CORPORATE TRAVEL SECURITY SERVICES Security, Safety & Cultural Awareness for the International Business Traveler Presented PART TWO

Corporate travel security services part 2

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Part 2 of a 4 part series on Corporate Travel Security, Safety & Cultural Awareness. Designed for the international business traveler to help make their travels hassle free and productive. The content and suggestions are equally as useful to the leisure traveler, International aid worker or traveling student.

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Security, Safety & Cultural Awareness for the International

Business Traveler

Presented by


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Travelling to strange and exotic places can be very exciting and enjoyable if you open your heart and mind to local culture, customs, tradition, history and local cuisine. Most locals are extremely proud of their culture and history and are eager to share this with you. However, this will be unfamiliar territory for you and you need to learn to be street smart and culturally sensitive. Sometimes there is so much to take in it is easy to be distracted and oblivious to lurking danger. Hopefully, this presentation will give you some of the skills and information you will need to make certain you have successful business trips and return home with pleasant stories and memories. - Jeff Starck, TRUSYS Institute

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Part 2

Identifying ScamsSurveillance Detection TechniquesSources for Travel Security

InformationEmbassy & Consulate ServicesHealth & Safety IssuesTravel Delays

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Scams, Pick Pocketing, Robbery & other Petty Crime

The following are a few examples of common techniques used by criminals, but in no way is it all encompassing. There are many variations on these examples and scams are only limited by the perpetrators imaginations. Many of these basic techiques are universal

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Common scams

Slow Count - Cashiers who deal with lots of tourists thrive on the "slow count." They'll count your change back with odd pauses in hopes the rushed tourist will gather up the money early and say "Grazie." Also be careful when you pay with too large a bill. Waiters seem to be arithmetically challenged.

Oops! - You're jostled in a crowd as someone spills ketchup or fake pigeon poop on your shirt. The thief offers profuse apologies while dabbing it up — and pawing your pockets. There are variations: Someone drops something, you kindly pick it up, and you lose your wallet. Or, even worse, someone throws a baby into your arms as your pockets are picked. Assume beggars are pickpockets. Treat any commotion (a scuffle breaking out, a beggar in your face) as fake — designed to distract unknowing victims

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More Common Scams

The "helpful" local - Thieves posing as concerned locals will warn you to store your wallet safely — and then steal it after they see where you stash it. If someone wants to help you use an ATM, politely refuse (they're just after your PIN code). Some thieves put out tacks and ambush drivers with their "assistance" in changing the tire. Others hang out at subway ticket machines eager to "help" you, the bewildered tourist, buy tickets with a pile of your quickly disappearing foreign cash. If using a station locker, beware of the "hood Samaritan" who may have his own key to a locker he'd like you to use. And skip the helping hand from official-looking railroad attendants at the Rome train station. They'll help you find your seat...then demand a "tip.“

Hungry ATM - If a bank machine eats your ATM card, see if there's a thin plastic insert with a tongue hanging out that crooks use to extract it. (A similar scam is to put something sticky in the slot.) It is also common to add a reader device over the card slot that will scan and store your card and PIN information. Don’t use the ATM if the card slot is loose or looks funny.

The attractive flirt: -A single male traveler is approached by a gorgeous woman on the street. After chatting for a while, she seductively invites him for a drink at a nearby nightclub. But when the bill arrives, it's several hundred dollars more than he expected. Only then does he notice the burly bouncers guarding the exits. There are several variations on this scam. Sometimes, the scam artist is disguised as a lost tourist; in other cases, it's simply a gregarious local person who (seemingly) just wants to show you his city. Either way, be suspicious when invited for a drink by someone you just met; if you want to go out together, suggest a bar of your choosing instead.

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Even More Examples Fake police - Two thieves in uniform — posing as "Tourist Police" —

stop you on the street, flash their bogus badges, and ask to check your wallet for counterfeit bills or "drug money." You won't even notice some bills are missing until after they leave. Never give your wallet to anyone.

Young thief gangs or Flash Mobbing - These are common all over urban southern Europe, especially in the touristy areas of Milan, Florence, and Rome. Groups of boys or girls with big eyes, troubled expressions, and colorful raggedy clothes play a game where they politely mob the unsuspecting tourist, beggar-style. As their pleading eyes grab yours and they hold up their pathetic message scrawled on cardboard, you're fooled into thinking that they're beggars. All the while, your purse, waist pack, or backpack is being expertly rifled. If you're wearing a money belt and you understand what's going on here, there's nothing to fear. In fact, having a street thief's hand slip slowly into your pocket becomes just one more interesting cultural experience.

