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Pembuat Soal: Nofriani, S.S.T [Kepala Sekolah KOBI] dan tutors KOBI

Penyusun ebook ini: Fitriani Juwita [Alumni KOBI V]



DAFTAR ISI ................................................................................................................. 2

SIMPLE, COMPOUND, COMPLEX SENTENCES ............................................. 5

SOAL ........................................................................................................................ 5

JAWABAN ............................................................................................................... 7

PARTS OF SPEECH ................................................................................................. 10

SOAL ...................................................................................................................... 10

JAWABAN ............................................................................................................. 12

WORD ORDER ........................................................................................................ 19

SOAL ...................................................................................................................... 19

JAWABAN ............................................................................................................. 20

DERIVATIVES ........................................................................................................... 22

SOAL ...................................................................................................................... 22

JAWABAN ............................................................................................................. 22

ARTICLE ..................................................................................................................... 23

SOAL ...................................................................................................................... 23

JAWABAN ............................................................................................................. 24

TENSES ...................................................................................................................... 27

SOAL ...................................................................................................................... 27

JAWABAN ............................................................................................................. 32

CONCORD ................................................................................................................ 40

SOAL ...................................................................................................................... 40

JAWABAN ............................................................................................................. 41

DEGREE OF COMPARISON................................................................................. 45

SOAL ...................................................................................................................... 45

JAWABAN ............................................................................................................. 45

RELATIVE PRONOUNS ......................................................................................... 48

SOAL ...................................................................................................................... 48

JAWABAN ............................................................................................................. 48

CONDITIONAL SENTENCES ............................................................................... 50


SOAL ...................................................................................................................... 50

JAWABAN ............................................................................................................. 51

SUBJUNCTIVES ....................................................................................................... 54

SOAL ...................................................................................................................... 54

JAWABAN ............................................................................................................. 54

CAUSATIVE VERBS................................................................................................. 57

SOAL ...................................................................................................................... 57

JAWABAN ............................................................................................................. 57

PASSIVE VOICE ....................................................................................................... 59

SOAL ...................................................................................................................... 59

JAWABAN ............................................................................................................. 60

DIRECT-INDIRECT SPEECH ................................................................................. 62

SOAL ...................................................................................................................... 62

JAWABAN ............................................................................................................. 63

TAG QUESTION ...................................................................................................... 66

SOAL ...................................................................................................................... 66

JAWABAN ............................................................................................................. 66

ELLIPTICAL CONSTRUCTION ............................................................................. 68

SOAL ...................................................................................................................... 68

JAWABAN ............................................................................................................. 69

GERUND .................................................................................................................... 72

SOAL ...................................................................................................................... 72

JAWABAN ............................................................................................................. 72

SOAL ...................................................................................................................... 73

JAWABAN ............................................................................................................. 73

PREFERENCE ............................................................................................................ 75

SOAL ...................................................................................................................... 75

JAWABAN ............................................................................................................. 76

PARTICIPLES ............................................................................................................ 78

SOAL ...................................................................................................................... 78

JAWABAN ............................................................................................................. 78


MODALS ................................................................................................................... 79

SOAL ...................................................................................................................... 79

JAWABAN ............................................................................................................. 79

EXPRESSION ............................................................................................................ 80

SOAL ...................................................................................................................... 80

JAWABAN ............................................................................................................. 80

BRITISH VS AMERICAN ........................................................................................ 81

SOAL ...................................................................................................................... 81

JAWABAN ............................................................................................................. 81

OTHER COOL STUFF ............................................................................................. 82

SOAL ...................................................................................................................... 82

JAWABAN ............................................................................................................. 85





1. Buatlah complex/compound sentence menggunakan kalimat-

kalimat berikut. Beri keterangan apakah itu kalimat complex/


a. Brain cells die at the rate of 100,000 per day by age 6. Brain

cells are not replaced like other body cells.

b. All I did as a student was studying. I don’t know how to cook


c. I hate chocolate. I hate chocolate milk

d. Jessy studied for her chemistry test. Linda went shopping with

her friends.

e. Thick haze is caused by forest fires engulfes Sumatra and

Kalimantan. Tens of thousands people are suffered from acute

respiratory infections.

f. Course textbooks cost a great deal of money. They are

necessary to pass a class with good grade.

2. Tentukan kalimat di bawah ini termasuk kalimat simple,

compound atau complex, kemudian carilah nouns/pronouns dan

verbs yang terdapat pada kalimat tersebut.

a. Kara and Liza walked hand in hand and told their stories all

the way to school.

b. I went to the library with Tiara and Diana but John decided to

stay at home doing nothing.

c. We must go now, or we will miss our plane.


d. My professor studied the problem and solved it in a few


e. When your brother wakes up, tell him to shower, eat his

breakfast and wait for me to get him.

3. Write complex sentences using these words: Hint: You might need

some additional words of your own. And that’s okay.

a. Thirsty, really, water, glass.

b. Broken, heart, go, beach, relax, mind.

c. Spend, a lot, money, still, rich.

d. Girl, Still, 23, a lot, achievements.

4. Write complex sentences using these words: Hint: You might need

some additional words of your own. And that’s okay.

a. You, come, want (to), leave, now

b. Mum, cook, dad, policeman

c. Rain, cats and dogs, late

d. Study, hard, she, keep, fail.

5. Buatlah complex/compound sentence menggunakan kalimat-

kalimat berikut. Beri keterangan apakah yang kalian tulis adalah

kalimat complex/ compound.

a. Human beings are the most intelligent creatures. Most

human beings don’t know how to behave themselves.

b. I was an autodidact in learning English. Now I know how to

teach English professionally.

c. I admire him. I read every news about him.

d. Bees are not normally dangerous insects, but some caused

considerable damage in South Africa.

e. Maria felt really proud and happy when she heard her

daughter called her ‘mom’ for the first time.



1. Jawaban

a. Brain cells die at the rate of 100,000 per day by age 60 and

they are not replaced like other body cells. (Compound)

b. Because all I did as a student was studying, I don’t know how

to cook now. (Complex)

All I did as a student was studying; I don’t know how to cook

now. (Compound)

c. I hate chocolate milk because I hate chocolate. (Complex)

Because I hate chocolate, I hate chocolate milk.

d. Jessy studied for her chemistry test and/but Linda went

shopping with her friends. (Compound)

Possible conjunction: while.

e. Possible sentences:

Thick haze is caused by forest fires engulfes Sumatra and

Kalimantan; tens of thousands people are suffered from

acute respiratory infections. (Compound)

Tens of thousands people are suffered from acute

respiratory infections because thick haze that is caused

by forest fires engulfes Sumatra and Kalimantan.


f. Possible sentences:

Although course textbooks cost a great deal of money,

they are necessary to pass a class with good grade.


Course textbooks cost a great deal of money but they are

necessary to pass a class with good grade. (Compound)


2. Tentukan kalimat di bawah ini termasuk kalimat simple,

compound atau complex, kemudian carilah nouns/pronouns dan

verbs yang terdapat pada kalimat tersebut.

a. Kara and Liza walked hand in hand and told their stories all

the way to school.

Simple Sentence

Noun/pronoun : Kara, Liza, hand, stories, way, school

Verb : walked, told

b. I went to the library with Tiara and Diana but John decided to

stay at home doing nothing.

Compound sentence

Noun/pronoun : I, library, Tiara, Diana, John, home

Verb : went, decided, stay, doing

c. We must go now, or we will miss our plane.

Compound sentence

d. Noun/pronoun : we, plane

Verb : go, miss

e. My professor studied the problem and solved it in a few


Simple sentence

Noun/pronoun : professor, problem, minutes

Verb : studied, solved

f. When your brother wakes up, tell him to shower, eat his

breakfast and wait for me to get him.

Complex sentence

Noun/pronoun : brother, breakfast

Verb : wakes up, shower, eat, wait, get

3. Complex sentences containing these words:

a. Thirsty, really, water, glass.


Because I was really thirsty, I drank a glass of water.

b. Broken, heart, go, beach, relax, mind.

If my heart is broken, I go to the beach to relax my mind.

c. Spend, a lot, money, still, rich.

Although she spends a lot of money, she’s still so rich.

d. Girl, Still, 23, a lot, achievements.

That girl is still 23, but she’s made a lot of achievements.

4. Compound sentences containing these words:

a. You, come, want (to), leave, now

You have just come, and you want to leave now?

b. Mum, cook, dad, policeman

My mum is a cook, and my dad is a policeman

c. Rain, cats and dogs, late

It was raining cats and dogs, so we’re late.

d. Study, hard, she, keep, fail.

She studied very hard, but she kept failing.


a. Human beings are the most intelligent creatures, but most of

them don’t know how to behave themselves. (Compound


b. Because I was an autodidact in learning English, now I know

how to teach English professionally. (Complex)

c. I was an autodidact in learning English; now I know how to

teach English professionally. (Compound)

d. I admire him, and I read every news about him. (Compound)

e. Because I admire him, I read every news about him.


f. Compound sentence.

Bees are not normally dangerous insects.


Some caused considerable damage in South Africa.

g. Complex sentence.

Maria felt really proud and happy

When she heard her daughter called her ‘mom’ for the

first time.



1. Perbaiki kalimat berikut jika ditemukan kesalahan, dan jelaskan:

a. Either Jake or Jack are pronounced jāk

b. I love every book but this one

c. Before get up, your brain tells you to do so

d. She’s just so good in English

e. For it rained, I couldn’t make it in time

f. Neither my mum or dad will come here to see me

g. They should be here by half an hour

h. She felt asleep

i. I hate my self

j. I have many foods

k. This is trully amazing

l. A giraffe can run very fastly

m. I had no choice but to flee

n. After go up, you will always go down

o. I’m good at English

p. The bell will ring by five minutes

q. You need to be able to love your self

r. I am very powerfull

s. I have studied very hardly to be better at Math


t. Mathematic and Physic were my favourite subjects at high


u. Tell your friends that they really need to take care of


v. I was born on November the eightieth.

2. Susun kalimat dengan menggunakan kata-kata berikut:

a. I, saw, thief, steal, your box

b. I, interest, your book, because, seem, bore

c. Did, you, listen, her, speak, English, ?

3. Temukan kesalahan dalam kalimat berikut:

a. A pocket computer is generally enough small to fit into a

pocket or small case.

b. When lighting strikes an unprotected building, the electric

charge can cause considering damage.

c. In 1780, Italian scientis Luigi Galvani mistaken concluded that

frog’s legs contain electricity.

d. The temperature must be reduced of 4000 Fahrenheit.

4. My big brother can run _____.

a. Really quickly

b. Really fast

c. Really fastly

d. Really quick

5. Either rabbits or deer always ______.

a. Shows up in every fairy tales

b. Shows up in every fairy tale

c. Show up in every fairy tale

d. Show up in every fairy tales

6. Tulislah ‘part of speech’ dari kata-kata pada kalimat berikut.


a. The pretty lady took a cup of tea and slowly sipped it while

sitting lazily in front of the TV.

b. My brother and I go to the town library every Sunday to read

our favourite fictions.

