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N E W A R K , N . J . , W E D K B R D A Y , N O V l ^ E R 15 , 1916 .— T W E N T Y - E I G H T P A G E S .


L A ^ R IT H W

T W O C E N T O ,

mANM OF mimon noouilipMf etTM Raabw W HUm •* Ml* hmn Ac* la MaaMlaaa rtaata i

n 4 P , lia n a Waikan ai tkair naRaal Caaaa* Balk Pa tkan la Arar-PaaatMIMr tka« pin * Lak

MbH OanaapaaPaaiktOKDON, Mar. l.~Oaa at tka aiaal

ataarklM qaaatlatia aow ta tka Pmiak Ptaaa aa4 aaaaa tha tablta la tkat af paUlap tka paiaaanal faa aam tap aa tha war. Tka wara paraaaaal P aaa4 tataallaBallir, aa tbara la aal aalr tka nattar af raialaf aatfldaat ana tar tka anajr. hut at tllHap thair plaaaa aa tkar ara takaa oat at d rll Ufa aa4 aat af tha aaaiatlal la4aatrlaa aak atrt- caltara, aa4 aa tUUap tham that tka kailaaaa at tha eaaatrr w|)i pa aa wlth- aat aartaaa lajary, at tha aapa Ubm at> taakiat ta tha aaada at tha anaiaa la tka tMM ta tka atatur at BaBlIlaaa aak anj^M .

Tka Ttnaa tkla aHralap, In eaUlap far an aartr klaAealan la PnrUaaaat at tha aaaatlBB af ataa-pawar far tka war, thrawa aat a aallal'kint akaat a naw farai af aalvaraal aatwlaa, at* Ita raadata ara ourtana ta Imaw It tkla P kilt tka flrat latliaallaB af a naw «rw M4a af tka NarthaUffa Praaa la oaatln> iiatlaa af IP paipp af taralnp Brit, ala lap aa aatlaaally arpanlaaf a atap

■ la Tka Til

Attar Aallkatatlap tara baara p p raatarAar Rftaraaan tha farr la JvApa AAanPa kaprawa Cotfrt broapht la a rarflct far tha fataaAaBt la tha llbat aiilt at MPa LatIP Pcklaak. a Habakao aebaal taaahw, apalaat Ansaatua l. PItlaa, a prtaalpal of that etly. Tka ««aa haA aaoupPA iwa Aaya aaA a aan .

r af Habakan taachan aad atbar aahaal awppyaaa wara wUaaaaaa or In- p rtta f apacPtara.

Mlaa BahPak rharpad that Ur. DUIon, p whaaa achaal aka Uutkt. mada da^ rapatanr atataataaP about bar bafora h p elaP P . and that ha waa Initru- ■antal In ppranttaa b p troai obtala. tag aa apgagamaat ban. Ur. DtlPn daalad tha acaaaaltoaa.


B w fla n iB p r i t i i f l w i f i l FIh I W itd t i i i i C il kn t

v i lk U U .

H B C A ii

iriih araui Haa at rti



M a l l htSm l i T « t G g h t f l iv U w I t y B e N O f f I M

C M f r w M i d h p i i ^ .

1 IA N D I TO A f m i TO VUOM

Haflaaal Caafaaawat CappMlaa at Pal ■apara Padartdil m P Pan far rtphUag AdaMaa Im

mm af ppppa laM P Paa PaPa P J

JEHSET C a n iA L m i s PUMSRXt NEW |4 8 3 ,M 0 STATION

' PPh P r Up aaw MH,W* Cantral lUUraad tanalaal P PraaP, atraat waaa tIM with tka Dapartapai af PalMlaca taday by A. U. Owana, tba p g lap r. Tka bolldlap wUl p at hriak oaaatrac. tion aad artll p trlaiaMd wIP la m aaiP

Tha aUtPa wilt p laptM P tba aragarty at U l to t i t Broad alrp t and dap aat lacluda I P balUPg Ih* pllraad aaw a tp P a aPtPa. Th* ylani ppvida far a atara at tha aarth- ara a p af tba atritatup wblah praphly wlU P pad u a roaPannt.

lit"Oarauay P TbP TlMaaTt*lfa aaw aarvtp MU la at gtaaiat P

aaapppUtPn, but tbara ara tbap w p fbfp a i t p t It BBy yad P naoaaaary ta aaaet tha grlaaigla af pWaraal m - tianal aarvtp aadar wblah tba aPta woald allot P aaP at IP oHIaana hla ahara of tka MtPaal Pah."

kiriaP la m P Ob pot.Though thp Praark la oaaaatly aaag

P t P middia af a eatuwa at oaoiinanu M ParilainmUry dolaga. It caataUP a grInelaP t p t would Prdly p eaaaally aaaagtod p a BatPn at IndlvtdoalPU Ilka ap at BrIPla, Md t P ehlat In- taraat P I P auggaatlM far tha laanant la P wandar wbalbar t p "MagaPan af IP Praaa" baa aoaia Pr.raaahing aaa- MUoo toward a futgp dlaPtarahlg at ainu bind. altPr far b ls p lf or tP a gaUUrlaa wham ha la backlog.

la t P waaatPa atbar apaaa ara P - lag aaad a P a tpr aaggaatlaaa apda p raadfuat t P praaanal af I P aatlga ta t P wark tba fighting t p t la ta p daaa. Baaaatlr a "Uan-gawar DPtrlbullaB Basrd" w P aggalatad far t p taah af "aaaplap p t .” aa t p p - faatlopbP gbrtP gwaa, maa af mlHtary aiK w p throagh taaPMalttlP p by tha iBdaJgPP af laaal trlbanaJa tP t

♦ p v a IP pawar p grptlffg pagigtl*B% p ya aaaagad aartPa p tar.

ThP grapop. It la wpbapg. 1i balag t In thavlgerouUy aarrlp aat in

gpaniigpai dagartBPla ta w hip p ta naw ah p^aawa aaiakdr P yaaag nwo p va bpa aatgtayP M ag olarlaai wark that eaa M wall P g a p P aMar a lp t» wapak. Bavaral aawawagara, Wda* Hy T p Bapbig Maaft p y a p p carrytag m a Mttar p w p u a abkat *ap Pklb^wU.Pwk. PBakE_Ag QMur call t P dagaruanta that Min P r P r yaaag ama, aad. gaaMadtag that wgAt lhay glaloty tnUamta M gwyarptaat prataatip ahall p ptaypag aad avgry wan of MlUtary ago p la p g far agr> rlaa'

BaoP '&t ■aafUap f P o PIt la a ip a hotly aPtaaiad g a p p p

p ta whottar t P aigaUtap ladP trytC PtlngP p ttk gggd, 4tb p'taaia.i~


C m m R ip re s w U n w C b t n c t T n t i t i f c A f n c a o t A^m I

t i B e S M t t e i


NEW TOltX, Nov. It.—p l lw p n p - agon oamgrtslgg tha aPloaal oaolar*

aa aowwlltp p a t la u p loPy o p . Bliaratlan a f .w P tP r wbaiaaala lagal aetlah to P f p t I P Adaauea alghl. h ap law will p takm. p wPthar a llialtP aariM of laipetioBi will p fllad. Tha o p ia aa p of agtaloa w u aald ta favp tba fanaar p u n a , whip waald rap tt la aggrailaiataly f.tM aa tip a p p r ia g t p Mttra railroad larrilary af tha Uallad k tM p Which. P w BMtbP la aalw tP tha daap ara axgaetp ta P In Iha ranrta within tan teya.

la vlaw af tba fact tP t tha Now. laap M at p au a lltp af CaagiPa |a ta bald pablla haarlap p tha rail. r a p fU P tlp gvprally, Pgtnniag a p t U P p y . thON w p p ladloattp that daflafta u t lw waald P p p ip p p p t u tk* oonoiplp at thaw bPriaga.

Two daTalopwpta a^aP P t prom. lipU y today In tba h P B itp tip atlalag troai t P fartkeaailag aggllp- t i p P t P Adagipa law:

F lnl. I P PO P neoaip t t p t t P auwagarg p t p rep a prohPly w pid pg ly for iB fuptlap agatagt t P law ta avdry BParal Caart diatrtot ig D P tP l u t p with a Mgurata p i t la bahklf P ovary a p af I P t P n il raada la P ary diatnat wkleh Ik p aator. gpald Ihia atay P ta k p and I p ungattp tBTOlvp run t P arg^

W p n

Two a ip h P thiavp krab* late tP Kanpia CPwloal * Unaafkatartag Ca.'a plant at n t ta m Now Jarpy P a im p a v p p tkla waraiop tP b P tha alghl w atP ana la a aapU raaw flllP with akaailaatB p d pad* off P th a pluttoa P p M vatpd at wap thaa IIP . Tha watehwan. Pra P rlnh Ball. nMi. P U Clark a trp t. Idtap Farma, WP f p p IwprlaanP a P hatl.plfa- p t p p abaailoaj fawaa.

T P fallan at t p wotatuwp to and la hla I a’aMah toty aaU P tha Awart-

■ Dtatrlet Tolagraga aywtaai I P P I P diapvary p hla glli^l p Fallp CagUla Caffray a P DataaUvp JaaMO Tarrall and CarMtt. Tbay harrIP P P a giant P n digartai p t nataip hlla, and'nftar forcing nn p t n a n wara nt. traoPd to I p watchnpa'o wmganry g r tip by hla pounding m tP daar.

Waakanp by tha fu p p P t P awall r«a;n, HtllnlP toM t P p lP a tP I aawa tiBw gnat mlplghi, p P w p making hla r a n p lap m p whaaa faraa wara ■aakp with Pwhia O pfroatp hlai p d with drawn ravolvara b p h p htaa p p tha room. Ttiay tP n alaaomP IP d p r abut and lockP It.

Innatlgntlan af t p g ip t diaclaap ( p t tha bargpra h P aploa only tP platlen P galdl. found by than In aartban Jara. T P gold h P boaa n v . a rP hy a llguld aahatpw, whtah tha thievaa pourod P Pa floor. Tbara waa avldanca t P t (P y h P m Pa a auraful apreh af tha g lp t. bat h P M IP ta pka any of lha othar cPmleaP

Kntranco h P bop galnad by tha hurglpa by manna p p o p a wladow OB Pa groaad floor. Tba window hP bpn oganP la p rm tt P a draining af a Pilar, which h P h ap apon tP aaiilar In P a avaatng a P w p still hat. Tha lowala w ip whiab tha lotrPsra p v arP thair faeas wara faaP hy than In tha wash roaai P t P fnetery. aad paid aot P (pud la P a ginat today.


M b • ( S .t3 1 O m A tj g - l -o > ----A g-.-

ONLY n M t S H F n raOND so r u


M i l k r 6 m S M M w u

A m i p i l B i f i n M f tM i T ^ .

(XAND JDIY TO TAD lESmORTramglalaunt. M i Paaro

Waaap Frtaaaafo Ikb UauH TUa Aftiaua p I Inaaaal w p t Thar Dtowatp p caaafy Bat Csuaaal I P pttayats la



D i a t c n l t Wn U L i t C M f m - m d h p r y I t U m H iw

Tm I F nO f M S p o t.


g li i i lp a ^ la Tiotv P Oaa P M a i

lar WHbifswal P^Fatabhagti Ttwap

Catfi p Oat la Ma i tat p BaMviglaty.

A i ip im c c m r, h p . ii.-^»aagiplad^Mlop p obatruetlptat tnottaa p tha Upteaa aids, p a Amaricaa tnaia- han at t p Jatit aownlaalp bora P> Uaygd today than la allU a chpoa at taaehlag.k P P p agraunuat, InvPvlBg Oparal ParsWng'a wiihdnwal.

Wbtla P a a g p P k t obatruatlon u < w y p t P AaMrtaan grong p rp p ib ly . <nto at tla ntaaibaiaaiJd:. "Tba foanda. t ip b P b a p laid for a atruelurs wblah p P va paaliM t raapn ta truot P t l t p a t p totM P M agheetaent And, wblla wo ha*a PMo P soaM tbPgap, ctota, It la a o p p g m an tbaa tdap. tiva. Tbara to now a altoattoa wbarap wa eama to t P arltietoaM whtab wa

< m a t will ra p ll In a unity af mlM."Tbs Carrpatop mambara had idanaP

to sp d t p tp p tiv a ugraampt to liamaM by mapingar f p ratlftoattaa, a^fla t p Aatottenai aigoatP p P b - mlt tb* ikegeeale to t P Waablngtoa gavanm Pt by M igragh.. W batPr t p d tv p p .b p r ofyMUaa af p a Haat* cab Mdt trUI thtyart I P aggaatod ngraa- nwkt waa Imgoagibto of gndMtou to- dgg. In addiup to tbs mUltory ggrp- maot, I P AmartoaM boga f p aattoa man favsnbla to Aaurlaaa tovaatan, •b P p t P Mg miBlgg Imtongto.

F B i s i n i i o i u i t i i E i n u i i E W D E E S C O H I TO M H

BAN ANTOtaO, Tua, Nav. ll.-d}a« oral ftaa tan naan tdtil P v a P bid aatoiaand na alrytoaa Ptaaaa sasand to HOP la taa worM, dsParad Brigadtor Oaaani Oaorp Bcrivan, eblaf at tka pknal darga of t P UnltP dtotos artky. a t k (

oogrsa of togal graaadura. P a algWMur tow w lt lp fram ala moaPa to ton i/aatd bablP ttwo ta pUgi lata ottaot aoaa U ip a d aoaaattowdaai. u WP ioatoraC

TBoonjlho kaA artaada tn i in ip p gap i kd tkbi ^ ^ w f l l r n a p m p . I M to PruaMantWltosn to g ita lP m m dpaary I, a p t P a atgkl.hour dw, wblah. iP y tor. w p gramtoad Pam at WaaklagtoB taat nnBa»r whoa p a atrlka ardar w p roaaltod.

n a btepaAqeda, It w p announaad, wHi P t toataaf t p p p p P Inati. tgtid P tu r taada aad told aot aggaar p o a p p l la oaart to P p a far t P asPtlPtlaaultty at p a tlght-bour Into. T P y asntpd t P t P t dpy log|- eaBy davolvp agon I P AUarpy Op - atuj and will took u t P fadlelat hnneh at t P tavanuMpt ta fIgP P air PCtla.

Prior to hla dagartwo lor bJa barna la Otovatond. Wahog B. Stoaa, p la t at I P BraPaikpd of !Laaomot1va Bng|. aaard, iactorM t p t abatild t p law p atrtohan fran p a koaka m tba ground of l a p a atltatlaakllty. tha bratkphoop would P gagd OA Praaidant Wftooa to havo truBod uo th a r P t wblab will withauuid t P Ptocki of- baatlto ao p . ml

Bow Took Coatral goto.T P Now York Cantnl Railroad to.

toy fllad fult la t P Fsdaral IMatrlet Court to toat P a caBautatlonallty of P a Adaaiaen tow. Tba suit la diraalad agalBst t P ibrao f p a n i dtotrlat P> lofnap af Maw Tark iu ta aad t p cbalrmp at aach of t P fo p b r p p r . boeda In P a a tP a

Tha raud'a grtoaigul eantsatlp la, aaoordlag to Albort B. Harris, p n a n i aaunpL (but P a law "la la aa m o p a togalallp of eomataras, bat a tsmga- tory and arbitrary Ineraap In wagaa Ip P s bratknpaod umo." Bo aald P aasa P an Pawar to P s n i t w p 'flM an Injpetlon against t p epn tto n of P a toto would P pbad.

Tba Panuylvpto Railroad Cam gany, aoearding to a dlaptoh fram ftoltodalgbto. today fllad in P s FParal Plalrlet Court .P a n a Ml) la agulty, pk tag tar P Injunction pnlaat tha thraa Ukitp BtnUo Dtotriet Attar, naya in PanpylTPlt. forhlddlag tham from hrlnglDg groaaeutloM palnat P a railroad comgpy andar tha Adam.

tow, T P p a r t la P k p to do. aton t p t P a tow to uneopUtuttoBal aad void.

d Wp P tmw b b valid,T p bin fllad In Phlladalgbla afora

tP t P a pm gU lpnt la pvtoad that p a logalrtoBaBt of t P Adamson net In nagMt to t p wagaa to P pM aftar Jana ary 1 to lagaUy Invalid and Inop- antlva and cDnaagapUy p t blading a g p I P eomptoinpt booauM af tha gipy goMlbli Inaonstotpt p d mu (Uatlag iBlarpratotlana at tho-pt, a P baaauta af P a furtbar f p t t P t ncIPar aaw gar at t P data of t P gaaiaga of t p net w M 'tP n la aaiatnaa p y Py, wbatbar maUbraB' by bo»ra ar work daita, P a t aoWd P ragardad p a stokdktd day. aor w p Para any wago gkid wbito amUd P ragardad P a atoadard wags far t p anglayMi am braadd in P a p l

1|. to fg ttP r avarrad that Caagrap hH M gowtr ta (lx a atoadard day waga p P a Adaatop law attawgts to do. T P tow to furtbar tnoganttva, Po MU ggya. koeauM Oengrap h p aot do.

HI*d lap r glvon la hla h o p r Pru. U P ,WM t P Phjoot af m ap

an today, p giving ab Inkling tha p t p t af dsvalapmpt la aoro-

nautiaa gtaggog tgr t p army."Alraady m an p p t t . f **.••• wnrP

a | atoptoup a n g n b r ordan to mawa oabaantnUoa p la tsp a armyfrom

MLd tl g p Aatoato,'* QpaliiM P a P Ik at tP m ar* eofalng to

O p m ^ r ‘I Berma addad.

4mmkwammm..lo n u c o eiTT. u p . l l —Oanamt <PBfP «. aosaapatod by ro n ig s Mia- 8& > ailto^aad tohw raem P M af Ms

lly. traggaatod to ton** to- korawtwk for Quontora.

Pa UgbM RapuMlop atoctor ■*" ™

■an PRAMaBCO. No*. It.—Thirty, p n a oountto* la CaUforala numli to P Pard fiom today lu t P otOctol atooUaw aaavaaa. Early, nturna frM

rWMnand Pa U gbM Rapubiiop 1,(11, tha lawait Pamacrat havtag tP t gutiaHty.

Both purtla* admit that a Mg dip- cragapy would havo to P found la ardar to c h p p P s Cnlitanto naulL and P a t ancb a dlacragpcy eoald only coma from tha P r p most pguloua aauntlH af Jha atata. i P rypcluo , Lp P agalB or Alamsda.

Tha first day's work In than nantUs dtoclasP only minor amra.

Aa aa autcaraa af hla visit Navamhar I to lha call to p a Bm i County Jail of U n Hvgarat C Bmulagor af Cald. wait whoa, aaaaP trial tar P * murdor of bar huahaad to sohoduM to bogla aaat Monday, BraMt E Rymaa, dl> roelor of tha B stp Ceuaty Board of PrpPMara, thla marnlng w P hold la PH tor ilM lor P a g rp d Jury OB a charga of assault p d Pltary. mada In a comglalot BigoP P Un. putlagar.

AaoomppiP p bit eauaML Aasam. blyapB Kdward gchpa, Rymaa ag. gaarP P fo rt Jadga William P. Uar. (In la P a Ooart el Quarter BsMlona. •ntarad a formal p in at sat guilty a p walvp axamlnatlak Hla P l l Pod WP funIMiP by Braaat O. duuP r.

WWIa I P grand Jary w p la MMlan tkto afiaraaon U n BauUagar, a Jail amtnn p d two o tP r womaa grtoaaart wan brought ta t P p u h hPM a P It WP stotod P at P a Rymaa cap wm14 P takaa up Ptara adJournoMnL

U n BauUngBr w P la P brought ba­fora th« Ipaoat p P a comglalnaat la t p cap and tha oPar Proa Womea p Bfitai p p Tha matron, P wall p tha two woman pHiuoara. a n supgapd to P v a h p rd w P l Rraua m M to U n BauUagar. Oaa of tlM two griaonara to said to have bass la t P room with Un. P allagar at I P time at tha al-

sttstit,Tha taking ap of P a eap an P a tama

day OB which tha aaaaasd'maa plaadad. aa anuBPl procadnra, w p daetorod to p due to t P diroct order of Judge Mar- tin P g t p a sp a P takaa up by P a grand Jury May,

Brought from lha Jail toU yastarday aftarnaau p aa ardar ligaed by Judge Uartin, Hru Boutlagar appmrad bo- fara him la chambara aad mada I P •totamant aasustog P a Iroohaldor, alggM It aftor U had hop praparad. Bar n d t to t P n w t P ip e w p g

Wp DCIrlPMd gtoa got B ap Bk

PTOm Bf Vacitofim Bmun af lb irg y . tx g Bffvg

WABHUIOTON, HP. lb—tl WP mads elikr today IP i I P m pasr af t P P - gpdltar* af BapaMtoaa CMpalga (aads. p wall p It* allagad Mlaaaal grapartloak to P* faU tbiag tP Pam- oants a n ptokklag to toy opp to t p light of puhltoUv. If tbay aaa (tad IP way to bring aP u t * Oaagntalaaal to- vaattgattok.

Btoattou tnada aro alraady uadar la- TMtlgatlp p P a Dapartmpl af Jua- Uaa. P I t P Wltoon augportar* Pllava t P l t p b P t way la inea P mo It ta Paw tha aaurap af PpnhUean fanda and P a dtotrlaia la whick Pay were ehltfly apanl.

A largo pcopertlon at tha lUpubtlean natlandl campaign fund 1* ttlll to P roported a P a r tP a n l tow. Bxpandl- lu rp by IndIvIduato direct naad not ba r o p r tp at alL hut paugb of tha con- trIM Uap P va baaa diaolotad already to ladloata t P l Uark Hpna'a Hid campaign la 1a t p aamll fry atop P - aids P a campaica af 1(1 i

Already p u o u I tuada apaat la P* p i t at llughai ameuaUag to It,tit,- •TT.ll P va Paa raportad aad. with tho raaoptlon of amall amouata rri^ rM In a u l ataloRivnto of tha Ceagroaalonal

( womon'a aommittap tha g rp t am nnt of money sp n t la the lait waoh of lha PSipign la atlll (o P dtocloop Tha ameunt atalad, of eourao, d ap not IncIPa any money ipent un­der t P dlroctloB of ainie cemmlttep

P P v o Ingulry a DtMy.Apart from thoM who w p t a Con-

groMoBal InvaallpiloN for p r i l i u pvuklaga, tP ro nro a good many cut aeP w p PUava than ahpM P an lavaatigatlon u n mailer of public(CapUunad on Itth page, 14 oalnmn I


I n , O n rie i D. Jm m i ' i U re » C ikhM T n i l Fair ■

B e l ^ .

MAR m m a s i u z e w in goat


SAN nANCtaoO. Not. II.—FfPl- d P t Wltoon PAAkad Calltarnto yptar- p y (or Its luppart la tha aheUon. la a tatournm to O. K. Cuihlng. cPIrman of t p Oomocrattc Stafa C n tn l Com- g ilt tp Tha Prpldant p td i

"Tha work t p t you and thap aa- saclatad wIP yen hava dona In tha Muaa af ganulna datnoeracy and the malntaoaned of prOgraMlva pitcy Ima pelted my alncero adralntton, M It might P va won P a admiration of all who hava obnrvod tha dtvo|lon p d apIMt and latalllpnc* with wblob It WP dona. May I aot expraaa my mhm of roal graUtudo P d Join wIP you la rojntclog over P a victory won for i p poopto."


ST. PAITU UJnn., Nov, 11.—WIP prpticalty all proclncta In. Uinoaaota unofflelaHy rapetod, Cpriaa E Hphaa'a plurality evar Praaidant WU* p n stood today nt t.tOt.

(Oeutlnuad p Id pngd, (at plumn.)

E K u r n o n c o n s s K MU T B C i u a M TO I D

n v JfBiwiWABSTNQTOH. Bov. tb-Bkara t p t

tha gevarnniaat will bnva ta.lntarvana ngniB P tw a p lha rajlm d mnnngersP d t p hraparboad

ofg tvp Ml■- ■ #1

p a P j p | .m n t of P a alfht-hMir aptrovaray h p

to PS Buggasttan that Proaid p i WUsai


ontha OMgtitnttokal

meats Movamhor tbAssamMy

Mil upaa P a Elghl-kaur Cawinlwton. roenUy npptnud by a la,, (• osnolrua t P Adawtaeat act nag roaaMlIa P a dUtaraneaa P a t thnnkn k Btrthk.

Of aogrsa. P a tlm* to not yet rtpa for Praalianttol Intottaromm. knt P* Proa- IP h t to pdarsued ta P heaping to p

pravanl w p

_ _ _ Put PoBIgkt-hpr OumnihaleB skoutd g* to wash p t u tka a l^ t -P u r aehPuiw WON to hMPt and tk P only to atndy t p affaoto. Hnwpar, It It wap jtonad AaatrnMa to uUIIm P a hodrd far p . bltrnl'pgrpagsa, Mtotollah eagU P ob. toBwH at p * anny wpka of tha aaming

IM il la nauaiMOUB lo w* arontug i p I P nagottotiap p M to prat p BngnaP fram P ing rp a b ab Itp t t P IntantlM at OangraP Put

numoiD. iLunG USE OF wias, FUADS BMnimThe pvan t af t P avtamoblls hMrM

P d nutoa at fuBorato to given p a raaaon tor tha voluntary patltioa In bPkraptcy f lip today by Ur. Wllllnm Dimond, vstcrlBnriP. former member of Mvarnl maalelpal Itoarda and aw pr of Po Eaaan Ulvary Stabla at i l l Plana ftraeL Tbo petition, filod In tba New- p k branch of Po United Statea Dla- triad Court, powa llPlIltlaa of I11,4I( P d aaMts of U iP b Rofarao rp r to t H. Mason appointed Jnmas F, HytoP raoolvar p d flsed kta P P at ((.DM.

Aeoording to Fblllp D. Blllal, conn. Ml tor Ur. Ulmoad, t P llvary builnaaa h p tollan off eonglprnblf In tba toat two yanra tlnoa P a ptamablla benrna cama Into uaa. Aptbor Mtbnck w p p a loM e( alghtoan horaaa (wo yanr* ago daring nn apldamle al glandoru One at lha horaaa tn k p ta P a ctabla to board w p PUavad to have oprsnd the diaapa am op Dr. Ufnap'a P l - mala.

A Urge p r t af P a indabMaoM la ropraaanud by notoa made shied X lb Thraa .plaa aggrdgntlDg I « l ara P Id by former Mayor Jap b BsuMling and » aota far H it by Jnmet R. NngPL Of Po total IlnbtlltlOB III.IM la unad- Prsd.

Aeaonnts vrbleh Dr. Mmpnd b p not aellaetad aggragata -d1«,Wd. Othar nasats paluda horsan. baaraak aw.^ ripaa, Prnam and other atnhia pnlp- mant valued at t i . i i i .

For many yaura Dr. Ulmond h P baan k prominant figure la loonT Damoarntto palluca. Ha )ms boon a mambas af t p Common Con noli, Aisaannant Cmnmto- Mon, Bxclao Baard and warden of P* Esap Cpnty JalL

Ur. Behoag. after s r .I P donawing sutomakt InhtaelMat: •

"T p romplUnt to SB ntlarlkMgbt, aad Hr Ryaap danlaa It abplpaly. Orlgloally. Km Bsuttognr marnly Halmp that Mr Bymp P d p o p n hanaty to p r . It took Mvarnl Py* lo polva P e farm of t P groMut asm- plaint Tka (aef P at Uia. BauUngor la to go to ulal again m Monday makai tha motive (ar P a camptolat at this time glaringly r.pnataat"

Taak Haig a( Mas, g p pya.It h P baan knawa bafora P a t Urn.

pattngar eompWnP af p a m pnar in whieh Rymp lalkP ta bar whan, dar­ing a visit of Inapactlp to I P Jail, P want to bar otIL tailing bar amang aPor things, Mcordlng ta a ttotpMiit a t t r tp tp to P r and lafar Pmlttad by him, that bad P baan a mamPr of P r (rial Jury P would Pv* fa a p P r guilty of m p p r . Bat P r formal iiataapnt m ap yNtarday brought t p (Irat-dcflnUa ehpga P a t Ryama had tauchad has. Couehad briafty In tha oonvantiopi tarma, tho atotamani aald p a l Rymaa took hold af Mrs. Boutin- gar by fsrea. and tP t p struck bar on tha hnaa.

After Hro. Bautliigar had m Ps her atatamant a p raturnad to (ha Jail, Rymaa waa notlfled hy an officer from (ho prasacutor’s offloa to appear P - (ore JMga Martin thla morning. Na warrant wm laauP. At 11 a’eleck pro- ciMly Rymaa, accompanied by bla muneoL walkag Into the court room, end Judf* Martin tnterrupM the trial that waa to pragree* ta attend ta bla caaa.

Naither Rymaa nor hla eounml m ap any aiatament at P at tima, aaaenting to tho antorlng lA the cprgo, with a plea of not guilty. a P waiving exam- tnatlon. Mr. Stauher waa In Ihe reurf room and tho P tI P ad waa ImmPI- aUly provided. Tha whole proceeding oacupiP Mt more than ton minutes.

Whlla Ryman waa vlalbly narvena, ha WM MivgraaUy perturbP over hii summoning ta eourl. Ha apoka to and P eak hanP with several rrienp who ware In lha court room, P t mPe no oommant m hla aounael mPa tha atata- meat to P a oeurt In hit P P If . T P teabntaklltliB af hla plea and bla Pnd dtaohargp, ha latl the court room Im- madlattiy.

Mn. Baa(togai>a VtaH Babasaliad.T P vtalt of Mra Putlagar to tha

eoart P aM wm aaglnearp to quietly tbM few poroona asropt lha altoaPnta In ilnpta Martin'e eouct kMW of It It eama aftar eaart adjournmaat whan tovryors, dpactators and Jsrara bad toft Bbr*. EaMngtr a i^vP la P a Jail van. aceampaatod P P a two woman aonrt afdakN w P wars her attanpnto dur­ing bar first trial toat gwnthi, whick rwsaltod In n dlaagnemPt of (ha Jury. After signing P a atataaMt aha was tnkan hack to t p JsiL

EnvalapP la flamaa throagh her draas satahlng tiro from a gaa atava aaar wMak p a wm tuadlng la ( P m rrtrt T* TtotfOl fa.,a«ai.i Oiarak.Saito^to, ; 8 S r r v i K % r & ( night. Mrs. Chkrtos o. J$mm af Ilf JUadtsir straot. P a t towm wm savaraly hurnP about P a body Md arms bafora tha f in waa tmotprid. Throagh P a praaasoa af mtad at CksMm QraavtUo Jonaa'ef HI WMbUgtoa aveaua, who threw bit cant about P t ta amoPar tba flamaa, Mra. JasMa ascapp pao- slbla (aUl buiUA

Mrs. Jamw w n om of P a oommlttaa la ekarga af tha annual aato aad an- tartalaamat PM in I P church yoatar- day aftaraoea and toat alght by the Ladlag Aid •aetoty, Tagtthar with a npmbor of other, ik , wm (tending |n front of t P gaa Kora, guddenly ih« whits d rM *P was waaslng waa a maaa af naaiM. Panic rolgntd for a minute In P a erawdP eharak parlors. Hr. Joaos, who wm standing about ton foot away, alone retatnp hli prsaence af mind, aad whipping aft hla coat, wrappp It abaat Pa woman, who was a varltabla plUar af drt. Olhera ra- oovarp from' their momemtary panlu and asalalp in Iwaling out lha flamoA

T p bPlaa af Hru Jimas'a draaa was almost tnllraly burnP off ss was the ■laavau Dr. Edward O. CypPra w m cal tod and Hru Jamst remavp to bar homt. Wb'ta t P buraa tnnietP aro vary pintu), tbay ato Ml oanaldarad Mrlouu It WM aald.


PRCV1DICNCB. Nov. 11,—A BfItIP warship tying off abort n n t a.daaeTBl wlnleas metaaga which was plckp up by tha Harchanta and Mlnars staamar HowaP early tPay, giving nottoa of lha pnaenea af a Oarman •ubmarina off the comI of Putharn New England, Captain John E. Kyan af P a Howard so reportp on t P ar­rival of hla veaael hero.

The HowaP WM off Bloat Island whan tba Maaaug* w p pleltad up. Tha Brltlah warship. Captain Bynn anid. dascrihad harMtt m P a "A. B. M- C." Tba meisaga said t p sahmartM wm "waiting," which wm ptarpratod to maun that possibly she wm In raadihaaa ta act M oenvoy tor tha German c p . marine trader Dautiabtoad, now pro- puiiug to lanva Naw Ia P ob for a re­turn voyap to Bnmen.


Caught under a baokat af ataaa at t P Aamrlean Pabaard By-Pradaeta COaP- paay ptoal an t p Hachanaach River aa Eaany, .James RadlgM, thirty ytara aM. Of Jaraay City, wM ernMiad ta P a p thle morning. M* wm ampioyad by U. Kepparo Campaay, t p (Irmaraot- lag ( p factory balldingu

Radigaa wm working aloagald* of a from waick moat was p lag m - >4. T P huchat, auspaaded fram a

oranu strach him as It was djaasndlag aad ptanad hta to IP grauad. DMth to aald ta P m baaa InatMiansaiiu

Dr, qearga ^ King of Jonty City, deputy aaaaty phyalctoa, praaauaaad dtath aaeldaataL Md gava a parmll far ( P ramaval af i p body.-----------[ , «


I m H T f l i i l i F I T a d n i iGray Sr DyL yLOUTS SAURY T I I I |S , i l O

Apttolntmoal af thirty now patrotoma WM authartori Pto aftaraoea by p a Beard af Faltoa Caamitaalaaaro al He mMUag today aftor II wm piatod out P a t PU aambar af aton wm aaadod la nn vaeaaclaa aulitlng at p* praaael timu Prough death had rotlradtonl, aad P a l il la la ha vray an additton to tha p p r strength al i p forou

On matlaa af Frastdaat Broldaahacb, w p toft P a chair to affar It, t P aalary af Obtot Laag wm ralaad from |(.«M la yi.«M a year, Tkaro wm m diaaaallag vatu

Commtoaiaagr RaM qaasttoaad t p adviaabimy af aalhartslag My iatoaaaa la P a fares al Ua prapoal. and sak t P t tha Board mt Trad* had k aomaiU. la* Pvastlgallag P a aaada at IP do- PonmoBt. aad that a naart by IP oommltta* was to p a p p isasarrow qight W Pn Cammlaaionar BnMaahaah stated tP t I P maa wore a aided aot to Bugmoni I P forcu P t to nil va- oaaelsu Hr. Raid wllbdraw his appaarl- (laa and P a raaotattoa pa aaad im b I mailsty.

Tha name of jeaeph U Oxaor af Pa First Fracinel, misting tlaca Novambar 1, WM dreppad from p a rellu Osaor dlaappcarad from home P a Hrol af Pa maath aad has act baaa hoard Iroai alneu

For Inch of aomptolMats, ebargaa agklnsi Fatralmta MorkI* and Ham- itiond of t p First Froeinel, allaglag that they war* rsapsMihl* far t p broahing of a P traak In n rhop saay raataurant n( (I Marhai -aat, war* dropped. Tb* mSB vltUad P* plaa* a P u t two waaki ago, and as they wan p lu g out P* hall Ira* fall aver wiP a crash. Th* Moltod Oalasilal In ePrg* of th* aatlag hoast damaadad p a t thM pay for t p damago, but they retuaad, dlaavowlag roipaaelblllty.

Th* laattat was takan ap with P* First Fraalaat autharltlau hat P t man war* esoBoroted. Nathlag daoBisd, th* Chinaman mad* oemptolat at band- quartaro aad dM (aM I* appear taday to praaa t p eas*. M* did net appaar and lb* ahkrgaa wars wiped xff (P hooka

Chargas against Prgaant William A. Kartan af p* (rirut Fraalaat war* dto- Misasd p t p baard aftar u brUf Infor­mal haartag. Merton P d bota brought ap *a thro* cagau la tba taking JBru- ■ ‘ “ inaadad far asaklag an erMure In Ihe raeards la I P dkdti s 6 iw d thdl 1|« hdd pormlitad bar I* atay la t p haalaoto roam of th* F ln l PraMaot itallae from lliH until 1 o'etoak, asd that P hag nagiaatod to gat madleal aid (ar bar war* dreppad.


P r m m N y h ^ Sl h m t V iaitw y y r i p i In ( I m Iw

Cr a t y - A t e c k t .


FitncraA K U t t I w r a i m TmU F i r tW M i n T n r a i ■

Y r m y h y i .


Whlla t P BrillP mrm MMolldatlag tbair galM aaarad to P a rsaaat offan- atv* atoag t P Anaru tha Fraach have rommod tholr a ttaaP on lb* Be arms front, aad P v a mad* progm-u Thla W aapanaad taday by Farlk whiek sutes tP i doakral Foab'a taraaa P v t p . vaaoad la an atUak aertk af Pa, damm*. aaar t p 8 t FMrro VuMt Waad. *

yarls tlaa roparts aplrltad artlltory astivuy tn I P ragtan af BalUy-TalllPt. deuP af p* damm* savan Oarman punlar-attacka ar* daetorod to P va baan rspulaad. Than aiaaalta war* Bud* la I P aaettoa from Ahtolaaourl H far M cpulnas Waada, kp la- alag aarly this maralag. T p attoah* faltawad a taro-day donuM hamhard- Msat having lU groalaal lataualty aaar Fraaailro an paaltlaM tokaa p P * Froaah Navambar 1. A agrprto* attoak P P* OartatM* #k*t of Bkoka* to froat at Fraaota to saM to P v o baan to- fmisd.

OoBarsl Haig, to bla ropart to to* Lsadoa War Oftlo* tP ay . atatM t P t I P BritoM p v a aaagrP lb* ground waa al BMuaiont.Mamet * P Baau- oeart-aur-Aaor* la tba last Iwa days sad P a t P hM takaa moro prtosnara, la addltioB la th* I.M* provtoualr ro- yartad. P rlln admus I P to** af Baaa- aaurt. hat alaims Plttoh aaaaulto atoa- whar* kroP down.

Ptragrad anaoMaM that hokvlly to- latoroad AB*tre.dlarmaii foroa* uv* aaceoaiP fa r tp r la puaklng hMk p * RumHtoaa In P * Jlal Vallp. Plow P* ValoM Fmu Rata*■ Ida rovoraoa I* th* Ail Vallay aoeiioa ato* aro P - mitlad. The RumaiitoM ar* aaMHod to have loorad auaeaaaaa south of Utu Valloy. w pr* msay yrtooMia ar* aald ta Pvo b*M takau

p rim doatoros that t P Invaaton of Ruauala la P lag esrrled aa auaoaaa- fully and IP I aagagamanta atong th*

toodlag lata WaJtochta tIM tb. waatSN Ruaunto) yaatarday raaultad la t P aapiuro p P * ‘roalocui mt* prtoohsru

Bafto saaevaeoa th* Bulgart have drlva* haek r ro a p d*toehm**to tow­ard Xarltau aaoP of P P Malik, aaar the OrNk Prder. All Bntani* attseka an P* Ranall-rm p front, aauPaast af Haaaatir, aro doetorad t* P v a baan ro-

itoad dartag t p alght mt IfbvamborMO MM vroogailOgadwito* with


ef lie BTIB.n o nawA

WAdHlNOTOM, Wa*. H.-“»*prto t P t Praaidant WUaon had dafihltaly datarmlnP to a P P o n dhadow P w a M a summar rosManea wdr* dMtod At p* Whit* Houa* today.' Bacrotary 'Tumulty aald that noplag h P baan decidP about BhPow fmvn ar aay other ptana for neat auaaaMr. i t will P weak* Mforo th* WklU HiM b •atabttohmoP gbt* aroand tha ttoa.

I B / U O n n i W P R O C U IA D Mc o n e w n n ( n r DATS

WASHINOTON. Nov. ll.-~Th* huaI TPnlmrlvtag Day praelamatlen will p Ifimp train P * White Heaa* P P In the nait few pya. PraslPnt Wltoon toM inqaliar* toP y Pat h* wpatd rollaw

SMtom n p pilanat* t p tost Thuro- ay of th* maatu w P P to Nov.



tPugh appayoatly roady to )**v* at any Uto*. P* Oorgwa amrehMt tab. marta* Doutoohlap NataiaP t ip up at bar plar today a p Par* vtm no In- dleatlan whan P a la ls p p ta put ta aaa far P o dsab to Bnman. Pvaral aaohs ml mall wero takaa aboard th* eratt today.

lay ___td. BaeaP * th* data, la ChrPmM Par* « ss i

aa elaaag **BM baeiaet* maa to

aurUar day far Thaakaglvthg..‘ I

Mt U

OrTBAU n NOTOTTlIfflTALla a report af tP proaaadtnga af t p

oommlttaa on pablie bttINHngs at t p Oemmoa CauaclL th* Nawa toaorraoUy mads It Appaar tP t m toaparUp P d hMB mad* of th* eagiM aad holMra at P * city Eaaptul by Cktof Baktooar pttop mt P * altf balL a P tPT p h P roportp nfuaa Itoni* P repair work t p ( domuadP tasiagt gttoattoa. T P autooor WM aaoud tadj.PnMBB P at tEdWg attaattoa « m m .« t o ddap to 5 ho aaada 'Hpro 1* IBiair to P m

The laapoHIa* **d roport rolatod fa anpfiiioM at t P clir PH and it vrsa F tp rafareae* to that baadiw ( P t t P aagtooar attarP P* maralag. <ni* a a g lp akd PHara »t « • P lP Km - pftot. p a n p ip to Bup^toadanl QkSrikurm TaUtot. aro aala and to

rC Q U K IIO S E E W IS D NWABBfMaTCM Nov.~ li.-Cltairma«

Vaaeo C. HaConalck at t p DamoaraUo National Cpmpttoo will aoafar Friday uritb Fraaldoat witoaa. T P n p v a boan many raports tP t Mr. Cormlek would eater l p Cabinet. P I no ladlea- tton P * baan given m to w p t ptoaa might P affarp to him.

i i t t S N IW IB T BW A TFrobabto light ghow flurrto* pto g f.

taraooa a p tealgbL Thuryday p it ly atopy, tnah winds, maatly waatarly, to tb* Otftotot waatbar fan oMt far P w -ark a P vielalty.

T P tamporatar* at I s'aleck thla morning wM (1 dograaoi at T o'alach » a P at aaaa W dagrtou T%* ha- mldlty tagtotorp « par aant. ad 1 o’aiook a P 4A par aaaL at aaoa. At t p t Uma a aar P iast vtod tlroa btow- I p at t P rat* of Ms Kta* aa Par. Tlw a WM a 'traaa af (aay;

Taaiaaday* bigk Wmamtotaro was Id dayrdtdi' t P iaw U. s P t P avdraga dt>diHtojM|yH|m kamhuty nm gp bo- dwaaa d t par aaau avaraglag*t H r dar wop atoady. a

JibaaOmdP. provallad. reaching a liaam vatsMty of IwaMr-faw milaa

Ml bMr.t( wa* eloady a fanr ago today, T P

(amporaluro varIP Ptwsaa II a p It dagr iia, avaraidag tU Pgroau


O n ro e e lp t o f a c a p lM f ro m th * 8a - p r e m * C o u r t th l a m a r n ln g , S h a r l f f R a lp h B . H rh m ld t a a rv a d w r i t* o n t p f o u r m e m P r s o f th o F o lic * B o a rd , lo c h - n i c a l l y p l a c l p I P m u n d e r a r r o a t f o r a l l a g a d o o n le m p t o f c o u r t . M i l w m w a iv e d In e a c h c s s * . t P i h e r t f f p r M - In g Ih * c o m m la ilo n e rB to a p p a a r In T r e n t a a M o n p y .

tn a s p l a ln in g h i s a c t io n In w a iv in g b a l l , M t, R c h m ld t s a id th e r e w m no d l r o c t lo a In th # w r i t r e g a r d i n g th * q u M ttn n . T h * c o m m ls s lo n e ro , F r e d e r i c k C , B r o ld e n b a c h . F r e d e r i c B ig e lo w . J o h n L . R e id a n d J o h n I t . O o n n a lly , P i n g w a l l - k n o w n c l t l a a n a h e aa ld , f ln a n - e l a i l y r a a p o n a lb l* a n d p e r s o n a l ly k n o w n to h im , h * h P d e c id e d to p la c e th e m o n p a r o l* I n s te a d o f d e t a t a l n g th e m u n t i l M o n d a y .

" I h a v e B M u m ed f u l l r a a p o n a lb l l l ty f o r p ro d u c in g ih e m b e fo ro th * c o u r t a t th o / t lm * e p e c I f l P In t P w r i t , " a a ld M r. g c l u i l d t .

T h * s e r v in g o f t h e w r i t la tb * o u t - eo m * o f th * p u re h a a * h y th * b o a rd o f t w e n t y m o to ro y c la a In A u g n a t a f t e r a n a r p F r o i t r a t n i n g th * o o m m ls f le n - e r a f r a m t a k i n g th i s a e t i a n h a d b ee n Iw n e d b y Q h le f J u a t l e * O u m m a r* . T P c o m m la a lo n a rs ' a a y th * r e i t r a l n l n g o r ­d e r W M g iv e n to (h e m w i th a n u m b a r a f o t h a r to g a l p a p e r* f ro m C ity C o u n ae l F r a s a r 'a a id e * e n d th e y w a r s u n a w a re o f I t* e o n t a n l s , m t h a i r a t t e n t io n w m n o t c a l l p t a I t.

T W O A C q g m E D O F P U irT OD tH A D D II IS I I I IA I Ig C O Ig il l f fA v e r d i c t a t n o t g u i l t y w a * n i u r a p

th l a a f t a e p o a n b y a J u r y In (h * C o u r t o f Q n a r tu p S o s s lo n s h ^ e r o J u d g * M a rry V. O s b o rn * In tb * a a a a o f M ru F r a n - c a a a u B g ro t o f iT t B ra o * v tro o t a n d B a a ja m la A l t s r w tc b , c P r g o d w i th m b - • P i r a c y t a d o t r a p t h a M e t r o p l l t a n Ldf* I n s a r a a e * C o m p u n y . A lta rw te h Is a f a r m e r a g e n t o f th * c a m p n a y a n d I t w a s a l l a g a d h * e o a n lv a d w i th th * e t h e r d e l o b d a a l t a o b t a in a p i l e y f o r l td g , p a p a b i* l a w e a k ly I n s ta b n a n lb a t dd. wa Ik * U fa o f a p r a a a III f ro m t a - h a e w i la a iu w h o d ie d s h o r t l y a f t a r t p P A IIa r W M to a u ad .

t l w a a c a a ta n d o d ( h a t A lto rw ie h a a d M r u i g r o l c a a p i r t d t * d a t r a u d th * l a - s a rm n a a c o m p a y h y e a u a tn g M ru P g ro l t a p aa * . In m a k in g a a a p p l ie s D on fo r a p i l c y , M k a r s ta to r , M laa F a n n y A as l- b a i to , a l a t s o n y a s r a a id . A n a p p l lo a l la n ( a r I n M im n m , I t w m ta a t l f la d , w a s la a d * J u l y Id , l l l d . b a a r tn g th * n am e a f M laa A n a t P l I a m a p p i l e a a t , a n d on ( p ( a t l a w ln g P y s P w m ta k e n to P « b * b a a n a a * a f b a r l l l a e a u a p d ie d N a v a m P r td . 'T h a p o lic y w m d a l lv e ta d g a p t a m b a r Id . A f t a r M laa A n i l P l l a 'a d a a t h I p a a m p a n y r o f u ia d t o m a k e M y p a y m s M * .

M r u I g r o l '* d * (* M * w m t h a t b a r a l s t a r g l g a p th * a p p I l p U a a fo r In - B u n a p M H a y 1 a a d t p t ah * w m a p p a r o a t l y In g o o d h a s i t b a t t h a t lim a . O n J n l y ld< * P c o a ta a d a d . I t w m neeaa- • a r y . t h r o a g h ao m * t p h a l c a l l i y , t h a t b a r s l a t e r a lg a a n o t p r a p p l ic a t io n a p t h a t * p d id a a b y m a k l p a c raa * a n ( P p p o r .

O n * a f t h e p a e n i to r i t lo a o f t P c a a ap t P t A l to rw tc h 'h d a fa n a * d l f f a r p

f r o m ( P t o f k to e e - d a f a n d a n t T p f a r m e r a g e n t d a a t o r p I t w p M ru i g r o l w h o a i g n p I P k p p t l a a t t o e a P t P t p

' m v n a H to a A ao H M lIu

I P that t P

tewk, iMtkPwww to tP to avoid pyaaaurs p

IP tr f toP uBumaatop * P RnaataM ngata ar*

an th* oftanMv* In t p DaPudJa aaa- itoti, aaeordlng ta Buaheroat’a official atetamaat, which my* they P v* aceu- piP th* town *( BoMle an lha tower Uanup about atoa mltsa waat of TeberaavP*.

ttagroak Mpfgtagw-

■ i m a n n i i H U DionMminiKiirJJLWMMBCB."' " P v . id — A

APwar ml matoan r P ia l lp fram tb* fOHtoltottm mt imo will lllamlaat* ih* H r toaigbt, tmartiy after Pdaight, it warn MBeanop today p Frolaaae- B. a. Btoaftor of tb* VnlverMty mt Kapau

FrafSMBf Bwatfar said t P t nmro tp n IH rattoora alraedr ir* vWM* tkropti a tatosaaga, y

Igato T baato t Btoa to B ^ Astu / Bft »b— — -


LOOKS TDWHiONF f f M r H n f a r i u P r e m r E i-

p r a r a V iew i T l r ^ T w i P r e i t A n o m liM tt ,


S t n k e t W «d4 N at Ba R a j e d e i Ha D ad araa , D aspita P as t

* * U i f i i n a t t . "


Count AlPrt Appenyl. former Pre­mier of Hungary, hM given to tha roprosontativae of two American new* aseoclsilona an Intarvlew an peace, In which wtlllngnaaa Is expraasp to hav* President Wilson flgur* In pace nego- nations whan (h* tlm* I* r ip . Th* proepacU of p sc* ar* preeanted ss rather bright.

Th* rap rta of tha Interview as pre- •antad p th* raapeetlve assoclaUens dlffar In datalL but (h* asm* spirit of walcema to paec* and raal, even tbeugh temperad. oordlsllty lo th* President of tb* Unltp Btste* characierli* both re­port*. Count Appnyl In th* p a t hs* boon n rnther caustic critic of Amarlcan neatratlty, and a Iraca of (hla attitude ramalBB avidant tn a aentenca af hla that la quatad In on* of the dlaptcha*. whteh read*:

"W* feel, of cours*. that Pnaldaat Wilson has not treated u* (airly and that he has departed from th* way of strict nsulrsllty. But oven though on* does not like s prson, that la no roason for rsjertlng hti Mrvicoa whon (his may P uaaful."

Tha Hungarian statasman belleva* that th* war ahouM not only end P - causa of what bo rogards a* tka futility *( furthar hptllltlaa, but because of hla exprasttd conviction m to tb* manao* of Rupala-

Ra* FeaalMa Barn AHUwd*;Th* othar dispatch dwell* mer* upon

lha pasalhUlly. s> expraaaed by Count AppnyL that th* rhangad pIlUc* c cumstanoaa following th* Ballenal lltlaal camiptgn .may hav* Its offaci. to lha advantage of tboao who Plle*0 pace near. It quotas th* count ag saying ihaL with ihA um pign worrta* .« hla mind, PrMldant Wltoon ^ * r '

arov* an aHoghthar - diffaront Profc- datn and *0* hla opportunity, whan tho mamaat arrtvcA Jt* help ablato p**otX VVWfWs** AC

Agfcad h tialtod Praaa rorrospand- ant whathir h* baHavad that paa* had rasantly hacarna toaa romot*. th* oounr Hid that pme* *M IgatHng aabrjf * I 'm aura It'* on Ita way." ha h IA Aad p added, with 0 hnppy ami)*:

"I don't mean that pane* wfU oam* Mxt waak, mt mma'. month—ar Within two manth* ***n. » *«Bl*that t P taundatioM Baa** ar# h^R . laid. K you will eomparo th* apawB*; af Chancallar BatHgutan-Hallweg and Cart Oray, mad* at (b* he. malar; at tb* war. with what tbay hava mid p - contly. yeu will aaa that t p tw* ohiaf PUIjarenia aro goHlng amVOeattouad ** 1Mb pigg l»t co'lnma.)^


' >1

t A m b . II, ft'H d^ti canto'. .omkdtPthitiaeat, W 7


*t b p l w i t i M S U - i v i f S n u w Cm C s n M

F t r ^ O ffice.


lU SIM ’S (WKI**ttU SE S A T T O R M TO EXOISE H M IllW I SnrW G 0 0 T O

ItsllMi* «»§ th« •«wlilek Frwik JCIM*. » b(t»«r «fM <tai MrWl. MMilolblr, w«« rM t*r4ar k tu n iM n t n n ( lit m s • J«ror U a «M« «ri*4 b«f*r« J«4s« Wtl- Ur4 W, Call*? <n Ctrealt Court ^ ■UMo. w to bo4 trtod oi»oceoo»r»llr MToral U w to bo ooooood from iNo Orooool foool. WM oobo4 bjr Fronlt M. MeUonalt II ho woo proJollooO o to ln it or ho t onr objoctlOM to lu llio o . a man of that" oatlonaltty bolac Mr. McDor- Blt'o cltoat.

T haroa‘1 aair objoetlooo to Itallana, ro»lloO Mr. KiMo. “but I haro objoc- tleao to jrOa.“ an4 hio looo woo *'*or-

tho a tta ra o r wanlod to

ob)ori *a Iho manner In

whlob Foo try oaaoo," wao tM and a lta r the ouffriee o e t^ a o d ^ W

Altar Mr.the unoipoctoA rofilF, Mr. oicitaoA by Mr. MoDomll.KUde had boon oaraood, aad bad Uboa hlo aoot omon« tho ovootatoro. Mr. Domilt caoaad eooatdorablo am aaot^ot jn poart by aohing raob., oorcooMro taloofnan

■■Haro you any objo«tta«» ** r iaa lly Mr. Kiddo arooo and obMotod

to Judge Cuilor to the romarko of attornoy. and a t tho reuuo*' « court Mr. McUormlt rofmlned.

Tho raao waa that of Oaotano Va- lanaa aaalnat John B. I^Mler. •«« botng brought over Toaler'a premtooo, t f HuoarlUa arenoa, part of which Va»

aubtet to a man to oonduct a


«< Mo f r n i>

S n i f o t i H e ir H e v - I n , A ib a T R iA e r f i rd

a i J B enardsTiQ e C u e s .


Ionaboot-blarhtng plaeo. The Jury brought In a rordlct of 111# for Fooler.

HCRUK, Noe. II.—aiM Admiralty lo- Say tranomlttod to tho Foroign Offka ^ rag art of tho oahatartno coonaandar VbO oaak tho BOtUch Itoam ar Rowan-

Ca Ootobor M, I I I mlloo d ll Capoif,

Fha Forolf* OKlfO oooh will loaoua ga otflelal aaplanallOB of tho m attar

t Chargo Crow of tha Anorleaa Km-ay at Btrlln.

Coalrary to roparta tram Amarlea had Baglaad. thoro la oo otrltoiaaBt gad only onroacorn hort Dear A noncaa IngMirlaa rogardlag roaaot oubmarla- laga af motobaat ahipa, boeaaao atrary Oaa bora la aoaelaead that u .hao t oa«- maadofa are act ykotaUag ttaalr Ut' gtr aatleaa n

Tha RawBBmera, aeaordlag to haUaf gara. waa fatoad to atop o tu r flrat n - t ^ a g to hood tha a«h-aaa eaptaln'o •rdan .

It la nadoratoad h a rt tha foport of tha M bM rlna oaminaadar daaUraa tha grow doaartod tha captain of tha Row* aaaara hooaaao of hlo act Iona, and that l a wga finally aampallad to row alana

than tha araw took to iha boata. That tha raaaon ha waa aavad oa tha auh*

laariaa It U d a a M tha tubmarina at Iha craw aftaa Iha man had

lahoa to lUair « a 1 t baata.Inraallgallan of tha o ther aubmaiia*

Inga, which ha»a raaaltod la inqalrtaa |ry Iha Unltad Btdtat Stata Dapartmant. aanttaaaa hut tha raporto of tho ^ h - Piorloa oeraupoodara oohoaroad hatra hot all aama la.

ont read ahall withhold from another aog dadded to Impoaa a damurraga penalty oa any road which vlolataa Iha

lallaa ru lta ralailng la car ahart*MFW‘Th« fcseerlBifon Blre appointed * com* niiltaa which will eorilar In Utularllla Friday with Intaralato I'ommarca Coon, taltalonar MeChord with a olew to af* farting oo-operatloo with Iha garam - mant In the car ahortaga attuallon.

BJBOftation Bnhounr«<S that It wot neutral In regard to tha daylight earing plan whieh alao waa bafara It for coatMaratlon.

aftarnoan. when ehe fell Into a pelt af hot wolar, while ple>ing In the kitchao af her home. A <11 y Moapltel ambu* laiica piirp^on traat<fl ih« at ha^homa. Kar rondilion la aarloua



•r Mr FFWt.FREKHOLD. Not. I I —Acting tor a

Baff af lawyara wha win raproMiit Caagroaamen Thomaa J- Arully. Wll* frad H. Jayaa Jr. af Ukewood. and Tbanae H Hagarty of Maw lirunawick, came bara today to gal from Buprama Caurt Juitloa gamual Kallach ao ordw far a raeoanl af votaa raet I" J b a eaunttaa comprlaadgyaaaloaal Dlatrtot. Tba lawyara h o p ^ ta maka Iha application aarly thia ^ tamoOB. Juatlea Mallach la aogagod hara In a murdar trial,

Tha eounllaa of tha dUtrlal—**'•***’•■ aaa. Manoiouth aad Octan—ara dlrldad batwaan two of tha Bupraaia Caart CIrrulto, Mlddlaaai baing In circuit

Juatlea Jaraaa J. Pargan and Iha

Pperlaf gandrr of Me HKWI.tJLdZABRTH. Nnv. It.—Complaint by

Kerlaa Commleelonor William B Mar­tin. county rlerk-olert, that women gatharad In e roar room of Philip m ch e ealoon at i l l Morrla aranua cauaad tha Baelae Board to rafuaa Blek a taloon llranaa renewal laat night.

Tha ta fe la a favorite raaort for aa- to la ta Supporting Martin whan tho application waa rolad on wapo Prail dani O. Bartram Woodruff and Com palaatofior Robort Hutehlnaon. Com mlaalonara Mlahaal P Darlao and Will lam arolabalm ar ro u d farnrably.

Allagalinna by Preeldanl Woodruff th a t M atthlaa Moohor of 11 Bayway and Rmll Blache of III Magnolia a ra ­nua were violating atcleo lawa cautag a poatponamant of action on thalr ap- pllcatlone ponding thalr guarantlaa a t fu tu re rompllanca. Meoher aold liquor on Elacilon Day, Woodruff rhargoA

Idghttag CwBCM Tall# PlwaMaal that Haaaaa* af Flaw# la

r iT ig la (tot Theaagh ibaau Ra- aaa# 'Waaia Bettor t la t ta a FaaUltloa Bad htroot Kitoadod—All Fawa (iaaoa Ara raatlnaod lea Fartba* Maartaga.

a Wim o M tw a .

WAJUUMOTON,') Nay. l i . ■■aawc U arllaa la bhak »i hla atflaa la tka aapttal aampddad la ariad aad awllarr In aplrit. Aaaloga aa ba waa ta aua- eaad himialf. tha Sanathr aaya ba haara no raaaatmaata, wlahaa araryhady wall and prapoaas to oaatlnua hla anjaymant bf Ufa In Iha aitltuda of tha diaintar- aatad laohor-on, a gaatlanuu In Waah- IngtoB during tha wincar and a gardan anthualaat In Plainfield In the aummar.

Tha Honator IhIa morning roeolvad baarty lollor of acknawladgmant

from hla lala advaraary, ganator-ataet Frail ngbnyian. Hr. Martina wrata to Hr. Frallnghuyaan laat weak wkan tha ratum a told tha atory of Mf. H aitlna'a ratiramant to prWata Ufa

-it'a a fine U ttar 1 got from Jo a" Bald Jim. 'I t 'a cbaraotartalio of blm



! J/lNDOM, Nay. II .—Mow ahlp Oftor ihip waa atappad, than aunk. and tha R w a ntarally ohultUd ahoul from kaMurad haat ta eapturad baat by tha iM I. whiah aaak tha Amarlcaa-Ha* k ^ la n ataaator Oolumhian. waa loM L r a taday In atoriaa af tha Calum- Kun'o arow ralatad la diapntehao from

f*Nl'rilaa af Ilia th irty or forty Amarl- M a who war* aaiong tha horoa

on tha Colamhlnn a g M thM Iho Oarmon ouhaaa eommafidar aat

g igaorad tho Amailoaa flag whoa u rap i t tho Columhlaa’a maat- hui that ha alao rofuaod oyan ta

rap la la Curtta’a plao for tha pro- m ha paid It affardad hlai. ytain CuHIa, a t dlnaar whan ha

h tard tha flrat th a t from tha U-#*,

K. t a* to tha bridgo. Tha m waa h aad ha tallad to too tha auh*

B trlna W haa aao thar ahall paoaad ya/ tha Milg. CapU ta Curtla tow the ibmaHna foar aillaa away, urtia ordorad Iho t t a n and Stripat

tha maat. Tha aaa riling , the tub- rino did not approach cuaaly, but

kfdarad Uia Columbian lo follow bar. S m eraw put on Ilfo bolta aM tha haaia warn awung ovoralda. Captain cu rtla waa told any auoplelcUa movt would roaun la a torpado (jolumhtna'a ifdo.‘ N ait morning a patty aix naamoR rowad to tha fcartla waa tkaa 'o rd o ro i ab^gpi m iahm arlna had tha hUm w aaat *haafd tba gaMo, whIA aW K baaa - ^ a d pp.^ n waa torpadaad.Nrinutaa.

other two In that of Juatloa Kall^h. It waa ballayad. howarar. that In riaw af tha faot that tho JurladIcUon of the tuproma Coort appllaa all o » "Weto, aa ardor for Iha anllro diatrlet obuM ha obialnad from ana Jua(‘“ - Tbia polaf probably will bo conaldartil by Juatlea Kallaeh whan tho appllca- tu n la praoantad.

Tha applleatlaa far tha raaount un­der Iha atata law. mual ba prraanted within U a dayi a fte r tha aU rllo^ and

UwjrtTt nntW rrlM irla ad . The la w y tn artlag for Mr. Scull*. In addition to Metari. Jayne and Haga'rty. are Andrew J. C. Blokaa and Thoama R. Arrowamlth af ihla town. Thamaa P- l^ y »f l-ong Branoh, John A. Coaa of houth Amboy, Alalon Boak- awa af Rad Bank and Darld A. Vaadar Of Toaia Rlyaf.

Mr. Scully, aa applicant far tha ra- aouBI, will hare to dtpoall a lum at monty aumelanl to covor the aapanaa of tha work la be dona by tba Ibraa county board! of olactlona. The aunt will run up Into iha thouaaada ac- eordlng to aatlmalaa made today, but Mr. Scully will bo backed, it la under- ateed. by the National Democrallc Commlttaa. in haring tba raaount made.

Blache tallad lo remora tablae ano ckaira from a roar room, althougb h a r­ing no Inn and larem lloanee.

Tby tu rning down of tho Blck appli­cation waa about ibo twelfth allmlito- tlon of placao, aotne of them owned by Influential man, etneo the Rapubllean B selat Board look oftlao.

a g i^ a t

offmar aad





for yaglutratten In


(Coatlnuad from F lra t Faga.)

pruoant atandard day'a wage ahould ba patodalnad and datarmlnad-

Tha act la unconiiltutlonaL the bill kerara, bacauaa It aooka to daiirira Ika am pU lnan t, aa well aa tha ■Ubjart tharolo. of llbarly or contract In roapact to tha terraa of amploymant gnd tha rragaa to ba ^ td .* Announcamanl th a t the Now Torh, Maw 'Mayan R H artford Railroad alao would file auUa to toat Iho conallto- tlM allly of the Uw wae made bora lo- iW by Howard KlltoU. tha road a P«al- gout. Tba aulla will bo *".***!!Maaaacbuaalti. Rhode taland and C ^n iw flcu? ho «i.d. within a .h art time.

tirtgo ry Will Fight galfa,i WAtMINOTON, Nor. II .—Attomey- Banarnl Oragory baa **®’* ^ * ^ * * I" h l t» mllroada egalnat antorcamanl of the Pd.maon e ig h t-h o u rJaw will l» de- findcd by the Itopartmant of The defanaa lo toe p ro ian tr t J" n a e will be worked out betwaan Bollcllor (lenerel DevU and other de- Eartmeiit iifftelalu wllh United Ntaloa

TRRNTON. Nov. H .—Included aaiong tho caadidalai who auccaufully paaaad the Octobur exam mat Ion conducted by Uii StuU Board of Pharmacy are MorrU Lavln, Lao H. HcBvoy and Will­iam Mdgar RIvoU of Newark; Lm H. Fried of Jaraay City. Joaaph U Pinck of Paaaalc, W ilfred V. Jamea of Naw- ton ood Hanry F. Halatar of Tanafly. all of rrbom a r t rugUtarod pharmaclata, and Paulina Lain and Bmll Raamuaon of Jortay City. W illiam C. Oeaa Jr. of

It Otnag* and Jaaoph 8. Metitalth of BapMtaav yagdotorod aaaiatant pharma-

" ' ■ -----larmaey la now ra-t ta m la a oaadldataa

In m alaria madleo, pkarmaoy, ebamlatry and toxicology, In nn annooncamont by tha pacretary a t tha board, K. R. Bparka of Burling­ton, It la atalad that unaattafactory 'axamlnatlona In theaa aubjacta by can- dldatat who hava not had liutruetlon In any aehool of pharmacy hara cauaad tha board to adopt a raaolullon, under authority of a new act, wha«by ap- plkanta for rogiairotlon aa pharma- data, on and a lta r July 1. 1*1*. muat praaant certlflcataa of graduation from approved achoola of pharmacy giving not laaa than a iwo-yaar ceuria. Rulaa defining w hat qualltlcatlona a aehool mUat hava In order lo ba approved hava bean adapted. One year In high aehool. or tie aqulvalanl, la required before u k in g WP (ha cellaga courua.

gpaetat garaWa af lie FgNS.MORRISTOWN, Nov, U,—Tranaporta-

*f W aihington Valluy children waa tha principal eauaa a t dlacutalon laat night a t tha maallng of tha M aine Townahip Board of Education. It waa raportad that proaacotlan had been o r­dered In tba oaaaa of Frank Oonld and Carl Joaaen, wbo. It waa aaeanad. r ^ fuaa to land thalr children to the Hill- •Ida School heoauae treneportatlon la not provided to thalr doora, aa waa tha ceoa laat year. Suparvlalng Principal Robert V, Sponoar raportad that tha continued abaenca of tha children of thaac famlllea brought down tha avar- aga attandaaea of the Hlllalda ^School and toniim ia tha average of the Morrla Ptalna Sehaol.

Frank Ooaa waa preaant and made an appeal for the treneportatlon of hla and other email ehlidran ahova Waah- Ington Valley In the bed weather. Tha board thought that enow would upual tba tran i porta tion routaa, aipeelally th a t ihrougb tha Luther Kountat place from the turnpike to the Joekay Hol­low road, and might raquira different arrangem enta

W ith tba doakat ao crowded th a t tba oommlaaloB had lo ba divided to hear two eaaaa at tha aama lime, tha Public U tility Commlualou, Bitting bara today, gave haaringu on aa application of tha Newton Electric * Oaa Company far periBltalon la Incraaaa Hi bond loaua: an eppileation of Atbory Park fa r addi­tional Btatlon facllltlaa on tha New T ark g Long Branch Railroad and tha eOBllnualloo of Caokman ava- nua a t grade aoreoa the railroad traeke tba grade croaalng allmlnallon dlaputa batwaan Rulbarfard and Daat Rutbar- ford on ana aide and the Erta Railroad an tba albar, and the appHoatlaa af tba Baraarda W ater Company tor an U>- e m o a m rata to the townahip of Bar aardavUla for ftro hydrant aarvloa.

All of Iha baartnga ware coatlnuad. aama for the taking of laatimony a |d aubm itting brief a, and In tha oaoa of Ik i Aabury Park application to give tba commlaolon an opportunity to taopocl tba i lta of the propoaad obangoa and attorneya lo flla briefa

In tha Nawlon oaae, tha m unicipality oppoaad tha appUcallon of the lighting company on the ground that the pro­poaad Improvemetila were not aufflelanl guaran ty of baiter eervloe In Iha fu ­ture and therefore did not make it practicable for the granting of au tborlty to aall addlllonel itock.

Daag aa Crltlctaee Campaay.At thIa hearing Praaldent Ralph E. W.

Dengaa aararety crIUcliad the paat oparailonl of tba company, which haa racantty bean aold at ebarlffa aale and raorgaalaad by tha mortgaga holdari of the old company. Albert H- Alter- bury, counaal and one of the chief atockholdara of the company, an* nounead to tba eommtaalon th a t the m anager af tha plant, William L. Kap- llngar. had rialgnad, and aaaurad the eommtaalon that under the raorganlaa- tlon achema lhara would ba n tw man- agamant. Tha raconatructloa plana Mil

myand 1 wish him wall witbbMrtr**

It la tba lataatlan of Mr, and Mra. Martina to apand dhalr aummara •“ N»* Jaraay aad thalr wlntara In Waahlng- tan. where they hava aoqnlrad a great

Aa lo future aatlvlty In DamoeraUa polittoa—wall, tha Baaatar ta caotam- platlng paaca and quiet with ^ h plaaaumhla anllatpatlon th a t ha'll that quiatlon ta Ha an tha tab la But tha Impulaa lo run for aomathing haa boon ao a tro n ^ y davalopad In the San- a la r that tala frlanda bara no faar ha will remain Inactlra long.

Hr. Martina la glad th a t tha Praal- dant waa ra-atactad. Ha ragrata there have bean mtaundarutandlngu and bad faalln*—but ba la glad It la all over.

*t have na taalinga agalnat I ha ad- mlgUlrailon,'' aald h a "Maka that plain.*

U f f l i u i l u r u i K ^FORNOJERSEYHDI

New R e y ^ i e i iW id d Have U u k O n c e bS b e .1 l M » |A P i r t T C M n M .



North J e n e ; L i w n k e r s M ij C i » bine to Get Share of P l m

f ro n S o a lh e n C d ie a s ie s .



G r a d L td ie G a b e r a s a t T r o t a i A ttn e ts O f iid a b a s S p e a k e n

f r e a (K har C a n N iw e a h h i .

Now Haa Mamharah ip awkavantaan Ont a( Ftfiy-Mlaa With P aaaar rata to Oawtoai. •a ly Chatraeanahlp to M ga^O l'u aa Mlaa- t | —■ *-— Maw to May* Vp in Thalr(toadaa



Nat # WaUa

• t Me FFUr-



Sparlal Sarewv af lie FSWS.BLAIRBTOWN. Not. II,—Allhough

thura a ra aavaral lhaarfat for tha aapaaof tba blow-up of a Lackawanna loco- moitva yaotarday a t Halnaaburg^ whiah. aa waa told In the lata adltlona o t yaa- terday*! Nawa, killed lour man, the raa ­aon for tha tiplaalon may never ba known. An Inveatlgatlon atarted Im- m adlataly after the accident by Juatlea of the Paaca Craig, acting aa coroner, continued today, wllh little aipaetatlon of datarmlBlng the real canat.'

One theory la lhal tha accident waa cauead by a ebortaga of water In tba boiler. The locamollva waa trying to gat to tha tap of a aharp grade to raacb a tank, wbara the bailer could ba filled.

for rupaira coating thouaanda of dollara and tha aalabllahmaiil of a new man­agerial ayatam.

In the Aibory Park caaa tha railroad lawyara abjactad to ibe enlarging of the Btatlon or Iha aractlon of a new atallan a t that point on the grounda th a t It would form an impediment to tha handling of traffic, freight and baggage Tba axtenalon of Cookman avanua waa objactad lo bacauaa, it waa said, tha atraal la not a noctaoary con- uactlng artery af traffic and Ita axlan- slon would hinder tha handling of bag­gage during tba aummar. Tha city eon- tandsd th a t additional facllltlaa at tha tta tlo n ara naaded. and that the ax ton- alon of tba street lu neoeaaary to the development of a certain aectlon.

Duane E. Ulnard. counaaf for tha Erie Railroad, raid that Rutharforo and Elaat Rutbsrford, with tha ra il­road angineerlng forea, were working out a doflnita plan by which an amica­ble aatllemant might ba reachhd. A two-waak axtaneion of lima waa granted. In tha c au af tha Bernards W ater Company, the rata Incraaaa to tha municipality waa aaked for on tha . grounds that the company haa bean pul to additional aapanaa for tha aatab- llahment f t additional w ater preaaura for flru Saada, add that If the ra ta waa not ilncraaaad the pHvato con- Buraafa NMld havd to bo cliakgod moM, th iu aatajjllihlng a diacrlmlnaicry ra ta Bernardavllla admlfa beneflu tn of what the eompany a gated it to. but bacauaa of tba lack at fund# la conlaatlng tha Ineraaaa-

SlaffTRENTON. Nov. II.-W h an the

County dalagatlon in tha next Logta- U tora left tha caplUI lata yaatarday aftamoon tha mambara tall eanftdanl that Aaaamblyraan Edward iehoan would bo ollhar flpoakor or maloftty loodor In tha neat nauao, with the probability that Charloa A. Wolvartoa would have tha allornato plaoa. Tha candidacy of Tbomaa P. Alworth of Boooa te r otata eoatrellar, at tha cloao of tha day, ttlll ramalnad a eaadidaey agalnat Stata Chairman Newton A. K- Bugboo, with eontimont tirongly In favor of Bugbea aa racognltlon of tha work ha haa dona aa party axaoutlva Incldantally, attantlan waa called dur­ing tho day to the lack of placao allol- tad to North Jaraay aountlsa. A com­bination of thoao ceuntloo with n vlqw to ooiroetlng tbta altuatlon la rogardod ae a poaalbllity.

Whila tho Indlcallou taverod Bughoo for eoatrollar, tho randtdacy of Al- wortb waa fall lo hava atrangthanad tha poaltloB of tba Eaaaa Ataarablymaa In U air aupport of Schoon. Tba big m ajo 'liy that Baaax County Rapnbll- cana gave to Edge In tba fight for Oov- araoT waa eonaldorad Juallflealloh for almoat anything County Chairman Mar- hart W. Taylor might aak In the body, eapaelally It tha daclalon of the taadsra should prove to bo agalnat tha ambl- tlnn of Mr. Alworth.

Though tho tigh t tor Spoakur and Isadar aaamed to ba batwaon tha Baaax and Camdan eandidataa, A. Dayton Olt- phant of Mareor waa racogalaad aa holding a atreng poaltlon tor praoldlng of Dear. Tba candidacy of WIIHam N. Runyon of Union did not aeom to maka much prograaa Mr. Runyon waa a t tha atata houaa during tha aftameoti. getting acquainted with tba naw mum- baru. but ha did not paraonatly conduct any campaign. Ha did not project hlm- salt Into tba coutaal. that baing dona by hla eollaaguaa. Arthur N. Pierson and n iarlea I* Morgan. Mr. Plaraon did tba campaigning for Mr, Runyon.

DulrympU and Rwaroa Oppaaad. Oaorga II. Dalrympla. who waa ra-

aloctad laat week to aorvt hla aovantb term In tha Houaa qt a membor from Paaaalc County, waa unabla to make much prograaa In hla fight for the Speakerahlp. Agalnat both him and Hr. Runyon lhara waa brought up In con- Toraatton wllh mambara. tha fact that they had not alwaya coapllad with tha demanda of the party laadcra to the aa tent that tha U ttar daaind.

■rtc day's davalopmahti awake among aotna UgfaUtora and laadara from the northern and of the atate the ballet that South Jaraay iraa getting inora than tta share. The prospect ta that It will b ara altkar tha apaakerahip a t Houaa

TRENTON. Nov. Id.—Odd FoHowo from all parU of thU and hardarlng otataa oponad the a l^ ty - tb lrd annual aaoaleB of tha (Jraad Lodge of Naw Jaroay, tndapendant Order of Odd Fal- lawB, In Maoonta Tampla a t noon haro today. The convoalloa. which w ill con- tlnua In eaae' n fa r two daya, wae pro- aided over by Grand Maatar F. Howard Uoyd of Halawoa. Tba Ilrot aaoaiea waa occupied by tha reading of raporia of tho vaiioua etDcero of tba o raad todga, . , , ,

RaUrlng Grand Maatar Lloyd wl.l ba sucoaaded. It l i undaratood, by Deputy Grand Maatar Cbarlaa A. M ^ r o o w « Palmyra, aad Grand Warden J o ^ ^ Stratton af H aunt Royal la alatad ta bo alavatad to the deputy grand maa- tsraklp. M r.'StraUoa probably w t l l ^ auocaadid a t grand warden by Harvey 8. Hephint af Nfwton. eoun^ty Buaaax County. Harry S city and Josapb R. luacon of Boidcn- town will auecaad tharaaalvaa M aacro- tary and troaaurar. raapactlvaly.

Tba following offlcara are to ba appointed by tba newly alactod grand maalgr: Grand marshal. A a ^ - blyman Oaorga H Dalnrmpl# f Miei frfcnd eond»clor, »iirton ^ oC Hoboken; gT»rid John B.Dfthmtr «f N#w Bruniwlck; frnnd h*r-aid. Benjamin J, ® 'r ? T i lm ; .« t tgrand chaplain. lUv. B. C. Upplnoottof SayroTllls. . n a

Fellowlug the report of 0 » n « Maatar LJayd, who told of having paid 111 vUlta to lodgas during year. Grand Sacratary that the New Jarauy tka order waa now

r»«o> Ito Watdkigttaf.UO FSirg.

WASHINGTON, Nov. I I .—Doopllo lU poaUlen among the five groataat In* duttrlal atatai of the Union aad the fact that II probably will oand tan Ra­pe bllcana ont of twolvo Ropfoooiln tiraa to tho llouao lo the Btaty-fltlh Congrooa. H appoaro on tho face of praaant and proapactlva conditlona that Naw Jaraay would fare no batter undqr llcpubllcaa organlaaliaa of tha Junior ahambor than It haa farad under Dame- eratia control. Not a eommlltoa chair­manship U In t ig h t under powIMo Ro- publlcao organlaalloii, aad tha only own In view under pooalbla Domoeralie r ila la tha conllnuaneo of Jamaa A. HamtU a t tba bead t f sloctlona No. t.

Of rifty-nlno commlttooa In tho Houoa, ioTOntoon may bo olaaaad as major committaoo. and on only throe of thoac la Naw Joraay ropraaantod. Oa approprlatlena, Roproaantatlro John 1. Egan la eighth among thirteen

tha p u l Pina raportad

mambaroblp In lO .tli. and that

Paaantc Caunty had shown tha largest growth la the l u t iwaiva montha.

Rallvf B«»*llu gliffddSS.RalUl banaflu ware paid out to a

total of l l .m .ia a . it WU u td , and Olek b a n a f l t i ware paid to 1,111 marabara- Tha avoraga coat to each mamhar for baneftta w u ll-l# and the ay rM O running a ip a n u for lodges I I . t l a mambor. Lagtalallon w u raoommandad coBcamlng tha co-oparatlon of and tho admlaalon of non-bonoftung mambaru. , „

William T. Robblni of Hamilton Square and E 0. Buoaing. grand mpro- aantativw ta tho Sovoralgn O ru d Lodge, ibdwad th a t tha order now h uI. 111.411 momhora. and th a t l u t year lhara w u paid out In w llaf H .lll .- t» l,ll- The I I I grand lodgat and IhaII, 111 ^ Inr***"**"'

The raport of the board of dlractort of the Tran ton home ahowod th a t It housed alxty-nlao mamboru. a t an a w -

of 14.11 aach. Thelaaderahip: It aeoma likely that It will i ^oparty , valued a t about tH.###. sllgat Iha d a rk of Aaaembly In tba par- I pgjq for, | t w u u id , and them la an aan of the proaant dark . UptOu S Je t- | endowmant of about l * * - ^ * - fforya; praaant Indlcatlou ware eon-




ttornaya lo varloua Jurladictlona., Tha department waa unabla to daiar- folne whether II would be neceaaary lo Eatctid each of the many aulti already Karuii or whether the railroads would lie tonionl lo maka a laat caaa of one pull. No word haa raachert Ihe attorney generul from tho rallroada auxtaallng purh coorae and. It aurh a propoaal it

SyerM *erv4cv of fha SBWt.JERSEY CITY. Nov. l i .—Denying ha

was cruel. Clifford E. Wllaon of *1 Bayvlaw avanua yaatarday afternoon told Advisory M u te r rharlaa J. Hoa that ha paid for an im n railing around the grave of tha first hueband of hla wife. Mra. Louisa Wllaoa. who la aulng for eeparata malntanance on tha ground of cruelty. WUaon dadarad such an iinaaltlah act ought lo fumiah ample avldanca th a t ha w U Incapablt of a c t­ing ciually.

Quoitlonad by Alexander Sltnpaon. oounnal for Mra Wllaon. Wllaon taatl- riad that hla wlfa'a p a ran u paid a email lhara, hut that he took care of tha larger axpenaa,

Mra Wllaon atalad that at flrat aha took her huaband'a alleged abuse aa a punlahmapi (or marrying again, but that laat June ahe left him. Paclalon wan rM^rv^d-

not mada. each suit will he datendad. r WASHINGTON, Nov. 14.—Oovamar

WASHINGTON, Nov, U.—Proaldant Wllaon racalvad many m assagu today from Democratic laadara In California aaying there would be no change in tha D ruldantlal vote to giva tha atata to Mr. Mughea Gavin McNabb. Damo- crmtlo national commlltaaman, tala- graphad that tha final official oount would show practically no change from tha unofficial raport.

g launder tha aurrogti

atruad to mean that It wan’d have too ................... ■ II It


.Jenerul George W'. Goethala. chairman p t tho Elghl-hour-day Commlialon, thia krtirnoon took the flrat step toward the pending Inveatigallon of the eight- hour work day. He aaked Aulaiant ^ c re ta ry of the Treasury Newton to daiignnte quoriera for the commlaalon In one of the federal buildings In Naw York city. The commlaalon will begin l u preliminary work ahbrtly.

Other Idoea Fite Salts, i MINNKAPOLIH. Nov IS.—The North­ern I’edflc . Great Northern Ithe Hill F u d i) and HInnaapolii and St. Louli linci today Hied In the Federal Court harr appllratlona for Injunctions M alh it the operation of tha Adamson uw .

CHICAGO. Nov IS.—The Chicago A ‘Alton Railway attachsd the Adamson law In the Federal Court hare today.



TRKNTON. Nnv. II.—tlamtWii J Bar- war, t ra u u re r and general piatiager of tho Capital c ity Cap Company, w u held yaatarday In 140.000 ball on a charge of forgery Serwer. a reapected and auppoaedly wealthy cltlien. la ac- ruaad of forging the nama of tteldler A IlFidler 10 a note for SI.400 The ex­tremely high bail was placed In antici­pation o f other charges which, It I* ex- pectsd, will place the amount of de- falrailon a t tlSO.OOO.

The cunipany Is now In a rocelver'i hands. The receiver la Poatmaatar K. F, Hoopev

ATLANTIC CITY, Nov. ll..-< laa for lighting, for house heating and for UM In the larger proceaaao of m anufactur­ing la the subject for dlacuailou today and tomorrow at tho annual convention of tho National Commercial O u Aaao- clatlon. The lut-m entlonad phase of the use of gaa ta conaldarad of eicap- tional Importance bacauae of the devel- opmeni In the laat few yaara of an enormous field In tha Increased m anu­facturing of Ihe country, much g u now being used, particularly In Iho making of m unltlona

The new offlcara of the Mooclation w ho h av e hem elected are: President.Jamea T. Lyon of Detroit; vice preal- denta, Arthur Ilerltl of Toronto, Harry D. Schall ol Detroit and W. W. Uarnas of Naw York, secretary. lAiuls Btota of Sow York, and treasurer, Oscar H. Fogg of New York. Richard H- Young of Newark la a member of tha new board of directors.

The delegatee wore told yesterday by Ramuel tnaull of Chicago th a t Iha gaa men might as wall face the developing fa rt that •leciriclly la dally gaining ground u a competitor of g aa Mr. In- eull advised tha gas man to look to Im- provamani In aaleamanahip aa thalr beat means of combating this rompell- llon.

FREEHOLD. Nov. IS.—Contending that Alainnder Young Prtngla. who died October 11 a t Eatontnwn leaving a fortune uUm alad a t D”™ ai.oOO.OM. was mentally Incompetent and w U unduly influenced. Mra. Prln-

h“ i l d o . who received Sl#.#«# the will, has flled a caveat In

aAea ofll ca here u notice tlia t aha wIlT cootaat the probating of Ibo wIlL Moat of « f I'rlngla'a eaUta la In New York roaliy.

The will Itaelf h u not been *led. but t i l** b* ioofl- l>*wli T. Kfh>*of New York, aUorney for the execu­tors, had not decided yesterday whether to file the document In New York or

Marrlad In 1*##. the Prlnglea lived together leas than two years, but there wao no legal aeparatlun. Under the will Mliu Ethel Crane, rrlnglu'u bouw- kaaaar a t Eatontown. gets SIO.SM; Mrs. Bella Bhuta. tl#.###. and Mra Ethel Marshall. Mra. Bhute'a daughter, ISS.Od#. The remainder of tha estate la bequeathed to Mra Shuce'i aluter, Mra Heater A. Booth, who tlqca with Mra Shute a t Tha Veiualllea. Broadway and N ln a ty flrtt atruet. New York. It la eatimated that Mra. Booth'! aharo amounta to SSfS.dOO.



n a n s u u g h t e r indictm entsFOR BLACK TOM EXPLOSION

! tVABHINOTON. Nov. IS —Btandartl- Ixatlon of grade croaalng protection la foiufht In a movemunt approved by the Rational Aaaoctatlon of State Railway pommlaalonora now In annual canvan- (tlon bare. The Ineroulng im a t aula- anobllaa. It ta declared, make* tneffea- ^ e old mathoda of guarding croai-

gpertat Bctoicr of lAf yew a.JER8EY CITY, Nov. IS.—Indit tmanta

rharflng m anilaughier ware haudsd Into court today by the Hudson County Grand Jury against the l-ehlgh Valley Railroad (Company, tha National Blor- wga Company and Vice Prealtlenta J. A. Middleton and F, I- Blendlnger of the rallruad company

Tha action la an outcome of tha «x- plsalon on Black Tom Inland July I t , when aaveral people were kllltd.

gprrtat Sfcrtfli of lie SKWa.PASSAIC. Nov. IS.—John A, Parting-

ton. a dealer In plciute framaa, who lived at #4# Boulevard, waa aerloualy Injured this morning when he w aj struck by an eaatbound train on the Lackawanna Railroad batwaao the Bloomfield and Paaaalc avanua eroia- Ingo. Ha la In SL Mary'i HoapItaL Ha baa a traclura of tha skull and will loaa both laga

Hpectatora foind by Iba police aay th a t Parllnglon waa aoan walking along the tracks and that ha aeemad to ba bawlldared. Mra. Partington dtcrlao any suicidal attempt.

The death rata In Newark for October 11,1 per t)iOui&nrJ, on an

•atimatod population of 340,000, which la an Incraaaa of alx-tenlha per cent, when compared tO the figures for Sep­tember. Of the daotha nine were from infantile paralyala, In comparison with forty for tha pravloua rnoulh. Bright'a diaaaaa claimed fifty-sight deatba, tubarculoBls of the lungs forty-three, organic heart disease forty-one, pneu­monia thirty-five, malignant tumor twenty-nine and apoplexy iwanty-one.

There were SOS oaaaa of communlc- abla dlaaaaha raportad to the board. Thirty cases of Intanllle paralyala were raportad, to II# eaaaa In Seplambar. Tttbereuloala accounted for ITT eaaaa and there ware ality-iw e of diphtheria, niaaly-tw o of paaomonla, forty-ona of whooping cough and twsnty-lwo of typhoid fever.

Tha raport al«o oovara Inspacllona and other aotlvltlal la tba varloua divlalona of the board.

atata controllaratalp. In tha award ol to Mr, Bugboo; It already baa tha atata traaaurar. William T. Hoad of Camdaa; tba proaldant of tha Banata aottlad upon yaatarday was Gaorgo W. F. Gaunt of Glaucaalar, and unothar Glouoaatar man- Francia B, Uavta. la aa-.-aUry of tha Banata

fwagHMaa aa ta CawaliwctlawUnder theaa eoniltlona one paoaaic

County man daolarad It would bo on- tirely proper for tha North Jaraay countlaa to gat together and compel racognltlon of thalr clatma Ha aug- gnated that ra o a i wll*. Ita Iwaiva r e ­publicans In tho Houaa and one In tha Banata. Paaaalc with five tn tha House and a Sonatac; Union with three Aaaam- blyman and a Sanator; Bargon with three man In tha Aaaambly and a Ban- ator and Morrla with two Houaa mam- bera and Ita Bonator could oontrol both the Joint naucua and the Houaa.

In the Joint caucus of Rapubileaa Senators and Aaaamblyman, tolallDg flfty-nlna — forty-four Aaoomblymeh and flftaon Bonatara the couotloa named would have th irty rapraaonwllvaa tn tha Houaa caUcua only twanty-thraa v o tti are required to oontrol and lhaaa ara available tn tha flrat four eountita already named. The two vote* from Morrla would ba ao much good nuoaura.

Tha Paaaalo County rapiwaantattvo •xprauaad tha opinion that tha general mamborahip o | tho House did not aoom to raallae the extent to which South Joraay damlnalod tho good Jobs, Ha aaerlbad tba prapondtronoe they poo- aaaa to tha fact that tba South Jarooy paopla work together while tho North Jereaymon work tor thalr Indivtdaal countlaa wllb Ihs result that they gat wbatavar South Jaroay la wtlllOB to lot them have aa crumb# of oomfort. It waa Indicated that aomatblng n ig h t ba dona among tba North Jaraay man lo otfoct a correction of oandittona

faciUtlo# are a t tha limit now. It au tad . and It was auggautad th a t atopo ba taken to provide mopa room-

Tha orphanage In Newark waa r t - portad lo ba In good condition, with funds nvallabla to corry It on for oomo tima. I t waa racommandod th a t atopa bo taken to pnrebaa#='tbo property, which now It ranted.

p o u n o A i r s CO N VOO N U P ^ , REW TRIAL GRANTED


Btnw FWwnd to Trial af I . W. Boalth. B k-C haIrH a of Radoen O, O. P*

C o n U ttce . glaff CefTWpeudaeea.

TRENTON, Nov. IS.—Upholding the contention th a t tbara waa error In the etaargo of tba trtaL the Buprama Coort h a t ravaraad tha convlctlan of Bamual W. Smith- of Kaatny In the Hudoon ClnuU tor oonapiracy to obtain monay by fatoa and fraudulent pratonaaa. la nddttloii to rovaralng tha Hudson Cir­cuit the Buprama Court nwaidod a now trial.

Tha dofanto ad Bmith rooted setaly upon an alibi, aad the Buprama OdUrt held It waa error on the part af tha lowar tribunal ta charco th a t If raonon- abla doubt lo rutood oven by tncluaiva ortdanoo of aa alibi, the dafondant la antitlsd to aa noquIttoL

crata; Raproaanlntlva Thomna J- whoa# fata la In doubt, ta eighth a m ^ ihlrtaan Daraocrata and Dow H. Drukkor Is No. T of eight Ro- publicans In rlvara hnd hxrbam airf Rapraaeniatlva A- C. H art, D a m ^ L and William H. Browning. Rapubnoah, appear tn naval affairs.

No mam bar from Naw Jaroay tlguruo In such commlttoao aa accounts, agrl* culture, banking and corraucy. educa­tion. foreign aftalra, Im mlfratloo and naturallaatlon. Judiciary, labor, mar- chant marina and ttabarlaa, m ilitary af­fa irs poatoftlcea and poet made, publia buildings, rulaa or ways and maani,

Tba Influanca of Naw Jaraay In finau- d a l affaire of tha nation u aa shown when lu banking intoroalt Induced toe Fadarnl Raatrva Board lo raodjutt Ita original aaaignmant of Iha anllro atato 10 the PhUadelphla dlatrtct; yet, Nfw Jersey hae no niamher on banking aaid currency.

Tbo l ^ aaperta.Nar with the Ilapubllcana In poHibig

oontrol la tha proapoot much brighlar. the moat prominent position bald by any membor of th a t party being In tbo coot of Rapraaonlatlvo Browning, who now la third minority momber of naval atfaira aad who would move up ona atop througb tha defeat of Rapreaar.ta- tlva Ernaat W. Roberta of Haaaacbu- satta, now aacond to RapraaantaUva Tbomaa B. Butler of Pannaylvanlo. ranking minority mambor.

On alcoholic llauor traffic. Roprosas- latlva Frederick R. Lahibach would re­main In third poaltlon, both hla aealoit having bean re-alactad, while Ropraaaa- totiva John H. Capatlck would move from aavanth la sixth on clalrao through tha dataat of RspraaoBlaUva J. Edward Ruasall of Ohio. Aa Rtpraaan- tallva E. E. Roberto of Nevada la coa*-w log bark, Repraaentatlva Isaac Bachar- aoh would remain aacond man on ooln* age, weights and maaaurao.

In the more or leas omaatantal, but hardly uaafuL comrolttaaa on axpandj- turaa of varloua axaoutlvo dapartmanta. tha Rapublieaaa from Naw Jaraay ablna. Ropreaantatlva EUlafe C Hutehlnaon ia aacond Rapubllean on aaptndlluras la tha Dapartmant a t Agrtoullura, Repro- aanutlva Capatlck la aacond minority mambor on axpandlturaa ia tha Depart­ment of Commerce and RapraaantaUva Lehibaeh la third In tho minority an ox- pondlturas In tho Dapartmant of tho In- tarlor.

I^eprosontatlve R. W ayna Parker how ta third Republican on Intaratata ahd foreign comm area, and there ha would remain under Republican central, aa Repraaentatlva John J. Each la comlhB back and would bocoma chairman and Rapreaentativa Edward L- Hamilton of Michigan, who alao outranfca Parkar, llkawiia haa boon ro-oloetad. ,

Gray BtoltousrF M no.Fifth In tha m taorlty In Irrigallon of

arid land! la anothar proud poaltlen held by New Jaraay In tbo partoa of Repreaontativo Rntchlnseii, and tho re­turn of RepraaanlaUva William B. Ho- Klaley would reU in RaRPaeonUllve Ed­ward W. G ray 'In b is praaant plaoa M aacond Rapubllean on tb s ItbrarT cam- mittoa, on which, by the way. thert aiw only two Republicans and Ihruu Dum^ Grata. Mr. Bacharach la third man to tha m inority of tbo cemmluso on pop- alone and ha probably would havs tjM aama poaltlen on tha m ajority aide.

In railways and caaala, ItoprtaaofB- live Gray would advanoa from aixth to firth Rapubllean. through the ratir*- mant of RapraaantaUva Bawhld B. Will- lama af Ohio, aad Raprooontottiva Labi- bach would remain aoeohd to Raprowto- tallva McEluloy la rsferm la tba afvU oarvloo. with BaprasontatlTO DrukhOr romalnlag noar tho ohd of tbo Hat on rivers and barbsra. .

From all of whlob It w ouli aivWP that, wbllo Haw Jeruoiy dosu hot ooeufF a oommandlBB ptoaa In tha oommKtoo aattgUDioBto of tba proaant Ronaov tto



' *Cemplala aoparatlon of grudaa li iHia moat dsslrablo oatutlen of tba yrada croaalng prabiam,* aald a apacial hommltlaa raport adopted. *but It la fmpoaolbla to oliniinato thorn a t once, jaad It ta.deoiMbldo to provide tha most Mafluato protoetton for thoao that jUtat."

Max Tbalan of Caltfomla. flrat vice


NEW YORK, Nov. IB.—Charlaa E. Hughaa It planning to leave with hit family far the Houth Haturday to rest tor eevarat montha. Mr. Hughaa baa not yet conceded tba ra-ilectlon of Proaldant Wllaon. Ha la awaiting the ratult of tha official count In California. Reports that Hr. tfughea would Join tba


i ______ __ ______ _kraaidant. wna oboaon proaldant toda7. i»v Wlakariham * Tall warsMany taohiiloal ropdrta on railroad I denied by his aoaratary.5!f«foblama war* snbmtttodL

Bpactoi Bernice af l*a IfBWF.ELIZABETH, Hov. I I —The itrlko of

to# aklllad and unak Iliad laborora at tha Orasaelll Chamleal Co. taotery la Linden Townahip practically aadad to ­day when a la rg t numbar of tha atiikaru returned la work a t tha old soale. Tha company had already an- gagad 41# man to raplaes tho atrlharo, and thoos vflll bo rotalnod porma- nantly. Mora of tho t t r tk s n w ill bo ra-om playtd tomorrow,

TRENTON, Hov. II.—Btatementa were tiled wllh tho ascrotary of atata yea- tarday aftamoon by Oovarner-alact Bdga and Unltad ftatoo Banal or-alact PToUhgbuyaen, Indicating that (he for- m ar centrtbotad lt,IV4 and the lattar 11.171 to tho Republlean State I'ommlt- tee.

I.indor tha law the eandidataa have until Hovambar IT, or tw enty days atler election, to auhnlt an Itomlsed atate- m ant of thalr camp«l|rn oxpondlturea

AetIva work toward landing an Easax roun ty man aa aiata eomralaalonar of roads baa bean atarted by trtando of County Engineer Fradarle A. Ralmar, who are bringing tbolr mndtdnto ta tha atleotton of Govamor-olaet W alter E. Edge la varloua w ays It la axpactod by Rapubileana here that tha praaant com- mlaalonar, Edwin A. Stavant. wbo Ig n Demoomt, will bo raplaaad by ona nf Ihotr political faith.

Tbara waa a minor nndorenrront af talk roifxrdint tha appolntmant of a road committlonar whan tho clans an- aambled In Trenton Monday to r Govor- noVt Day. Blnoa than Mr. RalmaFa friends and aavaral Republican leadsru In this aaotlon hava bean advanolns b it name a s a candidate. In adrooaUag hU appolntmant they point out h li work hi Esaax in eauhlith lng a road patrol a n - tarn and tn tha introduellon of now and approved mataeds la tba county oaKl- near'B offleo.

Hr. Relmar has bean eow ty anslnoar neatly throe yaara. havlag reoalvad a rivo-yaar appolntmant iannary 1, 1*11. t ’ravlona to that ha had bean asalatatit county engtraoT far a yaay. Bofora be­ing amployad by the oounty bo had aervod alxloxn jaaru la tha Baat Ora&ga City angtnaaFi office, both aa aaatotaat and a t city anflnaar.

Smith, who WM ehalrman of tha Hudson Conn RapuhUoan Committoo, WM Bontooaad on March I I laat to from one lo throe yaatn In ototo prtoon. aad obllgatod to pay a Ano of tL#0d on hla eoavtetloB. a fta r two trials, af cennplracy. Jndga G ierga G. Toaaaat, who Imposed tho •antoneo. said tba Jury's reoommandaHon to mercy bad caused him to make tho punlahmant lighter than would otharwlaa hava haan tho cats.

It was aftor tbo Hotel CrofoM at Woohawkon w m raided la ta In 1114 toat Smith w m Indletod on a charge of havlag accepted graft for campaign purpoaaa from Mro, Qortrudo WItIo, UlO propristroBO. The firnt tria l roaultad In a dlaagraomont a fto r iha Jury w m out for oomo tlm a and tho aacond Jury roquirod twonty-ono houra la raacb a deeliton of guilt. Smith appaalad tho eaeo and wM roltaaad under It,!## ball.


proapoota ara n e t much brighter njMw poaMbla RapnbUcan caatrsL





C O L O N E L H O U S E S E E S W I L S O NBharlft Oaorga C, Olto toeh hla dopu-

ttrik oUes from the acaaio ol tho

V MEW FOllX. Mar, ll-toTho AnMrloaa ’•titw ar AgMotottoto at ft# aaml-aa-

hi macflng bom to nottofdtr the car I ttMBttbto to to i^ a por 4tom

' t JFton to h r- tlv a canto to ■ nr whtoh any

WAIHINOTON, Nov. ll.-<M lonol E. M. R otm , ProcMent Wllapn'a peraonal friend land advtaor. was n w b lta Heuto vtaitoFtoday.

ChMd Oa lto « y Bavaro ucUdn on Uga and body w ort

antforad h r Mary TonUh, tour yearn old. of " . . .Montgomory nirool,.

ValM Down Mtevadov ghoft.Rooo Ttaco. atthlaoB yaara aid, of I I

D rift atroot. auttorad an lalnrod head th is afternoon whau aha tall down an olovntor ahatt in tIM Oordea Coat. Apron * towM •npp)0 C*-*# laotory a t IIT Malaor otroot. th a w m taken to M. Htohacfa IM H ali . I-

of m FMFF-JBIUIET e m r , Hov. 0*— Alaiandar

T. HeOIII, oon of Dm la te Dr. John O. McOlll. end nephew of Uio Into Chan- eoUor Alexander It- MofHlI, w m arroatad haro today on a w rit af a s exeat, le

-Inanrah it appaarMHO a t a nnlt to r a li­mony brought hF bta wile, Blanche MeOIII-

Rail. a fad a t tlh***> w— fnmlahad by Dr. U ulo HeMtuholi o f Hetaekan.

Dover Man Iwoto Awto f lemwaHioff Uul i rtgiaitati

TRENTON, ,Hot. I I —Chargod WRU driving tali antomobn* whlto to an

opndfRtaUd O. VifVA of Davor WM daprivod of hla Heonos by Cemmtaslanar D«l of tbo Hotor Tobicio Dopartmont today. Mr. Dill atoaplaood upon tba hiaeklM Mmmatt Ln a n m n a t Mownrk wbo hod boon ftood IH by Judge Bruhotan to tbs Hbrrtoon Oonrt upon a aamplatot of op a id ing and driving without a Meoata.

ATLANTIC CITY, Nov. I I — Botah' llahmont of eoffss drinking hooaoa In thlekly populated oontam throughout the oountry w m urged by Rev. HMk Matthown, pastor of tho F irst FTnaby- tarian Church, Baattla, at tho annnal eonvanttoA of tha National Cottoa Baaatonf AxaoelaUon In tha Marlbor- ough-Blonhalm yantordar.

H it pnbUoltr commltlaa dooMad to Incorporata tho aaggttolan of Dr. Mat- tbawn In lU annaal raport and to roeommand oeffoo m a aabatltnto for Udoor. U alio w m roportod that tho inertaao In ooffoo had boon tho gruat- oat In prohibition ntaton. Tho prtoant cenaumptlen In this country omoonto to tit*,tdd.**o yoariy. '


M l M B S T J in U S U U M

i-’- 'kv l A’.

T kat hla taloon a t #•• Bantordaa atroot w u robhad laal a lg k t of 111 w u roportod to tho poltoa today by Joooph M dinr- A iildgiallM W aPM tornod.

Log AHOELBE, Mov. I I— M ri. b w MUboltand Botonovaln. wontoa V tfrago l o ^ . onfforat a rnlapoo today, fol­lowing a blood triUMfualoo oporatton lato yoMordar. B or condition w u aoM to ba omoadiiigly critleaL

■toad WM noppltod tho patlani by Fotnlar Monthlngi Mow York mining saglnoor, a o a s - tm t ■ohaclnwto of lira , aotMamln...

Ia J a poliucal ndbtaaM Novor a poiKica nor Gov tar Frw

Tho g pocislle thoL J yaam. i her, the •lo ry tl •oM hni peat wl toaeh a

axroU Wl


/ K

M any t m ight 1 loaat It to gull iu a t gU I t la atien Wlgunluu atoar l sao thn th a t hibu t ibl w u mi

giaca cUaod gum in to unu of not poHtlei

‘1 « Nugoai whac a

I t la tha Dai nor to Jaroay, thougt polltla wallop

Nngon ciatoa. niaha 1

ThI I t II

*bat II t ia n u grow I In llni going torpro akin i h u a Igooo Iloooph

lug tl tbo yi tho nh try In M ltto i a non t o tb d r iv e d i r e c t Nngai aaooal oomm GOnttI u mi havoi

U IOHCCOIWill Iwot 1tunaseocutiwhotime.torgoa notaror.havacMtfnatloi

t l (to MtWM.BATONME, Nov. t l — Tho

e l two gonta fa r pnpito of i 11 lad Mtoi M argaret Crag, toaitotr a t tho aaheoL Into poltoa hoadqnartafu tge day to oomplala to R oolth O ftlett Joha Boylaa of Fatrtok Plggl, 14* WiBt Twenty-third a t r u t , aad Ooorgo i t ^ dam U t W est Twonty-tklrd atroot, owners of tho goatt. Tho goato havo followed tho pnpito Into tho anheol yard, havo aatoa all tk a ftoworn gio wn by tho school ehlldron and have foV- lowed tho born of tho Ineerriglblo ctooa Into tho ahhoct roonw, wbato the agl- malt, aka aald. eroatad a diatnihahaa.

Mist Craa aakad th a t Plggt and Ban-

otoct< olocti ta Hi toM I

Mmib to

Wl#.M;r, Ifltoad'wonli n toandDalti'iritoi■I

aUl■ t

dar# althar gat rid of toa foata cr naka.two :thorn stay a t homo. Tko^w * moo will

ba am lg n o d ton igh t hofero Rooordor William J. Cain.

• o d o d M T w n Ub m « l u i m oR lA oo« •D d a r in g ftrangllfo ta k a

t» bdU «p n R Iemp tp ftikI tM ld k , 8 n r 4 r M tvUl do « jlag VCML h kA lulM k AB !

Ctoh Monso a# Matte Fa« ■nana.ERIS, Fa, NOV. It—FIra tW wora-

lag doatroyod the <toantry Clob n .Brio May with a toaa •< mare thaa tlLHA Mombora wort ealtod ta (ba oaona aad atoo on* of tha flM ca*- pahita eaada tba trip of thrao nMlan hot b u m do aothlBto ...■

■ paM nlggtttoafjto M»M*j in u n n citt . hcv. i i —tonia ta-

broat. tcfwtr-fonr yaMt,'«t *T Want nfttoth otroot, foil yaotorday aftor- anon fron tho fourth atory of a par­tially noutritaiod henu and waa hlilad atatoat Inatonllp. Ho w u M a g tin* aititb work on tho bona*

, . . f ,

E M B\atm

a w n -

le r«l* iM tU

m f f l f lWRllM OROHdM ORE

h i M i i l lU p irt H i i T w , Htw- f w . i& U M with E i-

SAiD rr mm Rtmi oicnwaiw* iM « n s r« M la Mat

‘tWh*« AbMl It, iMri l a a tM a ta ■■iM tk a t M* W u la ! • L ar AaMa Ik* D ana a t P a lH l^Kal W an Haa Abaai r WaUa*. T t* laM.


•daca* >n an t

m«r> ir r at* itubila

ana tinaa*aliairn :*d til* u it Ha • a u ta t, Mtw nf an t

IWHlbl* trlfk t* r. bald br

i ( In th* tn t. arho o( naval

up oa* M'laarta* laaiachu* aantativ* Hrlvaalk

tapraaaa* aauld m ■ aanlaif tapraaaa-l i t mov*1 ctaima Biattv* J, tapraaan- a I* cam -a 1 Bacbar- ua oola-

intal. bat aapaatt-

artm antk Mp ablna :hloaon ta lllura* la a, Bapra- Bilnorltp

a Depart- laantatlaa Ur on ax- of th* Ib-

irkat now atate aiM h* would intro], aa la eomlaw m a n and lallton of a Parkar.

Irallon of I poaltton paraon af Bd tba ra- un S. Uo- tatlv* BM-t plaea aa r a r r e a« - . Ihara arat»* Daaifcrd mail ut la on pap- I hav i 'alda. apraaan ta­rn alxth ta ba rattra- i t a W in- ittiira Lahl- Bapraaip

1 tba atfU I Drakkar tba Hat aa

• i i v m mnot aoeafr oonuitttao Boo#*, Ha b tar «|i«w

JRE -9SC800L

totabar a tlaa rtan lifv itneao M b

14* W iltaoTf* baa-i t r t a tn o t. < Cabta hat* th a atbaal vara a raw*I k a ta (aV- risibla olaaa r« tba a|B- liatnrbabaa. ■1 a a t la a - a u orm aka I* «aB will r« Raoortar


la Jaaiaa R. N uatnt (a in a ta «ult pallUoat Which maana, la h* kaloB la a t Maat* lb* Oamocrallo laatarah ip t MOvar apala to plan or kulda abolkar palMleal ba ttla t Nallhar tar M arar,• « r Qotaraar, nor, wuhin bin awn atala, for P m ld a n tt Wall, 1* hat

Tha foaalp, aad what la mara. tba an- pactatlaa, u that ha la ■aiof t* t a |na t t h a t Anauallr, bewavar, for aataaal paara. J u t about ibla iim* ln Notam- bar, tbar* baa baan raaarraetlon af that atory th a t Nagant la -gotag ta g a i t ' '■aH baa baan llbaraltr agrlah la t In tba gaat w baratar tba s ta r r wax told, u ■ tu b aa th a t no nawapagar a ta r a ara t ba grkbt aa anaasnoamaat that a fara- wall w u Mnlamplatad.

• n t II taeka d ittaraat tbta ra a r . t t paaflr aaaai* m If a paltUoal raportar aalghl u k a a abet a t tha tta iT and a t laaM In a tn u ta that Mngant w u going t a gtilt tba gama. Not m ddanw, bat l u t gUda owt, If powlbla, •ntm ihpatad.I t la a fact that batora tha racant alae- tlen w u daatdad Hr. Hngant toM ao- bnatBtaaaaa that ha did not u p a o t to ataar tha Baa ax orgnnlnallao throagh aaatkar campaign. Ha w*a ramlndad th a t ba had talkad la that ta in bafora bu t tfela lima b* Inalala* that bia mind w u mada up

ilitca alaetim dap Nugant b u da- cUaad la ba guatad on tha qnaatlon of gollUng. But tba ImpreaaloB ba laaa la itamlatakabla—that ba I* tblnhlBg a t nothing ao much aa ahaklag off gailtloal caraa.

T oauldn't gult If I triad," la what Nagaat uaad to aap In rarmor paar* whan u k a d aboat tbal paronnial minor.

I t Is not tba recant wallop handad to th* Damooratlc o rganlullon In Nawark.Bor to th* Damocratlc parip la Now iaraar, that cauaae Nugant to tu rn hla tk o tt^ ta la flatda mar* aarana than p ^ tlo a . Tba parip h u tu ra lrad wama wallopa Iban ihl* ana—net ao fa r back —a n t k u racuparatad rapidip, ao Hr. Mbgant h u polnlad out to hla aaso- c la tu , and b* think* that It la d u to m ahs a galek oom* b u k ta this atat*.

Thlbhs Dm i r n itta Wntlaak Maai .I t I* aald to h* N u g u t's oonaletlan

th a t If Ih* Wilson adm lnlstratlan eon- tlnuas to autk* good. Naw l a r u p wilt grow ttrad of balng Hapabtieaii, and tall In tin* with tha national trond. H* I* gadng la gait, it th* storlas baard b* In- tarpratad oarrocUp. partlp for rasoonx akin t* Iboaa that a u s * a man who h u b u s long In stiff barnass to aaak ra- ■aa* aad new the airuggle u a phi- laaapber, parbape araa u a s a d r lu r , laaiaad of balng nn actor to U.

Baalda*, Nugapt la plotarad u baltaa- Ing that tba gnint b u ebangad: that

' tba poang man will pra-amlnantlp ba tba Hhtnng polltioal fo rcu In ibla eenn- trp la tba futura. and that oaanip com- ta lttu m an alaetad a t p rim arlu will ba a aarrp kind of a rg an lu tlo n compared ta tba u t u r s i eoalaacanea th a t will drlra largo bodies af votar* In on* diraetlon or tba otbar baranftar. It Nnganc t* rapraaanted oorractlr bp hi* aaaoalntsa h* h u little faith In ooantp oommlttaap or sta te commitlaaa, u u w c au tlla lad . Thap are worth J u t u manp votar* alactlon dap aa |)J*p | hav* mambara, tn hla vlaw.

t f Mngant does gait, on* of tba moat I Buecaoatul political boaoaa In A jaaiim will lap down bia laadarihip. Nagaat WM tha arehitaet of tn* pelltlaal for- th aw of Jacob navdaUng, alaetad can- uoBtlvatp four lima* Hapor of Roarark. who tarb lp aanpad etacllon a fifth lime. To have dona that In on* af th* largM t eltlaa of th* eowatrp w u I tu lf a notable fast, w ith that dafaat. bow- avar, lb* H aualing legand aaama to have b u n diapallad. Nugant w u th* { cMsf flgtir* In tba Damoeralle orgaal- ■Btloa tn IH I, whan T r u k 8- Kataan- baak J r . Its eandidata for tlavanw ri j o m within t.M t votM af balng | alaetad, and who would have baan alaetad bu t far Damoeratle dafoetlena lb UudsoB Coantp, oaaaad bp th* e aa u - [ IsM faetlonal flghta ikara

b ad Tba* Tbaaa W u W U au.Mbgant w u tha maa ohtaflp m p a a -

Hbla tor tha namlaatlon of Woodrow WUm for Ooeamar of Raw J o ru p In . in * . Bta WM tha pawar to »ato or aommaad I t And It U poulM o th a t It ■ r . Matawhanb had said la Jano In- otobd of Aagoat a t th a t p u r th a t ha w w ld taka It OMO mato, ha, aad not ip m ia . would b ar* baan tha nomlaaa, i and tkaeottnaatpdU U oalhlB tarr In tha Ooltad t t a t u arould have haaa ehaagad. : gniaoB’B alaeUaa w u oaeurad from tha { d n r ha arba noalM lad. but It h u b u n i MbaiaUp ru a d nloed. s a ra r tb a la ^ t o t , t o obmpalga w u oanduatad w ith k u n ntatU gaaoa h r tha Domocratte orgaal- M tlM .

Bihaaguabt g u a m l w ith W tla u aad mara r a u n t romnelUatloP ara mat- la ta af oaw pdar hlxtarp.

I« a g u t otiu ooatrola a m ajeirttr a l t o M aaw k aldarmaa. and tbaratora t o *«>*• a tn ag a of t o ettp. w h M a m 111— a wkala lo t ta baan. Tha I laH m stieni th a t ha I* gatttog raadp to gb it da a c t aarrp t o mabblag th a t k*

' fa aaddablr g*fag ** abaadoa hla n u M T h t t o ^ a m . h * ariii. u daabt. t t to latd. mm t o f a dbfalp a w t o to b f a *1 Ja— a iy U a y w u . .* a d wNbaWg atbad h r fa gl«* tbaal a d r iu fa r a wbll* l i bgfa. . Iv iu g g ar bllfa bad i fa iif i *< « ljm r VOW Butp heap him m t o Jab a wblla , laagar, aad i t fa Bat Bkalp t o t bo 1*

faM * a a a u ba fa uadebbtedlp propariBg to m il . Bsiardfag ta t o a a bom Ib - f irm id bb m U a*l.,faalbdtag him-half a t t o a a ____

bora w tn b« aa bdgiarabB polltl r paaf* fo r aoma-

w aaa ■■ wv* wtofawtorawegell ib i aolM tlaa wear m

O rST. J I B r S T O MRE


___I IL t ta a r i r______ I a t t o PraUa-

_ Ohdfbh. will . ba t o ,P i ta d to l t o b h a r a t *S a g l a t o pariah homo af I t Jam aa^ < to rab lb •aUaafOa a u M a , lo r gttaat. fa r t o iw n * * ta argbiili* a awa i g iM tn t o e h u rA | S i t o f ita a rtp wUI dfatm u t o raoaat gboaibl MBvaatloa of t o ehoreb

tiob 8. Oataa. la «*•»*•»< t o W ith ■ ad CammoBlip WOfb. wtU fall tha

Bread TraysI n S t n p t l n g S l i v n r

^ A tob tifn l lilt that watdd ^ bf 8A erbamant la dnr bitf- r ft! dr dlniai taiila. ^‘g r Mad* a t m y $aa4 watgbt

8TERUNO SILVER.^ I t i t o ^ l e r o A u d rtebly gg-

$ 7 M

A S n i n D d to it H aUa Y a ». . r g fa h b n T1U XdMt.

1 ^ 0 X b ro . WSDKXHDAT. NOVEMBER U . IH d..T''

m g -X iU tttk g , C u e U u u i , & e .I Wa b*v8 • MgigHM t tn ftn ic to r wb# wlU b* b liiag d ta l a a ^ tbd

art of kaittlac, tfbdM tla«. toHlaf. ioibraU ary aad •rnw ral h a e p w w kt ail t o dUL ta wall ■■ t o m y ladatt, M taa la ttJ* wMk gg v tfy m e b |g v b iw at w n ta l .

A lt M aM bvfak DrpaitaHBt !■ a a r Mata r h n r Am h b

Q "Y ovl b Ifftu Cl&out )C^iuudtMwUtfaatlaa coma

isUnatlan la M l only tb* ___' balldap a t all Ita charm and pleaaura.

ta th*m who wait *t tb* tbl*l of tlnMi but tt

■ arrp , worfjr sad C h ita tm u -lld * Proertsi a t u rob* *ar meat marry

I>at’* do a«r sbapalng aarlp iht* p u r . Lat'a * t*rt naw to Up'ooUa tba llaoM la s t a p p u l to u m u t and wh*a C brlatm u eomod wa will and * g r u t a r a«ij«pni*nt tn Ha participation.

Tbara'a aa Ubm Uka tha praaant And no pUaa Ilka PlaaU far X m uahapnut-

Our Thanksgiving Sale of Clothing


fiuA n

For TkurodaUp Friday and Saturday-^ Clothing Department^ Main Floor AnnexWe want every young man and boy to participate In this great sale. Mothers, bring your boys here for their

new suit or 9vercoat and share in the wonderful savings. Our clothing Items at regular prices are great values and at the special price they should be a much greater inducement for you to purchase your bo^‘ clothes h<

w R-lerc.

Boys’ Regular 11.98 Norfolk Suits, Spedal 10.00

WUb Two P a in T nbdfab Alt wool auteri*!*, in I n t irad a chaviati t a d iwaads; a v iiitty of OMt M lorlo fi u id nrigtbfbdi biBArtly l•llo^•d, rep- f b to t ln i tU t o gdwdgt nwdgU, pltlfad or pinch- b d c k d t y i d , f a b o y p f t t t y M y t o d f a f a k e t f r o n ; d i i M • fa IS ygan , Par tb rt* d tp s dbly, ipoddl IdAd.

Regular 5.96 and 6.50 Juvenile Snita, Special, 4.96

A PdflMy of t o nawbdt (H raclka model* In jnnier Narfolk Hylds, b in t Mreas, blick sad wUM to c k o , fancy n lx tn r u ; also Bn* quality eordnray in drab tn d brawn * h id o t; tunler Norfolk iBodol iritb two pdira of k n u n u t* with cocb lu lt ; •Istd 2H *0 10 yonr*. Spociol d.»5.

dBtfaUfa Sulfa nl 1 5 « to n .» 8

Boys’ Regular 13.60 and 15.00 Norfolk Suita Special 11.95

Willi Two Pglra IVMNera—Qudllty of fabric, tUII of tnlloiina to d tadividutl ity lln i gra nli em- bodlod In our fliwdt Norfolk ta i t t ; nxclMlve lu t-

n*. m y g , brawn*, blud* Itndod co lo rin fij

p liltod or ^Inebbadk •tyl«*|

l« n « in rk h ralxniraa, traon*. m y t , brawn*. bl *nd m tny o tbar praity bitndod n tw w t mndato. trouH ra fail 111 d i l ILML

llBtd; d ie*

co lo rin fij vety •dk •tylo*; botn

to IS y to n . Spe-

Regular 6.98 Chinchilla Overeoata, Special 5.85

All wool c b ln cb lilu ; t l m 2'A to 10 y e a n ; In R*fy bln* and gray, button to nock with *o1f or vel­vet eo llo n ; ttao sh tw l n lU r *iylo In gray only; full boltod or belted bock ityleo; ilae nest mixture*, |ray* and braw M ; In iltc * 3 to 13 y e en . Spe­cie] SAS.

Boys’ Regular 7.00 Norfolk Suits, Special 5.95

WIUi Two Poiro TrouMTO— Durablo »uil* for ochool wesr, the extra Iroueer )u tt doubUni the life of the *ult. neet tnlxturc*. modium •hide* of ■ray*, Ian* end b raw nt; nobby Norfetk medelx; both irou*«n full lined; dlxoo 8 to IS yter*. Spe- eiil SAL

Boya’ NoveHy Pluah HatsRcfolaj lAO, LM end SAd

S p e w 1J6All new tnd up-to-lh i-n iin tilt tn ttyle, Reh

ttdb. Jeck tif, Prineeton tn d ouAy other leedloe ihepo*. In eluebce, velvgl* and toU: tonid with while kid p ip in i; ell t o popular •ntdc*, black, Cray, blue, brown end ■rcon; dlxoe OK to 7. Your boy will look welt in ihoM beeom ini hot*. Three Deyi Only. Spociel IAS,

Complete line Boya’ Kata and Cap* r a n |ln ( In plica, S8< to d.M.

■> /-r-

FREEAa a Thankailvinftoken to Plaut* little boy friend*, we will give away with pur- ehaaa of ault or ovar- coat, a miniature clrena tent with a act of a l |h l lumpinc aaltnalt.

Y oung M en’s S uit and O vercoat Section A ffo rds M any E conom iesThls'is one of the greatest events in the Fall and Winter season of our business.

Young Men’s R ^. 18.00 and 20.00 Suits, Special 15.75New Pall and V in te r modela, toft Roll Sack Model with patch or flap

pneketa; alto newoat pinchbeck atylea, excluaivc yeunc m en't modila.M aiarlati Include Bno credo canim ore, cbaMot*. wor*toda and ae rtc i. Colorlnga—every now Fall tfaade and mlxlure; alao plain bluaa; * lie t

i 34 to 40. Spedal IL T I.

Young Men’s R ^ lar 18.00 Overcoats, Special 15.50New V in te r overeoata that will appeal to alt |ood droatora, cooaervt-

tive Chetterflelda In Oxford and blxck, neat dark mixiarea,_box Or pinch­beck 'atylc*; a lto new ultieretic model, hindeomcly tailored coate, full lined or quarter cllk lined; d i e t 33 to 42. S p e d it ISAS.

Complete xtocka many young men'a lu l t t and ovareeata ranging In prioc, IS.00 to 30.M.

Boys’ Reg. 6.00 and 6.50 Mackinaws, Special 4 J5All wool mackinaw *port oeata,

tailored in the newett modela, with muff tn d natch pocket*. A variety of rich plaid* In two-tone eolarlnt*; alt coatt well tellorcd, all aeama piped; d i e t 8 to IS y ean . Spe­cial 4A8.

And Now fo r a Rem arkable Sale of Women*s and Misses* Suits

1 8 . 5 0 — 2 5 . 0 0 — 3 4 . 5 0At savings no woman who considers economy and her husband’s purse can af>

ford to ignore—providing she intends to buy a suit; Only two weeks ago we paid more for these suits wholesale than our selling price now. Suits up to the Plaut stand­ard in every particular; suits the product of manufacturers who do not know how to make a poor suit; many in our regular stock today at prices based on the cost to us two weeks ago that are included in this sale. ,

Models tailored, plain or trimmed with fur on collar, cuffs and many around hot* tom; long line seml-ntted models or belted models. Materials are broadcloths of ex­cellent quality, rich, warm wool velour; poiret twills and gabardine and serge; bodies all warmly interlined and lined throughout with very best peau de cygne or satin. Plum, Burgundy, brown, green, navy and other colors.

Come prepared to find the best values of the season and you will not ba disap­pointed.

1 8 . 5 0 — 2 5 . 0 0 — 3 4 . 5 0


Cbnfifiitiflir IkU

Great Sale of LinensOne of tha leading fflanufnetiiran of lincao

pradlelt t o t btfon vory long t o n will bo no more llnem to bo bad at any prioa. That empba- aixoa tboae valnai.

LM lrioh Tibia Danuok fotSTe

Aaaortmont of p ro ttr du lpB * whUo net ox- u t l r *n llnon. It ksa all tbo spposrsnoa sni* w osnua gtnlltlaa of a a oxpoMtvo nrado.

1.11 ah-u m 8 * toDnfaaak fa r 1.09

Oood. hoovy wolnht Irlak d sm u k , ek ^ wosvo, anew whtto, n . tram drosalns, rich aatin luator: In elMeo of dootrabl* doolgu; Ineboo wide.

v T

VaL l i e HtiBHNd INaA aad Bond Ttwtia,

Bparial, UHc H*ao of Bno, aett *b-

aorbont tewollnt: Pu>« wMto with f**t eplof P o i ^ n ; bIm 11x14 In*, hom m ^ wHb no*l, loepod *nda rosdv to u*o.

3A0 Madiira Kfa- •idorad Cofaar P to e a n ta 'L T t

Hmdaonio. attrsetlvoti t t o m aalntihr a« -

roldorod In ioHd *nd o ro lit offoet with band-

OMbroldorad oeallop; on- naaslly prouy oontor* and oxaonont vain*

I te T b U tN t. Rpodal l i r dOe.

44 In. w tda ontv* rood gonUtir. very ho*vr w o to t . woven from boot ootton. eloeo and Arm, **oy to bsadlo snd Isun- d*r; soft, will not m*r or B srk tbo tsbl*. 8po- 01*1 thto aslo, ysrd, dfa.Itopalsr tie .VaL i.0d Salta Damaak

TaUa Nifkla*, fd rlA S D w

ModUgfa. ala* m i l In.

VoL LOd FW Flgand . KamtUdtod Bock

T o w to 79e Woven from f in a l nil

Unen yarao; *plondid u - oortmont of nttraotlvo doolnna nont apok* bomxtltoliod onda: d*olr- sblo mxot t t x t l lacboo oxeoptlonally p r ot t y WwolB.M n 8. Brawn A Soaa

Satin D ta w k TaUa Nspkiaa, d.M Dm .

Utdittm *fao, 1» x U In.,

Values in This Sale of Untrimmed HatsSeveral ffundnd Styliah and Attraetioe Shapea tor Dreu andTailond W nr Wilt Be Placed on SaU at Groat, Reduetjonn

Of conn* you chould have another ha t If juat what you v en t le eure to to found In thie large and varied asaortment. There i t no queatlon about it—your choice « aa included.

500 Untiinuned Velvet Dress Shapes, 1.00Thii lot cootlete o f numerous stylos of shapes in H itte r 's

Plush, Lyons Velvet. Black and colored; also combinations of black and colort. Sallora, turbana and others. Values to $2.S5.

Aitoflier Lot of Higher Priced UntrimmedHats, Former Prices Up to 6.98, Sale Price 2.00

Superior quality o f hand-blocked tn d pressed shapes of high luster Lyons velvet and H atter'e plush. There ere large dress shspes, tricornes, high crovn sailors tn d turbans. Black and colors, also t number of velour hats in blsck, brown, navy and taupe, and an asaortmont o f shapes in long napped beavers.

Hats tint Sold Up to 8 J8, Now 3.00This it an exceptional lot of fine dress shapes and turbans;

also the new style Spanish type shape, ee welt es the Hindu turban,■pd a few felt top velvet faced shapea. AH sm art and attractive.

For MenA cemplete line of men’s pockeibooka, three­

fold books, wallets, bill folds, pas* caaea and brief cases. In the vary Hnest grade* of pin Kal, Mil, paniher sesl ind morocco leather*.

Prices range from 50c. to 15.00.

For WomenA viriety of style* in silk and velvet

hand bag*; also some very handsome model* of imported snd hand-made beaded bag*. The most popular bags are the draw string or pouch bag, in chiffon, velvet or moire silk; steel bead studded, it) very handsome and elaborate design: other* ara lest beaded, all ailk lined, Btted with change purfa and mirror.

2.00 to 55.00

0(14- ^ejsCoWe have ju st received some new stone

and signet rings that would make capital gifts. One a very beautiful aquamarine with pierced se tting ; for men and women, .12.00. O thers from 5.00 to ;i0.00.

Gold Waldemar ChainsCurb link, plain and lapped; rope, cable

and fancy link. Curb and cable style, 5.00. Others, &00 to 8.00.

For the Woman of Generous Proportions

Nemo Corsetf

, There is no reason in the world why the woman of generous proportions can­not have a fine form.

And in these days of the straight lilhouette she finds It more necessary than ever to have, a Nemo Coraat, which effectively confines the hips, reduces the abdomen and evenly distributes the excess fiesh.

Nm nv No. StO; riiM S io(MMr Nm m Mf-BodNclRB C o n tis . .S J% 4 J 0 aad W ONoMO Back KoitiRt , . . ......... . - .WO, WO aad W fN m o W oadorilft.. .................. M A 7JO « d lOJO

AD eiM sIa 11111 ky M ^ai

Sale of Fancy Feathers at 25cAbout 200 pioces of ostrich pompons,

hot tim ing on*ostrich f ta c ln snd novelty foocy

«,.ects St 1 big reduetloii in prie*. You will note the vsluoo i t n ^ n ^ ” The color tsaortm ont Is most gttrgetivs, in d the quality in many ow ts oqual tha t found in $2.00 pfittems.

Thii i t t sale o f interest to sny woman wishing to retrim the hat she Is now wetriBg.

Just Another Attractive

For Tomorrow, Tkuraday"WuBdervsIu” proetfeiUy doflnM iis d f . I t moons tbo best and most

dosiroblo goods ot the very lowoto prhsoo. Tomorrow's Icom wtU prove vory is tm o tin e . Those glovoo ore not only oteeptionotly low to prko, ho t they a rslooa tllu l end decidedly proericoL ^

Value 1.50 and 1.75 HVoineo's One-Cfasp Washable Cape tiloses, 1.19 Pair

/H olf and foU P. K- shodot o f ivory, oood. to n ; olso wWtocontrosting Mltching io block, f t d r , , . . . . . . ; . . , . - , . , ,

Ob Solo IhU t. Main Phmr.

Fetching Silk UnderwearWe ore the sole selling agents in Newark for the

"Regimental Glove Silk Underwear,’’ new creations,'ex­clusive designs in vests, bloomers, envelope chemises and union suits, 4.00 to 7.50 etch.

Women’s Glove Silk VestsIn white snd pink, beaded

band or hemstitch top, plain or embroidered front, choice and exclusive deoignt. W 5 tip to 5,00 each.

Women’s Glove Silk Bloomers

In yh iie or pink, elastic^top and bottom, plain or embroid- erad, laee trimmed. 2 J 5 op to 6J0.

W tnoi’s Gkrre Silk Envelope ChentoIn white and pink, with and without oamiaolo ef­

fect, ploili ood loee trim m ed. 8 .K to 4 M

Women’s (Steve Sflk Union SlitsBoodod or bend top, pioi*> 9f embtolderod fronL io

whit* OBd pink, a s to iOO ooch.




‘Ttitft-nt im u t t th tr

I r tc H d i W u c t Gaii^ D in c lir

S i|i» P r a m t a d f i r Oii- venity fireie Curtet.

JKOUEVT 77i; M UASE OF 195L mmI Vmr C^vnm Im C a m n i.naaM W aad A atM ato Am AakaA. * fcM M taa WotA fM Tm t M M FIMaaA

M r » * i t T**»—l i a r AIm lM M «a M*«Ml C*MM—A* PMWM I t l l AMveAew Wl« A*wl

' AasMMMUMt waa M d * a t th* fall |M «U ac al tiM tm itM a af tfc* Nawark l a i t l t a u ot Art* a ad •etoBMa. bald laat f l d l l . Iba t Iba aeM ln ao l for (ha praa- pa t jraar to iaU TTf atadaoM aa aaa laa t U 1 laat r a a r and i r tba prarlooa yaar.

r. Banjaailn P. Da Witt, dlractor of tba .atIUta, Mllad atlamloa ta tba fact that tba nombar of atadanU alraady la Araatar Ibaa tba atiaodaaoa at many tallriaa. »o«»aatloaa ara ondar e « -

fdaratlM, It waa annaoaead, (or aa a«> aaUa af aoma at tba eooraaa.Tba atodanu ara ayimrtloBad aiaoaf

t e l ltfa raa t vraapa a f caoraaa aa fal- ; ttbaehanr aaaraaa, H I : ooariaa

U oaoMdaraa. I » : fraabmaa «a»a«a taaMA »*. aaA l a ^ a r *‘-CoM maatlad aa tb a daralopm ant * t tb a M I to t a . Dtraotor Da W ltl aaM:

anrotmaal tbla yaar makoa H Vatr olaar that tbara la a laraa and (m la« damand for eaaraaa ot anlaar- lly nada amoaf tba poapla ot H aw k , nia aanbar af atadanta la attaadaaca Ma yaar U tblrtythraa par coot, tm lar than (ha aanbar In attaadaaaa

"It tbla pareantaga af iaoraaaa U ■alntalaad during tba naat two yaara, ba inatltuta In m l wUl ba maatlng t ^ dnaatlaaal aaada at not laaa than l.tM Ibgaata. Ivaa sow tba anrolmant In ba laalltuta aaeaada that of nany oal* agaa aad aalTaraltlaa af.laag atanding, «d with tba rapid gradrtb that aaana aartubla H U oaly a daaalton af a faw loara abas tba Inatltuta, ao far aa nam- wra ara aoaeaniad, will aampara - My wiu fairly largo aollagaa aad uat-

aralttaa of Iha oaunlrr ".Vasa Caaaiia Aafead.

tk Iba lacraaaa In tba nunbar af It la raaagniaad tbara will

.waada for addUloaa to tbo ' tt waa aaplalaad that tba la- ll aow giving a flrat*yaar

, la oamatarca, Dnanoa aad ae- daaata aad that atadanta ara alraady Aablag that a aaeond-yaar sauraa ba i^ ld a d . It waa aald to ba altogatbar Moiy that aaa will ba arraagad aoatrAddmaaal aaaraaA far taaakara ara ikaaaad for aoat yoay, ao that aladaBla toap obtala laora of U t work whlck Mkay aaad for dograaa wllkoat laaving

ikiB elty. daok taaokara, tbroagk tha Itata, arPnaatiiealatad ta tka Waab> ■qaaM Oallaga aa oaadIdAtaa for

■ from tko Now Tork ITalrcralty. .. loacbart, now taking Mrtain

loroM rogalrad tor tko dagroaa. will

Suppote you've decided to buy t W dtdi—for g ift par- p o m or younelf.

