Budget Brainiacs Promotional Sales Letter By Kris Harmon


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Budget Brainiacs Promotional Sales Letter By Kris Harmon

Outside Envelope Packaging:

Don’t Take Chances with Your Child’s Financial Future. Find out What You

Can Do Right Now to Take Control of their Financial Education with these

Simple and Easy Steps.

Your Child Will Thank You for Years to Come! You Will Thank Yourself


Look Inside for the Keys to Your Child’s Financial Future!


Main Headline:

Are you Playing Guessing Games with Your Child’s Financial Future?


Don’t leave your child’s financial future up to chance, read this and find out

how you can ensure your child has a sound financial future by taking simple

and easy steps now before it’s too late.….

Dear Concerned Parent,

You must be wondering as all parents do, what your child’s future will look like.

Will they get into a good college? Will they get a good job? Will they have a nice

home? Where will they be living and what will they be doing? And how will they

pay for it all? We all know from our own experiences that life doesn’t always go

as planned. There are strong forces at work in this world that keep us ebbing and

flowing through life, often without much perceived control over the essential

factors that keep us going. One major factor being our finances. Think of all the

times you struggled as a young adult to pay your rent or mortgage, pay for college,

stay ahead of your bills, keep your car running and save for retirement. You may

still be struggling with some of these financial issues now and wonder when you

will catch a break? What’s going to give? And is there a light at the end of the


I’m here to tell you there is a solution….

Now there is a simple and easy way you can jump-start your child’s financial

future heading in the right direction. You won’t have to force them into an

afterschool program or drive them to a tutor. You won’t have to struggle or fight

with them to do their financial lessons. And best of all…you won’t have to leave

their financial future up to chance and “hope” they get into a good college or

“pray” they get a good job. Now there is a proven learning system that takes the

guess work out of teaching your child personal finance!

Let me introduce myself….my name is Antoinette Rogers, and I am a single

mother of 3, successful Life Coach, experienced entrepreneur and self-made

millionaire. I remember starting out not having anything. I had a college

education, but tons of student loan debt. I had no experience in my field of

economics, and couldn’t find a job with a salary high enough to pay all the

bills…..I was underemployed, and unforeseen circumstances led to me be a single

parent of 3 boys all under the age of thirteen! I didn’t know what to do! I took a

job at the local bank as a teller, but bank tellers are far under-paid, and I couldn’t

make ends meet.

What’s worse is that my children suffered and had to grow up watching me

struggle to pay the bills. I finally had enough when I was tucking my youngest son

into bed one night and he asked me if he was going to end up struggling at the

bank when he grows up. At that point, I knew I had to change. I decided to do a

complete overhaul of my financial life and start from scratch. I knew that I wanted

to start a business and include my children in the process so that they could learn

some very valuable financial lessons along the way, and avoid all the financial

traps that I fell into….they may be the same financial traps that you are facing or

have faced, and desperately want to avoid for your children.

…At some point in our lives, we have all fallen victim to financial traps, whether it

be some form of debt that became overwhelming, unemployment or

underemployment, having to work several jobs just to make ends meet, “dipping”

into our savings to pay for a major car repair, making mistakes with consumer

purchases or investment decisions. You may be hoping and praying or maybe

even assuming that your child will not fall victim any of these financial traps, but

do you know for sure that they won’t?

Here’s the Facts…

The fact is now, many young adults feel uncertainty about day-to-day living.

Many cannot manage paying for the basic necessities of life, let alone major

financial events such as paying for college or buying a house or a car. According

to a survey conducted by YoungAdultMoney.com…..

Nearly half of the millennials surveyed feel they have too much debt.

7 out of 10 consistently carry balances on their credit cards.

50% found it difficult to meet their household expenses each month.

45% are using credit cards to pay for their monthly necessities because

they can’t afford them otherwise.

48% have student loan debt, half of which are concerned with their

ability to pay it off.

50% are concerned that they don’t have enough money in savings to

cover unexpected expenses, including rising healthcare costs.

In a study conducted by Ohio State University, a national survey reveals....7 out

of 10 college students feel stressed about their personal finances, 60% are

worried about not having enough money to pay for school, 50% are concerned

about paying their monthly expenses, and 32% of students reported neglecting

their studies because of stress from being in debt.