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More of our Favorites The found ring - An innocent-looking person picks up a ring on the ground

in front of you, and asks if you dropped it. When you say no, the person examines the ring more closely, then shows you a mark "proving" that it's pure gold. He offers to sell it to you for a good price — which is several times more than he paid for it before dropping it on the sidewalk.

The "friendship" bracelet - A vendor approaches you and aggressively asks if you'll help him with a "demonstration." He proceeds to make a friendship bracelet right on your arm. When finished, he asks you to pay a premium for the bracelet he created just for you. And, since you can't easily take it off on the spot, you feel obliged to pay up. (These sorts of distractions by "salesmen" can also function as a smokescreen for theft — an accomplice is picking your pocket as you try to wriggle away from the pushy vendor.)

Room "inspectors“ - There's a knock at your door and two men claim to be the hotel's room inspectors. One waits outside while the other comes into take a look around. While you're distracted, the first thief slips in and takes valuables left on a dresser. Don't let people into your room if you weren't expecting them. Call down to the hotel desk if "inspectors" suddenly turn up.

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Other Favorites

Bet I can guess where you got/bought your shoes - If they get it right, you agree to an expensive shoeshine. Once you have an agreement they tell you “ You got them on your feet or bought them at the store, quickly bend down and spray polish on your shoes. If you refuse to pay, they will not get the polish off your shoes and threaten to call the police because you refuse to pay for your shoeshine. Their friends may show up and he will began to tell them how you welched on a bet.

The broken camera - Everyone is taking pictures of a famous sight, and someone comes up with a camera or cell phone and asks that you take his picture. But the camera or cell phone doesn't seem to work. When you hand it back, the "tourist" fumbles and drops it on the ground, where it breaks into pieces. He will either ask you to pay for repairs or lift your wallet while you are bending over to pick up the broken object.

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Other unpleasant experiences

Smash & Grab – Very common through in big cities and resort towns around the world. Be very, very, very careful of motor scooters & motorcycles, particularly if they have a passenger. It is common for a motorcycle to pull up next to you in traffic or at a light and open the passenger door or smash the passenger window (or reach in through an open window) and steal items like purses, backpacks and computer bags off of the seat or floor of your car. They will also grab your bags as you are walking down the street and drive away with them (and sometimes you attached). Keep valuables on the floor board covered or out of site, doors locked and windows up. Keep an eye on motorbikes in your mirrors. When walking, keep your bags close to your body on the side opposite the street or flow of traffic. Do not put the strap over your neck and across your body. Avoid walking close to the roadway.

Cellphone & Laptop Thefts – Password protect these when travelling. Both can carry not only personal data but potentially damaging or valuable company data. You can include a message on the locked screen that gives a toll free number people can call if your device is found. Don’t leave personal file like SSN, DOB or bank account info on your computer or cell phone. Back up your data to an encrypted and/or password protected thumb drive that is kept in your room safe.

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Ruffies & Zombie Dust Scopolamine - is a drug used by many criminals to rob their victims. It

comes in a white powder or pill form and induces a “zombie” like state or unconsciousness when administered. Typically poured into drinks or powder blown into your face. Most common in South America, particularly in Columbia. It is estimated that 40% of the emergency room visit in Bogota are related to Scopolamine. In Ecuador in 2008, Quito was averaging 10 drugging's per month. There have been recent reports of Scopolamine druggings & robberies in Thailand at Pat Pong bars in Bangkok and bars in Phuket & Pattaya Beach.

Rohypnol – flunitrazepam, also known as Ruffies or the “date rape” drug . In the United Kingdom, the use of flunitrazepam and other "date rape" drugs have been connected to stealing from sedated victims. One expert quoted in a British newspaper estimated that up to 2,000 individuals are robbed each year after being spiked with powerful sedatives, making drug-assisted robbery a more commonly reported problem than drug-assisted rape. In a notable flunitrazepam-related case, a women was convicted in December 2004 and sentenced to five years in prison for using rohypnol to drug wealthy men and rob them of their clothes and accessories in the UK. Incidences involving Rohypnol have been reported worldwide.

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Identity Theft & Credit Card Fraud

Fraud Alerts - Notify your bank when you will be out of town and ask them to put a temporary fraud watch on your cards. They will ask where you will be travelling to, when you will be travelling and the types of purchases you will be making. You can also set daily or transaction dollar limits as well. They will also notify you if they suspect credit card fraud activity. You can usually find this phone numbers listed on the back of your credit cards. It would be a good idea to keep copies of these numbers handy in the event your wallet or credit card is stolen or lost.