I in ’t it i great u tiifac tio it to bo dble to go into a atore and feel abaolutely gafe—no m atter what watch you p ic k - no m atttr what i n price?

Here we giianuitc* every watch we lell.

You can’t pick an unworthy ont.

Wttcfeta $5 to I2S0.

No AlterationsNo Exchanges

No RefundsExtra Salesforce 6 9 3 - 6 9 5 B ro a d S tre e t

O p p . P u b U e

No C 0. D*s.No Credits

Every Sale FinalPrompt Deliveries

, 18 S 7 e h » d S U k m j i M /

Robefoa*'SiMr Edfe"Cutlery

T ija a ita d ^ a a » 3 [ ^

Srreka m i SmtSmMMt'aUM O m r m i m i .

W o W a O tw A w a rn

Stook Carwing SetT a Eraty Parchaaorof O B rX -naaaen O Q C arrlaf S a t ^ A . l a J

j n fa M o M M In 11 Wa Haro a iCaotalata Liaa af H O tESO fr aad


•*WMlekTiSrWlmdom“ Fiye M o d d i In This Sale are lU ustraied Abope.

The Greatest Sale of Its Kmd

akia aabt yaar la axtaaO tka&fraab*i etudtBta who aM taking tha

eeatM or oallaga work kava as> aaalraa far tba opvortualty ta

tatlnaa ihroagh a aopbomara ooaraa p laa t far. a««fc an axtanalen will

■ada aa aaan aa peaalbla. Hoot at Bttrfaau la tbla eauraa oama dU

.tly frooi high aohoola.. taanirlaa wara alaa laada tbla yaar • m t tba IntradaotlOB of a oiadlaalBMpatalory eauraa la tba laatitata, and H waa atafftatad th a t tueh a eauraa grob* akty wouM ba latroduoad aaal yaar. Coaaldaratloa. tea. U baing g lraa to aag goatloaa froai ooan atadoata that B iurna ta eanuaarelal subjaeta ahoald ba affarad aad tha daalrablllty of tbam la aow raaoIvlBg aoaaidoratlaa.

C o l d W e a t h e rN e e d s

You can chaaa Jack Frodi away le a larie daaree by (Utlng your doort and win- Awa wiib wtatber ttripi and havinf doof checka on your doon—they coat little

'I and do tfoat aerviee, ton- Mfvlni your heat and aav- tnf coal.

LI l U Q l P W& 5 Q U IE R

A Wonderful Gathering o f500 Beautiful Afternoon and Evening Gowns and Dresses a t an Amazing Price.

An Event That Is a Genuine Sensation.OR THE purpoae of atrikingly attracting extra

F apodal attention to the recently reorgan­ized. anlarged and improved ready-to-wear

_ _ _ aectiona on the Third Floor of the LISSNER Store, we have prepared for tomorrow and

balance of the week what must prove the mostextraordinary sale of its kind ever held in Newark.

Ike Most Phenomenal Values Are Offered at the

Special Ltssner Price.


• T ^ M i u d z e t a t . W wafalnaton

Newaw*. N. J .

Argnlag that i a a of tbo aaddool book- w ars aUpa o t tha aogra waa to aoMlng to Nortbara rltlaa In graat aumbora naS than waiting for aamathlng aaty. William 8. Atama, adllor ot tbo Bruna.Wick <Oa.} Appaal. Saelarad laat night to an audlanoo of tba paopla In Batbany Ttaptlit Chnreh; - I ballara, aa tba lata Dr. Boakar T. Waabingtan ballavad, that Iba bapplaat and bflghiM t tu tn ra tor tba Bagro muat ba dug out o t tbo aoll and r a t aut w ith an a a a

“th a tira t atapa naeaaaarr to g i r t tbla apgartou llr (or haalth. bappinoaa and pMOparity ta tha n ag ra" daelarad tha apapkar, *U that wa n u a t bar# rauntry aohaola w htra ha oan ba taught and adaoalad wbita e u a r mamhara of bla taailly ara angagad In haaltby tolL Ha uiuat alao ba mada lo faal that In tha Routb, whah ha la aocuiad of crima. Iva will ba aaaurad ot a fair tria l undar Iha law pad not lynabad. Whan tha wblla paapio of tha oountry guarantaa Ihoaa btaaatnga to Iba nagro, than thay wlU ga book to tka oountry in drevaa but uolil tb la t i dona tba forma will ba daaartad, ottlaa oaarorawdad, work will ba PearM and artma will Inaraana"

Mr, Adaiaa'a naat laatnra anil ba in tha African Watkoditt Bpioeopal tion Charcb, In twaalngton oiraat



dal a awail packaga a t Uotnbarg K w at Taa, or aa Ika Oarnun falha « i l (t. •'Horn- OartOT Bruol Thaa," a t toy phornuKy. Toko a ubtamoantal ot tho loa, »ui a cop ot botllBt aaU r upoa li. poar throaih a ilooo •ad dftnk o louup full ol oar Uwo. It to tho moot oftoAlvo ar»r to Wook a oo14 and ToltoTO artp, 0» It Dpono tko poroa, rollovlng caaftMlan. aloo laaacno tka hawalo, ibao knaktod a oatd a t onea.

It la ImxpoiuIoo aad antinly aadaliblt, tharatara kannloM.—Adoartloanant.

It i t an occasion of such intense interest and importance that crowds should be incessantly present.

The garments will be arranged in such a manner aa to makd the matter of selection easy and pleasant.

V i d u e s R a n g e t o $ 2 5 p $ 35 , $ 45 , a n d H i g h e r

M a n y manufaeturera contributed t# thia notable u le . A aam ber of kad ing style creators who are our pertonal friends siid

______ in substance: "We want to see the b«wLISSNER a con^ icuoua success. We

want it to be a specialty house th s t the shopping public gtnerally will talk about. Therefore we eregoing to h r ip you make

Tkt$ Sale at AHemoan and &>ening Dresses and Gowns

A Brilliant Saeecss.**And you may well guest how wonderfully these

prominent style m skers ceu aid when the n a tte r of personal friendship eutera aA ale in large degree.

That ia why there arc ao many rich a ty to and effecta.

PRACTICALLY two-thirds of the Ready-to-WearSections on the Third Floor will be given over

to these elaborate displays of Gowns, Dresses and Frocks.

Sizes will be conveniently ar­ranged. Sizes for women, smaller women and misses can be located at




Palha Baard BMoibara, Acting iacra (a ry ItaTbgu*. Dupaeiodu Carballr ane Brawn and Bar. Dr. 0. A. Wa*ann and Ha*. M w ani V. Quirk, dapartm*at chap- latna, w«ta guaati laat night a t a ban - (luat. given by tha g lith Praetnot pnllea in KampaPa ball. Madlaon avanua aad Faiprlaanth atraat.

In an addraaa CaanmIaatDnar Brad- crick C Braldanbach oomptlmcntcd the mca ot evapy preoinci In tha city for lhair appaaraaca a t the Inepactloa th a t waa bald In the afternoen. There w ai not aa Individual on the force, ha de> clarod, whoaa uniform waa Improper or Imaarfoot.

Baaldoa Mr. Bratdrnbaeh apeaktra wara Commtaalonan John H. Ilonnatly and rradcHo Bigelow. Dr. Waaeon and iraiher Quirk. Captain tam u d Brown of tba BItth Praeltict waa toaatmaatar.

The aama apaakeri gave Informal talka ta tba man of>tha Socond P re­cinct, who galbarad In Itlrbard'a hall In Park avanua for thair annual dinner, following tho Inapectlon. There were about 111 inon proaant. The aftoir waa •rrangad by Captain Cardano and Ser­geant Danala Cronin.

T ie Baal eWImataa h r tha follewlaf h a - liaola will • • are—n h d to (he Beard of Street aad Water Conual—(aatrs at (he eUr •I Neaark. h r •■.■cephnee, at the rewlar ■a-ttna ea Tharwhy, Neyember » . I tU , .hetwem 1:11 aad • : » P. M.. *li:

Paving ol — ___CLIPP m iSB T,treat Saadfard aveaua to Mantra— atr—tj

' ‘ '’‘"‘ k'XoOKDAt.g AVBHUk. tram Orftiiiw la Ua4a|«F•TMlii*;

•* M|j*D gTRSkT.(ram Mirer avenue ta Ocean avenue;

" gOCTH gritggT. freni Vaa Burea ntreel to Bar avenue;

Paving ot WLkB a I hggT.tram Ckeatnut atreet to Malvern etr—t; al— r« the d r j d l n ^ - U j a^d^JIn^n, ofm ni Hatnharg pla.-e lo Hlegara Mr—t and tiam Magarlne etreet ta Avon— u

All ebjertlone ta the paymeiU ot u id e«t- ■ tu niwel be filed In thle eftloe In writing

on or befa— t e'eleck of Tboredag, Novem. t t m e . rber It, l i l t . ^ bhBHBBRD,

ChUf Kof ln««r.Dftt*4 f, 1919.

PUBLIC NOTICB is hsn/ky fl?#n th*t Jh* following ordlnoncT has b«#n jbUMd br

BvAnl ol Siroot RiO W»tor romml*»lon«r*


Allagnd to ba ( ta behind In alim ony paym enta dua B ra. leana Apfalboum, »ow a raaldant o t A tlantic City, M urray Apfalbaum, prealdenl a t Apfalbautn A Aptelbaum, Inc., real aalata daalera a t se t M arket etreet, la to nbow cauae In Chaneory Tuaeday why be ahoald not be adjudged In eon tcnp l. U nder an- o th w arder Mr, Apicibaum la to th o w nauM th e eame day why the am ount.o f alim ony ihould not be Increaaed from 111 a week to ( i f .

M ra Aptelbaum ebtalned a divorce Mnareo n lil P ebruary l l , l l l l , and aitb- •euuen tly got an altm onf o rder require, la g bar huataund to pay ber 111 a weak to r (ba euppoTt o t haraelf "and tha aupport and adunatien” of her daugh ter B a lia now about tan yaara aid, the egdar being made effecUva May I. I lU . }n a p e tltlM filed In ber behalf by A lbert C. P ed rirk It wae atlaged th a t A gfelbaum baa made ao paym enta H are IM ^^bar lA W— -f

nd oonruvnd by ihe Mayor of tb* CUr of NownrV. and aurionnt lo rh ip lw H of tho ■lata Inwi ol IIOI, lo faeroby puUlibod by iltio:


for A width of ■inly ffom iho taftorljr right of wny ltrv*‘ of tho linnufA«turori' Bmnrh of Iho Control BoUrotd of Now Jor- Mg to lh« wMUrlr std* of Avoaoo H nnd from tho oMtorly of Avonno K to ib« Puooic BWor.

PoMOd Novomtwr 1, ltl« .WILLIAM TRICS JR .

ProoSdMt -•f'tbo hoard of Rtroot »n4 Wotor CommioiioAorM.

A. L SWAIN.Acting CUrk of Ibo hoard,

Agprovod NoTombor IE. i t l l .THOMAS li. RATHOND.


Simply take the elevator to the Third Floor. When you reachthere y.ou will be in the midst of a maze of kaleidoscopic colors and be­witching combinations.

Sec these superb values displayed in our windows.


Gowns, Dresses, FrocksFor Dinners, Dances, Receptions, Car'd

Parties, Street Wear an4 All Other Functions.

Crepe Meteor Georgette Crepe Messaline Jersey Satin '

And Georgetie Combined With Chiffon Velvet.

Charmeuse Serge and Georgette Chiffon Velvet

CHARMING Gowns, Frocks and- Dresses. All the favorite

fancies of enchanting fash-


ion; all the rich colorful effect; all the daring of originality, combined with picturesque adaptation.

If It’s a color or. style creation that finds greatest favor, it's here. And so are those styles thit arc dea-- tined to win greatcat popularity when the social season is‘ at its height.

The illustrations do slim justice to these delightful dresses.

Vou muM soethem to enjoy their beauties and realize what really ex- traordinliTLvaluea they are.



auA-seg o r BoNUg rciB u t v Hui-'■^PITAt. BKOoNBTIlUfTION AMO

KKPAIRM.Whoroai. II bai !>♦•'> corUllod by lb* in«-

BlrlBal aBlhurUloo having inetrol or ino ho^Ual bulliJln*ji In (ho city of Mowafk lh « the noco—liy ooloio tor Iho oinictlon anti ropniro of Iho pro—ni (.Ity H—pUnl In tho d ly o( Newark;

ll ordalnod by tho Mnyor and romwon CnuBCll of (ho city ot Nowork. no foliowo:

™ That bond, of tho —Id oHy m j—“*l‘ undor tho nalhorlly ot an act of 'no Maio- laturo of Iho oUio of Now An net to autliortM cllt— In Ini* ol*!*

CITY ADVERTISEMENTStl*d chack nr by caah for noi lo— than two

OM-hklf p«c ('•M* of the ftinounl due 2o That the emoant of money to be rulood

by m M Mmuo of bond* la the eum of odo hundfwd ihoiAaMnd doitATR' ($104,011).

to Thai tho prebfthle poflod of uMfulia^ of tho butldlnga as rtoonairucied god rs' m a k ^ for wlikh boMda or* aulkotiaad by thio ordlnftti<-a la thirty yeora.

4. Tkol Ui« MverMO Maeaaetl vaiuatioti ofth« r*l*hloo including improro-mgftto of oweh -■

to f^oatruct hwspUgl building* and to pur- ehiwra land lharafor.” •ppfnv^t l ^ for the purpftae of reconairucling an«j rapKiring the prwaeiitbonda, nefolJgbto In fonp, ^ #**«-gnd dated hi of the fifieenth dhv of No* vamber. Itl* ; rtihll ba eigMd by the M ^je of ihlii effy, httailed by Iha city and ri»uat«wign*d by Iha (NShtri laF of aMd city, and it la haraby mad# 'iS ilaald ofneara lo algb ika fame m

munlatpalliy, computed upon tho nd(t proctdlag tar— y—ro valuation

i th n r - ( . I* tho mm o( tirr.M a.ili.o*.I. That tho nat d*M of tho ctiv ol Now-

ark la ,it.a««,*ia.aa.a. That Iho atnloaa—t rouHlrod to bo fliod h r tho chief financial officer of tho riiv of Nowark by paragraph l> of Chapior tSI of Iho lawa of l i i a ^ h—n mad* and filad ai by —Id a r t yotiatrad- . . . , .I. Thai tho praraada of any —la of aurh bond* aha"af tha act~h*rM ahai^ ro fe r^ to.


dirteird; tb# ro r^ ru i# ssai of. .a ^

PUBLIC NOTirfe le kereby fteen ihftt the f#iiowiitg erdinouce Kw bMn p«raiNS by

lh« Do#r4 of end \V«t#r ('ommiMion-•ye ft*d ftPprovod by the Meyor at Ike ctiy of K«w»rh. »)id pureoAiii to Ck#pl*r f( of (ho etgte Igwi ol 1H 9, li hefeky published by Utler

An nrdinihre to provide for the grading.

Mowarh ih ill h* ihoiato afflMd: aald honda ahall ha I—uod In danomlnaUoni u folia"*'

Noa, t lo 9* Inti—iva. In tha lu a at H.**>**N—. >1 1* • • Incloatv*. In Ih* ium of K.aa* aarh, ahall h—r lotavoal at tha lat* ot 4U por cool, por annona. puahia aaau- annuallt. and ahall


n o r t h s^ o n j> «nfi4iAr ifrom OrkBen aveowe toPoMens Nevembor «. ifll,WTLLUM TRIBII Jr.o

p roMdott of (ho Board of Btrooi and Waiar CootinlMioiMni.A. L SWAIN.

Acilng C im of Uie Board. Approved NoWMbrV II. 19U.


C R D lU ilD ADnyffiSCBOOLIEIAM hAdraaa by Dr. Oglvlh H. Kattgalt,

tlgto oommhpMggat af gguoawmi, wlU k* tha fggtura at g gmatlag of tha K m t Couttr BfJMwl Bggvi Aadoalatlon FtMair afUritooB at tba Otrla* takua- trtgiackoai. FgUgwlhg » HfdlBhM •••■ aiwB ttr. Kaadall will ka tho giuat «f iMor t t » dltiovr graparal wK Mwad I# gugila of tha aghool.” *rh» Hwaldant. T, H. I>gwairg rarr, I#

- 1 th egodudt tha maatlng, ga4- -jhara ara Invltod ta hring graa- groMaoaa af acbool board admlhla-

for gtacuaalga. Dr. Kondall will grawtica tdautb-

Sehoot l^ara

the■ lin t 'PfM-d■rT (h .BoardhoM

PUBLIC iroTU'M tg beimby glpm foRowiM prupBotd, vriBoaoce

roadlitg ana Waa ordarod lo’ e third final roadlug at a vaeUna of the

• t Mtatt. aad Vraloy UoumMMoiMro.Mavemkor 1919) .

Aa ordiftiaea lo provld* forjho faeatlea «| ^C H A N A N IT B U T .

tram MseJbWg f t a o io an.old jerapeMy lineiovtborly

miiy. andNo. af Bond*l.ot ..a .a iA.......t .......I ....................Tear.atI ....................• . . ,a .

lb.*aadU .g . t13.......II ...................u ......U.ovaaU ... .aII ............I*.......31.......ri......IE......


. a a* .Novemkara ara , NOVaiflbf Faa *.. Novambar

! NoTtinber.3*


wl rotialrad-rhnt lb* praraada or any u w at aura than h« Japaaltad In tha city Iraaoury nd la anotdga— with tha provloloB*

„ __ act h*T*lahemy* rofcrrad to.t . That for tha warposa of prarktln, n

(uud U pay tha tataNat an —Id hpndo wklia n u ia u a d l^ and lo am the principal al uiy al —Id bond! aw tunai <n any divon y—r. a wpadal ta i ahall ha Mno»»» Javlad I" ae- wUh tha mgvlaJaM at Chaplar lU

lawa of 111*. . . . . . .M Itavnaiav ‘V ' c’. V b iiie m ,

cordOAco at tha U .

AdoplodPraaldMt of Common Council. ............... ....... foe

.lovetnbor....... Novombat....... Novambar. a a *. Novembor a *. o. Novamker a *00 - Nrivemkar........November, *0. .ffuyrtnbar. ,l9ia .0 o.NDvembar 11,....... Novrmbvra .**.Nuvtnibata.h’iqNiaveioliar iv, a...wNavtm:bor i l , ...i,N ovi|ttbar U, II.



itll191919E91921t t l l193ft19£41939IfUaisiri i :rI9; ime(IIIiiii

prapautod to tha Htyor Nooambar 11. IftiR.

for hM kpproTgj.

ovamtto ta ba paved oa aaek atda of llrt Mraot riaiaroy lirack. wIlB Iha aA«pUM Of iiactrto oa a m oMo ot aaM (raoh« M d k a ^ ru«d thair roporta of myd ju m im b w u t o banaata Ik (be offlo# of tho tioeli of tM Boafd of Stroat aad Water Cemmlenioeera “n d l t a tba Board of i t r t o bbd Wpi#, 4 oiMMloaioaora ba* Bxod T b a ra ta . (bo aia- iMDtk t e r ^Novambor* tyotoklo (tea aftonw io^la iho room ao Ihe Moond Bom of tba eltv boll, U tha H tr ol Nawarb* aa th* M«H aad haarinff any objaalooo that may I to tho teU sooeeamaala tmsodTKvomto

Ckto r


c tn ADVBiTunumaty M

Biat* af N«w Jar—I.I— II ntdalBtd hr

ad B—ad ahd

V ntar Cemml—(*a*— T f h . oitytko •f itroal

ofMoorark. oo -..bat- ^ waiimoejsss; L

tmaha “ I '^ w l t h '^(ha —aa—tiaaa *f (raaia wiia la*(radhaita ftw aghuya— **•••• * * ^ if iS ’*( l i a l i r p i ^ m hi tha an r of Sow. •rk . ewaatr af m — .'


OTT ADVElTlStiroiTS•I t u g —C tkaa— (t*i aT?h **rl/ nCly-aaa hHuik— ta* I t • •—fi! ? ? £ - .» mat

Suadradtkf at a t —( U l.dt'l t* a pnla< af I b w a (U i Borthaaalw^l* tka right wlih a radl—'a la ^ u d thljDf-nv*^—d ^ S ^ »t,iaa.»»V a

*ad tha at a *** * L in lI of - a - . a u - .a—

lasrOJ4drod two

ii|iy ^ Wjwb

TAViMO,- -iigjt -iNi^A**! . .

NoUeo to boraby glvan ihot MgL'KgACtlW—Aaiiwmial far

AVgMUM KM- Baoalllait

upon all tha awnan af all (ha lu d a u d » a l aatnt* paairiinriy haaatUad hr aaoh at U atoiiuw log^provan—u, naa—ly:

AviTO*.tmin lauth Oraag* av— ta (P t riUr >1M, Aceardlaf — Ua powrialaat at w —dlau — of t h * ^ af Nawayk aaiM ladJ;^ aadiaaoeata r—Tlda f*r tha paving ot ChP— (ram iagU Onnaa av—aa la tU ^

fra— Waahlngton avaaiH to C*wnpprvv*

•rcordlag (a (k* prnkal*— at an at tha cltr *1 Nowarit. —tlUadJAa

. ............. Navalnhcr'■ ■hhar

vm o f 'WiZIIUM TKIBi Jk..

f t . aidant a t tha Moaid al gu—i aad Water OesuoJgolkiMrgaA. U gWAtll. .

Adttag a a rk at tka Ipaard.

JJ......................91.......... .IP.'.. . . . . . . . . . . . .u .................Nav*ai—r I*, la*'

iflny akall ha raglatayad ay caufwa h ^ a at tha npll— at U a purckapar; ihay ahall ha. .

Appravad Nov.AHCHIBALD,

Oly t?lark.'fmbar 11. tPta-HOMAS U BATMOND,

I t* pravld* f— U* pariaa atH laadato lro« w - h ; n a - , a - a - _ l ^ a ^ « ^ ^

Haynr.Tha toragalna a td lau r* vaa, au ro v —

Iha t i th day of Navanthar. 191*. Thho b—da•aihariaad lh*r*(o,^w«l h* Im ad and da. Ilvarad a fltr Iha tih dag at Dacambor. tita . and u y anil, acllan av procaadlng In —t —Ida «r vacala ihia atdlwn— m—i h* h*. , . n m, ov hator. - I d

Clly (.'lark.No HTH aiXTH PTB gpt rAVIMO.


KMI— la haraby livah that tha carnmla. noaam haratoforo appobiiad by la* May— , f tha rlly af Nowayt tn lUk# an aati. Mata U d aaao—monl UU* all tha ownar* ...’ all tha lando and y—I —UU In lU rily of Nawarh, paroiurif hanatlt^ ^ any local l—g —vanani In the —U eltjf. In pro p—11— u a—riy u k a j ‘

I lag* —oh w— d<) have mada an —i

baaatlia —BParrad (ha laada a—I r—I ark

opprav^t .from gaaamll atr—t .ta Wayy— atfwrt.

tSa^tn pravld* I— tM ra—e f n a t a ^ MaaiB a»T;n rp rS ssA W n sf t^ rhf'Im M * a y r ig M d _ e M ^ i;% ^

ra teV wri

aa pal—Ma il

^ .................1 to MpilBtw o ; t l io ta iS^ MUloiro-*

.. . dMaaggad Uibtp-dhm >lwa>huadr*dr"~ ■

Itnau. laalidlng d«aa- _ U* aaMtr—tlaB at aM

. r—ta—i t* aaiMlUw aaMk-a M ^ i—rT e 'l A y ^ " * y y * t—

s r a y g L AiM timt ^Mh^h*i'S■wh

d foay> a d aBa-halt hiahw (4* I d 'l .

Otlad C T h a apkipuy ahnll maUitaln aad MM la lapalr tha pavam—I aad «KW- welhaMtwaeeMe ( m m add alghtfU tH h—

Natblu' la thla erdtnma a lM- —.-I— •*— ir —1*hy IM M a^ '_ * tthat a raport h r a earili an nrcam puylnt mag aad tha — vaval a—laarn—U '

mnnl oampt^-££ !& m llrla

grew Atty-<


tho_______ la a pidaljai. th«m l — llaa a t tha aaalarfr imah M, F ^ lh g -

■taa av—t— aad tha— aaaaaatm i tbaya-

.iaaMk b M n h r gfuMad I— Ratlway Ca—M *r. >u

IT, alaatt—Mrtla a t ,

- - M a d urid— M a n , aad to •— tM iiicuiMT Mna u S rio r a S tar tho p—- a—a at'avpqartlag a m vly— 1* a—ct aM p m at ^ hwniim ^

^ aqath—ad i^ a w data *• auip

a . r & 'h S s rw m m mlyliig —

Itva-hi__ __I — twatir'aavah

d lg U B A AVW;P!t Don. a—U O ruga •* ••— » tinOB both lid— of__

•! •lUr a m lu

All U a awnara olp—allariy h« none•aUawUig I atr—d roadln. u d fuel r—d at giraat am,h i ’saiui?

^ ‘ •'iiirr HotPiTAU BONDg,'u d tho m lrk tla t of tka ctly la hataky Ihori—d. and— tM divaotl— of iHa noi



. ..laaa at Chapiad o( l i l t , aitd Iho *

tram Park av— to hliulHMc pavamaM *•

I H tM oily at No*.a u h of tha foi. | .


BUtSDAUI VUCB,from wtahlagi— avtao* U Cb—taq gvaiiM;on hoU aMai.af___ opBIfUl

* W—r*a aty—bMat a) M

and nmand.

andU a t .... ............ .......... - ,—at of Iho Ca—aoon C— ithid tha aa ritp

nCB ll h—ahy givan Ih u tM priipa—d ardH—m paa—d a ______

diulHMc pavaMM *• a BW tai "kb fo u t au dallan. WlU IM g w i —ry nW ag — Naatilaq at c i A tagathar

nil alh— app—tmBaa* mndamai t.. rr apfiivlng of tM

Bran— with (t) Inch n a -


................... I* thalaelMtag Ih* tnylag at the ati— 1 —t—.

ling, IMgMag aod gav-

tlUd.Praaig—t a t U a B—i

f^r Iha va—tiM at

t^* T w 3 T /Sf!***wiraf gti—I tod V at—

"i'KSntM OtUOa Ib a f

orka ot (Krt loo* tteo ,lufeato If aiHh __- — —t— tn llar af | h t ^ d , r i — I* d h ^ o d la utvarll— tha anh. of aald banda and (a alv*nathw ihacwat In thk WAB—r -----------------Vkbod Rlt4 I4«*te t%ocoto


iriloa tha sako ot iOKI banO* Otii) ta give to (baroaf tn tbo maemor onS farm 4 for ky C te p to US ot thaj^w v of | 9k«*

ka aSoH I S ^ OWM t a t a OOrk k^lo t%ocototei*teo«Biii9kW4krstal'

nte wKb Moyholt mw---- f*u»4ottaDOtiertu teFblni,

Biivanirli gn4l 6*1* Ute

TWBLrrH ■WIM*Rati Ckiatet _ . ,

ria 1*1 tachbal-waU AMopioa avaoua |^^C ha* t— av».

flMBlag •Id avon— and •

Mt. rvrtdag Bvanoa ta ‘

_Mla}an ondiBg.vfng katwau



•gl— BVtM

A'SuiWH otitei 10rifroooHti oi

t o l*rga Of wmU. ^ ______ _cnSiiid—an attartwH, U a IKh day a t taavm -

________ b udrad twa 1

Th—agaf attartwH, IM a, t i l l , at 1 p. M„ a t . am. No. * (third rh —). f ttr M U d No—aih— .

I P. M •**. “"■aBiWtWritV* (third rhaiily.dltr balLHABhriitsu. tsa“

rc B i- ic N<mcwtoUoort ,S E L S JS S S L fS IiM gtM t jUUthM


Hoklwoy ~

•droata I* % r i l « T. Tha a—t at advM tam i - ™ -u—ti— WlU » !•,* * « —q— ahall ha pahl ^

. a t « a f ^ . ^

; thaa— lU i aMI akh a malha at

^ lh>riy.|lTa-haa- g IM aa— 'a t

(Ifl MiJ'lh i.lh —1—Vampaar ta

u i 'a ^ d ijihl^Safria*. luliwair CnapnqTM tnacka

K T S a ii

»*y Cmvgnliy

Mfaat _ atad, a —______A TbM ardtaaaM pMU taha a ^

3anil —Id wllhla IM ai

- . lawark at _ ta wrilhaa. aa-

ju ly a u l b ^ a a d a f tl— n a t ........ i —vt— Ballway Cnwnmai',tw —tg ( ta i daya a f t— m U— g («>>■■ .****«»«»i jiiigsir


r I




! /

W '


> S ?



"Wt .ttglD



• ,WPO


i ; : o




\ '


| « M i r B i l P h y tr n i' f i r l M r i i S a l M i B i M e i i Sm *I', c o b i I t H u r l D iM M .

b f O S in JU X AT DDM a TABU' ia lla i . bMa^all^)«)r«r »M far jraar* ft p an -M r Ift HftftftCftii B rotbtrt, m l* ««n*r*. M ai awMMlir Iftftt sigftt ftt ftUi hotiM, ^ Nfw ptrMt. Ha waa ftt tba ftlaaar MMa, aaavarting with (rlcnda, whaa ha tfftp atrlckan with an a tu c k a t haftrt itaaiaa. Ha dta4 a taw laaaiaau latar. to fa . t iha irr ta a l a t a phyalelaa.< Ur: Hanagaa waa barn la Maw Tarfc tiftia fany-jtlna paara aga, *>ft



<0, I t b iv^ioiUiit to biuinm. men, cor- por«tk« t u d LutituUooi thatUw U ak aekctcd to be tSe cuatodiu o( tbeb buiineu effain, iboukl direct iti budoew elooi libertl end progreuive, yet conKTvitive lines, with ideeb hi|ber then tboae of mere profit-miking for itoddKddcn. (Q^Theconstint endeavor of the Oficen of thb bank b to conduct its attain 10 M to mike lU who come in cloie touch with itt virioui ictivitfci feel that they ire consideied in » per- tonil and friendly way, and that their inUretU are tafdy conserved. QL We invite a penonal interview or correapood- ence, with a view to your opening an account with thfa bank, so that you may enjoy these privihges.


, Vka-naMa«. Vlta-PmHw>. . . CatUtr


Jaha S.(Wma a lacwal •aapibat )-

Wrae la this altp sihea ha was alaYMril Die. Whlla a t ta n d lu HI. ?ftt- rleh’i Cftthaeral Behool ha ahawad t« l- •aana of M llltp aa a ball piftrar, aad Wtww ft ro a m aiaa Joiaad tha HatualhftsaaftU loan. Tbia waa ena of thah a ta i aau tau r alBaa a f th is aacUon, i?a«pallBC with shch taama as tha Haaarllla Athlatia Club, Stooklnga, ■•U Ira Alpha*. Niagaras and Chathamt.

Tha rapatatlon of Mr. Hsaagan as ft f t r ^ bastn an and a haavy hitter a t- m r ts d tha altaatfon of managers of

tralbssiaaal taam a and In the aarlp tnatlaa h* played w ith tha Newark

taftn of tha aid Eastern Leagv*. Tha Ipllawing year b* was sagagad by tha MiSMtawn-aiaVaravllle team of the Nm York a ts te L u g u a , on which he played aararal aaaaona ; Daring the wlnlar Ur. Renagan played wllh the All-Amarlean team la IM Saathera r i f i id a and (?uhaa tjkftgha which waa conipeaad of play- h n a t tha aallhar of "Wild RIIC' Dah- lan, wha tatar played In the National LaMua aad Ir raasnt year# managed aba Braaklyn tadm' in th a t league. Ed­ward Olirwy, haw ceanaeted with tha p m ^ t l a l laaurance Company, waa Oftethar Nawnrher belonging to tba

' • • A. *..u n illa buying In the Baoth tar. Ran- Muft eohtraetad rhaumatlaih. .and tSUa foecad him 'la gait bhlaball. Ua ra- illhiad ta hla hamt hare and fof.a time eras coach a t tha gatan Hall Wiam. la ItM ha aad hla hrathar, BdwaH J. M ^ a n . fartMd a panw arphlt *■<

‘ igad a eafa a t U »ir***- iWhnuiebad otft i r u t Moulh Taalh- aaL ThU piaed'wwa agjM la tUMr

,if(M>tar. Hlehaal Uanagan, aararal Vayra ago. and. th* firm atftrtad *ft- alfeao astabllahmaat ftt 111 Broftd btyaat Thay wars candactlag hath ftt U a ttaia of Mr. Htaagftft'a death.

Hi . Heaegftn waa never married. Be Waad ftt tha New atraat honsa for yaara ■ a Waa a mamber a f the Newark Ladga •1 Mlkai aad until hla d ta th eontlnaed da have an aathra lataraat In baaabaU. M a w ln y «ha dainga a t tha taama each b t M n with etaaa attdhllon.■ ' idU dai hU two hrath lra, Mr. Hana. wftM ta aarvlyad by two alatara Mn. i l l t a ONHady aad l i r a Mary Crlm- I h A baU of tUa rity . Tha fitnaral

-arlU ha held fTIday m oralag from HI.' VftMeh'a CatbadraL Wkara ft high m»aa a t taenlam wljl ha cO U hraM Burial tbrUI ha la tha O auttary of tha Holy

lah ta

died yaatarday aftam ean tram a oota- pileatlaa a t ftllnanU ftt bla hem a Iia f Wsahlagtaft atraat. Hahoaea. Ha waa bora tarty yaara agu la Maw Torh. Mr. Dauglaa raatdad a t i s ValUy alraoL Raath Otaaga. until a m aath pgu. Ba- tMaa bla wife he lessee a aU ur, Hra Charlee Davy of South Orango. Ea- Iioral Borvlooi will be held a t tho houag a t 1:1* o'clofh lami.rrow aflirnaatf: Intermani will be In Calvary Camaiarr.


Qanaral Dan C. Kingman, U. B. A., ra- tlrad, died here yeatcrday Ha h*d been In falling haallh aevaral m ontha The ganaral waa ham la New Hampablra la l i f t . Ha waa retired March * laat ea ancaunt a t age.

Oancrat Kingman waa appointed a hrlgadlar ganaral October ISIS, when he haeaiae chief of englnaeri aueeeedlng Brigadier General William T. Roaeall. retired, as bsad a f tha New Tork Har- har Line Board. He wa» named a cadet a t West Point from Now Hampehlro In I ITS.

Imale Baftm aa. ^gpotlet Afcslre of Ms KtWK.

BLIEABBTH. Not. If .—LobW Hoff- man. a native of EllaabatK died early today a t h it homa, t i t Drava etraaL Ha was sngagsd In U s plumhlag Wing ^ of IM firm of Hoff*man aad Wachtar. Hs la aurvlvad h r a 'wife and two ehl.dran.

Parmer BoMfuee OUa a t Shara. ATLANTIC CITT. Nov. II.—Oearge

SwetL wha formerly managed a chain a t RoteU tor tho Cansdiaa PaolDc Rail­way. died bora ^ t night tollewtng an oparilon.


Uulaia H. E dw bidY r^f. b tha canraa af- Ub" cpdilhg wadfc. .ssatarlftlty atraagthaas shhrgaa On whlsSi ha raUad

^ obtain AA InJuRetUn agaiaat airlklag amplayaas of tha La Race Brasolare Campohy a t l U gummll ciroal, and the WalaL Draas. Whits Oaoda and Caraat W orharT Union, l,ocal Ma. I l l , the La Rasa Braastars rancam will have ta raly on tho police for pro- teelloB againat aliagad unlawful tntar- faranca with Ita worhara. Vice Chan­cellor Paetor gave him a week, a t hit raguest. ta vatrangthan hla cae#."

Affldavlla submitted by Mr, Waif he- fara ih t vlca ehaaeellar, on the rotarn af a rula la shew eauta, talltug of al­leged aaaaulta and acts of Intimldyion, w an m at by a much largar ahaftf a t eauntar affldovfta praaantad by Nathan­iel K tnl, aounsal fa r the dafaadaat Uhlan, In thaaa aat asity tha aliagad

ottaodara, but also a aumbor of psr- aana living In tba Immediate neighbor- bead. averred th a t nothing of the kind charged In lha blit of oemplaint and laid of In aupparting affldavlis had aver aoourrad.

After cenelderable argumeni, the vice ehaaeellar gave It aa hla conclualon that, the case aa praaeniad hardly merltad eanaldaratlan by the Court of rhancary, laaamuoh aa no daniaae lo lha romplalnant’a hualneea waa shown, nor did It appear thel eay property righta bad beaa Invaded.


Spalling oontaats among public school chlldron. postponed In July bacauso of tha epidemic of Infsntllo paralyols. will be held November SS. t i . IT and IS. Contaatftnta must be eelactad from puplla now enrolled In arhool, one bey and one girl from each alementary •chool and one boy and ana ftlrl Iran each grade grade In the high ochoolo.

Ae thorn a n eight divislone of Iho high echoal gradoa. each high echool may eand a lftil boy a and eight glrla The same puplle may aniar for both oral and written esnteata, or different puplle may an u d far each. Conlaslante must flla thair names with Principal Clauds L. West of Newton SchooLcbalr- man of tha comm|ttaa an apalUng, on or before Tuesday.

The words will be aelecUd from the tlete published In the local newapapere in May. Any school not having a copy of ihssc will b t supplied on appllcailen lo Principal West. I

The taate will be held ae follows: I Oral eoauel for olomgntary echool ' pupils, ftt Nswjon School. November ft* u 'etarki w ritien eo*tost tar sls- msntary aehool pupils ftt Newton Sehool, Novombsr I t , ftt l;ll> o'clock; oral coNlast far high achoftl puplle. ftt Central HlgkRIsheoL Navfthsbor IT. a t | : t* o’clock; wrlllen contaat for high acheal puplla, a t Newton School. No- vombar SI, a t tilgWcIftck,

r . e

CHAltinWIAEEXSTOKEfA maeling of aoveral aub-cammitlaos

of the Roaovllle district oenfarsnea of tha Bureau af Asooclftted Chftrlttaa wM arranged la be held Monday afternoon a t ths d titrle t of fire, 4 IT Orango stra tt, a t a maaling a t the committee on or­gan Isatloh held there yeeterday afte r­noon. Mra William Pairlto presided yeeterday and plane were dleeueeed lor the complete organ laat Ion of tho cen- forenoo.

Chairmen for the varienfi aactlona will bo namlnnUd a t tho Monday meet. Ing and It la axpocled on active cam­paign e f charity work will bn Innug- urated nt tknt time.

QnitHm ol U A fiii Ln&er aid NacliiMrT Daitrarad bf Im-

im Bhu ■ Nfv Factory.

SPARE FROB MAOBNE B atlSEQuanlllles ef tmttntlan leather and

machinery, v*luad la all at ttH.OM. were destroyed last night by fire In the new plant of tho Duraiea Com­pany, l « Prollnghuyaan avsnao. rea r that the ftareee would ronoh esplostvea that the tlramen Iheught wore used In ftniehing lha malarial caused them to send la a aaoond alarm. The fire waa conflnad to two rooms In a one-story brink bnlldlag, where ii burned frem I unlll 11:11 e'olock.

K. P. rord , general manager ef (he plant, slated thia morning that there ware no siploatvaa naftr the flamca Noises tha fireman look far saploslona, ho oald. ware rraekling sounda mada by lha preparation that Is used to coat the product

The rempaay has bean warklag day and night shifts and nbaut tittnen man ware biicy In the cealing roam, where the ftniih la sppHsd ta ths m sttrlel, whsn s Sperk fsussd ky friction pn a machine Ignited tks Inflaminabla eneting mlatura. Whan alforls to a t- tlngulth lha blase with aaad failed, tba workman ran from the place end sum­moned the Eire Oapartmenl. Tha flsmee destroyed the cantsnU of this room and apraad to the drying roam adjoining, where all lha conlatnad tln- Ishad material was burnad.

Whan tho second alarm was sounded tha mombars of lha Slilh Prerinrt

I police were bangueting at Hadlaon ava- ' nua and South Eourtaanlh street with

Ihe police oommleeionere ae g ueita Two sguads ef Ih t men volunteered far duty and were ruahed lo the fire In auto- mobllee, wbora they atelsted the ra­te rvee.


f'JM in CeykandftIL founder of tba whole- i U t tan, ooflaa awd apko bualnoaa which Ihdnra h it nnms, a t t t Maahnnio atrsoL !thlg city, and ft msmhsr ef ana a t Ihe 'old CaloBlal famUlaa a t tha su ta ,' died lasMarday aftaunaon ftt th s boms a t bla M bTLanls T .. OaykandftU, 1* Lattas blftca, Mftpiswaod. H s tans striehsa wttb S t i n g y whlla ftatw aring tba tala- sh a m aa his rotura boras from husl- 4gsa last Saturday ftttsrnoaa, Eatalynift ■gavglspsl ftftsrward. Two yaara ago 'to fthflarad a tight atraks.

J lr . GagrheMnU Wftaa aaUvg;al Hasra- srvtUhL w h e n ha was horn iaguftry t, I H t Ha WftS the aon gT t lu r ia l and B arrlst (Aydra) Odtk*Mh1L T lsra wnra alght athar cRIWran. Ha 1 1 ^ In Wakaman avanna, th is city, i t r thlrty-aavaa yaara hstara mdvlng laat ■umnar to h it son’s bams. H it daugh- Ur, talN Marriat Caykanagtl, who d M Iwalsa yaara ago, was an t of tha first waRMa dsntlgta In this stata. Mssiass hla aaa and IWO gyandahlMraii. Mr. Cgybandalt is uaiVIvad by twa h ta than .

'E ard O ayktaM l a t Nsw Tark and— - — ^ m^yhssiay* Caykaadall af

yaara aftor earathig ta thIa city I III IIH , Ms. C o rh a aU I N w dtd Uit ilMR Oayh sndftll Co-.^msW avdr tiaa*

w ftMlua In Its mahftgasnsRL Ba huiU _ I aa orgaftltalM i a t la g a t ura»lay«—■ •Rd whsft lbs hustnaas waa laearpar-

'’ftlai, pptahar t , IHft. tiva af ths fddar , « m * l a ^ , ana M wham had hath aau- naaiad with tha buaMeaa alnea IM l, Wata taken Intd th s firm aa a reward f a r tbair work.< Tha asptugaaarian'B w ife, who iwa* tfUa Busan C. Cbanilar, daughlar of Dg. w ntlam C. Chandler af Bau|h Oraagi, .4 M In August, IM l. He had-baOB tnarvlad three Umea pravloualy. Hr, 'Oaykandail was a member of the Baa* i t tb a American Hovodutlon. the HH. , ||« d Baciatr af Now Tarheaad tba Ml- maata atdsr. Hs vraa aettva In tba af-

lr« a t Centenary MsthodWt R p n M ^ a i ^ , W latgraiiad i*

( k P r i c em a r k e t S T , c . H A L S E Y


100 SUITSTaken from ngtUar atoek and placed o n epeeiat eale

T o c m i t o w ( T l n n d t y ) O n ly a t

.00Fneeni PHee§^fIS,00 A flS.9S

Saatt far trinuMd tod tillafaB modaU.

AUeratUmt Free, a$ uenal No CO. D.*§ No Mail Orden

. WPM g»a^»-wwas mam mmry ^amard SalMing and Lean Aaoaelacl

Jr« a t Centenary MsthodWt Rp<Rod la I

LcHWi Amkk

s s s i:n ^ < n is ! r “I EsIdaT fthdriioea a t fha Caykag-

datl haina. C tonaa L. Watwartb.

, t l Cbureh, MapMwaad, will a f- In ttm a n t will ha ^ p ^ r


aastar a t Marrow Mamarlel MalbadtM •liiplesspalTlelata. In.Camalsry. ____

B B . M . a i N S T E B 1 t B D , s B i n T t ME i m n i i l E i t t

Tka kuN a t ih raa a lM in la hadwar d iaib ’a sunimans. wHhla ab a ta a i to r . H ra Mary A. Chrialla, wide af Chglsda E alar J. ChrtMla af tha th lN I Thaalact 'pgllhs, died I I * t1 | a’olscft thly m arihig .a t Ibair hofaa. U W IshM sirasd.. a f tt r >pg tllnaaa Of five dayn. ' H ra Mdataad r , McDangld af Harrlaaa, a alatat^ d M

^avam bar IT; l l l L l(i Jhhs, thW jragr, Hlsa Margarat Clarh, tba siegnd MtUr, died, 1 BMldaa her h u s h i^ . Mm ChrW- 4W la aurvlvad by two hrothara. Oharlda ^ r h . of CMaaga and iaaalM Ctarkr pf

, Mm Chrigtla was a d aughna ad Hr.j h d Mm. Chaytua Cipfli, gad waa to rn in Nswark niHy-twa g m g gga-

^ had Hvad In thU c ity « bar Hta. gka tlQph^rar a laenibgr af M. f« triM f> CRiha-

f iV gariah, d id w aa a*ttva.M> V vast- la** aaataua* gad galM h

Women’s & Misses* Coats

S $ 9 (^ 0 0*■ ■ A m x M

m d up io $49.50P ^ t frim m o d C o a U

P U u h Trim m nd C a a tii h n n M T d U o r i ^ ^

I M s k f o r 8 trd « t, M o te r, 8dA ( D rtB i aiHi DtBBB V bbt.

t t u 0 i m e n o U m u o t A s f M l p I m p r k m .

BdiWft c^glfcd, l i d mM M K C tt iw u n i^VMmm . 1TB,.


Eire (lid about |1,U* damage ihle marnln* lo a twa-atory building at II- 41 D Aurig street, The flret floer wai ocauplcd by Feter Coppola as a black- no lth ahop and the eecoad floor waa uaad aa a etoraga place for wood and other m aterial ef a comhusllhla aa tu ra Patrelm an Jaha McHugh, a raeuntad policeman of the Second Prrelnol. ree- cued three heraes- Tha origin ef the fire haa not been deiermlnad.

The blase caused a denie emeke. which was Men by persona living at some diiULiice, who thought the tire was of far greater proporitone. Two nlnrma were turned la, one from Bos Tl a t Bummer and gavvnth svanuss, the other from Box 111. a t Bheffleld and Naaaau atraata.' A leaking gas pips starisd a slight fire a t noon today In Ihe produce house of Adam Hsbeler, a commlaslon mer- ohant a t 41 commerce street. The blase was sxtingulshed hefert II did much damage. Ths teas U' placed at lU .


(ContiBued fram F irst Page.)

la net fuU of pelantlal fighting men that can ha spared. Tba Army p arir aaya It ta Dr. Addison af 'the Minis­try af M unlllsnt replied yesterday for tha munitions Industry. Ha said to s parly ol Jeurnaliala that ha waa can* ducting through the Woolwich Arsonal: "We cannot ho asked to supply muni­tions and a l the same lime part with the men who make thaai."

Dr. AddiBon went on le explain that Brilaln’i augumtntad munillona pro­gram raqulret a grant nnmber of mala tuborera In tha prime of thair strength.

”flcvernl branches of lehor are In­volved In the production ef steel,'* he oald. “and dilullan cnimot go beyond a certain point. Thera Is oeaentlal work which «in only he entruated to lha physically vigoroua. The nsw pro­gram la eating up explosives In thou­sands of tan a w ith re tard lo man labor, two new tacloriss for explosives must ragulra xt Isnsl 11,040 people. At least IILdOd addiliana! men workers and IM.OH women workers will he naaeesary If the tugumented program Is to hs tffloicnily carried out.

iBicvtaaaa With Private Trade."We have praetlimlly to control the

whole atecka ol lha country, and It means a graater Intaftarance than ever wllh private trade. Thsra are POO.OOO man of mltllary age working In munl- llona By a recent cunvaes we found th a t seventy-eix per cent, are claimed ns ekllled, nineteen per oent. ae aeml- aklllad and only Hvt par cent aa gntkiliad." ^ „ I

This Is tha flret time tk si any fig- urea aa ta lha number ef men of mili­ta ry a g t In munitloas work have been guatad atflatally. although a queelton waa aakad I* Parliament a few days

[ fines a* to whelhar tha number was I not a b d it a mllllen,

There la also contlderahle anxiety I among hualiiass men as ta how they ara

ta ran thair affairs exclusively with woman, Invalided aoldlara and old man. hu t thay 'wilt probably have to find a way, aa tha army chlafi have given thair ummafum that more fighting

' man Hust ha forthcoming, and at onoa,I I t tba w ar la to be conducted with vigor or with any hope of a dsclaton in HIT.

Bwhiaat af Rlaeh Lahar. Casaraandar Wedgwood, a prominent

I M ilitary authariiy and also an M P„ tiMa ago brought ap tha guestlan

\ a t ra a ra ltla f black troop* from vari- a t s parta a t tk* British Bmplra, par- tiaa la fly fram Africa. No offleUi no- tIaa waa takan a t his proposal, but yas- I t a i to r I t dovtlaped during a dlseusslon la fM la m a n t that a coatingsnt nf natlva ■ laharars Is being racrolted in I Bhuth Afriaa tar non-combatant duHaa bahiad tha British Unas la Eranca.

Altbiiugh ne further Information I could be etiriled, Ihe suspicion now Is th a t black labor msy be brought in Bngland. also. In order te supply labor •hurtagas and thus rslaasa all man of

SUIUry age. without oxcaptloii. for a array. 'Hia labor elamsnt It un- saay a t ths suggeiilon. tha actual ear- I Tying out of which thay wantd probably

St a id wllh aa littla fa rar aa they did Unaaa labor some yaara ago.

sy ataa, pursuing hie original I'ommandar Wedgwood

meeting of soma thirty H. P.g I a t which ha proposed tha fallowing ma-

tiaa , wMeh waa adopted: "That this ta**tiRg of Kamhara of PaitliJneni. In

I hlaw' M tha urgent damaadt ta r nssn fa r tho array, calla upon lha gaveru- raaat te isdta Immadlata stapa to racrull fa r tba army tba celond aubjauis af Mia Halaaty throughout tha Kmpirv, aad Rura sapaclally In Afriaa."

I t o two mucji-diaeuBiad pasaihitHia* far. '•btaintng more man—-ralslhg Uht age llrali and ragulring *ampulae*y aarylca fram Ireland—have not heap bsapBht up In I’arllamant. though lha a ir ia Wratmlnpier la thick with the tbhsai af thorn. H M tla nawapaa srs n b i f t i Ofthtnat MlnMara with ladaal. S|M hbd fear, aepaelally In ragard ta O a IHak part of It. From what aaa aaa ga tbar from Irish *101*00 Irataad U ipatte that veneertpUaa Will ha fiaraad

bar laontr or lal*r. iMosa. day by day. paan f "Ma MpstTf’- " f ra * priv ita Ufa a*

ib a lr atauraaa are oalM m*. The tha- a .riea l aiMasalon, avaa tdhara, thay ■lingav Mhcar" than •* ira*t walk* af dift, hi aigwetyaana ra iaagar af tba Olaha Thaatar oaM tka athsr nigkt th a t ha bad uaw racidvad hia ealL

"Trip tumniry wilt aeon be withmn raaa.=’ dMd b a ' tbur* hat lb*WUML H WIH novar ha aa t re t a caiRe tsy again a* w *««a*a (b# war. Tbara oaaB h M iW la Ito

- aaa « • « aa a» ha. New tiM .toyaB W hg ia n C


A SEDAN which i* tom ethiflf more th in a do led c ir restricted to city i t r te t i , or smooth, level, pived highwiya.

A S edin built also lor the open road. Light enough to hold down the co it of upkeep, yet fturdy enough to travel in comfort over long distances and all sorts of roads.

An open car or a closed car in a twinkling. Wide open to the bracing air of Autumn, or the cool country breezes of Summer. Coitly do ted against the keen, sharp wind or the gusty storms of a Winter day.

Blessed with the pulling power that dis- tinguishea the Hupmobile Perfected Four. A marvel in heroic hill work. Smooth and swift in hi^h-geir pick-up. Delightfully flexible in thick iriffic.

And with a National Coupon Service System which transfers its merchanical cam into the hands of experts. A service that costs you not a penny.

VKa reirulfttlon Toifrlnir r&r find (h* Ro*4- »l«r convfrlOvIe IpTo Winter hr uyr Ynir 'Round bodiM. ThouvH tttMio rloodly rf>i«mbU p«rni«nrut Inclmud bgdiMv thfy »r« muMk r^moviibU when |tdu « n op#fi i'ur RfiLia.

DeCOZEN & REISSD io t r lb u t o n

20-26 Branford PlaceALERBD IM oanN, Masaavn T»l. taOS Mkt.

Immediate Deliveriea—Any Model

Powerful hupmobile Four-Cylinder MotorTha M a n . llba all our a lM model*, b aguippad wHb tba lluem obtla P*rfactad E a * r • cyllndar raalor. , ^In ih b molar wa have crialaB what am ounb ta a now type. U haa tba powar-aapaclly af a raring molar. Iteataad of aalng Ih b great power far spaed. Wa traa ab ta It Into pulllag abllllin ar. a* the ah-

flueera call iC l« « (lM oowar.hla I* tha aouraa of t to H w -

oMihlla'a raeaarkahla gear parformauca a* h l lb « ■and and mud, a 'l.o ro v the aountry—In which H. ,*• axeaUed by any dar cara and cgumlad only by the batlar ly p a i


Uaar t oBMW

Cor.Tr<Mt PtM«

F ive -P a iten itr Sedan $ l.7 3 Sri«r-FaM«iw 'to * * /*T m ? IKJ»«J fr tr *«••* Crapn.f.Ml* . f to /■euregrr rw ln t t o . J M ”l l . l t l ; 5»»»«-F«Met*r ‘.• ''J r* * .IM e o

Peket t, #4 b, Oeieont



\Y /H F jRPu can you go in this or any other city---and see such a V A R IE D collec­

tion of pianos boasting th e g rea tes t nam es of th e piano industry as you will see here ?

Im agine th e satisfaction of being able to try th em -•o n e after an o th er— all under one r o o f ! Y O U R in ­s tru m e n t is am ong th is array of no tab le pianos; your problem being reduced to the simple matter of SELEC­TION—for no matter on which make your choice may rest, it will be an instrument of superlative quality.

And . prices! Uprights from $185 to $1,000; grand pianos $405 to $2,400; player-piaROt $305 to $2,550.

Writ* for Art Cauloiusa

Griffith Piano Company603Broad S tree t



[ ^ w h e h n o w n i y /hedua liH /qO

panos \m sd lAeolian Vocalion

Thr vaadarful new Fhaaeanah. lha beirv mvni thel el-

gr« new feund dellxht* b Ik* l e w ef mwele. Ne alhir ranegrepli le like It. Let an deneaetrate tale ekanoiag ■trumeai ta yea. Sally raacana. VHb Cor rabbsue.

( f

^ C H A S S I S

( R o e h l e r _ 8 9 5O V E R H E A D


hand tar Oatfbg m VlMt tor raalanrTfkB

l e i l B l I l l ^ t a C N f l M t t l i4«k Avge and •tiWB At.

Wa iPB


T r o p r e a s h u t M w i i ^flflfcoEok R£ST0i£RIraiaadUUly reBtaraa yara ha ir *a i ariar daairad with arai ur Wma' ta apply. Ba Ma* toe tollaf Vm tora

■cuemne ,HAIR

REMOVER__ _____ I aaprat o aea baSr Rwraa*la « t» ^ ''gad Ua ooaaabaal oa* retard* Ih* grawik. A llgaid eomsaaiid aaaM Sx lug aaathiog alb. bairaba* MB aafleaapWa, ____

BM ARD BIJS F*B W EPrUI gw w to* toflri m BifunI

■t oud____________ nBtg*.rd i l iR . a . —

> -

i H S w A j t t B r b V e n d t o m s b i

J T o u

1 u A* M. i . «• <«ioi Mtur.

r i £

eoHreiPTioKS-Tiw w«>w>M iwiik flftr HBt«i w t V ' .***

___ ?£d flftf ••••>: •»•n w t - t mma • * w .VMk Offir*. Bwt— *«> til-*fc •««*l I^L MM-ltn K»4lw« •■■««.

( n o , m i Trtlui MUUa»D>. C, aumiik H I 0»W f to MMlto-

I itTML Tllfc 0r»«*» 1 ^krwMh tuktoto »« to-ilfttr mnmA Ortito l« W «jn»lf «MkH »*to« U * W. T»l. tlt-

n’! isr '.,2 ir iT .* ;rr« : .2 ? “CU»1»« ««••• (Tt*« CMIW).■ntol OHW, II «tol* Hi»«. W- •**•

h«Ulta«.w . to 1

Milllw*.I ■■■•Ik ocdM. I rwk itoM.

t o a c f k v . b m 1 . r . 0 . M i t o t o .1 oitlto II W*l towt Itoltoi

liM |K « tarMrl toMtoJWlto *i k m m . tk*. m - l WkikiMUm.■irRKAV—4T Wtol •Ut* ititot. Til

111 rmUM.j M t n r MAMiowB o m c » - to »_ i to f

M M . M fthM *»to» *»«•■« <*»">■W. «(«!»««'• ftol ••ut*■wuntn. TkL III AtoMT Fkit.IHTJC CITT — Tto Ptoltot AAwtottott

'AaMOr. Wkitir ■. Mto-

ttor tort « l t k t iklM W . Tk« «*Mm m • ( to toUmU >B—« 1 i impf toriu r t It u lfto to to »U

urn tk« totatoUM ftotovtos th* a 4 wtltoi af ^vhlMtttoi tktot. n to tortf. h*««Mr. to to»w w d artwi th»t pr*- klhlttato to C atonte tou M W md ■ parma* Mat trtatopto Tfem to a paatoMiity r«-•Mtoa MMfe ■■ kH ttM toonud tor ttoriisrr lata wat ta atkw M«Uaaa of tka aauatrr iar- laff part raam Tba •■• thtnv tbat mar kaap Ortorado la tba tor aalnwn parma- aattUjr to eaatniaad aappart at prahtbHloa oatba iroaad tkat It to •■ aeoBomto fUMiaa. Iflabar Md aapital afiaa tkat a aatooolato■mta papa balk amplorar aad amptaraa, thar will kava nara latlMnea thaa protaaatoMi lafiiriatri ar tkaa panonal Ilbartr adUatora.

Tka IndHrtrtol tad af tka drr mavaiBant la 'wpTtk aMN attaatloB In thaaa dara tkan all tba athar arcnmaala pot tafatkar.

atattoc Ofhtotrtto rtto«M b* i

LOCai. WUNCII OPfICM: IMohto* Mto Mafkrt.

•MM, IM. M»mk«a atortijaI iUMI, Ml. Mjrili •» . M lkiii»1l“ h C m . bfrtb to*to towrt. at, IH ___

r r -


AT FACI VALUB.•Mwtd talk af a alrtka bp laadan af tba

UBloM la caaa tka taUraad a»o«>I pravaal tka tort traaa kaeawitog afPaa>

r M January t aato. krlaw a«ata to tka ■I tha akanaa for aaaa aad aobar dtosato

af tha puTpaaaa aad affaato a t that ara.

I aaaetnant eama at a ttaM whaa It pto I tha araaa af palltloa Mr. Bii«kaa tirrt

(bat It waa a w p to tba labar rato I than that It w u a paid brtek. rttwapalr

at vlawa aaeapt aa tka fram d labor la aatllp gulUbla. Fapotor dto*

to eartala elralaa tallawad tha toSM Uka tka BMaaara at Ita fkM

) doaa not Uad «P "war kUad altapti piplBf tkto rala to tha Adaiaaaa kill,

I railroad anlana d^larad ipartnaaUp that would rtJika u la « tha atokt'kaar dap (taatad. Wa win aat apaia pa tola baato raaaaa eaaaanlac tka aparatlaa

; aad haarp tralgkt tralaa, wktoh waa ' poiat at tka battaaa at It alL Prartdaat

I BOMpiad tba thraal abaatotolp aa tu ralua That to tha Brat patart to ra*

Tha aacaad paint to tkat ha baaad laaa Mil aa Ha awa toaa Taiaa. Ha

I It aa tha iroaada that tba alpkt>hawr had raaalvad tha paaatal approval al

• m T A U o r c o n a o N .NM avaa with alactloB a*ar baa thara diad

dawB Utk of afferta aa tba part af bualoaaa oaaaaraa to lafinaaca thair amplapaaa to rato a eartala wap. Wa will aat diaeaa tha eam pt pnetloaa aot, booauaa wa da not ba, tiara that Ibla waa doaa witk, tha lataatloa af rtototlar Iht tatlar af tha law, aor la praetleallp ararp iaatanea tha apirit, attbar. Wa prefer to aaauaia that tkaao amplapara JoaUtlad thamaalrae to thanaalraa la a ba- Uaf that the atoetloa bald laipartaat eaa< aapaaaoaa to thair laduatrlaa aad that thair atoplaraaa ware aa lataraatod aa thar wara la tha eaaUauad praapaHtr of tha eoaoara.

>at M to raatarlBf oa rarp thin lea Juat tha IT—* la tha flirt plaoa It to hichir Habto to aatolBtarpratotlaaL Aar aaa wha la aapaatotod wfth tba ladapaadanea af Atoart*

tobar will aadarrtaad how tha iaipUad thraal. hawvrar haaaatir put forward, la llkalp to baakfiro lata tha ladnrtiT Maalf. That tart af thtof raaklaa to a war that aa todirtdaal preaparttr oaa drawm. What to

ra. It aapht to raaUa. Aad. flaatlr. aa b u la irt toaa at fiaa toartMlttiaa would thiah at datap aaah a thlap. Labor aadandaada tba dlttaraaoa batwi aa haaaatir attarad la- fonaatiaa aad tba other thlap. Tha at- tompta wtow art aoaatoarllr rtekraa; thap

W hp HawJtn&t Mtoiiiirni wbaa tottotoal aad Ulht- arapa wrrtaa wm a r t raadatoA.

Yaatpaaatoaat at tha haarlap af tha rato mm until aaat Jaauair «aa hr matadl aoa- ■•at. baaauaa tha rallraada aad tba Ha* Terh lataraata wara afraid to pa ahead at tkto lima and bacauaa tha Jaraer paitlw ta (ha litlpatlon were a r t prepared, aithar with maaar ar vHh aspart adriaa, to paU tbatr ooataotloiM. Tha laaaaa lavatrad are •dmliladlr *0 importaat ta tha wbola country, aod Invotra aa maar' taohaleal pointa that both todao tbal thap murt bo ■Iven full opportunltp to ■aarrtial thair facta and lb*lr foroaa. Tha New Tarh forcoa '■(a mar* aolldip aimed than ara thoaa af Haw Jataap, aad In that partloular tha tormar hare a dlatlnct adraolapa. la loplo, bow- •rar, New Jararr to bp fkr the rtroapar—a fact which to apparaattp aaaoadad bp the ipatropolto.

Undtr thaaa elreumrtaaoad Haw Jaraap naada nora moncr to ataara ftatpht rato aa- parta (o pivaeot to tba talaratata Commarca Commtoaloa tha arrap at taatp la a aaarlM- inp maaaar. Bhould all af tha lataraata that would profit bp tb* prepaoad ehaapo la lataa eeatributo th*>r ahaTa to tarry an tha eaa- taat, thaa Ihap would offaat the aotldarltp of the Naw Torkera, aod tha kapa at Ttetorp would ba praatlp leeraaaad. WUh dirtdad tore**, Naw Jaraap map laaa la ^U a af the ararwbalmtac aridanea In Ita h r a r baeanat that arldanoa map not ba marahalad la a arap to matt tha arfumaato that wtU ba aat up br the hlfbart paid aaparU ratalaad bp Naw Tork and tha rallraada. Coaunqttlaa aa a whole, eommaratol eriaaltotiea^ tadl- vtdnal maotttoetarafa u d hualaato man abould raaltoa thla and raapond with a will ta wla.

af adaMtlaii a«d CaaaW>^Miife BMTd viu kava b a ti dMdoUdaiad aadar aaa aaatral, aad real ifflalianr aadar aaaaamleal admla- totrattoa arm hrtpa barn BtUlaad. Bat while wa ara tiwrttol ap ta ika la iiar tdaa tha •wullar prahtoma Which ara rtlll aamplaa, •keald ko worked out la tha fuUart aitaat poartbta aadar aaah raaooraaa aa ara arall- ahla.

Idd la thaaa tha Prartdaat'a appalaimtwt InvMllaatlat oamBilMlaa to adfnrt tha

and flirthar taflataUan alewf tba I af tha Canadian ladaatrlal dtapataa aat,

r thaaa at thair face rataa alaa. ta athar lartaad of trytag to look fat a eae- aiotlra, aeaapt tha ehrlaaa oaa—that at WUaoa, ta aara tha aaaatrp fraai

kmlatBt aad aarlaoa diaMtor, hraaabt ; tha patoaga af aa alght-hoar law, tha

naral prtaelpta af wblob ha appravad aad practical worklaga af whiah ha dtrtrad

fbr aama af tka dtraet aaa aaa naa aaa, tha flrrt pla«^ raapaartMIttp far tkalr

aaadart to dr)aaa dtraattp kaiat opoa railroad ualaaa Baraaftor, whUa aa tha hand thair pawar hi ranagalaai, aa tha

thap ara wamod that tbair tp to eammaaaarato with H.

Big Pour uatana mart laha apaa thair lara tba credit ar dlaoradlt of bavtag ip ihraataaad tba natioa wtth a great

to. Thar eaaaat naw dawp It bacauaa awa rapraaeatationa kava

f^ptod aa bpaart aad baaad aa full uadar- aBadleg. They kava to Juattfp Ibaaaatvwi^ to tka eptaloa af tha public. Data any aM dtolimilT hrtlav* (hat tha mavawiaata af tha l i r Pour will ha lagardad wtth tatoraat la- dptwaMo aap taagwl .tjhi^paaa thair poatuaa had baaa aoMptod

•j^'a bluff. On tha aaa haad that would ijj^a traad tha uiUo h from any aanm of ro- l^itrthllltp to tha public la putting forth irtMnda: oa tha ether tt would have cart f|jferadlt upon them to tha lajupp af tha real toPviM thap do. Thla la wbathtr to aot M k a raaultad.

Jtnd If a atrtJi* dU Nanlt. tha htttoraato of fgiling angudarad hath amoag tha can. ttotiato and tha •atfaiiag pubUo^'whathar Uto ualoaa wan or tort tba rtraggla, would hgva taaultod la aalldUVlBg anhaoeltlaa aad pbajudleaa. It vranid ho mara dUfleolt for attbar alda ta gat a dtopaartenata pnblla Ijldgmant; win ar laaa, tba ualona would hdve a muck harder Uma in gatolBg a fair iliarlag karaaflar, and thap wculd find that thap had lert auppart av«a tram thaaa aagrcaa where thap wanld ho meal llkatp ta •p a r t 11. Tha pallep of atrtka would hav» hlaB aaoauragad aa the anlp thing Isft.

’Ptaallp, hr tha Prartdaat'a conraa, tha ppaoadaat la aat that haraaftar the garaca- naat. thraagh aoma aaa of Ha hraachaa ■ pPovMlBg tha eatp laaaaq at rapraaoBtatlaa that tba gaaatal puMta tatorart haa—to gaiag to ba tha arhitor ta aaah tabor mat- ttn . Tha praaaat atir aaiaag the tralamoa pilau dlraetlp that wap. Aad to It aat aa- aiUp what wa have baaa after for aa loag, €|at In auch gnaatleiM. ehargad with n eb fllat intarart ta tha puhila, tha public la- tatart iktll ba adaquatalp repraaaatadT At

value tha whale htotorr af tba Adamaaa hBI to a aaaa af varr taag-haadad atataaman- llltp, aanealvad act ta tha labor lataraata, tm pat la the rallroada lataraata but dto- ideUp ta tha public tatorcata

Aad tt mtoht ba added that hafora thla to doaa with tha arMUary aad u»>

% toiaaMa rulaa aad eaadltloBa at rallvar fpantloB, tha artitlaial aacutotUatlaa af ppal adjartmaato aad arMtiatlOM, ara Ukalp Ik ba prattp- tharaughlp thrartiad out ta IPihUc, wtth raaulUM goad all around

?ileh to aertkar affect of tba gevaramaat'a vUg la k w a hand.

CRUX TCB n n C H T BATE CAflR Naw Tarh to rtlll trytag to avoid dtoeua-

■lea of tba toua af tha tralght into aaaa ta- atitutod hp New Jaraap aammualtlaa Cona- ■al far the rallraada aad aemaaareial arganl- ■attoaa ta tha tortrapaUa aad tha aaw». pa para than, aeattana la argue that Haw Jaraap to aaktag tar a dUfaraatlal aad dto- artaUnatarp rata. Whathar thap ara doing thla boeauaa thap a n daealvad ar boeauat thap do aot dan .to moat th« raal toaua to hopaad tha auaatiaa.

Tha taaaeapahla (act to that N«w Jaraap to ■at aaktag far higher rataa tor Haw Tark, but to aaoralp damandlng tha aama rata* that Naw Tark raaalvaa Mae tha added cert of haadllag gaada ahlppad acraaa.tha Rudaon Rivar aad Naw Tark Bap. Tha eawiaiarclal talaruata on tha wart rtda af'tha barber hold that thap khall aot ha farced laager to pap tha ecat at aaadlag goada farther thaa tha gaada a n aarrlad.

Naw Tatk aawupapara that have bean aa- lalag Hart Jaraap af maliaa la bagteaiag

tha ttttgatloa kava aaaawkat ehangad thair BtUtado aad a n . new putting the htoM for tba alarttag af tha caatart aa the ahaald«a at tka latarrtala CawBrnrea Cotnialtojea .far jatUBlM to giaat tha taer^wad vw ^ ' da- maadad hp tha laitraada la guppart of thto ooBtoatlaa, tha Haw Tark natao quataa tha

at dupfoto* O a r t J t ftraa-data bafera ha waa alaratod to tha boBch, that tha tarmtaal eaala af tha milraada ah- ■arhad alghtp par aant af lha total rate aad left aaartp aathtag fur tha haul, laataad at halptag ant tha Maw Tark coataatlaB, how- •var, thto view to favcrahla to Haw Jaraap*! elalat. It tha haul fraai tha Wart to tba ■aahaard aoata mara than to at praaaat ■llawad, Ibaa Naw Jaraap daaa not ahjaet to nuadping that Inaqnltp hp placing la tba haul-aert a autflelant pnpwtlon of tba rato to aavar tha cart af tha haul aad a raaaoa- ahla return an tha aairlaa That haul-coal, hawavar, would atUI ba auultabla ta tlda- wator la tha part of Naw Tark, which maaaa, ta tha praaant aaaa, tha Jaraap rtda at tba harbor, Whila aueh a raadfurtmant would mean a prepartlaaata laaocnlng of tarwilaal chargaa It would atlll oot follow loglealip that thaaa tanatnal chargaa In-

DfPBOVINC THE PLAT6B0CND a m m ■danUtlo aa well aa aanrthla Idaaa la ptap-

gnnnd adtotatotratloa a n bateg advaaaad ta tha Board af RacroaUoa CemmlartaBara which la waaltaatliig nawadapa a dtapaatUaa ta bring tba aitp*a pobUe plap aaatalu to a higher atata of efflclncp. Aa aaa rtap ta progreaa tha commlHlou haa takaa aadar adviaamaat a plaa af raargaatoattoa to meat wlotar condlUana that haa baaa racam- Diandad hp Plapgrauad Bnpartataadaat Brawn.

Tha plan ottered to tha raaall of a cloaa-up rtudp of ooBditlona in tha plapgraoad ap^ tern and thair ratotion to the llmllatioaa of tha appropriation available for the noa at tha eaimatortoa It provtdaa far tha ooaaall- datlon of aotoo porttiena aad for additlaaal aoonomp of eapondltnro kp drapplog fron tba payroll a number of amplapaaa wko hnvo been parmanaattp amplopad natwitk- rtaodlng thair fiiaetlona during tha winter period ara ao targetp Inaattva aa to makt tham quit# dlapaiuabla wtth aa aftaettlag lam to tha ipalaaa

A chance will ba open ta thoaa to ha dropped for the tlttart among tham ta ah- tata advancamant la tha pannaneitt aarvtca If thap can qualify tor play laadar, davaral af wbkh poattlona ara vaeanL Tba othara will ba placed on a pnfaired eligible Urt with a praapect of appetatment whan tha torea to ■gain recruited up at tba beginning of tba apaa aaaaon. While tlw commtoaloa map n - g ^ tha aacemitp of ralaaalag Ita tmplopaaa. It oaama to bo tha obvious thing to do unlaoa tha aupartatendtat, who It tha tachnloal as waU aa tha practical aapaTt of tha dMkrt- maat ta ha ovamlad and a u l A pap t iv kahitaed. ' .

Thara la stilt room apltntp for tm^iwva- BMOt ta tha Plapgtcnnd Dapartmant Boma of the caatora that rapraaaat tka largart rado af cart have ahowa only maapar n - aalta Boina ptopgroonda ara aval dart by tha vary chlldraa for whaaa hanafit thap wara craatod. To tUuatrata, It la net an unuanal thing now itor ehUdran ta pam hp the VtJla- burgh Flarground. which cert tha eltr ttO.OOi to purehnaa, and emuggla tham- Mlvaa lata an adjacent plap cantor acreaa tba Bart Oraoin Una Parhapa ana reason to that ctooa dIsUacUona bava aot baaa affae- tuallp allmlaatad from the caatora

It to quite prehabla that aoma dap lha publle rsenaUonal problem wlU ba oatla- faetorllp aalvad. It to Ukalp whaa that Uma cornea that there will have aaaaed to ba separata apatama and a mutttpticitp af man- agamanlj Involving tha doubling aad trebling of ovarhaad eoala Tha ptopgraunda naw under the Ptapgroand Commlortoa, Board

BUTACrS BUCKLBT EEfLT.Brllalnto laplp aa tba btamkUrt latraduesa

ealp OM naA atomenl In tha eaatravarap: lha charga that tha UnJttd itataa haa faded ta Ita duty as a Mutral to supprana Tautaa affsris la this cauntty lUtgallp dlraatad agatart (ha Batoata Altiaa. Tkto aharga to otfsrad aa a baato, In part, far tka aatlaa at tha AlUaa ta asahiag ta rastrata tradlag wtth (ba aaamp-aa tha part of BrtUah anhjaeta aad (ha •a t t la g aft of Brittob tadUUaa at commarca to thoaa aospaettd of OMmp Btooelatlaa.

Tkat tha charge «■■ be tahea up hp Itoett and effaaUvelp answered la not to ha dauMsd. Tha haldtag ta tha trwo Uaa af kantnlltp to dtodaoUp a manor tar a aau- tral aauatiT, aad tha tiaKad Btatas haa ras- agwtoad thla A a dUflcnlttaa anaonatorad ta aartplag out thto program ara raggaatod hp tha adaatoalaa In Vtoaount Q m f aato that, aa far as "aaamp trading** to aaaearaad, finaa domtollad ta Ingtaad UasU hava cams uadar lha Britlah baa.

Aa a mattar of tact, tt to not caw ta aaa that thto ekatga haa aap vital ratatlaa to tha mattar ta dtoptito. It to Intorfaraaaa wfth laglUmata trada agalart which tha Ualtad Btatoa pratosis: It daaa not ehamplaa magal- Itp ta aap wap. It la with tha atfasts af a

toa dary hapaatt eomtag tram British a^ ttoa wtth whiah wa ara priaalpaUp ata- earaid. and tha stand haa baaa takaa that Amartaaa righto ta this parHaalar and ta ra- latad tosaaa •■■( hwaafegaardsA

Britata'a btoohUat plaa Is om af aaeatoltn iBrtdaalallPi drag's •p ir ta tlia af a laag war to aat to bo avartaahad. It too Brttkia aa drop aapa raaltp hava ragard for tha rights af nautrala than ara pra^acta af arvlvtag at aoma aart af aadarrtaadlag ta tha thraah- tag out at lasnaa Thara to opadflc disavowal la tha BiMiah aato af aap tataottoa to pro- mata hp tha hlaakUat, Britlah trada tatar- aota Thto to tar Baglaad to preva, aa to aloe tha aaaarttan that hlaakUrt massana do aot tranagroM tha bouada af latanaUohal law and comitp.

T i m E

rrtn U it t lha Nsulta at a raaaat apartal lavartl-

gattaa mala bp too Pcaaapivaala Railroad Oampaap. are to ba tahea at thair fbaa valaa, tka drivata at a larga prapariiaa af aato- tosMlas aad atotaropelas art guUtp af fatal ratotoa ia iii ta ukiag ahaaaaa at grade araaalaga Tha lavaatlgaitoa skewed that fraai Jaaaarp to Aagust, inclosiva of i t l k lUrtaaa ptrosas wan hilled aad l i t laiured la gvada i r n alag aocldanls aa ths Faaaqpl- vaala Rallraad apaiem. Of Ueee, iwanli^ taraa drivaia n a thair aitamaUlM agalart tha aldea af tralas that w an part wap avar tha anealaga kllliag tear aad lajurlag tlftp* aaa. Pta materapriaa, twe btapetoa aad fear hana-drmwa vahtolaa dM lha aama thing, with two kltlad aad faartaaa laiurad. ■!■ aatomaMlaa fiva matarepalaa aad two haraa- drawn vahlalM wan drivaa through lawarad aafetp gatsa, aauaiag latariaa ta niaataaa. Tear perseaa were kUled aad. turtaaa la- larad hp dadgUg aadat ar araaad aafatp gataa aad halag atraah kp appraaaktag trataa Thee tea et tb* dead and aeveatp- eigbl el tha laiured were, aaeardlag to tka rallraad aampaapto raparh talaUp ar leas aarlatalp laiured rtraumataaJto whiah prated total dtorogardaf aaaUaa aad wlltal ruaalag af itoha**Tka cniifaraia rallwapa reaeatly baa*

watah at grade ereoatags durlsg a aiatad parlad aad faaad tin t l,IM tootariata daakad aenaa at bigb apaad, aad aalp ITA par aaaa at tkam laakad batk ware baton traaalag. Hacaat abaarvattoa made la a bftoalailppl town ahawad that tortp-aaa par aaaT af tha stalarlata. fUtp-aavaa par omL- af the WapaUata, tortp par aaak'st tha i gaaatrtaaa aad twaalp-algat par aaat, a t U t padeatrtaaa raahad aanas tha rallraad trmaka witkaut laaklag alUar vrap as thap aiptaaekad tha eraaalBg. The mast eonful at all tteaa wka aaad tka matolag wan tba atheal eblldrau partmiarlp tha Uttla glrta

Wbathar thaaa figarea and aaaalaalaaa are aaaepted al Ueir fate volas ar aat, two Iklags a n aartaln. Oaa to that grads ert aa logs moot be ebollaaed, pariiaslartp ta plaaai when veMaalar tn tfle Is heavy, and tha a i iind to that far too great a paroaataga al driven of all htada r t vehleiaa aad avaa padaBtrtaaa a n laaacM ^lr raakioBB laUkiag ckaaeM at daaganua rallraad iBga Than V tor too Uttle ]

JOSEPRUB DAMIBL8.With maalftsl gtaa tha Naw Tark Sua

quotas a British wfftar aa naval aftolrt eritlelalag iaentarp Joaaphus Ilaalato ha- causa ha bad Blade the navy "ridlculaart* hp '*hla paeuUar views ooBcantag tha navy a trtnpan an insUtutlaB, avarp^ahlp a ‘achaal In which poutbs would b a n tha oppar- tunltp of improTiag Ibalr nUnda,* aad tka whole fleet a ‘great naval ualvaraltp.' **

Bean three long caodlt marka for Jeaa- pbua Uit advacaia af a aahar aavp, tha entmp of Ignortnn, and tha friend of aspir­ing Jack tote. If tkesa attribute# ba "ridtoaloBa," raaka the most af them.

practice et the *katotr f lta r priMlpia a com that to proved bp railroad tavertlgatloaa aat aalp, but kp atbars aqoaUp Imprsaatva That sckbol ehll- dran a n tound ta ba earaful abava the average to as attogeatlve as K la aattafaetarp. If Uc aldar a**pl< oao't ba toegbt to avoid raeklaaaaaaa U t cblldrea aiap ba and If thap aaqain Ue habit ibap nap alwapa practlaa It la Uto vrap tha parceatogi of aceldoBU at grada enaaluga map ba redaoad la tutan peara

_ A v r a o i .Ua to a dap ar two age, whaa had than baaa

■a autaaui man gtsrlous thaa tbtol Whaa had aa bdlaa aummer baaa man bmIIcw, warm ■ad baaalUutT rraia aarip Ootobar tha raaltp ratap daps faaM aU ba aaaatad aa Ik* flaaatoaf aaa band, aad alaar, bright dap* aiwcaadadaaah atbar wtU woadarful ragsUrllp. Trwa, ta *ame at Ua manlnga (ban waa al tlmaa a baavr fag; but Ua aao broke tknagk it la grantor ptarp. Tka atmeapbart eras a little hasp, early la Ue farenooBc aad law dawn alaag tha hertota aad tba light waa a Unto amokp at add (imaa but took up WllUom Cullaa Brpaat and ft will agpsar tkat tkto la aaaetip tka kind at paatta almaapkivc that balaags to Novambar.

And act ^ p paatlaally hat toataanlar- laaUp and hlftorioallp la thto traa la Ua (taltod Btataa thto aaaaoa. lata la lha taU •ad after Ua tin t abarp froata to aallad tadlaa aummar, pnkahlp hoaaua# tba ladlaaa look advaaiaga at ft ta top la a goad sopplp at fdad far wlator. But abroad It la aallad ■t Laki^a aumaMr aid i t Martin'a a sam r, aad cattalnip It ik tma aa If Ua balmy air. tha mild wlada, tba warm ariddapa, Ua aaat alghia tha full maaa, tha bright aaa, the ■aft btoa blUa la the dtotaaaa, the aatod at nnalning wild blrda, aod tha arlaatal tag pattaraa af tta flaMa aad waads, maka thla partisator saaaaa assn much m an oolatlp thaa aavaga TharaTs astklag to sampan w iu aar ladlaa aammar ta aap athar lafttodk taking tba praaaat aaasaa aa a naarhaUp dallghtful aaampla jnartda aaan Barpasa It; Caufarnla aaa besot aaUlag man aeperb.

PaooiMr than to a mataaakalp toaa to |ka ataaapkara bat It oaa hardly be dlsaavwad ■nliaa It la aaarakad tar. Traa, tba laaaaa an gaaa eiaaptlag Ua duU graaaa aad darti brawaa that haag ptfatotoatlp aa p n taatoi vlaaa aad atardp aaksl but aatlaa Ika g n a t fal hraachaa, ban Ibaagh thap ara M (ha aha Ika napla tha aafc and Ika wtUaw. Leak at tka gnaa af lha wlariar wheal, tka Msk km ras of tba plawag flaMa tha raatp gray at the aara akacka Ua faded pallaws at whale flalda at galdaa n d aad (ba tkaaaiad aad aaa akadea af aaUma aalartag. buratakad tata radlaat baaatp Wbaa tha gnat rad oaa • l i t o aa tham. A n a l thap levalpT Aad waalA aar aaa want to attoa tham far Ua paapotaal gn aa at Ua traptoal Bardlp-

AAd Ua Mrdst Whp, tbapTa altn kata la gn at wumbara Nat amn thaa aaa panaa ta a hundred, patkata has aap tdaa af Ua aum- ber at birds atapiag (a aojap ladlaa aummir. Tba boater kaawa about tba qialk tka wHd daeka Ua wUd gaeaa and an a aama btlatad nbtaa aad btuabirda; but tba bap at girl wba taada tba blrda kuawa at tba aklaadaa tka apthalch, Ua aatop blue Jap. Ika dawap wnedpackar aad half a dsaaa suaM, aat caaalJBg tha Bagllab aparraw end tba atar- Itaga that anllvan Uto Maaao wlU tkalr praaaan aad tkalr Uttla aanga

ladlaa aammer to gtorlana; end Uld aat I haa baaa partlsularlp aa.


Oaa at Ue curievs herltagei of the war la a Uttla park that wee eaubllshed by the Oaimaaa la Beuthweet Africe far praaarvlag Ua Walwltachta minbllla a n n pleat tkat to aaped ellp nauble for tie compleu adapta­tion la U* daaart oondltlon* af Ita netiva ealL

foot high aad

n o n pROBiBrnoN pattPnklUtlan haa baaa a bad thing for goad

la Calarada; aaaoirtkW to lha laadiag ta Tha hlaMaiiriag Raaard at

■ga, which cans attantiaa to tkat “Um Mpptp af eaavisla avallaUa

diimamd ataaa Iba auto dip.** **Wa kava baaa rtraaumudp tc»- tba BM af oagvirta aa tk a raada.'* aaa- H a Rkcard. "Now cbsm aama Idaat-

fart oa wa a n grtttag waU atartat. to ■M r ear batovad end aaatnl MavtoU."

Ihlaqartatlaa la "writ larhartia," Hkfrt wAali pul It, MM Ittfato

wap rtf Bfuaaal aaadt-

Bp I . H. a .

G A S M A S K S IN T IM E S O F P E A C E .Tha wer hea pradoeed at least eaa Ulna of

lucalcalabta valaa ta tha warIC Wa apeak et Iba gas mesh.

Wbaa Paoca haa ipraad bar wlogt aver tb* natloai anee aran tba aaa mask will oot need ta ga ta the aenp heap atoag with tha eeo- oaa. tka haad grtaada and tha athar pan- pbarnalla of battla Than a n aoaraa of u m far Ua gaa maak la peUta sad paotfla aaetotp.

reesoa would ba davoarad lo the toil moreel of deeierl, end |bs voice of the lectunr would not be drewasd eat by the sound of tta* tebared breetblng of tb* audience.

Why cen't our leeel Intallsetuals writs pries peemaT Ths eoiwer must be hen. Let our poeU Ball their rhrmlaa dlctlaaarlea end bap gaa maaha,

Wa took forward ta the ■uadap when gaa maaka wlU be warm la tba oburehea Oa that happr dap the Jaalter map sand ap clauda et ■moke aad eabee U nngh the ragtotan wlU- aet tntarfarlBg with tba aarriaaa la Ua leaM.

Oa that dap. loa, tha aid aodgar wba thraelaa* to lean the ekarch ualaaa tha wln- iews a n tightly elaaad aad tha tempantun to kept ebave I* dagraaa will asaaa ta Uraataa; tbs rest ef the eeogregettaa will be euttltted with gas maaka and thaa anablad ta ataod aop amaaal at auffoeatlon ha map demaaA

Oe* maak* have bee* u*ad ter pears bp tlrsrovB In ■mobe-tlllad building*, but ft he* remelnad until now to *ugg**t tb*lr us* bp wotn«n who** m n- fetk emoh* pip** a ll,,^•ver tb* h*ui*.

Tb* heetem who**| parlor 1* eeaverted! late a amoklag d*a bp geatlenen caller* putt- lag black elgart, brown olgart. Wheel­ing •taglea and ether daadlp eomboattblaa mar now auwlp bar. n if and her ladp vtol- tare wfth gaa maaka ■ad In thto wap pass a aaelal boar wlUout•uttUrlog fnm haadaeha and vartiga seat dap.

ta auah bawe# ehlMna with teadar tktaalu and lungs a n fPaqaantlp faundi tar tbaae peihgatan gua maaka lu pealhP and mluas' alaea amp ha daalgaad.

Tba aabtset to lavltlBg Wa aoaM aaanp ■•ring tagalher aaaagb laetaacaa at tba poialbla amplepmaat at gaa maaka U flU thla dapartmant ter tadap, and thaa gat away •arlp for a bnalh at fraak air along tha banka of Ua Pacaala equipped wtU ear Itld- medel gee maih. But It to a aabject with wbkb evarpbedp te familiar aad couatlem opeulng* for ga* masks will auggset Uam- ■slvse to elL

Trolisp trips la eoM waaUar wouli k* robbed of tboir tsm re, oven ea Ubsc w asn psanuti aad garll* a n tb* ptavelllDg par- fumerp. It paaasagan w en ga* mask* *utbsir travala

Churcbmsa'* club*, wbarq pabUeaaa sad slnnoni ar* sneouragad to amoko aa that thap map f*«l et bom*, would s**m ta drive noa- •atoklng membar* swap.

In oftlco* wbar* tbo worhan m art ta tb* •tlmulstlOB of Turkish etrooltls* and other oriaoul polioo* to ovtreom* the duUIng *t- f*«ts of bad atr, tb* gaa masks would In- ereea* tba amoant of work aecompllthad and lavs tbo work*n aaemnoa* quantitl** at bselU and ntaaap.

TTTNG u p o p ROAD PUNDS. n * Egen tT.dM.Ma read Mmd Irau* art

will Dot go Irtia eftaet uadB January 1, so (hen ean kaWd legal tart of iba workaMiitp ef U a tow until altar that'data la Iks maaa tltog. bowaver, daflalto plana o n ^ ta >kB told ta' tak* tha Buftar lata aourt, nafthat than map b* aa Uttla datop ad paaMUt ta ■Sauriag a binding daetoloa. Thla la Impert- aat tor tha raaaen that aadar tha tarms of

law then to a IlkaUhaod tkat tka motor vakici* fuada will ba tM up, or at loart a lu ge part trf tko maaap wilt ba natU a doairtan to rtachad.

The act provtdaa that a anfftcloat amotaat mart be deducted and raaerved fn m the motor vehlCio fund to moot tko principal and latercrt oa tbo boada dao oack poar. Tbto would mean the ntontloa fn m tka fund during tka cemtaf pear of at laurt tTtt.dtI. for the tow aaHs tor tko radamp- tloa of worth af tko boada tka flrrtpaar attar toae, and tba eaeurtUw a n to boar four par eaat latorooL

Pu rib ana ara tkan to aaatfesr aoatta- genep te ba boras ta mind. Than to a pro- vlaleD In tka tow that than murt ba sat •aide froaf the flrrt proeaada of tba aala at the boDdi the emonata duo the eountlaa far roads In the propcati highway toatoin tneted for alnoe March I, laat Na figure* u o avtltobla aa to the to t^ af aueh coutnete, but aoma aiparta h a n figured that the refund that murt ba mada ea thto aaaount will ameuat'to fullp |l,tf i,M d . la other worda aat a dollar aaa ha apaat ea ■aw eoastruetlaa bp tba Blato Highway Commtadon uotU thla gnat sum haa boon dlBburaed. leoriag only avallabla(or the eonatrucUea of rnda aecoaaary to eemplete the III nilto that a n to aaake up the thirteen nutaa aa daMgaatad ta tka act

Tha mar* recttal af tkaa* fbeta Indlcataa tha aerlouaaem af the aomplleatlana tkat nap b* aipaetad. That la whp tba flrrt atop that offan a chan** fek a tart of the law ought to bo taken advaatago at ta what aap ba designated as a fMandlp aatt lo aoM aa tka Mate Highway CemmItolM argaaiaaa It to commebded to plan and top ■ • tha tktr- toaa nutaa dealgaatad ta tha net A protort oonld bo made oa bakalt af aaaMlpaUtr omitted from aao of routoa and then the tort m aid ba at

aarip daciMon could bo n o abed. If tha Bgaa aA to net eepabi* of batag aaforead, than tb* oonntlea iMkiag far atata aid ta tha bunding of nadi ought to know tka’taot, ao that thap can eeeun funds to katp tham ant ta thair road building and npoirtag pro- g n a a far the coming poar.

Tbe ptoot baa a trunk entr f in or ala fast ocroaa It mar grew for mera Iban a eaBlurp, bet has aalp two laavaa wbleb mar roach a length of ito feet and a width ef two or Urea feat, evantuallp

'oplliuag ap late anmanaa tong ahreda It baa many flewero, which ar* cootalaad ta overtopping brilliant 'aearlet acaleo—ana ttowar Ib aaeb aeato.


H ut af OtoaB*! Matkitiide.A qaanllty af water aqalvatoal

east; af .tbs aemb arauraf'lM glabe td'a daptb cording I* the Hatted itatta Oeelogtoai .Bar' vey.

nld ofVM ajf Ibe toad a depth or H i Taat, ao-

Amoag tb* fsoall* raeantlr dtocorarad' bp tb* United gUto* Oeelegtcal flurvep. Depart­ment at tb* laurtor, a n remarhablp well ptasarved Impnsslooa or casts of toavaa af savanl aatlaet vorla'ttos of aah, oak. baoah aad Makarr. which w an feund. slang with thn* pnoaot-dsy apeelaa In atata* bordariag tb* aulf af Hfltoa. Althangb tb* laavu tbamsalva* ban rotted and gone, han ant tbarE soBM won burled la soft clap bp asdl- mtnt la such a wap aa to laava parfoctlp pra- a*rv*d Imaraaatoaa

Tb* Buta aa jtb* other hand, aaltbar' da- capad nor patrlfled. but fell lato peoto of stagnant Fat*r< wbtob to eaa *( tb* beat prasarvatlv** la aatara, and saanar ar Irtar wan ala* b u M uafm silt and clop. Owlag la tkalr barg coats, thaaa which fall Into plaeaa (BvataMa tp. Chair pnaarvatton'an to- d v ta aaaaltoat oMdlUaa, Uough allgktlp (laiMaad bp U* toag •aaktag aad tb* gaatls pnaoun at tb* atop. Tb* dapoatt la .whisk Ika toavaa and'aaia as* lauad i* aoMads tkaii a igltUaa y*ara‘ rtd. ar at taaat a kaadn i timas as *44 as U s Pyramids at Bgppt

Oamplalat to fnquaattp heard that taeluna In aar attp (hU b»eau** et Ik* poar vaatlla- ttou K aar pabito kaUa Tb* auditor* gat ubout kaK tb* loctan and tkan top** lato • ■ Maal n i atata Tha llbaral aaa of gaa muga would da math. It to fall, t* qatolctB Iba la- toUMtuai Ufa ef Newark aad kring about a ravinl v t toanlag la aar aftdrt. ,

Lst anr.pmkara aftar kaawladgo wear gaa toadka, tnA faw n of Ua maaaagia bn«gbi kp ---------- - ■ - - - -

With gM mash* la general as*, mavt* patrotii would art b« atupaflad bp tb* arama of tka movi* patoo**; thair erittesl facuttls* would remain been; they wauM demand bettor abowa and tba whel* mavis bustueat WauM be elevated.

Banqnits would dnw belter, petllleat ralllea woald rallp man voltra lltorarp aoola- tlaa would stay awaha, aad Ilf* ta a baardlag hcua* weuld be twaat, avaa oa earaad-baef. and-cabbag* dap. la time, parhapa human* eoclette* would lutradue* gaa maak* lu prlaona Julia asplnm* aud ilmltor lastllU' liana wkav* the amell to tb* w ent fester* af tb* eaaftnement In tb* imagtaatlgua at lady commuter* the Lackawanua tuanal, would caaa* to reeamWa a dragaa'i cava ChIMi atiapdlng tonaaMehydad aaUaoia wauM not earn* homo wfth aan tonVia twiaa a Waali, and tb* night-btoamlag parpataal-matlaa maobiB* that fUto tb* ataapiag straat with guaalen* fama* wauM ua ioagtr aaua* kalp toaa ualghbarltoai* to draam trf kadaa

A* w* vtow Iba praapect arir. • * paftiivu that Amartoau mauafaatuMP^ pf gaa maaka

raaaaa ta iB«A fka aadtart

T * H E c o n f i d e n c e a n d j p r e t % c

a r r m l f M l f A i K r t i I j i t i t M p v o m p a n y a i e

Bbaaatrings also cost more, wklek tatn aa- Uw achtovsmeat af tha aaaaMoail wko astabltohea a fertuaa aw this


n charging the Unitad Wataa wtth vlola- tlana of nsutnlltp Oraat Britain kawtttteflp, ■( aouraa, minlatara to tha comfpit of 0ar-

raraaaa who bat haavllp aa kto alaatlaa (oraeart might know wka you anaaat If paw aallad Mm Colonel Oeorga Kardtp.

la going hack to WaakUigtoa, Mr, W l6«i dMat laav* aap ahadowB aw Bkadew Laww. aad ha didn't taka aap wttk htoa,

j r e a c ­

c o r d e d t o t h e L a u t e r

t h e r e s u l t o f m o r e t h a n 5 0 y e a n o f

h i g h s t a n d a r d s ^ t r u t h f u l r e p r e s e n t a t i o n

o f i n s t r u m e n t s * a n d l i b e r a l m e r c h a n ­

d i z i n g m e t h o d s . W h e n y o u c h o o s e

y o u r p i a n o a t L a u t e i ^ s y o u k n o w A a t

y o u a r e s a f e ; t h a t y o u h a v e a f i n e r

p i a n o t h a n y o u c o u l d h a v e b o i u h t

n d t h a te l s e w h e r e a t t h e s a m e { n i c e ; a n d

n o m a t t e r v d i a t c h r c u m s t a n c e s m a y

a r i s o i y o i v i n t e r e s t s v r i B a l w a y s b a

f a i r l y a n d ' f a i t h f u l l y p r o t e c t e d .

m t t e r m ean be arranged on Lanier G randtt ' rAfi o r Laater-H am anat, Mo<f«raff in priee

direct to yon by the makere.MUSIC ROLL H K A D Q U A R m S-rw m Ms tJT


5 9 1 - 5 9 3 B r o a d S t r e e t a

V lftn ld ^ lU i

; i










a.— ^

Are You Deatfi-Proof?

■Uteri pradtet ftour at 111 a b a m i kp. aprU» It map rat ba profltabM ta ntas wkdat to gvaoBbauaaa

■aw tampna fugitaI k> tka bartkatl taaaw tig tka Illy

U nliH yen a n or n n ld ii you know jM t'rtlM ii you tro going to p a u dwdy, the B n t th ing th t t yon ought to do tomorrow ii to tniko yonr wiil. Tkat won’t moan that yon ara going to die, httt it will mean th a t yonr aatato wilt go eventuaUy just iriiere j o t w ith it to go. You a r t Inritod to eomo ifl

and tatk ft over id th the oiporjinood

Tnut Department

Fidelity Trust CompanyP t u d a a i i l B o i M i n a H e w a i k , N . J .

' r i l s i c w i

• M i«UMid U u«»fir

x : .rlw ^ u * I ti

t* fk* mrM «• M*

M n*


M D5.

« V ltk r4«HD|

ir« u« ir M«{> Ur pr*-Ur' it> M if of M host IT M « r Qtrlap

■n lot*• ro to- •ilBktly I *«ntl« 1 Whlak i « i h ^ iu4n«



i r e U l l SDFTRAGE JOTACE ON M A T T ^ IS D E O t e

K M Muor «f IM Vffirp;l i w ith tb« «Mp««t l»4lpn«*

Iton th a t 1 hav* raM la r««r pap«r tko aktrarttHOMBl InaoMtk by ttia W m on’i

. '■ o iltlra l Uaton tbo a tcb t bafttn «U«> lion, la which thay mada aa ailaab \

ian tha Han. Jidia A. lUtthawa. aaa :4ldaCi> to r Conpraaa Irani tha 'W nth i>htirlct tha lalanaaa of tha attack pra> rlu ilin^ any cantradlatlua a t thair

dRatrniantaTha BtIrcrtiaamanI raadr' "If yoa ra-

apn-a wnm«n, vota afalnat John K hlailhewH, antl>«uffracial tor pay,". 1 taal that all falr-mlnd«d autfra*

' • ’lata will daplnra, with aia, that aui'b aaathoda ahould hs*a baan aaad acalaat •a man whn haa atmply hald riawa dit- .IcrliiK from llia ir own an tha queatlan jU w unah aaffm ca and haa.had tha eouraga to aapnaa lhatn. Where la tha bpilft » t woman In polltlca tliAt wa bra told will ba th* raault a t woman auf' tra c e I t woman reaort to nuah inathodaf

I taha plaasura In aUtlnCi In lualica to Uy. H atthaw a that I know he h"l<*e woman la tha hlchaat aateam, and haa

^atwaya traatad them with reepaci and dafarahea, a rea under trea t pravoea-

__ Ha baa thkan h it eland on thialantloa In dafanaa a t woman and be- liaa a t bla raapact tar ihtm. Ha haa \ rn y t ao a u tad . And hla atUtuda dur> ;

tha two and a halt yaara that ha placed hla aarvlsaa a t cur dlapoaal |

I damanatralad It.wtah to axpraaa pabllcly our ap-

_____atlon of hla raluabit aupport la |^bw aam palcn acalnat woman autfraca. I t a r t a f which tim e ha haa apohaa and dbbhtod for ua tbronfhoot iha ytata,

Ba haa aavar baaa paid h'y our oaoo- oiatloD ono ponny tor opaahiftt for ua CM haa lhaUtad upon paylat hla own Mpannoa. Ho ccllod hla wtrh hla dana- I ,Hm ta Kaw Jaraay for Uio proloctlon ad bar woman. CLARA VSSIN.ImclBtotlva Chairman at tha New Jar- . , ear Aaaoelallon Oppoaad ta Woman Mftraco.


a'a JUJTOHnS .IAN AND STEEDS OHJth a r ran n ln c down dacoh Pram ten

Wt f i t WaabInRion atreat, Kllthbath, i laat" a lc h t In Eltaahath avanna near AlplM atraat, bn aulemoblle dimmed ita UChia h*^ npn^ away, aay Iba pollca.— ncen. wba waa almck by tha

hiae whan he harried acroat tha____ to board a troltay car, auetalnada brohon ankle and bmlaaa dn the body. d(a w bt taken to tbo ouy HoapllaL . demoa Horan of T1 ptrard etraot, Now W M awlek, who witneeaod tha aceldaal, rapiartod to the police ot the Sixth Pre- einct that he bellered the llceaie on th e m aehtaa waa M ivll N. J, It wan I MU#today, however, a t tha New Jaraey Abto.CIub th a t the M llceaat U fa do bat / a n over tfirea flsurec

' ” l E ^ FOR RELIEF FUND, $SIn fu itll* paralyilf n l l t f fun i I

WA# liter«AMd today by lent by R. | | | Millar, I I I Barsen atreat. Thle makaa tha c raad total tfl.iO M I.


P IH iO IS T TYP* VaVOiviLLFMaUBMa, R.U and 4 He Kvn*,. 1:11, W lirvid Pm U Caa 8*c«r«4 Hi Waaka l|i Advanta. Khnaa IlM MJtl,

-MAV XAVDAIMe AMlalad Iqr Frlvdlaadw-KVA TAYLOBr. jNCfe (ilMTTON eOr-i^Mlm

__itad Mnndaj'A and Thuradaya.»UaM iSatraaol aad Baiconjr. iH 'lta,Blavainr ta Your &«•(•

; Frmuda of Yttiu TrLunplia.FtfaalaKa* Frdl________ ____________ Oka* 1 MMd T fkmp. _____r a n o r n o v k ^ n u r r ^ r m rANNIVhItPARy ritthR»AT.ON .

. f i m a u w PABADIME”. H a & Wod. A bat., t ie la tL

n H a lH O T . **. R. H. PiBiMo praaaaii THE SILENT WITNESS

Tbo Hoat Poweital DraM ehma "Madame X."

DWee« yrma im eaa la New leefe,

- U R U E i i E R A l ) D m M t n ! l lPMdmj awMnliMb NowMnlMr 34


Misc'iA ELMAN.TMMLIM aSKHII. .y iw aaa wanice

SI, II. M, II. Ue ead lie. Tteketa a* l ^ b a r g ^ e awl Laal^e PUeo

wa....... ... Wt Rraad St., NawatST Her. tl. 'Piertaae ta data el ynUie lale erden eeeom- paaled by ebeck ar moaey eeder will be re- ethred aata RIM by P. N, Semmer. l i t R rM Ru Meararh.

L Y R I C«aaMr,.Raw*er b Tfumer , CMrim

jA P A m n m i i s t h i 'r m a v njAmt -------------- I I P . I

t o n eACTS

F r o m 1 1 A . M . t o M .

n u C . n L 1 0 LVGstS‘ZS‘RATM

I Atda kPUN

*'Rebtad Ibe daetaa," WRRR MOT. Saib.

X w M . r o x w « ■ 13 M JiS 1 BT A 1 y

" ‘t e l- i :

i n o m n a ro R A R T OP inwARK, M, d.i T F o f t m A i i t o a u T h o a t e rt » WAUAOI U LX , T i l t e. A„ t r n iH A V , hantabet It,

M;. Ha ^ S l —

F s h j O T S i e b ’T' ^a J3dp

l l c d t a l I t a l l s ad llS itY m adlmH

David Hochstein

AdlJNTKR'SWaeMocMi aa j ^Ijarbal, Aaaa iTaL llK

R 0 8 E L A N D G I R L S

W a e J ^ l C S L j l ^ lrmRAT

O R P H E U M c W m W S P .

I h a 1 I a d I b e

F o r O va M a n Sha L ow od


• a s B j m i B o i_ . T m

« V S v r a C S E s r . V Y . N O V E M B E R 15 . M M :

The Horn of Plenty Arrives on the Wings of ThriftEasily it glides to its accustomed place—the

D A V ID STRAUS CO. store---lightly touching the purse for the things you need and most want. Truly a Horn of Plenty, scattering gifts in the form of generous savings on seasonable merchan­dise with which it is overflowing.



NoNsD or Phone Orders

Fflkd. « C. O. D.*s Only Within Rsdina of Omr Wagon


UmbreQu Re-conredAt s Sperial Price for tbe

Horn of PkntyWe win call for year uni-

brelld. If yon wish, ind re- cow f it with waterproof gloria for the nom< i l Q > iodl cost o f , . . . , , , . . U O v


High • d in Lace BootA L50 RBd LOO footwev — for Uie Horn of Plenty, at, per ptir,

Havana brown, kid, high or low heels; black vict, white kid tops; all black kid, blue vamp, gmy cloth tops; all sizes. Reg­u lar lines, new, up-to- date shoes.

Bojrs' Orercoits or Soti at0 .29

One and two Pants Suits, our entire reg* ulsr S3.j)8 stock; also Overcoats, o f chin* diilla and m ixtures. Suits, sizes 7 to 17; Coats, 2VS to to.


/ £ M l f » 8 7 B R O A D S I

Women’s Flannel Gowns

Made of lond wear. Ing and wuhfst fual- ity oiriliii llams), iqoan neck or with eel* lars, double yekt snd cuffs, full cut; worth QOc, tp ^ a l


125 to 1.50 Kid GlovesFor WoHMSb—Qpedal fo r the H o m o f P i e a t y , a t . . . . . . . . ___

One-claap Gloves, of soft, pliable kid skins, pique sewn, in white, ivory, tan snd black, with self and con­trasting embroidered backs.

C h iM re n ’tF la iu tdP tia m M

OM-nsCS Pt|s> mas, unde of bsavy Scotch lannel, fsil cut, drop dost; slses 4 n 12 yvirt. Also Night Driwers, with or without tcet; slios 2 to I yuivi regular SOc, special


m !

Men’s Negligee ShirtsWith stiff and soft cuffs; made pf f is t

color percale, in ■ variety of colorings snd pa tte rn s; all sizes from 14 to 17. C i ^ Regular price 79c.; sale p r ic e .. . . O t v

Men’s PajamasOf outing flannel and percales, with silk

frogs, in a variety of colorings and pat­te rn s; regular price Sl.OO; sate price ............................... O ^ v

Men’s Union SuitsJersey ribbed union suits, gray or ecru

color; all sizes. Regular Sl.OO and $1.25; sale p r ic e ................................O O L .

Men’i, UndeicwearP a rt wool, natural gray 'undershirta or

d raw ers; alU izes up to 50. Regular 08c. value; sale price......................... I v C


WomenV Bath RobesFull cut tube, nsds with peek*

•ta, cord snd latMl, hcevy flan­nel blanket. In atrip* •ffdcis, r*ry aerrictible garment for the cold wettheti worth Sl.ffO, (ps* cial tt

Women’s Flannel PetticoatsMade of heavy white domet flan­

nel. finished with blue or pink edg­ing, sectional flounce, short lengths; worth 3Sc., sp ec iil.. A p w

Gip and Scarf Sets at 95c

All wool, heavily brushed, angora finish, Urge size, suitable for children or adnlts, com­bination colort, in rose, copen, cardinal Q C ^ and oxford;- worth $1.50, special.......... y Q v

«tetf ^

ST'vir*'* W c


Men’s SoxMedium weight, lisle flnished cotton sox;

colors black, gray, slate. Palm Beach and white. Regular price l$c.; sale \ \ n p r i c e ..................................................... l i e

Women’s HoseC otton how, black or white. Reg-

p r i^ 15c.; Mie price.

i . 1.


9x12 Rugs

Seamless Axmlnster RogsRegular ltfl.00 Qg

5®9 * 1 2 R i i |^

Royal Wilton 38.9S

W. 6b, P. R & Thomson 1 Corsets, Special . . . J

An exceptional value in these popular corsets, m tde of coutil, trimmed with lace and Bamen edging, low and medium bust; models suitsblc for the average figure; sizes

19 to 30.

Warner’s Brassieres, Valne SOc, Special . . . .

Made of allover embroidery, trimmed with cluny lace; strongly reinforced under trm ; button-bsck model; sizes 34 to 40.

Worm It’s and Jflaaea’ Outergarwuntt

Silk auid Serge Dresses

RBQUUBLT PUCBDPtOHlL»1DU.«Very pretty dnsM t,

made In • nernber of attrective etylea, tome hi etraigbt plaited Unee, Mbera gathered hi at Ibe waist Urn aad iriahed with, attractlvety trliBRied * ■oeketi, aad osllari ef hwedewth ar aatia; tbe eelen art eavy, btowa aadblack.

Stunning Coats .

13^W orth I14JS to t l 7 J 8


Of cheviot, wool velour and mix­tures, made in loose flaring lines'wlth large collars, some trimmed with beav­er plush, the colors are brOwn, green,

' navy and black.

Tailored Suits



WORTH UP TO 15JSStunning models in broad­

cloth, eerge, cheviot, uhar- dine, poplin end dHottt check; seme are flnished with leige fur trimmed eol- U rt; ethers have velvet ex ■elf eellare aad ettreetho eedseii sad huttone: a pleat- tag aeeertfflent ef colera, larindlng navy, hFadi, gresiL taupe, brewa, burgandy mm c b e ^

Reg.3 9 . 0 0

a t

The Horn of PlentyNever Presented S u c h Values as These

In LinoleumsLucky, indeed, will be those who share in our

present great distribution of

Four Carloads Aggregating 48,000 Square Yards of

G e n i^ 60c Felt Base liAoIeam atCom prising every pattern of one of the best m i l l s — mosaic, M r f S / Y d ,Com prising every pattern

Hie, parquet and block designs, at


N O TB ^V aat the e a r t h y w »>* W .3 te sclUaf with weadroni rhpuUly, end we edvlee >n rarijr ■riertion. In order to be

• w e t l p m t w M a a ^ a a r i j r d r i l m y .

Stiur Linoleum Linoleum Ruga

(h^anfie and t a v f 9 Q |s N w ises, a t . . . . T v a F v

Dtinty fftyles, prettfly embroidered and flnfahed widi attractive collars and long tleevei, ■ome of the waists ate embroidered in delft blue; tbe odtert are entirely of white.

Every Ddliu' Honse £ Q m i d a m % l e A l > « t i . W > 1 1 ^ 1 ,

The lot includes very pretty waista ef lawn, voile, organdie and novelty crowbar and striped materials in dozens of attractive ttylea. M ilzea in die lot, but not in every .style.

Ofle grad#—the beat—but In two widthA colored eentert, withh tn d io n if border dcsipi** hellii s ti irs or runners.40e linoleum 4Sc UnoleumUMtIaehMwIde

25c V4.

For those who prefer m g designs in Linoleum, this event offers a remarkable opportunity. The patterns are slightly mismatched. Prices are atartling, is you will perceive,

17 , ■ £ , 8 9 4 . 1 9

29cva I ,i£,;a2.i9SiM 4x1. I i O

ngttlar 52.50 $ •8Im 4.4x1, I 7 0

wgn!if«.00 I .A V

Y o u H A h r a y a S a v e M o n e y o n R u g a a t S t r a u a *ThM VUm


^ * ;; y ' ■*■ -,*-4+- .-■ J - ! ^ ■■_ ';. V

s e f T A B E b v e n i n g m n i w . w B D K a g f i ( X r . ' S o ^ » : ‘k -'-f-- 1 f t


f e i m S d n n ^ -P tiB 'i A f f d fc r E is t P n s w IM nU fia i ^ i - flNnd By $2,325 CutrintiM.

W E S AINESS AT WALLACE HALLl>iM»»f T*Ua ml tW n * D «a»iat«4 a a i

I^MMlaaa lBW««a kr » ■■■♦— !• T h rti laTMtM M*>«(•■• M a n «ka A rav a t O aaanI mmm lliB*aa>aT> Daalataa O irj a a ra W ait W P U m i I la PaM laa raa«.

Aa am aal far feada far tka rahabill- •atlaa af tba eltlaa. tawaa aad vlllacaa ml MaM rnuB la daau«ad b r tha ra< traa tiac KaHlaaa wkaa Oaaata] ran ■ ta d a a b a n drara th an bark araar tha Itaaalaa b a rd tr la tka aarir n a a lb i of tha war, laat al«bl aattad a te u i of fl4*d. Tha a»»aal waa mada br m a t m iaabath ram hahialdt'PaBU a t a naa t- tap haW la WallOM Hal) uadar lha aaaplaaa af tka If a work Waataa'a Aax- O larr af tha Baal Pmaalaa Rallaf Fuad. Tklf a rtaalaatlea aaatrlbutad tiM la IIM waa g lraa br Baaadlal aad f a ta Prtatk aad tlM br th a . r a t r WImr Laajaa. Tha ranaladar ra w * M rtad aallaatlaBt lakaa ap a l tha ■paU M h r raaiM t tr la

Ih lu d aiiid h r Max A. U W raA , I t a ra a M M tidt'Faall paid that, hav* ■ ■ t aaaatly aana (ran Q am aar. bar haataiB w aaU aatara ltr daaira ta kaaw "haw Q a m aa r ta fa rla f la thta, tha ■ r t t i a a t a f aaafUata that tha araaM •a a o ra r wUaaeaeA" Aad bar aaawar, itM Mid, waa that 'Wattaanr waa aa ■ ta h tr that tha haart a t a ra rr Qar> M B tha world orar ahoald bo fWad w fpi a proat prMoi ao atraac th a t Ma hM hMB abta ta wtthataad tha a a a n r mm tho 'aaat frah l aad tha a a a n r oo tha waat IraaA ^h a , thaaph (aiilflad with AW arteea-nade naaltloBa, haro baaa naahla to braak th raafh tka fla ld -rra r waila of n a a with aaaaaduarahla aaala (h a t ataad tbara to protaal thalr ba> laoad tathartaaA

^h o m ttr ," Miaa ra a M m ld t 'r a a l i < dM ifaaad. *%aa tha Q am aa f la t baoa

aam ad throakh (ha a ir to ■ asiaed 'i ^dihB^ aad waMr lha aaaa to lha ahoraa

dC hM ttlaa whora tha aaplatt af tha 9 4 h haa (Iliad with prlda tha haart

. M aoorr taaa with Q atnan blood ta ‘ aik rolaa, Wa n a t lha BaAlah a a r r

a tf tha ■haparrah. aad tboaph tha OMtop papara daalod aa tha vleiarr, wa ■mo* th a t wa drora tha BapllM ahlaa (a filfh t. Aad wa ara la tha haart af » a a a a aad haro tha aroataaaa ta p lra parap a ktapdam. aad that to a oMot feMahUr aaeBla.**

A drortlap to oparUiaaa aa tha t f n i . Mlao roB •ehnIdl-Faall aald tbara haro baaa rararoaa, aad that tha B tiP iaaa wlUlapIr aradttad- tha Praaah

M lar wMh praat harolam, ‘ t,** aha PhC 'kit tha ra ta tha aaaaar haa ae far

wail ta r r i ta r r It omi toko alph tr raara ( a t a a t k tka Oonaaa bordar.' In thia a ih a t ut loa. Hlaa ro a h ah n ld t-raa ll toM

al tho “pllbataa” with whiah tha *rtt> IM praaa raaaaltr apoha of makliip■tralahl far Baupauaia, a o it to Alx-la> • 'haiwlla and (ran thaaoa to barlla, all of wbirh. aha aalA waa rapraaoalad aa balnp a Jaunt of a (aw waaka.

" ta u aak about tho aant (roaanairar la Xunanla.*' tha ipaaltai___tinuad. ‘‘Apaln. rau aakr What IB m l Qarm anr'i n u -p o w a r^ Will It bald aulT Mr aaawar It: Too, thaaka ta lha d a m a n mothara, wa will h a r t man anaaph tbeupb tM w ar thou Id laat ato> laan r ta ra lanpar, aad a ra r r r« a r now lartaa will pa b ra ra ir forth to tha (rant, ataplnp t Had a ComradA' **

n tarr of Matro ra bHapa Taaia, Attar partap tribuia to tha Oarman

tlnparar. tha Anatrlan Ctnparor, Oaa> tra l ran Hlndanburp. ran (tothman* Hollwrp, a t whom aba aald that ha had IntraHucad In Jntom allanal atataaman- ahlp tha rafrraklBp alam anl ot Oartaan ~atralphirarw|Mnaaa.” and Dr. Balackl, lha darmnn 'Teod dlctatar.* Hlaa roa ■chmidt.t’aull addraaaad haraalt la tha borrart af tha Kaat Pntaalaa daraato. lion la tarn a that draw taara (ram tha ar*a a t n a a r af bar llatanara.

In tha r a r r baplanlnp o t tha war, aha aalA word iraa aant ta tha Kaat Prao* alan prarlaoaa that far atra tapla raa- tona tha Inbatotanta would hava la mora tarthar InUnd. Than Ibara bapaa iThaplm (hat nonllnuad (or thraa dara and thraa niphla. Hut nat all warn nbla to pat aw ar, aha aald, and tbaoa who ramalnad worn tha onaa who auffarad at tha handa af tha Coaaneka whan a llllla talar (ha tnvadara thamaalraa


Faoro that BItoa ■adapwalaar of In a tOranpA who waa burnad Moodaf n I M wban aarbolla naW waa tkroara Inta kla

wrra (eroad to Dor uMn tha comlnp ol tha arm r of Von Hlnoanborp.

In ta r tka rotiram ant of (bo Q am aa troopa waa (ollowad b r a aorond Itua* tian Inraalon, and apntn. Mlaa ron Pohmldt-Faull tolA wban Von HIndan* burp cama book with hla rletorlaua arm r, tha ftuaalBaa rotraatad Into (hair awn oauhtrr, afto r h a riap onoa nora Infllotad horrora opew tha alrlllaa pop­ulation. Aa a roault of tha lluaalan ia> rnalaa. Hlaa rou ■obtnMt>Paa)l aalA tbara a n atlll in klbarla f.tM old man, woaaon aad oblldraa, who wara drtran ta that Maak land In tha eouraa of lha flrat Inraalon and awbaapuaat ra tra a t

Lantarn aUda rtowa thrown on a ioraon oor robora tad tho atorlaa of lha rarapao to whtofc lha Eaat Pruaalan prvrtneaa wara aohjaatad.

Hlaa ran Sohinldt-FauU eoueludad bar nMroaa b r rad tto p tha followlnp

faoo, will laaa tha alpht of kla ripbt ar% w an.dlipallad lodar b r 1>' W lntbrap O. HUrkall. hla attaadlnp pbrolclan. Dr. HItahall aald ho la oanfldanl now that lha ora ran bo aarad. Tho r ie l ln ’a (aoA howarar. la badir burnad, aooord. l ip to Or. Kllehall.

Ilfw Anna Koladin af IK Roaortlto aronoo, thIa d t r . who to uadar lAbd* ball, obarBad with throwlnp tha acIA la rapwtod ao a narroua wroah aa tha ra* ault of ika obarpa, aad It to puaatlon* abla whan aha will ba abla to appaar in eourt to plaad. A poatpoaamani of two waaka la anid to bo llkalr on aeoount of Bodanarolaor'a coauHtlon. r o m a l ad- Jeurnmant of tha oaaa, whiob had baaa aat down for thia moralap, waa mada until tomorrow h r Ilaaordar H ott

Dr. V|otnr Panonaat of IM Waal Klanar atroat, thia oltr. trbo to attand- Inp lha aeouaoA aald thia norninp that H ra Kalodln eoatlauaa (a Inalat aha la InnDoant. Tha doetor aald hla paUaat rallarotoa th a t aba araa to tha nalphbor. hood IB Boarah of a waabarwomau and that (ha aald waa thrown b r anal bar.

Allhdupb H ra Kotodln'a ceaditton la Bol oonudarod aarloua, Dr. Faraonnot aoHrlad (hat ha would not p a rn it bar to laara bar bod to appaar In eourt to- Hiorrow, aran If Bodanwiaaar'a condi­tion warrantod It. An oparallon which Hra. XotodlB undarwanl alx monlha apo to alOD affaotlnp har. Dr. Faraoaaat laid, and hopointad ant that if aha a nnt p lraa tha baat ot cara tha raault mar ba aarloua. A nuroa la la cenatont allandoneo, ha aald, for faarl hat Hra. Koladta mlpfat attam pi to barm har- aalf.

W hr lha aeld waa daahad on tho phrPMan to ttitl no much ofa m ra tarr aa r —tordar. Dr. Bodanwlaaar inalau lhal Hra. Hatodla to pulUr. w it- naaaaa aUto that tbara waa no otbar woman anar tka aeana a t lha tImA


Tka Iptraani la aaot a t aaaap tiaaB- pafto tlaa appaarod m a problam hWara tho Wotaaa'a Torolpa H ltotoaarr Qo-etotr of tho Nowarh D tatrltt of tho Hothndlat Dplooopal Chareb. a t l u an- aaal maottap today la K, Fnura churob. It m m tha aoctatr Mf thia ro a r to aapd twa boxaA aaa to Chian and Ana ta KaroA and tha rapart of tho troaaaror todloatad thoro would bd an avon proator oipcnaa aaPt r*nr. Tito boxaa aro now on thoir war. b a rto f baaa ablppid aomo tima ap>, but tat- torn from mtaaloa poata to Iba Orlaat aald (har wauld not a rrira ta r Chrtat- maa unlaaa Mippad b r w ar of Baa Frapelaoo.

Tha total aapaadltaraa of (ha aoatotr durinp tha flacnl yaar, whieh claaaa with tha maatlnp today, amountad to I t a i . t l , toartnp a balanca on hand af l l l .U . Tho heavy Inoraaao In ooann (raipbt ta r lf ta It appaarod. u a a a t aa muah to tho aoeUiy that a toapthy dto- ouatoon waa antorad toto rapnrdlap wapa aad moaao of pottinp tha bapM to tha totoaton poata wltboat bavtap ta rtia Into dobt. Dtaeuaslor. aadod with a aiatMn Bolnf nuda to diopanna with tha boa paoklnp aad that await paok- apOB ba aant la tha mlaatoa paata tor CmrtoImM by parea'. poat. Thia motion waa dofM iad vM tba aaoloir will aan- tlano too boa poeklap to April, and boaaa wilt bo o h I naut yaar to China aad Koran aa uaual, too aaoiaty paylnp tiM 1|MP|E<.

Tba aaoiaty alaetod atfloara ao fol- Iowa; Fraoldant. H ra O. K. ThompaoB o t Haplowood; vIco protldonlA H ra Wllitom Bahtoa of B att OraapA Mm A. I t Wroharly of Bloo(Mold uad Mm 0. W. Baillh, Arltoptoa; OMratary. U m Frank NoiUno ot M iiupflold: tronauror. Hr. I . n . Bowaa of Baat OraopA

S r E A l E R T i m i H E A ' I E n WOMEN AUFACHfG HEW ERA

That a aaw am to appraaablap whaaaromoa will aatobUih a a aai i whtoh wUi ba luaaaaatnllr doaaaalla a n t will aat d ip tud upon tho botp of aorrapta or totorforo witk tha haaoawHFo wWar Intoroato, waa a atatam aat autoa br. H m Ma W right Bawmap of Hid* topd Itork, batata a moottap a t Tha a ' Kompto raaiardar aturaooB . Tha nooUnp waa bald to tha Maa telalr Club

'Wamaa baaa dovalapad mora galak lr darinp thata tow raara ml tba praat war than auor bafara to aba nariad,'* aald U m Bowman. *nirnmaa ban baaa no loaf rnpnrdnd na a tubllm a aroaa bolwooa aa Idtat aad aa aapal, that aha pava ovar thlaklnp aad almoot rnfanad ta prapraaA Bat now. woman aro aatap thoir bralnn—(ho aneiaat ooanaaitoaa aad ufolats abaurditlaa conoomlnp thalr draat aad baMta ara baeomlnp as- tltMi

"Whlla tba tonaaaaaf whtob ara tm tnink tha Eurapaan wamaa toto a aemhlnatloB af braad-wtnnar and homo- aaakar hava not r* l affootod Amari- eaa woman, th ar wlU in Uma affaal M whola world, and will ramaka Iba (amlalna populatlaa, not ontr with ra- apaet to olothlnp aad euatomA but to ( M r n ia tto n to ooclalr-

"In (Ala oountrr * • aiparlM oa a allpbt ahock whan wa boar af what tba Buropaan wonnn ara dalnp. Wbanwa ihtok af thalr d ip p la t anhw arn

ippTrInp roada and



*101 neaa now bm atha o f Ma pain and WOA

Bnr hlmpalf ana aalflah braathiFar am wa not g irt for naarifloaf—

T aa l-an d doaUiT Onr tot m ar ba ta paap to pa

Bn t par ahtMron'a fntharland—Ah, nalThn Oonnan raalm w nat n ta a d r

EU U B ETi d r a i n n B A R m in c T

Thn Indinimant elotbtop atora aon- dnetad hr Banjamln ■nrowlto, n( Tl Broad a troat BHmhath. todnr wont Into tha hnnda ml n raotlunr. An Inuotontarr politton In bAnkruplor wna fllnd apoinnt Hnrowtti In tba Nowarh braneb a t lha Unltoi gtatoa Dtotrtot C o n rt Upon ap- pIlootloB b r Wldor A Blldar, eoaiuol for (ho e r^ l to m ■nmuol Xooallor of Bliaoboih waa appolatod rocolvor and hla bond ftuod nl lAfdd. Tho roM vor wna nalhorliad to aoatlaua tho haalnoaa tar ton darA

taatoimont aodapntt daa BurowlU agprapato (lAHd, and bla ataok af olatUap to raltmd a t |*,*da. Tho llahll- lUta aro oatlmatad a t |l,Bdd,

Inlam at to tho rouhp woman a aum- mar eonfaraneaa a t MorlhflalA Haan, and la tha rallploua IdaaU and prao- tlaas which thaaa am iBlaadod to pro- moto la holnp (ootomd b r mora than •a t rau ap woman of thia otota. It wna obowB throuph lha annual rapotU oub- mlttod bt tha fall maatlnp raaiardnr afwmooB o t too Now Ja ra tr Norihtlold ipopuA hold In tha T. W. C. A. build- Inp. Offleara worn choaau and plana fur lha ra a r dtoeuwad. A atrlaa af Ulka h r Utab Hbrgarat B lattarr waa atoa anuaunood, to ba pivan to Holy Waak. In o m a f tha Nawark eburchaa Htia D argthr Dannla of Morrtotowa, ta-alaetad pmaidant, dlractad tha moat-

Tha oraatlan of .a now offloo, that ,a( Tlea praaldont praoudad lha alactlon. Klthaoto tha laadart af Northflald troupa la lha clttoa and t.>wna hava conatitutad Iba vlea praaidr.ilA hot In lha (utum they will ba known ao tha bmiwb mpraaantatlvaa and will form an advtoory aemmlttoa to tha anaeuttva board. Thaaa nomad on tha hoard ara:Praaldont Hlaa Donhla; vie# pra ildan t Mlaa Butii OUphant of Bnptowood; oac- rotarr, Hlaa Hnriaana Tauaaip, a lio of Engtowood; and' Iraaaurar, Mlaa Han- rlatta Flaokal of Hontolalr. ra-atoatod.

Tka laagua, mada up of thoaa who hava attandad tba NerthllaM eonfar- ancaA haa a mnmbarablp of l i t gtrla and raung womaa.

F ur latorrupUaaa whaa Vlaa Chan- •allor FaaUr waa anpraaalng hla UplnlaB raaU rdar aftarnoan ot tho varaoltr of d a ta C. Dowam awnar af a paraga lu HatuahaA who waa la apart on a aantampt ardor tor hla fallum to pay alimony lo H m faisio Louloa Bowara of OrangA dohn W, BaokaUA a Forth Amboy lawyor, waa mMwvod hr (ha oeurt.

ttooplllng how Bowom at tormar ap- paamnoan had faJIad to laltofy him ao to hlo BtoanA Ibo vtoa ehanealtor m - markod that ba did nat plaoa any emdanaa to lha man'a praaant povartr plOA Whlla tha court waa aiproaalng himaolf. Hr. Baaknao Intarruptad ao much that Dnally tha vleo chaaoollor ordorad him ta doalat laying:

**(08 ara old anougti to know bailor." "rm old auOBph to know my rlghtp"

ratertad Hr. Bookman, and tha vlci chAnoillor mada rijoindar;

'A nd 1 will aaa to II that you ura protootod In your rIphtA but I will not allow you to po boyond thorn."

Tho npohol af It nil waa that Mr. Bookman withdraw from tho caao. Tha vlea chaaoollor ordtrod Bowom (o aub- mit to aa •lam toalton Friday by Aupuat C. gtraltwolf, oounaol for Mm Bo w arn bofora Nieholaa W. BIndaatl, with the undoritandlnp that unlaoo ha •kowB ha la an titlid to rallaf. and deaa not pay the arraarapoo of alimony, ho will b« iMkod up.

movinp (urnlturA roppi worktop tho faMorloA wo almoat wlnoB for the tootinp of took o t ooa- voatton. Tot tkooo woman am bat dotop what they have boon w altlap lor yoam to prava thalr ability to dA"

Mm Bowman alao told of tho aatob- llohlnp of (radoF unloat fa r womaa workam to the war-atriekan oauatrloA gba atatod that tha wamin am raoalv- tog tha aama aalarlaa aa tba rmb m- ealiud; that thar hava formad (m at aaotoliaa a id clubA and that Uiar am m pidir divtloplng up to maponal- blllUaa which am lhatm now and will aoatlnua to ba thalra.

"A fu r tha war Europa will hava many, otoar moro womta than moA" H m Bowman ooneludod. "Oulr a mmaant of tho mala populatlaa will bo toft. Tho problem of tho ourpluo

Oman will ba Inttnllalr p r ia ta r than It hM avar boon bafara. But a t tba tam a tima (hat tha war la killing tha man It la ohawlng tha vatua of child oenaarvatioh and tba im porunoi of homo train Jap

"Tbirafom It will dauolva upon tba wonan to taka (ha maa’a plaea In In- duatry ,d a l tba Mtna tima ka«p up thalr homo ralatlonahlp. Tha praaant conditlona hava been atrong anough lo break down old thoorloa and ronvan- llonA and now, (or tho firol tlaia to hlitory, woman will (aka thoir rlghlful plaea In aoclaty and will work aide by aid# with tha mOn for tha apllft of tho homo, tba town and tha nation."

Oaaata of honor (or tha day wore Mm famaa F. Ftoldar, wife of Iht Oovomor of tho atalA Hra. w illiam T. BopoA proaldant of tha Montclair Woroon's n o to aad Ura. Edward Flohwlek. p rill- dant of tha W aman't Club of Olan RIdga.

Tba hoBlaiaaa for tha aftanieon wara Hr. A. A. Fagulguot of Olan RIdpa. Hri. John F. Conroy Of B ail Or-npa, U m W. F. ConvtUa of Hontetotr and Hra. Edward Colby of Patarioo Th* taa tobtoa warn dacamtad with yaltnw and

Coat Day Triangle

Another Remarkable & Extraordinary

Thousands o f New Arrivals. Wonderful Mid-Winter Models. Best Styles and A ll Colorsi

J fh Q u r g t fmr AlttruUomsg


Broad and West Park Sts., Newark

Sale of Luxurious Winter Coats

Constituting America *s Fore­most CoatRevue\ M Women*s and


ah lla ahm aatham uato aad aataoaa

An avaatop wt ,itop a t Tha a’Kioipto will ha bald d a t a i W .........................C tobTtoll. -

bald d a t a r ^ to tba MaatalAir •* •■■Mad

Coavamtoa of t in

■ tka eaaalrr.•uudla of Wlaatoa ChurahUI

S E D K F H E B S O n r o i A I I F A T A u r s n x i n n i s n E f r

Ofttotala a t tba O ty BaaaMal today ■tortod a taarch far frlaada or mUtlOM af H ra Aabo Hylaad. (U lr-tlim a yoam •“ **•(m at, lha addnoa iBa pava ao hor mot- doacA warn m lam id UBOpauid. Tha w ^ a a Mllapoad oa Brand otraat naar pm ag a otmat Handay lanrnlap and waa

t to haapltal. wham oha diad toot alpht fmm a eampHeailon af d li-

'T kaa too woman fall oa lha atraaiaha wM oarriad toto a noarby drop

:er amatoyad by tbam am by an In o M o r amatoyad b] Public garvtoa Raltway Oompaay. puva bim bar napM aad tba I

E U F F E R E B S -m riM lO T t t T AtCiTCO

jm pm oliB B iaoB w Bwwitbaimaadr•• mmtf MiftfvM

ipni. inMtRi tJmmuk Iii»a. rnumUim man tnak lad

-----tap fiaa (ram vtatmt rbab-toe^miwbA muae witbbiai af amaum, S a il dam to waiar. twtoi daily Vrad Oldfoowamoadri laMabaat mnaafm U-,

tommieme aaw br wnUap

AfCATOO LABORATORVB Worn Nth Hiaa (low taab cur l;

For aoJa at Pattr'a. KlmoTi. a, Uopatt'a. nUwr-Haraatai, aaa all drut ataraa

pave bim bar aoma aad iba UuIm atrual iddriaa bafam baaiomlnp uticoa- aetouA Bba did aat m pala har aanaaaMtoto. Aftor bar d tato Clorb Chirtoa r . Ja ilr dtopauhad BMuapaa to tba Ualua rtraat bouta, addmoaad to "Prtaudp of Mm J ia a BriAHA"

Tho w enun wa# uheui (Ivo foot fivo inehaa toll a id wtlahad Id# paanda Bba bod gray balr. Har olathlug eob- alatod e( a black ik if t. walat and : ■woaior, gray m a tt brown fur noak- I plaoA g m r atotkIupA btoek aboaa and ' a block knlttod kaad aearf.

