Donor Data: The Key to Retention with Fundraising Success and CDS Global

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Everyone knows it costs less to retain a donor than to acquire a new one. Knowing as much as you can about your donors can help you keep them involved with your organization and ease the way to donor retention. The right data can help you look beyond the numbers and figure out how and why donors connect — and stay — with you. In this webinar, our experienced group of speakers discuss the best ways to break down silos of data to best understand your donors, and how to use this information to engage in meaning conversations with donors that promote life-long giving habits. This Fundraising Success webinar, sponsored by CDS Global, features speakers Kevin Schulman, CEO of DonorVoice; Leslie Monk, Director of Sponsor Care at ChildFund, and Jamey Heinze, CMO of CDS Global. More than 1,000 people registered and there was a lot of lively Q&A. Access the webinar below, and learn: • What things besides numbers are important when it comes to knowing your donors • How to determine donors’ interest in supporting your cause and what keeps them engaged • How to pull together data from various sources to get a 360 degree view of your donor • The value of collecting and acting upon donor feedback as a strategy for donor retention *Watch the webinar: Follow us on Twitter: @CDSGlobalNP & @FundraisingSuccess #FSWebinar

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Donor Data: The Key to RetentionMarch 26, 2014

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Margaret Battistelli GardnerEditor in ChiefFundRaising Success

Today’s Speakers



Kevin Schulman CEO


Jamey HeinzeChief Marketing Officer

CDS Global

Leslie MonkDirector of Sponsor Care


The Big PictureJamey Heinze

CDS Global

The Big Picture


• Do good work• Prove your impact• Do a better job

working with existing donors

Goal… Create a Lifetime Giver



$200 $1000 BEQUEST

--2011 State of the Nonprofit Industry Survey - Blackbaud

Donors who are set up to giveon a monthly basis give

more than annual giving donors


Goal… Create a Recurring Giver

Send information they want to hear,

not to your donors

not what you want to say

Goal… Communicate With,

Cohesive data management and technology strategies are one of the biggest challenges for nonprofits today.

• Disparate data systems• Difficult to keep them up to date• Difficult to keep employees and volunteers trained on

so many systems• More stats and indicators than ever before

Challenge (and Opportunity)… Data!

1 3

3 things - you should be thinking about with regard to donor data

Do you really know your donor?

Supplement your knowledge.

Complete the Picture!

Use it!

Acknowledge donations accurately

and quickly. Tailor messages and

appeal to emotion.

2Collect it!

And aggregate it from its silos.

1. Collect and Aggregate DataOnline


1. Collect and Aggregate DataOffline

2. Start Using it NowAcknowledge donations accurately and quickly!

• Let donors know you received their money… And that it means something!

• Converse with your donors, not at them• Tell stories that speak to your target audience’s values

based on captured information• Ask for another donation

Loewenstein, Slovic & Small, “The impact of deliberative thought on donations…” 2005

2. Start Using it NowDo you really know your donor? Show it.

FEELING THINKINGMost donations come from here


2. Start Using it NowDo you really know your donor? Show it.

“Think of what you want. You are a consumer. You are the constituent who wants something from your nonprofit. Are you looking for the ordinary? No, you are looking for an experience… Any nonprofit that recognizes you, remembers you, and gives you an amazing service experience will win your heart. And it is all about your heart. You will be loyal to them no matter what.”

- Michael Wilson

3. Do Even More With It – Complete the Picture!



• Predominantly women with an

average age of 55 years. Almost 50% of the women work.

• Have teenage to adult children.• Primarily speak and prefer the

English language and come from a Northern European and German descent.

• Are homeowners living in single family residences with only one family living at a given address.

• Average length of residence is close to 9.5 years.

• Majority have a high school diploma or some college degree.

The following key characteristics have been identified:

3. Donor Profile Use CaseHousehold and Life Stages


• Top 3 occupations are; Clerical White Collar, Technical Professional and Administration Managerial. In addition, thereis an above average reach within subscribers who are Medical Professionals, Educators and Homemakers.