Credit card cloning and double charging – Bartenders, waiters and shop keepers can quickly scan (or skim) your card with a card reader device which will store your credit card information and let them transfer this to the magnetic strip of another card. The problem has gotten so bad in London, that large retail purchases can only be made with cash or with credit cards that have a security microchip and a PIN number. Newer Smart cards have a microchip as an added security measure designed to protect you from credit card fraud, particularly cloning. Microchips encrypt the information contained in the magnetic strip of the credit card and cannot be changed or deleted. If a skimmer tries to scan your card through the device, they will obtain only encrypted information and thus be unable to clone your credit card. If someone steals your smart card and disables the chip, the new swipe terminals will alert staff to ask for an ID or decline the transaction. Check with your bank to see if they offer the newer smart cards or chip& PIN cards. By the way, when using your PIN, conceal the buttons from view when doing so as there are many different ways that crooks can get that info from you as well if you are not careful.

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Credit Fraud & Identity Theft – Continued…

Over charging or adding a zero to the tip is also a common tactic of waiters and bartenders. It is also very easy for them to skim your card (even right in front of you) without you knowing. Recently, New York City broke up a group of waiters and bartenders at several of the cities most famous high end steak houses for identity theft. They would target wealthy patrons with high dollar limit credit cards such as American Express Black Cards. The waiters would use a skimming device to skim the cards. They would be paid $35-50 from the gangs for every credit card that was skimmed. The gangs would then use the card information to buy luxury items and resell them on EBay and Craig’s list.

On several occasions, self service gas stations have been found to have scanner devices attached to the credit card readers at the pump. Again, be cautious if the reader looks out of place, unusual or is mounted loosely or has exposed wires.

In some locations, convenience stores, gas stations or retail shops have used the security cameras above the register counters to capture PIN numbers when you swipe your debit card through the reader. They can now clone your card and make withdrawals from ATM machines to empty your bank account.

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Picket pocket Techniques

Some techniques include bumping, distractions, using children, using animals (In SE Asia, trained monkeys and geese are common), slitting pockets and bags with razors. In areas with signs that say beware of pickpockets, they will watch to see if you check to make sure your wallet is still there and then they know which pocket to target. Pick pockets typically work in small groups of 2 or more accomplices.

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How not to lose your wallet, passport, credit cards or money

Don’t carry your passport or all your credit cards and cash with you when you leave the hotel. Use the hotel safes to store these. Do carry with you what you may need for the day and a photocopy of your passport.

Use money belts, inside the pants pouches, belly sash or around the neck wallets concealed under your shirt.

Carry only what you think you will need that day for cash & cards. Keep in your front pocket or neck wallet under your shirt. Do not take money or items out of concealed places in front of others

Consider carrying a sacrificial wallet containing a small amount of cash, old library card, expired drivers license, cancelled credit cards etc. If you are pick pocketed or robbed, they can take this one.

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Examples of Concealed Wallets

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Preventing Terrorism & Other Criminal Activity

Step 1 – Surveillance detection

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Surveillance Detection

Terrorist attacks do not materialize out of thin air. In fact, quite the opposite is true. Those planning terrorist attacks follow a discernible process of planning. Understanding the process of this planning increases their vulnerable to detection.

While surveillance is a necessary part of the planning process, the fact that it is a requirement does not necessarily mean that terrorist planners are very good at it. Let's take a closer look at surveillance and discuss what bad surveillance looks like.

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Planning Process

The primary objective of surveillance is to assess a potential target for value, security measures and vulnerabilities.

The amount of time devoted to the planning process will vary depending on the type and complexity of the operation. A complex operation may involve multiple teams, and weeks, months or more of planning (including surveillance) than a rudimentary pipe-bomb attack against a stationary soft target. The amount of surveillance required for most attacks will fall somewhere between these two extremes.

Regardless of the amount of time spent observing the target, almost all terrorist planners will conduct surveillance, and they are vulnerable to detection during this time.

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Understanding Surveillance

In general, those conducting surveillance as part of a terrorist plot are usually terrible at it. There are some exceptions, of course. Many of the European Marxist terrorist groups trained by the KGB and Stasi practiced very good surveillance tradecraft, but such sophisticated surveillance is the exception rather than the rule.

