Welcome To The Holy Grail Of Listbuilding


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Welcome To The Holy

Grail Of Listbuilding

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Hey there folks, welcome to The Holy Grail Of


I usually start with an introduction, where I

explain and tell a little bit about myself and all

that stuff.

But this time, I’d like to SKIP the “about me” part,

and get straight to the story.

What story?

The story of how I had no idea what I’m doing

and accidently discovered this piece of holy


Ok, this method.

You see, It’s been two and half years since I

started my online journey, and about 2 years

since I started building a list.

Since then I have learned a lot.

I’ve tried and mastered several listbuilding

tactics, yet nothing compares to this one.

I’ve tried –

- Solo Ads

- Facebook ads (account got shut down


- Some PPV

- Blogging

- Blog Posting

- Guest Posting

- Adwords

- Bing Ads/7search (ppc)

- Infolinks (ppc)

- Forum Marketing

- Ad swaps

- Giveaways

Some I’m REALLY good at (solo ads, forum

marketing, had a great time with blogging until I

moved on to more serious projects)

However NOTHING, and I do mean nothing

compares to the sexiness and speed of this


A little warning though, it might sound boring, it

might sound a little scary, but results are what


This method is –

Placing Links/Banners

On Paid Thank You

Pages Now before you run away with a “Heard About

This!” kinda approach, hear me out.

I kinda heard it before too, but never really paid

attention to it.

Sounded scary, boring and even kind of


But that’s not true, oh noes.

Actually, I’m not just going to tell you ABOUT the

method, I will also tell you HOW to set up

everything, the approaches and I’ll even give you

a template to make your job easier.

Here’s what this method is BASICALLY about –

Contacting product owners (new, advanced or

pro’s, doesn’t matter, as long as they get sales,

you’re set.)

Placing your links to your squeeze pages/paid

product thank you pages (with an opt-in, ofc) on

the thank you page of their paid product.

Now, what does this work so good (we’ll get to

the in depth training later), and what are the end


What happens basically is that when you have an

opt-in form on a paid product thank you page (as

a bonus, “behind the scenes access” or as a

“Recommended product”) on 5 different thank

you pages, you will get 100% pure buyers that

JUST bought onto your list on autopilot without

spending a dime.

For example –

When I got 391 buyers in a single day, I had my

links on only 5 different thank you pages.

All five of them either made 1- 10 sales per day

and two of them made 100 – 200 sales a day

(launch day + aftershock).

And I set up these links on these thank you pages

about 3 days before.

I woke up in the morning, and saw about 10 – 15

new buyers in my list.

Not bad, much better than buying a solo anyway.

But then, two days later, I woke up to see 391

new buyers.


Since these products all generated about 600

sales altogether that day, I got about 500 clicks

on my optin form and 391 new buyers.

And the next day, It was reduced to 109 buyers.

But that happened without work.

That moment, I had this weird feeling..

That kind of feeling you just KNOW something

works like crazy.

I looked back and thought –

“I just got 391 new BUYERS in 24 hours and

another 109 in the next day without spending a

CENT and without working more than..2 hours


And this is what is going to happen to you.

Now, I have my links on about 18 different thank

you pages all generating sales daily, some 1 – 10

and some 20 -50.

And I’m planning on increasing the amount of

links I have.

I’m working on it every single day since It works


I now get about 100+ new subscribers to my list

via these thank you pages.

Sure, sales will drop, but as I’ll increase the

amount of links, It’ll stay steadily on 100+ buyers

per day.

Now, what’s so special about these buyers?

You see, these people just purchased a product,

they are in some sort of “buyer” mode.

But that’s not the cool part of collecting buyers.

Two cool parts overall –

1. Sending these buyers directly to your funnel,

while they are still in the “buying” mode,

increases conversions on your existing


(P.S – If you don’t have a funnel, I highly

recommend you to CREATE one since it will

be responsible for your listbuilding profits

and breaking even with your traffic buys, if

you’d like to learn how to build a funnel,

check out my Instant Income Funnel WSO,

It’s not a must but highly recommended)

2. These people have already proven to have the

ability and the desire to PAY for a solution to

their problem.

Meaning, these are NOT freebie seekers and they

do not look for freebies and free lists to get the

magic button.

