The InfoSec pros’ Holiday Wish List PART 1

The Infosec Pros' Holiday Wish List – Part 1

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Page 1: The Infosec Pros' Holiday Wish List – Part 1

The InfoSec pros’ Holiday Wish List


Page 2: The Infosec Pros' Holiday Wish List – Part 1

If you had one wish for the

InfoSec Community this holiday season,,

what would it be?

Page 3: The Infosec Pros' Holiday Wish List – Part 1

“My wish is that, Instead of shaking our heads at businesses

failures, we spend more time understanding why

they keep failing at security 101.” -Adrian Sanabria,


Page 4: The Infosec Pros' Holiday Wish List – Part 1

“For this holiday season, I

think as an InfoSec community,

our cultural staple needs to be

foundational security controls.

I wish we could all focus

and invest on ensuring we

know what is in our

environment, how it’s

configured, and what the risk

surface of each asset is.”

-Irfahn Khimji, Sales Engineer

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“My wish is to see Advancements in cybersecurity

architectures and frameworks…

I’ve always been an advocate of developing technologies that allow us to remove as much security overhead from our

information workflows as possible,

and proper use of architecture and

frameworks provides one such avenue for [that].”

-Lane Thames, Software Engineer

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“My wish for the InfoSec

community is to STOP taking the

requirement to protect the

organisation – whatever sector

you are in – as your soul

responsibility. IT IS NOT! Security is

everyone’s responsibility, and

everyone needs a LOT

more understanding!”

-AndreaSimmons, Consultant

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-Zoe Rose,


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“One thing I’ve had on my [wish

list] is for companies to start

using deception within their

networks. It seems like so many

people are timid to defend their

networks using the strategy of

deception. Guys, Santa’s not

going to put you on the ‘naughty

list’ if you’re misleading to

attackers. It’s a good thing!”

-Matthew Pascucci, Security Architect

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“My Wish for the InfoSec Community would

be that we get back to basics

and remember who and what we

are working to protect. It’s very

easy to be distracted and forget

what’s important, so less words

and more actions going forward are necessary…”

-Jenny Radcliffe, Consultant

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“I wish people… stopped

and took a second to sum

up their digital affairs. Can

you reduce the spread of

your data? Can you be more

efficient and secure? Do

you have proper backups of


-Richard De Vere, Social Engineer

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“Santa baby, slip two-factor under the tree, for me. Worn my truly white hat, Santa baby, So hurry down the chimney tonight. Santa baby, site authentication too, could you? Don’t care what Lee & Bauer say, Santa baby, I’ll choose my Sitekey tonight. Think of all the factors I keep, Apps and fobs and PINs that make me toss in my sleep, Next year we could all rejoice, If you’ll just check off one single second-factor choice.”

-David Archer, Principal


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From All of Us at

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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