“The number of students feeling stressed is striking. The [study]

findings suggest that the pressures of student loan debt and finding

ways to make ends meet are weighing [heavily] on American

college students” -Anne McDaniel, Associate Director of Research

and Data Management at Ohio State University’s Center for the

Study of Student Life

More Financial Pitfalls for Millennials and their Families….

As more and more young people struggle to pay for college and everyday living

expenses, the consequences can be quite drastic for individuals and families.

Not only does the adult child feel the financial pressures, but so do the parents.

Debt is fluid; it does not discriminate, and is revisited on every generation.

Many families are dealing with these financial burdens the best way they can.

Many parents are compromising their living situations to compensate for their

child’s debt. More and more adult children are living at home with their parents

after graduating college, grandparents are raising their grandchildren, and older

adults are now figuring the support of the extended family into their retirement

plans. The National Financial Educators Council reveals shocking statistics….

57% of college students plan to move back in their parents after

graduation (MonsterTrak).

62% of college students plan to leave school with an average of $27,236

in student loan debt (The Student Monitor).

39% of American young adults have ZERO non-retirement savings.

(National Foundation for Credit Counseling).

More than 19% of American households have college debt (Pew

Research Center).

56% of young adults do not have a budget (NFCC).

76% of college students wish they had more help to prepare for their

financial futures (KeyBank).

And that’s not the worst of it….

As it stands now, many young adults receive no financial education before entering

college or the workforce. Many are ill-prepared for the financial challenges they

will face, and sadly are thrown into a world of financial responsibility, expected to

sink or swim. The young generation is known to take a “you only live once” or an

“instant gratification” approach to their finances, and have a very minimal

understanding of what it takes to become financially secure and build wealth….

45% of Millennials are not saving for their retirement, primarily because

they are burdened by student loans, which affect how much they can save

(2014 Wells Fargo Study).

The Millennials generation has a larger delinquency rate on their bills

compared with other generations. More than half of Millennials surveyed,

reported missed or late payments on their bills (American Institute of CPS’s


Millennials have the lowest reported credit scores of any age group


42% of college students surveyed who were in student loan debt, were not

aware they even had student loan debt or were not aware they had Federal

student loans—they were completely unware of what type of loans they

were receiving! (Brookings Institute Study).

We can conclude that as your child gets older and accumulates debt, they will be

less likely to move further along in life. Their financial growth will be stifled by a

mountain of student loan debt, car payments, credit card debt and the stresses of

everyday expenses. In a survey by Fortune Magazine, 37% of Millennials felt that

their peers were ahead of them in earning income, financial stability and saving for

the future. The feeling of financial inferiority is very real. It causes fear, anxiety,

depression, and low self-esteem. It can hinder a person from finding or taking

advantage of opportunities, and moving forward in life. If your financial struggles

have caused you to feel this way, then you can relate. Don’t let this happen to your


But my child gets a financial education at school….right?

The truth is American schools spend millions of dollars every year to teach

children to master the basics of math, science, reading and writing, but most states

do not require children to take classes in economics or personal finance. As a

result, children are sent out in the world lacking skills and knowledge in personal

finance and economics that will help them to thrive in life.

More than 1 in 6 students in the US do not reach the baseline level of proficiency

in financial literacy and studies show that children without financial education are

more likely to have low credit scores and other financial problems later on in life.

However, with the right financial education, children are more likely to engage in

financially responsible behaviors such as saving, budgeting and investing.

--Counsel for Economic Education

The Solution is Easy…

When I was working as a teller at the bank, it was easy for me to draw from my

professional experience and create interesting ways to teach customers about

saving and personal finance. I was eventually promoted to Relationship Banker,

and had the opportunity to work with a variety of people in a variety of financial

circumstances. With the help of a computer programmer, I was able to create

financial programs, games and lessons that both my customers and my children

could enjoy. I was so inspired to continue creating these learning systems because

I saw how much they benefited my customers—and my children began to excel in

school too! I couldn’t believe it!

The lessons I created teach personal finance in progressive stages with the help of

games, interactive lessons and tasks, fun, yet challenging quizzes, and a rewards

system that quantifies learning achievement.

What’s more is that it doesn’t take tons of time and monumental effort to get

through the lessons. Just 15 minutes a day of interactive lessons and games is all it

takes to earn points and progress through the levels. My boys had so much fun

playing the games, they were motivated to keep playing and learning!

The Game-Changer…

By taking very simple action now, you CAN move that mountain of financial

worry out of the picture of your child’s future, and never worry about it again.