7. Tentukan perbedaan dari ungkapan di bawah ini.

a. You have to pay attention to the contents of the book.

You have to pay attention to the content of the book.

b. He’s worked hard all of his life.

He’s hardly worked all of his life.

c. I’m not going to Europe, because of you.

I’m not going to Europe because of you.

d. You’ve done all of this for me.

You’ve done all of this to me.

e. I submit my weekly assignment in time for the revision.

I submit my weekly assignment on time.


1. Jawaban:

a. Either Jake or Jack is pronounced jā k

Either-or artinya hanya salah satunya benar (tidak dua-

duanya), sehingga digunakan to-be tunggal. (Jika bukan jake

yang diucapkan jā k, jack yang diucapkan jā k. Tapi tidak dua-


b. Sudah benar

But juga bisa menyatakan except.

c. Before getting up …


Jika before atau after langsung diikuti kata kerja, kata

kerjanya harus berbentuk v-ing. Tapi jika diikuti subjek+kata

kerja, kata kerjanya tidak perlu berbentuk v-ing. Contohnya:

Before you get up, your brain tells you to do so

d. She’s just so good at English

Jika menggambarkan kapasitas skill, kita gunakan at.

Gunakan in jika menyatakan lokasi. Contohnya:

She is very good at golf. She is always the best in the field.

e. Sudah benar

For juga berarti karena (because)

f. Neither my mum nor dad …

Dalam fungsinya sebagai conjunction, either harus

dipasangkan dengan nor, sedangkan either dengan or.

g. They should be here in half an hour

Jika menyatakan rentang waktu, gunakan in. Jika menyatakan

batas waktu, gunakan by. Contoh:

I must submit my assignments by Monday

h. Sudah benar

She fell asleep

Felt adalah kata kerja kedua dari feel.

i. I hate myself

Penulisan reflexive pronoun harus selalu disambung.

j. Sudah benar

I have much food: Saya punya banyak makanan

I have many foods: Saya punya berbagai macam makanan

(misalnya ada ayam goreng, nasi uduk, dll).

k. This is truly amazing

Penulisan truly harus dengan satu huruf –l.

l. A giraffe can run very fast


Fast adalah penggunaan adverb yang tidak menambahkan –

ly pada adjective-nya (fast). Hal ini adalah pengecualian

dalam Bahasa Inggris.

m. Sudah benar

But juga bisa menyatakan except. Kalimat pada soal sama

dengan I had no choice except to flee (aku tidak punya

pilihan selain melarikan diri).

n. After going up,, you will always go down

Jika before atau after langsung diikuti kata kerja, kata

kerjanya harus berbentuk v-ing. Tapi jika diikuti subjek+kata

kerja, kata kerjanya tidak perlu berbentuk v-ing. Contohnya:

After you go up, you will always go down

o. Sudah benar

Jika menggambarkan kapasitas skill, kita gunakan at.

Gunakan in jika menyatakan lokasi. Contohnya:

She is very good at golf. She is always the best in the

field. Catatan: I’m good with English artinya

“Hubunganku dengan Mr. English baik-baik saja.”

p. The bell will ring in five minutes

Jika menyatakan rentang waktu, gunakan in. Jika menyatakan

batas waktu, gunakan by. Contoh:

I must submit my assignments by Monday

q. You need to be able to love yourself

Penulisan reflexive pronoun harus selalu disambung, seperti

yourself dan myself.

r. I am very powerful

Powerful adalah penulisan yang benar.

s. I have studied very hard to better at Math


Khusus untuk hard, jika ditambahkan –ly, artinya bukan

“dengan keras”, melainkan “jarang.”

t. Mathematics and Physics were my favourite subjects at high


Nama-nama mata pelajaran seperti Mathematics, Physics,

Statistics memang harus diberi ‘s’ di belakangnya, namun

tetap dianggap singular.

u. Sudah benar

Tell your friends that they really need to take care of


Reflexive pronoun dari they adalah themselves, bukan


v. I was born on November the eighth atau eighteenth. [Tidak

ada tanggal 80 November, hehe]

2. Susunan Kata

a. I saw a thief stealing from your box

b. I am not interested in your book, because it seems boring

c. Did you listen to her speaking English?

3. Perbaiki Kata

b. … is generally small enough …

Susunan kata yang benar adalah adjective + enough

c. … considerable damage.

Adjective considerable digunakan sebagai pengganti gerund


d. … mistakenly…

Adverb digunakan untuk menambah keterangan kata sifat.

Penulisan adverb yang benar adalah dengan penambahan –


e. The temperature must be reduced by 4000 Fahrenheit.


4. C. Show up in every fairy tale

Penambahan s/es pada bentuk either ___ or ___ bergantung pada

kata kerja setelah or. Pada soal ini adalah deer. Deer bisa berupa

jamak, bisa juga tunggal (tidak mengalami penambahan s/es).

Every selalu diikuti bentuk tunggal (tale).

5. B. Really fast

Fastly tidak digunakan dalam bahasa Inggris. Quickly digunakan

untuk menyatakan kecepatan kejadian dapat terjadi, fast

digunakan untuk menyatakan kecepatan kejadian yang terjadi.



a. Part of Speech

The : article

Pretty : adjective

Lady : noun

Took : verb

A cup of : adjective

Tea : noun

And : connector

Slowly : adverb

Sipped : verb

It : pronoun

While : connector

Sitting : verb

Lazily : adverb

In front of : preposition

The : article


TV. : noun

b. My : pronoun

Brother : noun

And : connector

I : pronoun

Go : verb

To : preposition

The : article

Town : adjective

Library : noun

Every Sunday : adverb

To : preposition

Read : verb

Our : pronoun

Favourite : adjective

Fictions. : noun

7. Tentukan perbedaan dari ungkapan di bawah ini


You have to pay attention to the contents of the book.

Contents adalah daftar isi, jadi yang harus diperhatikan

adalah daftar isi bukunya.

You have to pay attention to the content of the book.

Content adalah muatan/isi, jadi yang harus diperhatikan

adalah muatan/isi buku secara keseluruhan.


He’s worked hard all of his life.

Dia telah bekerja dengan keras sepanjang hidupnya.

(alias pekerja keras)

He’s hardly worked all of his life.


Dia jarang-jarang bekerja sepanjang hidupnya. (alias



I’m not going to Europe, because of you.

Aku tidak akan pergi ke Eropa, aku masih di Indonesia,

dan aku lakukan itu karena kamu.

I’m not going to Europe because of you.

Aku akan pergi ke Eropa bukan karena kamu. Aku pergi

kesana karena alasan lain.


You’ve done all of this for me.

Kamu melakukan semua ini untukku. (Nadanya positif:

senang, bangga, takjub)

You’ve done all of this to me.

Kamu melakukan semua ini padaku. (Nadanya negatif:

marah, menyalahkan)


I submit my weekly assignment in time for the revision.

In time: just at or before the deadline.

Aku menyerahkan tugas tepat waktu untuk revisi

(sebelum waktu revisi habis).

I submit my weekly assignment on time.

On time: right at the schedule.

Aku menyerahkan tugas tepat waktu, sebelum deadline

yang ditentukan.

Walaupun, generally, in time and on time are generally





1. Susun kalimat berikut dengan baik:

a. Do – a – you – dog – have

b. Not – play – at – they – the – do – weekends – tennis

c. I – boat – sailing – blue – a – beautiful – own

d. She – only – exciting – Japanese – brands – sells - new

e. Restaurant – sells – also – the – small – serving – bowls –


f. Do – me – know – you

g. To – guy – is – me – handsome – the – dad – my - most

h. Will – new – a – I – black – bag – sleeping – get

i. Bought – a – antique – watch – my – glowing – mother –


j. has - My - cute - and - white - family - three - rabbits - black

k. box - put - velvet - I - in - ring - a - square - red - the - small

l. seven - Sogo - having - tomorrow - dinner - We - at -

Restaurant - are – at

2. Susunlah kata-kata berikut menjadi kalimat yang baik.

a. reckless - charged - He - with - was - endangerment, - and -

signal - police - disregarding - driving - from - a - careless –

officer. - a

b. beautiful - a - on - Mother – store. - shiny - table - small -

second - Indonesian - bought - hand - wooden - a - online

3. Choose the correct use of word order:

a. A lovely tiny green round locket really caught my eye

b. A lovely round tiny green locket really caught my eye


c. A lovely green round tiny locket really caught my eye

d. A lovely tiny round green locket really caught my eye


1. Urutan yang benar

a. Do you have a dog

b. They do not play tennis at the weekends

c. I own a beautiful blue sailing boat

i. Observations, Color, Qualifier

d. She sells only exciting new Japanese brands

ii. Observations, Age, Origin

e. The restaurant also sells small Japanese serving bowls

iii. Size, Origin, Qualifier

f. Do you know me

g. My dad is the most handsome guy to me

h. I will get a new black sleeping bag

iv. Age, Color, Qualifier

i. My mother bought a glowing antique Italian watch

v. Observations, Age, Origin

j. My family has three cute black and white rabbits.


vi. My family has three cute white and black rabbits.

2. Susunlah kata-kata berikut menjadi kalimat yang baik.

a. He was charged with reckless endangerment, careless driving

and disregarding a signal from a police officer.

b. Mother bought a beautiful small shiny Indonesian wooden

table on a second-hand online store.


3. Susunan white and black atau black and white tidak menjadi


a. I put the ring in a small square red velvet box.

b. We are having dinner at Sogo Restaurant tomorrow at seven.

4. D. A lovely tiny round green locket really caught my eye

Urutan word order yang benar:

Determiner a

Observations lovely

Size tiny

Shape round


Colour green




The noun locket




1. Perbaikilah kalimat-kalimat di bawah ini.

a. You should courage Gina to go back to college and finish her


b. It’s really a honor to meet you in person, Sir.


1. Perbaikan kalimat

a. You should encourage Gina to go back to college and finish

her degree.

Courage: kata benda, artinya


Encourage: kata kerja, artinya menganjurkan, mendorong,


b. It’s really an honor to meet you in person, Sir.

Honour/honor dibaca ˈ änər/ (diawali bunyi vokal), jadi

article yang digunakan adalah an, bukan a.




1. Perbaiki kalimat berikut:

a. I want to buy new laptop

b. I saw a White House

c. An university is only common in Britain

d. I’ve met the friends and the enemies of Hagrid’s

e. I drank a water an hour ago

f. Sun is really hot and big

g. I’ve fought the friends and the enemies of Dumbledore’s

h. It’s really a honor to meet you in person, Sir.