If tha body la not alalmad by tomor- m w It will ba mmavad ta H ullln 'i f morpua lb Waobtoptou i tn a L ■


r Tm Odd QaWi iaIM 4-CdUa. iTaRilaAUI

la *M mtoaw your rloaaod omlruo wul apoA Iba aW prmoa m •( raur brad will ahar aad yba aaa braatb* fraatr. Ha manbawblaa. aaaflllar. Mowtar, araa Ma r tru tr in i your raid or aalayrb wui to

far toaatb at MpbllBahallra l

flat a m all battia af ■ly'i Craoia Inm ra ir dragrtol aaw Apply a Unit ibir tram at, aaitarpua. baallat anam m yaur aaatltla II rraauatva thyaadb fvarr air raaaati af tba biaA atatom (ba la-ralial aamaa toatoally

ll'a Jam tlaa. Daa'I oUy rtifM -aa wUh a aald ar namy aaiMVb—RoHal aamm m aaiabir—Advartlam m i far Crtim Bplm Oa

Victrola OfferVtctor-Victrobi.............. $40$15 Record Cabhift......... $1024 Record Sdectiomr........ $9(U DaiiUa-fBca l» 4 id Bac«ea) -----


$4 Down—$1 a WeekTIm T id ro b -f itjr lB v m . BBd ot

Hm CaUatt li flaWMd to Baldi tiw VkttolB BBd km m fto m m for Ihib wliettoB of neordiv

Ite TBoordi n r bo mImM fnai (IV caaipletB Kbevr. Ton cMc* of $1 la leeeeds—ye* ewa ■ilectloiL <Aa a n r m U ■■lirtkn n r b« OMB if roor cheto k etaiflaed to Om IMndi

donbMlrad nm da)

Knabe WareroomsARHSTB0N6 PIANO Ca

587 Broad Street,a r O f l E O T E N S A T U R D A Y C V E N IN O S

Peak loadsl, T h e ups and downs of present-daydeUvery call for a flexibility w h i c h P a c k a r d

Fashion’s Favorite Winter Materials

BrosdcloUi, Bolivia, Silk Seal Phuh, Silk Velotira, Zibelinea, Chin* chillaa, Wool Plush, Mixtures, Kitr ten’s Ear and Boucka, eitic.

Five Reasons Why Bedell Coats Lead

Latest Colors Styles That Are Always NewTanpe, Citron, Burgundy, Pldm,

Brown, Green, Mustards, Light and Dark Navy, White Chinchilla, Mix- tnica and Black, ete etc. *

W h a t a p l e a s u r e I t w i l l b e t o s e l e c t y o u r c o a t f r o m s u c h a m a m ­m o t h a s s o r t m e n t ! — n o w a t i t s a c m e o f p e r f e c t i o n in s t y l e a n d c o m ­p l e t e n e s s . J u s t a t t h e v e r y t i m e s o c i a l a c t i v i t i e s f o r t h e W i n t e r a r e c o m m e n c i n g , t o o . ,

S h o p p i n g a t B e d e l l , o n a c c o u n t o f l a r g e s t o c k s , w i l l s a y e m a n y T r t e p i hweary l u n t i n g f o p s t y l e s t h s t a r e ‘' ^ a n t o m t . * '

B e c a u s e —

1— T h e s t y l e s a r e f a r t h e l a t e s t .

2 — T h e C o a ts a r e t a i l o r e d t o t h e h i l ^ N s t s t a n d a r d .

3 — T h e m a t e r i a l s a r e d i e H n e s t m o n e y a n d s k i l l c a n p r o d u c e — t e s t ­e d a n d p r o v e d .

4 — O u r s t o c k s a r e U g g e r , b r i g h t ­e r a n d b e t t e r .

5 — T h e r e f i n e m e n t a n d d i f f e r e n c e s o f B e d e l l g a r m e n t s c o s t s y o u n o t h - f a i f e x t r a . O u r p r i c e s a r e t n e o m - p a i r A l y lo w .

Vs invite eiacHag eeapoAnas be* tveen enr eoeti and ■iTotbert. Tlity cetn- pare fsvortbly with egpenghre inedeU at foe4ieir to one-thtrd itiBfB,

Make Your Coat Selection I f ere Tomorrow-Saveyvr **** h s u g H t y s i l k s e a l p l u s h c o a t s w i t h e x t r a v a g a n to r ***$» l o n g , m a n n i s h b u t t l g h t - i n - w e i g h t s w a g g e r c o a t s ^

fur trimming and genuine Skinner’s ittJni n # * ’ N f t m oTfA p wfh a ' - r - - — w in , iw i j j , lu p i i i i ia i i u u i i i |[ i i t - i i i - w c i j f ;u t p w a iu iE r u tn u s d o w n SS loW SS y o u ’d C O H Sider " s e l f - r e n » e c t -

a w a n t — o r w h a t p r i c e y o u w is h t o p a y - ^ - n o m a t t e r h o v h a r d y o u a r e t o p l e a s e — }Q*t y o u c o m e t o B ^ l l 'm v , m e r e s a b e t u f l f u l a n d w o n d e r f u e n p * h e m w m nt

chainless trucks sup­ply most efficiency and edonom ically.

hekard Motor Car Co. of N«w York t o o l B r o a d S t r a a t , N a w a r k—atoa Broohlra, HaHford, PatoraoB, S p r lg f f t a l a akd W k l ta r i a t a i

ft USB ilUfCKB

a n d w o n d e r f u l c o a t h e r e f o r j w u l

■ .f ■■■f.tsarfi s i ; ra

Come to Me ior Per leet DenU Work ilUlUe Prices

> a a t vaar taaU iriiiMMt aaa

tn a a al ma a a t ra a r taato la garfaet 'tton tritoaat aaa fa itiag to t

aa to r t h a i l aaarA aoMf roam

ff i^ a T e ir f to t r r - [••• ft

H wtl81 a u Mi Ink id tv IS uhi Ariaagaaii

Q oM C few M s l i dW ork

S S ■

M A S S D r . M c B r id e ’s . > v ^ A m e r i c a n sg j,a d f S i P Anatod la a U la a ta a l-

787 Broad S t



I t 1

Aaotow w ratk lag of oraagri ttanal IIU to to rartu law, ioTa H. La H(bAnklagtha affali aaalloatit TuA tloa. IM U -tl t n a t oow

Tka gal toAt a t I

to a t put

At tha

voottgaUta n U IgkUnar. paritoOal ralaog A Itooa B| groaadta oaUlion Moortlaa aourldm a t thata

o a to o ruatatomaotba l u t i

Boon HIgtatoa al lag tho IvMkJt4 lir ooButr I auA Th taka tbi ponging abould a tha p a ir Btoat lo Board ot to ooatli paor. T aoHBtp 'a tatotahui ta aaa

Vadar a t tha Ltba eapi oa tba I

‘ Tba law too ttoc maol lb th a t aba toaia ai tha dlvt te r n apBOOMiOl

It WU of Ibo I If a o( atoob ai lavping AO auob iBltltUtl

Hr. b obanntli opanod tall wbi pelntad toning ' forcing mllltato ehanoaa tha k ra

Danl Tho a

taallon Fraalda: too bat baenUM autbarti Uflsatai agnlaat tank in i to too wDI g< tba ad i aa n lai

Tba I aloa ot I t Hat eartitio•M.M* I t . tba too bar

Artbi a il for port U


■orroa / iupri AdaoiAVA Ftn SOAy; JM tpb toanno Bargmi IT, Rol Jaogar lie Bar «Ma 1

Cantra:RatmairiaokaB fto lIM tul1 » , Uit.

CIroi Judga- A. Bal Bolomi wloa V MUona Badoli Inaum dor VA tw o ( Wllltoi itoilwi ■ereoc

Clrei fadgo- (onlo VA Rn VA Jm VA L*


Carth] • II , LI alola; vtoa I S m an Compa A m irtm , »JM iasOoargiRallwiInaurtQulm



Hid 1


S-',-Jm .. v'l

'X l.'




■ 6Mi

ASKS wmiALTRiisrm

Li I n k T ib CiHljr B itfi Di-pBfli vCiIhIcuc mUHkj wipvi

OM Oitigi Bitk*i A u d i.

NNE DAT KFOIEjm. B SATS■ w r T > m n y « i tlU T T n — m rm * B e l* * - I B S ■k« %awltwi Vb- i U Wm iBBfT *• ■•h * Btal* Sh u C

OoKrt CMBb m Pt«Mi WniUm P. I k i i la . * « « • • . WIBWat cMtUlkMiSi liOBi* •«!>■§». (•rtlmoBjM U HMlty.

AaatlMr «h>pt*r !■ Hm M srr at t in w rM klM at t in Mb i u I T m it C«mpBnr • f O nac* , «M U « t Y«rMlu4»wa a4<l- n«B«l UUkbUm u td inTolTra MBit (la* b itM v n u tio n i • ( th« b u h ■(•ok t u lav . 4arakip«a rta tarday , wb«a Oatra* M. La l la a ta f a a ta ta aammlaalaaar a t fcaaklBC aaa InauraBoa, la oharaa at tha affalra af tha Inatltutlan. fIM aa aapUaatlaa with tha Catwty Baar4 a( Taaatlaa. aaklaa th a t tha taa a t IL tU - tl aa tha M pitai aiaak a t tha traa t oaaipaBr ha aaaaaM .

Tha aatltiaa waa baaad aa tha sratuid th a t a t tha t la » tha aaaaaa v aat Waa wa<a—Hair t t . tha da r aat bp law tar th a t parpaaa thara waa aa aaptia) ■taak ar aaaata ha lo aslaf la tha bank, baaaaaa aa tha dap prartaaa, tha oan- atlaaianar a rp tn 4 ISdwln H. Hatch, vtea praaldanl, and T haaua ■. Bpraa, aaaratarp-lraaaarar, had ralaad aaitlfl* aataa a t dapaait t ro n tit.W d to lll l .ta a , t b ^ b p wiplap out tha capital clock and aaaata a t tha inatlintlon.

At tha baarlag, La Rua vradaabargh, a bdhk a ia n la a r In eharga a t tha IC' traattgatlaa a t tha Inatltutlan, and Will*

f lam Ik Morgan of PItnap, Hardin A gklahor, oounaat for tha banking da- partmaot, ratuacd to admit that tha ralaod dapealt carttflcatao wara valid Ua«a agalnat tha Irual oampanp, g roaad lag thalr contantlon to r a can - calallan at tha apacifle baala oa tha aaaartlaa thaL no m attar what tha a o a n doaUldtueay ba aa to tha lagalllp a t thaaa cartitleataa, a t tha lima of tha aaaaaaBaat thap bad wiped oat tha aa- aaU of tha bank, and conatltutad a faUa atatamant made to tha taxing body by tha fautltutloB.

M m Raaalaa Cndar Adabaamaat■acaMoa at thia aland, Praaidant Coo-

Rtacoa a t tha tax board rolad that paad- ig the daalalon ot the oourta aa to tha au ld ltp a t tha ralaad cartlttcataa tba

aam ty board could not rule an tha la- aaa Tha hoard agreed, bowavar. to taka tka quaatlon atidar adrlaamani, paadlag an adjudication, and If thla obould not ba raxebad before tba and of tba paar, to p a rn lt tha banking dapxrt- maat la carry tba eaaa to tha btala Beard of Taxation, which baa authorltp to aantlnua tha oaaa for another flacnl paar. n i a powar la not vaatad tn the aouatp board, which la compallad bp atalb ta to tinlah each tiacal p a ir all buctnaas pertaining lo taxation.

Updar tha provlalona a t Cbaptar >• a t tha Lawa of I t t l , the aaaaaamant on tba capital xtock of liac.OtO wac mada an tha atcckholdara of tha Inatltutloo.

*Tha law furthar provldca that. In caaa tba Btackholdan fall to pay. tha pay- maol ahall coma out ot the dirldandi th a t aball be dccUrad on tha atoch. Tha taxaa ara a Uen agalnat the atoch and tba dlTldauda It c am a and tha celiac- to r may lory upaa and aall tha atock tt

I t waa remarked yaalarday that aonia af tha ataelthaldara would ha plaaaad It h aollactor ahould lory on ih tir Btaek and taka It tram them. Aa for levying on tha dlvldanda on the atock. no l u ^ thing can ba dona with tba Inatltution eloaad.

Mr. Morgan aald that with all tba ehannalB of ncccaaarr litigation not yet opened It would ba tmpoaalbla to fara- tall what the future may bring. He pointed eat th a t any action by tha taxing bodtaa a t thla tiRia toward en­forcing tha collection of tha tax m ight m lllU ta agalnat tha dapoaltor-eradltora' chanoaa ot regaining aomatblng from tka fbraek.

HMTnniBUimsDnD R D U n OF M I C E B U I

W h aU ar g a tl la g fliaa a f t la v iall a bnrWar abap a«d d ra w a ta g a* tba, w ap back, op lltlaa bairo o | a w raaking barg< em plapaa la aacapaaaattaa. la a kweit qaaatlan aaw bafara Rafaraa H arrp J. O aaa a t tba W orbm aa'a Cam- panaalian AM B araau. A baartng la •e a a to ba bald e an aa ra lag tb a death abaat taro m anlba ago o t Ttaemaa W li- ta a . h ired bp the B ax te r W racking C a n ^ p a t Now T erk , la th a R a rtiaa River.

W llaaa, aaaa rd lag to a lb e r am- Mopaaa. aakad fa r tim e o ff aaa avaaing la o rder to ga l a a b av a W ith tw o eom- panloaa be w ent aaberc bp w ap a t th e eau p t^ b ridge batw aan P a rtb Ambop and Bantb Ambap. R a lu m ln g abortip betara m idnight, w baa opara tlana In an .a ttem pt to ralae a aunken barge W art to be roaumed, W llaan deacanded a lad ­d er tram th a bridge to a a abu tm ant In order to a n t t r a ro w b o a t Ha allppad from a g angp lank on th a abu tm ant and fell Into tba w ater. W han hie bodp wha raeeverad tba next day a brulaa on th a ebla appeared to Indloata th a t a blow raealvod ta ble fa ll had randarad b ln aneonaolaoa.

In derid ing wbaChar W llaan waa taahnlcany “a t w ork" w han ha m at w ith death th a bureau baa. It la undar- ■teod. p raa llea lly no praaadani In Oalind Btalaa aourt d td a lo a a Bngllah a a n r ti have haM th a t n a n la Hka am- playm ant w are antitlad to oamtMnaa- llon only I t a t tha tim e of Injury or death they had aoma foothold on th a am plopipg a ra f t or l u tandava. In th la eaaa the «ark m an ‘a lim a appaarad to ba a ln '-e t a a llra ly at tb a diapoaal of tba w iack tn g oampanp. aa w ork tdiBld ba dona oalp on eartaJn tidaa and tim e o ff could b a .b ad only bp iMrmlaalaa.


$lS2,S0eSllTrHERES ttn SfiNT CmtnOm MkfM

Lm Wii SuDumA Dvi« b’ CTTitiii it Muik 0 ^ .

SATS o r r s m s il o c d d w o i i

all rihka t r i i t e r ' apaeitan tram whieb Mr. Rant eoald abfaraaaan aantlagaaelaa war i hava laaraad tka teeatlaa a t the nn-

aaada la tka aoMraot, argnad Rabart H dargronad ptpaa. T hat tba attp bad MaCarlar, aauaaal fa r Allantle Cliy, Ha , baaa gaatroaa la ita daallaga with tha aald tbaro wara mapa aad alhar d a - ' canliaetar waa ahawo, ba argued, bp amlpUvo m au ria l apag (ar pabllo in-1 tba feat th a t aaarip bad baaa

_________________ i_____________________________________

paid far tba work. Mr. MeCaHar added that the p lalatlff waa aaaklag papmaat far axiraa and net damagaa, and thatprovtalan tar tka papmaat af a iiria . whan approved bp a board o t anglaaara waa awda In the eaatraat.

PadaaedW baa CMp Anawad Weak M Ba (

Wama n oRo4 ■apa



Aa appllcatlen for a dleebarga from bankrup tep , filed today bp John ■chmld. who diaappearod laa t Daoam- har whan a raeclvar wax appointed fo r hla b akarp a t l i t -U T W aablngton ■traat, O ran g a gave c ra d lto ri th a lr t l r i t Inform ation of Bchmld'a w h art- a ^ u t a Tha application w e i aeknow l- adgad October I t by tha b an k ru p t be­fore a no tary tn Loa-Angela* County, Cal. J. Traoy H orton, tha truataa. aald tba petition to r a d itcbx rga w ill be op- poaad.

W han Schmid d iu p p a a ra d ha le ft hie wife and four children a t tb a W aeh- Ington e lree t addroea Several raaat- Inga o f o rad itara w ara held du ring the next tw o m onth i, whan Mra,^ Schmid taatiriad th a t aha did not know w here her huebxnd had gdne. Then M ra Schmid dropped from view, a f te r hold- era o t m ortgagee toraeloead the bakery plant.

Reporte mede by tb a trua taa and hie aauneal, WIlTlam H arris, ibow th a t t l . l l * v r u raa lliad from tha sale of Schmid's aaaa ta F rom th is am ount I f 14 w as paid to p rio rity e la lm an teand for adm in istration expeneae. Tba lla - bllltlae w ara aallm xtad to ba tlO.Mf.

R atarea Chxrlaa U. Hxaon last m onth received a le tte r from Edw ard. L. Davta o f Orxn»e. a law yer, who Inuulrad ax to th a procodure n aeaisary lo obtain Sehmid'a diectaarga. Thix waa followed by the receipt of Bchmld'a application, which aU led th b t a h earin g on the a p ­plication w ilt be held lo Ja n u a ry In the United S ta les D istric t C ourt a t T renton.

Hr. Morion said th a t Ibe chief raa- aon fo r oppoalng Sehmid'a pe tition Is his fa ilu re to appear In cou rt and gtv* cred ito rs an opportun ity to qusitlon him. / ■ —

PansWT nt B altaa ra l Catt Cbab.R aaum lns the practlaa eaU bllahed

laa t w in ter a rraag am an ta have bean eom platsd for a aorlaa of f a tu rd a r night danoaa to ba balA a t th a B altuarol Oolf Club each S aturday n ig h t during the w inter. Tha f irs t w ill be next S a t­urday n ig h t aad w ill b e pracadM by savaral sm alt d inner p a r tls t .

Trial af a suit agalnat Atlantia d t p fo r damagaa aald la bave baaa ans-talnad bp a conlraotsr In building a Btorm aawar waa eoallauad tadap ba- fora Judge Thomas 0. Haigbt and a Jury la tha Newark branch a t the Unitsd Stataa DIsUlet C ourt William O. Root of New York, who built tba aawar, aaaignad tba proparty aad rigbla o t hie eonesm to Stewart H. Naff of Mew Tork, Ibe plalatlff In tbe cu lt Tba papara filed ruHU a Hat o t griov- aaooa agalnat tba city, for whieb a to ta l of I l l l . l H damagao le aikad.

Tba eontraot for bulMIng tbo aawar waa made with Hr. Root Dooembor 11. I t l l . Tour montbe later be ergaa- Isod tbe W. I loot ConatructloB Com­pany. wblelr .uok over tba eontraot with Hr. Naff aa ganaral manager. Tha mala tr ta eh for Ike drain waa dug la Balilo avsBua, from Oaorgta to Rhode Island avanuas, with short branehaa In both latter avanuaa ^ n Baptembar, l i l t , tha aawar waa oomplatsd aad pay- manta aggregating f t t l , l l t . l l wara mada by- tha elty to tho Root com­pany. Aa aaalgnmaiit ot tha company's right* waa mad* Daeambar t af the same year to Hr. Naff.

The eblsf claim tor damagoa areas from tha rity 'a retuaal to ramevo lu sratar and atw sr pipas from tbs path of tba drain, coonaal for the plaintiff told the Jury. Claim* aggragating |llT,eo« war* baaed on pipe ohatrurtlon. which tha coniraetor aald bald him up for two tnontha and anbjactad him to panaltlos by tha olty. Two bulldlnga arectad on tha line of tha traneh a tisr the contract had l ^ n mad* wars shored up by the Root concern. .

CounseT aseeriod that Mr. Rael calcu­lated the coat of aborlng the buildings existing December It, I l l s , but waa not obliged to bolaUr up Ihos* built after th a t tlma. Another claim for damngs* waa mada bacana* water from a city main waa allowed to rush Into the trench and flood It. Otbsr paria of the complaint racitad axtra labor and ma- tarlal, wbfeh tha city li aald to have farced Ih* contractor to us*, although not atlpulatad In Ih* contract.

Special wantlon of th* fact that tha

Newarkt i s v J i t *P rodklvaPM IsiitpM i O p P B U j M ^ l U H S & f

Broad and WlllUim Streeta—Newark

Important 5ale Tomorrow (Tliuraday) of

Furs o f DistinctionAt Very Marked JVfce Conetuioni

N m i f cC l m l s a iB sffsls

Hudaon Seal Coats Meditan f l i r t . 42-inch long Model, brocaded hning

Special 8 5 . 0 0

Trimmed Hudson Seal CoatsColUr ud bordef Nituril Skunk; 45 inebet long.

Special 115.00

Food particles In the mouth decompose in two hoursTartar col lect s if this eamittf sabstance rsmaOu.Sosodoat Li fMid Deati- fries prevents this torma^ tioa. It peneiratss th e smallest crevices and coo* ers every carve of the teeth.Sosodont L iqu i d DentI* friee c l e a n s your teeth thoroughly.

j4n Extensive Collection of

Exclusive Modes in Hudson Seal CoatsLuxunout Pchi developed into costi of unuiua! ityle; full flsfe modeli, triimned with

Skunk, Foi end Koliuky SaUe; slso motor costi of Nutris and Natural Makrat, all are bandiomely linetL

1 4 5 . 0 0 to 3 2 5 . 0 0

Scarfs and Sioh^Fox Scarfs.............22.50 to 29.75Hudson Seat Stoles 25.00 to 79.50Red Fox Scarfs.. Moleskin Stoles. Skunk Stoles.., Kolinsky Stoles. Ermine Scarfs..

.22.50 to 45.00 ,.69 .50 to 95.00 ,37.50 to 95.00

.65.00 to 110.00

.32.50 to 115.00

New MaffsHudaon Seal Muffs 5.90 to 25.00 Kolinsky M uffs.. . 17.50 to 50.00Raccoon Muffs__ 15.00 to 22.50Skunk Muffs.............. 20.00 to 47.50Ermine Muffs. . . . 35.00 to 59.75 Moleskin Muffs.. .22.50 to 39.75 Red Fox M uffs.. . . 23.50 to 35.00

BADJPID r. Bdwardar Ottve TSbIits Q«l a t

tbe Cbbbb and I saw ve I tDr. Ettwardr OUw Tjfleta, vM>

imute for calomel, act rnn lr wt tlu bowelt bb4 potitivdy do tbt work.

PcaSW alflcted with tad brcaik 8bISick relief tIittMuh Dr. Edwadr

ivs Tableti. Tbe pkiisiS, m pr* coated taUet* at* tataa {or tad b t M hr an wko know them.

Dr. Edward*’ Olivo TiUtta set M > tly but firaihr on tbe bowtdi aad Hvar. itinnlatiiit them to iiatoral actioB, clearing tfie blood and ceedr peritriei the entiro *r*tem. They C/a that wUcE dangerotii caloaid dool without asr o f , Ibe tad after cSceti.

An the bcnefiti of luMy. aMeebtag;' gripinf cathartic! are tkrivM from Dr. Edwardr Olivo Tableti without g H ^ ’ inf. pain or any diiagroeahte tffecta.

Dr. F. ht. E d w ^ diieovirod the tonirala after aeventeen yean of praov. tiec among patMUti afflicted wM) bowel and liver complaint with Sm atlcndaSt bad breath.

Dr. Edward/ OBv« Tihlcli art p « ^ ty a vegriable compound mlged with! olive oil; yon will know them by their.

: olive color. Take ooe or two ever*! night for a week and note the effecb 10c and 2Se per hoi. All dnggittA—A4..rtlM n

D hE O M A tlS iM* * HrrFKRKas rHOU aw

IBL-fLAH. nONB m .I'.M BB (^nnflLicPS ■

nrrFK R K ah MUBL-fLAH. nON TlBli v:AN BB ■ •h a ctic a d j '

.■ba ctortom . a r k . n . y. D. t o r . PRBSIDBirf.

c H iR o r iu c T ir 1381 C


i « g c a u s b o r D i W A y ' V r o 8 S * * S ?or ADJUSTINU TUB RAMB.


I t ih*


landas UltBHa^W rsg ss . laegB,. ,Tbs softBty board, •Iselalmad' any tn-

taatlen ot forcing a« Issue, but tbrougb PrssMsnt Congiston polntad out that tbs body was powerless a t this tlm* baoaus* ot tb s rsfusal o t th* banking authsritias to admit th a t tba raised car- Ufloata* of deposit wsr* a valid lltn agatast lb* bank. In other w otda tba banking aalhorltles forecast thalr ease to th* extant of indicating that they wal go Into court and fight against th* admission ot th* raised cartiflcatos a* a lagal tndsbtsdnasa

Tbs ooBtsntlon lavolvss th* oontas- alon of Byrn# th a t on th* night of May 11 Hatch porauaded him te raise tba osrtIfleaUs. that they War* raised from •l4A«e to t l 40.iee and war* dated MayII, th* day bafors th* asaaaaataat on tbs bank stock w as lavisd.

Arthur B. Bsystour appaarad aa ooan- asl to r tha stookholdars, but took no part la th* prsosodlsga.

ON Iir CAU F O t TOIOUOWTbs call la tbs eounty osvrta for to­

morrow will bo a s follows;I Buprsai* Court Circuit, Frsdsrte Adams, Ittdga—Tl, Cbristls Droalpolous v a First National F ire Jnaurano* Com­pany; III, K aitm Urs Andrsaajsayk vs. Jossph Fepplagsr; St, Alfonso Russo- manno ,va Frederic Fa ta lsr; 141. U s Borgmaa v*. Brt* Rallroitd Osmpany; If , Robart L. Lambert v a Augestu* P. Jaogar; ItS, Dominick WSrangt vs. Pub- llB Ssrvlo* Railway Company; t t , Ma­tilda Btobr v a Nsw Point Oomtort Baaoh Cosopany; 41, Jooapli BtaBoefc va. C sa tra t RaJIvay Company; 11, Joaspb Raimondi vs. William Balm; 11, C tarlm nooksBStoin Jr. va. Tbs Oroat AUantlo * PscMio Tsa Co.; l i t . Mary Saadtr* Dltsal v a Kathorin* U Ootman, andIII , Mlanlo O. Loooy v a Ooorg* FiichJ r .

CIroalt Court A. Nsloon T. Dungan. Judgo—JA Patar P . Crosaon va Jomph A. Bslolt: 4N, Kllsabotb Brsnaan va Bolomoh Aron; 414, Loonatd Loranto- vloa v a Ftatllp J. Sowers; 40 , Sabato MUon* va O lanoattlsta Lattrla; 4*4. Rodolpb Qrosa v a Commorotal Ouoally iNsuraao* Company; 114, Drotto A Sny- dor v a Ka*tl W rt; 4IR Ruggloro Bobm- tano vg g ta ts Itoalty Compaay; 441, William P. M ttol v a Public tarvlca Itollway Cccspaari 4fA Danltl j , Bsroceo va. OavM W, Dortmaa,

O reult Gsurt B. WUIard V - Catlsr, ) o d g o - ^ l . Lodivieo do Baatla v a Aa- toBlo Rooamlllo; I lL Ooorgo H. Pool v a Rufaa D. Brown; i f l , ,l3oort« Blppol v a Jaoob Rapbaol; *T1, Mariano Htaol v a LaolOtla B arbate R o m ; m . Iteosi Popo va Amorioan Aniline CbonUeal Comeanri l i t , C CDonogbu* Oompagy. v a P m k U. Taylor; I l f , WUUam Mo- Carthy vA Ofccn* Motor Car Company; I I I , UlUan Rraosman v a Harry Wsin- olola; l i t , Annlo Ulrich v a PobUc Bor- vloc Railway Company: 111, lopbi* •sm arskl va Public garxlac Railway Companr; l i t , Blgmund I . Bruan va Amarlcan ARlIto* Cbomical Compaay; U t. BaAl* Baaa v a Jsaaph Jasgar; Itf , Ja lia s Btattaar v a Louis Rubin; 111, Oaorg* b. Cbabot v a Public dorvlo* Railway Csmpqnr; 111, Uoloa Casually Insuraac* Compaay v% (yaara A He- Quira

Court gpoclal Bsaotona Harry T. Oshema, Jodgo—Mlcbasl Krrwlohy, at-

danoao orov* aoccaasfni th ey w ill to t o l l ^ h d lM N u r n t a b e o tharw ll* ebay w ill to brfd anaV nalo B alu rdaya




^ S t a i m i m t o a n a y IS i l r tarwOM* If r«a am D ta* as thWi 0m4* » matws* m* agg w Ml* Oat dXif w to* h*H. I t m A • t o w ^ W i . Sid 4am *s| miarfi** otto fWit. ts. dNsm atS a 'H a k * ^

K l t ^

1887 1916


INNER «uiti hawc become a necesgity. and at necei- Btty ia the mother of in-

__ voitioa. we can fit youwhile you would be saying “Jock Robinaoii.” Plain «od figured silk ig^gteoata in a charming variety ofwefflvet. Proper haberdashery, hatta and shoes.

KtOKAWBRCmOS1 4 5 7 “ 1 4 6 3 B R O A D W A Y



> 4 4 * 4 * 4 . 4 * .1 *4 . 4 *

an n o u n cem en tMito FlkTMC* IL Ay«r,

Billmoro . p

HtaMto nf tiH

L att of Ik*4uffl B nu eru lt

H at SdM A ^ n l t a


Hid ivll! g m id a t t I N Taa D anett W aJg u d iy and S ttm d ay afiarnoons, and Suptar D a se tf aightly, a n ig t Sunday.Priyttt IwMnHUoM h r Agaaintmaiit.

A SERVICEABLE robber tor men, women, bojrt tnd giris. A favorite with business womea, teachers,

.echoed children and men who walk a loL «True aooQoniF rubbers, trinKfitting tnd dnrabla.Hub-Mark Rubb4w Footwaar i i Buult In a w idt variety of Mudi

a id alTlaa to eever to t ttorm y uraetbar ucadt af mag, wuman,boys and gfrkita town weauBtry. ^

Tlu Hub-Mar* h year ralatmmh, *

H U B H « 1 A R i n U J B B E R STkffl War Idw Sundard Rubber Faetwear

For tala by all

Ym CtBot Ei|iect fiiwd HeaUi Wilbfot Good Toeth

. ^ .Sgeoial TkanksgivlBgT*mDlkiioffl

v i a S a e ta n ln .




(Oaayriffctod)Msfiy people have been trested’for itoasch troable, totes-

tinel disorder end other disorders when whst they needed wm TO HAVE THEIR TEETH PUT IN ORDER. You cennol ex- pact good health without good teeth. The modem, up-torilite vmdbury method esn put your , teeth ta’ tervlcetble cendition, NO MATTER WHAT mey he the defects.

Cowradeat I hr— Giadnats UnfrcrsHir afM W etheaa tm tm inerum u buriMMte ig| bllMiK hit

FWH Sets el lhatb........MapGdd CiaiinikSMt......ll WGeld FBBngi .., .•.••.,.$1 up

™ a 2 ^ ’ e b w i ’ p ' ' i L **




We . Are CeBebradting More Than a Quiariteir Century of Big Value

Giving in Nine Busy Brill StoresSix in New York, One in Brooklyn, One in Newark and One in BridgeportTwenty-nine years of honest, earnest, untiring effort to give Men, Young Men and Boys the beat and biggest Oothes Values at each and every price that brains, capacity and progressive business methods can produce; unfailing courtesy and a cheerful adherence to our policy of "Satirfaction or Money Bnck” have earned for us the generous public support which has made the growth of this busincM possible. And now—as a mark of our appreciation—we offer Birthday Specials in many apartments and

Overcoats and Smts

Specially Priced

A tIN OVERCOATB—Scotch m litures, heather

m ixturet, plaid-back gray meltoui, black ker- aeya, neut gray, brown, tan and dark green m ixtures. JUbtert, UItterettea, douMe-breaited Oxford and bhw Overcoata, Scotch Btlmaroons, Box Coats, Betted Coats, Form-Fitting Coats, Cfaesterflald models and light-weight blacks u d Oxforda, well made and extremely service­able.

IN s u n s —Thla aeafon'a newest u d aim rt- est models—buttoran l browns, regim ental stripes, Dublin gram s, gun metal grays, Autumn browns, silver etriped blues, dapple

‘ grays, (wo-tene worateds, blue, gray, brovra and green flannels, blue serges, black thibets, pencil u d pin stripes, overplaidt, checks, two- tone grays u d browns, fancy easslmcrea, ailk mixtures and werateda.


O v e rc o a ts a n d S u its , S p e c ia l a t $ 2 0IN OVERCOATS—Big, warm nlstere, in graya, browoa, plaida, overplaids, fancy m ixtures and

heather mixtnrea, donble-breuted and single-braastad, most of them with satin yokes •«<* ««•» linings, and hundreds of wonderfully em ert Meeks and Oxforda In form-fltting and Chesterflcld models.

IN SUITBr-Smart, snappy modeia for young man and men wko feel young; and neat, conw raative, dignifled desigitt u d modala for men o f more moderate taste and temperament, many of them silk lined, ellV f them wonderfully good value a t 520.00,


7 d l BROAD' STREET, AT MARKET^Newark’s New Brill Store**


DBCO NUKEYb ^ s Mr. DpMM ^

v u s M U t m O p n D u r

f i r I m E t t k a f u .WAITS DO SEEN SnU MSTART

Fm OIHm • !

Ip A OMiMlIbw A «H n «flta«* la

w u n M o ro ii. ii.—m niiwa > f l l a U w w h * t w « « D t t * A a u r t M B » n 4 • r i t u k f * t * n i m « n u o v « r i k a o k j w t l i M a t I M U a l t * 4 l U t M t * O r a a l | N H t a l a * a t i a i t * k U c U l i t v t r * c « n i M > • r a t M T t a l B t « 4 « y . A B r i l l r t y a p l y t a t k a l a i a a t A m a r l o a n p r a l a s t , B M « a m k l l a Im i n i c h t a y U a l u u D a - p a r t B M a t i a f a » 4 i t b a B r t U a k y o a l t l a B a M I M T M a f a a U a d a a r l a r f a r t h a r • B e h M g a a .

Ofaat BrIUln’a gafania af U a blaek- Bat 4aatera* (ha Baaaara la aaraly a laaaM aal rat«laUa"< **Bl*a it iara iaa aaa tm l rifb ta aaa aaaaiia t u parpaaa la ta ahertaa Ua war- Thaaa aaa ha aa aaataattaa. U a nata Baslaraa, that U a Briuah baaa aat u a right to 4aay tba (actllUaa af BrIUah oaainiaraa U thaaa a h a aaaiat Ua aaaaa a( Brltala'a aaaulM whatayar AaailellaA ' *Tba taallBga aU eh 1 v astara ta th lak haaa yaaatataf U a aata,*' tba fa t- alga aiialaiar Aaelaraa la U a Britlah taylyi tB aat h a n haaa U at U a auaa- • ta a • • * will ha aayaadad ta aa aataa t wblab will raaalt ta U a tr la ttr - lartag w tu gaautaa aaairal aaataiaraai H iliaya alao that Uay ara aat aa- alaalyaly Haalgnag for halllgaraat par- faaaa, hat ara u U a r aa attam pt ta for- v a a i ear av a tra4a lataroau al U a U paaia af Motra) aauBMraa * * * i aa4 U a t Uay ara, fraai a Military pa la t a t view, uaaaaaaaary,"

■ a a a t h a a a a o a o l a a i a a a , I t I t M a a r t a C a i a w r e a g . T h a f a r a l g a M l a l a u r p r a m - t t a a U a a u a a a r a a w i l l o a t h a a a t a a k a d b u l b a r U a a l a a b a a i B t a l y a a o a a a a r y , l a a l a r u t k a y a r a a t r t a t l y w a r m a a a u r a a

l a ?I aapa U at U a ao4 af U a war la aat• a w aoaagh la aight far BrilaJo to • a lla a t aay Juat, a u a g a t a h r U g a h a a l N o l a n a l a a t l a a .

P i w p a a a a f U a t I t a f l a a i .T b a B r i t l a h a a t a a t t h a a a t a a t i a -

t a a a U a p u r y a a a a t * % l a a u j a a t y - a l a r a r o B M a t l a l a a l a t l a g a a U a a a - J p r a a a w a i a f t h a p t w n a i a a a a f U a t f B A l a g w t u t b a a n a m y a a t " I t l a a | 4 a a a a t p a r t l y n a n i e i p a j l a g l a t a t l o a , * * P t a U a t h a a a t a , ' b a g p r a v M a a t h a t h l a * — < ■ * * * * » » y . h y p r a a t a m a t t a a , p r o h i b i t

' » O a l t a d K l a g d o a f r a a i w i u a a y p a r a o a a I n f a r a l g n

• • l U t r l a a w b a m i g h t h a a p a o t f l a d I n • M l p r a a l a a w t l a n a a r l a a n y a u b o a - g a a a t a r f a r a "

f t t a a a t f o r t h a l a o t h a t p a n a l t l a a

tha mlUtary pealtlaa la now aaoh that II la uanataaaary ta u k a atepa which might prajudlaa, avaa lo a tU ghtatl dagraa, ih t aammaroa af nautm l aa- lla aa that tba and af tha war ta Ine i g h t , a n d t h a t n o t h l a g w h i a b h a p p a a a I n d i a t a n t n f u i r a t e o a n l r l a a c a n a f f a e ttha ultimata raault.'*

"If," eaatlnuaa tha nata, “th a t wara really tha paaitlaa. It la paaalbla (hat tha maaaiiraa tahan might ha daaarlbad ah uaaallad (or, but It la n e t Bran Ihaagb tha ralliUry allualtan a l U a AJIlaa haa graatly Impravad, thara la atm a long and U ttar atruggla In front of iham, and aaa which la fuatlaa ta.tha pHnolpiaa far which thay ara fighting tmpeaaa upon thaw tha duly of amplor- Ing ovary opparlunlly and ovary maaa- u r t which ihay can lagltlmataly uaa ta avareowa ihalr opponanta"

t paalda BHItaa Paaitlaa.Tha nata apholda tha llrltloh.Oovam-

mani'a paaltlen U rafuaing to allow gaada balenglag to flriaa on tha a u tu - lary Hat ta ha (orwardad an abipn uaiag Britlah ooal. In Ihla oanaactlan lha Wahlog hy Oarman aubmarlnaa af aumaraaa matohani ahipi belonging ta allied and naulral counlrlaa la ravliwad aad the palm uaad aa aa additional a t- coaa far limiting tba aupply of Britlah ooal In auch a way aa to raaarva It aa fa r aa poaflhla |o ablpa ganulnaly am- ployad in alllad or nautral trada.

"Ona of lha flrat aatarprlaaa U (aal tha loaa of tonnago haa boon u a Com- mlaalon of Hallaf In Bolglum," ioya Uo nou. ■ Bollof ahlpo have ihamaalvaa boon rapaatodly aunk, anf la aplta of all Uo offorta of hla mafoaly a govarn- maat. In aplta of lha apactal (acllltiaa given for Iho Mpply af noal ta ibipa

III com nliilon 'i itrvte#ithat body ta conatantir unabla to Im­part InU Belgium tha foodatufta ab- aolutaly naoaaaary to praaarva U a Ufa af U a population."

In oonclualon, tha note rafara to Uo Inalructlona iiauod by l* rd Buaaall July I, IM i, ta tha marchanla of Livar- poai In regard la trade with tha Bahamaa. “Hla lardUlp thara adviaad Britlah aubjacia." au taa lha note, "that tbatr true ramady would ba ta rafralu from thia apaclaa of trade on lha ground (h it ‘It aapoann Innocent com- marca to vaiatloua datantlon and aaarch by American crulnara' ”

“Hla majaaly'a govarnraant do not oak tba favarnmant of lha t'nitad gtataa to taka any auch action aa thia," eonilnuaa the nota, "but th iy cannot ballovt that tha United g u ta i Qov- au in an t wilt quaatlon U alr right to lay upon Britlah marchanU, In tha Intaraata of U a ahfaty of lha Britlah Kmptra. (or which Ihoy ara raapoaalbla. tha aama probIbJtlona aa Lord Kuaaoll laauod fifty yaara ago out of canaldaratlon for U a Intoraatn and taallngi of a foreign nation."

. 0


« t t i bo Impgaad an thaaa u U a United ■ w d a m who vIoUta U a pravlaluna« Ua aUluta. "That la aU.“'eantTnuaa *■*••*•• "Min majaatf'a govammant ■•Rhar pnrparta nar elatma ta ImpoM •ny dkMtlltlM ar paaaltlat upon M*tral ladlvlduala ar upon nautral

, The maaaura te almply ana w bM aajalu thaaa who awa atlagtnnea lb O w t Brluti la aaaaa having trade PMallana with paraana who art PMd to ho pastmtog or roadoriag oorvioo to

* Ptoolhla oballonga by nw UiUtf^ BttiM OotwmniMt of tho "righ t of Oroat Britain a t a oovarolgn gtma ta ^ logialatlob problhltlng all

! * • frnmtrad ing w lU aay aiwolflad paraona whan ouah prahibitlon la famMI taaoas- n n r »n tba puhUo tataraai," Vlaoaunt ftoay aaya:

"T U Hgbl to da 00 ta i» ohrleua th a t aura that the pyotaat which your

• M fo n e y handed ta m t (la U a Unitad Btotaa aata of July M) baa baan foundad on a mtaeonooption of u a anaai andmtaeonooption of tba __ _

*>• •••nmiPOf which have bean

aratandlaa, ftawy Ooaatada.I V l a a o u n t G r a y , t a a n b a u a t t a t a b l a

g o a t a a t l a n t h a t t h e D a l t o d B t a u a O o v - a r n n i a n t m l a u n d a r a i a n d a . b a i n t a n t o f t b a B r l u a h O a v a r n m a n t , q a o l a a f r o m t t o U n i t a d i i a t a c p r o t a a t o f J a l y M . W h f o h a l a t o i U a t i h t m a n a u r a a . " a r a I n - d w l U h l y a a d a a a c n t l a l l y t n a o n a l a t c a t W i t h t h a r i g h t ! o f U a a l U a a n a o f a l l g l a U o a a a a t l o v o l v o d . l n w a r , " T b a B r i t - l a b n a t a U a n p o i n u a n t t h a t t h a e l t l - M a a f a v a r y n a n t r a l n a i t o a a r a f r e e t o i r a d a w l U b o u i g o r o n t e o n o t r l o a , b u t * t a a h | o c t t o t h a r i g h t a t t h a o t h a r b a l - U g a r a o t t a p a t a n e n d t o t h a t t r a d e b y a a o r y m a n n a w i t h i n h l a p o w e r w h i c h t a r o a o g n U a d h y I n t a r n a l l o n a l l a w , d h U a o a l a u r a o f n a u t r a l g o o d a a a o o n t r a - b a a d , o r f o r b r a a e b o f b l o c k a d e , a t o . ”

T h a h o u t h a n a u i a a t h a t t h a l a g l a - l u t t a o t a w h i c h a a c a p t i o n l a t a h a n d o o a n o t h a l o n g t o U a t e l a a a o f m a a s - t i r a a , h u t l a " p u r e l y m u n i c i t o l . " a n d * % n a u a r e l a a o f U a c o v o r c i g n r i g h t o f

• n I n d o p o o d a n c a t a t a o v e r l u o w n c l t l - a a a a , a n d n o t h i n g m o r n "

) « • r i g b t a o r p r o p e r t y o f t h o " a p a o l - ttod I n d l v i d u a l a , " w i t h w h o m U a B r i t - I t a i l a g l f l a t l e n p r o b i b i u t h a p o r a o n a l a U a U n i t a d K i n g d o m t o i r n d a , w i l t b o I n t o r f a r o d w i t h , a t a t o o U a B r i t l a h a o t a .

NBV TORK, Hov. II ,—AnyUlng abort of "a oompitio abandonment of U a hlaehllat " pallcy la anaatlafactary to tbo Aaaociatloa to Roatet Britlah Domination of American Commaroo, which ta caadaollag U a trade fight In UIB (ountry agalnat tha blaokllat. Tbia waa U a autam ant today by Mnarlea B. Blnmanthal bf eounaal to r tho aa- aaclatloa,

“Maw, aa from U a beginning, wa ara entirely aattaflad," Ua atalam ani adde. “th a t Praeldant Wllaan bac taken tha m atter vary much to heart, and that ha la daaply canaaraad la having Baginnd racada from lla poaltlon w lU out quali­fication or condition, aa demanded by hla Bola a t protaat With Praaldant W ilioa handlint the m anor atrictly from tha Amarlcan point of view, and with U* ability, fere# and flminaaa of which ha Id capable wa ara anilroly aattaflad to await U a aolutlon af tha dtfflcnlty at Ua Braatdanl'a band! and In U a own way."


Colaman da Bom. Mia. Collia P. Hanl- ingion, Mik. Willard Btralght aad Ooofga P. Bakar are tha haavlaat e « -(ributora. Tha womaa’a jpmmlllaa, among olhor acUvIllaa. aonlTha wom- an‘t enmpnign train d« ***Pacific Coact.

davaay Women Caolflhwto.Among approalmaicly tH oonirllm-

tora to Uo fund of the womoa'c commit- too a f tha NatlooU oradllad with 0 f la of ••tbo Inlaat aupptamantary aoeoanta, appear ala*an woman from New Jar- o i r w l th 0 to u l of t u £ > •« 'laaa Roblnaon of Wool Orange la crad- Had wUh 111 and Mra Willard V- King of Coaviat au ilon wlU a '"t*Tho remaining I I I la In II a ^ « Joto. In a prnTloui accounl, bawttnr. Jink a*orvn H arttf ttm wifn alColonel Harvey, la aald to bavt givoa l i t , Mra. ArUur Whiinoy, Pleamnl Val- lay HlUa. Iiaaj Mra Hvory BIharon, l l « ; Mra- J. 0. M. P tnay, Hor- rlatawn. lU l Mra. A Clark. Kowofh'>1.

Tba Rapuhllcan National Commlttao ahoWB campaign eooirtbullona to Ocio- bar I f af | l , a i l , l » II. nnd (ha Rapub- lloan National Coagradalanal Commit­tee. i i iT .i t i .n .

There aye a nomber of other com- mittaaa reporting, among the atrangaat of which Ic the Rapuhllocn National Publicity ComtblUoa. Ha atatamanl ahowa that thia aommltiaa waa lomiad October H. Quy Kmaraon of New York, iraaaurar, la It# aniy Indicated official. On tbo neat day after (ha commltiaa waa formed, November I, Ur Umaraon raiwrtad (bat a total of ISt.loo cam­paign oontrlbuttona bad bean recalvad. of which tlitctl from Caraellua Van- Uarbllt, ltt,M « from M K. Whitney, tlC.CdC from C A. Coffin, and I .OOO from B. A. Tounkari, all New York flnanoltra, eompriaad Ua major por- Uoa, The commltiaa raporiad no cam­paign aapandliuraa.

Than thara la tha "Kmployaaa of the Uptown Dry Oaoda Aaioclatlon" (Ntw York), which received I d . l t l tar the llughaa cnmpalga up ilU October lu The Amarlcan Indapandant Ounfaranoa. apparently an arganliailon of Garman aympathlaara. recalvad contrlbutlnna ot H i , l i t , to N apant In liughaaa babalt.

W a n a m a h a v N a h e a B e p a r t ,Jabn Wanamakar It tha only Individ­

ual wba makai a rapart of money apant In altbar national (ampalpn, Mr. Win- araakar raporta Itaai ha apant Indapan dently fMoo In behalf of Hsghaa up to October la. <

The liapulillcanc darlara that thay will ahovt juai aa atartllna lacia from the Hat of Oeniocmile eontrlhmlom and juat aa many unraportad cootrlbutlona u Wilton aa ara uncovtrad on Ihalr mda If lha Damocrala force the leaua. But the Damoaratic campaign itata- ["•“ •a era of more medoal character than Iho RopuUlaan

Tho contrlbutlona to U a Damu eraiia Natteaal t'ommlltta, up lo Novtmbar f, (thay have already re ported ala days later U an Ua Repuh Hcana) total tl.4 tM II.II . Aa with the Rapubllcrta. thara war# a number of Indapandant organliatlona worklnalor Wllaan, but they nccumolalad varv little money op iboir own hook.

For aaamplr, Uaro It lha Natlanal Woodrow WMeon Callage Man'a Laagua, which yecelrad n total ot lu . je t . but I f . l i i of ihm nmounl wna Iranafarrad from Ih t fund of lha Democratic Nntlenal CoTmiiltlaa. Blmllnrly, the National commlttao auppllad tt.«to of tha III,ICC expanded hy tha Wilton Bualnoaa Han'a Laagua: HI.IM of the 140,M l fund af tha Woodrow W llun Indapandant Laagua and practlcallr all ot Iho fund apant by lha Democratic Congroaalonal Cpmmittoa,

Cbarlaa R. Craha. davtlAnd H. Dodge and other financlara eeatrlbuted largely to tho Wtlaon fund, bat they era all poreonal (rlenda of tba Praal­dant. A large part of the land came fram Demoeratle oftlca hotdara Of tha IIII,CPC oollcclcd by tbc Daaiooratt In the laat weak of tha campaign Ira Nctenn Morrlc. Mlnlatar to Bwaden, waa the largaat contributor, with tie.M t.


Reiyi i i i a iliei T tw ir i M oA m F i n i p i r t R e o M i t B m m Buri*! kaSm ift Hediig.


ataaa^ iFhow IMtgtaw Oata Ba Bal- agacad to ^«wa Mama aa Day. Maweara Vrpad ta Help puapli Thay Meal la Ptaraa awd Blaaw hiia Wba A«a OM llag Uadav Maad CaMHfaaa.

Wamaa af tba KplaeopaJ P laaa ii a t Newark ware admtnlahad U la narplng of Ihalr raaponalbllHIaa tow ard Ihalr lata prlvllagad nalghbarn, aa vrall aa ta tha un -t'h rtitlaa padpla af toratg* land! In whom tha g rea t bulk o t mta- tlOBary Intartat on Uo p a r t a f eharcb mambara gantrally oantara. Tha oe- caalaa waa tha apaalng aarvloa of tba aonivtraary maotlng a f U a DIoeaaaa Waman'a Auxiliary ta U a Beard at MtaelaBa balog haW la Oraaa Church.

BIcbop Kdwln A Ltnaa ot U la die- eaio gave tha Itrat addraia, followed hy Blabop Henry A O. Tucker of Tokta, Japan, and Btahop guftragan WItaon R. Blaariy. Tha ealabrallen of Uo holy communion. In which tho raetor of tbo church, Rov. Charloa L. Uoraph, aad ArcbdaaocB Pradarlek B. Carter aa- elated ta# bithopa, praeadad lha ad*dr

(CoaUnvad fvam P ira t Page.)


Blahop Unaa diacuaaad tha aactal eervica prablam af U a church, bpon which ha todraiaad tha raoant Bpiacapal (OBvaatlaa. Ha pralacad hla uilk with a rtfa rtaea to tha raau lu of U a can- vantlan. with which, ha aald. many par- fona ara Inclined to teal diaappaintad, and declared that tha reaaon tor U ll- wai lha Incorrect prophaclaa of tho oul- <umo circulated through (ha praia.

Averring that from tha laglalallva aUndpoInt all that waa hoped for wM not aceompllahad a t tha conVaflUon. Ulahop LInta added:

“But If wa U ka tha U rgar view of lha wark ot tba eoavantloa aad aa* itaolally racagnlaa tha number of oo- clotloa and organlaatlona U a t gained a hearing, aad If wa make eaunl at the aplrlt ta which paopli w eat away /rom Ua oonvantloa. 1 thimh wa ahall all faal great raapact (or th e work which waa aocompitahad and aa ragarda tha affaet of tho eenvonttoa upon the work of U a church, 1 think thara la great raaaan for u a to ba thankful."

Tha clergyman commanded aapaolal- ly tha trlanalal unitad oftarlng (ar mla. ■Iona of tha woman of tho diocoao pro- aantod a t U a convantlon. amounting to II(.CM: U a t of tba antlro church be­ing 1111,141.04.

Wamaa Pritaad fa r Weak."I waa gtad of U a racogaitlon given

nur dlacaaa for tha work lha woman hare are doing," he aalA ‘"Woman have given to tho mlaolonary work ot tha church, to a large extant, tha place It now holda. They have not only made public aaotlmanL but they have atirrod up maa ta U tah of m lutona In a now way."

Raforrlng to U o Inv lu tlon axtoadad by tha Board of lliaaloaa to tho wem- aa‘a auxiliary lo appoint a committaa lo advua with t»a board aa to Uo uaa of U a offering and tha obJacU lo bo m alaulaod by tt, Blahop U n ta dt- clarad that U a right principlaa, In Ula way, have at laat baan glvaa axpraa- llen.

Tba aaclal aarvlca w ark of tba church waa dealt with by (ha apeakar aa U at upaa which tha In iara tl af tha womaa muBt ba faauiad If the churoh la lo ax- lat aa a vital factar lu U a world.

“Many faal that tha lataraal of thix aualllary ought to ba only In mlxtlena

At tba aamg time making It p lain tbat f « r ta (bat" t h e o n l y d i a a b l l l l y U o y a n d

B r i t l a h a u k j a e u a r a p r a h i b i t a d g i v i n g t a t h e m t h a a u p p a r t a a d t M l a t - A B c a a f B r i t l a h c r e d i t a n d B r i t l a h p r o p - a r t y . "

A n N a a l r a l a T i a a l a d t h a t a a t a ,V l i o o u n t U r e y a a t x f o r t h t h a t U o

p r o v l t l o n a o f t h e a c t a r a n o t c o n f i n e d t o t h a U n i t a d i t u t a a , b u t t h a p o l i c y l a k o l h g p u r a u a d w i t h r e a p a c t t o a l l n e u ­t r a l i ^ n t r l a a a n d x p p i t a a e v e n t o f i r m # l u A l l l a d c o u m r l a t . t h a p o l i c y b e i n g * p a r i o f t h e g a n a r a l h a l l l g a r a n t o p a r u - U e n a d a a i g n t d t o w e a k e n t h e a n a m y ‘ a l u a o u r c c a . '

T h a j B r I t l U n o t e a n u r a t t h r U n i t e d g t a t a a Q o v e m m a n t t h a t t h e t y a t a m o t•rehlblttona agalnat firme In thia coun­try Will not ba carried further than laa h a o l a t e l y n a c a a a a r y , a n d p o i n t a o u t t h a t a u c h B s l l o n w o u l d o b v l o u t l y w o r k a g a l n a t O r a a t B v l t a l n ' a o w n I n t c r t a l a I t a l a o l i m a d e c l e a r t h a t t h o m e a t - V r a t a r a t a k e n a g a l n a t " o u r a n e m l a a a n d n o t I n l t n d t d m e r e l y t o ( o a i a r o u r a w a t r a d e a t t h e a x p a n u o f t h a t o f M U t r a l c o u n t r l o a " " W a h a r e , I n t a c t , l a a l l a t a p a w a h a v e t a k e n , l o p r e v e n t B r i t l a h a u b j a c t a f r o m t r a d i n g w i t h t h a a a a p a c K l a d f i r m a " c o n t i n u a l t h a a o t a . " b a a n m o a t c a r e f u l t o e a n a a U a l a a a t p o t a l b l a d l a l o c g t l o n o f n a u t r a l t r a d e , a i m u c h I n o u r I n t a r a a t a a a I f i t h o a a o f t h e n a u t r a l . "

I h d l t r u i i l n K t h e q u a a t l o n a a t o - U r h a U a r t h e B r i t l a h a o v a r n m a n t t a

J m o l U l v d I n r a a o r t l n g t o t h i a " n o v e l a s p a d l t n l , " V l a c o u n l C r a y a a y a l h a a x - p a r l a n c a a o f t h a w a r h a v e p r o v e d t h a t t o a a y O a r m a n a I n n a u t r a l c o u n t r l o a B A V a d o a a a l l i n i h a l r p o w e r t o h a l | i t h e c a u a a o f t h t i r o w n c o u n t r y a n d l a - J a r a t h a t o f t b a A l l l a a

" I h f a c t , " a a y a t h a B r i t l a h n o t e " I t a a o a l d b a n o a i a a i o r a i l o n t o a a y t h a t O a r m a n h o u i a a a b r o a d h a v e I n a l a r g o B u m b a r o f c a i a a b a a n u a a d a a a n I n - t a a r a l p a r t a f a n o r g a n l i a t l e n d t U b - A v a t a l y c o n c a l v a d a n d p l a n n e d a a a n a n - g d n a ( o r l h a ( u r U a r a n c a a f O a r m t u p a l l t l c a l a n d M i l i t a r y a m b m o n a

T e l i a o f K a p t o u a g a ." I t U o o m m o a k u a w l a d g a t h a t O a r -

f l M h u a l n a i a a a u b U a h m a n t a l a t o r a l g a A A u n t r l a i b a v t h a a a n o t m a r a l y c a n l a r a • f O a r m a a I r a d a , h u t a c t l v a a g t n i a f o r t h e d l a a f t n l n a U a n a t a a n n a u p e l l U c a l p a d a o q i a l I n f l u t a a a a a d f a r U a p u r - u o a a a f a a p i o b a g a . l a a a m a c a a i a t h e y b a v a a v a a a a t A u a a d a a h a a a a o f a u p p l y g a r O a r m a a a f u l a a r a , A n d I n a t b t r a n a a a a « a r g a a l a a n a c i d p A y a w a t a r a a f M l p - p r a A M a a a u l o y a d t a d a a t f a y b y f a u l ■ m a a a f a e t a r l a a a u g a g a d I n m a k l u g i t t g k l p a a a g A g a d l u c a y r y l a g . t u p p U a a r a - g i i l ^ b y t h e A l l l a a .

" g u e h o p a r a t t o M k A v a k a a a a a r v t a d d P i I n U a t a i T K a r y e ( t b a U n i t e d

. i t o t t o I t a a l f , a n d 1 A M k m u d t o o A - • a n r a . a U a t t A a p a t t h l a k w i l l k a • a a l a d , U a t u o a d a g u a t a a w U p u h a a y a t

t a k e n A y t h a g a v a n i M a a t o f t h a g t a t a a l a a u p p r a a a A r a a M h a a o f i t y a f t h i a p a r t i e s l a r c H m t a a l

duty. I t la au tad that hara, wtMra bath partlaa bava axpoadtd unpraca- dented auau, tha public haa u right to kuaw Juat whara and haw It waa apant. and thia wlthaut nacaaaarlly im- putiag U ara wara iHaglUmata aapaadl- (uraa

‘Thara ara pahllc man la W aahlsgtau who axpraaa U a Judgment th a t tba tx - eaaalve expand Ituraa oan ha explain ad readily by tha txoaaalva uaa of nawt- papar apaaa and othar publicity that eomai high. Tha aat raault e( tha whole inaatlon, Invaallgntton a r na In- vaattgatlon, will ba tha anaoUnani of more atrtngant aairupt praetlcaa lagla- tailon. •

Tha manner la which tha Rapuhllcaa campaign fund la dlalrlbutad aaaong a m ultltada of apaotally eraatad aammlt- taaa la ona thing (ar which U a Damo- crata haltava there muat ba a alnlatat raaaan. Particularly Uay ara Itching to pry Into tho ramlfleatlona of tho Na­tional Rughoa Alllanea and IW aubordl- nata organlxatlana

The Dainoeratt declare that a maat- tng at New Tork of promlnont flnatr- clora (rom all parta of tha country waa called by J. F. Morgan early In Boptom- ber, and out of that mooting grow tho Hughoi Alllaneo, with W. Cameron Porbaa of Maaoaebuaaita, proiidflnt; Philip J. HcTook. New York, vlea proal. dent, and A. W. Shaw o t lltlooll, trea i- urer,

Truman H. Nawborry of Oalrolt, to­gether with Theodora HeoaortIL W ill­iam Howard Taft. Albert J. Bavoridga. Herbert 8. Kadlay and Raymond Rob- Ina aro namaa promlnant Is polltloi Hated among tha goram lng copncll of tha alliance, but not any of thaoo namaa anpaar prominently In tha Hat ot eon- trlputora to tha alllaaea (unA

Hr. Morgan, Oaorgy F. Baker, Gaorga W. Parking Louie Clnrk, P. A. Vandtr- llp, Claronca H. Hackay, H. r. Sinclair ara heavy contribulori to the found. And (ha Hughte Alllanba apparently baa a multitude of lubordlnala or alllad organliatlona which have raporiad oam- pajgn contribution# up till October to, aa foilowa:

National Kughaa Alliance, IIT i.liT iS. National Rughca Altlanca tWoman'i

Committee), |lie .i7 t.lA Kughaa Alllanea Raaarva, $4A,4tt.:i. National Hughaa AlUanca of Paonayl-

vanla, Ili.tti.tO . *Thaao make a total o t |IT1,MI.TA

Ooly FoaoaylTOOIa R oporto ,Tha Panntylvanla organlaatlon ta tba

only atata In which lha Hughaa', Al- llanoa to far haa raporiad on eontrt- butlona rtcalvad, but lha i ta ta n a n t of tha eipandlturae of tha National Hughaa Alliance dlacloaat lha axiatanca of aubordinala organlaatlona In many aialoa During Octohar money waa aani lo National Hughaa Alttaacaa of atataa aa follow#

,Nav York. I t . l t l : Dragon, il.M *: Art- ■ona, iiOC: I n d i a n a . lAOdO; Maaaachu- »«tta M.CTS; Kanaaa. liflo, Kentucky, l&CO: Waahlngton. tl.aoo; Bouth Da­kota, (40C; Nabraeka, It.dCa: Wlaronaln, il.iOO; North Dakota, IfiOO. Thaaa atata alllanea# I I I # Damocrala would like to Inquire Into. Thay point out that It would bo vary eoay lo hide eontrthu. tlono to tho national campaign by plac­ing fundi with oitinatbta a u to organt- aatlona direct.

The Hughaa Alllanea Raaarva la largely a ona-man branch of tha main atllanca. Of Ita |4l,aM fund. Charlaa A. Otia of Clavaland la ahown to have eon- tribuled |t(,0<ll.

The woman'! eoeamitlaa of (ha Na­tional Hughe# AlHano#, whit# auppeyted by womaa, Hat! among Ua oontrlbutora namoa vary promlnant In tha h au n u of high flnanea.

Mra John D. Amhbold, Ifra. B. H. Harrlman. Mri. Danlal Ouggenhalm, Mra. Harry P. Whitney. Mra Helen Prick a t Plttaburgh, Mra Mortimer I* Bchlff. Mra. II. K. Huntington. Mra. T.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I , . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1

WABHINOTON. Nor. II.—Pinal cam­paign oipvnaa atatamonta ot Bana- torlal candidntoa raeardad ha rt (oday Included "Otnaral" Coiay of Ohio, o i- pandlturo# pl.4TI, eontrlbiRiona 1111; Banator Bwanaon of Virginia, aipandt- inroa 1111, no ccmirlbutloni; ganalor Hclwaa a t Coanaatleut, l a . l l i ax- paadad, no conirlbullona; ianaior-alact McKallar of Tanaaaaoo, 111] axpandod |U oontrihutod.

may call aaalal aai vlea a hy-pradtiet of your weak, hut If It b riaga a (aailng al anlty aad geod-wtil SMiAg e a r paopit. yaur aarvloa fa r tba dlacaaa la a vary great oaa aad It wUI help (ka work which yea hava prim arily la minA Par hy alraaigthanlag (ha bema haaa. (ha haaa af auppllaa, yoe ara halplag tha churoh a( large."

Tha Ham haa paaaad, (ba blahop aald, whan ratlgtaa tan ba rala«alad la oaa day’t conaldaratleB each weak, to aaa bouaa in a commuaKy, aad eanflaad to lha Indlvldaallatla Idea, wkleh ntakta ona'a own aaai-aaviag the anprama h o - lira of each one, and daflaaa aalvaUon aa tha paoalag of a a aaaM laatlon la which certain Indlviduala aro doelarad aavad hocaaaa m aaaurlag up a little ba- yond tba avaraga

Balladaa HeUlad (a All U fa,"Rallglan new baa a relation to all

parti of llto. to the bualnoaa, pAlUleal and aoclal Hfo/and thara la oa part a t Ufa that religion lan 't m eant to atfoct and ba aaaoclatad with. Tou nrnat have BOW aad large idaao. and you womaii. In your parlahaa, muat uaa every argan- lialton and oppertunlty you hava to aarva

"Ton know vovy wall of tho laally which aaama to ba coming In aa ra- garda tha manner of onr young paapla. young woman aa wall aa young mas. Tha matter af draoe. o t regard for older paapla and for thalr Idaat and the m at­ter of conduct: tharo'a a lowering In aUndard# In all of thaaa. and a grto t many at ua a rt Jaat content with

(taatatUHitr baa ga?lM« (a r H adf tai Japaa, af the aaad af tba aappart tbare

plorlog lha timaa and of tho (htnhing hack upon the llmoa when young menand woman wara modaat In thalr dr and conduct. Thera la no uaa In that. Tau woman muat hava an Influanca for good upon th«oa young people."

Tha blihop went on lo urge upon hla haartra individual lo taraat In lha uo- prlvllagad one#, a term, which ha aa- plalnad, ha alwaya uaaa In prafaraaca to (hat of "claaaaa" or o ther ta m e even mo*a objactlenabla.

"What do young woman think of you womonr ha aikad. 'W h a t da thoaa In tha department atoraa think of youf Do they alwaya find you patient and conaldaraiaT Do you over atop to (hfnk

,of your added raaponalblllty baeauaa of ' the ceaduiona of your llfo t I bog of you to ba thoughtful apd contldarata of people In hard placa# In Ufa; for thara are many In place# which ara vary hard and under amploytra who make life dlffleull. Many ara chafing under con- dlHona which aurround them avary day. You have a duty lo (haoa people.

“Don't a lly Juat In your family circlaa, In your own prlvllagod church clrcloo; go eutaldo of thaao; got Into a relation with tha uacarad-for. Tha church that carat only far the raepactabla and wall- bahavtd people la going to die. Tha trouble with ua hara tn thia country I# that wa gat tired af thing# to M»n; we taka namaa and wa evarw ork them and than wa'ra tired. I t wa ara getting tired of aoclal aarvlca wa ara getting tired o t religion. If llio church doaan'l engage la aoclal acrvlca o ther aganclaa will. Wa hava tba waapona and ra- ■oureaa (o r'the work."

Blahop Tucker told of tha place

and that you ara not called upon to dn (ho dtoccam—(hat your work lamuch tn

I n t h o d o m a a t i c a n d f o r e i g n f l a l d a Tou

a t t h a b a t a a e h u r e h a n d p a r t i c u l a r l y a f t h a B e a d o t a r i g h t C h r i a t l a n a s A M p l a f a r l h a J a p a n a a a a n t h a p a r t a f t b a C b r l a U a a i o f t b a W a a t . J a p a a a a a a r a U h l n g t b a h e a t a t W a e t a r a ( h i n g a m a - t t r l a t r y a n d l a t a l l a a t a a l l y , h a a a l d , a n i l U a y a r a a a w l a o k i n g t o t b a c h u r o h a f A m a r t c a a a d B a g l a n d t o t e a I t i t o m a m b a r a a r t a o a a l a t a a t aad I t t h a l r r a l l g l O B l a a v i t a l f a a t a r l a t h a l r H v a a

B l a h o p g t a a r l y m a d e a p l e a f o r t h a e d - a p a r a t l o n e ( w a m v a , a l a n g t h a H a a e l I n f l p a a q a , l a t h a a f f a r t t o b o m a d e b o a t a b l l a h a • l . t M . H d c l e r g y p a n a l o s f u n d , t o w a r d w h i c h t h a N e w a r k D t o c a a a w i l l ba o o b a d t o c a a t r t h a l a a b a a t tiat.PM. H a a l a o r o m i n d a d t h a o # a f l h a M a n t o t r a c t a d l n w a a n h o q a a ,

u r g e d u p o n t h e m l a t a r a p t l a t b a w o r k f o r w a y w a r d g l r l t b a i n g o a r r t a d o n a t • l K a t h a r i n g a H o m o m J a r a a y C i t y , a p p a a l l a g t o t h e m t o v l a l t t b a h o m e a n o a l a o t o d o w h a t w o r k ( b a y c a n a P t h a h t a A l a a n u a a r g a n l a a d w a y , t a t h a l r o w n o o m m u n i t l a a . l i a a n c l a l a i d ( o r t h e d i e c i a a a w o r k l a t h e n o r t h w a a t a r n p a r t o f t b a a t a t a w a a a t a a a a k a d ( o r .

f f iF F S O A ll l TO E S n i E OFT n a o i t i s o o u i r s n o i i i i i

Whaa Harry Blanoan, wha maaagad to aohlavo a coMpatancy In (ha taller- log hOBiBOoa a t l Wool alraoL made, hla will la l l t l , ho made It clear (hat hid daughtor Aaala waa to gat only I t out of hla oatata, hut ha did aot mako It a t all elaar wholher h it w ift, aew Mra Philip PaaaU r of 11 Baldwta atraal, waa to inharit tha root, ot the aatato la fa t or taka only a Ufa a a u ta In cetwaquanca af the uncarlalnty, ala tawyara w art today hofora Vice Chaa- rallar Poatar arguing tha matter, and, aa tha dUputad qaaatlon waa net thraahad o«t aufflalaatly whan each had had hla aay, all are to raappaar Dacomhar I. Tba aatata ta aald to ha valued at from 0M,«pa ta Ito,PM. wuh vncumhraneaa amaunflng to about IIO.OH.

Coonactod with tbo precoadlng brought /o have the wilt eonttruad thara la aloe a partlllea aaft In which Mra Paania Qraanhauai. aaothar daughter a t tha taaiatar. la tbo cam- plalnanL. Tha wilt oenlalna a olauaa under wbloh Mra Oraanbaum clalmi in ba entitled to a ono-fourth aharo of the oatata The two aulta ware dla- ,'uaaad togalbar.

BANERUrrSCaEDUIlSOlDDERrA Judgment antarad twenty yearn

ago la Inelndad In tha HnblHtlaa of I'harlah U. Ahbolt. commlaalon mar- I'hapt nt T( Cemmaroa atraat, who to­day (Hod a voluntary petition In banh- ruptcy. Tha Judgment, obtained In October, I t I f , ah New Tark, la for H i t and haa accumulated t l l t . i l lataraat.

Abbott'a dabta total ]4,1TT. H t oa- tlmatad hla atoata a t l l . l t l . Of thia amount, |I ,H I la rapraaontod by an In- turnaoo policy.

Q o r Q OEvery NiqhY A a k w

F o r C o a s d p A t i o i iH e i d i c l i e M y e f t i e i M i i

B "« w s aQ * S « ft« lld S u M j

tk ip -g u Btoaoafl

'day fro tloa b] O hattaiP ta t bk

A boi given am eat v


did netglahta I (to aha (ka Pal A atato PuMla

la hk

P tra i

l a t o I t a l a t i a n a

H u r r y , M o th g R t « o w P o i s e * f t o t o U t t l o S t o n v d w

l i v e r , B o w d s ,

GhB ‘TiUforda Symp of VIcb”da Symp 1 it Once if Bukras


m iu tia ( t o n o f to r a t ba ardi (aatDry

Thiri ptaa la vldlag (ritk a

Pour to pro w b m prapari

n t u wUhaa


L a a t ' a t I k a l o a g a a , m e t h a r ! I f c a a l i d . I t l a a a u r a #1x 0 t t a t y e a r l U t l a n a a ' a a u m . a e h , l i v e r a a d n a e a l a a a a d a t a a l l a , t k a r -

d l r a o l l

a u g h r l a a e j l Wlhen pMv%, (toat, llatlim, pali^duaaa't

elaaa. doaia't aat sr act aatarally. ar la tevert#!, ataaiaca (aur, araalt bad! baa ttomaoh ache, anra Itrvwi. dlurrha##, full at aald, alva a t«aaaa#a fal af ‘'OalKumla trraa a( nt> ." aad la a (aw haun all ttaa foul, eaaatlpatto waata, uadlavatad (aod and •ear tall# peatly mava# aal af the llttta tawMa, wtlkaat grlplag. a id ya« hava a waU, playful child aaala. ,

Yea aaadn't raaa vtoh ctaJidraa (a I*!# taia harmlaa# "fruit laiallvai" lk«r lava lu dfllMaa# teat*, and It alwaya m akit than f#al aplaadld.

Aik your dragplat far a 4t-c«nl totti# af “CaHtomla Byrup af Ftga" which ta t dirac. tiaaa far bahia#. ctatldr*n af alt agaa and far arawt-upa plainly an lha batUa. Ba. w ait af caaaUrftUa aald hara. To ka tara yea pat lha gaaalna, aata 1a aaa that It la mada by "Callfarala Pig hyrap Campaay." Rafuaa aay ether klad with caatampt— Ad- vartlaamapt.


proved that the m eaty vraa hara, It waa Bxia An cffloar waa aant ta obtain the tlO Dorn tha two girla and lha

I money waa ravtorad ta Mra. Mahovac.

Money lltarally la lying about tha atreati thaao daya, ao It would atom.And U'a real money, loo. In large quan- tltlaa Captain Vogel o( tha FourthPrecinct waa aakad Monday to care (or i Tho money, aald Hitia Oaorgt, waa a large aum that hod baan found In I lying bailda tha pnvamam at Hagaalna Springfield avenue, and yfntarday after-


BT vhmatwi

ac-naon Captain Chrlatle of the Third Praetnet waa aatonlahad whan a Ulllt, curly-baadad lad walked Into tho aU- Hon and th ru it Into hla hand a wad of htlla that toialod Jupt 1401. Tha boy had found the m e n ^ . ho aald, whan an hla way to achool In tha morning. Daring lha day ha had carried it aroend In hla pocket. Two little gtrla be added, each had picked up a I I bill near tha aama apot.

Tha boy, Oaorgo O. TIama, nine yaara olA *• Magatlna atraat, had bMolytinlabed hit nnrratlva whan M ra Lucy Hahovac of 41 Hagaalna atraat, much tglUlad, burrIeJ into tha atntla.n. She had loti t l lc . her whole aavinga aha daclartd. A dcacrlptlan ot the blUa

and Gaorga ptraata K it fa ther companlad him to tho otatlou.

Tha money that waa turned ovtr la Captain Vogal waa aant laat night by him ta police haadquarura, whara It la awaiting a cla im ant ‘K a flader, pretty little Allaaa Conklin, waa an Interaatad apactafor thia morning In tha Fourth Precinct ConrL whara aha and her mathar had eema to aaa about the money. She eyed tha crowd curl-, oualy from a bench, and, turning to a byatandar. aakad If avarybody (hara waa to go to Jail. Mra Balia Conklin, the mother, and tha Uttla girl expect to remain in Newark and xra looking (or a new home. Thay have ample fund# to taka cart of tbamMlvea. Hru. Ccnklln ramarkad today.




BATCBIIAT. NOVBMBdCR lA Uara Jrran City, t : l | lad n;M A.ILi hewarii.P:4|. iO:Ti, lo la ato IDIi AM.: ...... ...................... .... 11:00 aad (DMRHmtavlt. a.U. I0:9S, 11:00 #>4 A.M: lataway, to At A.M.; wlrta. 10:St laf 11 :M A.M.

Tba aat •< ttaa earlier Iralie la tovML

On tWi tU r^oltr tmls mtto Frl»<vtoii A.IL

VM WM . MW wUt W•iuHtlM- All «r rtftUr M M af

JittBItell «rlll tw iM ifM A.Me V d b*M« t:JI P. H.

Ponnssrlvanla IL R.

mil li iWr mm JIM tia^ • r »tTMU iM. h eMBt]rnnm

i «•r IM


W A B H I N O T O N . N o v , I I . — I n v e i t l g a - t l o n o f a l l o g a d a l a e t l o n f r a u d # w a a d l a - c u a o o d b r i a D y t o d a y a t a c e n f t r o n c o b o t w o a n P r a a l d a n t W l l a o n a a d A t t o r n e y G a n a r a l G r e g o r y . L a t o r H r . G r e g o r y d a c l a r o d h i t I n v a a l l g a t l o n w o u l d h a l a p a r a t a f r o m t b a o n a p r o p e t a d b y t h a B a n a l o r l a l c o m m i t t e e .

" M y B a l e d u t y l a t o l a v a a t l g a t a a n d p r o t a c u t a v i o l a i l o n a o f f e d e r a l l a w , " d a - d a r e d t h a a l t o r n a y g a n a r a l . ’ T h a I n - v a a t l g m t l o n n o w l o p r o g r a u l a a n t i r a l y n o n - p a r t i t a n a n d a v l d a n r a b o t h ( r o m R a p u b l l n a n a n d D e m o c r a t i c a o u r r o a w i l l b a g i v e n e q u a l a t t e n t i o n .

" I h a v a a v i d a n c a t h a t a l a r g a n u m ­b e r o t n o g r o e a f r o m t h a S o u t h m o v e d I n t o N o r t h a r n a i a t a a w i t h i n n i n e t y d a y a b e f o r e t h e e l e c t i o n . B o ( a r ' l d o n o t k i i ’ * w l e t h e r t h i a r n o v a m a n t w a n I n d u a l r i a l o r p o l l t l c n l , n l l h o u g h a o m a o f ( h a m a t t a m p i M l t o r a g l a t e r . "


CjMcfol tarrirv *f tba SSttg.N R W T O R K . N o v . 1 1 .— H e a r i n g o t

t h a c r a a a d i v o r c e p e t i t i o n # o f M r a B a r - n t o e B a r b o u r o f S u e c a a u n n a . N . J . , a n d G e o r g # S a x o n H x r b o u r , a n a p h a w o t l h a l a t a M r a . W i l l i a m M e X i n l a y , w i l l b a h a l d I h l a a f t e r n o o n h y R a f e r a a W i l l ­i a m K l e i n a t h l a o f f l e a , 1 1 4 B r o a d w a y . B o t h p e t l l l o n a r a a l l a g a a t a t u t e r y o f - f o o a a i .

Sloutenlturj1i%Optn Saturdays Until W P. Af.

7 his siore*sservice to man

is based upon our actual e^eriencG in

stttd ng their preferences

Quality and V ariety in M en’s Overcoats


brough Stone o f ,the Kanaao City (Mo.) Circuit Court, eon of Senator St one, waa auggaated to Froildant Wllaon to ­day hy ganator Read, Bpaakar Clark, Jam al H. Hark loaa, praaldant ot tha Mltnouri Bar Aaaoolatlon, and a dtlaga- tlon, for Judge of the Federal Circuit Court of Appeal! to aucoood Judge Elmar B. Adama of St. Loula who dird raoantly.

ft la undarttood that Judge Btona will probably ba appointed.


I k n q w t h t t t h e y t r a t h t I t o d t a a t u i

H M D CHRONIC COUCHM t o h u i i r n t i i i k w v t a i i

C t a t U i a a , O U d — " 1 a a a t r a a l a i ' A h a i d , . a n d w a a - w a a h , a a r v a u a t u d

r a t d a w n . I h a w a a a u a l l ( h a t U v a ( t h m a ^ » a d II w a a l a r d f a r a i t t a d a m y n t h . I M d J A r a a t B w d h d a e a w H t a u t h a t a f n . r i t a l l y I l i a a r d a t o u i V l a a l , a n d I t h a a r « -f t o t o d t u M M M t a a t o a t r a a t t h . a t f t M

t o d I ( a a l t i t a . " — M t o i t T Yla ail gate(MrOau,

w T ^ i t a d c o d T )

inttntadd ta d d tp ltr ftriM tIo t that thd dnd of the

inataa vhmI, wbloh umtalaa beat liver ptaiaiHa, traa tad maataeaea

paytiitolaa tad ttrUampiuaptalaa. t »tbronle taagtaa tad oalda and (at all weak, aarvoae. r«Nd,a*a tandUima

Patly*a Fharmaay. Jail* B. raa4ar. RIbar

iM t y to la t ig h t I t tao idw ittily “ U t y a lU d ^

A Hwmaa Dro« ttmto, ato a t othar itad- lag Mnark druf ttptaa aad al the hfadlag drag atom la all New Janty lawtA—aZ

CASTORIAF(k InfurtB laA CUldna

In Um ForOvm rSOYM raAlwtyt bdait

ib t■Ignangt of

A ll made of fas'iionable fabrics that you’ll be proud of long after you’ve forgotten the price. Models are exclusive and the gar* ments are made in our own shops by skilled workmen.

$12.00 to $40.00

Sw agger Suits o f Genuine W orth

Largest assortment o f b eau tif^ materials,


the widest range of fashionilble and c<hi- servative patterns in the city. A suit for any build.

Diabttes TreatedSuccassfuOy

M t o l c a l v c l v n a a a d m i t # a f M d a f l a l l a a u n ( a . D t a b a t a # d a a y l i a t h e m a t y y a a r a #4 a x . p a r l B i a a t l B X a t o i h a a a r c t a t o f a r a m a a i t h y a t r l a i i a l h a w o r l d o v a , H a w t r a r , I h l a n o p o l a r t h a a r y m i g h t M r a l l t o ( a l l a a l a m a I f « n a w a r a t a J u d g e t r a m I k a l e l l a w t a g a a - B o l l r U a d l a a t l m o a l a l h v i m a g r a t a f u l u a a r a f t V a v n . r ’ a t o f a D I a t a l a * R . m # d y .

“ t h a d h a a a I r a u b l a d w i t h V l a t o l a a l a r a i g h t y a a r a . 1 h e a r d a h a u i W a r n a r a l a f a D t a t a a l a a B a m t o y a a d I t r i a d a s g a a a l I t a n d g a t m y i a l l l a g o a d « a d l i l a a a n d w a a i l a w a r h a g a i a . O a a m a n a a l d k a d a a t a t a d t a r t w a y a a r a a t d t h a t a a a h a l l l a a f W a r . ■ a r ’l t a M t M a b a i a a R a a » d r d i d h i m m a r e ■ a a d t h a n a l l t h a d a a l a r a , I n i a t i a a h p l a a a M a n d a a i h a a k t a t f a r y e a r I M a a r i n g r a n t d y ( h a t I c h t a r i u U y r a t a m a i a a d I t t o a n y a t a a t r a u h l a i w l i t a M a b a f t a a a d 1 t a a t * I h l a w i l l b a t h a c a a a a a l k a t a M g a i a i i r a u t . ( a r a n . " I M g ^ ) J t w a a P l a T l , M t t 1a a « l M I M i a r y K n n i a , D a y i a t , O h i a .

W a n w r ' a m Uk M a t a a t a a B a m a d r M t t a d a f r o m a ( a r n u l a t r i a d a a d I t a l t d t a d t e a l i w i t h f a F a r h a t a a r a a o l l a d u r i a f l h a a a a i ' t a r t y y a a r a A a l h a a a a w m d M a i a a , w a # . n t r ' e h a f a U a b a l a a A a i a t o y l a a b a a l a l a l y a a t a a a I* l a m a d e ( r a m h v r h a t a d a t b t r h t n a f M a l l a t r u d t a a u ,

h e l d h y t a a d l a g d r t t f l W a a v o r y w h a r a . M m a l a o n r a t a w a t l , W t r a a V a t a l *

e u . . D i p t . H I , B t a k a t t a r , ‘B , T , —

$12.00 to $45.00

Comfy Mackinaws F or Cold Days

Choice assortment of fancy plaids and stripes, cut full, with patch pockets and shawl coUara. All made to stand the most se y m wear. '

$6.00 to $12.00

, e RMi a bortiM f m u Waho■Wtet. Ia M l ooin I

Tha aaM 4 Ua I MTilKfSi

^treaU ▼ i l l«

PaU acrlh* Ut 1 aa W MinavMiav««i•rtx 1

4!)># r la i v l l l o l H a n d|d»»kMtMAril*Mftll4ofH

• kintan

•r»F areas M i d i thaai norti to n iMcl: l i n e I U 4i •Mitl

U ) I avfB 111.1

T h

7 9 7 - S 0 8 B r o a d S t r t s e tM idnra o# p o o d Q othM ffinoe 1S 49

avMaranartygraa.faiidithan<nm .i• f Lline aald t l d l h a i

4"tojtaHitafavalavaa•Plyof u



d a rmat(I)a v a lUIJ


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• f ta;. r«n r«r«to U tba il «n4 liTtta

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ti« «f 4tr*«* k hVKi» nra

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CETS M S i B 1 9 n K m S T < 1 S D M T O r lEBEtiffllG

9t t> t i i i i Mi «f • > r * » » t asM BM ■ f%«tlwr b«M <ar M tlw

u«u«r piM M «mu*< (•W tOM fl«l4 k w i i w « u )r«*t«r.

' t n (> « ■ tiM P «k ll« V U lttlM CMBirnU* i tM k r f t M c U L « « i CkriMMa a t < a M iM l r« M . V aroM . Mr. C krliH M MMt Ma p r>MM a m r a i t e n m«. .

A t e a r U a a s ik * p l u w mglV M M w a t w M ka a t * aa< aaaoaaM ’ Bwa< v a i M ate Oetakar I t tkat tka p U a w aa < l« » p r a * a « . t l a aasM lkalaa AM a a t M ata a apaaitla te ta far ika p U k 'a A laeaetlkwakee aaA aa Mapa far r u ak M teB B ian t kara kaaa takaa kr On r a k lla te r r ta a f ta ltv a r Campaap. A a ta ta a a a i w a t a ia te r r t t e r that tka PkM Ia t e m a a w a«M appaal from tka AaM ilta aad aak tar a takaariag.

l a M l la n a r Hr. Ckrtamak para tkaaa r a a a ia i fa r hla aM aelJM:

rtrak—U a ter tka tiaaok laa traataA ta t e a tra lla p a a a p a a r It a araa i ta rag« tata Ha aiapa ta aooarteaea v ltk rapa* la tlk M a< tka boraupk aaokall.

■aoaag B acauaa w kae tka l^iktta m iU tla a CoiBMitAlaa erAarag tka aAate U aa o f tka aklp -atap p laa It waa U ka fa r a tw o -a ta a tb tr ia l a a lr akA * a a ta ka arAaraA akaaAaaaA It favad aniatla* (k atorr.

TklrA~ Aa a t p ra iaat oandaetaA Ika p U a la atap id and aaaaalaaa, ao t pra> TlAlap a a adagam U tap raai aarrlea aM w ltk aa loaal aanrioa «katarar.

P ea r lb — Tka ptaa warka a kardafctp ta prapartr aw aara aa tkaraapkfaraa w kara atapa a r t a o t auM a oaaslap avak prapartlaa to Aapraciala In ralua.

f i f t k —Tka p laa waa p a t la oparatloa w itk a a t Ika ooDaant a f patroaa affaelad.


A raaolattea waa adoptad kr tka OaAar Q rara Tow nakip C o n n ltta a loot mlpkt adfartnp to ptaa Laa* laaa to tka a eu a tr . Tkla w ill ka praaaatad to tka MaaiA a f rraakoldara a t t u oaat maat* tap . T ka raaolutlon waa praparad kr C k a lm a a Lawla a Bowdan, wko 1a alaa tka awuntr aoparvlaor. Tka k ipkw ar la a H u la rnora Ikan a mlla lenp. It aataada from ram pton aTanua aaar O ater Qroao eantar In a nortbaaalarir dlraotloa aad tartnlnalaa In U ttla Kalla rood, aaar tka Bowdan komaataad.

P r ^ a a U waro mada kp oonm ulara rap ara lap tka oondltlon ^ taollaoa of tk a a ldaw alk a la P o a p to n avaona. aapa- aladlr aaar tka Dria Railroad Ptatlon.

. It w aa atatad ik a l tka w alka wara p e o a r te w ith mud waahad fram kigk kanka a t tk a aMaa It waa dacldad ta la fo r s i prapartr owaara th at tka walka m aat ba claanad and If tba work la not dona a t oaea It w ill ba dona br R oad Bupanrlaor Andraw J. Taylor and tk a oaat aaaaaaad apataat Iba propar-



B f oirtoa at a daaraa al Ika Cawt at Ckaa* aarr. la a aaoaa tharala dapaadlat. In tka

K tar at tka apiUiallan at Jaarpklna A a n aad Barr L. Trudala for aa ordar ta

atll laaaa lata nl Joarph Waal, daoa iaad. BoiRnd aaar, haarlaa daU tka twaair-alitk Am af Paptanikar, l i l t , I, Alania OiaKb, aaa af Ika iparlal maatara ol tka aUta « Bow J im ov ibMI aapaat t e aaU n p a M aaadaa l« <ka kiftaat Mddar, aa Tkaradar,

a ia W K , lalii, at 1:10 a'llack In tka waa ut that day. al air offiaa, 111 {

J alraat, Wawark, Now laraar, all Ihaai traola ar pa^ ali af land and proinm nil«- ata. iruip aad bainp <a tka riir of Ma«wk, aoaalr at laaaa and iiata ef Nra Jaraar. da- atrikad la ta ll ia i:

Tka Aral Iraat balap loratad an tba aorth- n a t c a n tr of Wahaiaan avanua u d Arllap- toa an aaa, with a IraiUaf* nf >U !•**■ wara I at laaa. aa Atihitlaa in a a a , and 1(0.11 •aat, • ! » ar laaa, aa Wahawin araniia.

ataoad lal kahif laaatad an ika anaih-waai taraar af W ah au n afanaa and Arlln« taa anaaat, with a tiOalAOa al I li.H faat, , loara ar laaa. aa ArlMdlfaB araaaa. and t lt .U fa n , aaota ar laaa, aaT taha«at araaaa. ]

Tka third lat k a lu loeatad at Ik* nnrtk- OBBI w a a r at Wakawaa arniiH aad Arllat- laa aaaaM, u d raanlap taataiir la Ik ■arthtrir liaa of UaealB artona, harlao fru tap a of l l l . l t faat. mam or law, k , W akaotu aoMoa, u d a Inaltda at I tM l dart, mom ar laaa, an ArtlattM araan, u d | n Itaauoa at 111 faat. wort m lata, aa U a . earn araaaa.

Tka foarth lat k n ot laaatad al tba aaath- t u t aarnar at Wakaman araaaa and A n iu - j l u araaaa, and rannlnt aantarlr ta tka anrlti r'r Uaa at Ballivula avaua. kaatad a t r w tu a at m . l l faat, mora w I w u

tW alM U a avu aa , a frMtaoa al 111.11 laal, ■ i n ar Mao, u Arlla«tm araaaa. ^ 0 fru ta o r at H I faat, warn ar Ian. aa Palla-

.* n u a n o u . , . .~ Id pmmiaaa balap mora paniraluir da­t e ucatd iap (a a torrar dttad H avw - 1. I tH . Mate br J. H. PkUlpa. C IL,

M toU#telaP in i Taaat—BaptanUia at tka p ^ > ■* !■- |

taraaoU u at tka waoiarTr H u at Wakoma , a r u u with tba aartkarly Itu at A rlnM u |

({> alaap aald • araBoa Bank II dan u n i (aat ta Unda |

riy 1araaaa, rvaaiap ih n ea (l> alaap aald aaot-artr Uaa of w a b m a a araaaa u n h . |prau II BtaiBU u w ar lata a( flarkal U ( 1 1 alonp llpa at Ipada at an>d patabta aorta dP dapraSa A Mlaaua w a a tlll . 1 M la u u of laoda naw aa lata af loorU W. B u d w m ia : tkama 111 alaap IlM a( lud a at aald

adaidla aad Uaa m lu d a iww ar lata alB an ^ lU i IltwB B.

d k

Blckaaa, aaath 11 daprau II b I^___ 1 m . ia Cart ta Iba ao^ orly Uaa afA lte lta a a m n a : tfcnca (t l alanp latd

t e a ^ a l -* Urn WftkMBM liM «f Arim u i

Mteii Mte*r i t f Uaa M W ak n a u a a tM U O tt U dn prau »l B lnaua watt m j l taM u Uaa alGiada aaw m tan aitly at ftaUla K. L ujtek i

~ ' w ld l u u at aafd Umjaak |

loiaraatU n M tka w ejurlr U u at KMwu with tka OMlharlf

n a a lM Ikasaa It)

P m rtU l pIpw o f fk « N rff/N E -k T /lO O CO. f o u /f t f iM r . r t t e «kf(r« ftoor f iu d k » f (p I fed d U f U y o f O feitef JfpOM S k t t n Em Ib i / pM)!.

Dining Room Furniture For Thanksgiving

Four to twelve piece sulte&-<very deslrible ttylc in every •ppropriite wood —t selection that meets every requirement and affords unquestionable value at every price—from the cheapest suite it is safe to buy up to the finest examples of the craft, wc Invite inspection and comparison.Fifty different styles from........................................................... |95 up to $150Forty different styles from..................................... $150 up to $200Forty different styles from....................................................... $200 up to $250Thirty different styles from..................................................... $250 up to $300Twenty-eight different styles from..........................................$300 up to $350Twenty different styles from ............................... .$350 up to $450Thirty different styles from..................................................... $450 up to $1,400

K itc h e n N eed s for T hanksg iv ingO tk dnd porcelain'lined Refrigerators—Sellers Kitcheneeds and kitchen cabintts u d tables in all-ate^ Odd ch tira and wooden tables. An eacellM t aelectioa on onr wb-fioor.

Living R o o m Furn itu re for T hanksg iv ingPlain mahogany suites, upholstered In tapestries, leathers and velours. Also luiuriottS oventulTed furniture in large aiwa. A particularly happy selection of living room u i tM at between $100 and $250. Comprehensive varieties of occaaionsl pieces, such ss Book­cases, Music-Csbinets. Chairs, Tables, Serving Wagons, Pedestals, Lamps, tall and aniall, Candle Stands, Tabourettes, Stools, Telephone Stands, Chaiies-Longues, Piano Beneaes, Secretaires, Gongs and Chimes, etc.

B ed R o o m Furn itu re for T hanksg iv ingSuites In Walnut, Mahogany, Oak and Ivory- also a large variety of popular-priced plocet —"open-stock," which can be matched into suites and filled In from time to time. Brass and White Enamel Beds s t tU prices. Msttresses, Springs, Pillows, etc.

CafTitfht R ett SefeaSaer A fe lm

Uiaii(W (1) alaaw aa._ ...— ------— — ^----Rortk <1 d t m B 1 1 iMuNat waM ttb .l l faat

I a k«Bt u tka llna at lasda oaw ar tor>r*aste - w[toa '^^aaet ’ A 'laid 'B i^ n datrata.ll lalaitiaa.aait 11AM tbit .y»tk*

m . i s Mat ta UM a a n i ar paaa aa Third TraM—B ^ lw la f at Ika l

lanaailaa at tba aaalaHr llaa a a a a u With tka aartkarif^UB. . .•aaaaa: rwiahie Ikaata (1) M a t« j2ia a w | .

a M ta ta d td . . . . ar WatraBia

1* Um af AflIattBl^ a t WteaBMi( S S

l a n . ! » 5 | W Ma m t e M p m WM tate tak

H ere’s th e b ig id ea

P)R winter motoring; an overcoat that’s roomy enough to go on over everything.

Made of deep, soft woolens—the best of imported and American weaves; big and warm, but not cumbersome. It’s the king of outdoor coats.

Our dealer will show you other ulsters, great-coats, traveling and motoring coats; beautiful colorings; individual patterns; bold, vigorous designing.

Wc use none but all-wool fabrics.

H a r t S c h a f f n e r & M a rxG ood C lo thes M akers

You 11 find here'all sorts of big, roomy, comfortable overcoats with the Hart Schaffner & Marx label in them; all with the smart­ness of style and excellence of all-wool

laterials that you expect in these clothes.

D raperies for T hanksg iv ingPrices have not been raised here, though when wc have tb replenish our stocks wc shall probably have to pay more. Note the prices—inspect the qualities—and make comparisons. Some examples of our values:PORTIERES—M ddrts, Fiber Silk and Velour. P i i r .............................................$5 to $21 JOCURTAINS—Scrim. M irquisettc, Net, M irie Antoinette, Duchess tn d A rsbiin, pfeir,

11.00 to $30U0COUCH COVERS— Rep, Tspestry snd M srquette..............................................$3.75 to $16J0TABLE RUNNERS—T ipestry and M arquette..................................................... *1 W to *®.7S

M arquisette, Scrim, Madras tn d Lsce by the ysrd.Sunftst fsbrics for overdrsperies.

Cretonnes in a great variety of designs.Tspestry by tbe Yard.

Pmrtiml Pi*u> HAHSB-STAGO C0.’S SumUI R s f SaelfM | l d F to sr)



CQRBROAD ST & CENTRAL AV£.NEWI&aCCoavcitrat C h « |i Aecwnli lUy Bs Opsnid



A collection limited to the better gradss—in desirable designs, reliable color­ings and in yams from which satisfactory wear may be expected, tspecially noteworthy are the Whittall Wilton Anglo-Pcrsians. woven as closely as the most costly Orientals and possessing the same lustrous and silky sheen. I he Rue is the predominant attraction In the room and care should be mken to secure a dependable make. Wc carry worthy goods exclusively.Whlttall’s Famous Anglo-Persian Rugs, 0 ft. x 12 ft............................. $75.00Wbittall’s Famous Anglo-Indian Rugs, Oft.x 12ft............................... $63.50Standard Wilton Rugs, a fine selection, 9 ft. x 12 ft......................$45 and $48Axminster Rugs, seamed and seamless, 0 ft.xl2 ft, $24.50, $28.50, $33.50, $35 Inlaid Linoleums, sq. yd. .95c to $ l« ) I Fclt.base Linoleums.......39c to 50c

* -


w p wb<fi

UV ,

F(X£H KINGDONM nce cf Uw il

i i l i w M i h f f iK M S(1 BHdhiCar.

AW#t*I «• WUA U W IHMAIr- w« A M rtw . M «|M STMilMt

MBtrat mOB«, M«*l »l*r ImpMtuti vart wfcM (h* ' laU n u tlaM l n — wklak M<« thla war la m rf*

1 daa't h aa« T arM vtk l, *mt Amhaaaa4ar, paraanallr. k i t I am MA ba la lM»a H ear afelaal AlalamaUb’’

RaTarllBC tw l*raaWaat Wltaaa*a *p- IwrlaBllir ta p lar a rala la paaat pta- eaaAlaia It araa a p p a m t fram Oaaal AppaapTa aapraaalaM th a t ha AM aol ballam ttM PraalAaet aheulA aMTt at

Nus Ai5» n Nunm

yjpaKMI. Wrf. II.—Tha AlpMmalla itallvaa mt RaaatA, wirta Raa-

FatropnA BaaraepaaAaat. haaalaatraataA ta haaA ta tha tavarP '

IM ita ta whiab tbap aaa aaaraAltaA tha tap prataat apalaat tha Aaatra-

pracUmatlaa (ataHlahlap tha KlapAam'

rbt'AafUBM e t tha lawa af aatlaaa.aaA Aaatro-HMnparlaa mll-

aathaaltlaa a t Waraaw aaA a t hara ptaalalaiaA tha I t u a ^

af PalaaA haaaalerth to farm

ilC " lm im rle l RoBalaa O ow am aot apalaat thla aaA aa a fraah • r aa Iniaraailoaal aaavaa*

•alaaialir a*ara ta h r Aaatrla- aoA O anaaar. aaA Aaelaraa It valA. (t raallV ram ‘^ ‘ ,**5 of tha KlapAom af R aU rf

tha aat aaaaaA ta tarai aa la ta p n l p an tha Hitaalaa Bmpira. aaA that thalr

taau will ba hoaM h r ‘I*■Up which tha» loah ta tha Rm-

aanaapaaAaat talapraphlap Taaw-


^ t tha OHhihC aaaalaa of tha apraaaarl^ laoAar af tha Pallab P a ^

Urp panp, AallaaraA tlM raptp af aataa Rotaa ta Oarataar'a Aacla- af laAapaiiAaaoa ta PolaJM, tar>

tha rarp atWat af tha war t ^ ita pAwara haaa haA tha aaAacltr

Mlpata tha Aaatlap aat a a l p ^ hwt af all oaatral Waraaa. Tha UnpAam faaaAoA hr tha 0*r*

^ will Aapaap la *»^«anaaata pawara, a ^ ^ ' baoaoia a waapaa af OarmaP Ita-

(lariMa acUaa tatAaatlp la ta ­la araata aaaniet .hatwaaa

aaA Raaaia aad har alllaa, aaA p la tha apaa of tha warlA har

I aiathaA af raeraltlfip. Ifa a r t Pollah paapla will aat ha

In th it iraple pUpht and aaata and har alllaa will Aaolya warlA that tha Follah auaallaBimlVaA la Ita a a ttra o .’"

RAO, Ha*. I I o ™_______________ LoaAealla'a lataallon ta orwata ladapaaA-

RahuM. w hkh ahalt amhraca all larrtta rr. aaA to amintain It aa

haaU af aatoaam r aaAar Ruialaa awparatpatp, raaiaina naaltarad, “ r» »• a lM a l aanopaoaBMMt taaaad taAap Aa>

K.)- MaaAlaa tha Aaatra-Oarmaa proclaiaa- ttH t h t aa InAapanAant fe llah atata aa

W!- pM A I ^ ta await tha raaka a t tha Tah- M I f armlai.

< ^ a parrholapical mamaat," ha talA. I hm aat pat arrIraA. Ramanla maat flrat ha punlAhad fur iraaaon. Tha Ra- manlaa campalpa la propraatlnp walk W hhia a ahort Itaw oar armlai will ba Ihroaph Ramaala. Than tha Raatlana In Oaltcio will ba la a baA fir.

"Than Iba laat oard a t tha Alllaa' war party will ba daitropad. Thap will bora la raallM that wa canaal ba par- Mlad a a t Than thap will raallia all wa want la aacdrttp apalnat Raaalh and harbla."

r KRUN, Nav. f t (Via IPndan, Nar. III.—Tha opaninp of paaaa napotla- llaas map parbapa ba aipaalad, with loir proapaeta af aneraaa, la Iba aouTM af tha oamwp wlalar. scaordinp la ^ a n t Albart Appaark rataran Haa* partaa laadar and foramr Hwnparlaa Prainlar. Coant Appoarl. *bo la rlili- Inp Garataap la dallvar two addnaiaa an Haaparton hlatorp, axpraatad kit vlaara In aa latarvlaw with Iba Aaao- nialad Fraaa eorraapondant In whlrb ha dhmaaaad tha panaral Karopaan altaa-ttOfli

■nra aanaat aipaot,'' ha aald. “ta aaa paaaa napotlallana opanad wtlhla tha nail faw waahi. whila tha Rumanian cnmpalpn la atlll andaoMad. Howarar,I rapard a a r ahaneaa for aaccoM ihara an aiaallant, and anaa Rumania la oraabad I think bath aldaa will ba will- lap ta eaaaldar tha qaaatlon af paaoa, Rum aila WM tha Kataala'a laat card, and It pravinp h laalap ana. Wa a r t maaaWp a Mp aim p apalnat tha Ra- m aalaah and I think that tha and will aama ahortlr- Of caaraa, aur prapraaa aa tha TraaapIvanlaB froat la a bit alow, awtap ta tha praal dlfflcaltlaa af Iba aa in trp and paniaalartp to tha daflelaacr In raarwarA aamaianleatlona Tbaaa eammanlaatlana a r t far poorar Ih ta la tha wait, a r araa In OalMa and' Ramla. Hawarar, tha aalrp af Rumania lata Iba war baa In manp ra- apaau boon raallp aATaatapteaa ta aa

To lltuatrala what ba rapaN i a t tba Im prarlap ehaacaa far paaca napalla- tiona Ceaat Appoapl raftrrad to racaat apaaohaa af atataaman la tha appoainp eampa "Kat Uapd Oaarpa. of caaraa* ba Intarfaetad parawthaflcallr, “hat aach aa Lard Orap and OtaaM lIar roa •atkm aan-Hollw tp, lar aaampla."

laaa Ra laaatiawhia m otarlta .“Cbancallor ran Bafhmana-lloltwtp,*

iha aounl w ail aa, Tma polatad oat In hm Utaat apaach that ha kaa aarar damaadad tha annaiM lan af Balplum. Push laatanoaa ta thOM thaw. In mp aplnlan. lhal th a n a r t aaw na roallr Inaaparabla ahataelai to tha opaninp of a dlaeaialaa aa fa ln ra paaoa. Of rouraa tha klapdem of Falpad rnnat ataad, bat I ballaat Raaaia aaa ba broapht to itaonclla h traa lf to Ibla oilaatloa."

OnOa Ratoto a Maaoaa.Cwant AMonyl daclarad that tba

w aatan alataa af Barapa muft band thaanatraa lapathar for dofanaa apalnat Raaalh, which eounirp ha ebaraetarlaad aa tba prahi maaaoa to tha fatura paaoa of B tropa and tha world, la h it aplaloB, Rranca'i offorta to r a n la Alaaea-Larfalaa a r t doomad to tallhra and tha rapablle map aa wall raconella haiaalf ta paaeaful and frtaadlp rath- tleaa with har aoatarn nalphhora. Ha haHa that Oraat Britain hai mada an abortira affort ta eruih Qarmanp an n trada r lra l bp appall le arma. bat vhat Ihara la aethlnp aaaanllal la tha char- actor of tha Ihraa natloaa to praranl thalr union on frioada

P Ig irt t f P u p i l S i d u t i F iM ckTikaliGinMiTaiiRidnii

T b u g h fa te rcm iM .

i i m m f m T m ma u R a o F D i J i w i n n i

E O f lA T BE PUDGE fW lilW IIOafaHopmDofaona of RamwnI af Foapto

la that Thalr Rafaaal la Warh Rahaa Tbam Fiahlto Charpa l allad Malaa, a t Raaaailfp, Maat Mara with Iha tlaa ■a aa Pal to tp aa l Arraopomaala far FOad Rallaf af Caaqat t od


LOOKS TO WIUON' (Conttnaad from F lra t Fapa.)

Thap ora otill wWa a p ^ approaehlB^ a common prai


w hr oatT Alt wa aak la aacar- Wa aaJt aathinp bat la bn par- d to lira and dtvolop la paaaa. Wa

^ that kind of «r - a whtab U a ptopla o fo U ulTlIiaad aallonu w aal—Iha p w a - Ihl app o n aa tlr ta Hr* b>M tala t hap- Itly aa a n a tla a ”

WAPHINOTON. Par. I I —Tbr Unitrd •tataa, Ihroaph Charpa Draw at Brrilii, apaln baa uadartakra to amtUoraf'a tha oondtllaa af tba iheaaaada of Bat- plana taralblp daportad from thalr own countrp lata Oarmaap, Tha cotiAltloa of thaaa aallao haa loop baon a mattar of coaearn la Iba Plata liaparlmaat, but tb r Unitad Plalaa, aa a naulral. haa baaa ohtipad to m art with eautloa.Tba pllpht of tbo Balplaaa In Franaa

la aat aalika that of daportad Fra itch poopla takaa to aarm anp from cap- larad m a c h larrltarp. Aa a raault of Ambaaaador Oarard'a rapraaontatlona m aaral moathn apo, Iheuaanda of Frineh wontia and plrla wort raiarnad to thalr homaa aad promlao waa piran that no mora Aaperutloat would ha m ada Tha dlata Uoporlnaal kolda that dapartatlon of Italplana la a vlolatlaa of tbaio aaattranaio.

Gonaanp'a dofaitao haa boon that la- faaal of RalplBBi ta work ta thalr own oouatrp haa mada thalr aupport a praat drain aa public charllp.

Tha tlnltad PUIaa hltharto kat morad paardadlp In l i t rapnaanutlona to Oinnanp no na not to apnal (ho ar- ranpim anla wbarobp Aaiarkan rcllaf apaaolaa a r t pirmlttpd ta u r rp on lhal r work am onp tba denquarad poopla

Baeratarp of BtaU Uuialng an- nounosd todar that tba Unitad Plata# waa aa t maklnp a diplamatic laaua out of tha traaaporU tlan af Balptanclnte aorm aBr for farm labor. No official pralaat hat baan mada, tha drpartmant raaralp praaanttap tha Malplan clalma ta BirllB. Raaralarp LMalnp Imaid tba tallawiBP atolcmaBl:

TRa h a ra mada ao protaat. To cta- h lt tha tmpraaalon that wa hara pro- ttotad waatd amharraaa ua In aur rala- tloBS with other •aram m ruta. Wo rap- raaaat Ralplaai, and actad on batialt of tha Ualplana m praiantinp thalr anna to Oarmanp, Wa would do tha aaoM Ihinp for nnp olhor eountrp whom lataraait wa rapraMatod."

BUFFALO, N ir. IB—ChhrpaA with Iha m ardar of hla atotbar bp Miaat lap a t midnipht Aanoorr M loot, John a d - ward Talpar waa broapht la ta aanrt far tria l hpra ladap. At har bama, hla plitor Oraoa, who la oapactod ta ba the chief witaooa la the trial, lap uador the eara af a phpalalaa, bar mlad aald atlll la ba a blank aa ta araota lauoa- dlatalp araoadlBp tha aaaanll It la charpad Talpar mada apaa har a t tha ■aato tima Rad ptoaa thalr mothar bmI daalh.

I t If aadarataod th a t bath dafthaaand pr a a a f tloa a r t bprtad that It will ba n inao iirp to taka MltA Talpar'i a rl- danoa bp dapooltloa a t boiaa. It In aa- paatad that tha f a ir will oat ba oa- loatad lar a waah

It la aald that Iba dafanaa aapaeta bar arldaaea to nipport TalpaFa alalm that tba crlm af warn commlltod bp a a a a - haowa maa, luppoaadlp a aopra, who atlaekod hla aiothar, ila lar aad h ra th tr F n d a rle to rob ihim aa tboir autemo- bit# itood la the roadwap aaar hara. Tha b ro th tr alaa mat death aad Talpar ta charpad with hla murdar af aroll oa with aaaanlt with thU at ta kill hto alatar, but It l« oalp tor tba m arW r of Iha mother that ba wad trlaL W


WABHDfaTON, Nor. II.—Tha pra- llm lnarp baarinp of Karl Arm piard G ra raa M if-atplid In lim itlaB al ipT, eharpid with ittom pUap tp M lart t l ,H f from C oaatiai r m B aniaiirtf, w ifi I f tba Q a n u a Ambi ta a dar, waa paatpaaad today until Laaimhar f. Tba dilap wad ardarad oa tha riqaaM af tha Unitad PU tm A ttiraap OoMral'a ofttM.

Wbaa O ra rn , with k it lawyaNt ip - paarid hifora Unitad B tltaa Commia- alanar Taylor, tha praaoeatlaa ah' niunead th a t taatimony at Fiinoa Kata- faldt, oaanMior of tha oarm aa B baaap, w ith whom Oraraa daalL waa aiaantlaJ, Tba prlnoa, hawarar, map not appear arlthout parmtaaloi of hla peraram rnt. It map ba two wtakn bR- fora p e rm ln la i It ractirad.

Tha bond of |l ,M f undar which O rirao waa ralaaaad after hla arraat loat Paturdap waa aontinuad. O raraa ood h it lawpaia planned to leoro Waoh- Ihptan for New Tork durinp Iho day.


A N u k e d W m a ' iS i f f a t f i AIn F i t i n i i i i a t S M i

S i i i i v ScEm I S i i i i N .


Tw ow tp-nro Ptotoo lo w Ara Faotor Aaam to Ram

oelp a t Rrewtap Ui■to IB


FATRItPON. Nor. I I— FreAletloao th a t natloaal preUbilloa aoA aatloaal aromaa’a ouffrapn arnulA aooa be ra- allBod, maAe teday bp Dr. Cbarlaa Soaa- Ion. ponorol aoeraUrp of tha Ftaabp- tartan RoarA af Temparaaoa. wera ahoorod at tba npaninp of tba roooad dap'a aeaetan of the flflp-alphth annual noaraotlM of tho New J tr ia p luDdop iohool AJaoelatlon. In the Flrat Frao- hptarlaa Chnrch In thta altp.

Dr. Pcaaloa baaed h it pradlcUon a t tba aarlp adraot of aattanal prahlhUlaa a a tha raaalt af the laat alaetloo. wbtoh oaat tba total of drp nlatao to twonty- flra, aaa mora than half tha Vaton. “M It la pood tor hall tha nallaa ta oabar, th a n le na naad of tha e tbar ha lt balnp drank." he aald. Hla raf- •mne# to oqttot •nffonchkMQliht d ir th p h li remarha an prablWuaR

Rar. John R. Kumphrapi a t tha Fa ir- m aual Rapllet CTiureh. Nawark, aupar Intandant of tha lemperahoe dapart m ant a t the flu te Aeaoolatlan, plaadad to r the eaUbllehment of » tewiparanaa deportm ent In eneh Of tha oanntp Run dap tebaal aiioelatlona. a tamparanoa ooramittaa In aach ®f tha Pundnp aahaala and a lemparanaa auparlnua. Rant in aach ichool. work Inp undar tha lu p arrlilo a a f a lemparanea paatar. and with ararp teacher aad erarp pupil a lemparanea adrocaie,

la m aklnp hie report



LONDON, Nor. I l —The Pruaclan Diet le tbau t to take ap a bill prorldlnp far an Incrcaea In the ealarlee af Ita membere. tccordlnp to an Ameterdem dlapatch u the Rxchenpe Teltpreph Companp. Inalaad af fifteen marka tar aaeh elulnp, aa tormerlp, the bill prarMea a pearip oalarp of l . f t f markA lo ba paid In two Inatalmenti of IM nad eaa of l .m .

Dadurtlone will ba made an tha final papmanl for non-at tendance. The bill alao prante the prlrllepe a t frao travel on all Prumtan rallroade durinp me- elanA Inetend af enlp between a mem- beFi raaldenbe and Berlin, aa at preaanL

BALTIMORE Nov. It.—“flooUl Work In hlonmoutk Countp, N. J.“ wna tha tepio of an aAdrree hara paalerdop af- lernoon a t tba openinp aecalon a f the Harpland Ceoferenea of Charltlaa and Cerreallnrf a t tha Hotel Emeraop. The apeaker tailing of tha New Jareep work waa UIh O. L Buttna a f Rad Bank, that ataia, who ta enemitlro eee- retarp of tha Monmouth Oonntp branch of the New Jareap Charltlaa Aid and Frlaon Raform AeaoclaUon. “Honetnp and Town Flannlnp" were tha taplea of laat n lth t 'a aaiilon. with A. M. Grlar of B. I. du Font def Nemonra A Co. K< rine nf the aptahara Ha dlacttened ‘“Tha Houelnp of Indualrlal Rm- plnpaCA" Eupena I. du Pont of Wit- minplon le one of the vlaa prealdeata of the cenfarenca. which Ineludei Dal- awnre, DIatrlet of Columbia aad Harp- land.

ltd a imAndirniR, klid MM a la ttaK la HlUkat, prptPR him hat U allow tha •ala a f Hquar a fta r mMalpht Raw TaaFR Bra. Now TaaFa Dap thla paar falla aa ManAap. aiM tha laapna halAn th a t thara will ha ampla appartualtp fa r paopla U ardor Afaaar la pnhlia

oaa within tba taraw af tba law, w hkh farMAa aatoaatoa of aato af Hqoor hapaaA mlAntpht an flUBAap atorntap aaA tha Aap fatlowlap.


FRIMCBTOK. Rar. 1| — A nnmbar of publlo optrHoA poopio In Prlaetloa baro arraapoA a aarloa of katqraa Aaallnp w ith tbo moAem tranA la aAuoatlan.

ok laataro la p trao bp aa emlaaat m aa aaA a forum a f Alaeuaaloa I t tboa holA, loA bp promlaont oAuetiara

Dr. VilUam W irt, wbooe oobaol la Oary haa attractoA the attontloB of th e M tk to w ill oaplala the prioclpka upoB whloh hJo work la tonaAoA. Dr. Abrahhai Fleanar w tu Alaeoia “Mod* or* U n ea llan " aoA Dr. Ranh ma n ‘Wehoot Warfc.“

Tha firm lootnra will ha temarrow a n n la p a t I Welaak by Profaaaar Thamaa H. Rt1ppn.of Oalnmbla U alrtr- olly an * V d n ea tl^ tha Rarly AAolao- oanL* FrqatAant HIbban of Frinaa- ton UMTavnlly will prulAa anA Dr. Walaal a t T raalan will apaa tha dla- ouatoam Tha mootlnpa are haU la tha MaAal Rahaal anA ara apaa u Iha pqh- lle. Taaokara tram the nalpbbartnp elllaa wtll nttanA


BOWEL MEDICINES i 9 i < jlM i a f B o t W r tw B t i m t

hOH SyitMLFhpMetaaa the warlA aver i.-----

tmdAa bath, alalmlap thte le ef raellp mera Imperteain thaa latMde eteaiUa— ---------

eklB peree de aet aheerb hapattUae laU MeedT eaimad 111 baallh. whUe the

the tea parde e( bowele Maa aad wemea a n a i|e d le driah each

mernlap, beten hnakfaai, a plam e l he* water with a tmepeaafal at llmeeeaaa phao- pbala ta H. aa a Carmtam maaae af halptap u waM fram Iha ile m u h . liver, htaarpa aad berweta Iba pravieae dap'r taditemihta BHtartat, pitaemt eaar Mta aad taalaa, Una ctaaaetap, eweetealap aad purtMap ealtra allataBurp eaaal tofeca putoap i taad mta the elamaeb.

Jaal aa map aad he* water eto t eUa, aa hat water aad in aat #a the e lla laetive erpaaa

wbe wehe ap with tod breato, aealed taaaae, aeetp taala er hare a dall, aehlBd baed, eallaw aemplettan, acid elem- aah; o lh an wba ere eubjacl te blllaaa altaabi ar aeamlpettaa, ihauld abtala a

Saartar peoad e f Umeetaee pbaaphate at the rap etare. Thta will eeal rerp ItUle bat ta

eametaat ta demeaetrate the ralae e l to- aide bathlap. Tbaea whe eaMlnuc It each marnlai are eeearid af pmwiHieed raaalU hath 1a repard te health aad eppearaaea,— Adrerttaemeat fur Umeeteae Phetphata Oik


S . A it m m t Sc CHOe


l a thta 'eoinmon pround' the dMtrn p( all natlana ta h a ra iniernatiooM hBpgepnau which will koap tM caant waa ookad.

-Tto," ha anowerad. “Tha qrhieh eloaaa thla war muat ha w hkh puarantaaa fa tu ra w trld peaci If auah peaca can ba. and I doa't know wRp pot. Than a ll thta borrlbta btaod- ehad wilt not tm la vain for future pan- Oratlfua"

“But doM Bnpland want pa iae F “tb a iq a ra paaoa partlia la all conn-

vyrlaa '-■Rtipland. Franca. Ruaata. Of aouraq, Ihara la a i tro a p war party la Hapliad and Franoa. Aa long oa thla paetp hapoa lo paroal an t Anatrla-Hua

hiM T

LONDON, Nor. II.—A oommunleallaR fn m tha Ruialan War Offtea. aa for- warpad hy R autaFi Patroprad eor- raopondanL oUtaa that mmtauroa of ra- priaal are to ha antareod apalnat cap- lurod Oarmaa oftlcoru. Tht commanl- ration laya tha Oarman Oorernmont IranafarroA a arpa aumbar of Raetlan aftioora to a apaclal eonetnlratlea oamp ahA aubjaatad them to a partlau- Urtp homra treatm ent owing to allepad III irpnlmant a i aarn taa p rtaaaan la Raaaia.

Tba Ruaalan ao ram m aal Araw Oar- maay’a altantlon te what It aharaetar- MaA aa tha infuatica of thta moaaura, aAAlap th a t If by Navamber I t thla iraatin in l waa net Aana away with all Oarmaa oftlaara baM prtaoaar la Rna- ala would ba aubfacIcA to a oimllar rapima.

No ropip h a rlap baan raealraA, tha Ra aaia a W ar Mlnlatar haa ordaraA that all Oarman priaonare of war who hara baan traataA aa offlcert ba plaeaA In oampa alloltad la tba ordinary war prli- anara. Thap will ba daprlvad a f all paatal eamninnteBlIen with thalr ooun- try and af the aarviaao of their order- Uaa. and allowad oaly tha rapulatlon ratlaaa of eammon aoMlara


RERUN. Nor. U (Bp Wlrleei lo th t AaaectataA P ra ia Via flaprllla Nar. II). —Tha Rnlthlnp touahea ara now being ptren ta Iha “maa-powar bill," provid­ing far uBlrcraal labor (ar all abla- bodlad Oarmana babtnd tha front.

The a u n t Aptalta af 0 >* maaaara bare ndl bhai plvan apt. bub the hawapapara tadlehia It will apply la all and poor altka, atfaallnp partlau larip the Idle etaaaea llrlnp on private laeomae aad theaa enpaprd In actirtllae not eonnaatad with proaaautlnp Iha war, which map ba dlaeontlauad wlth- ont Injury to the body m HUcl

Thta form of aompulMirr aarrloe, II ta underitood, will not oM lp directly ta women, but a eoneletohl eampalpn will be made to utlllae ta tha utmoat Ibta re e a rn tr of tabor power.



LONDON, Nar. II.—Tha priea e t food, parp and Tarkap ta the Alllee, there j which haa becoma eneh a earloua mat-aaa ba ao pqa aat but whan It ta raaltaad fhM wa cannat ba eruified or dtvldrd, avan thla party will hara ta make paaoa Wa ara not eanduellnp thie war ae a war of eanqueat—but eoma of the AUtaa ara.'*

Count Appenpl pauood, aad do- nuindod:

"Rut toll BMk who waa ilectad Prail- diM af tba Unitad f lu to a r

Tha- lalarvlowar laid la te it raperla ladkatod Witaon.

aww Know WUaoa.*T bopo It ta WUaan,** daunt Appanpt

raMOBded. ‘*Wa know Witaon. t might cap wa could ba no w o ru oft with him—bat w t know nothlnp about Hnpkoe."

"Do you think Wi)eon could do aamo- thlnp now te help bring balllparenU lo p e th e rr waa aakad.

"1 think If W ilton ta alaetad. and ha no loh tar boa the w arrtei ef the eam- palpn, ha map prove an altapalher dif­ferent Prealdent," the count replied, “t think ha wilt aaa tha opportuntlp whan the moment nrrtrea. Amarlea ta U pakaleptoally tha landing neutral aatlM . ' Amaiiean atlll inipbt plap the loading ro ll Ih pabee."

Count Appoapl gbyntlp raoambtm far­mer •onator toaaa N. MaphoMaa of Wltoanoln, In paruonal oppanrane tall and otralpbi, w ith a pray hoard aad

tar In Rnpland, aa in all other belllp' erent oauntiiea waa dleouaioA in the Honoa of CoRunona today. Wlltlaai Hewina Unlaalet mambar from Here­ford, latraduccd tho followlnp roaolu- lion:

“In tho nplnlan of tha Houoa, It la the duty of the porem m ent to adopt fqrthar mathodc af orpanloatlon ta In- craaaa and la oanoarva tba national food eupplp and to dimlnlih tha rlek of ahartapa aad aatioui laeraaaa of prloaa In tha avant af tha w ar balnp pmlanpad."

Tha dehata ah th It raaolntian. If not hrranped by the povetnmant, took place In coneurrenoe with Ita wlehaa, and W alter Runotman, prealdent e t tho Board of Trade, wae expected to an- nounoe draallc propaeatc to deal with tha dlfflcutllaa of tha proaent poeltlon Tho aetlvltp of Oormaa aubmaiinea In alnklnp a tarpa number of ablpa, which lo retalod oo cloeelp te tho price of food, will bo dlacueeed In the Houec of Larda thIe cvanlnp bp Lord ( ^ r l e e Bereatord aad Baron Bpdeaham.


bright apaa. Ua la wall aeqaalntad vWlth Ameiicaa life and cuatoma. I t w uIn raqalltip b li vlaitt ihera that tba count adddd:

"I am M glad ta aaa that wa are aandlnp a now Ambaaaador ta Amartca. Baraalarff haa had aa suppart It la difficult for America ta underxiaad ua, If wa have aa Amhaiaadar thara,

“Aftar all, wa want paaoa with

LONDON. Nar. II.—T h t afflolal Lon­don Oaxaite annauncaa that Uautananl Colonal R. O. Fairfax of the Uvarpool Replment hae bean appalntad to tha

] eopimaad of tho Chinooo Labor Carpa. Thta le the flrat announcement a t tha orpantnallon of ouch a corpt la tho Britleh army.

For aaroril men Iha a large number of Chinooo and Indo-Chlneta l a ^ r a r i hara bean emplopad tn Franca. Pome roporto bar# placed th t number na high aa tM.»M.

LONDON. Nor, II.—A Ranter dta- paleh from Uclbonrno, Analraltn, ■ape that the attem pt of tho malcantant Motion of the ladMr pnrtp to overthrow Premier Haphao haa eauiad a Mrioue epilt la tha party. Aa a conaaquann. It la etatad. tha Fremlar haa been obliged to reeon- atruct the Mlnletrp from hta remain­ing follower*. BO that he can carry on the government, with tha aeeletanca of the Ubarala, until n general elec- lion la bald.

The new Mlnlatrp Ineludea Mr. Hupbae aa Premier and Attorney Oan- ernl: 0 . F. Pearce. Mlnteter of Notional Dofanaa; J. A. JeaHB, Mlalater of Marina, aad Hr. Popnlon a i traaaurar.

WAKHINOTON, Not. II.—RoproMn- utlTOi of manp Catbolle unlrtralUce and achoolt attended Ualrerattp Dap obearranca today a t th t aavantb een- tanarp celebration hero of tho Domini- con Order. Bolomn pontlfloal raneo waa eolebratad bp Meet Rev. John Bonuno, ■ he apoetolle delegate, and the Hrmea wan preached bp the Very Rer. Peter Quildap a t Ctatbolle UnlVaraUp. Many church dIpnItariM ware praaenl.

The celebration will continue through the week, elaalnp Sunday with a ra- tlptoua ordera dap obaerranoa. when provlBClala af all tha raliploaa ardera and conprapallona In tba United BUtaa are to take part.

s iE M C B ip oncA CO j i n m s I.A F I E R F K H in G H R E A T S U

NEW TORE, Nor. II.—The Fronoh Line eteamar Chicago, with m pat- Nnpere from Bordeaux, prerlouilp ra- ported bp eabla aa havlnp put Into Fapal, Aaorao^ with firo tn her boMa. reached hare today. According to tha offlcara th t flra waa dleeovcred whan two d ip t an t from Bordoani In tha eaal bun hara, preaumablp cauoad bp oambnitlOB. and bafara It could ba brouphl undar oonirol It had apraad ta tba bappapa room and forward boM. wbare oontldarable damage waa dona.

Captain Haca of tbo Chicago, aa a ■nallar of proeanlloa and to allay tba faara of hla paaaenptra, eat hU counw far the naaraat port, Fapal, aa aooa aa tha Are waa dlacorend.

B tinSH s a p SURE. OEW SATEDFARIII. Nar. II.—The Britleh iteam er

Barah Radcltffe, of t . lU ton* prooa, haa baon ennk bp a taoatlle eubmarlna which torpadood and bomhardod har, accardinp to a eoml-officlal annoonca- m int. The ataamer tank afte r twelve ehota had been tired a t her. according to thie account, her crew of twenty- eight man being rcacued bp the Nor- woplaa iteam er Hud In.

Tha aloep III. NIcholai of Oranvilta waa aunk Mondar bp a eubmarlna, th t announcement adda. Har crew of nine men wore caved.


KBW TOIUL Nav. If.—William Jaa- nlnpa Bryan will daveta the next tanr paara af hla Ufa ta maklnp Demoermap drp. In aa Intarrlew publlahed h e n to­day, tha aae-tlm a flecrat ary of Plata daalarad kU party aaaaat atfard ta taka tho “laimoral Mdo ot o tooral laant,'* th a t prohlbUlon ta a bigBOW, aad th a t mambara o t the Domao- raop wlU nat allow tha party ta“huriad la a drunkard 'i grave.

Brpaa'a drive apaln it the demon rum will a ta ri Immadlatelp, for he taaraa tonight 1a apeak flundap a t Indlaoap- ollt and Monday a t Chicago.



Bapvlllo}.—The arro it bp Britlob au- thorltlaa of Mlai Emily HobbouM, an Rnpllnh wrltar, le reported la a dta- patek from Tho Hague to tho Ovoroeoa Newa Aponcp.

Raoantlp Mlae Hobhoneo waa eald bp tha newa apenep to have made a trip to Balplum, aabnquenllp writing artl- claa th a t thara waa lu a devaautlon la Belgium than tn Boulh Africa durinp the Boer war, and that In tripe through manp Belgium towni the hnd found tho people were on tho boil cf ttrm a with the Oarman aoldlera

LONDON, Nav. It-—Prince Goerpe a t Battanborp waa marriad today te (tauatato NadaJda da Torhp. daughter of Grand Duka Michael Mlehaelovttch of Rnaata- The marriage waa witneeicd bp King Ocorpa,lQaaaa Mary, Qaeen Holbar Alexandra a n d F ib e r mambara of tha rwpul tatollp.

Tha earamaap waa oolabratad la Rua- elan and Bnpllah churobaa.



WAIHINOTON. Nav. If.—Tha open­ing of dtraot IranipaclAe wlreleei eer- vloa between tha United tta la* and Japan ihroaph tha Harconl oompanp waa elpnalliad tedhy with a m npratu- lalory mataapa from Prealdent Wlleoa lo the HIkhdb, ta which a reply le ex- peeted during tha daif.

the weekkta departawBL Mr. 'Humpfcrape

aa Indirect reference tc the Hoeh baum ease tried raeenilp before tha Exelaa Board In Nawark. Ha aald. “New Jareap la In tha grip of tha hraw- Inp tn taraala If poo don't ^ llo » * ‘Hla ta an, try an aiparlm ent w lt^ the ax- elM oeeamUalonare of aoma af our oltloa.';

Among olbore who opoko waa Laatar H. C^aa enperinlandent of the eecondarp dlvtalon of the New to rk O tp Bundap Bchaol Aaaoctatlon. whoae •*F'« "Poatobllltlaa, Prabablllttaa and Proh- lam a"

Tha Importance of prop*'' tMChor train ing waa ntraaead In tha TMOrt pro- eented bp General Beeretarp laaac r t Burpoeo, who waa aaelated In hta demoeiatratlOB bp Dr. Carl M wtntacb of Newarb and MIei Kittle M. S a n a ^ , flomaraat county euperlnleadanL Fol­lowing thla axpoellloB Profeaaor I j tb o r A. Welple of Tale Untveraltp epoke on "The TeachaFi Preparation lar Mle Work."

Oaod Rartp AMewdaaiwMora than Mb of tha I.IO delapataa

whom aiacollvea of the aaaoclatlon ex­pect will attond tha cootvantlon and a l^rpo aumbar of vlattaro were proaent nt the ptnoral maee mooting In FIrot proobptorlnn Church laat night whaa Rav. Dr. Waltaco MacMallen of Draw Thaolopleal Seminary praachad tha eonvantloD Mrmon, The meeting waa tha concluding feature of the flrat dap. tha caarvutlon haring opanad a t I a'clack In the afternoan.

In aoma wipe the meeting reminded ana of the Hrrleee conducted In thta eltp mora than a pear ago bp Rev. Billy Itandap. Flung acroat the balcony, facing the pulpit, waa the old tabar- naclt banner bearing tha Inacrlptlon. "New JerMp for ChrisL" Flan king tha pulpit waa a choir ot IH velcoa, mon and womia, aalactod from tha choir of titoueandx which oauip a t the Suadap idOatlapa a rd which laat night—and thla win ba tha rata a t future aaialon* —cnoralad many at the oongi made fam iliar la the lata campaign.' AddrcaalBp the conprapatlon, which pacuad ta orarflewlnp the chnrch la which It la aatarted tha flrat orpanlied Sun-tap pchaal work la thla atata waa lilciatad. Dr. MacMttltan rafarrad to th t cenvarllon theme, "Adaptation." Ha Intcrprattd thie aa meaning (he adnpta- tloa of new mclhoda to meat tha chanpoe Incident to Bdranclng Ufa aad not a a "adaptable faith,"

TCaehav Tralalap Ataatol RtaoL Prior to the night nwetinp, tba annual

maatinp of the Teacher Training Alumni Aaaoelatlnn waa hold a t M arket ■treat Methodiit Bpiacopal Church. In- cldantal to a teacher Iralqlnp baaquoL Abont IH plttndad. Offleere for tha enaulnp paar were alaetad, aa faltowa: Pfaatdant, Dr. r a r l H. WIntaeh af Naw­ark ; vice praaldenL Rav, A. Rtakaa- Wataan, Cumbarlaad Ooaatp; aacratarp- trau u ro r, Mn. D, F. .Mawar, Hadaea County,

Mombari of tha board ef diractera; Mlaa Minnie B. Mono, Atlantic County; Hra. J, L. Latiha, Bergen Countp; Mlaa Mary W. Rudd, Burlington County; Rev, L K. Wlllman, Monmonth'Caunip; Mtaa Mary Haaon, Rtoex Canalp; Rav,

M. Curry. Maraar Ctauntp; Hra. W. R. Frail. Marrla County; Rav. wiUlnm Tatlaek, Ralam Countp, and Or. F, J, HlUar, Faodale County.

A ftar Mayor Amaa lU delltfa had wal- oaaad tha dalagataa a t tba laaopura- tlau e f tha oonvaatlen aad a raaponaa had baaa aiadt by Praeldaat Jaaarh H. W right, Rav, a 0 . Inemn e f Lyndhurat. eacrataiT af tha eammittaa an oo-op- a ra tlo a ' la Latin-Amartea, apoka oa “Oppertanltloa In Pouth America."

‘“n a opening ot tha Panama Canal chanpad tha map of tha world and opanad the wap ta Lat: Amarlea," Mr, Inman aald. Tha meat Important da- vclopatauta af tha nluataentk oantarp took pUca In North Amorloa. Btudonta have pradlotad that tham o it lmporta.>t avantd e t tha twaattatb caoturp will occur In ^tln-A m arica."

Spaaktnp partloatarlp with rafanooo to Haxlou, Mr. Inman aald "the Maxi- can quaetton ta not marelp th a t a t atop- plnp a riphL hut ol bptptnp a paapla to raallM thalr IdeaU. It Id M t a qaaotlou a t h rovaiutlon we moot eqaalok, hot aa avetutlon wu m utt putde In the righ t ahaauala" Oantlan- Inp, ba told a t h vtalt made h r Oonorul Carraaan while Oovaraor a t a proTtaaa ta a raltalaa luparvltad h r Mr. tnman. and aarinp aftar atudrlnp tha prapram : “If wa had tw aatr-ftva aueh mtaalono. wa would net have tba revalotiaa prah- lem vary loftp." "Bnllphtmant la to b a t the HaxIoaM meat naad," Ika apaaker daclarad.


