Sumber dana jangka panjang

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Sumber dana jangka panjang


Sumber dana jangka panjang

Diperlukan untuk mendanai kebutuhan dana jangka panjang, misalnya untuk

pembelian harta tetap, perluasan usaha atau pembangunan usaha baru…

In principle long term funds fall mainly into two classes. They may be funds provided by the owners of the

business, whatever its legal frame work, or they may be funds provided by people who lend money.

In the one case the providers of funds exercise the function of ownership and…. are members of that company.

Otherwise they are only creditors of the business and exercise none of the rights of ownership in relation to the

business’s affairs….

Pemilik perusahaan• Perorangan

• Persekutuan

• Perseroan terbatas

Modal Saham sebagai sumber dana

• Modal sendiri :

• Modal saham yang telah disetor, dan

• Laba tidak dibagi

Menawarkan saham di Bursa Efek

Profitabilitas perusahaan

Dokumen hukum


Modal Saham• Minimum modal Rp 20 Juta

• Dapat berupa bentuk lain

• Saham biasa (common stock)

• Saham preferen (Preference shares)

Bentuk modal saham