Meteors, Asteroids and Comets. flying things in space by:Kokwe

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Meteors, Asteroids and Comets.

flying things in space by:Kokwe


Comet, asteroid, meteor beautiful, fast

burning, glowing, falling rock, nucleus, dust, space orbiting, crashing, moving

hot, cold rock

Meteors There are three different kinds of meteors: stony, iron and stony iron.

Some meteors are sweet. They are made of stuff similar to sugar.

You see meteors when they burn up the earth.

Meteors have destroyed houses before.

AsteroidsSome asteroids have moons and some don’t.

On the first day of january people discovered asteroids.

The biggest asteroid is CERES. there are millions of asteroids.

Asteroids were named after heroes and gods much like the major planets.

CometsComets are like dirty snow balls. Comets come from the Kuiper belt and the Oort cloud.

Comets are balls of ice, gas and dust.

They get warmer when they get closer to the sun. When they get closer to the sun they grow a head and tail.

Comets and asteroids are leftover from when the planets were being made.

Rose the meteor I am a meteor. I fall from the sky. My family is comets, asteroids, shooting stars and meteors. I am made of substance similar to sugar, rock, dust and ice. My sisters name is Butterscotch. we go to the park everyday. I walk to the building and open the door so sissy and me play and play and we left the park skipping THE END