' [are being offered at

large reductions In pricesMany exclusive styles for afternoon

evening, made of the r ^ e s t materials, have been reduced to


$95.00, 145.00, 190.00, 225.00, 590.00Included In thes; garments are creations of Paquln,"Buitoz, Erte, Lanvin, Premet, Jenny, Chanel, Brandt and Weeks.

A Specially-priced Offering of Modish Winter Hats

for Women and Misses will take place to-morrow (Thuraday) in the M illiner Department on the,F irst Floor. Unusual values will be obtainable In

Why k t "Acid-Mouth" detfaroy the teeth ol your children ¥fhen ^

LONDON, Nov. I t .—RUie* the war be­gan, allphtip mora than l i t per e w t of th* lonnapa of B rillih marchantman of Lost ton* or h av t bean lo*l, Dr. HacNamarn, Financial ■oerttarp for tha Admiralty, aanounevd In tba Houm of Commona today. Dr. HaoNtmara nM Nawfeundlandtra In tha navy are balnp pramtad loavoB ot abttnoa oa th i oppor­tunity offtra.


pesecoTOOTHPASTEhelps to sane teeth by chcjddng "Add-Mouth*^

ATHBNK Nov, I I (Via London. Nov. t o . —Tho Cbhmbtr of Doputioa an«m- btad th it morning. In acoerdanco with tha oonatllutlon. Tha Pramlor read tha royal dacrao oonvohinp tho aiaamhlp and adjournraant waa than takaa olne 410.

* * B e a n e l e B e a n sthe cost it soerbig

with porit, beeL eggs end other ibods until the ooet of Uviof npneents •n fneneoe of Am 30 to 50 percent While meets and vegetables ere b^ood the readi of met^ mUUone of famOie% S M d s i Whsit Bfaadt oootiinMe to sell et dw same M prloa mA re-


T ht flrat National Bank af W llllama- town did h«t open for bnalnooa todari and annouBcamaal waa mada th a t an •xamlaaUM ot Iha books was la progroto. Goorpa W. Huntar, ( a m a r Mayor of WUitamatown and for m aap paara oaahtar ot tho baak. oouM not hr lochtad bp Dthor effleora ot tba Instltu tlon, mambar of hta famtlp. It whs •Utad. balxp uakbla to t k n * hay tight an hta wharaabouts.


CERIAN AM RAM NEAR DONIIKBMRLIN, N evT liu irW lra lea i to Bor-

vilta).""^ Oarman Mvxi aaroptahaMondar ntfrbt raided tho oarap lon ota-tloa a t Saint Pal. noar Donklrh,Harth.

‘ -------- to ItowapkpaBf*aiti Franca, tba Ovoraaos . „ _o ora Savaral hulldinpa *m raportad to h ^ hoan atriMk by homlto. Tha aoro- plana rataraod nnhoraiad.


teha the seme Ugh teitri- w rstivt quellty. Shredded

wlieet Um oesMsioe the rkdi body'-bUMinf nntrf- mem lo the wbiols wheel grain, Inetodhif Sis bran cost, wfaidi Is so ussAil fai

WASHINGTON, Nov. I t.—Mora Amor lean btuajaakato liava bow ISRdad a« Puario, Maxlco, from tha gunboat Whoallnp to help fight the fire In oil u n k * whlek ihraaloat dostrualtan of tha wharvoo.

commandar T raut of tha hattloaklp nilnolA a t Vera Crux, rtpoHad today that tha flra, which otartod MoMdoy on a tank atoomtr, hod oprond.

TRIJMMED VELVET HATSin a variety of attractive and becoming styles, e t ..........................................$7.00

SPORT HATS (banded) made of felt, velvet or velour . a t $2 ,50

M . A l t m a n $t (E n .

Modish Evening Clothes for Young Men

arc an Important feature of the Young Men's Clothing Department on the Fourth Floor. The experience of experts is given to the selection of clothes that, tn point of style, material and taltoring, compare favoi^bly with those that are custom made.

(sizes J3 to 40 chest)

In regular stoefc at the quoted prices are Full Dress Cost and Trousers, $35.00, 45.00 Tuxedo Coat and Trousers . 35.00Cutaway Coat and Waistcoat, 30.00, 40.00


In tba most fashionabla models produced Iqr European and American m anuffcturen, ara shown in regular stock on tba First Roor a pricas ranging from $6.00 to $10.00.

ytfU) Anraitr. Nn» fnrii

" e m tfyb r s 0 t s .

SBltUN, Nop. I t (Via ■ orrU tai.-T ha fa rtr ta t air luaharaat haa hoaa bambod by Hit foraao, the Wax Ofttae aw aphoid

hsmblf die bowrisbsehhy^ a cd ra .rBathiDeaDynMl widi wHk or craiqi or in eombiiMtion wftb fruits.

F oMI ta r FW ALBONT. N. T., Nav. II.—BatlPiatra

Made raptordap ptaoo Iba M o^arttr which Now Tork City ghoa tka , . to lomu honia fw aptoBOfahof tka feraat praoarvoa and tka Fol.

too* Imlarathto PoHL a t Uw iwBir- oadttto ataotloa dor, targ* toto«S* c o n y tka propailtloii It tka PF..Mita p a M apalnat I t One oMreo p Io m tk a city majority oa ktph oe I 4M M ,

]b$r» f MMtr SkatU WtorU N E SSY A N TS MATEXNITY CORSET. It r iv w woaSdTfkl tu w o f t W bp A »ii4 pN o-pwn—pn4 Mftdal fraMon tbnm ^ 4ltphrtfiB—with rleMint bplinoa » t! to ll« « i» a« Mnimi, tom wptottal #aw R«k« ch aa i* liap e te o p tillF - Srp dpv th t U ffM l d M lm In th t wnrU ppyttnl MatornHy,Uurnw dfli Ihpi I t th t

ath t

tn l for MatpniHy, oii4 off«r « hpitow, h«wt__ rBwdflt that It th t only f ^ t th ty t tor th*jfWP aMtarafty I tv n , of vlitofi wa know ail llipraailiKflMBtt. It M o w m * t t f u g ih piMI m m itm t h t Itaatth of tbd Is ts f li Should ba odontod

DBto PRitota.

TORX;w ltd ’TSffiisdSSi

party u d F o ra to pad. It t m ompto i^AIL ORI»SS PUXED-rROMPTLT.

U u e B iy « n ty 2 5 W e # $ iii| % i i | v ’ k iiP u jL y ti i i i ............



Urood I danoop, «Boattaa DonkOP • audltori, Behoal C urday ■ Homadpi

The ft w ith p Sootan a oklldrap.

Thd pt will ha thkoP h] Bathlaha kata, (h lo he li Mtaa Dot g irl wtu a f ktv PI

Tha H will hav to Iba hi (aha par Edith Bi Ita , Ooa reapha •

The 4i ho Impe Myra Bi Rqnlro, I taJBA T Carolya Jaoa To Ceoovar, Tafdlay

"Tba < alaa'' wl the H la Boaton,KIP,, to* and Yal with Pta

Thoaa Phulala ' Loophor Vaorhaai Inparaol

Tba m of r a th , Rann ai M ra Clu luta m t PiBO wll


Caniol Oaldwai: raMwall hy man Th* qu would b oqbjaetm oallD pT rad, aanitmai favor o maha It tha Lop


Word Clark L anpe, II who Itfi In an ai the Pac T h t tou of Park M llltr o Buptn* B art Ol Ridpawi to n rtrti


Townah elded t< day. > whothai aa a all Ih th t i portad and Uni Baphroc nvorcro Woodre hold a t

Amou bn parti popoa a Jartty:

The t cation I tondani parted to homi bar.


Inp of County avonda, mapfltt, ponlint

At th bato w prom la OlHnpa night I: ton haa claIr w llcltp e

THEA• A m«

tora wll vambor Mra. N avoapoiThe aformod hooka roand i thta to* Jopoa 1 Falliwi

DMAt a

Urn 001 Dim# I oauaad Jam to

Dr. fl vlaa F Jakn P waa o( m ar on bar of alaetad Cboriti

T hai S tfa rh tem orr Oorow

Fred pvanho Lodge

Ah 0 pariok Church the ai Plana hoxt, V

JMmi tokijy oftap

oorlatti Drake avaaqa

HI4 a u ., W Kathf) ntttiih death i F o r f ^ accaiF

Tho bawd lino th




l«U,tow I m tk* ft to


H )


RvMm w Ii w * m lK w»y tor “rotor lU bU t’* ChrtiU nu Dr*«iB.~ w kkh wUl thr*a4 Hi w ar tb m ic h a aarlaa a t <aaaaa Ki»a> and p ra ttr aaaNM In eak* nMUan witli tli* '*M*rrr W blrl ot Danfaw and •M c a " ta ka fl*an In lha aaditortvm ol tha East O raata Hiah ■ekoal Daraaikar I and I, witk a fc t* u rd ar Hutinaa, to r lha k m tfli of tha Hawaadaihlf Haapltal of Caaaa Conatr.

n o ra d ia l af tha a to rr wlU h a d n w ith a aoana In which Him Barbara Soatan win tall tha a ta rr ta a craaii of ahlldraa.

Tha prlnalpal charaetara In tha a ta rr will ha thaaa of Batar Bahhlt. ta ba tahaa h r Jaaica Haaek, and ~Blar a f Bathlahani. b r Him Natalia U arar- hola, pa* a tth* lataraatlna namhara ta ha latarararaad will ka salaa h r Mlaa Dorolhr Colt, a lltil* East O ran ta n n wHh a rtmarhahl* ooloa for aoa

Tha H allr Barrlaa and HIctlatoaa will har* a faallv* danr* aporaprlata to lha haltdar aanaan. Thoa* who will tah a part a r t tha Mlaa** htdnay Caaka. Edith Bafear, E lila U h rka . Bvaira Al­lan, Oanalaoes dmlth, Larraln* Bur- roncha and Lrdia D arla

Tha danoa of tha K andr KMa will ha linparaaaatad h r Phrlll* Dtaon, M rra Bakar, W ln lfr^ Walkar, Haaal Bnnlra, B ra tra Haachal, Bsthar Will- la jaa Taaldl* DU, Bhueha Bllrar, Caroirn Colbr. Wlafrad OarBaatar, Jana Toorhaaa. WIIU Cartar, A rthur Canorar, Junior Oolt, Tad Bmith. Brad T afd lar and Gordon Camaran.

‘*rba Glrla on ih* Ooror a t a M ara- lln*" will b* anothar danoa. In which tha Mlaaaa H arr W htatlar, Barbara Boatan, VIrfinia Olbaon, Katharin* Kip,. M l a a Caihr. Kalkarln* Battar and Katharin* Holmaa will taka part w ith Btawart Celaman.

Thoa* who will partldpat* In tha nhnlala danoa a n tha Hlaaaa Arnaa Lancborn. Barton w a lk tr, AdalaM* Taarhaaa, CaraalU Bonadict and Jaaa laparaoll.

n * mnalc la tahon from '*Iha Boapa a t Fathar Oooto," with vara** b r F rank Baua and n u a ir h r Alborla N. Hall. M ra Charlaa Hathawar of Baat Orang* kaa aat th* muaio to ih* piano. Thor* alBo will h* an orchaatra.

A U U D N O n Q I o n m j a i e d t l o w m a n c h ia s o r s oten h a u


Canaolldatlan of th* boronphi af Oaldw*ll. Wo*t Caldwall and North f^MwolI I* bain a considered larloustr h r many poopl* In th* thr** pUcos Th* munition whsthar aucb a alap would ba ddrtaabi* new wilt farm th* aabjaet of diacuaalon at th* Drcambcr m aaltnc of th* Caldwtil Board ‘of Trad* It U aipacud that If public aantimant la found to ba atrang In favor af th* eonsolldallon. a hill to mafc* It poaalhl* will b* praaanud to th* LagUlatur* thi* wititor.

gpwmi Bwotw *f Iht ITBBflRACKBTTBTOWN, Nor. II.—T h lrtr

dnra In tho W nrn* Countr JbU w m tho nontonao giro* HarhWt Baslth a t thia plaM laat night h r Jualle* of tho Panoo B. J . Wlldrlok an n aanrtotian *f hnr- tng drtran * bora* rapidir within th* taw n lUniU whil* b* waa Iglonlealod.

Tho ebarBO a ta la i l Bwltk w * ' h r WlUlnm O, Vor. n motor rshicio in- apaetor, wh* cawpinlliad that ttn ith riointad aaetloa t t af th* tupplam ant to th* dlaoNorlr paroons aat a t tha m alar rahlola aot a t Ntw Jarm p. Th* p ann ltr flnod <• maadatory. aad upon oanrlotl** ahall bo an tmprtaonmant of nat U** thnn tb ir tr ddr* and aot mar* than Big mOBlhA

Th* rahtel* balag oparatad by Bmlth wh* th* proparty a t hi* Mnployar, Oaorg* D***«. » r«*jd«nt a t HanaClaldTawnahip. In lb* vahlel* with Smith wna Bugant Alt**, who wot not hold.


Word waa raecirad leday by City Clark Llnealn B. RawUy af East Or- anga, that four m*a ol th it rlcinlty , who loft tbio rtiy for Lo* Angol**. C a l. In an nutomobll* Oclobar T, arrived a t th* Pacific Coast city on November 4. Th* taurlita Includ* Beniamin P. Hurd of Pnrkar atrael, thI* city: B aary C. MIlUr of H unlttan road. South O m ngt; Bugco* A. Kdtly of North Pnrkwgy, Baat Oraag*, aad P*t*r Bradaraon of Ridgawood avenut, 01*n Rldg*. Th* taurtal* ooravad 4,»M mllaa '


Th* two graat gaatronomical ovonU of tho aaaa^a will via with aach olhar for patrenagt Batordap of th* raaldanta of th* nla* Biwlcipallll** of Woatom Bao«i. Thoao a ro au aro tha annual pig n iu chloha* raaat dinnar aarvad by Wbai Cnldwall Union Church and lha on n ia t haaonptaftor under atiapicoa of th* Publl* Hall Amoeintlon of Codar O ra ra '

T h lrtr ehaaU and IH tawl, all fraah hlllad and fraah roaotad In a hug* aid- taahlaaad hrtek evan adjoining tha church, which regulrao tho burning of a cord of wood to b«at It, will farm tha maat portion of tho Wool Caldwolt ropaat. In addition thorn will b* Want Caldwalt grown maahod poUtoa*. cat- ary, pumpkla and appi* plaa, awaat cldar aad aolfaa Thera war* about dt* dinert loot yaar. Praparatlon* aro bo- log mod# for >H thi* yenr.

R*Uhna, aq«lrr*lA 'coon* nnd 'poo- ■um* will form tho ingrcdlant* of tho haatnpf*ff*r, hnl for th* diner* who do not oa rt tor n helplag of that highly no monad gnmo duh thorn will bo n pleatlful aupply of roaaiad rabbllo, phogannu, partrldga nnd woodcock. Tht* will bo In addition to tho bounti­ful anppllo* of every good thing In th* way of vegetable* and horn*-mad* pl*s which th* truck farmer* of Cedar Qrov* can supply

Cjnstdering the poMtbllltles af Ih* two big food*. It li uiually difficult fbr folk* tu dtcid* whirh nne to attend. No on# ha* been found as yst who would dare tachle both faaata Tho declclon wlU probably be mado in favnr of tha noarar dinner, whIl* the people of Caldwell living about midway botwaen West Caldwell and Cadar Orov* will toaa up coin* to settle th* m atter.

dyertal dentes of tho .VgNB.dong b r a n c h , Nov. II.—About *M

Hmaan* b aart Ro*. Dr. Hndlooa C. Potor* of Now Tech last a lsh t In fclanddroa* on "Maaonry and Ih* Part It Taak In th* Unking of tk* Rapuh- llo” a t th* opening of the now Ha- aonlc Hall a t 141 Broadway. Th* eala- bratlon was in ebarg* af a loliit com* m lltoa rapraoanling the two luhordl- aato lodgoa and tho ■aslcm Star.

Th* program inoluded vocal actec- lions by Ula* Ploranc* Cavanaugh and lllBa Iinbatl* BryInwakI, both of A*- bury Park. Vlaltor* war* praaant from a ll tk* lodgo* In lb* Pourtoaotb Haaoale DIalrlot. which laeludad thf lodgaa batwaan th is city and Point P leasan t William A. Kallay, tho dis­trict deputy, prostdod.

The annual todg* of Inctructloa of the dU trirt will bo hold tn tho new lodge room Hondny night. Grand In- alruelor H sary B. Halno* of Burltag- tan will b* In oharg*.


Plana to purchaso a club bouis were dlacuaaad by tba NuGcy Ctab *1 a m att­ing In lha Town Commlaalon cbnmbars Uot n igh t A aemmlUaa, cempoaad of Cbarloa Donnidsen and Tbama* Nich­ols. was nppotntad to lovoatlgata Tha club hna under eonaldsraUon tha pur- ebaao of a bouse sUttatod on fhtoaale avsnns, and tha commitio* will raport Its ritidings a t the no it moating. Ar- rangamnnU alao war* mad* for th* firet annaal banquet of the o rgan lu - tlon, CO b* held In Uaaonle Hall Thanhogtvtng Ev*.

Until about two month* ago the club bald maollng* in fir* hetdquaritra al th* town hall. Th* furniture then was meved from th* building by mem­ber* of Tanlacaw Ckomicnl Engine Company No. I lo be icpalrtd and hs* not been ralnatalled. Since that tima meetings bnv* been held In th t com­missioner cham btra

The commllioe In charge nf the an­nual dinner will be Oacar Llnriatrom, Alexander Tnaber, Ullion Aytri. Ilob- e rt H iller nnd Wlleon Kleretead. Tlek*l* for tho affair are retiorled as nailing rapidly. Chairmen of nihar cammlUo** appointed la*t night era: Entertainment, Ur. Ltndeirom: relief fund, John L u ll hockey. Harlow Ctiand. lor. ,

SPEOAL ELECnONM H R L mThe Boaro of Education of Rillalde

Townakip a l a mooting la it night do- eldad to bold a apaclal. almpUn iSiWc Bay. Nev*mb*r t i , to dolarmln* whotbar proparty ahall bo purchaaad aa a a lu tor th* propoaad naw acboci lb tb* Baybrook aaetton. Th* plot aug- gaatsd I* attaalod a t Virginia atraat and Dolan avanua, oppoati* th* pr*a«nt Baybreok School, which la said to b* ovorcrowdod. It holonga lo th* Abram Woodruff astate, t* IH x I t t fast and bald a t

Amout thra yaar* kgo a propoaltWa Oo parch*** th* let tor playgroaad pur- poaa* waa vatad down by n largo ma- Jorttja

Th* hoard will fin th* Chrltcmas va- eatlon a t th* moating of Docomhor. At- tondane* Officor Alfred J, Thoma* ro- portod baring mnd* elghly-ftv* visit* to hamat of abaant pupils dnrtag Octo- bar.

BEBIEW SOesn TO HOLD DEBATERaport* mad* lact night nt a ma*t.<

tug of the T. M. W. H. A. af Easog County a t th* synagogu* In Bloomflald avandn. Glen Rtdgo, ptatad that lb* maaak* hall hald raeantly by ih* *r- gaalnatlon had hasn a nuccoaa

At th* masting on Novambor t t A Ba­hai* will ba bald on who I t tb* ikoat pramlnaat Jaw In Amarlca. Hlsa Rosa OlHngar of Bloomflald prealdad laap night Ik lha abMnce of.Praa^Okt. W t- ta a iM ahand. Robart Abrams o tH o n t- claIr was naoaad chalnsan aC tk* pkb- llolty eommltla*.

* - ■ r -I------ -


tsiw will b* iMld Baturday a a m tk g . He wamhetr t t . a t II o'cloch, a t th* hom* a t Hr*. Nathanlsl Kanau lk..lUBg*wdM avaaun Glap Bldgs, who I t prtaldont of Th* a K tm pia Tht to c lc ir ba* boan farmad far tha purpoa* of ravteWlng hooka and play*, aad a e«art*r-hour round tabi* U lh on thoa* aublaeta At thU m atting a lactur* will h* g ivtn by Joy** Kllmar, urasldent of th* Olekan* ya llaw thlp ol Natr Tdrfc.'

DOE SAIW O SAIII EECnONAt a (PdeUI aiaotlan yaatorduy a f-

Uitioon the beard of m anagers <jf th* Dim* Bavinr* Kank llllsB ika vooanor oaueaB hy lha daath df tk* praetdanl, Jam** U Hnya. lest J e e a

Dr. Bam0*1 & Robartaoa fom tor f irs t ute* praddant. waa olaatad praaldenti Jakn r . Conroy, second vio* praaldent, WM edvaiead to Hr. Behoruen’a fa r m ar afflco, aad G*ot«* 9. Caepar, mem bar of tho hoard of mauaBarc, WM alactad aaaead via* prsatdaal, aW Chart** C. Lana, oaehlar.


Grad* B raw milk will be barred from sal* In tb* Orang** If th* varlou* haalth department* concur In tb* rec­ommendation mnd* last night a t a meeting of ih* Milk Commission of th* Oranges. East Orange authorltle* had decldad to bar that grade of milk, and t'.ok the m atter up with the remmta- ■Ion. Th* memtxr* agreed th a t such a step was In ksaping with the policy of gradually coming to a point wber* oaty eartiflod raw milk will be told.

Th* o rfan littlon of th* rommlsaienIII ho mad* mor* compact, it la bs-

llavsd hy by-laws which were adoptad last night,

Inquiilts from (lien Rldg* rnmndad th* pretpsci* *f obtaining aarvla* from th* oomtnisalen, but no dsflnlt* alctlen was taken a t th* maating.- ^ - f I -


Th* **cond of a *«rl** of *p*elal Mr- vice* being conducted this week In i t n e l 'a CangTegatienal Churek, Nutl*y, under the auiplcee a t th* heard of daa- cona will b* bald tonight. The apaakor will h* Rav. William T. BouU, paalor of th* Bound Brook Cougragatlonal Church. On ITIday night th* d o tin g sarvle* will b« held. Rev. T. AIrd Mof­fat, p a tte r of th* Flrat Congrogatlonal Jubg Utm orial Churefa, th is city, bolng th* speaker.

T r o ^ No. I, Boy ieenU , of Bt. F^ul'a Church mot teat night. Rav. Hanry J. Condit, the pastor, being raappointsd aoout maater. Twtnly mambara af lha organltadon wor* presanu Th* troop committee will be appointed Bout weak.

At VInoant Hethodlat . Bptecopal Church th* eommltta* of duaitor hub- drod wltl attend th* vidwoak larvlo* tonight, which will b* tad by C. a VrooM, chairman.

Rav. Harold V . Bcheneic will apaak oa ‘Tk* Bacond Temptation" a t Franklin Reforroad Cbureb taa lg h t

‘Tha Grac* Church Guild met y*it*r- Bay afternoon a t tb* parish hou** to ooiAPlet* plans for a CbrtstmM salt, Tuesday aiiemeon, December I. There witl ala* be a Chrlilmaa trs* fa r cbll- dran and taa will b* servad during th* aftaraoon. H ra Brnaot Pulafard 1* in eharga..■Fpllewlsi aa •niartainm ant to b* givan by th* Han'* Club of Bt. Pour* C onfrpgatleasl Church Thuipdby night, Nov*mb«r t t , the Woman'* Guild wtll **rv« a obafing dish luppsr. Hr*. B- D Bsrlkil ts chairman of th* uammltl** In e j u ^ a ,

/ WASONGTON SOOEn EVENTSHla* Gertrud* H. O'HdUy. social odi-

to r of th* Phlladoittil* Public Lodger, wtll *p«ak lo th* membar* of tb* W athlngton B*cl*ty and ttadr guoaU Monday night. Navomber IT. a t th* club hou**. ] • Proopoet s tn o t. East D m aga Hor aubjoet will ba "Irish W it and Humor." This *T*Bt wtll m ark th* opwnlag o f Ih* **aaogV progrun In the woman'* d*p*rtm*ht and will ho under th* auiplcai ol lha departmant cd lit- a ta tara , b f which U ra John F. Conroy la ohatmian. Irish ballade, appropriai* to lb* occasion will b* sung Martin J. Roynolda a mombor of tha club. P rior la h*f talk Hlia 0'B*IIIy will b* i Ui* dinner gueat of Dr. and Mra T. j (ycanar Bloan* a t their home, Montrose avaaue, Beuth Granga

B beef rtean dlnn*r will take placa a t 'th* club Baturday night, Nov*mh*r t i , to r Ri*n m*mb*ra with a spaalal *•- tnrrnIrtneBt d u rtn i Blnnhr,


ChArK*d wtth mAllclouii mt»ehl«f, ft^ur lfon(ctftlr jrotiTiv m*n. Fi*«hk P»rrln of 1R1 Clartmoftt Avtnut. F rtn k Br«y of Walnut Or«»c«nt, MtWin J. Oulnn of S Knfiold rond Mid Ooorfo tfkrnngelto of II Bay llrooty wor* hold tivdky in 1100 bnll tn kwMt ifrand Jury kc-tlone Tho chkrc« wkk mado by Harry. Millor of Cbyrrh who dtrlmrod that earlyBunday m orntnc bm w m struck by an

I thrown from an automobile Inwhich four men paiaed him ailne Htood at the curb. U lller’e clothing wae ruined, he declared. He obtained the number of Use car end the arreet of the men toHowad.



sta rtin g In p i*/, a* the police affirm, a stabbing affray occurred this morn­ing in one of the meadow ihep* of th t Arlington Company at Arlington, when Tobias (Ichwarta, twenty-two year* old. of 10* Barclay atreet. ihle city, received a knif* thruel In the middle et hie back. John Catena, twenty y e an old, of T4* Third avenue, KIngiland, aocueed of being the a a ^ la n t , I* locked up Ip the Kearny Jail.

Bchwaru was taken to Btumpf Us- morlal Rospttal. . > l tb o u r t lb* blad* panotralod to th* doplb of ahoul two tnehas. It waa statod at the hoapltal th* wound I* not regarded a* dangeroua


Aseriel twoim of Ms NBWf.BUHHIT^ Nov. lA —A eampeign to In­

terest th* L*gt*latur* In law* that will Improve boustag oondttlon* was out- Iln*d y*«t*rday bofore th* Town Im- provtment Aaaoelatton by William J. Klnkaad. praalBant of tha New Jersey Houaiag Aaeoclatlen. HI* organisation propesaa B atting tn touch with overy Aaaomhlyman a ^ Bonator. B* gav* th* Now Jorooy Btat* Board of Tenement Houa* Buparvlaloa a great deal of credit tor tha work It had aceom- pllahad, bu t added that It wa« handl- cappad by a lack of tunda Thor* are only twanty-nina Inspactori for Ih* aa- tir* slAtA h* pointed out.

U N W H O J IH ra H N ID R n E RC O W n iE D F W I B R n D A Y S

Arraigned la Ih* Harrison Pollc* Court befor* Jus tic* Jaaaph M. Bran*- gan on a charg* of dtaordsriy conduct. . Paul Know, who Jumped lal* the Pas- I aalc River last Baiurday with auindal j lateni. waa commlUad I s ih* county

^WOUU FMBH A i n i m i t i i i iATPOWIMUIESSaHKIl

Syntef I welw of Ike J ttW t POHPTON LAKKB, Hav. II. Bam*

memhars e t th* looaJ Board of HBm o- M*n think ikot wkon a rmiioai far aa additional II.M I far turalaklad* (*t Iks new |4t,(M ockoel I* asaB* a l tko tU- trlel •choai maatlng in Harok It wauM b* advitohit to put op lo the poopio (he preposition of tlolahlog off th* auditorium la the huUdloB- Th* hallB- mg la haiDg araeiad a* that aa aaaamhly room can h* had a t oomparallvaty waall coel.

It la pointed eat th a t thar* li naw to •ultabl* p la n har* la which larg t pub.

Jail for ibirty day* yaalarday after noon. A chart* of altamptod aulcid* wted* following U s rolura fram St. Mi

I lie gatharlng* can be held.Th* building could probably he fin­

ished by January 1, but Ui* arrhlteet*chaels Hoapiul. wbsr* b* waa ukei. 1 I»*«P«alag It* eomplalion uatlla ltar being pulled out of Ih* »tr**m, | j* * '^ * ^ * '*ft**’*i.** f** .k .,u sh l I ‘•'■I*' hvfor* the trim I* put In.

hoeplUI I President W. C. W. Durand ha* eng-wa* wlihdriwn. Baow w m hack to Harrleea from th* aarller In th* day by PallcsFan Brady

In a su tam aat lo th* palloe, Inow ■aid he formerly lived with hi* family In Bhlpman etreeb thi* oily, movln* thar* from New Tark. whar* b* raiidsd for eU year*. Halurnlng M hla home her* on* day, he eald, he found Ih* plac* d*wrt«d. hie wit* and ohlldren having l*D, taking th* bousaheld rf. facte with them. He averred that hie wife left a net* alating that she would have nothing mor* lo do with him.

Bubeequtnlly *h* had him arraited In New York for non-eupporl, ftnow re­lated. and he was aeni lo Blackwell's Island for els n o n th a Upon con. plating (he eantenca dnew stated, he obtained employment on Rlkor** Island. A month ego. aeoording to hi* story, he rocelved a legacy of il,i*d (bom hie mother'a eelata, wharaupaa b* aagaged a lawyar and tproad |H d soar lo hie wife upon th* latter** agraanent to give him BO turtbor troobi*. and di­vided 140* mor* among hla children.

After making this dlvlalon of th* ba- queai Snow said that he atartad on a spre* and Jumped inte the river whit* suffering from tb* eftaeia af hla ca- routing He hod thro* oonts In hlo poteoeelen whan ho made the plunga

geeted to Ih* olhor mombort of th* Hoard of kiducatlon that same sort of dedleallon axarclaes, with ao authority

' on school* aa a epeakar, ba held. Cal­vin N. Ksadall, etat* cemmtaaloner a t

I educaUan. ha* haan mantlenad aa tha poeelbl* apasktr.

P f i O R D I T I O N D I N N E R S A T U R D A Y


Mor* than IM nagroaa of th* O raag u Uet night oulogliad tb* momacy of Hooker T Waehinglon a l a mamorlal ■ervio* held In (h* auditorium of th* lia it Orang* High School. Th* exar- >'lBtt were held undar tk* auepicat nf Ih* Booker W ashington Hamorlal Com- mlttaa in commameratlen of th* first innlvareary of th* noted negro edu- rator'e death.

Dr. W aller G. Alexander, whe pr*. elded, chareeterlted W ashington ax nol only America's greatael negro, but on* of America's graateat flguraa. Trlbula* lo Waxhlngtrtn'a memory ware paid by Oliver Randolph and Gaont* A. Doug­las of thie rity.

A plea for fuiide to carry on the work al Tuekegee. which waa mad* by Will­iam r . Hurrell. haad of th* Eaei Orang* Modal Rcliletnent and axacutlr* aaert- tary of th* New Jersey Wsshinglen Hamorlal Commlttaa, ractlved generoui responae. An effort la being made to rail* ilt.SM In New Jersey before De­cember 1 toward a tt.dlH).(i*ll andow- ment fund for Tuekegae. II le axpseted thxt the Intereai on the money wtll be equlvaleol lo the tkoS.OO* raised an­nually by Waahington to carry on th* work, thereby asanring th* eentlnu- anc* of th* Intlltul* aa • momorlal to ita founder.

SyrrMI lervlee *f Ikr HtWIt.MORRISTOWN, Nov. I I —The Prohl

billon Blai* Committee will give a leetlmontal dinaar I o’clock Saturday evening al Stout'* RaalauranC, Trenton, In honor of Dr, H arry Vaughan af ihl* placa, oandldat* ta r Uovernor. and Pro- faaaor Uvthgatan Barbour of New BraMwIok, oandldala tor United Bute* Senator.

Th* dInnar I* givan la raoegnitlon of thair work In th* eampalgn Jutt tin iabed.

Ssmmll Man's Club to HsUr. dyerlal Swvti* of IS* SKWt.

Bt'MHIT, Nsv. II .—Th* fall rally of Ih* Man'i Club aad m bit Study Clase of the First Baptlat (Tiureh will b* held Friday night- Th* apaakar will b* Rev. JnHph C. Roblni, formerly af thi* ally, but new of Besion, wh* will talk an "My Three Enthualasmn" The address will be followed by a social hour. Run- day morning Mr. Kobln* will again ad­dress th* Men'e Claaa. Automobtlee will call for these who dealre them. That night th* service will be In charge of the Men's Claa*. Rev. B. Baynhan HIlay, paetor of Ih* Flrai BapUat Church of B ro c k to m ^ fa aa ^ jd lD g ra M A ^ ^ ^ ^

D IIR yilE irSS nilIG G lE N O T ENDED, W A N S B E M in a i

Itomoi Swvtrt of Me VSVf.HllWtON, Nov. I f —A not* a t warn­

ing to th* dairymen of Suiaei County, In which ka Baekiraa that th* aading of th* mUk gtrlkd daa* sa t by any m*M* and th* a trugsl* *f Ih* dairyman far a living pries fa r hla product w m iMuad yeetorday hy Faul B. Bonn etch, director of th* Suaaan County Farm Bureau.

Tha Ladles' Aid Society of the Second Iteturmed Church will h* entartalnad taanorrow afternoon by Hr*. Georg* Oorow a t hor homo, ID Florsnca avonuo,

Fradertok Maul a t T lf BpHHgflald Avank* wad yasterday taken to Oladdan Lodge Hoapltal for traa tm an t

An oydtsr auppar will h* givan tn Ik* pariak bona* a f Trinity Episcopal Church In Uyrtl* avanu* tonight undar tha auaptoas of St. M artha's Guild. l>lann are baing 'mad* for a coaeart nakt, Wedneaday avaoing.

NmalnatlsA'Of offioora to r l l l l wtll tokej slaco M tti* oemt-monlbljr m aat- lag of tho irttiig tan Iinpravemont Aa oarlaflon M Bt Monday evening In tb* Drake hultding. Bprlhgfiakl and Union avoMou.

H M Alma Hpkrall of BtuyvsMnt avo- nuv. wn* waa visiting har cousin, Mlaa' K athtyp l i t Ro* In Harrisburg, Fg.. has returkad. batnir eallad bom* by th# daath of har grandgiathdr. Mr*. John T. FnroHI of I I Floranea avaniio, wbleb ocenrpad last Frtddjt

Tha ordiaaao* donpdning al! wsM- baunB trallap day* of tha BprtngtlaM tin* Ih atop *Mt of tb* Myrtla gvonuo orogilpg aad fifty toot woat o f Union avoadh <p iU ogm* «k to r Moond and final /an d tn g a t tho M otinB of thg TwwBSCamnwIon ton ijn i. Tho ' ' • r * ------- " -----

Thai Drivar Chargad with i pooding.Charged with driving a taxicab be­

yond the lagal opeaB limit, jBniaai Farker. nlnOtsen yaarti old, af 111 Boydan' sc'reat, th is olty, w a t arraotad In K asm y laat night by Hotoreyct* Fo- llcaman William I*arti1dgA who anid th* car wad going la lr ty mile* an hour. Tlw dafendant gav* tltt ball to appear for a Bearing tonight before nooorgar L, A, Wlmmer.

Oepnty I* TWt Ot«*«* ArvaalaM. ■uporviatng Dopuly Grand Regont

Jacob Bertha of this city will pay an •rrictal visit t* Orange Cannell No. m , Reyab Arcanum, tomorrow night. An Informal diaeuaslen will b* liaM oa th* now Areaoiiih rate*, and fotlowlng the mooting thar* will b* p a rto ' bowling for prlaod. FraBartck E. T « m n . lb* orator, aad. tb* other iBombora of tbo antortatnmonl oommlttoo. will gorvt re-

Boy (be First Bottleo n F a ith

an d

WAHpO OILWiD Be I Fnend d the

Ftad/s FortYffTk§ Bt$t Ltmimmit Made


Tlall a t Thief Frove* Fn ltlaaa.Report wsa made t s the Irvington

police by Mr*. Albert Hvyock of 111 Revenloenth svena* yasterday aftar- noon that a thief had anlarod har hem* during her absenc* aarllar in th* day by forcing a window In tb* freni of the beusa Patrolman William Flanl- gsB Invaallgaiad and found tbai noth­ing wsa tskan. the Intm dsr having bean trlghtaoad sway.

ELMENDORFLECTURESEist Onige Ui||h School Aiditiriiii


At B:ia otlock


Spain and the MoorsNOVEMBER 23

Children and FlowersNOVEMBER 30

Old German TownsDECEMBER 7

Bid Garden of AllaliSiiwU) TfelMU, M e, 7 k m B I1.M

At Th* rreyia# n o tm tr f . Ml Male •uvet, Bsai Orr ~ ‘doer. Vsagv, NvJ.> sad st lha

VALUESI VALUES!Dainty Itiinss to Wear as Seen at

M U IR ’SCan things that are beautiful and in season be called

b ^ tifu U y aeasonabie? What about th m ?

ORANGE ADVERTISEIENrSMABBH W-irtay MtWTMBlii, rouag peayte a eHaa, K -

BduhF elaas, aalurday evealag' aciacsaan M evestag, hr o n

• at., OiMgs

Ladies* NeckwearBroadcloth Collars in

square and round shapes 50e, $1.00, $1,25 and $1.98.

Georgette C o l l a r s , square back, at 50e, $1.00, $125 and $ i m

Auto Hats In Velvet, with Satin Trimming, navy, black and purple, $1.50.

Broadcloth Set at $1.50 and $1.75.

Large Organdie Collars, lace trimmed, a t . . . . . ,50eMaids’ Lawn Hemstitched Sets a t................... .50cExcellent value in Feather Boas a t ................. $3.00Watch your step, Mrs. Lady. Men and other

women are watching it.Women’s Gray Buck Lace Boots, bench made, with

French heels, covered to match......................... . .$9.00Women’s Havana Brown Kid Lace Boots, with

Leather Louis XV. heels, smart and serviceable— $420 Women’s Black Calf Sport Shoes, with Neolin Soles

and Nm 'Slip Heels, damp-proof and double wear. .$5.00 Women’s Smart Spat Pumps, in dull and shiny

leathers ...............................................................$4.00We carry a complete assortment of Evening and

Party Slippers for all occasions. Price— $4.00 to $6.00 Spats in newest shades.........................$1.75 to $3.00

The Latdi-string is out always.

R .R M U I RD ep artm en t IMoGne o f th e O ran gee

m a in a n d p r o s p e c t STSto EAST ORANGE

RatgaWir laHL *v*y Im I wagfc * t

a t C*mBiMiap*F«l*

W H A T ’T H A I N IN G W I L L D OA buslRSM tto le ln i

BMbafaUar. Hu* daa, w . ForkfiF ra tk A. yangartlp, BBwarB S W. d a ta , HiOfy F. IMpa. ale. ^ ^

W d tT B POB P A B T I* V lA » »

If luMMant hM bee* meB* ]Mf Mr.l\H> agg f c B a ■. I t t ^ r B g( Win


........... a p t* ,

/ c m V R O L K I 9

M o d e l F o u r * N t n e t yi S S ia t S a * 4 9 0 ' r a m ’

T K D B A I tO S.,'PMMBaiia

i •‘'''•’rgMgiTinIfl

(llhag. 4R, Spfhpr Sc MrasrJ m | t a r t r r f ' C ( r o i r r B

•Wer the FoUowIns Values^I b r T h u n g p . f r td B y n 4 S i t iM g a y r


Chocolgie, Vgoilli, Whitg Mountiin, Mtplcnut,BBch .....................2St

Loadi Cikaa Spice ChecoUte lead,

doz.......................MtctHiite Moanttin, doz.20e Vtnitli Iced, dez....20e Vtailli, doz............... 20e

PtaBM ince...........................SScPumpkin, Apple, CtcOB*

nut Custard, each.3Sc Luoch C u p

Chocolate Iced, doz. .H e

SpRNiChocotaie. dez.........2Ce

SARDINBS—Imported S i r d in p extra quality; packtd in p u rt ollva oil. DelicioiM for luncheon or gendvich BlUng. No. ting, 30c; No. !4 tin*.......... .................................. w U v

FANCY POTATOESDry and mealy cookerc; ill clean, aound itock;

ezoellent for baking, boiling or atuBng.Bbl. (iSSlba.) Buihol Peek

iv76 12S BBe

OUVEB—Tha choieoBt and m ott a p p t ik ing of roliahoB; eicaptiontl value in ih it offer* in g o f 30rtn. bot* . Queen, 2Se; atuffed viUi pim enfoB .............................................................. .. 2 5 c

COMB OB STRAINED HONETFine flavored, deliciout for tabla sat.

Comb.Reg. 2Sc boxea,

gpecial a t ......... 23cStniaad.

L irp bottiBB, 2Sc; Bmalt P t t . . 15c

TBA8—Our regular OOc grade of choice Te«a, includiag Engliah Breakfut, Formiwa,Oolong, Japan or Mized. Spocial, ttM 54clb tbBgageee

FRESH FRUITSG rip Fruit, M ch..,.fc Malaga Grapet, lb...20cBananai, dozan.........30cLeroona, dozen.........43cCranbefTici, 2 qta... ,25c Floridi Orangea, doz.3$e

APPUSFancy Jonathan*, doedSe Fancy Lady Applaa, per

qt........................lieGreening Applet, 4 q ^

3Sc; 2 qta.............. l ie

SWEET CIDEE—Country Apple Cider, freah from the farm. The gallon, Includingjug ............................................................

(Rebate on jug, lOc.)40c


R k h a rd B o a ANo. 3 tint— .No. 2 ting .......No. I tini.......

RobblM. .......60c.......43c.....23e

Franco-AaMricBR.No. 3 tin a ................ 70eNo. 2 tin a ................ 60cNo. I tin a .................21c

Franco-American, individual aize......................lOeBOMB-KIND MINCE MEAT

Quart j a r f ................Kc | Pint jara ................Me

PRESERVES—Gordon k Qilworth’a do-.Mdous beveragea; made from aelected fruit; tfl varietica. Dozen, ISO; the jar.......................

OUjtiB. ilL iptfcpr A VntB.i M'ltoV t%Wt l\#«PVFANCBL polrr D cu v cn v

CEYLON TEA—Tipo Oylon Tea; a very popular brand. Pleating to i large number of people on acepunt of ita quality and economical price. The lb.

HAMS AND BACONFinett quality, tweet, tender nnd juicy.

Hbim. LbExceltior ................. Z4eFerria ...............,.,.27eBurke’a Philadelphia 28c

MoUmTa Bacon Sliced, Mb. boxea... ,42e

B o t te r a a t B bcok.Whole atrip, lb.......... tUHalf atrip, lb........... 32cSliced thin, lb..........SSc

Beectuutt Bbcoo. Sliced,. Mb. boxea... ,44e

BREAKFAST CEREALS—Quaker Oata, pkg., Sc; King George Cereal, the pkg., 13e; Grape Nutt, the pkg., 14e; Pettijohn, the pk*...................................................................

NEW CANNEDFine quality, excelleat

Com Hancock Brand. Country Gentleman, doz., 1A5; tin, 17e; Swmt Com, doz., IJO; tin. .18c

ToKOtTM — Hweeck Brand. Do*. tJ$ ; tin, 17c. Liopcic Brand, doz..

VEGETABLESflavor.UK; the tin ...........14c

Pom—Hancock Brand, Sweet Cbamplont, doe,1.41; tin .................. ISe

SMRg Beaw — Han­cock Brand, choice. The doz., US; the t(n....lSc


l i i




Havemeyer & Elder'i itandtrd reflnod granulated Sugar; exceptional value at this ‘J O „

CRACKERS — National Biacuit Co.'a; alt varieties; regular 10c In-er-Seil cartona.Special, the pkg...............................................

EVAPORATED PEACHES — Deliciout stewed and excellent for pies and tarts. Peeled, the lb., 22e; unpeeled, the lb............................

COCOANUT—Schepp's; mekes delidone cocoanut bread, pudding, also cooktea, piet, macaroons, etc. Mb. pkg., 27e; J/Mb. pkg., a T 16c; ^4 -lb. pkg................................................ yCCold Storage Egga, the dozen.............................3(jc|

MACARONI OR SPAGHETTL-^kintelle Brand, flneat French; makes a dclicioua, nu- fl atritioui diab. The Mb. pkg,............. ......... | 4 C

NEW SEASON’S NUTSAll new goods, meaty and flne flavored.

WalKnta I AUaondaCalifomii$,thelb.,..24e P»P"C * ii,n ,i. Budded X.I- W„V,

nuts, the Ib........... 32c Naplaa Fflberta, p«UapoUihcd Pceana, lb.23c ' lb..........................2MLarge, washed Brazils, the ib.............................24c

MAN-A-CEA WA'Tki^-A laiitt nature in raatoring and maintaining good digeetion. The a caae of 12 Vi gal. beta., 6.00; tha j i-gaL bot.. 4dC

PRUNES—Catltornta Prunea, meaty and tq*4 er; alza 20i ta 30a, Ib.. 22c; aize 40i to SOe, tb., 14c; Mn 00a to 70a, tb....... . IdfV

aroaaa av *m4atiaM*. lea Mala aw4*4...i.....,..zna iiitVfaae*. *** **•*•• a4to(i...,.,am BaUi Otaae*. *** Hal* e*fe*4.i-«..liieWtolO*** Sit yjtojtoa.....I tt*

, je t t t4 Q S |l i i - * w i ik * A W

av o a taA T *fh4w cNeaarii, 4ia aaeartB Aintaa n ...,iaaa ee«ta Orauf*. St * IS t/m m . . . . . . tiet a w IS t t < a i * * e i f t o i . . . . . . . . . _ieateaartal*. » 4**a« *W»rt ...iM a


C flha B . i l l p f f e p r B r p g .

n r a m i t u b iu m c h brook.

• • t a r I I I t l l

i ^ v s T J S ^ -„ ■ • '•M l. B r»ta i» M

S r ' i r r n i T i S i ^ r t J f t a t i i ^ ^Z i w a »wrt«. -lU ta M ••U 1:1* e'«l««k M Uw * • ■ • ^

a s E T i m i i w a

ADOLTM F rB Ib —♦ « • « • Iw ta * tw rm l, iM M taa g n n • iriw llu It! ftaiM • . . MW W«a • - . tatartttar.tajl m*~ (imUMl UBtaluHr. L. C u L 1«4T Itiltarrr.OfM ta r * ta Rjfiii. Fwtari frw._____


A O im -fW Ia w Ita ta » M l *»*,*».»** g wwR. Ita a ta r r |M n ,

IMCta*. M»tatalta taMMMWI

f t r « n i . J r j s U ‘^ 5 S i ^ 3 SiMta •» taUir; • “ * Jtai ta* Mtk* Ml ta«U*: «MM>r - ^ £ r « S l■ium • li taiRti naMj tarR B Ml ta rata nWAtaij u w l* ptvtii l « »*r .«*•*:• • w m UriiTtwr, taM fta r. a B a m i . nuiMitata*. ^



1>1CIITA1(RIW o r r i c B a b » c w r f i

AOBirra~-Bw« im u l> « — M r. «iIm nt

M4 BROAD tT. • ihhm iM t., u * m tlawi ftatarlta u r j l lw i r ^ K «c a . i m NMk t m iiU m.. pku»tai»»i». IM.

i n BHtataili •*«. Pk«M Till Warata.At BltaMtol4 I*. J., ••• • t a t T v I»IAIMIW A Dmtallr. ta ta

i7 lw «r-

t N n a n u .T .^ 1~ Mtata. B*r*a

- M m i R. C Ckatta, A l l



A U B IlfB .^ B r ilM l. — « i ttv* u w U : m iT IBM vnl ta r ror htaar Mtalta tMlii Ha a fay H l r ^ htatitra; • m H* Ita. M t a Iff-VOT CO.,JMM ta , N«w T*r» Clir-

• unal

tia LAFATWtLUAM r , HVUr v N u u L ptm icT i r c m »T. r * u «m


A O K N T S -^tatUlaa.' M*«i

. f t aHI AitCBI He y^BHWta*

B W i A»wCall III

AbO-■ a n l

NttM taH II, IMR

lO B B ril J. MANOBR, __rOMBRAt. OIRBCTOR AND SKM LIIBB. t b U t i j WAV. IM a y R iH o r iB U a v b .

ARMT f t OHIta Btalta Mta waattai a ti iaC 1

M N .’ taM t« h a t a i H H ^ MU«r <aaa flfirai, at Ha law iwItaMA HI B tatal j ] C l . iIh Im •( (lUMral tan a lu r.

I . A batab a bon.DMDBBTAUnUK-BlfBAUfBlia,r BHIaHUa B ta Tta I t l l B B.

___________ ________aM*._____. aBatarrla* • • • aatar aa* ®f Ml

•Uaaaa a t CHUB BtaUA af a*aB ekaraalac • bB WtataraU halUA « talaaB aaB vHU tta BaglMi laaBMfa iafamatlaa aatar u BaarHIIaa otiitar,


i n SVimBR AVB. tilOHB l l l i B. B.

MHa ta , .I ar m llarfcat ta,

IAMBI t . CAwmav,

e U ^ i a — a n ij r a a ta Btaataita - - e t a Ita KHr BwHiRta.

II WaB BaMa t i f i t a n l Barta

« • BaiHataa lA IBM, ta Mi II Wa* tlrata la ta ^ i ta a« . . IMiMak aaB BrMaH ¥ — a af faairal haaanat.

Ti taBar. Waaatatar lA BaltarlM Baaifrfc J ta a Baaal, ta- tafa 1 laawfe A MaBiUh, aBaB II

BHHIna ata flU Bl i. aUa F n ta at ftm m CaaaHi Ma. lA Daaaktaia af

a n klaBlr lantaB U attaaB Ita aataHta rrlBar. lU k laH.. at f F. kat lata ratalaa»k N a H I Baraaa

laHtmaal Fatrmaaat Oeawtatr.- •r U tarir * lu taM Ikair rlta-

•raBiae ta •

-*•*!& Da Waw n taa lA IM BlU A BaUlB laaa ManMaal. tala»« T i S a l a i a DataHafc Mataaaklta f a n . B lia ik Baaair Baal n r aaB taasaa a* i B t a f f t a Baata ara ktaBlr w H lta ta ai-

Ita l aaaral (raai tar Hta rattarnaa, BawlaaialiarA •> TIiaiaBar. Mavarakat A I A ML, la f | . K t i u r a CatkaBralj

^ aaa at Harr Ma* aaB Ita lata Jaarta Ma*

‘ ■ ktaBIrlk-laU n H 'i t a an aaB fiaarH tran kta lau

•a. H I lalarM ta atraHT n lB ar, Hi IT. ta t A M.. ta BA la n ta a qj a klffc mam a l raaataM L lakHaata la tta Oaaw

■aMtairat a i i W *

1 tta

hUBlr tmtta Iwtarai

TatHalla, i l A B im Hraai, K.. ta O a r U ir a T B r OanaH

- I k k i B k a m t a ----------ra iaaa if

M r BMMHkra

raeHaiB wOl ■aaL^tkUr.

• I , aa Ma a iir . Ha* Raaea (aaa WraBrt & RauBA ktaB H

! a T t ^ MalaIBaa a t lafca . ______ _

I awalta, II kara Maunvaa a«B ara U ta ir laHUB u attaaB tta ■irau i i a l I ta naMaata at tm

Mra Manaaa Bakaiaa, II IfaBa- •raaA aa FtIBw. Narantar IT, a l 1 , la lam aa l la n lm a a n t OanaUrr.

Mla t A aa

OraaBA M. 1.BL, kaakaaB

B BatBkaa.'ta Ma l i lk raar. Faaaaal at kir kaaaa « t i aaata r lia a r, Waaiakar t i a t liM F. M.

. Naaaaktr lA kaakaaB al Oar-

, aaB aaa a l Jtaai l Maalka

J . alta tka . - I Uaiaa tta. I t . I. T, t . t a aarlaa. ara HaBIr KaMaB .

' (*•■ kit raraata' raaMaaiBtarB a n a a t , IrrlaftM , M. J.. aa tiara*

- U . a l l F . l£ M u n

W lilTB Batarta tala> i u v __________ _______kUfm 9 i UkMtjr* IlMMttl* Onimd • ig tm w M


F w 2 2 r A ^ ,A. BBB, VaBarUkar.

M l WaakHela* HraaA I II MaUMrrr.

WtABOR m WHITB. FwwrH miaatar. 111 CUalaa aaa t akaka III W anrtr; f a i in ia

H I " * I ----------- -----


e : s » i i o n r c o , ~ ' a t LaltfalU • .tllFORTMp OTM OH HAMlk

* B B t l8 A BOM,

C I H E I I U I SIM MTMBaBBSil CBMBTBBT—O n aalaai III. kMaata Mrawk aaB Mllaakatk. aa

Cataa trallari tara I t.i aat a rlata earn- taar i m aaaj taaai la tapraramaata; taaail- rH aaattaa rtaaaUr HH aai^ r i ftai ai i i awa a t lawa aM aaB laaa crrH lala, oata aaB aarltal Ear— la ABBrtH HBNRT H. C oO im iC B aBattoiiaBaH . Bllaakrik, H. J.

BABT miDOB LAWN CBMBTBHf. M a a a a a a , N. J.; aa tranar IIh . ktiwaaa

Maaark aaB FanaWl Maatt la tia u ; far-m ' I T II-

V A i n i DM t o n t r M m im \Uimf tM li'

oUlRIim OfeMNi »tot r«U t r - ~faal~aM __aaB VaiaBa aa iu r ataB Baatal aTiai. MarfcH l ltA MM. OAMN. l i t Baatk OraaBa ara.MIOM

atatar aaB far l a M ________________ rM |.an «tatklaB___

aktai i ataB M aul i f akaaa MarkH m l . MB. rW A B lJ i, i l l iM t a aAM id r 'ROIIB|R FBICBB FAIS tar HB BHB, Ml-

etrBtaaeeeB A aHilaww Irwairr aaB aM ilaa Uatki ataa pawa IMiaU ktaBkl aaB

.1 1 Maaark, M.

H.. Bill, H IiMik,


1« BBLLRVILLB AVB.______ ^AOTOHOBILB wtakanlaa; tw» Urn-

• a a au iaB at aaaa T. J. BVTLBB. IM Barttaaa artn Hr riiiaa _______A im m O B fA B aaafcar. Afplr M l Om WH

AMATBITB aaB Bta taaH ia i l tiaaarA Baa—

I t a ^ . IM WitalBBtaa al._______PriBi*


>UR DA■c m .


l-M O lS% A tL ^B *H cSSB *£l?yB D A T .

c f m c ;5 g 5 N R aA r> 5 S S ?B $ ?^AID

b GrU

1 RArr

^■nJM ROM Md mwMU Inotm* ir Tb« plMMttd iRov.. „ . .MBIIIBBI a, —aw,. I ff M tfM fLa

____ a t f%— I N I Mikftet. VrIM PM-m 9 m M ti ____ ____

i M B T H r ’ ’T ta aalr Btata tkat para klgkiH prtata tar B tetaa taHk, ■ a lB .^ n r aaB alaiuaat. OOLDMAM, IM MHktnr, aaar liafkH at.

MtOMBWf prleaa paM tar laBIta aaB atatV taH*atf atalklaB. ik n a lata aaB al4

taaU rr: ataB paatal aaB I tall tall. LOC1B H u m WAM. m i Baak a t. Mat WIrklltf* taTBADUfO HataBA aillk l 2 i ^ ariip'wnp-

para, I tkaata aaapiaa. kaatkl. aalA at- i k i i i a t M- J. OaaBia Oa., Ita atBrat aaB ra* tIaUa aaapta •a.. lU FlaM lA, aaar MarkaAB io M iir pitata paM tar IraBlae alawpA

■Uk, a a u , alaanlta, lakai k a a n u iHB ar aatkaaeaA ar • ta a fa r aark lakaL t i l Fiat* ta .

planpa flrta. nr. BaakaA

ABBOLCTBLT kiBtata aam-att Braatinarlal artfra fall Braati taaB paHH. UF-

Ma nT H l — rB PA Ftaaa liU J BaikaA

far aUtklaa,

t S ? :

m n R v r p«imo p^n imPttwr iMior Ih iMMi m ifitL i l l i r t t l i M iiT

fM tf __.n o n IRm «pp

WvfOh «i

#NlRMkBaalar' ik'T ^ U I Ma t ia araim ik i ip.

MM. warraalaBtaV

___ a a i tataa. Mar* tkilaara. FktM MarkH S ill

It:ia i Marfcat

R taaaa t ia pi aa.HftaM ttfata paM paaa •U k taEata•t aA, ra ta n , 1

raratatlBllr litataB la attaaB I r i ^ at I F. M.. ta a a kar U Baatk KaMa kruaaa, MaH

■ o i m r s n i i D

__ Ml ItaiTlaaa, at I VHeek, aa TMra.■ tiataa , Marattkar lA I llA far Ita a a f l t a tpH af Ita tata Ttaitaa ’B. ■ aa. Balatm a aaB RrlikBa a n ' "

tP (NlM4a

A m a v u s A i t T i a i s

V ^ i r S ^ ' o w J t S r af tta------Ip fMM4 ■■ntTIIMff MMi Ik


tyU Z y .» . Mil.ytn t >11110MMfT Wtm Non wU| P> «o>nMl tip Un ttpam

Ml 4f J oRa Bpowr, lA K CmuS^<, eftiipaa PrMar, Miaaiakw If, t l lA a l

M. HalaUTat aaBDIaaBt ara kHHr la aitaaA


W laatae M a tp a af aat katarat lU k w aaB H altar, ttaarr Blafar, w ta BlaB M i r i l i r

I*. tt lA■taap aa, Baar fktkaa la ta tkr fi|A Wa • ! ■ raa a a tt taw laraB raa kata Wkao Bara art Balk aaB MaaBa ara fata

tatkw, kav w anw if far raaTta H m raB a«aa,__

r KIMFBtA m s .



■ u B T i t ----------- —“ ---------. i^ i m t Ai■BTBJBW.

L ATM.. MBAR BKOAIA•OAlrTOFOiak. aakk raptari aaB atitaa Da — priaa If la a h lrlan a : ta ll aar pH n U la a tair aaaBIMaa. MS. O A K M leaBataT ta i Iai MM MkAOOOD ta lk Fttaw palB tar aM kaaka, akaat,

olalktBB, an .: ataB aatlal ar bbbm I lia M k A H ir . R A R , m W ukiafM iPAFALBB Itata wikUB at tta kleL—. ,

krtaB vkat raa kara Maiiafk CMaakauBa, f i t BraaB aA, taiaar MarkaAOtO eaU, jttaar. Bla» aaBa aaB ptulai

kaaakA SAUrfB*. HI Markai ta. aa paatta Xawaik Tkaatar, ------ ' ~ —flaar.JMWMUir—OM BiM. tlltanrara H alil

kctBpa warki Ikba laatk; par aa ta II M l Markai ta . raata HA M at Lprla.


W AM TSD-Prtat a'

s a s t - * ^ *JOI

• a a u t iu n at iHM MBlDr

A T ___tara raaIkiae


II iAr-Wkala la a& 'tar aaakT W e k e r aar* aaat i lk laB far caak: aBtaaB-kaaB M ararruH e raa »aa l ta tall tar[tara

? <UE saew n v i aI aall h iim U.I. ta r Bwra Ikaa akr Baalar at aartlaa

Ik Ika rf^l^M — aU la j j ^ .a akr I■ a t paatal: I will M l at aaaa: kw attUMTaataWaklHI. Tai a m MarkaA

D O lFt waalp Daw Btakanag a i t t ktaB BHa: CH t t a ta a t raiHU »r • • • ¥ «

raar farRMart w B B t m aaHlaa rmaa. a-lT Arlla^taa aL. wkara kaaBraBa af bartra wf

l ? B $ »I'F iiJv nlURRAUli

a n a p o d a l R a i l E a ta t*

d a y t i s t h t E v e a ia g N a « s

P teaae go t o o p j l i 0i j 1 ]r.

j B i r W A R T l I M m iBOOK-KBBFBB—a laHl iaA ____ _____ , .

kaawlaBea af alraaanpkr pf atarraB: awM apHr • • ! • • npM aaB aararatai III

I t wlik BaaB •apariaaltr tar aB* Afpriw S H., Btwarata N. J.

SARBRHl waawB. kaarata fata ItaI BBlaa Pw

I an faraiik_ r 'fraa al'rkarpa: raptrl „

_____ L wT flA raaa HA Aa— *caa NallaMi Baak kaUBIac. ■pMatnalBraar.

artlk krip aaB wa pita Jtw raiiw ia

i n i B i r______ MHf-_____ _____Bar. PrlBar. BatatBar aaB

BItitalUIB ara■ABBBB waalaB

aaB BaaBari a«•arlf ara ____

W a i



BUBB^waataBBCTCBBS^TMatDTCMBB—TaatB auta atiirliaiaB, la aM

■ taaaarar aa kaM Bnflt kaiM aaf — •r AROM M a rta lte . IH Om M kra. BaM Oraiwa.


M « t S T p i f

B D T cnim —OtaB kwMBar la taarjfc H OPatar MairEHr Aeplr m o i B R Ota, IM Hal*

RinCMBR waalaB ’Bar. CBataa Maal MarkaA III Cllalaa aaa

:SB~BaprrUeeaB HaMMa; alM f t

A. rcOWMRT CBlrH tar Ueki tarl trp — II Ollrar ta

BAkBB—WaaiaB, a e * " IklrB kM •aka haktrt aatarx far rUki ABBtwa Batar, Mat IH . Mawa afiba


MtM Xlaaarr tT a l tr . ____________BBNCn

walk. CkU al Blaraatk tA. dtp.

I l l Mtaraalk a ra , aaarJOB BPITBB.

CLBSK Stri .ptar, l i t wiaBj lartarrit a w : awtitaaHla Ht-

a o T t BoroMOTSAk a»pai«aa t^ (w HaaBr tMpUnaaA' M . wB waeaa aaB aadar MaH raaBtHaai, aa

tan k alarki awl trraaB kara Appir aar Bap kal BHarBap, tatw iw I

A. M. aaB f t aaaa. atWBBTOH BLBCTSIOAL IKBniiniXM T Cta,

Brannekapwa aaB Waalaa a r ia Blfw kal t aara warn ptaaA

SOTB FOB troCIC ROOM AMDobm bral factort w ork .

B B N jm nr * jo h n b r h w a r -RBN n .

atra ie rnii___t a ia l lA H : 1'

h a M lu aaati far naflaa io i

He.: mlllwTipliU. H a arai ekaC; lu .-k n a at a r t talRaa t i l ; ar _______•ta tlla a pUatj aHaraB lakarwa a a ta u l* Ilaa plaat It Fenaejflraala: tara aBvaaeaA Nawark Btapliiw a Birrica Baraaa. '

"JR Ci taalw akar,

calaraB wallata


tar H ek-ira i i warfc ■ ' aalr awa ataaMMaB la •tar waaiaB; naaBr •apta^pHaiWMfclfi OMMtMikr tar aBraaa— a;H A. H., Wraura RUrtrla Ow, WrH aA, Maw Tark CHf.

OaU F A m n e R t waaUB,H , ta r t (--------Otaafa,ou t HI itank wa

F^niw y waaiaB. JOBM SATMMAM, H

FBI IR waaiaB H- - __________________ - --- _____ _ aUaaHe aaB f r t a BIWBFBCTORI Fuat alaM taapaa— tar awalllaktaaaii prffar am wta aaa ta H-

MIU taipaetlaa: aalr p m taMniar wttk BlaV aaB •aai'a wark: tUaBr walk aaB taaB •io M H ar aaB iN ipria u ataB apBtr. AB* ■ " i*B*' ^m r. C a ll^ Baraaik aaB

. lawiallf. Baa H. Mi m afftaaJUNITIUN aaB aarkatatar aapart. taa.

larr • • • pratarraB. abBipm b p a tt. B n H. Mawa amew _____


FOUBHRIIB aaB Uatwtatart aaB tran, Mallwai Matal

Blaaplae B HaaaBaMarlat Ctn Hattar aaB Malkanr au.

Wa laaak raw lalta, ■kapir at awaw i Uac H aaa at am ala-waak arn la a aam N nl aaatm apaM Narawbar IL Wa taifullr aqatapad laH itaw wllk aapart la. atradara. Vtwa partH au laadBwtB. Wrttatat 111! - * --------------------- -- *■IH. Nawa afftaa.LABORBBB ' Tawap m a waataB ta wark lawaataB ta wark la

LABORBIIB WMlaB, Iba. p it taar: wark. H. BABB A BOM, MB Baalk Nlka-

U n ik tALAM BBUa wtkUB tar

TkanBar ■irabaf,k a ta BarlaB. OH>

at III Batawat tawLABOBBR _____

OrckarB aaB TIefcaaarI— waauB. AtHr It ala., a t I A. llT

LATBB taaBi . flrtt alaaa: klataH waaaa>•^1 i t f l r t a t a .* wTferkie • .. '‘M Ilta^KLATMM taafa, flra: a m ll aatw nU wwrk:

ttaat wba aaa aal ikrtata; m H ta n apBir. I » W arm ta,

■AMD tarr lateaeeeentte wark;x s a W tm b a OO, f« *

« K I S m' ^ ‘bT“ ‘ M. T.

F. T, IM B in aAa S t t S m ^

_H |M rm k. A ^ r N tiM tft TmirtA M.

r v £ s s * T a y f f i r « ^


MBH—WaataB. flRr aHa-MBIeB m a walk at Wararir Tratatar: m m ta a lta

U ipaak, rraB aaB wrlla Baellak: MtafP wark: paaB wtam. Appir ta R B, MOF- r i m . aaaal. Warrrtr ^ aa ifa r. F. lA B

FMARL -BCTTOM waataB: aMt talf-tkaak

-------- ---------- NiTiMBLAKBMAM A BONB•B Bd aBtn

BrlUaia. CHAB. IH Baak tA

ttaanflitar wtktaB: flrat- _ a a n x a co., iaa„ u ~ WaaUlalB, N. I .

iMWlaiaff l iw


TUtaar A Ok, M. J.

B IL railB M IT m -F In im M B — 1 Btra CMATBLUMB. IM


Ftra kick erata m a ta aartat maaBW Jaraar tarriurr tar larca Nrw Ttrk Hi a m kaaaa: aatrh aia iaallia ta a m wta a awallta OaU WamiaBar, TbaraBar. ban la. aPUr A MS B B » 111 Harhta pA

UB.BALBBMAN—T ta larfipt alacirip naataltr

a iu u ta e ta m a t tta UaB la Ita warIB ttH ru m Hrw nlna aat, t f ir m n i i

3 C TI Wwk film wiL _ ____

Ift, fm tM ■>>■■ fofot;. >>Ufytt rm ^ ajitb ~

■ aB it K lia ir balIBhta wrwtrk.

AlAHMAM waataB far Jrwlih H lntalr b Nawark aid rlataltr: aacatlaat apparlaaflr

C A R FB im SB waataB •kaaka: wlBlara i

Maalelalp.IVil plan m *

t e n n a t . IT

OABFMNTBIIB*-Tkm tarpnH ia _____tM p p p m U tk a l M aaaubnda a r t , Ta-


Hr i n Flaaa bA, altr, ar M Btata ta.Btamaftald.CABFBMTBR waataA S a BIltB A BOM,

I t H UBUisriaw p i, Mntalata.CABINBT1IAXBR ar

JARVIR U t Haahaata a tCA RFBMTBRB—Tkrw

Appir HI Ttakaaar pACARFBMTBR waatpR IN Haw Tnk ••«.COR CLMRK wmHaB ta taatar faatarr: «*

pMitBaad Ip Ibta ar ataHlar IlM tad faolUar with •arhina aprratlaaa taaantlH; •aa t ba ataaBr. acearata aaB aaamiaiitma: •tata pan raearB, r»frm»a, tHarr at- padaB, ABBran Maaacar, Baa M. M*wa •ffm .

ataB: anm ta a laoB H taa-nl wta ta taakiBc far a p n ltln wttk a aaat appaanara •aaaallH. Appir

.... ._ IBBR ABvarllHnc Actner. IM Kla-aar ballBtac. katwaaa I aaB l :H

MOTta iSa

BOTB to Wark ta IkMarr aaB aU ntaf n a n ; II r ta r i HR . Apata ta_ C. T,

WILUAMBOM Wlra Maraltr Ca., II BaB- par art.. NawarS M, J. __^BOTk WAHTBD TO WORK OM COTTfMO


SOT—aS&ihiriMllpaM kap M naka Um

CABIMR MAXMRBCHOt aad n n atparttaaa n pltM ptapw

adita wark.HaUtaai HI Bawlb BA. Nawafk

C1AIAN.CUT taaaa la kaaaa aHaamaa, ba* twaaa tka aaa at l i aaB H: tHarr It par

waah aaB •mmaalaa CHI kdwaaa I A- SaaB II. Aak far C. RIBTM, Jawal T n Ca.. Im , 111 Jaataaa ta

MMM-*A piaal ahaaaa, will laaah tta htpb* pariap iraBa af ■Kkialaal Baaflatrr

tkaraaghtr. amlaPA ta a taw anHttaaa m a : tarm m n a akli. Par taiarttaw aP* Dnial, Bai lA Mawa oltloa.

HMM—Jd a a r aata takaai 11 wriklr a fU t Rial paraan li B irlvtap l•••Bna waablri

I lm m paarwauaR MOrI ib KJUCM, WH* a n aaa, naraar af Jahaaaa ara

tar Ita rM t ana: m caarapalap n a tn a rr . Addraaa iMata, ta rt Mtwaik Braalap Nawa, »> Ptftk ara„ Maw Tark CttP.BALBPMIfW—MaeaplHaHIr a t tS a a ^

Mitlan C-v actlra, lataUIpntal apprnnblap kailaan

rr waah. "I A. M.

laktap Hnlaan paaf laj III ta . Baa MB. ADAMR III Martat

aaB pAar 4 pT m.





njBBRI S mm, j .

K > :

TODWO MAM. abpwl U, n rrBar elark ta • a u r tartrrr: m h ba aparatar al Ran*

tapwa aaBMWdt-pBibir a— : am m U PM MaaBr warhar: ataU pan aaperleim, . rafanaatL wilarT waawR ABBraaa Ordar, B n IR llaw i afftaa.

TODMOH ,6 t a : .n — '. r t T iS JMM I n ltdi nAaruMi iM itM

MAftlUUM iJv . Oftr, lU i f v k n m.

> lava iNii ^

•iMtd lEM* « •••• IA M nn m adtp Wm ft* Kwn >raw,

m f i s i r n

Twainh PLTUtIMO HAM waataB la wark la batetap ^ j t a j i ritatiiaik IM Mliaabalb bra. BBR*


I bfMMwaatad far Bpbi farterp war BOBiRTBOM Naaai& Ca.. I lf rn i


T o tm o ■ tarurp.

waataB tar tpaetal waHi a Ok. I l l Bikmi ta

TOOMO m a . akaat IL A m a il aSatk M

TOVMO MAN waatad: • • • ‘•ack . 11 Maohulc d .

laadr lab. Appir

TOVMO mam waataB la afitakn . N CtlDtn a t

Appir rwaN

roiODMOi t A

MAN >»>•vM ltd Ir ifiiory Mnnino

HELP W ANTED -W O M ERAMATMVR aaB prafaaataaH •eiiim a wulaRFROCTOR'B

aaH d apara, i L Aaplr aa laabdK N. J.

ATTBMDAMT, raila aB ptaap wanaa, tar aMarIr laBr; n m haawlaBpa af naklaai

•tlnr talp tapA H HllfarB ara.■ALBBXAM'

•MBla •all

f—OaportaalDr a p n tpr a n a a i apt. arp ata aBB— aaB haHtk I

»arlUn; riparlaiaa Ml aaa-

aalaix.aaB iw iila a la a Appir tIU*

HKN waalaB tar pwwral tadarp m a n waBa lltar- pw haar. ApHp

KLL Mfp. Ck, Ifr. MaiilaBak iTI a»k. Jrraar o i r . Tl. J.rfrow*CRJnr

lIBli^UvR m*n t« •II

U,••110 M dflit: Me mm*r H«ftt Writ* - ' . * .for tdniMry

H. pI*Rftd tRUTYtoV*

MWf^llRk« iRTf* RRmiRl tmiiH •n a il IMII m im bmimtm; n r 4 fN

tiM telli m v. WeiirRrLeek Il«i. icMkeart, Ifa taHBM—WRR(«4.

kRRtfl, BiiRoroURd nllfelRf. •ttt/vawat RT«., UliaR. P«TWI

MW ««rUm1 for wlieheaki Ittiaar fm HmMo wmH; tiEost irttA •wrteee* pm*

Nm A A»p3y 4T« Broad >t<itW-"WRRlod. nM U 1________________

ARRty cmoWBLL'f iMitor rmH, tm t «Ct VRrfe la linA tr yaiC

e n n n.

CAiH r««ar4i whfRAoRto Rm y rr4 Rtry dM«rtor* WTIU or o»U; eonfldiRttala Do*

MHtoR Dtpt, fprnm NT. Mil Br*R4wRy. KiTa

MW wRRt*d: Mte>r $r1^dtn aad nawatra;m ki 9—4 pmf, 114 WaaitRftaR

MW u dUotrtbati adrortlaiac naitar. Aaale t | Aqaiiny •!• A. M*: ftaNv

£4N -^ R R t«4a RmMUMn iRARa >nplorRd la

, , ___ (Al, iRNlllfoat Pm I t m• i i f tRM nJir RN1W l« •ffn * aad a n n iiin

flM-rduai PRfortRi n ne«lPo«,ta ta r fltttap aaaUftaattaaa HI

TtaMOT far talpar tai taPtarri paad tkaan far

bdfht kar at I* or IT raard If vat waaR • a fiarakaH Mtp Ok. H I Ctadaal ta

wlllla ta taan Irada; H H• -------

BOTBBtaH. .wWi np td tarma n ia a M

liaaa. . BAILRT,

H m a r '•hep. ABIrm JAl ■ IH Bntb ta. dtp. '

Btlktk aL ard Btaraafk k»a.BOT, th a n If. ia Baataatot*'

M ai bdcbl and wlRtaB: faad ektaaa af aB raanm at: tHarr ta ataiA II. BARCLBT0— 1 Ck, H I Baamtt ta_____________BOTB—WawtaB. an tra l tara aa tad pi

plan wark; aUe U m wark. ApplT HI waak. miNPON kappir Ok. II CfWiTH ark, WaH Oraatk _________________■ o n

dap Rial

waataB tar UbBL ptaaauit tadanr haaia f:M ta I;M F. H. _ B a ^

I n pir Ck, 'MaRmBOB’ W raa dTaaia aaB n a ta hlainlt a ^ n ^ _ a t a a u m ^ - . tk aan ta _laan_ tatm;

TSw rlar. d w m A. M. u a MH-

dpaaarwia. Tta t i l l MaitaL

FtnfBBAL ■ rd iM tar Mrk Mialleb aa T k m lir tiaa iap a l I a*M»iB, a l b n

fcnak H I Birpaa il. Maatarr m d alw aer n m ia l baBprk

ara,, a l TilRMRR FLBMINO, e n a t t n t. MBR KROBPUM. Buraiarp.

G . A A N O T i a. „ _______ al S a tr a r______Pad Mkj^^anj apaaau f j a lapwt al

IPam aa TbaraBar, Marankar'll, „>■ FTH. taarp, ta attaaB Ibt tiiaarH at aar lata

IHifkarld P. tlataklaa, Br arPrr af JOHN BAILNT,





WILL IVBNIBHPOR iTt.............. - . ^aatra fiM Mart kiatatldlAprar p in k n a h d , with laardr* kar baadln, aaprarrP a a m m t* : n a k d a n d lla ltr UatB

*bnSfL ita at aapihtap' raw’artah U n l. apiB; aa par H par a n t m ra ihaa daaltia n tap a m i n hean; ataB Ikan tar

IkkVa wbr 1 par th a ---- ’paptall • • w ill Ball a l •m aijw aiaan n SnttpL Bn* PBRBT. I l l W artlapln




IH MAJUfR *T- TBL t i l l MKT.A W m nM O raa kara b tarallan,

kdd paaBk «rp*ik rack amU ar brpa■ ■ ------------ ralr«aaaUlr: a n m brtora pm ■all; paaiUnTr

ban aart prbta pMd: aatimaiaa d m t m : all bn if caendanltal aaB ara n d allaa* i l n ; taaB padal B. UUIMAN. I f MlltoMt pA: aHI ar pkawa l i l t W aw tr.




p u l l t a l u b

■ nan*M nwOT ,.*■*With Dm dlk ar n U a. aaialBa naa, aBrw-

aiabHalBP. Brmbp, rtadaB. rrad- akaBtUbra, pUrtk awira.

BBLL raw aaaaaB-haaB taraltara 1a Anmf* n a BaHar; wa bur la larpt ar tmHI Ida;

Pd ww adiwiHB bafata irrlap atbara aaB If air p rin appaala to roa wa par paa apat aaak. JOB TRBAT. IH Wtahlaplaa aAi UL H I KarMA

WILL PVRNIPH FOR III that wHaaBna up ta aar kipk pain

Ha fuaatal — --------

AMTTIIINO paw aarpdk faraUp

have b haaaahalB paaBk__________ lark tarpa ar h m II lalai apa*

abl pH m palB tar baam ar tlaU af tatH-aa iartabava iH

PB ortirpH I broad r ..

pnoNB Hf

I: parlara i i l i ^ k

___ JtBR Blb r a n c h b r o o s

PBOrUrP 'BCSUl.'COMFANf, __--------— CORNBR ElUHTri AVB.lura; p d wip aftar Rrai Wrlta aH i rbaaa l i d MkA J. BILVBRMAIL i h Bam m t ta

.NBWARK BDRIAL ■ Brld___ _ ____ OOMFAHT,m Mraad a t. kaiwaaa liridpa aa t LanI

•tk, apantta WaaMndau Park. n i .^ i£ F L R B puNEsaLr-pTLlart braalBetalh, wkita pliiak at In___

. aak n abd , kanPlw aad pitta, llaaB arltk Mth ar ntlk; aalaMa aan, adrwtldlap, aa* ‘alap, driaMap. Mwalac. rrurma aaB na* iWa. pUm , abairk haam aaP tSiaa lakn la u p rtlr r tn d arr; faaarH a: a— tar Im m n i ihan rftanB d n - — \ rparIH Mlaatin BlrKiad «• aat n n |

hir prtort fur

MXTRA prim paid far all kloda af haaaa* bHd paada: apadat prtoaa paM tar aid tata

tauBlalaa. dd aatlqua nabapaar faraHara: ^ a d baatal: taam rk ,M r m t t rm ik elalh*

BOTB waalad la ------m a t la m : d u a n tar adaM tan

pip PRANK '^ B IP S CO., IH Badh1 iRatin-


BOT waataR II raara alR tar piwrrH affbarhkjm tar qpaaaaan n A Tha S------- - ----------■ m a, rpi^.ii ■ iw . 1 III I •„* —

MBONAMN HatBwara c&, I PI. Praatta taBOTR I t raara dB ar aaar, tar Itphl mw

b d a t l a c * ^ BUCHANAN A BURf OO, M OtawlarB ac, Wawatb.________ _Bo3F n n ta B ^ m H raara. tar pataH a— -

Bars ABPir >• takaepw at naa, ROTM* ■raBrSBBrtapflald aak_____________wbkIaB tar fa d e

s s r

tadarp wart; ehaan tar Nrwara BprliM Oa, find

I t f Lataralta ta

ptap*«K d*JrA ‘B CO., H -ll Martat ta ____BOTB O a tl bripbt bapa waataB tar lipbi

•kehtaa work: ataB trttak ApBlr D R FLUMH f l Norfolk taBOT-*Brraad ber waalaB

t trm4n: Iwr *>4 M l n tm tm k rv«.

OH iHPF wwB«««. «b>ae« t* liRtR * trm4«: Iwr iRMlilRff Ommtm »r#r«mA

MQTIa M l iR««r lA tm iteARt wtmAf v4rk‘ 0»lR

CKCl'-"046i Ri[ RIVRIid «RRt*4IhmIi 9 9 ^ « R M Rfid ilMft >«Rn.

( 11 N 44 NM HMt«R RL, FrIs w R* Ifa J*C A W V A tl^ KRRNd; f X far

KfIVRMYaiSi; r*(Urc to #olL Call IhM«V«AlBfr I !• T, RRd I t« 4 ThRtRdRy IROrR- iRf, Tl WftlRRtCAinrAAiaii»-Hoi«»wt*w||«.

wHti OWR |lc«tta»a ARRir Tr MONT- BOSK tl& B R tee lA, Rft«r I t*> M.______CLieillf—T*r»v borr Ra efork la poeory

Mimt. W. U feVKKMAlEPTp H I ip fla t- riaid «Y«ap lEvtRftMi Caa4«faCA BIN iniA X C It WRRtad la work fR rr

tlRvo f m t t m P. BINDmCXa. t l PRfI •VO.. Mr4Ir»Rp H. j .COACUMAIf nllRkia mm w4tk

foad cHr rofofiftoaRa Addnaa ItoHaMay boi tl , llaoro oCfloa.COItPOllTOIt^aR aawjiHor wRatadp |t4;

op«a iliap. BAIUBM CaeVRar,111 Uarkat auM U FT tM O l WRRlaA ORpaHoMN RR ara tm aiCaoiaUtR warm: aUta aipatiiRra Rod vRfN daidrod; itaady work: wH>rr ^ to ry ; food wacaa. „ nTZ aiBfeOM 4 CRtir, iRioTTraRfRtaR, NaDIIT irOtiOMa tRkiR m RRint*

wRRiod: aKpariiRiad 4a manafRatartmta AddriM iIvLfiff RR«, »«»>rtaapg. IdM cf ra- wanorRilM Rsd rttarRRcaR. LAkagi, pa O. la c 111. Kav York.DlUiBlSH laadtr. ■■JartiHMd aa tka I

ftaan ftatiklDt mROMRRk. IiorwIrI Tki COba tJ Wwt i«TtiaaMUiiLa Now Tdrm (

Mar-‘S K

DBTAILBR aaB traaw aaa ablHa wart tar r m b P k Appip im irbaa F ld n BlaB Ok.

fH la d h EUrrath 'DBtTBR far u a ia r n l wapaa; ataaBr pad*

Dae tar aobor apB bBaatrtan oatk BRUBCtn. Tit Iwtth B iphuadk ta. a m ■pttapftaM ark _______________DBIw SThr^ekl Iraakaad teralHra n a ;

•ahat. .ataaBr aaaik^B N T BCHAUB, W -ltf Baata Elpblanth taD B IV ijl WkttaB~iiiT rainV milk raata; n

parlamat: m arttr raaHiw llaW RBn H Nawa H ttniHiwB- ABBrm B d

DRIVSB waataB at arm wrRk C. AUOUBTIH

Oraapa aakI. mum m a aaa BONR h i Poutk

larpa caaeara, la iataram kb oa-a«Harm la a aoaaB and praCtiabla propoaHln ta wkirk ka Maid ilka to iar ad blmaalf; paw- ---- bPw nnm l attaraA. Haaapar, ' '

■■ iW t a ^WL II Braadwap, Maw Tark.

beUPlap.lALBBHAM—HarrlaB tata aaa m art n r -

ataaoni padtian aa adlaitar and aaUaaUri puaraaiaad aalarr. nammladnaa n lr a : ad- n a n m n l . CaU ar wrtta rraa U . IH Mab M , Oraapa.

tka plaM Ia. narpaUa pi a n ; aHlaBlaB apparlaa limtar hudlara: atala aaparlaaoa aaP lataraanai,

Addrm HaadaR, Baa l i t , Nawa alllakaALBSMBIf—B nd

•bta •taU

•bla ta raarm talip 1 aU aapartn a k Appl: JatauaTBaa 111. ^

n d aaearllr hkadia Al aIr hr Idiar,

lawa afftakjir lt in ;ABdrm


CALL factort , h i OOiCBD. TO

if H r a iDM BT.


BaLBBMAM iwqWrtd, ta . Im B ta ^ jrn n i^la Norlbora Jrraar.

Det III. Nawa dtlakBTBNOOBAPHBB-Taaap nMi: hlph aabaal

aducatlae: quirt tap aaearata a f Sparm; mlttoa aftara a ieaR n t appartaatrin far ad-paaltkaR

raarrrant • a larpa carparatlaa. Adp<m la awa haadwrlimp, Carparatlaa, Boa IR Mawa offin .PTENUURAPHBR—Taaap man n ptairi l aaakdaal iBIoamflalB): data apk aapart* n » , aatarp aapactrB. ABdrm Padarp. Baa >1, Mawa otiiak

APPHEMTICS pM waataR apartm ai IL_________

H I Htpk aba











if tA M iia i•CRorloRca of ana wia w i

win ka pmii whila I BW /AM IN

h n Mwha b wtlHaa ta JatlR nralap: wart an rm t I f t Wata

BOOK-KBBFBR parUaca d , podlae

— In own

POLDEBEBB With anarlwwa: aaa n a aaa* ami; Mak wapaa tar paaB n n . Appip

Faaaalr Maial Wara Oaatpaap, l i t Btaah •ra., FaaaHc. N. J.

MAN waataB ta raa A la n ; ataair w

rtnabla lAak Call____ ,w la ttaal tram*

Ok, III FrallBpharaaa ark /If AN m Jaaltar, m k t hImaW aa— arwaaB

Ik n u r. Appip 1 aaB I F. M, Bapant Tkntar, ■aarar.MAN—HaaPp

naafH aa balpw Tark paw.. klRHtlfMd Mow

■TAXI.SM1M wrrUA; mwHw«U r>iw»w\Rwdf4l« iHa M«Wi OfnM.

Pt mitm Md

iAWTlRa.RlRRA•TINN#rtk m a r . - ■WELL * CO.,

BOLDERERR hard RERR tkorawBhlr n parltMUtB at aaldertap oa aiaUl •atal nn tlfaa; wart: paaP w ip n III Open ta

wllkaaa adptaal bailB wHijiib: -

^ s s H T f . u n s m o S T t ^ i r m a ^a»k ■MOOK-KBEPER.

' bp UltM. axpaflaam.^ jypH' bp Uttar.

BOOK-KEEFBB aad afftaBWart,

Nbart acfltkippawTltar ta t MraaM

c o o n , baanwarkark mm a. k«mrt<

auma, rkambarmirhark akanbanaalrt, amll* laapan, m U a i'l kdpIS wHP-laaa tf im i i l iaipra*

MAN waatad ta aabaa, kata Haaabf ap tad uaBlap ta tha ban HolWlfAM, I l f ato*

MACIUNIBTP aad tod wt kaii' waataB; wa kara raada addlUoap ta oar piaal: h litad

wapn: paaB appartuaHIa; tantap pratUaaa; aa naaltlaiia: prararaaeo p ivn ta aaa.aalon nan: wrtia far appUratln blaaka m applyDB Laval s u a n TwMm Ciwpiar. im *taR N. J. *■——rMACUNIBT-Ftaaar haaP with a— b a n

“ b ik a - — — ■ -----■----- “ ‘ ‘n bIka ikaPa aaB aarrbpn: Hrat-olan wapak bat n i r Orat-cma wiaa attP apply, CkH Para ar a v n b p k Baptaa Ok, Rahwkp,M. J.M A ^INltTR TOOLMAXMRB AND MA­


• t td ba rapal Brata Maauraotoat, TH, • a b k

•TONS MASON watHad ta coalmal rtant foaartllok pHAA M BIBLS III ~

•aa, Intaptaa, N. J. Inaral

aOPT BOLDBkEJU. aapatbataR ApM ta W. J. WaLKBS m rrn -S rta ra Hlrar Ok. I l l Marrap ta ^

BMIFFINQ CLERK aaaiataat: ptarmaaL PBEJLKT Twba R I

CntrH arkI - f t . Ml

Bl^..TB radaru waataB, R J, BLAJB 00., A ahm i aak. Bad Oraapk

TOOL OBBKINER, tbaroapklr aaparltaaaB b dtHpi b p Jlpa, f id u n t a«4 ottllap 't— ;

mua pa rrlbbla aad quirk warhrr; pama* n n l paalUaa Far Iba Hphl naa. Btata apk natloaaMtr. aapaflaan Bad ailup a n i d aP

T^da. p. O. Bta T, FIHaflalB. NTj T ^uadar'TOOLHARKS fllpt-elaat,

th b b t far Chaaud at..

aba paod uachlabt far aqallaOUOK. I l l Chaaud M . i R f.

far Jlp wark

TtraLMAKBRB aa ****■b r mmpatant M n ; Il FKRP DROR, II SawtarP kowrta


MACMINlBT-nAII-erepaB nak tar

MACMINPris PaaB Bbaar, akB All-aranB mtikb*

M«oAI»> CRi DRRbRfy. Cini&

s r w *

i* 5 > iirr5 L TBSMiB

MACRINIBT. hlPh-ama wa ^DANB MFO. « , T l l l b th

DRIVER—Taaap man, aaparlaiien b Pdir* •dap rrdtra. CHI a t t l Fourth ara. But Oraapa _________^

DRtVBR waataB tar jntaU altk'an al ark, Intaptaa,Hr n i l Biupva roatk Ap-

DIPHWABHBR aaB aaab waataR fai Narth Paarth d . , ------- -

artb aBaaaramaai HP Farrr ai


BOTB waataB tar aflba aaB tartan •••■ panyark^t^Ap^T^ RTATT IWIar Baadap

BOT ta Bdital afflca wka raa p w a ^ m - ■aata m B tb ; ILia a w nS ^ KOCH-

B C II Wabdar d .____________________--- iblii

BOiN MIp. Ok, Martbaa. N. J.BOTS ft “ 3BN

H wars J. S OP* Plrtl aaB Barpn da

BOT OaaS alraap bar ar d a bld a ia want* a i i t t a r t a t a t bW rrn. CHI w a b n b s t

Maw Tark a n .

aarpaik BALLOVBR H I Fdaca ta

Wkara: n arb l MiaHloa dirteiad «• aar ntal*

TBL. H ll M U iB B R k ir^


c o s OnFMAN.•W Baawr.

* T 2 S s r -

HtOKEaT apd eub prbm paM tar rear haaaohalB furaltark rarpatk rupk daraa

b brpa ar aaiHI lab; Bob'! ptaa raar far*— *---------- ----Htwra awar batan anaadUap « . DANi: IH-llt HHaar ta PkauftiarEd IfliAT BMITM'S Tl Aoadamr ta —Wa bur tu d

•nB'baaB farHtan, tldbUf, a m r ik b s aartfcMp paa tall; par atora ikaa dhar Baabra: pal aap prtata rlrali ia i t i l l M hi

Daablk MI Habap at. para liralU rk haatahald pnBk

. baabk brie-a.hna, ab. Hki walba BANiI l R l l l - l lf Habap ta

A T ZM TOD HAVE TRIED OTMBIUI, M naM BB’l . 1*11 Hanaad d ., b a p a lm i-

Itm t f i r e r y tbeoifptlae: para «aak: m an H n a k Fkaaa ar poa^Hi w tn r ip i t iL

I Ban n t aakOHI

BOT waataB to bbd ha aMt ta rnB aap ardtk

B auad aLm r S 6 , * J S

BOT waataB Par w balm la raaBr aaB ta- baaaa aUta: meat kata paaB rataraaak I

Farrp ta

• " - ^ ^ M f T / o t a j r s * f « a ^Rma-

ELBCTSICIAN—Bapadaaead motrra. d r , M-U par dap; In P batarrk daadr work:

bill (dart, at aaaa; a m pauap maa u oFiira m im niar. I l l waaS ah aan adranoamaat: •baalar ruaaar, fM tan nanda, arm ai d iaap a m bbanra, talarad or whiia: ati- Tanaak tar k d a i bwtiar. wHtor, houaaraaa, pmlar, taamdar. ehaC, whlia; m aehbid •■■

r. Ilraarad ; dh ar aaraarba. OBHMAM-AMBSICAN AOKNCT. ab. Hmad II raara l i Cadar ta

IBBAND bar waaaBLORMlfll, 111a m u R Appir BAILZT A ---- m m ML

FORBHAN- Waal h rawaa for aUm dapart- aMBl ar aaallap pnartawal; bdapandaat

bBp fartorp: abaa tll* milw frm iRarart. laiarabw war ba RkB PuaiBar atiaraooa, Nanmbar IR d OmnaaalH Mdal. Nawark.PVRNITDRM ksB a h m .partar w uuR WaTBON W arekeifi H - irS b ib la r ark. Ban Oraaik ____

MOLDBRS—Wa I— paad m n : ItT.H a i lap apa and tn arb i Bw ft. Nawa ofOn

■ wrtta

MOLDERB aad ta n maimn, BBWITT Ban Jll**** ^ B m M n aak aaB Nwtt

UACNliBbatlaBk lapalra Baaui Hitaaalh a t, aaar MODtLit.' f f l

iiaalk arkHILLWRIOHT far pn iik l warki aaB baBar

a tu r l F . M. tH ilelkew TtaHBCHAMICAL Brallmaa wi Orpau Ok, Oarwtap, N. J.waataS TOTMT

NEWARK Iknwar aaB ftark aaam bamlap, m Maalh: tk ap b qaadbaa, PSA N SI^

Inditila, Dapi H i W, Bacbia g , M, T.o ffio b BOT—OaaB tpfaileiUir far bap, H

u I t papia aid; aa a iia rb a n aaomiirp. ABBran la awa baapwawap, Maantutarw,Boa II, Mrap afftakOFFIOB ABSIKrANT—TaaBp Baa, .

with plawbtna aa* baatba npalr aaak ABnna Oppwlaallr. B n If l, alfltk

tanStari r b S *' Nawa

ornC M BOT wbataR aaar If ra tn , AP* frn« m f ap*. ntarp wkniad aad latar*

•aoaa. OSIaa. a n H, Nawa dllak

TOOLMJLKBR tor b n n btka frar t : MlBt tT tr . iS f f .n a lK J 'r k ^ * * " * * ' * ^taOLHAKERB. aamartaaa tt n Me lb —

ami •aparimfntar wark, iBa y p aa ilb i Ok. H OolaatMa taTOOLMAKKR

Jawalar akap. IR Mawa affba.

aatBaa aaab bf f a S k w r i nA B B -

TOOL Baaiaam amajrt ta r 'd am H iata iS ^ a a a w t r S » o i i l * 0 S S d C V T

TSIMMBRBMb ■ ■lak.

I baBr amrk: aMdata tattarrw d L T i n . " ”

TAlLORr*Oa«l—Oaad biwRalma aad pr— r aR aad p n i r earm aik Biat OnaRB Ok, Mf MaCi ta. Bad Oraafk

TAILOR waataB, b ftar tad p n uin a b wart: -------" " '

ta ricki partr.lad, b ftar tad pnlT aaw n d i: U f a waafeJjtaMr paHUnHI N artklw rnia aL

_____ _____________ I tawaptk-pkar, alartk aHtapMa aad m a r alhar m B poalllau la efPd paa la prtraMnarmp ___ ___ .lawllb i. haub, afflnk alorak

DROVE AOBNCT.I f l MUa a t, BaM Oiaagk

COOKS wHUtaatb rlwhwtakHk kiii l i s bwadmamk aH aaru af kim w arkwi waatad. ABBAT, Btaplarmnt ABaaep, Iff M vint ta i a p n araabBk Tftaphaaa HBS a rttaCOOKS -Blaa aaaka. t l »kawkartaiin BBS

wHiramli I t aaipfk H kaanwerl— i i4M a«k. Naatdalr. ICOOKS baadi • • ,

akaabamaM amatKaqMdawatkHt

tMBlMHa at, Bad Oraapi.COOK-


'WaauR ta a t nak aad Mata laaa*M F f t j K S K n b y i a B T h a r a ^jbfb rtMT ta. omupk

COOK—Om wka n a aaak Mae •••k:AMtr *«ALD0KFr Mf

B HIara.

^baar aadr sB alStll

COOK—1 • f^ b

—TFaaaa ta B iMBilr; aaMH MKeMMil


'n p rHaR ABB— — ata tk B n iL nnak ,___________

TAILOS, aapwb a n B. at aaw aad t i n wart; waen Ilk CHI ffl

ark , aaratt BIntatbIB arkV ntla

TAILOR—C n ta u k d waatad: iH ld t PbM* Iba. n WaLOVAANBBT, MDBrbB* (MB ark . Bamall. N. J.

TAILOR waatad: rtaa tr warii; S MBIBS U t A rn a n , atraw

mmm mmjmIWBVIXnB

TRUCK Brtrar wbH tB tar aNs J B i * Baak ta , a r t tar 3oS

TBMlBB Warhar: erterbBeeB.eejflntapaaB■ lk '% t f S l '2 * * * * * * * * " ^

o rn c Klo o a itirtwwi

w>fm in MM

mxrKiiiWANTNDd sp a n t h : M W

BCHAMl u tih aLBOTwwtaa BL

•tad_ta_r«a, arraart: w a f n ^waak. BAKER Ftfatlip Ciwipaap,

BOT ahdtt If Pf ark

bwlahar wapaa; « • H I Btwih oraapa

BOT b n H aatata afftak AiPlr f BaflinB pi- app. B rlrt Chwrrt BUlbit, Baal Or-



MlilM i a ^ bpM tar annd-lm B fanltark • a n A abk: hart— dfbUr MaflBaatbA H Lataralta aRrBkPkr IHTB M artri_____

1 FAT a M r priaa tar taanB-haaB faj altark aaraaM pad rapa JOB FOBS IH Oraapa at, Mawnfc.

P A T S n i

’^ U : * . S & ' ; k ; £ R B g E £ ^ I i S S l i tFT.BOTR waatad n laH praaan; Hpht wart.

BUBIMOO, II iGuiaMll « , th b i o n rBOTB waawB, If ta H

aarr MSTCa., H Bar raaik IS tr 'c S S h ta , Oraapk

BOT—CHaraBIII ■If MarkH ta

BUTLBS Whlta, . faadir: rurr— |i


m a . anka, t lama: ttfaata.

ta Ua bam F a t f tb a a ^ pH


___ AND 'FriADT FO«|.TtoNP n murr-cLAJU men

BBPORB I fA ^ d :

BAMNB * ¥ s


INTBKD-■ flo o r

0***^“ X. C*-***.^ l^ artia Hi waabB, wllk rrtaraaaa, bkB k Bitlm p aua wba , Brin a F a n tar. jApIr MauBlalalp,Hntatair Ca-Oparallra iSSiHr. “ ■ -----IbW are., Maktablr, N. J. I l l Blttni-

OARpBlfBR aaf ahawftrar waktaB h r ___ana haun: abb ta n a FarBa aad atbrr ini with mwanak ABBran Oardanar, B n rl, N«wa atom 'DBOOK priatlap pran i f i i l f li ataadp[ * n f 8 g B r * 6 c r i W T i S a l r ^


mwMD. FFBAOT IM FUm m H T AT OOOD WAFMB TO MW WMO OAM FOB*N i n msFBiaBtCHB a t b b o a sd to


Aiairlnpii •#• 01andiiarin ' drpaifbaai af I Z ^ r i •tatlwriae PtaMi aatUllad l a r t ________


p o o r P lan aparataia, Ikaraaatlp aand n m all laeNl paaBa: ataat

af jU k war n Appip IH O ta n ak

' ' bu'iibti^aC

FTBAOT BMnjfTlfBHT; Irtaar Bap. aa abar Im btaai baH am aal Btbaadnt aa w arttra; m p . wkHa _Mp and


A Fin. OBIk


n iT H sw n iN iroB SeuMM shAbo on d inih ft b a b t MMFLOTiann




O ^


*1A**2. FOUdNBR wutaB tar w m n — .MATHUPflBK Fbm Ok, IH Itawart ark, Jrrarp Clip.YOUNO a m t brlphi pu laB M aaataUat M ;■ oOOD

irabrtap a b rt ta tofpa laaaalaclarlaB ‘1 IWR TTBI •auMbknaafi • ■ • ba nparbaarB: Mata / ’ CDWIMO apk r r f irn r i aad aalarp waHaB. ABdtan ■ '■ tp k i Baa IL Newt afftak .ly n V * iT |FaFbR BOXBB—Trwap pSa waMaB n taka ^ • u b t a a W. M Paper B n Ck. I«f Pm - YOUNG v m c taM. IMM 99* \

]P«ria»a« mntmr94, tm rml taU lt 1 A m Y AMftta m h nimmma •toi> Im i iccitata 1 f n l A DGw. Ai*w> B w i t , t i u o e r s aa*. t \ S T in c Aewtair. iM iO rsw r / . — H i o E m iA j

FOLIIHBRB waabB, r ip it i ia iil kaftan n M * S !p a u Jjl’ " * — • w krtV elaw Aft.

^*** " i "•* tUaab A COl, l i f t PprtapfblB ark.TOenta HAN vMlaAi ftm fm n f wpmmrnm 1 \ V SiJbY

t> M^efelAfft M itatita ii U tadlilM. 1 1 i lin ta l Md taAw. A*f(r J, S E w aLNBJi , H«rv«y oiitaM n l m Oia» u i ■ 1/ n- IfvrtaY «t. I fWWJMini waataS F, C XMMT CO, H

F ^ M B W WAMTMS CAMFBBLL'S HITOmM MAN—Naaa r n a p — a waataB ta 1 I^ ^ S S i a T r S ^ ^ I T t - V S S i ^

PLUMBMR-P MBLFBB w utaS Apptp H M M ntp iiiiip a t, balwan 1 a a d a F . M. TOUNO MAN ta n U a U— If aaaOri utaaB > 0 tiH h3 Bta map. SDWAIID M7 FIUID* / 0*^1

HICK, 11 MaBBn p i. m b Obaapk 1RBFOBTMB-PIU waataB la mBa lanaH*

WOOD TUBNBB—Wa b a n a p t rm a n i pa*

t p rw i... t i l o v im litra

“^ S S S H S T n


rORTBSS—Twa waalaB wba aib ahippinp Bapi:

wapn tar nlbMa Irea A Bmi Ck. IH

pallflr*ap*S% ra------- FARvuTB


WATCnMAN-HMkiaa warka______ _ waaia laaSnllakla aJpM nauhbaa: MaHH wart tar

akar m a . w rlta alMbp art ■ b alk r u n ABBian Wetakawa, B n HR R

. s r i . ? v

ItELF-W abkem , MItW. fU;Brfwn InP bihtfp, - kaa im ia, baatk BatBa, HarHar raakbr, Baar •raa: wa|uia. marrbB ■••Mpiak ar

ttaTm tA an

aaB win

waluia. marrbf w rtm . h « ^ a

FAFBIUUNOBS «FH fb ai. ta, h— IMn ib , Hk par rHlI aaU altar I F. I . S

D IB naii, i rp ta F ra M I kra., ■ H rlk M l Otkapa ark ________



O t» i<N>


f o n r i ! #OOD w



» i r l 3^1

iIR L J U bifltuc WUH IMI A I

S r l i - 'vr« ‘ *pmimState«tey m

•■uMct8iiu li~

•mUMtrsiriMS K .^ n dnRL‘*tai

Itad •¥•.

WiM on

ft ICR


1R1Aib B o

HuNiLlwifLC ■



j l 'J* i SII RI, t

.r t.F ftflRM

o >rl:"i

. SIIUNl^ j J S L i


OiNKRriM lMm t« i>

kvk. Bl

BODU fa Ba

OROTM AOBNOT,H I MHi M .,lm t Oraapk

BOOK*KBKFb s wttk taaaram ., - j - w'.j.wT,j-u •—------ T— ' pratarraB; pnB opprtfaaKp; Btata apk

F r tb a l TtaH m f n aai i iu : tta iH t Mai J l— ag b k

ABDBNBDS Ihrraapkir (aattlMr Hlb kaU irratm at at auHta ataktar n a i l i n g n p a m i. i r l la k b ^ b a t afR aa*

ibaHUr. I 'it>ainari F O. ~

irk !■ VLam*

riHllt*n»oc*t . OrOM .


ABt U AbtIbv

4 ir « ii

tUJ l«K S L

ir«m«4m c D -



8 t n n >


DMIM) ft P A f.

■ It*■1 "

>0 n u tIt V w «

« : r » »

% a u

r : s

IMT kB# NM kM■ S m h

■ w S lm t MV*

s i s s s r

. ^ r m ' s s i s i A t e i i .

O lELt.I VOUM M T , k s o m lA T tm U T .

■ K S t S S S ' " ' * - • » ' ■ " “ >■


8n u iC #O M K —<l«M nl hM M im litr, « H ll fa iu lr;

■ACHMAir. t tk «A lv kiU O vnW O K X —CM«M* HH

AnMwarh; «« • Is ts is llr i t i t : rehresees, 111 Psrk s»«H ft s « O r ss s s _______________HOVftftXroUl—OssA -----

«M%; snM M s lt l ls f Is 1st Is s s ts is « . t l Mill SL

for spst i l rs with vslt-

HOVHWOKK—m il: BS w sskist. I n s i O ls is s

M tksslfir sm ..


AsWssA s« « .:-^ lr l w s s u t l«r n s s t s l Ikrss sAslis Is (ssUlr. II

■h i O rssfs.HOOtpWOtlK—M sit, wkns

irsi ksssiwsrh. U I r s l OM itsi mii*r>

csl ilrt H.


UOUtSW O RK -^lrl •r Mir t« bmM

Skielay ara.* clir>(•r saeerei kMMwerk; wHk knimirarlL I t

UOUiSW Ulllt^OIrl WMtak •k»neewark; tkraa It taoUly;

M BeUrrlHetm

« k m Ml.

aOlltKWORK-.Otri far takaral kraawark ki UMlI family «C akalta Call avralBCa.

1* Martk Niath «t■OC«VW01lK«-BaniMk ftii.

kkkMwart m 4 a lad «kli4LOWlTt, I Clay a t

in MMM 1twa y w B I

MC COarAITT, *** j .

s r « K ' S M■ ^ ■ D OK i K U P n i m c B O ; l i r . p m aOUA WHIlI m y iK lN O : II NOORI Af r a iK : m N i ' t W l T M i o r u K a t t k ^ . A M ^ APPI.T AT «« p Z r iUMD t t . .

o M r t tu i , It. j .

OlftUL LlaHT, <HH>D PAT.

CCK. I t f --------. trSA O T

p a t . t o t ~MVIIRAT ftT.


a i « u W A im o■OR p i n t . C1.IiA1t AND KART I «CK>0 W A<W tW IL R U U JIN U ia.

•n O R N lS lU I. l i t CKRTluil. AWOUC;


iiR u t-^ r ; [s is« .manhlar ------* —~ alia; ]

fUla far ja * lM akaratora aa« aartlaff a f ali am

|7 : eUMHoa ta. aivaaca;^ u h . t s t s r t e stiM sw M sit. Apsir

m ' . VAM ffW V u S C O T u H S t s s t^ B srss SIS

4 lR U i >« Issrs MSS' kss psrisitcs rststrsS i . lUpsrlsncs n t s lr s t l . lU sH *ti* lpw *V «5i

S lR U —W SI» R U —WssSsd. brukl, rsllssS itrls Is wsHi s s law ll, e iss s i s ^ issAs, s i -

•■sm srsA ssA tstSfSsrtsnrsAj' s ssd ^ ss |i; iu s i.y wsrli. u . t . U m 'IU N A OOi s p iM ■ s sm sftw srA t i t lls<Sstf)f si.___________S i l I U i n s i s t s s I tth t s lsss wsrfei ilssAp

s m lls s ; SSM ssAsr U r s s n s j s s s sssA RsulsiFnisst B srsss, WnTIKQ- ■ Lac. A MPU. CO., L sofesw ssuu i


HOfttKWOUC—Cl «srk ssd I

Wswsrii, K. J,p su s l Itri 1st hsi

Cstr III B lth

■OUMWORJt—OIrl tsr t t s s s s i kmsswsrk. spssfelsf BstUsli. IH lA ssIsr s n . , sssr

C tlstss s n .HOl’MWORIC~A

hsssswMk; slsss H slssr SI.

s i n s t (Irl Is kssH , plsls WHk.

h a t TRINNERt wHisA: Isrts. Ilgkl. sirs wsrk n s « i tssA s sr ts fsn fsIsS t kslpi

wltl Also isk s k s s iss sn ssA AST wklts lssss> I s f . sissAr wsrk. Csll M. A NOXK A CO. H t OtAss M._____________________________HONK wsrki sspsrlsscst sak rslA sn n ssA

srscksi wsrksik tACQUBliINK, t>l Fss- ssls s t s , NsUsir.KITCHUI WOMAN Is Isssk rssmt a s s l ks

sla iilr . t>T tprlMfislA sss.LAOIM ssr s 111, IIS wssklr. I s s n ls t

hsIrArM ist, n sstcs iln t. s u ss s ts , kssu.IKstnc, II s* ; Rulckssi. ir ss ls s i is sH r- m sk lst s n t s s s iH : ssrs whfls Issrslsg. OsU PROP. MHRRH'A Aehssl, IS Nsw MULRARNatta, IS Is 11 iss ts . Is

wssr tssisr s; ws h v ckssrs tor sArssssissni. B. ssksrsk ksilAISR, A c stsa s

IsfssIC klls Issrs lst

UBHAN. H sri.

LAUNONRtt—W sa ss Is tsr M ssA sn ssA TwssAsrs

s sA csrfsrs ksM. CsU " SBOR, tSI Msrkst St

As IsMArr werk rsi IM S p s r A u ■ O B lX H O fT m

LAUNDB •MssAsp ssA TsssAsp ssckS'SSk; s iss ts A# rlssntss s r s n siksr PrI

Msstolslr sss ., Nswsrki csiAsp; Mil Isrs psM.

I l l


Arsa Csr s s s At Itrst Asps sf Psrk s ss ., E ssl O iH is ,________HOTh SR'A M k L A k , rsCissd alrl, Uss cklN

Arss; rsfsrsnrss PSass Til Aoslk Or. snr> MBA WATKtNA IIS HUMAs pi., Bvstk OrssBSM ILUNNRt ssA ia p rsrsts L. I . COOK,

SI l^ l i s s a .

TOtlNO wsBSS, tw sslp U UIrtp-tiTS psHS ml s ss , im ssU faw srs u A H ip srsH A

«ark aalf Ufa*faetanr w ataa 4|»kt7 ar wrtla, FKMW, •AssAssip a ._____________ ______ ___________TOC NO U tD r—Nsst s sp ssr is t pswH W P,

la aall r a a fa c U w n -.**f**^ *irfc»f.. H l i t iHimAtMN. fk im Oariaas I t i Ara4*«r at. _______r o v s M n iR if ia

aad taka kaky ar Hr

•Ilk aut atum aaaa

rkawki !; «aak


H E L F W A R T E D -k lM A N D W O M E NAOBiiTB~LsiBs a sssAsa srsc v s s a rsBSS-

s s s ls t lr a is ssll shirts, ssA srw su. . Arsssss w sW s H lrth AliwsI tm

WHU Isr f ls s a s s p is s MsAlsss IM BrssAwsp. Nsw T s it d tp .Mills IH

ftbO K -K BB Pm ->W uuISA, p s s s t BUB ST rs'JsAfsr; sstp IH h id s f sspsrIsMS bssA

sppip. AAArsss SSSIISA BAS ssisrp ss- psrtsA ssA rsfkrssss Bssk-ksspsr, B s i ISl. Dsrss,

Ip Is . . -w H la v s ksA ikls klsd sC

N. J.COUPLNB~Ws SSVS aSBp pssItM a spsa far

wMis ssA ssIstsA poubSh , w sa sa sasks n s s hwtlsrs: w sfss |tS - |IS psr a s s th i prl- v s is mr psMIci iTpss BSsA wsrk, csll bbA ws will pises p o s

OltOVB AOWSCT,,_______ ISI Hslk » „ BsM OrsBfs._________COVriN, saIsisA. St sses: ki vsfksrs

III, IM; Hrtsrs, akAswn, cksCi. ssshs; • s s lH r s csIsrsA H ip s s ssisr lM slip, sppip ts Csstrmi B ^ s p a H t Assssp; tk a b psar spnss; s a l s SSA fs a s ls ksip w h isA. Cs s - trsi B ^ a p a s s t >1 M sn H Il s t___________COOPtBA wklts ssA esIsrsA. (sr priests

tsBlfisa, b ssd s s t of tsw s; w sa sa essk s a s s b stisn ; w ss a ^ liS - l l l . witk ssd wltk- • a IsssAip. Nswsrk Bsiplspscs' H rrb s Birrssu, IIS Mslssp K ___________ ____COUPUI

hsHswork.VON 1,BNUBNKB, sups. N, j .

1 1 1 Kldklssd s s s , Of-

CHAMVBRMAID-WAITRBal.. -------- -ISBsdrsss k sllsss e ssp iss tw s a s I d s fH

isksw sod , I S S js s a s I wsrksrs MM. PTIC- VBNk AOBNCf, 111 WasSloptss S t. H - tw sis Nsw sad W s m s IIA _____________DBUO rrORB H ip w sstsd. Appip T sra lssl

Drsp Btsrs. N s w s r k . _____________aoad, maa ar vaSOUCITOM. aaaartaiM .

fuanuitaa<l koaary: tylaadld reu n laalati; aaay aalaa. Gall Tkamday naralnff. ! • ta 1. room SktI. Hartfnrd MtUdlag. IS SiaM Mrraa.

EM PLO TM EN T W A N T E D - lt E I IA O CO UK TAIfT^ka^ aool

«4JUa M^UoM vltb U tt* f aaocorn: u k a ekaria of anm eoaU: flroiHclua rafar Boa isS, Ifawf afhcAs


flra oad fiMMary AddraM W. Ass

ACCOmfTANTs lavaMlvattM. ayotoMtlM* tags liiMeUJ a U ta M iU graparod. t*oaka

ipaaad, olaaad. aadtta^ wrm*B vp JM lodJ- eally. BBArKBLBAinn M Bamrtlla ara. Branak Broak U faAUTOHOBltsB wwkanie

rapair arark: aay wiaka rara ' ‘ , Irali

Wvphi, VMg ITsMHF WwMfaalaad. 41 tUdk a t, iM a g to a

prlvata arark r«ar<

aiHL far BsesSu ksaaw srk la Isallp sf tk a s: m w h sIs a ; t s H M t Trsspsrt car

bbrA pst s ff SI NIpkissd s s s . sr ish jlJ M ^ rm k Brsak; e sr isfs psM. M l

O R |r —AcUst. wllllSB pirl u laare asciwtss tiasiSM ais arsiBsrIop, ssslp. sic,; rtcsi-

cksass n t s A s s s i i a i s t Jamtr CLTT1B Istp Ihap, Hsta s a l lisrrlsM rts. East


N UM B—Tossi d m I sad

fpMaii I r a a Iraa Nsrss,

sspsrlrssid , far tw s skll- prsn; wUIIba ts ssaM wttk

work; fir s fall p s n ic s ls is Ad­i s B oi “ “ — -

7'p8 , Nsws sfflAS OrSBPS

tb ) ss c H n - IM s a s s tk ; 1iUrsss . . _ ______

ck saH n n sW . B «

OIBlJi s b a ts f far pIssHAI fastarp wsrk; • ; H ar T;M to I r M-

C sT USAS - -

filMUA—WsjTtsA. ssrsrsl f ir b svsr ilitssaITOHoB'*SU?t S I .***. ***Am it^A SS A S **

CO-, SI Caairsl a rs.

BIB lB waalaA, s ip s m s t sA as Cm I prsa sb fk : fats ^ H r wsak; flpstsM sssA

4 ^ l lMAl^ >IBt WkMs pirl t s esah wHHWt w ssk isf; I

~ s r s s l s f s.JSBSSBI k tsiiw srk . w«

oj/lluiL l l H . l l m 'r s far parssi wrsppat;

st i l l Wb asA fb lsH r tsir is - — — fsrrlrr.

M., Nswsrk,I waatsit, sksat sb ts ss paass olA for

wash Is wiplac Aspartaisat TH ItAWN tp r iw m n Cs., * Ai. T rssds i t

B Q L WBBlsl. v k h s sailat wHlTiissaswArk sbA a l s t kSBr; sa u ll sjurtiHSI: assA

--------------------------- I l l lUllsIAs s s s

■•Ah Skg f . A ^

tog •gatod I# , .____ FMtNi NtMdy work;

W«k«s i n Miwt Urnt —A

O tB U TO CAKD tflW tUdim B 00 .,

4# C M W ro ilB 9T.rk til pumtr kes ddpartmmt

FrtBp f l MI4‘

CMBb «*M *dV* poM ter artlrt' og* II to , iNtfklfMr akgiil i f f Ifg Addtom Arttot. dtf,'Nfiro dfflrf.

d n t l i l irgntod ter twMMiClof aonttlw . Ap< ply WMl'IW BAD HOAQ CO.p SiMws

pro, «od. Tijoc «ts

KCIUIBflT g o rm w A M l; •zpw'lMieod oo|- erod rbMik«rmfid>irglUMHt pHv«u flu i.

I Ur. cofk. f t l ; pAHor piMd'WoJtioim, M l: iwioo nwnMo; Ms chi ml i w i oHr, y t t r w iA MfUl, KCI47. AgopcTs n Cod«r rt.TCCKfBs yopmg whtio gtrf,

hovlfif kA4 riprrlonoo i . _pty I f f Horth Anlngtoa BajI OrAAgo.

_ _ . BftgttokwapMklng,kA4 riprrlonoo wtih eklldroA, Ap«

XUIW ^ CompoUoi yoMpg wemAD aa pwrwo ter koy f, A«d ohAMbAr m k . U 1 Hkfk Pi,

oraitA T O Iii, *«p*rt«ikOPd OA iPfAPU' OrkIfA droASHi p«» prtmp- o on i APd chAAOP Add you win Mt ko Mrrr; room. B. UBKAN. PipptopkMrgk H a m and Aemdoiiy pIa

mivpgWo «P A

: figiit work lk DttUdUig,

OFBBATOR kPWiPtJtchlP• ■ A i mgood work, ftrl ItvUif Mor rtpiPfUld pro

‘ B tC U i. lllHolatyAtA,mackUio OA jRfUid p ftevArk.





BOY, II yilAkoraU

dfOM Boy,viiAoo podttoA to ekomloAldroo to loAmilAfy: A

ly. Bom 114, Novo olffco-okomtotry. Ad>

BOT, 11, wlokoo poolUoB tn kordwate otoro;A —--— - — - AompofloAood.Noworil.

WBNlBLs, II Bdwtp it.

CHAUPPCni^ToMAg AMioflIrAAs iBArriod. I yoora’ okop oiporloaOA 4 yoarP drlvlag,

toorkoatefom f t ^

vlflkoo poNttea vkoro A goBtlomam mod bm> rkoate will ko approclAtod; Lonow»obllo prO' forrods Addrooo HookAolc, Bom Iff, ffowo of

CHAirpPBUR. olBglA tkorwAgk moauAle. S yoaro tost m ltloiir 4 yoors prooloao pool

tlao. driTtag UgbspoWtr «arm: aagMOtionoM* rofarooe— froia k«ot oHvoto fAmllloOs Ad dtooi CkauffAW. Bom II. Wowt offlcosCHAUrrsUR wtekOB poBitloti: prlroto or

light dollvory; drivo oay moko car; Uiroo yoan* oaporlopoo; moho owa ropotro. wtlllM to go Onywkoro. AddrooB Wllllkg. Rom II. Nowi omoA

w a r d r i^ .IRo RoagkDryVtelAHBis

tf Crooo ots, Nipark. Pkoao ItM Broamk Brook.

H4)C8RKERNRR-^JCiddlo-o«od vMow do- •iroa pnouioo 00 kooook«opor: wldowor^r

koiB* proforrod; yoNroaeae. AAdroM Boom* kooprr, Bok Ifg, W»wa offlfOs ____UOUMRIfBPBR—Ronpigtakte Wlddlf-ogod

widow ofl warkiBg k ia o ik o w f foinor mad oon; rorofOBOfa, Addtefi PaltAtel, IH Booth Oraogf ooo. _____UOUgRWORK^TooM e ilortB gtrl

pomtioff) «t ioaoral koestwerk. or eam etsai j ijl ia MppArr. n i Bigk at« oan oc bob* jaaHOsHOI^PKWURK ky If-yOmrsold gtrl te teia-

tty of two M kkUwoa. lagwlro Ito I, 111 WimoM its telddio Boor.B a n d oatbroldorliig

Quickly pnd ooatiy Rok II, Nowi Hflco.


La UNDRBM, flrst-olsb, wMiss Is As flss lissrris ST sBtii'Srs wash SI ksb s M M

H. rsB B R , II RkrnHS s s s , rtip.________LAUT wlskra poslilsa b H H rp, wHh kaarC

A d d r ^ S ., U«i IH , H sw ssM a sO m C B ^ T oasA IsAp, Mniac. ksab-kssM ,

sir. AAArSb IMpartsssa, 1m s 111, Nswa s fflc s

wsrksr sa l kp As p : sstsk. sa si wsrkrr

ssA swAsrsis p n tss U BOBINAON, III AwksrsI c t, BssI O rssfs______________■nKOORATHBII, esb S slast, firs pssrw

sipsflsnH wItk b w liras IsAlrs i ssrtns- BHI H w itbs AdArrsa OsnM iU s t < s i tt.

DIIXAC isk is . i l i s s kH ksss sssrhssisA ssd It ta fb s n ssb sa b sl sssA ttbai assA

tirsa SSA spH lsIsrp; b Uks saw; Ikb s h It S iea ftb u llp Bist tSr s IsAp ar s dsstar

Arlss; tks srles It rsrp b s ss s s Ms. tADItUAC. m i llawasiBS s tssss-M sSaa.

■sr, SAsslsl bsAp, la H rsptlsH U r lb s csaAUm ; IH Bistar kM ksss svsrksaitA ssA tks s u rs-UrH; tkU wlU tasks s rsrp Has la m rsr far wlstsr tsss tA tN LM O rsH kesL t i l l ; tks IssI ssr ws

ksA Is ws sslA rtakt aft IH H ts Ikls c u Is Is nrssHIrssllp Rm sssAltlan; p slsl, vtrsM i ssA spsslstsrp ssesllsat; tiiss WssA-Bsw; IH iBsisr u H sa ilfa l ssA satat, shA ws will s s s f s s is s Ikls ear ts ks 1s tks nwAMlsa tH I ws rap It ls | rssA tasks ssA s<.|t Hits Mw; ws wUI H k S tH prtrs rsrp

Nsws ofTics.■TMCMmAPNm—T ss s f IsAp AHrsa psal-

llon H sisssATSSkar ssA Ipkiit; krcfessr. Ml BresAwsp, b ls sk slk .____________




riRAT 1* l-m ., M. PER UR. OVER II LBA,, M. PAR 13 .


BtRCTRlC U U N D RT COHPAITT, i i s - i i i so trm AT,



n o AND T A B U MNEN IRONED.b o d y c u o tn ea r o u o h d r i e d ,




WARHINO—OsmAS wm sss wisk sstad. I m la i sr slssata* tsw Asdn wssk;

r sfsrsm . A W . IH Nswsrk mu, is» flssr.WOMAN wtsHs pailllSB H sash, kssrAtas

H aas sr r sstssrssli wasid sasaldsr prT- r s is fsnlljp; f s hems stdktA AdArrsa Ossk, Ran 111. Nsws atries,WOMAN, sdsrsisd. tsflH d sad asmpstsat,

' Irss saislMiBSBl, ts ll or part tta is Ad- RsllssJ, Bai ir i, Nrwi antes______

CMAUrPEUR. iBscksBic, M , dsMrta i l t u - tlo« lOrsBAS prsforrsd): II psarw srsrrt.

tiw t. sHMtasr; sserllssl rafsrsscrc: s ll rs- p s lis H. P., I l l tvilllsm St., OrsB«r.CHACtTBUR w ss u p ^ lM i; ssssr, HSSIt

spwksrsk t , ears

nan; rsrp ca n fs l drlrar; w U lH tsr psslUsa: fsod rsfsrsBcs. KARR psksr rtars, IS Nls ik s r s , Nswsrk.CRAUPFEUR. catorad. wiskss pasKloa; s il-

vsir sr lldkt dmilrsrp. Addrsss MARTIN POOLE. II Willow ssr ., HaHksii. ______CHAUPPKUR WItSss PMillsB dririna Psrd:

c ss Aa owa rsssbk. 09OROB IIUL1%.|I MsAsalta St Cbll or writs________ _______CHAUPPEUm w uiskssH ISB drtstaA

srp SH, Addrata INtstaA. R ss 111, sfnes.


rouoR E R and alsrtm -stsisr w M ss pssl- tloD witk load stsadlBs fawaliT sosasrs,

Nswsrk or N ^ Tork. Add^rsH E. P.. R ss It. NkWk s tf ls s ________ ■ ■CEULAM sad Wlsdaws cl iii s r f ssA fk s-

tral Isbktad doss kp WALTER JAMRI. 11 Usseli i t , OrsoAS. _____

>H *.i"fsp” X ? S : . S S l " * ‘iJ 8 5 ‘RL’T K .'Os.. M l qiAdrS s|.itn U irM rasid isr M, tsr r l l iu stssSp wsST .p.Uh BdMsrstasaf. . n o Orllslsn Cssi-

AShP. im TAttp rf.If, fH doll

n s s t ; s h Tp sosrk. N. A,

IsssrsiH st; SI I A. U- 111

AMA'u) Slid wsRiM wsstsd .a s skins.G*r SI., SMI Is n ty kali.

Csmponp. OrssAS,IT




BAI3ALADIEA—Cssdp sslsalsdtss. OstS- f s i ^ Inr.. rsksirss sspsriasssd sails

IsdISB, i l l Rrssd a tRALe £ a DT for tap Stars. Appip NANITA

CarrlsAs Pscisty. IH W ssklsAtss st„ dtp.ATiENOaRAPHMARAiAcsAsosppasItISM AssPsstssd.

KNOaRAPHERA — Lssrs stsssfrspfcp, rpaswrlltaA, kssk-karpISA, s t UlliP .(iMENlU'd prirats ArhtsT for OlrlA S* arnap st,i Mflca awtiisda. affles H srs;

STENOaRAPHER tor tw s s s s s ls f s wsskip, f i l s to f;M o*atsrk: offleo doj

oS;'lor MAht fsalsry work

,tss fs .- sissAy wsrk.S Oliver M.

knsA work'A. P. t^ R R T

plrsst stats rstaoosrst;ss I wiss s s SitSBtll I Ms* II, Nsws sfl

iitkt. . .. Mir

EspYwaa.jN. A,

U lU O for . itaR oilN Mia.* Of..

fool proas wsrh. J. K. yUPst sad Rstass Sis.

0 , lit- WA .V rED . TP*ItN MAKE I M U 'A WEBX.

I fIT.ClftW wsntcd;"<mk »

■* *ny irofh. W%Is .

fHi^LAe- l i ' s w'ssil "at t» r i . ■' ELECrmtc ■v< t!|EOrAIUI.tN>..,i» Mrlaiiuti


•m r: o w f ftRVUMi'I mUor Mseft awH

ivVt HtoiJ a I u . «o: tl s t , ssasnd

m ^ - ^ .fJ,!Ht,'4solsd i s wrrh ta flsrbt a m

*'**• » l » V f ■ "f * W , Wrws sfflTS;(i'RI. tar Asorrsl kaukswsrk: Asad < ^ 111 Tsrksr ru


UIRLA vrSRtSd Is WHh IS WadSTP.■■f Lt'H, is e.. CItsia s lad Es s s h ata.

tllR l; wdHsd; ssMHMsad as ahirtt sad salsH. M l P s s t l OrSBA* Ass,

h» iD 8; ..

S^iRLS wsatsd-


- o T R

liRLA Ws J 6 & ISAS t t

faotsrp Ihinwk krs.d. MEfbfEN Ckaalesd Cs.,

iHEHeRAL n o u E E W o m a u i—M.Ns wsAWpAt 1 : fsfirsjsss iHsrtts prs.,

sltsatisii f in s , sfnes.

lOVBitoora; oth«r<

dERNOURAPHER, Asod at flfw ss .

Nsws affles.sipsflsaasd : a s s t

AddrsSS Atsss, ftsk 111,

CHET wsats s e td lts ter tu d s p s oelp- s s - psrtsacod. t u Okatsr s s s . P. CORTI-

CBLLI.ENfllNEER s sd atssaflltar, flrst class,

wlstaa itssdp sssttlss; ds sw s twasiiint. C., SH A «tk P esru ssts nT,Addrsa A. Aoslk PesriHBik i , clip,

FIREMAN w liH s poMtlsa; fls s yaarW « H - rlssss; absp ssd ussdp; fsod tadtao«r*i

kslpsr; esa h tsd it C w lla snslBs; sIm ifliy^^ sad ^ ^ M s ( . II WsTsrIy sss.

JAMM I ________________HOUIE CLSANINO—Tsosa eolsred a s a

llksa ksBH slsaatss. csrpsls. wlndswi, srkltssashtaA. TSI. lll lM Orsars. McCOT,

WOMAN w ssts ftp ’s wrsrk. wssU ba ■■ II w a lk

saAiroalsd. Csll II riowlb With i t

WOMAN wWiM Unndrp. IkrtinT ar Hapltal I sss irp wsrk. V1DQ, U l P lftssslh art.

TOU was! IS rsdsrs -wfftes sspsa is; sot snssdk wsrk for fait dap; I wsai wsrk for

sftrrsootu; rtsnofrspkp, ssok-ktspli^ . elsr- Irs): kick srhsol n o d s s t Addrsa WsrkiSd Wap, Bni III, Nsws oHIes.TOUNO Isdp wtakss posUloB s t Burst for

small rklld; (osd rsCsrsass. Addrsa N ora. Rs i H, News Sffles._____________TOUNO a lsrsd dlrl w isktt pogtlss ta tas

lory, aswlas; sissrtsacsd. ANNIE WILL- TAMA, l i t H[(k It.TOUlffI LADT w n id IlH H sltles H sa fs t -

sa t ta dcstat offks. Aodrra E. R.. Bos

m t OVERLAND n u sH w ti H a s JsH sssr- tasslsd tH ksttarp ssd aada a s a aU av

rspaim tkli SH U a s ls a >Mfkt, Hills jsk ssd wostd H step i i i s a s w i l la rsa; aaas Is sad Airs II IH O. O,; IH prtas Is dm choop,MAHIlOlt tovrteg tpyi Ui wnipiUouliy Ro#

aachsalesi HSdltlsa; Isslwdtad slip esrtrs. tkrss sslr s r ia k trssk rack, Orap A tiarfs Blarlsr, slsstrls Itakts ssd lir a ; sll 1a ASS* SssdlUoBj I H pKca Is sksolsltlp r im ,CADILLAC IssrtSd e u ; a Uttls, ntkt fear-

ysa tsd sr pHatos. wtik PIrssIsH ds- aiM stskls rtaa; It wsad ■tasHstrsI essdl- lias: SH krssd-ssw i m s str s i will a l l f a IIH If said Ikls wash. sPIERCR-ARROW U asH tss; s ksssRfsl,

klf. sssss-psHSBssr IlmssMss, wtik a - rassatskis rtsu H d fs sd tksa sll lbs wap sroasd: Iks a s t a Is trsip Is t ln t r ls a sH ps: S OH Ihsl la wall wank p a a cos. aldsrsilSB: ws will a s H IH p n a strp rsassssMs.

COKnoNMEKT.Ws k s a rsMirtd tsdsp s ftss-p sasn isr

t i l l MsdsI I t CsdUlse t o « r ^ a w ; till, cH bH r ts aksst l,SM a l i a ; Is Is ssrp ■osd m a H sIcs l tssdU Iss, s sd tap. sp- koistsrp sad patst Is r a p fsod sHpa; If you w sst a ssr s i a rsrp rsa stu k ls pHn, a a s Is u d a s as.


t u t pUJ«HOB1(JI lo«rlog. IP fmMttmicopgltioo] jr«oM loo4 MOM «o MWr Rmox

ibiio QMooioWJo PMrtfotofmi III

r a w OMTO llMOIMtOO MMO loft fO •o lf elwop Tlw Quy’o AoU tochoogo, If

Boy oL* Hootolalr: j^opo f l l l i optm INP* foyg

--------- - ------ I ts PEER'PORM-A-Tl_____A. RRNRERORR * AON, i T O :

S ATSWlSu taaUltlst sa4 awaacs •A ISH sssT ssM I ts l

. _ - -------- p s f IIIA s e r a s f taad,1 dwtiittai, fsitp stslk tsd ; es s a s ts sa il ■avksts;. T sab a w sa h ss a ; H ad s s d tap h s s a ; rssata f a aUtam s s a h tsith i H iss-

sSRsnstdlp l a taSsldasI a i i rjrrH Issa a la ss t Addrsa WM. C. CAEMCt

M W eb aa sra., P staras, N. J,

•Bsmsa S H ia llsd ; t lsrasartp saiUlats s f 1 1 %

rtilttai, f- " - --------- -■

AUTOMOBILEt Hlatrd;Mats; bast )oS s i tsw a t (V

ksa Statsrtak DOBEINR. IHrhsp ta IHr i J S i n t

HUPHOBILR m u h o o i. pofteti rhooiog €wm- HUmi 1 1 ooi(ppo4y wool ho ooH ot o m |

IlHs A. F. aUUAN. Phopo Mwkot i m .•TV D B R A U R If. light tecofMP lUo toor-

tmg; floo nwRiogr ■rfur; o tiig reoAoter h o d t i i m 41 hhwhiR oyoii Root Ormogo.TORD oeottMl

toortog oor 4or. Qomltty

•w WlU loro oror ooouoci of toortog oor: orUrwy goorooiooA by Hfo*

I ff MorhotoLlU I n m p moobootr boM OMfcoi rmrotelly

fm « n , opIooAM cooAllloo, ieeoooirote: IlMr Apply i n Itelo Mhe BMt OroogotDWINO lo riMorlol m totom ortll

oov I'horyMot teoriog oori AMtoo mUom. AMrow X.. Horn R }!«•« oKIpa


oloro for oolo eh PHjOr; good loooUoi i Mowm offlM. a

d io f 004 pop; wUii l« « I k f j ir w i IW RUses, M

CONPETTIO.NRRT. s ta sa , M sad i m A a » a r s m ; Is h s t l l l i ksTBsta. iBdHrs IN

Mth: Twsuth are.

CONPECTIONRRT. gTi a tp sad tabasa.................. I chssti as sssaast sf sM -■tsrs, RSB lit , Nswa sriwb.

