney on the 1st, 2nd and

3rd of October 2010. Preparations for this Ijtema started early this year with members

of the Ijtema Committee working tirelessly day and night to have everything ready

prior to the start of the Ijtema. Guests from Interstate, including Queensland (QLD),

South Australia (SA), Victoria (VIC), Australian Capital Territory (ACT), Tasmania (TAS)

and Western Australia (WA) had all arrived for this blessed gathering. Sadr Majlis

Khuddamul Ahmadiyya Australia, Rana Ejaz Ahmad (Sadr Sahib) along with Nazim-e-

Aala Ijtema, Romeo Istifaq Hassan Khan and their team inspected various departments

of the Ijtema between 10:45am and 11:45am on Friday morning.

Day One

Flag Hoisting Ceremony

The official opening of the Ijtema took place with the Flag Hoisting Ceremony, after

Friday Prayers were offered at 1:15pm. All the Khuddam, Ansar and Atfal had gathered

outside the Mosque for this Ceremony and there was air of anticipation and

excitement among the crowd as the one year wait for the Ijtema to take place was

finally over. At 2:15pm, Sadr Sahib raised the Khuddam Flag, while simultaneously Qaid

Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya VIC, Osama Choudhary raised the Australian Flag. A

group of Atfal then led the Australian National Anthem, where after two Khadim

brothers from South Australia, Ijlal Ahmad and Tahir Ahmad sang the Liwa-e-

Ahmadiyyat nazm. Sadr Sahib ended the Ceremony by leading silent prayers.

First Session

The first session of the Ijtema commenced at 2:30pm. Nazim-e-Aala welcomed

everyone and requested Sadr Sahib to chair the opening session. It began with the

recitation and translation of the Holy Quran by Syed Tariq Ahmad and then Sadr Sahib

read out the Khuddam Pledge with the Khuddam repeating after him. Mudassir

Mahmood then presented a nazm, followed by Sadr Sahib delivering his opening

speech, in which he highlighted the treatment of the Ahmadis in Pakistan. He pointed

out the saying of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) that to love one’s country is a part of faith.

Each Khadim and Atfal should contribute towards making Australia a better place. Sadr

Sahib then encouraged Khuddam to focus on the Khuddam Pledge, which is all about

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (atba)

Khalifatul Masih V

National Ijtema Photos

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Salutations & Meanings

sas / saw

Salla Allaho alaihay wa

sallam - Peace & blessings

of Allah be on him, used for

Holy Prophet of Islam,

Sayyedna Muhammad, SAS


Alayhe Salam - Peace be on

him, used for Prophets of


atba/ aba

ayyadah Allah tala be-

Nasray hil-Aziz, may Allah

assist him.

A prayer recited with

Khalifat al-Masih’s official


Razi Allah


(RA) May Allah be pleased

with him. Used for a male

companion of the Prophet

or a revered person who

has passed away

Razi Alah


(RA) used for a female

companion of the Prophet

or revered lady who has

passed away

Caliph /


Head of the Muslim

community, literally

successor (Ar. Khalifa)



The Successor of the


Hadhrat /


A courtesy title used for a

revered & righteous person.



Muslim Television



Mr. or Esquire, implying


rh rahma'ullah

sacrifice. He also touched upon the importance of namaz and ended his speech by thanking

all the participants and the volunteers of the Ijtema. He proceeded to lead silent prayers

after his speech. Murabbi Sahib from QLD, Maulana Masood Ahmad Shahid then delivered a

tarbiyyati speech. He talked briefly about the history of the institution of Majlis Khuddamul

Ahmadiyya. He then continued by emphasising that the obedience of the office-bearers of

the Jamaat is vital to maintain discipline in the Jamaat. He expressed various ways to achieve

the oneness of God in the World and then concluded by stressing the importance of namaz,

especially in congregation.