2. Isikan dengan “a/an, the, atau tanpa article” pada paragraph di

bawah ini

3. Washington, _____ capital of _____ United States, is in _____ District

of Columbia. It had _____ estimated population of 658,893 in

2014, which consists mostly of African American and White

people. _____ National Mall, one of historic sites in Washington, is

_____ large, open park in downtown between _____ Lincoln

Memorial and _____ United States Capitol. On this park are

museums, galleries and memorials maintained by _____

Smithsonian Institution, _____ educational foundation chartered

by Congress in 1846.

4. Isikan dengan (the) other, another atau (the) others

a. I have three best friends. One of them is Laila, _____ are Dina

and Tina.

b. My brother still has _____ three years before he graduated

from college.



1. Perbaikan:

a. I want to buy a new laptop

Gunakan artikel a untuk menunjukkan sesuatu yang belum

jelas maksudnya

b. I saw a White House

Gunakan The untuk menunjukkan sesuatu yang hanya ada

satu (hanya ada satu the White House: di USA)

c. An university is only common in Britain

Dasar penggunaan artikel an adalah jika kata tertentu diawali

dengan bunyi vokal, bukan huruf vokal. Jadi, karena

university dibaca yo ͞o′nə-vûr′sĭ-tē (tidak diawali bunyi vokal)

gunakan artikel a, bukan an.

d. I’ve met the friends and the enemies of Hagrid’s

Untuk menghemat kata, jika dua buah kata (friends dan

enemies) merujuk pada kata yang sama (Hagrid’s), gunakan

satu the saja. Contoh penggunaan double the yang benar:

The job of mine and the love of yours are two very different

things (the job dan the love merujuk pada hal yang sama).

e. I drank a glass of water an hour ago. Atau I drank water an

hour ago.

Gunakan artikel a untuk menunjukkan sesuatu yang belum

jelas maksudnya, tapi untuk sesuatu yang BISA dihitung

(countable noun). Uncountable noun tidak memerlukan

article. Namun, penggunaan article dapat disiasati dengan

menambahkan ukuran berupa countable noun, yaitu glass.

Contoh lainnya:

vii. I need sugar in my tea


viii. I need a spoonful of sugar in my tea

f. The Sun is really big and hot

Gunakan The untuk menunjukkan sesuatu yang hanya ada

satu (hanya ada satu the Sun: di tengah Galaksi Bimasakti),

dan dahulukan observation (big) daripada condition (hot).

g. I’ve fought the friends and enemies of Dumbledore’s

Untuk menghemat kata, jika dua buah kata (friends dan

enemies) merujuk pada kata yang sama (Hagrid’s), gunakan

satu the saja. Contoh penggunaan double the yang benar:

h. The job of mine and the love of yours are two very different

things (the job dan the love merujuk pada hal yang berbeda).

i. We are having dinner at Sogo Restaurant tomorrow at seven.

2. Isikan dengan “a/an, the, atau tanpa article” pada paragraph di

bawah ini

Washington, THE capital of THE United States, is in THE District of

Columbia. It had AN estimated population of 658,893 in 2014,

which consists mostly of African American and White people. THE

National Mall, one of historic sites in Washington, is A large,

open park in downtown between THE Lincoln Memorial and THE

United States Capitol. On this park are museums, galleries and

memorials maintained by THE Smithsonian Institution, AN

educational foundation chartered by Congress in 1846.

3. Isikan dengan (the) other, another atau (the) others

a. I have three best friends. One of them is Laila, THE OTHERS

are Dina and Tina.

b. My brother still has ANOTHER three years before he

graduated from college.


Gunakan another karena three years adalah jumlah, (another

menjelaskan three years secara bersamaan, three

menjelaskan years (sehingga jamak)).




1. There’s no point in calling her. She _____ home yet.

f. Has be arriving

g. Hasn’t arrived

h. Has not arrive

i. Has not been arriving

2. Go to bed early. The plane _____ at 7 am tomorrow, so we’ll have

to be up by 5!

a. Leave

b. Will leave

c. Is leaving

d. Leaves

3. I ______ for a few minutes when a noise outside woke me up.

a. Only slept

b. Had only slept

c. Had only been sleeping

d. Was only sleeping

4. Why ______? You should be listening to me!

a. Do you talk

b. You talk

c. Are you talking

d. You are talking

5. I _____ you if you help me

a. Will help

b. Help

c. Am helping


d. Am going to help

6. Why is the Simple Present Tense used in the sentence below?

Diana says, “Mmmmh! This ice cream tastes really good!”

a. Diana is telling a joke

b. Diana is tasting ice cream now

c. Diana is using a verb of senses

d. Diana is talking about a future scheduled event

7. The train _____ exactly at 11 o’clock! We’ve missed it! [Harry

Potter 2; The Chamber of Secrets]

a. Leave

b. Will leave

c. Is leaving

d. Leaves

8. I like your watch. How long _____ it?

a. You have

b. Have you had

c. Are you having

d. Did you have

9. John: What ______?

Mary: I’m trying to fix my glasses

a. You doing

b. Are you doing

c. Do you do

d. Did you do

10. My granddad died 1 year before I was born, so I _____ him.

a. Meet not

b. Did not meet

c. Have not met

d. Was not meeting


11. Who _____ you to school when your Mom is away?

a. is taking

b. takes

c. does take

d. will take

12. Where is Maya? ~ She ______ in her room

a. sleep

b. sleeps

c. is sleeping

d. slept

13. Have you ever visited Australia? ~ Yes. I ______ Sydney and

Melbourne three years ago.

a. have visited

b. visited

c. had visited

d. visit

14. What ________ when you heard the loud bang outside your


a. have you done

b. did you do

c. are you doing

d. were you doing

15. I really envy you. At ten tomorrow you ______ stars with a camp

fire blazing next to you.

a. will watch

b. will be watching

c. watch

d. has watched


16. 6. You came to Germany nine months ago. When you return to

Indonesia, you _______ in Germany for exactly one year.

a. will stay

b. will be staying

c. will have stayed

d. have stayed

17. Where is Daniel? ~ I ________ for him since three o'clock!

a. have waited

b. have been waiting

c. am waiting

d. waited

18. Dona visited Belgium last week. She __________ there before. It’s a

beautiful country.

a. has never been

b. had never been

c. never been

d. never

19. Alice said that her mother would be very angry when she ________

that she had lost her necklace.

a. has found out

b. had found out

c. would find out

d. found out

20. When father arrived home last night, he discovered that Mom

_________ a delicious dinner.

a. has prepared

b. had prepared

c. prepared

d. preparing


21. Lengkapi kalimat berikut ini dengan kata yang benar. Jelaskan!

a. Eight glasses of water _____ needed for you to recover


b. Pi and phi _____ two very different Greek symbols

c. Neither Conan Edogawa nor the members of the Black

Organization _____ (exist/exists/existing) in real life.

22. Temukan kesalahan dalam kalimat berikut:

a. I have visited Safira’s house last weekend.

b. She’s married to a very nice guy.

c. He choosed me

23. X: There is something different about Tom today.

Y: Sorry, what?

X: He’s being so _____ today.

The adjective that CANNOT be used to complete the sentence

above is _____.

a. Handsome

b. Quiet

c. Tall

d. Polite

24. The government _____ planning many changes.

a. Is

b. Are

c. Will

d. Is going to

25. Write these sentences in (i) Simple Past Tense, (ii) Present

Progressive Tense, (iii) Present Perfect Tense, (iv) Simple Future

Tense, and (v) Past Perfect Tense:

a. She comes to see you

b. Safira doesn’t care about me [keep it in a negative form]


c. Why do you study English? [keep it in an interrogative form]

26. Lengkapi kalimat berikut dengan tenses yang tepat.

a. When Nadia (come) last night, I (do) my English Literature


b. Right now Jane (talk) to Tom again. It (be) the fourth time

she (talk) to him this month.

c. Roni (be) a great author. She (write) romance and mystery

novels. She (write) since she (be) twelve. She (publish) five

novels by the time she was thirty. Altogether, she (write)

seven novels, two collections of short stories and a book of


d. By this time next semester, you (complete) your studies and

(find) a job. I, on the other hand, (accomplish, not) anything. I

(study, still) and you (work) in some new high paying job.

e. Nick (love) to travel. He (go) abroad every year. Two years

ago he (visit) Egypt. He actually (go) there twice before he

(stay) in Marocco for a month five years ago. Next year he

(go) to Bali.


1. B. Hasn’t arrived

Bentuk yang sesuai dengan Present Perfect dan dicirikan dengan

keterangan yet.

2. D. Leaves

Simple Present Tense digunakan untuk menunjukkan kejadian

terjadwal (walaupun itu di masa depan).

3. C. Had only been sleeping


Saat terdapat kejadian yang berlangsung sampai waktu tertentu

dan masih berlangsung pada waktu tertentu, gunakan Present

Perfect Progressive. Jika itu berlangsung pada masa lampau,

gunakan Past Perfect Progressive.

4. C. Are you talking

Kalimat you should be listening (progressive) menunjukkan

bahwa kalimat sebelumnya haruslah Why are you talking (sama-

sama sedang berlangsung pada

5. A. Will help

Kalimat pada soal menyatakan kejadian yang akan terjadi jika

kejadian lain terjadi (fungsi Simple Future Tense)

6. C. Diana is using a verb of senses

Verb of senses dan stative verbs lainnya adalah non-continuous

verbs. Sebab stative verbs membicarakan state (keadaan), bukan

action sebagaimana yang dinyatakan dalam Progressive Tenses.

Jadi, walaupun sesuatu itu terjadi sekarang, tetap tidak boleh

gunakan Progressive Tense.

7. D. Leaves

Simple Present Tense digunakan untuk menunjukkan kejadian

terjadwal (walaupun itu di masa depan). Misalnya:

The train leaves at 8 tomorrow morning.

8. B. Have you had

Ketika berbicara sesuatu yang masih bernilai benar (general

truth) hingga saat ini (ada hubungan dengan masa sekarang),

dan telah berlangsung selama jangka waktu tertentu (how long),

gunakan Present Perfect Tense.

CATATAN: Have yang pertama adalah to-be III, have yang kedua

(had) adalah kata kerja ketiga dari have.

9. B. Are you doing


Jawaban I’m trying (progressive) menunjukkan bahwa pertanyaan

sebelumnya haruslah What are you doingg (sama-sama sedang

berlangsung pada waktu sekarang).

10. B. Did not meet

Kejadian wafatnya berlangsung pada masa lampau. Jadi baik di

masa lampau maupun masa sekarang, pembicara tidak bisa

bertemu kakeknya (did not meet). Jawaban C (have not met)

salah karena menunjukkan masih ada peluang bertemu kakeknya.

11. Who _____ you to school when your Mom is away?

b. takes

Kalimat positifnya adalah:

“Someone takes me to school when Mom is away.”

Ini adalah kalimat simple present, jadi cukup gunakan Verb1.

Kalimat Tanya dengan who saat menanyakan subjek, setelah who

langsung ditulis verbnya.