FORD 1111 taartas ksdbs. Haslstai Ofi saw r a d tssH W ksdp. MOCERlllUi.

BSH LssH w ssh AlstIss, MssUlsIr.DRIVER a s ts r trwch, with Awsd

ssd II,Ml ssrs I -----W sra orlrs Trwoks. _ _ _ _ _ _EOlCIi Macasta BsRsir WaUes, dMiibalsra st Dll assd. MsHwk_ssd Coairaf U my ia TtsSlHI Cs., M WUItaa M________

rh, with Awsd ,■a statips M ,IH pssHy. OHAAIH k H I H sia y a

FOR AALft-Msw HIT Psrd nirabsst wM siirs ssslsa ssl; WHI ts PMr stfaT Ad.

Asiik Nsws . — -sfO tt, A u s m t

T H E s a a t f TrslR.

|iss--0 rsr ta a d nuisH M : srp; H silss Isortn., poa

acriflaw tar fslrb a ls s . H siap aIII*—HsstaskUs


CHtaMM dsfta. chsiss; ta s Cksitasrs. I l l

. Illa d a , s t rsdscsd Hslstp U .yIPIt. CADILLAC

Isastas. mudsisl

s ll ta n a s i Cksti

Bitis. l i i lB s is s p a .

C h slisas l ls a p ; flat

B l^ srda;_ mast bs isa s Is H spprsolslsd.

I t n —Cfcalsisri tssS B -p aarsfa ; Itssars Ms,soar; Tbsaws lln ssatasi Atsddarf ssdaa;

1 1 f lH runola# srd a; MA hHAHas. CHI- is a s . I l l Hslssp t t•III DSlrb tsarist, PachHd sssaa.

• a ; C bslaw s Issrtat, 1. M, IL rssd aia; Ibats ftsr e u i ta sb dIUon. Cbslnsrs. IH H sbsp aM il—Vtib eosH . Chaltasrs ISHtaA, Cbsl-

iBsrw, l i l t toartad a ll s i s a As Is f ls s H resBi. C hsJam , l i t H sbsp aUM —CHIissrs llswaatst, I - i s a s s is r ; flM

rosdltlH; Asad tltws: sow salat; tats ol sstrss; HI slsss. Cksitasrs. I l l E slttp st.•IM —P slfs es«M. slsotrb r t s n a Sad UfkH

Cksbasn tssr isf. s li-sp ltn d a , Ists s a p flss adcr. Ckslaisra, i l l Hslssp aIMS—PsH srd

i l l fta b sp 'a .

. a ll, tosrtst: v a i s a ssrp..elsap; C H Intra Mr; K s i^ s l tssr-


l i l t pVNRLAHD tasnsA ^ IIM ^ ys_twssa l;M sad f iN asp ssardac,

w r t e

FORD leuiSA H d r 1st sad wM MW M H i I fslta , s s t tP a r d , III. I L M n t s

RssUl Pssrtb a , Rssth O rasA s__________PARTIN PALMER, PHtabsali

t a l ss i ssadltba; tally sqi ■ i a U Mata a . Es«t Qisras.CADILLAC tsalSA . ta H

tiss: win fRMsBMrals; ps ■tasx AMs Os.. I l l Ibwsd aBBVEN-PAAARNORR issitaA SH ts 1 ^ tar

sll l i i s s n s i ; srrsBts H w l a Tsta-Prlass- isa t s s H I H a s III OrssAs______________■EVEM-PAARENOER

rssatBBbb; 1s ta tEUTTA. I l l MsAtasa sss .

FORM . _______hstaikt sad tsM. O EO RO I^. McDOWWEE, M l Mslasy a TM. IM lT^____________WILL tsen n ss

sd slttsd ; tall a f la MI Assastssatli ass., sHy,

i S U i “r M . T s r i i A 5 s a :


TION. I l l HALEBT ET.A PAIR sf OSSISTT tlrss, M alik;

m tb ; will sail a k sst • • «■«« Hoplo 000., inrtogteo.

. " n

rOR tAldR-^Wlotao Rg 4lk HI I* oaafor towtog oor; omeoHoet

TolopMM Oroogo 4 ffl ___looio pro oooAHioo.

■VICE oor vUh M olirop Ggll J. a.

iO K lirif WRIlooy « tMM boA yte? m R R ic H ir m iR

KIMIRL KAR. tMMteg: tiilty oquIrpoAl

. Root OroBgopoitMt MoAWiOjWlU ooemleo. f f

i^>RD lottrthg hoAgs oMp wfW R M M « M - ' ihMA ooA lop: oil ter I lf . f l i fiigh aIm poor Oroogo fls

Ni*riMo>imur; ir. lot# mod- FlMrr. Chois


COUPLE, wblta. sM l f s H t ftas yssis'esak; kSss tarallw . .

Costls. Bos II. Ntwi arlea.' s S S S l W ^ ? * ? . -: foforoaoMi, AAdiWs

HAN Md wlfo wRh ^ I t lo o joaitrtMO IH BRofflold iL

Iltloo 00 Jooltor oaA

BOU8RWORK—Moo ood wlfo, ooloteA, WOMi ploro togothor: MO ohJorttoM to chlldroa.

I f f ghrf^tld Mts


I tf.fft f

JANITORt oiportetMTod, ortohor poM Uon: Koody inhMi rao do rtMlrlog ond poltitiog.

AAteoio H—dye Rom 1 » . No w offloo.otooaJANfTORi. dooiroo gooUlon:

work. TKOMAI gTRINOR, f Woppoo pt-

IteCtyRgtRr IWMirlMMlldr fW krfhiw

ATORE Mri waatsC U W A Bslwrp.

t n OtaSAS a , MIL-

TTPEWRITER, kBssrbsssdl taast k sss W aw lsdts s i bssk-ksstiSA s sd bs ss-

nirst* s t f l t H a : s u ts •slsrr s itse tsd ; tsf- ------- w utad . Addrsa Aossrsts, a s s It,rrsa m w u

News sfflrsTRIMMERA—Estrrlssesd M tasa'f Has

straw kata; ksad w hittsd; stssiyr « m e y - m s s t BONAR-PURLi V m ., It East ‘taatha , NSW T a k Clip.T1PPERA—EsAsrIsassd en

hats. ftONAR-PHRLM Testli a . Nsw Task Clip." s : * , ‘^ r K s

TTPIATi tasat M t s b l l AWl AStsrSta; ftsta -------- . AdAtaii AaewsM

IM, Nsws sffles.Ess

UFEOlimBRT H saistn isa wsstsd. tlwM hsTlsf sskSTlsBer prsisirsd. AttfP IL

ACEUU * ROM DssAm s a Ch. T rn taT■Is st. TWOMAN wsstsd, tws dkPS a Wash, Is As

------ WHk ssd gIs h : Ohibsb wsmu>, SH llPlSA BSH Asstk OrssASt Wsstsd, Esr tiT, Haws s l f la

VThPindECl V

S d S S >WOMEN ts tab* asdais, a ssftaSiislijtnflM ' ties. Addrsss NvUsP Nswmrh. N. J.


PM BENT PAbtORT tUPEBlNTENDkNT O? A LABOR OIL AND ORBAAE CON-cERNj PAM1LTAR J f i m Jl?,;TAIU; WILLING TO ATART IN ANT POitTION, WRHRB CAEAM3 JIN D PAlTHPui PERPORMANCR OP DUTIKB WtIJ. BE APPRECIATEIl BT ADVANCE­MENT; BEAT OP REPERENCEA AI>- PHEAA PUAITION, EOX H. NEWA OPPICE.MAN, II, Osnasa ssd Bodlsh. wsata sst- SMs sss lltss; esitretsr, tabs cksrst, or SSSM klsd s f lickt work; w illlsc Is i s Is kssIsiM with lasMtmsiiti H it rsfsrsscss. BIMliMftNa. IH ts s l l i l is t su , IfvISAtaa.MAN wtahss Asssfsl work In fsrterp or

SBUBSSUIH ttabt- kasdp wtik tseb; H a - rat. sshsr, r tiK is ; t< ^ y sfa ro ca Ad- drsis Esiiskta, Ear M, Nsws sffles._______KAN ffiartaAk). aisrHtd, s s ehlldrta, s t t e -

BUads tapaAsr. fsr isn , all n t s lr lH , wbtiM ssalllsa u H sd y mss. DIBTI. I l l W sstsrdss aMANTtaMdls-BAsd, Bismod, w bka pssttlH

Ip Btaa Is fsetsrp mr (aracs; rtf- _______ XddrsH A- Eer HI. Nswi—ladBsi^daa rasnlsd bsadp man wsata

I b . l l I b . l l i % . 11.11

AKEON STANDARD TtRBE ■FECIAL M il . . | l >ll<PRICES M il . . i M ilDCRlNll h u e .. I.II IIIINOVEMBER I t l i S . . I.II t i l lTIBER i l i l b . . I i i i iEBIPPED M il . . i l l t i l l . .c . O. D. M tl . . i l l P ill . . t i l l

AKRON TIRE fXL, INC., i l l - n l H sbsp sb. Nswsrk. N. J.

AMERICAN MAMMERBRD P»TON RIN08 art tositiTSip Itsh-tlibL t'ssd kp Flares-

ArfoVr CholgMff, Wlotoo, ■orcor, Rtoorno, Boupwr- iAP« t l M ooiit. te I f ptr root. goo. I f pfT <*ooL to Tl pop tiOfit. Ml; proroot cops boo ond ipopk plug trouble Congo oM ro* poir m«B, s tooMory drMori write forigood ppopeMUtHie

oMicR:i:Aif p ir r o R r in o c o .,tfCWAAK, Km J.

work teom I A, tf. io i t A. 11. Hsadp, E s i IM, Nswr eftics.


HAN w t« b srark Is tbs msratnts of u p Mud; a s taka o t n ssd drlsr ssu m sb lls.

D. a,, t l Edmasd pi. ____________ _■AH—Csisrsd fsstsrr sisn w ssts alih t

srsth. s sy lM si Pksas M il Wsssrlp.MEN—It ysB art Is M id s f mss ts fill u p

ptsMaa, ws k sss tH m : apsrbncw l « tsss pislskesA. tsr fan or la , stora , offioa

s T ’i l S i a m ' S :

^SoVE i S l N y f ,IsUl sL. Esrt OtasAL________i t t .8 !

OTETEIPilAjt—rijM-etass ih . NOLL

paJn trats ..

Ms skis pr t s a

s s s sida kalft H lU O r, 111 Bask s t

, AiMM. JLADPMAM. M PI.rsntssdl rsa-

Plans s t .

EEMERAL hsw aw sth alfl, wklls pnfstrsd: WAITE EBA- Ak H iis s ld . whits;

OENERALk vT JiiE r; -O r ss fs

fSH ta fstallp; s s th. M l EirtaAdsb

■ l i i l t a i i l w sltrm , I___ . _ : twHHOH r s k s l^ t

Mh MRE a ORAND, U tw H IIsT m tm l* t S aW K ' i i A SJm “ '

RHAL EATAJE-rTstatf BIAS .wsata ts I s j n rasT s s is is a id M ssm o s kjsEHss Ad-

shsta- dfSta AcUss. BSk IM. N»w* «t»ss. _____

(s « usrslsp tasrs-WINDOW DREHIER

I, hki spsk____sad •a id witwr. a*.

SsrlsHrd. hki spsstaB Ykru daps ta m h WHh t s drsH w isdsw s Addras Wlsdsw,

WdlTREdA Wkstfd; u s t soMiSBaWl wkHi V N .m L 'iL i a e a S S = IIIM P IO Y M K N T W A N W iO -W O M g M

HOUSEWORK- fs ds l U SIll.JlM

^CswoMeii rsiisM* wsimis ------- la tstallp El taH

WAITREIA—E s iHlsso s i wsItPita s ru isd fH Issch fH

« s ) l St M v ia ;M WOfwMB WWMW

WAITREW w u IsA ofMrtdi s«sl;' saaEi (will eswAts s t Cpawtard ta. pIsSH SdUTI

Ml w sik ta stee *1.

wsstaa wsata ts i sCIJUMUta—H ststa - rmsInAi bssMwsrh » —— .

tl.W pir HP- dkklP I** P sfH r s t

___W AITEM tM irf e k s ta h m sid Wkstad. Okll

s t # s s i , t t Cssrt I i * I_______ '

I r S ® ^OOOK—WMBSS. Jswbh H'

sssHkta. w H hsMdksHH, C s n I S O H . U Wsta »L, tap

QHMd sta ." i . e s a s r f T 6

X ;

rstartasa*. M

OOOK—Ah Mas dsp w w o hiT g^ talistlsa H prlrstsi H stkH w s s it

USED CARA s t Sssrp datcrtsttaa at H pfsta p r b a ; sau ll suoant Sows, H ls s s s os

s u p paptssBi; all eats f u r u l s s d A l ms- e h sn la l essdU lts: s u ssrs bsfors ssIba a b tw H n ; It Will psp P<n>; SMB tu sd sp s MtteHlI dUrtbWtsIS. CIIAAE H PERLMAN. SI lutasr sss .. s s s r ^ n ir s l s s s ; tsL MsL lU I ; sth ftr h L KluisKT.

WE r a v e u Stasrttasat of II assd sa ls- n sk U ss etsRpsIssd s f Io u Iba s sr s n a s - w ats BoapsA srdsei sad llwBaitat , ; pness

rsSAlBA frn« III* sp; all s s n sro Is » e d Itlai: ws srIU | t t ls d tsrsaslBA ssadli

d sH tssm ts rOLET MsWr

Isa: ws srIU bs i •d srrssAS Ntal ss:c h c iT iT -M w im .rui-'sE**

1H sm abiiA R sm sm ls, Bubk. l i l t , w m ys Rnlsht,DE (X»E>ir A

H s s s« ksad tsr sals; skntW iA l i l t . l-p sH ssfH s sd s s

RspatoMlA l |I I . tu r ln f,H tl, toartog. l i l t , rootetop. tooPing.

n i l . Umoutino.RIBPM. I f Bronterd pi.

FORD loorlag oor for noli; domnnnioblo ttmmi ororarMOd l in t , humpor; oil molo;

g t e o Ilpo: Mil W by l i t Atem C m ; oil in *otoaf eoMdlCoor mny king of trtol gipon;

o borgolo.ot f t : ats, tew'lry rtoro.

Coo bo M«a

. T om tn to .DM ROAMrrSRs fI R g II TOVRllfOe I T I^FAliBNagR T O m nifa.

JC fT M T AOENCT*114 Woohlngtoo ML

U fP -’ Mootor tfs Ckoliooro, floo olao Cfcmioim mavao'poMonioi

olo, hooo b*u«p aCforad »ny«: mrro. IK* timlMy at*f l .H f—Cholmaro, t f i f mo4«t.

r r, 4iMpp«ortti| ooou, look# ond rum oair: you yhoaM aaa our ^^po to hpprts

rlota aor borgotoo. Cholmnrn, U f Hoio«y■t,

TWa abov# eara oooiprlo* Umoualnao, eabw rtolou* f^Qpeo. runobouto, ipoodotora, pood- otopo, riv* on# orvon pnoeenger (otuingo, four ond aim oyllndon, mony with itorlaro and olanric llghtOr Wo hopo radond itao pHroo Oh oil ow uood van to mmpo Ihom qalckly. W« bora tho lorgvot ood boot ool- lociloo of uM«t con iR Jornay. ond o n MOinioteiag M thronmlory b o u d ^ raclu* rterty for our gand epr ftportiioMi to ka«p jM<o wnk Iho traMModnoa tola of mow' CbotlMn copiL >APDOCksAU8l UOtVR Ta H CO., CkolMMro raad Cor DaportmonL I l f Holaoy oh. Iffvork.

BKk DOBBINB FlRiT. lUT micluill, 4*oyllMdor, Ilka oo«. l» 1 f tioo. I'hytlMlM. 1-poOOhMgar.I t l l SttA. fserHaiters p m l . t f f 10II0&i m OrIIiioo. fTOfiiagor, tapointai.IfM Cholmon oowpolht. fto* ear for odoetor I f t i Chcrrolol roodiChcrrolot i

llgku OM lU ftof,•tor, papolotod. aloetPtc

1411 UoxwoJl teurtng.>14 CodlUoc. ororhoolod, npoloted ropy flno

1414 Ptudrbohor, ••cylindor, vopy flao.411 CodlUoc raRobottL, ovorhowod. rapoJMoA

1411 Folgt<DftroU toorlMg* oloetHo llgktr ond itorter.

l i l t Abbott Dotrolt, oloaDda Ughto oog •Urtfr.

l i l t iludobokhf. oloatPla Ugkte oad rtortor.1111 Choimcn fodoa. ttectno Ughto and

«iort«r.l i l t H «m r. oTorhoatod, altairla Itgkto and

•unor.i m Caduioo, T I

Th* obovo Kai li all otaadard mokto and

faaraatond aa rtpcMooiod: • « rIm hao*orty to fifty otkrr cora ta oaloct from, Im-

run puiThaolng. Call at

. Otdait ootabllohmobt la tka atata.I l f Baltaviila art.

DOBfliKt DORBlNgv x c h a n o r




1414*11*11 IpOCOHOBllfMf t i l l POUR-CTIaIHURR CADlUfACft.p iv i; a n d pkv'k n pabm n n o r r r




41 WAiUlNOrON gT. a L. BONNBHe


BRAND KRW I f l f HATNB8 Flaa-paipvnyaf Bg)a« toortag oar; alit nylind ote: ihla lo iha body with iba dlvidtd npatj tbla oar la ohjntetaly tn Partect eondUlon: hao boi bnn dfiaati two thooiaad mUoa; tho too, upholatery. paint and tifoj a n oImo- luitly parfori; tka motor raaa aa a«o«t and quiei an a FIngrr rowing tnarhlno; thlo cor la not haork knood, apralood, aplrartod or apopinod- la klod ottd gontlo and will aland without hllrhlng; whl go whOMOVer yon wont It to; In other wordo. If yon'n looking for a brand nan 1114, ala-ci'ito4or Haynoa lonr- log cor. I'll aoll you thiM oMr vary choop. hart a vary good roaaon for oaUtng U: tkara la tio “nJrror Jn tbo rtnoa'* hi tbla propoai* teM. Adortaa Hohoot. Boa If* Nowa offlca.

irUDSBAKBR. I'Wylli AI pDfidUtoa; la

f^Hockaate atUMO MMly tear

t i l l oieOgtfORILI geweeeiratar, to AI dItloM. gMMPpntaad, M M AMtamawla Ca..

I f l “HloM. fMMPanti

Br o ^ a tI HATB a 14* dapM t on 1

what la your oftopf Agdn ofrioo, Pammli.

AatOk Mawa

FORD nmaboat, lata model; partert ooidl* t r o a r a t. Or-Uoq: oitra attochmoMta.

aago: top floor.FOR U L E —VHI rsessbssL ta (SSd essAI-

Itaa: yrtas ra a ssu b is CuatH UatsAs, I t i Csstsr sss.a u t o bodtas H tU la srdH ssd raRsltad.

LOUlk N U IE Ktatk BrssA ta. ~Farms


oBo b .arm

. dssBsssIrstar, M« rsdaeiles.

Broad at.

IssrIsA, u fs sd M EONNELL «>.. IH

EUICK n i l . msdsi D « * : flss-kU i MA g i'sr, fiNt-rissa essdlItas. TsbphSH IIIIW

EinsH paPIVE-PAMBNOER. tsw tlss body, 1 ^ I

MsIdard-DsylaB asstr tsr is it . t i l 1 •sy ta.

CONPECTIONRRT tasTr. I rooms III? sluAtads stawsL IM M h ts s s t i St. Au

swsM, t l Is i ; HiRSIs.____________CCmHRROIAL R u R sek ssfs Am a. MaS

B u k kids., m s Mrers ftr s ll kisdt slsrw. OM H wiHiL AkHsAWsId ssd E tam ul s s s sCIOAR stars IH tab.

kprtaffbld a r s , IrrlBAtss. N. J.DRUO

t fMs SSSPOR AALE—Msdara tsabmsd UIlH sH k i

II AISAH taHklsta, sisrtrts sistars; estai Bists yrsatlBA p lu i; bsthsta, skbln i r s s V Fh ImmsdlsTs s h ; will M said St S MCrP- fbs. Addrau Esrcsls, Eh II. Nsws s fB ss *POR SALM-cYc h . s sH y sad b s 9 S

— sSstatL T Sm sr'ud '**l*H *

PURmAHEO It* IsesMs asH it rsIshKiAB u d i t a ^ t l s r t l . l

'I ■FM^Iy; will

• ^ v a i t H r iFVRtfUniBB

allaparlMMMt tm

•Is) all Improoomoato: aamll temUy ipmy - u - E Z r = i s n A

E v S ittn F iDI'rstk s Msttab y i»r i B s w i t f----------- . . . _lu ls r b s i s ll _______ ____ _ _

w wlikswl M psrty , sessm t s f task AM tasd sea., Wsst orsSAs. spaMrs.fVR*)


“W l'ISb,UBNIAHEO ll-rssta hsus; no t•aoM Iff: ikiM yoMMi; l U l l ___ _iON'B i a a l i w Bwhaagfi H I Marboi ai.

rURMtVMRD proterrods AgdraiM Caatral* Bos

alm a.

■raoi m, j

P in t . sytasiB ssd slitaR suB Sd asadss h s UMs s tasIsdlsA si) fta tsrsR A M b___

s is ; s HfASta 1s ktask kdrw, td I H s s sthH ksstasta; H sASsb. A W ata PbE, E ss l i t . Ntirs sl l b s

PULLS fsrsbk td ll-ressi h is w i M st t i l ; TOItK*‘I i * i s t a 'R f f t a ' * * ^ * * * ‘OOOD mUfc

tssrta s d t p ; __________ ___tasfhtaa; t k t a i i , I w sa sh ; ssrr iskta. ' 111 ‘Pwutpdlrta SL, IrriBAlss.

' asta; alUBA MA ssAtM sad b s t t l ^

----- ftabO -

OOOD RSAtaA dry H i lts ta s n f a ■ ssrss kt IStaUy s b k s t t s Adtr s u

fb s , E u III, Haws scflssOROCRRT ssd H utfarsb lita lB ;

Ih U ba tmr s MrEiJs t h b w tansL a h * laws, s s h Nswsrk ■sirs III H b tsry sL. Ayltaftas,OBMBILAL k lH lk ll l ls ta b b i

f r k u IswBj N s l H I t t f i LEON'A Eta H I ta.

rabkliit s b n ;

EAVR SS ssUklbhsd

drsu Omills,amwH sadiksd IsftUi . E ss ff, M

sad ssrvUM Is Iwa ^ t s b u s Ml

Nsws sfflca.INVENTOR H sIba had Iw u ly rsar*' »raAs

tirsi t iy r r lta a s s sBismsMIiS, w sah . party wUllas Is flaaset ■slsMa pslMIS tdP tssH . Addrsu r is s s e i , E a sT l, Haws am ts,'UOHT LUNCH sad sysirr

k s su ; dslad is sd kstai W s m s sL

sk U 'ta*^ 3

EBCHAKtC wsstd IlhS hsK lalsrsM ta astsU awrhlH sH p m shlsf dbs, Isab ssd s is '

chiBsrT, sr sasafsetsflSA , rrsu sr tb b ; sr wssM sarrhlri ssUrs ksalstu; (tvs tsss ,

jHTrnri tra lsd ssnfldsatlsny. AdwIM cbssb . Rs i IIL Nsws s f i ^ . .

MANUrACTURERTa party wllh l t , M i fsffsrsd spbndid

s r tb b 'H n lU , Nswr sffles.

spasrtssltir ts iBafHi a sstsaiobtba; ss srylkbMi,

u hssd. illlilrtai

MOVin O pb isrs th u trr ad -Osstrsl srss' B ur EUKk sL; Idssl tsesttan: r u t rs a w H

skis. lB«slrs MENDL A OANA, Estta ktaNb

plRW-E-ARROlV; ta ftas dsmossirsts; prbs l i l t .


easdU bs, P H ss WsSsrlr

" I S

RART1<3 itaadord <lao Bngioo Oo., II morew at.r th t auioBiobUo maehiaa m

LOC<ilfUfiILB, with light dalloory body: cheap. 4T> Frahbltn aros, Hiitloy.

1414 FORD touring ear; A l ooadllla*. ft* N„ 111 Brood als

A E tS M U tA f m E l f f c t E f lWANT IS rietiAHs n y flrt-pasusAW IIII

AbboK-Pcirolt for a teur-paooeager rord nr amatlrr four-pmoocogor car: hhJtm mow, or I am rrody to do MOlneon gukk. Ad* rifaoo Quick, Bo i 44, Newr offleo.____m a x w e l l tsBrtBf. IIII; s i c u m Ujr FrM

of any Ibht rsssb sst. J. WALLINO. II CsnIrsI pi.. W.ui O rssfs.

ARtMMbildd f s r H k fKINKK—BEAT. C!3AM

,\'cK?Hf6rR,' DAT OR WEEK.PACKARDBKT AKIIV.......................


NKW llm ou .lsa ssd losrls* s s n by hear, day, wsrk ur month. J-ANK clsru s . I l l

Eldps it., cor. Bisotnftald s s s ; tsI. IHO B.E,PEERLKM CARR. LIHOURINBA. TOUH-

INO; HOUR, DAT. MONTH, i l l CBN- THAI, AVR . K. ORANOB. TEL 1111 OR.CADI LI. AC lim ou lss; dsy sad alAkt bow

sr w u k . u i l Mrvics st tubs; Isssst msttr r a ta la ctly, WALTKHA TsI. Msl, IIH.n V E 's sd a r m psm ear. c la n , srw rt w -

strs; any timr: tou n a assclally. HLCIHUR,----- . . - ■ (a . „ | / R. B.H i Nerth KIsrraih at,;NEW. rssmy, flss-passuAsr IsurlaA s h for

k in , I I .t l psr hour; r s u u s b b r s t a is all psliita. • Phnss Msrkst WIIW.PORD u f t o n track; hsH , dsy. wssK A su

Bupply A Rspslr Aksp, II Nsrth PwK sL,UUt OrUAt.

IIM TAKE! a l l l l M siwsll; i lH ter a IIII P s iA S t l iH , T i l l Msdsi SI Bitek. IIII

OssrlSkA rsa al tar, IIH. asd m ssy oiksr e s n trsM IIH add tp; tb su s s n art all fally SkPippsd with mif-ataitsra s ia tr le ---- -------- . . .T H Oh 'b Asia E itli

apsn Atsdsya;. . . II p H s s

llfkU. ale.m St. **"OAKIMiEfe, Ists tasdsL ssry issd u sA ltlss ,



E ^ E S n a ! 'Sll sqsipmsnt. IIM.

I l l C u u a l s s statlSB, c s it , l l l i . T'PSta., t-syl. loartaA.C. F. Hapmsblls, l l l i . l-p a u . Is u Isa . with sll

OBALMERt, i - | i i t i nfrr. f l u sH h ; j s s d nalSI sad fsod tir a . Risks sfitr, C. P.

BRIOOS 00 .. ITS O u lrsl art.a 3 t 5 EAROAIKA—Baidu.

CsdIIIPsrds, Stnds-

PTukltaakskwb, CH ndIm . CsdlllSst, PTukItat, Vtltaa, AkHil-Detroit, B leu , E a d s u ssd H a sp stHra, l lU ap. Rosdstsrs, n u - ksipb, MHlfic can. 111! ts is i j f v ta ta sa : saw srr issb dally s t TOWNAEini A, 111 Mstasyi sat. IMt as Msissy at.

. .s ik sr body, ■PsnkHd t i l l rudatsr,Packard l l l i 1-tl i-sSta. IssHsa.r u k s r i m i l-eyltadar I-psis. towtaf. Itsdson l l l i saptr i l l . I-pats. tsH tsf, C sdlllu . l i l t , 1-psss. tsw .PsekHd n i l 1 -tl t-pdfs. tsartap, wbs

vH ab .PACKARD Msler Csr Campsay s f X. T-,

l i l - H l H sissr ars.,MswHh. if. J,

NATIONAL IlmowlM, l l l i msdsi la st svsr- hautsd, rsflsbkad u d 1a flyta-elaa ahsAs:

Ikb d u Is a Mi karftls at ffM . C u H acts s t A n a CMrait. R tchtsath at. s sd Ah s ars.. sr taiisirr taAsapw O ru d T b « -

AArtspIbld a n . P H ss Warsrljr

aittor. Dabs mrmum, ApuW i___ __>ltasry; ssnaptlamst sppHt ssIty

ts i s s s tew ry s s a hlfh m i s s h . H stsr M u A ffu y , H sls ssd Cltatss sta . E u t OrssA*.^ P k s u l i l t .tO U R lira s s n ; O rtrU adT______

3 isra HkdsM, Haiwtal: lI H bays

DON'T bay tks tlMHist car that tsawa s is s f ; bay rsH car uurssfh tks Auts Rsrs la

E srau . Tka k im ii srill s h IH t yps A*l tbs bast SH AsitasH ter tbs a ta s y y ss kart ts sp u d sad will ab« s tts sa ta y sH sssds s itsr ys« H s s bswtbt yoH a u , t u pay ssthlsA tw Ikb s s r s W Join u saw. Writs sr pkHS. A fts I w rlrs E w sas, r a m U I. ^ l u r y batldtaA, t i l H s r k s t s l . . Nswsrk,Wr JrCKEVROLEf iteby Orsad. U l l . tlsstrls

UAhls ssd rtsrtsr; r«M Uks saw. Nstsr ■ ala A sa er , Ckssrotst s r a t a ^ I s sA l O tatsa taa. East O a sp s ; p isM lU I OrsapsTRUCKS—T kra sad m .Qarftrd

sals: vary r u d ssedlttas; will t s H part

r MMootoltyi JdiurloMh mMomijiuilUhdo —

Garat«lUrROVCD porUblo atool g o n g n mfd mod

•roctod from 144 up: coll end oM out orected oompio Tbo KLOtyr M n i tfotol Wnrka. 114*114 Ootthort »t., ot Ham burg yl.iTOilft your cor for the wlaior oi Acme


244 (touch OrOngo or*. Phone tforket 1114.GARAOH UodlvNlOoM. wmlof.

hooted ond looeofi if deolrod; frev hfs* botwOoA Rergeo ond CThotlwIck ove. N quin WlldUAtffi, U4 Chodwlck ove.

otortiio light, rent I f; Je(-

W I L iS r i Gofog*: Olwoyi opon, l ln ond dood atorogo o agecloHy; tha mnet reooen*

Ohio notoed yloca lit tho «4tr. 211 High at,u Oroogo ots ______

rO R8HT—Prtoito oon: rant roooon

Wotoot oL. Hoot Ofopgas

gorogo: room (of throe iblo. Apply 14> North

AUTO otoflog: hoe# rowHkprtoote, bootfd gorogo.

Top Cy., 141 Holoty ot._ tor two core: Now ioraoy Auto

(UCCTOIt FT.^Bfiok gnrofOi room foo oaran eoro: olectrte light; tow ro«t. IaBMAS-

tKNAp 114 Brood ot.

A e h e w U h i W b e1a4ADTOA w sstrd fsr wrasklac;

rlty, eoustry: parts for ssJ< W sstrly n i l . l t_ T Asia Wr,

hlfbstt prlws; wrtts sr tsI.

as a , spy- AprtaAlIslA J,

Mad, any ‘. S I X ' ‘ p u tsi, SksH ppsmptly wUb cu k . K H.

____ksia. i l l U tkRORINAON. ppp.

WE ars tH Mopls whs Mty esra all Grip*-r -------------- • , * ■ • « W_ _______ K M *W fsU sts. t l Elm a t . MMlnlalr; pki

wilt brlsf ' E Asia

ws IHAHIOHEST GSsb prtGH paid far sM u n Isr

J u k sad part pu rp saw ;--------sf parts; P H ss W srsiiy A MNA, t u U sta p itss st

ws rail all klsdrnil. 1. NIRA^r at.. NawarK


n . t i M i* .>■K ilty .

E U T ^ H AND n r v E N n o inprtor^^fwm l ter

f ir fr u apInlM i .POUR AlO w _____ __ _


DRPT. Haws:

DRPT.**ff ; I ts I;

n u iu n , Vs K.Tsrk ONIgs;III RROADWAT.

Masdsrs u t t l I p.PARTNER for alda pn paslllta la

Ibksd buatesst r tfslr tsf t n s m i m pH w a k ; mart H biarst, itralkktbrwarE tM H s s affles H biHlasa tipsriMAa: la s m a t III! sad will pay III ta shaft lltasj BiHsy a t a spar. B ss II, Nsws srfisaPIHNTINa p ta^ far u b , t ippUHp f s f

t f i l t Uardon praataa ll- la . estlw ,......................... ------ - ir “


Its, StG.; s i l l M told laaatksr H ptH Addrsa PrlotlaA, Rax 111, Nsws U>

REaTAURAKT, GSauallr laaatsi; M I d as( paad katastas; hsrs's y sH i H '

a s k s SSBH iBspar; will ban ^Usn. C sr tm t ItaprsTstasat Ot„ nm , Marfcst (I.

tarabbad II. Nsws atfloaSMALL Jab prtallnp p lu l

drsH pytatsf. Bos “ ■. fsr sate. S P Nsws stftea

H A C H lR E tY r o t S A U


POWER >e l e c t r ic m o t o m ^ ^ w a n d

* “ p‘H“o"NT*ili:iiJi"5ISafffE vT uE fiB B "law Asia i n

NEW I.ATRBA. _NEWCoRipouad R ot. EsUsw

l l l i" rw isf s I* ' m i twin* * I' _ u i ' twin* s I' H d .. .i l i " twin* a i ' bad— ____

La THM FOR IKJMKSTIC OAK 0 1 0 3 ,^ 1 psr crsl. cash <Mt l i dsysl; sllAbI Ad

s u e t 00 Utno saynisaw. ao utk b e n d LATHBK. N. T. <L

l l l i Broadway, Pkoss IIM Oolsiaktaa

I lf .» l .MI.i

trbs; f o l l y ______

II M u h s ils ta.; pbons lilj ; KNO;


n C O H D -E d N ^ A U N INERTII h T p . Otto AW sapbo ...........U H. P. S t a n snAtas . . . . .Pair III ft. w in rops vensmtatlse.

•Iwals flbsr lln rd .... . . . ^m a r in e m a n t o a a u p p l t « l

NSW Irsu w b K M L

It B. P. EOtiaiR. with ceaifbM SfKII. M l f t s to n i colb and antowaU; w*U r P»B f

with roalslo* (u k : tea bay m n u sH M s Hies. Amtrftan C «rC hnto I*U » ** HUftlastoa art., soar P akyu pL, NswHW

VENINO BROa. > _ -----IILT

I'M THE OUT w H ta tsahtat ta pdy aid ssrs ar baraad oara for Jotk parprsta t

am parlSA IM U IIM. P « t J « Pkau l i l t . MATEIt I t Bay s t . Moatclatr.WE boy w rs ta any o a d it b s fkr part a r

poaa; parts tor ulSt It Brssms stM N sw siinA. B.

parts tor skis, J. J , sa te wraekars. - - N sw siiti M ^ s t t i t i .

e_ Asta wrssksta, ,pjiy^ r1 f ita * ^ .'k K r« L ^


STS_ Olty.r- • ■ ..I I ' jjUiim iL iisg;iu su m s o w a p i i n r mu'uWyTB~u~ -------

fat sals■hssra, ate.

BTRUCTURAL liRON BNOt* . . .• c H u ta doWt koytf 1 Pg«*Ok ate. I t WrtAkt t t . Wowsik, W. J.

a n otd-«ttaklfdiM krsaf r a m ft tea for tsllln (, a w s« ItarteA (

WEBER, u i “

PRINTINO-^rttoiHadA saria, binhuda Btals«HBta; H i ter ILMCr.

BTHATKMORR Prsps, IH Lateystts SA_____

REBTAURANT for sa ls with w ■ItB sO M tarabbad rosma Addrsta EsrABia, EtE

WANTED, roomlsf h osa ; MBUalt H a s t Id r a i u : rsassHhls; ns /u k ; swotrs SREb

OERRARPrItI Btaklh s o . . Tsfk.^^^

ELKCTRIO MPTORk AND OENEKATWiE, nrw and ssoond-hand; Imisadlata ANH-

srka; fully fU J ^ tssd : bsuAkt .itad. fte Htr wMca bsfors baylai rH-HUNKBLE CORP.. ta.; ebons l i t l - m l ERitm SERVICE PRB

___ CO.,“ s"HAM"lt'foN AT. . . ..

RIsetrb m elon u d fsasraters ssaaai; a i d oackSftAsd sfd ropsfi'rd; HW S ^ s u - wd-hond; H s s w M fJyea. tor latoraislbii. Pheu I H t - lt t l Mkt

■LECTRIO N O p M Always a fb s let st datanbis m sebinu;

W a ilsU o o u . Wtansr. Crocksr-W bss^, Mr.! bsr*al“»l lolorSislba sp wirtaa. n b Msur A Rstalr Os., I t i HsTssy a t , Stass M il Mkt. Ws buy, tall ssd T intX M A H BROd —RsllsMs Tsoi Cs.. M fn. J

.loeb, diss. « s p a l p a la is dorslsps^ n seb ias wsrk dons; r ssu u W s eb u i Ellb asa , IrsISAta. N. J .| t s l WtySrl

'e T'p . EHalHE. i« * crUpdar, w iuosta, M l sdsipmi

• i t . m i a t L . ,O rssA sasd cratrAl s r a

srsltpsdlr f a .M irTy l t t £

EAW TAELEB u d eihrr bttd tasM Issfy. * W |H 1 3 t ^ D E T , i l l Flflk t a - ^ S I t l l 3 a T ^ U t t a f , b a s A s i^ p ; ^ aW ANTM D-OsswS'mKM M J W jl

S i wort i M s t a s d . RKAW.W MsIh Cw., t i l HtaklOd a s a TrI. l l l i 3 B.ONE WA-K. P. WaiTSS W s l ^ fssd walw

aoMlioMt ooodKtoa: OBOopk_________ a S S S : ^ . i i l Mtahtary a t .

UKIOIt MHbtas O tu g . * g k S & - « B $ i ‘ » t r s r f


■ It •«

i H ’tU lil i i i vtm cM ftttfitff. r»M <*

ju ra a i■na. II — - i fc. ifalah; ( ta ta •»« ^i*. *afi

II11* > v < lu » im m t ikw4|i^M. M »>au

1 M » •« M


( lU B J u n H . i i i r i

MATBItlAL I i * « u



* s u r

JOM—PMWV c«>«ta. Tw ttiTi m«4« up !■ Upl* »U it m P‘

_ * y ? l e e r N W ‘iV* f f J i yVMtP'Qvp M t «•■(. ROB®f n m ft? »*•>'» .E T W ^ i r ' : *'■* rr**i » > m N » ik « tf » m .

w »~la m U d d m f U ta m t MA [ « tir iuif« tv

tc ju a a M t r w « « oM rl iMiiMftiil'prvi *4 pUim hnw**

S > S S ! S i X i ^ 5 u r i S I S » n i iu rt> d


R o c tm - » . m « . ^ X IUMA

0«H «« d ., ______• a w iw a ■ w iA i» . M M . fciirlxa M d J l I t ; Wu

i « :I t

H O R S U , C A R R IA I ^ . C T ^

IT -lt

■ D ^ -BTf- -HU*


N #

M A S L iUL P N 'tf ■X BT., N iW A BJt. H. J.

W* MU U»** M

UWf. IN : iMllMr .riivkPFP. c«M 'fbcaif iOK TPiEAT« m

l i n t mmr^ «P*»**»

jMMnnirAt «( 6cclim*l*4i n t t g 1bl«A APR M IMM Rf **p^***^!!^■ lid 'tw rm lk*t N f MM M* B * w * U i

IKWINU l i m d i t f N*w IIm i*.w • » i W r ' * *UcB, r n a i r t u **d

* h b u Ju j i m . I* I■Ml M dA T d ik jC u liA ia

l i t N«rf«fk •!.

Itiat'BBIOKT d u * m l »M*. •d l tot •InMd M «; T*d*r tultA. iB m - i . . . . .

iMitlwr. »M tH . d l l t d l»X m iaiM i i . i m « • » ^ j i» , “ r t i * . * ; jjij-fri. <•»*•) c»3nl, m * ? !* * . H ir t d <M UABH. I n W wBMftM d .. *N B d A«*4*d|F.

rOB 1ALK-- II- I. NM*. R d M }»JWMK tA f i im t . fiillcu * •* m*rU>Ba. ■».

1 m * i F irm , M iltn . P d .BBVBH HH BUrk Nl»

cdkM atei (1U l« im . H*W« n n .. M vdrta lrt |

VAN OilRail tiFR


E i f >■r t« * n m *1

m r i M fw wm m , b t w M k U

m JI

CAK •pAFR • • • — — - i ' —idwHli. U Akiandw • « . . I'fBd Mm I- PIMM HMUIdr fl*.

io & u iM r%I W «N flj IH I.

p m clalf N. J. PIMM

- i s i t , * r ' p K ? i ' i ai I I I

ih}* COAT,’‘^ T U J r* P U ,* tS il l * d « d d d .

S E i ' T

t t *«m —. •>., i lM . ln « « d t* r Boll. M.M

iS T iu .

D a g t t f S C i l iA HOXH PO* POO# AND CAT*

Ha«r4*(, lr»M td, w**A*d. tliBB*#: o ttr t rH |u ln B H t M PBiMi f**' # a # d » " '!•»»•# n M « > n ; M»l tp p o d M P l« # d hlld. HAT*. H TlMdM it.. B l u s M ^ . Td. t i l l , iw* kUaki P m BlM lfM I* C—t«r-

B I«tA .jiT *A *'m B £tB ^ '^ WO rriC E AND BEBIDENCI

H p iio N * m WAV

DOO*jN CE, _

«M » s b Iie n B1

■ m k d d * ikAt Mf Mm •dM U# from Ik* Urmm M k w krdikkl ■*• a*M k m klM d *U irdM . m >« ••M P«* MMckd* i» ii» d di«#l kMW kaiMi iMd

E v m m k u i O k trM iliif CaiMAap wW m H T w M drlt k*M *1 «»lM *• •Mdk»l d tm* d'ertllir ••••• I MdlAP *»# PtMap ! irl»*Um i* ■■ *11 UHltAALL MONET B f r ^ P B D IP

D tS B A T lfi^D .WK. A. P A N K N IT ^ . B alM m

JOLHI* OLABBB.Sd* tn# B»kA*#t MaMh .

I t Brldf* d.H#»* jg d trr tto 4 k*iM wttk k 1"*# *»*>*

fiM# k « m ; AMdil IP* •<»»* k n • « • ■ « *bif drMi ImnaA hMliirrhakkk *A* *MM *indtHil *<Brm k*d« Ik# H i* n t Hb M kA r*m M r m I k»»* m •o m Hp adMi*# kll t i* # k « * k w m >■ th* <i*kBtrii. riak i otr tk* I w w . u d if p h m Ik ktad d kar k i r nA I m —dVri*■■It )r«a I* BdM AH# B«#lllp. All ••Id wtik • M rrw ip .

w il l ia m A. PATTBMON.•I*

l»rk«Bl»Hi—M* H a m d .—MdApr***. M'-.- •'M kd ■IaaMM ktj. I Me ilAWillllAnk«U. fA*. I l . t J • • •t i l fc l® 1 >M»M ■I I«.>I 4*WWS, IMBK WO-J tw . —- a-;- —

IH AWiSUkt* BlABkd* " B tl* .* » .” P M-MBI(i*dA —niiA*. r«wB», P^Bi-p B Irtm

A H hnkArk !.•* •••• i m 4* •■ Ik* pr«'"'#k#lU f t m dArti kit«* «Md« lA N**k'k- lAlr ikAt lA IkA dAU •OldMlAB llAd kAiAIWi Asd rAATdi «i*k*n.

CAAVkB »¥•■ • »*d* AAd wpAl” '

fO Bdr d ., AMf WMkiBBi** d.


j f ^ r d d . T«l.MOBI

, It. II o m I Ml* Mvlktrrr.


• IalbVB m m A cS PaawI* AAd riAlM

OOO—HVAAd 4a« far Akl*i f>Ad tAkAlt dAfi Id t l I ^ B k iM d-. NlAAfk.

PBENCH k d I tM At d « d . Ba( Tf. Nava alflaA.

A td rm BalldcB.

THBBB'TOH OOAl. WAfNIN. Ilk* • • » ; H — TWO-TON COAL MAOON, _|»t.

TWO ONM-TON COAL WAflOMB. MytACM. TfB P d d i« f i ' Wab««a t *»OPEN BXPREBd AND CABTIn ^ A ^ M *



retsoiuLIP BWip « * • Uafc kAt M * «kM IkAl BMa‘l

kalww lA km fr m ik a ^ m f* » k A a iK rafaw AaBli*r|yi". EdiM* kML • # « « * $ alsBl VIII m ark •■■■ h h a# h B ^ k Ma IkA J h m 00 A»«AUm VIII ka A d M i II

dMAA-i baaMABHAI vlU C•UAV, t ir ka


COI.BMAH NATIONAL BUBINMM 0 0 ^ L M * AfAdawp tAd H a lm aIa., Naval*.

OLDIWT. LABGEBT. ffllONOMBT.Cauraaf! C?aniA*R'il, ABnatad

■ ^ 1KABPEB OANIBN d 111 BaaMi TvfaUM k

al. ka* fd d ireM M aad kuli-kfr d m » Haait bv iA A r. Will a d M ru a m iUM IM



lAf. BkMtkAAd aad 'frAwTitlaB. j Aam ad i l.BAfllAk IWavAHa. CItU B trdaai Na M ln aa *

Itatiimw. EalAf aap lim a_______DAT AND BVEN1H0 BfeBBIOm. ^

IL wrltA 07 Dfcaaa t t f l - l k l f H A fid *ar•aila tli *••■. imaBtAa.

HT Mfa Mn Bmaia Millar, kada* •Braad la H»» Apart laam ma. vui aaI k* r*

rmaVAlM aTar bat dakl* eavIrartAd W Imt.MB. PHBU MILUIR J l .

Tf UWTtiRII « t

CalL w rli* « pBaa, t t f l - l k l f M a d id , •Aialataa. Ofitra •*•■ dallp aad aa MaaBap,w*d«Mdajr.aad Pridap


BOBINBBB Abhii* P d w * Baa* k a n add aip kalabar ta d B ra m r d a r a , . * l t Mai-“ - - - j , la (av iad a d 'a t .. Mad Oraaaa. ta ta v ia d B q v w M

All aUlaiA aaad u Jad tca jU B i m ^ I O m ia t, vHMa la* dapa LOtlll


NBWABK BUaiNBBB COLLM* Im d laa ■CaU. p iaM ar fartifalara.

PBAKS COl.LNoiT INC,.B ad OrAAB* « t l l - f Marfcd d ., BpAdfk UABkL Baa ad aadar “La


im , OHO. EITKADCBAB Mid Ma MM alMB L afarlta d . to Alakaadar l ^ j a d m :

. All Mil* witfclB lira dap* i

Mvmak atnr* af Akrakaai H anriu,

wBI kajr,IKMA EPBTICIK •aalaMlaaafT a -

I f t BlaiaMik ata. P rm iii Mila d JaaUaa Wall. I l l Pin«aatk f«f.


NB1TABE ACAOBHT.Pvudad m i „ _ _

WILBON PABBANU. HBAD H A im *. TlMiwwk prapardjAa^tAf jd fiB i d

KKaltllB ••kAd. AT (w f c a d ^ "‘• ’ J l I S ' a m Ia b AAd AlkMIA IMM. Ptiaaarr daBad-

iL CipdoBAA *A raaaAd._________ _

F O R S A U ^ C f f f

t s S K i ^ n s - i i i a w i AlAa vaM aaat fa* tkakr darakMfp aad a v m aaiA af taa*. 1 VBal »*A (a aMH M * d f raaai aaA laapAci I k m luauaiMatA **** •aMlaUp. kdABM a tfa d vBk pd ll A d d aaaa&lBB. p*a aba t* >• *•! — I—*J*I*M AM im p ara Ik* aite**i IM, r*a**a 1 Ata BAlt ta rU AAa i kli M bmaam I kd** aa Aa lAAma. m niiviiAiia. tad taad aa aaia-

''?ftAW3Erilk flaa*. MatrABdttaa kMM.. Waikhittaa aad I k n d aU., InvAfB.

Plwa* *4N Mark*..

MIOH raal, Mf adtlaf aibaaaa. *«lr laaraBA* tta AdUaB p T m /ia d a d l k * ba^ i p ; 1 aaa Aa** **■ thta IIH m plap**-BtaM ; lA-

ptAT Bidarp fuarAalaii Ma raridp ta a*M(t h m ; amlitr aa# priaa vin ib*a* (•* tkaf*-------- ^ - ^ B ( t » UBBM ckjTditM

<1 Broad. Itra. fltar.____Ml ran.•latailaa.

ra f t* -

ITBINJM C O L l » * w • Bfamatlfa ;TiUi jraar. ^ r i aiBkt AmlaiiA M m . * d a Him aad atavapi la- t ■

NBW U B * » T B in iN {• I Mark*, d . , aara<r r

Dap awdnaa daltpiWad aad P r i : aara ----- — . . .dIvMaal MadradlM', oaarUaaa t ra a ta a a l i •AoriMl paaAlMa tUaa Wrilai akaaa ar

BL'PEBPLCOI-B HAtn.Wart*. Halaa aad Birihniarka r a m n * far- avM br . ^ i r R U r ^ i y | . r . ^ 5 p m . . mTKRVKtpt

i l l W iiflttNUTUN ST.'HUM. 1. WK

THB kewXrk m m A B liMlaa W kltiaara'a BabaaA,

ITI CLINTON A T * ______ a l M adiata All dapadaiM to C a d l^

raia »d«IM t» laadMA rail*#*#, P ra M k O m■un. ap u N k . Maak, 0 ri*a**i«»- CatalMO**.

CHIBOPODIBT,MtkA H. * BILBBT, «tiL p a c ia l a n d BCALP 1MAM icvBiNii. p a c ia l a n d BCALP MAB



H. J. lOLLEIIE PrlT. M km phiralea. r k a a lil^ . Molj

a . r*B*iilA. *»»rk. draala i . ; i r ;

VUthMUlta*. ; tftiitviifR** •klvFklN

tafALL vpHfflita |U : Jr C* O R sfb tll VfHffkl, rnttWik im . | l *«RUyk MtHkW* »Ifl^

a m . d d r a d a m ^ , , | . ^ ^ j i . ^ m d'I II W ad tv a a lp -a iM ik aL. BAM NIbHi Ald m ptAH M h a i i la Mav T aiB.

iP E C IA U lE laplAptr. . r . r ^ s t t d - ' J s i i ’K

l*at*rr. taarAalatd If la m ; a BABda* •* p*r taaL AarlBB. OEOlulB U M E I ^ P I m DWdkal*r. HI Broad, niBt fl*M.


m p i t i trdMf*lk^ i y M r J m ^

Vr#R«eW|i rmtma m 4 I M M , mm '■• T p « i

B a s a s s ' K u ^ i f .ora, raal iT ffi vA da I t ^ i J

PfRfVfRfcm m itM

n A U , r a i l j ^ ' c T J i ! i S h t i ! a t Z

WILL Adi Ea* mb. l i t WV dlM araki *1 aarrlll**. M m w a ^ “

U « a r i. MAMXOWITB. AHaalm a, Pa.TWO ; rm r lr la d tM allln ■■ l i l t

a raari iiav i^ tT * a d i n#*llMl ia**d-... 'I; arraaaad.* * . f r

i.lAA Mr <aak lal*,: kaildlAf.

CORMBB LOT _ WaaaaaklA Park iacU*a, H alkk:

taadaf ^ iV U I Adi *a f t U "r S S i t h pt£Ib t , n i E ro**BANK BT. AAAr Marldfc—B im AAt.tJ— ^ i n . r o * a i f l d a v lik katb: l*a » m ll fw Ik* *va*r; lor *do o* e i ta s a e i . Ov**r. >■ caa ird A**. ________________ ___


•ECOHO-HAND dABOAi ______•U N * DdL BrhaiBAaA BThliMAa. M rad ik

A ■ **• aad Atbara d Iam ikaa aat-kd iC iBo orltlaa l a m , Nav JariM P la ta B— *■ ltd WaaklABioa *L. H avaik. H i . _________

M ILL ** BT.. a ia r P , * * —Plot T U IcIlMU amhL m * y i *

« l M r rtM l M * iMtM MA

OWIKO t« M t «f

UNIVXBBAL Prop. i*kool. ktjfc a a ^ l « k - iMta, ra«»Bia; eollaiM aor ipt

wUkaat « a iM . BAdnaDald ava.. *ar H ip*

tbroa aikadU aad foMMI two ptapar ptaiWA am

iprlfhia M l; will kdav a m far A d d Jm Banakit.! ilM . N*

P IN * ap d ah t. aiada k r WMaar. a a l a ^ WA-----------

fa tty *

TtUlBB-BTOBT fcrlrk k#AM. tIalM.•aalmant, Aarada; WlUlaai at aUL*»

BEBOBB, M WkAAlAr pL. W*at DraAB*. .L O T I h ^ L d i PM hlH •»*.. »**r MaV*.

IhoraBi Urai*.

■MLtif pmiA* . .


M r«M*Rt«4 Rt IMttWR. t»)r l i* UKprocMl MRIlMii; M t b«i rs^B Si iM iR t* Rfivr r m

AXBB C0„ IM WAAkiaatAa AL. LOT d II I C adi* I r a , ITllAkJ ’ S l J j t t RMt w E rn k w a a r 'ii ap«» a r ia laBa. akiAt akAAa: Mdr i* rm . r . t h o m a *UPRIOKT plAM, BwkaBtap oam; IaaBa

M w; i u Haw larAArPtAao BtaMBA I t l WamlaBtaa At. Ntvark. N. J.r a id ra d ; laatkar'alU ava raaoralod: v» ^

oarrp kaddia* iT PaBHKOW., I t MarkMat-, avaiilia »a r1 kaaar; pkana Martal t l t la t t e n t io n —WONDKNPUL VALUBB la

ladIM AMU. M v m madAla. all wa*l w .lA dala a l r t r r MV prioa*; i

aad Marbd ala _____ ________




I t l

H4^« JKNKtKP ftrlvr t l • MvlPi m t i RM r«RL. .............

ROEBB13lt DAVIS, n t fc a lk O r * ^ a* *

CHABLEB TAMHE,Taarkar al BlABlff. „ ,

I t l Ore a aid *1. 1^**'** "■Bm AIrE RRf I t m t ttpoM

mvs i m— wrw t w k,^ O U K .

rMRI iM tS L a Wr«rrMR RVR-a NvtlRJr

. iMBR Mif Rgrifkl $ . .o ttn RMT M l; mimIIUM i

Mil fRff m m0B4WB WTW* ***t pWPtWVk WWtmBfVV

E a r td a . » H I t l , Nav* Affloa

. haAW WIU Airaai r*r H I vMk A lira tad iaw ra f i n v d ra a

IL llH i Viwa far parUMlara ____

■HHI a lt*W^ W M f R ■r«.. Sm Ui OFRRfR.

IMM 'i W«Rl irvhiSiRR

""d"M"^r,kV’2 ^ . 1 1 t ? ' k K f m ’ 'V . V i L : A a o iT S S la n . p k « .. M o.M rrr m i l Id K l J i N. II Tlilrlaoaik a ra . 3d D traaLMOBBB lor aad ekoap; Vlad M d v o r k .a d l - ^ .

•kla l « H jkl d a llw rr ar twlfer. PHEEN • ru t e_ff kaa aMed Hia i m , f w , ^ r a a r a ^ t h ^ q t i MB,•labia

•ULTANA plah cliaah tlal far U allai akaaka aad llpA, akmuiAlp Iw r a lm aad vlll aai-a. m TT----- - ak g| ,

MAMPOUN* OOlTAfl, *^**iRvm*i UXULXLE. HAWAIIAN ODITA* Maw and tMtriMjam IM adk

“QIBBUN ' Mandaliaa., TBOA EaalaA


INTBaTUB* * lltad I h m f ia a m

fiaaadal ata iam ad af - --------apartiaaat whirb Tiaa JoaI k**it llaiM wUk aa I*r aalt. iAf*% l l l l l t I U ; vat*r. l l l l i

h o a in .akswiriB ta* pi Id Ad d ^ A d tr a klB* rlaWl•4ar■ hlfa

bAAtt llalAd kML l l t t .T r . llBkt.

■ i t .

It aown aad Il M a * k , , , A.P.WEIOT. f i t Waakladiaa aL; la l . i it t Mkv

rlada d-


■OOAT. Mi MAB. vana, a im life* M - , t i t ; t f W Af dt. M BarMt dL. Mm-

A I^ MAXES T T P W lU tlB *

n b w a b k ' t VpbtW A ^ l jK * iS i« a *l i t Mark*. At PK**a Markai MM. BAfBAlAA t* akalM M»*vrlMr Baaka

OOOD varb kan* far m * ; M ■** far km ;pdM IM. CaMABwrP to* Oa.. ItT Oak-

«*OWl R»#.a OTRItgR. _ _ _ _ _ _

a a r BaaarlieM i a tm . a r a t HHK. E. T M V B L ra , I I I W *ahlastaaaL.!lNawark.N.J.


lA -lt

BVPEBPLUOilH HAIM KBMOVED........... aada B aniara*

BIO t a r katoa. v la d aad w ar* Ml. BEE- SEE. IT* B raarlar a n . , a w r Oalaar a n ,

ArliBBtaa. N. 1. ____________ _

CMrapadr, M iaaipr u iarkkaaaa IMraara O M ^ l b a 3 7 7 * tor KI'ZBMA C O B *

V ntal I ta r i m i io a d la alaa falllAi kalr,■ bet BTIOKLE. Tf llAUWt BT,

u u a ,r . Aap aaa., . . . . --aairltal dpi*; dw>>*. JM S"

aad lj laaraadi fUirt a*v a ^ m i *T raM. kaaklal. Phaaa llT i MMkai. PBANX- U N Bahad. #11 Hraail iL. EMal* kdldlad-

W EEBtt Aprlfki *lAB« aa lr t I H i haad N«v lataap Plaaa BUinBA

ifMkiaBtaa at., Havark, N. 'rrmmI*Ca'.'lBd

PAETT AnirlaB a kMh-srada dt-BAU pUr ptaaa ekaapi add da aaaaaat w irtae. C

It Partap a ra ; rtap lap kdl.

n * MAET

VHOHOOBAPIL ^ U M i d e t l M j

a l l m a x e s af rab d il I r p a v r t tm ; ak am m aarkfidf* la ta raa r i raalaM. t* M Mr taraa

a m tk a i raA drlas^H O M B U irB T jrvavrim Sa.. H I Broad; lal. lU r k d MMi r a m I t

MOEBE tar aaia. r ia i iaa t l i j •aliakt* far u p kMlafaa. Hoar tIT Oaairal ara. Baal Or.

•■ ••. ____ ___

MATTREaa«B raMratad at row foaMv f l . ld op. varkaiaiwkip rMraatood; kii■■■

kada rm ilik ad. Eatarpriaa BaddUia C*., t l Oraadd a n ., ahoM Harkat ttdi.

PLOBBNCE AJITHL'R llaaffcar f « »u llM L«RdoR ('•WWRUcy llfRW i

• t a d a t tlta ila a » • * * * " iMrt, Rtua RRd QptiTm. Pl***- **v

MAUDOa NT BMlor. «M ttdd. ad l ta r t I H . BAKEM o a , » d W aabtatloB *L. a o i l M

v a ta r .T lil i JAdiar. Itid . la iw ff;s ? * I ' h M S T i

Wo pdkIlAk IIHM .llaaraa b t r a m tk a f akallaaia rmpartaoa fnih aap altar AlArt*m a t la tlw m r; af aa laratliafel, It Ml ■■wrsaaavi; U .f l t la Marl* M * * « faaL ■a raar laraataiaaL Thiab It o n r aad af* T. W. UHIFPITM Baalip Ck., f Ctlataa d . .

I t .■taaa aad opara. plaa*. riatia 'u C l ^ a a d : *!«■• » M J M arkd.

UPBiaitT plaa*. Cfiivat laab*. M* BiUUm CO.., IM W a m M a a at.; * « . M ia iv -


MutT %m io u > .

TAELEB a d * m d ad Bati r fBAltad i- 1 m ; u w LdW, t j M arCd al

AA W A aklStm AL TfL IM . MBL

tta tm t BBd I P . H.


| t - t l . aald t i l m ; anw p w aiaa la OBO. M. JUDD, m Enaid alT m L 'M t H a ik d

t i t m L L BtfT karaa. mTBkt* llr tt daU*-raaroataad i t — d . Aaaaad a ra

___ Bawk oraadO a n . , pfcoM H arkat I

morS *ORBE. vataA . MarkaL » d M■la N. Baat OraBsa.

HATTREMBB M d avkdalariaB l l . l f a*. liraM ■aaraaiaad. I

phma Warartp . l i t .

BAHTIMB plBM kiarlaBi ;i; prolraalcBal bIt-

raar raaMaara, W iati k m varb •BTlairflaid a n


VrvrIrf *Rt iMMikc; prvfMRiciRi Mrfi

k a ik la L P k a a a Mkt. TtlT. CLAjjFwIMN BAhad. MT Broad, ap*. Mt*ad Tkoalw.

Id. Etdklaad aodi

Cllalaa HIU—P m -fam llr dwt1|. !••; all latad laifronawota. kaaual raatal IIH; all roalod. Pda* la.Md v a m tt.tdd; daar tartai; Jm I pot • a tka narkAL

aoerrUilBB OABipIMa;B d M B t a n , aaH UNUpERWOOD. Ma L «ka aav . rlalbta, I

i Tt.I I : ODrar. N a 1, |U : k a rs d a a Call r , a n IN B n M BL, a ta r CaaDaL


varb kaf O raaaa

HANTMANB bawHnf A lw n nav


I H. Nava *1-

TWO WABtatrrlasM a.

far aaia.

•aeallaat eaadlllaa: * p « l'.r uaaaaRMnta,Klaaa flvaa far Iba h lih m motto. I l f

irriaaii ara, Uarrlaoa.

CAROLTN E. w ilif f l '. ______C oatrana a f ta JavwVf vocal aad tiN ruinaaiat. Raaldaaca d a a ia .

E a RCAIN la MME k n a r ; orwmt fa t aatal ■ m l*M . a d i t a r lu T M t Saatk TkD-

taaatk AL

RORBHT ^ BTOl’TENEt'RUE, AfiaLP k tH .H I M arW .

I* CIIaMa Bt.. Naoafk, N. J.M Atda

U R h r i k D s n f c b * e4 F lE f f E l t i

f c a f f i r l f f l F £ - 5 E B S i r a

COMPLETE n*A .••AlAa lAddafa,all.

Ad pAMiMr*' aaalHtd*. a aidBla d d m , AtaffaldlilAMtaa lABdm; **k

IN ? * ? ;;? ’ / ? "t - n llAUaad d.) ApAB ATtaMaa

n l i r f O c / ^ A T LADDER CO.L u et m m w Tl e * ~ ^

I t l BaNasttald a r aBMO . PraprlaM n

PbAM W ar. N d



t i e p o o r UP.

S a3i1 » l^ ^ l£ i ?t l iRe r S i - ^ B w f '---------------- — A P r - ' ---------PAINTERS' BCAl

(maialAA. aarkaas. ■kfVdjiiBA fw aum . HftnnA; t*rm

r . m S Iim i * . <t mma al. * a

HASaN*- m o h s e * . EIIPIRE LAODEl

I t . riRST *T.


PHONE ITI. “ “* *

EoiiDni. I l l tad , ***•- a Ut. I t . WAAMattaB f t .IITI.


•n ta fa tp Baaftaida, oafAAlAia Ealti- Taka aad B*a»aM W .

P a ia lm ' K CM lad

Dfpan, Poliar Palaa. t l aa. _ PORTLAND LADDER A POLE CO. 1H OraaSA pL, ta t oaali * r4 m ; tro* ML I t . * *

r u s i s . ' a . T i n s i . ’ s ;

droatega a a l i l l BdaiR,

C A , n V m

iv id iR iM m.

‘^ r . W i S i r S r t B i :WtwadfclaBtaw aL

i*. -a---■ El aft *

W atehiB s e S JemeIitDIAMONDB AND WATt^HEB ON CREDIT.E m oataaj f**r l*m *. d rlc tlp roafld*a.tal.

ROTAL DIAMOND A WATCtl CO^IU W aaklafta* •<. W a*klii«m tid f. WrH*.

............................ '------- “ - til■ *« TT WETBAWaaWH Ml I VT^WNIBdHkWB WIWN- 'm rtkW tnail a r sk*** Mki. H t t . Rapru a ta t ln cd la

jLET d l r m f i m f w t i m aara aa*. a p m a r wtil b r la t aw faMar; taak*

AABipailAAa aad ba AHfrlaatd. A. M. JACK. «t Lavraato H.


lU n w *e S C*fTkfBi WeeIbS

M j . WHITrEWABRlNo CD..1 NBW TOR* AT* __TEL. f l t f MARKET

LIUMT MB v m ** vfAME. ^aH —t v m t aad I. IT loath Elthih i JOB•CtEyriPIC Bwodlab awAaaa* aad hatha

MIBAEB EANBON A LIND. M t CMnloa *.. rornar HiOa'voad ara.; ttl. MM War.




BOOMS .M - .l l , PRUPRHTIAI. RUtLOtNftHOEET I* loaa oa l i r d datM aa* oa laortaB

plrtpro UiABiaia. Barasoa f i d d l f r a p m - ■lAal h a o iu or a a r d h o r *la*a d Arap*rtoi ■laaUar aiooaaM W loo* « fd r a i* rod- d m ita If i*a v a a i a aalfk t»*A..W ilrAT ■MA I* OEO. E. MUTCMLBR CO.. M l Root- vIH* o n . ___________________

AYATLA " * ^ ^ * * V M * E i '% ..» ]? ;??«■ » M K i i 'E w S p i m T i a , .




> SECQI NEWAEc a , t l

iND-tlAND t a r * * ALL AEX_*EC0HD BAND HA-

cH EBnnrr r r•APES. OPPW B AMD _ . .


2 S - '? A s. m

SifMTM RROAD r r .

F m


H0N*T to loan oa baa* aad. mTTBMr ; *» bMVB t m m li iM ar b^ k fk arn • R * ' ^ BlBkl Polau Etdldlns kad Loaa AaadteCaa.

tU *prlatfl*ld ar«., N*w*rk. N. J.| a*v •arm fpoiad aoaR third MfBdap la ABcb m ath. __________m .M t ON haad ta laaa oa aaa m*ill baima, la m m roddm id ild rlrtj •! MtMFft Bed ritfivltyB la tuM «l H .f n !•g s i rm MIM

L ou t* •CklLialNOBR. Ua. aUdlB*, It Cllataa d .________ _



■NWINU MACHINB* rapalrod rlfkt la raur hoara, aay loaht, *«xl p m al la MR.

MITCUilLL. M IlM a r a : ML H U Mkt.OSTRK'N BOAS mMdrn From »ld ^

wfltOTFs: fMtbW rl«*fi«4. dyvd. «»d r«aiMil«4. BOCK. U C«nlf«f «v«o

«mra mTuvrivd

• c i u r r t r i cM it :

UM B(•naliiiTlng

taclftl .. . MUB. Kv IllCI Ay ■(.


TUCKtMO. vU nfiA g M d •* -fr tili«ry. piakliMr »«d toitL*u om rM t

v H ia Bftkkiiioird i t B»tm r m

vlAlln.0trv«tt«v. c, BANOOl^r Slwdt*. HI

PIANO,«an a l . aaor * a Or o r a ; laattumaBW far M ia

MAHOUANT U-aaM pUiptr; *H* IMA tapalra HI Palnaaapt a nRtmUIND.PEEK A SON opddkL tH .

BprlapHdd A nTl


LadMr C a, IM Cllflaa a r a T«L 4IR E- *ALEXANDER BERNE. PtaalaL

N avarh iiadla. MT Broad aL . . .. T. atadia M*tnwtU>k* 0 p m Haaa* MB*

CASH paid far aaaaad-kaad pla a n .UBL OR* IH Waafclaftaa tc : tat



P lib S u iT fld N * iN tB R PR B T A W W ROAD BT. PHONE MARKET t.M .^APBLE RANKIN. BOPRANa . SlniUiA. S4i1 HrogA i t , T lfn A ifA fork M adia M w m B*v*ntaaalh aLArt

N«v York M adia

W ILL •■ehaaao MT MW IlM to lk laa m * ' laoardA for lalaiaaM la; baakit-

' m «al** BaaeUaa with 1- f d aadiial aad taaa M, Haw* afftaa

EDWIN WICKRNHOPBR, Ylolla iBilroelloa. MT E r n d d .,

N m a rk ; 1* C o iu m *1. BoiHk Oiaas*.

BEAVTirUL ap rtth l la lk lu v iack laa m ard a . a l ia m •■»; l i l t * * d a l;ja tll ■aa-

rtftra la duk-k karar. *■ I t l Baatk E txktb d

TTPEWRITINU af *11 kind*, v* •!■• bar rid laiaA im h . ttr . URA. CULP. I . J Harkat.

L ^ T

RANKEOOK Ma THU. laaaad kp th ( R a«- ■rd Sarlimf laatllutlan; BarmAAt h n k**a

dapBAd. BlndN t* rHiuaau<l i* l•Art * a i» M lb * kaai. t t l Broad AL, Nawark. N. L

BAD—L m , Uarh trarallBt baa. •Ilhar aa HI. Proapari or Cliftoa Ara Pladar plaaaa

rAtara I* 1.1 Ml I'raapact *ra or t l Oabsraa Mr. *ad rardr* llbaroi roward.CHATN—l m . Toaddar aflarnaan. bttwaaa

•aeoad ar*. aad P*r*d Hill Clab. oa* Mf 4 * W*ad lira ckAla. Baltabla n v a r * II.IA

Tflapbon* 111 Wararlp.




beoL.HARTP: « .


P C * BETS ■ ■*• A d ad Aid d r i* f a n ; aaa tt r*lta*d h iidrapaH ad. MART COXBUa

14 OrtAAUI *L | 1*1. E. * .H IM .LAROB iBr-ltBfd I

' M t l l id a l« . prtaa . taar. A M rm a ffira

Par,a t, P an laa ad lar. __1 I l la ^ d r t n r ar fhaal-

II I . N*wa

BA RO A im ,„IIA RaA U I* BAROATNB I v aak Idtaada. taWaa.

_____ . 1 « faSai ipa*-a n d m , AHRaa. haaba, aarm—. ram. * v i* r

f E i la ir d

T i s s T c S ^ n i k t r * : s t .

__ U 0 fM H tiiv . «»rvttoi

1 aMn » HAM: a m ddtlrarr.

I f k*w*

anahlataUARTE OP A PPL E* H a

MB frwp Mf m harA d .* roar l .-a a * r t M Mpar a t viiNm a a t lu

tak apflaa to r Me.; a*a* C. O. O.;

r iM T m em 4 fvartgvfff; M BMgSnw*.tl«ii ■nf gm 4 m im m f

M taU a tflu I f f f u|f. fw ekeee*OROMUAK. I l l I w t ievil

lUlLPKMO »h4 Im a Fim4» H u m m Im m f «t f »«r M«t> In

A M m a K artfM mit.I f . ito»f afrtea.

DOO—KAfIMi b*«fU b*«a«, In NMSbftflS.IMT tir« blMk «pato no k«oli

iM litoral r a w f it rataravd*JAMBS BTB1MBR, 41a4| C*ai«r Maitoi, cU]r*POP Laat. S tl fa r nigkt. V\m% and vkJto

Fm la rrirr; a n a v m to amm* ’Buaaa': | l r«vard. Itota/n to J. T* BALL, 4 fl KurUi n t t l i at., narrlaan.

P K tm STD DIOS.a u t is t ic s in o in o a Np SIAKO f l a t iw o


<X)L|TUBIA ar Tktar vaatod ai a»aa; waat maaoDakl*


M * CMABLIM r EICHBORN.a t , laatraclor of Ataoa. oraaa. ham anj.

'adl^ flat*, maadolla and (altarDBOROK H POITNINO. .

im rkfr *1 floiind • Poniurlvaala Vtoea trtaia fr»* P hn* ,


*ABB for tbaraa rhato; p r tn M r m l j a d m - tin* la m orn far aarvlaaa. Addrm Eaaa.

Boa 1.1, K*wa o t f i r a . __________ .

PIANO IwtrufttoD.Stttdlo. H4

Vy laSr MMhar; H»y^ *i*f Kaaray.


U e | r * | «BERLITI BCHTOL u p LANWk^ .g j - - .

tr t w im am a l. Oraapa Ptanal. Oam**,Spuplab,p rtrk ta

iialjan, la llp . Uraak; o T p c a m b r e l k n o .

•PANISH tAOSkt b r AdsealAd ^ u U N * W rtt. * . a * ^ Rbtaa ra rr r.aaaaAdA.

D*AKE ed tapa, Ih*,. MarhA. d . . Itaw nr*

DOO—Mala aaUI*, vbH* taa*. MaRl "Cart*;" Bh. O. Ilaaaa* l td : iw vavd.r-T il

M l * 0.. ar PRANKTOtCd ICaniMi*; MIIMb.DOO—Lnat. AlrAdkl* pap. Hack »nd (an;

■an* BArrr. r*ward ratarn. P. W, HBBP* ■ I Ewrtaa M. Narlh Arltn(ton^___________DOO—P h v a and v U i* balldec; tn av w a in

tuuiw WriAkla* R avard tar r* ta n t* M t Parlwr At. N*«*rk. ______ ^

sc h o o l o p LANO_DAQW.^^j ,j^f r o b p e c t a n d m a th btb , . * .o r a n ih

CUmAA dr ArtnJ*, aokaai a r M A w n n

DRAKE Callff*. I t . lU r k d d . , N«v*P*

BPANIXH—T BuklAk In d lr m BP*bAd<

B-Taaad i M d ^ liS S fa * ? . _b In aacBAn** tar EABIMrSp* Eoi *1. N .v* * A m .

HOHTOAOE*Preinpt A tiaatlan. „


BM noAhlAB aPBlAI **ad manm *r«*r. ItothU ad C aaatr,

R M IL L * * N av T*rk.

Pm eiM ,

Cb w i

PORTT t n d i aava a t p r tm * aild A. w •UbIWL WkllAkABAt. M. J. Tk*AA MV.' An

all iu t*m tln laaMd. k*d an adtra I*, af * D . BKILLMAN.lead n l lM n

F irIh m I FbL u i Eh Mbh i

BRRAKIHO up kuna, a d l lu ABlIr* m .M U-- - - - — -af bAaaUtalir faralahad hmiA^ oaR laina-dlaialr. M Mi»fa a n - , RBRNlLE o i n L lK M d d rk b ^

■ataa r . Bta* aa awai 11*.1 tUtchaa a ta n i

1*1 BAiitb Tkir-

OW E la aad ba rn irtarad that w* aaa aara paa fiBaad aa a*v aad dlskllp aaad larnl

BlB* la------

parlAT thHaa ta t*Btlii*

pArtof______ aalam W a

_ radma, f i tM dramr; ebtUe.

d *r kpd ivdkar, ltd; aah dr m ir. Id: <aat*. td.Tl; BiakABaar aprlBbt AlaAo.

. . laraa wardrob*. I t l; kuch*nclaAAL JI.M ; rUaa aftl crn la l o lm u . tU

bolnjj a*d NdMoarda, I f la II

PORA aad *mblaaia, all aaolalladt clianaa lo«halA. riaka. dUi badpaa. ralluldd huiloMloihalA, rlapa. dUi badpaa. ralliudd huilona

Ntw ifk Nrwark

- i u s m e u n o T K x r

•ITHM of IL H f lo IM.M# at I m M A l y d n R. A L Aaaa fuada up to lIS.fM ClIAA.

C DEUREL, CeaBaalor-al-lav, 1* Cllmaa pL

MORTOAOE laaarT; I k a n m m tr lo loaa an Brat aad arcoad PM rtnf* np la^aar

avtounl. LOUIP HERMAN. IH Broad d .

MONET ha loaa *a ftfat aad papaa, la aam* i* pwlt; aairtt aaDA*

EDWARD A. RESaHAN. Ih Cluitaa d

HOKET laaBAil oa f ltd aad **ond m r t- cUy or puKvrto; i f J i f f *r

mi>r« ............p u n m . mt T V W WSLAND. I f f BrMd A*

l lO ltIT to ko4H 99 tovA — CHAELEA E OURNEr, ««iAdor.

ClllrtAB at., Ualon Oolldlap. raolB III,

aad m orttafaK ii

DOO—Voataa briadio b i l l Reward If ro- toraad .A T. JACOBI, IT N a m a H , Naw-

ark _______IKMl—Amall wbii* poodlo. aoawora to maim

of Bab*. All Sooth TbiriooMIi at. _____ETEOLABSES l«*l with rhato laod

atlarb**; ftodrr plaa** r*turn. * 111 Bank *L

'N *

OLAUES—1-0*1. loriol** rim .l-llalon. Broad or Bank iia . or U m vill*

JltBori n w ird . U KUTCHER. II Cllotoe a l , aan n th Door; Market IM ._______ _ooLD Watch—i m . Eipi* ma**iii*«i.

fiBdor will rordvo roword br loarUiB oom* with HARTDEUEK A CO . Broad at.0A8 hill 1**L v ltb t l blU.

A r d la d-droaa on hill

Turadar aaaii. aa Roward If rvturnod M ad-

MAND RAO—llrrrn Ito lb rr hand bap, bo* .WOOD Moplr ft. and Driirvlllr ava., Aundt^

nJpkt, ahoot • o'nlorh. Itrtora HItfl. ^ l lR C lt lL I . . .31 B*ll**lllr av. . Olon RtdpO.

LET Ilh QUOTE TOU ON Laatkar S tia lrb ln f a ad Japanalnp P ra ian . Sappllao for H a a k la r t a ^ p Plaata, Hardwood InatniiBoalPlala aad Automatla

ta iiiip plant 0 » h * % . WpAd tk n il

BiriLIlTNO and loaa a io a tr to looa la f n m up ta tM.Md; no prantlum nharptd. Ad-

drooo Loon. Ror III, N*v o f f ln _______ ^

la s .‘=*“ " ‘B ? S l E '£ r a ‘5 W I f i e o .. ,

111 FtoUBikurfM «y«. S te M I4 W«v.

I f i f ; drM««r. litr - ............-n rMS«nai«rB,_^to Mk, m vA dcuy, jin<l_ _m m mftvUf IU ; v*rl#r ||,T f •!«.f;Ti«k M: If « •• rtHfM. I t «pi M bi'AM rn* Ffiton* sniM iiL AxmlMtor m il VFUm V«Iv«i rufia H. J. HUK'~ ------

m m l * r k w n t o fttodog* <&0DFUC

KT, MY Brond

---- hnah lap up howaokaiplap, will. eoll boaalltal i-r o m flat, ('ail hdvaoo L t* i abS I la I, . I f SpMaplltId ara , top

<90NA closet. NdAbaard, roahara aad m. tts . JS2? raaaaaahU, EDWARDS,A p t I t . IH Clbilaa a n .

^ S P T S S S mt fm r WPMt bm4 b»lB tor __ . - pMSto W r « t o by thArf •Mb paa aidiABiiaa m e a a ; v a b a n Itart all BtaSa ad papMS-haaS t a r a l tm a t prieaa t* aa* U PPPhii f ! hoarr s liN a a toohara n ia- afita l a m p laMa, ehlaa doaata. h a rttu , apBE* U a E ta d m t a w a rd ro b n drak* frd i MB>, hNaa a a d a a a m la d bada pprtnp*. Barlar hatlA rPBt, earpala *a*h atovaa par- lor plpooa ptor w irrana pkaaearapha, m - orda, d rifa irh. c k t t fa a a k n hall raeka, ba-

■Ido board

N*W JEEBIIT RaoHas k OarpPAlortaB Oa. —W* do oil work aa l ip af hauaaa a t

in v m p rio n , oar alaatla roof lU n t and aapbait roof tap baa no aaaal; aid r*of« r« r- a n d ; BaAraBlood tan ro a n : loadota, p a t tm , rhlmaoTo rapalrod: ra rp o a u r work of kar daacrtplton, within f if ir a i l ln of Nownrh; rotlmat** fuml*h*d; card will hrlnjNf*pr*. •oatniiv*. I t . PkarmaB o r a l t*L M il* wnv.

HAVE moBcr h r bavtiic aa flnlfb p*ar d l- rerwnro. rh*nd*l|*r* And hrna* bodatonda.

maklna ibatn lib* o»w; anrih lap to ik* maial Tin* r*Dnl*hrd amt ropairtd,

NKWARK n i c k e l PLATINQ CO, Writ* or pbon* |H T .^ Raar t . Walnut iLMAPON aad piaatarar; ehlmaapa rlaanad.

rrpalrad and r*bulll; DaBStaf: oral oallarA nad* d r r : J^ b la j a ABaaUltp, * HAE- qUXTT* I Waat Park aL TaL IlM Marltat.CHAIR CANtNO AND REPAJEINO E T T K E

blind coupt*. MR. AND H R * JOHN J, WHELAN. . I Buinnlt al, Drap a paNal Work « ll* d for, d a llro n i aad ( a a n a t a a i

MAkoN work. pUatoriBB. hdah w ar* ehlM- nur* ri*aa*d. roaalrod. ra k d lt; roaAOkibl*

rot**: oallafactloo puarnntooA P. A- EO T L *II Updin ol.. naor Orloaial; TIT * *

Malta laaebbioa habp oarrlaBoa ta d a tkoaaaad aUior artlotda.- a tn t io a

JOHNBariaptMd ava

Opoa o n a iaao until MBBBHER. I . l l H dlaod

I o^oiock. oL, boar

BAHOEL BIM W , aalfa-

REflTAliRANT i)wn«n eatnpip *t1k Board of llie iili br harlBP aanltarr floor In

kurhrii. Nawnrh Compoflllon Ploorinp Co., l i t W uhlnpton or*.. t«l. i . l l * B,

rUnnDININO turaltar*. haffolA.AdoiiotA. round end ooaaro tabloo, chatra, aoarbao aaw and alLpbtIr tia id ; v a rr okoap. L'ANTEE b, M Arad*nap P i, Boar Hala*p.EHOLANDEE »« eh bod, I oak rhltfeBolon,

I inallroaoea I Ctoi rapo. mahafaor fm-t*r and rbalr: awaranlood rirot-erMR rookat

AABdllloa: eaai Addrm * L,

rbalr: pwaranlaad firat-elaaaAORdllloai oaat t t l ; maka otfar

Rot It, ■Naw* oftio*.NO* BAUS—Bdld Mark w atoat bwld*ada,

r* rr Inarp, oolMital •irl* , t ft. wM*. with tark iM : or*r M l grw a d d : n r * 'A n * W a lm l. B*« iM. N*wp •fR<


POE3E BALE—Hditoa two-mlauto pROBOpnBh.•T' ••RMm P arlif au lu . IL tdh*na Par Bal*. Boa f t, N*wa oUlc*.

CHlif.NKTS I hat anoka and a to m thatdon't toke; rapn^rinr m uran ttod : j I t ktodi

rf m uon work. B. bAHLKL

WK n««otUto rirot and o ^ o n f thdft noiicd. fiurwkaro. rtopi<

M ortcM f f n S— « todtoinfj

nf mnrttfMrM ■la'4 U adty A itofi

M .ff4 U fff* l l .lf fp I t f f f . to Tm i on to«4 m ortfnSf. lAHIf*

QIBB. coatiAOler, IM Eraad aLAMOUNTS of l l .H * J l ^a**aral larpa aafavata (lE tsE E A PU7M,

HArtBaB* D*plaararal larpa I t . Eraad d.EEAL ESTATE boopbt and AAld; m o w ta

loaa ■■ t in t and amond laortBAta E W EliS. H I Waal KlBpar at.

l o a n s w a n t e i x - r e a l e s t a t e

FSiVATIC p*Fiy (toalroa i» »r»ruto a llt.N fq pTov*rtyim oftfafo mi

gVira Loan, Box H. Nfwi

llrat . Ill

iFtlcf.PKIVATB m r \j wanta |4.ZM to

hott**; to il r*f*rancto. A ddm a l*ylvato.

Ktm'LAVALLieSB—CHnion ai. t.etw**iix ond ava, and lilain at-, rnsi Orapc' ; rt-

Halvrn 55* Amhara' •• E«a« Ufangn.t f ONBT— IMi ava. and

HwRtordon at to *U IJuntoTil jTi at. PWaa#ratvrn to Ulti«. UKO HARNETr. Its Hun*(ardnn raward.M llfic IfUTK loat, Uktoi or droppad Fram

^etSfgeWle nanr ran to r lU rk rt, iraoaroua yxnM i^ Hd guMiloMo WILSON, Hava of flov _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

M bc iIIi e h e i

n itY A T S I m a r f If f l ' . _leeto; afgiipftfnt tavuSfto: w a iftv to ^to*f*

Addtoto CoropatoPt. ttoa ts. WfWf


M. J.

AUl-TIUN b a l e .a c c t io n e b b b .o c o n n o b s bona.

a t t h e BALEanOOMB. t l l - I I I HITLEERRT BT, OM



OP RODBE-a l l k i n d s .

Fartar aad U k ra ir P a ra l tm . ta laatkor, DpriBkt PlnnoB. Mhdo T5*Sl!?5j Cbalro and R ookm . Ltbrarp and C taiar TaM ta In main

Roekar*.. UbraiT »»d aJiMfdjTt Ho/rto CSdlrA

BRAS? AKb IRON BKDSin vll stylfi^T Mdtl/faaaf *f mil k»»S*ilawf, Bi^fikata m A •'omtortarf.


UklHadAirra apd t>raaalag ^ ^ 2 5■ton wttoMi. maplf a f jRoom CkJAiri a» f itotkara. Bfd Cvochaa,H trrora^apd^ pm atoa , Vfffdrptof*

d in in g Ro3 « rUBNITJJBB In comglat# SuUM afd <x«d Flfodfkotrda. IFiYffto, ChtM C l f f ^

in ««k AfS



jtf lifg . wiik blua vtona. I f f Safi t f ; twraambrftfna ring | | rtw ffd.

I l l goulh Kiiih Pi.

PtN—4u««t, gatarday Iwi- 1 to 4 SS F. to-, totftoan namtorfar*a and '"'■ntan Ttoatar

lady'a araat-rnt gold mouuipd |nn (I dto mdfda); i nly rrmaifing hp*r't».im ot al>l fatolty; litoral rikwanl Nrjlfv UF.OHOB W COHiTO'‘K. 1ST Harkpi ii . 'ily. i»r M Wll- rtrd AVf. R|»omfi«l<i> S- I



I I I MONET TO loamt* ONIIH rUENiTURE, piANOB. E r a , w tikm t e m * n l nt l*s*t n M — l a t w t W t tank* lAkH to paopla of N ow uh aad fnk- arha. aad oar d a a of m k iB f >tata M *•• of tka h ta . of Itf klAd to b t bad. Oar plaa a t BwalMr pnriDoata la eoBvadoal n*d aaay to par. a* Ibor ara a m n s f d to aalt r f u r Inroiaa A bnlu to lr no eharpra olhar than lataraat k m


MANN. It. Charlton *t._____ *

Noworh.B. IIRT-

NETAL CK1LIN0I and WALLS. Kractad in alt kind* nf bulldlnga.------- ---------- ------- -- - N*JAfl. V. NAG1TIKK. t | l Kftaay fL. Naitork.

MAPON ^OFtK—4'himnayf rabdltl, rapoltod;plMtartog. altarfilorka; ipbblft i aBartoltr

?. H. PKI’aMODT. 41 B«nb M.; lal.SHIM MklCLBCTRK'AIa, ma^hanlcfl f f d a/ebU fclfrai

anglnrfrtng, daftgnihfa dmlUng ami *M' cbira work. S. KRAANT, IM UtUatod fv«*MASON work; chimrtajrt rsbfllt, rapalrad;

j^aatrrtog. aMarfttofa,, Jfbblng f apaciftty, JOSSFK A. ftBILLY. U Sf, Uib at. Fh»n».

U rod nfod rMdy tm h f t ofc*.Mfrfcri i f f l i to drop ua h Itof to ma.ll fM « • will rtwpodd qflcfety. Hauff * to I.

psoF U i s h ttk d e m compant.IU Mfrkat tL. room 4*1, touriK H w .

lU fik lff DaFfJtmrni Licafaa N«. I

WB I.ENO FR B B L t to mm ffd wam*n who ttoto g ^ a«d « rapolfllan for paying hUla;111 to lloS . nifir to pfW to I'm mwitlily to* aulmfiita. or (•aa Hma If you wjak; aaca^y rftitulrwi la f nola goftoOUnd by f r * * ^ ‘ fiMa frtofid. nr »■ wiU fcrapi * rkbitol mtol- gag« on your hotwobolil fumitur*. wbieh ro- mftoo to jroHf now *nd pooo^ton; lAa i« (loffieoti to promliiont t>uato*»

m*n. w to gddF*nlr* toir moihod^lEtaffai pik&paM. oromstonMv frtvfejr •M

F lN '^ to a i. •mall illfirmnd |jin Saturdar, pfovomMr 11. N«>v*rk **r Irvington, ra-

vorS. W ». Mu r NINGHTk u n .•tSi it., Nowork. TaJ. B. n :4 iw ________FOCKBTQOOK-FLoaL voivrt por^kattook,

Tioodor avanlng, df Sotuh OrfAga avo., batwoow kixG) f in Skvanlb ata. Tlndar r«o imm BOSSNBBKGa I l f So. Ttk a t., rawnrA

“S u ' M E f b ' s s i ' f i t J rr* m r l d r of Eui* of All.

b*a, BdiAll RaAA.

{ j iL m ^ e n r ^ o M , * ■ n ^ S S L J ! r ^ ^ • ‘, nUfoiovjn* v»rvw**T TTT—n l am rtinool of C*atpws P ard tan kladn


e n t i r e COMPl,BTE rU R N ISH IN M OP ^ B E A irri

n u M B , (W fHEi, E tc ,, W E l t o i

l l . l


■tato * ^ olo. A ddrm E o i «L How* dno* . _______

n e w twe-fhaillr bouo*:' fH lnpro**,a»iii*lt f J H ; t m u d I'loor. lot l t h l> * l , **■

rhAPd*' maho oftat. Pra* and r lfa r 1*1, i a f 11*. ouraor, aiAha aflor. Now *n..fanilly. a ll imprAvmoaia. ofoarn _hAAt, 11,1**.inUWWVMnOSSmi WWOIPI rA ta», wv*vwv, *T' -Iiwi,BiAlHta proBATtv *0 WtabUiftAB *C. w<wtRIL lM i jBAk* Mlhr: b*w tw *.fuall> . Imu prenAMkU, t**d la rm n a a B l.^ r tr* It.TUkpron i-------- -------- ------------ARTHUR VAN BTERNIBRO Urov* d ,..IrrlaB t* v .

H I S*aiM «


■UlAfn-taipitr hrlikn * l ^ IL Idf r r l r

••d : ihi* I* a liBliiaiat*

wm VIxk'^fRI VffEB k i *I lf .fM MM, W SWthgJig

■rich f i t for M I.H f; oil ly; worlli M f.fM ; f im mtga '


t t i f fH i tbM If « togUtoUto praiaoHto*. fnd will alMd f raws rigid afAiiititotkm; m oitoi

* oMh pawpoottlJi will to ooooMfffd MMrtftot bda I t i . f f f odimy foi

fW. J^AAmm m. F . B to If* Nfwa oNVoovFOHONA

Family houu batjiryK*.

BAltaAIN—M ff iFto • s rh ln a for toto f t Flat X. — -bar gala*' i n w r t t iT h .

I l l

M O T O R C T C L E S AMD I K T C L E STOUR eklAA* t* Bd A BMtAraret* *h**p: i t

PolM* EM flfMrt, 11)1 tBAdd*. d*m i<«H y*ddpp*B aad M*«d*«*t*fa. Ink*n ta f*r I t BAw u rd A lo n ; tb*r*«Bnl» knultd; alp* a full Uaa d d in * n p i

ta trad*

from IH ap, i«ab *r laainlinaata. Baa tlM HIT Eiealalor twpHd. tho m m jra taa rfd , ap i» * im and aatad iBtahlM *■ I wRaatai

T*nr la advaao* al all d lw r awAaai Ata*. . j l i b tnolor whod (tk* W ord* p ad lita ).. Hovrrfurd CfolO C#.. t* . Brand *t


1mm*dlnl* dd tnrr; b*rond daArrtattan fcm ; lau*. ta nw U k* npprodAUd; « • m p a m with dkor HaohltHA n* IE* u t^ ' *rn auto vttk tbo Adta imah: a laAoldBa fw tka taM vttk alAAo aad dIataMUaB. tk* m r T S l a ioionptlo; ** a i tiaM taa .M # « ■uroa, n * CitataB nan. ABETMItaMk a t b ;

i ' a f ^ g ^ K a i i r " ” *oyotoA UMd* gMdrtoa and

W n d ta m ta r . tad iiBdIr iAB.

. M l—P artr-tL *1*i. iuia. wraalA. | I . I t a : n l WaaMV* riAdiMiBbborkaod, hdrj*li|^bic ara.: r*rtrlrtad aaltkborkaod.

I t . n . : Plata la CllnUa Park Baatb. wlib

It ar lltW o*«aahlo Av*.. ar t*t**k**a MUMWavorlp.•END POR R O O K L rf 'Pa(rA» Phrfc

Ik* Maal a aa -lm lD * • * • d t* ; kitli. H P aad k ta ltkfai ' ' ----- ------

, _____--- id; -MniloA, hda« hlthor *b«v*

iMo laval ikaii Ik* raof of tk* PtrolM* I balldlBf: a n d for dm rtpU an* a t aaw k m * a twrfBUr awBpUtaS; t r * d d rtco i m v m • harnaoB and kU d » Sandap. CRDWLBT.tfBRIRN c a . m ta a ^ h d td la B ._ _ _____ ^SM U T iri.’L t a t f d d * Nartk End kv*»i*t

•rarrthInB for enadlari; tap alatnnllir f l ^ lakad r a a m Ulta h « li; ---------- ------ -th rouak ta t; daaoa; o la o tr td trT L a d a a ta d r

BACRTPICE ta alaa* aatal*. OrtkAr# d j Tkna-aInrT krlok. da ta rfca i I I rataoa APE

haUt. t a ip n n a a p u ; tars* latT P d l v m k •l,*M. Will rap •Ita r M -hthl •Itarad la a ta n aad dwaHtaS.^ -------------------- ;EOND k c a .

•AAllflB* Raaodll* k a m !W

M il 1-BPEEO ladlaa P*v t d ^ . Btat ofppcl* aad Mda rar, Id ir oowlppad, ta* tar

U U ; harfala frr aaa laiaraaM; aar atratlaa tl**ai< aai w a ttitM m a t a m » sar. Call dar ar *v«Hns% or Suadara. J tlE - LEIl M Rids* a n .. North Arllastoa, N. J.; lak* Koarar o*r la Edtovlll* lamBlk* aad

talk oa* Mock narUi ta RMs* aoL

Novark'a oMoat aad a m rdlawa atara; aalr aaaraataad wkaata: PlarAL Btaara*.AoKla. Wavorir. *ta; okltdroaT vk jd * . I l l H ap. i|>*cl*l Prt**a *1 ! « • »dta*a; PtakUroa. l l . l f ; to r wbool*. M down,ploh oaf rour ChridaiM v k to l ACBTIN,Tf William it . n*or Broad.___________

FMto<teliSlg, ^■ fMT S

BUMMER AVE-Oaa-fAaHIp *C I r o m•* 1bath; aav a m ia haaU r aadlaandir la oallar; a'Mtataor at*. LIH tor la ltkil.1


.watafiWill M i“ irD X■a 801 CO.,

m m i rm lOfSwig biUftog. gff I to f to t to.

1 waggy^ M T i b s s p i

OREAT rwlur'ian aalo fo all *•** • “*•!Muratao; will ho ooid MB»rt‘f " •*lalvod a larpa a lad l a l l i l tv a b a n Iw t raoalvod

laadate af Ptoreo aCNULTX t'rolarr, a*a* a ta .■•1 f f f CBVO

rroal of i

__ Voladrotna h iiprl _M R aad IT B a M Or- Adaw Hawaad d -: «kr

a r ; pkoaa t i l l M ark*l

IllA -IN D tA N —l i l t POW ERPLM


Mt w a b m in o t o n b t .


Nov foadr lor dotlrorr.R. SPEAK. HI tVaabtaSMB d .

IVER PDUMBON irark f r a r n orttk CMitta L»i iMAgfri will ffll ahtoPd AioTtolr

^ k BO. i r k i i i k d g j ^

iliBpriivrBi**i*; tat MaMA; r a m t d pmiBt^t 'J w * M .M I; haak iM rti hfh; f t m d R Ath rE la T k -P E lE T .'I lf * ta k i.

C IV IL S IA V IC E n o t k x s

; ? K S S J 5 s :’• ? :L - |a - t« « U .Daciaikfi I, MM Q am ir. r a o i a t r t a mad k* mad ta i Caaitaoaleatt w W -Atato Hoiiai. i-Lia

Mar'* - V- . . Daoaatbor 1. Ivit Sordca (taaiatl

l i l t .



w ill aoll tk* OBtIr* contonl* aa obav* eh tk* prOBilaoo.

ifAVLOR'l oohad a l droaarattlaB. drwa- maWiTs. ladior I4ll*rt"i.

l a ( anil m llllarrr; “a ir nnlrt.laaa ta h a d at Its kiad I* tka M w il'ri • ( ' ‘t d a*M ta aow

m a r t B LTNCK. I «ptaito Coatral * r i , ; dar aad avaataB «IA».


njTtSB Tffi rnnfll fUTfr toF*«. oontolstog k«yi nna gmflt rtongA Butoayv totwaan

fTf. fn4 F feeto r'f T b a iian towmrA ------ 11 |M « yUfa n«y fvf

BtN0--0«nttotM«‘f »tor%lrtw frg . Q80* C, 11KLt.BR, l (rn to r


X if n lfb c OFO ri ig t i wfdd^lng Botum If lb

^HlUTtOTul aVTibinryt, to tur- to « ( Po|fc« Thtftar. g lu t g ra» in t: tlto rfl rvwariL

B lm v ii^ i » r . t* * t Orngga.TfCKETS—L<mt to Boot Or«fign. four to*m.

ta r tlf to U IB aiVOtojM B*w*frt 1( n tu rn to|fa4 4T OfflotftB yl.t

W A T ^ rO F M ifilliOT . Ran*. P<>1jr. T. #in bark:

ll'raw npd. 'U - X TKOMANg, IT NorthfUto Waat o r f f t r . »■ J

i ; ; ^ m 'aod' o « d * * ta f f l ^ S K ia^ la^ - a o o p « _ ^ _ _ ^ iwnddi a flaa b m a . Tlo-Ttita alM * « • • • 'Ina aTOrnktas - W V tatrata And rae jrta . i la s a a . a takofahL d ta la iehlaa, oat ftao*. BkofllolA

r '/S ra tta ia ,„ M artla d

Plata ftlnTw ara.

taM* )tP*Ba.It * , ptrtona. r a n . had* aad taaddlBS,

kltolHa T a ra ita ra . d aOS OMR. oioetna t i l M g

aWmi IM 'am all to*'« How la B d jk o w : Taka Udiiii j » r , ot..T|TH5iT* •**a t B o ao h v o ^ pl-t North Ellaakolk

i t i i l liwIdBlai^li^yo'?- P - *■ -

a n r tim *; t w » S ! * * T a l E l i

H W i t l J C S T IN O C M A F I IE M

IL *ta CASH ■taktklp

kara tJu*f.t*ainp, SitoMS

* d * P * * .m j - ! ? ! ? "■ FTT^Tli T 5JI!*^*‘] , a ? % i 1 l ; i 5 T S ^ r t i S t

Eraad *A

to; aolad taakllaa a s U Ttafa H ill; I*.S w r ^ s 'iO jr f ty ?

aatlaa fof

M B ita W ahk.1 Bdt»

M th ; lot s S ^ e d t a«!B T , TM

kataa l LABardta. IM J; MbAlf PApr tRAROAIN-CtaPfr

p an i t a i m t a l J M I ______jU iT roaafahkta *T(d. a a tapno . j t ^ ta * . EUiip rfld di f f ta r 1 d o ta A I I BlfBt- TdS pi.. Nvvark.

m u .

u r r * M ¥ T p ^ i x n ! i



PITS-ROOM k e m J U tah i r m BoPtk


K.VTIRK eontrnt* of a ro rr Ins* and not ion* wilt bo *

koaarfarnlak* MHd aa Tknradap

N ovm bor 14. a t . ) Davl* a r a . K tarpr^ ,r J , a t l:lf l o'eloob. Good* owBata. a t i ro ro tln . lot of koooo furdablaB S a o ^ * m

D fK ^P oaau . ®ad«P bkllloB- brlndlr. whit* copatar. Ira kof. mafbl* top v t tk B tadodtar, *k**t *»d Irft n « l 1**; *er*w

tall, R L MARION. I I PrnBhtln U r. Irr. lBd*P. _______ _ _ _ _ _

POR RATJ^Lorp* oadaot p is rakd*. In^po ad ooadRImii ■■Hakta t*r~ rta tauraal air tarsak**** T»l«pko>* IT IIJ O ra a ia

w SJO R^ Inl

SALE—Erova taalbor d a raad l* . mkr.• i h a n a ta ; a* tBoau.tram*: Bh* i* v ; _______ __

■ T U itata th a l . Drat floor.

■ ^ tm o y ta ta i i^ ^ b ^ B ^ o S t «htap^ i.^S o rt

* g s a R ^ l * l g a T t a V ; . S L r s L r ^ ^

BRa BB. OBBiBoIrd bwlB roflBlBkBd. n*v bBd*.•priaio . aiBitrBBHii, CraorBSI R*Dn. Co.,

Ml BprlnrCold BVO.. IrvIPltO". W bv. t i l l .ESSEX METAL CBIUNO CO.

inonB*. _m t B. V

Ooi oor DSuroo and Baro man** TOl. ■11-11 Norlolk Bl

MERRITT METAL CEtU N O CO.W i d e : * ’’*' ” '? i * ? i i r i r k ! ^

m e t a l c e i l i n o s and_ w a ia l l s .OoUlnin, M up. BRED BOCK, l l - J f EIIIb

Bv a . BOBr CIlBiBB avB.. pbaoB Hf>

iB w fa r’chara*a prbmptnoM. p r t r ^ro u rtta r; **vBml piivot* ofOrB*. writ*. rBU« Phan* MBr_kBl_IIM . , ^ r

P M NAIAdrta* with rou tlw orluilr.


• t a t dnilr. nOER BAIN « mSnturdar*. f‘ ■*,11 J-aum , , ,

LOAN SOClKTTt i u M wKii f t i b i r d Ftofr. l fiRgff ST to J' Bifibtfg DfSti

W A L L P A P E R A N D P A P E R H A N C m i

PnS ! r o J r n ! " r : i l ’« A r & W J 7 -

t a . ‘’S

- u...- ^ tpatl-----cdPdIUa,. m t H I, **11 f a r l l . l f :f o a r tw ^ a a i S d t a a d ^ u b i i . 'n k B ^

EtdRIPStop *>.. a a r m Aaadaaif.kADT~tjii|akjiffiEr dadh f i . l l i larpa partw '

WILSON wbllawaablnt. b r band or mnobtaa;erllnr* clr*n*J. l id Knot Klknar at. 'rat.

MnTk«t HIR .

at rtaaoiAbl* prlto*. bo*t a f mal*ttal uaad. t a r h u a d i l p f o a r a n im Writ* or call

So COflllN.Ml m a r k e t ST, T E I. MET. MM.

« i ;’ J * s

— addta aUk optanr,O M d sd .

• S I ?

MEW Sraapir. _a m ^ l S S n a S . w l i b ___

v T T L n t^ k l^ j ^

h o r s e s , C A R K A C E S , E T Ch o r s e s hnd nArt* for sa lt a t A S a m t Cpal

Da aiahta, lU W a*bin(tao a l . tv * htaak* fram H arkat a t ; prio* frata IM .fw a rd ; waiBht frata L tM ta I.IM lha.; aaa h* aaaa a t 00*1 r* rd all wooX ala* tundar. _____


Palnlora aad Itaearalom Ouarantoad Warh.

WATCHCASR, Add, fooad.w w orh i7 V Jrr otOT*.

I I . K rrrr It.,

IN S T R U C T IO N0 .0. ...» taVta*- —-'.'Wf-I.D s K l i f

MR. had MRS. PRANCISCO, loarbort of.Adorn dancoo, u ra tod Hall, coroer Broad

•Bd BBMf* Bta. iBrjBot d u d io In NBw*rk

front r n(h*r ftolurffts : . “ % i

flKIfliCflM, ... .•o is wliKMl r u i r f f

for ImmBdlnt* turaovnl. A lta .o a t, **ry 1 ^ uftfiibi itofto to tolf TbXf *to#W tog (« Pom«r*y, wnlb tkP»* W ifto » Ito r li itoB

t . VAN PQKNAKjAtotttoM g.

LATHn<tr A N D tM O if.nktatak 1kP«PlltaRBAL"EETA1rB AND INSUR 41. BROADTELEPI

ST., OPP. ORAHUB e l 7 p h 6 m r I t t l M ULEEr

l l f w a s I t . m uM r.

• |A BREAD • £e b t a e l is h e d i m . - -A L. CBOIW A B A RR LB r.

E U ccK ssuns TO 1 A L, CROSS.


N. W. BARKLEY.LO:>ANB T o /u m ,

RRAL Eb' yATE—INSU ■14* BROAD ST , l i t R to tlns anS tJoHadlAB

IW -


morati**, ,hr appolotiluntl wr iaaiw nwo our oanetB: rT aam ro dlBpram urotain hspd: ns fuiur**. part parmBot plan; wBdaaAlar araniiK oIb**•nd roerptloa; punlio dU M SalardBr niahiB. Phona . I I I MnrkBl. fSaBrlllP elam P rlJa r nl(hU . HaaBAb Triapia. . . RawrllH bv*.j W*dniiBdBr aad PrlUar avanlnp*. M i *bu, :n. rludtnt iBtaon; rlumto dabotaf. tWBton Hall

■" 1. TP*.

•raian..amaaba and «vrnLn(v.— — - — da

P Ie m b u i O rg » m

SQUARE piano* ( ir a a aw ar fa r Ih* dartaB ^ ■otn* A*«d Naw Jartap.^F^ita^

* (• Co.. 11* WaaAtaf ton a t . NowartPRIVATE lAtallIr. Bolaf Baklk, wtH M an

tl(ht plaa* with ro a p o a ^ o

l i t P ltC iD im U L E W .D tlW L ... Real Batata, I**.. L m w and ApBialMlR

K. Jr

r«r pfiia Tmadar •v«n lii« . tofUl dancing.M OPlitN AND ft f fJ F J lC DAKHNO.

------M. i'l RlCIWiXWI STUDIO,«i.i e p p ^ t i IM>Nirt T r f i t n o u i;

privfttf Mid rlMw ItoMPto (oFAtolto M d •bli-d m dallr. T ^ w M s e t a w te ta - , WbA and• ta . E b rd l BOW. td . MAS MArk

m fhwgnPf ----- .p a r t r ^ t h AOOd MWaUona bur- A ddffta P rt- vat*. Tim 1. NOB* oftloa.

THE . .11 Rnwdprivfttf Mid

C PR iaH T plaao, 140: hoeoad-kiRSI saad tOB*. tauch *Bd Bolloa. Nov J f f f g H bBo

tH o ^ a Co., IM WaakliUNv* *1. Itavarh ,

HANAOEHIMT I f k t a S * ^ ^ looMd; firvNO is a r ita a fS . TTp sa. lA T


R E A L E S T A T E F O E J A L E - C i n


!’ r * n i# A “ _

tfU ~ai A ■»*« fC d O ta : • • J5P*"**'dnna O m tS /R a a I I . H*v* ofOd-EALOWIN AVE—OtaM* ..VtaTamltP o t I f

s s s f s r 1 S ! ^ ^ I r l R s ^ * • ■■ *■EOEkVtLLE. paar 2 S * ^ h l i t m ’

ifE /E N B . ITI casw al av*. . ^

•cS tataM . I* ataU**; ta t r t f u a ladBlia 41 ttarUi Elhth t aWW ifjF 8 * 8 0 0 lt >»toio t i l Jgftiftoft ttT. Htkt, fiaam h**L twp hath*, M.MI. lu-dalrfNINTH BY., v ta r C m rB I ata.--rTkf4f-()lW lj

kotaA rta . W l Bflta M4Mj AlanbtaiUlnii t v I X R l I y k m f . Brtra l i M B. JU&UE, Mr Mirkd 5;________ ■

A { L w i v w * * ****

id Itarar* Ita ta , H brarr Ubioa, and tatlfcm *r all EEiSfl Bfw

rrp tah taffh la eAtcrERW , I f

r« retaa* k a i ^rka tta

HOM ER mWta. VABoaa AKd b a ra m ; h tv - pat *11 l l daotrta t f v t f vh •■■■.

_ . av*H Ir r tn tta a .< a 3 $ 3 T E « p rw 7 o * . v u i » l l r ts a m a M f f

a f ir t lJ 'b a ra w a a

tjJtVMt a i p i m i trt. vHi M l roparmi ■**1 11 v f d i u ra a * aaS B u ru th t l

all bpfh kau tk l f r a ta Uto p ad two i mom *1 bUY*. l i t m a * at.i

datip. Bunday la .IB M .


m oot iw t.ld Bw I

E PIBCHBR k m .J-ilij'L «lNt.

If Bt ^Ftorj i r t LUNRtog to to i l i to f ta f« r t W to-

- - - - . R f H l H L T N ^ W * ^ ^ ^. warp it a BtadHa BriaM

* 9 e S ir '* v * B in r .” .M f B l” ?T'._*PP?y*l h*


I lualaa. rm iita B , aorita rffB lM taf.

IM ra h ^ a iL ^ ta f id

7 V 9win

»4fto ^ t o f f , i t fgad gcdtfi to toU il *i1 Pto> M.niUft-CLABB aaln tar aad fA Pw lM ulB*r;m '

PAINTTKa. BAparbABBtaB. workmd I

•eTSTd e r 'C y E i ,k iX k " . - r t :

EEU .a b l e DiKiqRATINO TO.1


t a p tu d iw m t*rlnaa T h ia ln r *i

. nSrnnaod Id i H aik* l

PR T T A 'rinbnclaB Idhil** *1 ^ w OBBVds- idM*. J # D d a d k i ** ♦ . • * « Aatartoa*

RattaVAl Bnak. L, E B IlX : I t . Wav, U H .


- PRITATB ItaafB*; all tataat daptaai

It haai .

n r ln s - I T I

a R A ^ P U L o ^ h ^ - lS T J u tk -

|j piAkaEMip p lf r f f dAAo. IHl* a n e ta U a ia llr /n * tomoj to r lauth Butaapth a c . M lta*r> dtP-

W W d . T S A 9 * H * ^ r « n i x 5 ! ;B*a toaalnaa.

MEWARR LPAMILT b w r l m n o ,

titaladlBB rtaidwlo* II.M *fr d la p •***•!

RORRRt » . BTOOT1»»U«*H. * X « ‘-

aSstaP tant-

CUNTUN if lU o I foonia. halli, (taam, •wdrtoBT: frtta law, Igm a taap ; for

p a l B t m ORRRN, lltr iflfB iitad i

1 ^ ^ 1^ S d 55:j

a i rtrMMi

ata-BlMx t s shalt___OHEHN

IliWR tori to f i* w » ;«g NBL3 * 3


t i s r aALPTMI


COKIHIk a ta ; I

TWO-Ftt to ;

K to to f1

■ S A L

thto i


to igs H to fT D riig 1ib to ttoU L tS

hH V I to l Hi i t o 99tId

COMPlt o i l i

H iw tlf irg d iid lX ig iprfiJkgiD C n ,UMWj I

hm l ■flra ila iOSSSl,BTEvEw n n






EHkOOST HOME. T lIshL ek ta rr raoi.all Impravamdilh; Sodrakla a flib h

M IIIU NOilew; raaaopAbl*. loAuit tlri OB ara.PDBRBT k n .L - S m m o aaS h a tk ;.l« t Ma

Njw gtoflto. 1 • ; •■j*

CAL harBata, *••*: f f kSBBBP daM P-/

PLATKR.plAldO. < .«orth tauale; a* i ABAraai Wdaa. ||an 1 |

I t I ' ___tlidmilMh fvF fivltoj .rq » s A ? .A « ri i ^ i x L

k arihirn'CABM

“ K S J *

balks** IPLOURMOT. m E w M d ik j^ . :

T T c ^ S P f

;. k l' BVO-Simllp iIT Ukd* IL-

Wav 0t^l|tM:PAM1LT h»a*ta-

...J iah i*p w f a ^


I v n

kn« hi* lfUt4^

4 wUfe; itfbt»

• ^«Mft«1. 11 wn fMit, IM • • t M M. .




•fBtfini i»l, r4* 1«1.nify. t i l .. trartiL1>. 1iV

l*.7Uk I S*«lH •

f !• »

tt m t |* ' Wt, andwi « iWiiRir fof « «4flMb

t ^Vmctfc Ttb. 4 ir


M M.

i« w u A Amltairt

part t# m «(tifU * 00^


M iiw i«l* llvM n ; n a M

tU sir SBUt; M

& *fc

* » * aS i S

•N.1 J W■. fV i*

Ni* tv » «V»*

^u n aO OrtlBt tt; UtM tIT lN d M (rt

R i i m S • m m ra. a 4*

•r 14

in4 H»- k w tm i


««n M.. ipMtrt.1

H. 1«-



; r . * . . 1 , J

I*' v s

w i W E D & SD A Y . NOVEM BEB 15, 191«L 17ISTiin PM lAU -ART i i u isTAB PdaiAU-ooT qi

TdlMUAL fSTATt FOft S A U -^row

i M l O r a i f tFAItX TmJkOT, w a w lk O naa*

I «MMa wplklat <>•**••• M** *« U H ■Mtk O naati UlaM n r T e * ! * «»•*•• M ipT M ai Iw fe « ^'S J S L r ^ A T w tS r jS T S i

U N O Nr haafeirt T w 4 a Part Traal. IM Maal aaa-N allr aaat laa; M aiNataa *a

Na« Tarki » iralaa PallPi laraa »M a a l iaw a*li arieia: iwa aaa kaaNa raaaal lr

U l Oaaa M M lac. ____________

FPaaa H aai la Ilia taaiP antawark. 0aa4 nSilaatlal Alatrtot Oaiaa li l kjr airaat, Narar raalaa. Paarlraa taaP alaa t i i n i , la a katka pan t aaa ati aalaa partk. I t i l i ia f p r a , n a i a Partaat aaa- 4Hiaa. Waa3> U.aap, aall M,Ht a ^ ar | T ^ aaay taraa Na lawar alfar aaaiU irai. Na ataala. Wrlta Pnuaa Baa IIP, Hava ainioa


j r t N” S e .

faaa frtalapa IM (aal PaaNi aaaaaavOT‘ aaP lialtap; awaHaat taap ll^; l »

al laali la m a t . C iU B U MOaalfal a i r e r a a f i s r e r t i s i i

aaaU. C tA N E avvaa. IM Nw 1 pkaaa Malkarnr ItPI.

par fraal laali _____O W IN H OO.. taatk OtalMa

CLOU aatala Iwa Maaka la Oaairal aaa.aaar MaavaaP Park: tivki-iaaaa kaaaai

haai) Palravap, kara: Up lal: far I t i l i i alaa (laa-raaaa kaaaa aap Priaawap tar


HBW aalaalal kaiaa, alaa raaaaa l - , ' . . i i i ■ laaaPrr. karpvaap llaara, INiplaaa,

■alarkm alaaplat parat: llaalraaaaaauaa; k a a 4 /n !« k a n B a a ; H .kll. O M A . IIP ntaaaaT M H H B f.

• 1 0IP, m Caatial ara.. aark.

la ; aaa-taaiU>: all aatara U lUL alaalrla Ilakl. ataaa kaa

_ . . Hat iBclaaak flaM aa4 awaaa., laria M i kaaaa la Nat-afcaa aaaAltlaai aall akaaa aa« aarr a a « taraa H. C. B U C H , i n Barkal al.. H avalt.

OOONTBT plarai baVM ........I 'M katt: kara. (ran aaP ------

akaal I aaraa: If.MPi kartala i T n a B l UO -m O M CO.. Paalk Orawa

bMM |4 llptM: .Mtbp ■ftirtw tty; i i titffa

MB far *MW«. tb r ib k io .bAMDTIbI S X m' . m a a a akrakkm. /a l raalrlallaaa aafapaarP p w BHan «a-

UNPikBAUJHJiD OPPOBTDIITTT _ la PaaiiBlt, Ika alir af aataral kaavM, fat Ikaaa artaMap aa alWaatlra kavia M a «a- Haktral raaMaaUal aaauaaaMr

MkMMOKB taaMi aea atfaraP far a aakO ta la far III.PPPi taa raoiaa an4 alaiffaa

aaralii aplaadip caaPUIaa; llaa taaailaai b n ia lat. Caaaall K0irf60M BBT mar. t i t laala at.. Ban Oraata.OtTNBB Vtu aaarmoa aa^ faniTp It a a M lT

fvra ttacankar Ij alaa raniaa katti raaa r paraM; priea Pl.PPa, raPam Iran H,kPt.

laaalra Par fartkar patella, J. T. RAHPON, IP* Batea pi., Baal Oraapa,_____________PP,HP~Taa Ikara la a parapa vB k dip

aXCUIPIVa BBAl.VZlEliPOBOB..a a n tlltla i


atettaa. arkaal uHfabarataa, kv U atatlra al aakatkaa aaaaMMNIp. Wa vUI fcallP la aall Ika rapattaMaaPa a* faaa — alMa laPinPaala

Par IHaraiara aaaaaralaa BaawM a a t aarPaaualt Daaalapai—t


■MWa mmr »w* irMuvMa^«■» *»^p ■■■■

% a s r c {

PaaPr Itaa-ra—llr kaaaa. taarlai ra kalkk late aiaa— kralara; aaa'

all aara BOHBflt MHNIHU aan pL aaP Narik Plflaaatk m.

U B Taaa Ball Tart aaa, fclarpar ar Baa tap;v a aall aaa a lati aak atlp _paa a kaa—;

.tea p v tb a raal. f ir i i ir r .iB r la ir M d aaa. avP Taka Ball IC

K C am O N A U .r van kalU I___ tkla araaaat laa larpa tar avaar; pa^.

r7ss»is:*'i{nsar-uHai1 Or>

B A M lliM f BP. JtWi Mfb

g e r je t at.. B m ck p u T T n m * T14|

tlMMMHn; mmi wm wmm «« p*g p : i “ j ; ^ n f . ? s w . a i r s w

UlUtHNBBOOI.n m a , IP r a f -

arra af prvi

—a ^ Owk—at OMiart— I Ca,

CBItTBAlf ATB. prapartp, at I IP ,___aaaa; iv a M am; aaw krlak kallplaai PPa

IP; ip.paak Paaa aaHwi. taar PrPrrvap; m l m u m —at. te —vnaMaatepam . O v a - . BUPTtfll. ml Oraapa PPP1. " m i , S i w t e t e U iL T ^ S S IH.IM BOTB teaPp Iva-Ia-Bp karpala. IP .

laa—a, P aalka; —paiaia ptea— aa4 —- Iraa—; aaar MaUavi aa— tanaa. OBBBM.IIP Plra—a i’a bPdp.. Nawark.

_ J

O U B U w S S K H ^ B q f lk B j f e p UTMa c—aalal kaa— la aaw taaPp ^

—aallaa. l l kaa ka— PialpatP tar a l a i ^ aTamaraP aaP raflaaP Mala. BPBaHar. w—k- —aaaklp aaP a alatlaP p t e Be— r—MPep la a pita Nap artlaUa aalL Wa teaHa paaraaa- atiiratlaa. T ta kaa— aaatal— laa f—m aaP twa kaika. Tka plal la MalM,. v itk •araaa la t t—. Palaat—iarp laa—a at pap- - a a l l w ka a r a « ip a i~ r ir tall t e t a ^ i m a P 4 m BPwarP^Laklk—k a a t JP*<—M im a ta a l-a r , a-aalalaP araPPIaate. PpTlW k a ra . Haw Tark CBpi f a - - C m vP M aau rtataaPtat. — Ika prt—laat. ar LM- H w rr k WOLN, HaaapteB kp—Ik I tt Clla- laa araBTV lTBBkWT kTB.. I l l - I l l — TWa tm -

ta—Ur kaa—a II raetaa, Iwa kalkt: all—

^ • ' t S ’o .T £ a j w ]t ?h

VBBMIHB kVB., aa— CItelaa aaa.—I taa— koan; lot liaIPP; U aak

aara - will la ia U.PPP; ^Bj—^ aijii^ im par a—I, U lin B B!

AUNBB #T.. aa— Cliat— a a a .~ 0 —-la - l lr- s n i i i f i ' » sa ? a jiN ’% r : p ‘**TO C U M

J P * * BIO BAEBADf U | i i tMWl^

rOB B kU l H i - t B i t - t t a - kaa—: all IlMMIMMtfc I f f l l l l i t < i Mar iMM

O na«^ at OnM§t MTt.

W«rt Onm*


M aat— la praPanlra ataaa-lna tlUafa f— kap. aato t a m t a - aaP p atala-: — paaB trap aa— M il—a n : We—H ee l w k a r t ^ aaaaan a a P —lp l l i laU— ta laDraaP ail. la— ; IM applaa. paara aaP aaaak—; —it- — ap t.ppp aarpr waaP: l-aTa^ ka—a la ■tap tapair; talaakaaa; tP>ft. kata. —aHtp ——I aaP a—kaUPla— : a«a— aallap aw— a—k— law prt— t k l i l . w llk Ptlp Pawa a S —— 1——a: la—a lt— aaP palate— kriaa la PM la tlM p— arta, -taP te—ttea IPPP la ^ tap altalta - a k — '■kart, -IM , aaatij Map, P ^ M M n al——I a—raaaPaP pp aaH water tap a n

Write tateur 1— alna- a Apiaip. f i M— ka I tl.. Haw Tatfc.

Ika Oalf lU n m Write Pate— 1— ak— ter B A. BTHOOt Bar— 'Oip.TlP.. — III ■ABOUT I aa—k P* k—riap trail Waai,

P-rat— kaaaa. Hate raaf, aaawal aril—. •priaa. wall — Pa—, paailiT, waaP aaP ■—> kaan; jrtea pt^pik, M t parib CHAP.■L UNBBH,

PPte ACIUM, I aar— w ilPk IP ptalarr. I tl— kraakk P-raaw

kaaar, paaiirr. kaa—: I tlJ M ; will u lw OBBBH, PWama'a kM,

kaaai, kara. kap paaiirr kaa—: B a—a •tali— pttea

----- 1 t«a. CHAk A

PP ACBBB. ip waa——P. ip f i riata: an Mb— trail; laipa airaa—. P aaP I ram

Baaaak kara, waata, pratITT tap kap> 1—tr; 1 a lia C ki5— Malt— ; ari— PP.t«. ter—a CBAS. B. OBBBH, PtV « n w e ‘, MPPOBUOBXI kr________ ________ _ j — — —atpa p lan af

titeP—aa. wui —It al a —ariti—, fP arm ; l l .r a a - kaaaa, wHk kalk; IM aaP aali water, irlrato ——a—; P a—la n i printa ■—apa, IPaPI; alkar aaaaaaan —T— ll—k—; • pala arctettaj Raltt raaalaa walar: M —11— a— •—aaaPa— n — aaa aUla fra— B M h .Pra— B. a — IP, Mawa atttak

'j alk— "a—M*

BOUSUroUTB ia a NT.—Taalaa taa—k twa kau f S A S n S l P w L a t P M.WaBBIMOTOH

kaika: an IAPAtnUNT^OOlB A » FUTI


AVB.—Otar k i—I, p ra—at■ ■--------- « : m l I i i .all I—pravta

JOHHBOH AVB, l«P~-Ta- k—k. k—ter, IIP: T la—at pL, Tl, alaraa. kalk, ft— .

IM; Bipptw—p ara.. Itp, tlptel, katk, al— . MPi BMMMM bL. M. akn. katk. t l—ST- asi.»rB'Wo‘t r ! s r « : : r -

ATABTHSMT to lal, aar— ta— j aU l a .prara——M aavlr ParantaA ip H ip—

ara., rratteaktep Wa— aaklt Fatte aaB^r—rlTAFARTMBHTB-I. I - T aU ItekI, Btrinkte . rt i —t; ranr— Millr la—taP; PIP M PM. Apptr al IP Tlrkaa— tt.a f a b THBm1 w~B U a a p ' a ^ n — : kaikt:

e ll la iK a r — ate; c— Wall? la—teP. K. BIBHBB. M Clla l— ara.

m U p a ln at l U l i W t - i l i b l l U t l l i i B 1^., M ar PIP Waapaakte art., — Itltpktt . MTPB War—Ir.

AJIBOHU, IIIP BraaP r ira ta— aaP talk, all 1—prtrr—tatt. ttea— k—I. tlat.

Irik pat. laa li— ; a—r Baatk M. ate-ttea. A ^ r Jaatter.

n X B AVB. I htai. Btwir

te P F B O B II ltalk.

te lta atk i r—iB l U CO., Hat.


____ k P F B O B IIB Il-W B I_______ __rapteltaa kIPp. H atkt, aaP W ttkiaptta tte.B B U j m u j I AVB., IIP—O aa-te-llr; p.

II—ri tepk l-taM M ak k ta n , n rr —a- T—Ital la iraltera ta p tailnaPa. B, A. iHITH, P Ballarilta ara. ____________BBL U V IL L a AVB., IPP-^4NPwt Pwrlllap,

rl—aa ta t—a: ta lk , t l— h n i , pat anp M ntiM ir. k . M. BTBWABT, H -a T k l—

a Fa RTBEHT. tte n — a a l talk , at III HUItMa ara.: alaa— k—I. Jaalt— —rri—|



fUBlIr kaa—: fUa aalpkV—iit npi Ml I—. ■rarr—tate; r—I |IT. la p a ln — pn —If ; PI MUItepi— a n . , a—r (Vlaloa pi.

Hair, M—telalr.

BBLMOHT AVB.. 4 » —B li n aaw aaP kalk.M —n a p tte—, la twa.ta—Ur kaa—;

—v ir PararalaPi all I—prar t— to; —paraPt •tea— k—l —I Oaalll—: aPalU.

iV — _______- . J . BRHHTNAU. FL.. P P .-B ain atea tea— •y r ^ l l —B—— ^ J,, 1—p n n a w a te ; kaat t—titfc ti;****** — praaap IPilH , a—t n i taaaU—T Ttl. I l l Halk—rr. .

t h o m aI


CtelPwall IM—, P aar—. kaa—. aU., Pt.i rro« B rub 9arm. II «i a , |«,iBmmM I tw * t44 atAap 144.444.........................................IM IM ‘


QhMvUI AHiMtW f i c falBi

U l f tM M * mom. BIbAI

MttH M ta I f

af#K—— TM M ^ MMi vT•vtj M iB m M ; b m A b«Mp iMtB,

«Blak«fi li««|iiiiA NiilroWWi, bWiiBtfli; l i u i . 0*«, 144 fB l^iAi. »>§>■>. IMIA 144b«W«la awn, araMMi «ilN B «u j S u — > ^ 444; larpa; a e u le e w In*. L Aa tCMOB, 4t Waal A w ^ a e S m U,. MW Tar^

BIO ImS S 'aarrt—a, Macaaa. ia n n a ii 15 M itry MM m eb ; m m w

bAtt 4Mb. PAfltSp

______ I UaaTt—t««B Md rfaar;

Tim i Rlrar.

; WiaMXFiTit!

tClOBLpAKOB, M. «st«a«*r«w ««la: alaa t . raaw haaaa: May lar«

P— i . U BCULTHpur. kaa—karp.

■IX-BOOM kaa— all kara; r—I IMP a r— t <

Balk ta . Bate 0 ,«a |a ^


HICB alk. all I—at—a-. . . ftaateteiuip. BBACB. Wak—

al a*

________ ______ 'ATB—F——rlraala ara..Ikr— etpfct-rew k a e w : all 1- a ra r f rate

tat It—I; a—raal m t IMP; alwart m ia P ; aahtap piklPP; waal » tf« ; la— aa n ; — Jikataa arp, a—rW ata—. twa lva.taaair, part Uapnrtea—U: aaaaal m l HtP; alwart n a ltd : |l.iPP. UNHBTT k Wo LF. I l lOBatek ara, _________WtB B ^ A B 'iC FABK TBACT targala; kaap.

— P tea a -m — •—.tunltr: twa n r par- apt; plat PPilM; all ttean aarpaat: tp— Oftpitna: pi—P m »“ <•” " •^ S fljjyL ‘2 ' PM^Iaapllaa; a—a la allrr, C B O W u r. O'WwrBH CO, Mi B—t t btllPlap.COPnBBT kaa— P— t Kill, in ta— a n a —.

aaar tiattor; tepkl kripki ra— UteP ta lk ; teaa—, tlrr&taltr. I ' araaP; terar ate—Itl P am parrk; te r n tln te ; IT.ItP F B l i i A F B I * . I -----

pprp—trf, kAH|. «: a—a tlr—la—;

UP. •<,>fp; t ate tte ftr—a tM B r ^

TWO-FAHILT, PPalM, la Vallri-rBk •—- KHuar t t p j ^ ** tar—. Ja t * j a t ,

COST —r— - r a f taa—: all — . aaar BaaariiM Btettea: Pt.Hk

■ y g * ! . * . ^ , . ___________ u,_

__ te;IP Hartk


.P tP p S S K L tb e rt la ra m Nr paraBa vUk thte P a a ^ iw a.N —Hr kaa—. 14 raaa— P

katba, 1 ttea— baalin: f I ktell aM I— tP i BaaA laiaitak ItOBlUW KBNXBl,


____ _ i - m — k a im ; paaP — ta4ai kaataiipkktrknP: inprarW teraate: PMPP.

Pi.P4iiri4.l— ; at— , alaatriaUr; llr—te— la liTiBP n a —; parpatt ttean: k u P * —P tri—; PaaaraiaP; —naatp; —tetlrter k—t ral— aptaiaakla; a— ika— br appatat— t F'TIP Artlnptoa CORBlBIt. 4t» Bite te.

lap late la lava. F. ______Raaltr Ck. Bpf ptIalP aap tear:PTH CAU kara a a ^ t l 'r — i i ^ t a - l l r

baa—; ararr It——ra— I; ap— t— la- tpaattea : halaa— — a « raal CBAB. MBTiaPk l i l T k —te — _________________FLOBBNCB AVB.—L04 M ain; Mnat paraP,

—v—, water, p—; —aalP— —uU aata panigyr— t. W, 144 r - k t— ara„

BOUBB, all riiw t; aaw raal aaP patten;water, t — aaP itelM: PMM: it vUl par

TM u taraallpata laatera HI Oraapa a n irriapt—; War. UMW.______________14. BOOB Iwa-N-Ur: .All laprara—aate; halt-acn praatP: lacNp iwa ttnate; kara,

trait, alk F. W. ORBW. I ll Nra ara.AT A

HaaMt i—.,\T ate i___ ___A I 4 III P a ^ a tl.. Haw—k.

_ twa plate, IP x lll; aara— .Tate a— llE H R r MaDON'.

FBW i 4 p 1prieaa. t l

baapalaw late aaar baach: I—IIP apwarP: —ar tar—a; praP la-

raatpm i; bar aav, —n —aaar. u l FRBI- B o fT . I l l B—U ITth at.

Ltbbp FibbbBABOAIN—Haw ate.|— kaaa— with wklta

aaa—al ta lk aaP ttetana; alartrtc npkU: baam nfllap; kaUI-li b—kraa— aaP teaia , —t, kaa—Itallr Pac—aiap; teaa— Mat; tt i— W.MP. — larau 1a n it ; l i i lP t : la tte— I tratlar t m . ABTHUR D. CRAHH, Itp JtaMi bBiiPla|^ M ClIataa tL PkaaaIIH Balk—rr. or i 1 War—It, rraal —a.BABOAIHB—Haw P

•taa— k—l: k a f arataP: —raMa ale. alriateP k—Wtep ^ H ilPt.

..raa— kata— all I—pte.; t —map: piata ralla '

t e r i l i lP i i t>.ath—la

iPP: i i . lp i; n - 1. l i iP 'BpwarP;

PKJUP U.. . U trollMFVoLltr 4fflc» Mfilywo»4 by*.,flHBTBlCTBD kPHPlap lata; MtlPP; PPM

la p apwarP; a— Maab Ira— itilter; U ht trtliB car te Brarprm Caaat—r. —ala lajw: walk aaa Waik waM te —n— F, T. lOPIHBDt. lU b iB f ara , B a r f i ^HBW ati-r— kaa—; i l l I—pra

— wt 1—t: piair m i, >— —Ulat: Pa—. rltaP: p it aap ateetrie llpht —a : lal t l l lM ; p l lN : rarr —ar ten— f . T. K iarifib T .I l l I n — a— , Barknok.HM CABH, k a lia n —aw aa m t ; —

FOR BAII B Blf » t . n f baa— bath; FBUICT. H Clarfe i t

F u r r sRBli


FDPBFF ka—a la lawn; T ra— iiiP talk;M water k—l; M tl— aapplttew; M M l

t —i —ipntraB t e n - : n k l f— a r—r with tka ip tlta at panha—; III a — tkt part t t ta applltP — punk—a priea It — Pa. tend. BBa. I , M. BVHMBKB 4TI M - i t . ArtiBBtaa.

parpa— tlean:alBapa p4)1 apate; par —a tipp i- . . 1 ,—J k -

I tlnplae—COMFLBTBD Da— b— 1, hiph, Irr.

kaalthr, naraM—rtt a m t ka—at a in t —ttea— r——•: i— at tlean: larpa tte:

^ ta n te H a P —liIP._ ,0 ^ 1 tl4 StMBQoM M«kp H H M-

Ei»h>; WbAiiHUMLtt f0 ^ ^ > b 4 tblp imfbttl MMl b aM b lw • « «

b w i i w ; 4 I tfv* rooQtt, t iM bbUi» m U t* l u i . H e w n »4f«br fcM— A wmmftmlAMa b4idnim<, Mb Hmta «Ab aUw

AHtripm; prtv* MtMA. TM ■TgVTOf^ 0»M p w , I w w M A C— Ur.V T A l U 1«t«, iwetlM l W M ctaK

AM p^UTOTltT JU rbitita, Kt««rt,1Ci/*P b w t f S j t t r bott

CkUwAI■1—to — I— pitch —ta; —I—111 aaaitr

■iwa— kaa—; ararv 1—prara- trtelar; bta b M i — * M m 'nUtl aar—B f r—artp ; ;

——a aaP a— It,t ——k —u U t —PMt —wa;dpiT lw rila a T lt l lH, 1

PH BtamBMB ir a .

u g p D Ur— t i r*a —w h—w— —a— r—aw taah: tel kapnram—te; —a ktaak

fra—.aar; pa|tap.|Ta par laailb . Fartlea. t e n t— J o i ^ A. BBAOT, I t t tlalB a*a» O tiiw tlL _____________

A im LOTB, tOUTH ORAHOB lOflTB HAFLBWOOD. N. J.. kiPtplap IP with tlTHtete— rtti- ,>r—tWr nterlalep; aa tF o-tm llr

apart— t haataa; leeallea k—l U all tka O nap—; hipk aad haalurite: —ratal tVW pBBialaw tela.; tei la tee■—laat— te l—al—waa— B allm P Platt—, tk rn la ttra —laat— ta Hawark Irallar ca—: p r im aap ter—a Ilham; pk—t ar wrlta tar elnalara

HBWABB BBALTT CO,PH Pr—p iit aL. Mipl.waep7K. J,



Wa kara —IP —o n tbaa a mutlaa PallarV warCk at raal —tela. The—------ -------- ------------ all tactli— a f ,llapitwaap aap tar* p t m — p—n i n fcaavlaBBa at act—I m l-

“ ^ s s s B o a r T A B a .

