Seven things that scare marketers about 2014



7 Things that Scare Marketers about 2014 In September 2013 Overdrive Interactive surveyed 500 self-identified online marketers in North America what their top concerns were for online marketing in 2014. Here are the results as interpreted by Overdrive's favorite dead celebrities.

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“Fear of death increases in exact proportion to increase in wealth.”

#7Google organic keyword data becoming extinct & adjusting SEO’s key metrics.

“I don't look at a lot of the new stuff. I just …like the old stuff….. It's all quite dramatic and atmospheric…. Every fear …is a blues song waiting to


#6Gmail filter tabs constantly influencing success of email campaigns

“When I'm up against a wall, that's when Billy Mays performs best!!!”

#5Facebook popularity decreases

“I've been getting some bad publicity - but you got to expect that. Uhh Huhh.”

#4 Brands could be perceived as online boogeymen stalking users through retargeting

“The corridors are dark gentlemen, but you mustn't be afraid. I am with you.”

#3Being asked for Marketing Channel attribution

Going to trial with a lawyer who considers your whole life-style a Crime in Progress is not a happy prospect.

#2Governmental mandates on security and privacy

“We were having the time of our lives - until my unwitting discovery of what was on Farmer Brown’s Grill?!”

#1Missing the latest trend in Social Marketing

7. Google organic keyword data becoming extinct & changing SEO’s key metrics.

6. Gmail filter tabs constantly influencing success of email campaigns.

5. Facebook popularity decreases.

4. Brand being perceived as online boogeyman stalking users through retargeting.

3. Being asked for Marketing Channel attribution.

2. Governmental mandates on security and privacy.

1. Missing the latest trend in Social Marketing.

7 Marketing Fears for 2014

Happy Halloween
