Page 1 AL-MASROOR MAGAZINE October-December 2012 | Volume 3, Issue 5 Volume 3, Issue 5 October - December 2012 In the name of Allah, the Gracious the Merciful Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya Australia (Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Organisation) of Ahmadiyya Muslim Association of Australia Al Masroor Al Masroor is a monthly publication since January 2009 by Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya Australia Contents The Holy Quran - selected verse Hadith Sayings of the Holy Prophet (saw) Writings of The Promised Messiah (as) Friday Sermon - Synopsis Hudhur's (atba) kind approval - Ejaz Ahmad Rana sahib for Sadr Khuddamul Ahmadiyya Australia Beyond thoughts and feelings… 29th Annual National Ijtema 2012 Majalis News Atfal Corner Quran Exhibition, Sydney 29th Annual National Ijtema 2012 Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya Australia 28th - 30th September 2012 Page 17 Beyond thoughts and feelings… Hudhur's (atba) kind approval for Sadr MKAA Page 13 Page 16 Friday Sermons, Delivered by Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (atba) Page 5

Al Masroor Oct-Dec 2012

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Al Masroor; Al Masroor is a monthly publication since January 2009 by Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya Australia

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AL-MASROOR MAGAZINE October-December 2012 | Volume 3, Issue 5

Volume 3, Issue 5 October - December 2012

In the name of Allah, the Gracious the Merciful

Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya Australia (Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Organisation) of Ahmadiyya Muslim Association of Australia

Al MasroorAl Masroor is a monthly publication since January 2009 by Majlis Khuddamul

Ahmadiyya Australia

Contents• The Holy Quran - selected verse• Hadith – Sayings of the Holy

Prophet (saw)• Writings of The Promised Messiah (as)

• Friday Sermon - Synopsis• Hudhur's (atba) kind approval -

Ejaz Ahmad Rana sahib for Sadr Khuddamul Ahmadiyya Australia

• Beyond thoughts and feelings…• 29th Annual National Ijtema 2012• Majalis News• Atfal Corner• Quran Exhibition, Sydney

29th Annual National Ijtema 2012

Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya Australia

28th - 30th September 2012

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Beyond thoughts and feelings…

Hudhur's (atba) kind approval for Sadr MKAA Page 13

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Friday Sermons, Delivered by Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (atba)

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AL-MASROOR MAGAZINE October-December 2012 | Volume 3, Issue 5

The Holy Qur’anSurah Al-Taubah, Chapter 9: Verse 122

English Translation

“It is not possible for the believers to go forth all together. Why, then, does not a party from every section of them go forth that they may become well-versed in religion, and that they may warn their people when they return to them, so that they may guard against evil?”

Urdu Translation

HadithSeeking Knowledge is a Duty of Every Muslim Man and Muslim Woman Narrated by Ḥaḍrat Anas bin Mālik, Allāh be pleased with him: Said the Prophet of Allāh (peace and blessings of Allāh be on him):

“It is the duty of every Muslim man and woman to seek knowledge.”(Ibni Mājah)

Forty Gems of Beauty Ḥaḍrat Mirzā Bashīr Aḥmad, M.A. Translated into English by Nafīsur Raḥmān

A. G. Ṣoofī The First American Edition Published by Majlis Anṣārullāh, USA.

December 2007. pg: 165

Writings of The Promised Messiah (as)

Man Possesses a Diversity of Intelligence

Human nature is like minerals of diverse types; some are bright and clear like silver, some are evil-smelling and inflammable like sulphur, some are restless like mercury and some are hard like iron. This diversity is obvious and is in accord with the Divine dispensation. It is not opposed to the law of nature and contributes towards social peace and adjustment. It is obvious that if all natures had been at the same level of capacity, different types of work which call for different grades of capacities and which are essential for the adjustment of social conditions would have been left incomplete and in suspense. For hard work hard natures are appropriate, and for delicate work those natures are suited which are delicate. The Greek philosophers have expressed the view that, as some men are close to animals, reason demands that the nature of some should be fine and clear so that as we observe that some natures descend so low as to approximate to animals, equally some should be capable of rising so high that they should establish a relationship with the higher world.

Now that it is established that individual human beings possess diversity of intelligence, moral qualities and the light of the heart, that is proof that Divine revelation is confined to certain individuals who are perfect in every respect. Every reasonable person comprehends that each soul receives Divine light according to its capacity and its ability and no more. The sun is a good illustration of this principle.

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Its rays are shed in every direction but not all places receive its light equally. A room the doors of which are closed receives no light, and that which has a small ventilator in the direction of the sun receives some light, but not enough to dispel the darkness completely.But a room of which all doors are open and whose walls are built of clear and transparent glass will not only receive the full light of the sun but will also spread it in all directions and convey it to others. The same is the case with the pure souls of the Prophets. The holy souls that God Almighty chooses for His Messengership are like a crystal palace which has no opaqueness and no screen to obstruct the light. It is, therefore, clear that those individuals who do not possess perfection cannot achieve the rank of Divine Messengers. This rank is bestowed upon those whose holy souls are entirely free of darkening veils and of physical coverings and whose transcendent holiness is beyond imagination. Such perfect souls are the means of guidance for mankind. As the bounty of life is conveyed to all the limbs by the heart, the All-Wise has appointed the bounty of guidance through such souls for they are bestowed the perfect relationship that ought to subsist between the Source of grace and the recipient of grace. It is not possible that God Almighty, Who is absolutely Unique and Transcendent, should bestow the grace of His holy revelation upon people the greater part of whose nature is dark and opaque, and is narrow and constricted, and whose mean natures are involved in low impurities. If we do not deceive ourselves we would have to confess that to establish a perfect relationship with the Eternal Source and to enjoy converse with His Great Holiness, a special ability and brightness is needed which is appropriate to this great rank and dignity. Not every person can attain to it who is in a state of loss and lacks merit and is covered up in dark coverings and possesses a low nature and lacks high courage.No one should be deceived by the fact that according to the Christians, holiness and transcendence and innocence and perfect love for the Divine are not essential for the

Prophets who are the recipients of Divine revelation. They have lost the true principles and have sacrificed all verities to the notion that somehow Jesus might be deified and the atonement might be accepted. As the innocence and holiness of the Prophets demolishes this structure of theirs, they have been compelled to have recourse to one falsehood in order to support another falsehood. Having lost one eye they have had to gouge out the other. They loved falsehood and abandoned the truth. They insulted the Prophets and represented the pure ones as impure and they proclaimed as opaque and impure the hearts on which Divine revelation descended so that the greatness of their fictitious god should not be diminished and the doctrine of atonement should not be doubted. In this selfish attitude they forgot that their doctrine not only defames the Prophets but also puts in doubt the holiness of God, for how can He be holy who established relationship and held converse with the impure.

[Brahin-e-Ahmadiyya, Ruhani

Khaza’in, vol. 1, pp. 188-190 footnote


The Essence of Islam, Vol II, page 74-76

[Second Edition (2004)]

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Hadrat Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmood Ahmad(ra) (1889-1965)Khalifatul Masih II and Al Musleh Mauod (The Promised Reformer)

The Founder of the Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya

Editorial Board

Chief Patron:Rana Ejaz AhmadSadr, Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya [email protected]

Overall In-charge:Sikder Taher AhmadMohtamim Ishaat, MKA [email protected]

Advisor:Mirza Imran Ahsan KarimSharfraz Ahmad RahimAtaul Awal Nasir Ahmad

Editor:Sikder Taher AhmadDeputy Editor:Nasir Ahmad Khan

Assistant Editor (English Section): Mirzan MansoorAssistant Editor (Urdu Section):Imran Malik

Graphic Design & Layout:Tahir Ahmad Khan

Proof Reader:Mustafa Ahmad (Tin Maung Htoo)

Contributor:Aqeel Ibraheem Choudhury

Contact:[email protected]

EDITORIALDeveloping Moral Virtues'I have not created the Jinn and the men but that they may worship Me.' (51:57)

Worship of Allah in this verse does not refer only to formal prayer. Its meaning is that we should manifest the attributes of Allah in all our thoughts, words and deeds. We should glorify Him through the demonstration of moral virtues. This is the purpose of our existence and consequently we should focus our attention on this ideal with earnest devotion. Day by day we should strive to shed virtuous light in every thought we think, in every word we speak or write, in every action we undertake and even in every expression on our face. The following prayer should be a source of inspiration for us:

'O Allah, diffuse light into my heart and ears;Diffuse light on my eyes and on my tongue;Diffuse light on my right and on my left;Diffuse light above me and under me;Engulf me in Thy light'.