Bta Uw IPir ■WOOAI. BOUBB,' Haw la ta— at ——irveUea, IP,PM —.

_ Fla— at attle* at b u b a l BBALTT COBPAHT,

BvPal kMp, a l atetl— Miptewn p. H. t .

OOUWTBT BOM air. parPaa. trtet.

Urpa ptoia; M.IPP — : i f d l n ah I -


P iHm ; tetb;Mm 4 Of foow; mmbll lUfMMMMlS; «t MCrtw

fiM «r McMbM f«r t«4*fMiltr4 ilA 4T4., Bm I UMabb,

44 Mrcb*

■IDOBWOOD ATlb—TbrM Ibutly bMM;Al MbdltlM; 4MT trMI^ UM ■UEtlM.

fULCTlfiURH. H W b tM t , W4U Qraagb1 HATR iMm f«r Mta. ar •stbabv* lor

I— Appiwn Balt. N d t l . Hawt etflea,


Ormoe4—MU «rI «r u r b u * . 444___. ________ ita lM ; ................ .... 4m ;

HMT ratliMJ. itrtMt IWObo otfar* HBftRJCIC, S94 Ehror rAar EigoEbt J*

FLOE10A, lota. I l l

BAERIBON M lieibf.

tfbdOr HIBoU OrwMOi ititttT; oU

for «iob; will oeeiriiorJ a t i i i a ________ _

REAL ESTATE FOR EXOIANGEWS ottm for vicboayo pmm of tbo flnoot

proyortin tn iiIm roatna, b*ib,•iMin. gbTbWOr two BwrbliMo; cotmt ylot, I t m t : Aoor U.. L A W . fiattM wM (toU l ij ; will oitihoofo for M t’faiiaJly on CttoiM HIM; boar CUalM avo., from H^don |or. (• ritioobih St. i prko w*4 to oioood tUt444. OTTO A CO.. IT4 B«rgM it.TWO |«t«a b«ol*o« Firoot, CIlbtM KlU; fro*.

rtoar; ralM It.SM; m no MPbi for pirto or mx ramfirbOMi. OTTO A CO„ 174 Bor*fOO It.BfO tbroO’lH iny, CUiom Rill; IT »o«ma:

U l M io r» f impfOToniMU, for iu « m 4 Miba OTTO A e g , ITi Borgoo at________0MB of oar tfloota awiu two food t»oom*

pbrimf two*faibUy ba—wi, aabjoet to raa* ■aiiabli ttoricawMi both watl loMtod; om a Boatoa ylaa la EimrUlo aad tbo eihor la BlooiafloM; bo vaola to trad# bio o^alllt* Cor a frao aad clear OM-Caoiity hoqoo, ooal* lag aol OTor tl.4H; aaavor IfaiaodiMaly.o i a E B U T c ir -------- ----------E BlTTCHUtE CO„ 14| EmovUIoaS:*1 WAITT lo o m m S * u y oao’faully baaaop

>od locatloa. Tar a two-faiaUy M om ; jto prloo aiod tba rtabi ylaao for a

• j t e T : n t a ' : f : ; w r ’M T ' i i i^ i S S f i n sl l m afflaa

m U E aoFiaal aabool. laa roooi booao; an taiwroyoBMta: IWoo aad oloar: oaAaiMro

far oovM or olfat roou booM. oootb af ICi- waad avo.; ao brakari. Doctor^ i t l Brood atBOTTON PLAN—Two>Cbul]y Moaa, Raoo-

▼ttlo; lot S4il44; Moaclreborad: acM afo far aloiflo boaao la Oraafoo or BloomficiA Toi Sfl B. a QBOa B. MUTCHUEE CO- ]4boEoMvU1o aratritp A M lL T p Baal Oraato; alt uodora Ha*

yravaBonta; raal fl4 far »«ath ; oaaltr |A,4H; aaebaiifo for oa«-fa«nr, Kawarh; a n aatekly. I l l Baaaa balldlac, ,TREBB-PAHILT brick laaoiM ____

wfli oyehalfa far froa u d alaar oao-faoa Or aad pay eaab: bo broktra Addtaaa Caab. Boa }», Novi OfAea

MK144. COEKItE; Uroo atofoa; «BI ebaaga for two-fauUy la Oraaiaa. Ebof

nila or Nawbrk; iC daaUabia wUI add eatb. 4 ji Umm Mlldiat.

BAROAlX^Uodara k a w , T roaua, batb;M fdw oid flaon. ogaa firaflaaa ta I f t iu

m a j alaaalac farab: Mi»44 »o a fM t a i l ^ ■alai aaty taiMa / . nWAELH o m iB M 0 0 - tonta Qraaaa________________

DMlEAMUa ____, _______ .Firap la f fotak: lot ftataiL ebolM~

8iIr^"oarsSk*si:i '•


•1T.IMMll Iw—at all I—pi*.. linlalll P ti ll—liB

p—th: a—rate—1 ta M la r i |t.Pfi. — aaar par—an t. F. B. COOB, aw—r. CklAwilL

___ . .......... a: I r——e; 111 l—p lk i s tr ie e ;, Mate aaP w —h—pwai m r Ira— aaa V mIw . J A C O im B ta *1, Ckatha-. B. p.

I Nr a baratea w—M «• wiU to —■____ _ ia « allaalitka FDBUC AUCTION

Ik Iw k M A ap itP B it- Ml MMlakP a tk , Baot 0—Bpta I t taiH—, Hw f ktf li> liPP r IL, n — m teUktL Pnpartr —itilrit a( Pttetata^-------- I t f—m 4 I tatka: apaa —

I, t a r t t uaP t—a n ; w p n i l . ' aPi pkPkBlk— al tkiBa B

Z f ! ^ ' 1 m & n ^ l j wU Biat O m f» _ J k w g « | t

Iterv p——bUp.~ ttir % u ra laaBi

?ik '____ ____I h—UPt ■— -

ICB (Iftte flipl aaawLjteal APitPta—r. tpaiH tt Brian kaat (Bpbbp; It. *._____

' M TSSSSS't t a w — BL, Hawark, ■, i .

..........................------ -WOHP IB W I. BABOAIH

tta— Qu a — — 1 N - tt> BateBkt .x B t s u r e J s K t e B

c s o iC B c o b h b b , i iP im .— L—aP— te .i fl— rip l l i t tlAl aacUoi; a Nw------ — Bn— (Had RMp* LaekawiBBA t —.

—aaari It-ram atae— Aid thlnplad la A b—iitltal atetlas at t n — aad ; wMa a m —ad p lu — an two aktea;

e—tar hallw—k ft—n , pautMwd aak trI—; hall, nbnrr. Urtap u d dtotap nanw tar. —Bad; i l l vikdava — d——p tea— at tea—td u d l—dad I——; tl—d r—llkalt, bntb u d la ta l; a te tM Itpkt, p—: e——— c h i— ta — m u B a tW —dlrldMl N nlana, » P ^ ; tai—a ta m il Fhww 1a PTPJ K—t.

‘ Owlpr, IP U—ite — M—ie—Ir.

tlP.IB*' BBA PTlFin. .—a— —aim ra la—t ln ; e—tar knIL larpa

Hr—p m m . d— p m —, taUar'i p m tr ; p a tm a tIlaP kltebaa, pai— ta e o i / l ta d r—IK 1 tUad tatkk k illtd i tahl Ud akawptai iH —latl appa—t— —; tarpa pM;kiuH M tew—. MVBIMOIC, all L—li^-------phau i l l B taOOBinm l w e . f f flr

— k i m —r: I UtUIB H ntBdJ«.


B U T U r . B. J.—Hawawrtete T uWBd-BOk, tawik t—or.

tepktFar—Ip k r^WODDRKB

.111 ktdk.BABOAIII-Ptair P t ,m . m te i u m -

k i- a — tar—k MW b—iteaw , t in ***■ pH. - I B - . ; lat H f l l l ; t i n i

IIP Fli a -d p .iteutaa

BOB BALB Two —n a af —id , IP tr—t i twa—a, tatb. B— t-W ta h— .

a—T pad b an ; tel— — —wa ll—I— Haw- I— M W — 1I.TII. t . e BBHDBliiROlT, Rwwaa^ Np w» wrCmw

OnaftTWO-FABHiT h—K l l r——k —aa AM—.

—paim— —4—ka— apB a—m h—t—t; t l l - P —ri let; ■—kpe ra m ; u a r l —e ^

WBBODABJC latl 114 Bkapard i r a j tep ll hudrad del—n ; ewaar nurad te BwftA—.

JOHNBQH, Tt Hapat a t. Bat— ,


WIUb oMba^a Croo aad doar lot HxlM at- . jalaar o - . -tlda lot. M f wood aa aaio at aata

Mavorlhp tiaaa raaalr

J - for toariof ear ta Aral* Ofdar; firat good UMblaa gota

HAEKBTF te fT T B I W a - l i n k te.. Htw i f t .

FARMS FOR SAU OR EXCHANGE04TB at Ika k—l B a -r —raw Bu- M—4 O m -

rtariUa —tel —j ITI acr—; ivt—■ kip aaAdHl— ; wBI ate tl.4— . ra— wlih' pa— —l u p i —iv t ; I—a ate kaOP— ■tlite — li—in r aamt: tk —wa ana aterca

banaa lat Iw K iliM ir—; aanph Nad tar 1 ra— i a a a l lr f la —P'i tan — Adi O te rT ,lB a tl4 P .^ ^ 0 le a

FARMS FOR PCHANGETWO pa—rte tar—a f—a kwlidian trteta

cnahi: haawUk*. n a r r i i ia t : -----lira—; will rwaildar aitkaapr aaa-— Rr m a n , POWVHU M B i l . te.. Ra.IOrupa.

FARMS TO LETA u m j l abieboa tamia S ocroA Uocol*

Hlwbway; f l f for Taoaib! ofiloo to fur* etooR; gaa, wall. bam. l-room hoaoa; na eoot Care to No* Braarwlcba HBNAOE.

**•• * ^ *‘■1111*. -

FARMS WAN1I0FARB w anted—Wa ban la iu cAalca ettr

aad aakarhu — la m h u p a tm u d all— Nr and f—— wartk tn — |t,4— tip B. B. RLofijH. I t l Hr—dw.r. Haw lark.WANTBOte n e t I l i I u ra i tm . WBBBH.

I Edwiml am. ^

FACTORY 5 i r a FOR SAUr m n n i at., in - t lh —r ia lt l, main lbor<

oagblam, bolvooii Nowfrk ood Nov Torh: etw lata; MUMalaoturora THORAE J. iUlTUi♦Hi Mtf*ni

FBABODT FU , Pk—BIpM all la—rare— ll; a lia— k—

B. B A g lH , tip Hartk F —rU i _____■OUTN BBLPtONT AVIk—B M r n a —

ha—a; all I—praraia—to, r—t p ll; —a ta raaa kp pk— p iPlP Wararir.HALDlFiB BT„ 4P-4I—Twa ka—aa; p r—aw;

Iww ra— pareh— aaah; aU kapla l ip a in IM K -h te.

b a n k BT, t t l . — aawrt kaa— F—L t in nom a talk , IH ; J u lt— larrlia. I—ten


IH aad M l iM maal a ra , aa— 0 —4— ara; t l i n a iu u d hath: wllk aU m tk iti I—p n raaw i—; —rpa, lipbl —a—a l—k ln l u l l a n

MILX.s k BT, II—A a—a n ta h—at. a— ■ f w a - k ^ t k u d i lM - p - r a - a m u

MOUSES WANTEDRWBIBB — m l aaa ——Ilf baa— w ill ar

wllk—4 ■■■ irtPi Rr ta ta r . — rielalir a( Ma—all ar BO—katk. M, J.; ab— —Va—mat, — F——H i l l - JL IL F -a — write —rUr. a—n la iOBM BBAAD, c a n Haw. Irraa;

CORHRR iv a —-H r kaa—; i l a u k—I I—.kMwd; all I—pn ra— lai llvlap r a m 111



IIP.IA —a te n II print aC TM. IIm J BkL

WANTBD t o B M nS-F Ira — t— roam . kaa— wMh —ip—r m —te; atate —rtica. I—a Adkrm C—p la B— HI. Hawi atflea

FLAT. .Ba— larpa. Hpkl a —t a l M W I —HtPa iL

FOUB aka f——a~PP Ar— m t llt l*

ArARTMBVTS,R00ltt ARM riAIM W AiniD-ouToFrowr^

AT ar kaa—, t i n aa tea I, aU te u —rt—n —,

4—.. W f Oraipa;

—^ U M n ; Bate e W u a — Brteh Chimk.

STORAGE AND MOVE___ pai— wrik — taa

■**.**Tril t a * **** * • * .*taa

ibad a— —U— wlU —II.

KBtCKBBBOCKBR BTOBAOB COMFAHt. Ilk-IM ArilBftek ta . Map—k. H. a. ■

Hal— T a u kplaui F la u Banpa.

r m vr—aulaU lr mtaWad a a n I— kw

IN aBBHtea to a— npa—r 1—te awteap tit* riak wa k an a —w Fark—d aate vap.

Ir —ate—d laat , u a — n n —AL wl— —aril ! k—r r paddak ilip a—• ada p—aaa ata. u d — ab—pa ta

a —f a r ta n lian taadlar. wktek wa a— •aa—riralr tar laap teaiaa— la—e r a - i—I f — a-tel - te kallrarad aarwta— M a—S

L Taltpk—a M—hte Till. b o A v i u .b p t o b a u b o o .F ru b J. HaOratk. Frf kaat

M— Ckaertte-Bteal Ptanpa w ankaa—k ' t l - 1 4 .n CateawT te ,

Hawark, M. X._____________ '

Iteapbau TITt MarhaLLaat Olteaa— Martap o— ta«riteip.

JOBBFB J. XBOaOBB.F—a— aad Fki—I—a

H anr. F—kar u d Bkipp—■MOTOR VANB

■ term W a n h ia m u d Ofl— ItM IP TWELFTH A T S.

C—. U ilta u a —a ,Hawark, M. J.


TWBLVB — IP taa- kaaaai —lukla taa n a —lap iwp— I— — rta a—pla; r a n n -

ak—, AdiPnaa B^ B u i l l , Hnrt attlaa.

FBRBT R . I l l , l ir a — M a n h u t IL— Bar— aha, —i k >—kt r——a —ipnaa-

—aate: m l 1 1 1 , XT1TBBB adai— want —wll t im DaL ar

a—aU kaa—; VaUabwpk pntam d. Ad- ***** U—Ulaa, W l PP, Hawi atPaaBOOBS wllk 1—prara——ta IH; wiil par

—tea — —flap ll —Uataaterr; —alia» ^ Nw w; ?«"* »«■«■ ,

TO UT-OUT Of TOWNABUHOTOH R—Id— at —r— f—a r i f t

u d ta th ; hat wat— h—I; —a ir dtaar- atak; white —a n aiad waadwork Ihraaphaat; — r t ild n i—I —ell— ; l ip a at— te aha H a u l , rradr Dace—k— I. MRB. L. S BOMMIcRB, ITI B ln *L. AfUaplaa.

HUOBOH BT., PI—Ca— f—It ttea n a n t u d ta lk ; prteala ta ll; tel I—Bta; wMh—

twa Maaka at Ca— car Ha—, taailr* — piwnia—; aWair. UP ('—1—1 a ra . B f Or. aact; pk—a tWJ OraapanUNTBRDON

tel I—pi ■leoly 4oc>mJI luii^ooiiiM to: rwfiffWpte----1*1 FW4 moMHt »Ub

EAAT ORAMas—HIM r v o w hoV: eloMu, olAMtHolty. fto ^ p wonh M4; ribl

III; «4s iMwwtoe lo wutiviij lire* Tot; b«4* n la ; *loo otg n»MM. UMU, ImfroTeaeiili^ fU . _OEEICT4. I l l f lr o n w ’e bwlldinc,____ _iTEUlW^N^BoMIlUtMl bOMI«r inT hUgbt*,

*••« of Keoniy 400*; 14 Ctao rooeie ftj»i bbih; bef w ilor bo«L_ olootriciir. |4* 4MRS, u uTlhjElfmE 4Tl Etn•L, ArUMgloh.

maRidAifD Avm , i i i — i m *. n«bt meu i; *mtor t m i »w*ty fWforo4 o» 4

MMlMlod; 114H U ^BE D O lf rr ,. STt—rW* rmmrn; Mil 1« -

ifWToMitei . to 4 eiMlt fiuM yi m Re b w 4L A rA TTTE |4 » ^ E mhm—I 4*i"ftmt

ftooN, oovoM fooau; f o n ImfroowoMEte; if t l ib logMlro M U ^ y U,___________LOfCOLN AWE.P I t f^ f lo o room# 4«4 b4lb(

■U44I h04(i mwrnm oo fm m loefi 4loo 40tgb* borboeA

«OirtH ORAMOBr B04r Moant4t4 iUtlOM,14 Argylo 400.—Right rooHUr eto4fw,

ih h ^ . fom fo? | i* : cbotm r<III l ^ a

l i f : ctsotm TM*Uon. CRANE. MboM 11*1 E^ihefrrr

fOH RENT-^nrO'roou cotUgo onM 1 Metc«mot Eldfowoy 4ii

•t. Clott4, Woet i>n^ Inqulro for ICRE

404. 404)4 -m : ooly

lertbClol/*rJ?!I l l 4 UOQlba

EAMT Q R ANUB^ll roovie ow4 1 b4lbo; «)|iTiifroTo«o«te; o«4r bleh oebool,- bmi

ovlgbborbood. gmiago. AdOreeiv t l Norlb WoiMOt Ol.NUTLET—'H m rivo 4 »g Mx mom bomoo,

...... to

NoworkMr oMomI. I l l Bi

EAg Other eltM- BroM pt.i fboo*



AND DI»7EABLEI a q e w it h "



14* EEOADrBT,PACTOmiRg 4»g Coei

roowirwmonie of avi PACTOEIBS '

otigy ett>ory hmo'

•U IL T 1ettoe 10 moot tbo

jcb of moawfoe- TO griT.

FACTORIES FOR SAUimet; mmo 4o4 tvo

oooofoto MI4INE. forHURT bo M li to t l

mory brtab onb morfEo «r_ foctory gbraiin; UA foot oo ■ igfu flLt tt foot Ob #1440 Ua Affty t*

^t or 4#00l4

•BOF, 14|T4: fTOMi. lix lM ; Hot. « _____.■11 iMifTovwieoote. etohio for 4 boreeo, ofoo

iEod for vmgoiio: coo ho hougbl tt 4 horgolii. ImMliIro th* •ogib TvVifIb ot

on Imfto.. Urgo gvoobia; firo mliwtM u***■ <5Hbe.v, *14 rimLTONI PAItVE'*‘fliMig4lov; flro rooAo ond

both; ouopo, olMtrto: oil imfU.; ooor.cor. low met. riACEE. Ml Brood eL, NovoriL

rootMlX'ROOli hoWM: oil liWPrcvomoNtR txroft

boot: lore* iroond; coKiioo roof; m . A f^ r OfftlgOrlEVINOTON — l^raroom Flol; «tx<r«om

boMoo; two flvo'Ofm ftoeoo P E. BEACH,attaffltia *F** »t«lnf*"te *’■'»STORES, OFFICES, ETCf TO UTALFtNE RT.. t. eor. Ri|«oi>«tb 4ro.-F*L4rto

ploro, ouUoblo for oby bowlooeoi real re* iRobio. Inqolro rmmUM.

DESK room, doUrobJo offlm; o#o Uleoboeo 4Ad etenogrofbor; | l * oor monib. Addrr

, Rot 74, N tov otffro.Qfflm,

MTr rEOETBCT AVR.* _404 both 404 n porloo; oseolloot oerrlooi

fOOl mogormto. Eh J|«nUop, H Boooo4 oron m JOHN W. HBRBEET. II N t i t o oL. No* Torb; fbooo.MDLHERAT Wt., 1»K^{

rreoi room tor light hiWt.. l»K^in«oly fMrilibM tor llgbt bXmoboflftg, v iib

; mlm booeobooflot Toom. >1.reoi room

raiiiilog voiorMORRC'i AVE.. IM—nro~ doolmblo —

•twiy ro4em(o4; oil light; port Improm- mooto; root | l t .NEW r r , llS ^ C ffo r Afortmoot. olgiit

roomo, both; tloom boot«4. cootml; rool 9IL II OOERKE. Motropolitoo bwIMlAR.NORTH m 'tllD RT.. IMtawEu oUe Bfb«

memo; Ul Irnffwoeieote; o«4r irolloy 4o4 UM^hm: reot magemto.FLAKE iT t 411, Mor C oorl^T** riTtee,

ho*lF doeerotod: real oely l i t . logUm FIEDLER'E flr*m«o'i B ld g . eomor Breo4 ood Morhot oto.RIVER rr ,. S»->Tbree reoMU. tb iri floor;

romor: roftt II for m ooib Apply AlIl* oar* laroetmoel Co.. *1 Fnepieii e t tWL Morhol ITtl.IlfORBKAM, Sommor oro.c 4M—Tb1r*l

floor; eevoa reorae ond both; forqoet fteoro: oloetylcily. oloom boot; joalior mr* vteo; ki%. LEON FEIRT. EM Brood e tBODTR ■EVRNTEBNTIf BT.c Tlf-^TwO

roemo to lot. iwqwtr* riret Hoor. ____

FOR owleoiobllo oreemnrr htieihue; loiifo ■bow vlBdewt oloctHo Ughlo oolla%

(diolce houneeo eocUon' rout III mooUi. E E BOND A CO.. 744 Brood iLHbLBET CT.

4 4 i 4VO Tloore to Jeom; newly rtrvotrolvd11, ooor Conirol ore -^ o ro

CHARLES F. aiLLEN* MT Morkol «tHbftHVT ET.t » . rUBor M r t HohM U

Btom 044 ibreP lIvlMg mom* oo lot fie f reomo and boib oo eeoep4 on4 third flm A L CROSS A BAERLET, Rl4 Broed et.

OGDEN STr, 111 Mere ood room, eow reflod 40 groevry; preeoni lenonl geing

oet of huelaroo. good choaoe to buy tbo ■BE .Mi.ksm wmA kSBWk B BSB kdi w s B»M ohtlrlwg end grecOMOe eboop; root HI, Ih>FACTOUES and LOnS TO UT f 04 promior*. Toiophoae im i4 H4rk*c

Ot'TKR offleo In Notloaol BloU Bank build­ing: rtooonabia roDi to. dmlrebl* porty.BERT l o c a t e d L O m IN KRWARK.

Tvo biooks from coraor of Horkoiond B ro^ Wla. n « : (r l* ' ngbi ood fovor; llrf •loom 44d bool.

JAMBR If SETMOUE. Il**t Uwroneo et. roAo, Blowortt Voaillotom tn Rtock.

Addfem Imwyvr, Dot 114. Ndve office.STOREE ofCleoe; 3 i | Sprlngfltld ovo,. |f* ;

4M RpHngflold OTOt. 114: III Worroo etn S room#. ISO; ortirm. 1*4 Holfi al., Roel Or* engo, PTEINKR, TSt BprlagfMd* eve.

THEBR-arORT foetory baUdlng, M ilM foho •lory eloao oM tv o fromo), oe tSilM , ;

vdtb light oR oroaodi Mgr Lorfcavonlio fm ^bl 14 minotoO' «Klk freir, I HTuHE-—l i t

STORE, Rollortlle 4«d FulPtb 4«o.. ___Nornui lebool; ftao ippir tw h y : inM iaL

oonfectioiiorr. bvtobor, gmeery; l i u R. i .

SFtEDWAT ATE.. 14. eoor South OrtMfo ova.m ^i romMi: both; ell impforomoott;

Uoom h*4l; roof 111; third floor^_______SFRINUriELD AVE.. SS'-ljorgo ■tor^iNSlUw

bio for ooy buolnooo. UABSINUEE, t lAlfleo flf. or 144 B r^ d ot*TWO roomo to loi: ronl moooooblo. iMgwlrf

*41 Sowih lovoiiloonth ol.THREE largo, light rooma; tdulto prof4lT«4.

n i Sooth Sixth oi.WILLIAM ST.. &l 44d ll-ptaTbroo r4imi.

M r ho'Ao*. I f; ihrfo room*, front hoom • I t oil tlfb li IME4 W 4 . FFEOMMEB- WXBER MoirofoUton buJMIog, JfiUkoi end Woohlngton Uo. ___WATPUN AVB.. |4 -~ n vo . hotb. f l i ; W««.

dorpool tt.. 14. firo nxtmo, mngo. | I4; MVto moma, baitha tlT. LtKNETT A WOLFt t it Clthtoo oTvWARREN gT.p M l, ooor Ftrol oL—Tbroo

loygo brlibt, olrr room^ Improoemootoj ront t l , lab FEIST A rarST, Uo., I l l

AFAR VENTS, ROOMS AND PUTS ____ JFANTCDAFARTHSNT8—Throo or foer room* vnatod

by Iwo vomon going to hualMOo, within wnlhlng dlatonoo. If poaelfal*. of Merlmt ojhI Brood; rani raooooobU. Addrooo Ftrmonani, Bot t*l, N*wa ofrino.

kJMJp 14I_R«W

—aritta Ptetk f alut aad aktaa K arkta



li- U aCADBMV BT. FHOHB t i l l j m b ' PURHITUItS p.|aNOB BTOBBO.


■ T O lu a s B T o i u a sF— II I—atk wa irill aU___ ___

toran—a: I— II a nawtk raa a u i i i n a—a n te —tend l a t n — r tt—. 1——a BtarB w tiak—aa IM -Iit H ai-T te. ^ iiirt. i f lwAiMiNciTtiii irroBkOB o d , idBTOBAOB O S, Id Ite lantM

_____ lapwa ll— a u I—t a It.lPn a ; — p. B tel— aaa, PkH ; —ipa i—B n a |k ; a u part at altp. a u n m ; w a k i ^ a—ntlaa i — u t all— ir it ta TiTpiPTIUlhL'•BBT a ll—u—a k f a—ttea, —al —I— I—

•te—pa af — Ha— iv k teak—; io ta tiae> ■an —o u t aad pk a u m P k —l ; law—f rat— f— m — df— —ar ikB. Hat—ata Bte—pa Ca, Ilp-P— Fla— aL

UB —tea a n tka l a w f ; a— —rat— I k s h f r aaa—ll — kit a n owriap aad I P ar——di la—l aad —ap dteteata a—tppfc .jr m B M * BDNS IH Hawi— aL, ■ { *

OVE baaooorlpood

l i. STU "Jdarkot.jr< }R B E # i~ ~ t4 o n « r'W M

BkL;U m mpvl



AtTBACnVB hfortmoMlo; niooly lirtlilM Sl' OMO, towr op4 Aoo roomo, modora iMipfoym

EmUo. I l l MoMioUlf OOP.; ionUof.BEAUnrVLLT iM to d flT4 rowHii oM b4CS».

oomplotoly twrUokoA for bumeBoofhigi b o ^ goo oM oloHfloity. H i u Ibuhw' ovd boil loqUre oftorA F, H,■t, ____________

BURNET ST,r lK > i1 « 4 lo fUgUy? bolb? stwm boot; forqoot rioom: PMO; g m lfU t


«FURNISHED gfortMMOto vootoS by yoMM

morriod oooplo tn Novork or oubowho; not lorn tbon foor «* firo TtiiMii o*4 hoch; n t

■I4U foil fortioe d ilfiim immi*

wlolor moniho or longot; ooooo 44 m roeponilbiiltr; olom. urmo. oto*. In reply. diOU. Rok 14*. Novo ^ o iTURHR or fowr memo: g o o d lm tliy ; ye O f

cm«p4oi VO cblidrpp: rotorooooo. A 4 4 r« f ^flaadt Wm 114, Nov e offloo,WANTRD—Smoll fw m tob^ nborinmoL t S

Mor gnmge. or vUh gorogo.FMnUahod^Jg«^Jf^_N^^


E A g T 'o itA N o i^ wlU root klUbSSidining room, tiring reomo. botk, two hns

rooma, llooOp ellror, pop oU ceoL ~ ' ttiapheno. ole,: In ooebAngn Mr ! for vifo, ocnnAonel unonlo fnr Imp fonillr boeoe. oonwonlont Ororo on* Ampero* imaii fnmlly only; ItbofOl syimngOMiWbk Talab94M *4»W , . ^

FURHBIKD EOOMS TO LITAVON AVE., It^-ldOrgo f«rtdnbo4 r m m

well bootoat oelool (emltyi unnannl OR*

. v*U rent for root of imt- f g l f cborgne o a t ropolm. GEO. H. JONEi,

.4wlEt<wn4 om ,. Now Toib,TWO-gTORT fbetowy '’b * M lf , I4«lt, ont

■no etory oslomSo*. Mofl. hrlek boUor h iie i, 'OoniMrii floor on Fimt ood donMo wood floor on oonoot: otoctrto Ugbla; rowi M44

E. m BOND A CO.. 114 Br«o4 otFOOTeIAI.RS or mtrn mom*.. vltb monafootnring

prtrllofoe on omopd end fifth fleer of 114 Md I ff Hnrbot M. <3,*44 nnd 1,444 ok, ft,}, loqnlro forov otOo on promtooo TA. 4414 MorfcoL Agoptif sorvicoo oovoMorod.

. . gtstooeth on#,, bool boolnam lo«nilon; good for rtrotaolom uuor, borhar,

ahotmokor, to iry; H t,STOKE, non? tbootoro, eultaMo for oor iigm

' - E 'l •of biiADoaoi rent >41 Horboi el.

rooeenol tOi B, AU.

Iloodyp Bo» 14p Wow offlooTWO owowfomlly

ogMlty of 111,444.rty Old «44 cuk.

will otobopfo 00144 property owd «44 cuk . CEO

o —apa;t— —■



BONTCLkllLCkt—riap eal—teI pim, • r—n a t ta lh a

——a a n parior, im p —p perch, b— llriap n o —, Iliad kUehn, — p rfalth, d—a—tla u I* —It; dal—hi—t —rraandlnpa; kte abed* In —: arle* ilP ,M t; c u r tana*. m A N K R u a k & T A t i2 w bo .

SMdLL bovm on Fomplon twigipCko, Oodor Grove; 11 mlnvtoo from Bloomflold nvo,,

HoUotoIr, N, L : nil improvomonla: ou ylorma. E. A. aARElEL, tU Molo e l- E«ot


IN THIB FAJIH.The bait at tka - —a— Alla— kr far—^ — lb* baart at Ik* O m t Maadovt and an­

te —11— t n — N «r Tark. Id—I— loeatad — tta — I laoeaittil tahT—■ u d work — la t n e t teaa at New Xa—ar. with railroad aad a—II— »a tta pro—rlr aad adja—IkP waU.kaam It,—f.a a n at—ta Tbit —f— at* tan u m — l apparlwllp — a b— naaar —ah—p dalrp, 1—H. pcada— ar fardwi traah m p —TUaa: iPP tana, n —piHTiii tP a m H rich b—ta— —«B, |M u n * at ap—ad — aplU—ttea u d U aan* at n l —Wa tl—k— —ad, — which than I* a ita iid lif attar *( IP tar tkaaaaad n th* Mia—p. T han I* a apt—P'lad —h* aa tk* piapartp which I* a t m t lea p—dacari

Baltdlapw'—clad* tea— kaaaa I* nU M aad atUa; Marp* en a —arr, —aak—a kaaa* aad vark tltep. daltr ban , M atl, with a—■ a— flatr u d —ol— r— at—chad; w* ka—a with eapacitr id 1.1— tea*. <k—I ta — , eo n crilM, p— itraa tel— aad

kaalthr b—riap trehard* r>a<d p—n , ate.; IPpeutaa, p—n , ate.; the c m ——» ha—

a—Itr *11— — a dap aiid etted b* raadllp III—Id at a p—d A n n ; tta aall la aeanaUir riak tad fartlle aad —aal for pa—lata, aaltey — p au ite paid— trittk. __

WILL mb b o l d TO^W B RiaHBBT BIDDBfc

Thtatar— naw be d— —d af M at—kw IP. Tkt Pterint n i — at u » —*D- artr It llP ,P«. ta t It WBI ta m rUtead W tka a u ttaUap tk* b—( attar. Oalr a M—ll a—oaal at Mtk a m t—rri "“ M uB— »— tePMtl t ta —tin pri— wUl ta tekta. Tl art iMkXtf tar a paid— win la —adMtIr ftr tt OHO. m UlTCHCOOK,

old— ap iw riu l—, wr fat —11 partlealan. „

— t—.. Bapato. H.

rOBB^kaa—; M

B*OBFTIOHAJ.»AIMlApiB.kaad - d r - attariiB bar M -aarp____

tr aalai telaalad - Da—w an. V —mc a u ir . — rillata; —lla ll taeaat* ahe Ta M ata u , — —ai* tafp; I*** taairil—Jlr It—ta il— % --lla tm « i*B*L PM— at am. c m —arr, atk—I; ih* btetm il* —» • — J— af ita M ; m t n t ^ aar* * • —a t d m bpHd Hte kaa— —r t a t tka* M.l—: ^ I m i u aad I —tl* n an *; Baa ctelar; - m plan* n a a a n u d iw* tedn *f h n n l tW* aprtap w^ln r—ht - kaa—; farillite* far an rr Impr*,*—u l , a m t* alactrte I M —, a u ta -te*Had Irate »— r —ww M —r - | Iban ara au a—— rr aaitalldlaBt, ta**. * u — kM —, h i f p it , k— k » « “ k ta e—it S i , all la —i—e f ripair; pitatr af tr—L

chard, eharri—..**—*—> ■(•■•*. aad

t l ta - j lta U d -B . _______ ___BAHT — TtBL ptaw ""tel —ach wap**;

pT— —n u u d lacait—. Addn— Laacfc,

fUlLDDKI TO i nHawa aftlca.

BUILOINO ftr ite n p * v a n k n — — Uiht —laafactorltp; aaatrtelr located. JATiftii , ..........

FOMOMlID HOUSM FOR SAU OBAHOB—Faw —r* n a —a dtp water, M l— pad p u ; Hartk 0 — r w d N*ir ata

lapaln M Maw iL . n—apa; r—t —t —n te.BODTR 4BAHIIB, Gaa—r a t. I—Rppd—n aajBi'n'tsi.:? m ^ v r j r s s t ^

h o m .

—-IP ttaWBr

WKlt a n d u v r bt k a h .[NKLRR MDIFHICNT.iHoroH inldioH.« B T .: It-M MBCnAHICBT

■FRtKKLBHBB; P,f— feat; l—hL kith - tap —ft: a m Mill talldiap aad apaiM—i

K & T O W in S l. tP.— B k -o - a kL.atei-ilL

ABOUT I,PM — f—L — bate lIpPI— briak —etarr; teaaai—, at—— k—i aad

pawn. TkTBAH Ca. Mt Mt. FItapul era

TWO-BTOBT krlak okapi IM C n In I t n . , Hawark; lU I—pnivaai—it: M all

m tr a l; 111; *—* n t t l l patteMUtI—LOTT — tlt apnat biilldlnp; ktaat I. Ml

——r* t—t: a— Mack tran B trktt BL B—tiaa. la p a ln PPI HarkM iL

OBOUNB I— at brick faetorr: ItiM ; llflit — all iM—i MUIm te. lap ten COHiH,

IP Bate K l i te.RALBBT BT., ITI—■—c* M ill. -

■ dta ita tar tlwp or ttarapa; m t

modbbm FACTonr L o rr to lbt. tohkb brob.,


U ST y«w footorlH, lofu, foetory Rtoo with «■: VO ^ w im bovo 4 liA of moawtooUroro

mn tormb* or*MV OMOn SSrtievi

■ doArobt*levior* IMS wo win aoeisro o tooont

_ FEtsT * r s t r rrooM T igoetOllMt 7U

RIAL ESTATE WANTED— apta—ta*S>v*w«uww»*. cw ‘Ac—* ■Btapki—a'AHTKI—Twa-—mitr heen. CUatoa IpU, wUh flaltIWd title raama; roam —r

tall parUcaitru niite — hte’- Addma Cllatot. B « UP.

R0V4 jasLWB —UcH Ik* —paip i— t at pra—rir aad

th* can—t—e at r— ; —ciarr prapertr a *p—W tr; earatte. ja lu ttU a p —rrlca; •>- -------- -- -W—a— Ba KBK k aRIXVKEL IMBread te.

IF T d o WBat fiilck aettaa dlap—lap at r n r— ----- . - -. .te. iiemodioio eoA. woodlivoet frWo.

pmwm g m SwhI rooSiM tm; ohoolwuiy

Ha K. H4 Brood it .RATH MONli ro*4y U gwrobom of oooo; tool

M l gorttoMrim u m imiiMlai; oood wm t JLmnm lovoolor, Rotlor*. 14T, Novo

IB CHRAF, booe ollente will b«y y o v •mvoyty h r «oob; qoteft orttoii. J, 1*

I t T n E T O . UmKw bwllSins; Cllwtna otHATH 4Mb owMonmr fir ooy Emvorty tbot

~ bwoffbi i t 4 ooorifleo ngMtvj qwHE -SVH^NE 4TI CiMtpol m

HPRINUFIELD AVE., H t—Blot, ioltoblo for orty bmrtnom. InqiMro nroiwiMi or

SHVLHAN, *M SwrlogflAd ooo. _______SHOEMAKER ropntr obOM lo lot; too>y««r

- - r of *14Old ototid. R(Stymottr ore._____________________________tA l e t —tTwo otoroop H Mnlhorry et. ood

44 O4MWer04 et.i root rmviftehlo. Inqulm IH Boom bwUdloS'

POUR or rWe room flot vontod to o fomlfy of thr**, by Dooomber I: goo end both; ho-

tvooo Twelfth owd Syrlngnold ovoiw. Tenth

porUinlty; Immodlou WoForly IfHaf.AMERICAN,"nflnod »rlvoio fnmHyp tw f

Urge roemo for hw ioom gmitlomoii; oil tmyrovomrfito Addrooi Rofteod. Boo IfSi. Neve olfKr. *ATTRACTIVE (toftl room for gonflonioa; 12} .

modoni inuU ; vicinity totod; roenoMi blot rrfiroweoo. llorkot 1117.

•hd llrovc oto.; rent not ovor 114, H. SCMORSTH. B. F, D. U7, Bligobath. N- J.

MOTHER end dnngtiUr w«nt f o v or flvt roomo end both In qnloc heuiN Clintoo

HIIL oocilon. root not tn cirood HE. Ad> drom Skp Box HI. Nowi <tffl< 0.


TO LET- -S iiro, y roomo ood for ony hwawfMik Ingwim

414 Borgon at* 4

O lntoi ovo.. «of. I s m a l l fnmlly doolroo thrM or four rinnn rooftib; Imyrovomonta. not oxfwodtng H i

Addrom Drvlrobli, Bnt Jie. Newn ofRco.TTANTED, 4*room nyper flat, good rnngo;

hoth« Bvor trolley, nhout Tl* month; coopto, Addr4«« RcrpvctnhlOt Box I, KoWO eff)to.* _______________bo^ j outUMo


w il l ia m «T.. M—P—U laaaU u for tala lappll—, ala.. — aar aaull baiilMn: PIP.

PrROMMkRWBBBR CO.. BaWapamu tedp.. B -I ia t aad j r a t a - B t u tea

STgRB, OFFK^ ETC, WANTEDDSSK room woviodi otoio locmUoti, rent nnd

noraher In otA n . Addrooo 0«efc. Boi 111, N o n ofOc*.OBFICB wontod; give tnll gnrtleMlirn; oU u

■Ino. locoiion, rotii, oio* AUroio Contml.


BABT ORAHOB, H. J„ Mala *L. PTp.pTl. aar.Aohlond *vo.^4ltorfo pwltolUo fur ony ro*

ton bimliweo. oloetrto llgbto, lorgo rIiow windovi, io«d oollor. rohl* III end III month. Key ot 444 Moin M*. or S. B. BOND 4 CO.. 1*4 B m d it., Noworitp N. J.R. O.r pnncotcm it.. 44—Stov^ doohlo vlit'

down; good for ibnomokor or loindry; 114. mOVBR, m MulboiTy e t , Novorh.ORAHQE^For rooL vnhmblo olto, promiom

M f 'l i i Motn Pipe om nfo, eon to Knood for term of yooro ff ogoUcatloo !■ modi im-

.w m o ly ; invopUgnum wur ohow ih«t Ihto lo tbo V0I7 ro4i«r o f the tnuloom dlmrlot of UmngOp end ooooot to owroomod

im pm llon: ii in otoolnlofy thefownb floor. I l l Broadvor* N. T.

ly the tool. For 6 . K, FROCTOR,

TOUNG eoiaglo wont throo or fovr room oyiMmont or fint; iMt ov«r |tX. Ad*

droM Cooplo. Box >f, Nowo offico.TOUNQ ooopl* wont > or 4 momo, with tm*

orovimonto; virinlly of Clinton H|U. Ad*,-----a,------- H«TBC a, NfWO Fffl 'O, _ _____


AT NUTIpET—F lr^^room oMrtTnAht, wolvr nnd goj; on trolloy: rout M- K nUITK,

HxrrUon ond John Mo. Nml»y T«|. 1X14.

STOlUi ot office; 11 Rollrood gl,; Brtob C h m h Htolon; roNt 114. Ftoof Oroiigo

XTIIWp Itoi»lro 414 Cowtrol ovo., ■* Orongt,TO LETTp Mo«tc*4lr.

good locnUon forCbo4*»Wt it.. 4E-Etoro.

Ra. Rom

Mention for grooer ood botebow; rent •toOt tilT portleMlnro oddrooe Rt 11, Howo pftleo. *UPPER MOHTCtBAtSL K. J.

Eloro nnd ofttooe to roat, la Uu i . - . t a r •* ta

0 — f BaM J’- r . H .T T

LODGEROOM8 AMD HAllS TO UTrURNIBHBD Bia dtt a ledptraapL aalttU*

EAST ORANGE, lUnUitoh ot,, 1«, 114 fi l l from Arlington xvo—Svcood «pxrtm«M, 7

roooM. both, oCoofn hrot, goo ood oloetrloHy, hnrdwtfoil fioora, •tinny roonu; onutotroctvd vUwej oirvyCMafit toentUm; winter cool In roller ot flummor prlcoo; pfonont ocrupODto moving to eouogo houoo. CoU or UU OroAfo l l l tW. ____________________LAST ORANOE->li*von roomo on ooeond

flour of 4 ive-fnm lly boooo on Norwood ttrott. rvotricud. rMld«ntlbl oocilon; dooer*• tr i to o«lt lonont: now hotioa, with oil modorn Impmvimoniii; rent 111 per month.Atoo Hi yorniw to IH for 914, foqoiro ot * ll

H Tobk South Ofonio ore, rof.UAST imANGE, no«r Control ov4t end

Brick Chorrh Stotlon—Sof^ond floor; rmh1> rrn ivo'fnmlly honM; ooron roomx; two totho; •iFxm hrnl; vl•ctHclty; gorqtiot riooro; tonm colllngv; bconUfolly dMwrntod,' *IIT.*4. Inquire U D, BROWN, t l i Booth ^

lurhou xi,. Knot Orongo, ______ cOe a s t ORANGE—Ronotirwl oiHirtmonl, i l l

imorovomtMo. Inetndlng oloctrto 7 'h i la Xafnmily hoooo, IT Glonwood pl« «oei of PTMOOct Ot..' Eolt Oronse; roowmohl* root. XngsVo no ptomioox today or FfEDIxSR'R, Ftmmon'i Bldg,, eomxr Brood nnd Mnrkot ■to, Nowovit

RAET GRANGE, II North EototilMolh o t— Imwor nportmonL tvo-fom iiy bmio#, oovoe

roosm, bnthc ■loom hoot, vntroeen.Ingwlro A. ORAFICIL 14* LIUlotoo nr*., No*ork.HAST ORANGR—FlrH'clom two.fomlly

4gortm4Al, finrt floor; ntrom hint, oloerri • Uffbt. Morgnot flcwri. Illod both: ronl t l i

j j t Hollywood

BROAD ST.. 4T4--TWO roomo. fimkobod fo* light botoobooplng; goo, otooa boot,

nlMg woUr. toilet; root |4 H per ^ N C M A R D .__________________ ________BROAD FT.. 144, »oor eliy holl—ligh t, oocy

ro44M; gontlomoii; nil ronvoolencoo; otoOHR boot; piivutp; ooloct; rofofnnooo,

I BROAD ST., 1t|T—Light hoooohotptng; nto or Iwo roiimo; alonm hoot; two Lotbo;

•loObrlo lighte, goo; 41 wp,BROAD FT . Ilh l—Lorgr. comfnrUblo rooqc

Mporodi running voter, hot oM cold; oil imprtoomrnU.BROAD gr” |1 » Z two light r»om» for

homotbcvplngi euhohlo fur ceuyl* or two or throe Indlox. ________■BROAD ST.i 41<^Lorgo, nioo room; g to^ iS t

boot; hoi ond cold wolor; uoo of hotbi prlvoto fowlly.BROAD ST-, *4—Lnrgo. oTry. «r*ll fujmioboi

front room; plnoo; improvomooii; f ooowiOhio.BRIGHT room. In otoam bonlod opoitmoot*

roloroftc* roqulrod, RooovUM ooetton. Ad« drom K. K.i Box H . NnWe offleo,» lIh7«'kj’ i!LD AVH.. I——rraal roam, i S

p'ovo nnd tod room; oulloblo for two yoiMR mon or huomhoFpfng If dvilrnd: Impu*___CKAWFOHD s t .T l f . bolwcon Hnlboy onS

Woehinitnn ■!■., nnnr Uncoln Forh>*'Ftt>v nlihed nice, eloan front boll room; |L _CENTER ST, l4<-Lorg«. dmlrmhl*, neally

famUhod room for light houoohooplng or two gontloMMo; half, block from tuboo.cV nTeI T frT?X,*oppMiio tube#—W«ll fNM

nUhtd foPfO room; haat aed eonvenlonrco Txirpbuno 4 l l l Market.________________ __ ^COTTAGE BT.. *—Two oxirn Inrgt front

r<mmi; mimlJig wator end «U ronvoMw iciloilancoo) no ohjactlba lo child.

CMBSWUT ST., t l—PloaMit. •un«y ffowf room; well hooted; near balhi m Itable fo*

no* two.CLINTON AVRt, L4T—Furnlfbad back rnOH

for ftotloman; gpcnl location; rofortowo roqolroiL _____WURT BT.~rol— Extra larg* light honoo;*

booping front room*. oJeopiag roosuk 99 up; attom h^o i , ajl improvomoiita. _CAMF ST.. 4l~lloB*eh*«piAf fwmlohod n ln ^

■I* room*, porlor, dining room ohd bliob* on and pantry, oofurniohed lo r*«L

>to-Purnloh*d r*OM« tdDiCKMHSt’K la bigh-clai ,

from Control nv*., r•aaonnh}o,rent la bigh-clam privxu homo; ooo blooR

“ ll I ---------

, eoltabio f»F MoTlywoed ovo,

Imptai OBtro droming moiim, vmy nontmlasihtV

■UM BBirATB., IM—m ii k - 'a u ^ t a n ^ M .......

BUZABI^H AVB.. IIIH —w ano. kr—ht room; oil iroifrovemoMo. prlm ti fomRyt

ronvenJoot loeatK>n; roforodto.0 N T PARK STh 1 4 -^ ir fo frovl *toojrj

veil lightnd, tofftlohod aad hemtod. ^icLH ST.. t l—Nic» front room: prtvnu fom«

fly f i x , oooond floor _____ __FuLToifiT .. M—hdrt*. ale*— rarte*k*r

n a —; te,tm bate; r u n —t -walar; Rkaui —Itakla f « twa a m — —apta________ruLTON HT., Mi Br*04, ilO—Lar«* tkB

•mall, with ar w ltkeit t a —akaai—«; —aHATB navad - —BilaB »•••. _M 'ta«i A * -----------r u — - * —11. pl.lVr tear***- CTCOHNOn. oouFEr h BUR BT. I—Attradla* raetaa

Mte* a t, OrU B *; let. l ITt OrAaga. , B r« 4 aak Blaa—fl»hl treltejaIRVHVQTOH. a race te., II—Fear raama

talk , i l l , m at n—r. Hatamkcr l l ; te—

BtOHT raaaia, atrtaB (tear. I b m IkIMRBCITAL HAUL U t all aecate-ML II H tf. c k H t e - j m J ^ t t a * ' 7 T T ^ ' a ^ : m t* !!!:

■*4*f*! Inqvlro P*w%3dlSW, 4*1 Kyo oTOalrrlngio®


AFAHTMHffTt—Fliwt Rowr, (Ivo roomo ood btob; iM ot.'b«l voiofa iooKor, o ^ i ML

Aino tv o roxmo w d botb t m WVi wttb boot,

a— ja— r.A lia ir ip f tB xblat— aaa. atra— Ff—a

•as:-,MM.IcW m u —

Alt—a teu, Jc, te» k l,ta tA ate—a, aPictrlclty, ItT tJt^H T T A WOLF, Pll CT-I*a a—

IRVIHqrOH, Uiteaa .***••

OIUNalL fateral arik, IM-IM, Bear Ka—c t,* ,~ N *w , a a —n a —PtBMata ten reaaa;

B rin— a u perch—, laraact P—ra; —»gr- at* itn ia a—I—a. Fhaiia IIPI Bulk—rr. ar CBAMB, Mt B—w talM—«; pi—M l i l t Mm.OkANOB WIU— te., U t—Larpa, —oar

IB—nteakaa r—m, ta lk rat— fl—r. to —. I—M pari— pri,at* —n llr i a u Tta- a—a

' ORBCN n . . M—Lara* Praat room; p H n iIf a w t a _______, ■HAWTHORNS A \T ti Itte-L aro*. froai

raa—; teaam h#at *M bath; tiutak— —r r«M>a —Hr; ba—allh*; carp raa—aak—.__ _HIOK BT.. 'u p - ' in — al haotata—la f

ra*« ; all l—m v a —« u ; ((alrpl; alaa —Ightwhoerl; pP.x T lliB Bt.: TX"T*p near, fraat tilt—B r——

taa kaB n a ia ; aaa ar Iwa paatha—a | caam l; all I—pravaia**—; m a eu MaLIBBBTX FT„ —.-R a a m far p a a lla M I

te n — 1—ai. f u . M — kat water. l l .H a ywta _ _ __ , — , —UNOOLN FARK. • • * *

raaw- all a p p -a t-* — atrikUa «p —I——I '

>g;;k4 ’iS?SiJ5g'^MARKUr BT.^y-rL *raw ..P»P « ;


THMBB — (*w aataraiataB r— na. *1— a u IWalakad r——. p u r C*l«w*U. AB-

d r -a a u 1 1 1 . B - o M I a K. j .

__ Hah'—Ip—.; r a c i e r —a—m t *HBW BT„

1 —1; —IMM* tm ta * ■ — la pa—t te


THHBB - r t * llpkl a MS Bte 1—ty aT*,. Toraao.

1 ir— t* (a—A ta l wID taapa baa—i n w r—i—t I S l r a B. WBIL. IP*

lOQW BLBVBMTB ~ r i Bear '

i t : Ilk Irak- dI— a ir il y <

t S ^ U f t m u 4 M -


t III. M<HftW* •««, II—!l»»Mf (w-■ « ? r d i r r ! r f . r “ -

.«UXI a v k . ..........k, (W» r w l i .

HIX«. t i l r t •»., m —CwIwUM* , arm ta hMW. •««••■« •««■•<- • MW> m 4 U»fc»w«».

«L rnM.•r ll•ill tMHWkMV lk*m«klr tiMa.

■ v h W * *T., H ^atM uilF fwBtak** IWW: t arl*at« M rt', all i»*4e« <aa**a- ftiSm. MU Unf*i« l'»rk, t«BtlumM wly.

»rlr«U•r 1kn« iMMII. all

L M, »Nll- U l«hl M l frMl Mwa: fcar wla^w*.>a« wiBtMiaMi laraliaakl arl^at*

AS ST. UH. a«arM ; arlnM UawlB Pa>«

Wm S—Wall fw- taaaw»> mllaaMa

1 ■ AVB. M, aaaf Olalaa—larta. kt raaai; aHam k»at. saa. alartna llsKi i^allaaaa. aaa af laa

Ftaaa a*.. IIS—iaisa fiasi ail Uasfavaaiaata^ alaaTS« rkkUToM.

W«itT >£IWI*T ST. -- Wm I »a«aa: Miaia kaalal asartiajk!;^WHrtaMi

w S « f

«»iIt—rt«ua*t. kMtt4 tF* IwHrreewiUi


itiin**T sTh II -vm»i» MB Will! Srtraia faia'Ur.JJja aMlwa llpraTi Maala PWK.


•f ft« IffWS.J tlU K T a r t , MST. IS.—AfSlIastlWi

for an IsToatlcattBo of Iko oisoot- masio ftsoS oson main aloM aaS aae- oad>«laaa rallraad propoHs In iWs d ty will ka lu d a Hmidar la iha •la ta BHril of T aias aaS AewaaiBenia br tba CHif OonirolMlan. DIrotlor of Ravonuo and Ptnaaca Oaorga F. Braaalns*>‘ islo lbs coinnimioiiara jr«larda]f afum oan tha s u ta aiitharltiM ha ia fallad t* aanao Iba propartr for n o ra than ISA- stAOM. kitboacb. ba latd. iba propir flporp would ba mara than daubli that lum. Ha askod bis oottaasuaa to ap ' prapHata 111,114 la dafrap tha a i- paraaa of an Inaaatlsatlan.

Tbo coarlu lions of Hr. Dranalscai wara baaad span foots ha gatbarad with C ltr Bnglnoar Fradarlok fiunban and formar Coamnlaaloflor af Doeki .T. i’.


Uriel Biffer Crepi li Make It-ourreace t( Pretat Siinlin

IlHUfiMf ■ Fitve.

Braeklnrldgs of Broaklrn, a laa lns as- laataoeaa af allagad undar-pa rt

WpiT KINNSr ST., II, aaar P fa sd ~ L m S p it tPtm; laasai haat. all aee«e*eaee.

up ak>afttaa la rblld.

at wars olisd In a wiittan ta- part la tba oamnlaalonara

Commlaalonar Branalngar rallad al> Untlon to tbo IX1S.S04 ataaaamanl an tba propartp of tha K arris Capal A Kanklnp Co, darlarod to ba worth about ttsa.SH . l-repartp of tba Lablfb Vallar Railroad a t Black Ton Is as- oassad for SIM M an acr« sllhaush tba ImproTamanta an It ars sold to baas cost a t laaot IU.404 an acra

Holdings of tha Cannsrlvsnla Rail­road along tha Hudson Itlasr ars slmi- la rlr aaluad, statad Hr. Rranslngar, dasplia tba fact that Ika loaa aaluabla propartr of Iba Asiarlean Coal Cosi- pasp at tbo tool of Kasai atrsat was raconily sold for STS.SM an a rra

H sstlontng tba ICrta Railroad, tbs eonnisalonor aoM its I'lar No. f Is aS'


|far 14. _ CUataa aaa.—Lana, nan , with kaaS; first toot alaa hsosAsspios

for S14S.ISS. against a raal aaluo of fllASM. f ia r No. t of Iba Laoka-wanna Is aalood a t tllT.IM. Tba as-

lonl ought to ba tSSS.tSS accard- Ing to tbo roporb Prsparty af iha Can- trh l Hallroad la almHarlr undar- isissa id , ba daatarad.

PUl W iH I D t o o n s W AOTIPr n n l M ~ n ^ ' 'W tbraa adaUo fca

•apiasi kasarkn * 2 I V1: nlkranata aaabaagaA Addwe R.


It. liBno sftlaa.rMAN wbbaa raflnad M rabM

, wtib srIasU Im llr) ••• '* * •* ?» ■ Inia; pltnaa atata srlaa. Addraas dan- a, i a i III, Mass atftaa.

r nnaal llabt ' rItaBI ra

tsar n a n analsd Is paaiHsBsai ktr saarCoatral a*a. pSm t a i M baas Panaaaaat, RM lit. Rasa tf-

: taram an nabaagad; Rsaa- ptsfirnd- Alisan flaatlasian,

n , sHrala fbnl as f i r ta tM d stlirt

I O O M S T O L C T -« )T o r TOWR

i« t« I*

mW HV ■Rn* S^^f C r ^ ^ a srisaaailli

Hartb psrhssf, i l t a rss, Slaalir fsialibid: alaMe IS fNn usnar sad l asbi-

>ta fslaa.____ Marib TwiaiifesaaiWFsru*^apbasa «Ml Oiaasa. _____

m uiM B , Hals a t. SM -Manr fw- aiasn bast! tan kalb; i aaitabia far Iws) rad.

laabtsgban, Fias-

ORAlKtR Anbnst at, M-Fsmisbsd ■a Wl wsrwaaawalai tbraa silaitaa A w, sr traUas Hm : taiia a tbla,

llA ~ORAN«g. Waablagtaa'aiSIIf£i>IS:f.EraiafiS.ORAKaH 7 a a td . 'iu Hala a t—

labM raaoui prtrttaaa sTUlsb-faralalMd raaoui irti two nMotas tratlasi tain

diOM. Harrtaaa an .,Sp faralahad fraat'W n ssaasi aaoaaalsal.

’s M ^

£r sd p n ^ ia baaaa, wl laaMd la i ttfh Clartb

patas. all hesm am SI n n ar inaa tn s wifa. Addma I

ift in-i?T ***'**** -

WAItHINOTON, N*». « •—1« »• »*• uMdlamaa wbo Is rsapenHbla for tbo high coat of foodatutfa, Prosldant Wil­son told tha danTonllon of lha National Oraaga last night In waleoinlns H la Waahlngton. “Wa ought to ralaa aaab Mg eropA" sold iho Prooldast "that clrosmstanaas Hho tha prssani caa nosar rocur, whan snan can maba as If tbo supply was ao abart that tba a id ' diaiaan cwald cbargs for It what ha piaaaad. It will not do to bo nlcgardlr with Iho root af tba world In raopoot to Its food supply."

Faimara ora facing problama can* parabla with tbosa af atataomansblp, tha Praaldanl daclarad, bacsuM as Iba papulation of thio country baa la-

Iba proportion In wbicb tba



DeprMMi m Ral Slicb W piO n Eirlf

TWi Dnpi.


NEW TORE, Nov. II.—A switchman, wbo had last bath lags and a baad In bla work, was onrrtsd to lha wllnaas chair to laatlty a s to worfclsg roadl- tlons a t tba baarlag hath today af lha board of arbitration in tbo eoatrovarty bolwaan tbirtaan rallraada sad tN swilohman'a ualon. Tbs wltnaaa was John P. rfo b t a t E nffaia N, T., an- ployad In lb s Now Torh Contral Rail­road yarM a t Battalo. Ha blamad bla acetdant ao tba fact that tb s tracba la tbs yards wara too elaaa tegatbaa Ha sras not (roaa-tsASBlnad.

T. J. H aim ban , yard oonduetar for Iba Hlohls Flats r o ^ a t ClaaalaaA O, said tb s >aan lhara warhsd an avaraga a t tbirtaan and ana-balf hoara a day, wbtla B. B, Unscbans, a awltebmaa. an- Florod by tba HIcbIgan Canlml Rail­road a t Dstrolt, ta ttlftsd that I t s nan worhad tb irtaan bonrs n day tbora. but

as arowi put in tourtaan to atstaan bsurs.

Tba tw itsbn ias a n asking for an sight-hour day and an incronnn at tan to twoltps e tn ta an hour In wagno.

Unltad B uiaa can balp fnraign eons- irtaa aa cootraalad with IMi country boa docrooatg. In lha fu lort, ha haM, II will ^ noeonory to bring ssoro of tha a rsa of tha tinltad Btatas undar eulUratlon than la undar culUratlon now. At ovary point at whloh tba product la Buscaptlbls af loeraaaa tt must ba tncroassd; tbs varlauon of arspa must ba stndlad, sad a stady must ba mada of how to laoUt or undaroland naluro by moblog tba mast w ltahlo uas of varlad ooDa

Ftna harranc of Iho goutharn coast naad aot ba barran a t all, aaltf tbs F rta Idaal, far If a alngla additional chaa- laal sismatit la addsd tha aand can ba madh to bloaaom and prodoca crops. “It Batura la only quastlonad cloaaly anaugb.* ba ad dad, “aha will ylald as har Hrhaat pradaets for our own asalst- nsM nnd for tba aaalilnnoa af tha rast • f tha world. Wo hnvo got to look olooaly Into Ihooa aocroto, and wa hava gat la raallsa that lharo maat farth from tha Unllad Btatas tha bait agrlcul- ta rs i lulslligaaoa af all tha world. Wo havo got tbo moano. Wa b a n get tbo purpooo. Wo havo started alonk Iho right Mono."

One of tbo ao t tofrogaont gnsMlooa ookod of tbooo wbooo buolnoao t t lo to know things Is “Which la tha largaat bank In tba world T‘ This la often vnrloS by roqnooto for Uio osatoo of "tbo tan tergool.* gonorally bad unfanunnlsly wttbout ipaciricatlona oa to what la ■Maat by “la rg a a r bnak.

Tha only oomprabaiialva castpHsUoa af laform attoa of - this e lu n o te r a p - , poors lo ba th a t fum lsksd saanally by tha Uoaden B latlsl and Ite daflkltlao at wbal coDitItutaa tba also a t a baak la teada to root aa total dapoalu and aavTont sccouou. Tba lalast avallabla ashlblt la for lha etaea of tha onlondar roar l i l t . It ooatelM tbs namas and aggragnto doposita a t about that l/ma a f w hat a ra cteaoad aa tba slxty-taar largast or graataot bnkka la tba world, among which It wUl ao doubt aurprlsa ■May to lonra th a t na many as ftfteaa at tham ara In tha tlnUad Btelaa.

TD K IT C U B K H m i

nuTEDUm BSEruot ffiB irnM AT oPDnK

NEW TORH. Nov, II,—Amorlcan Htnaltlog and o thar eopparo, as wall aa low-pricad spoclaittaa and mining abaraa, roglBltrod fu rtb ar gn lai In Iho laUv doalinga, roll* m aking modarala Improvoaiaal. Tha closing was Ir- ragular, Proasnra upon ra ils was again tha noiawartky faatura af todgy't trad- lag, but laausa of varloaa othar da- aarlptlaan oteds ga las af tbraa te avar ten polnln Total anlas wars ostlmatad a t i ,t ls ,td t aharan

RaaatloM rasu ltlng mainly from tha baavloass of ralla. wiped out moat loltlal gains la today, but tb a Hat movad for­ward again Intar, Indastriala batng nacatarnted by a f t ndvaaco In tba pries af steal ra ils

Rapttblle Iron, Bloaa-Sbsttiald and Oulf Btatas Staal laauta ruaa la naw high raoorda. and Union Bag alaa sold a t Its hlghaat quotation. Shipping ahsrsa wara la fu rtb ar raguaat with Amarlean Caa, but laadlng agnipnanis b t n a n Incroaategly Irrsgular a t ra- caaalens of two lo Uiroo p o in ts Coalral Lsathor and Hotora displaying a simi­lar trsnd. Praaaura was ranawsd at nHdday with anothar satbaek. Bokda wara Uragalar.

CHICAGO, Not, U,—Wboal prlooo BMdo a guick optwrh tedky ns a ramiHof an unaxpactad advanoa a t Uvarpnol, wbara arrivals w ars light nnd mlUoro damaad Ineraaatng. Baaldaa, Argaa- tiaa crop odvicoa wore again unfavar- ab is and tha proapact was that tbs Argantlna aaportabla aarklua would bo ■mail. Forolgaaru aaamsd aetiva In (ha buying of fu ture doHvSrIao bars. Tha epanlag, which rangad from Ito. to Stic, higher, with Docambar a t I.IT la I .l l and Hay a t l . l t to l . t i t t . >4l- lowed b|l m alarial galna all around.

Thib of psaco pnriaya within tour months lad afterw ard to a prnnousoad aatback In prlcsa bars. Tha cloaa. though, was strong a t He, to tc. net advanoa, with Daeambar I.ITIi to M i l t and May M i l t to 1.41%.

Corn dovalopod alrongth owing lo tbo atrangtb of whaaL Advaraa ra- porta ragardlng tba Argaotlna com crop laadsg also te handicap tba boars. Attar having opanad unebangad to I l l s highar, tba m arket aaorad a dacldad gsaaral advanes.

■ubaaguantly, aaoartlona that tba country wns oftorlug frooly eonood a raaetlea, aapootelly a fla r wheat bagan to tag. Tba alooSi navartbalaaa, was strong, a t %V%c. ta %c. not odranco.

la lha aata crowd, the chief factor was the rise of other caroata. Houses with aaaboard ronnselloni wara lib- oral bnyars Big raoalpti of bags tbrougheui lha West had a dapraaalng affacl on provlotons About Iho only

was from ab o rts


caty Halt Nw The fa lla^ te W lha U

' laaa and^Plaaaa atIt. MIA

laaaa af s m H' la all am um ■ b a s r d ^ lb)

■rraatkig'af llaaiiaaa ta sail a ^ to a a s C l i i t hrawad ilgaaca, s ^ o a t ba

rasti far llaaiuas » t e ln ^ tlsM ar patltUiu made la IbU beard ^ iba uaae . a™-------- ^ vMam,s A oat b ir i t ilUty

m m ) Mi-B. 14 Bawtry et mbs) BaudUtal, I4tpatnab garmisy,

Awrsiay Osatm Itl-tas Wi


WHOlBgAI,B—NBW A n U CWsadarataa. It Balla^lU^aTs^

APFUCATION.Ml gaotb glxtb at.

C WILUAH MBll^AW , .A. ARCHIBALD,C lty C ta v b ._______________ _

m u G i o r SOOTH o r a n g e r t o -POSALS

SasiBd prapaasls w Saver raminllWa af

PkuroSAL. .will ba raaaiate by lbs lha Beard af Trmdaw

rilliaa af Sooth Oraasa, aP *• 1’** F, H.. la Iba vlllaga ball, ^lajrte O ra m

Tbaraday, NoYamkar 14. IlM, ta r f ta ' ihi asallary aawara In Baalk

al Ilia Villa


■tta fMlowlag quotatlona----- --- “d of T t^ o

HcDonnoltiCbleago Board by Byrno A

____ tbowore fumisbod


BALTIMORE, Nov. 11—After a brief aaaaton lodny lha eenventlen at tba Amarlann Fadarailan af Labor ad lourasd until tomorrow lo permit' com mitteod to u h o ap tba aonitdaraUen at tha IH Tusotuuona th a t bava baan of- farad. A m oilan was onrriad that Iba eoBvanttaa adjonm at I o'eteeb Bator day nftem aon and ga te Waahlagtan to onll on Proaldont WlUen In a body.

Tbo prooldont and aiaautlvs eountll of tka fadaratten wara lastmetad la taka Into oonstdamtian tba advlMbiltty of n b m ltiiig for approval an nmaad- m aat a f Iba Oonstltulloa-of tha Ualtad Btetea wboraby n tax m ar ba laid aa asparte from th is oountry, "so as te prohibit the osportgtion of noeosslUos a t Ufa ot prteoo tewor than thay are asM a t ra te il in tha Onitad Biatan"


rU R m S IU D ROOMS W A N T ID -. OOT OP TOWNm m uA kuK , n m L mmm fceetiw f■I MAWMrMpSOffr


to Amt. VMtof ^ .r v s r ?t


DBTROIT. Nav. I I —Maary Ford, prtaldant of tba Ford H ater Car Com­pany, lootlfyisg today a t the bonrtng of the Dodgo Brut bars' Injunction rasa, daoinrad th a t the ptttlonara, Janh F. and B sraca B. Dedga. sought te tores him to buy tholf lateroot In the Ford Motor Car Company. The Dodges own ton par east, of the otoek, and Ford said they dnmandod MI.S*«.SSS to r Ihsir beldlnga

Ford doclarod th a t tha Dodge broth- ora told him Im must buy tkoir itook "or they would karaaa mo Is ovarylbing I M od te do.”

■baking hla finger a l one o t the attoraoyo for lha Dedgoo. Ford oald:

"U you aat tbara until you ware potrlflad I wouldn't buy Iho Dodgo ■look, nor would I buy that of any other tiockhaldars.''

■paaUng of tbo advaategoo af tbsrural oradita bill, tha Proaldaat sold tha astoBlahlbg th tag was aat that tka naasura hat baan pu t through new, but that It took 00 tang to got K. II waa rom arkabit, ha bald, that valaabls avallabla a iaste—tb s viatWa aaoate—of the farm aboaM-aot hava baan avallabla long bafsro aa a haala of erodlt In Iho boaba on ui). name u rraa aa tha aaoate of commercial aadoiteklag sad m saa- taoturtng ladustiT. CatUa. It wao paintad out, ara Juot aa visibla and teagtbla aa gaada In warahouaaa sad goads on ira la a and cradli eottia la oa good aa credit Mila of ladInB.

Whaa canaldaratten te g traa te tba further prsvlalim of tba rural oradita MUa tar leng-astandad oradita the Prualdtnt laid . It 1a apparaat th a t far tha flral lima tba oapital af Ika aaanlry I t ready ta adraaea tha agrtealtara l la- duitry of tb s esuntry "Wa hava lib- art lad tha/u rad ite of tha baaka," ha aaotlmiiad/*tead wa b a rs mabtllsad. th rsush tba Dapartsaant of Agrtsaltars. tba aetanlifle lalslUganoa s f tba warld. WUh that oamblnaUsa ovary aatlaa la tba world ought to coma to aa te laara how to ralaa big arsp a"

Tha Praaldaat said ha srtahad that toralgu a lta ira wara oa otnipte at aols- tlon oa agricaltnra. Whoa aaoa duty la rogard to asriauU ural prahlama te da- urm iaad, t ia ra te a grant torso of InUlligtaco ta go forward la tha Uaa sf duly. Only raenatly, aald tha PrasMaat. has lha country bogun to roatlsa bow much ot wbat the govoromokt euBhl to do tor tha tnrmor has boon left for him to do htaaaolf. The oM U ag thing about sack a oountry ap ibte. ba added, wop that It tha govirom pst npgioetad ororp- Ihlng, tha pcopta vrould do iblnga of lhair own acowd. *Tou do aot beckoa to lha poopla ot the Uollod Btatoa" ba pald^ "they commaad yoa to go on, and things th a t vrr naglaotsd Ikay bavs gM plenty of hraiBt ta gal Mgatbar and do for ihomoolvta."

It M almool aa noteworthy te loaia that of B ritish banka ■aamoratod la tb o lte t tbooo not of the otriotly eoteatel vatloty, iboro aro a lg h u ta . wblia RuaMa laaksthird pa te the aumbar a t auah lopUtu- Haas with Mvsa o t ibsm, Oonaaay fourth w ith five of the world's fraa t baaka, Praaoa nsat with four, Austria a lith with tbraa aad Canada a tta r that with throe n o b coaoorao. Nteo ethoru are found In Italy, BpolB, South Afrtea, Australia, A rgsallaa aad Cblaa.' Tba Im parial Baak ot Roosla a taats a t tha lop of the Hat with oaarly IIH ,- SP%dtS of dopoolte and nast te that tha Bank of B agtead with Mbh,***,***. Than eeate two big Brltloh baaka. the Lendoa City, aad Lloyda, with |TtS.SSS)- tSS and Mdd.0W.Sd4, rospoetlvaly. attar wUeh. aa fifth , tka Douteoha Bank of Bartlk with tm ,Sd0.ld0 aad a a it U rank tba Imparial Baak of aarm aay w lU dapaalU at a h n t |iM.f4d.W*. Tha Lokdaa County oteada aavaath with U4i,SSt,0W, and a lte r that tba Ha- tlaaal City of Now Torit, alghth la the IteL with about HM.OH.OW of dopoMte.

R|W Y O U S T O a l A U nopen.

Wheat—Dae.. US Hay. m %


Alaska Gold..A U te -C ^A ltte-C h^

MOTUL LBMOX,2 CENTBAL ATH. NBAR BkOAD BT. Wai panaaaaal sa t tranUaal gaasta. a

fpv rbaica fCaaia aad aultaa apaa. AOHriOka Sf d Wuropaia plaai. Hadaaata priaaa.

kTH kBVBjrm iT,. Itl-W ldaw vaati idy ar m p ta : baard ar tlgkt kausahaap- ; lavaly ftaal raem itete.________BBVILU. Nartk Blaraaik at.. ItS—Rmib ' tar aaarhriM Mntorta, pairals lanllyi


iST oaA.taK, naar Waumprwaia famtly. a v u a i ksiaa.'aasm;Ha m«l Ika.apik

affliaall aaaraalaasm; laapmaMa;‘ba. Baa B.Addi

o ju jU


Farmartr lha raaldrara at Vra Caaipkati ■ark I Dallpktftl ainfla aad dauMa raana l ih pFlvala kaiHa; maaalflaaai racaptlaa tern far guaata; laraa, raal dlalnf raam. ilSP PBNTOH. Pniprtalraaa.

- j . Pr Am. Ag. C hm .. Am. Bast lu g .Am. Can ........Am. C. * r . . . . Am. CW. « ! . . . ,Am. H. A L ___Abl I I a La, prAm. I « a ..........Am. Llm O il. .,Ant Loon........Am. 1,000., pr.. Am. S m a lt . ., . Am. S u g a r .. . . Am. T, A T. . . . -Am. Tobaoco, Amar. W oolouAmor. Zlno-----Aaaoonda . . . .

Today's------, Prav'eLaw. Cloaa. Clcae.

11% lt% IJ 1 1 1 1 $ >1% t i l ! H M IT

IS lf‘illIsm


The B sak of ITaaca te a as i sfU r tha Nalleual City, than tha graat Bngtteb private bask, Barotey A Ooi tallowad by lha aacend Amartaaa laHltuUon namod, alavaalh In raak . tba Ouar- aaty Truot Compaay of Naw Tark. Tha Hot U aa haeomaa mUad

t t t aa Bagllak, a Fransh, a Oar- laa. a Buastea, aaothor Garmaa.

t h n SB Ausirtaa aad still aaatbar BrttUh banking InaHtatloa bsfors ana opUMa to the th ird baak namod from the Ualtad Slateo, tbo Chaos Notional, Naw Tark, whloh raaks alootaaalh.

Other Amorlcan baaka listed and tbo ardor la whloh they sppoor. aro the ■uakorg Traot Compoay of Naw Tarh, tw aatlalh : Contlaaatel aad Comawrutel National o t Chteagu. twoaty-lhlrd; Na­tional Bank a t Commaroa, Naw York, tw aaty-aavanth: P in t HaUaaaL Naw York, tklrty-fouTtki Hachaalca and Matate HstloBal, Naw York, lUrty-asv- antk ; Caartral T rust Compaky. New Turk, th trty-alghth; Farm ara" Loaa amd Trust, Now Tark. forty-first; Nalioaal Park. Now York, forty-third; Flrut Na- tloaaU Chleasa, fo rty -feunb; Haaovar National. Now York, forty-oavoalk; nil- note T rust and kavlaga, CMoago, otety- ■aeoad, aad Natteaat RhawmuL Bpsten, aixty-lhird.

Tka raage of today 's prloaa for tka ore ocHva aoearttlao In tbo Now York

m arkst In ooiitrast w ith tko pravlow o M n g quoteUona (• teat aala), M fw - BlihW f i r tha Nawa by Fast A Flagg, te given below.

HighlT%11%»»• T

1S1%St%**%M%14%I I»II

1*1I I In i l ,111 US 11%**%

i»4%t l%


ST 14%41%**N St%11

July. I l l Corn—


o m -

Mtoi n sju ^ t^ aDtc.. 11%“%rk"*Jsn.. IT .lSr 11.MMay............ 1 1 .il

Lard—Jan., H . t i IS .I t May............ I I .M

Loir. CleanPlw r'iclaoo.

114% 111% If*111% 111$ t i l11* 1*1 144%*4% **% **%41% H $ H $If >1%44% *1 *1$

11.14 !1.M 11.t*11.41 27.11 11.1*l d . l t 14.11 14.1414.14 14.11 11.t t

N. 4 . - - -- •vt«»a4oii M‘’7t*Sr HdlmaUd that tbara wlU ka raqiUrad aapradmatair 111 imaal teat a* atekt-laak tfl« Mver; aaa laaakela allarad: Iva aa* mifinelra tM aiM na* fluak tank.P)SM and •parlflrallotw may te a a a a ^ nrapoMi Muka aUalnad al tka attUf M Irp F Radfara. tka »nuaa anataaar. I I Saatn Oraaaa artarn, aaBUtOraaaa. Ha* .araay.Tba caouaHtaa a a s r ^ r raaana lha rtefci la rajacl say or al) Mia lor lha prapaaad*1!*Watr coiBpaay bid bead m)ial aaeaw-^ f i? : : t e r M - . l . .S a * .r C „ .» K ^ ,

tihOROk F. SRTNqllR JR .j.tV * '’IRA T. RSDrERN. Vtllapa

WASHINCTON N O TK E■i;mool bo nd s ^

•tPa v in t e raoatvad by tba uiairtal iterhml ftk* Metoid IXitrk‘1 at t te W S^^D iajrK .^^lar aa Ubm •* ItS.iaa at h*We, 1# e e W d!• M7 lar tM tiiUirfwiMMtMV Imp vplMTfwiMMt. i P ad (ha paWlc aekaal praparty la aald

*‘*^feM l)iY .**N ^ M g g * M. I »U _ Thma ara oaooaa kanda: tW In lha ate am-Thaaa ara caapaa hteda Inatiaa af tlia , and U '________ lha dananlaaUaaof IlM lack. They ara net aad Iraa at »u


iiT iiwy.

A ^1^.ii®

Bath, f tea i.'!! R R. T ...........Bucta A Sap.Cal, Pat.Caa. ra t.Con. LaaC A O.

hi. g . W..8 ,



WABRINOTON, Nov. II,—Tha Ru- p ran a Caurt has baan athad to aaaign for bearing Docambar t two casai in- voIvlBf orgonlaod labor and particu­larly Iho right nf workman lo organlao unions. Both caaoj ora from ) 'aat Virginia. In lltlgatloa of tha HItehman Coal and Coke Company agalnel tha trnttad Mina W orhars and Its offlcara and of tbo Baste O laia Manufacturing Company against tha Apiirlcan Flint Olaaa W orkara' Unloa and Its oftlcara Tha ta tte r caao waa raachad on lha coorl'B dockat today, but raquaal was filed to pootpono Its hearing until Da- cambar t. w ith tba United Mlnp Work- era’ case.

at tka ggvg.JRRSBT CITY, Hov, II.—At aa IB-

tormal banquet of the Hudaoa Coualp Bar Aaaoelatlon In tha Down Town O ab last night atrlot logistetton waa urged. Inlandad to prevant tru st cempaalaa from drawing wHIa and coBvaytag property and lo aot with aqaal fores against other corporallena or Individ­uals who Improperly attem pt tha pran- tloa of soma form of law.

Upon tha auggastlon of Gaorgo J. Mo- Ewan, ehairman of the sthlca oommll- too, the m atter was laid over te bo taken up hy the next commlttaa

*Y hope tha bar will taka aoraa actlofi regarding trust eompanlsa who attempt

CalUag. for oonvoaloueo.' the BrltUh pound otoFIlng the oqnlvaloat of fl, to tal dapoalta la the alghtaan strictly British banks snurnsraud. aggregatsd a year or lass ago about tt,III.SM.S4P and thoua of ths ttftoon Amsrtsan boako and trust oompaalss about 11,111.444.- 444. Dapoalta la tbs ssvan Rusalsn laatltuttoaa amounted to approximately |l,t»l.444,444. In tha five German banka to tt,4il,IH ,044, la tha four rTaneh In- •tllu tlons to I1.11S.444,444, In ths thrsa from Auotrla to |l44,O4fl,04S and tha three from Canada t* 1141,114,444.

R. I. A Chile Cop.


______ t u

m m idim

^ t e , lo t pr.

__ , _ Hudoon 111% l i j jDon. A Rio O. l t% ItV- i o k . . . . 41%

Brio, Id pr. FoA M. A ■

Bloc. C o. rick

PHILADELPHIA, Nov. II.—The UOl- voraity'i' rolaltoa to pobllc oorvtoo. the rslatlonfblp of woman to the amvo- msnt to Induoo un ivsra ltits to give mors spocirte train ing for public sor- vlco by field training, and cIvH sarvloa reform wore among the aubJocU for dtecuaslon a t tha third annual Canfar- once on Unlvondllaa aad Publlo garvtea which opanad Urday at tha Unlvorstty of Ponniylvaala. Tha moattnga. which rill continue over tomorrow, ware bold

under tha auaptcaa af tba Soctety tor ths Promotion of T raining tor Publlo Barvlcs. Dstegatos Topraoontlng laad­lng sduestlonal Inatltutlona, civil sa r­vloa reform aasoclallons and atata and city ofticfsia from maay naetJona of tbo eoontry wore In otUndanM.

Tba purpose ot the ooufaraneo, U wai announced, 1a to Induce unlversltlas to give more apocifle training tor pobllc aarvloa aad to promote elvH aarvlea ra- form. Many adueallonal Inatltutlona, dalogataa salA airsady have taken atapa In thla direatlon. while othara ara iBvaattgatlng tha subject aloag tha llnat racommandod by lha oonfaranoa.

r r 'r S R C«NT. lN T « k -T aald Isiarivt tersWs oaml-ssiiaath'. Jalr »*'^ka•s kawda data from ii-V uIjaad ara dw In sad from ana to tweaty-nite■ T R i* iT * 'U d . M « ! ! I '

ySia; Aw ( i r s . Vairm*l d a j« 1 ^U k ^ t) nw biaarM dellar.tenM .tek J W rer Iba nait ta* yvam.njJWv* <*>•"• J " .£ 3 dollar beads payaMa tka follyatag^ ^ l yaara. sad two <tl llw kaaMM datlte t e ^ sad isa (IS) SM basdrad daUar Soada thetwaalr-alBlh y w . . „ i , , ha

Me bide at laae I h u par fasMa^lW te aocaated. aad ihay will te awefdM_ t»_Jhate o f t ^ d pr««Joma aadIWH (he aramol eala at laa waataertll

■jSteL Immalliv IblM LRMM tuW bMM lH•MP*W^to Wv*e«lt) AltWMvy

aaBarUeflks atMa aC i* 3 * ta ia iM-Whaa WddMit. atata nambar at tea ia da- ■bad aad iarmi al asm#. .The rIxSl te rejMt say er all b.da W te rOiarved aad alt bids are euSJecl la tbaAMAMWtel *f ths BORTR of ■dMOAtlOlk*1 *r rvi*'U» m 4 4»J*•r dellvarr w h i te plvoa aat later Ibaa®1far'Srtter'*l*ar)nalla)i. wrlW te U M. S k ^ . dtatrtcl < ^h , WiJhlaatae, N. J.

SECURIT1I9« I N V tlT M m T a . ETC.

I n v e s t o r sta odd lota or 144 aharo lots wlD

find our beoklat PORI»IOBT 4f B starlal help, goat oa roqaoat

RaquaoU tor parMouiar Informa (ton OB listed loeurtttea aaawarM without obllgatIBg you.

N E W A U S E C m m E S IA IK nCantral

in t c . a . . p r . . , ^ tin. Har. of*N. j ,IdL M ar,.H er. ^4»<f{Star'S.&.r;In. Pap. ..........It



i . .%

• n i t

Ths following quotations today w tra fu rn ish ^ by J. g Rippal A Co.:

Bld-Asksd.. _______________ . . i m ISlCant R.R.CA of N.l, la 1H1 111Celluloid ....... . 1»0Conaolldstad T raction ........ I f

“ ■ It*Ka'sx A Hudson Ons Co... m Gas A Else of Borgen C o... | f


l i t

Gas A El of Bor Co. lo t U 1 « a. A ^ Of Bar. Co. gon. la I I Hachantmeh W ater b . . . . . 14


laxwoH ^ laxlcan P a t . .Ilaml Ceppar. 4«ti..gtPAgRM ... n i l




Hedwn County Gaa Co. Hudson County Oaf


T ..N at En. A K . .NaL Load........Nevada Cone.. N. Y, Air By.. N Y. C ant,.N .- ^ .H .A a .N. -T, a I ~. . -. A W ..Nor. A W ast. . . Nor. Paelflo . . . Pacirie Mall . . .Penn..................Pitts. Can! etfs **Pr. Rtsal Car. Pub. B srvtca... Pullman . . . . . .Ry. i t . Rp. . . . .Bay Cob, . . . . .R e a d in g ..........Reading, Id p r. Rap. I. A &.

14T , I I I1« iU’‘

J 1%

ii**,??’»M144 144%I* II

I CO. lo . 141% 144 •ot. t e . . 11% 11%

Long Dock fa t a ia ..............111% . . . .U b lgh VaL Term, la 1141. I l l . . . . Newark Cob. Oaa C o .^ .. .. . . .» % t .! * H

Jerr c itr . Hob". A Pot, Long D ^ k Is t i l lNewark Coa. uaa v-o. . . . . . . jew t j*,*Newark (tenaol. One Co. la. 144 iSSU Newark Paaa, R 'way Co. 4a. 1 «Newark Oaa C* to ......... .. 111%Nortk J«>tey 8 t R^^my to .Pat. A Pteaale O. i E. Qo... .1 Pat. A Paa.

>R* ,

11 1% in111 141

114% 1 » » ll< I 44% 44" 41 4114% 14% 11% I t t ^


mle p . A K. l l__________ O. A a Co, to .. I J lPublic g o r v l i » . . . . . . j . . . . . . I l lPublic gorvlbo O ortinoalto 1*1% Public Sorvico (Ion. l i , IM I M Ro. Jar. O.. E. A T. C o . , . . . I l l go. Jar. Q- E. A T. Co. M .. H Rom. Union A Mid. L « . Co. 1* Rom. Union A H. L. Co. 4i. ^|4



0 H i a u i % 0 n A Nr vew Vork lltoak I t New Vork OoHoo f

W i U i a m F . M u t hHANAgBB

m a, A



1«44 44% 44% 44%

Rom. 'Union A Singer W g. Ca United ElectricU. N. J. R. R, A C a n a i ln l I t t 144

Bonds, guaranteed atocka aa* ^ W lo Rarvlea Cartlflcatao quoted 'tend In- teraaL"

jtep. I. A 8 -^1-

to do an Itlagal bualaeaa," aald Ruprama"WithinCourt Juaitea Charlaa Bluck.

ths past few woaka I hava raoalvad advirtlalng m atter from several ootn- panlas offering to do everything from drawing my will aad distributing my property to burying mo. A trust com­paay or any other eorporatlaa Orgaa- liad W do a law-buslasaa ought te ba stopped without datay."

W t. m i —Lerit well runlahad. ^wsrm rosm: ra(>«rtina home fosUto-

tynvUlit MlBPsphvr*; rsiM rss*ry««tol«.m io a p^wi

1MTKUT VT.) l»--rhssrtul Mcond flsof ifrosi room, for ssniismss. bsth, sitsim .li |sod tsbla; nomsUkr rtfl.*o*isbLs.

Bast pa rk stislds rtHviM, «

* e m feSAi; siesLlsfit tsbl*, It"—LAri* Sfid imsll out •Ids rtfoiM, with bflsrs. •InctrIrHy srid

modHrst* rsisa.nnFlKrr HIMp,» »t*. TT Lasris, W«11.

.NrfiMod roocni. ssftend n«ior. sr>Ltii«rn •iptviwtv, wUh bMrd. Tsi. l l t l B 11

IfftfellON' PL-r ll—Lsrt«, Ilfhl, stry riMitq;‘ottN-.m host: tmptf.: toll room, with or

*sLth«si bnsnl; gsntlsmos osty.HjKIeitON PL.. plsssssl fsaai for

fsnikimsp: ■lesUtflt bosrd. MrivsuT iiUp, MCOnd liosf.



NfCW TORKr Nov. ll^ tU 'SdgA W Amr^rldAn McurUls* of omrty doyi. All ■Mioiiod pAysfi of rofUlAr dlvld«ndi, AM « t l l AS •tot'll* jind boDdi of modtPii vintMAs A7« iHAludMd III th# UsU of MCUPUlCM iMAdA pUbHd tMfUy AM thM AtTiMPioAO coUaU faI bAhInd th« niw And lAlAii tIdO.OOf.OOO BMitMh Ioan.

P R I C E O F R A I L S n C K E A S E D

JV>APSVJLLR. Kumtoldt •(.. IT—IxArfA s«n< .My (MOQiid-fltwr frsnt room; wsll hsAfsd. isMit; for Z. nr«r trsIMys. rsasoMbir

$M lsV li.U c;"iifuriC lti--#lein7™ S#i^room: iRBPond flonf; nrsr tolbj *tth tsMrd

NKW YORK. Nov Vn\tt6H utto H(«#l rorporAtUn today An« nouncod An AdVAncM of |B p«r ton In th r pries of standArO Mttol paHa Rto< ■Mftirr bstnc quotid At IIS And oprn h tartb At |4A. Th« corporttlon ilso unnouncAd An AdVAncA of I t a ton In ARCU bATA

ftr MS or (wu rsoUvrsto' liUBKVlIJJC. Nfirth tovsoU

, AMI riMims, BdJnlninA toth. t|bt« tosrd.■«v. tD'w-Pirss. tosrdIhA snd

•PiVtLLfc. tilth Av«.. *41—Rooms, wllb SbrssMfBsl prWIL«t«. >rWsts fAmlly. rsfsr- AO*».aIIMKA AVYp.. 4tT, A«Ar rbestsrm 'AUrtO'r'tIVT--s-s-.---a.-_.s.


tivr nsrrhbsrhsod: Isrfi room with skrsVA: •§'‘tod floor front; tov wlndonw; oU at ffoAi. sAesliBAt ubis; rsssoiiAttfo i*r«u: «w«* WtAl lArrsundlACi; 4<|| B B.fICHfSNOH rr., Ll. Msr LisrwU Psrh-te

'KATfo, wsLI tumlstod RtoAia hsAtsd roowiA igtb toAfd; fAtSA rsAAVtobISen * --L w 'h « « M rm i. with .bMTde for two; yAgtioB CtotTAl AAdAfAWAUni

ifA tK iN m N rr., u . odum cwi ^ A f room wim- _____toAMf T»oiAtd} a4av tsMs toard;

VI see—, _ aualltntI lalaalM Hsdaoa

Mim arawta P a n d a a t HaSprrtai lartov af lk< S tW t.

HAMPTON, Nav. U .—About 104 dero- raiad automobiles from this borougb, Olan Gardner, High Bridge and Cliiunn last night formed In line below Olan Garden and paraded through tha dlf- tarant atraata of tha varloua boroughs In oslsbrstlon of Wllaan's alsotlon. Three bands accompanied the pared ere.

NEW YORK. Nay. II.—THa Maw York SlAts WAtorwAyi AaaooIaIIoti. tbronfb Ui Aitornty. (^hAflto F. MetjAAp. hAi ruvd A pAtltloM to r IntArvAMtlon In th i lArnoy TAiA <'AHA btfopi ih t intAfitateA CommArcA i^ommlAilAn.

In ktA pstitlon thA AAMOdlAilon liAtAAtbAt th# propAstilon of tb Naw jArisy IntoroitA would dnilpoy tb* prosAnt bAMli of PAiMp rAlAttng to InnApoHA- tton bstwAAP ChloAfo And PhllAdilpblA, Naw York ind RAlYlmorA, And would opAfAtA to the MsrlouA Injury of ths momhArP of the orgAnlAAtlon who oro locAted in buplneii At Naw York.



CHICAGO, Nov. II.—Oil and tea are found In nearly every formation In tha an tire gaologlo sarlaa porous enough to contain It. but prontabls ooiumarolul depoatla are foun* only whan tha for- niatlon containing them la incloaad within an Imparvloua atralum of rock or ahala, usually tha lattar, J. C. He- Dowall, praaldanl af a Plltaburgh gaa and fuel oompany, told the Amarloan Mini Of Congrona t l ^ attomeou.

NBW YORK, Nov. l l .—There waa heavy raallslng in tha couon raarhat early today and after opening at a de- e lln t of tour to atxtsen polnU, active montho sold about thirteen to etgktaan poluta undar lust nlght’a cloalng fig ' uratt Hailing teamed to coma rhlatly from Wall a trsat aad 'Weatem longs, white buying waa ancon raged by the vtaadinaaa of Liverpool end buUlsb uvor-ntght spot adviess.

U vsrpool and Now Orleans housss had buying orders hers and after tha dacllna to t i l l for January and l t . l t for Hay, prieoo raitisd to sboul last n igh t's cloalng ftguraa 'vlth January ^ U n g up to lt.41 and May to tS.ll be- fora tha and of tha first hour.

Tha early bulge mat heavy telling by roao llon ltu as well aa continued real­ising aad tba m arket becams unesltled during th s middle of the morning, with January easing off to I t .t l end May to 14.14 or about fttlaon to •svtnteso palate not lower. Bullish spot sdviosa ooaUauo to rsaoh the ring from the Routh, however, wblte there wee con- aldarable trade buying and prlcai oMkdlad up five or six polou early la tba noon hear.

A ptivuto aatlmato placing the crop a t 11,440,444 balsa, Including llntere, helped to ataady tha market during the afternoon and prloaa held within six or Mvon points of last nlght'a closing rlgu rsi or arouad 14.14 for Hay con- traota.

■#04*4 Air Rears, Roe. ^ U u e k Arto. Rloas-Rhaf. . . . Rouh. I^c . . . . .Mouth. Ry........South. Ry., pr.. Studsbakar . . .Tann. Cop........

eeaa C o ..... . .'axaa A P ac .. .

Third Avo.-----Union Paclfto.




Alt**]I I I

II 44%111% 111$11% 11$

lI tU 114%**% n $14% (144% 441* 14%4* *11

1*1% ill}11 **!a ll 1»4

Tka following queUllona wara fur- nlahad by Blsala A King;

MINING.Pravloua day*a 1 ;I4

Close. Today. .....................Bksd.Bid. Asked. BIA Ask

Union Pac., p r. United Fruity..U, B, I. of S. F.U. R. Coat I . . .U. R. Ind. A l..U. H R ubber..U. H R4b., t pr. I l l U. R R ia o l.. ,. in %U. R. fltaal, pr. l t t%Utah Cop..........114%Va,-Carollna . S4Waboah .......... 14%Web., pr. A . . . 44WiE.: pr. B . . I*Wool Md.......... *4Waot. U nion .. . 1*1 Waatlngkauaa - <t%w m y a ^ a r . . JJ

'ouw orth ■. i l l l% II I

i n I t

‘ S '*

Ito U 111 ilt%to lt% 44 II

111% 11) m

141% 141% n • s i l l

lU 1*11,» UJ:



A tla n ta ............Crjwn Roaarva Goldfield Con.Jum bi K xten ..La Rora Minsk McKInley-Dar'hMinas Co...........NIptesIng . .». K% 4Tonopali M tn.. 4% *Teno BalmanL t% 4

IND^STRIALH. Brit. A. T , old J4 14% Chevrolet M. , 111 I l f Manhattan T.. % 1Midvale Htaal. *1% **% Rlkar-H. c, . 4% «Starling Gum, ^% ,%TrlaagTa F. . I 1%U nit P.-R., new I 1%World Film .. 1 1%

E IS E L E & KINGM a t i f * i l . I . l t o k I d b s t f A I H a M

Public Service C*>rp. of New Jersey

R IG H T SB o u g h t—S « p M -< ]u « )tad BROAD R O J N T im STS.

B u y and Sdl on ConmiHion


Now Tark 84adi tv r* ig i< aad AH O thw lUrfcsto

KiMy TM Im riR t

Anglo O H ........Atlantic R ef... ^ c k e y o P. L ... Creeeent ....... ..Ohio o n . . . . . .Rt. OH Of Ctel..

AU>Pack e Grocery Stores

COMMONBoughit Sold' Quoted


4H 414I I I

M t o h a n iO ^ ^ ’t . . a i .

Th4 following otM atlona wara fur- n l t o o d b F ^ - o . t ^ ;W i f { : , .

Am. R. See. to.A .t . AT.ov.4%0 U l!Am. T. * T. oft.

L«w-Cloa- a s t Ing.

II* 114

Anglo Fr. lo ttoAt A . to .At. Conkt L. to B. A a Ho........B. AO.CV. «%■ B. A O. lo . ■ - B. A 0. W. 4%o

Aetraaami aol Bvoate

Nov. U —At 4 P. IL, the moon la a t apogao. furthest from the earth, mors than 114,440 n llaa ; six houiw sarllar It has a cloaa conjunction with la tu m , aad thraa hoara la te r a wida ana with Napluna.


4 OUNMII HVq 1 MiBwvy lilt-lU A

1 Be. 4( B. T.

Cam. Laa. i s~ A o T ii

The fallowing M o u t nlahad by Puat H Flagg

otatlona were fur

1:10 Prev'aOpal), High. Low. P.M. close.

Jan. . . . . loToL 14.41 11.44 10.44 :«.ot l£!m h t o . i i f l . l l 14.44 10.) i lo .i i ^ y . . . . » . K t t . l l « .1 » 10.15 10.»T

te . . . . 11.41 14.44 14.14 10.00 IM T

C. A O. t% s C, A O, «v. 4%a C., B. * Q. taC.C^M. f l L P t o _

C o i j« 4 C o la 1*.



B O U D O tG -O U T OF TOWNNov. II.—FleUT—

k lU (» CHUkCR.Mr OlatiwM' beautiful raea

WeahiagMB at., IT, ear* H r Olatiweud—gebblealana bsiwa: laris,

a ; labia ‘ 'I evppllad wtth I bestBRIcit CBUkCM—lha Bucklngbai

pa«t aL. t1 g ieaad naar trent rHaa. jeliilBg batm ringla ream; naar wale, Ireller,BOAlin end rewu for aoaple ar twa aau-

tleaes: Bear, Watan al^ Pevel. AMraaaBeard. Bex 1IT. News


YRttfl reneitaeal wiehee eaell troSLAtofa.i'taYrKi

KANT ORANak. Wlnene ft-, l l—Large fraai revB. near tatb: aaa. twe pastlenee: with er wltheul beerd: jrlvete reaUIr: beaia eem-

r MHW <Ilerta. Pkane I Grvofu

Favr Oeruaru Nawa afrtea.

■OM'TCtAlk—Large. ------ . -----teal, alaairia llAt. hat and »ld'waiar.


HIMRO lady wtib twa baby girls wubaa vam tad beard fw o law meaiha lo DoompftyaulkRiliy m culivra; thIMm g'uid ,.*4T*iS ato reepoMivefa; mtaa aa ab- A A l toikr C. M., Hax IT, Hawa aftlea.

... _____ llabt........ ^, fiva mieutaa Lackawaana, kri* er gajteia u daid^j^at^iM al lablaj

tamuy af adulta IIIW ■eS■ORTH HONII

V lL t pay watt far Iws rsema aad beard lar ; alean yaang ASiertean eeapta and lltrae 'gteliyr!)l)r behaved rkllAtei In prlvalt.

AVB.. w aad n . Tte M - latga aad fullr turalebed Very aleqa by, al mederate

elaedardifa* latga aad fullr I

t e u Van alsaa br. al aa)T aarv ^ sTu Ugh I , torar baitu aard aad meWag

raaiH tar^eur. gaama are aaaqualad far

NBW YORK,Firmly bald.

Pork—Uoaattlsd.Boot—Unaottlod.Lard — Flrm i Middle Waal, 11.44

• 11.44.Molaaaau—Rtaady.Hay—Rtaady.Illd to—Firm.LaaUiar—Firm.Butter—Rtrong: racatpla, 4.414;

craamary, higher than axtraa 11% #44; creamery extras <•) acora), II; flrota 1T«1I%1 ooeonda H «l*% .

Eggs—Firm; rocalpta 4,114; froth galkerod. extra fine, f i e t l ; extra flrita, d i e t ) ; flralA, U % e 4 t; aaconto I t e t l ; nearby kannary whitaa fine te fancy, 44# 14; aaarby hatwofT brawaa. 4 I« H .

ettama—Firm ; rocalpte, 1,114; state, trash.* towclala. t t ; da., avaraga taaay, 1 1 % « » % .

PouHry—DriaaoA quiat; cblchsaa, I t •1 1 ; fowlA 1 4 % * ll% ; larktirg, 14#I4.

NBW YORK. Mtv. U r-H trcanllla paper, 1%. fltsrUmg, ality-day billa 41%. Commercial xtgty-day bllli in baakA 4.10%; coounarctal ality-day blUk. 4.14 %: dasianA 4.11%; cabita A lt 1-tA PranoA damaad. 1.14%; cabtdA M l% . H arka damanA14%; oabteA **%■ KronSA daraaaA11%; (mbteA 11%. Odlldars, damanA 44%; cablao, 41. Urea, gamand. t . i t ; cabldA 4.4A RnblsA damand. 14%; eablSA 14%. Bar Xllvar, 11%. Max- loan dollara, 14%. Oovaramant bonda steady. ftallroad boadA Irregular.Tima hteuA firm; slaty aad nlnaty days. I% 0 > % ; aik monthA l% S l l i . Call m taay, xtsady; high, 1%; low, t% ; rul­ing rate, 1%; last loan, 1%; closing 1%; c M n g bid, t% i otfarad a t 1%.

L ^ ai. tdd. naar Park irA—..J !!!’' mam. adlatfing; nwl or iMiadlw; aaasltmi ubie beaSi

_D. ra sm u d Lteto' Igr fwaagbog-


targe ar twai'iO A lD W W T H M W t OP TOWN

Omnge, . . . . . aad Park ava.

NBW YORK. Nov. II.—Copper, xtrong; olaotrolyilA flfwt quartor, 11.44 •11.44; soaend qaarttf . tt.l44ML*«. lr«A itta d y and uachangad. Motel ax- ahanga quotaa tin. a treag ; ipol, 44.11.


B. A g . tag. w. ta ..iHla 1> . . . . . .

A P. taP.C.4 %s

fitiUU 5P14. 4% a. 11%Col. A H 4 4%a

t>en. A R. q . to DIalll gsA I# . .Krta Idt oa. to Bria g. Uaa tA Erie evt. to A..Bria OVL to B..Intar-UaL 4 Inter. PaperIntar. Papop ■■ • • • i i - fIni. B. T r /M .. f l •»%

ii% ii" ti"

il l im iH

K a ^ City JM .toLake U k aUg.N. ■N o r.-------N. Y. C„ Bt. U My.

L r V & W 'B * 8 1 8 » 85n. City 41% 4l% II 41

a *f A lS y a te i i l i t # i if% liiL i iii%T. Ry. l a . 11% , ............................r. Paa. t a . . . 44%. f i ,••••

s E c u n m n v m B tx n , n cPUTS and CAULS

lAldIfT 111E.F. MJFFT. nOkrtOiSL

GUERIN & W iLUM SMsouiKE e n n u a n s

781 Bread St., tonAlUTBLBPHOmi

•O ^ n B R Q A O S T R U T 'SAVINGS Assets

‘ N H l


to »

The Stebdarg OH Oampany sf Nowjo rte y today daototod lU r m l a r quar­terly dlvldaad d H . payabla Oactm-bar 11.

Aftor a weak or a t a t aulat. platlnun p rla tf hava agalB atartod apw ard Yea tarday tk t quoiatlen la Haw Yarh foi

At London, ooppar, 1114144; fa ­u n ; naotntytlA » tu ifa ; ggat

l l t l l f A I M U

tha m adtem 'm atel waa 11*1 an ounoa, c o a la la ti l t . lf .p a r rant r twhlla that

Irtdteat Madiam platlnai

N . 'r O a n L lM s | t % .................B brtfc .'ifi" f t i t - ' i i $Oragan H, i* 4a 11% 41% 11% M%? t .S ^ i i g % r.;: ::::i t . U t l Z l a . » % . . . . .................

gE: JV t. la. l a t i f 14t% 1*4%’ to"' ’' —A t . a

iii% itt% lUfi


1&ta thraa

t i l lAl ll m bB of Irldlitet

aa te t i l l aa oansa ■ la matal that aonialna

ta tea fast thatiridlam a r t

j : .;y. l a ........ l t t%

'a x a a C A je r .. I4*r^‘ToL AM W, ta *1

nIonPaa. t a . . 44k ^ t ' I a . * * 14*ff Ifl'l l 1M4' iW i't R a b b a rto IM ,Ral

Irg ta ta Rp. la UMan ‘

a tt f 44% <4% <4%

DepOHttH H id e Up Dee. 4 D raw b r te r a i t f r o n De& 1,




P o st & Flagffl \ I


Tbe m uA gim have dBctered ■ dlvideiid i t the r it* of FOUR PER CENT, per Annam on accounts o f S i,000 or Uhl entitUd tb«reto on NoYomber Ut, and a t ttio rat* of 3J/J per cm t. per tnann i on the pert o f u y eoeoM t diet eeceeds |t ,0 0 0 to $5,000. peyebU on end efte r Noteinber t5 ,‘tOIO.

T h lfeattarAamrli lb. eh) k aat o k a r r t i M lha atota A M t

“It I ■that aa In iBkahl 4a ba I ■ a n t < waa a th a t p Wow Ion gw accoiB aocioC!

TTkta lk Iproop)rrh ioth a mWithdpeacew ill (d lf f trlomahaysB ufoihelp ■

QuraqrtatM rawhantion grant If wo hooditageti a hod o tf lr i powa.

Mrip u n athroethrou H., ll a reu i and pram of Ih) B ills "You;

Th)PlataBchacIt Wlof Pi proa) hg t rttap tka c

No A. L Olaa) ■oyn Ooor • ta t) Hra. Bout H a n Olaal Chai ■Urn Mcui H. K r tly ten )

At W tl htag Manx

whic aorvi the ■poll Mrs. ton* Jam dent

A a t A Hov. IMfgauaiOOflfmteJ'tr ia lwold



At a I , hgM Novambar lA a Ir t 1% paa r t tU to ar 1^1:1

rape at t%% pig tmma w iha. ■aat al mm amml%teNt Om ami AHta MhwhIw AAk l U t


'r N (\

W E D N fB D A Y , N O V E M B E R


nm m n e e d e d ,D. A. R .B ADVISED

Slili Refill I t Intiif Ben Af-• pob for BiHir Gliiiis ui

"a F fo i A — i a i i w i ”

B B T riEPA lE FOR REW r tO llE IS■Util M.kNR

E r i O '

t kr dwTf t n *I t* liMormam,

I tw ill* M an lh»*•>•«< lakt-tMk

twa M«*•*■ a**laa at b* t t Raallii'lTSin.

*• • • Jair 11. lltT,

Ifit taa a4a aaa le* »aar M aaa- ¥a ba*' aitbt

laaanir b* ,1 la ib«a* tiaaaal aaUM ahal*a ladataa* , Attaraav'iaaM da,da U ban- act M IMHk■ aad data later tbaa

la U IL , It. J.

r e , ETC.

lata win QBT atlaaatmfdtwtbMwarad

’MANatadada*iithk i.






■ a tS a K t.

lO R sr

bb *n t.S i


LIAMSionsi w f c , R . iiwmm............... ■ J


Hid I t the n accounts am ber Ut, urn on the to $5X>00

tiin Doe. 1,

noN■ la

WHAT IS HAPPENING IN A SOCIAL W V IN NEWMJK AND INN e i g h b o b i n c * C Q M ^ I T I L S * • ■ j|QL

T b a araa t aaad a t thia eaaB trr I* tor Satla t eltlaana, raal aa itto la aad a tut* AaaaKeaBlan,’* a tr la la a d Hra, William fe, n a i t a r d a t Haddaaflald, ata ta ta> Saat e f tfca Daechiara a t Ilia Amarloaa k a ra la tlaa . this m an ila r la aa addraaa a t iha aanual imlrlotla waaUna a t tha ■Uta ehaptar a t tha O. A. IL baiaa MM tad a r la Ilia W aahlactan.

**Il aaama to ma* Hra- Ih a rre td aald, t h a t wa b taa lataljr had e a r call la aa tneraaaa a t pattlatlam la unMla- lakab la laasuae*- Wa ara tartmnata to ba llrin a In a .patiafl wbaa tba atnti* ■ a a t a t patrtallam l i la tba air. TM ra ataa a lima wbaa daap iU a k a ta fait th a t pattlotlan) waa a tU a c of lb s p a s t Mow It la on arahr baart aad a rtry la n ta a . Haw la Iba Itnia wa tbould accompllab all tb ln ia fa r w hitb aur neclaf( ataada.

TTbla la aa (Ima ta r eam pUaanrr or ta lk about what wa b a rs a o a t and at praaparitjr,'’ tha apaakar eantlnuad. *Thia la Iba lima lo r theucht. Whan th r man haw In Iha tranchoa a t Europe w ithdraw to tallow Iha puraulla a t paaca tha abnormal atim uliu ef war w ill be withdrawn. Wa w ill lira la a d ltfarant ape and h ara ditfarani prab< lam a It In n new Eurapa wa will h a r t la moat—a diaalpitnad, orpanlaed Muiapa—and wa should ba prepared to b lip meat It with a new Vnliad Stataa.'

■ aai Ntaad Tawathar.Quolinc tha praaldant panaral ef tha

•dH atr, l ir a William Caramlnp Story. H ra Rharrard aald: *"ln Uiaaa tlmaa whan praat Issuaa fairly rock our nn tion to Ha daplha who can nay how i r t a t a aarvlca wa ean p lra ..ur oonniry It wa am In raallly orpanlaad woman b o e d f Wa must ba prapamd to stand toenthar ahoold aur country need ui a body a t craat value, bacanaa wa ara. a ftlrlan l, unUad and can apraad out our pawer all ovar aur land.'

Mra n b trr trd mada a plan to r tha •u w ad o l taasona of patrtolism and hoped tbrouph tha patriotic work of tha D. A R , the people of Iha country will ba areuacd to a fuller tanaa of lhair duty and that now c ltlssn i would ha Im preaoad with tha patiiatlam aipartad of I bam na eltlaana. At thla point, Mlai B lliabcth n. Ford of Baddontlold inng "Tour r i a f and My Flap."

Chapter PTnp* P fiaa a tad.The meetinp waa pranldad o ra r by the

Plata rapanL Iter. RItcy A. Voae waa Bchadulad to p lra tha Inreaatlon. bat It waa p lran by Hm. Wlltlam Llbhay a t PrlncatoB, faraiar ata ta rapanl. The praaantallon of tba colom waa mads hy tha followlnp. who prooantad the p a p ie r flapa and Amoricsn flap la tlla order In which they ara announcad

Nora Caaaama Chapter, H ra Charlaa A. I,. Matbay and Hra. Carl Aupuat Olase; lApI* Rack Chapter, H ra t Sayniaur Crane of Moatclalr and Hra. Oaorpa Battia, rspanL of Moatclalr; S ta te Chapter, H ra A. R. Riddell and Hra. O. H. Richardson of Haddonriald; Boudlnat Chapter of Ellsabelh. Hiss Mary Van Vrankan and Mm. J. F. Olaahy of Blisabcth. Ths Haddonflald t t a p u r flap waa prassntad by Mlaa Mllsabath I. Ford and tha Oranpa Mountain Chapter flap by Mm. Horace M. Smith, and Mrs. T. O Baird of Bar aPIy prtaantad tbe flap of Anna Stock ton Chapter of Barltnpton.

A ttar tha prasantationa tha laJuta W tha flap waa p iran with tha saaom- htap* aiaodlBp and alnplnp "Tha Star Span^lad Banner." Mrs. Henry D. Fitta, repent of Norn Caeaaraa Chapter, which Is tha local chapter and which asrrod aa baataea a t tb a tunebaea, mada the addraaa a t walcama, lo wMeh ro' ■pen— waa mada by H ra Sharmrd. M ra Braatua O. Putnam of Kllsahath, fhrm ar rice praaldant p tn sra l r t Haw M rsay aad new honorary vlea praat Sent pahoral. also broupht proatlnpa

A pica for ataadraatnaia to prlnclplao • t American pamotlarn wna mada by Mar. Dr, W- W arran OUat a t tha First Msformad Church. Bast Oranpa. Mr. aU as said that this country waa balnp

Mra Cbariss Barobartiup a t ML Praapaat arenaa w ill laa ra napt w M ta r WUhoa-Barr*. Pa . to Wsll rala-Uvta. a a a

M ra Edward T . W arraa a t Raua- rilla aranua la an larta ln lap bar ala- lar. Mra John A a taa lra i a t SL f o M

p islaad- M ra W arraa and H ra ... II, HcXIanay a t Bast Park ntraal ara arsanlslnp a aard alnh, which wlU hold IIS llid t in s s tla i la ahaut two VMki. • • •

Another name added to tha Hit at yauap woman alraady aanaeaesd whowill ba inireduoad to aastaty thU aaa- eon Is Hiss Hsisn Aabmsn. flausbiar a t Mm. Oaorpa Aahmun a t I t Abtnpton sra au a She will aa*ar Infermnlly.• • •

TM Hlwaa Darethy P rrd an and Uarparat Rtplay. bath a t Newark, this saasan's dabulaetaa, will aaam in m- aalriap a t ika small danos Hr. and Mra A. a Sskamr a t Summit will p lra an the araulnp sf D*aambar 11 a t tha Rlts-Carlton, Now Tark, to Intradaoa I hair daushtar, Mlsa Elaine Scharar.• • •

Camp Na. II, Patrta ta of America, III held b card party Friday a lsb t at

Iba horat a t Mra. dahn M a k s a t IM South Fourtaanlh straat. Tha praoaads

III bo used tar Iha banaflt a t tha camp. Ilstara and bralbsra a t othar campa ara Inrltad.

Tha Adalphus ^ u b ’haa deeldad upon Daaambar 11 as Iha data ta r l u annual dance In Kruaper Auditorium. A pro­pram of nayaltloa Is balnp nrranpad by ths dSBca commlttaa.

a « aA Tbanksplrtnp wbist will ba held

tbs svtolnp of Norambar I I by Iba R sctar'i pu lld a t BL ra u l 's Bpiscopal Church Is the parish bausa • • •

The saaoud annual racaptloa and dunea ut tba Anoka Club will ba held In Turnbull Audllorlum tha ayanlnp ef Navambar M. Jooeph J. Murphy la panaral obalrman at tba arranpam anta AaalaUnp b ln will ba Jaaaph Wamar, chalrfban; a sa ittaa l fleer manapara, Michael Dale. Qeerpe MeCnrtby, Jeaaph Sheridan aad Mlchnal Qalna. Thoee who will recalye the puaata Include Fred Kolmee, Michael Hopes. Samuel Kell. Oeorpe Ford. Berth Hall. Themas Kane. William Stanton. John Joyce and WIlllaiB F ly aa

• • •Newly elected effiocra of the V and t

Club are: PreatSent, D. Halaay Wolfe; vice preeldeel, John B. Bishop, who will aloe lenro as chairman of publicity; secretary, Howard M tsw la , and treas­urer, Arthur H. Frenklln. Plane am under way tor the club'e annaal New Tear dance.

• e »Hies Hey Smith will entertain the

Chalterere' Club a t ber home, 1*1 Elm etreet, tomorrow nlpbt.• • ' •

For tba benefit of tba Silver Lake Welfare Aeaoclatlon on Monday afte r­noon them will be tw enty-five lablee In play at a card party to be held la tba Belleville CInb bouae In W ashlnpton avenue. The board a t m aaapaf* **■* asoeolellon erill moat Friday afternoon In the CammuBliy Mauea in tha Sliver Lake eecUon. Other baneftt affaire win be plven the avanlas of Paoember I t at the homes ef Mm. Frank K. Han- aan. Mm Jabn L. Thampaon and Mm William B. Laavana' The poaaral wm- m lltes In charpa If made up of 1 ^ Haneon, Mm Emery W. Olven, Mm Thatnpaaa, Mm William D. Sinneck. Mre. Saynear Baulanbaek and H ra Robert Kuebler.

way e f IT Wauwoad plaad. aad Thomas Alaysins Dwyer of t Waadlaad avanua will be married lata Ibis afturoaan In St. Teresa's Calhslle Chureh. Bar, Dr, Conrad Sohatthaafer, tha raator. wilt amclaie. Tha attendanU will be M m James J, Funekeoa and Thesuw Fran- cii Coaway, s ls t tr and hrsthar, reaps#- lively, s f ths brida Mtss Funehssa, a nlecs s f th s hr}dr, the dtw er gtrl.

Marie will he

• * i 1* k.sL ’ ♦ * V »i . ‘ • •

^ V'h ' - V y €i, 0 T

J- "

- * - •

■ li " -i, ■f a ■J0

U R n - I O S E M I A N S

Ppeelal Ssrefee ef Ike FSWP.NEWTON, Nov. II.—In the preaenee

of a rampany af ralattvaa and friends thla naan a t tha home of the brlda'a paranli aaar Layton, Hies Lila Raaan- k raaa a dauphlar af Mr. and H m Nlllah Baeenkm na and Harry Lante, eon of Hr. and H m David Imnle of lA tayetta Townehlp. were married by Hav, R. S. Taunp. pailor af the Uainee- vllla Hathedlat Chureh.

M l t S M A f c C .A R t T f e l K . t t C .

|n honor of Mtaa Mmrpemt RIkar, dauphter ef Mr. and M ra Chandler W. Rlker of t i l Ht. rroopaet nvenna who will be Inlradueed la seaial clrelaa at a lea la be plven by her pereats the afterreoti of November M. M m Sher- mrd Depue of 111 Ml. Proeperi avenue will entertain a t luncheon neat Tuss-

dey. Oovere wilt also be laid ter other drbulanlee gf the seaeon. Includinp tha Hlteoa Derothy Dryden. Bllsabetli Turnbull, Christine Roppa, Helen Aelunun, Marparet Rlpfey. H arseret end Kllubelh CumRilnu and Elmira npurr, ell of Ihia city; Mine Katherine Van Ruaktrk ef Orenpe and MiMEeiher Batbpate of New York.

line and color to the rrafta ef hook- hlndtnp, block printinp. otonctllnp ep- pllpued textilea picture tnakinp end PTlntlnp.

f W QgH 'SO RG A W ZA TO lBVelunteer workers Of the Jewish Sis­

terhood will bald thair m eetbly meat- lep tomarrew nlpbt In tha Slatarbead butldlnp, Bsvantaantli avanua and Uv- lapstan etrasL whan Hloa Paula Imd- day, ana a l tba eaunsal a f the New Jar- eay U p e l Aid Boelaty and assletant probation ofttear a t Bassp Cauaty, will speak of tbe work of the eaeiety. Friande af tha workers Intersstad aralavllad to attend.

e e eThat a to u l af 1.1M children ware

cared for a t the Baet Slda Day Nur- eery loot month and th a t 411 betUos of milk were prepared fa r bablae In tha Ironbaqnd D lalrtrt wae rapartad yaeterday attarnaan a t tha monthly buelneee maatinp ol tba beard of man-


IS t.n*h snsto bWMiiAT Wtoto Wtoiiess mm—*--— ---- - w - __a aoefifrontad with the patrioUem of the eper* hel4 In tbe nurem j, T1 MereMni

of the varloua European ceun- 1 etreet Mra Blvin W. ^ M e willa«b jaatstrios aad that Amarlcanlssn here should weld all lapsthar.

"Navar ainca tha daye ef Brandy­wine," he deelarad. "he* ifati nation aver bean In n mora critica l cenditlen than now, Tha next four years will be a l period about which ws ihould all ba MBcamad."

Afkad a t tbe eleea af hin speech to w hat ba raferred, Dr. Ollae said ha be- Uavod that the Untied S ta tes would ba thclnp war with Europe or Japan, which would net nllow tha m arkate snd fHtancae a t the world to pass to end Mmain In this country.

Tvtbwte P e ts to « m a r n l Sadler.Tribute wss paid to the late Ad-

t a u n t Oeneral Sadler by H ra Oaorpa w . Oednay a f M ontdatr. vloa preeldrnt pmnaral ef tha national orpantaatlon, dkrtnp her ta lk 'on the preeervatlan of historical spate by tba cbap lera Mm Ordney deelarad that the Meals feupht ta r and carried out by Oeneral Sadler erare teally palriatlo.

Judpe William H. Spear a t the New Jersey Circuit Court daclmrad th a t tha nplrtt of lustlra and obedlanM followed by the Americana of tha t r e a t yester­day ahould ba tollewsd by the present Pfnerntlon If they seek the raal prlnel-

iploe a f pairtetlem.O thtrs who spoke were Mrs. Bpsneer

W earl. chairman a t the e ta ts com- m lttaa tor pairibl>° education; Miss Boeirica Lnnpttrath of Rahway, Mrs. Ffancla W. Lanpstroth of Rahway of th a eommlUea for pravanUen of deae- orallon. of tha American flag. Hiss Csrollna J. Otis of Somervllls on the prtoataatton a t historical spots, Mlsa Anne C. Todd sf Dunsllsn of the com- ■ilttee on censervallon, H m Jnmeo T. Blrdsatl a f Haddonflald a t tha earn- m lttaa on werfnra a t women and chil­dren, H m Henry D. F t t u of th is elty, s u i e charity officer, nit sta te charity, ppd Mrs. William C. Multard of Brids*- tan on tbo preservation of old records.

Mre. Jam es F. Fielder, wifa of the Oovernsr. was Ihe- pneet of honor a t the Washlnpton a t a luncKson nod In- tarm al reception which followed the buriness meeUnp.


The Newark tHooesa a< the M Itaepal Ckureb will ba aokad to m lsa *m .«M of tha which tba ohurch stillnesbs as a raaarva tan d to ba davotad to tba plan af panilontnp Its aped e larpr. Tba- total ammunt whleh the, chureh has sat out to p a t la W.Hd,H«, a f which M,IM,M« h as already bean

Sboaribad. Ths p sa U ta r tha Newark beaea was datom laad ysstorday a t a

maatinp of Iha ean tial oawBitttaa al tha Dawn Taern Club, Mew Tsrk.

T btra are IW parlsliaa in tba dlaoaas and each will ba asked to subocHko aa- edrdlnp u Its s Im and waaltk. Cam- m ititaa In savanty-tlva a t tbaae par- tahaa a f t already a t wprk aad raperts o f propraes In ralstnp money ware heard by tba oammltioa,

U Is bapad th a t a il tka nianay saedod w ilt ba In boad not la ta t than Christ man, aad l t 1s tb s damro a f thaaa b aA e l the pansiaa asovamant to laaacb tba pUn by HsMh I.

To Lsatoso o a BpaslitoiiD th rinp kb a m aaaa a f appraaslas

dasartbed ^ Mias B alsa N. a isaebsr a t P ra a U la Sdmsl.

i aTseturs M Wsbsts* Bsb ssi. taaipbi, M ihs osurot s f Isaturss f s r tbS psopis kM er th s aupplsM a f tbe Board w W - tM tlan . Pupils a f iko aabaol w in as- smt HISS Dussaa by in ss tra tta p latar- pfsU tlvs dsMinp.

I sd lusttpp a t e n s r sa p la tbs Bra bstisi t i

i.Falstlap wklls sM oE (ba hatwM toip laa casspany H a T th is a ttarsaoa, Bnwmaa Daaals Msbon af Sd - O ^ s s t

toll to tb s floot o t tb s s ta ll sad ■ A

ta c t s sola of neaful snd fancy articles F rid sr sftaraaan for tha baaofit ot tba aursary a t tbs bams s f M m rrsosriek a Mitchell, m U k a s tra a t PUns have bean parfactsd ta r tha fourth annual Thankiplvlnf sals to bs bold Novsm- bor II St ths home o t Miss Loulao O. nhupsrd.

Announesmsst was made today by HISS Vivian W alksr, chairman ot the aeries of benefit w hists bstnp aonduet- eA hy the Taunp Lad lap AuitUary ol tbe nureery, th a t M* was tb s proceeds from the first of the serlea held Ssl- urdsy. • • •

AealBtlnp Mra Charles C. Thompsoo and H m Jam ss W. Howard In racelv- Inp tomorrow aftsrnooon a t an Infor­mal lea and reception to ha held s i the Hdme for Crippled Chtidrea, P»rk and CUfton svetwes. will be Miss Ornee Blevney, preeldenl of the Tounp I n ­dies’ Auxiliary to the board of man- opera who will pivo the a ffa ir In cele­bration of tbe tw enty-fifth anniver­sary of the Bstabllsbment af tha home. Other member* of the lu s llla ry will serve as floalem Atlhoupb tnvitatioae were sent to a niwnher of friends of the Inilllu tlsn to attend tha tea, the heard has mads aanoanosm snt that a psnaral Isvltalion has. hasn sxtsnded to the puhltc to visit tba home tomor­row eflemoen. A Jardinlara eolltotJan will be * fea tu m Praoaeds will pe toward iha help a t In lanttla poralysla sufferers a t the berna

Presldiap St Ihe Ics ttb is s s i tbs annual O iristinss tea siM “ ' • • • • • mven Prldsy aftsm oon for tba bansfll a t tba Hospital ta r W smsn and cbtl- a re a under tba^suspless of the T ouw t i t l e s ’ Oulld. a t tbs hama of Mra Clark D. Baton o l l i t B om stt strtoL Bast Orunpe. will ba M m A rthur John- sen. Mm Oliver Ls BootllUsr, Mm Rebart Brainpan. M m Prsdariak Moak. Mrs. Hilda Olnpar, M m Frank _Bsslt. H ra A. C. Btoamseks and H ra Oaorpa Brainpan. Fancy a rtla laa hame-msda eakes and cssdy. dell* sod usaful a r ti­cles will b t an se ta i

Plans are krinp m ata bM k e W amsn't Orphan Aid supper snd barn danaa ts be slvse u>* sssninp of Oaomabmrl a t tka Hebrew Orphas Atylum, IM^CHatoa avanua

Intent feadlitp *wia*«lstusato y asu r- day aftsnw as by Dr. M artin J. a t Maktatalr a t a kMoUnt a f tba County Sadaty af tka Hew Je rew Qte4- uete Nureea P lret Dhrleian, held a t the Nureap Clnh In Sautb Willow etreet, Mentctalr. Mlee H lu ta tmeoy, l^ a r ik Ward eeotol eervlod w orker e l Menl- atoNv was In charpe of the en teru ln - leenC lkat tallowed ttie addreaa when purile *1 lit* PttWIo naheelB * f Ihel town pave aa oxblbHlan of eeUwUo danclnp.

An addttlen e f IM purm anls thattome Into the annual asklbUlen e f the Newark' branch o t t k a . NeedUwerk Outid of Amerioa In BamberpePe aad |. Isrium yeeterday. a fte r tba dietributiae o t ba te ef arilclee among the breoeb’i ftxiy-lenr beaofieiariea. w ill he given to the oentral eemmitlee aPPelated by the Meyer la dietribute em enp paralytls petleata The braneb bee anpeuseed that teye and dells sro s tin being so­licited by the erpan lsstlan ta r tlie little M ftarem One appeal ta r a to ll Jefm m a little plrU «ve yeare eld. who ha* never owned e a a

The eeOeotlew e« Ibe eemalH er M M.H0 parm enti ta r th u y ^ i o salri. butlan tram Newark braaek wOl eeh* Hpue' nsUl Deeember II- Arttelae may to ^ to toadpuartoie. H I Bread street, wblia eeatrihnltoM W M n ey may t a eent be M m Heward Vkader. seel a t m Bead te rd a v e t a I r r ia ite a .

Atto Body t t e toee MptomtoitoB.Tbe a r t departm ent ef t t o . Hi m

O snntr Arte AaneaiatlMi balA -% f ire t reend u h le seeattnp yeetmilay eftes- aeaa e l Iha F ree Public U b r w . wkee beekbtodtop end eppMad em it* wore eansidered. > rie( taOto warn pivea

H m J. H. Olaver a t North Hapit avenu*. Bast Oranpa, will on ttria ln h*r efuruoon card club tomorrow.

Mm P. H. Ferpuson of North Munn avenua Best Oranpa, will b* hosles* November I t s t a neeilnp ol bar luncheon card club.

At a* afternoon of enrde plven yee- tordsy by Mm Frank H. Jamison at her homa Beovenue avenoe. West Or- ahpe, hiph eeorsi were made by Mrs. Ckarlr* Hernehelm and M m P. II. Smith of West Prsnps and H m Arthur Jane* ot Glen Rldpa.

H m Herbert Turrell s f Chsotnut ave­nue, West Omnps, will entertain out- of-town pueeU ovar Tuoaday nipht fol- lawinp Ihe aonual sieeUnp a f the May­flower Saaiety, which Is to be held that eftarneon at the home of the pevernor, Robert M. Boyd of Montclair. Mm Turrell he* held tbe poeltlon of his­torian for seven yearn

Mm R. Downs Cusack of II Haw­thorne etreet, Omnpe, entertained at live hundred last nipht In honor of her huebasd's twenty-ninth birthday. Three Ubles Were In play and prioea were won by Mm Urmat Cnoack. Mm Charles Boyd, Harry Fiedler, Charles Boyd end Percy Rsy Abram s

Mlee Mary Criemy of Park nvenus Baet Om nps entertained her afternoon card club at her home yeaterday. Prise* wars won hy M m J. R. (Hover, Mrs. Themes Kandy, Mra Oaorpa Swift Trow ot East O ranps ■ puest ot the club, end Hr*. Cherlee P. TItu*. Mrs Henry P. DItmera of W ashlnpton ler- mes, Esst O rsnps will bs the next hostem. The repulsr date for meetinp Is chsnped to Thursday ot next w«ek.

Hr. and Mm Franelt T. Kealer ot I I Hsrrleon strssL Es*t Omnpe, enter­tained s t dinner st thsir home Monday for the men) be re of their evening card club. Hr. and M rs Jam es Johnson of Qlenwood avenue, East O ra n ra will •n u rta ln th* next meetinp of tha club, on November IT.

H m Edward Fowler and H m R. B. HaffHL both of Bast Omnpe, ware the prise winnsm yosterdsy afternoon s t s card party plvan by M m W. F. Went* of II Evarprsen place, Baet Orange.

bfm Conrad Boren* of Llueoln ave- nn*. Orunpe, will pive a kitchen aSower, followed by tea, a t her home next Wednesday tflpm ocn In honor of Ml** Marparet Toby of Ralston avenue. South Omnpe. Mlee Toby was enter­tained today a l luncheon by H m Aller- tos D. Bitch of Irvinp avenue. South Oranpa'^ Carde followed the luncheon.

Hm Wllllem Torrey Baird of Scot­land road. South Oranpe, entertained the Tnaeday Afternoon Bridpe Club a t her homo yoattrday.

Mlee Harperet 8. w iley of Falrvlew svsnua West Oranpe. peve a luncheon a t her home today lo hosor of Mm Robert B. B srrsdsle Jr. of DetrolL MIeb., who he* been vleitlnp her, who le now s pueat of her olcter, Mra Brnaet S. Msnslnp of W hittier place. B u t Orsnpe. The decoratione ware in blue sod w hlta with violets a* the table centerpiece. Tbe other* prceent wem Hm 0. L Wiley, the Ml*eee Anne T. and Elmlni Wiley, m oih.r ot the hostess: Mrs. Ernest 8. Mannlnp. bar eon, Ernest 8. Mannlnp J r : Mra Jams* O. B arm dri. and ■to-rtUsle ir . 0*ncln* foliow*d tn# t u u h e ^ which w u served a t « " c l^ V Km Barmdale expects to vieit Wiley Spain la the near tu lu m

pect avenue entertained the Tuesday Bridpe Cluh et her home yeeterday afternoon. H m Thomaa Rusoall of Or- enpe rood we* Iha assletant hoatesa The prise* were wan by Mr*. Cherle* Von VTeck. H m W alter Ctouph and K m WlUlon P. P u to n . Th* hoataase* n u t week wilt be Mr*. Charlaa A. Honn* end Mm Nelson Palmer.

Hm. C. H. Bolnbrtdpe of th* Hous- tsin House h u left far W uhtnptoa, where eh* will epend th* wlsler.

Tbo** who won priiee s i the bridpe club meetinp held yesterday afternoon a t th* home o t H m Albert Frank In Midland avenue were Hr*. Edward P. Robert* and H m Peter WIepend. Mis* Ans* Prsderlcko will entertain the next meetinp e t tbs club.

Mr. and Mrs Prank had a* Ihelr weok-end pueat Captain Herman Hehm ot Oertuany.

H m William E. Mxreu* of Upper Hosstaln avenu* h u returned from Allahtlc City, where eh* w u the pueat of Mra. WliUam Plnkhem, who for­merly reaided In Montclair. Mra Mar­cus's dauphter. Him Dorothy Marcus la ipsndinp part e t the winter In New Torn.

Mlaa Winifred Bchroeder, formerly of Upper Mountain avenue, who hoa b u n ipandinp the sunimer In Spain, h u pea* lo P a ris where she will spend th* winter end enpops In Red C nt» work.

The weddlnp of Mlaa Harlan Chapin, dauphter ot Mr. snd M rs Frank W. Chapin, formerly of Porter place. Moot- olalr, sad now of New Tark, snd Lieu- tenant RIehsrd Mayer, s lio of Now Tark. will lake place Saturday evenlsp a l the hoiu* of th* brldO’* p aren ts Only relettvea and Intim ate tiTends will wNneu tba earamany.

