Welcome Squiz and Funnelback Scotland Seminar 15.05.2013 #squizseminar

Squiz and Funnelback Scotland Seminar May 2013

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This is the presentation from the Squiz and Funnelback Scotland Seminar in May 2013. We discussed the latest key trends in web experience management and search , including responsive web design, social media and content - all illustrated with case study success stories. For more info please do contact us at: http://www.squiz.net/uk/contact

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  1991!–!CSIRO!and!David!Hawking!  1999!–!Australian!Na3onal!University!(ANU)!  2009!–!Squiz!!  2009!–!Funnelback!UK!



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  Spelling!sugges3ons!! Query!autoWcomple3on!!


  Explore!! Mobile!Search!!

  Faceted!naviga3on!  Contextual!naviga3on!!  Content!Op3miser!!  Text!miner!! Query!blending!  Federa3on!

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Introduc4on*to*Funnelback** *What’s*important*to*us*

 Delivering!successful!search!implementa3ons!–  Informa3on/data!– Personas!–  Journeys!!!

 Ge`ng!every!person!to!their!result!quicker! Whilst!crea3ng!an!excellent!search!experience!


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Channel*op4misa4on **

!  Promo4ng*your!brand!and!corporate!iden3ty!  Enhancing!the!UX,!with!personalisa3on! Displaying!in!any!device! Using*Analy3cs,!for!constant!improvements!

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!  A!huge!amount!of!effort!is!put!into!ge`ng!this!right!

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 Diversity!of!search!queries!is!less!on!a!mobile!  It’s!harder!to!type!on!a!mobile!  Low!explora3on!rate!on!a!mobile!

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!  Responsive!design!!  Smart!phone!app!


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Analy4cs*for*improvement* What!is!being!searched!for?!! What!is!returning!zero!results?! Do!we!need!best!bets?! Do!we!need!to!setup!synonyms?! Where!are!our!searchers!searching!from?!



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• !Life3me!of!fund!data!• !100’s!millions!of!data!points!• *Complex!analy3cs!*

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 Only!a!small!%!have!a!Search!solu3on!  It’s!not!working!–!why?!! Over!reliance!on!the!technology!!  Should!be!about!the!people!and!the!informa3on!

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Making*Your*Search*Work** * *in*your*Enterprise*

  Funnelback!can!connect*  search!across!mul3ple!repositories!

  Funnelback!can!locate*  search!using!specific!query!strings!

  Funnelback!can!parse*  find!‘other’!file!types!


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Hot Topics in Web Experience Management !!!

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Hot topics in Web Experience Management

Web Experience Management? 1.  Managing Content — CMS

•  Publishing, workflow, content re-use, etc. Still appropriate. But we’re all maturing.

2.  Managing Experiences

•  Understanding your users •  Delivering your business value, online.

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Hot topics in Web Experience Management

>  Mobile

>  Personalisation >  Interoperability

>  Analytics >  Social

>  Cloud

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The mobile challenge

>  WEB101 - Don�t make me think!!!

>  Users need to be able to use your site >  Less screen space, even more important

— work through the actions you want them to do. Or that they want to do.

>  Maintain this user experience across a range of devices.

>  Without killing your content team.

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The Mobile Web?

>  There is no �mobile web�

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Mobile: Responsive Design

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Personalisation >  Your web experience is not a brochure. >  It is not a ‘dumb terminal’ >  We can understand information about a

visitor — their ‘context’ when they are on your site

>  By understanding their context, we can provide more relevant content to them

>  Contextual content = relevant content

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>  Relevant content helps users, in a timely way, to help them complete their tasks

>  Context awareness can understand: -  Language -  Location -  Device -  New or returning visitor -  Existing customer -  Google keyword search -  Referring site -  Previous behaviour / purchases -  Browsing path

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Personalisation drives action

>  Successful WEM isn’t about pretty pictures — its about simplicity.

>  If you search for something, you expect relevant results.

>  Failure to account for the context of the user is a missed opportunity to help meet your goals

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>  Your online channel will no longer work in isolation.

>  Key to successful integration is the ability to connect to to your backend systems. -  Lead generation -  Customer service -  Data -  3rd parties -  Cloud Services -  …

>  Integral to a successful WEM strategy

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Social Media

>  Social networking has become the world’s most popular online activity

>  There are more Facebook users than Buddhists

>  More £££ - but what is the ROI? Tweets, Likes, Followers?

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Social Media

>  Social Media is powerful. >  BUT. You need the web presence

to drive traffic to from your social activity. -  What will people do when they click

through? -  Can you deliver the promise? -  Is you site mobile ready (many social

networks have over 50% of traffic from mobile users)

>  As an organisation social media is just one channel in your quest to meet your goals.

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Data! Analysis! Educated!Ac0on!



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Analytics enables Optimisation

> Optimisation is the loop of constant improvement. > It is the understanding of site behaviour and using this to increase your success. > Without this, you are only doing half the job! > Everyone has analytics. But not enough people use analytics

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The Cloud >  WEM is about innovating, adapting and

improving. >  Deploy fast, and agile on a cloud

infrastructure >  Removes the barriers to entry

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The Hot Topics for WEM

>  Key takeaways… -  Plan for the mobile evolution, now.

-  Understand your users, think about what useful personalisation looks like

-  What are your business critical systems? How would you deliver these to customers?

-  Ensure your online channel connects with your social activity

-  Optimise, Optimise, Optimise

-  Understand how Cloud can help you deliver

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Thanks for your attention! Tweet us at @squizuk and @funnelbackuk