Pilihan does take juga bisa digunakan, namun tidak umum


12. Where is Maya? ~ She ______ in her room.

c. is sleeping

Ini adalah kalimat present progressive, karena menyatakan apa

yang sedang dilakukan Maya sekarang.

13. Have you ever visited Australia? ~ Yes. I ______ Sydney and

Melbourne three years ago.

b. visited

Meskipun pertanyaannya mengandung ‘have’, namun

jawabannya mencantumkan waktu yang spesifik (three years

ago), karena itu kita gunakan simple past, bukan present perfect.

Ingat bahwa kata “ago” hanya digunakan untuk Simple Past



14. What ________ when you heard the loud bang outside your


d. were you doing

Ini adalah bentuk yang sangat umum digunakan (kejadian terjadi

saat kejadian lain sedang berlangsung (lampau)), yaitu:

Past progressive + when + simple past.

… were you doing + when + you heard ….

15. I really envy you. At ten tomorrow you ______ stars with a camp

fire blazing next to you.

b. will be watching

Kalimat ini menggambarkan apa yang akan sedang dilakukan

pada waktu tertentu di masa yang akan datang. Tidak digunakan

watch karena walaupun terjadwal, kejadian tersebut akan

berlangsung (which is progressive).

16. You came to Germany nine months ago. When you return to

Indonesia, you _______ in Germany for exactly one year.

c. will have stayed

Menggambarkan apa yang (akan) telah dilakukan di waktu yang

akan datang. Kenapa bukan will be staying? Karena ada kata

kunci “for” (selama) yang menjadi ciri khas perfect tense (future).

17. Where is Daniel? ~ I ________ for him since three o'clock!

b. have been waiting

Aku telah menunggu, dan saat bicara juga masih/sedang

menunggu Daniel. Jadi kita gunakan present progressive.

18. Dona visited Belgium last week. She __________ there before. It’s a

beautiful country.

b. had never been

Menggambarakan bahwa Dona, sebelum minggu lalu (saat dia

berkunjung ke Belgia), belum pernah ke Belgia. Jadi kejadian


yang selesai sebelum sesuatu terjadi di masa lampau. Itulah

kegunaan past perfect. Jika kalian pilih present perfect (has never

been), berarti She belum pernah mengunjungi Belgium (padahal

sudah pernah).

19. Alice said that her mother would be very angry when she ________

that she had lost her necklace.

d. found out

Ini adalah indirect speech dari:

Alice said: “My mother will be very angry when she finds out that

I have lost my necklace.”

Jika reporting speech (said) adalah lampau, kalimat tidak

langsungnya harus berbentuk lampau. So, it should be ‘found

out’, right?

20. When father arrived home last night, he discovered that Mom

_________ a delicious dinner.

b. had prepared

Saat ayah pulang, dia mendapati bahwa ibu sudah menyiapkan

makan malam yang lezat. Kejadian yang sudah se

21. Jawaban

a. Is

Pada uncountable noun, gunakan bentuk to-be tunggal.

b. Are

Bentuk jamak (dua benda tunggal dihubungkan dengan kata

hubung and) selalu mengenakan bentuk to-be jamak.

c. Exist

Karena kata setelah nor adalah bentuk jamak, gunakan to-be

dalam bentuk jamak.

22. a. I visited


Jika berbicara pada waktu tertentu dalam masa lampau,

gunakan Simple Past Tense.

a. Sudah benar.

Yang keliru: She’s married with a very nice guy.

b. He chose me

Kata kerja kedua dan ketiga dari choose adalah chose dan

chosen, bukan choosed.

23. C.Tall

Sudah pernah saya ajarkan bahwa Present Progressive Tense

adalah sesuatu yang sedang terjadi, dan tidak mesti merupakan

general truth sebagaimana Simple Present Tense. Kuncinya, kita

pilih kata yang merupakan general truth (sehingga terdengar

tidak masuk akal jika digunakan dalam Present Progressive).

Lebih jelasnya begini:

She’s being quiet (dia tidak biasanya diam, tapi sekarang lagi bisa


He’s being handsome (dia tidak biasanya tampan, tapi sekarang

lagi tampan-tampannya)

She’s being polite (dia tidak biasanya sopan, tapi sekarang lagi


She’s being tall (tidak masuk akal kalau kita bilang “dia tidak

biasanya tinggi”. Sebab “tall” adalah sifat yang melekat, general

truth. Tidak ada orang yang biasanya pendek terus tinggi atau


24. A dan B Is dan Are

To be is (government dianggap tunggal, satu kesatuan)

digunakan di American English. Sedangkan, are (government

dianggap jamak, banyak orang di dalamnya) digunakan di British



25. Sentences in (i) Simple Past Tense, (ii) Present Progressive Tense,

(iii) Present Perfect Tense, (iv) Simple Future Tense, and (v) Past

Perfect Tense:

a. She comes to see you

She came to see you

She is coming to see you

She has come to see you

She will come to see you

She had come to see you

b. Safira doesn’t care about me

Safira didn’t care about me

Safira isn’t caring about me

Safira hasn’t cared about me

Safira won’t care about me

Safira hadn’t cared about me

c. Why do you study English?

Why did you study English?

Why are you studying English?

Why have you studied English?

Why will you study English?

Why had you studied English?


a. When Nadia came last night, I was doing my English

Literature homework.

Simple Past digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yang

terjadi di masa lampau ketika kejadian lain tengah

berlangsung (Past Progressive).

b. Right now Jane is talking to Tom again. It is the fourth time

she has talked to him this month.


Gunakan Present Progressive untuk menyatakan peristiwa

yang sedang terjadi saat ini (right now). Dan gunakan Present

Perfect untuk kejadian berulang yang dimulai dari masa

lampau hingga saat ini.

c. Roni is a great author. She writes romance and mystery

novels (general truth, gunakan Simple Present). She has

written since she was twelve. She had published five novels

by the time she was thirty (kejadian yang telah selesai di

masa lampau; Present Perfect). Altogether, she has written

seven novels, two collections of short stories and a book of


d. By this time next summer, you will have completed your

studies and found a job. I, on the other hand, will not have

accomplished anything (akan selesai di masa depan). I will

still be studying and you will be working in some new high

paying job (akan berlangsung).

e. Nick loves to travel. He goes abroad every year (scheduled

event). Two years ago he visited Egypt (ago hanya digunakan

untuk Simple Past). He actually had gone there twice before

he stayed in Marocco for a month five years ago. Next year

he goes to Bali. (Bukan he will go to Bali karena dia pergi

EVERY year (walaupun pada kalimat ini ada kata next year).

Peristiwa terjadwal harus ditulis dalam Simple Present Tense)




1. Perbaiki kalimat berikut jika ditemukan kesalahan, dan jelaskan

(bisa jadi tidak ada kesalahan pada kalimat):

a. Either Safira or her parents is happy to see him

b. Neither you nor Chloe knows me well

2. Lengkapi kalimat berikut ini dengan kata yang benar. Jelaskan!

a. Five dollars _____(is, are) all I need to travel around Jakarta.

b. Either pi or phi _____ (is, are) 3.14

c. Either Suki or her parents _____ (know/knows) my real name.

d. Is your wife _____ (okay/better) now? She looked so pale


e. Making new friends ….. (is/are) not always easy.

f. Neither her best friends nor sister …. (is/are) willing to help


g. The teacher, as well as the students _____ (work/works) hard

for the competition.

h. Measles _____ (is a/are) highly contagious disease caused by a


i. Found among the flowers _____ (is/are) a card with a beautiful

handwriting in it.

j. (Was/were) I you, I would study harder for the test tomorrow.

3. _____ student _____ a learner.

a. Each, is

b. Every, are

c. Each, are,

d. Every, is


4. Deer _____ smaller than giraffes.

a. Are

b. Are not

c. Is

d. Is not

5. Which of these sentences is/are not grammatically correct?:

a. The book which was stolen from me was really dirty.

b. The book that was stolen from me was really dirty.

c. The book, which was dirty, was stolen from me.

6. What do these sentences possibly mean?

a. She loves you more than me.

b. I did it better than you.


1. Jawaban

a. Either Safira or her parents are happy to see him

Konjungsi either-or artinya hanya salah satunya benar (tidak

dua-duanya), sehingga penggunaan to-be tergantung pada

bagian subjek terakhir (yang ditempatkan setelah or). Jika

bagian subjek terakhir berbentuk jamak (misalnya her

parents, gunakan to-be jamak. Jika bagian subjek terakhir

berbentuk tunggal (misalnya her dad atau her mum, gunakan

to-be tunggal.

b. Sudah benar

Dalam fungsinya sebagai conjunction, either harus

dipasangkan dengan nor. Sedangkan either dengan or.

Walaupun dalam kasus informal English, neither juga

dipasangkan dengan or.



a. Is

Pada uncountable noun, gunakan bentuk to-be tunggal.

Walaupun di sana ada dollars sebagai satuan mata uangnya.

(Yang uncountable adalah money-nya, yaitu five dollars).

b. Is

Dua benda tunggal yang dihubungkan dengan or

diperlakukan sebagai bentuk tunggal..

c. Know

Karena kata setelah or adalah bentuk jamak, gunakan to-be

dalam bentuk jamak.

d. Dua-duanya benar. :D

Okay menanyakan “Apakah dia baik-baik saja? Soalnya

kemarin kelihatan pucat”

Better menanyakan “Apakah dia lebih baik daripada


e. Making new friends is not always easy.

Gerund yang dibendakan mengikuti aturan countable noun


f. Neither her best friends nor sister is willing to help her.

Jika subjek sebelum to be atau kata kerja adalah tunggal,

kata kerja atau to be juga tunggal. Sebaliknya, jika subjek

sebelum to be atau kata kerja adalah jamak, kata kerja atau

to be juga jamak. Contoh:

ix. Neither her sister nor best friends are willing to help her.

g. The teacher, as well as the students, WORKS hard for the


Subjek pada kalimat itu adalah the teacher, klausa “as well as

the students” adalah keterangan dalam bentuk positive


degree of comparison (Gurunya bekerja keras untuk

pertandingan, sebagaimana para siswa bekerja keras).

h. Measles IS A highly contagious disease caused by a virus.

Simple. It’s singular (disease).

i. Found among the flowers IS a card with a beautiful

handwriting in it.

Ini adalah kalimat INVERTED, subjectnya terletak setelah verb.

Pada kalimat ini SUBJECT: A CARD (tunggal), karena itu

verbnya juga tunggal (IS). Jenis kalimat ini digunakan untuk

membentuk kalimat yang maknanya dalam atau puitis.

Kalimat yang belum di-inverted adalah: A card is found

among the flowers with a beautiful handwriting in it.

j. WERE I you, I would study harder for the test tomorrow.

Ini adalah kalimat conditional tipe 2, jadi kita pake “WERE”,

bukan WAS meski subjectnya tunggal. Bentuk aslinya adalah:

If I were you, I would study harder for the test tomorrow.