You can actually save your child from a lifetime of making poor financial

decisions, and in turn, help them to feel smarter and more confident as they move

forward in life. Not only will they avoid major financial setbacks, but they will

encounter immense opportunities, be completely self-sufficient and rise above

mediocrity. Who would not want this for their children? And there is a simple and

easy way to bring this high standard of financial awareness into your child’s life….

Introducing Budget Brainiacs—the most complete online financial

education system for pre-teens to teenage children.

Look no further than Budget Brainiacs to deliver the most comprehensive financial

education to your child right from the comfort of your own home—and for the

fraction of the cost of what you would pay for a tutor!

Budget Brainiacs is a unique online membership program, designed in progressive

levels that offer real-life financial lessons to prepare your child to survive in the

Wild West of personal finance.

The system consists of financial games, real-life lessons, tasks and game-show-

like-quizzes, customizable learning channels, and a points-earning system that

rewards your child with real prizes from our online store!

The games, tasks, quizzes and prizes keep your child motivated to keep learning

more, and improve their financial awareness score. The more they learn about

personal finance and improve their score, the more points and prizes they earn. It’s

just that simple!

“Formal education will make you a living;

Self-education will make you a fortune.” –Jim Rohn

With Budget Brainiacs Your Child Will Learn About.….

Budgeting/Money Management/Personal Finance


Saving (Especially how to save for college)


Managing Bank Accounts

Debt Prevention

Applying for Jobs

Filing a tax return and important money-saving tax credits and tips

Home loans, car loans, and budgeting for big-ticket items

How to Manage Consumer Credit Cards

Entrepreneurial Skills and Building Multiple Streams of Income

Financial Security and Identity Theft Protection

Insurance Policies

Financial Goal Setting

Time Management Skills

Saving for Retirement

And that’s not all!

Budget Brainiacs builds positive, wealth-building affirmations into every lesson to

teach your child positive beliefs about money and powerful strategies to growing


The truth is financial literacy goes beyond lessons about personal finance, handling

money and balancing books. Children must first learn to adopt positive beliefs

about money, and apply those beliefs in every financial situation.

Positive beliefs about money are the key…..

When I had started my financial overhaul just a few short years ago, I discovered

that the major hindrance to me building wealth had to do with the negative beliefs I

held about money from a very young age…that “money was difficult to come by”

and “rich people have all the luck”….or even to give up dreaming about owning a

home because I simply “couldn’t afford it.” That actually became my mantra! I

found myself saying “I can’t afford it” in almost all situations that involved

spending money.

Some of the biggest challenges to building wealth in our society today are caused

by negative or limiting beliefs about money. Such beliefs are deep-seeded and

often cause financial traps such as debt and poor financial planning. If put off,

these beliefs can only be overcome with an enormous amount conscious effort, and

can take a long time to change (Money Magazine).

Some of these negative beliefs may even be familiar to you….

“Wealthy people are smarter and luckier”

“Making money is complicated”

“Money is only earned through time and labor”

“Money is controlling”

“Being wealthy is a privilege, not a right”

“There is a limited amount of wealth to go around”

“Only a few people are able to become wealthy”

“My ability to build wealth depends on how well the economy is doing”

“Opportunities are limited”

….And the list goes on….How many times have you heard it said that “Money

doesn’t grow on trees” or “We can’t afford it?” In reality these statements may be

true, but they are also negative statements and contribute to the limited beliefs

about money that can haunt a person throughout their entire lives!

I found this to be particularly true in my own life. The more I held on to these

limiting beliefs about money, the more difficult it was me to overcome my

financial traps. I was actually self-sabotaging my financial well-being!

The Truth about Financial Self-Sabotage…

Negative beliefs about money are lodged deep in the subconscious, and overtime

can lead to self-sabotaging behaviors such as not asking for a well-deserved raise,

squandering or giving away money, cosigning bad loans or making bad investment

decisions, all of which can prevent one from reaching their full financial potential

(Psychology Today). Such beliefs are associated with lower income, lower net

worth, overspending and financially enabling others (Journal of Financial

Planning, Journal of Financial Therapy).

Here’s the Good News….

You can help your child develop positive beliefs about money in a fun and

active learning environment that also teaches them personal finance and the

principles to building wealth and lifelong success!

Each Budget Braniacs lesson is infused with positive affirmations that are proven

to build wealth and confidence, along with real life-like tasks that help them to

practice their new-found positive beliefs about money!