The term "tradecraft" is often used in describing surveillance technique. Tradecraft is an espionage term that refers to techniques and procedures used in the field, but the term also implies that effectively practicing these techniques and procedures requires a bit of finesse and skill. Most individuals involved in terrorist planning simply do not devote the time necessary to master the art of surveillance, and because of this, they display terrible technique, use sloppy procedures and generally lack finesse when they are conducting surveillance.

Most people do not practice situational awareness. For those who do practice good situational awareness, the poor surveillance tradecraft exhibited by terrorist and other criminals is good news.

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Understanding Surveillance

Demeanor - Watching someone while attempting not to be caught doing so is an unnatural activity, and a person doing it must deal with strong feelings of self-consciousness and of being out of place. People conducting surveillance frequently suffer from what is called "burn syndrome," the belief that the people they are watching have spotted them. Feeling "burned" will cause surveillants to do unnatural things, such as hiding their faces or suddenly ducking back into a doorway or turning around abruptly when they unexpectedly come face to face with the person they are watching.

People inexperienced in the art of surveillance find it difficult to control this natural reaction. Even experienced surveillance operatives occasionally have the feeling of being burned; the difference is they have received a lot of training and they are better able to control their reaction and behave normally despite the feeling of being burned.

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What to Look forCommon Surveillance Mistakes

Looking out of place - Another very common mistake made when conducting surveillance is the failure to get into proper "character" for the job or, when in character, appearing in places or carrying out activities that are associated with the character's "costume." Cover also needs to be appropriate to time of day and location to be effective. Look for vehicles, persons or activities that don’t look right for the neighborhood or time of day.

“Cover for status" & "cover for action." - Cover for status is a person's purported identity – his/her costume. A person can pretend to be a student, a businessman, a repairman, etc. Cover action explains why the person is doing what he or she is doing -- why that guy has been standing on that street corner for half an hour. The purpose of using good cover for action and cover for status is to make the presence of the person conducting the surveillance look routine and normal. Inexperienced people who conduct surveillance frequently do not use proper (if any) cover for action or cover for status, and they can be easily detected.

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What to Look For Common Surveillance Mistakes

Bad Cover - An example of bad cover for status would be someone dressed as "a businessman" walking in the woods or at the beach. An example of bad cover for action is someone pretending to be sitting at a bus stop who remains at that bus stop even after several buses have passed. For the most part, however, inexperienced operatives conducting surveillance practice little or no cover for action or cover for status. They just lurk and look totally out of place. There is no apparent reason for them to be where they are or doing what they are doing.

In addition to plain old lurking, other giveaways include a person moving when the target moves, communicating when the target moves, avoiding eye contact with the target, making sudden turns or stops, or even using hand signals to communicate with other members of a surveillance team or criminal gang. Surveillants also can tip off the person they are watching by entering or leaving a building immediately after the person they are watching or simply by running in street clothes.

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Principles of Surveillance Detection - T.E.D.D.

T.E.D.D. – Stands for Time, Environment, Distance & Demeanor. In other words, if a person sees someone repeatedly over time, in different environments and at a distance, or someone who displays poor surveillance demeanor, then that person can assume he or she is under surveillance.

For an individual, TEDD is really only relevant if you are being specifically targeted for an attack. In such an instance, you will likely be exposed to the time, environment and distance elements. However, if the target of the attack is a subway car or a building you work in rather than you as an individual, you likely will not have an opportunity to make environment and distance correlations, and perhaps not even time. You will likely only have the demeanor of the surveillant to key on. Therefore, when we are talking about recognizing surveillance, demeanor is the most critical of the four elements. Demeanor also works in tandem with all the other elements, and poor demeanor will often help the target spot the surveillant at a different time and place or in a different environment.

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What to Look ForCommon Surveillance Mistakes

Because of a surveillant's ability to make superficial changes in appearance (wigs, glasses, changing clothes, changing license plates, etc.), it is important to focus on the things that cannot be changed as easily such as a person's facial features, build, mannerisms and gait. Additionally, while a surveillant can change the license plate on a car, it is not as easy to alter other aspects of the vehicle such as body damage (scratches and dents) stickers, etc. Paying attention to small details can be the difference between a potential attacker being identified and the attacker going unnoticed.

One technique that is helpful in looking for people conducting long-term surveillance is to identify places that provide optimal visibility of a critical place the surveillant would want to watch (for example, the front door of a potential target's residence or office, or a choke point on a route the potential target frequently travels). It is also important to look for places that provide optimal visibility, or "perches" in surveillance jargon. Elevated perches tend to be especially effective since surveillance targets rarely look up. Perches should be watched for signs of hostile surveillance, such as people who don't belong there, people lurking, or people making more subtle demeanor mistakes.

