5 New Year's Resolutions For Freelancers

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Consider these five new year’s resolutions freelancers should make. They will help you pick up your game, no matter what stage of your freelance career you’re currently in. Here’s to you in 2014—may your freelance business prosper!

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1. Raise Your Rates

If nothing else, raising your rates is a good strategy to help end the “feast or famine” freelance cycle—where one month you’re working 80-hour weeks,

and the next you’re watching your savings drain and wondering where all the work has gone.

2. Consider Outsourcing

If your freelance business is humming along—or especially if you’ve found yourself drowning in work and missing deadlines lately—it may be time to

consider outsourcing.

3. Practice Saying ‘No’

Are you afraid to turn down jobs? If you’ve made a habit of always accepting every project that comes your way, even if your plate is already full, then make 2014

the Year of No. Taking on too much is a surefire path to burnout for a freelancer.

4. Reconnect With Outside World

Have you lived for so long in your freelancer cave that you’re starting to look chair-shaped? Can you remember the last time you saw the actual sun? How

about the last conversation you had that involved speaking and having another real person talk back?

5. Why You Love Your Work

At some point during your freelance career, if it hasn’t happened already, someone will tell you how “lucky” you are to work from home—and you will

silently fume with jealousy at how lucky they are to stop working at 5 every day, have weekends off, and get paid holidays and benefits.

What happened to loving the life?

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