PHP Comprehensive Overview

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Page 1: PHP Comprehensive Overview


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Part I: Introduction

Part II: PHP Syntax

Part III: PHP Form Handling

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Part I: Introduction

What is PHP?

Why we use PHP?


Set Up PHP on Your Own PC

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What is PHP?

PHP is a server scripting language, and

is a powerful tool for making dynamic

and interactive Web pages quickly.

PHP is a widely-used, open source

scripting language

PHP scripts are executed on the server

PHP costs nothing, it is free to

download and use

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Why we use PHP?

PHP runs on various platforms (Windows, Linux,Unix, Mac OS X, etc.)

PHP is compatible with almost all servers usedtoday (Apache, IIS, etc.)

PHP supports a wide range of databases

PHP is easy to learn and runs efficiently on theserver side

It is powerful enough to be at the core of thebiggest blogging system on the web(WordPress)!

It is deep enough to run the largest socialnetwork (Facebook)!

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Generate dynamic page content

Create, open, read, write, delete, andclose files on the server

Send and receive cookies

Add, delete, modify data in yourdatabase

Encrypt data

Output images, PDF files, and evenFlash movies

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Set Up PHP on Your Own PC

Install a web server (Apache)

Install PHP

Install a database, such as MySQL

Example: XAMPP (Apache + MySQL +

PHP + Perl)

XAMPP is the most popular PHP

development environment

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Part II: PHP Syntax

PHP Syntax

Comments in PHP

PHP Case Sensitivity

PHP Variables

PHP echo and print Statements

PHP Operators

PHP Conditional Statements

PHP Loops

PHP Functions

PHP Arrays

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PHP Syntax

PHP script can be placed anywhere inthe document.

A PHP script starts with <?php andends with ?>

The default file extension for PHP filesis ".php".

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Simple PHP Code

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Comments in PHP

A comment in PHP code is a line that isnot read/executed as part of theprogram.

PHP supports three ways ofcommenting:

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PHP Case Sensitivity

In PHP, all user-defined functions,classes, and keywords (e.g. if, else,while, echo, etc.) are NOT case-sensitive.


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PHP Case Sensitivity

However; in PHP, all variables are case-sensitive.

$color, $COLOR, and $coLOR aretreated as three different variables


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PHP Variables

Variables are "containers" for storinginformation.

A variable starts with the $ sign, followed bythe name of the variable

A variable name must start with a letter orthe underscore character

A variable name cannot start with a number

A variable name can only contain alpha-numeric characters and underscores (A-z, 0-9,and _ )

Variable names are case sensitive ($y and $Yare two different variables)

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PHP Variables

PHP has no command for declaring a variable.


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PHP echo and print Statements

In PHP there are two basic ways to get output:echo and print.

There are some differences between echo andprint:

echo - can output one or more strings

print - can only output one string, and returns always1


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PHP Operators

PHP Arithmetic Operators

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PHP Operators

PHP Arithmetic Operators Example:

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PHP Operators

PHP Assignment Operators

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PHP Operators

PHP Assignment Operators Example:

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PHP Operators

PHP String Operators

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PHP Operators

PHP String Operators Example:

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PHP Operators

PHP Increment / Decrement Operators

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PHP Operators

PHP Increment / Decrement OperatorsExample:

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PHP Operators

PHP Comparison Operators

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PHP Operators

PHP Comparison Operators Example:

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PHP Operators

PHP Logical Operators

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PHP Operators

PHP Array Operators

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PHP Operators

PHP Array Operators Example:

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PHP Conditional Statements

In PHP we have the following conditionalstatements:

if statement - executes some code only if a specifiedcondition is true

if...else statement - executes some code if acondition is true and another code if the condition isfalse

if...elseif....else statement - selects one of severalblocks of code to be executed

switch statement - selects one of many blocks ofcode to be executed

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PHP Conditional Statements

If else Example:

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PHP Conditional Statements

Switch example:

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PHP Loops

In PHP, we have the following loopingstatements:

while - loops through a block of code as long as thespecified condition is true

do...while - loops through a block of code once, andthen repeats the loop as long as the specifiedcondition is true

for - loops through a block of code a specifiednumber of times

foreach - loops through a block of code for eachelement in an array

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PHP Loops

PHP while Loop example:

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PHP Loops

PHP do...while Loop example:

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PHP Loops

PHP for Loop example:

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PHP Loops

PHP foreach Loop example:

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PHP Functions

A function is a block of statements that can beused repeatedly in a program.

A function will not execute immediately when apage loads.

A function will be executed by a call to thefunction.

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PHP Functions

PHP function examples:

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PHP Arrays

An array is a special variable, which can holdmore than one value at a time.


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PHP Associative Arrays

Associative arrays are arrays that use namedkeys that you assign to them.


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PHP Sorting Arrays

PHP array sort functions:

sort() - sort arrays in ascending order

rsort() - sort arrays in descending order

asort() - sort associative arrays in ascending order,according to the value

ksort() - sort associative arrays in ascending order,according to the key

arsort() - sort associative arrays in descending order,according to the value

krsort() - sort associative arrays in descending order,according to the key

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Part III: PHP Form Handling




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PHP Form Handling

One of the most powerful features of PHP isthe way it handles HTML forms. The basicconcept that is important to understand isthat any form element will automatically beavailable to your PHP scripts.

The PHP $_GET and $_POST are used tocollect form-data.

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Both GET and POST create an array (e.g. array( key=> value, key2 => value2, key3 => value3, ...)). Thisarray holds key/value pairs, where keys are thenames of the form controls and values are the inputdata from the user.

When to use GET?

Information sent from a form with the GET methodis visible to everyone


When to use POST?

Information sent from a form with the POSTmethod is invisible to others


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When the user fills out the form above andclicks the submit button, the form data is sentfor processing to a PHP file named"welcome.php".


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Welocome.php Output

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When the user fills out the form above andclicks the submit button, the form data is sentfor processing to a PHP file named"welcome.php".


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Welocome.php Output

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