They will PAY for a valuable product that

promises a solution to their problem.


Also, even If I STOP building my list, for any


I will STILL own a big list of buyers that I can build

a relationship with and continue to grow my


So, hope you are convinced that this is a MUST

have method and that now you’re ready to start

the training itself..

This is a very simple and straight forward

method, you can easily start applying the steps

once you finish learning.

So here’s a quick recap of how it should be done,

and how I did it –

Step #1 – Decide on your offer and it’s angle.

Step #2 – Find product owners that have a related

product to your offer

Step #3 – Contact These owners with the

template I’ll give you and wait for an answer

Step #4 – If they agree, start nesting your evil

squeeze page on their thank you page

Step #5 – If all hope is lost, here’s what you can

do (paid)

Step #6 – Sit back and watch the results.

Let’s start from step 1 –

Decide On Your Offer

And The Angle By deciding on your offer, I mean decide on what

product (freebie or paid) you would like to put in


For example,

Let’s say you are currently trying /building a list

using a freebie and a funnel.

Your offer is a Fiverr freebie.

So if you choose your Fiverr freebie, you put a

banner/link with a call to action on the person’s

thank you page leading to your squeeze page that

you’re building your list with!

And once the new buyers click your link, they

enter that squeeze page and subscribe to get

your offer!

And if you have a funnel, they will continue to

buy your stuff/affiliate products and you’ll make

more money!

So that’s your offer, now you decided on your


But, you need to decide your angle.

Let’s take ME for example –

On these TY pages, I’m giving away a PAID

product of mine.

My new subscribers don’t enter my regular


These people see my offer where I’m giving away

a product that is FOR SALE right now on the


But they? They can get it for free from that page.

All they need to do is to enter their email address

and name and they can get it, no catch.

I believe that this way, some good karma


There’s no special “funnels” or OTO’S..

They get a paid product for free.

And then, when they get an email from me, they

get an email from the guy who gave them his

paid product for free without any hidden catches.

This increases trust between us instantly and puts

me “Above” all the other marketers who just try

to squeeze every cent out their subscribers.

Now, this is something that isn’t very important,

but needs to be discussed.

When you put these links on the paid thank you

pages, you need to decide on the angle.

HOW the new buyers will see this offer.

Will they see it as..

A. An unadvertised bonus on the thank you

page? (increases trust between you and

them and between the seller and them)

B. A “promised” bonus on the thank you page

(this means the seller posted your offer on

the sales page and said”

if you buy this, you also get this!”, this way,

the sellers product converts better and he

makes more sales while you build your list)

C. A “recommended product” which means

that the seller gives them access to their

product and says yours is a good one he

recommends. (this way, if your product is

related and valuable, they trust that seller

more, and of course you build a list)

Think about it for a while and when you contact

the seller, discuss about this with them.

Next step –

Find Product Owners

With a Related Offer This is the EASY part.

All you need to do is to scout for these vendors

on the platforms they launch (W+, JVZOO,

CLICKBANK ETC..) or go to affiliate platforms

(Muncheye, WarriorJV, Jvnotifypro, facebook

groups) and find owners that

launched/launch/about to launch a product that

is related to one of your offers or the offer you’ve

already chosen.

So if your offer Is about SEO, find SEO vendors

and contact them.

Try to target EVERYONE, whether it’s people who

make only 10 sales per day with their product or

whether these are big players who make 100+

sales per day. (usually on launch day they make

the most sales) contact them.

Approach everyone who has related products

that are ON the market for sale.

Now, the next and most important step –

Contact These Owners

+ Template Now the most important thing here is to explain

them what’s IN IT for them.

Because they will never agree if it’s all about

building your list and nothing for them.

So you need to stress this point and lead with the

ANGLE we talked about.

For example –

You build a list but they get to (Increase

conversions – advertised bonus)

You build a list but they get to (skyrocket trust

with their list – unadvertised bonus,

recommended product, giving them a paid

product for free)

You build a list but they get to (get paid by % -

Funnel, for each sale you make in your funnel

with these leads, you send them a % of the

money you made)

You build a list but they get to (build their list –

tell them you’ll return the favour, you will put

their links on your thank you pages/when you

launch in the future)

Note that a lot of these sellers will not agree to

this, but trust me some will and you have a

variety of angles to choose from and a variety of


Also, in case all hope is lost, see the next step

with the extra paid solution.