The Holy Quran declares elsewhere that the culmination of virtue should be our foremost aim in life in as much as it elevates us to an honourable status in the sight of Allah which is, after all the ultimate aspiration of every true believer.Allah says in the Holy Quran:

'Verily the most honourable person in the sight of Allah is he who is most virtuous'. (49:14)

The Quran reveals as clear as crystal why we have been created. It declares that we should endeavour to excel in moral virtues. Most people in this world are primarily concerned in seeking financial prosperity. They forget that as silver is less valuable than gold so gold is less valuable than virtue.

(Life Supreme by Bashir Ahmad Orchard)

May Allah enable us to follow the right path shown by the Holy Prophet Hadrat Muhammad (saw). Amen.

Message from the Editorial Board

Please send any relevant information or articles of interest to us for publication.

Please also visit the following informative sites:


A copy of this newsletter is also available from the Khuddam page of www.alislam.org.au

The Al Masroor editorial team takes full responsibility for any errors or miscommunications in this newsletter.

“Ahmadiyya Muslim Community established in Australia since 1903”

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The Prophet (SAW) for mankind5th October 2012

Verses Cited in this Friday Sermon:33:57It is evident from this verse that the pious practices of the Holy Prophet(saw) were such that Allah the Exalted did not specify any word to praise them or quantify his attributes. Words would have been found but they were not used. That is to say, praise of his pious practices was immeasurable. A verse such as this has not been stated in the glory of any other Prophet.

There are some who are so embroiled in the world that they are more influenced by worldly people or are more influenced by their own people rather than hear about the Holy Prophet(saw) from a Muslim. Therefore viewpoints of their own people, writers and scholars, regarding the Holy Prophet(saw) should be taken to such people.

Stanley Lane-Poole wrote that it was thus that Muhammad(saw) entered again his native city and forgave those who were his blood-thirsty enemies. He writes that through all the annals of conquest there is no triumphant entry comparable to this one.

Lieutenant Gen. Sir John Glubb wrote: ‘Whatever opinion the reader may form when he reaches the end of this book, it is difficult to deny that the call of Muhammad(saw) seems to bear a striking resemblance to innumerable other accounts of similar visions, both in the Old and New Testaments, and in the experience of Christian saints, possibly also of Hindus and devotees of other religions.

John Draper wrote: ‘Four years after the death of Justinian, A.D. 569, was born at Mecca, in Arabia, the man who, of all men has exercised the greatest influence upon the human race Mohammed, by Europeans surnamed “the Impostor."" He raised his own nation from Fetichism, the adoration of a meteoric stone, and from the basest idol worship.

John Devonport wrote: ‘Is it possible to conceive, we may ask, that the man who effected such great and lasting reforms in his own country by substituting the worship of the one only true God for the gross and debasing idolatry in which his countrymen had been plunged for age’[who brought about great, enduring reformations] ‘to have been a mere impostor, or that his whole career was one of sheer hypocrisy?

Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih said that may the world understand and acknowledge the station of this greatest person of the world and try and take refuge in his teaching so that it is saved from chastisement. Thus is the station of the Seal of all the Prophets which each Ahmadi has to publicise.

Martyrdom of Khawaja Zahoor Ahmad sahib in Pakistan, Death of Sahibzadi Amatul Sami sahiba and Chaudhry Khalid Ahmad sahib in Germany.

Companions of the Promised Messiah (as)12 October 2012

Huzoor said Whenever I make mention of the incidents from the lives of the Companions of the Promised Messiah(as), their descendants write to me and tell me how happy they are with me. They also

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The Jumu'ah (Friday) prayer is one form of congregational worship in Islam. It takes place every Friday. Regular attendance at the Jumu'ah prayer is enjoined on the believer. According to a Saying of Hazrat Muhammadsaw this congregational prayer is twenty-five times more blessed than worship performed alone.

We encourage members to read Huzur’s (atba) Friday sermons which can be found at:


For your benefit we have published below, a synopsis of Huzur’s (atba) recent Friday Sermons.

Friday Sermons, Delivered by Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (atba)

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ask me to pray that they and their future generations become worthy of this honor and become those who safeguard the requirements imposed on them by virtue of their grandfathers having accepted and performed the bai’at at the blessed hands of the Imam of this Age.

Let me also say here that those few descendants of the Companions who became distant from the Jama’at, did so because of the behavior of some other members of the Jama’at or the actions of some officeholders. They then arrive at the stage of saying that their forefathers were in the wrong. My advice to all such people or individuals is that instead of becoming involved in self-pity they should pray for themselves that Allah may keep them steadfastly on the path of guidance and they should pray for those who are causing them to become so afflicted.

Master Maula Baksh Sahib, son of Umar Baksh Sahib said that I was the headmaster of Sat Ghoni School in Patiala state. During the Monsoon season when I was on vacation from the school, I went to Qadian to see Huzoor for bai’at. My son Abdul Ghaffar(late) was 2 years old and had serious skin problems but I did not postpone my trip.

Hazrat Qazi Mohammad Yusuf Sahib was telling me that, “In 1898 I saw a dream that I am standing on a high mountain facing towards the east. On my right I have the very bright shining light of the sun and on my left hand I have light of full moon but higher by about three hands. A long river is flowing from the east to the mountain and between that is a very beautiful ground of green grass.

Hazrat Allah Rakha Sahib son of Ameer Baksh Sahib, both were Companions of Hazrat Masih Maud(as) said, I saw Hazrat Masih Maud(as) in my dream. I went to Narowal to Maulvi Ahmad Din Sahib to find out the truth of my dream. Maulvi Ahmad Din Sahib went to Qadian along with me. We went to Masjid Mubarak for Fajr prayer. After the prayer he wrote a few words about the life history of Holy Prophet Muhammad(saw).

Hazrat Maulvi Abdullah Sahib told us that I read Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya in 1892 or 1893 that affected me a lot. After that, I read more writings of Hazrat Promised Messiah(as) and writing of Muhammad Husain Batalvi. I noticed that the points by Hazrat Masih Maud(as) are correct. Day by day my attraction for Huzoor(as) was increasing. I continued my research and a pattern of dreams started.

Huzoor said that few a days ago someone posted two pictures on Facebook, one of Hazrat Baba Nanak and one of Hazrat Masih Maud(as). With Hazrat Baba Nanak Sahib’s picture, very bad words were written. Words of praise were written with the picture of

Hazrat Masih Maud(as). It was just to create hatred and anger in Sikh community.

Death of Abdul Razzaq Butt Sahib, death of Dr. Fehmida Munir sahiba and death of Nasira Bint Zareef Sahiba.

Companions of the Promised Messiah (as)19th October 2012

Hadhrat Walayat Shah sahib(ra): He writes that he had very few opportunities to see the Promised Messiah(as) because he could not get much time off from his employment. He took his Bai’at based on a dream he had. In the dream he saw a rally of people led by an extremely well-dressed holy person who had a crown on his head.The rally climbs on his rooftop and the Adhan is said with the help of a bugle. It appears the group of people offer their Salat and then turn to go back.

Hadhrat Inayat Ullah sahib(ra): He writes that he took his Bai’at in 1901 when he was about 15 years old. He had come to Qadian for the first time and had brought a bottle of perfume with him. However, during the travel all the perfume spilled and only a drop remained in the bottle.

Hadhrat Sheikh Atta Ullah sahib(ra): He writes that once the Promised Messiah(as) came out of his house and called him by his name and asked him to post a letter for him in the letter box. Atta Ullah sahib was delighted that the Promised Messiah(as) remembered his name.

Hadhrat Dr Umer Din sahib(ra): He writes that he was born in 1879 and took his Bai’at in 1905 when he also subscribed to the Wasiyyat scheme. He writes that he served in the Nairobi Jama’at in many capacities. He had arrived there in 1900 where many people had come in the fold of Ahmadiyyat seeing the high morals of a Dr Rahmat Ali sahib.

