PIDATO BAHASA INGGRIS (PRAKTIK) NAMA ;NOVI ARYANI KELAS : IX SEKOLAH : MTs AL-HAMIDY KOTA BOGOR TEACHER : FANI HZ, S.Pd Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb. First of to all let’s us give thanks for always kept in Allah SWT, who has given grace and also health so that we can assemble this simple place aims weeks to discuss about the environment. Environment is the thing that is very impormatant for the survival of mankind and should for us to take good care. Our country is a country that has tremendous natural wealth. Indonesian forest long ago have become the lungs of the world and became one of the foundations of the environmental balance in the entire world. When developed countries smoke because their industries, than our courty clean up the pollution with green forests that exist in many areas. However, now we hove to take an action to save our forests. Lungs of the world that we have is being los due to illegal logging and forest fires. It the deforestation continues, it is not impossible if we are going to lose the forest and eventually global worming will continue to increase. For that always let us always keep our environment especially keeping our environment thank’s for attention. I desist Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Pidato Bahasa Inggris

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Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.

First of to all let’s us give thanks for always kept in Allah SWT, who has given

grace and also health so that we can assemble this simple place aims weeks

to discuss about the environment.

Environment is the thing that is very impormatant for the survival of

mankind and should for us to take good care. Our country is a country that

has tremendous natural wealth. Indonesian forest long ago have become the

lungs of the world and became one of the foundations of the environmental

balance in the entire world. When developed countries smoke because their

industries, than our courty clean up the pollution with green forests that

exist in many areas.

However, now we hove to take an action to save our forests. Lungs of the world that we have is being los due to illegal logging and forest fires. It the deforestation continues, it is not impossible if we are going to lose the forest and eventually global worming will continue to increase.

For that always let us always keep our environment especially keeping our

environment thank’s for attention.

I desist Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.