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The two spiders

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There are two types of spiders, both in the house, and in the forests; in the office, and in the homes; in the church, and in

the mosques. One kind of spider is the common spider; the average spider; the GOOD spider. The common spider

does what other average common spiders do; it makes the web, and keeps watch at the edge of the web for prey to

get caught. The other type of spider is the BEST spider; the rare spider; the aggressive spider. It does what other

common spiders do, that is, making the web, then it does MORE. It goes looking for prey, and drives them towards

the web. I will not be a good spider today; I will be the best spider.

There are two types of spiders in a family. Every family member has a role and an obligation; the average family members

do average things; and the best family members do more than is expected of their role and obligation. They hit

beyond the mark, they are the best; they are the rare spiders in the family.

There are two types of spiders in a friendship. Some are average friends, they talk when we talk to them; they call when

we call them; they do to us when we do unto them. But other friends, the rare friends, the best friends, will talk to us

when we least expect; they are with us in both times of sorrow and joy; they not only know what our ambition are,

but they help us get them. They do not help us break our value systems; rather, they support us to maintain our

integrity. They are the rare spiders!

There are two types of spiders who deal with clients. The average spider does marketing, sales and distribution by the law

of least common denominator. They give little of their time; little of their effort; and little of their care. Their goal is

only to sell, and that is all; and nothing more. But there are rare spiders, who deal with clients not as strangers, but as

potential friends. They smile sincerely; tell the truth about products; sell quickly; deliver to the client; and follow-up

on client satisfaction or complaints. They are the rare spiders!

There are two types of spiders amongst colleagues. Colleagues are workmates, and they work as a team to achieve

organisational and personal career objectives. Some colleagues are average, doing just what is needed, and nothing

more, they compete, and they wait for instruction. However, some colleagues are rare; they are the best; they do not

compete, but compliment. They support, watch out for, and build their colleagues. They are the rare spiders.

What type of spider am I?

Ojijo is a bunch of solutions from Homa-Bay County, Kenya.

Ojijo is AHA Volunteer (Africans Helping Africans Initiative-www.ahainitiative.net); public speaker & trainer on financial literacy, personal (talent & career) development & political leadership

(www.allpublicspeakers.com); e-commerce & e-governance lawyer & lecturer (www.alrecgroup.com); author of 19 books on religion, sexuality, poetry, politics, economics, medicine, law, history,

entrepreneurship, network marketing, retirement planning, languages (Swahili & Luo), financial literacy, investing, personal (talent & career) development; founder & team leader at

InformedInvestors, a social-franchise-enterprise promoting financial literacy, personal (talent & career) development and African volunteerism (www.informedinvestors.biz); social entrepreneur;

performance poet; believer in open religion; and a socialist & party leader, Social Democratic Party (SDP), Kenya (www.sdpkenya.com).