Twitter for Small Business



Twitter is a great source for small business owners to improve visibility and increase awareness of their brand. It is also valuable for engaging with their community and growing networks. This presentation also mentions 17 tools to help you get started.

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What Twitter Can Do For Your Small Business?

Twitter is  a great resource for small business owners, particularly if you sell B2B. Twitter can build your credibility, generate leads and sales, bring traffic to your site, grow your network and share content.

Build Credibility Around Your Brand

Keep all the user names for your social networks and sites consistent.

Upload a headshot or logo

Create a focused and compelling profile

Utilize your Twitter background to promote your sites and services

Be Someone Worth Following

Information should benefit your followers. Remember it’s about them, not about you or your products and services.

Update often and remain consistent

Tweet helpful links for your audience

Ask relevant questions and respond to others

Build Your Network

Follow Influencers; it allows you to stay updated on trends and find others worth following.

You can find those in your industry through tools such as:

• WeFollow

• Twellow

• Twibs

• TweetFind


Participate in Twitter Chats

Retweet your Followers

Start Dialogue

Discuss current events

Leave comments on influencers’ blog

Connect Offline

More Resources

Track Your Twitter Stats

• TweetStats

• Twitter Friends

• Twitter Grader

• Twitter Counter

• Twitter Value

• Klout

• Kred

Twitter Background:•BrandmyTwitter



Track Twitter Alerts•Tweet Beep•Tweet Alarm

•Tweet Trak