Hadhrat Master Abdul Rauf sahib(ra): He writes that he took his Bai’at in 1898 and also saw the Promised Messiah(as) in the same year. When he was at school in Bhaira news spread that someone had claimed to be the Imam Mahdi and his name was Mirza Gulam Ahmad. Since he was young he did not know much but his older brother Ghulam Illahi sahib read up and took Bai’at and his name is in the first 313 companions.

Hadhrat Maulwi Muhammad Abdul Aziz sahib(ra): He took his Bai’at in 1904. He writes that before he relates about his Bai’at it was important to recount about his father who had taken his Bai’at at the hand

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of the Promised Messiah(as) but the account has not be written down. He felt it important that the son should finish what the father could not.

Martyrdom of a young man in Karachi Pakistan, Death of Syeda Amtul Rehman sahiba.

Renaissance of Islam and Persecution26th October 2012

Verses Cited in this Friday Sermon:7:159

Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih explained that these verses speak of the teaching of Islam in every era, they speak of the second phase of Islam and the coming of the Promised Messiah, they also speak of enemies of the Promised Messiah and his community. These verses also prepare members of the community to be prepared for opposition and speak of long-lasting opposition. However, God would not remain silent at this opposition.

Prior to the Promised Messiah’s(as) books, people felt the need for a testifier and those who had sincere concern for Islam were restless. The advent of the Promised Messiah(as) was exactly on time. It was not that the need for someone was only felt at that time, even today people are looking for a reformer, a true and ardent devotee of the Holy Prophet(saw).

Indeed the reaction of an Ahmadi to any effrontery is to highlight the blessed life of the Holy Prophet(saw) to the world and to present the teaching of Islam to the world and tell the world that the way to salvation is now only through the Holy Prophet(saw) and the teaching of Islam alone shows the way to God.

The persecution faced by the Jama’at in many countries, especially in Pakistan where among other harassments now our students are being maltreated and some are expelled from universities on the basis of their faith, was foretold by God. It was stated that different types of fires will be kindled against us. Indeed, real fire was also kindled against us in the agitation of 1974 when Ahmadi family homes were lit up by opponents and the police watched by silently.

Indeed, the final triumph will be ours but we have to make endeavours for it. Our attention has been drawn that in order to safeguard our faith we should be prepared to burn in fire. Such fires are kindled in Pakistan time and again and in particular in the last two years the situation has worsened on an unparalleled scale. Never before has our Jama’at given sacrifice of live on this scale. However, these sacrifices

herald triumphs and God has informed us of the triumphs to come.

Be it the martyrdoms of Lahore, or Mandi Bahauddin or Karachi or Ghatyalian, the spirit of sacrifice is evident everywhere. O’ enemies of Ahmadiyyat, you could not move any Ahmadi from their faith after dozens of martyrdoms of Lahore, you will not be able to shake the faith of the Ahmadis of Karachi. InshaAllah, Ahmadis understand this and will continue to understand and are ready to give any kind of sacrifice for the second phase of Islam requires sacrifices.

Believers should rejoice, for them will be Paradise, shady gardens with flowing streams. In this world in his assumption the enemy is kindling fire and being cruel, but with God the believer will have cool shade and the opponents will have ceaseless fire. Ahmadis mostly demonstrate resolve in the face of adversity but at times some feel anxious. They should not be anxious.

Martyrdom of Saad Farooq sahib, Bashir Ahmad Bhatti sahib, Dr Raja Abdul Hameed Khan sahib in Karachi and martyrdom of Riaz Ahmad Sahib in Ghatyalian Pakistan.

Death of Abdul Rahman Al Jabali sahib in Saudi Arabia and Izzat Abdus Sami sahib in Egypt.

Companions of the Promised Messiah (as)November 2nd, 2012

Hadhrat Muhammad Shah sahib(ra): He relates that he used to consider that a person of Syed lineage did not need to take anyone’s Bai’at. As a result although he accepted the truthfulness of the Promised Messiah(as) he had not taken Bai’at. Whenever he heard the Promised Messiah(as) mentioned in a commendatory way he would listen with interest but when he heard something hostile about him he would leave the gathering.

Hadhrat Maulwi Sher Ali sahib(ra): He relates that he took his Baia’at in 1906. After praying for forty days he was told that the ‘claimant was truthful’. As there was more than one claimant around at the time, he did not realise who the dream referred to.

Hadhrat Sheikh Muhammad Hayat sahib(ra): He relates that he took his Bai’at in 1903. A Maulwi Nur Muhammad sahib did Tabligh to him. In a dream Sheikh sahib was shown a fine-looking face and was told that this was ‘Ahmad from Qadian’.

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Hadhrat Abdul Sattar sahib(ra): He relates that he once mentioned to his father that he did not know about the issue of death of Jesus(as) and was only aware that he was alive. His father related a dream of his in which he saw two tents pitched by riverside. One of the tents is Holy Prophet’s(saw) and the other is the Promised Messiah’s(as).

Hadhrat Maula Dad sahib(as): He relates that his brother fell ill with fever and was being treated by a Maulwi who was very hostile to the Jama’at. He used some impolite words for the Promised Messiah(as).

His brother said he did not want the man to treat him anymore. Later, the Maulwi suffered from the plague.

Hadhrat Sufi Nabi Bakhsh sahib(ra): He relates that when he first set eyes on the Promised Messiah(as), it was an electrifying experience; he recognised him instantly as the holy person who had appeared in his dream during student days.

Hadhrat Imam Din Faiz sahib(ra): He relates that when he first went to see the Promised Messiah(as) he told him that only Prophets were recipients of revelation. The Promised Messiah(as) answered him that even the honey-bee received revelation as well as saints and holy people. Imam Din sahib said that he had not come to enter a discussion; he would only believe if he saw a true dream, received a revelation or could see the Holy Prophet (saw).

Death of Fazlur Rahman sahib, Ameer of Rawalpindi District and Death of Mohsin Mahmood sahib was an African-American Ahmadi.

“Vie with one another in good”, and Tehriq-e-Jadid New YearNovember 9th, 2012

Verses Cited in this Friday Sermon: 2:149

In this verse, Allah Almighty has emphasized on a commandment for all believers, which is absolutely essential for the progress of every individual in gaining nearness to God and makes a Muslim a true Muslim. The same commandment is also absolutely necessary for the communal progress of a Jama’at. This commandment relates to the goal that is set out in the verse i.e. Vie with one another in good deeds.

The Holy Prophet(saw) was sent as a mercy for all of mankind. The Jamaat that was founded by the most loyal and devoted servants of the Holy Prophet(saw) is associated with this principle which entails the fulfilment of obligations towards The Creator through worship and includes the responsibilities towards our fellow human beings through service to mankind.

The annals of the 125-year-long history of Jamaat Ahmadiyya is a witness that members of this community have made colossal financial sacrifices and this has become a distinctive feature of this Jamaat. Those who do not belong to this community are amazed at this aspect and that is only because they cannot fathom the true spirit which is inculcated by God’s commandment of vying with one another in good deeds.

Here is how some funds are spent. In Africa, many mosques and clinics along with radio stations are being constructed. Mosques in Ireland, Valencia (Spain), Kampala (Uganda) and Ivory Coast are being constructed with partial or complete fundings provided by Headquarters (Markaz). The expenses of the Mubalagheen (Jamaat missionaries) are also covered by Markaz. Many mosques and mission houses in other parts of the world, such as India, Bangladesh, Philippines, Nepal, Guatemala, Marshall Islands, etc. are also funded by this scheme.

I now announce the new year for Tehrik-e-Jadid, which is the 79th year of this blessed scheme. The total funds raised are £7,200,700, which is £584,700 more than the total funds raised as compared to last year. Pakistan is #1 in making financial sacrifices in this scheme.

A member of Jamaat, who had arrived in Switzerland, sought to seek refuge, but his case was rejected. At about the same time, the new year of Tehrik-e-Jadid was announced. He had approximately 1000 Francs in his bank account, which he pledged towards this scheme right away, although he had saved that money for the lawyer’s fee. He prayed to God that his troubles be taken away. Soon afterwards, he was granted asylum, without the aid of any lawyer.