3. D. Every, is

Kata student (tunggal) menunjukkan bahwa to be yg digunakan

hrus tunggal.

Every digunakan utk "setiap" scara umum.

Each digunakan utk "setiap" dlm lingkup khusus. Contoh:

Each student IN MY CLASS has to wear hijab.

4. A. Are

To be yg digunakan adalah positif (tanpa not) krn menunjukkan

bhw benar rusa lbh kecil dr jerapah.

Digunakan to be jamak krn subjeknya jamak. Giraffes jamak, shg

deer jg jamak. (Deer memiliki bentuk tunggal dan jamak yg sama,

yaitu deer).



a. The book which was stolen from me was really dirty

Which dan that memang sm2 relative pronoun. Tp ada


b. That digunakan tnpa koma. Which pake koma.

c. That memberi batasan pd subjek sdgkan which memberi

tambahan informasi.


The book that was stolen: membatasi bahwa buku yg

dibicarakan adl yg dirty, bkn yg lain.

The book, which was dirty: memberi informasi bhw buku

yg dibicarakan itu kotor.

6. Interpretasi:

a. She loves you more than me:

Dia mencintaimu lbh dari dia mencintaiku.

Dia mencintaimu lbh dari aku mencintaimu.

b. I did better than you.

Aku melakukannya (tadi) lbh baik drpd td kamu

melakukannya. ▶ better than you did.

Aku melakukannya (tadi) lbh baik drpd biasanya kamu

lakukan. ▶ better than you do.




1. Lengkapi kalimat berikut ini dengan kata yang benar. Jelaskan!

a. The population of Singapore is ______ than of Indonesia.

b. This is the boy _____ got into an accident.

c. It’s getting ……. (harder and harder/more and more hard) to

find good but cheap education nowadays.

d. We have ….. (lesser/far less) time to work on our project than

we thought.

2. Temukan kesalahan dalam kalimat berikut:

a. As more as the Earth is titled towards the Sun, the hotter it is.

b. She was better at it then him.

c. There are less students who got an A this semester.

d. The more you fight it, more painful it feels.

e. Your house is so nice than mine.

f. He is the smarter students in class.

3. All these following sentences have a comparative degree

meaning, except ______.

a. He is better than anyone I’ve ever met

b. He is better than he usually was

c. He is better at sport now

d. He is better if he’s with me


1. Jawaban:

a. Better


Menunjukkan keadaan si ayah lebih baik daripada


b. Less

Menunjukkan “lebih” dalam artian “kurang dari”

c. It’s getting harder and harder to find good but cheap

education nowadays.

Jika kata sifat terdiri dari satu atau dua suku kata, umumnya

gunakan akhiran –er, bukan keterangan more.

We have far less time to work on our project than we


d. Less bicara tentang kuantitas (misal waktu, jumlah), lesser

tentang kualitas (misal tingkat kesulitan). Contoh:

Forty lashes is less punishment than 100 lashes.

Pelted with rotten tomatoes is a lesser punishment than

pelted with rocks.


a. The more the Earth is …

Pola yang tepat adalah “the more … the more …”

b. She was better at it than him.

Mispronounced: than

He is better than anyone I’ve ever met

He is better than anyone (lebih baik dari siapa pun) adalah

bentuk lain dari he is the best.

c. There are less students who got an A this semester. LESS


x. Less digunakan untuk uncountable atau jumlah (angka),

sedangkan fewer digunakan untuk countable (misalnya

manusia atau benda).

d. The more you fight it, more painful it feels.



e. Your house is so nice than mine.

YOUR HOUSE IS NICER THAN MINE (comparative degree)

f. He is the smarter students in class.

SMARTER SMARTEST (superlative degree)




1. Lengkapi kalimat berikut ini dengan kata yang benar. Jelaskan!

a. This is the boy _____ got into an accident.

b. I haven’t seen Charlie, ______ brother is five, for quite a long

time now.

c. The book _____ you gave me was unbelievably great.

d. Ria _____ hair is bright pink is reported missing after school.

e. The beautiful girl …… (whom/whose/who) you met yesterday

is my best friend.

f. There are several assignments I have to finish this week,

many of ______ I have already submitted.

g. The necklace, ______ owner was my great grandmother, has

gone missing for centuries.


1. Jawaban:

a. Who

Digunakan untuk menggantikan posisi subjek

b. Whose

Digunakan untuk menunjukkan kasus kepunyaan

c. Which/that

Digunakan untuk menggantikan posisi benda mati sebagai


d. Whose

Digunakan untuk menunjukkan kasus kepunyaan.


Ria yang rambutnya merah muda terang itu dilaporkan

hilang selepas pulang sekolah.

e. The beautiful girl whom you met yesterday is my best friend.

Sebagai replacement untuk objek, gunakan whom. Boleh

juga gunakan who, tapi tidak grammatical (walaupun sering

digunakan oleh para natives).

f. There are several assignments I have to finish this week,

many of WHICH I have already submitted.

Of which digunakan untuk menggantikan satu/beberapa di

antara banyak. Contoh lain: I have two tips for you. One of

which is: get a life!

g. The necklace, WHOSE owner was my great grandmother, has

gone missing for centuries. sudah tahu kan? Kasus





1. Lengkapi kalimat berikut ini dengan kata yang benar. Jelaskan!

a. It _____ be silly if we tried to walk in.

b. She’d have taken men to the station if her car _____ down.

(have, break)

c. If you _____ (ask), he won’t help you

d. I ____ (go) if you go.

e. I’d have gone to London if my dad _____ me. (let)

f. If you _____ my teacher, I would just leave school. (to-be)

2. Create conditional sentences (i) type 1, (ii) type 2, and (iii) type 3

by using these words:

a. Your wife, you, miss, me, every day

b. I, not, watch, movies, fail, exam

c. Work out, I, healthy, fit

3. Buatlah conditional sentence dari kata-kata berikut dan tuliskan


a. get scholarship, study in UK (type 1)

b. speak Korean fluently, live in Korea for five years (type 2)

c. Weather nice, go for a picnic. (type 1)

d. b. Watch the late movie on TV, late for the meeting. (type 2)

e. c. Take Japanese in high school, get the job in Japan. (type 3)

4. Lengkapi kalimat berikut

a. If I had more money, …… (buy a new pair of shoes)

b. If Syeila hadn’t gone to Tom’s party last night, …….. (finish her


5. Buatlah inversion dari conditional sentence di bawah ini


a. If I were you, I wouldn't get involved in that case.

b. If Tina had known, she would have said something to the


6. Tulislah fakta dari kalimat berikut

a. If only my grandpa were still alive.

b. I would rather you had gone to Germany.

7. Buatlah bentuk passive dan past tense dari kalimat berikut

a. Dad has me wash his car.

b. Shayna let her sister do her make up.

8. Combine these sentences into conditional sentence type I, II, and

III, respectively.

a. Main clause: I will eat a full spoon of cinnamon.

If clause: You can fly.

b. Main clause: Will you marry me?

If clause: I come to your dad.


1. Jawaban

a. Would be (Conditional Tipe II)

b. Hadn’t broken (Conditional Tipe III)

c. Don’t ask (Conditional Tipe I)

d. Will go (Conditional Tipe I)

e. Had let (Conditional Tipe III)

f. Were (Conditional Tipe II)

2. Conditional sentences (i) type 1, (ii) type 2, and (iii) type 3,

containing these words:

a. Your wife, you, miss, me, every day

If I am your wife, you will miss me every day

If I were your wife, you would miss me every day


If I had been your wife, you would’ve missed me every


b. I, not, watch, movies, fail, exam

If I do not watch so many movies, I will not fail the exam

If I did not watch so many movies, I would not fail the


If I had not watched so many movies, I would’ve not

failed the exam

c. Work out, I, healthy, fit

If I work out, I will be healthy and fit

If I worked out, I would be healthy and fit

If I had worked out, I would’ve been healthy and fit

3. Buatlah conditional sentence dari kata-kata berikut dan tuliskan


a. If I get Chavening Scholarship, I will study in UK to get my

master degree.

b. I would be able to speak Korean fluently if I live in Korea for

five years.

c. If the weather is nice, we will go for a picnic tomorrow.

d. If you didn’t watch the late movie on TV, you wouldn’t be late

for the meeting.

e. If Lana had taken Japanese in high school, she would’ve

gotten the job in Japan.

4. Lengkapi kalimat berikut

a. If I had more money, I would buy a new pair of shoes.

b. If Syeila hadn’t gone to Tom’s party last night, she would have

finished her project.

5. Buatlah inversion dari conditional sentence di bawah ini

a. Were I you, I wouldn't get involved in that case.

b. Had Tina known, she would have said something to the


6. Tulislah fakta dari kalimat berikut


a. If only my grandpa were still alive. (Fact: grandpa is no longer


b. I would rather you had gone to Germany. (Fact: you are still


7. Buatlah bentuk passive dan past tense dari kalimat berikut

a. Dad has me wash his car.

Passive: Dad has his car washed.

Past tense: Dad had me wash his car.

a. Shayna let her sister do her make up.

Passive: Shayna let her make up done

Past tense: Shayna let her sister do her make up.

8. Gabungan kedua kalimat menjadi kalimat-kalimat bersyarat tipe

I, II, dan III:

a. I will eat a full spoon (atau a spoonful juga bisa) of cinnamon

if you can fly.

I would eat a full spoon of cinnamon if you could fly.

I would’ve eaten a full spoon of cinnamon if you could

have flown.

tidak ada konstruksi could had secara grammar. Kita gunakan

could have sebagai gantinya (can, could, could have), yang

mengimplikasikan if you had flown (pasangan bentuk would

have dalam conditional sentence tipe III.

b. Will you marry me if I come to your dad?

Would you marry me if I came to your dad?

Would you have married me if I had come to your dad?




1. Lengkapi kalimat berikut ini dengan kata yang benar. Jelaskan!

a. If only you _____ here… But you are not.

b. I wish you _____ (say) that harsh thing when I was madly in

love with you. It still hurt a lot.

c. I wish I _____ (reject) your proposal last year.

d. Wish you _____ here, Hermione. Now more than ever.

2. Buatlah subjunctive dari fakta berikut.

a. I didn’t study hard enough in college. (If only)

b. You don’t say anything about your pain. (would rather)

3. What are the subjunctive forms of these FACTS:

a. You didn’t love me (I wish)

b. You are not here (If only)

c. You lied (If only)

d. You are my patience (I wish)

e. She acts as if she were the smartest girl at school.

f. Nayla felt as though her heart had been stabbed over and

over again.


1. Jawaban

a. Were (Present Subjunctive)

b. Hadn’t said (Past Subjunctive) ditandai dengan bentuk past

(was madly)

c. Hadn’t rejected (Past Subjunctive) ditandai dengan bentuk

past (last year)


d. Were (Present Subjunctive, ditandai dengan keterangan now)

Dialog Harry Potter II: The Chamber of Secrets

2. Buatlah subjunctive dari fakta berikut.

a. If only I had studied hard enough in college.

b. I would rather you said something about your pain.

