Benefits of homestays in india

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We have a saying in India “Athithi Devo Bhava”

which means that the Guest is God. We always honor

our guests with the blessing of our evergreen food

and culture. Tourists who visit India don’t get the

pleasant feeling of the Indian tradition and culture

by staying in luxury hotels. The great experience is

only when you live the life in the desired

environment along with the local people which will

serve you to the best.

As compared to a hotel, homestays have few rooms

and the guests act as the host else there are

facilities available in some homestay services which

entertain the guests through their traditional

specialists who give you a complete feeling of the

land and culture.

So why visit a hotel when you can actually feel the love

and affection in the Indian tradition and culture by

living in homestays. Staying with the local people also

helps you gain trust and know more about the region

and the visiting places.

Suit yourself in the

Indian outfit to have

the lively experience

in the homestays.

Such experiences are

meant to cherish just

once a lifetime.

The homestay facilities along

the Indian coast also provide

eve walks along with the host

at sea shores and the holy

places in that region. Idols

and beaches are the sacred

elements in Indian history.

Families can have a good time accompanying their

children by playing at the shores watching the sunset and

enjoying the cool breeze. Participating in local games and

all the other activities provide an over all package of

experience and entertainment with the local people.

Don’t miss a chance to visit India and stay

with the people to feel their love and