H lu Kstherlna J o n u of Claremont svenu* left yesterday to spend u v s rs l Wuk* In Philadelphia and Herrliburp.

The wetidinp ot Mis* Jennie Mend* of Vallei rood end Kenneth R. Betchotn of Verona will l ik e place Saturday nipht a t tha home of iha bride'i b re lh tr and slettr-ln-law , Mr. and Mrs Clifford B. U u d a . In Valley road. The attendants will be Mm Mead* u matron of honor end His* Edsa Fsrrinpten M maid of honor. Hr. Ketchom's brother, Samuel Ketcham ot Qlen n id p s will be th* b u t man.

Mrs Bmest Roe ef BranchvlUa Is tbe pueat ol bar sletar, M rs J. Barkley Thampaon, of Lesinpton avenus

The dioner dance whleh we* held lost nipht In th* St. Jem w pariah hou u by the Tounp Womsa's Auxiliary of the F ru b Air and Convalesunl Bom* at Verona, w u attended by US per- eons Tbe ball w u decorated with autumn fsllap* and ehryeant hem urns Tha hoatesau were H m Louie K. Corn- Stock. Mm Arthur J. Ambirg, Mrs Thomaa B. Sampeun, M rs Jay Lee «m1th, Mm J. W. Anderson, Mr*. C. A W ills M rs R r . w nilaaes Mii* Ruth Nichols Mrs. A 8 M aru llls Mrs. C B. Thompoon, Hie* Dorothea D« For- r u t u d Mlsa Alice Benton.

Mra Newell Sheppard w u th* prt»* winner a t a bridpe club m eetlns held yeeterday afternoon a t the home of Mrs Francis Norcl* In Proepeei *»*- nue. Mrs Henry O. Dcnti will he the next hostess to r the club.

H ra R. T. K ey u r entertained her hrltlp* club at her home In Brunswick road yesterday afternoon.

A se r lu ol nom tn p musleate will be plven by H m T hom u Conynpton at her home In Wildwood avenue. Upper Mont- elolr, os Novsmber 11, December i and December I t. Mis* Harjery Morrison of New Turk w in ptv* lecture rac.lials on "Short BIsriw In Modern Music."


The ripht e t United B u tss Sesster Smoot of Utah lo bold public olllc* ws* qsestlensd by tanuor Senator Fm nk J. Csnooii s f th si sU lo dnrinp s talk on ‘Mormoslem" last nipht In th* First P rubylerinn Chureh, South Orens*. Th* epesher said hs had hut on* ihinp apnlnst Sesotor Btoool and that w u that the la tte r look the Mormon eeth *r venpeaass apalsst th* povem oin t u d th* pesple d tale casnlyy end that the Senator w u mad* on* of Ihe twelve Mormon sposllee. A denial that such u oath w u taken had never been made, he stales. ,

Tbe former Seneter desisred that the Mormons bad so n t back on an apree- mont be aiade with Ihedi tw u ty yearn apo a* th* repreoentailvo s f thR pnv- ernsient and contlnuod t* practice polypamy. Nearly all ol lb* sristoc- racy of tb* Mormon* are tivtsp openly In polypamy and within tb* l u t few yearn hav* become bold In prnctlclnp It w ithosi any tear ot th* law. on* •urprlslng thing. Ih* epeaker asserted, la that slthouph m u y of th* women eonverle are frem Borop* the leader* am larpely of old P u r i tu stock.

That th* Mormons already control ■la stale* u d havo practical potuieal coslrel of flv* olbsre w u stated by Ihe epeaker. fl* averred that no Rmator Is chosen In thee* ■tale* without th* Hom ient' eeneent and th* oandldalei ere pledged not to do anything that will hurl th* Mnrmona

Following Ih* talk by Mr. Cannon u d Dr. James P Martin, general au- perlntendent of I he National Holorm Aesoclstlon of Pittsburgh rosolutlon* were adopted lo b* sent lo Conpreo*. th* Attorney O u e m l u d F o s tm u ier Oeneral. requeetlnp that tb* malls he closed lo lltem lsr* edvoesthtp polyp- army: u k tn p for tb* reopening of ths Reed Smooth case and requuH np the adoption of an amondsienl t* th* Con- •tltutton forbidding polypamy.

U lu



Plpuro* ehowlap how tha debt of SI. John'* Church, Omnpe, le being paid off a t th* rate of (I ,*4* a y o u were uncunced by Rov. Paul T. (Taraw. th* 1 rector, In u address a t th* u n u a l ' parish dinner, held l u t nipht In Co- lumbut Hall, that city. When he took charge of Ih* parleh Iwo years apo. Father Carew explained, there w u ■ deficit anneally of 11.400. while It le now possible to pine* the u m * amount on the oppoelts eld* of the ledger. D urins the p u t two year* a total of llO.OOf.H h u been paid oft, reducing the debt to I I 41,111.14.

Father Carew u id th a t In ndditlon fo making u t la fu to ry Inroads on th* debt, the p u lah h u spent |T ,III.4| for repairs u d Improvements during th* | i u t two yean , slid that there It e cash balance of IL tll .M In Ik* bonk. After expreeelhp appreotallon ter the generous co-operatlos, th* rector urged th* parishioner* to radon SI* their efforts nest you , w b u srm n p t- menl* will be mad* for th* golden In- bile* ot th* chureh le to ebserveid Id l i l t . ,

Father Carew ststsB th a t so old- hnm* weak will be sm enp lb* fe a tu ru of tha fiftieth anniversary obearvaace, end that teverel prem lhtbt clergy­men, H well u former maenbera ef tb* parleh, will have a pa rt In lb* tele- breilcn.

N tu ly l.SOO puesta attended thedinner, s t which Mayor Deslsl F. Mlnahen pruldod u to u tm o stir . Th* Mayor eoloplied Ih* schlevemenU ot Fathsr Carew tine* h* took up hts work In tha parish, and City Commle- iloner Frank J. Hurray aleo com­mended th* reclor'e marked aueceta Mr Murray urged th* member* of th* church to mnUnu* I* eo-oparat* with Father Carew In Improving th* perlih floancea A abort addreaa wee also given by Rev. T hom u J. Herron, u e l i ta n t

During the evening an aniertaln- ment, Includinp eeveral mueleal num- bera w u provided.

H A R O I G - P U n

Ur. u d Mr*. T hom u M. Moeesnser of Irlseoln etreet will give their dnuphter, Mlie Lolla Meesenper, Thursday eveatnp, N o v ra to r 11.

Hit* Helen Qlen of i Jtha guest of M rs C u l Schwinn ot Rldpswood sv u u * .

Tk* taroU Clsb will m ast toraorrsw aftsmoon s t th* horns of Mis* Bliss* tolh Little. Lincoln etrseL

Ur. u d Mra Oeorp* D. W hite of BIH- aito avenue have returhod from a ir ts

**|^i^^pd M ra E. D. Swift ef Llnoslh street, have pose to

W stiu s W. ■choalsr e f WooumiM avenue I* vlsltlnp his daughter, Mra Oeorg* F. Dwjmr, a t W tuion-Salem ,

* Mra Nelson M, Chlttarllttp of W u S - l u d svsnue I* s p u r in p U l* ws*k la

^ ^ M a 'u d 'M ra David M. Ksllopp J*. of tisu p lu rosS hav* ratum od from Boiton- *

Mr. u d M ra B u i Johnston* s f W htolspton p l s u tav * rsiu rssS frstoPhllsdslphla ___

Tto sh p ap sm u t b u bssn s p h u n o s i *r Mia* BUmbstb Prioa dauphUr ot Hr. *p4 ‘M ra a. B. Prloo of PkUodol- pfata to Arthur Roblnpon of MlUsid* avsnoa son U Mra H. A. H sbtsao* ot W tlm lsgtoa Dat­

u r a BapTSP c u o f RMpowood ava- •US will ss ts rth ik «n auotlop bsMp* «l«b a t to r hem* W stass iay sJ ts r- h u a Novsmbor t t .

A SSM* PhSsr tb* aiipplew * t tb* a is s BMC* d a b tHQ to hold In th* Asasmbty Mali of th* O u tra l Seho«t WsAsssdisr niphL Hovosshu I*.

[ I I R ia M S N lA L i a K R R )

Ur. and M ra CtMUto* F. Oaffta o t Uolto** pisa* have rsiurwM frem L*«p IriaMl. where they sp m t a w sak u the guest, u t Hr. aad M ra Wtlttom Hsvsp- MUMBp"

Mr. and M ra B snrp H. a srtrn m *f ■pstb Msuninki nvsnw* aad Mr. and U ra P v u b u u is jo k n of Vosmsn will to hosts fs r a dans* to t o pivsn a t Hr- and Mra Bertram 's rMid inss PrI- day ovmtiap A tont IH gusto v tlt to

Mia* LoolM Mary Plait, dauphter of th* Isl* John T. F lstt of n idee street, Oranpa was rosrrleri last nipht st hsr hoRi* U> Gdw ud llorlnp uf Bssi <ir- anpe. Ths osremony was performed by Rev. Thomas H orroa curate of 8L Jeha 's Church, Orsnpe. snd was lul- lowid by a recoptlcn for etxly puesis.

T ht brid* w u given In marriage by an uncla Jams* W Shannon of New Torh, and w u attended by Mra Rich- I ard D u a Opp ot O ru p * u matron of h o u r. Th* beat man w u Gardner K arlas of B u t Oranpe, brother of the hridsiToom, u d tb* ushors were Wtll- lam A Hunter ef Oranpe and D u le l L O aw tord of Tranion. brotboro-ln-law of the bride. Mis* Mary McArdla vie- llsISL and Mlee Alice Callaa pianist.’ both ef O r u p a played tb* weddlnp mupia


Mlto Helen Bohwsltiar of 11* Beven- tSMth nvenu* u d John Hennlnper of 411 Barpm strss t wsr* married today In BL Ann's R em u CathoUo Church by th* pastor. Rev. Theodor* Peters Th* s ttsn d u ta were Hie* Blliabelh T. H sistsr and C C Behaer, After a wed­ding trip the couple will reside s t I t t Bergen street.

Stoitor-Loadia W eddlnp.tnvtlntlea* were leaned today by Hr,

M d H ra T. J. i . L u d l* of 114 Ro**- vlll* Pventt* for the wedding of Ihelr dhupblsr, Hit* Orn IL Imndla u d R*w-

' B. Sthiter ot U* North Btsih street, which will take plan* ths *vs- hlpp s t Dseember I la tk* bom* of lU hrtds-sisct'a p aresta Hts* Landis wtU to iRtaadsd by hsr s ts is ra tho M k ^ HsdsHss u d Tolsdo lisndia Tb* boat ___ will to Abbott B. C e*to ' *f Phtar-MA s sousi* e l the brtd*pro*m-*l**t

UeUte-Duna Wadding- t t o wadding s f Mkm llliisbstb Itann

*< H Hssd slsto t sad J M h C. Hhlpln t t U Ptovtdthc* s t r u t wHl tsk* p la u lot* tkl* sftartwon la th* of t toMwaod Pnsrsm snt R*«. r r sisrtek e Obtain, fwSwTef the ^ r A will psr- form Ike eeremesy. I to U rip ia Is a m em bu ef t to d siv igoO ffpe u < t to bride-olaet w u formerlp. am risyed in the spfpppsie's effled I* tha oouri beusa _ _ _ _

IW m CWIWW WEPDMGNor. U -^ h W Mary Agnes

- In s fb tw s f M ra ^ u t o Osn-

WOOD 8L0CI EAGERLY SODGRTCartage exponat* wer* eared u d I he

job of removing wooden bloeka on the Je e k u n street bridpe to make way for p ru K * bloclle hurried yeilerdey beoauee of Ih* eoperneu ef a group of women to lay In n supply of wood for (he winter. The Public Servir* Rail­way Company Is prapsrihp lo lay new rail* acrooa the bridpe. When th* work of removing the old blooka wa* ■tarteil. women and chlldrsa path*r*<l close to tbe workmen u t f hurried off with th* bloelu u th* p ise u were re­moved.

During tba lunch hour sevstaJ of ih* women and children took up th* toole told down by th* werkmeo and were soon buey llfllnp th* blooke from be­tween the rolle. A large crowd palh- ered to view th* u tlv ltle * of th* women, who proved » Induslrloue that It w u eellmeted they removed twice a* many hldcka from the roadway with­in the hour u the laborers dielodpeil In two houra

URGES DUXIET FDR POUCE BOARDA* Its choice of two ot the four

commiMloner* In th* new Police Board to be appointed by Mayor Raymond, the Lithuanian Tounp Men’* Soela) So­ciety last nlpbt favored Commlaalonar Frederick C. Breldenbuh. now presi­dent of tha b u rA u d W alUr Duhlet of I ts South Oranpe avenue. Petitleo* rM|u**tliis th* appointment of Hr. Duklet are being clreulated among tb* Polish and L t t h s u l u cltlsetia

Tb* soSlotr Intends hoMIng u enter- tainm ent u d dance New Tsar'S Bv* la S t Oeorp*'* Nall. I l l New Torh avenuA and InvIUlloM Will to a u t to Mayor Haymosd and Hr. Breldtnbach. 'Hi* proproaa will to Is both KnpllSh and L ith u sn iu . -

rOUCEIEN TO AITEND VESPERSTb* third aanual vespsr w r v lu fsr

III* m em tori of t to Nswsrii Polio* De- p a r im u t will to to ld a t BL Jossph’s Remso Caiholls Chsrsh St 1 o'clock n u t Sanday a fu rn so s . T to men will assemhis a t th* Fifth Preslnet Siatien aad BMreh (s tb* chureh In a body, hsadsd by t to PoUc* Band.

BM SdktlM wilt to iflvsn by R*v, Bdward P. QuDk, S h u frin of th* ds-

isal, a s r isM h r Rsv, M. J. O str m Hs*. J,. F. n u s R a n f*

__________ Hav. Charlah A SmlfS,rs s ts r of t to ritsreb will ptaseh t to

T tofu wll! to spestsi mtisiA


noB m YiAP^ iWAnoNsTwo tasa wsr* flood this morning lo

pollot o o iW ta r v io la tlo u of the sHy traftl* ordinaaooo. For pasaisg o tro l- loy ear wbii* N u tu dioehorfisg p u - •M gtrA IrvfBv en p M of K l Spting- ftold o»*ou* w u finsd M h r Jsdpe Pllprlm In t to Fourth Preeloct Court- Cltcen aasertod th a t hts moehin* slid post th* sor plattarm .

F s r b M U o f trafflo WsMsr Sklpwtth, o tsoaistsr, o f Prloo* s t r u t woa flsed

Judg* Orlp* In Third pronlast asH i m sa srsro a rn o tsd y u -MM M '


If you tre going to buy iny kind of lewelry* you may as well havo it distinctive In cbaractar aanot.

You can fu lly s « y r « s yoB r i to ta * w boa ta io c tin g f m i I s to ck SB v i tM y tbtM m t k t W in ooUoctloB.

ErsTTtM iig t b s t ts new a s d n o ro l in goM J tw s iry Is ih o v n , s n d y su Bud SM Ctly w h s t y o u v u t a t a c o s t m g r t s t e r d isn Its 4)iwllty jne tlS M .

J. WISS & SONS5 llw srt« W M C M tlsrs

$6Sm667 B ro ad S t . N ew ark* N* J .

KEinshaS^ff-O’Coat Prices

Not Soaring H ereYou’ll find that wc’vc

kept the lid on prices here as in few stores. In face of extraordinary conditions in Ihe woolen market we have, by prudent purchases, maintained pretty much former season price standards, so we can sell you

Bully O ver coatsi a t $ 1 5 to $ 5 0

Mow Is the Time to Buy *EmVARIETY of fabrics greater

than ever,QUALITY equaling the best

anywhere.TAILORISG exceptionally

well done.MODELS not surpassed any*

where,VALUES extraordinary as]

always.There is not t thing sbont our

Overcosts that you won’t sdmire— the models are the creadoiis of mas­ter designers, the fabrics are from the best te itile mills, the tailoring shows greatest skill and taate, and the prices make a strong appeal to the pocketbook.

Big EagUab OveteoBts; full of style, swagger as can be; warm with­out being over-heavy.

DoaMg-Breastod Coats, in plain Oxford and fancy fabrics; belted and plain models; pockets of dilTcrent sorts.

Ulstm, Bottoii llirough Styles of various sttrsctlve fab­rics, ill well tailored.

S c o tc h W o o le n S u itsFine for $ 2 0

Everybody likes these Scotchy fuzzy woolen suits —even those who feel they can't wear anything quite so smart.

Ten different classy styles to choose from—all good—at! In Pinch-Back models so pleasing to young men and yonagisb older men.

Green and Blue Flannel Pindi-back Huita t s well u suits of fsney mixtures are great favorites in our splendid 115 line.

Many other Suits at f l5 and others up to ISO.

Heavy Lined GlovesAnd Gauntlets, for Autom obilistsGenuine Buckskin Gloves and G auntlets; wool lined;

also Black with Fur and Wool lining; short Auto Gloves with strsp-wrisi; Buckskin and Black with fur and wool lining; Gray, Mocha and Tan Capeskin with wool lining.

Sixes 7 to. 10.

Values to $ 4 , at $1 .85

Q u a lity S h o e S a leMen’s High G rade $ 0 * 9 5 $5, $6 , $ 7 Shoes a t ^Russia Calf, Gun Metal and Black

Vici KidSome with c lo th rvU ifrs with colored kid tops; in Lace,

Blucher and Button styles.

'pie product of good thoMitkeri-HlII up-to-date and up to our uimal Mgb standard; offored in ei^uiiction with broksn Hues from our regular stock, at only I3J&

Bpttor hurry for thoao—tlie lots are limited.

8 0 7 -8 1 3 B ro iu l S t r s s t N«wfurk

__ _________•» «J • *M U *n4 ^ J jiJL w im,.!Srr'.‘»iJii£s«rii? w«»M all. • • ** •• •» III (I • *»■ X •*•

m m Im HMI* H aU a* w a r Iw TW rtr U rn ttn f tini-~*'*r^ IbmU*t Cratl.

•IUUt«a4 Taf*i. r m r rwrmtmmk iM r-M Oa B alU aaa V taH ana MalM-

Nl*«* BS« VafWaa ladaalHat lHaali i J l i l a W a A tM A>*t«*al.

H m W a«nlr« $t tt l HWWI.BATONNK, Nov. t l .—Aloas a ocaat

I M t (M t o f vatorfroBi, wluro m o w * 4 n « ln ( a foot of wator tiad dtfflealtr

Biahlnc Aook. Naroaoo. iN om tac draami of comaiorelal aad M a o tiia l croatnoaa, eaa aoo alroadr la kor Bilatra ojro tho vaat ar*t*w of rall- ^lar aad olaaaiBkIp torwlaala, frolfihl 4o»ou aad ladaoMal p laa ta wAioa. • f t t r tho oipaadItaN of oaaio' tfitU.HA, oka look! fofvard to aa a bank for tba VkNa halla of a float of ootaa-dolat f j f ^ U r a raatlaf plaoa for ihoaaaada ^ baa a n aad alto o f aaoraa of buar ikM aW otanad planla.

f a r I r dlacraaM aad opoalflaaUaoa a*d afkMtaata' drawtaga aabaiittad ptataoAar to tba aUr oaai»laaloaara bp «. Ibaoaar ■aillh. proaldaal of tba No* Jiaaar Mata Baard of CaoiaMroa aad j l ^ g a t l a a , •raollaal m r o aad aiaana | i a bnag tag bar traaai iato fmlUoa Ward ahowB tb t a ltr. BoaJatnla r . dbaaaaa Jr., ahlof aastnoar of Uo baard, m * f - Vaa 1. U a a aaglnaor of too OkkBibar of Comaioroo, prcparad tho ro>

Tho eotaailaaloaora aaotplod aad r t horad tho ra p en to a oomoolttoo o f tba

wbaro It w ill bo dlooBoaod la « e a Sboald It ba approvad, a

arlll ho draftod far praoaolatlaa a t aaat aoamaa o f tba Laglalatura.

t f la r w h k h tho atottar w ill ba laid bo> M to r paopla o f B aroan a la tba forai


S T :

i l RECUI m M IB SUWraGEDi Oarla <* Jaa J,f l . f r NaaMit tl. ftiTA I f

a a Itai

V w m a t a* II taa. II.

SI a a *• l l t b - l»* " • »»

a « a at a i. TtaUar. » a fM k U n aa 1OoM at a i. ltal'*Z;• fr turrlaaa ai- ***111.. *'

. Cor- IH ft

j 'a MMkoHar at 'aa la UarO O ■aoltr.T ir t It a iT lI lh aa. 111

• f i £ l I . *<! " tI, a a iiwoata at 111 ft ■ »'

f MOBTOAOBa.Tba M lawlao ataritaaaa w a n tn ati

MBWABK.A ilaala PMaoa la Wat Daft at aa,

n o t at Tl n « If Jatfanaa m. lAOIA Malhoa I, Paaith ta WaadaMa B A k a a

Chrtatat at I l f II « tr Uaeala aok aad atoar iraal. II.IIA

Mlakaal Tlfha al o i U Ormtaa lavaal- kiat Co, a a Whlloai at a a aor Lawla Dap

o tr m p B o r m b w a b k -Bakt C tuh at aa la klaataUIr d a f Baab,

M aaultlr. a a BaataWr av IH It a w IT WaUhaa# av, lAMd,

N Oiatrorr at aa to Bdwia A Bradlar. Haaialalr, a » - « w a r l la o a u lo av a a tamkta load. HAIM

Cbia B npaa Oa la Traal Oa a f Oraada. d Oruwa. a a Mddoooad r« H ft a frtlMiroM a i (t.*aa . ,

aoTOtta Hara at to to Waa^Ptafb%_ato. B Oraapa, « a TaUaid at IM ft a fr BhadaU aad av, 11.100. __ _

«daar_ ^LnatoohW B a j ^ ^ U

Aaa nadir m t, IIMOO .imto^rTdartS sritWi^aJ;"^f'VSIlarvaaa V to A g * tla ta A r t ^ g e i u a , Blaawnatd. a e ^ e la a to t o av IH ft

* L j S ^ ! w t o ? n g U w a th to fw y a ■g ^ l u ^ f l a U ^ a Walaaaalaa av IH t l w



'*l4aVd a Baatlf la JaOaBBa Hafokaaaar

# H i'w r i y S « u ta m‘* V « B daadaarar U Bilbar toraar. taaaa

- f f '• av* s ;i m Ji, « a parhar al IH tl a Ir *• •* .'* L n a a a Bravla la Aaaa Blaaa«l i a •I t l# ft a w fr S P r a a » i ,

Wia Baitrv H al tfSWkkilff* ■* ft • f» •

‘ S t l l w Bat'*o«i*» r * .? v ' l? T ! i 3 L .I ‘ n;M l . a a W lllaaar at II Tt w Ir Malaaif at, *‘ ■1*1*0 Oaad al al ta Oaad Braa IjjatkH

ptT U ilH , aad atbar trart. I |.o trn n iB o r bbw abk .

Vara dharp at al U BHo « « * r , . B Or. ■■aa. a t . l a l load al r C darra a to part . r Itl I w a I l u a av III It a fr Bapta aa,i l i l H . II. „ n , „ .

t o m to rato^ ■ Oraaft. w N Oiaaa M aar lutd Ira ikliioar. la ia U l


^ w iS T n a a n a r a ila at to 4 .r a o «*« B * , - V 2 Y o i w u t * iT t iE t u f n * « V , a w aar fhaaiaat aad dandlard ma, o a d i 1 .* ■» a . n a Ir

C l in « b Wkl.a I . Wat B W a w a M ^ ; . a aiiuvaaaat av H i It a Ir T rvm at

" • ' V l i a - . .rv .a n « .■ Brallaeh * « »•

n . . . .rKMSs^^:.*'u/«r;iT

Arthar l> Craaa « » « • • •

aUiar traat. Il.iaa. .................• a m la aom . roaw f raaartr, M,a00. Aorao raalrbal at n ta O a n w tov

Boah. a a Tkhaaar at m R a Ir HaltorrrOoo w'Troahoaao at aa la Daltr B B b

a a eatawMa av III ft a fr d Otoada av.*NawU Baltaar vt o i to Wanw a a aui al t l It a 'I Ir riM aal at.

r onia W alutala al an W toiMaoawalb at IM ft a Ir Wavarlr

VaV Araatia,’d i> « ftt ld . • • W * 7 ^ ‘**m ft a ir av.

aar j **cSaaraaala Barralla H a i la W jjJtowto. ■V I a a Baaa iv I f l ft a fr N aih a A .Itto

BlaaSrWd,**. e ^ ir r lw # ft I . ft i ft B '* '% ? S ‘ i r h ’a l - - - n t . oaa, ft


Mm IvMI?. 5 a P « * at l ia ft a f t B*«O la■ V lS iV 'B * T llla io aar. »• * f f ♦ C n a a tr ,■ S S 2 ! . . i at a*d• ’’r i i l a ^ B A ,V Alto J f.Itard at . MO .ft ». ft

‘ ^irUS'ft'BUiar at a l.d a Nathaa B Bartor.

______tv I f l ft a fr N aih at. JTfiB a n r Balfar at a t 10 Atteotla B A U o o

at m ft a fr tllh av, ft.lH .Jaa KklfUaaa at aa la a a M ■ a a Maatoa

at la i ft a a ft Waaklirto . Il.aao ■ana ta Bllaa parla, aaoM praMitr, I tH

Aooa a Kalaar aad hoa ta V alta larn B A L a a V arw at av II ft a fr Piraiaato at,**Aaao d Kalaar aad b w to JH O W H W , a a Vanaaal aa II ft a Ir PtraiMtb at. |IIA

Vha Varalarl ai oa ta Jaa Caratita. w a dbatfWd at IH ft a Ir l ib aa, C

^ Valaallaa ttoada at aa ta d a a tM * looau , a a W ar at Tl ft a fr Klaaar a t aad atbar Iran. Il.ia t. ^ .

IT W Haelaad Ca la BaraaatUi B A U a w aar iaaimar av B ad_u alt^ ^ M iaA

aad h w ta Bartba Baaaa. privoto rd raaoBd *

Clllfard riaratlAm la at al, vm aa. daoaat av, _ _ _ -Oatarda Cairala td Batwr B %»<{, villa, a a aar Baoania aad ProiUla ata,Itaa.Jaba Carlataa at to taJHadiateb B Walto Irviaataa^a a • tM at (Btlla aa> ta i ft a ft

k o ^ i .a M . a m ta UUta d

B A !

laih ^ n aoahaar. trvloftao,

v«Krr&ti»!rftalA w a Barkalar av a . ia A

*1 to to. r a ta o

“tW f t a ft*VnahUa


■ « S : v?«s.*:v'r«\®7:

Matoalalr, a a B ia a m a l rA IM ft ■ ft

* % S o * V % ih .r U A aa . B JHatow. u n i- h i S T a M lT r a l iS T ft w f t B ir tla av,♦AHt.S sjsl Tt, aS't r aA IHAartr

Tba Mlaartaa daada laatlto prapratr la TOi

aad ■ a ttd a iH a l­

to Barvto Blaan ttalC


Jaa Maaatrt at aa ta n ia ta a aar n th av and a lib at. lAtM .

■ ~ " I boaBaala B MacDaaald aad boa la BIthto Ward 8 A L, a ■ Wakaaiaa av l i ft a ft**^'V*l(lriadvBm artr, fan ta J H Tbarar

„ , iPTa’^^ahlaotao at a w aarPaaawah^Ulaaa at to • • rva tA w B 4 U

Batlavllla aad NatWr. a a KMa at III ft w

■ a Ararla av IH ft w ft Vollar i A*Ih I ^ B S r V A v m m i a a i haa ta raw H aato

to w ^ B A U W twaaaa. a a toalBar rd IHft w tr Vallar rA lAH I. . ,

'‘ASip"j'*vn;:s ^ tojsijd

rriV*to'«r«“r r f tta Cnataa B WWIa Irv.

BABBIdON CONVBTAIICBd.Jakp r u m ta a la Baaalra Olowahr H oa

V a rataioao aA tal II. Mb .lA awp Baal Nawarh, II.

AapH aad Baojaala Paw la O^taipi rdl, S a doaaia at |M tt « ft «tb a t t iaIH , B . '

XBABIIT MtiBTOAGBa, l a m MatlUit at aa la Boward to v 1 ^

a a C b en a * at aT|| ft a ft Oahwaad av, ItaTM iiici «i «a U £«m

R a n tH , t a Hart at I t . ft a f t DavlaC M t o ^ B a r a a ^ PaapMO B A A

. P•V.

n w fr QfBttI I t i

llA BftttO lt IIO ftTaA«l

a«rUffSini?.%ii58r.■A if io A

S!b'«r2rE5nawarh, ttalA IA**A


too paopi rafaramlarandom and Ah e p to r tu a ltr

ba divan to Ibam to t ^ p t or ra-tba manauio- tbaoM tbay aoeapt It

will taraa tba AulhortMtlon a( too - ipaaaaair band Uaoa.

I H la w paotad th a t O a b ill w ill po m I liaKtolAtora aad th at tba rafaraa;

w ill ba ptto a o tad aarir la tha A aorapalda a f adaaollon haa

plABoad, and tba auppartara a f prajaat bapa to aoaaro tbo auoaoto

> tbo rtforoadaiB b r u onailatohabla, Jorltr.‘ Tbo rap on aabm iltad raalardar * a a

toocb ln d avarr pbaaa o f : propoaUlaa. Il oraa toa f l l tb tan-

larooA tnelad lad ioa«p o f tha aaBtotoad la tba foar aartlar

to# loitoa of tba plaM praaaalad aaraa now .aadar w otar will ba ra

wbtoh.. Addad ta tw aaty aoraa abava Udaarotar, will prorMa

tar tM n r awdam traldbt htpa, aa wall oa for amoltar eraft;

lAllroad yord wMb faelUtlaa for .iBB and aaaaiabtlad fralibA ■ tanalnal for o Boraaaa-lloBbat.

I v ^ a a lo r aad poaatndor farry, four af balkbaod plaUorm, l,U a.lH

a fbat of m o-atory bulhhaad j 1,TTa,AM loot of two aod' throa bolhbaad tbolA oad mora than

af load to r ladaotrtol bolM- , loBolbtr with troiioy aad b ifb-

toBaaet laftA rollraod ildliiaa, aad I brtd taa for railroad oato.

, t b a totol aaUawtod aaat of iho la-toritotloA la t f . l t i . i u . o f w biob I t m , W I to ■ -IpBOttaAtoo latoft HraaMon.

far draddtng, balkbaadt and ran. Tba aatlno ta pravidaa tor

tataraal aa tb a aaat d u ria f aaa-

E X T R AB o C. B. D . Pbawa ao BaMB e lt Q uiltty W ite r Color Opoque ShadesCallad aaooada, liaportooftoao

vary altdbl; acru aad dont graaB. Paahal paakagaa. Alao odd Iota,

* ^ " t o i . - « H d ' r i ^ ”PAbw w Straatkaart TdtM 8 m

a l ...........»

Good BroomsA load of fou* BrooHJ

Jnat racalvH; atft>«d. y j* L tA a

C okm iil Rag Rugsaiaaa l l t H i haadaoaa naw

Ilaa baayy waahakla ^ RjdA wavaa of claan, fraah Hin oitda. to o r lh l l .H . dpaolalaA rtoiar.

B h c k T iffe ta SilkTard wida Mack dllh

haavy, rlel^ ' “ “ 5 ;a ll par* Taffoto « ik- # 1 | Q Oar ragular II.IA ^ l a l ^

3.00 BlanketsK<trm toiv* b*d t i n ;

w h « i g r£?V r U a M B l.n h a ta Haavy wintar w alabt m m C | l

durabla. f ^ l a l oA pall llala F in d Flaov

35c Table Damasku - i i i . w w *

Tabta Oaaiaakt b**‘taraa; anow w b iu blaaeh - r e - Mid fraa froat ebaailoala Bpaalal a t yard

E v e r y b o d y K n o w s T h i s I s t h e U n d e r s e l l i n y S t o r e" But eeeriibodamaiinot know

THE GOERKEcothat it ieiU **Better GradeMerchandise Underprice** inlarge assortments. Fine poods

Broad and Cedar Streets, Newark, N. J.H a te T riiim ito d F R E E C a r ro a m t A tto rm tio n a F R E E

at low prices makes U ppin ghere a pleasure and a gain.

A Record Sale W omen’s W inter C oats!Another Bemarkable Underprice Purchaee-the One B g Coat Sale You ‘ve Been Waitins fo r

Wallpaper SpecialTbl» IndMiM 10 fdlla W attpiper

ana 20 T ilda borddf. Value up to I1.7S. For OM d ip only, at

_ tM itg-flv trfM t daptb a f watar rToBfdOIBlat^ glvlag tha d ty H .tH

faat a t iaap w atar fraaiaga,I a t praaant avaa vaawia a f l ig h t ' aPB Iwprac tlaahld. {

I alt# a t tba prepaaad taiprova- fit ta oa tha Oppar Naw Tork Say

of tba oily, aataadlag froai a botwaaa Kaat • Tblrty-foarto

aad Baat T h lrty -fttth atraat to T hity-olito otraaA and trom tod

ttaaa l Doeha Railroad to too plor- MAd Had. I t la la a a aatlraly aa- diayalopod atata aad moat of It la owaad IT tha aUto of Naw Jaitoy. I t la loamdad hy toa railroad, having dtract tag a ar t lon with practically avary lai- TBitatit ratlraad ta ra la a l on toa Jar- ■to alda of tho port of Naw Tork.

Tho proparatlon of tho ptaaa aad apaaineatloaa c aa n aa tba raaalt of a toafaraaea bold laot wintar among

lo s t B rilliaitCollectiot ofS a a rt f iater


The Materials

Oily the Best of the NewFabrics AreUselBayNow

Wool Vdovr WoolMlxtare

PtahbM ittdsin


The Styles42 ia. to 4S ito Lose Cost

FsOFImBscii Belted BmIi Same Belted Froat

L ugt Ctdkn, BottoR to the Neck Sotoe Phirii B e tw TriouRcd

Pitch Pocket Modde

S ite* — ju n io r , 13 to 17; Mi»*e*’, 14 to 18; W om en’*, 36 to 46.

C o lo r*—N avy , B r o v n , G re en , G n y e n d B lfc k .

None Mdt C. 0. D. None on *pPTovil. WUhouMn^on tN moot r«n«fk- tb le coat vtltia* et the price ledoy. “ A word to ttw wi*e la iB ncleaL

Bala T b M

6t*iiW ta a

20 RoyoaBa Cbambar of Conunaroo, toaly_ oeamlaaloBarA tba i ta la Board of Oaaunaroa and Navigotlen and Irving T. Baab, piaaldaBt of tha Bnah Tarmlnat OaBipaay of Rrooklya. An approprla- t|n« of (AM* to oovar tho ooit of tha graliBilBBry taginaaring work waa ap- gMvad Hoy I by toa olty eommla-

Sale! CombinationMattresses5.95V k ter C lw hIii iHMi 8 layer* felt and exealalor.

r to to \mmmmmam n ' reiof eMildr *iid t t i t top, lo ltom and (Wea; faoey it* tlckl

.........................“m iwwMattreae

Felt lop. bottom and eidee; 811*4 with Florida ha ir; «> pounfa t ^ h e full t i l t ; corerina of « h i |n -fr* « e art tlck lnf; on* pert te r | | | A any i Ih bed, rolled l l t l U e d |e , a t ............................

■otoa rM T tb f ( B a B g B im H a g to * i^ * e ^ ^ M "


VneqwiM tor Fojue—Onr

Boys’ C lothes,4.98Tut AnfftamU, Siperwr Fihks, AH Siw


toftH i awoiM et the ninr». *Ji^iunET e r r r , not. i i .—now pro-

peanla ragarding tba ablpmant of ainnt- ttaBB Ibrougb ibta city and an agTM- taaat to carry no more high aaploaivao wara raealvad from tho Lehigh Volley. Oaalral ohd Bria rollrooda at toa maal- lag of tha city coramlaaloncra yaatarday otlarhaon. Aa o raanit of tha nagotla- tleiiA Corpornlton Counaal John Hilton will Join with tha lawyara of tho eom- paaloa tanortow atiam aon In aaking RadarM Judga John RaUatab to poat- gona tha Injnacttaa procotolnga ooro- AMneod by lha rollreona to rattroln tha onfonam ant of tha ordlnonoa racanlty paaaad hy tba board to ragalaia tha mu- alUoB traffic.

Tha rallyooda ograad not to tronaport dyaamlta, nltre-eallalaaa a t othar high mplaalvaa. Thay wUI carry only ahalla and projaetllaa with no foaaa attachad. Tha Labigh Vallay told it would prom- laa to ktag all munition cart on on. track In tba nortliam part of tha Block

'Tom yard and amptoy axtra watchman la pravanl oaothar axploaloti. I t olao agrato to toa inatallollon bt a fira giorm box a t toa ptor w htra aball ahlp- BMAta ora boadltd oad to build a tansa oraand toa dock oa an additional pro- taotlon agalnat laotadlaHaa.

Mr. Mlltoo told ha thought to t an- faroamant of ragulatloaa propoaad by tba mllrooda would Inaura abootul. aafaty to Jaroty City. Judga RaUatab bad alraody Infomtad Hr. HUton ho aoald not bopo to tnforca all to t r t- gulramenta of tha ordinance.

SuitsTwo-pant tunlor

iN ortelkA newest I pincb-bocke, patch I pockets; 3 •piece

belt* .............*-•*

. Bolton-lo-neek, convofUblo collar; n e w 0 1 1 pinch­beck; heavy fab­r ic !; all lU c i;

MucldnawsAll wool, hoivy

w o v e n fabric*; p r e t t y plaid*:

E-X- T-R A O-B D-i-N'A-Hr Y

Sale of Girls’ Coats3.98 & 4.98

Hndnda ed Uwi»~*ar *«B and tha heal part of two HiMa afferte la "

1A 'S A O —lUedeMe, Xlbdlaea" 3.98 S-Sr T-s;belted bock, patch pocket; beivor trimmed; elM* 6 to 14 year*.

Girls’ An Wool Bhic Sergf Starts

Some folmp* or wal« belt, detp aide plaited model*; alH | AQ 6 to 16; In navy tad l . y O black. Special at . . . .

At 4 .9 8 ^ »N -MlgtlHOB ^

B«le»d,dgop oollar aad cuffs; aoraa plaab triao iitd i Heed; s tv y , brows tiMl black; il»*a 6 ta 14.

Gym OutfitsGym PopUn Bleomor* a t ....... t J SCyBi Serso B leom en a t . ........S MGym Stteen B looaw n a t . . . .M e Gym Setocn Bloonefe a t , . . . l J d

S itt* 6 JO 20 yaar*.

•m arteit model*;

*1 d J S 'a t l slioa, a t . .4 J S

M en's and Young Men's Smart O vercoats

Don’t be c tu fh l by the ftf»l cold tnep—buy anovorcoet now. did stock of coBit; sm tri pinch-btekelylea; all eiioa, at

We are* well prepared with a aplen medium end heavy wei|ht A

lod other good

$2 Fancy Brocaded CorsetsEvery voman who it in need of a new

pair of corsets should heed this offer.

Guaranteed Sewing Machines1 0 .0 S

iN eatly trim m ed w ith sa tin b ra id a n d 'fln ished w ith sa tin r ib b o n how — m odelfor medium bust; eoctra long skirt and three pairs of hose supporters at­tached; all sizes; special at

•nl. MmaA Plaw

Tha popBlar *TnraaiaaW drop-baaa aawiBg m aablnn. with Intaat !■( proT«Hltnla; - fully gwaranti Plata I n to all attoebih..nt:*^;inlng, ruffling, *tc.r light running: doM all plain o r ^ e ^ (awing: IS-y u r guarnnlaa; aaay glva n « c damcnalrBtJ, Otharcaa-half

_ , lanrn. WadamcnalrBtloOa and laaaona

np to Bia a t a aavlng of

ala J m l Og H aia Daar DavraHaln

Decidedly fashionahle and Wonderful Values

More Bargaine in Our Draetie, Far Beaching

Clearance of M illineryWa m art h*va m o h fe r hoHday toCRkAii.

d b a and *Bf MHUBtry ttack la toe tatg*, bot M la gelBg to rt lo d e r oar drartle prieo CBltlBf—Um caltlBg haa tkga over for I*-



raMNaOROTB, Nov. ll.~ T h a du PobC pawdtr company, It w a. Itarnwt y u - tMday, ha* p iac tlc lljr clcMd nHrctla- Ucn. f t r Ih . pnrcbM* of F .n to n '. • to ch . H i* oonald.ratlon h a . t . 't b*.n m ad. pnU la bni upward of tlM .U*, It la undarftood, I . Invciv.d In t h . trana- action.

Tha tract eamprlw* l . t a e rn af laad, with a frantaga of t .f ta faat an tha Oatawnra R tv .r had runnlag back aw - aa-«<gbtha of a n l l t on tho Sal.m UnnaL I t adjoint th . Da.p W ater plant a f th a pawdH' eaaipany on Ih . amlh. baiag JaM h«l*w th . C ara.jr'. ro la t workA> About IH konaM a r t lodatod la toa Mat, tba f oat af which haa baoa da- valapH tala a b iih lag baaeh and gam- aral aummar raaorA Tha aampany. It la uadaratead, la baylag toa beutaa grurn to f awaarB,

URtrtwRMd RhnpeeBlack V .tv .t and

H a tt.r ’. FI nth Uallota In all colora ^ A -

alar ( to QVC Spacial, at

d d l M t 1.98 TiimHwd Hat

lUcb fur trlmmsiL brown, blue sa d gMFsn. BsguU r ll.fil- R acist.

96c Fur OmaHiciiteat


WoRMO a THnoed Hate

r i n . quality Valvala: trlmmad w ith fu r. rib ­bon and dlowarn. M ValuB a t i l . t t . SpHlal, a t ............

Rich Qeor^tte Crepe Waists

Cood-dreHing women win want to get In On th ii offer, ien u tlh il d tu l- ily (will w ttb ) Gcorfotto Crepo V tiata. Shown in tour of tho eeaaon’e newe.i models. T rim ned with Rne embroidery sad pin lack*, neweat tlceve and collsT effecta; aonie^ with trimmed becks; i t itM from 36 to tpeciel ai . . . .

. - . A


W 49c49e to file flartph Ostrich NoveHteaIn all color*:

valu* a t 41c. to etc.; .poclal a t . . 19c

Women’s $1 Ungferie WaistsMade of Voile, U ngerle and B it late, irininicd with

8ne embroidery and V tl. lace, In ill t l i a t ; trimoMd beck end lo«g eleevea; beat v tiM In I I 7 Ctown al the prica; tp tc la l a t , . . ; ........................ ^

ta l* a*.aa d P la tt

Knit Underwear SaleI ang IfeMHB J A t Vniag Brtta

anallty f la t ribbad •alta , madloni

andan tt.

I Union faltA madlnm or Ibanvy weight; ahown In i *11 to* dMirabt* ahapaa I Btaaa d.t* • ra a ra epaolal

a t ........................... .Staaa T t* I, a t SArtL Wh m n V UBderwear

Wool atixad T tala Ihwt*; alight *»«ot . VtBta up to 11 Pant* to dA BpaelhL a t . . . . . . . . . . .

ChUdnali UiIrtwaMr X i t n gaad gaa lltr

rlPPtd riaae* Uaad Yh U o r Paata fa r gtila.* and Bhlrta or Drnwura far boy*, eiao* I to 1* ytorft

• a l .......... ..............................Blaaa 11 to Jl, a t a ta ,

M as'i U R dsrw tu Ribbad *r Ba**. Ilnad

Bblrta and Drawata, anUA g ^ qaalUl**. Bpaelal a t .

$ 1



Sal* EXTRA I Women*$ Fashionable

S a l e ! ''c h lW re n ’ s** 5 . 5 0 , M O & 7 . 0 0 S h o e s

n * ftuowlag «H *L *SE ® M »•■»•»«»? a to* H taty ctaftHrV HRm :


FlURHt PritlMRteHad* a t good oualtty ftaaBtlatta.

' bln* * ti‘

___ • W Jm abtgto.B a f t g Omag. av.

aaat Mob aM bln* atrip**, w all Biada; llbaraL Ma*a BpatlAl ......... 29c

Soft, a**cy aanaeletto, V nock or high neck, with or without collar, double yoke front and beck; bodlet full

-width and length; g A ^ itM tefutly tflm m ad;

well Bnlebed; *4. • . .' B rin 8be F ta a r i Goenw

Baft Seeev l e n i elrtt* , douM* yelM m A t and back; eoUar* of plain ealor daisy lan n a l; yak* trii*- J J A _ mad with faat color f y C braid; « . ..................d O M i PritteMte

Had* of delay flaanaL Peatto em*nSJnew wjto taa l- 55cnotinew with aaat

At) ttw aetson’i moat popular atylea, comprising tan Rnaala calf, lace, h ifh < u t atyle, leather Louis heel*, Goodyear welt, black r i d lace, high-cut face, leathar Louia heela, gray kid lace atyle, light weight aote aod kid covered heela; apecial at, pair

$3.50All the aewaat ptylea Incteded,

wtaleeaffriaing patent and gueawti eair aed Week Ud with m dyv leathar Uul* Cuban o . l R l baala; apaciA) at,

Bala i

H ouse D resses 98cmgh-clAM Haaa* Dtaaaaa,

alap a ta ld ir,' n traaw aad porob DrMBt* Ineindtd. Had* a f glngbam. paeeau and obambray. llandeeaayrBiaA* and j ^ t t l y trlmm* All atota, » to 11. And anaairnordlaary vahi*.

WesNB’i BaRTT*Ba8eaa'* BMnt BWh Bdh«R atra width and t o a a ^

baM tifullp. trluiaHd w ith aatla aad wall n a 'SW VaSBraS? 5 Z .W

W tN H R 'a A layg* a x t i * ^ of

itA, in

IIf KhlaAlnilaaatA, in vary aa* a w llty

arapai j j l tatota: p i t h e«dn o ra i daalCB*; MAtiy trtui-

a* t*m C C M O S C O , SNOADi* CSDAB S S k W U W B nB T SO lM r B H O n

mail BlaaaHpaalal. BJi

■MUty rtanaab|la a * of to* vary


Hadaw ith•b irrad . ------ ..

eallar: trlauna*

»*“S49cAt J..............

-{XIIbRIENCE-C We all prefer to purchase from an old concern of long Mtablished reputa­tion.f It isn’t the name —It's the business experience It repre­sents.C And the product shows it.C F o r instance, there are many who — in purchasing HILTON Clothes­like to think that, in addition to the fab­ric, the style and the tailoring, the gar­ment represents the successful experi­ence of fifteenyears.C Others purchase —without realizing the value of it.

y \

'C But — whether you do or don’t—it’s there always.C The garments show it.

S r it e .....................$15.00 to $50.00O v e r e o a te ..........$15.00 to $75.00

The HUTON Co.PltANX J. HvkkaT, 0«gvnl Maaaevr.

in BROAD STREETThH. N n Vovh aHn*! Bwdwgy,

j i iy * n h j l . | 8 n a(wuy, oot. U n M jI Un aiwui . aar. IM i H -i

■ g wssam v* ■mRRWfvsa. ^


-TH," Mid tk« fair vtotarv, "It nally I*, tt’. J u t l* u «w**b I* a* rv.ny ylvuutt wUhant Pvvoml.a aM B.t.MH. Tka rH d. Mv vylHdld xbA wUk ATLANTIC CITt fH Ik* gMl, witk Ita myriad a ltru tlau . wHt—It-. JUH hMvHlyl"

MU', sAiuNo. nartiNQ. H O ftn-aACH U M N O , BTC.

t h e LBADINa H0U5ESs n ftftruri opvR un4 will formM full IteftermtetiM, r«lo«e «$«•

HArtbareugb-Btenhetui Th* ShclbnnM B rtel Strund Hadel Cbalaeu Hotel Dnm to Tb* B etftbttrrt Galea Bull Seiaide Hen** Hotel S t Chartee

WIttehIr*Opft 1% haarn ftwa Mewafk by Mmatb ItHm , vk. CWatnl N. a . at a*w J w ht h Fraaa. a . B.

r w H it io«i*l ttntut lavata rvAudlxf train Mlwdnira. *Vv

A1AI1AC HOTELOevnn kvort, I . th . tiHrt o l A llu t l i Cliv, AhHi.Uly ftnpnnt. Oy*. •■''■ry- Am.ri.vii u d H iin y .u . U h : k ^ .k d m t v .tvr........- ..... . •tlk<3?SS»A^-te tte i e»Rte«ltv Sbbj Isf S «w«t* «tte«RMv

M U A M iiliB O ir iO m O H ii t io i iS

fliani)i^A T b A K T I C i O I T W , W. / .

■wwia.air A M U .utav .foatAH WNITt A a o f t s COM PM Il

Aibarjr Faili, N. J.A 8 B O B Y X H K I W O H T H

o » . .A a y H . . H .A .W A L iH .

Wawfwtoia aJ, E l .AtUtMH l.H« tL;RED ROCKS INN

................ ^ h x l l 1IHwtHtoUBd, H J. tiH d t.fciv,


ai-iArr^Plw u ■uwdpy.

Ph(n« t lHUriMt .niM. IH Br«dwby, N. V.



All. tKTHIfr- KTATKatlOUA *1 H t l '■Mk dtty. vml v’J ’. U. ,(1

Sale of ChrysanthemumsTh« •n tii* eih ibft »f O n T M u lh m a n t th i t w ert

• t tlM Pthwa BaU H otel tb it m e k vfll b« sold t t • ikird \m tliae tho neve] price. Tbea* ere n ip i l i o e n t epeciiiwes.

Hahne&CoWe Give and Redeem Suretif Coigns-

Our Annual Sale of SilksCentIflMe to eopply to M of the moot diohod o f depoedable lilk

v tavee at prioea oador ro(olar. I t ye« h e w a ailk d n a a or waiat pattam to bay, tbia ia o m of tba h m oppertaeitiaa of tbo aeacoe to aoeora It.



Co.Ism**''ni s m : .■“ ■« ;




. wa»«.ATI.

M g ii g

N. / .Sacusi

i¥ O H T HL WAUa.

lAa l.MI (I.; IT. lw«HHha. All TM*

aiii.M. ai. iiw V M.TM BMknUB. IwkT. N. Y.


For ldisses and Small Women

Many Smart New Styles Now Being Shown

Dresses for Misses and Small Women

$ 1 ^ .5 0(Illustrated)—Smart style velveteens, very

pretty models. Regular waistline back of waist edged, with black fur and odd pointed front with cord ornament and tassel, novelty sleeve and large white satin collar. Full shirred skirt. Alt the leading colors and sices 14, 16, IS. Choice...........

Dresges for Misses and Snuill WomenJSOnew(lU ustrated)— These are decidedly

m o d ^ . Regular waistline with very large shawl eotlar w ith white satin and georgette vestee. Full shirred skirt with cording, and button trim m ed; in navy and black. Sices 14, 16, IS ............... ................

Misses’ and Small Women’s Coats$ 1 0 5 0

(Illastrated)—o r heavy cloth material, practi* cal front*belted model and flare back with pockets, largo collar and cuffs, trimmed beaver plush. Navy, browg and green—sizes 14, 16 and IS .....................

1 2Heavy Wool Plush Coats for Girls

$ J Q ^(Illustrated)—O f heavy wool plush material, fully lined, full belted model, bottom of coat, cuffs and collar of heavy natural color beaver plush; green, navy and brosm—sizes 14, 16 and 18...........

Kabne’e—ffreoMd riser

A Clearance o f Undermuslihsa t Reduced Prices

Included In this group of odds and ends and small lots of undcmuslins are corset covers, drawers, chemises, comblna* tlons and a few ‘gowns and envelope chemises.

/ Some are finest nainsook, elaborately trimmed with fine Val. lace in s ^ o n s and medallions, -while among the gowns,

_____ chemises and drawers you will find daintyfrench garments beautifully embroidered and entirely hand-Bcwcd.

There are also a few chemises and combinations in heavy quality crepe de chine, lace trimmed, all beautifully made and finished with dainty ribbons.

$38.00 Bridal Set, $1458F n u ch bridcl zet, conuzting of

gowfl, chemise in d drswers. o f flnest llagerie cloth, small size, formerly tSSjOO, a t n U 8 .

88e4o 1258 Drtwtra, 1-3 UsaD rtw en , both French and domes­

tic, In sices 23 dr 25 to ii|tk . Frencih style in open style only—domestic mostly in closed style—lu ta iu ly M e to $ u s i, a t am stbird pritm.

63cto|258ChaBal8C«, HCbemiaea, regulation sk irt style,

la sizes 34. M and 3 » ^ l s i i i o r trimmed bottoms—fo im in y M e to

a t o aeh alf frim .

» o r t Chsmltsi, la white o w l ­ets , formerly 2Se., i t o a n b a n pnea.

25c to 50c Night Capa, % LaaaWomen’s Night C ips, of very Bne

cambrie — some with generous strings, others neatly Bnished with bem itltching; formerly 20c. to 50c.,

t t oamlmK.

75c to $2.98 Aprom, 1-6 LeaiAn odd lot of ftney ten aprens,

short and to roe^uarte r bib aprons, long bib aproaa and tdrgn alt around aprona. Large styles e f Ikwt, trim ­med with tttcka and em broidery; the smaller ones of Swiae o r or- ^ d l o , trimmed with f c e e and rib­bons; formerly 75c. to $3.88, at n r i h i H a


B - r - r - r !Hahne Great Coats Keep Out the Shivery Blasts

This week it was 28 depwea botow zero in Wyoming, very cold in tbe Middle West, snow felt in Poughkeepsie and Watertown, N. Y., and it’s already cold - , ^enough for a snowstorm in New Jersey,

It*a time to prepare ! /It's tim e to be ready for cold and

colder weather in New Jersey! fn e H ahne Coat Store it being her- y

aided by women who know is a splendid /place in which to make a coat selection. r

Tbe styles are of the newest—fresh from some of New York’s best makers.

Tbe fabrics, the linings, the w orkm ^- ship, are all of ■ high order of merit.

And the prices?You are to be the judge e f the values.

The values are finding a great many new friends for H shne’s Coat selection. You cannot afford to bay a new cent without ^teelBg this display.

At M4.75 to 497508 skss’s~Sssssd n ssr

Now for Warm UnderwearWnaMn’a Silk V «t% BloomctB and Union Svtts

Theu kkrmestt trs nude ef a Bee auallty |love sitk. pink er white, tbe veeti beint hsadsemely cm- bretdered at neck.

Veets that wars S2.M far. Bleomtrt that wan SlBOi,

W onM^a V o teVenMA’t Eztra Heavy WUtt

Cottes Vean, lew nadi and abort ileavea; ragular aad axtra 7 0 /* liita, aacb ...................... sirS t

nsim s’s ^ lM s rtssr

................. t l J»6Union Suite that were S3J5, fo r................ tSM

WtNaen'a Wool Union Sidta Women’s SwIm Ribbed Fiat White Wool Uoien

Suitt, low nock, slceveteia, kaoo and anklo laWk— •Uo hitb nock, lent stoevoa or atbaw laaftb and Dnieb aock aad tibew elaava, ankle taegth.

StSCf 4 tft fta • ff « • ■ 4 • ■ • a • 4 « « s • • am «s 7 Sa I . fo r,.........................................

Women’s $1.26 Silk and Cotton Union S ttito I K In cream only—brokoo titoe—bifb neck tad

long iteoves, knee and aakle length aniontulia that wen 1125, tor, Mch........... .......... O ' *

Boyi' SU rto and Drawers Beya' Natural Marino SbJna and Draw-

tr t, all eixea, emcllast vUtws, aacb.. . . .winter Weight Baniriggan SMrtt

sad Drawcri, titaa • to 14 yaars, each.. . .


15c Gingham. Yard, l l \ cMill l e n g ^ of glngha^n, 32 Indies wide, of exellent qutlity;

choice sssortment of checks, plaids, stripes. Fast colors. Usu­ally 15c., extra special............... ................................................. ll!4 c69c Silk and Cotton Poplin, 58e

36 inches wide, with high silky finish, firmly woven In all the wanted shades; usually00c., a t ..........- .................. 58c

Remnants of White Cotton FabricB—Fancy voiles, striped and novelty goods. All useful lengths: a t ..................................................................

ffaftae'e—MWa rjesr

Cloth—Cemee In 12-yard pieces ef two neatly foMad lengths; full 36 ladiea wide. Chamois Baiah and a giiaUty that will wash and wear walL Ideal for un­der gamenn. A grsda that ueually aalta for $1.80, offered for Friday at 1121 the 12-yard ploae.

From Our Workrooms!Dozens of New\ Up-UhDate Creations in

“M arvel” H ats

*4 . 9 5

Large Black H alil Metal Halal Par Trimmed Hats! Draped Hats for Matrons! And many other i ^ l e s !

So Inexpensive that it is not an unusual thing for a woman to purchase two or three a t the um e time.

^Our experienced milliners see to It that the st^es vary widely —nqjhro are ever alike—yet each is smart, styltsh.

“Marvel" Hats are featured at $456. Distinctively wearable.

S o c ia l! $ 2 M and $3,95 Trimmed^ Hats for Children. . . . . .

While they last. Some are trimmed with flowers and i ribbon; others have band-made trimmings.

Come early, please, Thursday,Hskses-Sstmnd User


$3.98to$10ChafingDishes $2.50ju s t 25 in t special sale—Percolators,

Samovars, etc.; In nickel or copper; while they last, each. . . . . . . . . . . . , . .$150

$ 1 5 8 O n l M o u n t e d

C u M T o l e s , 8 8 c f c — f cWe bavt M mcrivto 800 pMsa

prim lljBt, apadal Mu.

Hahne*s Grocery—Pure Foods^tecial Sale of Canned Goods

( l ln n d a y , F ikhy m i Satorday)CiBMd frulti airi vugtubisi have elawM dmMad hi p ^ tba last law asawba m H»i of jho heavy aupun and

time and will give our euatonon


aueounl of th* baanry aupan and tbe ihort crop. We b m muchaiod a largs s u | ^ hiI a chance t» lay In tiifltr wtulat tupFly.

K*. a eono Hairloadean, Wti yet iooew

Ho. a eowa UMau Seew, f1 IAyei' oaa. >*oi vet Uoot*.......... . Wa.av

Me, a ; m ss KeAv WorwMi Usee $ ] .g0

Ha, • mtm Power iM o *Oeeoi aer eon,' Z**i yer Uieen .., .

Ms. a emw Sweet Mete M e pweei I t JA ysr BUI. ISei pm Ueeee.

a e . i l ■w* eea. Mu yet aeeew,yer oee. Uvi ytr Uo..n

Wi^ ■ en leu Mmt per m b , I fe i yev $ 1 5 5

$ 1 5 5

l U O


49e,5»e,8k Soip Sleqp Pbot

W a ro M n y 3 k

Sdicty Coffee, 3 ^ Foand' I ttm far f U t

ftagar— Havamaytr’a Dwnlna, granulfiad) 3-lb» bw . . . j , , . , , , . . wIV

Bettor’s gapailmliu ffl f

s« to u w.

SdHi’lb. toak . . . . . . .Vlffinia SaiM tttd Bacon, 2 k Ik

Famaua augar nrt4 Hams and atmtu,Ik. I l l i l i Ik.Wkiai..k'V4.w d*o44t«a*« 4^^ w ^ r

$1.25 and $1.50 House Dresses for $1

A special purchase with remarkable values.


Three of the many new styles pictnred.Percale, Seersucker, Gingham and Chambray

Home DresMB—Plain and novelty strlpea, also neat checks. Three-quarter length sleeves. Some with­out collars, V neck effects, others drcolar and sailor collars.

House dresses trimmed with pockets, UneoiL chambray, pretty pipings and self materials. P e a n . buttons give an added touch. Light medium and dark color­ings—sires 36 to 46—value $1.25 and $1.50, a t . .......... . J|1.00

15 models to select from. See them H raraky .

1,800 Yards Silk Vehurs nA specisi sale with values that ihontd send

housekeepers here a-hurrylngl In rich deep shades of rose, olive, brown, gold, crimson, blue, empire green and red. Today’s price $450, special sale price, a yard $350.

1,000 Yards Verdure dnd Gobelin Furniture Tapestry

Rkh foliage designs, in good colorings, all 50 inches wide.

T o d ^ e price BLSO, apaeU 9LW Today’s price 93.60, ppwtol 92.75

Light Weight Madras dothIn plain celora of browns and green. In

verdure effecte,

30 inchee wide;'’ today’s price Z {■ B5c. yard; this a a l e . . . . i .....................v O

45 inches wide; today's price 11.25 yard; tl4ia s a l e . . . . . . ........ ..........O u C {

New 20c Cretonnes, 15c ,In pink, blue, yellow and green.

Good quality. Today’i price, ISc yard.

22c’kbieOQcloth, 15cIJd yardi wide, K<»odt of the beet

quality Table Oilcloth, thown In light and dark colon, alto white.

Nu ■ail or phone M dera takuu.

$2.75 Plain Telour, $150Dark crlmaen velour for portterea

or fumitora coverlnga. Todty*a prteo, $2.75 a yard. Sale prtoo, SUM.

$2250 Velour Portieres (7 Pairs Only), $1355

Slae 4Ss2M Y tr ia Laiqt.Double Faced Fortieroe of velour

one {aide and poplin or emraro on reverae.

Plain Color Madras PortieresWa are ahowing a wonderful lino

of this portiere for dlntag or living reome, llnaries, etc.

Today’! price. SSJJO a pair. f O y cSate p rice .........................t . S o A O

Today’s price, S8.Cil) a pair. C d

Mantel or Piano Draperies of Regular Prices

$1.00 and $155 Furniture Corduroys, Yd.,75c

M to f ’o-

Pe S««4« •-« a« a «i

In the Boys’ Clothiny ShopTwo Extraordinary Specials

For T h u rs^Boys’ Corduroy Suits

»3SMmu T to 11 yeeau.

Nerfelk Suita, of » f l f to i iM w luroy, in d ^ J**** d****.! new plaitod back model, w|tk

qu^liy eerduroy, in ^ drabIn a new "H i, '

pMeb peebeM an bM t....* .

Boys’ AU-Wool MackinawsH um • to 18 yMM.

MaeidMwt, apert oeaH la gaihtred * to S C M bask nM4al, wHh shawl collar and paieh • O wpedieni auda ef pauleo mackjsew eMk, ia dark aUMa. tb a typo of coal

Sale price

Eevendble Tapestry Courii Coven

Oitontsl Btyla.Today's price, S2.25 each. # | /yQ

Sale price ...........................# I .W 7

85c Venetian Striped Window Shades, 75c

$45.00 Frendi Ju te T ric o r Portieres, $3150

Om Pair Oady.

Rope and Band PortieresFor slagla aed doubla doota,

of heavy velour cord, with wide tfV btAdk

Slsgle door tiM. Today’s d*| WB prict, S2i2S. Spodat . . . . . f »

Double door alie. Todtya ^ fWkPHm , S4J0. Special......... P W .W

Double doer ilte. Today’s OC AA price, S6.00. Special......... 9 0 J W

$159 50-Inch ReverriUe Poplins, 85c

TMrd Floar

iHd FurbdoM ^ Forth by D «ne

. Fashion This FaO

g llot So Modi l i Oto# Wimth, b«t10 Add Deoerotivo Toach

A rt F u n Uoed.

w •M n i« t l7 rtM « • • <• » • -‘i > i r ^ w»rtn»»* w • W A *«■ “ W • «*»< •»o

^ or ilw rt h*lr»< Hi» u mtXUM HtW *ww *»tly. • • r Om i II

U' WltiOMr tt« lor to «• fl"l otO^*^T- — t i b*«ra u r rm o n k lu M a t oil t*

Ua Ural a u to . T ia r aOsiM* a l ^M■ m » f c ' M ad 00 kaU , a«d t* pl*** »* m '-4 M ek placaa aa»d m afia « f f « a f form at i K t OmaOi »** a h u m la o oaaoaaUoBa

allk. aatla. aalra* a*d m i lM a im t S i - C klffai (a eom klaatlea «U k tna ntr. ^ j m n t a o f f a r flad thalf wajr on oaota ” a i t a traa t o aw aa "O aaaolao a^tMa

' a a d hattdolr co im a, and oa w n a t k a n «■ k n in ia g k a g a aa Ha«arta a«d tm

. .tu ck amall aw aam rtm aa k « r M ^ d I : kaHa and footw adt. W ra»a aad , gad m afia aad aoarfa mada an tira lr of V' mm fa r n a w r w ata m ara w oodartal kaU li l a Ilaaa and atalarlal, k a i la fca la a ttia !;gga doaa ao i haaa M fcaaa a ll l “ r « » * ’ 'liM ata: aa tr ia m la g It la daaldadlg

^ Boadolr fowma a l la taa r tr * a m ^ Uio la tw t g an aan ta au d a from tb ia gopwlar m atarlal. F a r la naad far trlM^ Oilag.

V M llek lac la S T < i ! L 2tr ia m ia g fa r Uw aam l'IallaaM

•a tta a g aad kaaWaa aaaaat ka laaUllaBl. aggaraat^ . UM ■*—

thmn aaad aa kata mra H ta r a t faailMta, a t ol JH la a a - g«aa WHO m»**t aaO laaUata.

Olmma . 0 ^ - a a O ^ ^ _ ^ ^ ^> am kta id arr l» Urn a f c ^ a f _

, flla t. a ra ^ a l . a t f a a t la r atltah lao i

O i ’

. V - . y


tv- i - M ■

V' 4,. i t * ’

A aw ata ad Im a gaia aaa laH aw arkafa ataa. too f im tltar l Mawark ka& aa a n S i t W t kar a f aaialT a in ta ia d b a n a t a i k a i tk a *lam aln tkaaa tw a. ___

■ba prafaU ad b a t d a a g h ta t n P j M ^g t i : ; ; ‘^ a T l a i ^ l r aa « a ^ a g l r aaaM, w h im agoiJad a aaall'g paaa.•h a aaaU m anag* b ar a r W ^ * l“ i f ' aggaa of b a r aM otalK r. b a t k ar d a ^ b -la r (rd latianab lp M lo a d bp m rn lla tttt a ( a fflle tlaa ) bad la ba alaatod, aa^ lalad aad paabid.

•b a a l ^ th a tb ia a t t l w la d aarw ar a f a p ap a la r abaih Ibaa ' darad off to aaab a aHa lo r bar• a tm i l a a U aaally tbaaa tw o M a aaam ta r a p a r t T ba g ir l amtlad falauadtp and baU a a l a law o»«*«*P»»«» M0UJ J u t M tM fttw vfs ■••fc

•h a baM a marfcat kaifcal a f rmaO

w - w

tho raw pm>nl.a th a t aaaaa fc«r » M . _______ a.a.

t m (WMh ■ a a t lb f U a a aad Addad ■ tarn A U aw aaai) C h W a Oaai. «

ama. a r t paar, I aad dyaara.

■ M b dap thaao tw a m aka tb ^ i t f ; A ealt way a la a g » w r t • * ■ « * « alroat. n w b dap lha th ta g j r t ^ . Ih lnnar aad laaa eo m p ataa t Itiab lhair ab b ra rla ta d laekaU a j " ^ abla to kaap o u t th a oeld. I I W d«* tbo lr n o th in g baoomaa daatlar and

^ 'w obadp w aata tb a tr pomal « a j ^ W bbt law p tan laa tbap g a t ara cbarltp. N alb lag m ara a a r loan than bagging la U a m albar’t aeU rllp .

U th a ra no w ap Id wbleb ^ ^ g ir l m ap ba a i raat la bar a f fM o tl^ ■ art bp w an d tr ln g tb a >tr*ala *“ *1' tb am daad a f fb tlgna and o b tm __

■ van tha pbotogm pbar la aalama a t tb i t m o rth

Y bla p lat a r t la a m nU appaal b a m V hU a Mmm. « a c h ana a f tbaaa aaaka la (Ulad w ith lattaro , aad aaah lalkar a a a . W a a a d im t from aom t paraaa la th a D bltad M ataa, and aaah la tta r la ad> d r m a i l ta a aa rta la eaa oam p ram la in i la ta ra ia h a p a tu o aa t a a laad a t M M lo r lha l i t t u dtam.

■ rtd a a a i a l a trm ailav pablla, om atlp tam talna, a ra tbaaa la tla ra th a t U ooit

' aaatrata. “A patU oaat r ^ a a d fa r a dim h* raad tb a w ttp

■ ray la a la ro r t ta ahada (a r tba w ool ab ra ldo rtd aalLMaay t ( «M a tu u m g amtalUa a ta a - H u e r a aag g aa tira la th a ir d taIgM

■ gggt aad Arabia.

, M gatatU ahada a l ^ fa r w aa r to < tw lllght pU h."

OdMla a f aaada a ra am art n w m atar*tbap a ra Uaad w ith aa tla aad haaa

• h a th d a trapa o f laatbm .awaal a ra th a thaag aab la valla

a a ttp wm . w ith ,m a w ^ hm ta «aid bi a a a t i baada n r

much laaa tb » » again. TOO m v n o w raaalaa th ia priaa y a a r t f* * b lyw ith pogr l i t t i t


a t 1 t.ia i w m u w w ad v n rtla tm tn t, "and a ll pan h aaa td da la t a aaad tan i t t ia m to ton frlaad i, wbMb t tn f r i tn d t wilt nino aond aacb ana a d Im t nod raoa ira t r a la tta ra aaok." aa d to on nnd ae on wbllo tbo d in a a w ar# to bav t piled a p m o aa ta ln htjfk la I ro a l of ihoot m om bora of th t r ta a a tn th a t f l r t l la io rto d th a maall IM BpaaaIra a d r tr tla o m ra t.

■amo o a r o n ara ro rad to f ig a ro oat, tb a o lhar dap, ia a t how mnok raa l aaoatp ooaia th ro ag b tb a aw lia t a o a t a i tbaaa ‘Hmdiaaa c b a la apaiam * aaa* t t ra a . T h t a m o ia l w aa a p p a il la g

U taallp p ta h a r t to w a it a n t l l poor la a t r u a d a k a r t m th w rttlo n t t a I t t- I M a r a l laaat b a r# ta rw ard ad th a tr d I M hafara th a a d ra rtlaa d a r tu ta ra a rb ta poa. U I t ro a r 4ooa n a t h p aa tb a eoaaara baa t i i M a t | a ^ | J fa r • a tb a g i a fra m p lib p a ttla a a t w a tlk

VlUb jvw r dabmaw i i >earn taota urgant aaad for a gaMi r ^ m oral ta aooibor eltp.

la tba <maa of thla ooaeora fraat which (ha latlara plowrod ara th t •a lt. Uacto dam dlaoootrad th t Jnm A ta d eonfltctltd lia.aM U U tn . r ig w a that up bp dimot.

Oaelt lam b i t a o taan tam aad W of tb tto loU trt g trlag nam tt a a d ^ drtaaaa will bt rtia ro ad to tb# a t e i waotw llbatandlng that It cotta p lg j t ton c ta la for t te h Ittlo r rotam td. T m aniarita of ib t dtad U lU r l a r « ^ to ba paid, and a r t paid, to It la tald,

o a t o f tb a to |T l.d H a p ta r th a ta a a M t ba traood back to M o w a tra

do tb a ra pan a ra ; | to ^ d d d a p aa r th a t oannot ba traam ^ m p U m t p aa aaa oaa a t t b ^ ■ h tm tto im for alm oot aatbing '* ado trtlaam m to , b ^ ta ro poa aa lg t h t o d r tr t la tm to t o a t a ftb a aapor aad oratto a tn m p to l a i t t r a

alm a w ttb la it, conAdm wtU tbid

Women and PoRks

tp Quite Out of the OrdinaryShould Mari the Thanksgiving CiKt

n a awdlaarp w tio of tbo o td iaarp w ork ing m aa la a ta a ilp a rd laarp bnabaBd do t h t * f « f th iM . ■ho w o itto i toot ho ro to w rongip.

to oadaroiana th a t ibo aagp id*

! s ! i s . \ s n r - ^ ^ r .JT rJT nrS Z■V Wwma ____K ^Tbt. V X JI? hSSd*bSftowaraTovt^,.^T o to - ta i^ * !* b o ^ j « t » « '‘• I .* * ::

madlaatb loabt ta ap p ro a»

lUdlp tha l a p r r ^ t p rtp aru d

A M O tato aad la ttp fUUaca ^balag aag p ltm ta to d bp naw onoa, • I w ill ho fouad aa dalM ona aa tbap

to aambta alta a■ m b ak in g of oaa a r s w r e ^ e e hadtdaip. anggaatlooa aad r a o ^

p rap ara tlo a am p prava h t i ^ t i M i a t f i tdaairaad a t ragaU ag

__ thtadrlag gaaata w ith a toolh-ttoraitp*■ha^ ihai la aM to« aa ordtotop

Ud a o t ^ mada toof l u i a b bhliM^ •

oaa*gaortor of a oaptal od milk, ha lt a mmCal af m olaiait, ha lt a taaagoaatalof bnttor, OM eapfni of cold w ater and halt a toM atgatafnl of flonr mlnod to a paato with a IllUt a t th t w attr. g tlr ooattontlp aa It eeeka, add tww agnaraa W attawAotMod eRMMiMto IMIoaOk to t in ooMlttanep of rtob bollad analard. Add a llnp pinch af baking aoda, atlr well aad r tm o ra tram tha flra. Whaa oald, ftaro r with half a tan-

r nfn t of ranllto aatrae t aad after lapara ara fllltd aad froatod. a tl la

a ananp wtodow to dry off.

Btatnra a a d Im a g la t toU ttaca In whtoh a p traon mIgWM t aaah la tto r oento to iag • • • Uttto

" aw I oaaaW ar waU th a t a r t j i whOa paa a ra h o a ttn g ap th a t E ^ a r ta to a d a a t M y >» M- w uu c to ra It. A. Ilatooa, eaahtoi^-bat*

daad W ttofta th la a l t tu ra - m ra f t t l la g p i ^ f "

to g w m d pkhlto th a t they *b*ntd •*

tk teg to r »«<hlBg. W o m to w U lD ^ H r MtlwM tt. aa W a ptotara proraw M a n d l ^ abata boaaaa ara fawtr Jnat J « J S f l R m ! X t o btdpa canUanoaato

M tlmaa a dtota, thaa WtSTult “am5 r t / w l l t B a d hBow Ito oaiaa.

Capaa a ra amta a a l lp faablaa iM t far tb a W Ua ta lk aa t t a y a ra fa r th t i r tMaaa. TMa a a a t a a a ha a n d # aa U la a a tb a flgwrw w ith th a a a p t t r w tih ta t M, a a d WMh a h a lt a a ahowa ta t a t af

moB r towai I t la p ra ttp t n a t t d la wapak b a t th a « * a g lr ta a m h -

w bat baada a m tr a a d m aarttr afftto. to th to tb a am tartal Illn tliaU d

l i tm a d a g a f fu r. b a t tha eh lla rttra tto ak la g t l a t l a d t a u r t tp n aad r tto a tn aad ra to a t a a d vah rato ta . aad a H ag Hat v t aN atlar oM tarlala, ta r Uilt a ta teo th a fa a h to a a h lt tio a k la a a a r t ap t to g tra a o a tro t t l a l ih w botbor thop oro mada of w ool o r o f aUk, aad d a r i tp a , v tto a ra and tb a Ilk a a r t In apocitl da* m aad. W han tb a plain ballad aaat la aaad, paoha ta o aa ba appUtd avar th a fn a to .

F o r th a tw a -p a a r alaa w ill ba aaada i t% parda a t m a la ria l I f ta ah ta wtda, I parda 44 a r 1% p a id a I t .

T ba p a l t a n Ma, MM la a a t la Maaa fa r I am atha a r 1 paar. t a a a I ptara.


th iUa







a rbra ta rf«


“ ’irsahr.inf.M aaton Pmltorati_ _____ ta for lie . oaoh.■tato tiM and w r l t t nddroM

d t t l g a t m ailtd to r i l a Ad* / CO, l td W ta t T h lr lp -tto o ad

Jlm bal B r a ^ Iftw T ark . A*****8eto * ■ S e e to iC w S l^ bp TM» OOBjlS.a 0 0 ,

"1dip<• I


The End Is Near

H Q ID 3 T S A X m B E S

rtthaaaa to tha l l n l t h a d i ^ - if II to to a riah to ita a lt it

» ba Btoblab fram owar-awaat*

p rap a ia a a ta a o lla a t b a t i t r ( t r a r eako, w hH h m ap alw aga ba da-

J a d a a . araaai ta g a tb a r ha lf a ra p - i a f b n tto r w ith aaa a f aagar. w b a a

r I to b t a d a tlu n a w tlU baatoa asgn , t th raa* g aarta ra a f A oap ta l of I m ilk, tw a i taapaaafaH M b ah lag

I a a d a b a a t tw a a a d a h a lf L M M itod t to a r w ith a p lM h a (

; w all aad b aa t w itb a a ^ * miUI It i t f a u a f babbtaa;

J M ir d ta lrad f to * a ita « aad p a w P ar a ah a p a a a th a t h aea b a ta

I th an dradgaa wHh tia w ., a t i tp w ill m aka th raa tw a ra

w ^ r a u th icbaaaa.I f to ra r to g topar aaha. ha g a a H a d

a t bp tha tt l tU g la ba baad, ■ aad and haU em allU a a tiM t rawm m onded for tbo a a t ftOIng, pg im ag to r a m ik tara a l oa r-

‘ • d ratalna. p la te v aa llto to r ^ , a a d g ra ia d lam oa t r t r a a g t M fry aroam praparaUona.

Ad aaam plaa o f now aa d paittOTtorlp jM totoaa tm ieg a , tb a ta llow ing a ra aab-

^ to U ttd i^ Mabitoa a a d Mat P ltltng .V ' i a a t to a a tU t tro th tbo w h ltta o f tw o

ggga aiad g rad u a llp a t lr in ono oapfni M ai a h a lf a t pow darad oegar, tba Ja lw m i t g t a u d ra lio w rind a t h a lf a imgoa. h a lf a cap fu l of ehoppad. i to d td m ia laa and tb a tam o gnaadltp of tb g g v ad f w ta a t tM aU . Ip raa d botwoon th a aah a lap ara a a d avar tbo top and a a t a a t ia a a t t l I t haa a ligb tip b a rd tn td .

D la a o ln aao aad a h a lf tablaopoan- ta la of iBOtaat pow darod g a to tia w ith aao tn p fp l of oug ar in tw o eu p fn lt of h o t w etor, b io e poor a r a r tbo baa toa palha a f th raa agg% a tlr r la g a ll tha tlm a B a tp ra t a th a f i n an d a tlr a a tli I t tk lo k taa ; ro ttova from tbo fir* , odd aao pound a f dhoppad ta to a . on# toa- apoonfal af r a a ll la a i l r a o l and tha a tlin p Whlppod tp g w h l t ta W hip fdl pk tll tha m ia tn r t b o h li Ha a h a p t and mold haU an nich th ick In tb a tap ar aaha p a n t <tlmt b a v t b o ta n a a td w ith to ld w ator) In w h iab th a a a h t lapara hava baan bakad. i t ! la a oald ptooa to chill and bard to , unm old and u la ba> tw aaa t h t lapara add on tap . Thlo will ho foakd a moat u a u te a l and dalla lau t f in in g aad tha gnan m io a g lv tn w ill bo oatttcH nt fo r tw o U por cak a a

M irth t i - r — m i t a g .D Ictolvt tw o eu p fn lt of tn g n r In tw o-

th lrda o f n enpfnl t f b tll in g w n i t r nnd cook In n g rn n ltt ta n e tp a n w lth tu l a tirrin g for ozactlp t t v t n m ln a ta t a f to r I t b t f l a t to bolL H ava la rtad lnoaa th a oHfftp w hipp td w h ito t o f tw o agga, p a a r t k t boUlBg ho t ongar ip rn p on th a n and boat a lta d tlp aa poa do to. WhIH th t aprup to eoak lag , w ith a th a rp knife, cu t h a lf a pound of f r te h m a r^ m a llo w t in io . b ito an d dlaaatv# o ra r hot w t i t r w ith a couple of tabl*- ipoonfu lt of w ater. The m artbinB lIow i nted no t bo tn l l r t lp m elted . Add theee to the bolted f ro t tm r , f lav o r w ith a tea- ppootful o f v an illa e a tra e t a a d th read th ickly b ttw een th a to p tra and on to p

„ ___^ttlBua 'iS o g l b b a yd lf f tr a a t opl*H— .*» — J S f ^ glea to o tan aa t ****"“ * '*3«at!e* t i l l Sm haw d in to a t w w i ^ t p t w em aom bar haghM * b to im a a w im - m la tra h to n a w . « H t u t an bar aa rt, • • k a a p l a k a ^ w th raa th tnga to tb a e e te t ty a aMmvath a t tha btU avtgT atotm lnt bar aw* Ilf . .wllhin bar• n ih M . irreapm itlvo » h * ^ *toomaa toe bauw aa ah# n i r X n i tha

“ oEi^dsr lOiiibortF t*Ue Wll-

p«aaM . aad that eight CMt kar hnehaed mna* v ^ Hogbaa: lha aaal dap a o m e y p aim tolH h t r that Hughm w ” ba ww, aed than th t w aaii Wlbwe. u m tt th t t t i u t t to *>"■ ardltw t f govtrtim tntal t t e h n i c ^

sasrsfWhT^ga TwSri wUI toa to bu ^■ElYt m ilitant la ih ta t b t i l t f t of ^ a S t r hutband wh it VltWi alaoo lha f ir tt y tbap oait, god thould to t ebaaga edwT

Juat Iht o th tr day a womaa la town ta ld to th a d hlattd Wilton 1a th t m ^ leg p lttu rt paUca Rad hoard h tr f *>0 did not ***know th t had hltatd long and • h t n tv tr atltndod pollUoal ™*****^ ■ho w at loot a hOM body, but hitaod W iltae. ■oraohodp fngg tatw

S a M to S a i r f B i r

P t r l w i y o a t n one of thot«p ^ p t t n o





« • « totoa a f brpw n and

^ S t o S t o a t t a bmih* f p l ^ ^ rn t to M u d tho ir atdora To hoop

aed froto tbap thould • t n T e to w rg p std to t eloth w ruM^ V ? b « W M M l w end pu t In a com^SgT* o K S S a to ih M tom to uat or .

* ^ . ^ i \ b M I . to U td a m o ta ld W AMkerWwsM rtudwtdk* ue# U irte eltAM•rJSibTbr^ tuoto «— to—^ f t r t i i i n m e r t th ick w u a S t t m r f b u t t t r th a t h a t t o te t ta w n to w S T w H and pap rika , •p raad only on S e r i W t w ith t h t b a ile r ; pH «t » allm M vnkM D l i r t e t between two n ieM os

t w o ^ e w o f then cut t» ty j f*a li t t ta m ore th an an Inch T b ^ t tr lp g b u t t t r again oe th t w id ttt tid t, aad . p g tU eg a w hito o v tr a brown and a brow n o u tr a w h lta build th t bread g e In i h r a t U t r i to form n »dwf*- m oat t o p u t In tba leebot til l tba but* to r b a r d tn a a n d w b tne a t tb ic ii tJMtogh to th a t H wlti w t

**Tn nm W ag H M oa ■andwJehta. t t v w ■ruai tb u b i ^ w b ta you tu t Ih I t It w tn . to a B tS l i , brand, lo t to H ob a t(h t p le a t p S y t a r t , but Hob w h tr t l e t pm at ^ t g , M

____ 0 th ink all lo g ir t i r t• lik d . J tib t t ry t c a rto n of p ton th ia G rm iM tc d c m in f t r . Y oii’to noTW bw® ^ equal of th ia clean, fii» m u M d t i^ w . I t ’a all cana, raS narr packed, untouctw d by hands.

SwMim ft mith Domim G ranu la ted , T ablet, Powdeted,


At the present rate of selling during this the m s te s t sale of our career It is apparent

that the end is In sight

Rms Save Never Been Sold So CheaplyAnd In view of the constantly advancing

wholesale prices this Is an event of a Ufettme. You must act quickly, now, or lose a real op-

portunity. . . . rWe quote only one of the hundreds of

wonderful values this sale presents.

The C leyelander!

“ - ." m ig h t a t to a ^ M . 1«. f oi In* Bhe f t p l l ^ Wgllrtitm w g ■ »'»s ■»** ,-gr.*-*..» ---

tfa tt 't h*T in i Oennftoy**foot In #up fbco,** A. ^

Ko maltm whal «w tion la »bt la dtUrmlnad la htr vIuwa ■u a paar tot trow# a MUIt braytr. • a a ptdr tha diat a UtlH daaptr into national atfatra and nomtllrntn tvto now It dividtd from htr hutbnnd bp tbtot vldwt of ban.

I t map to th t flrut d lffaranct b i- tw ton tb tm . Nothing bu t a d t i l ra for tb t wulfhrc of bar bomw b ar chU drta and t h t p to p ita of tk t w orld would hav* Indtictd h tr to d if ta r from b in v itii w lw v A c w u h « i tn imptm.

tb ih M d ’ tv a i . TO a « ib t fnet a lle t b rtn d w lta ftfilling m a d t of m aponaaitt or b u ^ m ixed w ith o h tp p td r td P*PP*^ ••«} a p e th a r apr»*d w ith th n ig jat r t t n p tp p rr , filling , p ted n g Iba w hito M « t to th a rad, taon t h t g r t tu a tx l to Ib t w h iu . W h .n thU I t P r*«»^ g a th er and cu t Into ttrlp a about a fingar long and an In to wtdA It ba# a vary g ro tty tffooA la a tta d of th t to P to i^ a toppad hddt oaa b t a U tm tl td w ith o rtam to t ta a . o r Ib t r to to P to r e a altovnata V llb chopptd a i c k tn t t upuam o b ttaa . . j . .

(5ub tan d w to h tt. t a b t good, m u ll guru tb a to n a l hot and tba btcon hot. und I h t chicbon cold and th# H tiuoa oold, o r tb tg a r t not w orth ta tlng . A m o th e r a t t r a t tiv a a a n d w ta map be n u d a w ith a llher braw n or white bread: tu t ou t t h t c«Btar from o a t tile* and flu w ith e h t r r i t t or pimolaA If a ch aa it t illin g I t u ted , Ih tn plaet t pim olt In tiM c tn l t r or u te Ihtn tllce i of pru* a t rv td g inger a t t riUlngi mixed w ith nutA If p re ftrred , and till the opening w ith a oaadled cherry.

P e n n s y l v a n i a R ailroad’s new O f e r » n i g h t t b r o u g h t r a i i i to Clerehnd, which wOl b^rin nuinlng Ncweiii* bar 26. All-steel and PiiUman, tt wfll leave Blaitet Street, Newaih, 7K12 P. M„ ■rriva Clevdand T:30 neit moninf. Tfaraoih Pallmaiis to Akron and Toangitown.

2 Royal AxminstersR efukr $29.50

These ere well ntmed Royil—for their beauty, luster, quality and magnificent patternsentitle them to the name. They are both seamed and seamless and fully worth the regu­lar price, $29.50, at which they sell everywhere. Your choice of these master rugs of the highest grade, heavy, AB-Wod, Seamlesa, 12-WreSnm d... 3 1 9 . 9 8

A pattern and coloring to barmonlze with the furnishings of any room.

Oaall tg g a to tr a n t oupful •< artam , aww thtoda a f a cupful of tu g a r an d a a tand O M -tolrd tabitapoonfula of b u t t t r ■Hill I t th raada fram tba tlno t of a fo rk g tn i lp apwitad to t h t M r fa t t a l tba balling apruA (» * ■ « dUr a f t t r I t to - g in s ta ball.) Than rtmtrv* from Ih t ( t r t , add a t - u u a r t « r of a cupful of m raag a tra ln td o a f f t t and b ta t ataadllp u n til li taaglat to th lok tu . a tlr to o a t aup tu i of ehopptd paean m ta t i and a ta • • n t r a u t lp b t tw t tn t h t I t p t r t o f o a t . I

C A tto I ttr C a ro M l P llllag. goU l a g t lh t r fo r l i ra m lnu ita Ihraa*

d a a k t t r t of a cupful of brown n g b A |


¥ • h m a limiMd y*t goodly nQmb«j of handaome Linoletim Ruga, t i n SSxSS, ona of which, while they last, will bo giteii f n e to overy pnrebMor o f a rooin*tlsad rug during thia aale.


CfiAKUPTTB, N. C., Ntr. I t —Ttoac in a, tard'plaping or othrr form, of -dlttlpatlon" that land la young wemrn iiwchar* up latt al night eamt andtr tbt baa of ih* city tchool cotn- mltaHntra today, when they ttnt a , formal raquaat to the taach.rt to dla- oonilnut Buob praoUct*

T h t n e ra a lttlo a o rf oanuadod th a t t b t i t nm aaam toto m lllta tad agatoat •aco to tfu l w ork la lh« tchool room.

ORKnOFUICNGOiiMtSTbt w ift of a bHekifflltb In Troy,

N. T , It told to bavt boon tb t f l r it ptraoB wbo tv t r mad* ttp a ra ta eallaiu fa r m ta 'i th ir ta Thla bapptntd la l i t t , tay t an txohanga.

Atldr from Inrwitlng, thla womaa did th t tainlly wtahing. Sht found that a oollar tollod much mort quickly than to t r ta t of tha ablrt, and to t davltad a MmtvaM* collar, which c n ld to rt* plaetd by anothnr. attached in th* *ama ihIH. At ftm i a * mad* th*i* eollart •n ip tor h«r hatband'* a i r t t . b u t prUA MUp a a bagan making th«n t* nail ou lalia bar homo Thla In n ovatla at*VMIbtHMW *WT IMraOW* I d laaM inaitoTMAIVyH aob*tfAUtad th* atbMitton of th t (H*- Bbaa- gntr t a t — . A vtHrad m tataltr, aad h*. With lha *M • ( tha womm at hia fan*


¥ o have contracted to control the en< 2 7

i c2 u

tiro outpnt of ono of Ae boat Hnolinai . . , ^■nia in the atate, and the coneastoona nude enahk ua to

- ^ ' ( h a - t a w

JhMWM fibochekf till he tasted the hot bis* e d ts end cskes end pies Hsxy nude so ^ ^ d d ^ e n d catattjwidi


¥eH l-.|h e fim thing Mary wfll do to'her new home is to ssy to her groom—

1 wiD extract your teeth painiati^. M e ^ i m t e e d p l a t e i t l i a t f e

your mouuia

D«CIs the Flour for me

1 treat your teeth* fill them with goUg silver or porcelainlain at moderate

laraMlit aMPaAMiao Pi rttam

I t S u r e to G o o d —

M. to 1 P. M. f or yoMP convemence. I ww be glad to examine your teeth ^ of charge.DL VHRE, PADOISS DEKnST

jv ^ —*1 womm of hia fam*Up. w a t about tailing oollan. Tbit waa ta last.

Alt U a w o a onotf* *•* wwn wm Mart aarlp ootlara . WM dtwt bp band, tor th t aawiu ma- iataa had aat pat bo a lavtnttd. in fltaaa day* *«t Mor* Iban a doata ml lua a Sap wtra aaM. Thtir aaiaa-

i- i

w tra aaM. T h tir u t ia t---- mV-WM aapattallp aypra-to r U air w tP t tiod around too

to W tU a g if ta c a f tayo attatA od . t a b tw i o f lh a aallar. Kxoapt fa r

to n baa dy, U a f i a t a a g a ra tt m ila r t w tra g aaaruur aU Item aad o f twu tbiMOMaaa, although atm * war# tam d W tU a* tlM aladb.' Tbap war# atigbilp aiMVi n i l t a d M h igh potala to l ta d - nag nhova U a f ijto * • t t t h t r a ld t. T b t a a w itg m taltow w m in troduo td in to th t M iter tn d u g trr la t t i l , a a d atoam gaw ar wua f lit* aaad ta t M f

w ily cuddita, U a llu ia b lttp girl, waa tu n d ln g In front of Ib t kllohtn UbH w iU a big yalHw bowl tofora bar M t wrinhiing np bar l l t t l t ao t* trying to ihiab Ja tt how to mix up a pound cakt. Aad th a t M tna llttto wrinkly crinkly not# had a Ilttl* dab of whUt oa It w htra aba U A t o u a td It with h tr fioury i» a .

"Hclhar ruddita , how a a a p tgga do yon u a t f the atbad.

-I tblnh tig h t will to p lta tp ,” r tp IM ■ a th rr Cuddita.

"Aad haw m u a b u l to r r t o t w a a lt i to baaw a llttto ta itr .

go H oU tr Oaddtot WM b«r hfw muah ■ all tba o U tr


bktttr waa ntodtds a ^ all tha < tbtagt that ga Intoia pound cahA

*T luat lava to b a h t p cakA" Ihoagbt I BaUy. a t t h t b tad ap U t a a g a r awdI agga WtU a b ig w t odaa a ^ m .' Mow. porbaaa r a a 'v a b m a w o a d tr ta t__ *B.t_ Aj____^J^toA.*.aa. ...AtotMM aihmnWWy lUrWB^P V • WMWW****M

whar* Uaru M* *.* 1 H wfil b* a aatol****

aatUmr of tPMi U a

IMA aaa It waa Ula wap. Pofip bbd la* 9 u a a nambtr *r bar tmta plapatataa to oalha ara n t that alUm*on aad a * tMuitot It bt vary aioa to gtvauma a alloa of mtm aad a gtaM t t milk tofara tbap want bama. So aba bad

■ ‘ "— .te tot harWSkd yS

guacod ap a t Uo ttoab, Uo p o ^ havato harry, to u ata Daily bad t* taka kar maitn laat*n bafwa dlnotp.

Abd ib a t 't Mat wb*t cauatd aU th t tw uU a—Dellr hurritd a tlttla bit too mach. Po» whan aha waa rtadp to pat th t cak t In tb t ovtn aha alumbltd aad drupptd th t Whola thing oa tha floor.

"Oh, H o U tf C udditar b u n t out poor DoUy. lo a ia g rtadp to anr.

And whan Hothar CaddJta toU h tr that aha wouldn’t havu Uma to mto ag nnolhar .m h a tha Mg toart dtd run down M r ohathA

•It'a tbo b id .- aaM Kotbar OuddlaA M aha pattad Uo IHtto flaflp h a d . "But d a ' i t t t , " ton tmiltd, Itamo* tUMw ih lag t tu rn oat b«ltor U m pmi Utat** _ ; , '

go PaHp want upatalia to p a t *b nnethar draw and a IHtto latar aha waa • a bar wap U Prolm aor WptCa houaw w btm aSa taak hav miuto lataaa. BM daapItV all aba ooald do tha taara waald otma to bar aptA

Tha l l ia t aa* to * ^waa Mtaa ppua. U t 'p u s a p a t lady, uma

Jtoiyr*toa atiaimtd, -what

• “- • S 2 ! ; . « * « * » « •

'And a mtia fnrthdr oa Dolly pm Into Unclt Buff, U t Blot old d*a«lt g ta tto -

P rin t Butter1 0 4 M e rk e t S t . Iw OMf

rbogM a e se MtorkBt

Wien* _-Biota inp w htah«al'’ -«tae U*

naturtd old doggiA “I f It tao*i " u i t frltod D tllp wlU I to r t In hor tptA

Aad a lta r tbo IllUt hlHp girl bad told htoi about tbo cak t ha t o l ^ t r to a a o r ap aad a*i t* w o n t t o t M i

"Who kaew t but what U a goad Uttto aivaa will fw U la g t u a r ba tbutotod.

TMa euSiar !• nato

S o d a o r A tqr o t® * * B ll to t i l i r t l o n uatM l tea I te i t e a m t f i a .

juid upaan’l H tonnp_ ihM Jaa^B laatM a f l t r th a t Itaala — - - — tato U t bakar doggtora thop fiitt a t Mtoa Prtai w at comtag « a i And atitiMT k a tw that ih t t U t r h a t boagbt lha BUM thing—a Mg gyand aaha w v- arod with v ttiflia Croattaf.

Wan, attpwap, whM DaHp gut bath hwa* aftor taking h tr muale toaaaa Hothar Oaddlaa told bar th a t U avt w«ra tw a b ig p a aa g aa tor bar M U * Itota,

AM U a t i n t oaa aha dpaaal had a_ ____ ja ^^a.^ I_ X* m liAdllm o.^*a

Gudto Bro«w Kl*#f*1* Co.lO B M U L B E M tY ffr.

do not sh rin k * bri^IrtbMS lastot

For l i ^ - d iiraU lity '^ n o u n y -b tfy

big poPh* v«ba In It rrlU V if^l* -— attaatd that raiidt nf* Italte fra ilU a ralrtUA- ; .

And waald pM batloM a U a aaaaag paokaga bad anothar j------^ "*•* **awl tha mua .S ti -To DotlpBMua- .

Nor wgg o a t

iothar pound ta k a la I t

n lffs jT id

. I





iv E N IT O K E y s . Wlri)NEgPAY. NOVEMBER 15, 19lf.

. bedtime STOrv^ H O W A I 9 0 G > k R I S

UNCLE WIGGILY AND THE CLEAN WINDOWS”W«U. Ui)« u iBit tk* t a r tii*r

M«kt t« k* ta»«. kttt 1 doa'l MB kow I am ta t a I t , ' wM NarM J a n Fu n t WuatFi tk« OMBkrat tadr h n n k tap * !’, aa aha aat dawa aa tka front korck of tk a lioUow atuaik baniataw vhara Uaela W I n l l r Uonaaara, tka rakbit tantlamaiv, waa a lttlac o n ntoa Na>Vam bar dar.

"W kat oush t ta ba d o n a f k« «aalad la kaaar.

'T k a wladawB aaabt ta ba ritanad,' •a id Huraa Jana. 'B n t 1 eda t do IL '

'W all, not th a t I want to aaa roa w ork ,' aald tha banny uncia 'b d l why aan 't yoa alaaa tka a rto d a in r’

"Baaaaaa I kava to baka an apyla paddlaa." waa tka a u w ar of tha naak>ra t lady. ."And yoa know-----

' I kaaiJ th a t applo paddtiiB It ana o f the nioaat th in ta In lha world!' la* tarruptad Cnela W ltyily, “tkaayk I bac your pardon for not w altlaf antU yoti bad rinlahad apaaklny. And If yon toant to buay youraalT aboat that da, llclouB daaoart 1 will kuk aftar tka olaanlna of tha windowt lor yoa."

“Claam tha wtadowat TonT ertad Nuraa Jana. "Do yoa think yan e a a r

"Why notr* atkad Uaala W inlly . 'A ll you hava ta do It to put aonia w atar and aoap on than and wipa th an dry. I can do that u wall aa I can brine homa aploaa m paara Iron tha atoro and tn ra ta whlto I am iaind It," and ha laupbad h i ha thouehl of that fanny t in t .

That apit'ad paar atary waa tba onot told you laat nlpht. If you will kindly romambar.. "H un. Lat ma paa.' ta l i Kuna Jana,

aort of raflactlva Ilka and n a d ita tira "Wall, you knew v a don't waah wln- dawa tha way yon uaad to do It whan you wara a young rabbit, Dnola Wlg- ■lly."

"b o y atkad tha bunny, wondarlng Ilka. "Haw do you do Itr*

"Wall. Inataad of aonp wa uia a aort of white aoap powder,* want on Nuraa Jana. "You put a littin watar In lha powder, m b It on tha window, wall for II to dry and wipo It oR. Than tha trladow la eUan."

'T h a t aauata aaay." apoka Uaola Wiggtly.

"DO you think you'd llko to try It »b llo I mako tha appid puddlngr hahod iho mnakrat lady.

"tadoad t woBid,"' Uncle Wigglly •aid. "If lhara era two thlnga 1 lea# to do In thia world they are to clean windowt and aat apple pudding. One thing 1 cannot do—that la tnak* apple pudding, Td ba aura to put In tha poalinga, or tha eoraa or laada But I’ll lanva yon to do tha baking aad I'll a ttend to tha w indow a'

"Wall, hare la tha wbKa powder and plenty of clean ragt," lUd Maria Jana. "Til go back to my kitchen aad you aan try your pawa at window altaning.'

"F ina"' cried Unola Wigglly, eager Ilka and antlcipatltig.

So while Nuraa Jaaa want to attend ba tha baking, tha hnany unelt alartad to claan tha wladewa Ha aat on tha ■111 of one la tka parlor, a baain of w atar on one aide, tba white powder on tha other and h pile of alaan raga tied •round htn nook no they would not drop to the ground.

Uncio Wigglly WM fnat going to ko ■In to dona aaa window whan, all of • ■uddan, along eaino JoUlo Irouglalt lha little Biouala key.

"Oh. Unolo Wlg^lyJ* nrlod Jollla. "H aro yon any that yon eouM let mo takaT"

'A ny w h A tf aikod tba rabbit gontla* man.

"Talcuni powder, or any Mad a t powder—ovaai taoth powdtr would do," •aid Jollld, Jlgftlng himaatt ap and doWB, ha waa ao aaoltad.

■ m ia t f a r r Viola Wigglly wanted bn know. "Why do yon wnnt pnw darr

*011. wn boyn—dnmmln U ttlatall. Jnhnnin nod Blllln BnnkytaH, Jlmmln WlhblnwobMn and Blllla Wagtail, ihn

gwil—all of UB a n going to play makn hallnm •oldlnra," waa thn aanwnr. "Wa •and aomd powdar for oar popgwm'^^

“Wall. I b a tn n 't aay talcum ar taoth powdnr," nnld thn bunny unoln, “Tiut T b am noina wbitn wlndow,olna»tng powdar hara. T h a t will look Ilka batitta 1 MUTa."

' r i a a r ortad Jollla, the monaa boy. “bfin you gl*a mo aoma p laaaar

■To bo aura I w i l ir Undo Wigglly ■aid. Aad ho gnvi Jollla n big pawtul of the whlto a tu t t

“Ah, ■boyn will bo boy a!"' thought tha bunny undo no ha began to gat ready to claan tba windowa "I wiah I ware going to play wldlarr*

Ida waa Jnat akoui to rub aama of the whita a la ff o« tha windowa whan along

wa Bnclo U tUatatl. tha m bbtt gtrL 'Oh, V nda W lgglly r cried Bntla.

"Haro y in any while pnw darr'W hat l o r r tha buany waatad to

knew.T ly doll'a naae In ao rad that I ernal

la m aka It pale," waa the a u w a r. "1 kaow It lan't Jnat right to powdar yauraalf. but It'a all right for dalllat,

thair ehaaka are paintad, anyhaw. Hava yak anything I cottld u a a r

"Hera la aoua windaw pawdar," ■poke tha bunny. "I natar beard of It being uaad on dolin' noaoa, bnl It

y ba all r ig h t Hava aa mnab an you Ilka" .

"Oh, thank youl~ Joyfully erud tu lo . ■Thla will nnko my doll'l nano Jwnt tlna," and, lik in g aoma of the wladow powder, awny aha akippad M happy aa a moving picture when 1| own nit dawn and go to nlnep nfler Iho nhow.

Once more UnaU Wigglly etartad to clean the parlor wladow, but ha had aa more than put one'dab af tka wet pow­dar on tha glaas whan a vpioa callad ta him:

••Ob, Uncle Wtggllyl Hava you any. thing While t could pul on ray whlla aheoa to clean thamT They are ao d lr ty l '

Tha bunny uncle looked town Iraw tha window alll where he waa altUng. ■a aaw Araballa, tha llltia eblokan girl, with a pair of while ahoaa under her wing. The ahooo wore very much iollad with mud.

'A nd I muat cloan them or I can t go la the party that Jaanlo-Chlpnaunh la going to give," aald Araballa. aadly

"Ha! That muat not ba. Untl# W ig, gtly aald with a laugh. "Walt a mMi' ula, Arabella, and I'll claan your aboaa far you."

Whiota tba bunny uncle did, with aoma w atar and tha white window powAar, ao that tba ahoea of the ckickoo g irl ware aoan almdat like enow.

Than along came U ra WIbblewobblo, Iho duck lady with a wUta pockatbook Ibal bad a black atroak on It bacauaa a trolley oar had run over It, and Uncle Wigglly daanad it off with aoma more a t the white powdar—I mean ha olaanad off the black atraak from tha duck lady’u pocketbook—not the etraat ear.

And then out came Nuraa Jana "WaU. 1 aappoae you have all tha

wtadowa eleaaadr* aha aakad.Uncle Wigglly looked down a t tha

rage, a t tha w atar and tha whtta . d a i^ n o , ba didn't look a t thn powdnr, for thnro wna lumo left. Ho hnd given It nil away. Junt think!

■Mh. yon funny rnbblt," laughed Huron Jam . ' i aavar nhall gat my win dewa claannd today. But no matter. Tan worn very kind. Come In end ant ■omn apple puddiag.**

Aad Unci* Wigglly did. Tha wlndowi worn net etaanad until n a it day, whan Nuraa Jnna did It haraalf with aoma more powdar aha bought nt the atere. But It all goal ta ahow yen bow kind Uncle Wigglly was.

And If l i e roof of oar house dooant hide down cellar and cry "Boo!" a t the oealbln. r i l tall you neat about Umla WIggily atarUhg tha ftiu.

beuaflt uf the PUvoc lAhe W allaru ^ aeotatlwk Thara were thlrty*nva tabiM hi piny. The gatherlag wm tba

It uf • narlaa e l three, the m a t of whM i wJU he M d ou the of Dhewiher I t a t t t e bamM M n. m a h H. H tam n. M ta John L T h d ^ >

and H r* WUIIta* A Laavdun Tha general eommlttea In eharve In tip of H r* H nniwn. H i* Hmery W. aiven. H r* Thdtapnai. H r* WltlUM D. Pinneoh. Mr* ■aypiMur HauHnbdah »«d H r* Hebert Kvebler.

Ur. and Mr* Rnbert Bamatod of n idge •treel wilt HOVe mien tH ta For- eet BUI U W eehuwke*

The lAdleg’ Aid PecMy u t Chrlat He- formed Chureh U •rrang lng • • • • • o r •nd C hrM H i* •»■• ta r n « evening of November I t.

wlhed the warh the ekurafe fa th a t emintnr.

BMBop Bdwia a Unua taake aa dl> eaemn m n u ar* Arehdamoa 8. r . Tyler wt MerrMwwa prlildii Pwreileual ser< vte«a were aoadeatad h r Biabop Una* •n d R*v. U ike H. WblU, r«;tar af at, U iha'a Churah.

E F 6 R irM .a iR c rH n iT MaDCACOmS'StSSHM

Attaadad by delegatee from diflerenl aacIloB* the fall aMetlag a f t te arch- deacoarlea e t Newark Pad Merrlatewn waa bald yaatarday la S t Luka's Bpia- aopal Chiireh, Moatelalr. The aubjacl. '■How Rkall tUapeaalbillly for the Sun­day Beheel be Inareasadr' waa die- oaaaad by Hev. Charidd A Huuhlaon ef C hrM Churoh, Baat O rana* and Hev r . Creawlefc Tpdd of 81. Andrews Chureh, Bouth Orange. '

Rev. Clarence M. Punham ef All •a laU ' Chureh, Orange, and Rev. Elmer Nelaon Owen of i t Oeorge'a Church. Maalowaad, read paper* on ■'What Are lha Oraat T hingi to ba Emphaalaed In the Lite and Work of the r h n r e h r Plnbep M. St. Onorgn Tucker of Jnpaa


•porndld Odaaa a f Ihfnntlla paralyaH a ra anpeetad by the medical ntatt af Ibn Soho laakUlnB llaapIMI u aocur 4una« tha antlru wldtar. Or. Henry E. Rick- a tt* medical aupartnlaadenl, mid yap, terday aftaraooa that provlilon had bam made to cawa for TietUn. of tha dlsaaaa to r aa ladatinita period. Them aro Btlll twanty-ona eaaea al tha beta pitaL

Tha two ahacha aad temporary quar­t a n for nnraaa hara bean vacated aadfumtgatad. M Baa eurteeifd Wtlnlab the Inalda of Iho ehmtk* and coa- naci them with tha haatina Plant • • that they could be uaod durlna tba wla- tar and to hold thorn la raaervo far amnllpoa auaa* Should ihli ba doa* tha praaant brink hulMlag kept tor that purpoM Will ba made a ward for m laat eaata«loa aaada-tkcaa bavlng two or maro coatagloud dlaaaiaa at the aama Urn*

A rouaaat far Saturday aftemooM oR. o r lim a and a half pay for that portod. waa mada la a lattsr from the omplogeea a t the lauadry te rveeholddr w m ta « Pannlngtea, ohalrman of the heapllal eemmlltee e t lha Board af PraakPidar* Dr, RIehstIa etplalnud that herototara It had baaa the cuetasi

ta glvu Mm U uadry w m a n the half bo lltay . Inafaad a f a twa-wsok vwa. tlea. hud Saturday a ttaraaeaa *M had bean dMaauUauad ihla auw pdr ba«M a t th a la fa a tn a paralytld apIdsHt*

A aiM ilar rogueat had baa* t iiafi ud by lha heard a f manager* lha deal aald, a ad H bad dMidad ta ptaaa tha lauadry aav lo rnaa aa tha aama baala an U a atkaru la Ibn laatttuUeu, d e la t aw ay urtth tha haJf kelWay and glvtag them the vpeatlea.

B eau ty Is Power

Tha SiralTU taaigna aahmltted ta r lha repaaad Newark Mmnerlal RulUlag

are a a « a a anU la achihltiea a t tba Archltaolaral LaagiM, I I I Weat Fifty-

uath alaeet. Raw Turk Oty.

the See* TVy euw <Dr. Jsa. P. CsM»>aM*i Anaak Wafwa

Ian boautiavr*Thaae Ive l_LC**%4aee* etc., anlekly diseapear Tnat them new—eanvinee peuraalf el thair seanty and haatth buUdlag afflelanay. auaraalaad Bhaolutaly safe aad ham lae t U avarybody. Mailed la plain never no mnnipt of Ide and II from

RioHAiio riNH co„ aaa r m a d w a t . n, r , Far Mta ky Uggott-m kar-Hogem nn. aad all ralla-

bln drug nloHH

Down the Hillthe esr skidded and bumped into t tf«e.

Paaaengen escaped inj«f7 , but the csr waa badly damaged and it coat mors Ihas a hundred dollsn to make repairs.

The ear ownar's policy in the

G>minercial Casualty hisurance Company

ttved him this cost.It will pay you to have this same Pro­

tection.No iHOM ihoukt drico a ear uidau ho

U biourod.For details and rates coniolt any Insur­

ance Broker or write ns.Newarib N. J.


TusmasEoiMTba organ laatlon mooting of SL

Oourgn’n Chnptar of tha Brotherhood of SI. Audraw will bo held tonight nt thn homo a t r m k A Boa a t la tluyvnasad avnait*

Mr. and H r* Emmett Reeb* who have boon vtatUng Mr. and Ur* Fmd- artek Aat of FlornaMn pinna, era now In tkoir BOW homo nt IS Bt. Punt nvn- a n *

Thd F ifth Hour Club of tba Indian' Aid Soninty af lha Vnlleburgh HaUi- •d lH ^ l a n aanl ChnNh will haM n Tvan Thuhib wadding tonight.and tMdorrow Bight Id thn chnreh. Tonight thn MInnan Dorothy Brow* Slnlo Oom- wnllnr. Elan von Blnlort and HnUa Rnllly and A rthur Plar will take part In a munloal program which will pra- nada tha wadding. Tsmorrow Hr* Jam as Cralln, Ulan Jnal Falonnl* Mias Cumalln Shawger aad Mtaa Franoaa Faleaala will aatarta l*

~ Mr* J. W, Dobhtan af t f Ftaa Orova tarraca has M her g iaat HInn Jnantn W lldrich of R laln tow *

Thd RlchnUau Building and Lada Aa- aoclailon will taaat ssaight.

Tha young wamsb ef lha Vallaburgh Malhodlat Bplaeapnl Chureh have bean Invited to attend a g a fe a n t to bn givnn tomorrow night a t Calvary Httbodlnt Bpincopal Cburch, Sant Oraag* by thn Quean Enthnr Ciml* A party will loavn South Onwtga and Sandford nvn- ann t a t T o'clock te allnnd the lagaanL

The monthly mooting aif tho Ladloa* Auxiliary to IMvMon Ha. A Aaelnat Or dor of U tbom laa* will bn biM tawor- raw night In the hall of tha Snerad ■ a a rt Rnmaii OntkalM Chanh,

FOUST HDi AND WOODSIDEChurch loyalty month wna aUrtad

Inst night a t tha prayer sarvlea of the Foroat Mill Praabytarlnn Chureh. That the , church aRlclaoey campnlgn la ahowing reatiltB was pravwd by tha al- laadamm, which waa aaarty IS*. A faatam of tha evening waa ■ roll ta ll of mambara wboaa naman bagla with lattam A to F, laclnalv* About fifty par e a a t of the namaa callad took pa rt bi lha maatlag. Tomorrow night Cownn'n en n ta l* "The Rom Mnidna,' will hn randnmd ky n choir of fifty. Thom vrlll ba tta ndmlmlon ehnrg* hu t a allvar oRarlng will bn taken (nr tha bnnnftt of the bnlldlng fund

Mr. and Mr* FTaadla Caranntnr n t North Third ntrool. Foroat BIU. nm an u r u i n l n t Mr. and Mr* Edward MIehnnIn of Roebnattr.

Hr. and H r* J. D. Cummin n t R liga ■trnni will move today to Rnchantor.

Ooorgn Dunn of Parker atmot la a t Tlnalnnd.

Mrs. J. A. Mnrvny antarthlaad a t cards y a tta rtay aftamoon a t bar hems In Highland avanu* Thara wara five tablaa of Invltad suaata pradaat, t t a procaads going to tho StWar Ldko wol- taro Aaadclatlon.

Tha mambara of tho Touag Woiitag*g U ta rary Boolaty will go to Katlay F ri­day night, whan they will ba sntsr- talnad by Hra. Parker Terhuna a f t l Colonial plam. Mr* Tarhnna, who waa formerly H im Flnraaoa Clark, waa tha praaldant of tha organUatlon laat year, "Currant Evanta" will ba tha aohJaM of the evening. Him Adelaida Fallattar will ba In charge of the program and MIm Florenm Cougar will prastda.

An nftsrnown n t cards wna held yaa- ta r tay a t tb s Forant Hill Club for tbo

EPOUSHIV d s * l* s lg n D r —dUU M BiS « n l S i F * n M b ^ t W w i ^ I n o

T k t r am aaalort In UM ami Dm Eaa a f J h I 8 kawA a r d n lk wm brina le a k IW Ibis* la Ike dmffc A b if * * • iW kbA fcuA isgllm lleeW


IN building the STEGER * PIANOS, it is the policy of STEGER & SONS to make them the highest grade at whatever cost.

This policy is founded upon the conviction that nothing less expensive or less refined can efficiently and economi­cally meet the actual require­ments of the artistic standard set for STEGER instruments.

We invite your inspection and comparison of our line of Steger Pianos and Players. •

PIANO MANUFACTURING CO.Imfwml Eealaalaa Pta a i HnnnfnvlMwra In Ibn WarSd.


The Meet Complete Line of Victrolas and Victor Records Here to Choose From

fkspaM ak.

TWfd—»S<EE>blH «E<«4l—*<

ROSEnU SBCnM .T ba P n ra a tF AawdUfla* «f the Hade-

vlUa Avnnun Sakadl w ill maM t t i a •v a a la g la t t a adbaol balMlag. Tha

~ o f ndd lilsgal ■(••« fa r piny-

B LAC K -W H ITE-TAN I0*|T H t F F D A L U e V CO,LTOi. fU F PA L O . N. Y

CM ipw k M e t* and Save MoneyTkM i m t Fssrly Minaam* all pr*vfoii» nUrmpti *t

trEsHtSMT »sl«* Thownd* of mnrvellotii bnrgalw bhbb|*you to buy your sstlra outflt bow fct •avtafi of gbout one-tlilrd. Wn ••11 rywrytkliig to tumUb your baaa complete, aad avery artJoU u fomraalMd dtnkla and wMI MAd* Coarliica yourself by compdrl- •M tbst. •h«tlHr ywa buy lar cask or on cradtt.

O fg Fricyt A rt A lw r i tlie L w w it

•rwwBda wilt ba dial M r* F u m y Daebar of Jarmy City la

t t e BUM e l H r* J. R. Diekarmn i t ■ ontt T birtm atb e traat

S t ■ taab a ttw OalM ef S t ThamaFi ChtNuh wUI Siva a dMiea tenmrrnw at*- • la g !• t t a raersatle* ball. Mr* M, 1* Aaaam and Mr* Oaerga Owta ara Is abarga a f t t a wraagm aant*

T tu Chi itta . S ig M Sarartsy will siva tba Mitt. "Tba Ralsbaw K lgw a*' t tia •v * ila g la tba FraabllB S tra it Math s diat Charab- Mlm Sarah Bavnar af North FUtirth etraat baa bam admitted to mambdrablp aad Mlm Barriat Coed a t R aatt Ninth atrm t vrlU haaama a ■ am kar a t tba baat mmuttg•

Tba firat ‘baar rF dO'yess F* ad t t a laaaaa a t t t a RawvUla A tttoiia Mam- •totsan a ittt hoaaa wiU ba bald Vttdap ovaatog. Pool and hiniArda arlU ba glayad. Haaday avsdMiH Nmambii t f . a haadldM FW>> u d hIKnird tauttaMoM will be Blayad, end lha nlskt followiag t ta r a be bewUag. U fb w ralUag, baadpia, b ith aeers aad Wmd M art oagtaatt. Tbaabagivtag Em wlU ba •alnbratod w ttt a card party and daa«* Tha nanH atltti la aaw laaniag a

•Ih ly btdIaUa aotUatag tta aallvle

FfUMda MalNgald at e n t t M a tt atfdU wtu tasvn tedag an a awtor M a to Q ditdruta. Ms wtU bs aam m paaM by Ms lU saa* M l* Floiuiiaa MNial* •a d b w nentkar ad 114 daidb T aa tt atm at,

The Wammafa MlmliaaiT SmHAy af t t a Bllaabath AvaatN Friabytartaa Obatub vrin BMat tom irraw attaraana a t tba beam a t Ma* WUlttm Wnbatw, ts Hmaida hmssA tg m i ybns* EoU eail w tu bo agatogdad to an T baogbta to r Meade*" Tka •Evol a g * wtn bn aoi na c

How the

ira- 9 .19

r eaotoM* aaau. a Eaia bur amH m * » 5 5MdeHhmSMabWL imp t t i* m o H G > ^ S * a kabe/Mha m-Wlad obsa aSawdL tomw. e iw to b b ie lr . aaB.__________ __

fmTbo taam

“ W e a i r - E v e r ”ALUMINUM ROASTER

helpi jo v iBve moiMy.Everydiylstheyeem ttW eeetN

*^gRibEwir* Rtttsur- 00 top of use MEFE over OM btinMF, «r Im M oTEa.

Tlie **WflEfbE«or RoEster eorviN IE ■wy ptffpeew lihet It levee Aa eoet el oAer eteiM li'-ud It .wilt oatlMt imf!Roi4J>aryriwitcri. ItsETeeleel b e e iE i i h k b i o r b i h e M e Q r E E ja r — 4 ireiiiEe H te loa|.

"WtEfrEieK* uiieillig|vweE4eria|' - TlMyeRaBetdHptEoeleorveet. They wre ««!• in EME *

AccobintE OpEned from

$5 to $5,000IWaakbi


A le m d a r Caba t aa


O P K N A N A C C O U N TfM> A a q f 'M B U ‘iS S M ’ *

Open an AccountWtTg ART o m a


$15 b $350•rW lfelfCItK

nod pay far It In meM weakly nr moaUUy paytnaat*THa JILTS Viet*

VidnbOutftCiaWatlnt af

$16Vietrol&Ni><ttOeidm Oak miy).$13.76 CabinHla Setdaa On*$5 Worth of

Roeordtd aw ta n admlin.l

foe For It $1 on Dolivsry

And the BUeeaa50e R Wtok 'NO grAgra with vmog «om

M uinir Tteaar B«wid bnllvtim

T ™ '“rv'W f TO OtlK CtnrrONBKS

•eaQ ej».• L w S b e te imi* itm *1 eeeMimlcb

OUR m C IA L O rfB B

$89 $88wnssi s, s ^ foUlsK!'’' ' **’Tms

lA Y b m OOLLAIIAad ira WE MlHt § M A n



Smgar A smeller amioali M ike


e MI dtt


f^dlii)W^=!=:5Er 49-51 Maiket IflS T a g iliY ia n iiiprgstreetNewaik, OFKNUT* COORf Bom ut



f iM i u « w iM w v - t tk« »M • ( tiM «itr u i r CottBty »■

tTMRMtt tm » • MW"*!™ « t IBS • m k Pkrti ««rth t» tk« B*U*-

IlM WM •*■** *•, ■ T T ‘- ‘-~ k r r r^ * r t» k i - ■ M iat « f th * a t r W *« < )» •■ •••••* • t A ra i« Cimmtui. !•* * ^ * * 7 ;^ . '■tertM »k*» »k» wl«n»i*». to MMik mi»or WM JJ«t i okklB tk »t iko■ M oa M obM *a *** tacMkan

M okt » oiiwoirI of »tl tko korkf l« tko ooonlT- A • r d otrtk • ( pafkl#* * “ P” -

• to tto» •• tk« Pkw o»mU- ^ 11^ of tko ptokOioJ oxtonoto* toi i ^ o v i n * iiM . , . . .^ HO « M UkOB oJOO kt tko

r k rokkoki froki tho e ltr to t Btlan'* kp»ro»»l W tko ro-

M o f Um K loot lA ko k o k ^I M mo AavtttL Thtokofo m r o t - r. k to o llo o t o f tko C lixloa H U IIM - IBOot Aokoelkttok, koUootod »k o4>

k *4 k ODWkiaklaktlon tr o n tko o f toook oM on BkBaaaeoO tko

iM oaok t kr k kow itrao toro t » ormr Seoeek RlTor o t Mt.

mg .o a o M . 9 t k okkBkO la tko Tof too kOkoolkllM.. It woo aik40

Ha for wool on to koooaio n on b ora , awoottoao boCoro tho n o o t ln f

t t o k lh «od n a o k t kalkOBeo, r nrotootloa k»4 ■arbofo Ikclaor-

k k o a t tbtrtr n on b ora w oro

_ of ( • iio c ia tla n 't

r p R l S i t w c i i 1 pM* INM

89 -91 M A R K E T S T R E E T

loolkt f(irca» to t m i (M « i i

i m L U H « w « g a U t td c n d i t to a ta a C n d i l i M i B B t C M t n j t h t o f i t tfcto

r i n i to pfafal YwCMbtJFMT

AnaaootiKeHlgli€st.Arttstic Qtss

B oar boiatk* *«* that tko v ro- i i k k i t veaM kot kk k b a rrto r

ro ro a t Hit! ftapootir aak tko ~ kko 4aaqtlBf troaMko o a i

wa klao bo araoaat aokoolrkblo koTOito—okt aa4 onkokoo

' oklaok, b a t bo OkMI tbooa ooa- waao koooai a r r . I t wan tho itaa of a fkr*nak« bark tra *

iraa i oa# to oak to boulo- w ooaeoi a o l b in aw o t Tho

n a a b lk * •ooaaA Mioor woaM I m u o o«»oa4ltaro to ta rn It

. k It b o M of «rokt k k ta ra l Tko tn p rav o n o a t afcoaM bo

ifaro tho ooat of labor fa o a

TIm taiportaaea of wmk to jroor lifo to aaqoMtloiMd -4to ^ o t to iniqno-4to «ff«t umntwanibto.

But yunr enioyment of mutic to depoiidm t to • torge degTM upon tho inttram eot that b r in ^ it forth. The finest work* of the masters in music are hideously carbled when interpreted through a poor piano.

For complete satisfaction in the music of your own home, the V issner Piano is unsurpassed. Its tone is u g u lsite ly pure, its mechanical workmanship supe­rior, its every feature thoroughly dependable. Its eflciency lasts u long u the piano.


WISSNER WAREROOIIS90S Brotod S treet, N ew ark

Opposto* CIlB Hsdl

Cohnnbia Grahmla$50 I mI m a t 20 M id ia i

M bD bc l i c i r l i

Raawre this nesr far Xm o de- Mvwy.


pearaUs J*Qt

Yon wilt be surprised how fauh- lesely the Columbia reproduces Toeal and instrumental m u ^ . Columbia repertoire haa a wide range. Complete stock of Colum b i t Records always on hand.

The Jeanette Wardrobe DaveDpori Bed $ 3 8 .5 0GoUaa Onk or MtoMgvy Ptotoh Phy«bto CMh, ftOO WnUy ^


D elivered to Y onr H om e on P aym en t of $4.00 C ash; B alance. 11.00 W eekly

A aettee by day and a bed at night to this beautiful Davenport. By purehasing one of theee you eh riy s have an o itra bed room added to yonr homo. The flniah of th ii d a v e n p o t^ rubbed and poKihed, and die substitute leather, which it is covered in, d w O Ois guaranteed to give years o f lad tfaction . Delivered to your home on — —peym est o f %tJ0O cash, balance $1.00 weekly; apecial a t ...........................

LbWt 1

•a ■pMftikkUr t>'a W ta a t b«w i

F t« R tb t kartb* I k f l i s M h SM«k Pkfh a b««lk-

I a tr lb a t f a rk la a >H f tk l w Kk.I ataakS kkS ThlrS MMMs kk4 i batw aM , areulS w t» a a la Oaa>

n w a ft w aaU Jala Um t a r ., wbleb la ta r

Ji h a la raaS la aa rk sa«k P aaa tac i W bkt la kaow a ka T Ifra a r road- .'.ton baulaaarS woaM m m la a a a a ^ a t tk a H t Praaaaot a r a a a a

Bkaaa abaaraS ita raaa tlM a nla- • f ib a larrH ary aaaaras t o tb a

parkw ay aaS aruad tha aaka> l a ra n a a ti Uia hoard a t T ra a . • a rac t a t M t to e apa r t araow a

a m a la aaMwb la fclaad w ttk I park.

I kkkaakaad t o Oaoiwa T. Dwau* a M a l la s to a tch t of lh a Tar*

II H aa ‘1 Chik w ill ba a lv aa ovar I p a rk aablaal. AlaBaa Ckureb. aaa-

a a d r o a a n l af Ika Baaaa Cowatp I Oawimloal aB. la aapactad t a dUwoaa

I to lk l pkaaa a f tha aftaatloa. C laba 1 aivto a r taa laaU aM t r a n haU arllla ,

a a d ataaaitlaM haaa baaa la> A eoMaoKlaa waa aaaiad bp iS a

I ta raaaaaaat ft a t tba a m

PJAki I[ i w a

4-PIece Adam Design Bed Room Suite, $119.00Fltoabed ta Amcrktn Watont, Old

Ivory and Mafuny> d>e Time Newflntolm

Can Be Piiehmid on Om Dignilled Cndtt Bytoms-iaoo Cmh,

flM Montldy

[ a S atlar.C oaatp n a a la a a r toahaata •faMV la id ba wb<> aomptaUa

f a r lha aaw b r ld sa a r ra r Baaaa T ba w a th w aald ba b a a m , ha

, aa aaaa aa kMaap waa a ra llak U . t w aak k a kad s lv a a a id a n ta elaaa

I a ia k rM sa to tra tfto a*d to p « t au o r BlfBi aa tk a t vaklelaa wlU f a ' tb a j a a ia ia r avaaaa b r ld u a

a a IlM rasa art a f Iba a th a e ilvar Ijaka d an p a , A. A.

I aaaaalat la a 'i p rw tdaat, a ta tad Oapwlp Ohlat h a s la p a r Sawaa 0.

a a k bad ta tarw ad Mb kp latftw I t w aa oaaH at tha d tp t i e s a dap

a m rtfS M fraa t Ika r e ra a l Hill aae .1 t a Om m aadaw a Tha prawilaa w aa

t o Mr. R a llaak to 'r te a th a w a rk tw a a tp .f r t tr haara aap tto ia ft ba d aaa la a auu iaar a a t aa tla -

ta Iba P to a rt R llt raaMaato. r a t a u r a r t a k a w aald a a l mMi~

a t t a r . i M t 1 If patwuaaloa waa f l tw a WWW. T ba apkbrt waa th a t M r to in a a k w ill ba iBVitod ta addraaa tb a b s a t wiaiH its of th a aaaaclatlaa o a a

.a w e b lpa l la r te a m iia n p ia a t to r s k r . h a o a d laaeaa l . la tba aiaa ta tlna tba e a t WIa a w ill ba la ft to Hr. Draw,

Mr. C raw top la laad Utal arhaa tha e a W a rt b ad baaa broachad to him aama ttto a i « a bp Ika naaltfa Baard ba had fd jjh ad tb a t ka did ao t th in k Ika aaae- a H tto a woaM laad Ita ap p rara l to ra - M to la c tb a naa a f tha danpa. H a aald a a a raaM aal o f H a lh r parkw ay had adkbnad th a t eftp sarbaffa w t« eaa had b aaa daiap lnp tk a r . In aplla a f th a UwawilaB a a t to da aa.

A hklaai m iia k a to Aaaawa PHa.A papart t r a a a eaauaittaa appointod

Sa laaaatlEBta tha f a rb a sa ailw atloa dbaw ad oppoaitiao to t k . looatloa aa Ib a aM alm ihoaaa alta la B lliabath a r a - a a a . a a a r M aak .r aranaa, o f aa locta* a ra t in a plant. T kli waa bacauaa o t t u ­to r th a t would ka d lrtrlbu tad ox th a e traa ia , In tartoraaaa w ith tra ftla . odor a a d hlgli ra luo a t tha land

Tba alm a and w arka of lha C linton

The eyer-pm ent i4entifyln{iinrk• f

D u ffPure

T ^ '4 - P iK e B«1 Romd S«h* . . b . .i i lT i O'!** w *" W be ep p ree itn d . Tbe American wejinit p rd n i , perfeetly m a ^ ^the ivory to of tbat rich color which only the French enamel can produce, while the m ahogtny is polished m 4 4and nibbed. The Adam detign to carried out in every detail, and every piece to • fine eaample o f « p e r t I | U .cabiaot work. Four pieceo to a d te —Bed, Dresaer, Chiffoonier and Toilet Table. Specially priced on ^ ^ ^te n iit of |A M Cmh, fT.0O Monthly, a t ................................... .............................. .. ■

W atches R p rTnM/ iiSf-‘ ft f’ul In I- •• r*

You Wgri D u e


sHUurrssAUt■aid AlhaM tahnlkar hr daad i to r t VMb af dtofi tw rnmm

ft. i . . ftarwator MOk MBd._ „ RAI^H a. aCMMIDT, SkarMt

Prtft 8orr. W


__________ Sill a fn Chtoewp af ftP m r-B a tw a n Blla M MnPUlI r t . mm-

Y o u r O io ic e $Hhtc one of tiMeo reeerred

for Xiwte deKvery. O th e r Stjdee a t 9 9 .9 5

TWtu af tha rtart tau rt writ rt 9m t

T h t I I AM iM tool Oinl-la cn l teed toa h e b io f aida thd hdt>


HUI Ipiproranmit Aaaoclatton wara da- a«fibad hp Mr. r a t t ln c .r la eonaao-Staa w ith .lha aaaaciatlon 't b o o u ia a of

'a a auwlaaloB paortom aat ha aald- "M apar Kaptoond H tpkt h a ra la td to t b a paopta ttoBM alaws w ith aia fo r womwlaaloa ■ avam m aat aad w t'U a a ra tb a o ltp sn.dSd a paar.' ■

A m otlati ta aOmIt wam aa to aH tobar- , phlp ta tb a o f a ntaa e a a wwat tb ro u ab

w u h a a t a dlaaaa t ta o vatea. ftoquaata Morn woaaaa to r aaatobarahlp had baan tao a lrad . H r. Draw aaM, aad Ib ara w auM ba traub la If th « r w ara a o t ad- la ttto d . Oaa B ianbar toaatloaalp ra -

' « a a a wwaM ba a o r a traw bla « tbap aaa ta t ta." Tba toottoa to ad- |M : tbarn waa M d a bp lU *. A. W. H. WbHwpBaii.

®»tMaa a f a p i ta to p ro rtd a IbPSnar pratoatlan to ■ w a h e r i a f tba a a ra a la tlra w as latdL TTbtlf It a n k . M l a r , a r s ^ l r a woald ba t o r S 3 t Ika a f wblob wa«M raoMva

Inc aatullyMopso^btaliicbccliiB. That id why docton bavt pfwctibad It BO moceaiUly for orar >0 yean cran in aavera cmat ot ecaama, rin f wotio,rubda, and many other top. maming, disfif winc lun iiateiet . Aided to *kmi baths wkb Reainol Soap, Radml Oiatmenl makat a tkli aUfl m acslp haakhyp qaiddyi •arily and at Bult oaM.

hwM Ototoak tot balMl ana .ka m « r tola to dtot aww ad d »M M hraU dnW t. Iw akl Ina a ih . I* P a d ^ l i Wton a HA

etok a ta wa dWwM, IISm i Sl '*m T t r t L rr^tto la r a r y |b m I af Karwatof aail. U two Vatort P. M . aO | ttoo tfact or Hro.1 of lead tod hirolaiftw torUnkrlp doaanhod i ' aad toiaa t« ih . r tr rt Nowfe, r N to Joroor.

$1 .00 Cash; 7Sc W eekly


BeaivUBf la ite uw urit Htai •( W aiM I BtriM at a patet aorUtafls a9eaaty»thra (Tl>

fntaS iibd lataraecthHi af tb« oiatarly UibeThere’s a Place tor a Piano Lamp in Every Home

of M ^ h Wiih airoti «ttk tk . i ia to lr llm to W arm ntnot: itoart ramtlod owthnrwlp-UirM ettj do fim t o . tt) ailawIM Hat. fifty (tot fMi ih « H am b .larM t il ldrtitoa fartytoroe <4T> ■iHWo. «ial tw « ty I n ra OSi iH ti itiw o an tb amaiy-tkPH(IS) drtrow ta* (It mlnatoa. artt fifty tiat Itot la Iba nM atotarly Uto af W aine atraMsItoiwa aoolh rttoM ill) itmmNru-mnm ( in wlmtH, aaat tn a tp - lm (Pb b a t ta tha aatoi w d i l w of toptoataA _aad b a a n u Ifa t n W arn, itrwl la ottp afHauaik. N. J.

