Energize Your Digital AdWords Campaigns With Call Analytics


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Energize Your Digital AdWords Campaigns With Call Analytics

Wednesday- July 22, 2015, 1:00 EDT (10:00 PDT)

Speakers:Gerry Routledge, Senior Sales Engineer, Acquisio

McKay Allen, Director of Content and Communications, Convirza

Link Building and Content Marketing: How They Work Together.

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Gerry Routledge, Senior Sales Engineer, Acquisio

Today’s speakers:

McKay Allen, Director of Content and Communications, Convirza

Optimizing with call tracking makes sense, but it can be overwhelming…

• 60% of online traffic comes from mobile.• 61% of local searches result in a phone

call.• 52% of all mobile ads result in a phone call.

Phone calls are still regarded as the highest quality lead source, even in an online world.

Why Mobile Analysis Matters

Convirza & Acquisio Partnership

• Convirza provides the call tracking data and call analytics.

• Acquisio marries the data to the PPC campaigns in Acquisio’s platform.

• Reporting, deep analysis and automated optimization are easy!

What You’ll See in Acquisio

For Session-Based Call Tracking

• Call tracking metrics available at the keyword level.

• Conversation Analytics metrics available at the keyword level.

• All metrics aggregate up through the ad group, campaign and account levels of Acquisio.

• Metrics appear in reporting and can be used as source data in Campaign Automation.

Tracking, Analytics & PPC Data

Granularity is the Key

Integrate Call & PPC Data

View Call Detail Reports

Actionable, Clickable Call Details

Automate Optimization

Make decisions based on PPC, call

tracking and analytics

simultaneously at the keyword level.


• Call tracking is a vital part of the marketing mix.

• Tracking call quantity is a start, but may be misleading.

• Tracking call quality provides valuable data.

• Manual assembly of reports and analysis is a hardship.

• Automate as many of the processes as possible, from data acquision, to reporting, to optimization.

AdWords and Phone Calls

As you work to optimize your PPC campaigns it is essential to consider the role of phone calls.

Data from Google and BIA Kelsey shows clearly that local businesses need phone calls. Phone calls produce clients more reliably than do web leads.

SMBs and local businesses depend on phone calls, they expect their marketing firms to generate phone calls, and they expect these phone calls to produce customers.

If you are not tracking the calls generated by your campaigns then your marketing is suffering from a MASSIVE blind spot.

Data-Driven Campaigns

It is impossible to accurately attribute leads and build a data-driven marketing strategy without tracking phone calls. Marketing efforts that do not take phone calls into consideration are built on a weak foundation.

A Complete Picture

With DNI Call Tracking, you can literally marry a specific phone number to a specific ad, group of ads, or your entire spend.

You can get as granular as you want… 

This allows you to determine which campaigns, ad groups, and keywords are generating phone


Determine Lead Quality

With an advanced call tracking platform, it is also possible to extract data from phone calls and determine lead quality.

Imagine being able to, not just know which campaigns, ads, and keywords, are generating calls, but rather, which campaigns, ads, and keywords are generating GOOD calls. 

Measure the quality of your AdWords efforts by the number of appointments that you have generated for

your clients.

Use call tracking to determine how many appointments have been booked as a result of marketing spend.

This metric has an immediate impact on the bottom line.

How many sales or reservations did your PPC efforts generate?

Why did a good lead fail to convert?

This type of data can be extracted from phone calls and you can set alerts to be sent to you via email or SMS whenever there is a missed opportunity.

That kind of information transforms ROI…

More Metrics = Better Decisions

Optimize your current and future AdWords Campaigns to achieve the BEST


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