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Situational Awareness

Paying attention to the details of what is happening around you (what we call practicing good situational awareness) does not mean being paranoid or obsessively concerned about security. Listen to your gut instinct or “6th sense” as sometimes there are subtle clues that something is up that may not be immediately apparent to you. If you suspect something is up, it is better to err on the safe side and not ignore your feelings.

Most importantly, If you suspect something, leave the area immediately and go to a “safe haven.” Immediately report what you saw to your embassy (ask for the RSO), or have your hotel manager notify local authorities. Avoid predictable patterns of activity and continue to be vigilant and aware of your surroundings.

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Step 2 – Keep a Low Profile Try to blend-in with the locals. This is not always easily done

(particularly if you are a 6’5” white or black man in Asia). This does not mean go totally “native”. Try to dress in a manner that local professional dress. Avoid the shorts, sandals and aloha shirt look. In many countries that are hot and humid, foreigners and tourist tend to dress like they are going to the beach.

Be unpredictable – Nothing in your day should be routine. Vary your routes and schedules. If the bad guys don’t know when or where you will be, it is very hard for them to plan. It also increases their vulnerability to detection during surveillance

Avoid travelling alone in rural areas or in deserted or residential parts of town.

Avoid military or police roadblocks, or other such activity. Barracks and police stations are common targets of terrorists and civil unrest. Avoid demonstrations or areas with large police or military presence.

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Step 3 – Situational Awareness

Try to travel in groups. If you are alone, try to tag along with groups of other pedestrians.

Use mirrors and reflective objects to see around and behind you.

In restaurants, avoid sitting next to windows and try to sit with your back to the wall. Know where the other exits and kitchen are in case you can’t leave by the front door. Keep an eye on the front door and activity on the street.

Try to avoid public transportation. If at all possible, try to use hotel cars or pre-arranged hire cars. Hotel doormen can also arrange for trusted car or taxi services for you.

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Situational Awareness - Continued

Avoid dark or deserted side streets and alleys.

Be suspicious and wary of all vans (delivery or utility vehicles) and motor bikes (especially those with a male passenger) in the area.

When walking, try to stay in the middle of the sidewalk. Avoid walking along the curbs and give wide berth to alcoves and alleys. Try to stay on the well lit sides of the street and cross from one side of the street to the other if you feel you are followed or don’t like the looks of whoever may be approaching you or standing on the corners. Walk with authority and purpose and try not to look lost or sheepish.

If you are in a busy area (such as a market) and it suddenly becomes quite and empty – get the hell out of the area or off the street quickly.

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Safety & Health Issues

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Disease - Proper Inoculations for country, regions & season Regional & Seasonal (Dengue Fever, Cholera, Malaria, Yellow Fever, Ebola) Pandemic or Epidemics in region (H1N1, Avian Flu, SARS, Etc.)

Check websites for more info - WHO, CDC, US State Dept., embassies, travel services, hospitals, news services

Seasonal Weather – Hurricanes/typhoons, tornadoes, dust storms, ice/snow storms, monsoon, wild fires, etc. Florida, Gulf of Mexico & Atlantic coastal region (hurricanes), Mid-west

(tornados), Bangladesh, Thailand, Viet Nam (Monsoon Season) Australia , California (Bush Fires)

Unpredictable Natural Disasters – Earthquakes, flooding/ tsunami, volcano eruptions, Lahar flows, bush fires, avalanche Haiti, Japan, Thailand, California, Philippines, China, USA, Australia, Indonesia

Man Made Disasters – Bombings, Hazmat accidents, nuclear disaster, riots, building collapse or fire, major transportation accidents

Civil Unrest - Political, military coops, elections, labor strikes and other demonstrations Arab spring, Thailand & Philippine military coops, Libya, Syria, etc.

Safety & Health Concerns to Consider When Planning Travel

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Travel Delays & Inconveniences

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Labor Strikes – taxis, public transportation, pilots, baggage handlers, hotel workers, garbage removal, restaurant workers, police, dock workers, farmers etc.

Weather & Geological Events – Hurricanes, volcanic eruptions (Ash clouds from Icelandic eruption) earthquakes, flooding, ice storms, fog, etc.