The first session of competitions began after this speech, with qirat, hifz-e-quran, nazm and

speech competitions, both in English and Urdu. During the break in the competitions, an

African Khadim from SA, Alamin Mohammed shed light on his experiences and struggles he

faced in Africa and the emotions he felt on attending his first ever Ijtema in Australia. He

added that Ahmadiyyat had purified him and he was loving being around his fellow-brothers

in this Ijtema.

Maghrib and Isha prayers were offered at 6:30pm, followed by dinner. After this, the first

session of Majlis-e-Shoora began, while at the same time the badminton and wrist wrestling

competitions took place in the Khilafat Centenary Hall. There was a lot of excitement for the

badminton competition, as this was the first time this sport was being conducted at the

Ijtema. The conclusion of these events brought an end to the first day of the National Ijtema.

The total attendance for day one including Ansar, Khuddam and Atfal was 290.

Day Two

Day two of the 27th National Ijtema began with Tahajjud prayers at 3:45am, followed by Fajr

prayers and a dars. The 2nd session of Majlis-e-Shoora took place next, while simultaneously

breakfast was served for everyone. The outdoor sports competitions commenced at 6:15am

with both cricket and soccer pool games. The games continued till 1:00pm until all members

took a break for Zuhr and Asr prayers as well as lunch.

At 2:45pm, Khuddam made their way back into the Mosque for another indoor session. This

session was chaired by Sadr Sahib and began at 2:55pm with the recitation and translation of

the Holy Quran by Rizwan Ahmad. This was followed by a speech by Saba-Ul-Zafar on the

experiences of studying to become a Murabbi in the London Jameah. He initially talked about

being obedient to the Jamaat system and the spirit of sacrifice that is required to spread the

message of Islam and Ahmadiyyat. He moved on to talk about his personal experiences at the

London Jameah as well as going through his busy daily schedule at Jameah. He pointed out

that he was mentally and spiritually stronger now because of being close to the Khalifatul

Masih of the time. He continued to answer some questions from the audience in relation to

his experiences at Jameah. It was pleasing to see a large number of Atfal showing a keen

interest when asking questions about Jameah and the studies there.

The bait bazi and religious knowledge competitions were conducted after this speech. During

this time, the weather changed and rain began to fall. However, the rain was not that heavy,

so the volleyball pool games and the shot put competition began at 5:30pm.

At 7:45pm dinner was served for everyone, which was followed by Maghrib and Isha prayers.

Straight after prayers, the message relay competition took place. Next, the final session of

the second day began with the recitation and translation of the Holy Quran by Hafiz Sohail

Rana. This session was chaired by Murabbi Shaib, Maulana Masood Ahmad Shahid. Sadiq Ali,

an Ansar brother on his request was allowed to present a nazm he wrote in relation to the

martyrs and the attack on the Lahore Mosques. After this, the last competition of the day

was held, which was the spontaneous speech competition. The third and last session of

Majlis-e-Shoora commenced at 10:00pm and continued on till the early hours of the morning

to end a long and tiring day of the second day of the Ijtema.

The total attendance for day two including Ansar, Khuddam and Atfal was 260.

Day Three

Due to day light savings, day three started once again with Tahajjud prayers, but at 4:45am,

followed again by Fajr prayers and a short dars. After breakfast, the sports’ finals were

scheduled to start. However, there was heavy rain overnight, which also continued in the

morning. Due to safety and health concerns for players, the Sports Committee exercised their

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discretion to cancel the soccer final, the 100 metre race, the 4x100 meter relay race and

tug-of-war competitions. However, the volleyball final and the cricket final did take place,

which went on till 12:30pm. Lunch was served next, followed by Zuhr and Asr prayers.