Subjunctives kuncinya yang positif dinegatifkan. Visa versa.

3. Fact

a. I wish you had loved me

b. If only you were here

c. If only you hadn’t lied

d. I wish you weren’t my patience

e. . She is not the smartest girl at school.

f. b. Her heart didn’t actually being stabbed over and over






1. Lengkapi kalimat berikut ini dengan kata yang benar. Jelaskan!

a. Instead of buying a new car, why don’t you have your old one


b. Can you _____ (have, someone, paint) my room tomorrow?

c. Mummy always makes me _____ my room on Mondays

d. He made me _____ (know) the meaning of marriage.

e. Where can I get my computer _____ .(sell)

f. Mr. Smith always has me _____ (run) every day.

2. Buatlah kalimat dengan causative verb dari kata-kata berikut.

a. Joe, her brother, mow the lawn. (make, active)

b. My father, Kate, drive him to the hospital. (get, active)

c. Brad, the house, clean. (have, passive)

d. My aunt, her hair, color. (let, passive)


1. Jawaban:

a. Fixed (bentuk pasif dari causative verb)

b. Have someone paint

c. Clean up

d. Know (Made adalah bentuk lampau dari make, dan causative

make tidak memerlukan to)

e. Sold (bentuk passive dari causative verbs)

f. Run (has adalah bentuk kata kerja have untuk orang ketiga


2. Buatlah kalimat dengan causative verb dari kata-kata berikut.

a. Joe makes her brother mow the lawn.

b. My father gets Kate to drive him to the hospital.

c. Brad has the house cleaned.

d. My aunt lets her hair colored.





1. Ubah kalimat ini menjadi kalimat pasif:

a. Do scientists do experiments?

b. Have the asked the actress personal questions?

c. Why is Peter making dinner today?

d. Who taught you to speak in a British accent?

e. Has mum cooked the rice?

f. Do all the students submit their assignments?

g. Have you invited Gina to your wedding ceremony?

h. Why do you always get your mum do your laundry?

i. Why did you make her fix your laptop?

j. Why is she cleaning the fan?

k. When will you fix my car?

2. Create the passive forms of these sentences:

a. Why are they staring at me?

b. What does a cook need to steam a food?

c. Mr. Sherlock has booked a seat next to mine.

d. Why can’t she make dinner?

e. The government will build a better drainage system before

the rainy season comes

f. The librarian gave three books to each one of us.

g. Sandi had visited Bali ten times before he finally moved there.

h. My parents thought I would finish my study at college this


3. Ubah kalimat berikut menjadi active.

a. My homework will have been completed before midnight.


b. Dinner was being made by my sister when my uncle came to

our house last night.


1. Jawaban:

a. Are experiments done by scientists?

b. Has the actress been asked personal questions?

c. Why is dinner being made by Peter today?

d. By whom were you taught to speak in a British accent?

e. Has the rice been cooked by mum?

f. Why can’t dinner be made by her?

g. Are the assignments submitted by all the students?

h. Has Gina been invited to your wedding ceremony?

i. Why do you always get your laundry done?

j. Why did you make your laptop fixed?

k. Why is the fan being cleaned by her?

l. When will my car be fixed (by you)?

2. Create the passive forms of these sentences:

a. Why are they staring at me?

Why am I being stared at by them?

b. What does a cook need to steam a food?

What is needed by a cook to steam a food?

c. Mr. Sherlock has booked a seat next to mine.

A seat next to mine has been booked by Mr. Sherlock.

d. A better drainage system will be built by the government

before the rainy season comes

e. Three books were given to each one of us by the librarian.


f. Bali had been visited by Sandi ten times before he finally

moved there.

g. b. My parents thought my study at college would be finished

this year.

3. Ubah kalimat berikut menjadi active.

a. I will have completed my homework before midnight.

b. My sister was making dinner when my uncle came to our

house last night.




1. Ubah kalimat ini menjadi kalimat tidak langsung:

a. Maya: “Where does Peter live?”

b. Johnny: “Are you British or American?”

c. Hiro: “Have you been to Bath before?”

d. Maya: “Who loves rats?”

e. Johnny: “Are you crazy?” hint: buat dua bentuk (dengan if,

dan dengan whether)

f. Hiro: “Has Keith graduated from high school?”

g. Jack asked Jill: “Will you marry me?”

h. Tom told Gina: “I had visited my uncle in London twice before

he died.”

i. She said, “I’ve never been happier.”

j. Daddy says, “Marriage life is never easy.”

k. a. Jennifer asked Cynthia: “Are you going somewhere on

Friday night?” “I’d like to invite you to my sister’s birthday


l. b. My grandfather told me: “Never intend to hurt someone or

something. Be kind to all creatures.”

2. Twenty years ago, Aunt May said, “Pluto is the smallest planet in

the Milky Way Galaxy.”

The indirect speech of the sentence above is:

a. Twenty years ago, Aunt May said that Pluto has been the

smallest planet in the Milky Way Galaxy

b. Twenty years ago, Aunt May said that Pluto is still the

smallest planet in the Milky Way Galaxy


c. Twenty years ago, Aunt May said that Pluto had been the

smallest planet in the Milky Way Galaxy

d. Twenty years ago, Aunty May said that Pluto was the smallest

planet in the Milky Way Galaxy.

3. Write the direct speeches of these sentences:

a. Clark said that he had done his job

b. She told me not to fly that high

c. Joan said she was crazy about me

d. Linda wondered where Tim had been gone all night.

e. Mom told the girls to work hard if they wanted to pass the



1. Jawaban:

a. Maya aksed where Peter lived.

b. Johny asked me whether I was British or American.

c. She asked if I had been to Bath before.

d. Maya aksed who loved rats. perhatikan bahwa kalimat

tanyanya dalam bentuk positif (bukan who does love rats,

jadi tidak ada perubahan ke bentuk positif krn sudah positif)

e. Johny asked me whether I was crazy. Atau:

Johny asked me whether I was crazy or not. Atau:

Johny asked me if I was crazy.

f. Hiro asked if Keith had graduated from high school. Atau:

Hiro asked whether Keith had graduated from high

school. Atau:


Hiro asked whether Keith had graduated from high

school or not.

g. Jack asked Jill if she would marry him

h. Tom told Gina that he had visited his uncle in London twice

before he died.

i. She said that she had never been happier.

j. Daddy says that marriage life is never easy. karena

reporting verb (says) adalah bentuk Present Tense, reported

speech (marriage life is never easy) harus dalam bentuk

Present Tense juga.

k. Jennifer asked Kevin if/whether he was going somewhere on

Friday night because Jennifer would like to invite him to her

sister’s birthday party.”

l. My grandfather told me to never intend to hurt someone or

something and to be kind to all creatures.

2. D. Twenty years ago, Aunty May said that Pluto was the smallest

planet in the Milky Way Galaxy

Jika hal yang dikatakan tidak lagi berlaku di masa sekarang (saat

kalimat indirectnya disampaikan), tetap gunakan Past Tense (jika

kalimat langsungnya adalah Present Tense).

Pluto bukan lagi termasuk planet dalam Galaksi Bimasakti,

sehingga bentuk Present diubah ke Past (hanya berlaku di masa


3. Write the direct speeches of these sentences:

a. Clark said that he had done his job

Clark said, “I have done my job.”

b. She told me not to fly that high

She told me, “Don’t fly that high.”

c. Joan said she was crazy about me


Joan said, “I am crazy about you.”

d. Linda asked Tim: “Where have you been gone all night?”

e. Mom told the girls: “Work hard if you want to pass the exam.”




1. Tambahkan tag question pada kalimat berikut:

a. You never actually loved me.

b. Let’s eat it up

c. Nobody answers the phone, _____?

d. Let’s go to the swimming pool, _____?

e. I’m the one who should apologize, _____?

f. Nothing good came to your life before, _____?

g. Don’t forget to buy some aspirin, _____?

h. She hardly ever worked in her life, _____?

2. Jack could’ve bought a new house, _____.

a. So could you

b. You could’ve too

c. Could’ve you too?

d. So could’ve you


1. Jawaban

a. You never actually loved me, did you?

b. Let’s eat it up, shall we?

c. Nobody answers the phone, do they?

Ingat, untuk bentuk no-… gunakan tag question positif

(karena sejatinya no-… merupakan bentuk negative).

d. Let’s go to the swimming pool, shall we?


Ingat, untuk ajakan gunakan shall.

e. I’m the one who should apologize, aren’t I?

f. Nothing good came to your life before, did it?

g. Don’t forget to buy some aspirin, will you?

h. She hardly ever worked in her life, did she? [Ingat, makna

negatif, tag-nya positif]

2. A. So could you

Gunakan bentuk modal yang paling dasar di sana (tapi

pertahankan bentuk past jika digunakan bentuk past), yaitu

could. Could have merupakan “perluasan” dari could.




1. Ubah kalimat ini menjadi kalimat elips (gunakan bentuk too DAN

so, serta NEITHER dan EITHER jika kedua kalimat sama-sama

negatif atau sama-sama positif):

a. A police officer shot his forearm. That robber shot his


b. Mummy never understands me. You never understand me.

c. I hate you. She hates me.

d. You didn’t have to do that. I had to do that.

e. She loves cats. I hate cats.

2. Pilih yang tepat; gerund atau to-infinitive, atau kedua-duanya:

a. I am used to do/doing this nasty thing

b. I didn’t do this to help/helping you

c. Sorry to make/for making you wait

3. Tuliskan bentuk elliptic untuk kalimat positif-positif di bawah ini.

a. Mother bought a new dress. My sister and I bought a new


b. Sania has some works to do. Her roommates have some

works to do.

4. Tuliskan bentuk elliptic untuk kalimat negative-negatif di bawah


a. Tara hasn’t gone to Mexico. Her best friends haven’t gone to


b. Don isn’t going to hurt you. We’re not going to hurt you.

5. Tuliskan bentuk elliptic untuk kalimat negative-positif/positif-

negatif di bawah ini


a. Jack asked Jill: “Will you marry me?”

b. Tom told Gina: “I had visited my uncle in London twice before

he died.”

6. Tuliskan Elliptical Sentence dari kalimat di bawah ini

a. Joe walked to the school. Lani walked to the park.

b. Some people like to go to the beaches.

Others like to go to the mountains.

I like to go to the woods.

c. This week I have so many things to do. The florist need to be

choosed. The caterer need to be choosed. The wedding cake

need to be ordered. The guest list need to be finalized. The

bridal gown need to be fitted.

d. I hope to see you. You hope to see me.


1. Jawaban

a. A police officer shot his forearm, and that robber did too.

A police officer shot his forearm, and so did the robber.

b. Mummy never understand me, and neither do you.