Tba awd pnaftaH u o ooU aahliw la a prlH laaruiif. tw B.OOO u d thtoiHt Iharwa frtoi i t o u i h day to touoaitor, IPH. to to

' ■ of fl - -

There are four styles of shades to select from; the colors are blue, old rose and old Rold, and are made of the best silk obtainable and interlined with/cre- tonne. Standard mahogany finished and proportioniitely large, and the entire standard is insulated with non-conducting wire tubing. This Piano y c Lamp priced complete on terms of |ldK> Cash, 75c WeeUy, a t.............. *

This Oak H ester is made of 18- gage steel and haa l$-iadi fire pot, w^ich i t co rru p te d and double lined; nicely triiamed with nickel and win ^ eiohfieiit tatietae-tion. Spedalty priced $7.80on easy terms a t.

uawpalrt at tba n Uft. Htam i a. tteS rim i

rtid wuatBi a Partwtto to v .Hart aad aid, to dtod dairt Aaril Ik t M aad laawdrt la ito fttw . UMiir ftrtbkof^a afOto.

N aaan . ft, J., OWrtw U k WlkAiUPU k aSSWOT. Mwp» Mara a ttoow. sarn- («ll.ta)

i u i .p l . WoodWidM art,..

Matlto.1 D ub i f H n lo Now Bniaawlrt. ft. . “Sissu


D-Mk.) 8 9 - 0 1 M A R K E T S T R E E T

ITie Home of Dignified CiedH;No CoOeeton—An

Goodi Marked in Plain Figwes 8 0 - 9 1 M A R K E T S T R E E Tleranr- BetVMii Tkf Hamantb mmi Ri

BoliidlnB mnd Lomn XmacimMi^

^ a id a f a to ta rtto a a sa a to ia ia f t k i ^ l

D-linM aitotnat ck* rabbatp a f ?!■* .****.—** plkaad a t tWd a p r a r f a r

^ u C S ^ '^ C h U to fy at ft*> Itodairt HUItr, eiiw, b to

TM. H f P aaau Ttoa, bi. atto, PI. fa , tor H i. rt tototM al

ara aad Aibart kAnltor. LatUa frtiaitor. •toWtoafa. PI f t . tor Hb. 1. at r a n a m f

***" to* aH a n a u ro ad a a d ilvIiAF BY9i$99i OifiBgMUkT flWftkkdra. a f I H m l paataA th a t bath e e a e w S T S ? ^ p irp i ta a b a ta tba

C 123«S."£’

ftDllfp attolaa

' Bp vktaa af ib* oba*a alatrt writ rt fftrl la w r t to BH diftotrt, I .^11 -----------------

tha twftflb i w af Dporw-H ' Bail, at two a'aloeh P. ft., *tl ttot nan w ■i rt laad aal vralaH ittHi*, lyiaa ud

• la tha alty If ftawub. Bm Ouaty.

By rtnaa at Uw . to n topwa t . aw dtranrt. I 1 by tobUa *aadto. at i N .w vb , to Thtodar, th .w.rratop MM. at t * . nclartH iiU . tract to aatHl at hw_____MtiHt.. tyliia tod totnt to «■ Wty rt Mtoa OMirty, ftto Jraar.- ■ ^ M%rtr

H a a ^ H . wr h ha aawl haia. to t w t o ib i t a p fd aMwW k ir M.. an that S i S

M gM F r S i M l S -Mtoi r t t lia* af lb« «M' J * 'JP. aUrtaAto ralraianw

s n U F F t S A L U

. bad ofHplaiaad r i r W a a ^ t j

rt t t , jiatol ww .to to* djnatoA I

Ibtto H .fc a at r t fatodto, tt ta r ^ i^ adlra «

S t A p!•‘““r j w . '

ssf mmaaa Haa faMdW wItt bCam P U a to i^

1 aad twatoy Sh i laari pr Ira

Bcalaalnp la (to Mittatly Haa at Naa airS. dWaat raiwly mm baadnd aH ' * puaUnm fenmni ' Ntv filrMl smlito t

%» to •w«ed toy_ __ toat Ha M iw to ty -^ to M m


rmr at Uw kt iw« wfSrW to. Otorti ibtoH awthwla

ar taa, to aw tof ttrwi: t b a m , ^ ^ twwftr-n*. ^ ^ *"* **

I toitaatoc.Labar'a Uh

taat-VM daatot at a aatoi to ito Uto rt HriW ttn m h . haadrat H iHt 111 Ib u h nartbarly fr*« tto

at (b ra MTart: tb«w . aartt **itoBtjt.

a* Ha SM fttwa

_flfly-lbto* iBllltlH HOI alont .Uto rt a fiaaw b am tbtitr.ft. Itot

toabw to tto laar tow at m it baawi m m m bw tt toruty-twa, diarr a abrbtoaa BitoaaM mm ajity t i n fwi t tm laabw nwr* ta Jra la Mraiaw JiaMtonra raw Mw; ttrtto aartt Mh « fHa|bwdl*rd', n ir tow

M U t o e T ^ i t t e B to W t o p l7 ^ 3 i* lb . r a p s to to wT laM f t tra to, — TtoT awr*

ba r m ito rt awllh u d Olaah'a JZ7 ■***" bp to M ^ iM g Uwaa*

A , a. wud'r _____(•atop M IM Iir tto* to aarbw mmn. UWH Math.^ alrtf Ito awH iia. af luiiM

Ito*. [«* JS* t-b p , w m « H i, to nnypwmp.

iwaatP’w rH by 111. iwrtto Ifant* •,•!»., aad lira uww* raraap traa alMy-iwa dipiato aM twHly-flv* fwt; ttHU iwrih at riant anBlw wHb N u wimi m. baofrrt ani krtpra. fMi itoaaa atrtb aMr-ira dPiftto. wMi tophi tM la* toebw; tkrnto mihwiy twly.faar fM Oft toahaai tb.M. Bank aad h a Ua* at rlpht aapUa with Mania bth p . nton*H fwl la tto « « Um af In aamtor Iwatv.: ttn*. tlaac araa atoptorlr alaaly-flr* fwt to, lartw ta Haw .ad piM. at tu ra iaa. Map M....................... awPt ar Dwa Ak*M ap MnDane.

Kawarto ft. I., Otortw ML IPIAu A L rit k acm nDT.

sSftSw T 'Ji


Snail Oittoaa dwr.


m m

» •

« '^ - r to r u J s : i " - J to r i^ i« itweiklY'mlM_ _ wraw- -WrtY tm

jv Mw ww mid (nrtyiMlHifi W thn

noH iumJfenef—]Hif nnddfifei Rntm,' VL primilnei

Itr tola to artrtpaaia

8B IR IPPS SALKSI to Ih* aftp at Kawark, I

Haw Mraap.eutoaiap to ttt ■ aita atrart at a

■ wi w ij kaa at Mm. _ tot Ibnato dtotort twohaairad aid alaaty-iwa •••*?•• rtabu waira arlp bra Ih. wtottwirttolpaWBW rt tt . M . tod w.»irtp P ^ to laid, aat — —>rt H «rp Oerrp, atoda. bp J. M.. Orwtotort;

ka* rt t t u n WHUrIp at Mira mwtop

ib M t t t wartwtpt liBrtp- “Bra M l

" i m f wall dlrld-

■awtor IblrtoM r t a

Ihlrtf kww* rapuw -- -- ktovamw, (w wmm rau touii ■* • whu i • wBlup. ay publl* vaadaa, at lb , caratJ., Oalrttr ■*!(. tttt. r im rh . a t Tawdap. t t , .twragrta iL P fl A BCftilftT. d ^ f t N*Y«ntor Baal, to tr a Vatort, I*. I

ladfarty. M ‘f . . «U M )

X vtnat rt tba abau rtaltd wfU rt M . (a mb diH rtid. 1 rtbU apaau tw a ^

ibrssTaIran ar parai rt bud ta d rtra M lrti« tod totap la Uw aftp rt HaWWriCau.Ap. Kaw

at rlaht laplto H inart lha r a

t o ^ 'dcM tod btto tha aw adfttaliit m tto aortb .toM t-a*. t M t t g u ia a tW » HioUrt with i B w t o t t au ra tbktp^M M j ito r a Htowly at

■ilap tba .waa Ih.M-, aU ttrt tot tba bam

Dart, A Katttito. tt,(Cbmewp 0-4d l., kHERiPra tAUt-u <m b m ,

iw oto—krtwHii fU*ut)A ib r a comptolaufe aad llarra t Blrrtcnniitotoub a a . .narra ca unaan *i ra ., prtudMta. m. f t , tar taft rt nwlppal**M*Xtto rt Ito atow toalad wrll at tiarl f"f— 1* to* dirartad. t iheMrtpw (to h N to iiblli rrtdaa at Uw rapt bara ta Sawart. r t Ttortly. Ow Iw^rtphtb dto at K am ra nart, M tra artatt P. ft . ra9-* B E i'a '

(Chtatory D-ffV.l__ _ a*Ui-i* CbMwtr tf

dwwrt-ertwra Vrrattob A wieatolaaBt, aad Ailbar O SttUa puto A Biaitt. bit wB., ■idrtdaadi PI to.,tto H it rt t o o r tp ^

Bum uap u a North “ “ "rty rrmn ttb|

nnd ilMmUf AYmmiWi tbow ra rt Uw au w

tod to ripM aaptaa It Kartt S a M h - " ftiircbtoraL a w t t r t W ^

p , ^ AadM. at Ito

Omngrwfntiemlie* ■*Sr-.

jIS :/

be taoiSiBii ooTMT od tko UMI to

H I* Nawtii: thtom nitohip <11 IIM rt Ito toad, rt told Or a l*.

Maty raraia'M d iMHy Ssffi: bad aad rtup-llpt M to aa

■w dPtotad.

r w p ^ a a l a S t j n t o T . ^ ^

n d T fta tto lb . ft*p rt Ntwirli, M to . OnMy,

^■tofttoM'l* t t . ao i^. r u a i a i a pelH (barrtbMiaatwlp bra *ba mbftraati t tU H ftni. top awOittiMfifi fittfOBt ®HN| ”959$~~~r, m. »i-irtnaa tartaai t t o m ummt* patolft --- CbMlar a*HW ntraiy-flr. fra: tta toara to -

r s S T M mtr a n atiittoild. aad ,ib*ra ay lh

kkLrii lL aCMifm. s b ^ .

■m w ffra iS f $ X

ft-!TtoWrt5SsSnfi. r . £rSia a BHiaabai ai a palat to tt* taHitora < WrtbM iaad Pbto* dUMuit aaa br i l ttd <

____ —— ._.«ly.wly patoUal wiia Ifn wrt ra r tort ibrw i tta aaftkrtip Ito* rt

i i R i r r s S A ip* laM draw

CBair t bu bMB a. iOnm omVuOm *e veameraa ¥•«■io ltk Tnwti, fiWmtoi Ifii M No^ork,S M to M to r^ ^ ^ to A M rt^HpaMI.

M p fra: tbwiH aUd Ua* rt Wan

Mbto »r*a« art^h.adtrt fail:patoDai with Ib* fttrt.raiH tarty r a k t a l IPMW aatiarly panlM wilt ib*h«B ^ M t* I Waataabto at



' BC01OOT, ShaHff.Muaftlto, Vaa Btoiraa A H u rt.


___ _ iE S d S S ” c h S ,wT at ftrayarair^ftnwHB Edith A Hayw, ara f lalp.

PPL pad KUiktott Brpw M hla, drtr t ia .U - P I fa., tor M rt awMtaprt p n a lm

By rWtiw rt tt* r ta* . MUrd « m rt ftort bwiM. t* to* dirrart. I .hHI r a w tw tola

at tto tarn baaia la twamh dap rt D*e*«- P. ft., a n tlitt awtaJa

____ ____ ___ aad BfHBiM (H ut*.totop tad batof to tt* city at bararh, ftHW OHtoy, ftaw Mtoy.

iKwait. an TaiBitor. tb* t w * ^ * tor a u t , rt iw a T c M b. ft., a iillit t t m m ar aaitol rt laad i

Tar tb ' aad tb* 1

Waaaan atb * tabji tu ^ la a a cuai t d I porary a aad Oct<IBMtlBE aratlon p aed . 1 th* apri V-adaratl a t th* O ta fa n * war* prt

Th* I Bartha 1 paarad « kirrtoiaw aubMcl axplaln* th* prtni to thaw woarar i arano* farttloak

In t a i b* aat -Ik* Idt aaU It I

a twwat t t pad an tadt'

arwall 1 n Ml

S T m

w* piMaUloP tip* tai


' i r a ,tbal, b heMlaa

“ S T-a la ttw fraf* tla alafl a ataaiw in aai faw t t '

MawAt a

whiah Baaaoa had b< ■laat l a i an tb* W tlllai ta aweo raaipM OiffordBiaaUBi

Tb* b a tan a aptpta t t * *xi tM ah wwra r

h a s t b

ln« bi abawtt Alttaw aiab 11 He f b


cipb rt t t * to abl* t BaaUi lattw* • a a tr t

tian , !aa d a b* aeieardll

A I w ard, ta aei t a l k baitdi

t t* ft

mt Ti

H abtward

ft. r

A. C. •la*

Ml a ui


•M ltabft

G reat Economy Sales in All D epartm ents!

H (arty m llM


i NM n iu U w

Ur m UMM I*L MfUia tllHt*.

t, Mmmirty HmM m 4

■MUrlr It HIM«4 iSm:

M M tlsf ot th t Naw J a n a r Stata Fad* aratlon o( Woman'a Club# at Rldca-

d. It v M alaa praaanlad both at ■piinc ronvanttan of tha Itata

Fadarattan In H a f and a t tha m aatlai ot tba Oanaral Fadaratlon In Naar Tork la jnna. Mambara o( Conlaniporary warn praaant on a ll of ihaaa oecaalona.

The ap aakar' paatarday waa Ufa Bartha Hollar of Now Tork, who ap- paarad under tha anaploaa o t tba Hotaa kftteiaw ir a ta d r Claaa ol tha niub. Her aablact waa H o w to Draan." and aba aaplalnad It waa bar purpona to apply tba prtnolplaa of oolor and tlna to dreaa to abow bow tha Individuality ot tha Vaarar B lcb t ba aipreaaad without ref* aranua to arb itrary and ehanclnt faMilona.

In aaplaltitBc bow a new atyta M libt ha aat In faablona Mra Bollay aald * ^ a Idea of alandardlaad draaalaa—1 aall It baaottfnl draaalnr—la to naa a •aw n aa tana aa It la fit for aarvlear H e ra la no ranaon why a tow n of haaattful atataalad ahould bo dlaoardad ■Wlar a aaa aon.* aha aald; T lftaan or t wan ty raara la wot too lone I* wear a twwa If it la not wom-owt" Bba made tha p ^ t th a t If woman would aaab an ladtaMoal faA loo. aultad to thair aWB taaaiiaaHU and would ataadardtaa thin, tharo would ba no naad ta r trO'

aKtaavneBBt ahantaa la faahloaa

• W a * £ * kaww th a t daaan U bala« •MMMohaiaad.’ aha aaM. “and that waara all t H f Ttottiataad."

n M M lftollap had bar way ahirt* uailall wowM baoa no plaoa In tha wui ^ abu a« Hta wnll-draaaad waMin Tha aapaauda hhwiaa aad ak trt aba calM t h t tB arlaaa malform.' aad aaM It M • • way auMparirt to tha ona*plaea ■Huaawt ta r ■aod a ty la

Va aMphaaln th a t fM trhioh. aha i h * * t o d m a H n . Hallay adrlaad •M laa t lao rartad «aa ot aolora la uwa-a atM foL Hy tba^uau of Urln* Madaln tM ahowod haw the aaa town

____ aav ha aonyariad lute ua r laaa aluhara ta Buutlan ta aatt H f W watdn of tha waarar. Far

a laa Jackal ot ehltfea or , wuaw w ith aUk or aalrat allp.

•aaa flaea la aa alaharata tunic of a alaOlar M aUrtal th a t ehancad tha « i- Tlia aaatuMa tatu a aodal tar formal aaauMd wuay.

The rfmpleat hawdalr aad naomtuf •owaa arata traatad, la tba a a s a way, U balae daa eautaatloa ot I t r a Bailey that, by M aptlny a oolar achaaM and baldlae to that, aeoaoooHoa may bo added froM tlma to Hma a t r a r r littia

**Sn*V aflay aapraaaid tha baltaf that oclothaa ara mora Important than aut- freya to a woman.** She appealed for aapraaaloa of tha arttaUc and iplrltnal hi Mathaa aad aaM, *wtwn woman taka a ataad lOr fraadom In elothaa, man w in ooma to aaa th a t woman can do a few thtasa."

•a w nwadaao*. liuaM At tha baalnaaa aaanloa of tbo club

whiuh pToeodod tha laotura. It waa aa- aaunoad that H ra Clifford a . Woolaort had bean atactod a t tba laat board maatlny ta aaoeaod Mra. Oscar R Flynn on tha hoard o t truataaa and that Mra William J. B a i l o r had bean ataetad to anooood M ra B. Oarflald Olfford. Tha raalt natlona ot H ra Flynn aad Mra fMftoTd ware raaalyad a t tha laat board maoUBC.

The report of the traasarar shawad a halaaea on hamd of t l .lT t.f t. Tha ra* aulpta tor tha year wars IM IM t and the aapaadituraa t i .H l.H . Raporu of t t e AM rman of a taadlaa oommltleoa wura raoatrad. aad M ra Ikmia F. l>liar, ahajamaa of tha rsrlalana commlttaa praaautad amandmanta to tha\by1awa th a t win ha aetsd ea by tha etuk a t U a neat hattnaaa umatlaa.

Mra Btapfcan B. Harrlaoa atfarad a awtlaa M at tha adah, ihrouph Ha proper chaaaala aaa Its taflusnes to hara Mra Mariiaiwt C. Bauttaaor, who la ba­in* hull ua a eh ari* of murdar for ahnatMf bar huShaad, raUaaad on ball. AlthuB*h It la a atandln* rule of the ohib that ■taaolatlona ooaoamluc pub- lla t a uiUan a or lawraaiaata shall ha eotad upon a t a hnalaaas m aatlay tol- latHa* praaaBtaUaa,'* Mra Clara Lad- day uawtaudad th a t la th is laatmnea tha club ahaiHd arnuts pabtle santiment and tha maPUon waa adopted. I t Is prOb- abla that Iho aetloa la taTor of H ra Bauliaaur wTO oama tb rd n th the layls- lattos uaauaaittsa, of wbMi H ra Baatrleo M. BUra I t ebalnaan

To tbo aacluatys oad TSrlad ■tylao of oo tU nn and tba un-

aluodunaatlonod Bood valuod offarod muat ba a ttribu ted the ulatoat phanomanul bualnaat dona up to data th is year. Wa hays aa- readad all forraar years In yol- uma of aalllna, our laadorah^ belna now uanerally ooknowi- odtad: baaldaa bnyln* t io a tha larcaat diamond doaton la anoh volnma aa to aacuro towaat prices. Wa m ouat moat at ear dlaamnda, aad tha InQuanea ot oar own fuatnry la raflactoa In OUT prtona This ayalom will ba of f ra a t palpfslnaas to yon If yon

G e t i t a t

HOLT’SB IP M I B v f n '

10 .0 0 to 1,0 0 0 .0 0

n KW M n FMonsT MMOm f l l K '

Broad (AciideinirSti8 «« H ett'a G raat Diamond Window


BLADDER BOTHERUric Add f i Mc«t E icittt KUm]«

and Irritatn tkc Bladdtr.

Take Saftd at r i n t S ^ of Bladdtf WeakaoB or KidiMT*


•ayarnl minor la tha nowhawM haia* l amodalad for Warden Ban- Jaa la R BwUay a t tba Oynrhreefc Boo- • tta l warn srdsrad yuWartay anam oaa h r tha hnlMtoe niiiiiailHao a t the Board a t F raah aldarR tollaw lav aa laapaeUoB a t the hnildliM. I t w in ba toady far aeeupnaey w tthta a month. Bavaral lai- p o r t a t baprovamaata a t tha lastlta- tlsn, laalatnac a bow wtn* for woouai aad a now saaraea diapoaal ptaat will ha acted npea tha f irs t a t the year, aa* esrdla* to pr anaa t pinna

A hoUdlaf orontnd aa a aaotivlnna ward, hot aaaar naad, ta bala* chaa«ad tn aewammaiita tha wardaa. At ptun- aat ha haa ra ama la lha adsatnlatratlea baitdtnt. Aa aaoB aa the BOW piaca Is aaaiPMod hla praaant m a n will bo ro* medolod for aOalnlatfmtlon purpaasa Ms pmnaa t Taartorn bMa* laanffMoni.

KMoay aad Bladder waakaam iSHlt •tie aeiA aara a Bated aatkarlty. The bM- aera diter (Me ad d tiym the btaad aad a w h «B la tha bUddar. Ohara It •ftsa raair U iTTfute aad Indamh oaoWa* a boro •ealdlBU eanmileB. ar sat(taa ap aa IrHio- tlea at tba aaMt at tba Madder, aMtalaa yea te aatk raUaf to o ar thraa Uaam dartaa iko Bifbi. Tbs asBarar la la saamaai dtaaA the oatar p w aa lamattmaa with a seaMlaa i •atlaa aad It vary prafUae; aaam thm dimeulty la aystdla* H.

Bladder oeakaaaa meat tetha mB R -IT— they esa't aaattol ulaattaa. W H la eitremaiy aaaeylna aad eemetl very palatul, Ikla ta really aaa a t the ■ ■linala sllBMats ta arereema OM al (ear eaaam af Jad Balts tram year fhar eWt aad taka a laMaapaeaftl la a ftaat at oatar Ssfara Staabtaat. eeaaoaa Ikla Nr loO ar thiea dars. This otll aaotratliH the aMda la tba uiaat as It aa I s a w la a saora trHtadaa ta tha Madder aad yrtaary an ohiah tMa aat aarmally at a lR

lad Balta la iBsxyaaatm barmiaaa aa ■ada brem tba acid ef araata aad la jitas. aamsiaad ottb mbtA sad N uaM ibaasaada al falha who ara aabdaM artaary dtai r dwa bauaad br otN aaU In Ueo, lad nalta m aplaodtd Nr fcMaaye aat

Bert yen bam llthta-oatw dHal Madder imbla.- asHa Oe.

a plaamdt, aBS oblab nslahly

aw lad

mmm'm p j g jBmmsMamdnaMoaa (a r dffloara o t tba

T aan* Maa’s Bialiiiaa Club wort ra* W in d last bight hy tha aomtnattag apmmittaa a t a m aatlag tat the B aaii a t Trade rooms. The alaotion will ha hsM In two wwaka F onA riac is tha alnta pranaa ta i:

F ar praaddoat, W. M. F aadat>oal andO. H. MInmorur; far floa waaldaot, Fradsrick Hurt, B arbor l Hannocb and Bahart 1. H. WMob; fa r nsorotary, Bd- ward Hoff aad John W. Dobblaa; for traasarar, L M. Btokaa, lanao Aaan aad R F. T uohari'to r trastaa (thraa to ho ahosaa), O a o m T. Owoa, F. M. UmR A. C. Fllgar, i . B. Mtalion, B. C lap* •loo aaM IL Ntalsoa,

Mi bow mambar a wara admitted aad . a talk a a tM ghaiaaU aa’' waa made by

W. T>. (FDaaaaU at Braaklya. Flaaa ware aaa aaa oad fa r a anokar to ba gtyaa Paoambor H ,

«pmM JanN i af Ms n m t .n A K O J K , Hoy. IS,-*Tfea aaaalag

had baking amhlbHa n t a (nir ta ba «1«an Batnrday, Moyaaabor H. a t tha FranhNn Vaaatlaaad ichaol, wW ha. jadgM by a a aapaft frsm tha Btate Ba- porfeMat Btatlaa;. Farm DeMeastrater FM I R Beam each trlU Ja d g a tha yaga* taWa akhlHta. imwta R Qarrta, aaalat* M l oemmtaalaaar of adaaatlon. and Hr. Haaaatch win m ake addraaaaa a t tha .fftaroeoa ■aarton. la ardar that yiti*' a n may aaa th e Oary aystam ot tha F w ahlta Bchaol la oparatla i all ef tba

wUnaMa will bold aoaatoaa dnrtag

.............. I


JE ST VANISHESrh* MoBMBit DtipepelB'

RctdiBB Um StoMBdi AM DirinwOow.

iBBtetly Stofi AajrHBBffkam, Additr,

Tioany daaally dear-■vsslly

da, aaa, heart barm aod emraam m Ilea iaia ■tas-^tbat—Jew tba i mabi i P ipra Ua- lepaa tba laraaol HHaa aaawam ratWaNe la lha oetid. II what roa eat Nrwmta lata itabaera laaipn roa bet ib ma aad anal mar eadlaeelid lead aad a w ; b ^ N dl aad aabaa, beealb teal, taagni meted, y ijHidaa nusd oHh bita aad ladlaaatl oiale, w aumbar the aaaaaaat '*Vnpn I papMa" cimm la mo tai l wKb lha MamaSh ell aaah dNtrma eatbdwa. t ra in iy aaNa- leblag—alawal marn l ia a, aod tha Jap la

D f w m k W o w * « in iiw p r t » f « iB rI n c r i o n th b a d rtr te a ie titn d wtwfflMllTMHMiGwaf Ahm m a m m m m m m m m m u m e kind fo r O N B C K N T .

Y o a BTC gt liberty to boy bb n o d i and m often aa yon Bk*. N o Hb>Hs to dHBH at ^ (d fB K ttfB and M ilte d M ilk exocqptod).

W o retm re the rigtit o f n fo riiiK n k a to dealen.No good$ dtUtmtd. No mail ordm aeeepttH, No goodo ekargod

or ooMf C Ol A No ordtrt taken after etoek U exhaaotod.

1C One CentBays a QaBaliie

B aayy m etal, aoam air

1*9 M i M t MSL50 P IN T S I Z E

Tbennos BottleW haa parehaaid w U h a haad* '

B V U U N■BTlBdfO D ii CAI

ai.CABB a t I

B o d i l w * l -5 i


C o f f e eONE


TMo tm I ta gewha aT aa^ty , rise a ready for noo.



GOOD T O E A T40c U n o t r s C iw n ConnBcla, Ib. bOK...........................2 fo r 41coe Bwdw'o Matted Bilik.................................................. 2 fo r 40c

IR at m oio th an h h o ttla s So a a y aam aaornm in l

19e Bottfe Qnew Oiirca...................................................2 fo r 36e2Se B rnkfart Gocob (H lb .)..............................................2 f o r 26c46e Ftm ch OUn OU (Vi pint) decBBter b o tth ............... 2 fo r 46e

25e Gne< Joke (plots) ..................................................2 fo r 26caoe Jw P u n H aw y......................................................... 2 fo r 21cU o Pyraadd SploM, sw orted ..........................................2 fo r 16c2Se U n e tP s MiiBuiade ................................................. 2 fo r 26c3Sc Iw ii ................................Vt pooBd, 3Sc; ONE POUND 36c2Se BMpbiiry and Sl f twtwwy Cnrrsiit Ja a i................. 2 fo r 26c

Sc W(igkT’iS|MtfidHtaiMSterliM[CiMwin8 GtniH..2 fo r 6c2Sc U*AB No After DbnMr H ln ta .................................. 2 fo r 26c29c VsbABs Extract, Riker..................................................2 fo r 26c21c G n e^n d to la Manaalade ............................. ^ ..* 2 fo r

T o i i C f C b ^A lm ood aad Baoeala LoU oo. . | f n yB arla a Taadh r * ^ ..................SfgpSldOaoMlo Soap ..................^-<SfarltdOcoera Blao Fooo F a w B a o . . . . | f g f M g

. g w Clothe ....................... 1 far lieFbABM aoad cU aow .....i..S f«rtlc

I O ialB ta Boor T n l S M . | f o r M cI Maad Brmtbao .................. (>tfarM<I B. R Jl noM Bfwl •oap..|ggSpaSSc

ad • (......................... l lw S la*■■ ‘ .•••••** .-1 fa r l i d

' <MmSe..............a f a r l i eto Faia VWwdNr.Sfarllc d OmBW.,......SfggMc» ........... .S fa rM e1 w o a w . '. . .> . . . . s f a r l ld ' S fdrSSc

For the Smoker

IA Tutfe flf tr-M l <

rta ortll itve fiw 8 k« oetklfllfWHl «R M I iIfa wtrtb Ha w M ^ m gMd «s wan aod

oam sa wh# a a n t naa M sN alsamiha letu* M bA It batakga N yoar bim a MiMd al- v a ia ba bapt baady m aam ad a Buk, a iw . laaat alsmash durlag lha day ar atakt tra the osNkaah «w eat aad meal barmtamaMau eab rmnlat ar la lha warM.

I W aahi laataatly aa iN aMam the •Mda la the Mamaah, isapa feed Nrw m ta tlea ar eaaitaff, ahaarbo aaam aad i l itN tbedleaMlee. Tba ralM la antah. awn, w a f

sNnmah ani f wnm n e a a ahaasal a n l l l a g fa im Idyrnfairniab

_oxM tm Ka«. U.-rnIdlm M ohr ' ' SHIM JawaM, tw a n ty la n r raara sM aad ' J P S I * wwnijM at StaaBM RW . Ta»wa

* .Mimnr wiyNSK attfar

-(-i . ■ ’f '-i* r'.‘ ''i.-*

btneted w itM a fwrtkle of pttiB.

dr.l i8umbeh;q[

...... . 'S fa rlfa• l » » . . | f | M l « e0 fa N a n ... . 't7 w lle

< M > .. .S |W S S aTaha i t n . . > f a l U

n r s f f l i ) " « f a n 5ii22rGw. M silu t BBd

WsMl StSu

Household Weedslar Bahlag Soda. fnH pannd...... X fartlctPe Blandki Iran Fllis (MSal...... S far 30tMa (W ni*TBh,f.grt.M ainbot,|fgrM « gar Popolar ItseialB, aleOi bsood tfarSScMN “ivoiiy'' AARTHBd ...........XfnrSfcBN amtlomary ....... ..IfarM ca n OnaraiaNad IW M ln triW m

b-at- ................................ I far U Ssa* HIGH OBADM wiitnmi I on.

lAmallaoa Felmdal), id n t. . . . f f a g d c ana dnyw BMaom IWa...............S fa rtlc

mat nT MaBMMa..*i..........SfarSCcbio r inyiog om da....................XfarSScaaa BW ar Ohayna. Mawday.........SfarStc••a tnaMuT RmNaNoi % San. .1 g|(gi, Xl«lie Mat noo* Tmktam................I f a r l lc .tea daBd ANahal. BaaM cna....,.]fgr Ifaaam TaahIM *awoto..........•••■.-XfarSlcgtJdTarfclah Tammta ............. I fa r lL s l

........ ...........k f a r lU l

" T H E 1 B I Glumi>»ipieBenuCT

If You Do N ot Take “Sperry” Gold Stam ps

With Your Purchases You Are Losing Money

"Sparry" OaM Sinnpa tio tba abaohRe agalvetBi la egsb, far HIM baoka mny ba radaMDid far $2JO WORTH OF MERCHANDISE ttl ANY DEPARTMENT OP THIS STORE (vWth te Iba amM at raMiutw 3K « ta b dteeanai ao yaw parchaa), ar FOR S3 IN CAM AT THE H R H.OFFICE ON THE FIFTH PIOOR.

TbraacbM tba oaemiT, tliMaaads af paapta tie w«fas (baaa aMBpaloday-Hnd If yen da oat take tban, yea an ftaply d»piiy1g(| yoaiMlf of a priuUoM wbteb ooatt ye« aailtiac and ta rn ya« Maoay.

It te an a^ almpte. Wa glaa yea ■ "Spany” Sdaiap Bank, and wMh taeb Ufa parebaa yao pat om Maop aad an daobte praAi-abafiac daya, yga cat t«> tlaaipd.

Wby aai bafta ta aaua ataaipa aevP

Toniorrowy Thursdiy, b Double Proflt"Shartnf Day for C cdledon “Spary" Gold Stem piTea "Sparry" GaM Stampd wtib Buoy tte Fareban and tbte pn*-

dcalty n e a a a diaenani af S ptr eaol. aa yogr parebadaRRaewnber. ta addMan ta tlite pram.alMflac Gnaalmt’a, ye*

always cel

**Better Goodf for the Same Money, or the Same Goods for L en Money Thtn Eliewbere.**

i Price Sale of Trimmed M illinery

Tba Mf Nafambar a n a l v h « wa taka aaary bad bi dWMUHotry Sateo aad radwa iba ncolar mWm P d« eaadly H.

la otbtr wa«da lonanaw yaa aaa boy

$ 2 0 H i t B « t $ i a

$30 Hall B t $15.$5 Hats at $24K).$10 Hate a t $6.$15 Hats at $7Ji0.

J o t tbbik wbat lU a nieans. T a t b a n a ebaloa a f bwadiada a f axcaiftM a p a d m a a a f ollU nafy, new in tba n r y b t l |b t of f a n r , a l a fult Muinc «f aM -baU.

Sepiwmacfr In

Coat V aluesfar Women and JHIggee.

faunanM rariehM of atylteh tn d adryicabie Mata far Itta A ttnaia ■ad Winter wear nra shown here

A t *9.75 to ‘75 ♦

Womaii wba ara keen lndpea of fabrics and faabiont wiH cN* IbdW c o m tha verdict of appraual and acree that tbay tra tba baat f t l a a abawa la New York today.

Here Are Coats for Every OccasionFrasi eyanlnc wraps of porpla velyet, trim nad with fa r aad lined whb

white ailk, at 375, to ptaatecaate « $45, broadclolb coals a t $MA0 » m m t c o m of gray and black mixed tweedx xi $8.75.

UnquMiloiubly the beat collaetlon of c o m tn New York a t tba

Men’s Suits & O vercoatsA t $20

Remarkably fine lan n aela , la the a a a a n ’a beet itytea and roatarlate.

The Suits at $20Practically all the most wanted fabriet tn neweat two and three b « -

t(M m ela-

The Overcoats at $20Prindptlly ataplo btecfca and Oxfarda. Many lined with Sklaaef't

Mtin. Alao bifc warm Utetara In entya, brownt and ovcrpbilda; doobte Of aincle brewted.

W o m e n ’ s K n i t U n d e r w e a rLight W eithi V etts, Pania, Tighta

and Cambination Suits of 2Scribbed cotton; at —

Mcdinm Weiebt Vealt and Pants; neatly trimmed; extra aiiNi it .........................

Medlam Welghi V a n , Panta aad T lfbta—re tn la r and axtra CAyv alipa (extra fine q iu li ty ) . u F V

Fine Stitched Merino Wool Veate and Pants —* medium weiebt( a l l t b l l y im perfect); 79c

Beya’ iteJay'Day 0 « lf lta —Rubticriied ooata and hale—aw e peotecbeiifor yaw boya daring any downponr; ilxw 4 to 16 yeara; *1.95

Bayif Orereaafa Donble-bfeaatad, bgttanHo-nack ityte; gray, brown and Fancy MixtBios; tranniy Interlined; lixee 2 ta 7 >1 OK

Banf Nareby Salta—Fancy nrixal Cborioti aod Caaalmaret; brown, tan and tf*v; alto blaek oad while checki; "Tommy Tucket" •tylee Included; tixce 2 $ | A £ to 8 yeara; B t............... l a F U

Men'e WlHler Capa—A well-known maker’s entire tample line, comprieing floe Englieh Tweed Cape; aibera of Kersey, Plush and Serge; all a n ■Ilk Mnad; some with InaMc far bands; regalar prices ta$t and higher; a a te ....................................- ...............................

HeR'a Dpibka and Saft Bala—Newett ahapea in soft hata; heal eohm; 3| darbies in black only; all tires; m Ic.....................— ............... ■

Annual November Sales of Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums snd Upholsteries

Maw taecaafal u tea In the hiatory of "Tht Big Store” ara now In pragnaa. Year b a t opporinnity to economlio on whatever yon need In Ibeaa Moa of gaodh

Hand-Painted China and Bric-a-Brae■■■a PtMed ORva Eata—Cooriet-

Ing of 7 p l a e a a l

Rand PaJatad Oatmaal 8«t^_An aiariinent of daoara- 2C |»ite a ; t e t ..................... .

Saad Pnlated Diaaaw Safa i A r —g pteoea; Mrt

HuM P M a i Oraekee and^Chaaa

Palfaiy Vaaa — Diffenni ahapea

■. Si. 2Sc to’3.25Japaaaa Hand Pataled Vaaaa—

Varlona beautifal docoratloa

Sli..’*rM9cto’l,89llaam an H a a a O n u awW i — Aa*haadbm

. . .n

Dtefam — Aaaofiawiit a f4wwrwlaM ; d i a l c a ...........

land Pbfafad lea Craaa Eala— SouiB pteoa; F * r < | i Q

■art maw and prices


amt of hiadbwna gfoaps

"a” ; 69c to *8i0oad F a d a s t a l a —'

•1.95 la *950.41

Um Ms dWf Oraea Tr»U iie Sterna* Paraaasns, StogJa J M f t te m p t Aflarmeee*. DemUt OtiU Stemr*

A a D ay ramonww O a » . ________________

■I.’'ik ‘-ft --i - - I k s

•b a s k e t b a l l S F ^ O R T '

F O O T B A L La t h l e t i c s


IN O R UAGUERSC ifU Fm rd Vf Malmal Saw*

M l A t t a d i t m M 1 9 1 7

C n v a t i o i .


tarllmtlen to th« l4*tto«*l A*»«l»tto» • f FreroMloMl U««iio* toMMt u uio Howtt«st r w toy »ki4 froitt Moor o* tho4ol«IMM pMQottt tafo r tbo M iloaal w plU l kM It la ballavad that th* aaal ■laartaa a t t tx arcaaiaailoe of mlaor i i a n a a will t« ><> tll*t ^*"***rrtaa , proaManl of IM Nawarh ladlana, ■ r w in l i l t t a in tltallpa to ma*l la Now* arft a«4 aaka< Um M a«at«« to «on> aMaa It aa appileatton for Iba naotlna la 1*11 la aaaa tha «ala«alaa oota4 to m m t t a l i l t (a lh a rlac aUawhara.

RaaraaaatattVM a f flaaa B laa*««a w at p isttrA ar aak latar aui4a a formal ft^anri U ai rapraaaolatlnn an tha na> tloaal Caaiinlaaioa ba »lvaii tba nitnor laaiaaa* arcaalaallon. It waa clatwad •hat tka n ia a r laavaaa hava mara aaa4 • t raaraaaaiaMaa aa tha aupraana ba«a- haS \ t i r thM tha B aaaM t Plapara' rM ta ra l tr A raaolntlaa to I h la affaot will ha iraw a ap bp tha caaM lltaa aa paaalatlaaa. tt waa aanaanead, and win ha aabaiUtad ta tha dalacataa toda* ar


HBV YORK. No*. t8 — Mil* lioitilrdt muat travdl )w t like •ihcr folk* Ml f«« tt fd tbd Haf< v«rd-Yalc feotbaU game ea tba mominc ef Notrcnber 2$. Th* New York, New Hm « ta d Hartford Rallredd, l a d l h t tnlRe linimcd and tlM demhhd fhr ipO' clal ira liu and Palliran c a n to Ntw Havdit ikdt m ornlnf un< precedenttd, threw up it* hand* today and daddod to run only coach tralfia, eacept for It* u«ual ■orrlco. All apeciat aervicd muai run Dtil the prevlou* day or o l t h i .

West Hudson Bowlers Start League Season

P Y T H I A N P I N - J O L T I R S H A V E

D A T E S R U N N I N G T O H A Y 2 4

A lanatby aaliadul* of nMtRha* baa haan draw* tip lor tba IM bU* U a au h which roll* Ita apmaa oa Iha Whlh* aarib-W batto* allayt. Tha tonraa* mani I* a haodloap affair tor flt* 'inaa taam a Tha aompatUlaa la blUad lo rau until May II.

Tba acbadula far tba ramaladar of tho aaaaa* fallotrai

Movambar i t , R tb k A ra. Haary riapA: 11, Roth ira. Rthte Bi n , Oraolta va

DaoMaao an 111 dMpatad aaaaa la- d a j will ha bandad dow* by tba Ita* Uailbt Babrd a t ArMtralloit

Praaaat a t tha maallna yaalardar war* war* than tdd dalaaataa, rapra* paallBff alataaB a lp o r laacua*.

Rrawraaahr* Aj I*. Apab A m. Apaa B:Fra­il, XUiia A T*. Haonr Clay B: It,

•raaalr* B a a Bthic ■; I t , Balh r a Pra-

msmjmmmvxtD S P H Y S K I A M A T C Q U

AfLAKMt O b. Not. II.—Fraatdant W ilaaa'a aarraa war* lb* Mtadiat t i* tii* affUlal baaaakald ih* day aRar Bla*M*a. aaaardWc u Dr. Oary T. Orhy- MM. lb* WhIU Ka«a* pbyatotan. Pr,

•r* la adMaaa tha BaatlMm AaaatlMiae aanvaatta*. laid

aie tit that lb* praaidant IM a t ffair laal Wad a iaday afiar-

. • thibdi b* do** aa l uaaally do.*U you want la know about bla

aarTab” aaid Or. Orayaaa. la rtiMy ta Baratul iBuuIrMa aa haw tha Praaldani

' tha alraiB af iho atacUaa, i *** •ataatb lnf U tudpa by. t

ba it with ilM Fratidaal Wad^. , with Ik* aawa IkYortha Haghaa

bad araryhady aaatMd. B* pkyad tba Boat •* « « t a*ar aaw hlai play, Baually haat him, ba t ka boat laa Wad- aaadby. HI* p a ttla s , tha raal taat of • a n M rT ib wba a* Ruad a r batiar ikM Baual. That u kaw ainak ‘aar***'

d k d w a d a a k h a . ”

t n o r s OUB SEBS ABo r STAiE C M f A s s o c u n m

^ ------- . Mar, It.—I h * WaadlaadOalr Ohih Tatad unaatmoaBly laat alchl ta carry ta a Ralah H* fight for rala- adatamaat m aaiataur atandlag - of Biaaala Oulaiat, Jah* X. BalHTaa t t . •a d Baal Tawkabury, Wh* wpr* dia- •aaiMlad h r ih* Q iitad m u m Oalf Aa- aaatattaa. Bam* Of tha apaakar* a t tk* WMatlag ahargad tb a t atflalaU of th* ■aa*b*hBB*tl* Half Aai aalat laa wara raapooalbl* fa r tba dlaqaaltfloaMan of VuwMl *a4 It waa dacldad that aa attem pt thamld ha mad* to haa* th* alat* *aaantatl*B aall a aaaalal maatlag and ■* aa raaard la all th«a* m p rite ta tha araatiav af th* aalld*al atdateallab la Jaaaary .

Tba thraa man war* daolarad by th* t'a ltad Btataa O alf Ataod atlen tnallgl- kl* t* play la auM iaar taumaaaaat* b*>

I ad tkala eaaaaottaa wttk apartta*

m u i T O B I r i U B ;aATMXjomcAiniMAnBill MoKInlay, th* P arltaa A. ,

keaar, wka mad* anch an anaplelon* da kut Id tk* flag Beaday a igbt whan h* WM Ik* daatalaa a ra r loha Oaddi, tk* aaaa taar. ahamploa, win tao* Jchnal* fteHaar in Oua Trotlar** nagt tourna m aat a t th* Turabull Aodltorluni, achadulad fa r Nerambar t t . D M llto lay wbtpa Palmar, aaothar mateh with Oaddi will b* arrahgad, alne* th* Naw Yorkar haa algalPad hla wllHagat** m hgala mtagl* with McKJnlay.

MaKIntay aad bl* Iralaar. Ctaarll* W ataarl, both ar* eartain th a t ir Me Klalay aniarad tha rtag In ballar candl Han h* would hav* won laor* daelatvaly. B rary tlmp Hna waa atraeb an th* aor* aid* *C hi* fac* b* aaw atari, BUI aa; but h* atuok t* hi* taak gamaly. : ngaraa th a t Palmar will b* “pie” for him.

II, Haary Clay A Ua. BVgrasalT* A:Chryaoalam.

Paoaanbar 1. Oranlta va, Apaa At A Praar aaalTa B va. tu th i A Haary Olay rs. Apaa 8 i t . P t Cbryaaatom ya. Hanry Clay Bl A a th te A m BUIc Bi II, Hanry Clay B ra. Apaa A: lA Apaa B «* Bibl* Bl I t , Prograaalv* A Tb Prograaal** Bi lA Oranlta v a Bible A; lA f t . Chryaaataaa ra. o raatia i M, Apaa A TO. Bothi I I , ProtrtaalT* A r a Haary Clay B; tA ^Bibla B va Haary Clay A; I I , Apaa B ra. Prograaale* Bi lA BIhIo A va. M. Ckryaoatomi M. Hanry Clay A * a ItatA

January A Pragraaal** B * • Oranlta;Apaa k Tb PragraaalT* Ai A R *arr

Olay B n . Bthla B; A B**ct***i*o a t*. •L Cbryaootoia; lA Haary Clay A Uraatta; l l . Aaaa A v*. Btkie A;Roth va Apaa B; 1A Hanry Clay A va Pragraaalv* B; IT, Apaa 8 v a Haary Clay B; lA Bt> Okryoaoteni v a Btkie S; 11, Bthla A v a R ath; lA Pr aatraaalva A va Apaa Bi lA Braalf* va Haary Clay Bi II. Apaa A v a Bthla B; H. Rvograa- alv* B v a BBila A; lA Bb Obryaoalote v a Roth; It, Bthla A v a Omnite.

P tbruary A Procroiatv* A va Bthla ; A Apaa A va Hanry Clay A; A Oraa-

Ita va Ap*> 8 i 1. Haary Clay A va Hanry Clay Bi A R ' Chiraeatom va Pngra telva B; A Piagraaalva A va Roth; I t, Apaa A v a Proftaaalv* 8 ; U. Hanry.Clay B va Apaa i ; lA Bcklo A va Btkie B; 11, I t. Ckrywwlem va Prograaalv* A: 11, Aa*> a va OmalM; H, Hanry Clay A v a Roth; II, Bt (.TiryioBtam v a B**ry Clay A; U , Pra- gr iaatv* B v a Htble B.

Marak A Htkla A va Apat B; A Rotk va Haary Clay B; A Pragraaal** B va Apai B; T, A ^ A va Haary Clay B; A Bthla B v a e ran lta ; A Prograaalv* A va Bthla A; U . Ap*« A v*. Prograaalv* A; It. BL CliryaaaLam v a Oranttei 11, Btkie A v a H aary Clay At lA Rath va Bthla Bl 11. Haary Clay A va Ovaallai H , Both v a Apaa B: lA BL Chryaoatate va Haary Clay B; tA Prograaalv* A va PragraiaiT* B; lA Ap*b A v a Apaa B: lA Hanry Clay H v a HlMe B | lA MM* A va Bt. fThryamgatet PA Hath v a P im graaaiv* B, *

April A Pv*g i*a»tva A m BrnalMt A Apaa A va Uabry Clap A; A Apai B va


AS NEW RECORDS' a i M f i r T n c k E n i r i t D e c i M i t

N e w u h N w U p t o A . A . U .

R r c i r i C m M l e c .


O riifi Boicr EiUiito Pusport u M i c e i f S to c tritp M A l l”

t n f i u T r w .

R O P f S T D l E E T U S D A K Y T H E R E

Thaa* la tk r abav* plata rr, tekaa by a Nawa ataB pbatoaiwpborv m adteg from tett I* Hgfci. a m Ta* raw—0*o*** Mrtawlt. U*ai«* Bagtehard. Tbamaa Bfaa«A l**a 1 a m lr r— WaMvr arabart. Maya* Habor* ta r ra a e e a t Hra: wb* ratted th* giBl bolli M m Df*k*r, AteoM MtOomaa, Jah a Maaigbitea. • M a ta Jolm IBotel Millar. HMdl* raw daba M Ka Wiiii* . Kivd Urarahalgh, WIHtem Dwvte. WIMIam Tataabah. «***«• Bar*, Pvod Ta teab ib ■ • t iH t » w — WUItem M**d*w<vafl, P rrd Ollvar, J*a*ab O aadrtteaa, Biiall Wa*d.


I r



m V* mummer bha ^ «■»** m rm,Btble B; A Bthla A vn. P ram a*!** B; A Hath VA Apaa At IL Ofmitil* vaB inry C ter B; tA M ChryawHom VA Cthle B; lA Pragruaalva A va Haary Clay A; lA Apa* B va PtdgraaMvv A; lA Bt Ckryaeatam vi, p rag w ailv* Bs lA Haary Ctey A va H*ary Clay B; PA Bthla A TA Rath; M, i t chryaaatnm va

Amvd with a paaapoTt, Jack Coyn*. th* Oraag* bo»*T, eal1*d a t tba N*w» aftlo* teat night to giv* aem* lafarma- tloB about hla aotnlag trip t* Aaatralla. Jack had hla maaagar, B. B. WIDIam*. In low, ae Jack did varv litti* Ulking.

To a tari with, W lUlaau daclarai that th* paaapoti. algaad by Cayn* aad Rob- art Imanlng, augbt ta aoavtee* th* daabtteg an** abaat hla Intantloaa to lanh* th* triA Jaak la tiehlad abaul hi* pru*p*eta Though b* weigh* In at 111 pound* **w, Otyn* baa a anaaklng M*a that h* will ahak* haad* with no |**a a p tru aaga tb aa la * Daroy balar* h* d*«ld«a la aa* bla paaaport oa th* way o u t

Daiuy la a raaagnlaad mtddUwalght with * penchant f*r hammering day- tlght au t ol a ll tb* ta-callad light b**Tl*A But tM* fac t doami'l a**m to

E a ^ iW CopettoM Bowtori Ea^ Take TVree Straifkt is West

Hmlion Grciit.


PnidiNtial Qnirtet WHl Take Local Rhak oa Newark Tarn

Hall Court Saturday.

Make d e n Sweep n O p e n iv Nigkt P b y o f E ia e i and M an ia

C o w ty L e afM .



f**M Cayn*. who aaai In th* match an opporlualty ta fovg* to the (op good

th* much ilowar

Ap*g Bi W, Henry Clay B VA Pr ogreg. MV* B; M, MMd A va Ap*« Ai IT. lU teB VA OrAatldT tA Hath va OkbnttA

Hay A Ap*n A va P i tg rvu lva Bi A Bthla B VA H aary Clay A; A Prograa- alv* A VA Bthtc Ai T, H*ary Clay A va Apaa B; A Apan A VA BL C h iy ^ a m ; I t, Piagvagelv* A VA HthM B; lA Rotb VA H tn r r Clay Bi tA A pw B va Cranli*; 1A Haary Clay A va Piagraa- il** Bi IT, gL Chryaoatom VA Roth; tA Rthlo A VA Hapry Clay B; It, Qranll* VA Pram aM v* B; I t. Apaa A va Blhto

I t , PragTAB; lA Pragreaalv* A va Uawry Clay B



BOWIB, Hd., Nov. II.—Th* laat bora* ra tin g of ih* aaaaon In Mnrylnnd and an th* Eaatam rno* track* etarted hareyaatarday, when ih* goutbem Maryland Racliclag Aa iad atloB apaaad Ita fauna**, day m**tlng. Nearly all of tb* Ibor- *uMbr«d* th a t mad* racing a aun*«a* At iMaral aad Ptmllo* hav* b tm *hlpp*d her*. Thar* waa a good-»la*d crowd out to aa* th* opening m*«l and d*- apll* th* ataady w*ath*r. th* track. Itamigh net faat. wna In fairly good eendItUA W ater LUy, owned by Mr*. Jaw** Arthur, eaplurid th* Inaugural Itandicnp. tb* featur* of th* dayaeard.


Loeal am ataur Mcyel* rldar* who la- tead to rid* te tbb tw a-buur laam raa* of th* Bay Vlaw Bfhaahaab n a n k a g lvlag morning will have to buatl* aad ■ubmit thair antriaA NoUo* waa larvad yaatarday th a t aatriaa for fifteen team* have b«*a labm lttad by Naw Tork etab*. Tk* raa* li Itealtad to thirty taaniA

Bom* of th* faal**t am ateur rider* tn tb* country, laetuding Rational (Ham­pton John A. gtaabla, will compete. StaaUe la palrad with Tad Byron. Tommy PllaMauti*ii* aad Wllitem Baefc form anolbar t«nm. Aa aatry haa baaa raealvad alac from Ckrl* DottarweUb, tb* Natlanal T arnw ro la (printer.

Her* than forty prlta* vrtll k* awardoA T* th* wtanlng laam will go two aaddllM. lampA coaater brakBA meroheadia* ordarA two ellver loving **p* and two ter^-*i**d a r t photo- graph*. The runn«r-up team will b* oaaaelad by two gold watohei. Third prlM la two pair* of built-up wh*«l* and two pair* of tire*. Rnlrt** will olca* November 11 with P tta r Brody, m Booth Bigth ( tre a t

daal faatar than New Tarfc routA

But 0*ya* do** not Intend to confine all hi* attention t* Oarey. H* I* a n d tr coatracA declare* WltllnmA to appear In ala Iweaty-raund fight* while la AuatmUA Thia ooatm ot haa bean drawn Vrlth Tm * Andrawa AmertaA* r*pr**hatatlv* of "Bnowy" Baker, Aua- trall*'* fam o u aportaman aad tigh t premetar.

Coytw will leav* Nevrnrk Monday for ChicagA Thtr* he will loin two other m imbara e t th* party, Th*y ar* (ten* Delmoat the Memphl* laA and H ally Bmtth, a W*at*rn*r. Both ar* llgbt- welghtA

Th* plan* of Andrew* eall fnr an •■- paditlan nf flv* flg b te ra Th* other two may b* picked bp Monday. Many hav* bean nomlnatad. Tb*y lactud* F lghtlag Bill Manning, aa applicant apanaerad by W llllama H* baa **nt Manning'* record abend to Andrew* for peruenl.

Coyn* and hi* male* will pnieeed from Chlrago In Ban PrancloM and aat aall N e^m ber 1*. Andrew* will aall a waak later.

Claaa twaepa te r th* Bagla* and(tepaatoP* bawlar* marked th* opening gam** af th* West Hudsau rra ta ra a l Laagn* on tk* M liter A Qvndem an alter* la Keargy l**t nIghL Th* te r­mer took tk* K ln ta te r ua la te i lata camp Wttk anaA rolling a* ma i'gte* »t l i t , i n And I t l polniA That tb* Cop*- ■tone* (oaod th* Blfc* po « u y wna du* mainly to an* *t th* Aatlei* loMng hi* way white *0 roaU lo th* alteyb Tbte cau**d hla matea to roll aa a tear-m aa team.

I t wa* a Mg night (or th* pinner* af Weat Had***—th* annanl opaolng of the teagu* alw ayi la—and what waalacking In *plrlt*d conpailtioa waa mol* (ban balancad by lb* Jollity of th* crowd—a large orowd which (aoladed th* bowler* of th* other team* that ar* to f* t fnlo action ton igh t Dote Hlllor waa ho*t and batted well aoov* .101 *n the Job.

The other four teame oomplatlng th* cln-ult, Vigilant A and B, Kearny and Ethic, will g*t away tonight. Th* eeo- «on I* eohedulod to end April IL

Tb* eooree: ,

boeerm* . )m th a iB - 1 ren el Hill 1

Hiplewecd t Weet god. i go, Oreega *

Taking nil tkra* game* a t tb* SouthOragga B, U d RoaavUI* A ABteom* go* otr to A flyiog otnri t* taop ln n ^Baaox and Morrla Coanty T **gae teatn ig h t A IH ieor* by Wllllgm Bam- macber, th* higbaat rolled In th* open­ing l ig h t of tb* e ircn it helped tba R nevllte rapreaantall*** In a terting right. Tt gav* them an U1 tally %y th* gam o tweoty-flv* point* mar* than th* hnm* team recorded. The **omM gam* waa wen by forty points and the third by bnt tw*oty.

At Chatham, th* bom* tebte atartvd by vrlaalng th* flret two g m * p from th* Feraat Hill W, C. la bandy faehton oad thaa dtwpped tb* third. Haptewood and W est EnA the olub* th a t comptet* th* •U - tu m e in m it will gat Into ao- tlon to a lg h t

Th* eeoreaiAt geuth Oenag*.

KINQgLBT. 1 Meyktnece 111 11* Hi M dew ern Itl III 11* lHI«lii . IH IH 1*1 HeUlewell III I f l IVIlMeCma*arehelih. IH Itl 111; Millar

TtteleTotele . Hi 111 TUI COMPTONg

Laagairom 111 1ft III UalMiC III 1*1 IHtlH I I I ~Bagel herd I I IHB ru eb . I l l 111 141 OreiEwl .. 114 14*11*

■ AOUnDraper ... IH 11*1*1 n i w e e r . . . m n a i t i Huapbrtee l i t i l l t i l

. I f l lH I l*

. 11*111 ill

bOdgVItLB. MJleUer . U l 1(1 IH rliwN J im * m

Swii'm IiT I t l lT i 1ft •b»r u i m m

Hto lU I tt, 111 n i III

Moirm oiUKoti.nrM ihM i'tiit iT ii i t tn iH iT iItotl&«*»• . . a ,

t.CtoiFMilim i RML Ifl 111 K I lf m

Tvtali . a t t t Ml SU

l i t Ilf IlfVUM.W rueh«k l i t tl4 l i t

04rf ...a Ifl 141 l i t r.Tnti«tMM 114 Iti IlfO 'llfcnnu t i l m Ut

Tutela . 7IT lU UllTuuto .« III Itf ITt


Th* Onhlabd r . C. aad tb* Aatorla A C ar* WUsd t* *la*h Buciuy morn­ing a* Bouth Bid* O vat I t vrlll b* lb* fourth hatti* b*tw*«n the etevanA the Oahlaadi dafaatlag th* Aatorla* twicewin* th* la tto r nedor th* nan*of th* H tem ut r . C . th* other gam* teanltlng la a tte. Tk* Asterlaa have met •aeb *1* 0* a* tk* BtaptetonA Unloay. C-, Baraardavllte A. C. and Valtey A A Th* Fr*d*rlch brothera. Rad and MikA will b* In Ih* Aatorla Iliw-UA

IE E E DENES BECKER SrAYEHEKTMaaagar IMward R**s* Jr. of th*

Newark Turner* I* looking for theaoalp *f Mooagar Joknnt* Blegner of tho Harrleon Big Flv*.


Yougg (Pardon, tb* Moatelalr fasthar w algkt tail night outpointed Jo* Mor­gan of Uar)ch«*ter In ten round* at ProTidmice. 0*rd*H aant Morgan down for lb* rnunl In tb* firat round, after wblok Morgan r**Ort*d to d*f*a*lv* taclIoA Cardell mad* n bit with lb* orowA

* • •Jack Brllioo. tk* welterwelKbt cham

plan, and Ted lowl*. the beat of the Ungllak welterA fought an unaail>' factory belile a t the Arena In Hoelon l u t nighi. on the strength of ih rir teat m«*tlng there, which was e.cnr' they drew a packed houia, but thiA Ihelr fourth fight tn Hovtuii, pooreat they ever etaged there. Urii- ton led In four round* and Lewie had tour, with tha other feur aveu

Bowliie Balae Hodaraaea BvenAAn Individual endurano* bowling

lawmanient will ba held at the Hlahsn- laub alley A Eighteenth street aad Avon avanUA agbday. November It. Tb* townament will atart ai I t o'elook la the morning and end ai l o'etouk In th* afternoon. Twenty men will bowl, (our alley* being used. Ten men her* ao far been *lgh«d up aad it I*

Oted that Ike other ten win be **- cured before Batarday

OBANOB v A t t n LirisrM toi'Rkkt On l.yoeum all-y*.

p'lfelll ........ t l l lM ‘kmllk ...O'ttera ........ HI ItajDalive . .

Teleli .......t i l if*l TaleliIII 1M| B Hanley ;i* tC e y n ...

114 l | l III 111


tU aeeert* that th* •latemont modltod to Btegner that th* Newark Tumor* canceled on ihort a*iie* a date with tb* Hairteon taam la all wrong. Th* TnrnvrA aiplaln* JteooA war* Mver h*oh*d to play, but Bl*gn*r aanounoad they would laat Thamday. Later B tegatr approaebed him, *a**rta Re***, to anang* tb* daiA B*«M d*^pg*d b* would try u r*und UP hla playum. H* ■nbmqu»Dtly fouod a* oeulA not get hi* ■»*« to- gvthor bad w te n u d Btegaer i* that at- f*«t.

scour LEAGUE to SriOTTk* Boom BibkeMieU League wilt

gel under way tonight with two hu**a Ka*t Nuwarh (aelng Troop M, New­ark. im* Nawark olathtag wHk Troap 1. Marylsan. Tb* gam* bstwoen Tro*p i t nod Trwup I I aabadulad ter tenor- ro* algkt Mitt ks playad at a iater d*M Bln team* aomprla* th* !■■•«*. Mddk *dub will play te* gnmoA Hamid

*H. n n i w t la th* Pterotary,

Billiard Tables ^.'BowlIngAUeys

^ HP- RIPW /KJUPBVI l i P l i e t t o L , N e w a r k

Fraotlelag **ary day, tb* leten Hall Calleg* baakeihatl team I* rapidly rouadlag Iteetr Into form. C*ioh Fraah n a r lty of Ih* Bouth Oraag* guintet hH had th* boy* *ul ter tb* teat two woekA working out naw player* and iretllBg lb* old etera back Ipie thap* again. Proapeci* of an aaaaptlonally atrong team look very bright tbte year.

Five of laot year'a laam ar* on hand for tb* oulntet tbte ••■eon. Captain Jam*a Bomam th* etar guard and player of lb* quintet laU **a*nn, wtll lead th* team Ula year. With him of last y*af* regular* are Franel* “Btretak” Maahan and Edward Mela*. M**ban played e*nt*r and Hein* play*d

, M a running mat* lo Capteln Bomam ■I guard

With ih*u* three m«n a* a nueteiA Coach Frank Fieri ty will build bla loam. Ho baa aav*n other avallabl* men OB band from which te pich lb* rout e( tb* qnlntoL Jo* Ig*A who playad a foyward laat MasaA I* on hand and I* dteplaylag orackarjack farm a t caging tk* balL Frank Md- CbHhy, aubnitu t* <*nt*r, la alao *ut for th* taam. H* may be used m a foe- ward or a guard. Bill Brennan, a **b- etltut* forward. M ihowlng giod form and may land a regular poolllon tbl* Mason. BrofinoA MoCallhy ond Igoe era th* oaly aubatitutea of last year’s OdUtA

Four *tb«f BOW mo« Ot* o«l for tb* Mom ood these obow promlOA 'Wllllom BuHItad, first boaoman bf lb* ball team, la out to r a forward poaltlsa. Harry Copptogar aad Jabn H«bo**«ll am playiag guard and Charla* OaUagboe a t forward. Copplngur la otaewing lb* k**i form Of tb* now m*n.

Monogor Hattbow J. FilMimimmf ban M l completed bl* selMdute • • yet. b*l It win Ibtiud* gamoo with *om* of tk* otmnyoM oon*g« toam a a *«eg*towg, RulgarA lACoroU*, LahtgA Manhattan aad Ntagam ar* oonie *f th* t**m* th* BetenM f<>* will moqi thin *«uicn. Tk* flrel gam* will be pteyod 1* th* f lw w**fe nf Opoop ber. Tb* l« M k** an t l,**a *w;ur*d M y tt. , ,

Sam H*blde*u. tb* Phll»d«Iphl* llght- w d g b t knocked out K. O. Pallia In the fifth round at Provldene* la*t nIgkL Pallti M balltuted for W alter Mohr ot New Y*th, who fallod to appe*r.

The Bkamue (rgrlon-H arry Piero* bout a t th* Hunt'* Point iTub t**l nlgbl wa* (topped by th* r*f*r*« In th* fourth round b*c*u*e the boy* w*m not trying, it waa a t tb* Instigation of lb* boalag lospeeler that th* refers* acted.

After *ngag1ng a lawyer to form th* Inlerfamno* tn hla ••rimmog* with th* Naw Tork State Athletic CommlMlim. Bini* Ml*k*. tk* ll . Paul haavywelght, ■uddenly rhangod hla mind and signed th* dD«aaiente which will bring him face tn fare with Bob Moha la a *lt- laan-foot ring a t lb* Broadway Bport- lag Clnk Friday night of tbte week.

Th* nH*t Important bout In tho coun­try *«h*d*l*d tor tonight I* tb* Ben­nie L*Hiard-Jobnnl* Oundo* affair la PhlladsIphiA

trlah Fatsy Clin* dlaeorerod y**ter- day Ibat a boser can gel • w a ll^ from pernon* Hilda fy*m thaa* that ar* mat la th* prlM rlag. Jtml *• b* had fla- teked ttblning for hi* b*wt with Ad Wolgaat *1 th* Umpire A C. t*m*rr*w

tted him that h* will have to tolflll hi* cuiitrscu wliltii ‘uii (ur uuut- „ Phcb*y H*(nm«y ond Joo Walling b*- for* h* mm m«*t Wo|g**L h * will m«*t H onm ar *t <he Rmnip* temor m w nigk* UMtead *t W*lg**Lt t •

A raal lln* oo the fighting nlullty • f Marty Cm**, brotkor *t tb* famou* Leach Croas, will b* *«eur*d wb*n h* m**te AIb«rt Badoud a t ih* Umpire A (^ tmnormw night.t • •

tta rry Bbarinati. pmaldent of tho Twin City A C , which promoted the O lbi^t-DlliOB bout In « . POHl, te th teagb with b«atng In Bt. Pnul and bead** for New Tork. It te roperted ibnt IMi«nnan b- suing t« p«I In a hid

the boning, privltegn

fotiUift.C4Rn« ■ • .

, . , 4 . . . APVi ■........ 114 IH CwM e eiP ■!• . . . . . . i t A f t o M

111 J44144 ISt III tif

TtM*U. 19I1I|10'N«U1

114 III

lit AM Itl 111 111 IM

4. CiuJem wraey -

. laiivI TeUla ..

V. Hanlerilraggle ...

I Tetele

TMbI*At Cbstbam.

cbATKAM. I p o u g f R iu:-Dar ---- , I H I t r i t l A«ena . . . I I I H i mIH It* ll* Baldwin lU IH m------ ' ^ , I h II —

Sparks am eipeot*d to fly when tb* quintets of th* Prudential and Nawark Fir* laeuranc* oompanle* r l u h a t Newark Turn Hall Saturday attaraoan. (>mpar*tlv*ty little I* known of lb* Newark Company'* quintet, Tbe Pru tcHiMm. on the other hand, am being whipped Into •soaUent ibapA Th* gam* will pry off th* ltd tor th* competition among lb* buslnea* athletio aaaocla- tloaa a t th* city.

Th* Pru hoy* ar* going in atrong for ba*ketb*tl this Mason, aava a com- munlqu* from Jo« MIIL chairman of th*

' aaaoclatlon’* bsaketball cemmltte*. Jo* Is a conslalenl shontar for baeketball *a ooo *t tb* aubjoeta *r tb* Frw eurrtew- lum. He has haan tdentlfled with th* ■port elmoat from tb* tlm* *t its la- ••ptlea.

There am many caodldatM for b*rtba OB th* team and th* coach I* flndlag It dIffleuR to asatgn bis men for Satur­day'* gam*. H arry Sehwart* and Jack Cm b alnn* seem prelly oartain of s ta rt­ing a* forward* Th* former te a mem- bar af lb* Newark Trlanglaa and Caen play* with Iks Oraag* A. C. aad LloosIn FIva

H h b*lgkt of Fred Monaing I* eland- lag him In good otaod a* a oandMala for eintsr. Tk* guard poelllen* am MUght by BddI* McLaughlin, Dannte Kuhn, Hugh OTJarman and (red Ja r- gena

Advance ticket* am being sold for tb* gam* with tbe Newark company quIaUL and (hay ar* g*lng raol. Bal- urday aftembon haakelball, along with dancing. pmv*d popster tnsi maaan, and th* Fm AlbM Ie Aa*a*latlon'* aa- chaquM- wa* •nrlchsd aa a maulL Mill will officiate a t all bom* gamoA

Baeord* olalmsd by track and field alhtete* to hav* brnn mad* In th* l*»t year, Includlag three **t In Newark, will be paaacd on Sunday, when the record eommttt** of the Amoteur Ath- tetle Union meat* In New York- Th* I lt*t nf claimed swimming record* I* th* 1 long**! In history, largely bccauv* women swlmmerA (or th* (lr*t tlmA hav* pul la a bid (or racognltlon.

Them are (*w*r track and field mark* np for acceptane* than ueual. Only on* field event record will be *ab-

ItteA that being iteorg* Blunder'* dtetane* of 1*« Ih I I IncheA mad* In th* nollonol championship* fteptem- her I.

Oth«r morka ••tobitehed tn thl* city am among th* moel Important that will oom* up for consideration. Bob Blmp- aoa’i worM’a flgum* *1 H 1-* »*oood* (or tho ll*-yard high hurdleA hung ap a t W**quahle park, ar* e ttrK tlag mor* attaniloo than any otb*TA As lado*r mark Mtablteked In Newark W •n* by Dsr* Caldwell, the Boston A A (liar, wko wss clocked In 1 minute 111-1 **oood* (*r tb* (M -rard rua la th* Ceaiml High Bcboal ganM at tho F irst Rsgtmsnt Armory. Msreta I.

pTacUcallr all th* Trai l- mark* ar* tnhm ittsd In hardl* r*c*A simp*on haa svManco of having stsppsd l l 4-B Msan da (or th* high stick* on ihrs* oKteolonA Ih* I tr tt May lA Oa two other occasion* h* ran hi 14 t - t secaadA gtmpoen also te asking tor a meord of 111-1 ■••ond* for th* ll«-yard tew hnrdte*.

Mwnny CiBimo H****d.Fred Hurray, aaothar hurdler ( r a a

th* Pacific Coast, pula In a claim (or th* llt-y a rd run over three-foot hurdlaa hi* tlm* being I t 1-1 sfCondA Fred Kelly'and ISsrl Thamsoa, the Loa AngolM tImiMr topper*, did I t **, . nd* flat lo th* high hurdteA and If Bliop- son's rigurH of 14 4-i are rejected, thoir m arke pr«bobly will be reoegnlaad as Ih* world's roeord.

Tb* applicant* («r swimming rae- orda among m en. ore Herbert VollmoT of th* New York A. C.. Ludy Longer at the Loa Angels* A. C-, Perry Mc- ailllvray and H. McDermott of the Illi­nois A. C . Ru h s II Dean of tba Tate Swimming AMOclaUon and Harold Kruger *f Honolulu. Vollm*r Mt HV«a marhA lAoger thrm . Th* star reeord- wracker* among tb* women ar* Claim OalHgan of New Heobell* and Olga Derfner of- CalKomte.

Th* only other running roeordA In addition to Caldwell'*, that arn clalmad ar* Jo Loomli'* tlm* of 1 1 -i •oeonds for th* atety-yard Indoor sprInL J. w. Ororlon's Indoor tlm* of 1 minute* t i t ' l ■•cond* (or th* ***• yard run and R*d Meredith'* record* tor the quarter and halt-mil* dtetanesA Heradith ran tb* 44« on aa oval patk tn *T i-d aamnda a t Camhrldg*, Ma*A. Hay IT, wM tb* t i t a t F rsnklla Fteld. Phitedalpbte. la 1 minute U 1-1 aoo*

MoHlIlt . IH IH 1 A 1 « . . U l HI 1 Bwd I ll i l l Il i t IMB L« I t i U l

i f t l v U is i l i t 144IIHCIIM* 111


TMftIt . i t l tU THI TtUb ,* MM Ml I t t

#fte O.AI /r . o. 0. A

A* Me u u oftm .





0#orft« H. OoalAlnft o la tttt A MAtk tof 11 m lnatN IT leoond* (of lb* twe-mllo Indoor woik, and Sddl* Rsba th* Iw - hawlt walker, bid* ta t the flflMn-mil* outdoor walk tlm* of 1 hour* * mtnutea • lA aoMOdA Mar 11. ot Celtic Park.

Relay r*oord* claimed am Lh* foar- mll* tlm* of 11 minute* I t 1-1 •econto mad* by lb* Cam*!! quortot, aad tkd two-mll* rucord **t by tba Tate taam. Both mark* wart mada cul-of-d**ra.

Th* Brte-Srae Flv* wnuld llkd to hoar fmm light jonlor loaiDi av*r- aglng 111 peonda Loute Walker, t t Blgkth avenuA 1* th* roaoag«r.

Bteak . IHTMete,. H IIH H T

COOFEAIH i n II*m ii t i iM r t f

Halt ....... *41*1 l ir iu e b . . . . IH III IIIRtehard'A I t i IH Ul WHebep-- Ul •• IIT

i il ir u S f e .v .BAHTMBM btab.

Il*d. I tt 114 l i tT olela . • H H l i f * ) THsI*., H i T u m

m ato r* f.* » ,T 1 .T ,

liBhaeVi* IM l i t H liltek kt Of*S l i t U* ttliB*«Lb

TiMI* ■ H IT H iu l Tetate., H4 HI l i t

The Bla* Circle Flv* l | daairoaa of hooklag game* with taama averaging 111 ponndA Th* game* ar* to bn played on opponeate' oaurta AdiroM Ciarono*MtddlMdorf, 11 Mitchell ■treoL Oraag*, maDager.

e • • >Oeratd Brennan, m anagsr of th* Pal­

isade* r i w of o ran g A te deotreun of arranglag gam«a w ith Jna l i f taa i Brennao’a addrsM te H Cary atrsM, O raaga t

I S *Flaaem of S tar of Bothtebsm Oounell

wilt tearaoy to letuay CIVy Friday nlgbl to mil In tboir opening gamM ot tk* Kntgkto of Oolumkn* Lpaga*. Orlg- IhoRr, th* locate war* lakuted for Pat •men, hut tha late *iitry of Jarm y Clly (•roed a twitch In Iba acHodnl*.

NemsBA,Orom ,.*• 114 Ml IM 1U ICt 111 tIT ITI l if ]$l \U 141

O*n v t — ilMW TOCWIT. W«MMRli>WtoMl6a AUM>*e

^ L . UUkV NO. I. i»v4a»ot.o m i f i m ttv4M i... 114 111144 Oaltooufe.. U i lT im ItoadloM. II 44 14

lltXK «9T.

' f e ; SiSMaodtenn. u H

RIU.V nam e LBAMIB On H. luee *t Um* sltey*.,T.


WNfH . l i t i'M.ttitec*. I l l IUeVter, OsMl .

mUl If14V l l

TM*I*.. H l i n u *

SapciiM,.w*a*i. .dmllbOhrteo..■ ndy ...


. Ill 114 111Ui III UlTotste. . IH III IH

Oa Hely Croas alteyAi t , JOHN. I BOUT cnoHi.Banka... It*111 UT WUhetei. HI i ll tn

Itaevee... t l | |l lH n e b * ilil . . . i i t t u i i l C«re*me i l l t « If* l ^ e i * .. H M H ltl Heb'abiln I te lM lH Mfllan.... Itl l i t III Srsdy ... l i l l i f tm D Knia. .. Ul i ll HI

TomiB.. IW IM U IarriBiON j ,

oite*H... m i e t i H Headteap. H I* I*

IM i t e i i tTaiate..nv iB ioN p.

H*rm>WB. m i e i ihAsh......... U l l H l I lm nu*..,. M IH itlNHsiuBm p . I* H H


Total*ORIk yfoeoi

Bediou B-H.BaP* Headteep,

Md IH *14t P«L RML. .. I t l l l lH Ia rt i n IIT ITI

11 11 llTetele.. I t llM d H

kbHBWa l c. Hitrte. m IH UlHMlUag., Ill 111 0,N l*«.. 1*T ■ ■fi*l•edtee*


Ill* H U iii

Tb* Oadel HMg«U wouM Hk* lo b*arfrom th* maDOger* of lh* Kimwood FIva HhEtea of OfangA Company FIva CreocaBt JantofA H a rim ito Flv* and tb* team from Our Lady of Lourdaa. Caoey, Oannen, Henry, Flnan and Taa a*y am Ik* Oadot piarMU. Ckalltogoa •hosld k* aeol to F. QauetoA n Shmiult ■tradL Bust OrangAe v e

Manager C Hendaman a f th* Atort Big Five te baoktng gapiea With (hat juiiiar Mama having kama oourta tvi* At«na havvBi farad w*n la tkalr h u i two gumuA loolng to tha Whirlwkidu and T im am of mtuaheth. H e a d e e W i hddPMn te I I Bavariy •trnaL

Salurday highU. to D. Ddrhrehito.

Sand ccmmunlsatlous m Bellevllte avoasA

Wayna and Valtehurgh and Hal aad Adam* ar* on th* hoard* m pair ot leagu* gamM tonight at Juater Ovdar Hall. Flam* *»«at

Tk* Ham*** Arrow* hav* a (aw •pan date* on ibote Mhadute. ■ » • * * « w ould llh o te o u h W Baraardavllte FIVA B. X. Ol"* ^ Mill-bum mM othor# offarlag euliabt* g jo f - tntesA AddroM all ehallengM t* Maa- ag*r J. C. Bavarldg*. H4 Mapl* airaol, KahmY- ^

U.e Ate** can ho •»*OaMM withraaged throughmaii't halV Blghteenth atreel andtMBth BveauA. ^

Th* Bmhaw h**h»lh*ll te ^ i . oeot- noied ot (orwer Frtnerton pteyort, M opoa t* arrange gam** wHh iunat*iH im m * itovlag courtA Chureh t*um* am preferred AddreM cwnmoeloaUeo* ton . W, Honnaa, a i piao*.

Homo teamA meh a* the WltlrlwIndA Boaalon Big FIva Matloruit Turner Juoter* *»d lAkewood Y, M. C, hoek th* Soccer Five by writing te Joku MotteuhNL • Ctey aimoL Tk* td * * te uampauid of bnpv who ateo ptey toot-

Tk* Fhiteada* fit* o( Oran#*, a UcM innior Mam, wugU ganw* with Uh MSl- BonA CtevolasdA MorlsH Slg Flv* and BpHtdarfSapamVaA Oarald U Bmnnan, H cary utmaL OmngA te th* nMnoger.

Th* Canneetleat Farm* F. G. qulniot, which won (rmu tha Campany F llv* ot BIlMbHh teat waek, want* gaoitA W rite I* Wall*** J. Allay, Unteu.

I l l H I Ml


^ OBinWALDirhemea i f l 14* Uiim***

I4 |f^ i4 lri Totete.

lUhlviM I

144 IH i l l ■■■ 144 141 14i 111

Carving the National BirdTo d« It tip t s th« qnsen 'i tsit*

—te csrv« grBosfBlIy. you m n t h ive the r i ^ t w r t of • carving knife—end ibis i* J u t the kind wf sell.

Ivpfy worthY Bake is r*Bf«Hnwl Ib• s r B t e e k ^ y o H asa'i p i c k s p e e r

Stai, Pfhrl end Cemimitten Hiedlw.

Some in kduitifal mmm lor sift (Ivini—ll’t luni as veil te leek for- vtrd te ChitttiMW.

Tmala. 414 h ll SBABtlltY


Itilm m ch

Tetala. H lfB V u ! tU4*te.. IU 4M H I

At WhM* Pala** alleyA

t n M «Paf*

Q v w ftu v i t :I f aAate...... f H lu l '

. . . Ml Ml

>1. I l l U l

T«l*te.„,,.. U IH lCBOdCMt-WH,


for th l ■BtMWh


(;iK>ctait-wM AIrtaiio ......... U1IIIsaes . . . . . . . t i l l

tstetei........ IMHtI POMlBa A

Tka AtllasA wbe kavim't le « g m m t thl* •saMA kav* Novetahor M and Da- Mmbar 1 open lor gamM with tight Junior teann. Addrae* oommunloallHH la H. ttealkA 11 Braoa ttrovL

• • *F, Balllr te hooklag gamM ta r Hm

Ifadeon Clab FIva e tau te r safaHat, te addreen te 1*T Vaa Bar** lirooL . • ■Th* Ale* Btg Flv* boo a * mo bar ef

opea detaa oa Ha MhedolA Tka Ma- tlonaJ T araar Jm M*a KIMBkelh JnnWiA Whirlwind*, Beeutoa Big FIva CommedorM o t Paaante aad w ia to e luniota ar* pm lt r md. Addrua* uhai-

igiu to W. H, J i i dhA US iM itk Bightoealk MwuA

• * *AuF faat jaM er tuaM without e gum t

fnr ihte w**k ean paoure an sag a t* - mdat by gelling In loueh with F. itelhtekA ft* Seutk MlaU nlreet. aMd* ager ot the Amarlean V g Flv*. A

am with Ik* BlhtehMh Turparn te prafaned. s e e x'

Th* fteyela Cuba, en* of tho hmdtag Juater quIntHa In Bmohtyn. wauM If to hook a t*w ghmaA ikP BA BaseSewanIA juBiorA B tanklla ■■aaralM. Flam* Trianstee af JaeMg a t r asd oiintoaa of N u t Orang* preforrae. Th* Coyotes will Iravol any night in Ih* weMi Bwo saadhF *ftorM *B.-Far gaan* write 10 Theaute Kioly. U CotaniMa plao*. BrvihlPBt

TMala,. ToteU... 4*tlH

V. e . F. AND C. UUOCB. Oa Wetnserth-Whades alteyA

144 UmiTMlMli L44 111 I44|D i94L

1ia)44 iU Hi) pi


a Ivin..eUth...

Lang-.-.Iteltvr . . BilniMAi

VaHte. ’

Ul ll4 4 144111 t It* i t 14 te* 14*41 t a i4 i ti

The SsaiMUi Ot th a F ira t Nb HBI fRiureh a t ItetaiM a ia t ^ e r a tow

aa with {M M ewsFoMi of p b iy M tg tn if m F M M Addmmi ^ teaga* to William ^fteuaM t m m -

•SM' avanigiiefcalteega* Nkak t i l <o ra a t M reiL

Tho aaaUHaaMB Fire of tk* S*oaadytartea Ckgivk ki aagteui le hwik

YOUR O v e r c o a t


V td fM k B P vte the BIB whs ucsirts the hest evenedi it M peeilhte M bay Bt d popular price—aa oh essl ih« MBpt •Bd iptHrigg in every lidd of iff meke-np a n d A m B w i but ld«d, ” 1 iffl werth 11A 00 to IIBiW," u d ea iatpecrioti t b * pidef l l tfaer*.

Yet enly yeu need knew that It 0041 »bu enlv

OOTbM'a lb* htad ef

tbaes aro—BMMHtederad ea anaMMsl In M a te . ihaT WiltBahimuai



FniN C] Xo*M Fit th a t b* t l la aoodltt MM thia I I r bo tn I t h e n i A t o f hi* got

jb e Bead I I T lkbou

f draw ktek i i»*rA u 1I mrnir s

erlFPta w

yaaUrday tk a eerln

to play I tbatOoBci In Ik* in! a g a tu t 1 wa* th* tktesaaM

e a t so I


fkaiaai tb* South OMBtagti ihAt Um TktVH i I fall and atilBS pi y a e r thai fU tt olev

upa«Alwhoar ok*hie t

te *a* ol Tl«*r *• bM hiagtb* dots

( a m b


a m n lt eolvod ap a r te d I n e t hU rfiija ilaa wUl h* Ihla (am tHarvard

baakOah hat ba 1

W tea si)or aad WiteOB I

I)la te tk* very fat 'Wtaaa*tk M H l



If ealy

fNBAHSujfik4N IM

F nhJ

bars A

oaaohMsHy pU hUoa. I

c m10!

Id* As Beat


T- ■■

W nm ATtK EV EN IN G 1 ® ^ ^ . W EDNESDAY. NOVEM BER 15. lOTB, 2T

S F = > O F ? X N E W S a n d

There Are No Recounts in Sport



id tl«ld I unaL ba tab - randar’t m da la Baptaai*

hla eltp hat will b 81wp- Mcoada

hunt up trac tlac ira h a iwark la on A. A.

mlnvto I run la a a t Iho I I.irk t ara SlntpaiNi Id l t 4-< >n ibraa Ob two aocoada. woord of am low

Llar t ro a Oaltn for iraa-footBfCODda.Ih . Lda

: ■*>. 'nda If aimp*ra jac l^loocniaad

lap roo* Vollatar

r Laaaar»rTT Mc»’ lha nil* U a Tala

HaroM aat aavoar raeord- .ra Clairoind Olca

roeorda. that ara I of I l - ( 1 Indoor r tlmo o( tho taa .

■ roeorda dlataneoa. gval patk to. Maaa.. Ila riald .

I BMrk of two-mlla

. tka Mo- kaoB-iallo « m lnttlaa le Park. Iho foar- I aocsnddt , aad tb a ala laam .

anIaaMoad la avaaaa.

Id lla laar rda fa r •ht a t Dm ■I,*a a (a« Tka ta a a

I with tfca b of Mill- abto *aar- M to Itaa - ata atraad.

18 bo M- lan. Kbm> t and tla*

raBii oaa»» ntayoro. Id K u n a ia a r taaaia a ra

laaUana aa00,ritIrlwIndA at Tum or C. A., ra n

nf to Jolm at taam ta a la r ta a t-

ifo, a 1I(M lb lha Udl- I n « a aad A ■roBaan, • BMitador.

C qulntat, y r l i r a al ta gaetaa.tnloo.

A Tfddk MWmui wkattM iM tn ii tdI M b«v

pdpultr an dotr- Ui Mdd* aririft in laid al ill ip ( n 4 larf auf

■I im tiaoo ta " and an Ion tba I ttaan. aniy y«a UM« that


X)Ooaraaata and Inn MO Of MB'

aira tho imraaiarr

T a r t alBvafai W h pan o la aaadad tor T haakaalrtnn Dag a i Lanaa Oval, Now

m n o ju i hotsTho H aalelair > id F fra addad an*

elhor aenlp ta Ila baJt laat aickt. whan the Buburtaa flra taofe la ta oaaia tb a Troya a t Habakaa, t« ta I t , a t Matoa- a o llu a Hall. H aaulalr. la m r H arri­dan, with (aur (laid aaala, a ad Kap Daltay with Ib raa orara tba aaartnp ■ ura a ( tba gaata

Tha aearaiTNa. O. r .F .

1 a t

UaiTlpaa. I 1 tT««aH..» ta .1 M t a If

HnaMalr ................ ....... . t | tt—*•Tmra •,,•■1,,,••••••• a 11—Itm diioa -i ao feorratba

—TO HOME SEEKERS—Publlo Auotlon of Doolroblo Rooldonoo

On tb a F a e ie lea e —14 T M la ia n d A aa,, b a t O r b f d .

SATURDAY. NOV. 2 6 ,TO T D n G H B T B D lM L t l l a o n t tod a b a te } H ja ite iiM lihi H ta n a a f land; ahada. f r a l t atabla and oatboUdlaciL H 1 |M ta d M t l dPiirabla lacation In Baal OTtoca.

F r a n k H . T a y lo r (N ote Ffaral N am o)RIAL OTATI A6B(T AMO AOCHOV

N. I.

'^O N E. bcm taaJ- '•aEfaiiitf



Dm Hat lA dj to Start for haco- tM, bit He W3I Be a Sbpe

ItlkM H w euarT .


dpatw f woM a( Aa WWWB.FRJMCHTOir, Hot. It.—Tralnar

Xaaaa n ia p a tr le k annonnrod yaatordar th a t ba thoucht Dara TIbbatt would be la aondIttaB to parttelpato la tha prac- tlea ihla aftaraooii, Tlbbott will hard­ly ba ta ahapa to atart Iho taaio with tb a n iA but tharo la a Tory food cbaace o ( hla d o ttlac la te tbo eontoat If thara

;b a Boad la r Ua drop-kleklnt aerrleaa.’ TIbbatt atlU ana m anata to aand { drop kleka aptnatnf botwaon tba croaa I l ia n , aa wna Mown rrlday.I Bberatndt, tba otbor backflaldf erldpla who waa aa t of tho B arrard

g a M . oraa ra a n la f around tho flald yaatardtoy. Ha will probably fa t into tb a aerlBUBBgo th a t will bo bold thin a n a n o a a . * tob If Bborotadt la ablo ta play flatarday, It to hardly llkaly th a t Coaob Kuah will mako may ehangoa la tba iDfllal llaa-np that ha will naa ■gataat M a Daapita tha taet that It waa th a firot gan a ka partlolpatad In tb l i aaaaoa and that It waa hla flrut b tf gUba. W llbiir Thonaa ^layod a good brand a t football agnlntt H a m m and. ( r a n pw iaa t indloatlona, ha w in ba, an t aa tba (laid whoa tbo ntoroo 'a TrtM lo U ew t for tba Initial k lek-e» •n tarday ,

Wbaaaaa a H inalaiybaaaaa ptnyad a t tha DMTarolty of

tha gonth gaopanta. T ana, a yaar batata f -n * -g to r i ia u ta a . Ho waa aalaotad a t thad t lM aa aa All goutham aad. n i a m plarad on tha aarab atoroa laat fbU and hla work witk Iho ooooad aM ag playora waa a t a u rt dallbor thla yagr th a t Raab ahlttad fahn np to tha t i n t oloToa. I t w aaa t thought, tbengb. th a t Tbomaa wanld bo la Uo fliwt Itna^ un agn ln tt Baronrd. I t waa an olorontb han r ebanga aiU Tbaaaaa waa aa N t* prfaad aa any owe alno whan Hnah rand h la nanTt ta r tb a Initial Uaa-up.

tlMMa* ptayu a bard, aomppr g a i ^ la ana of tb a b w t Una pinagtra an t e T igar agund and la a awoag n a n for M aU ag dP tba n a n ^ ot tha Uaa an tha dafaaalTai H t alaa pun iaa ia that TaUabla naaat a f haiag abla ta ouag ta th a bnU: It la a m ra ooomrraaoa whan go twnhiaa. Thanaa waa la tha n ra t oiaroB th a t Auih aalaotad ta tJuw rth afgnala yaatarday.

HfUla Maori la a trtfla battarod np aan u S a MUgh b ^ u u a il to fu*oalnad a t Caaahrldga. AlChangh to iwira '-'srKvss^ «r“h i t f t —kiao a a d bad ganaralahlp ag aU U B « 2 2 m . J a r t Hddy will O tar id a a a fo r th a qnarta ibnek poalUon. 1^ n n tb o flra t alayao yaalatdM -

ftilad la H aora 'i p l w la t to baakOaM. H raw a waa uaad to r a wbtia, b i t t o la a u n ^ p a r a d by UM tIm .

•bIM a f Hnda U haty- n a y daoida ta a ta r t ^ w ik aM


With Eddie Hart as Whip, Princeton May Forget Itself and for Once This Fall

Play Up to Its Full PowerDDIE HART, aM*ln thd 1911 Princeton tetm, tho laat eJeoen to

defeat both Yale nnd Hnrtnrd, la now In TIsertown and wilt take an acUre p u t In tlie cMchlnc for the remainder of the week. Han arill not teach new pUyi, not nne point in p rt^eal fundeaientatA The

tetm hai had ita ftll of gridiron rndimenti. It ii Hirt’a |ob to lay on the laah and whip dwey i had cate of eeif-deproottion. Princeton is stroni enottih to boat Yale aoimdlr, waa atm ig enemch to have tronncad the Crimaon. Eleren TI(ere and a few anbatltiitea muat ba apprised of the fact Han i t a apedaliat is this aoft of work. Hla tu k abonld not he too heary-

Orudnataa at Mow Jonoy achoole am m aktoa a good ahowlna l» frortaaaa foatball a t Tala thla fa ll On lha t lr i t a q u d . eonatatlna «f Iw anty-flro BOa. a re e li from aehoola la thla atata, Law- raaeoTino to ln a mproaaalad by fonr, Poddio by ena and Prtneaton Pm p by pan. Thomo UnrphP « t Poddio, m U d na tha boat aunrtarback In Haw laraay —■k«.vi football laat yaar, la oaa « f the ■U flold gonarala and anhailtuta to tha fonnar H satar alar, H arto rt Haaipton. John DnTtdaa^ nlao a a nU-aebolaaSle pUyar laat yaar and n HMubar of tha LnwranoafUla taa a , la an t for n haU- bbak bartb aa tha fmabmaii, and Kan- nath Haam lU aad Hawaii Howard, badh of t a wr anearPlA are playtng In taekla ponitloDa. Joaaph RalUng tho Prtnco- ten Prop hoy. la alaa n taek la


ta t to Brown gnmn aad a tb a r oan- tadta earnar in tha aaaaoa. Tala par* n lttadenbaina tia j galnaan wM aawtagn araand tha anda and an daoaptlya play throngh lb s Itao. Tha Tala anda hnra not boon taag h t to aniaih In h ard to aad tha wlda ,rnna bafera thoy gat ntartod. and tha Hnotoan « m i ineWa ta tM kIa h am an t laa rtad to ao rar

wa ta r r fu e r th an th a t an th a Una of t to t r rtnrgfc T to u n t i l , annida nnd u ek iM hn ta rMhnd tMwngh hBndiy aad pinya hawa dUppad by tb rangb t to ai^rotaotod ianaa. BrowiPB a ttnak w u anil a f daoaptlaa and tba man wwa battor on a ttack than othara th a >tla bad naak Prlneatoa baaaa ta acb nd Ito a tU ah on dooopttro play and anaanton It.w on . Tha wMa awUga am nnd tha anda oaa ba atoppad only by n q n lrt. aharp adranaa a t tba appoalag wlag*

M ton a t tb i aadh to tka p l w U High 1«r and im io ii, Altbongh H lghlar aad ItUaam atartod

atnnda got along Tory wolf w ttbont tbo n n nbari to aid. The H nrm m nton- agonanl haa aa aaoolloat aeoroboard whieh ftTio tba anraboio oorroapondlng to thoao oa tho aeoro oam and ona may alw aja laara gnlekly who t to runner la and who doaa tha taekltng. Fnrthar than that, of ookrao, U la a eaaa of guaiBlng. taterfarara and othara to tba play am not ihown on tha board. Away from Cambridga a t olfhor Now H araa or Prlnooton, tbo abaonca Of too num- bora on H arfam playam la faR. Tala and PrlBoaton oarry than . Tala thla yaa* for tha t in t tu n a

—A—gbort of genia

Tha Tala faotbaU Danagam aat haa anneoBcad that tha aaating capacity for tha Tata bowl a t tbo Tala^Baruam game. Noroabor tS, wHl bo TI.SH. T to n g n ln r enpaelty to SS,I1T. The o t tm •oaU b a r . boon added around the rtm. Tbam la atlU. towaTor. a abortagu of about lt,M* paato. About 11.MS w ar. aaaUd a t lha gataa two yaara ago.

' Haraard to taking no chaneaa with •ta BMa la praparatlen for tho gasM wtth Brown gnturdny. Pmetleo yna- tnrday and Henday wna haM la tba baaabnU eago owtog to t to atormy wM tbar and only algtinl pmatleo ama tndolgud la Theta will be no icrtm - maga thla waab.

-fraMB ^ wraow——u —--------^ Mi# M irM ilF M l M l

(ha gataa bafom It had prograaaad vary fa r bnd pUyad » a a t «t t to gnma TtlgA and P aak ara Mgger a to r t o n m ttn ii Hlghlay and HHaoa aaA atth togh no t aulta ta ehargo hard tr and can S i r i i m to rd knooka than t to T3K L. andA I t la alaa paaalUa toot w S k w m Band ailtaapla Into t to S S w w giTO him hla latIM. d lttw - • la haa hdaa a anhatituta fto fbraa aaa*

haa ynt to ga t into a Mg 52 m . Hnah had OHttoSpia aa t to iMa*Ssrsss cnSUZTto m d h to in n t aa Ito (toM.

to a g h eitok . oaplaia af laat yaaim ■ J i l l r w h o b to iuat eonplaWd a aae* ^^M nl aanaon aoaobtag ,tto Htocam* h M Aaadaaiy tonto. ]oto*d tha ioaeh- liig k a f t yaatarday aftaraaan ^

tba hnebliald oandMUan n%am a r t nlgtoa* aa nah y aaaUlant

M tba (laid itoM■Hr wlaraN. John Ituab mlaa tha glta

and alUongh h t m o a lm OgggoaUona, ha snperrtoaa tha aattra S r k a f too jguad.

CMaMDMfSFOHBASIEIHAU.lOBCCAUIDOOrATSCBOOUTha ta il (Of m adidataa ta r hdrtaltoU

a t tha Tarieua h W w m * j l i t tto asaacU d to ha tauadad ada^ J W ad to o t aa th a fao|ball aaaaolt h y edtnptatad coaatoS of t e .IHu up tbalf aialarlal and h igU kulM-

‘"goSih glda’ llto h 'g a to U kM n rdpraaaalatlan aa lha eourt ! • « »abf Mrt will h a ra aoma antomna to uaa l E i l a cen tra l atoo * « k t o a a l a w ^ laat aaanan’a playara. Haat d*** M(kk tohaei bad na tad * * • Mmri that yaar. but may davatop aaa Ihip fMaan. to ra m l dian haa# eofaa to tba aohaal who barn playod tbo game hoforo and

• a m w d thoto Coach Buttarwarlb wlU M fid hla tanm.

Pollowlng l i t euatow of taat yaar. la r r ia g a r Hlgb Sebnet will not put any hdakatball toam on Iba couft •au. Badkalball waa abaadoaad a t A * lUtoa airaat aohool taat yaar to gtfu

m ab to ln Y h ab eto flU o f riw — — S lo r aahaol b r t f h dn

■ a t t to b g lR ifg irt ‘ a f t to

B arrard to tho only toaai of I to U rgor eoUogoa In tho Haat today whoaa Bon do not wear aw ntora (or t t o pur* poao o f idontHtoarion. In the gaBoa a t OMBbrldgo, bowoTur, tbaao la t to


VA llree WeAi of Seuon Left Sckotutk Berens Setde Down

to Final TraiuDf.

B A R R D I G E R H A S T W O B K B A T 1 U S

w ith about tbroa mora waaka of foot­ball tha aehoola ara praparlng for their final games. Praetlce from now on will be the bnrSeal ef tha aaaaon. HrefT aftamooB the boys will a n w r drill call aarly and be d lim lM d laU.

At Barringer Hlgb, ^ t h two m ry Important games coming within that lime, there la eapeetad to ba seen harder work than at the other oehoola. Satumav the flrit Importanl game of the eeaaoB witl be played with R u th y fom High iehool. Thla game may de­cide the atate high aehool cbaoplon- ehlp. for both Barringer and Rutbar- fom etand aboTo the other aehoola In tha race.

After gaturdar'i guBe Barringer will again settle down to Ita ayetem of training niod yaarly In propamtion tor the annual battle a t Aahlaad field wUh Eaal Orange High Beboel for the H. 1. I. A. A. cbamptonehlp.

Teitem ay the team waa run tbreugh a aariea ef signal and fem atlon drllla and then Indnlged In a anappy aertin- maga. The oourH of drill for t to rest of the week haa noi been mappad out, but them will probably be a repetlttoa of yeaterdaya praetloe today and a long, anappy signal drill tomorrow, with a real on Friday.

D toPite the fact that South Rde High Scbool baa no game acheduled until TbaakagWIng Day, that with St. Bena- dleCA there will he no let-up In prae- tloa for the Orange and Black team. Coaeb CaTallaro will bare hla man out a t the Weequahlc Park gridiron OTary day,

Haat om nga High Sehool will hUTO a atrenuoua two weeks Friday the Blue aad Rad team has a game with lha High School of Commorce elevoB of Haw Terh. Thla team haa aatabltohad a good rarard.

Caaeh Qmaaa to ugh bad tha bora out yaatarday, raaalng tbam through alg- aal (om ailoaa aad andlng up with a goad acrimmaga baiwaaa tha TOiwity and aeruba Tba anburbaa alauta haa mada rapid atlldss In tha laat three waeha. After the game wtth Gommerce tha Blua aad Rad team arill h ara a lay-off uatU Ihdnkagiriag Day.

lUXjrT BjUnDKER oonsEFOR d i o H C O D in i t n iu v s

Captain Baaly a t tba Cotombta atoroa _■»! on tho Hold yoatorday fo r Uio

Tltat I to a ataoo t to gamo arlth itoTobh Tool XlMtloB Day. Hoaly to a boon laid up with a kaoo Injury And will probably b t ttM t ( tho gttuo until th t final coDttBl, w ith Haw Tork Uni- Ttratty, HoTaBbar I I

g ttu a ts Taeh w in m sat tka Rans- •a la tr F tly atavta d t Hobthan ■ator- day iM taad ot a t Troy, whom tho gam t waa tUut a rttd u ltd . T h t Rana- •atosr B ta tg a ia fn t t tk a d to r tha ehttga ,


B il l M’KINLBY of U» P ifH « i AtlilMld O ob . ^ Ig h t tind trbig b ill, bids fa ir » bdooiRO t e b u t drawlRC card gf bbit -pimM - ,g f t* b o n r h ifgabogtt. V i m MeKlaIrt enw tad ^ f o « ^ t e fopa* agdloai J o to Oaddl Moodap o ifh t it w i t U t d fst O M « w « * »■

ring. Htl FotM dfW ilftwIiM « « d lte CiddL ooHHdtd » bo t e bmMtb ta tm tt fu f In t e (Mords of t e A , A Ul. boom d MeKmiop's gtock W ilm t e l if hd bad tta ftad af dw b o t te i u d cldasod up • do ttB o te r a .

I t v b l n i i g OddlL teH io lg p ^oM d hlotadif i i • poWttoi to poeiig s t i r • ttn e rio M bolofd Mrtf Yofk gm otrar te b o . a id ba will probaMp bd oo ig h t bp o t e r o*f-of*lo*i OfiM liddoBs, tw l m Gaddi m d tho o t e f tw r d iM ta iio v d f t a e i tb t * b « «ba 2 » l h A on lw niirp b o m * t i» bald h a r t rtceatlp .

aw l i taa iaMta Att g i i a na w ^

u m to te d o lte a r i i. 'Jo a A sarado tloM H aai bta aartrm to

Maw T a r t tout night bp ttk lagr oart* U t t o bap aUl atatM auan t u t u t Cklah _ g la r . fiM iafiF a f ■aaurtato ad tka P t t t to t A tofttag Ortb. U i t tW d far I to n r a t fouad w *wt aa lhaugh t to Haing y tg p t Fataapluatldo ta r t ld a t

M d ta M g a to t to a t to r th C t l i f a r t i u i .b a t th t I tf la r k tp t h tto w artig • • • F ■* M ttitr it r tto a td aaaMadta ■toUta'ti M t u y a w ttg t atMMd t o h a r t a t tf f td iT Z m dMMdR rfik tu g h h t ta to td a l t t a f U to iB , d d t to f lg M p ia g f J ^ ^ d BUttor g t t atowof to d afawar an a k a tg mm oiaBdlly. H a M toa a lw rt raH laa ta Z ^ a i ^ a ls k th and ta a iA ond t r t t i t a K t t o g f a a t f ta lah af t e uuUu to t to ttrad pefuteW b aftar

BaUupaUa, auttida a t aaata of t t o a r- BOrta« etpaU a of bU dlag a tm th ta d ta tu g b a iu tt t t m a t t t to ih tag n pay­ing Ttwtara, And M taM lta a r t w t t ftto auatttaa. baotuat It wtuM to aaoaa.•ary praattaallr ta rtbafld tto tiiurtor M am ta pw lda M»ta atom tto ta* ctlaad t i f ta af ito aamar.


T to am ra t jtopped out by « W h Loola Ptolda t f the B srrln a tr Hlsh School croaB-oogatry t o a ^ u d Joa D-Angata. aooratory of tha wsklla Seheola Alhlatlc Agaoclatlon, has ham seeapted tor the ruaalag of the olty high achml r ttm p lu artlp a i t t u r - dmse BMnttlM* ib' dT t g r r i r t ta Rtoatagar Htak gohool, t to bore will f t a tr th an HlOge straet. w att an Farh aranaa to Highland are- n w north oa Highlaad aranua to eom« TMBat latA acrata the lota to L«ke atmot and th a t north on to k o a ^ l to BaUMIttao partn rty . At Baltantlne parkway t to rua to w w'H agata enter Bmaah Brook P a r t and run aeroas the giwos a t l^ t la flold to tho auto rta J . whord fhay arill r t e aouth to within a qusrU r of a Alla af Bloowiftold are- nua b r i r t t , tbopaa tferough abrabberr to t to H a tr tt Oaaal tawpatta. They wUl eoatlata aa tfca lowpstb to within a quartar af a mlto of Park araBue, whom tkay will tarn to tka laft tad again aatar t to parli, ram U ng the auto r t td . One. la th t park thsy will taka th t pM tar twttmohlto ro td to the e t t e r t a t k ridgt t a Park artawa, m a up P a r t tUattB to Ridge a tm tl M d fltlah a t tha tehooL the starting pttaL

AU t f t to Brtool will g t t r o r I to ootUM tala t f ld ra ttn . R arrlagtr htyawill to m hand to aecort thoir op- p ta ta ta tu ta tha ouur**' Thla a f u r - B ttn ’a w w b tu t wUI be Um laat bafom t to ruA.

Uam R am ta W tsh ._____ t f tto rm rt.

PHUidPiHlJRCI. Hot. U - C o t r t H Ito HpldBoy haa hw rhU iiptbarg High BUhodI aqatd hard ta work pm ptring for tao gaKo at Jaraay City ta tu m ay with Dtakiaaon High PchooL Mambori of tao Bgaad toTo boon warnod agalaat a ra r anaridmaa. A targe t o U ^ t o t of r o o u n u i aapptrtoru of *1**ataam piPF tha aqaad to Jataqy taiy- Tka Atatatla Coaaratiiaa of i to A t o a l ABaeotattoa haa angagta taa th in ip a - hftrg H u d to hsad tha Fk llH idbu^ tdutlngqa t In t to u a u t l Hsataa tPa.) High school. whidR ta t a yaar wlU bu Ptayta T b u k a g ir ta f af* t i r u ta t . ' tpH jw uptita lo ta a r t i t to g

M d s tta M ttK tr td u a to fa t l itML t o t t to I - T - V - t f t to tr

_____ t a i . w r ta b l. t t o tild fc f la tt tn ta f la M Itthad for^________

t e r t ptagidddr t wka hara boot I tw ta t tab ta r t t a ta af t to tad dtrwe-ta r t ta r a taw t a u t am m a«M ttd ik ta H w tn pa* taal umeh Mugtr. T h t r. u d V. e m m v wfcd d f i to i t td iv PRMta- Mlfttod asm w to wqm ta t a aul ta h y tth m u w t to tr tavaataiaMt ta t r d t r t t aara tha t r t u , Hdw tb ta t to t r ta ta - pauy h ta g t a t ta la h u h r u p ta f I t ta i p - p tm ti th a t (Ita Haw T trh U fa t a m r .U M r - r r ~ ^ m h t* p m to ld a tit, BrtWMP M h (M l tPtata MrtMMMi.T to i t *d hM todMH M ufcHHMd tb ta II if t i r r - - ta r dtftat bgUilgH l«f>

' !**••* * • * ****** ^ ^

Ula I

KiAtl IGTS HI SQM MSF tu r t a t t l tadA CitoriM I W W ild

D t r u M p , < ta e w i t e I W tdr* o tte red to (ka * W ^ a y t .

p p t t t u dlta«>taMblrt oM UBtad M t r th a d ' * - ^ ^ ®***‘ taM t F h rt M W it W " * 2 v

HdM iar, *d»dk sad I W Wtn t h t i r f l ta t r td d to t t a a ta lM •

p^m^uTllTorstHattaar Staahdd atata aad Lp mthifty-thiri.

j j a a n w T H M CMIMII g l t lw HdW

BAMBERGER’S -. “ The Best Men’s Clothes in Newark ”

An Ounce of Protection Is Worth a Pound of Cure

An overcoat on the back is worth more than a well- worn check book in an M. D.’s office.

This morning was evidence of what we may expect from now forth. “We told you so,” we might have said, for this weather was predicted. And when we almost slipped down our front porch steps this A. M. with the snow flurries whipping about in little swirls, our fondest thoughts were of our overcoat.

Again "Ennyweather TopCoats, Priced $15 to $45You have the option of

picking out an ‘Enn^eather* coat as light or as heavy as you please. Just as there are some chaps who prefer B. V. D.’s all year round, so are there men who think a light weight coat sufficient cover­ing in any weather.

But—for the man who drives, for the fellow who likes a thirty-minute atroil down to the office, for the out-of-doors man—we have

great coats possessive of every ounce of essential warmth, with no excess weight included.

These Bamberger overcoats repre­sent the maximum of style, plus great­est midwinter'comfort, at a nominal price.

H a n d s o m e W i n t e r ^ S t e i n - B l o c h ”

S u i t s , a t —The price depends upon how much

you want to pay, how line a grade of tailoring you demand and the particu­lar fabric that you have in mind.

You may adect a “Stein-Bloch suit for aa little as $20.00, or y<;u may pay as much u $38.50.

No matter what the price we prom- * tse you a full measure of current style.

Naturally, as the prices increase, the t ie r in g improves and the quality of the fabric gets better.

After all It Is a matter of your own purse.

Three raodcla, “Mofley," “Standard" and “Saxon.”

($4cmd Floor}

For and Fur lined CoatsFor motorins we have a aplendid

amortment of Fur Coats, priced from80.00 lo ISOjOO.

For mmi and young i eoati, priced from S0.W

men, for lined to 19850.

TheGibraltarLeather~ fo r atan’t stwei.

R idler aam utl to citt • •hog k tther by the nime of • rock made fimous by ■ local inatltHtlon.

But Gibraltar atanda for itraiiath and ‘'Cordovan” leather metna the same thing in ahoea.

Cordovan, while poaaaauvo o f graat aturdiacaa, mnhaa • fory handaoma b o o t Wo h tva C erdovtn k a tb e r ahoga for non , lacg atylo, on the fa­vorite EngMah k a t.

Prieo ADO.iSoeomd J’loer)

P H n m I i m i m . Y a kffeauffs of the gam wHl Da sHawn, play by play, w tta frm k

SeoT oard, in the Bemhargar Aadiiariam, Saturday, atiP.m*


■ j K ! * “I t i l a M M h I i '

m H t m i s C M n n a M R


F o b Toy Town Open The Christtnas Spirit, a t This Early Date, Makes Itself Felt Strongly

SKIN OI80KDERS. - — Nda Ml fM kRRW ^

VABinroif, »«*. ti• OMHRtttM t* iBftMMM* P»M|RMMM PUMM SMw. * M u M Ataa ftMw P*M*r aatatm atM * ■■•gaMMt Or*» *•**■ M IMirMn w . r**

m th* »«rt « f p w n tfM w * M r • r«w*« a» i» r M * * •« » » »•«■*•“ •* iM lsvat* Ilirrr . •* o™*>*•ffMMia »• Mow mnm to r* Wm t f i f t* p n i t r Mr w s u r n r r lr> ** M- v«M1c«Um i 0t lo«*J M r l t t eA e teW rs- IlM, Mtf rrOo* •«»*••* **•■IM RitiMtel* K akM r CMaMM M r Mll- ■r« t* MlHrtl r l M «• « M tt rMMtto*• f tb« p»^w««oeii KM»r • •r* •■*■■ tk« w M >T » •Btrta B ow r • ( Rm IM »t ita m i* trg bar*

!■ til* bMf4 a>in— -----* la tta nilaa ra««>Hw thataaa tr m am hart ra ta atoll to raear4a« Ito trM aanr wtoM tto a r r t r r a l af Mato la a»aar eatoM tratlaa. I t waa aa> rIatiiTf a lta r t to maallBf I t a t thia raaalBlIaa. a toM to wUhaat a w H u t , waa toalxM a varaM ta clarHy lha raa- ato la tha a raa t af aaurt a rraa la la vblafc toalalaaa a l Um ha«H a l s h t to larM raA T to raariatla*. fcawarar, waa nat toralA a l aMal»M»ato la a a n i t^ to HI t to part plaaa to ra toaa p t a p ^ t o aMMhara a l t to to a r t who r a f r a M lr a « ra tin g whan atoptloa or raJaaOaa a f aaeh plaaa war a t a ta to

Two aMnloni wata raealrad h r Ito haard fraai tha a tto rnar «aaa»al-aa«loa. a to toW la# that tha hoard W w ttho it a ta taianr autharttp u ra ra to Uaaaaaa iMBad te haalth offWara. and tha othar t to l tha haard la wtthoat pawar to pro- hIMt t to aU p aan t of rafaaa «r f to a BUehwrll'a Iiland ta Parth Aaihap. In t to lattar aplaloa It waa a a n a a ta d that tadaral aota h ^ a g ap to in ta rau ta ahlpmanta ailght ha ap- pUaabta. Raapaotlog lha laak of to * a t to rrmova haalth affloar^ a a»aaUM proaiptad bjr t to arorh e l tha haMth affloar of Wildwood. It waa ahggaatad t t a t tha haard aaak laglatatlaw eaa< tarring the pawar which >* —ThIa aoggaatloa waa ap p ra rto ^ a n d toM ldaat WtlltaMi » . C*aw and Dr. J. Ollvrr NaDonald ware aawad aa laa t a ^ l a t l r a oowaalttaa for t to year.

ftoaaiMtaa an FWOnllaB.t o tiaa raaalt af tha aiaatlag haU la

Jaanar City Morale to r I. Mr, C h « aa- eatiaoad thalawtng oommlUaa to in r a a t lg ^ palla- tlgw a f lha Paaaain natarahad hy honaa

Made in Newark

h ^ aad factory waaCaai Mayor Thomaa r l u ^ a t o . / a w k : .M a y e r Mark U.IThgan. daraay t^ 'tf t ,* " .* 1 ^ ? :f l id r l‘**~ Pataraaa: Mayor ArtharBIhaetord, Baantani Bedolpk Mating, H P W ^ r : H d w ^ Kelly and Jlw ar King. PotrarTMagor WHHam A. lay. U totham ; iam aa Ik BraohA R ltoa. add Oarporallon Coonaal John HiMna. jam ay CMy. Tha oo«inlttaa.naiaad anbieor to by lha ap-

Brwrteir kMVP Ruhtonti Pilnt Bnwbw.>Mwwt ttom w tto Mwlwt ttol can’t itod biiMldn; k a m ibMi ta tto bwt hnwtoa » buy, bdcaghh they aw tb* tieai acMMmlcal In tta “l«ii| waar.”

Na mgtttf tow nm tb tto wr- faea—b«w atleky tto paint or rtr< niab-r-of bow long you im a KUB> BEItSBT N lnt B ru tli-tto briatlto eaa't como onl. Nor oaa ito b n i^ tan ipari. It boUa togMbw i ^ g ina Mrfoct iorrloo omit tto biMlao aw wont i# tto bwtt

Caoi no mow Ihnn tto orttBify briPt)e>abe4dm.

A full ahdortBwnt alwaya ta dtock j l Ito right prieoa ti tto


I S S ^ ' i a ' i o ttoOTt within I to W daya t o anggaatad hy Ito raachillon ap-

uelntleg the Invaatigating o a in « ltlto l!U a r will to to tlfhel »tot }ta pMaa lor a aowagh diapotal plant will ha boM M

Mr th irty dnyAy ^ t lp t of n report tr to i tha Mraatlgnl

'^ (laaa aebm iuad M Ito Anaertoto Hard Mdhtor campnay, tha Pogaanntok VaHay to p ar Company aad Iho r a n t o — Cewpaay to p ra ran t2 C u « of t l^ a o u a im a o i B l r w w ^bud o ra r fa r fu rtbar laraattgallon by t to anglnaarlng dapartmant a l t to haard. Tha BMamlngdila ^ 0 ^ 0 ^ - iumy< whlah fhllad to awltoltKTlto *«*• ***r*A*an tll Dooatahar I M to aa w «h ttou adarauad iag t to t ^fallowed hy pMolhghgiida of t to allortiay goaoral lor oalt

*^B otort*r HowaU af P ^ llp a h a rg to d

r S l i i r W a T r ^ w f ^ W ih l j * i tocity m aat aaaaa o a ll» » l«RWan Under a Mrintoa of t to W r i of MrrOft WA® A|HD**** f•lloW•4

• UM mntlY r*k?n»iY t to ab«t« poUu- ‘ aa. I t w ai f ln ^ l r Jlh**ktoikt|Ka||to«w imtll MofOn li l*tf» tQ IwO

pUM 7ar tha SVmlnallea t fo to r,polhitloft.

Chaw Armitoa WhlOlpaitog.[Hiring

lha fln ta board a a r a ^ a r r m g ^Phliupaharg for ^ T S IS mU ^ I t to to act 10 the M o ^ t t o d m « ~coort. and *>■•* .taa l admlaolon that »ba city ^ « a aaoihlng asoapt ta laraatltoW the ahh>

*‘ w « e la la afO to ' bafor. th_a ^ J ^ T t o itT ta ahew what alaH hara b f " for tho traata ian t a f w ater a t the Or

utok*.' Th« bowd ! ^ tv infomiod thfci tb* Ofkftt* w»t*r «^ol* iVTrtatad with chlaria^ bat wlahad to tore dafialta ‘"*^******? j j! Boactlag the traatmaal In r i « of the a i^ a d pollalien at tha water by bomaa• ’ B t i S w d ’IJ^Iaiagiit D. C Bawaa aad Ur * . f t PItalUndoTph ware a ^ * ^ M under a raaolutlon p r a a a ^ by d T Bdward A. Ayart of pranchriJM to Inveatlgata aiathada of local haajlh to - m i.tVuatlon la dlffaraai atataa. The ™ ™ se e l tho laroatlgatlao la la bring

a«>^‘ « » la thia ra-apoet a Maw J « W '


“ t o i w w l « t i a ^ aaotalwod la a

Un G nada^ Snw Vm ■ Sotpinir Rxlnh aoR Nobodr

w m ” -

S re c T io to la bring My. t o t t * »*

IMTlag aa igauraitda af hla Ihlagrlty

'’'T b T a a M U ^ of lha eharga « o to by M r ^ t i w waa thathla patHloa M h mamhar af jbfJJ**** hoard to further hla pareonal MtaraaM. i ^ n e danlal of t to » llto»tiato hy Mr. Pottor haa already baaa IHtod la I to Mawa. n iraatar Jaw h C Priaa waa htotwatad te ca«™ w «»M with Mr. Patter aakiag him W .ta a t la u hla ttorgaa. ThJ J a r t J W Mr. Patter la not new a re M to t a t t to S a te pravaalad a pw aaw a tor hla bp*

Tto me al lego aad Palptor tw i------- -- ,todaA, per heHte to aewti e « O ^ j hoA to ■ iiidaiilh ir- tima Pto oad It laS 3 L ^ ‘i J h : ^ f i ? 'w S r 2 gX j c f t j r : : r s ; x r s s ^ 3 \

*wt M h«f-4»Uo it«

(hat tobadr.oto i*« K *?!*

Blocks and Bunnies a ’Plenty in Toy Town

Howadara hr a j ^ « aar druga t n w t haiua at " Wrath a ^ ato aalphw Caeapatod," raa will ■*( tMa 1 faawua aid arapuetla*. tmprarad by lha I

- -------- ------- ■*-! a a iM aaloc «ii4.|tota tto tolT. ^ ^a »aU-hn*wa dowatawa *eg|Bd aWa n \ . tha hair aa aataratlr ato artaly

Toe aliaply dawyoa a M|mP J f —tt - i -.Hk ,tato.draw th M to ^ ,p w J i |j ; rwtt«r MotllBf I

m\%% n MM «rww i m tmiUtoM airuicl o Uai*, tto p e r hair d to y p y ^ .a to ; gjyBiWUaw 9t t«® * •••••

Y W i M U H U o n n u s

y> lh* i ticw Mylrar Censseel Isa ^ h t r e l taOat ratp^ t a fw ttoaa to o

S J t o o M dtoeP .-A dT W tta« toP t o I p y P h ChWBleal (Ja.

t o a - f t w A . Mwa. I t . iil ahw W inid. ^ S f S e o w aW. 0 T ttaroa talopheoa r tS ^ w T i r M klBad to ^ d w i g h t yarda to i t o t a r a a g O agtral RaOiaM yaatar- to * w han aaaaral lalaphaaa palaa t o C m halp tog la onJoad f w m a ear raUad an h i* . Me laorao • w « a a t a tw a daaghtard .


p A n iW m , Mae. II—« r . th aw ta ^ toat Bight hP haalth af-

to had haU twp


aa hy tw. J. w«w .etotaP to to r

t wawmvmm mr** <MpatoWOMt a t a S f. hBt M* *


Co m m A t

i t Phin otoyt I aaa m m to fRto i-.

Bub tto mlatrr

rifilUttialm T S S ^


The littlest kiddies irc hoping—whenever their very young minds remember to think shout it—th it Santa Claus will bring them beautiful blocks and nice, hugable bunnies or friendly Teddy bears.

A Teddy bear is such a comfort, when one has to go to bed early. So is a nice, fat kitty or a white puppy dog with a black spot on his nosi.

, The Bamberger Toy Town is featuring toys like these. We call them REAL toys, because the chil­dren so quickly love them. And we have hundreds and hundreds of others, for all ages of childhood.


Ckmte that Are “ Different” Priced $20, $25 and $35

The tn toaobU e cfi aMd

Gowns of Rich Velveteen, That Defy Velvet, 30.00

The woman who cannot wear black In any other material without looking dull, often Itwks regal in velvet. The war has. put real velvet out of the reach of most of ua, but our own man­ufacturers “got busy,” with the result that we are now able to offer you gowns of twill black velveteen aa rich aa tllk velvet In appearance, and better in wear.

There are six distinct modela, some built on Moyen Age lines, combined with satin and gold embroidery, some with white broadcloth col­lars and velvet acorn drop buttons, some bead embroidered. Ideal for dressy iftcmoon wear.

These models abo In the ooioriiigs and shades of the season; sizes 34 to 44; all at SO.OO and SS.00.


(M« g s i t a s d u a

The Muff Bed You Went to Make

Over Your FuraJack Frost la on hla

way to nip your Rngen. It’s muff time. Probably you want to make your furs over, or you are planning a velvet muff, fur trimmed. We have the beds lined with Skin­ner’s satin or crepe me­teor to match any fur.

W« K 4Blrt the epT iceiof im r i i hundred ' t r l ^

Ftow, MPton ahaped, Htia4 beds, U $ a id U R

Doim.fin«il melon th tpotl lined boda, ROD to B JR

Chtklren'a 4ow*-flMed beds, unlined, SOe aad Si&

Childraa’t dewn-Rtled beds, lined, L K .BAMBBRQKR'P—Vtiurr PIOON

younf woipMi at oooa.■boat who qualify w« offer perawncBt poaitiotu, qaed talatiep.. jp i ie n li l a«r- raiMidiW aod a re iy oppor- n n iiy iw adraiieeiiHnt.'

W t addraa* thia requMt to our pa>'t>tt*

If you hara a tdiaar, d a u |h ttf 9 f friend whom you u u atikioua to atoft upon > hBlintaa c a r m will you brios Ihia raquirement of o u it to their attention? We ihatl iatcrvlew any tp- ptMant e iir toom inf before Id A NU luperintendent’f oOee. efraa th Root.

The “Canterbury" Pattern in the Sale of Syracuse China

TWe week « i tea taMlnq In the taeeiieBt a eety loMrtetlnt

* ■ nwnwaclUfe ofekUhll of I ta Syraeuae china.

And d a rin t the e ih lb jil« i we u e p t td a t s3 and too fieec din- aer aeti unaiHmy !«*•

T ta p a tte n lllua tn led la the "OmierbuM .* h I t a eenven- UoMil Sorel d « l l ^ »hh »#«*«•

in iwe ahsaec of seeaur aad eolor Mn* e d |a . Opea stack, in iwe « « « * ^ S 3 ^ a c g » tto b u iT "

* fc a A ilV 9eOM , for J i l l w e k 4 ^sa-piM o •C aa te ita n f” d la tw m to t^p ito rty S32J0. I ta thia woes » J i

b iM v id tu U P iM S S M o f B e S e e a r e d a t t t e g u l e r P r i mOgaa VegataMe Dtotae Ogee VagatoUa D « * h ta ...tJaU B tor P tow e.................. . . « •BrM klafi P letoe....... •••■•<$*Tea P tn a a ........Brand agg B utter W k to e ..jta

Oraawrtre. alaa 1 ..tuirar B aw to ............ .i u n r Bawla


OWtorto ia . . ." t Saa.........^Meat O to k a a . . . . . .M i

_____ _ S t o D to k a e . . . . . .a jaOorarad BiM ar D t o h a a . . . . ^ Plakto tMeiiw..Cato PtoU*................

i u n r Bawla . . . .

riruw Kir - " RW klaa

D lttae .,.M ak a to ra .j...........••■B?Mtg r in ta .. .. .. f*t

g au at'ilto to n ia f Mto*!- ■%• Bau«a Turaaee and StondaS i Capa aad fa fea ra OoKto Oei• to Ota taeaeTB,

.. C eoaita CaRat Cup

•aacateUBa and a«u>

'bipi'”^ " a ^C r ^ ieuB Mawie

Irtutt# « 4 « r'a f * » ♦ 4 • tll-toth atrrtea PtMae.



The Economical Woman Likes R. & G. Corsets

—bocanae they St veil, wear well aad are decidedly low priced three excellent thiaBi in a co ree t. '

No two women, we think, are proportioned exactly alike. Each has her own individuality, and to­day’s coGMt must specialize itself into u many styles as there are flsure types.

There are ipedally cut R. and O. coraeta for Icurea that are heavy below the weiat; for the ierfe- busted, stim-hipped types; the lonfer-walsted Sfures to d their opposite, and for all of the typea in between.

Illustrated is en ideal model for the slendier woman who is inclined to he athletic. There a n elastic inaertt a t top and bottom. In pink brocade, 3J0.

Other R. and G models, LOO and upwird.


Y # ,will to I

to f t 'n.srs&

(Thursday)M fmqimlfy tappRU fAto

tpmt tf iSt hh n M$eobmm g n too m sU tor m to pn*- Mfw It fill aiMf artototam m e m , h toR gnew tat Mdto gf f ta taftom a< fta * - ataRtow " t o naff or fStm t

. M--A *P9PWWB /HWtoiWgaNWg IH Th BaaNg

CelhUn toggggl USta law atyito. T toy hare

BlBlB ta a « 'j r a i t lolaB wid Cm Is cubM iliaola. AU alaaa

n domnod for the aapnrtte eoat that haa developad into a faahion fo r erery oo- cankm. Theto a n eoata for atreet waar, dhioer w u r , evoMint m m t , h mat- t a n not, Bo woman eao af­ford to to vM w nt to r tgpnratt cM t'-M ot if too can got it as raaaonaMy na wa aro offeriof i t

Hgra la a fall flan of oovolty n ioer, l i r | t aodeUtatltatod,1hM dte waiat llao, at SSito A full flara coat thlrred Ndta, I M ta watot with axstUaal u d a . It toJto ^ mgdti w to l a i * ^ i » K tor trisuuad aad f itia m . a ja w ito t ptotod afftoiL aaila Raad thnwiltoat, at


Qgg gi (UaiirgtAd

faalure t— • — —-MBtafahig dttwtair • at;atatM to tto weO-dieeeed weeMU. AD le rttad te .


aad wMtha forfloor,


MO lia g a PUtaw C u m Prtead IAS a M r

Slaa t i s l l , haaaamekag. Hada af aarallaat qaa lltr of IHiaa. Ju it th* th tag for Um o ■kowan, «to. While they laat, IJta. P in t Ploor.

WoMB’a t t o Ragdy-toW ow Bgtg. C la n ta f a t 1 t o

About M baU to elOM out. la black aad oolora. aoBO of th an baliif trimmed with gaM a r alfvar. Third Floor.

Me Sthar Dapaait A nmi Omm Ma at UcAJaa aoma leaioa Plata and

fork a*u and cream howl aad ladle m ta WhUa thar laat. aSa par a a t r t r a t Ploar.

t t o W gfaoaftaat LM

Made af aeleeled hardw ota stoefc. Tha hady. ilaa ItaM , ta aioalr varalahad and daa- oratad. R anorable aMe and

Math Floor.A PhM BaliMtou af ISe

r m tj D n a g d a tta a * UHe Thay are t t laahw wida

Coma la ramoant laagtha hut taeloda U a aawaav P ^ patterna, la etripaa ohaoka aad plalda Flrat Floot.

toe MamelaadnM rm ir* - ta t ta Pw Taid U tnohaa la wtdU. It to af vary ttaaa waara eta

MiatB la a large r a w of haauttfat aeral datagua Flrat Flaor.Bayta ^ M a g n ^ B p e t

(ood aaaorttaaMn t a l i a ' la aorarul ---------Tho alaaa ara T la I I Fuara- B ica llan t fa r thto Baeota Flaar.

a t

"I bongOt aaarr Chrlatmaa earda tadar.- t r l i ^ ah aa tlr aanaunsad a rauag wa- man who la a Bwahergar "and I aaa't tall ro a wbta a oaatartab la faallag U to ta kaaa that much doaa I'm guing M try to hare all of nw j f * * " bought, wrapped a»d Molod at lew t a week before ChrUUnaa Thea 1 ran aettle baek an*Jay Ita agaroaoh, Uaat yaw 1 a ru ao wrought up ovor nmkiag laat-Btlnata parchaaot that I had no Bioru bolldar feeUog^thmi a^ th a a a —than nayiking. ___

Bha pauaad for a vary neoaa- e J T iS taU (.ton't It “ ^ * * 2 ? ;how *ucli n/ .woBian CAN e y without MuelBg lor hroalhTi. tb w waaf on: .- I t ww n ira r t ta pick out ^ earda oomfortably.■a iplek and apan. aaofc w ltt Ita own dean anvalopa kundrad w o m e ^ b o w a d I badw e. to Cre te th a t 1 walked a l without setting half ta maay

my own faalt. bj^ eaaeo 1 didn't buy Uem until tour deye before Chrietmna

T h ia year," aho a o lo ^ ly » n - aladed. have reformed. Wtap Bnriy' to ray elogan, ^ r a j •reaw ln g it to a if my frlonda

Firmly believing th»t eOv RIOHT I DBA. W# Ito“ _ ta7 xka verbatlto, aa to TOU.

Boys* 50c Shirts St 39c

S onn lle intB OM, and to aff to Dreamland.

Thane nightshirts am mads of good qnaHty onting flanosi, in nent striped effects.

They are carefully Miahed garments, with plenty of room.

Sizes 6 to t$ years, while they last a t 3$e each. On sale in the boys' fnreiihing depart­ment.B A M B B R oinn—eMOOND ridJOR

U r

St^rlinft Silver “Dorine” Boxes

S t 95cn « y wura formeily priced at

**'?'amsfl mrts itoriiof siWer for your

'^B yerB y e ’*

Hat • tiny tt im r lu ld flolMt Ita Mllsdy’i used.

Otasr is ' uBtiue — Eatappto with ehslo sod ffneer • ^ c e H c .rinp. 0 **W ww—r


750 Pairs of Children’s Sample Shoes Marked Low for SaleThe Simples h tve only just arrived from one of

the well-known m annftcturers of chQdren’s shoes.Further Introduction hardly s«m s necessary, for

the word “sample" applied to footwear means shoes perfeedy designed and flnlahcd In every respect.

Being ’‘samples” nituraUy we pild considerably lest rtiah usual wholesale prices for them. Thus the reductions in this sale.

Simple shoes, in size 4, st 89c.Simple shoes, In size 7, st W5.Sample shoes, sizes 914 to 10, at 1.79.Sample shoes, alzea 13'/i to 1, t t 1J5.Sample shoe8,'slzcs 13 ,13Vz «nd 1, at 2J5.


O vem ^ht Traveling

B<msH okns-h ik iu t First it’s an E n^ish

traveling tog , with its pymmid thspe, end then—

Hokas-Ppktts! an^ yon h tve a totally different taitpe of tmvoKng tog .

t W e "O veraii^ t" b t p tre htttdsomely Ba* iihed both inside and o u t They tr e tight in weight, and nre/p«rticalai1y de- t in b le for the womnn who tm vds, even a tittle.

Tta ttaloB are perticu- lifly beautiw, • tm m which eny weinan win ap- mecUt*.

to r lataaoea, ltef« ere .avunl atodgp gf «wite^*» wtU n smy *to peOew

**^to'slsw fta ia n*m tO tg™iBetag. P f lU S to le

*Nnth litius^ p to to ta n to t a lS jN .

g ChrigtaHi etige-___ _jw uWig 00 hambnad iw ertiiiMHs. A UMii dgpotat new wlU iwervt any bgf tor fntmo dtahmiy.^f^ftMungBgi tlM-gtaOM

Jiift the Skirt '

You Need t t 5 . 0 0

Every womm •*> extra dress skirt, if only to save her street suit. We htve • complete as- aoftment of the latest d ^ Btgns in checks, pltids snd ^ e s , for all occasions,to tell at IkOk

One model you cannot fall to appreciate la • check velour, full shirred back, detachable belt, and billiard pockets. Other iBodds in black and white and wanted colors.

Specially cut skirts for the larger woman at ROO t o l i J a .

They are designed to give an effect of almlde^

Seas and are shown in all le wanted materiala for

both atreet and dress wear. Beautiful winter coloringi. ' neoM


Now! Fur Back & Fur Lined Gloves for Men

Looking ovgr t to ttnek tBice to n m it s w * place where we oonM fill to n d w e r n T t a r ^ com pletenen everywhere. Me e to rtn as w totever. « tove, withont • deubi, t to ONLY oempleie Meek e f farmotor gloves to t ^ . ^

V e queetlea w to tto r tto m etrepoliton w to ta " ■ shew nnetto r noeertmeBt ns targe m we e tm .

E v ery s o r t o f g lo v e , fro m th e h sn d so m e h sn deevering to r d re « oecselons, to ^s s n tis i fo r g love fo r to e to r te g . D rese. g iovee fro m U ltelTS.

P u r bhok g tovse . I t l i e 1 * ^ p e lr.P e r l ta e a g le T e M ta J B to T RP lH to HneS gloves, nt U S to U R Auto glevto

snd mtohh to U $ to 1 $JR

^ ■ lO O C I

■ •tu tu *


nre' WASII

U k M I gUWMUlreutlM < mMt UB b r u « M I pruhtWt Ccggrei ■(•k*. tiiB Setai

U 4H tk»t Wt lh» Dm l«gk fu more Uh* WBl «•**•« llavta i p«ata 1 tnlly 1iMuu n own • •U« DM•f fishin«Ml <I'ubtrolWllan’ •fu attl wkml t

ta f irala ' PMMIthroni Um « bll■AttMelta«pwrlyU«*BVtr tmprm m*t II oermU wuu.kkv*hatlMuerstlluC*.which(CbO





I «Mf