PREFACE Praise and great gratitude to Allah SWT. who always disgorge blessings to us to help us complete this working paper on time. This script is presented to fulfill English task about Past Tense, Past Continuous Tense, and Future Tense. The writer would like to take her opportunity to express her deep and sincere gratitude to the following: 1. Miss Janita Norena, as our English lecturer in Sriwijaya University. 2. Anyone that can not be mentioned directly or indirectly who has helped the writer in completing this script. The writer does appreciate any opinion, and suggestion for the improvement of this script. Final words, the author say thank you so much indeed for all for those who I can not mentions the names. Hopefully this paper is useful for all of us. We receive some advices and critics from you wisely in order to make this paper is better than before. Indralaya, September 26th, 2013 Author

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Praise and great gratitude to Allah SWT. who always disgorge blessings to us to help us complete this working paper on time. This script is presented to fulfill English task about Past Tense, Past Continuous Tense, and Future Tense.

The writer would like to take her opportunity to express her deep and sincere gratitude to the following:

1. Miss Janita Norena, as our English lecturer in Sriwijaya University.

2. Anyone that can not be mentioned directly or indirectly who has helped the writer in completing this script. The writer does appreciate any opinion, and suggestion for the improvement of this script.

Final words, the author say thank you so much indeed for all for those who I can not mentions the names. Hopefully this paper is useful for all of us. We receive some advices and critics from you wisely in order to make this paper is better than before.

Indralaya, September 26th, 2013 Author



PREFACE................................................................................................................. ii

CONTENT LIST....................................................................................................... iii


FOREWORD....................................................................................... iv



1. Past Tense.......................................................................................... I2. Past Continuous Tense....................................................................... II3. Future Tense.......................................................................................



CLOSING.................................................................................................. v

BIBLIOGRAPHY.............................................................................................. vi



In English, there are many tenses, which each of them shows the different time and it is used for different condition too. One of them are Past Tense, Past Continuous, and Future Tense. Each of them has its own characteristics and function. This journal will help you to explain those tenses.


1. What is Past Tense?2. How’s the formula for Past Tense?3. What’s the example of PastTense?4. What is Past Continuous Tense?5. How’s the formula for Past Continuous Tense?6. What’s the example Examples of Past Continuous Tense.7. What’s the function of Past Continuous Tense?8. What is Future Tense?9. How’s the formula for Future Tense?10. What’s the example of Future Tense?



Past Tense is a simple verb form which shows many things or accidents that happen in past. It has its own characteristics, especially for adverb of time.

Past Continuous Tense is a form verb which shows two accidents happen at the same time. The characteristics of this tense is verb-ing.

Future Tense is a form verb which shows accidents will happen for the next time. And it’s also have the characteristics like the others. It’s adverb of time, time which shows the future.


1. http://www.bahasainggris-online.com/2012/12/simple-future-tense.html 2. http://www.wordsmile.com/simple-past-tense 3. http://www.bahasainggris-online.com/2012/12/past-progressive-tense.html