Our success-building lessons will teach your child how to live by these positive


I am responsible for the circumstances in my life.

There is an abundance of money and wealth to go around.

Anyone has the ability to become wealthy. I can become wealthy.

I can solve any problem and overcome any obstacle.

Opportunities are everywhere.

I can succeed if I surround myself with other success-minded people.

I can accomplish anything I put my mind to.

Dreams and goals are rungs on the ladder of success.

If I improve the lives of others, I will improve my life.

I am amazing and unstoppable.

These are the new money mantras that I had to adopt in my own life, and it really

made a difference in my ability to earn and build wealth. It has helped do the same

for my children and it can help your child too!

Building self-confidence is a major building block to your child achieving financial

success in life. The self-confidence they get from Budget Brainiacs confidence-

building financial lessons will carry them further in life and keep them from the

major financial set-backs that plague most people such as overwhelming debt.

What’s more is this system will teach your child to….

Recognize good opportunities and take advantage of them, while

avoiding the bad opportunities.

Be self-sufficient so they will not have to rely on anyone to support


Be armed with the best tools to overcome any financial challenges in


Possess the confidence necessary to build great wealth and manage risk.

Not settle for mediocrity, and gives them an advantage that will set them

apart from most kids their age.

Let’s face it—in order to accomplish anything significant in life, we first have to

believe we are destined for greatness. That’s what this program is all about. The

lessons in Budget Brainiacs are centered on instilling these very fundamental and

positive realities into your child’s financial curriculum. With the principles laid

out in these lessons, the sky’s the limit to what your child can expect to achieve!

“I can’t find anything like this anywhere else!”

With all my years of experience in banking and personal finance, I wanted to

create an online financial education system that is fun and easy-to-use and would

teach my children the important life skills they need to be a financial success.

Budget Brainiacs does just that and more! It is the only online membership

program of its kind that offers the most comprehensive financial education for your

child—everything from “soup to nuts,” what your child needs to know to survive

in the real world of personal finance. Budget Brainiacs is made up of fun,

interactive online games, lessons, “real-life” tasks and quizzes allowing them to

rack up points and prizes, keeping them motivated to learn more and actually

practice what they are learning!

Many programs offer just games or content, but lack the turn-key real life-like

experience of Budget Brainiacs, with our motivating tasks and real rewards that

kids love. Kids can earn virtual dollars, make savings, investing and purchasing

decisions, and be rewarded for their good choices.

Here are just a few popular games and lessons your kids can play..…

Monkey Money Madness…where kids will have fun learning, earning

and saving.

Take Me to the Bank….all about opening and managing bank accounts.

Lock, Stock and Two Shocking Bonds…a game about stocks, bonds and

securing investments with the best returns.

College Hodge Podge….have fun searching funding options for college

and learn fool proof ways to apply for, and get full scholarships to pay

for school!

Working Wonders of the World….teaches the best strategies for

qualifying for, and securing the best paying jobs on the market.

Freelance Dancing with the Stars….kids choose different songs and

dance partners to learn all about creating multiple streams of income.

With every point your child earns playing these fun and amazing games, they can

accumulate virtual dollars or “BB Bucks” to spend in our online store and redeem

cool prizes! They will be so happy and you will too—you won’t have to drive them

to the store or spend your money for the stuff your kids want!

Imagine how excited your kids will be when they receive…

Wireless headphones!

Fashion cell phone accessories!

Hot Watches!

Cool school supplies!

Kids are not the only ones who love Budget Brainiacs, parents do too, and even

financial experts are raving about the benefits of this amazing online learning


“My local mommy group has done a lot of research to try and find programs that

teach our kids about money. Most websites are too boring or too catoon-y and

childish. We needed something for older kinds (tweens), which was very hard to

find. Then we came across Budget Brainiacs and all I can say is HOORAY! Each

of us enrolled in the online membership and our kids love earning points for stuff

they really want….while also learning how to budget for things and avoid debt.

Thank you!!!!”

-Janet Sanders

“I home school me children and I’m always looking for ways to bring real-life

lessons into my teaching. Your program is fantastic. Everyday my kids ask….when

are we going to do Budget Brainiacs? They love the games and especially love

earning points when they pass the quizzes. They each opened a bank account, and

now the understand how it works. It’s such as relief to know my children will be

well-prepared for managing their money when they become adults.”

- Tina Bazell

“I’m a professional mommy blogger who gets about 30,000 hits each month.