Final Session

The closing session started with Nazim-e-Aala Ijtema, Romeo Istifaq Hassan Khan thanking

all members for attending and participating at the highest levels. He also wished all

travelling guests a safe trip home. He later introduced Ameer and Missionary In-Charge of

the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community of Australia, Maulana Mahmood Ahmad Shahid to chair

the final session. The session commenced with the recitation and translation of the Holy

Quran by Mudassir Mahmood. Sadr Sahib then read out the Khuddam Pledge, with all

members repeating after him. Fakhr Anwar proceeded to present a nazm in the most

melodious tone, followed by Sadr Sahib presenting the Annual Report of Majlis Khuddamul

Ahmadiyya Australia. repeating after him. Fakhr Anwar proceeded to present a nazm in the

most melodious tone, followed by Sadr Sahib presenting the Annual Report of Majlis

Khuddamul Ahmadiyya Australia.

Sadr Sahib continued after his Report to thank all the organisers, volunteers, participants

and guests of the Ijtema and prayed for them. He reminded Khuddam towards the promise

they make with Khalifatul Masih of the time as per their Pledge and encouraged them to

make extra efforts and contributions towards chanda and financial sacrifice.

MTA Australia then presented a photo and video presentation viewed by the audience on

the projector, which showcased various snaps and highlights of the Ijtema as well. The prize

distribution ceremony followed the MTA presentation. The Atfal prizes were given first and

were presented by Sadr Majlis Ansarullah, Mohammed Amjad Khan and then the Khuddam

prizes were given out by Federal Minister of Parliament (MP) for Chifley, Hon. Ed Husic, who

got elected the first Muslim Member of Parliament in the recently held Federal elections.

There were a few special prizes handed out as well as some certificates of achievement,

which were presented by Rasheed Ahmed Sahib, who was one of the survivors of the

Lahore Mosque attacks. Sadr Sahib then presented two books (Mosques Around the World

and Islam’s Response to Contemporary Issues) as souvenirs to M.P. Ed Husic, who was then

given an opportunity to share a few words on stage. He expressed that it was a pleasure for

him to be at this Ijtema and thanked everyone for their support. He was impressed that the

Ahmadiyya Community rewarded both academic (religious and worldly) as well as physical

achievements. He also appreciated the fact that the Ahmadiyya Community held Gatherings

like this to celebrate their faith, as well as build a sense of brotherhood, in order to strive to

construct a better community. He mentioned that his parents migrated to Australia from

Bosnia a number of years ago and he was grateful for this as Australia is a great country to

live in. He ended his talk by pointing out that he took oath on the Holy Quran when he got

sworn in as the Federal M.P. for Chifley that he would put all his efforts to represent all

religions in the area.

Finally, Ameer Sahib delivered the closing address, in which he initially advised the

Khuddam to strictly follow the laws of the country they are living in. He drew attention to

the teaching of Islam that is ‘to love one’s homeland is a part of faith.’ He advised that the

Ahmadi Community should mix with the society and support the country. He highlighted

that the Ahmadiyya Community strives to support the country by taking part annually in a

number of various fundraising activities as well as actively contributing towards the Red

Cross Door Knock Appeal and the Clean Up Australia Day on a national level in all major

States across the country. He emphasised that it is the duty of every Ahmadi to serve

Australia and he promised M.P. Ed Husic that the Ahmadiyya Community would always

strive to support the community it lives in as well as the country. Ameer Sahib then moved

on mention the Lahore martyrs and requested the audience to remember these martyrs

and their families in their prayers. He also requested to pray for the safety of all Ahmadis in

the World and that Allah gives patience and steadfastness to the Ahmadis that are being

targeted and victimised just because of their faith and religion. He finally prayed for all the

participants of this Ijtema, then ended a most successful and memorable Ijtema by leading

silent prayers at 4:30pm.

The total attendance for day three including Ansar, Khuddam and Atfal was 280.


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Bereavement: It is announced with sorrow that sister of Imtiaz Ahmed Abro of Sydney passed away on

Friday 5th of November 2010 in Larkana, Pakistan. She was also a moosia. May Allah grant her

soul a lofty place in Paradise and give patience to the bereaved family, Ameen.