Now, here’s a template you can use when u

contact sellers –

I’ve used this template for a while now and it

works like wonders –

Hey, how are you?

I don't want to sound rude or something,

and we really don't know each other, but I'd

like to do some business with you!


Basically, I have an offer I am selling/giving away as a way to

build my list

And I think this offer can really complement your upcoming

product/your product.

It's my [Name of the product plus any details you think are

relevant to this vendor)

And, I was wondering..

Maybe I can [Give free access to my paid product/put a link to

my squeeze page] on your thank you page.


1. What I mean is, add this offer as a bonus on your sales

pages to increase the value of the offer and increase

conversions resulting in more sales.

2. Meaning, after they purchase and get forwarded to the

thank you page etc...they get access to [Unadvertised

bonus/ recommended resource) and enter their email

address and name to download, that way you will gain

better trust with your buyers without extra work.

Also, I can return the favor by putting it on my own thank you

pages (turn this into a swap/put your offer when I will launch/

giving you a % of the earnings on my funnel)

That way, it's a win win, I build a list of buyers, while you

provide as much value as you can to your new customers!

Here's access to the product -


Hope we can do business!

Thank you for reading this,

Good Day

P.S - If you think this sounds "Scammy" or out of the line, feel

free to ask me any questions that pop in that head of yours!

I'm here to do business not to screw around

You can contact me via skype/email/forum/phone.


P.S - I also have [Another related offer that he might be more

interested in)

Let me know, ok?



Simply fill in the blanks and think a little bit, and

you got yourself a swipe to contact sellers for

maximum response.

Now, what to do if they don’t agree and all hope

is lost?

Next STEP!

What To Do When All

Hope Is Lost (Bonus

Solution – PAID) This “emergency” method can go both ways –

1. Invest some money to convince the seller to

put your page there.

2. Once you know your stats and how much

money you’re making, you can start

increasing the amount of vendors you can do

business with by investing a sum of money

that you know you will earn back, or to take

it to the next level with a vendors you’ve

done business with by participating in his

next launches/relaunches)

Here’s what I mean –

If ALL HOPE is lost and the seller doesn’t agree,

you can contact him/her and tell them you are

willing to pay them per click/lead.

For example –

“Hey bro, I understand why you don’t want to

accept my offer.

So here’s another offer.

I’ll pay you $50 once and you’ll send me 100

clicks/50 leads and if all goes well, we’ll do this


(NOTE – You can start on a low budget an offer an

introductory deal, $20 for 20 buyers etc..)

Let me know what you think,


By doing this you will increase the amount of

sellers that will agree because when you talk $$$,

they listen.

Not everyone understand the meaning of

increasing conversions or building trust with their


And some people will think that swapping or

getting a % is too complicated or risky.

But EVERYONE will listen if you’ll offer money in


Now there’s also a different way to use this.

Once you know your stats, your earnings, how

profitable this can be and you’re on a bigger

budget, you can finally start contacting sellers IN

THE FIRST PLACE with the “I’ll pay you” offer.

This will get more attention, and if you know

you’ll make your money back on this then you’ve

got almost nothing to lose (this is a business after

all so investments can be risky but they are

required to grow it)

OR, you can contact sellers you’ve done business

with and make steady deals.

Meaning, they will advertise your page on every

launch/ty page and you’ll pay them for these


And eventually you will become good business

partners that help each other.

Now go ahead and start contacting those sellers

and once you’ll get some things rollin’, you’ll be

able to just sit back and see all these buyers opt-

in into your list quickly and on autopilot knowing

you haven’t paid a DIME FOR IT.

Yeah sure, this requires work, but it pays off BIG

TIME and is much better than ANY other

listbuilding method I have ever tried.

I really hope you enjoyed reading the Holy Grail

of Listbuilding, and I hope you now understand

WHY I consider this to be the HOLY GRAIL of


HINT – It’s free It’s fast and It’s easy.

Now go there and take action and I’m waiting for

your emails with the results you’ve got

To YOUR Success,

Tom Yevsikov!

P.S – If you skimmed this, please re-read this

VERY CAREFULLY, every detail matters.