Innovation in technology for leaders



Presentation to Aged Care Conference, Perth Western Australia May 2011

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Yin Yang – Innovation in Technology

for LeadersJulian Keys

ACSWA Conference May 2011

30 online tools

Pros and cons of 2011 technology

Tips on personal workplace productivity

Yin Yang the need for balance

Outline A wealth of information creates a poverty of attention – Herbert Simon

The rules have changed.

In a single generation, revolutions in technology have transformed the way we live, work and do business.

Steel mills that once needed 1,000 workers can now do the same work with 100.

Today, just about any company can set up shop, hire workers, and sell their products wherever there’s an

Internet connection.

Barack Obama, State of the Union Address, 25/01/11

What do you get a 100 year old woman for her


An iPad of course!

What is the top online tool for learning?

Centre for Learning and Performance Technologies UK

Annual survey 2010

Hint: tools for learning, not networking or communicating

1. Twitter – microblogging (43)

2. You Tube – video sharing (22)

3. Google docs – office suite (14)

4. Delicious – bookmarking (2)

5. Slideshare – presentation sharing (31)

6. Skype – internet voice/web calls (3=)

7. Google reader – news aggregation (7=)

8. WordPress – blogs (6)

9. Facebook – social networking (2007 - 17)

10. Moodle – course management (12=)



1. Firefox – web browser (29)

2. Delicious (2010 - 4)

3. Skype (6)

4. Google Search (11)

5. MS PowerPoint (21)

6. Wordpress (8)

7. Google Gmail (31=)

8. Google Reader (7)

9. Blogger (14)

10. MS Word (60)



Moving up the rankings

Other popular management tools

Smart phones and tablet computers

Not to mention

At this point your reaction might be

We connect with people all other the world

Work from anywhere

Find everything we need to know

Publish anytime

Outsource just about everything

Have a virtual assistant –

Not to mention – shopping, jobs, dating ……

Technology has transformed the way

Internet Addiction

To what extent should governments and employers intervene to minimise the negative impact of


Public safety on the roads

Occupational health and safety

Hospital and mental health costs

A big question

Take a Bill Gates style “think week” to

recharge your thinking

Personal Productivity

Focus: a simplicity manifesto in an age of


Five ways for leaders to disconnect and lead better

Getting creative things done: how to fit hard thinking

into a busy schedule

Limit your sources

Set aside time in your schedule

Take time off

Cull ruthlessly


Have systems to organise/classify info

How to handle information overload

1. Internet and social media use policy

2. Train people how to use Outlook properly

3. Use an intranet, not email, to share information

4. Encourage off-line time for reading, thinking, writing, discussing, reflecting

5. Use some of the applications discussed earlier

6. Lead by example

Workplace Internet Productivity Strategy

Yin Yang

The first rule of any technology used in a business

is that automation applied to an efficient operation

will magnify the efficiency.

The second is that automation applied

to an inefficient operation

will magnify the inefficiency.

Bill Gates


LinkedIn – Julian Keys

Twitter @ImekaAUS