Based on the comments on my blog posts about Budget Brainiacs, you have a home

run! My readers are very enthusiastic about this club. Their kids are buzzing

about the points the can earn for cool prizes….but also the talk about how dumb it

is to rack up debt and how you should plan ahead for big expenses. These

comments are coming from 13-year olds! Wow! So glad you’re out there. Thank


-Heather Walters

Budget Brainiacs is a whirlwind start up backed by leading financial institutions

and advisors, who believe in its potential. Here are just a few great sponsors….

You will see as a subscriber to this program not only will your child master the

basics of personal finance but will also quickly and easily gain lasting knowledge

of how to finance major life events, and make a lifetime of smart financial choices

while boosting their self-confidence and increasing probabilities of success.

No more wishing, hoping, wondering what your child’s future will look like. Now

is the time to pull back the curtain and find out….

….But before you do, let me tell you about added features that you didn’t

expect would be included with your membership….!

A free down-loadable App for your child to learn on the go!....On the

bus…in the car….. at the store…your child can learn anywhere! The

App includes a texting feature that sends tips, reminders and

inspirational quotes right to your child’s phone. You can even be

copied on texts to see what they are learning all day.

The Budget Brainiacs Dash Board features MoneyBuzz, a social media

platform where members can interact with each other and post pictures

and messages about their financial learning experiences. The platform is

monitored 24/7 and is available to members only who choose to opt in.

Earn credits for books in our online Amazon bookstore! Budget

Brainiacs has partnered with Amazon to create and online store

exclusively for members where your child will have access to the most

popular financial books for teens such as Rich Dad Poor Dad for Teens,

by Robert Kiyosaki, The Richest Kids in America: How They Earn It,

How They Spend It, How You Can Too, By Mark Victor Hansen, Why

Didn’t They Teach Me This in School? 99 Personal Money Management

Principles to Live By, by Cay Siegel…and so much more!

Receive a free one-year subscription to TIME Kids magazine with basic

membership….now that’s value you can take to the bank!

Give your child the building blocks they need to succeed right now!

Isn’t it time you gave your child the opportunity to get their financial life started

out on the right foot? Save yourself a lifetime of headaches and paychecks

supporting them, and empower them with the knowledge to do it on their own!

You will be glad you did and they will thank you for it too!

Normally to purchase all these games, lessons, and merchandise separately could

cost you up to $39.95 or more per item! But you won’t pay that for Budget

Brainiacs. For less than the cost of a cup of coffee a day, your child will have

unlimited access to this incredible online learning system. Just pay for the

membership that fits your comfort level, not a penny more! And there are NEVER

any hidden fees EVER!

Simply choose the membership level that’s right for you and your

child can get started learning today!

Silver Gold Platinum

Unlimited access to all levels

of Budget Brainiacs games,

lessons, tasks and quizzes!

Unlimited access to all levels

of Budget Brainiacs games,

lessons, tasks and quizzes!

Unlimited access to all levels

of Budget Brainiacs games,

lessons, tasks and quizzes!

Use Points-earned or BB

Bucks to purchase items in

our online store. No money


Use Points-earned or BB

Bucks to purchase items in our

online store. No money


Use Points-earned or BB

Bucks to purchase items in our

online store. No money


Texting feature for daily tips

and reminders

Free Down-loadable App to

learn on the go

Free Down-loadable App to

learn on the go

Free one-year subscription to

TIME Kids Magazine

Limited access to Amazon’s

exclusive membership


Unlimited access to Amazon’s

exclusive membership


Limited access to MoneyBuzz

social media platform

Unlimited access to

MoneyBuzz social media


Free one-year subscription to

TIME Kids Magazine

Free one-year subscription to

TIME Kids Magazine

19.95/ Month



How Does It Work?

Need Budget Brainiacs for more than one child? That’s easy. Simply

choose the plan that fits your budget and just add $5.95 for each additional


They will seriously be learning….and having fun too! Budget Brainiacs

works because the games and lessons in are 100% customizable. This

means that your child is not forced into a rigid structure of learning. They

can advance through the levels at their own pace and pick and choose which

games, lessons and tasks they want to do! All lesson plans are customizable

to your child’s learning level, and you can turn features on and off for each

child whenever you need to. It’s so easy to use, NO instructions are required!

Is there support available if I need it? If you ever have questions or need

customer support, the Budget Brainiacs chat line is available to you 24/7.

We also have a customer service support number if you prefer to call in.