At another place in India, a lady who participated in a Jalsa where a speech about Tehrik-e-Jadid was presented, she complained that pledges were taken from the men, but not the women. She doubled her pledge in response to the speech as she felt that her initial pledge was not sufficient.

Exemplary Servants of Islam AhmadiyyatNovember 16, 2012

Verses Cited in this Friday Sermon:3:170

However, those who make endeavouring in the cause of God their everything and are ever engaged in paying the dues of God and the dues of mankind to the best of their abilities, whose objective and goal is

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the heightening and publication of the religion of God and whose standards of high morals are acknowledged by all are the people about whom God and His Messenger(saw) has said that Paradise becomes binding for them. The glad-tiding of Paradise is also given to those who give their lives for faith and attain the status of martyrdom.

Today it is only the people of the community of the Muhammadan Messiah who try to spend every minute of their lives for publication of faith, and they do so till their last breath, or they are martyred for the sake of their faith, targeted by the oppressors for the ‘crime’ of accepting the Muhammadan Messiah. Today’s sermon is about two such people; one of them a life-devotee of the community and the other a martyr.

Hafiz Jibarel Saeed sahib: He served the community of the Muhammadan Messiah from childhood till his passing away and took the message of the Holy Prophet(saw) to the world. The message for the publication of which, in accordance with God’s promise to the Holy Prophet(saw), the Promised Messiah(as) was sent.

Hafiz Jibrael sahib was a missionary and naib Ameer of Ghana. He passed away on 12 November in a hospital in Accra after a month’s illness. Inna lillahe wa inna illaihe rajo’oon. His medical reports had been sent here and also to USA because a proper diagnosis had not been done in Ghana and further tests were being carried out. Plans were also afoot for him to travel to London or the USA for treatment, but God’s decree came to pass.

Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih IV(rt) appointed him as naib Ameer of Ghana for Tabligh and he served in this post till his passing away. Under his supervision refresher courses were held in the Tarbiyyat centres and Tabligh centres in Ghana which were attended by Imams as well as new converts. Hafiz sahib’s great success was that his Tabligh efforts bore numerous fruits and many new Jama’ats were established and many mosques were built.

Manzur Ahmad sahib was martyred in Satellite Town, Quetta on 11 November. Ahmadiyyat came in his family through his father’s great grandmother who took her Bai’at directly from the Promised Messiah(as). Manzur sahib was born in Quetta and had a hardware shop there. He was walking to his shop in the morning when two persons on a motor bike approached him. A scuffle ensued and he was fired at by one of the assailants and was martyred on the spot. Inna lillahe wa inna illaihe raji’oon.

Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih asked that prayers for Pakistan should be made. Ahmadi martyrs are trying to fulfil their pledges and their loyalties. May God

soon bring that hour when Ahmadis can live in peace there! Muharram starts from today and during Muharram they try and make Kerbala for Ahmadis more than at other times. In fact, they kill each other as well.

Muharrum and the great statute Hadrat Imam Hussein (ra)November 23, 2012

Verses Cited in this Friday Sermon:48:30 9:40

It is these religious or other disagreements which are also creating gulf between Muslim countries. In countries where a minority sect is in power, extremist reaction is forthcoming from the majority sect. Where the minority sect gets a chance, it attacks the majority sect and on this basis and in the name of fighting terrorism governments too take innocent lives. Thousands of own countrymen are killed, as it is happening in Syria.

Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih said he had begun with reference to Muharram and would present some extracts from the writings of the Promised Messiah(as) so that hundreds of thousands of Ahmadis may hear, those who are new and the young may understand how the Promised Messiah(as) upheld the honour of holy persons. How he eradicated the Sunni Shia differences and taught ways to be as one Ummah.

Malfoozat record that the Promised Messiah(as) said: ‘By becoming a Muslim at the time of the Holy Prophet(saw) the first Khalifa, who was a great merchant, gave incomparable help. He was granted the status of being called ‘Sadeeq’ and was the leading friend and first Khalifa.

The Promised Messiah(as) stated about Hadhrat Umer(ra): ‘Do you realise how high is the stature of Hadhrat Umer(ra) among the Companions? So much so that at times, Qur’an used to be revealed in accordance with his viewpoint. A Hadith states about him that Satan runs from the shadow of Umer. Another Hadith states: ‘If there was to be a Prophet after me, it would have been Umer.’

The Promised Messiah(as) stated about Hadhrat Ali(ra): ‘He was extremely righteous and pure and was from those people who are the most beloved of the Gracious God. He was from a good family and was from among the chiefs of the time. He was the lion of the Supreme God and was the youth of the Kind God. He was very generous and had a clean heart.

Admonishing Ahmadis, the Promised Messiah(as) said that it should be very clear that anyone who says that

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God forbid Hadhrat Hussein(ra) did not take Bai’at of the Khalifa and was rebellious is a great liar. He said that it is our belief that Yazid was an impure person who did not fulfil what a true believer signifies. Love of world had blinded him whereas Hadhrat Hussein(ra) was pure and among those chosen people whom God purifies Himself.

Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih said that he wished to say to Ahmadis that while other Muslim sects take revenge from each other, but after coming into the Bai’at of the Promised Messiah(as) and in spite of all the persecution that all these sects are perpetrating against us, we should not even think of revenge. What is needed is that after every persecution we should enhance in righteousness and piety and pray to God more than before and forge a better connection with Him.

Companions of the Promised Messiah (as)November 30, 2012

Hadhrat Sheikh Zain ul Abideen sahib(ra): He relates that once his sister-in-law felt gravely ill and the family thought that the only recourse was to visit Qadian. His mother, brother and the ailing sister-in-law set off on the journey. En-route they instructed the indisposed young woman that the Promised Messiah’s(as) advise would be to go to Hadhrat Maulana Nur-ud-Din(ra) for treatment but she should insist on the Promised Messiah’s(as) treatment.

Hadhrat Muhammad Sharif Kashmiri sahib(as): He relates that once he was in Qadian with his friend Mian Jamal-ud-Din as they sat with the Promised Messiah(as) on the roof top of mosque. His friend introduced him to the Promised Messiah(as) and requested prayers saying that there was intense outbreak of plague in his area. The Promised Messiah(as) addressed Sharif sahib and asked how did one catch plague. He replied it was transmitted from dead rats.

Hadhrat Mian Muhammad Din sahib(ra): He relates that due to the negative influence of listening to lectures of Hindus and atheists he was spending a life far removed from Islam, until he had the chance to read Barahin e Ahmadiyya [Promised Messiah’s book]. He says as he read the book and reached the pages citing proof of the existence of God, as if his atheism vanished.

Hadhrat Fateh Muhammad sahib(ra): He relates that his brother had a dream in which the Promised Messiah(as) asked him for some money. He and his brother went to the Promised Messiah(as) to offer the money who told them that as a result of this dream

they would gain knowledge. Consequently, both the brothers studied the Holy Qur’an as well as some Urdu books.

Hadhrat Fazl Din sahib(ra): He relates that he was a liberal minded person but due to the influence of some friends he became involved with the Naqshbandi order. He was advised to be regular in his Salat, fasting, as well as Tahajjud. He was also told that he could not relate his dreams to anyone at all. He saw many dreams but kept them to himself.

Martyrdom of Chaudhry Nusrat Mahmood sahib in Pakistan.

Visions and True Dreams of Companions of The Promised Messiah(as)December 7, 2012

Verses Cited in this Friday Sermon:66:9 62:4 62:4

Hadhrat Sardar Karam sahib(ra): He relates that he took Bai’at in 1902 and saw the Promised Messiah(as) in the same year. Prior to Bai’at he saw the Promised Messiah(as) in a dream. He saw that the Holy Prophet(saw) and the Promised Messiah(as) are strolling towards him.Hadhrat Karim ud Din sahib(ra): He relates that he took Bai’at in 1896. Sometime in the middle of the year he saw a dream in which he saw the Promised Messiah(as) mounted on a camel. He saw him on his own in a freshly ploughed and sown field where he shook hand with the Promised Messiah(as) who met him lovingly and warmly.

Hadhrat Mian Allah Ditta sahib(ra): He took Bai’at in 1900 but saw the Promised Messiah(as) in 1905. He relates that he is from Hoshiyarpur district and was ten or twelve years old when the solar and lunar eclipses took place. The news of the Promised Messiah(as) reached his village in 1898 through a Sheikh Shuhab ud Din sahib.

