MothMatix | HoloQuad


Citation preview [ Si-k-Fi ] Art Out Of Balance The Finest Pop Culture Reference (Sci-Fi, Sci-Fact, Psych & Cyberdelia) Art Experiences We're an Alt. breed of immersive interactive tech creators. makers & hackers. Exploring beyond the traditional frame & sensory boundaries, experimenting with human communication, engagement, perception, empathy & space, through visual-sonic hacks: Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Holograms & 360 Social Video.

TOPLINE IDEA: Worlds First Original HoloQuad Music Experience ��

Create an original HoloQuad Smartphone sonic visual experience with Mothmatix track and PsychFi Visuals by Sagberg - David Altweger (Salon Flux, Kele, PsychFi)��

Kenny Ingl is - BAFTA Award Winning composer / music producer based in Glasgow. Working professionally for the past 20 years with credits across the full spectrum of TV, film, video games & new media. Six Feet Under, CSI, Lakeview Terrace, Aeon Flux, Need For Speed, Trainspotting 2 and beyond. .�

Kenny’s indie diffusion project MothMatix is as intriguing as it is unconventional in approach to electronic music. An unlikely duo from opposite ends of the musical spectrum, yet the sonic synchronicity is undeniable. MothMatix’s music takes us on a trip along the cutting edge, with glitches and timing switches that will make you want to reboot your brain, yet the importance of melody is never lost. ��

The HoloQuad kit turns any Smartphone into a powerful holographic device. Place it upside down on your phone, dim down the lights and tune into Sagbergs’ eye-popping holographic projections as they sync and glitche to the MothMatix sonic trip. The darker the room and higher the viewers, the more magic the experience.����Timeline: Mid / Late April 2016��