Mummy never understands me, and you don’t either.

c. I hate you, and she me.

d. You didn’t have to do that, but I did.

e. She loves cats, but I don’t. kalimat elips

Atau: She loves cats, but I hate them (the cats). Kalimat


2. Jawaban

a. I am used to doing this nasty thing karena ini adalah bentuk

khusus dari “to” yang diikuti oleh Gerund.

b. I didn’t do this to help you. Karena to digunakan untuk

menyatakan tujuan (to infinitive setelah kata benda).


c. Keduanya benar

Sorry to make you wait: Maaf (akan) membuatmu


Sorry for making you wait: Maaf (sudah) membuatmu


3. Tuliskan bentuk elliptic untuk kalimat positif-positif di bawah ini.

a. Mother bought a new dress and my sister and I did, too.

(Atau, and so did my sister and I)

b. Sania has some works to do and so do her roommates.

(Atau and her roommates do, too)

4. Tuliskan bentuk elliptic untuk kalimat negative-negatif di bawah


a. Tara hasn’t gone to Mexico and her best friends haven’t


(Atau, and neither have her best friends)

b. Don isn’t going to hurt you and neither are we.

(Atau, and we’re not either)

5. Tuliskan bentuk elliptic untuk kalimat negative-positif/positif-

negatif di bawah ini

a. Anita loves her coffee every morning but her husband


b. Farel won’t go anywhere this weekend but Farrah will.

6. Tuliskan Eliptical Sentence dari kalimat di bawah ini

a. Joe walked to the school and Lani to the park.

b. Some people like to go to the beaches. Others the

mountains. I the woods.

c. This week I have so many things to do. The florist and the

caterer need to be choosed, the wedding cake ordered, the

guest list finalized and the bridal gown fitted.


d. I hope to see you, and you me. [hanya kata kerja yang sama,

jarang digunakan, tapi acceptable]




1. What’s the difference between:

a. Papa stopped smoking

b. Papa stopped to smoke

c. I really enjoy _____ (to dive/diving) into the sea and _____

(see/seeing/to see) all the beautiful creatures in it.

2. Pilih jawaban yang benar

a. (Mastering/master/to master) a new language takes time and

a lot of practices.

b. I appreciate (to be/being/be) able to study in your place.

c. We look forward to _____ (see/seeing) this weekend.

d. The customers object to _____ (pay/paying) the higher price.

e. Nadia chose to _____ (go/going) with him


1. What’s the difference between:

a. Papa stopped smoking

Papa berhenti merokok

b. Papa stopped to smoke

Papa berhenti melakukan hal lain untuk merokok ….

contohnya: Papa stopped talking to smoke

c. I really enjoy diving into the sea and seeing all the beautiful

creatures in it.

2. Pilih jawaban yang benar


a. Mastering a new language takes time and a lot of practices.

b. I appreciate being able to study in your place

c. We look forward to SEEING this weekend.

d. Forward to adalah kata yang HARUS diikuti verb-ing.

e. The customers object to PAYING the higher price.

f. Object to adalah kata yang HARUS diikuti verb-ing.

g. Nadia chose to GO with him



1. Pilihah kata yang sesuai, apakah menggunakan Gerund atau To


a. I’m not telling you to brag/bragging about your life

b. I look forward to seeing/to see/seeing you in class

c. My father definitely can’t afford _____ (to buy/buy/buying) a

new motorcycle, let alone a new car.

d. d. The children seem to _____ (enjoy/enjoying) their tasks.


1. Jawaban

a. I’m not telling you to brag about your life Karena to

digunakan untuk menyatakan tujuan (to infinitive setelah

kata benda).

b. I look forward to seeing you in class Dialog film Big Hero 6

Look forward (to) adalah satu dari beberapa frasa yang

HARUS selalu diikuti Gerund.


c. My father definitely can’t afford to buy a new motorcycle, let

alone a new car.

d. . The children seem to ENJOY their tasks.




1. Ubah kalimat ini dalam bentuk preferences yang sudah kalian


a. I prefer learning English instead of playing video games.

(would rather, would prefer to, like)

b. You had better go. (it’s time, it’s time you…)

c. She prefers going to London instead of leaving for Tokyo.

(would rather, would prefer to)

d. I had better speak up. (it’s time, it’s time you…)

e. Papa likes swimming better than driving. (would rather,

would prefer to, prefer)

2. Ubahlah kalimat ini menggunakan kata di dalam kurung.

a. They should have everything ready when our clients arrive.

(had better)

b. I like reading better than watching movies. (would rather)


3. Perbaikilah kalimat di bawah ini

a. She would prefer skiing rather than rock climbing.

b. It’s time you go or you’ll be late for your appointment

c. My mother prefers drink tea to coffee.

d. b. They would prefer go to the beach rather than to the


4. Ubahlah kalimat berikut menggunakan “prefer”, “would rather”

dan “would prefer”.

a. Sonia likes reading better than watching movies.

b. Tara likes fish better than beef.



1. Jawaban

a. I would rather learn English than play video games

I would prefer to learn English rather than play video games

I like learning English better than playing video games

b. It’s time to go

It’s time you went

c. She would rather go to London than leave for Tokyo

She would prefer to go to London rather than leave for


d. It’s time to speak up

It’s time I spoke up

e. Papa would rather swim than drive

Papa would prefer to swim rather than drive

Papa prefers swimming instead of dricing

2. Ubahlah kalimat ini menggunakan kata di dalam kurung.

a. They had better have everything ready when our clients arrive.

b. I would rather read than watch movies.

3. Perbaikilah kalimat di bawah ini

a. She would prefer to ski rather than rock climbing.

b. It’s time you went or you’ll be late for your appointment.

c. My mother prefers tea to coffee. OR

My mother prefers drinking tea instead of drinking coffee.

d. They would prefer go to the beach rather than to the


They would prefer TO go to the beach rather than go to the




a. Sonia likes reading better than watching movies.

Sonia prefers reading instead of watching movies.

Sonia would rather read than watch movies.

Sonia would prefer to read rather than watch movies.

b. Tara likes fish better than beef.

Tara prefers eating fish instead of eating beef

Tara would rather eat fish than eat beef.

Tara would prefer to eat fish than eat beef.




1. Susun kalimat dengan struktur Present Participle dan Past

Participle dengan menggunakan kata-kata berikut:

a. Scare, scary, horror movies, Nisa

b. Maya, bore, in, Indonesia, so, interest, go back, London

2. Tulis kembali kalimat berikut dengan klausa participle yang


a. My brother left his soccer practice early because he felt sick.

b. Her instructor was impressed by Kelly’s achievement, he

pointed her as the main player.


1. Jawaban

a. Nisa is scared of horror movies because they are scary

b. Maya is bored in Indonesia, so she’s interested to go back to


2. Tulis kembali kalimat berikut dengan klausa participle yang


a. Feeling sick, my brother left his soccer practice early.

b. Impressed by Kelly’s achievement, her instructor pointed her

as the main player.




1. Jelaskan perbedaan kalimat-kalimat berikut:

b. She could’ve just cooked

c. She should’ve just cooked

d. She must’ve just cooked

3. Jelaskan perbedaan makna kalimat di bawah ini

a. I might have left the keys at home.

b. I could have left the keys at home.



a. Dia bisa saja memasak, tapi dia tidak memasak

b. Dia seharusnya memasak, tapi dia tidak memasak

c. Dia pasti baru saja memasak (artinya dia memasak)

2. Jelaskan perbedaan makna kalimat di bawah ini

a. I might have left the keys at home.

Saya mungkin saja meninggalkan kunci di rumah, atau

mungkin saja tidak.

b. I could have left the keys at home.

Saya bisa saja meninggalkan kunci di rumah, tapi hal itu tidak

saya lakukan.




1. Tentukan apakah kalimat di bawah ini sudah benar atau salah.

Dan jika salah, tuliskan perbaikannya.

a. Aqilla tried breathing slowly, closing her eyes, and repeating

“I can do it” again and again, but she could not quiet her

heart beat, which pounded so hard she was sure Tamara

could hear it clearly.

b. Bram checked behind the closet, in the laundry basket, and

looked under the bed, but still could not find his new pair of



1. Tentukan apakah kalimat di bawah ini sudah benar atau salah.

Dan jika salah, tuliskan perbaikannya.

a. Aqilla tried breathing slowly, closing her eyes, and repeating

“I can do it” again and again, but she could not quiet her

heart beat, which pounded so hard she was sure Tamara

could hear it clearly.


b. Bram checked behind the closet, in the laundry basket, and

looked under the bed, but still could not find his new pair of



Karena sudah ada kata checked yang menjelaskan

behind the closet, the laundry basket, dan under the

bed, tidak perlu lagi kata looked.




1. That was really _____. No one else could do it. Awesome!

b. Bad

c. Sick

d. Terrible

e. Lame


1. B. Sick

Sick merupakan American slang yang artinya “hebat”. Dari

konteks kalimat dapat dilihat bahwa maksud yang disampaikan

adalah betapa hebatnya/awesome (karena orang lain tidak bisa





2. X: I am sorry.

Y: You are never sorry.

X: No I’m serious. _____.

a. I am really sorry

b. I really am sorry

c. I am I am!

d. Yea of course

3. What’s the difference between:

a. She’s interested

She’s interesting

b. I told you not to fall in love with me

I told you to not fall in love with me

4. What’s the difference between:

a. Did you do your homework?

Have you done your homework?

b. I have a lot of foods

I have a lot of food

c. You’re going to marry him? You must be joking.

You’re going to marry him? You’re joking.

5. What is the difference between:

a. Good’s good

Good goods

b. For me, Dad is the richest man in the world now

To me, Dad is the richest man in the world now

c. In my brain, there is this one thing


In my mind, there is this one thing

d. Black hair

Black haired

e. That pattern is unnatural

That pattern is not natural

f. I always went to see you everyday

I always go to see you everyday

g. I’ll miss you

I’ll be missing you

6. Explain these jokes if you get them.

a. Why are apostrophes terrible to date?

b. Why do words, phrases and punctuation keep ending up in


c. Why do writers constantly feel cold?

d. A man wanting to borrow another man's newspaper asks,

"Are you finishe(d)?"

The other man replies, "No, I'm Norwegian."

e. I was arrested at the airport. Just because I was greeting my

cousin Jack!

All that I said was "Hi Jack", but very loudly.

f. One day an English grammar teacher was looking ill.

A student asked, "What's the matter?"

"Tense," answered the teacher, describing how he felt.

The student paused, then continued, "What was the matter?

What has been the matter? What might have been the


g. A plain Indonesian guy bumped into a tourist. He said, “I’m


The tourist replied, “I’m sorry, too.”


He replied again, “I’m sorry three.”

The tourist got confused, “What are you sorry for?”

And he was like, “I’m sorry… Five?”

7. Explain this sentence:

They think that they know that they know what you’re talking

about. But actually they know that we know that they know that

they don’t know what we’re talking about, you know?