Hadhrat Din Muhammad sahib(ra): He took Bai’at in 1902 and saw the Promised Messiah(as) in 1904. He relates that he was very ill with dysentery and his father had gone to Calcutta for employment purposes. This is when he saw Qadian in a dream. Prior to this he had not even thought of Qadian. In the dream he saw a small room with four niches in the walls. Each niche has an inkpot in it.

Hadhrat Munshi Barkat Ali sahib(ra): He took Bai’at in 1901 and saw the Promised Messiah(as) in the same year. Census was about to take place early in 1901 when the Promised Messiah(as) had it announced through posters that those who accepted him in their

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hearts but had not taken Bai’at may write themselves as Ahmadi in the Census. Munshi sahib had himself registered as Ahmadi.

Hadhrat Khair Din sahib(ra):He relates that he saw a dream in which the Promised Messiah(as) has invited many people for a meal and Hadhrat Ummul Momineen(ra) is preparing the meal. When Khair Din sahib presents himself the Promised Messiah(as) says, ‘give him rice to eat’ and he is given rice to eat.

Next Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih said that he regularly asks for prayers for Pakistan and Ahmadis do pray for Pakistan. Today he wished to draw attention to this matter once again. The situation is being made dire still for Pakistani Ahmadis. When the authorities are contacted they say their reports show everything to be normal.

A few days ago fourteen to fifteen men forced their way into our graveyard in Model Town, Lahore and tied up our guard and his family at gunpoint and desecrated 120 gravestones. Now even the deceased Ahmadis are not safe from the evil of these mischief-makers.

Martyrdom of Maqsood Ahmad Sahb in Quetta.

The MartyrsDecember 14, 2012

Verses Cited in this Friday Sermon:4:70 16:70

Generally, a person is considered Shaheed (martyr) when martyred in the way of Allah. There is no doubt that a person who gives his life in the way of Allah attains the status of Shaheed. Allah, the Most High, opens the doors of paradise for him. But the term Shaheed comprises more than that. Its meanings are vast.

No doubt the prayer to gain supremacy over the adversary is the preferred prayer. It also is a promise of Allah to the godly people that they are the ones who are going to be victorious. Victories are theirs. Allah, the Most High, numerous times informed the Promised Messiah of triumphs and victories, and gave him the news of supremacy. We have firm faith that the Ahmadiyya Community will see clear and obvious signs of this promise.

We also see at the time of Badr, that the Holy Prophet(saw), referring to His promise, asked for victory and asked for the life of his companions who were with him in the battle of Badr. He did not ask for their attaining the status of Shaheed by sacrificing their lives. He had beseeched that if the Muslims

were annihilated then no one would be left to worship Allah.

The Promised Messiah(as) says, General public understands the meaning of Shahaeed just to be the one who is killed in a battle, or the one who drowns in a river, or the one who dies in a pestilence, etc. Rather, I say that to restrain the meaning only to these conditions and to limit the meaning to these situations, is beyond the status of a believer. Shaheed actually is the person who attains the power of steadfastness and resolve from God, and no upheaval or shock can shake him or move him from his stand.

The Promised Messiah(as) further said, The reality of Shaheed also relates to the heart. Siddiq(Truthful) has affinity with Prophet and is second in status to him. Shaheed is the neighbor of Siddiq(Truthful). Prophet carries all the superior attributes, that is, he is Siddiq and Shaheed and Salih, but Siddiq and Shaheed are two separates states.

Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih, may Allah be his support, gave the example of Ahmadis living in Muslim countries who protect the truth of their faith against extreme persecution and difficulties. He said that some seek asylum to safeguard the truth of Ahmadiyyat. If they base their cases on falsehood, they will waste all the truthfulness of their faith.The Promised Messiah(as) said, The greatness of Shaheed is this that difficulties, inconveniences and trials elicit such power of faith, moral power, and steadfastness that they becomes a sign due to their being extraordinary. The power of faith gives power to actions so much so that when this power of faith develops to its fullest, the believer attains the status of Shaheed as no obstacle hinders him. He will not hesitate or pull back even in giving his life.

Martyrdom of Maqsood Ahmad Sahib in Quetta Pakistan.

Blessed and Successful European TourDecember 21st, 2012

In this day and age it is only the Ahmadiyya Muslim community that has the honour of taking the true message of Islam to the world. We should be most grateful that we experience this privilege as we endeavour to take the mission of the Promised Messiah(as) forward.

The address by Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih to the European Parliament in Brussels was extremely well received. A press conference was also held at this occasion which received wide coverage. The UK Jama’at had played a good role in organising the European Parliament event although the main

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organisers were some European parliamentarians. Many misconceptions about Islam were removed through the event.

During Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih’s trip to Germany an event was held in Hamburg to mark extension of an existing Jama’at building whereby minarets were added to it. Many local dignitaries came to this event. The other event was the inauguration of the new building of Jamia in Germany. This too was well attended. Two mosques were also inaugurated.

Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih highlighted the impressions of some of the guests at the European Parliament address. A Bishop who had come from Switzerland said that the words of the address were mesmerising. While they were enunciated softly, the words carried power and majesty. He said he had not seen a courageous man like Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih. A Muslim member of Belgian parliament said that the address was something to be proud of for all the Muslims and added that the Khalifa had caused exaltation to them.

As regards impressions about the event in Hamburg which took place the following day, an integration officer said that the Khalifa had explained the teachings of Islam very well and by listening to him he had come to know about the real teachings of Islam. A Council member from the Hamburg area said that the way Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih expressed his words affected hearts in particular. He said the concept of Islam as presented was new for him. Others said that their fears had been allayed after finding out the peaceful teaching of Islam.

Comments received at the inauguration of the Jamia building said that the address of Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih was not a speech but was the voice of his heart and that in spite of being religious his outlook was practical. Another comment was that the speech was most dignified and its life-infusing words were not limited on morals and had left a deep impression on the listeners. +Visions and True Dreams of Companions of The Promised Messiah(as)December 28, 2012

Hadhrat Muhammad Fazil sahib(ra): He relates that after returning home from his initial trip to Qadian, he started doing Tabligh and his first contact was his teacher. The night of the first day of Tabligh he saw in a dream that the Promised Messiah(as) is holding his right hand and they are walking briskly. He sees himself in Medina where the residences of the Holy Prophet(saw) were and he does not see the Promised Messiah(as) around.

Hadhrat Nizam ud Din sahib(ra): He took Bai’at in 1890 or 1891. He relates that he had seen a lot before he took Bai’at. Once as he came out of Masjid Mubarak after Salat he saw two presentable men in the vestibule who asked where Mirza sahib was. As he decided to take them to him, they requested that he walked behind them so that they could recognise him themselves.

Hadhrat Khair Din sahib(ra): He took Bai’at in 1906. He relates a dream of his in which he saw that the Promised Messiah(as) leads Friday Prayer like Eid Prayer. He sees that the Promised Messiah(as) enters a room holding the Holy Qur’an and four unkempt Sikh men follow him, probably carrying a weapon which is not visible. Khair Din sahib feels concerned that they may attack.

Hadhrat Munshi Qazi Mehboob Alam sahib(ra): He took Bai’at in 1898. He relates that when he first went to Qadian and wished to take Bai’at immediately the Promised Messiah(as) advised him to wait for a few days. He said he should stay for at least three days. He saw a dream on his very first day in Qadian. He saw that light descends from heaven and entering through his ear, permeates his entire body and then exits from his other ear to return to the heavens.

Hadhrat Maulana Ghulam Rasool Rajiki sahib(ra): He took Bai’at in 1897 via letter and in person two years later. He relates that Maulwi Imam ud Din sahib went to Qadian before him but returned with opposing thoughts. However, when Maulana Rajiki saw many dreams in which he saw the Holy Prophet(saw) had come to Qadian, Imam ud Din sahib was also affected and they both went to Qadian in 1899.

Hadhrat Sheikh Atta Muhammad sahib(ra): He relates that he saw a dream in which the Promised Messiah(as) writes Atta sahib’s name in a book in red ink. He also saw seven land stewards and among them he is the only one the Promised Messiah(as) calls. The Promised Messiah(as) interpreted this as seven land stewards becoming Ahmadi.

Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih said that Qadian Jalsa Salana will commence from tomorrow. Twenty two countries will be represented at the Jalsa. Attendees should try and avail of the Jalsa to the fullest. Time should be spent in prayers and if the opportunity arises prayers should be made at the holy locations [in Qadian] where the Promised Messiah (as) used to pray.

Death of Bashir Ahmad Choudhry sahib, Babar Ali sahib, Rubina Nusrat Zafar sahiba.

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Hudhur's (atba) kind approvalEjaz Ahmad Rana (President) for Sadr Khuddam ul Ahmadiyya AustraliaAl-Masroor desk report:

Hadrat Aqdas Amirul Mumenin Hadrat Khalifatul Masih the Fifth (atba) has assigned Mr Ejaz Ahmad Rana as the Sadr [President] of Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya Australia for 2012-2014 term. May Allah enable him for this service (Amin).

Mr Ejaz Ahmad Rana came to Australia in 1996 from Pakistan. Since then he has been working for Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya and the Jamaat with his utmost zeal and devotion. He has been working as the Sadr of Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya for last four years. Mashaallah.

Sadr sahib has two sons and one daughter. May Allah bless them all. Amen.

Hudhur (atba) has approved the National Amila of MKAA for 2012-2013.

The first Amila meeting was held on 4th November 2012. Mohtaram Sadr sahib has handed over the respective charges to new Amila members. This was the Welcome and Farewell meeting for the previous Amila members in which Mohtaram Amir sahib Maulana Mahmood Ahmad was present. Mohtaram Amir sahib has delivered his admonishing speech and led the silent prayer.

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National Aamila 2012-13Majlis Khuddam ul Ahmadiyya Australia

Khidmat Name Contact Email

Sadr Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya

RANA EJAZ AHMAD 0411 887 237 [email protected]

Naib Sadr I SHARFRAZ RAHIM 0411 011 778 [email protected]

Naib Sadr II USMAN MAHMOOD 0401 949 099 [email protected]

Mu`tamad ATTA UL QADEER 0452 499 366 [email protected]

Muhtamim Khidmat-e-Khalq MUMTAZ AHMED SETHI

0431 421 344 [email protected]

Muhtamim Ta’lim SHAHID MAHMOOD 0430 781 757 [email protected]

Muhtamim Tarbiyat NASIR AHMAD KHAN 0431 182 653 [email protected]

Muhtamim Mal USMAN MAHMOOD 0401 949 099 [email protected]

Muhtamim Umumi KASHIF SHAHZAD 0433 001 297 [email protected]

Muhtamim Umumi Additional LUQMAN AHMAD 0421 598 565 [email protected]

Muhtamim Sihhat-e-Jismani ANEES UR REHMAN 0405 529 707 [email protected]

Muhtamim Waqar-e-Amal WASEEM AHMED 0432 712 057 [email protected]

Muhtamim San’at o Tijarat MOHAMMED IRFAAN 0416 714 441 [email protected],

Muihtamim Tahrik-e-Jadid ANWAR UL HAQ SHAHIN

0422 347 364 [email protected]

Muhtamim Atfal MUHAMMAD IQBAL 0412 590 948 [email protected]

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Khidmat Name Contact Email

Muhtamim Tabligh WAQAS AHMED 0401 299 301 [email protected]

Muhtamim Tajneed AQEEL IBRAHIM 0433 449 762 [email protected]

Muhtamim Isha’at SIKDER TAHER AHMAD 0433 367 389 [email protected]

Muhtamim Nau Mubaeen ATA UL HANNAN JAVED

0404 278 980 [email protected]

Muhtamim Omoor-e-Talaba AZHAR REHAN KHAN 0424 026 915 [email protected]

Muhtamim Muqami SHARFRAZ RAHIM 0411 011 778 [email protected]

Muhasib Dr. ANJUM MAHMOOD 0434 198 654 [email protected]

Mauwin Sadr I MUBASHIR VANCE 0404 777 738 [email protected]

Mauwin Sadr II ZHUAIR AHMED KHAN 0470 018 395 [email protected]

Qaideen Majalis (year 2012-13)

Region Khidmat Name Email





Muhtamim Muqami Sharfraz Rahim [email protected]

Qaid Majlis Baitul Huda Syed Tariq Ahmad [email protected]

Qaid Majlis Al-Noor Kaleemullah Joyia [email protected]

Qaid Majlis Al Sadaqat Haris Khan [email protected]

Regional Qaid SA Fareed Bajwa [email protected]

Qaid Majlis WA Rana Imran Munir [email protected]

Qaid Majlis Al Tahir Ferhaj Mansoor [email protected]

Qaid Fazl-e-Umar Qamar Ahmad Chohan [email protected]

Regional Qaid QLD Mudassar Mahmood [email protected]

Qaid Majlis Al Siddique Noman Ahmed Majoka [email protected]

Qaid Majlis Al Farooq Naveed Ahmad Qamar [email protected]

Qaid Majlis NT Khalid Mahmood [email protected]

Regional Qaid VIC Osama Ahmed Chaudhry

[email protected]

Qaid Majlis AL-Latif Munawar Naeem Sb [email protected]

Qaid Majlis AL-Sadiq Rafiq Ahmad Saqib [email protected]

Qaid Majlis TAS Rana Usman Ahmad [email protected]

Qaid Maid Majlis ACT Kamran Ahmad [email protected]

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Beyond thoughts and feelings…

Our Mosque, a place to pray and receiveby Ata Ur Rahman Maqbool

Deep in the heart of the jungle a lonesome tiger wonders in search of sustenance – food that will sustain him through the dark night that is about to set in the jungle. Creatures of various kinds roam in the daylight but retreat as dusk falls and survival becomes a need to be fulfilled. What lurks in the night frightens not only the searched but the searcher as well. What is it about the night that creates such thoughts and feelings in creatures of the jungle...? The lonesome tiger must fill his need before dusk falls on another day; else he may not survive the night….

The lonesome tiger only seeks to survive but he must do so in the light of day. Our very existence is like this tiger – we must sustain our selves in the light of this life, on our earth. The dusk of our day is the end which we will meet when our time on this earth comes to an end. The mere thought of the night – our deep sleep of death, frightens us at many levels. And so, our sustenance in the light of this life is paramount. That sustenance, is our spiritual food which will see us into the afterlife – the eternal life.

Where do we find such food? Where do we search such for such sustenance? Indeed, our quest as with the tiger is to seek and keep on seeking till we find that sustenance and the self within enters peace, well nourished, invigorated and satisfied. Our search has been made a little easier for us as The Creator of All has made a path for us, a path leading to fulfilment, belly full of spiritual nourishment – Salaat, submission to The Creator, worship of God in His House – The place of all peace on earth – The Mosque.

The Mosque provides us with an environment for communion with our Creator, Allah. A place where we feed our spiritual self to such an extent that it pervades all our being and enlightens and illuminates the self within and the world external. A place where we receive divine light which illuminates even the darkest of places in our self and our soul. A place where submission to our Creator enables humility, reflection, peace and harmony with self and the world external. Why wouldn’t we seek this place? Why wouldn’t we crave such a place which gives us so much sustenance for the afterlife? Why wouldn’t we enter this place again and again and again.

Look at yourself in the mirror and do you see a face or do you experience your spirit – beyond thoughts and feelings? If you nourished that spirit within and saw your face again in the mirror, what would you see? A man or an enlightened and noursihed spirit?

And so, as we supplicate our Almighty Creator and frequent His House every day, we shall receive the sustenance we seek for the afterlife. The deep slumber that we shall enter one day no longer frightens us rather motivates us to prepare well and nourish the spirit within…beyond thoughts and feelings…

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29th Annual National Ijtema 2012Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya Australia

Ijtema Report

By the Grace of Almighty Allah, the 29th Annual National Ijtema of Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya Australia took place at the Bait-Ul-Huda Mosque in Sydney from Friday, the 28th of September 2012 to 30th September 2012.

Guests, including Atfal, from Inter-State, including Queensland, South Australia, Victoria and Tasmania started arriving at the mosque from Thursday, 27th of September 2012 a day before the Ijtema was due to start. The Langar Khana had also started from Thursday providing food for all the guests. There was a sense of anticipation in the air on Friday as Khuddam were looking forward to the start of the Ijtema as well as being excited to meet Khuddam who they had not seen since last year’s Ijtema.