Either way, our friendly support staff is waiting to serve you!

It’s Free To Sign Up! Just go online to BudgetBrainiacs.com to sign up,

Select the “Sign Me Up” tab to get started. It only takes minutes to set up

and your child can start earning rewards right away! When you subscribe

online right now, enter Promo Code “BB Money” to get your first month

free! That’s right, FREE. Your child can be learning and having fun before

you even purchase! What can be easier than that?!….No time to sign up

now? No problem! Simply text “Start Now” to 77777, and we’ll send you a

quick and easy click through link for your child to start learning now.

“An investment in

knowledge pays the best

interest” –Benjamin


….Plus Your Satisfaction is Guaranteed!

Here at Budget Brainiacs our goal is to instill your child with the tools necessary to

become a financial success. We have nothing to gain if you or your child is not

totally satisfied with our program. That’s why, if your child does not love this

program, becomes disinterested in it, or if you are dissatisfied for ANY reason, you

can cancel at any time, and the unused portion of your subscription will be returned

to you instantly—No Questions Asked!

The simple things you can do right now.….

No more wondering or worrying about how your child’s financial future will turn

out….no more leaving it up to chance. You can prevent your child from falling

into financial traps in their future….You can move mountains of financial worry

and fear out of their way. This program can mean the difference between their

financial freedom or their financial struggle. The time for your child to learn these

important financial lessons is Now…so sign up today, before they get one year

older…or two….or three, and become mired by more responsibilities and other

interests, leaving less time for financial education.

But this offer won’t last long….the Promo Code is limited to the first 50

subscribers! Wait to sign up and you could be throwing money out the window!

Go online now to subscribe and your child can start learning and be on their way to

life of financial freedom sooner that you could have ever imagined! Don’t delay!

You owe it to your child’s future and to your future self!

Yours Truly,

Antoinette Rogers

Creator & CEO, BestFin, Inc.

P.S…..Start your child on the fast track to a bright financial future today with

Budget Brainiacs, the most comprehensive learning program available online for

children ages 10 and up. They will learn everything about personal finance from

the basics of money management to the secrets of life-long financial freedom,

while having fun playing games and earning rewards!

This proven system backed, by financial experts and moms everywhere is quickly

taking off to be one of the best and most preferred ways kids can gain a financial

education without expensive tutors or boring lessons. With Budget Brainiacs, you

will find everything your child needs in one convenient and easy-to-use learning

system that is fun and will keep them motivated to learn more!

But that’s not all!….Be one of the first 50 subscribers to use Promo Code, “BB

Money,” and your first month is Free! That’s right, Free!....Sign up today and your

child can start earning rewards for cool prizes right away—no need to wait until

the free trial period ends!....Also when you sign up today using the Promo Code,

you will automatically be entered to win an Apple iPad Pro—a $600 value!

And don’t forget your membership comes with 12 complimentary issues of

TIME Kids Magazine that are yours to keep at no charge—even if you choose to

cancel your membership!

Budget Brainiacs also comes with a free on-the-go App, access to our exclusive

Amazon membership bookstore, and MoneyBuzz members-only social media

platform where your kids can join up with like-minded individuals to share their

Budget Brainiacs learning experience—all included in your membership!

You may be wondering if your child will really like Budget Brainiacs and stick

with it….besides, every child learns differently, right? How can you be sure if this

program will really work for your child? …The answer is in the simple,

customizable lesson plans that are designed to meet your child’s learning abilities.

They can choose the learning level that’s right for them….and your child will love

earning rewards for stuff they really want like headphones, Bluetooth speakers, cell

phone accessories and much, much more! ….In fact, they may like it so much,

they will refer their friends to join and earn an extra 100 points instantly for

each friend that signs up!

I am certain your child will love this program that I am offering a full money-back

guarantee! If your child becomes disinterested, or you are dissatisfied for any

reason, simply cancel your subscription at any time and any unused portion of your

subscription will be returned to you instantly and in full—No Questions Asked!

There is no time like the present to give your child the future they deserve. But

don’t take my word for it. Let your child try Budget Brainiacs today and see your

child’s future and possibilities come alive!


From the Desk of Jamie Dimon,

CEO of JPMorgan Chase….

Dear Parent,

You may not be convinced that Budget Brainiacs is the best personal finance

learning program for your child, maybe because you’ve never heard of it or tried it

before. But I’m here to tell you that Budget Brainiacs is the most complete and

leading financial educational system on the internet today.

