Target audience


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They would most likely be in a C2 to D class band as the genre mainly reflects the darker lives of many people in these class bands making it more relatable to these people, therefore they are the audience and target audience. With most drug related crime stemming from the lower classes.

Due to the fact the UK Hip Hop scene revolves around London being the capital of England the main sphere of influence for the song would also predominantly remain in London. With grime dominating South London and historically the working class population remaining in the east, east London would be the likely location of many listeners.

Target audienceMy Target audience would be predominantly male due to a more aggressive nature of UK hip-hop relating and associated more with a male audience.

However, my video wouldn’t necessarily inhibit viewership down to a gender basis, but many conventions and characteristics of my audience may cross over between both my male and female avatars below.

Male Female

I used the target age range of around 18-25 although this being quite a narrow age gap many 16-18 year olds would likely be interested in the music video. The hobbies of this target audience would be heavily laid on music with the genre itself heavily based on lyrics with a meaning rather than a mainstream audience who listen to music to feel good or follow a trend. For example grime as I have mentioned in the female character as it has a more aggressive vibe, usually associated with a male audience but can transfer across to a female audience. Also according to a Daily Telegraph “Hip hop can help depressed people with their self-esteem” which means that it may be associated to those with depression possibly however it is not a principal in itself. This then means that many who are attracted to the genre may also be drug abusers rather than the genre causing any influx of drug abuse.

The same target age applies for women as it does men with the nature of the song itself being quite dark. Therefore they would probably listen to other songs with a darker atmosphere with genres similar including UK grime. But also US hip hop as it is similar in many ways to uk hip hop. This would probably fit a female audience as although not wanting to stereotype is less dark and aggressive than the UK version which is more inclusive of women. This is also due to the fact that UK hip hop has less of a hype behind it than other genres like grime which although is dark is more often than not fast paced and energetic.


60% of the hip hop demographic also have R&B on their format menu. 24 million confirmed people between the ages of 19-34, from a range of nationalities, ethnic

groups and religions, are estimated to make up the core hip hop demographic. Around 90% of the UK population tune into the radio at some stage in the week. 67% of Capital Xtra's audience are aged 15-30, capital being a station that often uses a mix of urban music

It is clear that music is used as a social identity whether that be: age, ethnicity, social status or any other socially formed sub groups. With the concept that the youth will share a generation of music unique to them as they develop and make sense of the world, with marketing campaigns partially aimed at these groups even with a reduced buying power. My music video will fit into this demographic as the actors in the video are of the same target age I aim to attract, due to the fact it has a large following who see music as more of a way to make sense of the world and themselves. This making music and the music video more passionate rather than as a simple distraction. The pieces of research that I have done demonstrate my presumed target audience for my genre is supported by figures to show the link between age and in many cases ethnicity. In this case, with the exception of UK hip hop, black origin making up the majority of listeners for mainstream hip hop.

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