Preparation for the Ijtema had started a couple of months ago with the final touches and an inspection done by Sadr Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya Australia, Rana Ejaz Ahmad on Friday morning.

After the Friday prayers Khuddam and Atfal gathered outside the mosque for the flag hoisting ceremony, which was the official opening of the Ijtema. At 12:00 pm, Sadr Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya, Rana Ejaz Ahmad raised the Khuddam flag while the Australian flag also raised. This was followed by a group of Atfal singing the Australian National Anthem and some Khuddam singing the Liwa-e-Ahmadiyyat nazm. It surely was a beautiful sight seeing the two flags fluttering in the wind with the minaret of the mosque in the background.

The first session of the Ijtema commenced and Sadr Sahib chaired the session. It began with the recitation and translation of the Holy Quran by Mr Atif Luqman Zafar and a nazm read by Mr Asif Khan. Then Sadr Sahib read out the Khuddam pledge with the Khuddam repeating after him. Sadr Sahib then delivered the opening speech.

The religious competitions commenced next, with Qirat and Hifz-e-Quran competitions held first simultaneously. Atfal sports competitions held at the same time. The competitions came to an end before

Maghrib time, where after Maghrib/Isha prayers were offered in congregation and then dinner was served for everyone.

Under the guidance of Taleem Department 10 Ilmi competitions were held in this Ijtima, while Sehet-e-Jismani department arranged six sports events.

261 Khuddam and 121 Atfal attended from 10 Majlis situated in Australia. Alhamdulillah.

The prize distribution ceremony started after the Zuhr prayer on 30th September 2012. Lastly, Ameer Sahib delivered the concluding speech and led the silent prayer.

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New Born

By the grace of Almighty Allah, our brother Mohtaram Shahid Mahmood, Mohtamim Taleem, MKAA and his

wife Najm-ul-Sehar Choudhry of Bait-ul-Huda Sydney were blessed with their first child, a baby girl on 27th October 2012. Alhamdulillah. Her

name is Zunairah Jameel. She is the granddaughter of Laeeq Ahmed

Choudhry and Asia Maryam of Sydney and Choudhry Mahmood Ahmed

Khalid of Mandi Bahauddin, Pakistan. May Allah bless them all. Amen.

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Atfal Results

Final Ilmi Competition Results (Khuddam)

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Results Ilmi Competitions for 29th Ijtima 2012-Miyar-e-Sagheer

Majlis Tilawat 1

QLD 1st Position Anas Mahmood Zia QLD 2nd Position Atif Arif Al-Sadaqat 3rd Position Zain Khan TAS Special 1 Affaan Mahmood

Majlis Hifz-e-Quran 2

Bait-ul-Huda 1st Position Arsalan Nasir Bait-ul-Huda 2nd Position Ibtasham Gondal Al-Noor 3rd Position Rafay Zia Bait-ul-Huda Special 1 Ibtasham Gondal

Majlis Azan 3

Bait-ul-Huda 1st Position Ibtasham Gondal QLD 2nd Position Hassan Mahmood QLD 3rd Position Atif Arif Special 1

Majlis Nazam 4

Bait-ul-Huda 1st Position Abdaal Ahmad SA 2nd Position Abdullah Shafiq Bait-ul-Huda 3rd Position Ibtasham Ahmed ACT Special 1 Aarij Ahmad

Majlis Urdu Speech 5

QLD 1st Position Anas Mahmood Zia Al-Sadaqat 2nd Position Hassan Mansoor Bait-ul-Huda 3rd Position Ibtasham Gondal Bait-ul-Huda Special 1 Absham Gondal

Majlis Spontaneous Speech 6

Bait-ul-Huda 1st Position Muneeb Ahmad ACT 2nd Position Aarij Ahmad QLD 3rd Position Arsalan Arif Al-Sadaqat Special 1 Nosherwah

Majlis Religious Knowledge 7


Badih Ahmad 1st Position

Labib Ahmad Huzaifa Server Nofil Server Zain Ahmad

Majlis Religious Knowledge 8


Musleh ud Din 2nd Position Sadaqat Massan

Samer Chohan Abdullah Shafiq

Majlis Essay Writing 9

Bait-ul-Huda 1st Position Arsalan Nasir S.A 2nd Position Abdullah Shafiq 3rd Position Omer Ahmad Al-Noor Special 1 Labeeb Ahmad

Majlis Speech English 10

Al-Sadaqat 1st Position Zain Khan VIC 2nd Position Ali Chowdhry Bait-ul-Huda 3rd Position Arsalan Nasir Special 1

Majlis Observation & Memory Test 11

Bait-ul-Huda 1st Position Ahtasham Gondal Bait-ul-Huda 2nd Position Muneeb Ahmad Al-Noor 3rd Position Nofil Server TAS Special 1 Affaan Mahmood

Results Ilmi Competitions for 29th Ijtima 2012-Miyar-e-Kabeer Majlis Tilawat


VIC 1st Position Rehan Majoka Bait-ul-Huda 2nd Position Muneeb-ur-Rehman Adelaide 3rd Position Saad Khan Adelaide Special 1 Muslehuddin Chandio

Majlis Hifz-e-Quran 2

Al-Huda 1st Position Abdul Rehman Al-Huda 2nd Position Nabigh Chaudhry Al-Huda 3rd Position Muneeb-ur-Rehman Special 1

Majlis Azan 3

Victoria 1st Position Rehan Majoka Al-Huda 2nd Position Muneeb-ur-Rehman Al-Huda 3rd Position Abdul Rehman Special 1

Majlis Nazam 4

Victoria 1st Position Rehan Majoka Al-Huda 2nd Position Muneeb-ur-Rehman Al-Huda 3rd Position Abdul Rehman Special 1

Majlis Urdu Speech 5

Victoria 1st Position Masroor Ahmed Al-Huda 2nd Position Abdur Rehman Adelaide 3rd Position Kamban Khalid Special 1

Majlis Spontanous Speech 6

Al-Sadaqat 1st Position Danial Khan SA 2nd Position Musleh ud Din Chandio Al-Sadaqat 3rd Position Emmad Khan Special 1

Majlis English Speech 7

Adelaide 1st Position Kamran Khalid Al-Sadaqat 2nd Position Daniyal Khan Al-Noor 3rd Position Saman Khalid Special 1

Majlis Message Relay 8

Al-Sadaqat, Al-Noor

1st Position Saman Khalid, Zain Ahmed, Daniyal Khan, Muzamil Shah, Musawer Ahmed.

Interstates, Adelaide, Vic

2nd Position Musleh-ud-Din, Hawayad Qamat, Rehan Majoka, Zeerak Al, Kamran Khalid.

Al-Huda 3rd Position Waqas, Talha, Nabigh Ahmed, Abdul, Shehroze. Special 1

Majlis Essay Writing 9

ADL 1st Position Khizar Rana Al-Huda 2nd Position Nabigh Chaudhry Brisbane 3rd Position Mubasher Chandio Special 1

Results Ilmi Competitions for 29th Ijtima 2012-Miyar-e-Kabeer Majlis Tilawat


VIC 1st Position Rehan Majoka Bait-ul-Huda 2nd Position Muneeb-ur-Rehman Adelaide 3rd Position Saad Khan Adelaide Special 1 Muslehuddin Chandio

Majlis Hifz-e-Quran 2

Al-Huda 1st Position Abdul Rehman Al-Huda 2nd Position Nabigh Chaudhry Al-Huda 3rd Position Muneeb-ur-Rehman Special 1

Majlis Azan 3

Victoria 1st Position Rehan Majoka Al-Huda 2nd Position Muneeb-ur-Rehman Al-Huda 3rd Position Abdul Rehman Special 1

Majlis Nazam 4

Victoria 1st Position Rehan Majoka Al-Huda 2nd Position Muneeb-ur-Rehman Al-Huda 3rd Position Abdul Rehman Special 1

Majlis Urdu Speech 5

Victoria 1st Position Masroor Ahmed Al-Huda 2nd Position Abdur Rehman Adelaide 3rd Position Kamban Khalid Special 1

Majlis Spontanous Speech 6

Al-Sadaqat 1st Position Danial Khan SA 2nd Position Musleh ud Din Chandio Al-Sadaqat 3rd Position Emmad Khan Special 1

Majlis English Speech 7

Adelaide 1st Position Kamran Khalid Al-Sadaqat 2nd Position Daniyal Khan Al-Noor 3rd Position Saman Khalid Special 1

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Final Sports Results (Khuddam)

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News from local Majalis

Majlis Fazl-e-Umar, Adelaide, South Australia,November, 2012.

