The Alamo A tale of two web sites

The Alamo A Tale of Two Web Sites

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The Alamo a tale of two web sites

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  • 1. The Alamo A tale of two web sites

2. http://www.thealamo.org/ http://visitsanantonio.com/english/Explore-San- Antonio/Only-in-San-Antonio/The-Alamo 3. A Comparison of Authority Thealamo.org This is a non-profit organization that solicits members They are associated with The Daughters of the Republic of Texas which is a state-wide organization to preserve Texas heritage and traditions Visitsanantonio.com This site is owned by the San Antonio Convention and Visitors Bureau. 4. A Comparison of Accuracy Thealamo.org The history given is based on The University of Texas at Austin department of History Visitsanantonio.com The information appears to be correct based on my knowledge of the Alamo since I grew up in Texas and the Alamo was part of our Texas history class. However I could not find any sources for the information. 5. A Comparison of Currency Thealamo.org This site offers a calendar of activities for all of 2014. There are workshops offered to educators in August 2014. Visitsanantonio.com Since this is a tourism page, it offers a variety of activities from dining to entertainment. It does offer an IMAX video about the Alamo 6. A Comparison of Objectivity Thealamo.org This web site offers information from the historic standpoint. It is meant to inform and education the audience. It should be noted that this is a non-profit organization so they are interested in individuals financially supporting them. Visitsanantonio.com This web site is part of the Convention Bureau for San Antonio. Given that information all of the information presented is designed to make you want to visit San Antonio and of course the Alamo. 7. Which web site will he choose? 8. The winner is. Its a tie! If I my students were doing something about the history of the Alamo I would use thealamo.org However if I we were doing a travel project where the kids would have to plan a trip then I would use vistissanantonio.com 9. Works Sited Bureau, S. A. (2014). The Alamo and Missions. Retrieved July 17, 2014, from San Antonio Deep In The Heart: http://visitsanantonio.com/englis h/Explore-San-Antonio/Only-in- San-Antonio/The-Alamo The Alamo. (2014). Retrieved July 17, 2014, from thealamo.com: http://www.thealamo.com