8. Temukan kesalahan dalam kalimat berikut:

a. Factor analysis is used to discover how many abilities are

involve in intelligence test performance.

b. My husband and father-in-law are like, they have the same


c. We’ll start moving in next week.

d. The counterpart of a negative electorns is the positive


e. The speed of light is faster the speed of sound.

f. I can explain farther if you’d like to listen.

g. I’m so embarrased everytime he passes by.

h. Sweet dream, Honey..

9. Temukan kesalahan pada kalimat berikut

a. I’m boring. Let’s go to the movie.

b. I know I made a lot of mistakes in the past, Dad. But I’m

changed now.

c. She can run fastly.

d. I’m so tired of walking. I don’t think I can go any further.

e. You look pale. You should lay down on this sofa.

10. Which of these sentences are/is grammatically and wrong in

meaning? Tell me why:

a. Emma Watson is a famous actor


b. If you’re that brave, be a gentleman and come here


1. B. I really am sorry

Yang membingungkan tentunya jawaban a dan b.

I really am sorry digunakan untuk menunjukkan I am definitely

sorry (aku bersungguh-sungguh, aku minta maaf). Sedangkan I

am really sorry digunakan untuk menunjukkan I am very sorry

(rasa maafku dalam sekali).

2. What’s the difference between:

a. She’s interested

Dia tertarik (Past Participle)

She’s interesting

Dia menarik (Present Participle)

b. Perbedaan sebenarnya sangat tipis. Not to dan to not punya

makna yang sama. Namun to not memiliki makna poetic dan

sedikit lebih menekankan maksud kita daripada not to. Selain

itu, not to juga lebih umum digunakan krn aturannya adalah

hindari pemisahan infinitive (kata to) dengan kata kerja (yaitu

love, pada kalimat ini).

Not to: not menjelaskan to dan kata-kata setelahnya

To not: to menjelaskan not dan kata-kata setelahnya


I told you not to fall in love with me My instruction is

not this: fall in love with me. Bisa saja maksudnya “I

told you not to fall in love with me, but you may like

me. (Boleh sukai aku, tapi jangan jatuh cinta padaku.)


I told you to not fall in love with me My instruction is

this: don’t fall in love with me. Maksudnya hanya

pasti “Jangan jatuh cinta padaku.”

3. What’s the difference between:

a. Did you do your homework?

Apakah kau mengerjakan PR-mu (bertanya apa di masa

lampau dia mengerjakan PR. Tidak bertanya sudah

selesai apa belum)

Have you done your homework?

Apa PR-mu sudah selesai (bertanya apakah saat ini PR-

nya sudah selesai.

b. And, what’s the difference between:

I have a lot of foods

Aku punya beberapa jenis makanan (kelompok makanan)

Misalnya: I have a lot of foods. I have noodles, meat,

vegetables, etc.

I have a lot of food

Aku punya makanan dalam jumlah banyak (makanan

secara umum). Misalnya: I have a lot of food. I can’t eat it

all by myself.

c. Pada kalimat di atas, keduanya tidak berbeda. Namun pada

kasus tertentu kita tidak bisa asal menggunakan to be dan

must be:

You must be mengandung makna “penebakan” yang

kemungkinan besar benar. Karena artinya adalah “Kau

pasti …”. Kalimat ini digunakan saat kita terkejut, excited,

atau serasa tidak percaya pada yang disampaikan oleh

lawan bicara.

You are mengandung makna “pernyataan”. Karena

artinya adalah “Kau adalah ...”. Tidak mengandung


perasaan excited seperti you must be (joking), namun

bisa untuk menyatakan rasa tidak percaya.


You must be Hiro! I’ve heard so much about you from

your brother. (excited) ga bisa pake you are Hiro!

She’s just joking. Don’t pay attention to her. ga bisa

pake she must be joking

You own a BMW car?! You must be joking! But, can I get

a ride? XD bukan you’re, krn bermakna excitement

You own a BMW car? You’re joking. You’re not that rich

to even buy a scooter bisa pake you must be.


a. Good’s good: Baik itu baik (good is good) adjective + is +


Good goods: Barang-barang bagus (goods: barang-barang)

adjective + noun (membentuk noun phrase)

b. For me: Untuk saya (me menjadi sebab Dad menjadi the

richest man)

To me: Bagi saya (menurut saya)

Contoh lain:

I did this for you aku melakukan ini untukmu

I did this to you aku melakukan ini padamu

c. In my brain: Di dalam otak saya ada sesuatu (misalnya ada

peluru nyangkut di otak)

In my mind: Di dalam pikiran saya ada sesuatu (misalnya

pendapat, hal yang mengganjal)

Jadi, brain adalah tempatnya otak. Semua orang punya brain

tapi tidak semua punya healthy mind.


d. Black hair: Rambut yang hitam

Hair sebagai noun, black sebagai adjective. Keduanya

membentuk sebuah adjective phrase.

She has black hair

Black haired: Berambut hitam

Keduanya membentuk past-participle yang dapat

digunakan dalam kalimat berikut:

She is black-haired, atau I saw a black-haired girl.

e. Unnatural: menjadi sifat sesuatu

Sudah sifat pattern tersebut unnatural.

Not natural: tidak menjadi sifat sesuatu

Bisa jadi pattern tersebut natural, namun saat kalimat

disampaikan, pattern-nya sedang unnatural.

f. I always went to see you every day

I always go to see you every day

Everyday: kata sifat, artinya setiap hari. Contoh: Learning

English is my everyday activity (kegiatanku setiap harinya)

Every day: kata keterangan (adverb). Contoh: I learn English

every day (belajar setiap hari)

g. Difference between

I’ll miss you: Aku akan merindukanmu. And that’s it.

I’ll be missing you: Aku akan merindukanmu dan kerinduanku

akan terus berlanjut (progressing)

Jadi, I’ll be missing you lebih puitis daripada I’ll miss you.


5. Explain these jokes if you get them.

a. Why are apostrophes terrible to date?

Kenapa apostrof (‘) itu adalah pasangan yang

mengerikan? Karena mereka terlalu posesif (tanda


apostrof menjalankan fungsi kasus kepunyaan, alias

possessive case).

b. Why do words, phrases and punctuation keep ending up in


To be sentenced berarti:

- Dibuat menjadi kalimat (kata-kata, frasa dan tanda

baca membentuk kalimat)

- Divonis/ dijatuhi hukuman (misal sentenced to death:

dijatuhi hukuman mati)

c. Why do writers constantly feel cold?

Because they’re surrounded by drafts (angin). Draft bisa

berarti konsep (tulisan) atau angin (terasa dingin tertiup


d. A man wanting to borrow another man's newspaper asks,

"Are you finishe(d)?"

The other man replies, "No, I'm Norwegian."

Finished bisa berarti selesai, atau Finnish (bahasa

Finlandia). Makanya, the other man replies, “Bukan, saya


e. I was arrested at the airport. Just because I was greeting my

cousin Jack!

All that I said was "Hi Jack", but very loudly.

Hi, Jack berarti -> Halo, Jack!

Tapi, hijack juga berarti “membajak” (seperti bajak

pesawat) atau “merampok”.

f. One day an English grammar teacher was looking ill.

A student asked, "What's the matter?"

"Tense," answered the teacher, describing how he felt.


The student paused, then continued, "What was the matter?

What has been the matter? What might have been the


Tense punya dua arti, “gugup” (what exactly happened to

the teacher) dan “Tenses” (materi yang kita pelajari di


g. A plain Indonesian guy bumped into a tourist. He said, “I’m


The tourist replied, “I’m sorry, too.”

He replied again, “I’m sorry three.”

The tourist got confused, “What are you sorry for?”

And he was like, “I’m sorry… Five?”

I’m sorry too yang didengar org Indonesian guy itu

adalah diartikannya “I am sorry two.” Dan What are you

sorry for diartikannya “I am sorry four.” Makanya dia

membalas three, five.

6. Explain this sentence:

They think that they know that they know what you’re talking

about. But actually they know that we know that they know that

they don’t know what we’re talking about, you know?

Okay, this is a bit hard (to read and write). Artinya begini:

Mereka pikir (they think) mereka tahu (that they know)

bahwa mereka tahu (that they know) apa yang

kaubicarakan (what you’re talking about). Tapi,

sebenarnya (but actually), mereka tahu (they know)

bahwa kita tahu (that we know) bahwa mereka tahu (that

they know) bahwa mereka tidak tahu (that they don’t

know) apa yang kita bicarakan (what we’re talking about),

ngerti kan (you know)?


7. Perbaiki Kesalahan

a. Factor analysis is used to discover how many abilities are

involved in intelligence test performance.

Kalimat di atas menggunakan struktur kalimat pasif (harus

dalam bentuk kata kerja ketiga)

b. My husband and father-in-law are alike, they have the same


Susunan yang benar adalah:

Alike: S1 and S2 are ALIKE

Like: S1 is LIKE S2

c. Sudah benar

Moving in: pindah ke (rumah/apartemen/tempat tinggal


d. The counterpart of a negative electorn is the positive proton.

Artilcle a hanya untuk benda tunggal. Jika diubah semua

menjadi jamak, kalimat tersebut menjadi:

The counterparts of negative electrons are the positive


e. The speed of light is faster than the speed of sound.

Jika diubah menjadi is as fast as, struktur kalimatnya masih

benar secara grammar, tapi tidak benar secara Fisika

(maknanya). Karena kecepatan cahaya jauh lebih cepat

daripada kecepatan suara.

f. I can explain further if you’d like to listen.

Farther: lebih secara konkret, misalnya jarak

Further: lebih secara abstrak, misalnya penjelasan


g. I’m so embarrassed everytime he passes by.

Mispronounced: embarrassed


h. Sweet dreams, Honey

Sweet dream: sebuah mimpi yang indah. Contohnya: Have a

sweet/nice dream, Honey.

Sweet dreams: ungkapan yang artinya “Mimpi indah, ya!”

8. I’m bored. Let’s go to the movie.

a. Boring: membosankan

Bored: bosan

b. I know I made a lot of mistakes in the past, Dad. But I’ve

changed now.

c. I’m changed: saya sudah diubah (Passive Voice)

I’ve changed: saya sudah berubah (Present Perfect)

d. She can run fast.

There is not fastly in English.

e. I’m so tired of walking. I don’t think I can go any farther.

Further: not physically. Contohnya further information

Farther: phyisically. Contohnya distance.

e. You look pale. You should lie down on this sofa.

Lay down: give up/surrender in a war/mission

Lay down is a nonstandard form of lie down.


a. Sudah benar

Actor tidak harus perempuan, karena artinya adalah orang

yang berakting. Actress hanya istilah khusus, dan boleh


b. If you’re that brave, be a man and come here!

Be a man: jadilah laki-laki!

Be a gentleman: jadilah laki-laki yang baik (ramah)