Waqar-e-AmalMajlis Waqar e Amal was held on 25th November, 2012 at 6 PM, 23 Khuddams participated in this event. Groups were sent to four different sections of Pimpala road, Morphett Vale, SA 5162, to do the clean-up activity.

Red Cross blood donationFive khuddam took part in Red Cross blood donation. The blood donation was very successful with the grace of all mighty Allah and it was much appreciated by Red Cross.

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Majlis Baitul Huda,November 2012.

By the Grace of Almighty Allah the new year of Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya commenced in November 2012. The Amila for the year was formed and approved by Sadr Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya Australia. The first Amila meeting was held on the 25th of November to discuss the plan for the year, with the key focus to-

• Improve contact and relationship with each Khadim, • Activate and involve new Khuddam, aim to improve the number of Khuddam who offer 5 daily prayers • Finally push to increase the subscription of Khuddam chanda.

As the quorums for each halqa were not met, therefore, Halqa Zaim Election could not take place.

Majlis Baitul Huda, December 2012.

The 2nd month of the Khuddam year began with the Majlis monthly meeting held on the 7th December 2012, where 22 Khuddam attended.

1. A Tarbiyyat session was held in the meeting, with the focus on five daily prayers.

2. In relation to Tabligh, a brief extract on the death of Jesus Christ (as) was also presented in the meeting from the Review of Religions.

3. Khuddam were also encouraged to subscribe to this journal.

4. Zaim Elections for both Halqas in the Majlis was carried out after the Majlis Meeting, which was followed by dinner.

5. The Khilafat Centenary Prayers CDs were distributed to each Amila Member to hand out to each Khuddam household in the Majlis. Work was commenced in this regard, 35 CDs already distributed.

Quran ClassThere has also been positive attendance in the weekly Quran Classes held by Ameer Sahib at Mosque every Monday, with average participation from Majlis Baitul Huda. On the 14th of December 2012, 8 Khuddam from the Majlis attended the Quran Class.

SportsWeekly soccer on Sundays has been running since November as well and 2 more weekends of this was organised by the Majlis before a break was taken over the Christmas and New Year break.

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AL-MASROOR MAGAZINE July-September 2012 | Volume 3, Issue 4

Word Quiz

This quiz is designed for testing our young readers' vocabulary. Choose the correct meaning for each of the eight words below. For answers, please go to the next page.

1: Alhamdolillaha. All praise belong to Allahb. Some praise belong to Allahc. Allah is greatd. Allah is powerful

2. Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahe wa barakatuhu

a. May peace be on you, and the mercy of Allah and His grace

b. May happiness be on you, and the blessings of Allah

c. Hello, how are you?d. Hi

3. Barahina. Convincing arguments or

proofb. Evidencec. Logicd. Documents

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Atfal Corner

The Wisdom of the Holy Prophet

The Ka'aba is the first House of worship that was built for mankind for the worship of one True God. We cannot say who built it, but we are told by God in the Holy Quran that it was rebuilt by Ibrahim and his son Ismail. The Ka'aba has been the centre of life in Makkah from the time it was rebuilt. People from far and wide came here for the pilgrimage to the House of Allah. In the days of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, all the important decisions about the affairs of the city were made at the Ka'aba. Whenever any dispute arose, the heads of the various families living in Makkah would gather there to discuss it.

Sometime after the birth of the Holy Prophet of Islam, the Ka'aba was in a very bad state of repairs and the people of Makkah had decided to rebuild it. A dispute arose about the placing of the famous Black Stone. The Black Stone has always been held in reverence because it was the Prophet Ibrahim who placed it in the Ka'aba. It is a stone in the south eastern corner of the wall and is about four feet from the ground.

Several leading families of the Qureish tribe claimed the honour of placing the stone in position. The controversy became heated, tempers rose and threats were exchanged. Some of the leaders sensed the delicate situation and feared that it might lead to violence if no agreement was reached. So one of them suggested that the matter should be settled by the one who would be the first to arrive at the Ka'aba. Muhammad chanced to enter the enclosure of the Ka'aba at that moment, so the dispute was referred to him.

Muhammad listened very calmly to the claims of each party. He spread out his cloak on the ground and placed the Black Stone on it. He then invited the leaders of all the tribes to lift the cloak and carry it to the place, where it had to be put in position. When the stone was thus carried to the place, he lifted it and placed it in the wall. This satisfied everybody, as each leader had been given the honour of lifting the sacred stone. Thus a dispute which had threatened bloodshed was resolved peacefully, through the wisdom of the Holy Prophet of Islam.

Stories From Early Islam by Rashid Ahmad Chaudhry

PP. 31-32Islam International Publications Ltd. (1989)

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AL-MASROOR MAGAZINE October-December 2012 | Volume 3, Issue 5

Word Quiz (Answers)

This quiz is designed for testing our young readers' vocabulary. Find the following answers of the above quiz.

1. Alhamdolillah: An expression to show gratitude to Allah; lit. ‘All praise belongs to Allah’.

2. Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahe wa barakatuhu: Traditional Islamic greeting, meaning, may peace be on you, and the mercy of Allah and His grace.

3. Barahin: Plural of Burhan, meaning a convincing argument or proof.

There will wait on them youths, who will not age, (56:18)

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Quran Exhibition, SydneyMustafa Ahmed (Tin Maung Htoo)

Nowadays, different media and overwhelming of western culture has lead public to misunderstand what is true Islam, teaching of the Holy Quran and how beautifully it has been revealed to the Prophet Muhammad Mustafa (sa).

By the Grace of Almighty Allah, Sydney, Australia Jamaat had blessed to hold a Quran Exhibition to spread the message of the Uniqueness of the Holy Quran.To be able to organize a successful event, members of the Jamaat had worked for weeks before the exhibition day.

Personally, I feel that such exhibitions increase the attendance of the visitors and make them feel free to learn more about the beautiful teaching of the Holy Quran as well as Islam Ahmadiyya.

Members of the Jamaat treated the guests with dignity, kind, respect, also by wearing caring smiles on their faces. The Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya had not only passed the message of the importance of the Holy Quran but also spread the message of the Promised Messiah of the Age.

The graphic posters regarding the related teaching of Holy Quran made the viewers to understand what and how prophesies of the Holy Quran has been fulfilled through times. Some of the teachings of the Quran were highlighted as well as some views of the famous literate sayings were also noted. Such artistic displays helped people to understand about the current situation vividly.

Visitors of different backgrounds had visited to seek the true teaching of the Holy Quran. By holding Quran exhibition publicly it gives knowledge to other non-Muslim that how beautifully the Holy Quran has been thought to mankind. The visitors were happy to learn about the true teaching of Islam and the true

meaning of Quran and provided positive feedbacks to the event.

May Almighty Allah, enable us to always step forward to serve the Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya and with steadfast to be able follow the teaching of the Holy Quran. Amen.

Monthly Al Masroor team welcome your comments or

suggestions for improvement of this magazine.

We also wish to receive material, especially the local Majlis/

Khuddam activities reports for publication.

Please send materials to the Editor at:

[email protected]

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Allahumma salli ‘ala Muhammadin wa ‘ala ali Muhammadin, kama sallaita ‘ala Ibrahima wa ‘ala ali Ibrahima innaka Hamidum-Majid. Allahuma barik ‘ala Muhammadin wa ‘ala ali Muhammadin kama barakta ‘ala Ibrahima wa ‘ala ali

lbrahima innaka Hamidum-Majid. 


Bless, O Allah, Muhammad and the people of Muhammad, as Thou didst bless Abraham and the people of Abraham. Thou art indeed the Praiseworthy, the

Glorious.Prosper, O Allah, Muhammad and the people of Muhammad, as Thou didst

prosper Abraham and the people of Abraham. Thou are the Praiseworthy, the Glorious.