Established in 2015, Budget Brainiacs has been used to serve the educational needs

of our employees and customers. The genius of this program is that is designed for

pre-teen to teenage children, and written at a sixth grade reading level for everyone

to understand. And it is still very beneficial for adults too, because the lessons are

customizable. You can choose what you want to learn, and at your own pace.

While your child is learning, you can learn too. There is something in Budget

Brainiacs for everyone, whether you want to learn about the stock market,

“Someone’s sitting in the shade

today because someone planted a tree

a long time ago” –Warren Buffett

financing a home or car, running a business, or preparing for retirement—Budget

Brainiacs has you covered.

So even if you have it together financially right now, you may still have significant

financial events that crop up in your life that you have questions about. Budget

Brainiacs is there for you. That’s why I trust Budget Brainiacs to help train my

staff, and recommend it to my customers too!

It’s so easy to use, and filled with so much useful information on personal finance,

you won’t have to go searching around the internet for other financial learning


If you are still wondering—and I’m sure you are since you are still reading, then

go ahead and do what the financial pros do. Order your free trial of Budget

Brainiacs today and set your child on the right path to financial success. You will

be glad you did.

Cordially Yours,

Jamie Dimon

CEO JP Morgan Chase

Order Device on BudgetBrainiacsLandingPage.com

Yes, I want the confidence of knowing my child’s financial future is secure by

providing them with the best financial educational available on the internet

today! With Budget Brainiacs my child will be well prepared to make a

lifetime of intelligent personal finance decisions just by following the simple

guidelines laid out in this program through fun, interactive games, lessons and

tasks that are adaptable to my child’s learning level. They will also rack up

points or BB Bucks to redeem for cool prizes in our online store! By selecting

the membership level below that’s right for me, I can get my child started

learning and earning points right away!

Silver Gold Platinum

Unlimited access to all levels

of Budget Brainiacs games,

lessons, tasks and quizzes!

Unlimited access to all levels

of Budget Brainiacs games,

lessons, tasks and quizzes!

Unlimited access to all levels

of Budget Brainiacs games,

lessons, tasks and quizzes!

Use Points-earned or BB

Bucks to purchase items in

our online store. No money


Use Points-earned or BB

Bucks to purchase items in our

online store. No money


Use Points-earned or BB

Bucks to purchase items in our

online store. No money


Texting feature for daily tips

and reminders

Free Down-loadable App to

learn on the go

Free Down-loadable App to

learn on the go

Free one-year subscription to

TIME Kids Magazine

Limited access to Amazon’s

exclusive membership


Unlimited access to Amazon’s

exclusive membership


Limited access to MoneyBuzz

social media platform

Unlimited access to

MoneyBuzz social media


Free one-year subscription to

TIME Kids Magazine

Free one-year subscription to

TIME Kids Magazine

19.95/ Month



***Check the box of the plan that best applies to you. Add $5.95 for each additional child.

I understand my purchase is backed by a 100% hassle-free money-back

guarantee! If my child becomes disinterested, or I am dissatisfied for any

reason, I can simply cancel my subscription at any time and any unused

portion of my subscription will be returned to me instantly and in full—No

Questions Asked!

Now for a limited time only I can choose to use the Promo Code “BB

Money” to get my first month member ship for FREE—that’s right, FREE!

I will try Budget Brainiacs free for 30 days and my credit card will not be

charged until the first day of the next billing cycle. My child can start

collecting rewards points right away without having to wait for the free trial

period to end. In addition, I will be entered to win an Apple iPad Pro—a

$600 value!

Also with my membership at any level, my child will receive a

complementary, one-year subscription to TIME Kids Magazine, free to keep

even if I cancel my membership.

I understand that membership can be turned on and off at my discretion and

my child will not lose any of the benefits they earned while actively

participating in the program. I can cancel at any time and whatever rewards

my child earns are theirs to keep should I choose to reactivate my

membership at a later time.

I have included my credit card information below…..

Circle one….

MasterCard Visa Discover American Express

Credit Card Number

Expiration Date

Security Code

Promo Code

Email Address

First/Last Name

Billing Address

City State Zip

***Congratulations and Thank You for your order! Now your child can start

learning and earning their way to financial success! Please download and keep

the Money-Back Guarantee Certificate below as receipt for your order. ***

BestFin, Inc

200 El Camino Real

San Clemente, CA 92672