“Inna lillahe wa inna ilaihe raajeoon”

(Indeed we are for Allah and it is to Him we return)

Birth News: Mr & Mrs Turab Khan of Melbourne have been blessed with a baby boy, Muhammad Talha

khan in October 2010.

(May Allah grant the new born a healthy life and enable him to be a dedicated servant of Islam)


Another example, which demonstrates the universality of Islamic injunctions regarding the

practice of religion, is the instance of Hajj -- the pilgrimage. Once again one finds the

institution of pilgrimage in all religions of the world, but the sites for pilgrimage are scattered

at different places in one or more countries. One does not find a single central place which all

the followers of a religion must visit at least once in their lifetime. Amazingly in Islam we find

exactly such a place in Mecca, where Muslims from all over the world are expected to gather

and spend about ten days entirely dedicated to the memory of God. The pilgrims come from

all countries, all nations, all races and in all ages. Men, women and children, they all gather

once a year for a fantastic rally, sometimes running into million . This grand display of

universality is seen nowhere else in any other religion. Hence all these fingers which were

raised in different areas of Islamic teaching, point to the same message of unification of man

on earth under the Unity of God.

The institution of pilgrimage can be traced back to the time of Abraham peace be upon him.

But there are very clear statements in the Quran describing it as an ancient institution,

starting from times immemorial when the first House of God was built in Mecca. In the olden

times, Mecca was pronounced Baka, so the Holy Quran refers to the first house as being built

not in Mecca but in Baka. It is also called Bait-ul-Ateeq, or the most ancient house. Abraham

raised it from the ruins, which he discovered under Divine guidance, and about which he was.

commissioned by God to rebuild with the help of his son Ishmael. It is the same place where

he had left his wife Hagar and infant son Ishmael, again under Divine instruction. But work on

the House of God awaited attention until Ishmael grew to an age where he could be of some

help. So, both of them worked together to rebuild the house and restart the institution of


Many rites performed during pilgrimage are rooted in those early days of the reconstruction

of the House of God, and some even go beyond that. For instance, the running between Safa

and Marwah, two small hillocks close to the House of God, is done in memory of Hagar's

search for some sign of human presence to help her and her child in their dire hour of need.

The child is described as having become extremely restive with the agony of thirst, striking

the earth with his heels in desperation. There, it is said, sprouted a fountain which still exists

today in some form, and water in the well which was created later on around that spot, is

considered to be a blessed water. Most of the pilgrims who perform the Hajj try to bring

some water from there by way of blessing for their relatives and friends.

There are other rites and traditions which should be briefly explained. In Hajj, the pilgrims do

not wear any sewn garments; rather, they dress in two loose sheets. This is further indicative

of the tradition being most ancient. It indicates that the institution of Hajj began when man

had not learnt to wear sewn clothes. They had only started to cover themselves.

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As such, it seems that it is in memory of those ancient people who used to circuit the first house built for

the worship of God in that preliminary dress that the pilgrims are required to do the same. Again, the

shaving of the head is an important feature which is also universally found as a symbol of dedication

among monks, priests, hermits and vishnus. This further adds to the universality of its character. Women

are exempt from shaving, but they have to symbolically cut their hair as a token. Also, in the places where

Hadhrat Abraham (as) is known to have remembered God in the style of an intoxicated lover, and extolled

his glory with loud chanting, the pilgrims are required to do the same at the same places.

Source : http://www.alislam.org/books/study-of-islam/hajj.html


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Constitution of Medina: the first written

constitution of the world

The first written constitution of the world was the constitution of

Medina, written by the Holy Prophet Muhammad, may peace be on

him, in the seventh century, and not the Magna Carta.

It had 47 different clauses. William Montgomery Watt, a British

biographer of the Prophet, has grudgingly quoted all 47 of them in

one of his books Muhammad at Medina:

For more click here.