• Top 5 interests are; Food & Gourmet, Exercise, Gardening, Travel and Music & Movies with above average reach within individuals who are interested in Religion, Entertainment & Arts and Books & Magazines.

• Have dieting & weight loss and health & medical interests.

The following key characteristics have been identified:

3. Donor Profile Use CaseOccupational, Interests and Activites


• Transact and pay using credit card mostly.

• Have moderate to high value home loan amounts.

• Have on an average 3 lines of credit.

• Are low to moderate internet users, but use it for shopping (e-commerce).

The following key characteristics have been identified:

3. Donor Profile Use CaseBanking & Credit, Digital, Social and Internet

The Big Picture

• Collect & Aggregate the Data• Use the Data• Complete the Picture• Enhance your interactions with your donors

Communicate in the way they prefer – message and medium Create recurring donors Create lifetime donors


(thereby achieving your mission and proving your impact!)


Thank you


Donor Feedback – The Secret Engagement Weapon

What is donor feedback?

• It is structured listening• It is asking them to provide us with their opinions and feelings (i.e.


It is the donor giving us something they consider valuable AND you tend to only get it if you ask.

Why Bother?

“This all seems kind of soft or just interesting or just nice to have.”

“Donors don’t do what they say”

“The only data that matters is behavior data”

“Only our best, most loyal donors will respond OR only the donors who want to complain to us will respond”

“This is expense with no revenue attached”

This is Why You Should Bother

• The act of providing feedback changes behavior

Product Purchase

Attrition Profit


Year Long Test







Commercial World is Different Only by Virtue of Mindset


Does IHOP care more about its customers than you do about your donors?

38% of outbound marketing calls are for customer satisfaction or loyalty in commercial world vs. 1% in nonprofit

There is Some Feedback Activity in Non-Profit


3 Minute Loyalty Call to Lower Attrition by 1/3

Loyalty Call1. Parameters, not script2. 3 Minutes Avg. length3. No Ask

Did not complain

Complaint not resolved

Complaint resolved

Immediately resolved














Major Problem

Minor Problem

You can get some of this

improvement simply by

making it easier to complain

but never fixing anything!

Retention Rate

Feedback in Donor Service Arena

Donor Feedback & Relationship Building Program Overview

Premise: Relationship building (or breaking) is done at touchpoints.

Process: Collect feedback at touchpoint and act on It

Donor Feedback Program Process

Collect Feedback• Administered via agent (or by IVR or email or paper)• Ask relationship questions• Ask channel/interaction specific transactional/diagnostic questions.

Apply business rules based on feedback• Segment constituents based on relationship strength and satisfaction with


Follow up to close loop• Escalation file – high touch, remediation• Loyalty calls – high touch, relationship build• Automated response – high efficiency

Feedback for Any TouchPoint - Matrix and Business Rules Illustration

Can be done for any interaction, touchpoint or channel – e.g. TM, email, F2F or direct mail.

Where constituent “lands” triggers type of follow up

Problem ResolutionNon-Urgent

Problem ResolutionNon-Urgent

Relationship Building Message

An Ask (Financial or


• What: Short IVR survey

• When: End of Sponsor Care calls

• How: At end of call, transfer caller into the survey

• Why:• Move the needle on our donor commitment strategy• Because the donor has the final say

A Case Study From ChildFund

How does it work?

Intro in main IVR


What Do We Ask?

• Q1 Satisfaction• Q2 Helpful• Q3 Friendly• Q4 FCR• Q5-7 Commitment

Why do this?

• Feedback drives commitment• Donor-centric measures• Service Recovery opportunity• Operational Benefits

Positive outcomes

• Process improvement• Agent training• Improved policies• 93% resolution rate• Improved “win” rate


• Invest in Service Recovery• Follow-up quickly• Plan for integration• Monitor and evolve

Question & Answer Session

If you haven’t done so already, please take this time to submit

questions to our speakers using the “Q&A” box on your console.


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