Intro to tourism 1

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History of tourism industry

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Tourism is travel for recreational, leisure or business

purposes. The World Tourism Organization defines tourists

as people "traveling to and staying in places outside their

usual environment for not more than one consecutive year

for leisure, business and other purposes"

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Tourism itself, was born in the nineteenth century as a

consequence of the Industrial Revolution, with movements

whose primary intention is recreation, leisure, culture, health,

business or family relationships. These movements are

characterized by their purpose of travel other motivated by

war, migration,

conquest, trade, among others.

However tourism has

clear historical backgrounds.

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2000 years Before Christ, in India and Mesopotamia

Travel for trade was an important feature since the beginning of civilization. The port at Lothal was an important centre of trade between the Indus valley civilization and the Sumerian civilization.

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600 BC and thereafter The earliest form of leisure tourism can be traced as far back as the Babylonian and Egyptian empires. A museum of historic antiquities was open to the public in Babylon. The Egyptians held many religious festivals that attracted the devout and many people who thronged to cities to see famous works of arts and buildings.In India, as elsewhere, kings travelled for empire building. The Brahmins and the common people travelled for religious purposes.

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Old Age

In classical Greece attached great importance to leisure and free

time is devoted to culture, entertainment, religion and sport. The

most prominent movements were those who did attend the

occasion of the Olympic Games of antiquity (the Olympics are the

4 years between two consecutive games) in the city of Olympia),

which came thousands of people and where mixed religion and

sport. There were also religious pilgrimages

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During the Roman Empire the Romans frequented hot springs (Baths

of Caracalla), were regulars in major events, such as theaters, and

performing regular trips to the coast (well known in the case of a

holiday villa by the sea). These leisure trips were made possible by

three key factors:

Roman Peace, development

major roads

communication and prosperity

that enabled economically

some citizens economic and leisure issues.

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Middle Age

During the Middle Ages is at first a setback due to the greater

conflict and economic recession accordingly. At this time there is a

new type of travel, religious pilgrimages. They had already existed

in ancient and classical but both Christianity and Islam would

spread to the greater number of believers and displacement

would be greater.

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They are famous expeditions from Venice to the Holy Land and

pilgrimage along the Camino de Santiago (from 814 in the discovery of

the tomb of the saint), were continuous pilgrimages across Europe,

creating maps, counters and all kinds of services walkers).

In the Islamic world the Hajj ((حج ḥaǧǧ or حجة ḥiǧǧa,) or pilgrimage to

Mecca is one of the five Pillars of Islam forcing all believers to this

pilgrimage at least once in life.

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In 1985 the city's Old Town was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

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The pilgrimage continues during the

Modern Age. In 1500 in Rome

Some pilgrims died because of a the bubonic plague. This is the moment when the

first accommodation hotel name (French word designating urban palaces). As the

great personalities traveling with his entourage (increasingly numerous) it was

impossible to accommodate everyone in the palace, so these constructs were


This is also the time of the great maritime expeditions of Spanish, British and

Portuguese spark curiosity and interest in travel.

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In the late sixteenth century the custom of sending arises young English aristocrats making the grand-tour after completing their studies in order to supplement their training and some experience. It was a long trip (3 to 5 years) to be made by different European countries and then come the words: tourism, tourist, and so on.

The Grand Tour is a journey motivated by the need for training of these young aristocrats in the future will run their country. Knowledge "in situ" from the greatness of Rome, Paris and Athens as well as discussions in the cafes of the great spas, travelers should learn how to take the reins of an empire like the British.

Also at this time there is a resurgence of the baths, which had declined during the Middle Ages. Not only did they attend medical advice, but also makes fun fashion and entertainment centers such as hot springs in Bath (England). Also in this period dates the discovery of mud baths as a therapeutic remedy, cold beaches (Nice, Provence) where the bathrooms were to be taken by prescription.

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Arguably, pleasure trips had their beginnings in the last years of this century

and early nineteenth centuries. Major changes in society, lifestyles, industry

and technology alter the morphology of the community. There are moments

in the history of exceptional change and rapidly growing. The nineteenth

century witnessed a great economic expansion, followed by industrial and

scientific revolution even greater in the second half of the twentieth century.

Tourism was one of the main beneficiaries, to become the late twentieth

century the world's largest industry.

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Begins to emerge mountain tourism or health: are built famous private

hospitals and clinics in Europe, many of them come down to us like small

boutique hotels.

It is also the time of the cold beaches (Costa Azul, Canal de la mancha, etc ...).

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In 1841 Thomas Cook organized

the first package tour in history.

Although it was an economic

failure is considered a resounding

success in terms of precedent of

package tour, then realized the

enormous economic opportunities

that could come to have this

activity, thus creating in 1851 the

first travel agency in the world

"Thomas Cook and son”

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In 1867 he invented the voucher, document that allows the use of certain

hotels and prepaid services

contracted through a travel agency.

Henry Wells and William Fargo founded the travel agency "American

Express" which was initially dedicated to freight and later becomes one of

the largest agencies in the world. Introduced funding schemes and issuing

travelers checks, such as travel-check (personal money exchanged for paper

currency in general use to protect the traveler from theft or loss).

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Cesar Ritz is considered the father of modern

hospitality. From an early age occupied all

possible positions of a hotel to become the

manager of one of the best hotels of its time.

Improved all services

hotel, created the position of

sommelier *

Introduced the bathroom

in rooms revolutionized

the management.

*sommelier (French sommelier) is the wine expert suggests to clients of the great restaurants the appropriate wine for the occasion.

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Cairo Turkey


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The Ritz-Carlton is a brand of luxury hotels and resorts with 70 properties located in many major cities in 23 countries around the world.

The name of The Ritz-Carlton Hotel dates back to the Ritz Carlton Hotel Paris and London, the current name of Ritz-Carlton was created when a team of four developers, led by hotelier Horst Schulze.

The name Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company LLC is now a wholly owned subsidiary of Marriott International. The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company currently has 32,000 employees.