Major events – sporting events, political or trade/ economic summits, elections, royal wedding, heads of state visits, Major highly published criminal or civil trails

Religious events – Popes visit, Hajj to Mecca, Holy Week, Passover, Sabbaths

Vacation Season/Holidays – crowds or towns deserted & business closed (including government services)

Protest – Political, Ecological (One group chained themselves to the wheels of private jets in London).

Terrorism – Increased security & checkpoints

Travel Delays & Inconveniences to Consider when Planning Travel

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Where to Find Help

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ResourcesSafety & Security Information

Embassies Websites

US Department of Statehttp://travel.state.gov/travel/cis_pa_tw/tw/tw_1764.html


British Foreign & Commonwealth Officehttp://www.fco.gov.uk/en/travel-and-living-abroad/

Foreign Affairs & International Trade - Canada http://www.voyage.gc.ca/index-eng.asp

Australian Gov. Department of Foreign Affairs & Tradehttp://smartraveller.gov.au/

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Embassy Services

How can the embassy or consulate assist me while I am abroad?

Consular officers assist travelers who encounter serious legal, medical, or financial difficulties. Although consular officers cannot act as your legal counsel or representative, they can provide the names of local attorneys and doctors, provide loans to destitute travelers, and provide information about dangerous conditions affecting your overseas travel or residence. Consular officers also perform non-emergency services, helping Expatriates with absentee voting, selective service registration, receiving federal benefits, and filing tax forms. Consular officers can notarize documents, issue passports, and register Expat children born abroad. Most embassies and consulates have web sites with more information.

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What Embassies & Consulates Won’t Do for You

Don't expect them to intervene in court proceedings; get you out of prison; give legal advice or instigate court proceedings on your behalf; get better treatment for you in a hospital or prison than is provided for nationals; investigate a crime; pay your hotel, legal, medical or any other bills; pay for travel tickets for you; undertake work more properly done by travel representatives, airlines, banks or motoring organizations, or obtain accommodation, work or a residence permit for you. They can, however, tell you who can do these things for you.

Expatriates are subject to the jurisdiction of local law and regulations. If they become involved in private disputes with foreign nationals or business enterprises, and the controversy can't be settled amicably, the normal recourse is to the remedies provided by local law.

Diplomatic or consular officers may not act as attorneys or agents in private matters. Again, however, they will provide you a list of names and telephone numbers of those who can help.

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Other Sources of Travel Information

Local English Language Daily Newspapers

World Health Organization (W.H.O.) http://www.who.int/csr/alertresponse/en/

Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Traveler’s Health Website http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/

Internet websites, twitter, blogs

Some Corporate Travel Services offer limited travel alerts

CNN International, BBC Intl., Sky News Intl., StarTV (Asia), ATV or CCTV(China- highly censored & controlled information)

Al Jazeera English, TAN/TOC (Thailand)News Wire Services - Reuters, UPI, AP

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Fee based Non Government Services

International SOS/Control Risk http://www.internationalsos.com/en/ or http://www.controlrisks.com/

Frontier/MEDEX http://www.frontiermedex.com/

HTH Worldwide http://hthworldwide.com

NC4 http://www.nc4.us/

iJET http://ijet.com

Global Secur http://www.globalsecur.com/

Many others Some of the fee based services offered are real-time event

updates, evacuation assistance, medical services & transport, armed security, K&R negotiators, insurance, etc.

Some do offer limited free services such as white papers, bulletins, travel advisories, daily world event updates, world event/holiday calendars, etc.

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Architects & EngineersSpecializing in Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Integrated Project Delivery (IPD), our professionals deliver best in class consulting and engineering services.


True System Designers, Limited (TRUSYS) is a leading provider of integrated Risk, Security, Emergency, and Crisis Management advisory.

Our company was founded by a CEO passionate for helping organizations to build and maintain their security program. We believe that in order for an organization to achieve the maximum level of protection you must to take an integrated approach to managing your security program. Our approach is to bridge the main areas of security including Risk, Security, Emergency, and Crisis Management because they are undeniably interdependent.

Headquartered in Seattle, TRUSYS has a global reach and offers years of experience & knowledge in the security industry. TRUSYS offers defacto CSO resources, operational and technology consulting, system design, and project and construction management.

For more information contact : Jeff Starck at + 1 206-861-2219 (USA)

Owners / End-UsersTRUSYS delivers integrated Risk, Security, Emergency, and Crisis advisory to help build and maintain your security program goals.

Security ConsultantsOur team of professionals are knowledgeable and experienced in security technology making TRUSYS your reliable source for design and project execution services

