Uses of Computers Presented By Saeed ul Hassan BBA University of Haripur

Uses of computers

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1. Presented By Saeed ul Hassan BBA University of Haripur 2. Computers have become a requirement in the business industry. Computers easily complete duties that are tedious and timely for humans. Although many of the computer duties are not irreplaceable, business has become dependent on their accuracy and timeliness. 3. With the advent of the Internet age, all aspects of society have been influenced, including education. Computers and the Internet are used in all levels of education, Even younger students are learning with computers. 4. As computers have become mainstream appliances, they have found their way into virtually all aspects of human endeavors and medicine is no exception. Computers help physicians and medical researchers discover, test and apply medical techniques in virtually every hospital in the world. 5. In the modern era, few businesses can operate efficiently without computer technology. The same is true of government agencies, and entities from our government down to the local level rely on computers to help their employees do their jobs more effectively and efficiently. 6. Computers started as very simplistic machines for storing and transferring data. As technology advanced, computers became increasingly versatile in what they could do. With the creation of the Internet and faster processors, file sharing and entertainment became a popular use for personal computers everywhere. 7. VIDEO NOT AVAILABLE 8. VIDEO NOT AVAILABLE 9. Internet use is one of the most common reasons for this wide usage of this electronic device. For some, the computer is where they store important personal and financial records. Students use the computer for research and homework assignments; employees may work from home to do job-related tasks. 10. Computers have many uses in various fields. What if there was no computers?. How can you change your life?.